path: root/e-util/e-mktemp.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'e-util/e-mktemp.c')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/e-util/e-mktemp.c b/e-util/e-mktemp.c
index 8164bc145e..e1211da15b 100644
--- a/e-util/e-mktemp.c
+++ b/e-util/e-mktemp.c
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
+#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
@@ -62,10 +63,37 @@ get_path (gboolean make)
GString *path;
path = g_string_new ("/tmp/evolution-");
- g_string_sprintfa (path, "%d-%d", getuid (), getpid ());
+ g_string_sprintfa (path, "%d-%d", (int) getuid (), (int) getpid ());
- if (make)
- mkdir (path->str, S_IRWXU);
+ if (make) {
+ int ret;
+ /* shoot now, ask questions later */
+ ret = mkdir (path->str, S_IRWXU);
+ if (ret == -1) {
+ if (errno == EEXIST) {
+ struct stat st;
+ if (stat (path->str, &st) == -1) {
+ /* reset errno */
+ errno = EEXIST;
+ g_string_free (path, TRUE);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* make sure this is a directory and belongs to us... */
+ if (!S_ISDIR (st.st_dev) || st.st_uid != getuid ()) {
+ /* eek! this is bad... */
+ g_string_free (path, TRUE);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* some other error...do not pass go, do not collect $200 */
+ g_string_free (path, TRUE);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
return path;
@@ -145,8 +173,10 @@ e_mktemp (const char *template)
ret = mktemp (path->str);
if (ret) {
- if (!initialized)
+ if (!initialized) {
g_atexit (e_mktemp_cleanup);
+ initialized = TRUE;
+ }
temp_files = g_slist_prepend (temp_files, ret);
g_string_free (path, FALSE);
@@ -177,8 +207,10 @@ e_mkstemp (const char *template)
fd = mkstemp (path->str);
if (fd != -1) {
- if (!initialized)
+ if (!initialized) {
g_atexit (e_mktemp_cleanup);
+ initialized = TRUE;
+ }
temp_files = g_slist_prepend (temp_files, path->str);
g_string_free (path, FALSE);
@@ -218,8 +250,10 @@ e_mkdtemp (const char *template)
if (tmpdir) {
- if (!initialized)
+ if (!initialized) {
g_atexit (e_mktemp_cleanup);
+ initialized = TRUE;
+ }
temp_dirs = g_slist_prepend (temp_dirs, tmpdir);
g_string_free (path, FALSE);
5'>195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256
const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
const normalizeAddress = require('eth-sig-util').normalize
const extend = require('xtend')

class PreferencesController {

   * @typedef {Object} PreferencesController
     * @param {object} opts Overrides the defaults for the initial state of this.store
   * @property {object} store The an object containing a users preferences, stored in local storage
     * @property {array} store.frequentRpcList A list of custom rpcs to provide the user
   * @property {string} store.currentAccountTab Indicates the selected tab in the ui
   * @property {array} store.tokens The tokens the user wants display in their token lists
   * @property {boolean} store.useBlockie The users preference for blockie identicons within the UI
   * @property {object} store.featureFlags A key-boolean map, where keys refer to features and booleans to whether the
   * user wishes to see that feature
   * @property {string} store.currentLocale The preferred language locale key
   * @property {string} store.selectedAddress A hex string that matches the currently selected address in the app
  constructor (opts = {}) {
    const initState = extend({
      frequentRpcList: [],
      currentAccountTab: 'history',
      tokens: [],
      useBlockie: false,
      featureFlags: {},
      currentLocale: opts.initLangCode,
    }, opts.initState)
    this.store = new ObservableStore(initState)

     * Setter for the `useBlockie` property
     * @param {boolean} val Whether or not the user prefers blockie indicators
  setUseBlockie (val) {
    this.store.updateState({ useBlockie: val })

     * Getter for the `useBlockie` property
     * @returns {boolean} this.store.useBlockie
  getUseBlockie () {
    return this.store.getState().useBlockie

     * Setter for the `currentLocale` property
   * @param {string} key he preferred language locale key
  setCurrentLocale (key) {
    this.store.updateState({ currentLocale: key })

     * Setter for the `selectedAddress` property
     * @param {string} _address A new hex address for an account
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Promise resolves with undefined
  setSelectedAddress (_address) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const address = normalizeAddress(_address)
      this.store.updateState({ selectedAddress: address })

   * Getter for the `selectedAddress` property
   * @returns {string} The hex address for the currently selected account
  getSelectedAddress () {
    return this.store.getState().selectedAddress

   * Contains data about tokens users add to their account.
   * @typedef {Object} AddedToken
   * @property {string} address - The hex address for the token contract. Will be all lower cased and hex-prefixed.
   * @property {string} symbol - The symbol of the token, usually 3 or 4 capitalized letters
   *  {@link https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-20.md#symbol}
   * @property {boolean} decimals - The number of decimals the token uses.
   *  {@link https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-20.md#decimals}

   * Adds a new token to the token array, or updates the token if passed an address that already exists.
   * Modifies the existing tokens array from the store. All objects in the tokens array array AddedToken objects.
   * @see AddedToken {@link AddedToken} 
   * @param {string} rawAddress Hex address of the token contract. May or may not be a checksum address.
   * @param {string} symbol The symbol of the token
   * @param {number} decimals  The number of decimals the token uses.
   * @returns {Promise<array>} Promises the new array of AddedToken objects.
  async addToken (rawAddress, symbol, decimals) {
    const address = normalizeAddress(rawAddress)
    const newEntry = { address, symbol, decimals }

    const tokens = this.store.getState().tokens
    const previousEntry = tokens.find((token, index) => {
      return token.address === address
    const previousIndex = tokens.indexOf(previousEntry)

    if (previousEntry) {
      tokens[previousIndex] = newEntry
    } else {

    this.store.updateState({ tokens })

    return Promise.resolve(tokens)

     * Removes a specified token from the tokens array.
     * @param {string} rawAddress Hex address of the token contract to remove.
     * @returns {Promise<array> The new array of AddedToken objects
  removeToken (rawAddress) {
    const tokens = this.store.getState().tokens

    const updatedTokens = tokens.filter(token => token.address !== rawAddress)

    this.store.updateState({ tokens: updatedTokens })
    return Promise.resolve(updatedTokens)

     * A getter for the `tokens` property
     * @returns {array} The current array of AddedToken objects
  getTokens () {
    return this.store.getState().tokens

     * Gets an updated rpc list from this.addToFrequentRpcList() and sets the `frequentRpcList` to this update list.
     * @param {string} _url The the new rpc url to add to the updated list
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Promise resolves with undefined
  updateFrequentRpcList (_url) {
    return this.addToFrequentRpcList(_url)
      .then((rpcList) => {
        this.store.updateState({ frequentRpcList: rpcList })
        return Promise.resolve()

     * Setter for the `currentAccountTab` property 
     * @param {string} currentAccountTab Specifies the new tab to be marked as current
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Promise resolves with undefined
  setCurrentAccountTab (currentAccountTab) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.store.updateState({ currentAccountTab })

     * Returns an updated rpcList based on the passed url and the current list.
   * The returned list will have a max length of 2. If the _url currently exists it the list, it will be moved to the
   * end of the list. The current list is modified and returned as a promise.
     * @param {string} _url The rpc url to add to the frequentRpcList.
     * @returns {Promise<array>} The updated frequentRpcList. 
  addToFrequentRpcList (_url) {
    const rpcList = this.getFrequentRpcList()
    const index = rpcList.findIndex((element) => { return element === _url })
    if (index !== -1) {
      rpcList.splice(index, 1)
    if (_url !== 'http://localhost:8545') {
    if (rpcList.length > 2) {
    return Promise.resolve(rpcList)

     * Getter for the `frequentRpcList` property.
     * @returns {array<string>} An array of one or two rpc urls.
  getFrequentRpcList () {
    return this.store.getState().frequentRpcList

     * Updates the `featureFlags` property, which is an object. One property within that object will be set to a boolean.
     * @param {string} feature A key that corresponds to a UI feature.
   * @param {boolean} activated Indicates whether or not the UI feature should be displayed
     * @returns {Promise<object>} Promises a new object; the updated featureFlags object.
  setFeatureFlag (feature, activated) {
    const currentFeatureFlags = this.store.getState().featureFlags
    const updatedFeatureFlags = {
      [feature]: activated,

    this.store.updateState({ featureFlags: updatedFeatureFlags })

    return Promise.resolve(updatedFeatureFlags)

     * A getter for the `featureFlags` property
     * @returns {object} A key-boolean map, where keys refer to features and booleans to whether the
   * user wishes to see that feature
  getFeatureFlags () {
    return this.store.getState().featureFlags

module.exports = PreferencesController