diff options
authorChyla Zbigniew <chyla@src.gnome.org>2000-06-11 02:40:49 +0800
committerChyla Zbigniew <chyla@src.gnome.org>2000-06-11 02:40:49 +0800
commit19b070944d12e41e9788eb4b665ae62c96ce6718 (patch)
parentbbb6a6942fdfbb2684c37ee6aa55f8c6e5b5a9f2 (diff)
Added Polish translation
svn path=/trunk/; revision=3505
2 files changed, 650 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/po/ChangeLog b/po/ChangeLog
index ec23872403..f0504a5f15 100644
--- a/po/ChangeLog
+++ b/po/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2000-06-10 Zbigniew Chyla <chyla@buy.pl>
+ * pl.po: Added Polish translation.
2000-06-10 Valek Filippov <frob@df.ru>
* ru.po: Updated russian translation.
diff --git a/po/pl.po b/po/pl.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d20073fcdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/pl.po
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+# Polish translation of evolution
+# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# GNOME PL Team <gnomepl@pandora.info.bielsko.pl>, 2000.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: evolution\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2000-05-10 22:19-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-05-13 03:41+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: GNOME PL Team <gnomepl@pandora.info.bielsko.pl>\n"
+"Language-Team: Polish <pl@li.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-address-dialog.c:183 composer/e-msg-composer.c:462
+msgid "Cut"
+msgstr "Wytnij"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-address-dialog.c:184
+msgid "Cut selected item into clipboard"
+msgstr "Wycina wybrany element do schowka"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-address-dialog.c:187 composer/e-msg-composer.c:463
+msgid "Copy"
+msgstr "Kopiuj"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-address-dialog.c:188
+msgid "Copy selected item into clipboard"
+msgstr "Kopiuje wybrany element do schowka"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-address-dialog.c:191
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-address-dialog.c:199 composer/e-msg-composer.c:464
+msgid "Paste"
+msgstr "Wklej"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-address-dialog.c:192
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-address-dialog.c:200
+msgid "Paste item from clipboard"
+msgstr "Wstawia zawarto�� schowka"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-address-dialog.c:528
+msgid "Select recipients' addresses"
+msgstr "Wybierz adresy odbiorc�w"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-attachment-bar.c:76
+msgid "1 byte"
+msgstr "1 bajt"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-attachment-bar.c:78
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u bytes"
+msgstr "%u bajt�w"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-attachment-bar.c:85
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1fK"
+msgstr "%.1fk"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-attachment-bar.c:89
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1fM"
+msgstr "%.1fM"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-attachment-bar.c:93
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1fG"
+msgstr "%.1fG"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-attachment-bar.c:307
+msgid "Add attachment"
+msgstr "Dodaj za��cznik"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-attachment-bar.c:364
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Usu�"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-attachment-bar.c:365
+msgid "Remove selected items from the attachment list"
+msgstr "Usuwa wybrane elementy z listy za��cznik�w"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-attachment-bar.c:396
+msgid "Add attachment..."
+msgstr "Dodaj za��cznik..."
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-attachment-bar.c:397
+msgid "Attach a file to the message"
+msgstr "Za��cza plik do wiadomo�ci"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-attachment.c:259
+msgid "Select attachment"
+msgstr "Wybierz za��cznik"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-hdrs.c:89
+msgid "Click here for the address book"
+msgstr "Kliknij tu aby zobaczy� ksi��k� adresow�"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-hdrs.c:124
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Dla:"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-hdrs.c:125
+msgid "Enter the recipients of the message"
+msgstr "Podaj adres odbiorcy"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-hdrs.c:129
+msgid "Cc:"
+msgstr "Cc:"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-hdrs.c:130
+msgid "Enter the addresses that will receive a carbon copy of the message"
+msgstr "Podaj adresy, pod kt�re zostanie przes�ana kopia wiadomo�ci"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-hdrs.c:135
+msgid "Bcc:"
+msgstr "Bcc:"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-hdrs.c:136
+msgid ""
+"Enter the addresses that will receive a carbon copy of the message without "
+"appearing in the recipient list of the message."
+msgstr ""
+"Podaj adresy, pod kt�re zostanie przes�ana kopia wiadomo�ci bez "
+"listy odbiorc�w."
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-hdrs.c:142
+msgid "Subject:"
+msgstr "Temat:"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer-hdrs.c:143
+msgid "Enter the subject of the mail"
+msgstr "Podaj temat wiadomo�ci"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer.c:420
+msgid "Save in _folder..."
+msgstr "Zapisz w _katalogu..."
+#: composer/e-msg-composer.c:420
+msgid "Save the message in a specified folder"
+msgstr "Zapisuje wiadomo�� w podanym katalogu"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer.c:423 composer/e-msg-composer.c:460
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:138
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Wy�lij"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer.c:423
+msgid "Send the message"
+msgstr "Wysy�a wiadomo��"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer.c:431
+msgid "View _attachments"
+msgstr "Wy�wietl _za��czniki"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer.c:431
+msgid "View/hide attachments"
+msgstr "Wy�wietla/ukrywa za��czniki"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer.c:460
+msgid "Send this message"
+msgstr "Wy�lij t� wiadomo��"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer.c:462
+msgid "Cut selected region into the clipboard"
+msgstr "Wytnij zaznaczony obszar do schowka"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer.c:463
+msgid "Copy selected region into the clipboard"
+msgstr "Kopiuj zaznaczony obszar do schowka"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer.c:464
+msgid "Paste selected region into the clipboard"
+msgstr "Wklej zaznaczony obszar do schowka"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer.c:465
+msgid "Undo"
+msgstr "Cofnij"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer.c:465
+msgid "Undo last operation"
+msgstr "Cofa ostatni� operacj�"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer.c:467
+msgid "Attach"
+msgstr "Za��cz"
+#: composer/e-msg-composer.c:467
+msgid "Attach a file"
+msgstr "Za��cza plik"
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:85
+msgid ""
+"Hi. Thanks for taking the time to download this preview release of\n"
+"the Evolution groupware suite.\n"
+"The Evolution team has worked hard to make Evolution as robust,\n"
+"extensible, pretty, fast and well-suited to heavy internet users as\n"
+"possible. And we're very tired. But we're not done -- not yet.\n"
+"As you explore Evolution, please understand that most of our work has\n"
+"been focused on the backend engine which drives the entire system and\n"
+"not on the user interface. We are just cresting the hill now, though,\n"
+"and will be pouring most of our love and attention into the UI from\n"
+"here out. But at least you know that you're not using demoware.\n"
+"So, time for the nerdy disclaimer. Evolution will: crash, lose your\n"
+"mail, leave stray processes running, consume 100% CPU, race, lock,\n"
+"send HTML mail to random mailing lists, and embarass you in front of\n"
+"your friends and co-workers. Use at your own risk.\n"
+"We hope that you enjoy the results of our hard work, and we eagerly\n"
+"await your contributions!\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Cze��. Dzi�ki za poswi�cenie chwili na �ci�gni�cie tej wersji\n"
+"wst�pnej pakietu do komunikacji grupowej Evolution.\n"
+"Zesp� Evolution ci�ko pracowa� nad stworzeniem tego programu\n"
+"tak rozszerzalnym, �adnym, szybkim i dopasowanym do potrzeb\n"
+"zagorza�ych uzytkownik�w Internetu, jak to tylko mo�liwe. Jeste�my\n"
+"bardzo zm�czeni. Ale to jeszcze nie koniec -- jeszcze nie."
+"Podczas odkrywania Evolution nale�y pami�ta�, �e wi�kszo�� naszej pracy\n"
+"zosta�a po�wi�cona silnikowi nap�dzaj�cemu system, a nie interfejsowi\n"
+"u�ytkownika. W ka�dym razie od tej pory b�dziemy wk�ada� wi�kszo��\n"
+"naszej mi�o�ci i troski w�a�nie w interfejs. Ale przynajmniej wiadomo,\n"
+"�e to nie jest demo."
+"Pora na umycie r�czek. Evolution b�dzie: przewraca� si�, gubi� przesy�ki,\n"
+"mno�y� procesy, zjada� 100 mocy procesora, zawiesza� si�, wysy�a�\n"
+"przesy�ki w HTML-u na losowe listy dyskusyjne i zawstydza� Ci�\n"
+"przed Twoimi przyjaci�mi i wsp�pracownikami. U�ywaj na w�asn�\n"
+"Mamy nadzieje, �e spodoba Ci si� efekt naszej ci�kiej pracy\n"
+"i niecierpliwie oczekujemy Twojej pomocy!\n"
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:113
+msgid ""
+"The Evolution Team\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Zesp� Evolution\n"
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:137
+msgid "Get mail"
+msgstr "Pobierz poczt�"
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:137
+msgid "Check for new mail"
+msgstr "Sprawd� poczt�"
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:138
+msgid "Send a new message"
+msgstr "Wy�lij wiadomo��"
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:139
+msgid "Find"
+msgstr "Znajd�"
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:139
+msgid "Find messages"
+msgstr "Znajduje wiadomo�ci"
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:143
+msgid "Reply"
+msgstr "Odpowiedz"
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:143
+msgid "Reply to the sender of this message"
+msgstr "Odpowiedz nadawcy tej wiadomo�ci"
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:144
+msgid "Reply to All"
+msgstr "Odpowiedz wszystkim"
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:144
+msgid "Reply to all recipients of this message"
+msgstr "Odpowiedz dla wszystkich odbiorc�w tej wiadomo�ci"
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:146
+msgid "Forward"
+msgstr "Prze�lij"
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:146
+msgid "Forward this message"
+msgstr "Przesy�a te wiadomo��"
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:150
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr "Drukuj"
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:150
+msgid "Print the selected message"
+msgstr "Drukuje wybran� wiadomo��"
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:152
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Usu�"
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:152
+msgid "Delete this message"
+msgstr "Usuwa t� wiadomo��"
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:169
+msgid "_Expunge"
+msgstr ""
+#: mail/folder-browser-factory.c:292
+msgid "We are sorry, Evolution's Folder Browser can not be initialized."
+msgstr "Przepraszamy, przegl�darka katalog�w nie mo�e zosta� uruchomiona."
+#: mail/folder-browser.c:207
+msgid "The URI that the Folder Browser will display"
+msgstr "URI kt�re ma wy�wietli� przegl�darka katalog�w"
+#: mail/folder-browser.c:210
+msgid "Whether a message preview should be shown"
+msgstr "Czy wyswietla� podgl�d wiadomo�ci"
+#: mail/main.c:54
+msgid "Mail Component: I could not initialize Bonobo"
+msgstr "Obs�uga poczty: nie powiod�o si� uruchomienie Bonobo"
+#: mail/message-list.c:421
+msgid "Priority"
+msgstr "Priorytet"
+#: mail/message-list.c:435
+msgid "From"
+msgstr "Od"
+#: mail/message-list.c:442
+msgid "Subject"
+msgstr "Temat"
+#: mail/message-list.c:449
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "Wys�ane"
+#: mail/message-list.c:456
+msgid "Receive"
+msgstr "Otrzymane"
+#: mail/message-list.c:463
+msgid "To"
+msgstr "Dla"
+#: mail/message-list.c:470
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Rozmiar"
+#. you might have to call gnome_dialog_run() on the
+#. * dialog returned here, I don't remember...
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:62
+msgid "Bug buddy was not found in your $PATH."
+msgstr "Bug buddy nie znajduje si� w �cie�ce."
+#. same as above
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:68
+msgid "Bug buddy could not be run."
+msgstr "Nie mo�na uruchomi� Bug buddy."
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:110
+msgid "Evolution"
+msgstr "Evolution"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:112
+msgid "Copyright 1999, 2000 Helix Code, Inc."
+msgstr "Copyright 1999, 2000 Helix Code, Inc."
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:114
+msgid ""
+"Evolution is a suite of groupware applications\n"
+"for mail, calendaring, and contact management\n"
+"within the GNOME desktop environment."
+msgstr ""
+"Evolution to pakiet aplikacji do komunikacji\n"
+"grupowej przez poczt� elektroniczn�, wsp�lny\n"
+"kalendarz i zarz�dzanie kontaktami w �rodowisku\n"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:163 shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:229
+msgid "_Folder"
+msgstr "_Katalog"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:167
+msgid "Evolution _Bar Shortcut"
+msgstr "Pasek _skr�t�w Evolution"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:173
+msgid "_Mail message"
+msgstr "_Wiadomo�� pocztowa"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:174 shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:177
+msgid "Composes a new mail message"
+msgstr "Tworzy now� wiadomo��"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:176
+msgid "_Appointment"
+msgstr "_Spotkanie"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:179
+msgid "Meeting Re_quest"
+msgstr "��danie spotkania"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:182
+msgid "_Contact"
+msgstr "_Kontakt"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:185
+msgid "_Task"
+msgstr "_Zadanie"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:188
+msgid "Task _Request"
+msgstr "��danie zadania"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:191
+msgid "_Journal Entry"
+msgstr "Wpis _dziennika"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:194
+msgid "_Note"
+msgstr "_Notatka"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:204
+msgid "_Selected Items"
+msgstr "_Wybrane elementy"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:212
+msgid "_New Folder"
+msgstr "_Nowy katalog"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:220
+msgid "_New"
+msgstr "_Nowe"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:221
+msgid "_Open"
+msgstr "_Otw�rz"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:222
+msgid "Clos_e All Items"
+msgstr "Z_amknij wszystko"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:222
+msgid "Closes all the open items"
+msgstr "Zamyka wszystkie otwarte elementy"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:243
+msgid "_Toggle Shortcut Bar"
+msgstr "Prze��cz pasek skr�t�w"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:244
+msgid "Toggles the shortcut bar"
+msgstr "Wy�wietla/ukrywa pasek skr�t�w"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:246
+msgid "_Toggle Treeview"
+msgstr "Prze��cz widok drzewa"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:247
+msgid "Toggles the tree view"
+msgstr "Wy�wietla/ukrywa widok drzewa"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:262
+msgid "_Submit bug"
+msgstr "Wy�lij raport o b��dzie"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:263
+msgid "Submit bug-report via bug-buddy"
+msgstr "Wysy�a raport o b��dzie przez Bug buddy"
+#. FIXME: add Favorites here
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:278
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Narz�dzia"
+#: shell/e-shell-view-menu.c:279
+msgid "_Actions"
+msgstr "_Czynno�ci"
+#: shell/e-shell.c:82
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cannot set up local storage -- %s"
+msgstr "Nie mo�na ustawi� lokalnego pojemnika -- %s"
+#: shell/main.c:111
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cannot initialize the Bonobo component system."
+msgstr "Nieudana pr�ba uruchomienia systemu komponent�w Bonobo"
+#: shell/main.c:126
+msgid "Cannot initialize the Evolution shell."
+msgstr "Nie mo�na uruchomi� pow�oki Evlution."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This is a development version of Evolution.\n"
+#~ "Using the mail component on your mail files\n"
+#~ "is extremely hazardous.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Do not run this program on your real mail\n"
+#~ " and do not give it access to your real mail server.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "You have been warned\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bie��ca wersja Evolution jest rozwojowa.\n"
+#~ "U�ywanie obs�ugi poczty na twoich plikach jest\n"
+#~ "wysoce ryzykowne.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Nie u�ywaj tego programu do prawdziwej poczty\n"
+#~ " i nie dawaj dostepu do serwera poczty.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Zosta�e� ostrze�ony\n"
+#~ msgid "_Mail"
+#~ msgstr "_Poczta"
+#~ msgid "A folder containing mail items"
+#~ msgstr "Katalog zawieraj�cy przesy�ki pocztowe"
+#~ msgid "A folder containing contacts"
+#~ msgstr "Katalog zawieraj�cy kontakty"
+#~ msgid "A folder containing calendar entries"
+#~ msgstr "Katalog zawierajacy wpisy do kalendarza"
+#~ msgid "A folder containing tasks"
+#~ msgstr "Katalog zawieraj�cy zadania"
+#~ msgid "Evolution can not create its local folders"
+#~ msgstr "Evolution nie mo�e utworzy� swoich lokalnych katalog�w"
+#~ msgid "A service containing mail items"
+#~ msgstr "Us�uga zawieraj�ca przesy�ki pocztowe"
+#~ msgid "A service containing contacts"
+#~ msgstr "Us�uga zawieraj�ca kontakty"
+#~ msgid "A service containing calendar entries"
+#~ msgstr "Us�uga zawieraj�ca wpisy do kalendarza"
+#~ msgid "A service containing tasks"
+#~ msgstr "Us�uga zawierajaca zadania"
+#~ msgid "Large Icons"
+#~ msgstr "Du�e ikony"
+#~ msgid "Small Icons"
+#~ msgstr "Ma�e ikony"
+#~ msgid "Add New Group"
+#~ msgstr "Dodaj now� grup�"
+#~ msgid "Remove Group"
+#~ msgstr "Usu� grup�"
+#~ msgid "Rename Group"
+#~ msgstr "Zmie� nazw� grupy"
+#~ msgid "Add Shortcut"
+#~ msgstr "Dodaj skr�t"
+#~ msgid "Open Folder"
+#~ msgstr "Otw�rz katalog"
+#~ msgid "Open in New Window"
+#~ msgstr "Otw�rz w nowym oknie"
+#~ msgid "Advanced Find"
+#~ msgstr "Zaawansowane wyszukiwanie"
+#~ msgid "Remove From Shortcut Bar"
+#~ msgstr "Usu� z paska skr�t�w"
+#~ msgid "Rename Shortcut"
+#~ msgstr "Zmie� nazw� skr�tu"
+#~ msgid "Properties"
+#~ msgstr "W�a�ciwo�ci"
+#~ msgid "Today"
+#~ msgstr "Dzi�"
+#~ msgid "Executive Summary"
+#~ msgstr "Podsumowanie"
+#~ msgid "Inbox"
+#~ msgstr "Skrzynka odbiorcza"
+#~ msgid "New mail messages"
+#~ msgstr "Nowe wiadomo�ci"
+#~ msgid "Sent messages"
+#~ msgstr "Wiadomo�ci wys�ane"
+#~ msgid "Sent mail messages"
+#~ msgstr "Wys�ane wiadomo�ci pocztowe"
+#~ msgid "Drafts"
+#~ msgstr "Kopie robocze"
+#~ msgid "Draft mail messages"
+#~ msgstr "Wiadomo�ci w fazie roboczej"
+#~ msgid "Calendar"
+#~ msgstr "Kalendarz"
+#~ msgid "Your calendar"
+#~ msgstr "Tw�j kalendarz"
+#~ msgid "Contacts"
+#~ msgstr "Kontakty"
+#~ msgid "Your contacts list"
+#~ msgstr "Twoja lista kontakt�w"
+#~ msgid "Tasks"
+#~ msgstr "Zadania"
+#~ msgid "Tasks list"
+#~ msgstr "Lista zada�"
+#~ msgid "Main Shortcuts"
+#~ msgstr "G��wne skr�ty"
+#~ msgid "Other Shortcuts"
+#~ msgstr "Inne skr�ty"
+#~ msgid "New group"
+#~ msgstr "Nowa grupa"
+#~ msgid "Enables some debugging functions"
+#~ msgstr "W��cz funkcje odpluskwiania"
+#~ msgid "LEVEL"
+#~ msgstr "POZIOM"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "It was not possible to setup the Evolution startup files. Please\n"
+#~ "fix the problem, and restart Evolution"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nie by�o mo�liwe ustawienie plik�w startowych Evolution. Prosz�\n"
+#~ "usun�� problem i ponownie uruchomi� Evolution"