// Copyright 2018 The dexon-consensus Authors // This file is part of the dexon-consensus library. // // The dexon-consensus library is free software: you can redistribute it // and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, // or (at your option) any later version. // // The dexon-consensus library is distributed in the hope that it will be // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with the dexon-consensus library. If not, see // . package vm import ( "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "math" "math/big" "sort" "sync/atomic" "github.com/tangerine-network/go-tangerine/accounts/abi" "github.com/tangerine-network/go-tangerine/common" "github.com/tangerine-network/go-tangerine/core/types" "github.com/tangerine-network/go-tangerine/crypto" "github.com/tangerine-network/go-tangerine/params" "github.com/tangerine-network/go-tangerine/rlp" coreCommon "github.com/byzantine-lab/dexon-consensus/common" dexCore "github.com/byzantine-lab/dexon-consensus/core" coreCrypto "github.com/byzantine-lab/dexon-consensus/core/crypto" coreUtils "github.com/byzantine-lab/dexon-consensus/core/utils" "github.com/byzantine-lab/dexon-consensus/core/crypto/ecdsa" coreTypes "github.com/byzantine-lab/dexon-consensus/core/types" dkgTypes "github.com/byzantine-lab/dexon-consensus/core/types/dkg" ) type Bytes32 [32]byte type FineType uint64 const ( FineTypeFailStop = iota FineTypeFailStopDKG FineTypeInvalidDKG FineTypeForkVote FineTypeForkBlock ) const GovernanceActionGasCost = 200000 // Storage position enums. const ( roundHeightLoc = iota totalSupplyLoc totalStakedLoc nodesLoc nodesOffsetByAddressLoc nodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddressLoc lastProposedHeightLoc crsRoundLoc crsLoc dkgRoundLoc dkgResetCountLoc dkgMasterPublicKeysLoc dkgMasterPublicKeyOffsetLoc dkgComplaintsLoc dkgComplaintsProposedLoc dkgReadyLoc dkgReadysCountLoc dkgFinalizedLoc dkgFinalizedsCountLoc dkgSuccessLoc dkgSuccessesCountLoc ownerLoc minStakeLoc lockupPeriodLoc miningVelocityLoc nextHalvingSupplyLoc lastHalvedAmountLoc minGasPriceLoc blockGasLimitLoc lambdaBALoc lambdaDKGLoc notarySetSizeLoc notaryParamAlphaLoc notaryParamBetaLoc roundLengthLoc minBlockIntervalLoc fineValuesLoc finedRecordsLoc ) func publicKeyToNodeKeyAddress(pkBytes []byte) (common.Address, error) { pk, err := crypto.UnmarshalPubkey(pkBytes) if err != nil { return common.Address{}, err } return crypto.PubkeyToAddress(*pk), nil } func getDKGMasterPublicKeyID(mpk *dkgTypes.MasterPublicKey) Bytes32 { return Bytes32(mpk.ProposerID.Hash) } func getDKGComplaintID(comp *dkgTypes.Complaint) Bytes32 { return Bytes32(crypto.Keccak256Hash( comp.ProposerID.Hash[:], comp.PrivateShare.ProposerID.Hash[:], []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%v", comp.IsNack())))) } func IdToAddress(id coreTypes.NodeID) common.Address { return common.BytesToAddress(id.Hash[12:]) } // State manipulation helper fro the governance contract. type GovernanceState struct { StateDB StateDB } func (s *GovernanceState) getState(loc common.Hash) common.Hash { return s.StateDB.GetState(GovernanceContractAddress, loc) } func (s *GovernanceState) setState(loc common.Hash, val common.Hash) { s.StateDB.SetState(GovernanceContractAddress, loc, val) } func (s *GovernanceState) getStateBigInt(loc *big.Int) *big.Int { res := s.StateDB.GetState(GovernanceContractAddress, common.BigToHash(loc)) return new(big.Int).SetBytes(res.Bytes()) } func (s *GovernanceState) setStateBigInt(loc *big.Int, val *big.Int) { s.setState(common.BigToHash(loc), common.BigToHash(val)) } func (s *GovernanceState) getSlotLoc(loc *big.Int) *big.Int { return new(big.Int).SetBytes(crypto.Keccak256(common.BigToHash(loc).Bytes())) } func (s *GovernanceState) getMapLoc(pos *big.Int, key []byte) *big.Int { return new(big.Int).SetBytes(crypto.Keccak256(key, common.BigToHash(pos).Bytes())) } func (s *GovernanceState) readBytes(loc *big.Int) []byte { // Length of the dynamic array (bytes). rawLength := s.getStateBigInt(loc) lengthByte := new(big.Int).Mod(rawLength, big.NewInt(256)) // Bytes length <= 31, lengthByte % 2 == 0 // return the high 31 bytes. if new(big.Int).Mod(lengthByte, big.NewInt(2)).Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) == 0 { length := new(big.Int).Div(lengthByte, big.NewInt(2)).Uint64() return rawLength.Bytes()[:length] } // Actual length = (rawLength - 1) / 2 length := new(big.Int).Div(new(big.Int).Sub(rawLength, big.NewInt(1)), big.NewInt(2)).Uint64() // Data address. dataLoc := s.getSlotLoc(loc) // Read continuously for length bytes. carry := int64(0) if length%32 > 0 { carry = 1 } chunks := int64(length/32) + carry var data []byte for i := int64(0); i < chunks; i++ { loc = new(big.Int).Add(dataLoc, big.NewInt(i)) data = append(data, s.getState(common.BigToHash(loc)).Bytes()...) } data = data[:length] return data } func (s *GovernanceState) writeBytes(loc *big.Int, data []byte) { length := int64(len(data)) if length == 0 { s.setState(common.BigToHash(loc), common.Hash{}) return } // Short bytes (length <= 31). if length < 32 { data2 := append([]byte(nil), data...) // Right pad with zeros for len(data2) < 31 { data2 = append(data2, byte(0)) } data2 = append(data2, byte(length*2)) s.setState(common.BigToHash(loc), common.BytesToHash(data2)) return } // Write 2 * length + 1. storedLength := new(big.Int).Add(new(big.Int).Mul( big.NewInt(length), big.NewInt(2)), big.NewInt(1)) s.setStateBigInt(loc, storedLength) // Write data chunck. dataLoc := s.getSlotLoc(loc) carry := int64(0) if length%32 > 0 { carry = 1 } chunks := length/32 + carry for i := int64(0); i < chunks; i++ { loc = new(big.Int).Add(dataLoc, big.NewInt(i)) maxLoc := (i + 1) * 32 if maxLoc > length { maxLoc = length } data2 := data[i*32 : maxLoc] // Right pad with zeros. for len(data2) < 32 { data2 = append(data2, byte(0)) } s.setState(common.BigToHash(loc), common.BytesToHash(data2)) } } func (s *GovernanceState) eraseBytes(loc *big.Int) { // Length of the dynamic array (bytes). rawLength := s.getStateBigInt(loc) lengthByte := new(big.Int).Mod(rawLength, big.NewInt(256)) // Bytes length <= 31, lengthByte % 2 == 0 // return the high 31 bytes. if new(big.Int).Mod(lengthByte, big.NewInt(2)).Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) == 0 { s.setStateBigInt(loc, big.NewInt(0)) return } // Actual length = (rawLength - 1) / 2 length := new(big.Int).Div(new(big.Int).Sub( rawLength, big.NewInt(1)), big.NewInt(2)).Uint64() // Fill 0. s.writeBytes(loc, make([]byte, length)) // Clear slot. s.setStateBigInt(loc, big.NewInt(0)) } func (s *GovernanceState) read1DByteArray(loc *big.Int) [][]byte { arrayLength := s.getStateBigInt(loc) dataLoc := s.getSlotLoc(loc) data := [][]byte{} for i := int64(0); i < int64(arrayLength.Uint64()); i++ { elementLoc := new(big.Int).Add(dataLoc, big.NewInt(i)) data = append(data, s.readBytes(elementLoc)) } return data } func (s *GovernanceState) appendTo1DByteArray(loc *big.Int, data []byte) { // Increase length by 1. arrayLength := s.getStateBigInt(loc) s.setStateBigInt(loc, new(big.Int).Add(arrayLength, big.NewInt(1))) // Write element. dataLoc := s.getSlotLoc(loc) elementLoc := new(big.Int).Add(dataLoc, arrayLength) s.writeBytes(elementLoc, data) } func (s *GovernanceState) erase1DByteArray(loc *big.Int) { arrayLength := s.getStateBigInt(loc) dataLoc := s.getSlotLoc(loc) for i := int64(0); i < int64(arrayLength.Uint64()); i++ { elementLoc := new(big.Int).Add(dataLoc, big.NewInt(i)) s.eraseBytes(elementLoc) } s.setStateBigInt(loc, big.NewInt(0)) } // uint256[] public roundHeight; func (s *GovernanceState) RoundHeight(round *big.Int) *big.Int { baseLoc := s.getSlotLoc(big.NewInt(roundHeightLoc)) loc := new(big.Int).Add(baseLoc, round) return s.getStateBigInt(loc) } func (s *GovernanceState) PushRoundHeight(height *big.Int) { // Increase length by 1. length := s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(roundHeightLoc)) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(roundHeightLoc), new(big.Int).Add(length, big.NewInt(1))) baseLoc := s.getSlotLoc(big.NewInt(roundHeightLoc)) loc := new(big.Int).Add(baseLoc, length) s.setStateBigInt(loc, height) } // uint256 public totalSupply; func (s *GovernanceState) TotalSupply() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(totalSupplyLoc)) } func (s *GovernanceState) IncTotalSupply(amount *big.Int) { s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(totalSupplyLoc), new(big.Int).Add(s.TotalSupply(), amount)) } func (s *GovernanceState) DecTotalSupply(amount *big.Int) { s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(totalSupplyLoc), new(big.Int).Sub(s.TotalSupply(), amount)) } // uint256 public totalStaked; func (s *GovernanceState) TotalStaked() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(totalStakedLoc)) } func (s *GovernanceState) IncTotalStaked(amount *big.Int) { s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(totalStakedLoc), new(big.Int).Add(s.TotalStaked(), amount)) } func (s *GovernanceState) DecTotalStaked(amount *big.Int) { s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(totalStakedLoc), new(big.Int).Sub(s.TotalStaked(), amount)) } // struct Node { // address owner; // bytes publicKey; // uint256 staked; // uint256 fined; // string name; // string email; // string location; // string url; // uint256 unstaked; // uint256 unstakedAt; // uint256 lastProposedHeight; // } // // Node[] nodes; type nodeInfo struct { Owner common.Address PublicKey []byte Staked *big.Int Fined *big.Int Name string Email string Location string Url string Unstaked *big.Int UnstakedAt *big.Int } const nodeStructSize = 10 func (s *GovernanceState) LenNodes() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(nodesLoc)) } func (s *GovernanceState) Node(index *big.Int) *nodeInfo { node := new(nodeInfo) arrayBaseLoc := s.getSlotLoc(big.NewInt(nodesLoc)) elementBaseLoc := new(big.Int).Add(arrayBaseLoc, new(big.Int).Mul(index, big.NewInt(nodeStructSize))) // Owner. loc := elementBaseLoc node.Owner = common.BytesToAddress(s.getState(common.BigToHash(elementBaseLoc)).Bytes()) // PublicKey. loc = new(big.Int).Add(elementBaseLoc, big.NewInt(1)) node.PublicKey = s.readBytes(loc) // Staked. loc = new(big.Int).Add(elementBaseLoc, big.NewInt(2)) node.Staked = s.getStateBigInt(loc) // Fined. loc = new(big.Int).Add(elementBaseLoc, big.NewInt(3)) node.Fined = s.getStateBigInt(loc) // Name. loc = new(big.Int).Add(elementBaseLoc, big.NewInt(4)) node.Name = string(s.readBytes(loc)) // Email. loc = new(big.Int).Add(elementBaseLoc, big.NewInt(5)) node.Email = string(s.readBytes(loc)) // Location. loc = new(big.Int).Add(elementBaseLoc, big.NewInt(6)) node.Location = string(s.readBytes(loc)) // Url. loc = new(big.Int).Add(elementBaseLoc, big.NewInt(7)) node.Url = string(s.readBytes(loc)) // Unstaked. loc = new(big.Int).Add(elementBaseLoc, big.NewInt(8)) node.Unstaked = s.getStateBigInt(loc) // UnstakedAt. loc = new(big.Int).Add(elementBaseLoc, big.NewInt(9)) node.UnstakedAt = s.getStateBigInt(loc) return node } func (s *GovernanceState) PushNode(n *nodeInfo) { // Increase length by 1. arrayLength := s.LenNodes() s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(nodesLoc), new(big.Int).Add(arrayLength, big.NewInt(1))) s.UpdateNode(arrayLength, n) } func (s *GovernanceState) UpdateNode(index *big.Int, n *nodeInfo) { arrayBaseLoc := s.getSlotLoc(big.NewInt(nodesLoc)) elementBaseLoc := new(big.Int).Add(arrayBaseLoc, new(big.Int).Mul(index, big.NewInt(nodeStructSize))) // Owner. loc := elementBaseLoc s.setState(common.BigToHash(loc), n.Owner.Hash()) // PublicKey. loc = new(big.Int).Add(elementBaseLoc, big.NewInt(1)) s.writeBytes(loc, n.PublicKey) // Staked. loc = new(big.Int).Add(elementBaseLoc, big.NewInt(2)) s.setStateBigInt(loc, n.Staked) // Fined. loc = new(big.Int).Add(elementBaseLoc, big.NewInt(3)) s.setStateBigInt(loc, n.Fined) // Name. loc = new(big.Int).Add(elementBaseLoc, big.NewInt(4)) s.writeBytes(loc, []byte(n.Name)) // Email. loc = new(big.Int).Add(elementBaseLoc, big.NewInt(5)) s.writeBytes(loc, []byte(n.Email)) // Location. loc = new(big.Int).Add(elementBaseLoc, big.NewInt(6)) s.writeBytes(loc, []byte(n.Location)) // Url. loc = new(big.Int).Add(elementBaseLoc, big.NewInt(7)) s.writeBytes(loc, []byte(n.Url)) // Unstaked. loc = new(big.Int).Add(elementBaseLoc, big.NewInt(8)) s.setStateBigInt(loc, n.Unstaked) // UnstakedAt. loc = new(big.Int).Add(elementBaseLoc, big.NewInt(9)) s.setStateBigInt(loc, n.UnstakedAt) // Update set size. s.CalNotarySetSize() } func (s *GovernanceState) PopLastNode() { // Decrease length by 1. arrayLength := s.LenNodes() newArrayLength := new(big.Int).Sub(arrayLength, big.NewInt(1)) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(nodesLoc), newArrayLength) s.UpdateNode(newArrayLength, &nodeInfo{ Staked: big.NewInt(0), Fined: big.NewInt(0), Unstaked: big.NewInt(0), UnstakedAt: big.NewInt(0), }) } func (s *GovernanceState) Nodes() []*nodeInfo { var nodes []*nodeInfo for i := int64(0); i < int64(s.LenNodes().Uint64()); i++ { nodes = append(nodes, s.Node(big.NewInt(i))) } return nodes } func (s *GovernanceState) QualifiedNodes() []*nodeInfo { var nodes []*nodeInfo for i := int64(0); i < int64(s.LenNodes().Uint64()); i++ { node := s.Node(big.NewInt(i)) // Node with unpaid fine is consider unqualified. if node.Fined.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) > 0 { continue } if node.Staked.Cmp(s.MinStake()) >= 0 { nodes = append(nodes, node) } } return nodes } // mapping(address => uint256) public nodesOffsetByAddress; func (s *GovernanceState) NodesOffsetByAddress(addr common.Address) *big.Int { loc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(nodesOffsetByAddressLoc), addr.Bytes()) return new(big.Int).Sub(s.getStateBigInt(loc), big.NewInt(1)) } func (s *GovernanceState) PutNodesOffsetByAddress(addr common.Address, offset *big.Int) { loc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(nodesOffsetByAddressLoc), addr.Bytes()) s.setStateBigInt(loc, new(big.Int).Add(offset, big.NewInt(1))) } func (s *GovernanceState) DeleteNodesOffsetByAddress(addr common.Address) { loc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(nodesOffsetByAddressLoc), addr.Bytes()) s.setStateBigInt(loc, big.NewInt(0)) } // mapping(address => uint256) public nodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddress; func (s *GovernanceState) NodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddress(addr common.Address) *big.Int { loc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(nodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddressLoc), addr.Bytes()) return new(big.Int).Sub(s.getStateBigInt(loc), big.NewInt(1)) } func (s *GovernanceState) PutNodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddress(addr common.Address, offset *big.Int) { loc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(nodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddressLoc), addr.Bytes()) s.setStateBigInt(loc, new(big.Int).Add(offset, big.NewInt(1))) } func (s *GovernanceState) DeleteNodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddress(addr common.Address) { loc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(nodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddressLoc), addr.Bytes()) s.setStateBigInt(loc, big.NewInt(0)) } func (s *GovernanceState) PutNodeOffsets(n *nodeInfo, offset *big.Int) { address, err := publicKeyToNodeKeyAddress(n.PublicKey) if err != nil { panic(err) } s.PutNodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddress(address, offset) s.PutNodesOffsetByAddress(n.Owner, offset) } func (s *GovernanceState) DeleteNodeOffsets(n *nodeInfo) { address, err := publicKeyToNodeKeyAddress(n.PublicKey) if err != nil { panic(err) } s.DeleteNodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddress(address) s.DeleteNodesOffsetByAddress(n.Owner) } func (s *GovernanceState) GetNodeByID(id coreTypes.NodeID) (*nodeInfo, error) { offset := s.NodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddress(IdToAddress(id)) if offset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) < 0 { return nil, errors.New("node not found") } node := s.Node(offset) return node, nil } // mapping(address => uint256) public lastProposedHeight; func (s *GovernanceState) LastProposedHeight(addr common.Address) *big.Int { loc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(lastProposedHeightLoc), addr.Bytes()) return s.getStateBigInt(loc) } func (s *GovernanceState) PutLastProposedHeight(addr common.Address, height *big.Int) { loc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(lastProposedHeightLoc), addr.Bytes()) s.setStateBigInt(loc, height) } // uint256 public crsRound; func (s *GovernanceState) CRSRound() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(crsRoundLoc)) } func (s *GovernanceState) SetCRSRound(round *big.Int) { s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(crsRoundLoc), round) } // bytes32 public crs; func (s *GovernanceState) CRS() common.Hash { return s.getState(common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(crsLoc))) } func (s *GovernanceState) SetCRS(crs common.Hash) { s.setState(common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(crsLoc)), crs) } // uint256 public dkgRound; func (s *GovernanceState) DKGRound() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(dkgRoundLoc)) } func (s *GovernanceState) SetDKGRound(round *big.Int) { s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(dkgRoundLoc), round) } // uint256[] public dkgResetCount; func (s *GovernanceState) DKGResetCount(round *big.Int) *big.Int { arrayBaseLoc := s.getSlotLoc(big.NewInt(dkgResetCountLoc)) return s.getStateBigInt(new(big.Int).Add(arrayBaseLoc, round)) } func (s *GovernanceState) IncDKGResetCount(round *big.Int) { loc := new(big.Int).Add(s.getSlotLoc(big.NewInt(dkgResetCountLoc)), round) count := s.getStateBigInt(loc) s.setStateBigInt(loc, new(big.Int).Add(count, big.NewInt(1))) } // bytes[] public dkgMasterPublicKeys; func (s *GovernanceState) LenDKGMasterPublicKeys() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(dkgMasterPublicKeysLoc)) } func (s *GovernanceState) DKGMasterPublicKey(offset *big.Int) []byte { loc := big.NewInt(dkgMasterPublicKeysLoc) dataLoc := s.getSlotLoc(loc) elementLoc := new(big.Int).Add(dataLoc, offset) return s.readBytes(elementLoc) } func (s *GovernanceState) DKGMasterPublicKeyItem(offset *big.Int) *dkgTypes.MasterPublicKey { element := s.DKGMasterPublicKey(offset) x := new(dkgTypes.MasterPublicKey) if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(element, x); err != nil { panic(err) } return x } func (s *GovernanceState) DKGMasterPublicKeys() [][]byte { return s.read1DByteArray(big.NewInt(dkgMasterPublicKeysLoc)) } func (s *GovernanceState) PushDKGMasterPublicKey(mpk []byte) { s.appendTo1DByteArray(big.NewInt(dkgMasterPublicKeysLoc), mpk) } func (s *GovernanceState) DKGMasterPublicKeyItems() []*dkgTypes.MasterPublicKey { // Prepare DKGMasterPublicKeys. var dkgMasterPKs []*dkgTypes.MasterPublicKey for _, mpk := range s.DKGMasterPublicKeys() { x := new(dkgTypes.MasterPublicKey) if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(mpk, x); err != nil { panic(err) } dkgMasterPKs = append(dkgMasterPKs, x) } return dkgMasterPKs } func (s *GovernanceState) ClearDKGMasterPublicKeys() { s.erase1DByteArray(big.NewInt(dkgMasterPublicKeysLoc)) } // mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public dkgMasterPublicKeyOffset; func (s *GovernanceState) DKGMasterPublicKeyOffset(id Bytes32) *big.Int { loc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(dkgMasterPublicKeyOffsetLoc), id[:]) return new(big.Int).Sub(s.getStateBigInt(loc), big.NewInt(1)) } func (s *GovernanceState) PutDKGMasterPublicKeyOffset(id Bytes32, offset *big.Int) { loc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(dkgMasterPublicKeyOffsetLoc), id[:]) s.setStateBigInt(loc, new(big.Int).Add(offset, big.NewInt(1))) } func (s *GovernanceState) ClearDKGMasterPublicKeyOffset() { for _, mpk := range s.DKGMasterPublicKeyItems() { s.PutDKGMasterPublicKeyOffset(getDKGMasterPublicKeyID(mpk), big.NewInt(-1)) } } // bytes[] public dkgComplaints; func (s *GovernanceState) LenDKGComplaints() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(dkgComplaintsLoc)) } func (s *GovernanceState) DKGComplaint(offset *big.Int) []byte { loc := big.NewInt(dkgComplaintsLoc) dataLoc := s.getSlotLoc(loc) elementLoc := new(big.Int).Add(dataLoc, offset) return s.readBytes(elementLoc) } func (s *GovernanceState) DKGComplaints() [][]byte { return s.read1DByteArray(big.NewInt(dkgComplaintsLoc)) } func (s *GovernanceState) PushDKGComplaint(complaint []byte) { s.appendTo1DByteArray(big.NewInt(dkgComplaintsLoc), complaint) } func (s *GovernanceState) ClearDKGComplaints() { s.erase1DByteArray(big.NewInt(dkgComplaintsLoc)) } func (s *GovernanceState) DKGComplaintItems() []*dkgTypes.Complaint { var dkgComplaints []*dkgTypes.Complaint for _, pk := range s.DKGComplaints() { x := new(dkgTypes.Complaint) if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(pk, x); err != nil { panic(err) } dkgComplaints = append(dkgComplaints, x) } return dkgComplaints } // mapping(bytes32 => bool) public dkgComplaintsProposed; func (s *GovernanceState) DKGComplaintProposed(id Bytes32) bool { loc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(dkgComplaintsProposedLoc), id[:]) return s.getStateBigInt(loc).Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) > 0 } func (s *GovernanceState) PutDKGComplaintProposed(id Bytes32, status bool) { loc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(dkgComplaintsProposedLoc), id[:]) val := big.NewInt(0) if status { val = big.NewInt(1) } s.setStateBigInt(loc, val) } func (s *GovernanceState) ClearDKGComplaintProposed() { for _, comp := range s.DKGComplaintItems() { s.PutDKGComplaintProposed(getDKGComplaintID(comp), false) } } // mapping(address => bool) public dkgMPKReadys; func (s *GovernanceState) DKGMPKReady(addr common.Address) bool { mapLoc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(dkgReadyLoc), addr.Bytes()) return s.getStateBigInt(mapLoc).Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) != 0 } func (s *GovernanceState) PutDKGMPKReady(addr common.Address, ready bool) { mapLoc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(dkgReadyLoc), addr.Bytes()) res := big.NewInt(0) if ready { res = big.NewInt(1) } s.setStateBigInt(mapLoc, res) } func (s *GovernanceState) ClearDKGMPKReadys(notarySet map[coreTypes.NodeID]struct{}) { for id := range notarySet { s.PutDKGMPKReady(IdToAddress(id), false) } } // uint256 public dkgMPKReadysCount; func (s *GovernanceState) DKGMPKReadysCount() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(dkgReadysCountLoc)) } func (s *GovernanceState) IncDKGMPKReadysCount() { s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(dkgReadysCountLoc), new(big.Int).Add(s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(dkgReadysCountLoc)), big.NewInt(1))) } func (s *GovernanceState) ResetDKGMPKReadysCount() { s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(dkgReadysCountLoc), big.NewInt(0)) } // mapping(address => bool) public dkgFinalizeds; func (s *GovernanceState) DKGFinalized(addr common.Address) bool { mapLoc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(dkgFinalizedLoc), addr.Bytes()) return s.getStateBigInt(mapLoc).Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) != 0 } func (s *GovernanceState) PutDKGFinalized(addr common.Address, finalized bool) { mapLoc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(dkgFinalizedLoc), addr.Bytes()) res := big.NewInt(0) if finalized { res = big.NewInt(1) } s.setStateBigInt(mapLoc, res) } func (s *GovernanceState) ClearDKGFinalizeds(dkgSet map[coreTypes.NodeID]struct{}) { for id := range dkgSet { s.PutDKGFinalized(IdToAddress(id), false) } } // uint256 public dkgFinalizedsCount; func (s *GovernanceState) DKGFinalizedsCount() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(dkgFinalizedsCountLoc)) } func (s *GovernanceState) IncDKGFinalizedsCount() { s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(dkgFinalizedsCountLoc), new(big.Int).Add(s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(dkgFinalizedsCountLoc)), big.NewInt(1))) } func (s *GovernanceState) ResetDKGFinalizedsCount() { s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(dkgFinalizedsCountLoc), big.NewInt(0)) } // mapping(address => bool) public dkgSuccesses; func (s *GovernanceState) DKGSuccess(addr common.Address) bool { mapLoc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(dkgSuccessLoc), addr.Bytes()) return s.getStateBigInt(mapLoc).Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) != 0 } func (s *GovernanceState) PutDKGSuccess(addr common.Address, success bool) { mapLoc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(dkgSuccessLoc), addr.Bytes()) res := big.NewInt(0) if success { res = big.NewInt(1) } s.setStateBigInt(mapLoc, res) } func (s *GovernanceState) ClearDKGSuccesses(dkgSet map[coreTypes.NodeID]struct{}) { for id := range dkgSet { s.PutDKGSuccess(IdToAddress(id), false) } } // uint256 public dkgSuccessesCount; func (s *GovernanceState) DKGSuccessesCount() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(dkgSuccessesCountLoc)) } func (s *GovernanceState) IncDKGSuccessesCount() { s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(dkgSuccessesCountLoc), new(big.Int).Add(s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(dkgSuccessesCountLoc)), big.NewInt(1))) } func (s *GovernanceState) ResetDKGSuccessesCount() { s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(dkgSuccessesCountLoc), big.NewInt(0)) } // address public owner; func (s *GovernanceState) Owner() common.Address { val := s.getState(common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(ownerLoc))) return common.BytesToAddress(val.Bytes()) } func (s *GovernanceState) SetOwner(newOwner common.Address) { s.setState(common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(ownerLoc)), newOwner.Hash()) } // uint256 public minStake; func (s *GovernanceState) MinStake() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(minStakeLoc)) } // uint256 public lockupPeriod; func (s *GovernanceState) LockupPeriod() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(lockupPeriodLoc)) } // uint256 public miningVelocity; func (s *GovernanceState) MiningVelocity() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(miningVelocityLoc)) } func (s *GovernanceState) HalfMiningVelocity() { s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(miningVelocityLoc), new(big.Int).Div(s.MiningVelocity(), big.NewInt(2))) } // uint256 public nextHalvingSupply; func (s *GovernanceState) NextHalvingSupply() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(nextHalvingSupplyLoc)) } func (s *GovernanceState) IncNextHalvingSupply(amount *big.Int) { s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(nextHalvingSupplyLoc), new(big.Int).Add(s.NextHalvingSupply(), amount)) } // uint256 public lastHalvedAmount; func (s *GovernanceState) LastHalvedAmount() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(lastHalvedAmountLoc)) } func (s *GovernanceState) HalfLastHalvedAmount() { s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(lastHalvedAmountLoc), new(big.Int).Div(s.LastHalvedAmount(), big.NewInt(2))) } func (s *GovernanceState) MiningHalved() { s.HalfMiningVelocity() s.HalfLastHalvedAmount() s.IncNextHalvingSupply(s.LastHalvedAmount()) } // uint256 public minGasPrice; func (s *GovernanceState) MinGasPrice() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(minGasPriceLoc)) } // uint256 public blockGasLimit; func (s *GovernanceState) BlockGasLimit() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(blockGasLimitLoc)) } func (s *GovernanceState) SetBlockGasLimit(reward *big.Int) { s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(blockGasLimitLoc), reward) } // uint256 public lambdaBA; func (s *GovernanceState) LambdaBA() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(lambdaBALoc)) } // uint256 public lambdaDKG; func (s *GovernanceState) LambdaDKG() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(lambdaDKGLoc)) } // uint256 public notarySetSize; func (s *GovernanceState) NotarySetSize() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(notarySetSizeLoc)) } func (s *GovernanceState) CalNotarySetSize() { nodeSetSize := float64(len(s.QualifiedNodes())) setSize := math.Ceil((nodeSetSize*0.6-1)/3)*3 + 1 if nodeSetSize >= 80 { alpha := float64(s.NotaryParamAlpha().Uint64()) / decimalMultiplier beta := float64(s.NotaryParamBeta().Uint64()) / decimalMultiplier setSize = math.Ceil(alpha*math.Log(nodeSetSize) - beta) } s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(notarySetSizeLoc), big.NewInt(int64(setSize))) } // uint256 public notaryParamAlpha; func (s *GovernanceState) NotaryParamAlpha() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(notaryParamAlphaLoc)) } // uint256 public notaryParamBeta; func (s *GovernanceState) NotaryParamBeta() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(notaryParamBetaLoc)) } // uint256 public roundLength; func (s *GovernanceState) RoundLength() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(roundLengthLoc)) } // uint256 public minBlockInterval; func (s *GovernanceState) MinBlockInterval() *big.Int { return s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(minBlockIntervalLoc)) } // uint256[] public fineValues; func (s *GovernanceState) FineValue(index *big.Int) *big.Int { arrayBaseLoc := s.getSlotLoc(big.NewInt(fineValuesLoc)) return s.getStateBigInt(new(big.Int).Add(arrayBaseLoc, index)) } func (s *GovernanceState) FineValues() []*big.Int { len := s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(fineValuesLoc)) result := make([]*big.Int, len.Uint64()) for i := 0; i < int(len.Uint64()); i++ { result[i] = s.FineValue(big.NewInt(int64(i))) } return result } func (s *GovernanceState) SetFineValues(values []*big.Int) { s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(fineValuesLoc), big.NewInt(int64(len(values)))) arrayBaseLoc := s.getSlotLoc(big.NewInt(fineValuesLoc)) for i, v := range values { s.setStateBigInt(new(big.Int).Add(arrayBaseLoc, big.NewInt(int64(i))), v) } } // mapping(bytes32 => bool) public fineRdecords; func (s *GovernanceState) FineRecords(recordHash Bytes32) bool { loc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(finedRecordsLoc), recordHash[:]) return s.getStateBigInt(loc).Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) > 0 } func (s *GovernanceState) SetFineRecords(recordHash Bytes32, status bool) { loc := s.getMapLoc(big.NewInt(finedRecordsLoc), recordHash[:]) value := int64(0) if status { value = int64(1) } s.setStateBigInt(loc, big.NewInt(value)) } // Initialize initializes governance contract state. func (s *GovernanceState) Initialize(config *params.DexconConfig, totalSupply *big.Int) { if config.NextHalvingSupply.Cmp(totalSupply) <= 0 { panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid genesis found, totalSupply: %s, nextHavlingSupply: %s", totalSupply, config.NextHalvingSupply)) } // Genesis CRS. crs := crypto.Keccak256Hash([]byte(config.GenesisCRSText)) s.SetCRS(crs) // Round 0 height. s.PushRoundHeight(big.NewInt(0)) // Owner. s.SetOwner(config.Owner) // Governance configuration. s.UpdateConfiguration(config) // Set totalSupply. s.IncTotalSupply(totalSupply) // Set DKGRound. s.SetDKGRound(big.NewInt(int64(dexCore.DKGDelayRound))) } // Register is a helper function for creating genesis state. func (s *GovernanceState) Register( addr common.Address, publicKey []byte, name, email, location, url string, staked *big.Int) { offset := s.LenNodes() node := &nodeInfo{ Owner: addr, PublicKey: publicKey, Staked: staked, Fined: big.NewInt(0), Name: name, Email: email, Location: location, Url: url, Unstaked: big.NewInt(0), UnstakedAt: big.NewInt(0), } s.PushNode(node) s.PutNodeOffsets(node, offset) if staked.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) == 0 { return } // Add to network total staked. s.IncTotalStaked(staked) } func (s *GovernanceState) Disqualify(n *nodeInfo) error { nodeAddr, err := publicKeyToNodeKeyAddress(n.PublicKey) if err != nil { return err } // Node might already been unstaked in the latest state. offset := s.NodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddress(nodeAddr) if offset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) < 0 { return errors.New("node does not exist") } // Set fined value. node := s.Node(offset) amount := s.FineValue(big.NewInt(FineTypeFailStop)) node.Fined = new(big.Int).Add(node.Fined, amount) s.UpdateNode(offset, node) return nil } const decimalMultiplier = 100000000.0 // Configuration returns the current configuration. func (s *GovernanceState) Configuration() *params.DexconConfig { return ¶ms.DexconConfig{ MinStake: s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(minStakeLoc)), LockupPeriod: s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(lockupPeriodLoc)).Uint64(), MiningVelocity: float32(s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(miningVelocityLoc)).Uint64()) / decimalMultiplier, NextHalvingSupply: s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(nextHalvingSupplyLoc)), LastHalvedAmount: s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(lastHalvedAmountLoc)), MinGasPrice: s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(minGasPriceLoc)), BlockGasLimit: s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(blockGasLimitLoc)).Uint64(), LambdaBA: s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(lambdaBALoc)).Uint64(), LambdaDKG: s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(lambdaDKGLoc)).Uint64(), NotaryParamAlpha: float32(s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(notaryParamAlphaLoc)).Uint64()) / decimalMultiplier, NotaryParamBeta: float32(s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(notaryParamBetaLoc)).Uint64()) / decimalMultiplier, RoundLength: s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(roundLengthLoc)).Uint64(), MinBlockInterval: s.getStateBigInt(big.NewInt(minBlockIntervalLoc)).Uint64(), FineValues: s.FineValues(), } } // UpdateConfiguration updates system configuration. func (s *GovernanceState) UpdateConfiguration(cfg *params.DexconConfig) { s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(minStakeLoc), cfg.MinStake) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(lockupPeriodLoc), big.NewInt(int64(cfg.LockupPeriod))) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(miningVelocityLoc), big.NewInt(int64(cfg.MiningVelocity*decimalMultiplier))) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(nextHalvingSupplyLoc), cfg.NextHalvingSupply) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(lastHalvedAmountLoc), cfg.LastHalvedAmount) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(minGasPriceLoc), cfg.MinGasPrice) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(blockGasLimitLoc), big.NewInt(int64(cfg.BlockGasLimit))) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(lambdaBALoc), big.NewInt(int64(cfg.LambdaBA))) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(lambdaDKGLoc), big.NewInt(int64(cfg.LambdaDKG))) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(notaryParamAlphaLoc), big.NewInt(int64(cfg.NotaryParamAlpha*decimalMultiplier))) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(notaryParamBetaLoc), big.NewInt(int64(cfg.NotaryParamBeta*decimalMultiplier))) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(roundLengthLoc), big.NewInt(int64(cfg.RoundLength))) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(minBlockIntervalLoc), big.NewInt(int64(cfg.MinBlockInterval))) s.SetFineValues(cfg.FineValues) // Calculate set size. s.CalNotarySetSize() } type rawConfigStruct struct { MinStake *big.Int LockupPeriod *big.Int BlockGasLimit *big.Int MinGasPrice *big.Int LambdaBA *big.Int LambdaDKG *big.Int NotaryParamAlpha *big.Int NotaryParamBeta *big.Int RoundLength *big.Int MinBlockInterval *big.Int FineValues []*big.Int } // UpdateConfigurationRaw updates system configuration. func (s *GovernanceState) UpdateConfigurationRaw(cfg *rawConfigStruct) { s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(minStakeLoc), cfg.MinStake) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(lockupPeriodLoc), cfg.LockupPeriod) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(minGasPriceLoc), cfg.MinGasPrice) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(blockGasLimitLoc), cfg.BlockGasLimit) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(lambdaBALoc), cfg.LambdaBA) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(lambdaDKGLoc), cfg.LambdaDKG) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(notaryParamAlphaLoc), cfg.NotaryParamAlpha) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(notaryParamBetaLoc), cfg.NotaryParamBeta) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(roundLengthLoc), cfg.RoundLength) s.setStateBigInt(big.NewInt(minBlockIntervalLoc), cfg.MinBlockInterval) s.SetFineValues(cfg.FineValues) // Calculate set size. s.CalNotarySetSize() } // event ConfigurationChanged(); func (s *GovernanceState) emitConfigurationChangedEvent() { s.StateDB.AddLog(&types.Log{ Address: GovernanceContractAddress, Topics: []common.Hash{GovernanceABI.Events["ConfigurationChanged"].Id()}, Data: []byte{}, }) } // event CRSProposed(uint256 indexed Round, bytes32 CRS); func (s *GovernanceState) emitCRSProposed(round *big.Int, crs common.Hash) { s.StateDB.AddLog(&types.Log{ Address: GovernanceContractAddress, Topics: []common.Hash{GovernanceABI.Events["CRSProposed"].Id(), common.BigToHash(round)}, Data: crs.Bytes(), }) } // event NodeOwnershipTransfered(address indexed NodeAddress, address indexed NewOwnerAddress); func (s *GovernanceState) emitNodeOwnershipTransfered(nodeAddr, newNodeAddr common.Address) { s.StateDB.AddLog(&types.Log{ Address: GovernanceContractAddress, Topics: []common.Hash{GovernanceABI.Events["NodeOwnershipTransfered"].Id(), nodeAddr.Hash(), newNodeAddr.Hash()}, Data: []byte{}, }) } // event NodePublicKeyReplaced(address indexed NodeAddress, bytes PublicKey); func (s *GovernanceState) emitNodePublicKeyReplaced(nodeAddr common.Address, pk []byte) { s.StateDB.AddLog(&types.Log{ Address: GovernanceContractAddress, Topics: []common.Hash{GovernanceABI.Events["NodePublicKeyReplaced"].Id(), nodeAddr.Hash()}, Data: pk, }) } // event Staked(address indexed NodeAddress, uint256 Amount); func (s *GovernanceState) emitStaked(nodeAddr common.Address, amount *big.Int) { s.StateDB.AddLog(&types.Log{ Address: GovernanceContractAddress, Topics: []common.Hash{GovernanceABI.Events["Staked"].Id(), nodeAddr.Hash()}, Data: common.BigToHash(amount).Bytes(), }) } // event Unstaked(address indexed NodeAddress, uint256 Amount); func (s *GovernanceState) emitUnstaked(nodeAddr common.Address, amount *big.Int) { s.StateDB.AddLog(&types.Log{ Address: GovernanceContractAddress, Topics: []common.Hash{GovernanceABI.Events["Unstaked"].Id(), nodeAddr.Hash()}, Data: common.BigToHash(amount).Bytes(), }) } // event Withdrawn(address indexed NodeAddress, uint256 Amount); func (s *GovernanceState) emitWithdrawn(nodeAddr common.Address, amount *big.Int) { s.StateDB.AddLog(&types.Log{ Address: GovernanceContractAddress, Topics: []common.Hash{GovernanceABI.Events["Withdrawn"].Id(), nodeAddr.Hash()}, Data: common.BigToHash(amount).Bytes(), }) } // event NodeAdded(address indexed NodeAddress); func (s *GovernanceState) emitNodeAdded(nodeAddr common.Address) { s.StateDB.AddLog(&types.Log{ Address: GovernanceContractAddress, Topics: []common.Hash{GovernanceABI.Events["NodeAdded"].Id(), nodeAddr.Hash()}, Data: []byte{}, }) } // event NodeRemoved(address indexed NodeAddress); func (s *GovernanceState) emitNodeRemoved(nodeAddr common.Address) { s.StateDB.AddLog(&types.Log{ Address: GovernanceContractAddress, Topics: []common.Hash{GovernanceABI.Events["NodeRemoved"].Id(), nodeAddr.Hash()}, Data: []byte{}, }) } // event Reported(address indexed NodeAddress, uint256 Type, bytes Arg1, bytes Arg2); func (s *GovernanceState) emitReported(nodeAddr common.Address, reportType *big.Int, arg1, arg2 []byte) { t1, err := abi.NewType("uint256", nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } t2, err := abi.NewType("bytes", nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } arg := abi.Arguments{ abi.Argument{ Name: "ReportType", Type: t1, Indexed: false, }, abi.Argument{ Name: "Arg1", Type: t2, Indexed: false, }, abi.Argument{ Name: "Arg2", Type: t2, Indexed: false, }, } data, err := arg.Pack(reportType, arg1, arg2) if err != nil { panic(err) } s.StateDB.AddLog(&types.Log{ Address: GovernanceContractAddress, Topics: []common.Hash{GovernanceABI.Events["Reported"].Id(), nodeAddr.Hash()}, Data: data, }) } // event Fined(address indexed NodeAddress, uint256 Amount); func (s *GovernanceState) emitFined(nodeAddr common.Address, amount *big.Int) { s.StateDB.AddLog(&types.Log{ Address: GovernanceContractAddress, Topics: []common.Hash{GovernanceABI.Events["Fined"].Id(), nodeAddr.Hash()}, Data: common.BigToHash(amount).Bytes(), }) } // event FinePaid(address indexed NodeAddress, uint256 Amount); func (s *GovernanceState) emitFinePaid(nodeAddr common.Address, amount *big.Int) { s.StateDB.AddLog(&types.Log{ Address: GovernanceContractAddress, Topics: []common.Hash{GovernanceABI.Events["FinePaid"].Id(), nodeAddr.Hash()}, Data: common.BigToHash(amount).Bytes(), }) } // event DKGReset(uint256 indexed Round, uint256 BlockHeight); func (s *GovernanceState) emitDKGReset(round *big.Int, blockHeight *big.Int) { s.StateDB.AddLog(&types.Log{ Address: GovernanceContractAddress, Topics: []common.Hash{GovernanceABI.Events["DKGReset"].Id(), common.BigToHash(round)}, Data: common.BigToHash(blockHeight).Bytes(), }) } func getRoundState(evm *EVM, round *big.Int) (*GovernanceState, error) { gs := &GovernanceState{evm.StateDB} height := gs.RoundHeight(round).Uint64() if round.Uint64() > dexCore.ConfigRoundShift { if height == 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } } statedb, err := evm.StateAtNumber(height) return &GovernanceState{statedb}, err } func getConfigState(evm *EVM, round *big.Int) (*GovernanceState, error) { configRound := big.NewInt(0) if round.Uint64() > dexCore.ConfigRoundShift { configRound = new(big.Int).Sub(round, big.NewInt(int64(dexCore.ConfigRoundShift))) } return getRoundState(evm, configRound) } type coreDKGUtils interface { NewGroupPublicKey(*GovernanceState, *big.Int, int) (tsigVerifierIntf, error) } type tsigVerifierIntf interface { VerifySignature(coreCommon.Hash, coreCrypto.Signature) bool } // GovernanceContract represents the governance contract of DEXCON. type GovernanceContract struct { evm *EVM state GovernanceState contract *Contract coreDKGUtils coreDKGUtils } // defaultCoreDKGUtils implements coreDKGUtils. type defaultCoreDKGUtils struct { gpk atomic.Value } func (c *defaultCoreDKGUtils) NewGroupPublicKey( state *GovernanceState, round *big.Int, threshold int) (tsigVerifierIntf, error) { var gpk *dkgTypes.GroupPublicKey var err error v := c.gpk.Load() if v != nil { gpk = v.(*dkgTypes.GroupPublicKey) if gpk.Round == round.Uint64() { return gpk, nil } } mpks := state.DKGMasterPublicKeyItems() comps := state.DKGComplaintItems() gpk, err = dkgTypes.NewGroupPublicKey(round.Uint64(), mpks, comps, threshold) if err != nil { return nil, err } c.gpk.Store(gpk) return gpk, nil } func (g *GovernanceContract) Address() common.Address { return GovernanceContractAddress } func (g *GovernanceContract) transfer(from, to common.Address, amount *big.Int) bool { // TODO(w): add this to debug trace so it shows up as internal transaction. if g.evm.CanTransfer(g.evm.StateDB, from, amount) { g.evm.Transfer(g.evm.StateDB, from, to, amount) return true } return false } func (g *GovernanceContract) useGas(gas uint64) ([]byte, error) { if !g.contract.UseGas(gas) { return nil, ErrOutOfGas } return nil, nil } func (g *GovernanceContract) configNotarySetSize(round *big.Int) *big.Int { s, err := getConfigState(g.evm, round) if err != nil { return big.NewInt(0) } return s.NotarySetSize() } func (g *GovernanceContract) getNotarySet(round *big.Int) map[coreTypes.NodeID]struct{} { crsRound := g.state.CRSRound() var crs common.Hash cmp := round.Cmp(crsRound) if round.Cmp(big.NewInt(int64(dexCore.DKGDelayRound))) <= 0 { state, err := getRoundState(g.evm, big.NewInt(0)) if err != nil { return map[coreTypes.NodeID]struct{}{} } crs = state.CRS() for i := uint64(0); i < round.Uint64(); i++ { crs = crypto.Keccak256Hash(crs[:]) } } else if cmp > 0 { return map[coreTypes.NodeID]struct{}{} } else if cmp == 0 { crs = g.state.CRS() } else { state, err := getRoundState(g.evm, round) if err != nil { return map[coreTypes.NodeID]struct{}{} } crs = state.CRS() } target := coreTypes.NewNotarySetTarget(coreCommon.Hash(crs)) ns := coreTypes.NewNodeSet() state, err := getConfigState(g.evm, round) if err != nil { return map[coreTypes.NodeID]struct{}{} } for _, x := range state.QualifiedNodes() { mpk, err := ecdsa.NewPublicKeyFromByteSlice(x.PublicKey) if err != nil { panic(err) } ns.Add(coreTypes.NewNodeID(mpk)) } return ns.GetSubSet(int(g.configNotarySetSize(round).Uint64()), target) } func (g *GovernanceContract) inNotarySet(round *big.Int, nodeID coreTypes.NodeID) bool { dkgSet := g.getNotarySet(round) _, ok := dkgSet[nodeID] return ok } func (g *GovernanceContract) clearDKG() { dkgSet := g.getNotarySet(g.state.DKGRound()) g.state.ClearDKGMasterPublicKeyOffset() g.state.ClearDKGMasterPublicKeys() g.state.ClearDKGComplaintProposed() g.state.ClearDKGComplaints() g.state.ClearDKGMPKReadys(dkgSet) g.state.ResetDKGMPKReadysCount() g.state.ClearDKGFinalizeds(dkgSet) g.state.ResetDKGFinalizedsCount() g.state.ClearDKGSuccesses(dkgSet) g.state.ResetDKGSuccessesCount() } func (g *GovernanceContract) fineFailStopDKG(threshold int) { fineNode := make(map[coreTypes.NodeID]struct{}) dkgSet := g.getNotarySet(g.state.DKGRound()) for id := range dkgSet { offset := g.state.DKGMasterPublicKeyOffset(Bytes32(id.Hash)) if offset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) >= 0 { continue } fineNode[id] = struct{}{} } complaintsByID := map[coreTypes.NodeID]map[coreTypes.NodeID]struct{}{} for _, complaint := range g.state.DKGComplaints() { comp := new(dkgTypes.Complaint) if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(complaint, comp); err != nil { panic(err) } if comp.IsNack() { if _, exist := complaintsByID[comp.PrivateShare.ProposerID]; !exist { complaintsByID[comp.PrivateShare.ProposerID] = make(map[coreTypes.NodeID]struct{}) } complaintsByID[comp.PrivateShare.ProposerID][comp.ProposerID] = struct{}{} } } for id, complaints := range complaintsByID { if len(complaints) >= threshold { fineNode[id] = struct{}{} } } nodes := make(coreTypes.NodeIDs, 0, len(fineNode)) for id := range fineNode { nodes = append(nodes, id) } sort.Sort(nodes) for _, id := range nodes { offset := g.state.NodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddress(IdToAddress(id)) // Node might have been unstaked. if offset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) < 0 { continue } node := g.state.Node(offset) amount := g.state.FineValue(big.NewInt(FineTypeFailStopDKG)) node.Fined = new(big.Int).Add(node.Fined, amount) g.state.UpdateNode(offset, node) g.state.emitFined(node.Owner, amount) } } func (g *GovernanceContract) addDKGComplaint(comp []byte) ([]byte, error) { caller := g.contract.Caller() offset := g.state.NodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddress(caller) // Can not add complaint if caller does not exists. if offset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) < 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } // Finalized caller is not allowed to propose complaint. if g.state.DKGFinalized(caller) { return nil, errExecutionReverted } // Calculate 2f + 1 threshold := 2*g.configNotarySetSize(g.evm.Round).Uint64()/3 + 1 // If 2f + 1 of DKG set is finalized, one can not propose complaint anymore. if g.state.DKGFinalizedsCount().Uint64() >= threshold { return nil, errExecutionReverted } var dkgComplaint dkgTypes.Complaint if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(comp, &dkgComplaint); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } if g.state.DKGComplaintProposed(getDKGComplaintID(&dkgComplaint)) { return nil, errExecutionReverted } round := big.NewInt(int64(dkgComplaint.Round)) if round.Uint64() != g.evm.Round.Uint64()+1 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } if dkgComplaint.Reset != g.state.DKGResetCount(round).Uint64() { return nil, errExecutionReverted } // DKGComplaint must belongs to someone in DKG set. if !g.inNotarySet(round, dkgComplaint.ProposerID) { return nil, errExecutionReverted } verified, _ := coreUtils.VerifyDKGComplaintSignature(&dkgComplaint) if !verified { return nil, errExecutionReverted } mpkOffset := g.state.DKGMasterPublicKeyOffset(Bytes32(dkgComplaint.PrivateShare.ProposerID.Hash)) mpk := g.state.DKGMasterPublicKeyItem(mpkOffset) // Verify DKG complaint is correct. ok, err := coreUtils.VerifyDKGComplaint(&dkgComplaint, mpk) if !ok || err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } // Fine the attacker. need, err := coreUtils.NeedPenaltyDKGPrivateShare(&dkgComplaint, mpk) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } if need { node, err := g.state.GetNodeByID(dkgComplaint.PrivateShare.ProposerID) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } fineValue := g.state.FineValue(big.NewInt(FineTypeInvalidDKG)) if err := g.fine(node.Owner, fineValue, comp, nil); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } } g.state.PushDKGComplaint(comp) g.state.PutDKGComplaintProposed(getDKGComplaintID(&dkgComplaint), true) return g.useGas(GovernanceActionGasCost) } func (g *GovernanceContract) addDKGMasterPublicKey(mpk []byte) ([]byte, error) { var dkgMasterPK dkgTypes.MasterPublicKey if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(mpk, &dkgMasterPK); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } round := big.NewInt(int64(dkgMasterPK.Round)) if round.Uint64() != g.evm.Round.Uint64()+1 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } if g.state.DKGRound().Cmp(g.evm.Round) == 0 { // Clear DKG states for next round. g.clearDKG() g.state.SetDKGRound(round) } mpkOffset := g.state.DKGMasterPublicKeyOffset(getDKGMasterPublicKeyID(&dkgMasterPK)) if mpkOffset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) >= 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } caller := g.contract.Caller() offset := g.state.NodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddress(caller) // Can not add dkg mpk if not staked. if offset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) < 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } // MPKReady caller is not allowed to propose mpk. if g.state.DKGMPKReady(caller) { return nil, errExecutionReverted } // Calculate 2f + 1 threshold := 2*g.configNotarySetSize(g.evm.Round).Uint64()/3 + 1 // If 2f + 1 of DKG set is mpk ready, one can not propose mpk anymore. if g.state.DKGMPKReadysCount().Uint64() >= threshold { return nil, errExecutionReverted } if dkgMasterPK.Reset != g.state.DKGResetCount(round).Uint64() { return nil, errExecutionReverted } // DKGMasterPublicKey must belongs to someone in DKG set. if !g.inNotarySet(round, dkgMasterPK.ProposerID) { return nil, errExecutionReverted } verified, _ := coreUtils.VerifyDKGMasterPublicKeySignature(&dkgMasterPK) if !verified { return nil, errExecutionReverted } mpkOffset = g.state.LenDKGMasterPublicKeys() g.state.PushDKGMasterPublicKey(mpk) g.state.PutDKGMasterPublicKeyOffset(getDKGMasterPublicKeyID(&dkgMasterPK), mpkOffset) return g.useGas(GovernanceActionGasCost) } func (g *GovernanceContract) addDKGMPKReady(ready []byte) ([]byte, error) { caller := g.contract.Caller() var dkgReady dkgTypes.MPKReady if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(ready, &dkgReady); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } round := big.NewInt(int64(dkgReady.Round)) if round.Uint64() != g.evm.Round.Uint64()+1 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } if dkgReady.Reset != g.state.DKGResetCount(round).Uint64() { return nil, errExecutionReverted } // DKGFInalize must belongs to someone in DKG set. if !g.inNotarySet(round, dkgReady.ProposerID) { return nil, errExecutionReverted } verified, _ := coreUtils.VerifyDKGMPKReadySignature(&dkgReady) if !verified { return nil, errExecutionReverted } if !g.state.DKGMPKReady(caller) { g.state.PutDKGMPKReady(caller, true) g.state.IncDKGMPKReadysCount() } return g.useGas(GovernanceActionGasCost) } func (g *GovernanceContract) addDKGFinalize(finalize []byte) ([]byte, error) { caller := g.contract.Caller() var dkgFinalize dkgTypes.Finalize if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(finalize, &dkgFinalize); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } round := big.NewInt(int64(dkgFinalize.Round)) if round.Uint64() != g.evm.Round.Uint64()+1 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } if dkgFinalize.Reset != g.state.DKGResetCount(round).Uint64() { return nil, errExecutionReverted } // DKGFInalize must belongs to someone in DKG set. if !g.inNotarySet(round, dkgFinalize.ProposerID) { return nil, errExecutionReverted } verified, _ := coreUtils.VerifyDKGFinalizeSignature(&dkgFinalize) if !verified { return nil, errExecutionReverted } if !g.state.DKGFinalized(caller) { g.state.PutDKGFinalized(caller, true) g.state.IncDKGFinalizedsCount() } threshold := 2*g.configNotarySetSize(g.evm.Round).Uint64()/3 + 1 if g.state.DKGFinalizedsCount().Uint64() == threshold { tsigThreshold := coreUtils.GetDKGThreshold(&coreTypes.Config{ NotarySetSize: uint32(g.configNotarySetSize(g.evm.Round).Uint64())}) g.fineFailStopDKG(tsigThreshold) } return g.useGas(GovernanceActionGasCost) } func (g *GovernanceContract) addDKGSuccess(success []byte) ([]byte, error) { caller := g.contract.Caller() var dkgSuccess dkgTypes.Success if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(success, &dkgSuccess); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } round := big.NewInt(int64(dkgSuccess.Round)) if round.Uint64() != g.evm.Round.Uint64()+1 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } if dkgSuccess.Reset != g.state.DKGResetCount(round).Uint64() { return nil, errExecutionReverted } // DKGFInalize must belongs to someone in DKG set. if !g.inNotarySet(round, dkgSuccess.ProposerID) { return nil, errExecutionReverted } verified, _ := coreUtils.VerifyDKGSuccessSignature(&dkgSuccess) if !verified { return nil, errExecutionReverted } if !g.state.DKGSuccess(caller) { g.state.PutDKGSuccess(caller, true) g.state.IncDKGSuccessesCount() } return g.useGas(GovernanceActionGasCost) } func (g *GovernanceContract) updateConfiguration(cfg *rawConfigStruct) ([]byte, error) { // Only owner can update configuration. if g.contract.Caller() != g.state.Owner() { return nil, errExecutionReverted } // Sanity checks. if cfg.MinStake.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) <= 0 || cfg.LockupPeriod.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) <= 0 || cfg.BlockGasLimit.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) <= 0 || cfg.MinGasPrice.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) <= 0 || cfg.LambdaBA.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) <= 0 || cfg.LambdaDKG.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) <= 0 || cfg.RoundLength.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) <= 0 || cfg.MinBlockInterval.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) <= 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } g.state.UpdateConfigurationRaw(cfg) g.state.emitConfigurationChangedEvent() return nil, nil } func (g *GovernanceContract) register( publicKey []byte, name, email, location, url string) ([]byte, error) { // Reject invalid inputs. if len(name) >= 32 || len(email) >= 32 || len(location) >= 32 || len(url) >= 128 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } caller := g.contract.Caller() value := g.contract.Value() offset := g.state.NodesOffsetByAddress(caller) // Can not register if already registered. if offset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) >= 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } nodeKeyAddr, err := publicKeyToNodeKeyAddress(publicKey) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } offset = g.state.NodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddress(nodeKeyAddr) // Can not register if node key is duplicate. if offset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) >= 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } offset = g.state.LenNodes() node := &nodeInfo{ Owner: caller, PublicKey: publicKey, Staked: value, Fined: big.NewInt(0), Name: name, Email: email, Location: location, Url: url, Unstaked: big.NewInt(0), UnstakedAt: big.NewInt(0), } g.state.PushNode(node) g.state.PutNodeOffsets(node, offset) g.state.emitNodeAdded(caller) if value.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) > 0 { g.state.IncTotalStaked(value) g.state.emitStaked(caller, value) } return g.useGas(GovernanceActionGasCost) } func (g *GovernanceContract) stake() ([]byte, error) { caller := g.contract.Caller() value := g.contract.Value() if big.NewInt(0).Cmp(value) == 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } offset := g.state.NodesOffsetByAddress(caller) if offset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) < 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } node := g.state.Node(offset) if node.Fined.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) > 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } node.Staked = new(big.Int).Add(node.Staked, value) g.state.UpdateNode(offset, node) g.state.IncTotalStaked(value) g.state.emitStaked(caller, value) return g.useGas(GovernanceActionGasCost) } func (g *GovernanceContract) unstake(amount *big.Int) ([]byte, error) { caller := g.contract.Caller() offset := g.state.NodesOffsetByAddress(caller) if offset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) < 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } node := g.state.Node(offset) // Can not unstake if there are unpaied fine. if node.Fined.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) > 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } // Can not unstake if there are unwithdrawn stake. if node.Unstaked.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) > 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } if node.Staked.Cmp(amount) < 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } node.Staked = new(big.Int).Sub(node.Staked, amount) node.Unstaked = amount node.UnstakedAt = g.evm.Time g.state.UpdateNode(offset, node) g.state.DecTotalStaked(amount) g.state.emitUnstaked(caller, amount) return g.useGas(GovernanceActionGasCost) } func (g *GovernanceContract) withdraw() ([]byte, error) { if !g.withdrawable() { return nil, errExecutionReverted } caller := g.contract.Caller() offset := g.state.NodesOffsetByAddress(caller) if offset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) < 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } node := g.state.Node(offset) amount := node.Unstaked node.Unstaked = big.NewInt(0) node.UnstakedAt = big.NewInt(0) g.state.UpdateNode(offset, node) if node.Staked.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) == 0 { length := g.state.LenNodes() lastIndex := new(big.Int).Sub(length, big.NewInt(1)) // Delete the node. if offset.Cmp(lastIndex) != 0 { lastNode := g.state.Node(lastIndex) g.state.UpdateNode(offset, lastNode) g.state.PutNodeOffsets(lastNode, offset) } g.state.DeleteNodeOffsets(node) g.state.PopLastNode() g.state.emitNodeRemoved(caller) } // Return the staked fund. if !g.transfer(GovernanceContractAddress, node.Owner, amount) { return nil, errExecutionReverted } g.state.emitWithdrawn(caller, amount) return g.useGas(GovernanceActionGasCost) } func (g *GovernanceContract) withdrawable() bool { caller := g.contract.Caller() offset := g.state.NodesOffsetByAddress(caller) if offset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) < 0 { return false } node := g.state.Node(offset) // Can not withdraw if there are unpaied fine. if node.Fined.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) > 0 { return false } // Can not withdraw if there are no pending withdrawal. if node.Unstaked.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) == 0 { return false } unlockTime := new(big.Int).Add(node.UnstakedAt, g.state.LockupPeriod()) return g.evm.Time.Cmp(unlockTime) > 0 } func (g *GovernanceContract) payFine(nodeAddr common.Address) ([]byte, error) { nodeOffset := g.state.NodesOffsetByAddress(nodeAddr) if nodeOffset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) < 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } node := g.state.Node(nodeOffset) if node.Fined.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) <= 0 || node.Fined.Cmp(g.contract.Value()) < 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } node.Fined = new(big.Int).Sub(node.Fined, g.contract.Value()) g.state.UpdateNode(nodeOffset, node) // Pay the fine to governance owner. if !g.transfer(GovernanceContractAddress, g.state.Owner(), g.contract.Value()) { return nil, errExecutionReverted } g.state.emitFinePaid(nodeAddr, g.contract.Value()) return g.useGas(GovernanceActionGasCost) } func (g *GovernanceContract) proposeCRS(nextRound *big.Int, signedCRS []byte) ([]byte, error) { if nextRound.Uint64() != g.evm.Round.Uint64()+1 || g.state.CRSRound().Uint64() == nextRound.Uint64() { return nil, errExecutionReverted } prevCRS := g.state.CRS() // CRS(n) = hash(CRS(n-1)) if n <= core.DKGRoundDelay if g.evm.Round.Uint64() == dexCore.DKGDelayRound { for i := uint64(0); i < dexCore.DKGDelayRound; i++ { prevCRS = crypto.Keccak256Hash(prevCRS[:]) } } threshold := coreUtils.GetDKGThreshold(&coreTypes.Config{ NotarySetSize: uint32(g.state.NotarySetSize().Uint64())}) dkgGPK, err := g.coreDKGUtils.NewGroupPublicKey(&g.state, nextRound, threshold) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } signature := coreCrypto.Signature{ Type: "bls", Signature: signedCRS, } if !dkgGPK.VerifySignature(coreCommon.Hash(prevCRS), signature) { return nil, errExecutionReverted } // Save new CRS into state and increase round. crs := crypto.Keccak256Hash(signedCRS) g.state.SetCRS(crs) g.state.SetCRSRound(nextRound) g.state.emitCRSProposed(nextRound, crs) return g.useGas(GovernanceActionGasCost) } type sortBytes [][]byte func (s sortBytes) Less(i, j int) bool { return bytes.Compare(s[i], s[j]) < 0 } func (s sortBytes) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] } func (s sortBytes) Len() int { return len(s) } func (g *GovernanceContract) fine(nodeAddr common.Address, amount *big.Int, payloads ...[]byte) error { sort.Sort(sortBytes(payloads)) hash := Bytes32(crypto.Keccak256Hash(payloads...)) if g.state.FineRecords(hash) { return errors.New("already fined") } g.state.SetFineRecords(hash, true) nodeOffset := g.state.NodesOffsetByAddress(nodeAddr) if nodeOffset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) < 0 { return errExecutionReverted } // Set fined value. node := g.state.Node(nodeOffset) node.Fined = new(big.Int).Add(node.Fined, amount) g.state.UpdateNode(nodeOffset, node) g.state.emitFined(nodeAddr, amount) return nil } func (g *GovernanceContract) report(reportType *big.Int, arg1, arg2 []byte) ([]byte, error) { typeEnum := FineType(reportType.Uint64()) var reportedNodeID coreTypes.NodeID switch typeEnum { case FineTypeForkVote: vote1 := new(coreTypes.Vote) if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(arg1, vote1); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } vote2 := new(coreTypes.Vote) if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(arg2, vote2); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } need, err := coreUtils.NeedPenaltyForkVote(vote1, vote2) if !need || err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } reportedNodeID = vote1.ProposerID case FineTypeForkBlock: block1 := new(coreTypes.Block) if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(arg1, block1); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } block2 := new(coreTypes.Block) if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(arg2, block2); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } need, err := coreUtils.NeedPenaltyForkBlock(block1, block2) if !need || err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } reportedNodeID = block1.ProposerID default: return nil, errExecutionReverted } node, err := g.state.GetNodeByID(reportedNodeID) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } g.state.emitReported(node.Owner, reportType, arg1, arg2) fineValue := g.state.FineValue(reportType) if err := g.fine(node.Owner, fineValue, arg1, arg2); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return nil, nil } func (g *GovernanceContract) resetDKG(newSignedCRS []byte) ([]byte, error) { round := g.evm.Round nextRound := new(big.Int).Add(round, big.NewInt(1)) // If no one call addDKGMasterPublicKey, DKG of previous round will not be // cleared. if g.state.DKGRound().Cmp(round) == 0 { // Clear DKG states for next round. g.clearDKG() g.state.SetDKGRound(nextRound) } resetCount := g.state.DKGResetCount(nextRound) // Just restart DEXON if failed at round 0. if round.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) == 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } // Extend the the current round. // target = (85 + 100 * DKGResetCount)% target := new(big.Int).Add( big.NewInt(85), new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(100), resetCount)) roundHeight := g.state.RoundHeight(round) gs, err := getConfigState(g.evm, round) if err != nil { return nil, err } config := gs.Configuration() targetBlockNum := new(big.Int).SetUint64(config.RoundLength) targetBlockNum.Mul(targetBlockNum, target) targetBlockNum.Quo(targetBlockNum, big.NewInt(100)) targetBlockNum.Add(targetBlockNum, roundHeight) // Check if current block over 85%of current round. blockHeight := g.evm.Context.BlockNumber if blockHeight.Cmp(targetBlockNum) < 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } tsigThreshold := coreUtils.GetDKGThreshold(&coreTypes.Config{ NotarySetSize: uint32(g.configNotarySetSize(nextRound).Uint64())}) // Check if next DKG has not enough of success. if g.state.DKGSuccessesCount().Uint64() >= uint64(coreUtils.GetDKGValidThreshold(&coreTypes.Config{ NotarySetSize: uint32(g.configNotarySetSize(nextRound).Uint64()), })) { // Check if next DKG did not success. // Calculate 2f + 1 threshold := 2*g.configNotarySetSize(nextRound).Uint64()/3 + 1 // If 2f + 1 of DKG set is finalized, check if DKG succeeded. if g.state.DKGFinalizedsCount().Uint64() >= threshold { gpk, err := g.coreDKGUtils.NewGroupPublicKey(&g.state, nextRound, tsigThreshold) if gpk, ok := gpk.(*dkgTypes.GroupPublicKey); ok { if len(gpk.QualifyNodeIDs) < coreUtils.GetDKGValidThreshold(&coreTypes.Config{ NotarySetSize: uint32(g.configNotarySetSize(nextRound).Uint64())}) { err = dkgTypes.ErrNotReachThreshold } } // DKG success. if err == nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } switch err { case dkgTypes.ErrNotReachThreshold, dkgTypes.ErrInvalidThreshold: default: return nil, errExecutionReverted } } } // Fine fail stop DKGs. g.fineFailStopDKG(tsigThreshold) // Update CRS. state, err := getRoundState(g.evm, round) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } prevCRS := state.CRS() // CRS(n) = hash(CRS(n-1)) if n <= core.DKGRoundDelay if round.Uint64() == dexCore.DKGDelayRound { for i := uint64(0); i < dexCore.DKGDelayRound; i++ { prevCRS = crypto.Keccak256Hash(prevCRS[:]) } } for i := uint64(0); i < resetCount.Uint64()+1; i++ { prevCRS = crypto.Keccak256Hash(prevCRS[:]) } dkgGPK, err := g.coreDKGUtils.NewGroupPublicKey(state, round, coreUtils.GetDKGThreshold(&coreTypes.Config{ NotarySetSize: uint32(g.configNotarySetSize(round).Uint64())})) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } signature := coreCrypto.Signature{ Type: "bls", Signature: newSignedCRS, } if !dkgGPK.VerifySignature(coreCommon.Hash(prevCRS), signature) { return nil, errExecutionReverted } // Clear DKG states for next round. g.clearDKG() g.state.SetDKGRound(nextRound) // Save new CRS into state and increase round. newCRS := crypto.Keccak256(newSignedCRS) crs := common.BytesToHash(newCRS) g.state.SetCRS(crs) g.state.SetCRSRound(nextRound) g.state.emitCRSProposed(nextRound, crs) // Increase reset count. g.state.IncDKGResetCount(nextRound) g.state.emitDKGReset(round, blockHeight) return nil, nil } // Run executes governance contract. func (g *GovernanceContract) Run(evm *EVM, input []byte, contract *Contract) (ret []byte, err error) { if len(input) < 4 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } // Initialize contract state. g.evm = evm g.state = GovernanceState{evm.StateDB} g.contract = contract // Parse input. method, exists := GovernanceABI.Sig2Method[string(input[:4])] if !exists { return nil, errExecutionReverted } arguments := input[4:] // Dispatch method call. switch method.Name { case "addDKGComplaint": var Complaint []byte if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&Complaint, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return g.addDKGComplaint(Complaint) case "addDKGMasterPublicKey": var PublicKey []byte if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&PublicKey, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return g.addDKGMasterPublicKey(PublicKey) case "addDKGMPKReady": var MPKReady []byte if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&MPKReady, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return g.addDKGMPKReady(MPKReady) case "addDKGFinalize": var Finalize []byte if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&Finalize, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return g.addDKGFinalize(Finalize) case "addDKGSuccess": var Success []byte if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&Success, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return g.addDKGSuccess(Success) case "nodesLength": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.LenNodes()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "payFine": address := common.Address{} if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&address, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return g.payFine(address) case "proposeCRS": args := struct { Round *big.Int SignedCRS []byte }{} if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&args, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return g.proposeCRS(args.Round, args.SignedCRS) case "report": args := struct { Type *big.Int Arg1 []byte Arg2 []byte }{} if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&args, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return g.report(args.Type, args.Arg1, args.Arg2) case "resetDKG": args := struct { NewSignedCRS []byte }{} if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&args, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return g.resetDKG(args.NewSignedCRS) case "register": args := struct { PublicKey []byte Name string Email string Location string Url string }{} if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&args, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return g.register(args.PublicKey, args.Name, args.Email, args.Location, args.Url) case "stake": return g.stake() case "transferOwnership": var newOwner common.Address if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&newOwner, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return g.transferOwnership(newOwner) case "transferNodeOwnership": var newOwner common.Address if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&newOwner, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return g.transferNodeOwnership(newOwner) case "transferNodeOwnershipByFoundation": args := struct { OldOwner common.Address NewOwner common.Address }{} if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&args, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return g.transferNodeOwnershipByFoundation(args.OldOwner, args.NewOwner) case "unstake": amount := new(big.Int) if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&amount, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return g.unstake(amount) case "updateConfiguration": var cfg rawConfigStruct if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&cfg, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return g.updateConfiguration(&cfg) case "withdraw": return g.withdraw() case "withdrawable": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.withdrawable()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil // -------------------------------- // Solidity auto generated methods. // -------------------------------- case "blockGasLimit": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.BlockGasLimit()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "crs": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.CRS()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "crsRound": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.CRSRound()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "dkgComplaints": offset := new(big.Int) if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&offset, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } complaint := g.state.DKGComplaint(offset) res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(complaint) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "dkgComplaintsProposed": id := Bytes32{} if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&id, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } proposed := g.state.DKGComplaintProposed(id) res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(proposed) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "dkgFinalizeds": addr := common.Address{} if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&addr, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } finalized := g.state.DKGFinalized(addr) res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(finalized) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "dkgFinalizedsCount": count := g.state.DKGFinalizedsCount() res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(count) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "dkgSuccesses": addr := common.Address{} if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&addr, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } finalized := g.state.DKGSuccess(addr) res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(finalized) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "dkgSuccessesCount": count := g.state.DKGSuccessesCount() res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(count) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "dkgMasterPublicKeys": offset := new(big.Int) if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&offset, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } mpk := g.state.DKGMasterPublicKey(offset) res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(mpk) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "dkgMasterPublicKeyOffset": id := Bytes32{} if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&id, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } offset := g.state.DKGMasterPublicKeyOffset(id) res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(offset) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "dkgMPKReadys": addr := common.Address{} if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&addr, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } ready := g.state.DKGMPKReady(addr) res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(ready) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "dkgMPKReadysCount": count := g.state.DKGMPKReadysCount() res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(count) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "dkgResetCount": round := new(big.Int) if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&round, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.DKGResetCount(round)) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "dkgRound": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.DKGRound()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "finedRecords": record := Bytes32{} if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&record, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } value := g.state.FineRecords(record) res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(value) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "fineValues": index := new(big.Int) if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&index, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } value := g.state.FineValue(index) res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(value) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "lambdaBA": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.LambdaBA()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "lambdaDKG": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.LambdaDKG()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "lastHalvedAmount": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.LastHalvedAmount()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "lastProposedHeight": address := common.Address{} if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&address, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.LastProposedHeight(address)) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "lockupPeriod": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.LockupPeriod()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "minBlockInterval": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.MinBlockInterval()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "minGasPrice": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.MinGasPrice()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "miningVelocity": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.MiningVelocity()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "minStake": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.MinStake()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "nextHalvingSupply": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.NextHalvingSupply()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "nodes": index := new(big.Int) if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&index, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } info := g.state.Node(index) res, err := method.Outputs.Pack( info.Owner, info.PublicKey, info.Staked, info.Fined, info.Name, info.Email, info.Location, info.Url, info.Unstaked, info.UnstakedAt) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "nodesOffsetByAddress": address := common.Address{} if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&address, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.NodesOffsetByAddress(address)) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "nodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddress": address := common.Address{} if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&address, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.NodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddress(address)) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "notarySetSize": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.NotarySetSize()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "notaryParamAlpha": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.NotaryParamAlpha()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "notaryParamBeta": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.NotaryParamBeta()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "owner": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.Owner()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "replaceNodePublicKey": var pk []byte if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&pk, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return g.replaceNodePublicKey(pk) case "roundHeight": round := new(big.Int) if err := method.Inputs.Unpack(&round, arguments); err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.RoundHeight(round)) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "roundLength": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.RoundLength()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "totalStaked": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.TotalStaked()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil case "totalSupply": res, err := method.Outputs.Pack(g.state.TotalSupply()) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } return res, nil } return nil, errExecutionReverted } func (g *GovernanceContract) transferOwnership(newOwner common.Address) ([]byte, error) { // Only owner can update configuration. if g.contract.Caller() != g.state.Owner() { return nil, errExecutionReverted } if newOwner == (common.Address{}) { return nil, errExecutionReverted } g.state.SetOwner(newOwner) return nil, nil } func (g *GovernanceContract) transferNodeOwnership(newOwner common.Address) ([]byte, error) { if newOwner == (common.Address{}) { return nil, errExecutionReverted } caller := g.contract.Caller() offset := g.state.NodesOffsetByAddress(caller) if offset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) < 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } newOffset := g.state.NodesOffsetByAddress(newOwner) if newOffset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) >= 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } node := g.state.Node(offset) g.state.DeleteNodeOffsets(node) node.Owner = newOwner g.state.PutNodeOffsets(node, offset) g.state.UpdateNode(offset, node) g.state.emitNodeOwnershipTransfered(caller, newOwner) return nil, nil } func (g *GovernanceContract) transferNodeOwnershipByFoundation(oldOwner, newOwner common.Address) ([]byte, error) { // Only owner can update configuration. if g.contract.Caller() != g.state.Owner() { return nil, errExecutionReverted } if newOwner == (common.Address{}) { return nil, errExecutionReverted } offset := g.state.NodesOffsetByAddress(oldOwner) if offset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) < 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } newOffset := g.state.NodesOffsetByAddress(newOwner) if newOffset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) >= 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } node := g.state.Node(offset) g.state.DeleteNodeOffsets(node) node.Owner = newOwner g.state.PutNodeOffsets(node, offset) g.state.UpdateNode(offset, node) g.state.emitNodeOwnershipTransfered(oldOwner, newOwner) return nil, nil } func (g *GovernanceContract) replaceNodePublicKey(newPublicKey []byte) ([]byte, error) { caller := g.contract.Caller() offset := g.state.NodesOffsetByAddress(caller) if offset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) < 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } newNodeKeyAddr, err := publicKeyToNodeKeyAddress(newPublicKey) if err != nil { return nil, errExecutionReverted } newNodeKeyOffset := g.state.NodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddress(newNodeKeyAddr) if newNodeKeyOffset.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) >= 0 { return nil, errExecutionReverted } node := g.state.Node(offset) g.state.DeleteNodeOffsets(node) node.PublicKey = newPublicKey g.state.PutNodeOffsets(node, offset) g.state.UpdateNode(offset, node) g.state.emitNodePublicKeyReplaced(caller, newPublicKey) return nil, nil } func PackProposeCRS(round uint64, signedCRS []byte) ([]byte, error) { method := GovernanceABI.Name2Method["proposeCRS"] res, err := method.Inputs.Pack(big.NewInt(int64(round)), signedCRS) if err != nil { return nil, err } data := append(method.Id(), res...) return data, nil } func PackAddDKGMasterPublicKey(mpk *dkgTypes.MasterPublicKey) ([]byte, error) { method := GovernanceABI.Name2Method["addDKGMasterPublicKey"] encoded, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(mpk) if err != nil { return nil, err } res, err := method.Inputs.Pack(encoded) if err != nil { return nil, err } data := append(method.Id(), res...) return data, nil } func PackAddDKGMPKReady(ready *dkgTypes.MPKReady) ([]byte, error) { method := GovernanceABI.Name2Method["addDKGMPKReady"] encoded, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(ready) if err != nil { return nil, err } res, err := method.Inputs.Pack(encoded) if err != nil { return nil, err } data := append(method.Id(), res...) return data, nil } func PackAddDKGComplaint(complaint *dkgTypes.Complaint) ([]byte, error) { method := GovernanceABI.Name2Method["addDKGComplaint"] encoded, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(complaint) if err != nil { return nil, err } res, err := method.Inputs.Pack(encoded) if err != nil { return nil, err } data := append(method.Id(), res...) return data, nil } func PackAddDKGFinalize(final *dkgTypes.Finalize) ([]byte, error) { method := GovernanceABI.Name2Method["addDKGFinalize"] encoded, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(final) if err != nil { return nil, err } res, err := method.Inputs.Pack(encoded) if err != nil { return nil, err } data := append(method.Id(), res...) return data, nil } func PackAddDKGSuccess(final *dkgTypes.Success) ([]byte, error) { method := GovernanceABI.Name2Method["addDKGSuccess"] encoded, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(final) if err != nil { return nil, err } res, err := method.Inputs.Pack(encoded) if err != nil { return nil, err } data := append(method.Id(), res...) return data, nil } func PackReportForkVote(vote1, vote2 *coreTypes.Vote) ([]byte, error) { method := GovernanceABI.Name2Method["report"] vote1Bytes, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(vote1) if err != nil { return nil, err } vote2Bytes, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(vote2) if err != nil { return nil, err } res, err := method.Inputs.Pack(big.NewInt(FineTypeForkVote), vote1Bytes, vote2Bytes) if err != nil { return nil, err } data := append(method.Id(), res...) return data, nil } func PackReportForkBlock(block1, block2 *coreTypes.Block) ([]byte, error) { method := GovernanceABI.Name2Method["report"] block1Bytes, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(block1) if err != nil { return nil, err } block2Bytes, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(block2) if err != nil { return nil, err } res, err := method.Inputs.Pack(big.NewInt(FineTypeForkBlock), block1Bytes, block2Bytes) if err != nil { return nil, err } data := append(method.Id(), res...) return data, nil } func PackResetDKG(newSignedCRS []byte) ([]byte, error) { method := GovernanceABI.Name2Method["resetDKG"] res, err := method.Inputs.Pack(newSignedCRS) if err != nil { return nil, err } data := append(method.Id(), res...) return data, nil }