path: root/p2p/simulations/README.md
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+# devp2p Simulations
+The `p2p/simulations` package implements a simulation framework which supports
+creating a collection of devp2p nodes, connecting them together to form a
+simulation network, performing simulation actions in that network and then
+extracting useful information.
+## Nodes
+Each node in a simulation network runs multiple services by wrapping a collection
+of objects which implement the `node.Service` interface meaning they:
+* can be started and stopped
+* run p2p protocols
+* expose RPC APIs
+This means that any object which implements the `node.Service` interface can be
+used to run a node in the simulation.
+## Services
+Before running a simulation, a set of service initializers must be registered
+which can then be used to run nodes in the network.
+A service initializer is a function with the following signature:
+func(ctx *adapters.ServiceContext) (node.Service, error)
+These initializers should be registered by calling the `adapters.RegisterServices`
+function in an `init()` hook:
+func init() {
+ adapters.RegisterServices(adapters.Services{
+ "service1": initService1,
+ "service2": initService2,
+ })
+## Node Adapters
+The simulation framework includes multiple "node adapters" which are
+responsible for creating an environment in which a node runs.
+### SimAdapter
+The `SimAdapter` runs nodes in-memory, connecting them using an in-memory,
+synchronous `net.Pipe` and connecting to their RPC server using an in-memory
+### ExecAdapter
+The `ExecAdapter` runs nodes as child processes of the running simulation.
+It does this by executing the binary which is running the simulation but
+setting `argv[0]` (i.e. the program name) to `p2p-node` which is then
+detected by an init hook in the child process which runs the `node.Service`
+using the devp2p node stack rather than executing `main()`.
+The nodes listen for devp2p connections and WebSocket RPC clients on random
+localhost ports.
+### DockerAdapter
+The `DockerAdapter` is similar to the `ExecAdapter` but executes `docker run`
+to run the node in a Docker container using a Docker image containing the
+simulation binary at `/bin/p2p-node`.
+The Docker image is built using `docker build` when the adapter is initialised,
+meaning no prior setup is necessary other than having a working Docker client.
+Each node listens on the external IP of the container and the default p2p and
+RPC ports (`30303` and `8546` respectively).
+## Network
+A simulation network is created with an ID and default service (which is used
+if a node is created without an explicit service), exposes methods for
+creating, starting, stopping, connecting and disconnecting nodes, and emits
+events when certain actions occur.
+### Events
+A simulation network emits the following events:
+* node event - when nodes are created / started / stopped
+* connection event - when nodes are connected / disconnected
+* message event - when a protocol message is sent between two nodes
+The events have a "control" flag which when set indicates that the event is the
+outcome of a controlled simulation action (e.g. creating a node or explicitly
+connecting two nodes together).
+This is in contrast to a non-control event, otherwise called a "live" event,
+which is the outcome of something happening in the network as a result of a
+control event (e.g. a node actually started up or a connection was actually
+established between two nodes).
+Live events are detected by the simulation network by subscribing to node peer
+events via RPC when the nodes start up.
+## Testing Framework
+The `Simulation` type can be used in tests to perform actions in a simulation
+network and then wait for expectations to be met.
+With a running simulation network, the `Simulation.Run` method can be called
+with a `Step` which has the following fields:
+* `Action` - a function which performs some action in the network
+* `Expect` - an expectation function which returns whether or not a
+ given node meets the expectation
+* `Trigger` - a channel which receives node IDs which then trigger a check
+ of the expectation function to be performed against that node
+As a concrete example, consider a simulated network of Ethereum nodes. An
+`Action` could be the sending of a transaction, `Expect` it being included in
+a block, and `Trigger` a check for every block that is mined.
+On return, the `Simulation.Run` method returns a `StepResult` which can be used
+to determine if all nodes met the expectation, how long it took them to meet
+the expectation and what network events were emitted during the step run.
+The simulation framework includes a HTTP API which can be used to control the
+The API is initialised with a particular node adapter and has the following
+GET / Get network information
+POST /start Start all nodes in the network
+POST /stop Stop all nodes in the network
+GET /events Stream network events
+GET /snapshot Take a network snapshot
+POST /snapshot Load a network snapshot
+POST /nodes Create a node
+GET /nodes Get all nodes in the network
+GET /nodes/:nodeid Get node information
+POST /nodes/:nodeid/start Start a node
+POST /nodes/:nodeid/stop Stop a node
+POST /nodes/:nodeid/conn/:peerid Connect two nodes
+DELETE /nodes/:nodeid/conn/:peerid Disconnect two nodes
+GET /nodes/:nodeid/rpc Make RPC requests to a node via WebSocket
+For convenience, `nodeid` in the URL can be the name of a node rather than its
+## Command line client
+`p2psim` is a command line client for the HTTP API, located in
+It provides the following commands:
+p2psim show
+p2psim events [--current] [--filter=FILTER]
+p2psim snapshot
+p2psim load
+p2psim node create [--name=NAME] [--services=SERVICES] [--key=KEY]
+p2psim node list
+p2psim node show <node>
+p2psim node start <node>
+p2psim node stop <node>
+p2psim node connect <node> <peer>
+p2psim node disconnect <node> <peer>
+p2psim node rpc <node> <method> [<args>] [--subscribe]
+## Example
+See [p2p/simulations/examples/README.md](examples/README.md).