path: root/mail/e-mail-shell-module.c
diff options
authorMatthew Barnes <mbarnes@src.gnome.org>2009-02-23 11:21:04 +0800
committerMatthew Barnes <mbarnes@src.gnome.org>2009-02-23 11:21:04 +0800
commita63a9dbb82cddad30c25cec46df4220a94e6f296 (patch)
tree4031162b55e77a45a2439c78480e9826762b305b /mail/e-mail-shell-module.c
parente0ffe55ce596c6319016004dfe3350b0d7cc762d (diff)
Make filter options for mail labels work again.
Define a new shell module method named start() that tells the module when to start loading data and running background tasks. Only really applies to the mail module right now since the others use evolution-data-server. Basically it prevents the mail module from loading and refreshing mail stores until you actually switch to the mail view. svn path=/branches/kill-bonobo/; revision=37309
Diffstat (limited to 'mail/e-mail-shell-module.c')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/mail/e-mail-shell-module.c b/mail/e-mail-shell-module.c
index f699edf7c3..2ae8bd5a5a 100644
--- a/mail/e-mail-shell-module.c
+++ b/mail/e-mail-shell-module.c
@@ -827,6 +827,32 @@ mail_shell_module_window_created_cb (EShell *shell,
+static void
+mail_shell_module_start (EShellModule *shell_module)
+ EShell *shell;
+ EShellSettings *shell_settings;
+ gboolean enable_search_folders;
+ shell = e_shell_module_get_shell (shell_module);
+ shell_settings = e_shell_get_shell_settings (shell);
+ g_debug ("Jumpstarting Mail");
+ enable_search_folders = e_shell_settings_get_boolean (
+ shell_settings, "mail-enable-search-folders");
+ if (enable_search_folders)
+ vfolder_load_storage ();
+ mail_autoreceive_init (session);
+ if (g_getenv ("CAMEL_FLUSH_CHANGES") != NULL)
+ mail_sync_timeout_source_id = g_timeout_add_seconds (
+ mail_config_get_sync_timeout (),
+ (GSourceFunc) mail_shell_module_mail_sync,
+ shell_module);
static EShellModuleInfo module_info = {
@@ -834,6 +860,7 @@ static EShellModuleInfo module_info = {
+ mail_shell_module_start,
/* is_busy */ NULL,
/* shutdown */ NULL,
@@ -844,12 +871,9 @@ e_shell_module_init (GTypeModule *type_module)
EShell *shell;
EShellModule *shell_module;
- EShellSettings *shell_settings;
- gboolean enable_search_folders;
shell_module = E_SHELL_MODULE (type_module);
shell = e_shell_module_get_shell (shell_module);
- shell_settings = e_shell_get_shell_settings (shell);
e_shell_module_set_info (
shell_module, &module_info,
@@ -913,19 +937,6 @@ e_shell_module_init (GTypeModule *type_module)
* since the preferences bind to the shell settings. */
e_mail_shell_module_init_settings (shell);
mail_shell_module_init_preferences (shell);
- enable_search_folders = e_shell_settings_get_boolean (
- shell_settings, "mail-enable-search-folders");
- if (enable_search_folders)
- vfolder_load_storage ();
- mail_autoreceive_init (session);
- if (g_getenv ("CAMEL_FLUSH_CHANGES") != NULL)
- mail_sync_timeout_source_id = g_timeout_add_seconds (
- mail_config_get_sync_timeout (),
- (GSourceFunc) mail_shell_module_mail_sync,
- shell_module);
/******************************** Public API *********************************/
@@ -1101,3 +1112,49 @@ e_mail_shell_module_stores_foreach (EShellModule *shell_module,
while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value))
func (key, ((StoreInfo *) value)->name, user_data);
+/******************* Code below here belongs elsewhere. *******************/
+#include "filter/filter-option.h"
+#include "shell/e-shell-settings.h"
+#include "mail/e-mail-label-list-store.h"
+GSList *
+e_mail_labels_get_filter_options (void)
+ EShell *shell;
+ EShellSettings *shell_settings;
+ EMailLabelListStore *list_store;
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ GSList *list = NULL;
+ gboolean valid;
+ shell = e_shell_get_default ();
+ shell_settings = e_shell_get_shell_settings (shell);
+ list_store = e_shell_settings_get_object (
+ shell_settings, "mail-label-list-store");
+ model = GTK_TREE_MODEL (list_store);
+ valid = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (model, &iter);
+ while (valid) {
+ struct _filter_option *option;
+ gchar *name, *tag;
+ name = e_mail_label_list_store_get_name (list_store, &iter);
+ tag = e_mail_label_list_store_get_tag (list_store, &iter);
+ option = g_new0 (struct _filter_option, 1);
+ option->title = e_str_without_underscores (name);
+ option->value = tag; /* takes ownership */
+ g_free (name);
+ valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &iter);
+ }
+ g_object_unref (list_store);
+ return list;