diff options
authorMatthew Barnes <mbarnes@redhat.com>2011-08-19 22:52:38 +0800
committerRodrigo Moya <rodrigo@gnome-db.org>2011-09-14 20:08:52 +0800
commit2385f15eaecc9a855424dba3141533c2b242214e (patch)
parent0a2fca57fbbe99b918be95ab98ba457b4f9d435a (diff)
plugin-mono: Remove Camel.cs and Evolution.cs
These files are hopelessly out of date, and don't appear to be used for anything anyway. The only sustainable way to provide language bindings for Evolution is to generate them through gobject-introspection.
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 1368 deletions
diff --git a/modules/plugin-mono/Camel.cs b/modules/plugin-mono/Camel.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 21fbe468f4..0000000000
--- a/modules/plugin-mono/Camel.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1210 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.ComponentModel;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-namespace Camel {
- [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public struct CamelException {
- public int id;
- public string desc;
- }
- public class Arg {
- public enum Tag : uint {
- END = 0,
- IGNORE = 1,
- FIRST = 1024,
- TYPE = 0xf0000000, /* type field for tags */
- TAG = 0x0fffffff, /* tag field for args */
- OBJ = 0x00000000, /* object */
- INT = 0x10000000, /* int */
- DBL = 0x20000000, /* double */
- STR = 0x30000000, /* c string */
- PTR = 0x40000000, /* ptr */
- BOO = 0x50000000 /* bool */
- }
- }
- public class Exception : System.ApplicationException {
- public enum Type {
- NONE = 0,
- SYSTEM = 1
- }
- public Type id;
- public string desc;
- public Exception(CamelException ex) {
- id = (Type)ex.id;
- desc = ex.desc;
- }
- public Exception(Type _id, string _desc) {
- id = _id;
- desc = _desc;
- }
- }
- public class Util {
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern int camel_init(string certdir, bool nss);
- public static void Init(string certdir, bool nss) {
- if (camel_init(certdir, nss) != 0)
- throw new Exception(Exception.Type.SYSTEM, "Init failure");
- }
- public static string [] getUIDArray(IntPtr o) {
- GPtrArray pa = (GPtrArray)Marshal.PtrToStructure(o, typeof(GPtrArray));
- string [] uids = new string[pa.len];
- for (int i=0;i<pa.len;i++) {
- IntPtr x = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(pa.pdata, i * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)));
- uids[i] = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(x);
- }
- return uids;
- }
- public static IntPtr setUIDs(string [] uids) {
- }
- public struct UIDArray {
- public string [] uids;
- public int len;
- public UIDArray(string [] _uids) {
- uids = _uids;
- len = _uids.Length;
- }
- public UIDArray(IntPtr raw) {
- uids = new string[0];
- len = 0;
- Marshal.PtrToStructure(raw, this);
- }
- }
- }
- public class Object {
- // should be library scope
- public IntPtr cobject;
- private int finaliseID = -1;
- protected EventHandlerList events = new EventHandlerList();
- // reffing & wrapping stuff.
- struct CamelObject {
- public IntPtr klass;
- }
- struct CamelObjectClass {
- public IntPtr parent;
- int magic;
- IntPtr next;
- IntPtr prev;
- public string name;
- };
- private static Hashtable types = new Hashtable();
- private static Hashtable objects = new Hashtable();
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_object_ref(IntPtr raw);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_object_unref(IntPtr raw);
- public Object(IntPtr raw) {
- // ok this is a hack around c# crap to do with unargumented constructors.
- // we can bypass to a null raw so we can properly instantiate new types
- if (raw != (IntPtr)0) {
- cobject = raw;
- toCamel(this);
- }
- }
- public Object() {
- // this is invalid?
- }
- ~Object() {
- System.Console.WriteLine("object disposed " + cobject + " type " + this);
- // well we can never get a finalised event anyway ...
- if (finalise_id != -1)
- camel_object_remove_event(cobject, finalise_id);
- if (meta_changed_id != -1)
- camel_object_remove_event(cobject, meta_changed_id);
- objects.Remove(cobject);
- camel_object_remove_event(cobject, finaliseID);
- finaliseID = -1;
- camel_object_unref(cobject);
- cobject = (IntPtr)0;
- // FIXME: remove any event hooks too
- }
- static Object() {
- types.Add("CamelObject", typeof(Camel.Object));
- types.Add("CamelSession", typeof(Camel.Session));
- types.Add("CamelFolder", typeof(Camel.Folder));
- types.Add("CamelDataWrapper", typeof(Camel.DataWrapper));
- types.Add("CamelMedium", typeof(Camel.Medium));
- types.Add("CamelMimeMessage", typeof(Camel.MimeMessage));
- types.Add("CamelMimePart", typeof(Camel.MimePart));
- types.Add("CamelMultipart", typeof(Camel.Multipart));
- types.Add("CamelStore", typeof(Camel.Store));
- types.Add("CamelTransport", typeof(Camel.Transport));
- types.Add("CamelAddress", typeof(Camel.Address));
- types.Add("CamelInternetAddress", typeof(Camel.InternetAddress));
- types.Add("CamelStream", typeof(Camel.Stream));
- types.Add("CamelStreamMem", typeof(Camel.StreamMem));
- types.Add("CamelStreamFs", typeof(Camel.StreamFS));
- }
- public static void objectFinalised(IntPtr o, IntPtr info, IntPtr data) {
- System.Console.WriteLine("object finalised " + o);
- objects.Remove(o);
- }
- public static Object fromCamel(IntPtr raw) {
- CamelObject o;
- CamelObjectClass klass;
- WeakReference weak = (WeakReference)objects[raw];
- System.Console.WriteLine("object from camel " + raw);
- if (weak != null)
- return (Object)weak.Target;
- o = (CamelObject)Marshal.PtrToStructure(raw, typeof(CamelObject));
- if ((object)o == null)
- return null;
- klass = (CamelObjectClass)Marshal.PtrToStructure(o.klass, typeof(CamelObjectClass));
- while ((object)klass != null) {
- Console.WriteLine(" checking is " + klass.name);
- if (types.ContainsKey(klass.name)) {
- Console.WriteLine(" yep!");
- camel_object_ref(raw);
- return (Camel.Object)Activator.CreateInstance((Type)types[klass.name], new object [] { raw });
- }
- klass = (CamelObjectClass)Marshal.PtrToStructure(klass.parent, typeof(CamelObjectClass));
- }
- Console.WriteLine(" unknown type?");
- camel_object_unref(raw);
- return null;
- }
- /* this just registers an object created on the cil side */
- public static void toCamel(Object res) {
- System.Console.WriteLine("object to camel " + res.cobject);
- objects.Add(res.cobject, new WeakReference(res));
- res.finaliseID = camel_object_hook_event(res.cobject, "finalize", (CamelEventFunc)objectFinalised, (IntPtr)0);
- }
- // Camel event Wrapper and helpers
- public delegate void CamelEventFunc(IntPtr o, IntPtr info, IntPtr data);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] public static extern int camel_object_hook_event(IntPtr raw, string name, CamelEventFunc func, IntPtr data);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] public static extern void camel_object_remove_event(IntPtr raw, int id);
- protected void addEvent(String name, ref int hookid, CamelEventFunc hook, Delegate value) {
- if (hookid == -1)
- hookid = camel_object_hook_event(cobject, name, hook, (IntPtr)0);
- events.AddHandler(name, value);
- }
- protected void removeEvent(String name, ref int hookid, Delegate value) {
- events.RemoveHandler(name, value);
- if (events[name] == null) {
- camel_object_remove_event(cobject, hookid);
- hookid = -1;
- }
- }
- // object events
- public delegate void FinaliseEvent(Camel.Object o);
- public delegate void MetaChangedEvent(Camel.Object o, String name);
- // how to remove these, at dispose time?
- private int finalise_id = -1;
- private int meta_changed_id = -1;
- private static void finaliseHook(IntPtr co, IntPtr info, IntPtr data) {
- Object o = fromCamel(co);
- FinaliseEvent f;
- if (o != null
- && (f = (FinaliseEvent)o.events["finalize"]) != null)
- f(o);
- }
- private static void metaChangedHook(IntPtr co, IntPtr info, IntPtr data) {
- Object o = fromCamel(co);
- MetaChangedEvent f;
- if (o != null
- && (f = (MetaChangedEvent)o.events["finalize"]) != null)
- f(o, Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(info));
- }
- public event FinaliseEvent Finalise {
- add { addEvent("finalize", ref finalise_id, (CamelEventFunc)finaliseHook, value); }
- remove { removeEvent("finalize", ref finalise_id, value); }
- }
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_object_free(IntPtr raw, int tag, IntPtr val);
- }
- public class Provider {
- public enum Type {
- STORE = 0,
- }
- }
- public class Session : Object {
- public Session(IntPtr raw) : base(raw) { }
- [DllImport("camel-provider-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_session_get_service(IntPtr o, string uri, int type, ref CamelException ex);
- [DllImport("camel-provider-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_session_get_service_connected(IntPtr o, string uri, int type, ref CamelException ex);
- public Service getService(string uri, Provider.Type type) {
- IntPtr s;
- CamelException ex = new CamelException();
- s = camel_session_get_service(cobject, uri, (int)type, ref ex);
- if (ex.id != 0)
- throw new Camel.Exception(ex);
- return (Service)fromCamel(s);
- }
- }
- public class Service : Object {
- public Service(IntPtr raw) : base(raw) { }
- // wrap service shit
- }
- public class Store : Service {
- public Store(IntPtr raw) : base(raw) { }
- [DllImport("camel-provider-1.2")]
- static extern IntPtr camel_store_get_folder(IntPtr o, string name, int flags, ref CamelException ex);
- Folder getFolder(string name, int flags) {
- IntPtr s;
- CamelException ex = new CamelException();
- s = camel_store_get_folder(cobject, name, flags, ref ex);
- if (ex.id != 0)
- throw new Camel.Exception(ex);
- return (Folder)fromCamel(s);
- }
- void createFolder(string name) {
- }
- }
- public class Transport : Service {
- public Transport(IntPtr raw) : base(raw) { }
- // send to (message, from, reciepients);
- }
- public class Folder : Camel.Object {
- public Folder(IntPtr raw) : base(raw) { }
- ~Folder() {
- if (changed_id != -1)
- camel_object_remove_event(cobject, changed_id);
- }
- public enum Tag {
- NAME = (int) (0x1400 + Arg.Tag.STR),
- FULL_NAME = (int) (0x1401 + Arg.Tag.STR),
- STORE = (int) (0x1402 + Arg.Tag.OBJ),
- PERMANENTFLAGS = (int) (0x1403 + Arg.Tag.INT),
- TOTAL = (int) (0x1404 + Arg.Tag.INT),
- UNREAD = (int) (0x1405 + Arg.Tag.INT),
- DELETED = (int) (0x1406 + Arg.Tag.INT),
- JUNKED = (int) (0x1407 + Arg.Tag.INT),
- VISIBLE = (int) (0x1408 + Arg.Tag.INT),
- UID_ARRAY = (int) (0x1409 + Arg.Tag.PTR),
- INFO_ARRAY = (int) (0x140a + Arg.Tag.PTR), // GPtrArray
- PROPERTIES = (int) (0x140b + Arg.Tag.PTR), // GSList of properties
- }
- [DllImport("camel-provider-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_folder_get_message(IntPtr o, string uid, ref CamelException ex);
- [DllImport("camel-provider-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_folder_get_uids(IntPtr o);
- [DllImport("camel-provider-1.2")] static extern void camel_folder_free_uids(IntPtr o, IntPtr uids);
- [DllImport("camel-provider-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_folder_search_by_expression(IntPtr o, string expr, ref CamelException ex);
- [DllImport("camel-provider-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_folder_search_by_uids(IntPtr o, string expr, ref Util.UIDArray uids, ref CamelException ex);
- [DllImport("camel-provider-1.2")] static extern void camel_folder_search_free(IntPtr o, IntPtr uids);
- [DllImport("camel-provider-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_folder_get_message_info(IntPtr raw, String uid);
- public MimeMessage getMessage(string uid) {
- CamelException ex = new CamelException();
- IntPtr o = camel_folder_get_message(cobject, uid, ref ex);
- if (ex.id != 0)
- throw new Camel.Exception(ex);
- return (MimeMessage)fromCamel(o);
- }
- public MessageInfo getMessageInfo(string uid) {
- IntPtr o = camel_folder_get_message_info(cobject, uid);
- if (o == (IntPtr)0)
- return null;
- else
- return new MessageInfo(o);
- }
- public string [] getUIDs() {
- IntPtr o = camel_folder_get_uids(cobject);
- Util.UIDArray uids = new Util.UIDArray(o);
- camel_folder_free_uids(cobject, o);
- return uids.uids;
- }
- public string [] search(string expr) {
- CamelException ex = new CamelException();
- IntPtr o = camel_folder_search_by_expression(cobject, expr, ref ex);
- Util.UIDArray uids;
- if (ex.id != 0)
- throw new Camel.Exception(ex);
- uids = new Util.UIDArray(o);
- camel_folder_search_free(cobject, o);
- return uids.uids;
- }
- public string [] searchUIDs(string expr, string [] sub) {
- CamelException ex = new CamelException();
- Util.UIDArray uids = new Util.UIDArray(sub);
- IntPtr o = camel_folder_search_by_uids(cobject, expr, ref uids, ref ex);
- if (ex.id != 0)
- throw new Camel.Exception(ex);
- uids = new Util.UIDArray(o);
- camel_folder_search_free(cobject, o);
- return uids.uids;
- }
- public String name {
- get { return getString((int)Folder.Tag.NAME); }
- }
- public String fullName {
- get { return getString((int)Folder.Tag.FULL_NAME); }
- }
- public Camel.Store store {
- get { return (Camel.Store)getObject((int)Folder.Tag.STORE); }
- }
- // Folder events
- public delegate void ChangedEvent(Camel.Folder f);
- private int changed_id = -1;
- private static void changedHook(IntPtr co, IntPtr info, IntPtr data) {
- Camel.Folder o = (Camel.Folder)fromCamel(co);
- ChangedEvent f;
- Console.WriteLine("changed hook called for: " + o.cobject);
- if (o != null
- && (f = (ChangedEvent)o.events["folder_changed"]) != null)
- f(o);
- }
- public event ChangedEvent Changed {
- add { addEvent("folder_changed", ref changed_id, (CamelEventFunc)changedHook, value); }
- remove { removeEvent("folder_changed", ref changed_id, value); }
- }
- }
- public class DataWrapper : Camel.Object {
- public DataWrapper(IntPtr raw) : base(raw) { }
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern int camel_data_wrapper_write_to_stream(IntPtr o, IntPtr s);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern int camel_data_wrapper_decode_to_stream(IntPtr o, IntPtr s);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern int camel_data_wrapper_construct_from_stream(IntPtr o, IntPtr s);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_data_wrapper_get_mime_type_field(IntPtr o);
- public void writeToStream(Camel.Stream stream) {
- int res;
- res = camel_data_wrapper_write_to_stream(cobject, stream.cobject);
- if (res == -1)
- throw new Exception(Exception.Type.SYSTEM, "IO Error");
- }
- public void decodeToStream(Camel.Stream stream) {
- int res;
- res = camel_data_wrapper_decode_to_stream(cobject, stream.cobject);
- if (res == -1)
- throw new Exception(Exception.Type.SYSTEM, "IO Error");
- }
- public void constructFromStream(Camel.Stream stream) {
- int res;
- res = camel_data_wrapper_construct_from_stream(cobject, stream.cobject);
- if (res == -1)
- throw new Exception(Exception.Type.SYSTEM, "IO Error");
- }
- public ContentType mimeType { get { return new ContentType(camel_data_wrapper_get_mime_type_field(cobject)); } }
- }
- public class Medium : Camel.DataWrapper {
- public Medium(IntPtr raw) : base(raw) { }
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_medium_get_content_object(IntPtr o);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_medium_set_content_object(IntPtr o, IntPtr s);
- public DataWrapper content {
- get {
- IntPtr o = camel_medium_get_content_object(cobject);
- if (o != (IntPtr)0)
- return (DataWrapper)Object.fromCamel(o);
- else
- return null;
- }
- set {
- camel_medium_set_content_object(cobject, value.cobject);
- }
- }
- }
- public class Multipart : Camel.DataWrapper {
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_multipart_new();
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_multipart_add_part(IntPtr o, IntPtr p);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_multipart_remove_part(IntPtr o, IntPtr p);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_multipart_get_part(IntPtr o, int index);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern int camel_multipart_get_number(IntPtr o);
- public Multipart(IntPtr raw) : base(raw) { }
- public void addPart(MimePart part) {
- camel_multipart_add_part(cobject, part.cobject);
- }
- public void removePart(MimePart part) {
- camel_multipart_add_part(cobject, part.cobject);
- }
- public MimePart getPart(int index) {
- IntPtr o;
- o = camel_multipart_get_part(cobject, index);
- if (o != (IntPtr)0)
- return (MimePart)Object.fromCamel(o);
- else
- return null;
- }
- public int getNumber() {
- return camel_multipart_get_number(cobject);
- }
- // FIXME: finish
- }
- public class MimePart : Camel.Medium {
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_mime_part_new();
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_mime_part_get_description(IntPtr o);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_mime_part_set_description(IntPtr o, string s);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_mime_part_get_disposition(IntPtr o);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_mime_part_set_disposition(IntPtr o, string s);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_mime_part_get_filename(IntPtr o);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_mime_part_set_filename(IntPtr o, string s);
- public MimePart(IntPtr raw) : base(raw) { }
- public string description {
- get { return Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(camel_mime_part_get_description(cobject)); }
- set { camel_mime_part_set_description(cobject, value); }
- }
- public string disposition {
- get { return Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(camel_mime_part_get_disposition(cobject)); }
- set { camel_mime_part_set_disposition(cobject, value); }
- }
- public string filename {
- get { return Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(camel_mime_part_get_filename(cobject)); }
- set { camel_mime_part_set_filename(cobject, value); }
- }
- // FIXME: finish
- }
- public class MimeMessage : Camel.MimePart {
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_mime_message_new();
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_mime_message_get_subject(IntPtr o);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_mime_message_set_subject(IntPtr o, string s);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_mime_message_get_from(IntPtr o);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_mime_message_set_from(IntPtr o, IntPtr s);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_mime_message_get_recipients(IntPtr o, string type);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_mime_message_set_recipients(IntPtr o, string type, IntPtr s);
- public MimeMessage(IntPtr raw) : base(raw) { }
- /* We need to use factories to create new objects otherwise the parent will instantiate an instance
- of itself instead during the constructor setup */
- public MimeMessage() : base((IntPtr)0) {
- cobject = camel_mime_message_new();
- toCamel(this);
- }
- public string subject {
- get { return Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(camel_mime_message_get_subject(cobject)); }
- set { camel_mime_message_set_subject(cobject, value); }
- }
- public InternetAddress from {
- get { return new InternetAddress(camel_mime_message_get_from(cobject)); }
- set { camel_mime_message_set_from(cobject, value.cobject); }
- }
- public InternetAddress to {
- get { return new InternetAddress(camel_mime_message_get_recipients(cobject, "to")); }
- set { camel_mime_message_set_recipients(cobject, "to", value.cobject); }
- }
- public InternetAddress cc {
- get { return new InternetAddress(camel_mime_message_get_recipients(cobject, "cc")); }
- set { camel_mime_message_set_recipients(cobject, "cc", value.cobject); }
- }
- public InternetAddress bcc {
- get { return new InternetAddress(camel_mime_message_get_recipients(cobject, "bcc")); }
- set { camel_mime_message_set_recipients(cobject, "bcc", value.cobject); }
- }
- public InternetAddress resentTO {
- get { return new InternetAddress(camel_mime_message_get_recipients(cobject, "resent-to")); }
- set { camel_mime_message_set_recipients(cobject, "resent-to", value.cobject); }
- }
- public InternetAddress resentCC {
- get { return new InternetAddress(camel_mime_message_get_recipients(cobject, "resent-cc")); }
- set { camel_mime_message_set_recipients(cobject, "resent-cc", value.cobject); }
- }
- public InternetAddress resentBCC {
- get { return new InternetAddress(camel_mime_message_get_recipients(cobject, "resent-bcc")); }
- set { camel_mime_message_set_recipients(cobject, "resent-bcc", value.cobject); }
- }
- }
- // subclass real streams? or real stream interfaces?
- public class Stream : Camel.Object {
- public Stream(IntPtr raw) : base(raw) { }
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern int camel_stream_write(IntPtr o, byte [] data, int len);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern int camel_stream_read(IntPtr o, byte [] data, int len);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern int camel_stream_eos(IntPtr o);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern int camel_stream_close(IntPtr o);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern int camel_stream_flush(IntPtr o);
- public int write(byte [] data, int len) {
- int ret;
- ret = camel_stream_write(cobject, data, len);
- if (ret == -1)
- throw new Exception(Exception.Type.SYSTEM, "IO write Error");
- return ret;
- }
- public int write(string value) {
- int ret;
- byte [] data;
- System.Text.UTF8Encoding enc = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
- data = enc.GetBytes(value);
- ret = camel_stream_write(cobject, data, data.Length);
- if (ret == -1)
- throw new Exception(Exception.Type.SYSTEM, "IO write Error");
- return ret;
- }
- public int read(byte [] data, int len) {
- int ret;
- ret = camel_stream_read(cobject, data, len);
- if (ret == -1)
- throw new Exception(Exception.Type.SYSTEM, "IO read Error");
- return ret;
- }
- public void close() {
- if (camel_stream_close(cobject) == -1)
- throw new Exception(Exception.Type.SYSTEM, "IO close Error");
- }
- public void flush() {
- if (camel_stream_flush(cobject) == -1)
- throw new Exception(Exception.Type.SYSTEM, "IO close Error");
- }
- public bool eos() {
- return (camel_stream_eos(cobject) != 0);
- }
- }
- public class SeekableStream : Camel.Stream {
- public SeekableStream(IntPtr raw) : base(raw) { }
- }
- public class StreamFS : Camel.SeekableStream {
- public enum Flags {
- O_RDONLY = 00,
- O_WRONLY = 01,
- O_RDWR = 02,
- O_CREAT = 0100,
- O_EXCL = 0200,
- O_TRUNC = 01000,
- O_APPEND = 02000
- }
- public static int STDIN_FILENO = 0;
- public static int STDOUT_FILENO = 1;
- public static int STDERR_FILENO = 2;
- public StreamFS(IntPtr raw) : base(raw) { }
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_stream_fs_new_with_name(string name, int flags, int mode);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_stream_fs_new_with_fd(int fd);
- public StreamFS(string name, Flags flags, int mode) : base((IntPtr)0) {
- cobject = camel_stream_fs_new_with_name(name, (int)flags, mode);
- toCamel(this);
- }
- public StreamFS(int fd) : base((IntPtr)0) {
- cobject = camel_stream_fs_new_with_fd(fd);
- toCamel(this);
- }
- }
- // this should obviously be extracted at build time
- [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Explicit)]
- struct CamelStreamMem {
- [FieldOffset(44)] public IntPtr buffer;
- }
- struct GByteArray {
- public IntPtr data;
- public int len;
- }
- struct GPtrArray {
- public IntPtr pdata;
- public int len;
- }
- public class StreamMem : Camel.SeekableStream {
- public StreamMem(IntPtr raw) : base(raw) { }
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")]
- static extern IntPtr camel_stream_mem_new();
- /* stupid c# */
- public StreamMem() : base((IntPtr)0) {
- cobject = camel_stream_mem_new();
- toCamel(this);
- }
- // should probably have some sort of interface for incremental/range gets too
- public Byte[] getBuffer() {
- CamelStreamMem mem = (CamelStreamMem)Marshal.PtrToStructure(cobject, typeof(CamelStreamMem));
- GByteArray ba = (GByteArray)Marshal.PtrToStructure(mem.buffer, typeof(GByteArray));
- Byte[] res = new Byte[ba.len];
- Marshal.Copy(ba.data, res, 0, ba.len);
- return res;
- }
- }
- // should do iterators etc?
- public class Address : Camel.Object {
- public Address(IntPtr raw) : base (raw) { }
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_address_new();
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern int camel_address_length(IntPtr raw);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern int camel_address_decode(IntPtr raw, string addr);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern string camel_address_encode(IntPtr raw);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern int camel_address_unformat(IntPtr raw, string addr);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern string camel_address_format(IntPtr raw);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern int camel_address_cat(IntPtr raw, IntPtr src);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern int camel_address_copy(IntPtr raw, IntPtr src);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_address_remove(IntPtr raw, int index);
- public Address() : base((IntPtr)0) {
- cobject = camel_address_new();
- toCamel(this);
- }
- public int length() {
- return camel_address_length(cobject);
- }
- public void decode(string addr) {
- if (camel_address_decode(cobject, addr) == -1)
- throw new Exception(Exception.Type.SYSTEM, "Invalid address: " + addr);
- }
- public string encode() {
- return camel_address_encode(cobject);
- }
- public void unformat(string addr) {
- if (camel_address_unformat(cobject, addr) == -1)
- throw new Exception(Exception.Type.SYSTEM, "Invalid address: " + addr);
- }
- public string format() {
- return camel_address_format(cobject);
- }
- public void cat(Address from) {
- camel_address_cat(cobject, from.cobject);
- }
- public void copy(Address from) {
- camel_address_copy(cobject, from.cobject);
- }
- }
- public class InternetAddress : Camel.Address {
- public InternetAddress(IntPtr raw) : base (raw) { }
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_internet_address_new();
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern int camel_internet_address_add(IntPtr raw, string name, string addr);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern bool camel_internet_address_get(IntPtr raw, out string name, out string addr);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern int camel_internet_address_find_name(IntPtr raw, string name, out string addr);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern int camel_internet_address_find_address(IntPtr raw, string addr, out string name);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern string camel_internet_address_encode_address(out int len, string name, string addr);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern string camel_internet_address_format_address(string name, string addr);
- public InternetAddress() : base((IntPtr)0) {
- cobject = camel_internet_address_new();
- toCamel(this);
- }
- public void add(string name, string addr) {
- camel_internet_address_add(cobject, name, addr);
- }
- public bool get(out string name, out string addr) {
- name = null;
- addr = null;
- return camel_internet_address_get(cobject, out name, out addr);
- }
- // this is a weird arsed interface ...
- public int findName(string name, out string addr) {
- addr = null;
- // FIXME: addr is const, need to marshal to local
- return camel_internet_address_find_name(cobject, name, out addr);
- }
- public int findAddress(string addr, out string name) {
- name = null;
- return camel_internet_address_find_name(cobject, addr, out name);
- }
- public static string encode(string name, string addr) {
- int len = 0;
- // another weird-arsed interface
- return camel_internet_address_encode_address(out len, name, addr);
- }
- public static string format(string name, string addr) {
- return camel_internet_address_format_address(name, addr);
- }
- }
- public class ContentType {
- public IntPtr cobject;
- public ContentType(IntPtr raw) {
- cobject = raw;
- }
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern bool camel_content_type_is(IntPtr raw, string type, string subtype);
- ~ContentType() {
- }
- public bool isType(string type, string subtype) {
- return camel_content_type_is(cobject, type, subtype);
- }
- }
- public class MessageInfo {
- public IntPtr cobject;
- private Tags user_tags;
- private Flags user_flags;
- private enum Type {
- TO,
- CC,
- }
- public class Tags {
- private MessageInfo mi;
- [DllImport("camel-provider-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_message_info_user_tag(IntPtr mi, String name);
- [DllImport("camel-provider-1.2")] static extern bool camel_message_info_set_user_tag(IntPtr mi, String name, String value);
- public Tags(MessageInfo raw) {
- mi = raw;
- }
- public String this [String tag] {
- get {
- return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(camel_message_info_user_tag(mi.cobject, tag));
- }
- set {
- camel_message_info_set_user_tag(mi.cobject, tag, value);
- }
- }
- }
- public class Flags {
- private MessageInfo mi;
- [DllImport("camel-provider-1.2")] static extern bool camel_message_info_user_flag(IntPtr miptr, String name);
- [DllImport("camel-provider-1.2")] static extern bool camel_message_info_set_user_flag(IntPtr miptr, String name, bool value);
- // note raw is a pointer to a pointer of tags
- public Flags(MessageInfo raw) {
- mi = raw;
- }
- public bool this [String tag] {
- get {
- return camel_message_info_user_flag(mi.cobject, tag);
- }
- set {
- camel_message_info_set_user_flag(mi.cobject, tag, value);
- }
- }
- }
- // only used to calculate offsets
- private struct CamelMessageInfo {
- IntPtr summary;
- uint refcount;
- string uid;
- };
- public MessageInfo(IntPtr raw) {
- cobject = raw;
- }
- [DllImport("camel-provider-1.2")] static extern void camel_folder_free_message_info(IntPtr raw, IntPtr info);
- [DllImport("camel-provider-1.2")] static extern void camel_message_info_free(IntPtr info);
- ~MessageInfo() {
- camel_message_info_free(cobject);
- }
- [DllImport("camel-provider-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_message_info_ptr(IntPtr raw, int type);
- [DllImport("camel-provider-1.2")] static extern uint camel_message_info_uint32(IntPtr raw, int type);
- [DllImport("camel-provider-1.2")] static extern uint camel_message_info_time(IntPtr raw, int type);
- public String uid { get { return Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(cobject, (int)Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(CamelMessageInfo), "uid"))); } }
- public String subject { get { return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(camel_message_info_ptr(cobject, (int)Type.SUBJECT)); } }
- public String from { get { return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(camel_message_info_ptr(cobject, (int)Type.FROM)); } }
- public String to { get { return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(camel_message_info_ptr(cobject, (int)Type.TO)); } }
- public String cc { get { return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(camel_message_info_ptr(cobject, (int)Type.CC)); } }
- public String mlist { get { return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(camel_message_info_ptr(cobject, (int)Type.MLIST)); } }
- public uint flags { get { return camel_message_info_uint32(cobject, (int)Type.FLAGS); } }
- public uint size { get { return camel_message_info_uint32(cobject, (int)Type.SIZE); } }
- public Tags userTags {
- get {
- if (user_tags == null)
- user_tags = new Tags(this);
- return user_tags;
- }
- }
- public Flags userFlags {
- get {
- if (user_flags == null)
- user_flags = new Flags(this);
- return user_flags;
- }
- }
- }
- public class URL {
- public IntPtr cobject;
- internal Params param_list;
- // we never instantiate this, we just use it to describe the layout
- internal struct CamelURL {
- internal IntPtr protocol;
- internal IntPtr user;
- internal IntPtr authmech;
- internal IntPtr passwd;
- internal IntPtr host;
- internal int port;
- internal IntPtr path;
- internal IntPtr pparams;
- internal IntPtr query;
- internal IntPtr fragment;
- };
- public class Params {
- private URL parent;
- internal Params(URL _parent) {
- parent = _parent;
- }
- public string this[string name] {
- set { camel_url_set_param(parent.cobject, name, value); }
- get { return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(camel_url_get_param(parent.cobject, name)); }
- }
- }
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_url_new_with_base(IntPtr bbase, string url);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_url_new(string url, ref CamelException ex);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern string camel_url_to_string(IntPtr url, int flags);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_url_free(IntPtr url);
- // this is a shit to wrap, needs accessors or other pain
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_url_set_protocol(IntPtr url, string s);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_url_set_user(IntPtr url, string s);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_url_set_authmech(IntPtr url, string s);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_url_set_passwd(IntPtr url, string s);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_url_set_host(IntPtr url, string s);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_url_set_port(IntPtr url, int p);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_url_set_path(IntPtr url, string s);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_url_set_param(IntPtr url, string s, string v);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_url_set_query(IntPtr url, string s);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern void camel_url_set_fragment(IntPtr url, string s);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_url_get_param(IntPtr url, string s);
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern string camel_url_encode(string url, string escape);
- // ugh we can't do this, it writes to its result??
- // -> use StringBuilder
- [DllImport("camel-1.2")] static extern IntPtr camel_url_decode(ref string url);
- public URL(string uri) {
- CamelException ex = new CamelException();
- cobject = camel_url_new(uri, ref ex);
- if (ex.id != 0)
- throw new Exception(ex);
- }
- public URL(URL bbase, string uri) {
- cobject = camel_url_new_with_base(bbase.cobject, uri);
- }
- ~URL() {
- camel_url_free(cobject);
- }
- /* its ugly but it works */
- private string field(string name) {
- return Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(cobject, (int)Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(CamelURL), name)));
- }
- public string protocol {
- set { camel_url_set_protocol(cobject, value); }
- get { return field("protocol"); }
- }
- public string user {
- set { camel_url_set_user(cobject, value); }
- get { return field("user"); }
- }
- public string authmech {
- set { camel_url_set_authmech(cobject, value); }
- get { return field("authmech"); }
- }
- public string passwd {
- set { camel_url_set_passwd(cobject, value); }
- get { return field("passwd"); }
- }
- public string host {
- set { camel_url_set_host(cobject, value); }
- get { return field("host"); }
- }
- public int port {
- set { camel_url_set_port(cobject, value); }
- get { return (int)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(cobject, (int)Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(CamelURL), "port")); }
- }
- public string path {
- set { camel_url_set_path(cobject, value); }
- get { return field("path"); }
- }
- public string query {
- set { camel_url_set_query(cobject, value); }
- get { return field("query"); }
- }
- public string fragment {
- set { camel_url_set_fragment(cobject, value); }
- get { return field("fragment"); }
- }
- public Params paramlist {
- get {
- if (param_list == null)
- param_list = new Params(this);
- return param_list;
- }
- }
- public override string ToString() {
- return camel_url_to_string(cobject, 0);
- }
- public static string encode(string val) {
- return camel_url_encode(val, null);
- }
- public static string encode(string val, string escape) {
- return camel_url_encode(val, escape);
- }
- }
-namespace Camel.Hash {
- public class Stream : System.IO.Stream {
- protected Camel.Stream substream;
- public Stream(Camel.Stream sub) {
- substream = sub;
- }
- public override bool CanSeek { get { return false; } }
- public override bool CanRead { get { return true; } }
- public override bool CanWrite { get { return true; } }
- public override long Length {
- get {
- throw new System.IO.IOException("Cannot get stream length");
- }
- }
- public override long Position {
- get {
- throw new System.IO.IOException("Cannot get stream position");
- }
- set {
- if (value == 0) {
- substream.reset();
- } else {
- throw new System.IO.IOException("Cannot set stream position");
- }
- }
- }
- public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) {
- // FIXME: how to add the offset to the buffer?
- return substream.read(buffer, count);
- }
- public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) {
- // FIXME: how to add the offset to the buffer?
- substream.write(buffer, count);
- }
- public override void Flush() {
- substream.flush();
- }
- public override long Seek(long offset, System.IO.SeekOrigin seek) {
- throw new System.IO.IOException("Seeking not supported");
- }
- public override void SetLength(long len) {
- throw new System.IO.IOException("Cannot set stream length");
- }
- }
-namespace Evolution.Mail {
- class Component : GLib.Object {
- public Component(IntPtr raw) : base(raw) {}
- public Component() : base() {}
- ~Component() {
- Dispose();
- }
- [DllImport("libevolution-mail.so")] static extern IntPtr mail_component_peek();
- [DllImport("libevolution-mail.so")] static extern IntPtr mail_component_peek_base_directory(IntPtr component);
- [DllImport("libevolution-mail.so")] static extern IntPtr mail_component_peek();
- public static Component peek() {
- return new Component(mail_component_peek());
- }
- public String baseDirectory {
- get {}
- }
diff --git a/modules/plugin-mono/Evolution.cs b/modules/plugin-mono/Evolution.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0db54405b3..0000000000
--- a/modules/plugin-mono/Evolution.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Reflection;
-using Camel;
-namespace Evolution {
- [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public class PopupTarget {
- public IntPtr popup;
- public IntPtr widget;
- public int type;
- public int mask;
- };
- [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public class MenuTarget {
- public IntPtr menu;
- public IntPtr widget;
- public int type;
- public int mask;
- };
- [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public class EventTarget {
- public IntPtr aevent;
- public int type;
- public int mask;
- };
-namespace Evolution {
- public class Error {
- // can we marshal varags from c#?
- [DllImport("eutil")] static extern int e_error_run(IntPtr parent, string tag, IntPtr end);
- [DllImport("eutil")] static extern int e_error_run(IntPtr parent, string tag, string arg0, IntPtr end);
- [DllImport("eutil")] static extern int e_error_run(IntPtr parent, string tag, string arg0, string arg1, IntPtr end);
- [DllImport("eutil")] static extern int e_error_run(IntPtr parent, string tag, string arg0, string arg1, string arg2, IntPtr end);
- public static int run(IntPtr parent, string tag) {
- return e_error_run(parent, tag, (IntPtr)0);
- }
- public static int run(IntPtr parent, string tag, string arg0) {
- return e_error_run(parent, tag, arg0, (IntPtr)0);
- }
- public static int run(IntPtr parent, string tag, string arg0, string arg1) {
- return e_error_run(parent, tag, arg0, arg1, (IntPtr)0);
- }
- public static int run(IntPtr parent, string tag, string arg0, string arg1, string arg2) {
- return e_error_run(parent, tag, arg0, arg1, arg2, (IntPtr)0);
- }
- }
-namespace Evolution.Mail {
- /* ********************************************************************** */
- [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public class PopupTargetSelect : PopupTarget {
- public IntPtr _folder;
- public string uri;
- public IntPtr _uids;
- public static PopupTargetSelect get(IntPtr o) {
- return (PopupTargetSelect)Marshal.PtrToStructure(o, typeof(PopupTargetSelect));
- }
- public Camel.Folder folder {
- get { return (Camel.Folder)Camel.Object.fromCamel(_folder); }
- }
- public string [] uids {
- get { return Camel.Util.getUIDArray(_uids); }
- }
- }
- [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public class PopupTargetURI : Evolution.PopupTarget {
- public string uri;
- public static PopupTargetURI get(IntPtr o) {
- return (PopupTargetURI)Marshal.PtrToStructure(o, typeof(PopupTargetURI));
- }
- }
- [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public class PopupTargetPart : PopupTarget {
- public string mimeType;
- public IntPtr _part;
- public static PopupTargetPart get(IntPtr o) {
- return (PopupTargetPart)Marshal.PtrToStructure(o, typeof(PopupTargetPart));
- }
- public Camel.Object part {
- get { return (Camel.Object)Camel.Object.fromCamel(_part); }
- }
- }
- [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public struct PopupTargetFolder {
- public Evolution.PopupTarget target;
- public string uri;
- public static PopupTargetFolder get(IntPtr o) {
- return (PopupTargetFolder)Marshal.PtrToStructure(o, typeof(PopupTargetFolder));
- }
- }
- /* ********************************************************************** */
- [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public class MenuTargetSelect : MenuTarget {
- public IntPtr _folder;
- public string uri;
- public IntPtr _uids;
- public static MenuTargetSelect get(IntPtr o) {
- return (MenuTargetSelect)Marshal.PtrToStructure(o, typeof(MenuTargetSelect));
- }
- public Camel.Folder folder {
- get { return (Camel.Folder)Camel.Object.fromCamel(_folder); }
- }
- public string [] uids {
- get { return Camel.Util.getUIDArray(_uids); }
- }
- }
- /* ********************************************************************** */
- [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public class EventTargetFolder : EventTarget {
- public string uri;
- public static EventTargetFolder get(IntPtr o) {
- return (EventTargetFolder)Marshal.PtrToStructure(o, typeof(EventTargetFolder));
- }
- }
- [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public class EventTargetMessage : EventTarget {
- public IntPtr _folder;
- public string uid;
- public IntPtr _message;
- public static EventTargetMessage get(IntPtr o) {
- return (EventTargetMessage)Marshal.PtrToStructure(o, typeof(EventTargetMessage));
- }
- public Camel.Folder folder {
- get { return (Camel.Folder)Camel.Object.fromCamel(_folder); }
- }
- public Camel.MimeMessage message {
- get { return (Camel.MimeMessage)Camel.Object.fromCamel(_message); }
- }
- }