path: root/libical/doc
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authorEric Busboom <ericb@src.gnome.org>2000-05-15 14:18:21 +0800
committerEric Busboom <ericb@src.gnome.org>2000-05-15 14:18:21 +0800
commitd6b0035a325d060d7f175705c33b0a2d7b60e533 (patch)
tree2ee94e89f94b416cc04a3e8860b1205377397fde /libical/doc
parentf8ff932ae3149c285acea3977a50596749d38584 (diff)
reparing damage from removing files
svn path=/trunk/; revision=3042
Diffstat (limited to 'libical/doc')
6 files changed, 4187 insertions, 0 deletions
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+EXTRA_DIST = UsingLibical.lyx UsingLibical.ps
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+#This file was created by <eric> Sat Feb 19 10:33:21 2000
+#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
+\lyxformat 2.15
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+\layout Title
+Using Libical
+\layout Author
+Eric Busboom (eric@softwarestudio.org)
+\layout Date
+January 2000
+\layout Section
+\layout Standard
+Libical is an Open Source implementation of the iCalendar protocols and
+ protocol data units.
+ The iCalendar specification describes how calendar clients can communicate
+ with calendar servers for users can store their calendar data and arrange
+ meetings with other users.
+\layout Standard
+Libical implements the following specifications and protocols
+\layout Standard
+\added_space_top 0.3cm \added_space_bottom 0.3cm \LyXTable
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+0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
+0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
+0 8 1 0 0 0 0 "" ""
+iCal Core
+\layout Standard
+(The current version, 0.15, does not implement iRip or CAP.
+ )
+\layout Standard
+This documentation assumes that you are familiar with the iCalendar standards
+ RFC2445 and RFC2446.
+ these specifications are online on the CALSCH webpage at:
+\layout Verbatim
+\layout Subsection
+The libical project
+\layout Standard
+This code is under active development.
+ If you would like to contribute to the project, you can contact me, Eric
+ Busboom, at eric@softwarestudio.org.
+ The project has a webpage at
+\layout Verbatim
+\layout Standard
+and a mailing list that you can join by sending the following mail:
+\layout Verbatim
+To: minimalist@softwarestudio.org
+\layout Verbatim
+Subject: subscribe libical
+\layout Subsection
+\layout Standard
+The code and datafiles in this distribution are licensed under the Mozilla
+ Public License.
+ See http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/MPL-1.0.html for a copy of the license.
+ Alternately, you may use libical under the terms of the GNU Library General
+ Public License.
+ See http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/lesser.html for a copy of the LGPL.
+\layout Standard
+This dual license ensures that the library can be incorporated into both
+ proprietary code and GPL'd programs, and will benefit from improvements
+ made by programmers in both realms.
+ I will only accept changes into my version of the library if they are similarly
+ dual-licensed.
+\layout Subsection
+Purpose & Goals
+\layout Subsection
+Document version
+\layout Verbatim
+$Id: UsingLibical.lyx,v 1.4 2000/05/15 06:18:16 ericb Exp $
+\layout Section
+Building the Library
+\layout Standard
+Libical uses autoconf to generate makefiles, although it uses none of the
+ autoconf flags to influence the compilation.
+ It should built with no adjustments on Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris.
+\layout Section
+\layout Standard
+The iCal calendar model is based on four types of objects: components, propertie
+s, values and parameters.
+\layout Standard
+Properties are the fundamental unit of information in iCal, and they work
+ a bit like a hash entry, with a constant key and a variable value.
+ Properties may also have modifiers, called parameters.
+ In the iCal content line
+\layout Verbatim
+\layout Standard
+The property name is
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ the value of the property is
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ and the
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ parameter specifies that Mr Big is the chair of the meetings associated
+ with this property.
+\layout Standard
+Components are groups of properties that represent the core objects of a
+ calendar system, such as events or timezones.
+\layout Standard
+The central goal of libical is to parse iTIP data into an internal representatio
+n of Components, Properties, Parameters an Values, and to allow the user
+ to manipulate the data in various ways
+\layout Standard
+\added_space_bottom 0.3cm
+\begin_float fig
+\layout Standard
+\begin_inset Figure size 180 147
+file icaluml.eps
+flags 13
+When a component is send across a network, if it is un-encrypted, it will
+ look something like:
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+ MAILTO:employee-A@host.com
+\layout Code
+DESCRIPTION:Project XYZ Review Meeting
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+SUMMARY:XYZ Project Review
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+LOCATION:1CP Conference Room 4350
+\layout Code
+\layout Subsection
+Core iCal classes
+\layout Subsubsection
+\layout Subsubsection
+\layout Subsubsection
+\layout Subsubsection
+\layout Subsection
+Other elements of libical
+\layout Standard
+In addition to the core iCal classes, libical has many other types, structures,
+ classes that aid in creating and using iCal components.
+\layout Subsubsection
+\layout Subsubsection
+\layout Subsubsection
+The Parser
+\layout Subsubsection
+\layout Subsubsection
+Error objects
+\layout Subsubsection
+Memory Management
+\layout Subsubsection
+Storage classes
+\layout Section
+Differences From RFCs
+\layout Standard
+Libical has been designed to follow the standards as closely as possible,
+ so that the key objects in the standards are also keey objects in the library.
+ However, there are a few areas where the specifications are (arguably)
+ irregular, and following them exactly would result in an unfriendly interface.
+ These deviations make libical easier to use by maintaining a self-similar
+ interface.
+\layout Subsection
+Pseudo Components
+\layout Standard
+Libical defines components for groups of properties that look and act like
+ components, but are not defined as components in the specification.
+ XDAYLIGHT and XSTANDARD are notable examples.
+ These pseudo components group properties within the VTIMEZONE components.
+ For instanace, the timezone properties associated with daylight savings
+ time starts with
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ and ends with
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+END:DAYLIGHT, just like other components, but is not defined as a component
+ in RFC2445.
+ ( See RFC2445, page 61 ) In Libical,this grouping is represented by the
+ XDAYLIGHT component.
+ Standard iCAL components all start with the letter
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ while pseudo components start with
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+\layout Standard
+There are also pseudo components that are conceptually derived classess
+ of VALARM.
+ RFC2446 defines what properties may be included in each component, and
+ for VALARM, the set of properties it may have depends on the value of the
+ ACTION property.
+\layout Standard
+For instance, if a VALARM component has an ACTION property with the value
+ of
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ the component must also have an
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ property.
+ However, if the ACTION value is
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ the component must have a DESCRIPTION property.
+\layout Standard
+To handle these various, complex restrictions, libical has pseudo components
+\layout Subsection
+Combined Values
+\layout Standard
+Many values can take more than one type.
+ TRIGGER, for instance, can have a value type of with DURATION or of DATE-TIME.
+ These multiple types make it difficult to create routines to return the
+ value associated with a property.
+\layout Standard
+It is natural to have interfaces that would return the value of a property,
+ but it is cumbersone for a single routine to return multiple types.
+ So, in libical, properties that can have multiple types are given a single
+ type that is the union of their RFC2445 types.
+ For instance, in libical, the value of the TRIGGER property resolves to
+\noun on
+struct icaltriggertype
+\noun default
+ This type is a union of a DURATION and a DATE-TIME.
+\layout Subsection
+Multi-Valued Properties
+\layout Standard
+Some properties, such as CATEGORIES have only one value type, but each CATEGORIE
+S property can have multiple value instances.
+ This also results in a cumbersome interface -- CATEGORIES accessors would
+ have to return a list while all other accessors returned a single value.
+ In libical, all properties have a single value, and multi-valued properties
+ are broken down into multiple single valued properties during parsing.
+ That is, an input line like,
+\layout Verbatim
+CATEGORIES: work, home
+\layout Standard
+becomes in libical's internal representation
+\layout Verbatim
+\layout Verbatim
+\layout Standard
+Oddly, RFC2445 allows some multi-valued properties ( like FREEBUSY ) to
+ exist as both a multi-values property and as multiple single value properties,
+ while others ( like CATEGORIES ) can only exist as single multi-valued
+ properties.
+ This makes the internal representation for CATEGORIES illegal.
+ However when you convert a component to a string, the library will collect
+ all of the CATEGORIES properties into one.
+\layout Section
+Implementation Limitations
+\layout Section
+Using libical
+\layout Subsection
+Creating Components
+\layout Standard
+There are three ways to create components in Libical: creating individual
+ objects and assembling them, building entire objects in massive vaargs
+ calls, and parsing a text file containing iCalendar data.
+\layout Subsubsection
+Constructor Interfaces
+\layout Standard
+Using constructor interfaces, you create each of the objects seperately
+ and them assemble them in to components:
+\layout Code
+icalcomponent *event;
+\layout Code
+icalproperty *prop;
+\layout Code
+icalparameter *param;
+\layout Code
+struct icaltimetype atime;
+\layout Code
+event = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
+\layout Code
+prop = icalproperty_new_dtstamp(atime) ;
+\layout Code
+icalcomponent_add_property(event, prop);
+\layout Code
+prop = icalproperty_new_uid(strdup("guid-1.host1.com")) );
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+param = icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_CHAIR)
+\layout Code
+icalproperty_add_parameter(prop, param);
+\layout Code
+\layout Standard
+While we are on this example, you should notice that libical uses a semi-object-
+oriented style of interface.
+ Most things you work with are objects, that are instantiated with a constructor
+ that has
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ in the name.
+ Also note that, other than the object reference, most structure data is
+ passed in to libical routines by value.
+ Strings, of course, are passed in by reference, but libical will take ownership
+ of the memory, so you had beter strdup() the data unless you want a core
+ dump when the memory is freed for the second time.
+ Libical has some complex bu very regular memory handling rules.
+ These are detailed in section
+\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:memory}
+\layout Standard
+If any of the constructors fail, they will return 0.
+ If you try to insert 0 into a property or component, or use a zero-valued
+ object reference, libical will either silently ignore the error or will
+ abort with an error message.
+ This behavior is controlled by a compile time flag (ICAL_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL),
+ and will abort by default.
+\layout Subsubsection
+vaargs Constructors
+\layout Standard
+There is another way to create complex components, which is arguable more
+ elegant, if you are not horrified by vaargs.
+ The vaargs constructor interface all you to create intricate components
+ in a single block of text.
+\layout Code
+ calendar =
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+ icalproperty_new_version(strdup("2.0")),
+\layout Code
+ icalproperty_new_prodid(strdup("-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN")),
+\layout Code
+ icalcomponent_vanew(
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+ strdup("mrbig@host.com"),
+\layout Code
+ icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_CHAIR),
+\layout Code
+ 0
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+ strdup("employee-A@host.com"),
+\layout Code
+ icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT),
+\layout Code
+ icalparameter_new_rsvp(1),
+\layout Code
+ icalparameter_new_cutype(ICAL_CUTYPE_GROUP),
+\layout Code
+ 0
+\layout Code
+ ),
+\layout Code
+icalproperty_new_location(strdup("1CP Conference Room 4350")),
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+ 0
+\layout Code
+ );
+\layout Standard
+This form is similar to the regular constructor, except that they have
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ instead of
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ in the name.
+ The arguments are similar too, except that the component contstructor can
+ have a list of properties, and the property constructor can have a list
+ or parameters.
+ Be sure to terminate every list with a '0', or your code will crash, if
+ you are lucky.
+\layout Subsubsection
+Parsing Text Files
+\layout Standard
+The final way to create components will probably be the most common; you
+ can create components from RFC2445 compliant text.
+ If you have the string in memory, use
+\layout Verbatim
+icalcomponent* icalparser_parse_string(char* str);
+\layout Standard
+This may seem wasteful if you want to pull a large component off of the
+ network; you may prefer to parse the component line by line.
+ This is possible too, with
+\layout Verbatim
+icalcomponent* icalparser_parse(char*(*line_gen_func)(char *s, size_t size,
+ void *d));
+\layout Standard
+This routine takes a pointer to a function that copies 'size' characters
+ to 's'.
+ The routine returns 's', similar to fgets().
+ See string_line_generator in icalparser.c for an example.
+\layout Subsection
+Accessing Components
+\layout Standard
+Given a reference to a component, you probably will want to access the propertie
+s, parameters and values inside.
+\layout Subsubsection
+Finding Components
+\layout Standard
+To find a sub-component of a component, use:
+\layout Verbatim
+icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_first_component(
+\layout Verbatim
+icalcomponent* component,
+\layout Verbatim
+icalcomponent_kind kind);
+\layout Standard
+This routine will return a reference to the first component of the type
+ 'kind.' The key kind values, listed in icalenums.h are:
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+\layout Standard
+These are only the most common components; there are many more listed in
+ icalenums.h.
+\layout Standard
+As you might guess, if there is more than one subcomponent of the type you
+ have chosen, this routine will return only the first.
+ to get at the others, you need to iterate through the component.
+\layout Subsubsection
+Interating Through Components
+\layout Standard
+Iteration requires a second routine to get the next subcomponent after the
+ first:
+\layout Verbatim
+icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_next_component(icalcomponent* component,
+\layout Verbatim
+icalcomponent_kind kind);
+\layout Standard
+With the 'first' and 'next' routines, you can create a for loop to iterate
+ through all of a components subcomponents
+\layout Code
+ for(c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(comp,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
+\layout Code
+c != 0;
+\layout Code
+c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(comp,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT))
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+ do_something(c);
+\layout Code
+\layout Standard
+This code bit wil iterate through all of the subcomponents in 'comp' but
+ you can select a specific type of component by changing ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT
+ to another component type.
+\layout Subsubsection
+Removing Components
+\layout Standard
+Libical component have internal iterators, so you can only have one iteration
+ over a component at a time.
+ Removing an element from a list while iterating through the list can cause
+ problems, since you will probably be removing the element that the internal
+ iterator points to.
+ This will result in the iteration loop terminating immediately after removing
+ the element.
+ To avoid the problem, you will need to step the iterator ahead of the element
+ you are going to remove, like this:
+\layout Code
+for(c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(parent_comp,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
+\layout Code
+c != 0;
+\layout Code
+c = next
+\layout Code
+\layout Code
+next = icalcomponent_get_next_component(parent_comp,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
+\layout Code
+ icalcomponent_remove_component(parent_comp,c);
+\layout Code
+\layout Subsubsection
+Working with properties and parameters
+\layout Standard
+Finding, iterating and removing properties works the same as it does for
+ components, using the property-specific or parameter-specific interfaces:
+\layout Verbatim
+icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_first_property(
+\layout Verbatim
+icalcomponent* component,
+\layout Verbatim
+icalproperty_kind kind);
+\layout Verbatim
+icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_next_property(
+\layout Verbatim
+icalcomponent* component,
+\layout Verbatim
+icalproperty_kind kind);
+\layout Verbatim
+void icalcomponent_add_property(
+\layout Verbatim
+icalcomponent* component,
+\layout Verbatim
+icalproperty* property);
+\layout Verbatim
+void icalcomponent_remove_property(
+\layout Verbatim
+icalcomponent* component,
+\layout Verbatim
+icalproperty* property);
+\layout Verbatim
+icalparameter* icalproperty_get_first_parameter(
+\layout Verbatim
+icalproperty* prop,
+\layout Verbatim
+icalparameter_kind kind);
+\layout Verbatim
+icalparameter* icalproperty_get_next_parameter(
+\layout Verbatim
+icalproperty* prop,
+\layout Verbatim
+icalparameter_kind kind);
+\layout Verbatim
+void icalproperty_add_parameter(
+\layout Verbatim
+icalproperty* prop,
+\layout Verbatim
+icalparameter* parameter);
+\layout Verbatim
+void icalproperty_remove_parameter(
+\layout Verbatim
+icalproperty* prop,
+\layout Verbatim
+icalparameter_kind kind);
+\layout Subsubsection
+Getting Values
+\layout Subsubsection
+Setting Values
+\layout Subsubsection
+Getting Parameters
+\layout Subsubsection
+Setting Parameters
+\layout Subsubsection
+Removing Parameters
+\layout Subsubsection
+Checking Component Validity
+\layout Subsection
+Storing Objects
+\layout Standard
+The libical distribution inclues a seperate library, libicalss, that allows
+ you to store iCal component data to disk in a variety of ways.
+ This library is documented seperately.
+\layout Subsection
+\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:memory}
+Memory Management
+\layout Standard
+Libical relies heavily on dynamic allocation for both the core objects and
+ for the strings used to hold values.
+ Some of this memory the library caller owns and must free, and some of
+ the memory is managed by the library.
+ Here is a summary of the memory rules.
+\layout Description
+1) If the function name has "new" in it, the caller gets control of the
+ memory.
+ ( such as icalcomponent_new(), or icalproperty_new_clone() )
+\layout Description
+2) If you got the memory from a routine with new in it, you must call the
+ corresponding *_free routine to free the memory.
+ ( Use icalcomponent_free() to free objects created with icalcomponent_new())
+\layout Description
+3) If the function name has "add" in it, the caller is transfering control
+ of the memory to the routine.
+ ( icalproperty_add_parameter() )
+\layout Description
+4) If the function name has "remove" in it, the caller passes in a pointer
+ to an object and after the call returns, the caller owns the object.
+ So, before you call icalcomponent_remove_property(comp,foo), you do not
+ own "foo" and after the call returns, you do.
+\layout Description
+5) If the routine returns a string, libical owns the memory and will put
+ it on a ring buffer to reclaim later.
+ You'd better strdup() it if you want to keep it, and you don't have to
+ delete it.
+\layout Subsection
+Error Handling
+\layout Standard
+ Return values.
+ #defines.
+ icalerror_stop_here.
+\layout Subsubsection
+Return values
+\layout Subsubsection
+\layout Subsubsection
+Component errors
+\layout Subsubsection
+\layout Subsubsection
+\layout Subsection
+Naming Standard
+\layout Standard
+Structures that you access with the
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ keyword, such as
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+struct icaltimetype
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ are things that you are allowed to see inside and poke at.
+\layout Standard
+Structures that you access though a typedef, such as
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ are things where all of the data is hidden.
+\layout Standard
+Component names that start with
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ are part of RFC 2445 or another iCal standard.
+ Component names that start with
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ are also part of the spec, but they are not actually components in the
+ spec.
+ However, they look and act like components, so they are components in libical.
+ Names that start with
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ or
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ are not part of any iCal spec.
+ They are used internally by libical.
+\layout Standard
+Enums that identify a component, property, value or parameter end with
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ or
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+\layout Standard
+Enums that identify a parameter value have the name of the parameter as
+ the second word.
+\layout Standard
+The enums for the parts of a recurarance rule and request statuses are irregular.
+\layout Section
+Useful Recipies
+\layout Standard
+\layout Standard
+Copying components.
+ Remember that you must clone or remove an object before putting in on another
+ list.
+\layout Standard
+Finding compliance errors
+\layout Section
+\layout Standard
+Checking restrictions is computationally expensive
+\layout Section
+Hacks and Bugs
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+b(Com)m(bined)37 b(V)-9 b(alues)0 777 y Fg(Man)n(y)34
+b(v)-5 b(alues)34 b(can)g(tak)n(e)g(more)g(than)g(one)h(t)n(yp)r(e.)58
+b(TRIGGER,)35 b(for)f(instance,)i(can)e(ha)n(v)n(e)g(a)g(v)-5
+b(alue)34 b(t)n(yp)r(e)h(of)g(with)g(DU-)0 890 y(RA)-7
+b(TION)32 b(or)f(of)h(D)n(A)-7 b(TE-TIME.)33 b(These)f(m)n(ultiple)g(t)
+(return)h(the)g(v)-5 b(alue)0 1004 y(asso)r(ciated)26
+b(with)i(a)f(prop)r(ert)n(y)-7 b(.)0 1161 y(It)30 b(is)g(natural)g(to)f
+b(alue)30 b(of)g(a)g(prop)r(ert)n(y)-7 b(,)29 b(but)i(it)f(is)g(cum)n
+(b)r(ersone)f(for)h(a)g(single)0 1274 y(routine)i(to)g(return)g(m)n
+(ultiple)h(t)n(yp)r(es.)51 b(So,)33 b(in)g(libical,)g(prop)r(erties)e
+(a)g(single)0 1388 y(t)n(yp)r(e)26 b(that)g(is)g(the)g(union)g(of)g
+(their)g(RF)n(C2445)e(t)n(yp)r(es.)36 b(F)-7 b(or)26
+b(instance,)g(in)g(libical,)g(the)g(v)-5 b(alue)26 b(of)g(the)g
+(TRIGGER)h(prop)r(ert)n(y)0 1501 y(resolv)n(es)e(to)j(struct)f
+(icaltriggert)n(yp)r(e.)35 b(This)28 b(t)n(yp)r(e)f(is)h(a)f(union)h
+(of)f(a)g(DURA)-7 b(TION)29 b(and)e(a)g(D)n(A)-7 b(TE-TIME.)0
+1793 y Fb(4.3)112 b(Multi-V)-9 b(alued)36 b(Prop)s(erties)0
+2003 y Fg(Some)31 b(prop)r(erties,)h(suc)n(h)f(as)g(CA)-7
+b(TEGORIES)33 b(ha)n(v)n(e)d(only)h(one)g(v)-5 b(alue)32
+b(t)n(yp)r(e,)h(but)f(eac)n(h)e(CA)-7 b(TEGORIES)33 b(prop)r(ert)n(y)d
+(can)0 2116 y(ha)n(v)n(e)24 b(m)n(ultiple)h(v)-5 b(alue)25
+b(instances.)35 b(This)25 b(also)f(results)g(in)h(a)g(cum)n(b)r(ersome)
+f(in)n(terface)g(\025)g(CA)-7 b(TEGORIES)26 b(accessors)d(w)n(ould)0
+2230 y(ha)n(v)n(e)k(to)i(return)f(a)g(list)g(while)h(all)f(other)g
+(accessors)e(returned)i(a)g(single)g(v)-5 b(alue.)39
+b(In)29 b(libical,)g(all)f(prop)r(erties)f(ha)n(v)n(e)h(a)g(single)0
+2344 y(v)-5 b(alue,)35 b(and)e(m)n(ulti-v)-5 b(alued)33
+(single)f(v)-5 b(alued)33 b(prop)r(erties)g(during)f(parsing.)0
+2457 y(That)c(is,)f(an)g(input)i(line)e(lik)n(e,)p 0
+2526 3900 4 v 0 2703 a Fc(CATEGORIES:)39 b(work,)i(home)p
+0 2903 V 0 3053 a Fg(b)r(ecomes)27 b(in)h(libical's)f(in)n(ternal)g
+(represen)n(tation)p 0 3122 V 0 3299 a Fc(CATEGORIES:)39
+b(work)0 3412 y(CATEGORIES:)g(home)p 0 3612 V 0 3767
+a Fg(Oddly)-7 b(,)34 b(RF)n(C2445)d(allo)n(ws)g(some)h(m)n(ulti-v)-5
+b(alued)33 b(prop)r(erties)f(\()h(lik)n(e)g(FREEBUSY)h(\))f(to)g(exist)
+g(as)f(b)r(oth)h(a)f(m)n(ulti-v)-5 b(alues)0 3881 y(prop)r(ert)n(y)24
+b(and)h(as)f(m)n(ultiple)h(single)g(v)-5 b(alue)24 b(prop)r(erties,)h
+(while)g(others)f(\()i(lik)n(e)e(CA)-7 b(TEGORIES)26
+b(\))f(can)g(only)g(exist)f(as)h(single)0 3994 y(m)n(ulti-v)-5
+b(alued)32 b(prop)r(erties.)48 b(This)31 b(mak)n(es)g(the)h(in)n
+(ternal)f(represen)n(tation)e(for)i(CA)-7 b(TEGORIES)33
+b(illegal.)48 b(Ho)n(w)n(ev)n(er)30 b(when)0 4108 y(y)n(ou)d(con)n(v)n
+(collect)f(all)g(of)h(the)g(CA)-7 b(TEGORIES)28 b(prop)r(erties)f(in)n
+(to)g(one.)0 4446 y Fd(5)131 b(Implemen)l(tation)44 b(Limitations)0
+4742 y(6)131 b(Using)44 b(libical)0 4999 y Fb(6.1)112
+b(Creating)37 b(Comp)s(onen)m(ts)0 5209 y Fg(There)e(are)g(three)h(w)n
+b(creating)34 b(individual)i(ob)5 b(jects)35 b(and)h(assem)n(bling)e
+(them,)0 5323 y(building)28 b(en)n(tire)f(ob)5 b(jects)27
+b(in)h(massiv)n(e)e(v)-5 b(aargs)26 b(calls,)h(and)g(parsing)f(a)h
+%%Page: 4 4
+4 3 bop 0 -167 3900 5 v 0 -200 a Fa(6.)73 b(Using)32
+b(libical)3190 b Fg(4)0 162 y Fa(6.1.1)94 b(Constructor)32
+b(In)m(terfaces)0 372 y Fg(Using)d(constructor)f(in)n(terfaces,)h(y)n
+(ou)f(create)h(eac)n(h)f(of)i(the)f(ob)5 b(jects)29 b(sep)r(erately)g
+(and)g(them)h(assem)n(ble)e(them)i(in)g(to)f(com-)0 485
+y(p)r(onen)n(ts:)p 0 555 3900 4 v 0 738 a Fc(event)41
+o(EN)o(T\);)0 852 y(icalcomponent_ad)o(d_)o(pro)o(pe)o(rt)o(y\(e)o(ve)o
+(nt)o(,)38 b(icalproperty_ne)o(w_)o(dts)o(ta)o(mp)o(\(at)o(im)o(e\))f
+(\);)0 965 y(icalcomponent_ad)o(d_)o(pro)o(pe)o(rt)o(y\(e)o(ve)o(nt)o
+o(ui)o(d-1)o(.h)o(os)o(t1.)o(co)o(m")o(\)\))g(\);)0 1079
+1192 y(icalproperty_add)o(_p)o(ara)o(me)o(te)o(r\(p)o(ro)o(pe)o(rty)o
+(OLE)o(_C)o(HA)o(IR\))g(\);)0 1306 y(icalcomponent_ad)o(d_)o(pro)o(pe)o
+(rt)o(y\(e)o(ve)o(nt)o(,pr)o(op)o(er)o(ty\))o(;)p 0 1506
+V 0 1722 a Fa(6.1.2)94 b(v)-5 b(aargs)32 b(Constructors)0
+1932 y(6.1.3)94 b(P)m(arsing)32 b(T)-8 b(ext)32 b(Files)0
+2161 y Fb(6.2)112 b(A)m(ccessing)37 b(Comp)s(onen)m(ts)0
+2371 y Fa(6.2.1)94 b(Finding)30 b(Comp)s(onen)m(ts)0
+2582 y(6.2.2)94 b(Remo)m(ving)29 b(Comp)s(onen)m(ts)0
+2792 y Fg(Remo)n(ving)23 b(an)h(elemen)n(t)h(from)f(a)g(list)g(while)h
+(y)n(ou)g(will)g(probably)0 2905 y(b)r(e)e(remo)n(ving)e(the)i(elemen)n
+b(This)22 b(will)g(result)f(in)h(the)g(iteration)f(lo)r(op)h
+(terminating)0 3019 y(immediately)29 b(after)f(remo)n(ving)g(the)h
+(elemen)n(t.)41 b(T)-7 b(o)28 b(a)n(v)n(oid)g(the)h(problem,)f(y)n(ou)h
+3132 y(the)g(elemen)n(t)g(y)n(ou)e(are)h(going)f(to)i(remo)n(v)n(e,)e
+(lik)n(e)h(this:)p 0 3202 V 0 3385 a Fc(for\(c)41 b(=)j
+3499 y(c)f(!=)g(0;)305 3612 y(c)g(=)g(next)0 3726 y({)174
+3839 y(next)f(=)h(icalcomponent_get)o(_n)o(ex)o(t_c)o(om)o(po)o(nen)o
+(NT\))o(;)174 3953 y(icalcomponent_rem)o(ov)o(e_)o(com)o(po)o(ne)o
+(nt\()o(pa)o(re)o(nt_)o(co)o(mp)o(,c\))o(;)0 4067 y(})p
+0 4267 V eop
+%%Page: 5 5
+5 4 bop 0 -167 3900 5 v 0 -200 a Fa(6.)73 b(Using)32
+b(libical)3190 b Fg(5)0 162 y Fa(6.2.3)94 b(Finding)30
+b(Prop)s(erties)0 372 y(6.2.4)94 b(Remo)m(ving)29 b(Prop)s(erties)0
+582 y(6.2.5)94 b(Getting)31 b(V)-8 b(alues)0 792 y(6.2.6)94
+b(Setting)31 b(V)-8 b(alues)0 1002 y(6.2.7)94 b(Getting)31
+b(P)m(arameters)0 1212 y(6.2.8)94 b(Setting)31 b(P)m(arameters)0
+1422 y(6.2.9)94 b(Remo)m(ving)29 b(P)m(arameters)0 1632
+y(6.2.10)93 b(Chec)m(king)32 b(Comp)s(onen)m(t)e(V)-8
+b(alidit)m(y)0 1861 y Fb(6.3)112 b(Storing)37 b(Ob)6
+b(jects)0 2071 y Fg(The)27 b(libical)g(distribution)h(inclues)f(a)g
+(sep)r(erate)f(library)-7 b(,)26 b(libicalss,)h(that)g(allo)n(ws)f(y)n
+2185 y(disk)h(in)h(a)f(v)-5 b(ariet)n(y)27 b(of)h(w)n(a)n(ys.)35
+b(This)27 b(library)g(is)g(do)r(cumen)n(ted)h(sep)r(erately)-7
+b(.)0 2476 y Fb(6.4)112 b(Memory)37 b(Managemen)m(t)0
+2686 y Fg(Libical)25 b(relies)f(hea)n(vily)g(on)h(dynamic)g(allo)r
+(cation)f(for)h(b)r(oth)h(the)f(core)f(ob)5 b(jects)25
+b(alues.)0 2800 y(Some)34 b(of)f(this)h(memory)f(the)h(library)f
+(memory)f(is)h(managed)e(b)n(y)i(the)0 2914 y(library)-7
+b(.)36 b(Here)27 b(is)g(a)g(summary)g(of)h(the)g(memory)e(rules.)0
+3153 y Fa(1\))208 3300 y Fg(If)k(the)g(function)g(name)g(has)f
+Fc(")p Fg(new)p Fc(")g Fg(in)h(it,)h(the)f(caller)f(gets)g(con)n(trol)g
+(of)h(the)g(memory)-7 b(.)42 b(\()31 b(suc)n(h)e(as)g(icalcomp)r(onen-)
+208 3413 y(t_new\(\),)f(or)e(icalprop)r(ert)n(y_new_clone\(\))f(\))0
+3593 y Fa(2\))208 3740 y Fg(If)j(y)n(ou)g(got)g(the)h(memory)f(from)g
+(corresp)r(onding)d(*_free)i(routine)208 3854 y(to)f(free)g(the)h
+(memory)-7 b(.)36 b(\()28 b(Use)g(icalcomp)r(onen)n(t_free\(\))e(to)i
+(free)f(ob)5 b(jects)27 b(created)g(with)h(icalcomp)r(onen)n
+(t_new\(\)\))0 4034 y Fa(3\))208 4181 y Fg(If)h(the)g(function)g(name)f
+(has)g Fc(")p Fg(add)p Fc(")g Fg(in)h(it,)g(the)g(caller)e(is)i
+b(\()208 4294 y(icalprop)r(ert)n(y_add_parameter\(\))23
+b(\))0 4474 y Fa(4\))208 4621 y Fg(If)29 b(the)h(function)g(name)f(has)
+g Fc(")p Fg(remo)n(v)n(e)p Fc(")e Fg(in)j(it,)g(the)g(caller)f(passes)f
+(in)i(a)f(p)r(oin)n(ter)g(to)g(an)g(ob)5 b(ject)29 b(and)h(after)f(the)
+g(call)208 4735 y(returns,)j(the)h(caller)e(o)n(wns)g(the)h(ob)5
+b(ject.)50 b(So,)33 b(b)r(efore)f(y)n(ou)f(call)h(icalcomp)r(onen)n
+(t_remo)n(v)n(e_prop)r(ert)n(y\(comp,fo)r(o\),)208 4848
+y(y)n(ou)26 b(do)i(not)f(o)n(wn)g Fc(")p Fg(fo)r(o)p
+Fc(")g Fg(and)g(after)g(the)h(call)f(returns,)g(y)n(ou)g(do.)0
+5028 y Fa(5\))208 5175 y Fg(If)d(the)g(routine)f(returns)g(a)g(string,)
+(ring)g(bu\033er)h(to)g(reclaim)f(later.)208 5288 y(Y)-7
+b(ou'd)27 b(b)r(etter)h(strdup\(\))g(it)g(if)g(y)n(ou)f(w)n(an)n(t)g
+(it.)0 5580 y Fb(6.5)112 b(Error)36 b(Handling)0 5790
+y Fg(icalerror_errno.)c(Return)c(v)-5 b(alues.)37 b(#de\034nes.)g
+(icalerror_stop_here)p eop
+%%Page: 6 6
+6 5 bop 0 -167 3900 5 v 0 -200 a Fa(7.)73 b(Useful)32
+b(Recipies)3067 b Fg(6)0 162 y Fa(6.5.1)94 b(Return)31
+b(v)-5 b(alues)0 372 y(6.5.2)94 b(icalerrno)0 582 y(6.5.3)g(Comp)s
+(onen)m(t)29 b(errors)0 811 y Fb(6.6)112 b(Naming)36
+b(Standard)0 1021 y Fg(Structures)26 b(that)i(y)n(ou)e(access)f(with)j
+(yp)r(e")g(are)g(things)h(that)g(y)n(ou)f(are)0 1134
+1291 y(Structures)33 b(that)h(y)n(ou)e(access)g(though)i(a)f(t)n(yp)r
+(all)g(of)h(the)f(data)g(is)0 1405 y(hidden.)0 1561 y(Comp)r(onen)n(t)
+28 b(names)g(that)h(start)f(with)h("V")f(are)f(part)h(of)h(RF)n(C)f
+(2445)f(or)g(another)h(iCal)g(standard.)38 b(Comp)r(onen)n(t)29
+b(names)0 1675 y(that)h(start)f(with)i("X")e(are)g(also)g(part)g(of)h
+g(in)h(the)g(sp)r(ec.)44 b(Ho)n(w)n(ev)n(er,)0 1788 y(they)34
+(comp)r(onen)n(ts)g(in)h(libical.)55 b(Names)33 b(that)h(start)f(with)h
+("XLIC")f(or)0 1902 y("X-LIC")26 b(are)h(not)h(part)f(of)g(an)n(y)g
+(iCal)g(sp)r(ec.)37 b(They)27 b(are)g(used)h(in)n(ternally)e(b)n(y)i
+(libical.)0 2058 y(En)n(ums)d(that)f(iden)n(tify)h(a)f(comp)r(onen)n
+(t,)h(prop)r(ert)n(y)-7 b(,)24 b(v)-5 b(alue)24 b(or)g(parameter)e(end)
+j(with)g("_COMPONENT,")e("_PR)n(OPER-)0 2172 y(TY,")k("_V)-9
+b(ALUE,")28 b(or)e("_P)-7 b(AAMETER"s)0 2328 y(En)n(ums)31
+b(that)f(iden)n(tify)h(a)f(parameter)f(v)-5 b(alue)30
+(w)n(ord.)45 b(F)-7 b(or)29 b(instance:)0 2442 y(ICAL_R)n(OLE_REQP)-7
+b(AR)g(TICIP)g(ANT)29 b(or)d(ICAL_P)-7 b(AR)g(TST)g(A)g(T_A)n(CCEPTED.)
+0 2598 y(The)28 b(en)n(ums)f(for)g(the)h(parts)f(of)g(a)g(recurarance)e
+2937 y Fd(7)131 b(Useful)44 b(Recipies)0 3175 y Fg(Iteration)0
+3332 y(Cop)n(ying)26 b(comp)r(onen)n(ts.)37 b(Remem)n(b)r(er)27
+b(ject)28 b(b)r(efore)f(putting)h(in)g(on)f(anothr)g(list.)0
+3488 y(Finding)h(compliance)f(errors)0 3827 y Fd(8)131
+b(P)l(erformance)0 4065 y Fg(Chec)n(king)27 b(restrictions)f(is)h
+(computationally)g(exp)r(ensiv)n(e)0 4404 y Fd(9)131
+b(Hac)l(ks)45 b(and)e(Bugs)p eop
+userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if
diff --git a/libical/doc/UsingLibical.sgml b/libical/doc/UsingLibical.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d967bd860c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libical/doc/UsingLibical.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+<!doctype linuxdoc system>
+<!-- LinuxDoc file was created by LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 by <eric> Wed Jan 5 22:30:06 2000
+ -->
+ <article>
+ <title>
+Using Libical
+ </title>
+ <author>
+Eric Busboom (eric@softwarestudio.org)
+ </author>
+ <date>
+January 2000
+ </date>
+ <sect>
+ <p>
+Libical is an Open Source implementation of the iCalendar protocols and
+ protocol data units. The iCalendar specification describes how calendar clients
+ can communicate with calendar servers for users can store their calendar data
+ and arrange meetings with other users.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+Libical implements the following specifications and protocols
+ </p>
+ <p>
+iCal Core
+ </p>
+ <p>
+(The current version, 0.14, does not implement iRip or CAP. )
+ </p>
+ <p>
+This code is under active development. If you would like to contribute
+ to the project, you can contact me, Eric Busboom, at eric@softwarestudio.org.
+ The project has a webpage at
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <quote>
+ </quote>
+</p> <p>
+and a mailing list that you can join by sending the following mail:
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <code>
+To: minimalist@softwarestudio.org
+Subject: subscribe libical
+ </code>
+</p> <p>
+&dollar;Id: UsingLibical.lyx,v 1.3 2000/01/06 06:20:06 eric Exp eric &dollar;
+ </p>
+ <sect1>
+ <p>
+The code and datafiles in this distribution are licensed under the Mozilla
+ Public License. See http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/MPL-1.0.html for a copy of the
+ license. Alternately, you may use libical under the terms of the GNU Library
+ General Public License. See http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/lesser.html for a copy
+ of the LGPL.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+This dual license ensures that the library can be incorporated into both
+ proprietary code and GPL'd programs, and will benefit from improvements made
+ by programmers in both realms. I will only accept changes into my version of
+ the library if they are similarly dual-licensed.
+ </p>
+ <sect1>
+Purpose &amp; Goals
+ <sect>
+Building the Library
+ <sect>
+ <p>
+The iCal calendar model is based on four types of objects: components,
+ properties, values and parameters.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+Components are the fundamental grouping of calendar information
+ </p>
+ <p>
+Properties are the fundamental unit of information. Each property is composed
+ of a type, a value and collection of parameters.
+ </p>
+ <sect1>
+ <p>
+Components are named clusters of properties
+ </p>
+ <sect1>
+ <sect1>
+ <sect1>
+ <sect1>
+ <sect2>
+ <sect2>
+ <sect2>
+ <sect1>
+Other bits
+ <p>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ </p>
+ <sect>
+Differences From RFCs
+ <p>
+Although libical has been design to follow the standards as closely as
+ possible, there are a few areas where the specifications are irregular, and
+ following them exactly would result in an unfriendly interface.
+ </p>
+ <sect1>
+Pseudo Components
+ <p>
+Libical defines pseudo components for groups of properties that look and
+ act like components, but are not defined as components in the specification.
+ XDAYLIGHT and XSTANDARD are notable examples. These pseudo components group
+ properties within the VTIMEZONE components. XDAYLIGHT starts with "BEGIN:DAYLIGHT"
+ and ends with "END:DAYLIGHT, just like other components, but is not defined
+ as a component in RFC2445. ( See RFC2445, page 61 ) In Libical, it is a component.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+There are also pseudo componentsthat are conceptually derived classess
+ of VALARM. RFC2446 defines what properties may be included in each component,
+ and for VALARM, the set of properties it may have depends on the value of the
+ ACTION property.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+For instance, if a VALARM component has an ACTION property with the value
+ of "AUDIO," the component must also have an "ATTACH" property. However, if the
+ ACTION value is "DISPLAY," the component must have a DESCRIPTION property.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+To handle these various, complex restrictions, libical has pseudo components
+ </p>
+ <sect1>
+Combined Values
+ <p>
+Many values can take more than one type. TRIGGER, for instance, can have
+ a value type of with DURATION or of DATE-TIME. It is natural to have interfaces
+ that would return the value of a property, but it is cumbersone for a single
+ routine to return multiple types. So, in libical, properties that can have
+ multiple types are given a single type that is the union of their RFC2445 types.
+ In libical, the value of the TRIGGER property resolves to
+ </p>
+ <p>
+struct icaltriggertype
+ </p>
+ <p>
+This type is a union of a DURATION and a DATE-TIME.
+ </p>
+ <sect1>
+Multi-Valued Properties
+ <p>
+Some properties, such as CATEGORIES, have a single value type, but may
+ have multiple values in a single instance. This also results in a cumbersome
+ interface -- CATEGORIES accessors would have to return a list which all other
+ accessors returned a single value. In libical, all properties have a single
+ value, and multi-valued properties are broken down into multiple single valued
+ properties during parsing. The is,
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <code>
+CATEGORIES: work, home
+ </code>
+</p> <p>
+becomes in libical's internal representation
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <code>
+ </code>
+</p> <p>
+Oddly, RFC2445 allows some multi-valued properties ( like FREEBUSY ) to
+ exist as both a multi-values property and as multiple single value properties,
+ while others ( like CATEGORIES ) can only exist as single multi-valued properties.
+ This makes the internal representation for CATEGORIES illegal. However when
+ you convert a component to a string, the library will collect all of the CATEGORIES
+ properties into one.
+ </p>
+ <sect>
+Implementation Limitations
+ <sect>
+Using libical
+ <sect1>
+Creating Components
+ <sect2>
+Constructor interfaces
+ <sect2>
+vaargs Constructors
+ <sect2>
+Parsing Text Files
+ <sect1>
+Accessing Components
+ <sect2>
+Finding Components
+ <sect2>
+Removing Components
+ <p>
+Removing an element from a list while iterating through the list can cause
+ problems, since you will probably be removing the element that the internal
+ iterator points to. This will result in the iteration loop terminating immediately
+ after removing the element. To avoid the problem, you will need to step the
+ iterator ahead of the element you are going to remove, like this:
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <code>
+for(c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(s);
+ c != 0;
+ c = next)
+ next = icalcomponent_get_next_component(s);
+ icalcomponent_remove_component(s,c);
+ </code>
+</p> <sect2>
+Finding Properties
+ <sect2>
+Removing Properties
+ <sect2>
+Getting Values
+ <sect2>
+Setting Values
+ <sect2>
+Getting Parameters
+ <sect2>
+Setting Parameters
+ <sect2>
+Removing Parameters
+ <sect1>
+Storing Objects
+ <p>
+When you store a component to the database with icalstore_add_component,
+ you give the library takes the memory, so the caller does not own the component
+ anymore. If you want to keep ownership, use clone to make a copy. ( See "Memory
+ Management" and "Naming Starndard for more about routines with "add" in the name.
+ )
+ </p>
+ <sect1>
+Memory Management
+ <p>
+Here are the memory rules for the C library:
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <descrip>
+ <tag>
+1)</tag>If the function name has &quot;new&quot; in it, the caller gets
+ control of the memory. ( such as icalcomponent_new(), or icalproperty_new_clone()
+ )
+ <tag>
+2)</tag>If you got the memory from a routine with new in it, you must
+ call the corresponding *_free routine to free the memory. ( Use icalcomponent_free()
+ to free objects created with icalcomponent_new())
+ <tag>
+3)</tag>If the function name has &quot;add&quot; in it, the caller is
+ transfering control of the memory to the routine. ( icalproperty_add_parameter()
+ )
+ <tag>
+4)</tag>If the function name has &quot;remove&quot; in it, the caller
+ passes in a pointer to an object and after the call returns, the caller owns
+ the object. So, before you call icalcomponent_remove_property(comp,foo), you
+ do not own &quot;foo&quot; and after the call returns, you do.
+ <tag>
+5)</tag>If the routine returns a string, libical owns the memory and will
+ put it on a ring buffer to reclaim later. You'd better strdup it if you want
+ to keep it, and you don't have to delete it.
+ </descrip>
+</p> <sect1>
+Error Handling
+ <sect2>
+Return values
+ <sect2>
+ <sect2>
+Component errors
+ <sect1>
+Naming Standard
+ <p>
+Structures that you access with the "struct" keyword, such as "struct icaltimetype"
+ are things that you are allowed to see inside and poke at.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+Structures that you access though a typedef, such as "icalcomponent" are
+ things where all of the data is hidden.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+Component names that start with "V" are part of RFC 2445 or another iCal
+ standard. Component names that start with "X" are also part of the spec, but
+ they are not actually components in the spec. However, they look and act like
+ components, so they are components in libical. Names that start with "XLIC" or
+ "X-LIC" are not part of any iCal spec. They are used internally by libical.
+ </p>
+ <sect>
+Hacks and Bugs
+ </article>
diff --git a/libical/doc/UsingLibical.txt b/libical/doc/UsingLibical.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f80ea31121
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+++ b/libical/doc/UsingLibical.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+Using Libical
+Eric Busboom (eric@softwarestudio.org)
+January 2000
+1 Introduction
+Libical is an Open Source implementation of the iCalendar protocols
+and protocol data units. The iCalendar specification describes how
+calendar clients can communicate with calendar servers for users can
+store their calendar data and arrange meetings with other users.
+Libical implements the following specifications and protocols
+|iCal Core | 2445 |
+| iTIP | 2446 |
+| iMIP | 2447 |
+| iRIP | draft |
+| CAP | draft |
+(The current version, 0.14, does not implement iRip or CAP. )
+This documentation assumes that you are familiar with the iCalendar
+standards RFC2445 and RFC2446.
+1.1 The libical project
+This code is under active development. If you would like to contribute
+to the project, you can contact me, Eric Busboom, at eric@softwarestudio.org.
+The project has a webpage at
+and a mailing list that you can join by sending the following mail:
+To: minimalist@softwarestudio.org
+Subject: subscribe libical
+1.2 License
+The code and datafiles in this distribution are licensed under the
+Mozilla Public License. See http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/MPL-1.0.html
+for a copy of the license. Alternately, you may use libical under
+the terms of the GNU Library General Public License. See http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/lesser.html
+for a copy of the LGPL.
+This dual license ensures that the library can be incorporated into
+both proprietary code and GPL'd programs, and will benefit from improvements
+made by programmers in both realms. I will only accept changes into
+my version of the library if they are similarly dual-licensed.
+1.3 Purpose & Goals
+1.4 Document version
+2 Building the Library
+3 Structure
+The iCal calendar model is based on four types of objects: components,
+properties, values and parameters.
+Properties are the fundamental unit of information in iCal, and they
+work a bit like a hash entry, with a constant key and a variable value.
+Properties may also have modifiers, called parameters. In the iCal
+content line
+The property name is ``ORGANIZER,'' the value of the property is ``mrbig@host.com''
+and the ``ROLE'' parameter specifies that Mr Big is the chair of the
+meetings associated with this property.
+Components are groups of properties that represent the core objects
+of a calendar system, such as events or timezones.
+The central goal of libical is to parse iTIP data into an internal
+representation of Components, Properties, Parameters an Values, and
+to allow the user to manipulate the data in various ways
+3.1 Components
+3.2 Properties
+3.3 Values
+3.4 Parameters
+3.5 Enumerations
+3.6 Types
+3.7 The Parser
+3.8 Restrictions
+3.9 Memory Management
+4 Differences From RFCs
+Libical has been designed to follow the standards as closely as possible,
+so that the key objects in the standards are also keey objects in
+the library. However, there are a few areas where the specifications
+are (arguably) irregular, and following them exactly would result
+in an unfriendly interface. These deviations make libical easier to
+use by maintaining a self-similar interface.
+4.1 Pseudo Components
+Libical defines components for groups of properties that look and act
+like components, but are not defined as components in the specification.
+XDAYLIGHT and XSTANDARD are notable examples. These pseudo components
+group properties within the VTIMEZONE components. XDAYLIGHT starts
+with ``BEGIN:DAYLIGHT'' and ends with ``END:DAYLIGHT, just like other
+components, but is not defined as a component in RFC2445. ( See RFC2445,
+page 61 ) In Libical, it is a component.
+There are also pseudo components that are conceptually derived classess
+of VALARM. RFC2446 defines what properties may be included in each
+component, and for VALARM, the set of properties it may have depends
+on the value of the ACTION property.
+For instance, if a VALARM component has an ACTION property with the
+value of ``AUDIO,'' the component must also have an ``ATTACH'' property.
+However, if the ACTION value is ``DISPLAY,'' the component must have
+a DESCRIPTION property.
+To handle these various, complex restrictions, libical has pseudo components
+4.2 Combined Values
+Many values can take more than one type. TRIGGER, for instance, can
+have a value type of with DURATION or of DATE-TIME. These multiple
+types make it difficult to create routines to return the value associated
+with a property.
+It is natural to have interfaces that would return the value of a property,
+but it is cumbersone for a single routine to return multiple types.
+So, in libical, properties that can have multiple types are given
+a single type that is the union of their RFC2445 types. For instance,
+in libical, the value of the TRIGGER property resolves to struct icaltriggertype.
+This type is a union of a DURATION and a DATE-TIME.
+4.3 Multi-Valued Properties
+Some properties, such as CATEGORIES have only one value type, but each
+CATEGORIES property can have multiple value instances. This also results
+in a cumbersome interface -- CATEGORIES accessors would have to return
+a list while all other accessors returned a single value. In libical,
+all properties have a single value, and multi-valued properties are
+broken down into multiple single valued properties during parsing.
+That is, an input line like,
+CATEGORIES: work, home
+becomes in libical's internal representation
+Oddly, RFC2445 allows some multi-valued properties ( like FREEBUSY
+) to exist as both a multi-values property and as multiple single
+value properties, while others ( like CATEGORIES ) can only exist
+as single multi-valued properties. This makes the internal representation
+for CATEGORIES illegal. However when you convert a component to a
+string, the library will collect all of the CATEGORIES properties
+into one.
+5 Implementation Limitations
+6 Using libical
+6.1 Creating Components
+6.1.1 Constructor Interfaces
+6.1.2 vaargs Constructors
+6.1.3 Parsing Text Files
+6.2 Accessing Components
+6.2.1 Finding Components
+6.2.2 Removing Components
+Removing an element from a list while iterating through the list can
+cause problems, since you will probably be removing the element that
+the internal iterator points to. This will result in the iteration
+loop terminating immediately after removing the element. To avoid
+the problem, you will need to step the iterator ahead of the element
+you are going to remove, like this:
+for(c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(s);
+ c != 0;
+ c = next)
+ next = icalcomponent_get_next_component(s);
+ icalcomponent_remove_component(s,c);
+6.2.3 Finding Properties
+6.2.4 Removing Properties
+6.2.5 Getting Values
+6.2.6 Setting Values
+6.2.7 Getting Parameters
+6.2.8 Setting Parameters
+6.2.9 Removing Parameters
+6.2.10 Checking Component Validity
+6.3 Storing Objects
+The libical distribution inclues a seperate library, libicalss, that
+allows you to store iCal component data to disk in a variety of ways.
+This library is documented seperately.
+6.4 Memory Management
+Here are the memory rules for the library:
+1) If the function name has "new" in it, the caller gets control
+ of the memory. ( such as icalcomponent_new(), or icalproperty_new_clone()
+ )
+2) If you got the memory from a routine with new in it, you must
+ call the corresponding *_free routine to free the memory. ( Use
+ icalcomponent_free() to free objects created with icalcomponent_new())
+3) If the function name has "add" in it, the caller is transfering
+ control of the memory to the routine. ( icalproperty_add_parameter() )
+4) If the function name has "remove" in it, the caller passes in
+ a pointer to an object and after the call returns, the caller owns
+ the object. So, before you call icalcomponent_remove_property(comp,foo),
+ you do not own "foo" and after the call returns, you do.
+5) If the routine returns a string, libical owns the memory and will
+ put it on a ring buffer to reclaim later. You'd better strdup it
+ if you want to keep it, and you don't have to delete it.
+6.5 Error Handling
+6.5.1 Return values
+6.5.2 icalerrno
+6.5.3 Component errors
+6.6 Naming Standard
+Structures that you access with the ``struct'' keyword, such as ``struct
+icaltimetype'' are things that you are allowed to see inside and poke
+Structures that you access though a typedef, such as ``icalcomponent''
+are things where all of the data is hidden.
+Component names that start with ``V'' are part of RFC 2445 or another
+iCal standard. Component names that start with ``X'' are also part
+of the spec, but they are not actually components in the spec. However,
+they look and act like components, so they are components in libical.
+Names that start with ``XLIC'' or ``X-LIC'' are not part of any iCal
+spec. They are used internally by libical.
+7 Hacks and Bugs