From 4916ed9644d1f69d7e710810e3e599898d5814f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: nobody <nobody@localhost>
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 19:29:35 +0000
Subject: This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag

svn path=/tags/LIBCAPPLET_1_5_5/; revision=11677
 libical/src/.cvsignore                        |    2 -
 libical/src/                       |    7 -
 libical/src/libical/.cvsignore                |   22 -
 libical/src/libical/               |  237 --
 libical/src/libical/icalarray.c               |  147 -
 libical/src/libical/icalarray.h               |   61 -
 libical/src/libical/icalattendee.c            |   30 -
 libical/src/libical/icalattendee.h            |   68 -
 libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.c           | 1917 -------------
 libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.h           |  264 --
 libical/src/libical/ |  211 --
 libical/src/libical/ |   37 -
 libical/src/libical/  |  250 --
 libical/src/libical/  |   23 -
 libical/src/libical/     |  299 --
 libical/src/libical/     |   58 -
 libical/src/libical/icalduration.c            |  320 ---
 libical/src/libical/icalduration.h            |   60 -
 libical/src/libical/icalenums.c               |  135 -
 libical/src/libical/icalenums.h               |  157 --
 libical/src/libical/icalerror.c               |  194 --
 libical/src/libical/icalerror.h               |  153 --
 libical/src/libical/icallangbind.c            |  272 --
 libical/src/libical/icallangbind.h            |   49 -
 libical/src/libical/icallexer.l               |  161 --
 libical/src/libical/icalmemory.c              |  287 --
 libical/src/libical/icalmemory.h              |   80 -
 libical/src/libical/icalmime.c                |  386 ---
 libical/src/libical/icalmime.h                |   43 -
 libical/src/libical/icalparameter.c           |  392 ---
 libical/src/libical/icalparameter.h           |   69 -
 libical/src/libical/icalparameterimpl.h       |   52 -
 libical/src/libical/icalparser.c              | 1121 --------
 libical/src/libical/icalparser.h              |   93 -
 libical/src/libical/icalperiod.c              |  170 --
 libical/src/libical/icalperiod.h              |   55 -
 libical/src/libical/icalproperty.c            |  808 ------
 libical/src/libical/icalproperty.h            |  116 -
 libical/src/libical/icalrecur.c               | 2353 ----------------
 libical/src/libical/icalrecur.h               |  189 --
 libical/src/libical/      |  447 ---
 libical/src/libical/icalrestriction.h         |   64 -
 libical/src/libical/icaltime.c                |  714 -----
 libical/src/libical/icaltime.h                |  156 --
 libical/src/libical/icaltimezone.c            | 1597 -----------
 libical/src/libical/icaltimezone.h            |  142 -
 libical/src/libical/icaltypes.c               |  263 --
 libical/src/libical/icaltypes.h               |  136 -
 libical/src/libical/icalvalue.c               | 1196 --------
 libical/src/libical/icalvalue.h               |   85 -
 libical/src/libical/icalvalueimpl.h           |   91 -
 libical/src/libical/          |    7 -
 libical/src/libical/icalyacc.y                |  404 ---
 libical/src/libical/pvl.c                     |  761 ------
 libical/src/libical/pvl.h                     |   94 -
 libical/src/libical/sspm.c                    | 1613 -----------
 libical/src/libical/sspm.h                    |  143 -
 libical/src/libical/vsnprintf.c               |  167 --
 libical/src/libicalss/.cvsignore              |   10 -
 libical/src/libicalss/             |   69 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalcalendar.c          |  265 --
 libical/src/libicalss/icalcalendar.h          |   67 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalclassify.c          |  696 -----
 libical/src/libicalss/icalclassify.h          |   73 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalcomponent.h         |  115 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalcsdb.h              |   67 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalcstp.c              |  116 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalcstp.h              |   79 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpclient.c        |  343 ---
 libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpclient.h        |  100 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpserver.c        |  278 --
 libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpserver.h        |  101 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icaldirset.c            |  753 ------
 libical/src/libicalss/icaldirset.h            |   82 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icaldirsetimpl.h        |   47 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalfileset.c           |  637 -----
 libical/src/libicalss/icalfileset.h           |  105 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalfilesetimpl.h       |   49 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalgauge.c             |  447 ---
 libical/src/libicalss/icalgauge.h             |   51 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalgaugeimpl.h         |   63 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalmessage.c           |  376 ---
 libical/src/libicalss/icalmessage.h           |   71 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalset.c               |  367 ---
 libical/src/libicalss/icalset.h               |  111 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalspanlist.c          |  309 ---
 libical/src/libicalss/icalspanlist.h          |   54 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalsslexer.l           |  113 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalssutil.c            |   29 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalssutil.h            |   27 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalssyacc.h            |   22 -
 libical/src/libicalss/icalssyacc.y            |  245 --
 libical/src/libicalvcal/.cvsignore            |   12 -
 libical/src/libicalvcal/           |   29 -
 libical/src/libicalvcal/README.TXT            |  951 -------
 libical/src/libicalvcal/icalvcal.c            |  517 ----
 libical/src/libicalvcal/icalvcal.h            |   39 -
 libical/src/libicalvcal/port.h                |   88 -
 libical/src/libicalvcal/vcaltest.c            |  118 -
 libical/src/libicalvcal/vcaltmp.c             |  337 ---
 libical/src/libicalvcal/vcaltmp.h             |  128 -
 libical/src/libicalvcal/vcc.h                 |   80 -
 libical/src/libicalvcal/vcc.y                 | 1176 --------
 libical/src/libicalvcal/vctest.c              |   95 -
 libical/src/libicalvcal/vobject.c             | 1452 ----------
 libical/src/libicalvcal/vobject.h             |  366 ---
 libical/src/python/.cvsignore                 |    2 -
 libical/src/python/ChangeLog                  |  109 -
 libical/src/python/              |  124 -
 libical/src/python/               |  670 -----
 libical/src/python/       |   59 -
 libical/src/python/                 |   39 -
 libical/src/python/LibicalWrap.i              |  352 ---
 libical/src/python/                |   42 -
 libical/src/python/                |  839 ------
 libical/src/python/                   |  176 --
 libical/src/python/python-binding.txt         |  434 ---
 libical/src/python/                    |  373 ---
 libical/src/test/.cvsignore                   |   18 -
 libical/src/test/                  |   25 -
 libical/src/test/copycluster.c                |  130 -
 libical/src/test/findobj.c                    |   72 -
 libical/src/test/icaltestparser.c             |  122 -
 libical/src/test/process.c                    |  446 ---
 libical/src/test/recur.c                      |  120 -
 libical/src/test/regression.c                 | 3605 -------------------------
 libical/src/test/storage.c                    |  459 ----
 libical/src/test/stow.c                       |  866 ------
 libical/src/test/testclassify.c               |  156 --
 libical/src/test/testmime.c                   |  340 ---
 libical/src/test/testvcal.c                   |   64 -
 131 files changed, 40795 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/.cvsignore
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/.cvsignore
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalarray.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalarray.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalattendee.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalattendee.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalduration.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalduration.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalenums.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalenums.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalerror.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalerror.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icallangbind.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icallangbind.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icallexer.l
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalmemory.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalmemory.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalmime.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalmime.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalparameter.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalparameter.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalparameterimpl.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalparser.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalparser.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalperiod.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalperiod.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalproperty.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalproperty.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalrecur.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalrecur.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalrestriction.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icaltime.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icaltime.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icaltimezone.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icaltimezone.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icaltypes.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icaltypes.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalvalue.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalvalue.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalvalueimpl.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/icalyacc.y
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/pvl.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/pvl.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/sspm.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/sspm.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libical/vsnprintf.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/.cvsignore
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalcalendar.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalcalendar.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalclassify.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalclassify.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalcomponent.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalcsdb.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalcstp.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalcstp.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpclient.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpclient.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpserver.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpserver.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icaldirset.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icaldirset.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icaldirsetimpl.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalfileset.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalfileset.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalfilesetimpl.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalgauge.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalgauge.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalgaugeimpl.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalmessage.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalmessage.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalset.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalset.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalspanlist.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalspanlist.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalsslexer.l
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalssutil.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalssutil.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalssyacc.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalss/icalssyacc.y
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalvcal/.cvsignore
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalvcal/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalvcal/README.TXT
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalvcal/icalvcal.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalvcal/icalvcal.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalvcal/port.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalvcal/vcaltest.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalvcal/vcaltmp.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalvcal/vcaltmp.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalvcal/vcc.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalvcal/vcc.y
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalvcal/vctest.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalvcal/vobject.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/libicalvcal/vobject.h
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/python/.cvsignore
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/python/ChangeLog
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/python/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/python/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/python/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/python/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/python/LibicalWrap.i
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/python/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/python/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/python/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/python/python-binding.txt
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/python/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/test/.cvsignore
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/test/
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/test/copycluster.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/test/findobj.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/test/icaltestparser.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/test/process.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/test/recur.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/test/regression.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/test/storage.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/test/stow.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/test/testclassify.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/test/testmime.c
 delete mode 100644 libical/src/test/testvcal.c

(limited to 'libical/src')

diff --git a/libical/src/.cvsignore b/libical/src/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index c038ed7864..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libical/src/ b/libical/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index d6ba22c548..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-PYTHON_DIR = python
-SUBDIRS = libical libicalss libicalvcal # $(PYTHON_DIR) test
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/.cvsignore b/libical/src/libical/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index ef04480fde..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/ b/libical/src/libical/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e1a6da9ca..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-#  FILE:
-#  CREATOR: eric 
-#  $Id:,v 1.30 2001/06/14 02:50:46 damon Exp $
-# (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of either: 
-#    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-#    2.1, available at:
-#  Or:
-#    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-#    the License at
-#  The original code is icalcomponent.c
-DESIGNDATA = $(top_srcdir)/design-data
-ICALSCRIPTS = $(top_srcdir)/scripts
-libical_static_la_SOURCES = $(libical_la_SOURCES)
-libical_static_la_LDFLAGS = --all-static
-YFLAGS = -d -v -t -pical_yy
-LFLAGS = -Pical_yy
-LEX_OUTPUT_ROOT = lex.ical_yy
-all: ical.h
-	-I$(top_builddir)	\
-	-I$(top_srcdir)/src	\
-	-I$(top_builddir)/src	\
-	-I$(srcdir)
-libical_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 0:0:0
-libical_la_SOURCES =		\
-	icalarray.c		\
-	icalarray.h		\
-	icalattendee.h		\
-	icalattendee.c		\
-	icalcomponent.c		\
-	icalcomponent.h		\
-	icalenums.c		\
-	icalenums.h		\
-	icalerror.c		\
-	icalerror.h		\
-	icallexer.l		\
-	icalmemory.c		\
-	icalmemory.h		\
-	icalmime.c		\
-	icalmime.h		\
-	icalparameter.c		\
-	icalparameter.h		\
-	icalparameterimpl.h	\
-	icalparser.c		\
-	icalparser.h		\
-	icalproperty.c		\
-	icalproperty.h		\
-	icalrecur.c		\
-	icalrecur.h		\
-	icalrestriction.h	\
-	icaltime.c		\
-	icaltime.h		\
-	icaltimezone.c		\
-	icaltimezone.h		\
-	icalduration.h		\
-	icalduration.c		\
-	icalperiod.h		\
-	icalperiod.c		\
-	icaltypes.c		\
-	icaltypes.h		\
-	icalvalue.c		\
-	icalvalue.h		\
-	icalvalueimpl.h		\
-	icalyacc.h		\
-	icalyacc.y		\
-	pvl.c			\
-	pvl.h			\
-	sspm.c			\
-	sspm.h			\
-	vsnprintf.c		\
-	icallangbind.h		\
-	icallangbind.c
-libicalincludedir = $(includedir)
-libicalinclude_HEADERS =  ical.h 
-# ORDERING OF HEADERS IS SIGNIFICANT. Don't change this ordering. It
-# is required to make the combined header ical.h properly
-	$(top_builddir)/src/libical/icalversion.h	\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/icaltime.h		\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/icalduration.h	\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/icalperiod.h		\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/icalenums.h		\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/icaltypes.h		\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/icalrecur.h		\
-	icalderivedvalue.h				\
-	icalderivedparameter.h				\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/icalvalue.h		\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/icalparameter.h	\
-	icalderivedproperty.h				\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/icalproperty.h	\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/icalattendee.h	\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/pvl.h			\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/icalarray.h		\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/icalcomponent.h	\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/icaltimezone.h	\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/icalparser.h		\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/icalmemory.h		\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/icalerror.h		\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/icalrestriction.h	\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/sspm.h		\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/icalmime.h 		\
-	$(top_srcdir)/src/libical/icallangbind.h	
-	icalderivedparameter.h	\
-	icalderivedproperty.h	\
-	icalderivedvalue.h
-	icalderivedparameter.c	\
-	icalderivedproperty.c	\
-	icalrestriction.c	\
-	icalderivedvalue.c
-	| egrep -v "#include.*\"ical"			\
-	| egrep -v "#include.*\"pvl\.h\"" > ical.h
-icallexer.c : icalyacc.h
-# parameters
-	$(DESIGNDATA)/parameters.csv	\
- \
-icalderivedparameter.h: $(PARAMETERDEPS) 
-	$(PERL) -I $(ICALSCRIPTS) $(ICALSCRIPTS)/ -i $(srcdir)/ -h $(DESIGNDATA)/parameters.csv > icalderivedparameter.h 
-icalderivedparameter.c: $(PARAMETERDEPS) $(BUILT_COMBINEDHEADERS)
-	$(PERL) -I $(ICALSCRIPTS) $(ICALSCRIPTS)/ -i $(srcdir)/ -c $(DESIGNDATA)/parameters.csv > icalderivedparameter.c
-# properties
-	$(DESIGNDATA)/properties.csv		\
-	$(DESIGNDATA)/value-types.csv		\
-		\
-icalderivedproperty.h: $(PROPERTYDEPS)
-		-i $(srcdir)/ -h $(DESIGNDATA)/properties.csv\
-		${DESIGNDATA}/value-types.csv > icalderivedproperty.h 
-icalderivedproperty.c: $(PROPERTYDEPS) $(BUILT_COMBINEDHEADERS)
-		-i $(srcdir)/ -c $(DESIGNDATA)/properties.csv \
-		${DESIGNDATA}/value-types.csv > icalderivedproperty.c
-# restrictions
-	$(DESIGNDATA)/restrictions.csv		\
-icalrestriction.c: $(RESTRICTIONDEPS)
-	$(PERL) $(ICALSCRIPTS)/  -i $(srcdir)/ \
-		$(DESIGNDATA)/restrictions.csv > icalrestriction.c
-# values
-VALUEDEPS =					\
-	$(DESIGNDATA)/value-types.csv		\
-			\
-icalderivedvalue.h: $(VALUEDEPS)
-	         -i $(srcdir)/ -h $(DESIGNDATA)/value-types.csv > icalderivedvalue.h
-icalderivedvalue.c: $(VALUEDEPS) $(BUILT_COMBINEDHEADERS)
-		-i $(srcdir)/ -c $(DESIGNDATA)/value-types.csv > icalderivedvalue.c
-# housekeeping
-	cd $(distdir); rm -f $(BUILT_SOURCES)
-	cd $(distdir); rm -f ical.h
- \
- \
- \
- \
-	\
-	\
-	\
-	\
-	icallexer.c		\
-	icalyacc.c
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalarray.c b/libical/src/libical/icalarray.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9aea671b64..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalarray.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icalarray.c
-  CREATOR: Damon Chaplin 07 March 2001
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Ximian, Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "config.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "icalarray.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-static void icalarray_expand		(icalarray	*array,
-					 int		 space_needed);
-icalarray_new			(int		 element_size,
-				 int		 increment_size)
-    icalarray *array;
-    array = (icalarray*) malloc (sizeof (icalarray));
-    if (!array) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    array->element_size = element_size;
-    array->increment_size = increment_size;
-    array->num_elements = 0;
-    array->space_allocated = 0;
-    array->data = NULL;
-    return array;
-icalarray_free			(icalarray	*array)
-    if (array->data)
-	free (array->data);
-    free (array);
-icalarray_append		(icalarray	*array,
-				 void		*element)
-    if (array->num_elements >= array->space_allocated)
-	icalarray_expand (array, 1);
-    memcpy (array->data + array->num_elements * array->element_size, element,
-	    array->element_size);
-    array->num_elements++;
-icalarray_element_at		(icalarray	*array,
-				 int		 position)
-    assert (position >= 0);
-    assert (position < array->num_elements);
-    return array->data + position * array->element_size;
-icalarray_remove_element_at	(icalarray	*array,
-				 int		 position)
-    void *dest;
-    int elements_to_move;
-    assert (position >= 0);
-    assert (position < array->num_elements);
-    dest = array->data + position * array->element_size;
-    elements_to_move = array->num_elements - position - 1;
-    if (elements_to_move > 0)
-	memmove (dest, dest + array->element_size,
-		 elements_to_move * array->element_size);
-    array->num_elements--;
-icalarray_sort			(icalarray	*array,
-				 int	       (*compare) (const void *,
-							   const void *))
-    qsort (array->data, array->num_elements, array->element_size, compare);
-static void
-icalarray_expand		(icalarray	*array,
-				 int		 space_needed)
-    int new_space_allocated;
-    void *new_data;
-    new_space_allocated = array->space_allocated + array->increment_size;
-    if (space_needed > array->increment_size) 
-	new_space_allocated += space_needed;
-    new_data = realloc (array->data,
-			new_space_allocated * array->element_size);
-    if (new_data) {
-	array->data = new_data;
-	array->space_allocated = new_space_allocated;
-    } else {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_ALLOCATION_ERROR);
-    }
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalarray.h b/libical/src/libical/icalarray.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cbf72688da..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalarray.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- FILE: icalarray.h
- CREATOR: Damon Chaplin 07 March 2001
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Ximian, Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-#ifndef ICALARRAY_H
-#define ICALARRAY_H
-/* An array of arbitrarily-sized elements which grows dynamically as elements
-   are added. */
-typedef struct _icalarray icalarray;
-struct _icalarray {
-    int		 element_size;
-    int		 increment_size;
-    int		 num_elements;
-    int		 space_allocated;
-    void	*data;
-icalarray *icalarray_new		(int		 element_size,
-					 int		 increment_size);
-void	   icalarray_free		(icalarray	*array);
-void	   icalarray_append		(icalarray	*array,
-					 void		*element);
-void	   icalarray_remove_element_at	(icalarray	*array,
-					 int		 position);
-void	  *icalarray_element_at		(icalarray	*array,
-					 int		 position);
-void	   icalarray_sort		(icalarray	*array,
-					 int	       (*compare) (const void *, const void *));
-#endif /* ICALARRAY_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalattendee.c b/libical/src/libical/icalattendee.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 30cb949c40..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalattendee.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icalattendee.c
-  CREATOR: eric 08 Mar 01
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icaltypes.c
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "config.h"
-#include "icalattendee.h"
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalattendee.h b/libical/src/libical/icalattendee.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 023b30734c..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalattendee.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalattendee.h
- CREATOR: eric 8 Mar 01
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icaltypes.h
-#include <time.h>
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include "icaltime.h"
-#include "icalduration.h"
-#include "icalperiod.h"
-#include "icalderivedparameter.h"
-#include "icalderivedvalue.h"
-struct icalorganizertype {
-    const char* value;
-    const char* common_name;
-    const char* dir;
-    const char* sentby;
-    const char* language;
-/* Create a copy of the given organizer. Libical will not own the
-   memory for the strings in the copy; the call must free them */
-struct icalorganizertype icalorganizertype_new_clone(struct icalorganizertype a);
-struct icalattendeetype {
-    const char* cuid; /* Cal user id, contents of the property value */
-    /*icalparameter_cutype cutype;*/
-    const char* member;
-    /*icalparameter_role role;*/
-    int rsvp;
-    const char* delto;
-    const char* delfrom;
-    const char* sentby;
-    const char* cn;
-    const char* dir;
-    const char* language;
-/* Create a copy of the given attendee. Libical will not own the
-   memory for the strings in the copy; the call must free them */
-struct icalattendeetype icalattendeetype_new_clone(struct icalattendeetype a);
-#endif /* !ICALATTENDEE_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.c b/libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 64b2e0d97f..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1917 +0,0 @@
-  FILE: icalcomponent.c
-  CREATOR: eric 28 April 1999
-  $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalcomponent.c
-#include "config.h"
-#include "icalcomponent.h"
-#include "pvl.h" /* "Pointer-to-void list" */
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include "icaltime.h"
-#include "icalarray.h"
-#include "icaltimezone.h"
-#include "icalduration.h"
-#include "icalperiod.h"
-#include "icalparser.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>  /* for malloc */
-#include <stdarg.h> /* for va_list, etc */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdio.h> /* for fprintf */
-#include <string.h> /* for strdup */
-#define MAX_TMP 1024
-struct icalcomponent_impl 
-	char id[5];
-	icalcomponent_kind kind;
-	char* x_name;
-	pvl_list properties;
-	pvl_elem property_iterator;
-	pvl_list components;
-	pvl_elem component_iterator;
-	icalcomponent* parent;
-	/* An array of icaltimezone structs. We use this so we can do fast
-	   lookup of timezones using binary searches. timezones_sorted is
-	   set to 0 whenever we add a timezone, so we remember to sort the
-	   array before doing a binary search. */
-	icalarray* timezones;
-	int timezones_sorted;
-/* icalproperty functions that only components get to use */
-void icalproperty_set_parent(icalproperty* property,
-			     icalcomponent* component);
-icalcomponent* icalproperty_get_parent(icalproperty* property);
-void icalcomponent_add_children(struct icalcomponent_impl *impl,va_list args);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_impl (icalcomponent_kind kind);
-int icalcomponent_property_sorter(void *a, void *b);
-static void icalcomponent_merge_vtimezone (icalcomponent *comp,
-					   icalcomponent *vtimezone,
-					   icalarray *tzids_to_rename);
-static void icalcomponent_handle_conflicting_vtimezones (icalcomponent *comp,
-							 icalcomponent *vtimezone,
-							 icalproperty *tzid_prop,
-							 const char *tzid,
-							 icalarray *tzids_to_rename);
-static int icalcomponent_get_tzid_prefix_len (const char *tzid);
-static void icalcomponent_rename_tzids(icalcomponent* comp,
-				       icalarray* rename_table);
-static void icalcomponent_rename_tzids_callback(icalparameter *param,
-						void *data);
-static int icalcomponent_compare_vtimezones (icalcomponent	*vtimezone1,
-					     icalcomponent	*vtimezone2);
-static int icalcomponent_compare_timezone_fn	(const void	*elem1,
-						 const void	*elem2);
-void icalcomponent_add_children(struct icalcomponent_impl *impl,va_list args)
-    void* vp;
-    while((vp = va_arg(args, void*)) != 0) {
-	assert (icalcomponent_isa_component(vp) != 0 ||
-		icalproperty_isa_property(vp) != 0 ) ;
-	if (icalcomponent_isa_component(vp) != 0 ){
-	    icalcomponent_add_component((icalcomponent*)impl,
-				       (icalcomponent*)vp);
-	} else if (icalproperty_isa_property(vp) != 0 ){
-	    icalcomponent_add_property((icalcomponent*)impl,
-				       (icalproperty*)vp);
-	}
-    }    
-icalcomponent_new_impl (icalcomponent_kind kind)
-    struct icalcomponent_impl* comp;
-    if ( ( comp = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)
-	   malloc(sizeof(struct icalcomponent_impl))) == 0) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    strcpy(comp->id,"comp");
-    comp->kind = kind;
-    comp->properties = pvl_newlist();
-    comp->property_iterator = 0;
-    comp->components = pvl_newlist();
-    comp->component_iterator = 0;
-    comp->x_name = 0;
-    comp->parent = 0;
-    comp->timezones = NULL;
-    comp->timezones_sorted = 1;
-    return comp;
-icalcomponent_new (icalcomponent_kind kind)
-   return (icalcomponent*)icalcomponent_new_impl(kind);
-icalcomponent_vanew (icalcomponent_kind kind, ...)
-   va_list args;
-   struct icalcomponent_impl *impl = icalcomponent_new_impl(kind);
-    if (impl == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-   va_start(args,kind);
-   icalcomponent_add_children(impl, args);
-   va_end(args);
-   return (icalcomponent*) impl;
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_from_string(char* str)
-    return icalparser_parse_string(str);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_clone(icalcomponent* component)
-    struct icalcomponent_impl *old = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
-    struct icalcomponent_impl *new;
-    icalproperty *p;
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    pvl_elem itr;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0), "component");
-    new = icalcomponent_new_impl(old->kind);
-    if (new == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    for( itr = pvl_head(old->properties);
-	 itr != 0;
-	 itr = pvl_next(itr))
-    {	
-	p = (icalproperty*)pvl_data(itr);
-	icalcomponent_add_property(new,icalproperty_new_clone(p));
-    }
-    for( itr = pvl_head(old->components);
-	 itr != 0;
-	 itr = pvl_next(itr))
-    {	
-	c = (icalcomponent*)pvl_data(itr);
-	icalcomponent_add_component(new,icalcomponent_new_clone(c));
-    }
-   return new;
-icalcomponent_free (icalcomponent* component)
-    icalproperty* prop;
-    icalcomponent* comp;
-    struct icalcomponent_impl *c = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (component!=0), "component");
-    icalerror_assert( (c->parent ==0),"Tried to free a component that is still attached to a parent component");
-    if(c->parent != 0){
-	return;
-    }
-    if(component != 0 ){
-       while( (prop=pvl_pop(c->properties)) != 0){
-	   assert(prop != 0);
-           icalproperty_set_parent(prop,0);
-	   icalproperty_free(prop);
-       }
-       pvl_free(c->properties);
-       while( (comp=pvl_data(pvl_head(c->components))) != 0){
-	   assert(comp!=0);
-	   icalcomponent_remove_component(component,comp);
-	   icalcomponent_free(comp);
-       }
-       pvl_free(c->components);
-	if (c->x_name != 0) {
-	    free(c->x_name);
-	}
-	if (c->timezones)
-	    icaltimezone_array_free (c->timezones);
-	c->kind = ICAL_NO_COMPONENT;
-	c->properties = 0;
-	c->property_iterator = 0;
-	c->components = 0;
-	c->component_iterator = 0;
-	c->x_name = 0;	
-	c->id[0] = 'X';
-	c->timezones = NULL;
-	free(c);
-    }
-icalcomponent_as_ical_string (icalcomponent* component)
-   char* buf, *out_buf;
-   char* tmp_buf;
-   size_t buf_size = 1024;
-   char* buf_ptr = 0;
-    pvl_elem itr;
-    struct icalcomponent_impl *impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
-    char newline[] = "\n";
-    char newline[] = "\r\n";
-   icalcomponent *c;
-   icalproperty *p;
-   icalcomponent_kind kind = icalcomponent_isa(component);
-   const char* kind_string;
-   buf = icalmemory_new_buffer(buf_size);
-   buf_ptr = buf; 
-   icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0), "component");
-   icalerror_check_arg_rz( (kind!=ICAL_NO_COMPONENT), "component kind is ICAL_NO_COMPONENT");
-   kind_string  = icalenum_component_kind_to_string(kind);
-   icalerror_check_arg_rz( (kind_string!=0),"Unknown kind of component");
-   icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "BEGIN:");
-   icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, kind_string);
-   icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, newline);
-   for( itr = pvl_head(impl->properties);
-	 itr != 0;
-	 itr = pvl_next(itr))
-    {	
-	p = (icalproperty*)pvl_data(itr);
-	icalerror_assert((p!=0),"Got a null property");
-	tmp_buf = icalproperty_as_ical_string(p);
-	icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, tmp_buf);
-    }
-   for( itr = pvl_head(impl->components);
-	itr != 0;
-	itr = pvl_next(itr))
-   {	
-       c = (icalcomponent*)pvl_data(itr);
-       tmp_buf = icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c);
-       icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, tmp_buf);
-   }
-   icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "END:");
-   icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, 
-			    icalenum_component_kind_to_string(kind));
-   icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, newline);
-   out_buf = icalmemory_tmp_copy(buf);
-   free(buf);
-   return out_buf;
-icalcomponent_is_valid (icalcomponent* component)
-    struct icalcomponent_impl *impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl *)component;
-    if ( (strcmp(impl->id,"comp") == 0) &&
-	 impl->kind != ICAL_NO_COMPONENT){
-	return 1;
-    } else {
-	return 0;
-    }
-icalcomponent_isa (icalcomponent* component)
-    struct icalcomponent_impl *impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl *)component;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0), "component");
-   if(component != 0)
-   {
-       return impl->kind;
-   }
-icalcomponent_isa_component (void* component)
-    struct icalcomponent_impl *impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl *)component;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0), "component");
-    if (strcmp(impl->id,"comp") == 0) {
-	return 1;
-    } else {
-	return 0;
-    }
-int icalcomponent_property_sorter(void *a, void *b)
-    icalproperty_kind kinda, kindb;
-    const char *ksa, *ksb;
-    kinda = icalproperty_isa((icalproperty*)a);
-    kindb = icalproperty_isa((icalproperty*)b);
-    ksa = icalenum_property_kind_to_string(kinda);
-    ksb = icalenum_property_kind_to_string(kindb);
-    return strcmp(ksa,ksb);
-icalcomponent_add_property (icalcomponent* component, icalproperty* property)
-    struct icalcomponent_impl *impl;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (component!=0), "component");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (property!=0), "property");
-     impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
-    icalerror_assert( (!icalproperty_get_parent(property)),"The property has already been added to a component. Remove the property with icalcomponent_remove_property before calling icalcomponent_add_property");
-    icalproperty_set_parent(property,component);
-    pvl_insert_ordered(impl->properties,
-		       icalcomponent_property_sorter,property);
-    pvl_push(impl->properties,property);
-icalcomponent_remove_property (icalcomponent* component, icalproperty* property)
-    struct icalcomponent_impl *impl;
-    pvl_elem itr, next_itr;
-    struct icalproperty_impl *pimpl;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (component!=0), "component");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (property!=0), "property");
-    impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
-    pimpl = (struct icalproperty_impl*)property;
-    icalerror_assert( (icalproperty_get_parent(property)),"The property is not a member of a component");
-    for( itr = pvl_head(impl->properties);
-	 itr != 0;
-	 itr = next_itr)
-    {
-	next_itr = pvl_next(itr);
-	if( pvl_data(itr) == (void*)property ){
-	   if (impl->property_iterator == itr){
-	       impl->property_iterator = pvl_next(itr);
-	   }
-	   pvl_remove( impl->properties, itr); 
-	  icalproperty_set_parent(property,0);
-	}
-    }	
-icalcomponent_count_properties (icalcomponent* component, 
-				icalproperty_kind kind)
-    int count=0;
-    pvl_elem itr;
-    struct icalcomponent_impl *impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0), "component");
-    for( itr = pvl_head(impl->properties);
-	 itr != 0;
-	 itr = pvl_next(itr))
-    {	
-	if(kind == icalproperty_isa((icalproperty*)pvl_data(itr)) ||
-	    kind == ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY){
-	    count++;
-	}
-    }
-    return count;
-icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_current_property (icalcomponent* component)
-   struct icalcomponent_impl *c = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
-   icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0),"component");
-   if ((c->property_iterator==0)){
-       return 0;
-   }
-   return (icalproperty*) pvl_data(c->property_iterator);
-icalcomponent_get_first_property (icalcomponent* component, icalproperty_kind kind)
-   struct icalcomponent_impl *c = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
-   icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0),"component");
-   for( c->property_iterator = pvl_head(c->properties);
-	c->property_iterator != 0;
-	c->property_iterator = pvl_next(c->property_iterator)) {
-       icalproperty *p =  (icalproperty*) pvl_data(c->property_iterator);
-	   if (icalproperty_isa(p) == kind || kind == ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY) {
-	       return p;
-	   }
-   }
-   return 0;
-icalcomponent_get_next_property (icalcomponent* component, icalproperty_kind kind)
-   struct icalcomponent_impl *c = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
-   icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0),"component");
-   if (c->property_iterator == 0){
-       return 0;
-   }
-   for( c->property_iterator = pvl_next(c->property_iterator);
-	c->property_iterator != 0;
-	c->property_iterator = pvl_next(c->property_iterator)) {
-       icalproperty *p =  (icalproperty*) pvl_data(c->property_iterator);
-       if (icalproperty_isa(p) == kind || kind == ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY) {
-	   return p;
-       }
-   }
-   return 0;
-icalcomponent_get_properties (icalcomponent* component, icalproperty_kind kind);
-icalcomponent_add_component (icalcomponent* parent, icalcomponent* child)
-    struct icalcomponent_impl *impl, *cimpl;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (parent!=0), "parent");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (child!=0), "child");
-    impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)parent;
-    cimpl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)child;
-    icalerror_assert( (cimpl->parent ==0),"The child component has already been added to a parent component. Remove the component with icalcomponent_remove_component before calling icalcomponent_add_component");
-    cimpl->parent = parent;
-    pvl_push(impl->components,child);
-    /* If the new component is a VTIMEZONE, add it to our array. */
-    if (cimpl->kind == ICAL_VTIMEZONE_COMPONENT) {
-	/* FIXME: Currently we are also creating this array when loading in
-	   a builtin VTIMEZONE, when we don't need it. */
-	if (!impl->timezones)
-	    impl->timezones = icaltimezone_array_new ();
-	icaltimezone_array_append_from_vtimezone (impl->timezones, child);
-	/* Flag that we need to sort it before doing any binary searches. */
-	impl->timezones_sorted = 0;
-    }
-icalcomponent_remove_component (icalcomponent* parent, icalcomponent* child)
-   struct icalcomponent_impl *impl,*cimpl;
-   pvl_elem itr, next_itr;
-   icalerror_check_arg_rv( (parent!=0), "parent");
-   icalerror_check_arg_rv( (child!=0), "child");
-   impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)parent;
-   cimpl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)child;
-    /* If the component is a VTIMEZONE, remove it from our array as well. */
-    if (cimpl->kind == ICAL_VTIMEZONE_COMPONENT) {
-	icaltimezone *zone;
-	int i, num_elements;
-	num_elements = impl->timezones ? impl->timezones->num_elements : 0;
-        for (i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) {
-	    zone = icalarray_element_at (impl->timezones, i);
-	    if (icaltimezone_get_component (zone) == child) {
-		icaltimezone_free (zone, 0);
-	        icalarray_remove_element_at (impl->timezones, i);
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-   for( itr = pvl_head(impl->components);
-	itr != 0;
-	itr = next_itr)
-   {
-       next_itr = pvl_next(itr);
-       if( pvl_data(itr) == (void*)child ){
-	   if (impl->component_iterator == itr){
-	       /* Don't let the current iterator become invalid */
-	       /* HACK. The semantics for this are troubling. */
-	       impl->component_iterator = 
-		   pvl_next(impl->component_iterator);
-	   }
-	   pvl_remove( impl->components, itr); 
-	   cimpl->parent = 0;
-	   break;
-       }
-   }	
-icalcomponent_count_components (icalcomponent* component, 
-				icalcomponent_kind kind)
-    int count=0;
-    pvl_elem itr;
-    struct icalcomponent_impl *impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0), "component");
-    for( itr = pvl_head(impl->components);
-	 itr != 0;
-	 itr = pvl_next(itr))
-    {
-	if(kind == icalcomponent_isa((icalcomponent*)pvl_data(itr)) ||
-	    kind == ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT){
-	    count++;
-	}
-    }
-    return count;
-icalcomponent_get_current_component(icalcomponent* component)
-   struct icalcomponent_impl *c = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
-   icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0),"component");
-   if (c->component_iterator == 0){
-       return 0;
-   }
-   return (icalcomponent*) pvl_data(c->component_iterator);
-icalcomponent_get_first_component (icalcomponent* component, 
-				   icalcomponent_kind kind)
-   struct icalcomponent_impl *c = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
-   icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0),"component");
-   for( c->component_iterator = pvl_head(c->components);
-	c->component_iterator != 0;
-	c->component_iterator = pvl_next(c->component_iterator)) {
-       icalcomponent *p =  (icalcomponent*) pvl_data(c->component_iterator);
-	   if (icalcomponent_isa(p) == kind || kind == ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT) {
-	       return p;
-	   }
-   }
-   return 0;
-icalcomponent_get_next_component (icalcomponent* component, icalcomponent_kind kind)
-   struct icalcomponent_impl *c = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
-   icalerror_check_arg_rz( (component!=0),"component");
-   if (c->component_iterator == 0){
-       return 0;
-   }
-   for( c->component_iterator = pvl_next(c->component_iterator);
-	c->component_iterator != 0;
-	c->component_iterator = pvl_next(c->component_iterator)) {
-       icalcomponent *p =  (icalcomponent*) pvl_data(c->component_iterator);
-	   if (icalcomponent_isa(p) == kind || kind == ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT) {
-	       return p;
-	   }
-   }
-   return 0;
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_first_real_component(icalcomponent *c)
-    icalcomponent *comp;
-    for(comp = icalcomponent_get_first_component(c,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-	comp != 0;
-	comp = icalcomponent_get_next_component(c,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)){
-	icalcomponent_kind kind = icalcomponent_isa(comp);
-	   kind == ICAL_VTODO_COMPONENT ||
-	    return comp;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-struct icaltime_span icalcomponent_get_span(icalcomponent* comp)
-    icalcomponent *inner;
-    icalproperty *p, *duration;
-    icalcomponent_kind kind;
-    struct icaltime_span span;
-    struct icaltimetype start;
-    span.start = 0;
-    span.end = 0;
-    span.is_busy= 1;
-    /* initial Error checking */
-/*    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (comp!=0),"comp");*/
-    kind  = icalcomponent_isa(comp);
-	inner = icalcomponent_get_first_real_component(comp);
-	/* Maybe there is a VTIMEZONE in there */
-	if (inner == 0){
-	    inner = icalcomponent_get_first_component(comp,
-	}
-    } else {
-	inner = comp;
-    }
-    if (inner == 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	/*icalerror_warn("icalcomponent_get_span: no component specified, or empty VCALENDAR component");*/
-	return span; 
-    }
-    kind  = icalcomponent_isa(inner);
-    if( !( kind == ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT ||
-	   kind == ICAL_VTODO_COMPONENT ||	   
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	/*icalerror_warn("icalcomponent_get_span: no component specified, or empty VCALENDAR component");*/
-	return span; 
-    }
-    /* Get to work. starting with DTSTART */
-    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner, ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY);
-    if (p ==0 ) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	/*icalerror_warn("icalcomponent_get_span: component has no DTSTART time");*/
-	return span; 
-    }
-    start = icalproperty_get_dtstart(p);
-    icalerror_clear_errno();
-    /* FIXME: Needs updating to new icaltimezone functions. */
-#if 0
-    span.start = icalcomponent_convert_time(p);
-    printf("convert time:\n %s %s",
-	   icalproperty_as_ical_string(p), ctime(&span.start));
-    if(icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
-	span.start = 0;
-	return span;
-    }
-    /* The end time could be specified as either a DTEND or a DURATION */
-    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner, ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY);
-    duration = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner, ICAL_DURATION_PROPERTY);
-    if (p==0 && duration == 0 && start.is_date != 1) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	/*icalerror_warn("icalcomponent_get_span: component has neither DTEND nor DURATION time");*/
-	span.start = 0;
-	return span; 
-    } 
-    if (p!=0){
-    /* FIXME: Needs updating to new icaltimezone functions. */
-#if 0
-	span.end = icalcomponent_convert_time(p);
-    } else if (start.is_date == 1) {
-	/* Duration is all day */
-	span.end = span.start + 60*60*24;
-    } else {
-	/* Use the duration */
-	struct icaldurationtype dur;
-	time_t durt;
-	dur = icalproperty_get_duration(duration);
-	durt = icaldurationtype_as_int(dur);
-	span.end = span.start+durt;
-    }
-    return span;
-int icalcomponent_count_errors(icalcomponent* component)
-    int errors = 0;
-    icalproperty *p;
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    pvl_elem itr;
-    struct icalcomponent_impl *impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
-    for( itr = pvl_head(impl->properties);
-	 itr != 0;
-	 itr = pvl_next(itr))
-    {	
-	p = (icalproperty*)pvl_data(itr);
-	if(icalproperty_isa(p) == ICAL_XLICERROR_PROPERTY)
-	{
-	    errors++;
-	}
-    }
-    for( itr = pvl_head(impl->components);
-	 itr != 0;
-	 itr = pvl_next(itr))
-    {	
-	c = (icalcomponent*)pvl_data(itr);
-	errors += icalcomponent_count_errors(c);
-    }
-    return errors;
-void icalcomponent_strip_errors(icalcomponent* component)
-    icalproperty *p;
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    pvl_elem itr, next_itr;
-    struct icalcomponent_impl *impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
-   for( itr = pvl_head(impl->properties);
-	 itr != 0;
-	 itr = next_itr)
-    {	
-	p = (icalproperty*)pvl_data(itr);
-	next_itr = pvl_next(itr);
-	if(icalproperty_isa(p) == ICAL_XLICERROR_PROPERTY)
-	{
-	    icalcomponent_remove_property(component,p);
-	}
-    }
-    for( itr = pvl_head(impl->components);
-	 itr != 0;
-	 itr = pvl_next(itr))
-    {	
-	c = (icalcomponent*)pvl_data(itr);
-	icalcomponent_strip_errors(c);
-    }
-/* Hack. This will change the state of the iterators */
-void icalcomponent_convert_errors(icalcomponent* component)
-    icalproperty *p, *next_p;
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    for(p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(component,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
-	p != 0;
-	p = next_p){
-	next_p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(component,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
-	if(icalproperty_isa(p) == ICAL_XLICERROR_PROPERTY)
-	{
-	    struct icalreqstattype rst;
-	    icalparameter *param  = icalproperty_get_first_parameter
-	    rst.code = ICAL_UNKNOWN_STATUS;
-	    rst.desc = 0;
-	    switch(icalparameter_get_xlicerrortype(param)){
-		    rst.code = ICAL_3_2_INVPARAM_STATUS;
-		    break;
-		}
-		    rst.code = ICAL_3_3_INVPARAMVAL_STATUS;
-		    break;
-		}
-		    rst.code = ICAL_3_0_INVPROPNAME_STATUS;
-		    break;
-		}
-		    rst.code = ICAL_3_1_INVPROPVAL_STATUS;
-		    break;
-		}
-		    rst.code = ICAL_3_4_INVCOMP_STATUS;
-		    break;
-		}
-		default: {
-		}
-	    }
-	    if (rst.code != ICAL_UNKNOWN_STATUS){
-		rst.debug = icalproperty_get_xlicerror(p);
-		icalcomponent_add_property(component,
-					   icalproperty_new_requeststatus(
-					       icalreqstattype_as_string(rst)
-					       )
-		    );
-		icalcomponent_remove_property(component,p);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    for(c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(component,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-	c != 0;
-	c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(component,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)){
-	icalcomponent_convert_errors(c);
-    }
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_parent(icalcomponent* component)
-   struct icalcomponent_impl *c = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
-   return c->parent;
-void icalcomponent_set_parent(icalcomponent* component, icalcomponent* parent)
-   struct icalcomponent_impl *c = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
-   c->parent = parent;
-icalcompiter icalcompiter_null = {ICAL_NO_COMPONENT,0};
-struct icalcomponent_kind_map {
-	icalcomponent_kind kind;
-	char name[20];
-static struct icalcomponent_kind_map component_map[] = 
-    { ICAL_XSTANDARD_COMPONENT, "STANDARD" }, /*These are part of RFC2445 */
-    { ICAL_XDAYLIGHT_COMPONENT, "DAYLIGHT" }, /*but are not really components*/
-    { ICAL_X_COMPONENT, "X" },
-    /* CAP components */
-    /* libical private components */
-    /* End of list */
-    { ICAL_NO_COMPONENT, "" },
-const char* icalcomponent_kind_to_string(icalcomponent_kind kind)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; component_map[i].kind != ICAL_NO_COMPONENT; i++) {
-	if (component_map[i].kind == kind) {
-	    return component_map[i].name;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-icalcomponent_kind icalcomponent_string_to_kind(const char* string)
-    int i;
-    if (string ==0 ) { 
-    }
-    for (i=0; component_map[i].kind  != ICAL_NO_COMPONENT; i++) {
-	if (strcmp(component_map[i].name, string) == 0) {
-	    return component_map[i].kind;
-	}
-    }
-    return ICAL_NO_COMPONENT;
-icalcomponent_begin_component(icalcomponent* component,icalcomponent_kind kind)
-    struct icalcomponent_impl *impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
-    icalcompiter itr;
-    pvl_elem i;
-    itr.kind = kind;
-    icalerror_check_arg_re( (component!=0),"component",icalcompiter_null);
-    for( i = pvl_head(impl->components); i != 0; i = pvl_next(i)) {
-	icalcomponent *c =  (icalcomponent*) pvl_data(i);
-	if (icalcomponent_isa(c) == kind || kind == ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT) {
-	    itr.iter = i;
-	    return itr;
-	}
-    }
-    return icalcompiter_null;
-icalcomponent_end_component(icalcomponent* component,icalcomponent_kind kind)
-    struct icalcomponent_impl *impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)component;
-    icalcompiter itr; 
-    pvl_elem i;
-    itr.kind = kind;
-    icalerror_check_arg_re( (component!=0),"component",icalcompiter_null);
-    for( i = pvl_tail(impl->components); i != 0; i = pvl_prior(i)) {
-	icalcomponent *c =  (icalcomponent*) pvl_data(i);
-	if (icalcomponent_isa(c) == kind || kind == ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT) {
-	    itr.iter = pvl_next(i);
-	    return itr;
-	}
-    }
-    return icalcompiter_null;;
-icalcomponent* icalcompiter_next(icalcompiter* i)
-   if (i->iter == 0){
-       return 0;
-   }
-   icalerror_check_arg_rz( (i!=0),"i");
-   for( i->iter = pvl_next(i->iter);
-	i->iter != 0;
-	i->iter = pvl_next(i->iter)) {
-       icalcomponent *c =  (icalcomponent*) pvl_data(i->iter);
-	   if (icalcomponent_isa(c) == i->kind 
-	       || i->kind == ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT) {
-	       return icalcompiter_deref(i);;
-	   }
-   }
-   return 0;
-icalcomponent* icalcompiter_prior(icalcompiter* i)
-   if (i->iter == 0){
-       return 0;
-   }
-   for( i->iter = pvl_prior(i->iter);
-	i->iter != 0;
-	i->iter = pvl_prior(i->iter)) {
-       icalcomponent *c =  (icalcomponent*) pvl_data(i->iter);
-	   if (icalcomponent_isa(c) == i->kind 
-	       || i->kind == ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT) {
-	       return icalcompiter_deref(i);;
-	   }
-   }
-   return 0;
-icalcomponent* icalcompiter_deref(icalcompiter* i)
-    if(i->iter ==0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return pvl_data(i->iter);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_inner(icalcomponent* comp)
-    if (icalcomponent_isa(comp) == ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT){
-	return icalcomponent_get_first_real_component(comp);
-    } else {
-	return comp;
-    }
-void icalcomponent_set_dtstart(icalcomponent* comp, struct icaltimetype v)
-    icalcomponent *inner = icalcomponent_get_inner(comp); 
-    icalproperty *prop 
-	= icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner, ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY);
-    if (prop == 0){
-	prop = icalproperty_new_dtstart(v);
-	icalcomponent_add_property(inner, prop);
-    }
-    icalproperty_set_dtstart(prop,v);
-struct icaltimetype icalcomponent_get_dtstart(icalcomponent* comp)
-    icalcomponent *inner = icalcomponent_get_inner(comp); 
-    icalproperty *prop 
-	= icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY);
-    if (prop == 0){
-	return icaltime_null_time();
-    }
-    return icalproperty_get_dtstart(prop);
-struct icaltimetype icalcomponent_get_dtend(icalcomponent* comp)
-    icalcomponent *inner = icalcomponent_get_inner(comp); 
-    icalproperty *end_prop 
-	= icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY);
-    icalproperty *dur_prop 
-	= icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner, ICAL_DURATION_PROPERTY);
-    if( end_prop == 0 && dur_prop == 0){
-	return icaltime_null_time();
-    } else if ( end_prop != 0) {
-	return icalproperty_get_dtend(end_prop);
-    } else if ( dur_prop != 0) { 
-	struct icaltimetype start = 
-	    icalcomponent_get_dtstart(inner);
-	struct icaldurationtype duration = 
-	    icalproperty_get_duration(dur_prop);
-	struct icaltimetype end = icaltime_add(start,duration);
-	return end;
-    } else {
-	/* Error, both duration and dtend have been specified */
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	return icaltime_null_time();
-    }
-void icalcomponent_set_dtend(icalcomponent* comp, struct icaltimetype v)
-    icalcomponent *inner = icalcomponent_get_inner(comp); 
-    icalproperty *end_prop 
-	= icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY);
-    icalproperty *dur_prop 
-	= icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_DURATION_PROPERTY);
-    if( end_prop == 0 && dur_prop == 0){
-	end_prop = icalproperty_new_dtend(v);
-	icalcomponent_add_property(inner,end_prop);
-    } else if ( end_prop != 0) {
-	icalproperty_set_dtend(end_prop,v);
-    } else if ( dur_prop != 0) { 
-	struct icaltimetype start = 
-	    icalcomponent_get_dtstart(inner);
-	struct icaltimetype end = 
-	    icalcomponent_get_dtend(inner);
-	struct icaldurationtype dur 
-	    = icaltime_subtract(end,start);
-	icalproperty_set_duration(dur_prop,dur);
-    } else {
-	/* Error, both duration and dtend have been specified */
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-    }
-void icalcomponent_set_duration(icalcomponent* comp, 
-				struct icaldurationtype v)
-    icalcomponent *inner = icalcomponent_get_inner(comp); 
-    icalproperty *end_prop 
-	= icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY);
-    icalproperty *dur_prop 
-	= icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_DURATION_PROPERTY);
-    if( end_prop == 0 && dur_prop == 0){
-	dur_prop = icalproperty_new_duration(v);
-	icalcomponent_add_property(inner, dur_prop);
-    } else if ( end_prop != 0) {
-	struct icaltimetype start = 
-	    icalcomponent_get_dtstart(inner);
-	struct icaltimetype new_end = icaltime_add(start,v);
-	icalproperty_set_dtend(end_prop,new_end);
-    } else if ( dur_prop != 0) { 
-	icalproperty_set_duration(dur_prop,v);
-    } else {
-	/* Error, both duration and dtend have been specified */
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-    }
-struct icaldurationtype icalcomponent_get_duration(icalcomponent* comp)
-    icalcomponent *inner = icalcomponent_get_inner(comp); 
-    icalproperty *end_prop 
-	= icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY);
-    icalproperty *dur_prop 
-	= icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_DURATION_PROPERTY);
-    struct icaldurationtype null_duration;
-    memset(&null_duration,0,sizeof(struct icaldurationtype));
-    if( end_prop == 0 && dur_prop == 0){
-	return null_duration;
-    } else if ( end_prop != 0) {
-	struct icaltimetype start = 
-	    icalcomponent_get_dtstart(inner);
-	time_t startt = icaltime_as_timet(start);
-	struct icaltimetype end = 
-	    icalcomponent_get_dtend(inner);
-	time_t endt = icaltime_as_timet(end);
-	return icaldurationtype_from_int(endt-startt);
-    } else if ( dur_prop != 0) { 
-	return icalproperty_get_duration(dur_prop);
-    } else {
-	/* Error, both duration and dtend have been specified */
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	return null_duration;
-    }
-void icalcomponent_set_method(icalcomponent* comp, icalproperty_method method)
-    icalproperty *prop 
-	= icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp, ICAL_METHOD_PROPERTY);
-    if (prop == 0){
-	prop = icalproperty_new_method(method);
-	icalcomponent_add_property(comp, prop);
-    }
-    icalproperty_set_method(prop,method);
-icalproperty_method icalcomponent_get_method(icalcomponent* comp)
-    icalproperty *prop 
-	= icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp,ICAL_METHOD_PROPERTY);
-    if (prop == 0){
-    }
-    return icalproperty_get_method(prop);
-void icalcomponent_set_dtstamp(icalcomponent* comp, struct icaltimetype v)
-    icalcomponent *inner = icalcomponent_get_inner(comp); 
-    icalproperty *prop 
-	= icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner, ICAL_DTSTAMP_PROPERTY);
-    if (prop == 0){
-	prop = icalproperty_new_dtstamp(v);
-	icalcomponent_add_property(inner, prop);
-    }
-    icalproperty_set_dtstamp(prop,v);
-struct icaltimetype icalcomponent_get_dtstamp(icalcomponent* comp)
-    icalcomponent *inner = icalcomponent_get_inner(comp); 
-    icalproperty *prop 
-	= icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_DTSTAMP_PROPERTY);
-    if (prop == 0){
-	return icaltime_null_time();
-    }
-    return icalproperty_get_dtstamp(prop);
-void icalcomponent_set_summary(icalcomponent* comp, const char* v)
-    icalcomponent *inner = icalcomponent_get_inner(comp); 
-    icalproperty *prop 
-	= icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner, ICAL_SUMMARY_PROPERTY);
-    if (prop == 0){
-	prop = icalproperty_new_summary(v);
-	icalcomponent_add_property(inner, prop);
-    }
-    icalproperty_set_summary(prop,v);
-const char* icalcomponent_get_summary(icalcomponent* comp)
-    icalcomponent *inner = icalcomponent_get_inner(comp); 
-    icalproperty *prop 
-	= icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_SUMMARY_PROPERTY);
-    if (prop == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return icalproperty_get_summary(prop);
-void icalcomponent_set_comment(icalcomponent* comp, const char* v);
-const char* icalcomponent_get_comment(icalcomponent* comp);
-void icalcomponent_set_uid(icalcomponent* comp, const char* v);
-const char* icalcomponent_get_uid(icalcomponent* comp);
-void icalcomponent_set_recurrenceid(icalcomponent* comp, 
-				    struct icaltimetype v);
-struct icaltimetype icalcomponent_get_recurrenceid(icalcomponent* comp);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_vcalendar()
-    return icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_vevent()
-    return icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_vtodo()
-    return icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VTODO_COMPONENT);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_vjournal()
-    return icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VJOURNAL_COMPONENT);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_valarm()
-    return icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VALARM_COMPONENT);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_vfreebusy()
-    return icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VFREEBUSY_COMPONENT);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_vtimezone()
-    return icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VTIMEZONE_COMPONENT);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_xstandard()
-    return icalcomponent_new(ICAL_XSTANDARD_COMPONENT);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_xdaylight()
-    return icalcomponent_new(ICAL_XDAYLIGHT_COMPONENT);
- * Timezone stuff.
- */
-/* This takes 2 VCALENDAR components and merges the second one into the first,
-   resolving any problems with conflicting TZIDs. comp_to_merge will no
-   longer exist after calling this function. */
-void icalcomponent_merge_component(icalcomponent* comp,
-				   icalcomponent* comp_to_merge)
-  icalcomponent *subcomp, *next_subcomp;
-  icalarray *tzids_to_rename;
-  int i;
-  /* Check that both components are VCALENDAR components. */
-  assert (icalcomponent_isa(comp) == ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT);
-  assert (icalcomponent_isa(comp_to_merge) == ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT);
-  /* Step through each subcomponent of comp_to_merge, looking for VTIMEZONEs.
-     For each VTIMEZONE found, check if we need to add it to comp and if we
-     need to rename it and all TZID references to it. */
-  tzids_to_rename = icalarray_new (sizeof (char*), 16);
-  subcomp = icalcomponent_get_first_component (comp_to_merge,
-  while (subcomp) {
-    next_subcomp = icalcomponent_get_next_component (comp_to_merge,
-    /* This will add the VTIMEZONE to comp, if necessary, and also update
-       the array of TZIDs we need to rename. */
-    icalcomponent_merge_vtimezone (comp, subcomp, tzids_to_rename);
-    /* FIXME: Handle possible NEWFAILED error. */
-    subcomp = next_subcomp;
-  }
-  /* If we need to do any renaming of TZIDs, do it now. */
-  if (tzids_to_rename->num_elements != 0) {
-    icalcomponent_rename_tzids (comp_to_merge, tzids_to_rename);
-    /* Now free the tzids_to_rename array. */
-    for (i = 0; i < tzids_to_rename->num_elements; i++) {
-      free (icalarray_element_at (tzids_to_rename, i));
-    }
-    icalarray_free (tzids_to_rename);
-  }
-  /* Now move all the components from comp_to_merge to comp, excluding
-     VTIMEZONE components. */
-  subcomp = icalcomponent_get_first_component (comp_to_merge,
-					       ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-  while (subcomp) {
-    next_subcomp = icalcomponent_get_next_component (comp_to_merge,
-						     ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-    if (icalcomponent_isa(subcomp) != ICAL_VTIMEZONE_COMPONENT) {
-      icalcomponent_remove_component (comp_to_merge, subcomp);
-      icalcomponent_add_component (comp, subcomp);
-    }
-    subcomp = next_subcomp;
-  }
-  /* Free comp_to_merge. We have moved most of the subcomponents over to
-     comp now. */
-  icalcomponent_free (comp_to_merge);
-static void icalcomponent_merge_vtimezone (icalcomponent *comp,
-					   icalcomponent *vtimezone,
-					   icalarray *tzids_to_rename)
-  icalproperty *tzid_prop;
-  const char *tzid;
-  char *tzid_copy;
-  icaltimezone *existing_vtimezone;
-  /* Get the TZID of the VTIMEZONE. */
-  tzid_prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property (vtimezone, ICAL_TZID_PROPERTY);
-  if (!tzid_prop)
-    return;
-  tzid = icalproperty_get_tzid (tzid_prop);
-  if (!tzid)
-    return;
-  /* See if there is already a VTIMEZONE in comp with the same TZID. */
-  existing_vtimezone = icalcomponent_get_timezone (comp, tzid);
-  /* If there is no existing VTIMEZONE with the same TZID, we can just move
-     the VTIMEZONE to comp and return. */
-  if (!existing_vtimezone) {
-    icalcomponent_remove_component (icalcomponent_get_parent (vtimezone),
-				    vtimezone);
-    icalcomponent_add_component (comp, vtimezone);
-    return;
-  }
-  /* If the TZID has a '/' prefix, then we don't have to worry about the
-     clashing TZIDs, as they are supposed to be exactly the same VTIMEZONE. */
-  if (tzid[0] == '/')
-    return;
-  /* Now we have two VTIMEZONEs with the same TZID (which isn't a globally
-     unique one), so we compare the VTIMEZONE components to see if they are
-     the same. If they are, we don't need to do anything. We make a copy of
-     the tzid, since the parameter may get modified in these calls. */
-  tzid_copy = strdup (tzid);
-  if (!tzid_copy) {
-    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (!icalcomponent_compare_vtimezones (existing_vtimezone, vtimezone)) {
-    /* FIXME: Handle possible NEWFAILED error. */
-    /* Now we have two different VTIMEZONEs with the same TZID. */
-    icalcomponent_handle_conflicting_vtimezones (comp, vtimezone, tzid_prop,
-						 tzid_copy, tzids_to_rename);
-  }
-  free (tzid_copy);
-static void
-icalcomponent_handle_conflicting_vtimezones (icalcomponent *comp,
-					     icalcomponent *vtimezone,
-					     icalproperty *tzid_prop,
-					     const char *tzid,
-					     icalarray *tzids_to_rename)
-  struct icalcomponent_impl *impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)comp;
-  int tzid_len, i, suffix, max_suffix = 0, num_elements;
-  char *tzid_copy, *new_tzid, suffix_buf[32];
-  /* Find the length of the TZID without any trailing digits. */
-  tzid_len = icalcomponent_get_tzid_prefix_len (tzid);
-  /* Step through each of the VTIMEZONEs in comp. We may already have the
-     clashing VTIMEZONE in the calendar, but it may have been renamed
-     (i.e. a unique number added on the end of the TZID, e.g. 'London2').
-     So we compare the new VTIMEZONE with any VTIMEZONEs that have the
-     same prefix (e.g. 'London'). If it matches any of those, we have to
-     rename the TZIDs to that TZID, else we rename to a new TZID, using
-     the biggest numeric suffix found + 1. */
-  num_elements = impl->timezones ? impl->timezones->num_elements : 0;
-  for (i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) {
-    icaltimezone *zone;
-    char *existing_tzid, *existing_tzid_copy;
-    int existing_tzid_len;
-    zone = icalarray_element_at (impl->timezones, i);
-    existing_tzid = icaltimezone_get_tzid (zone);
-    /* Find the length of the TZID without any trailing digits. */
-    existing_tzid_len = icalcomponent_get_tzid_prefix_len (existing_tzid);
-    /* Check if we have the same prefix. */
-    if (tzid_len == existing_tzid_len
-	&& !strncmp (tzid, existing_tzid, tzid_len)) {
-      /* Compare the VTIMEZONEs. */
-      if (icalcomponent_compare_vtimezones (icaltimezone_get_component (zone),
-					    vtimezone)) {
-	/* The VTIMEZONEs match, so we can use the existing VTIMEZONE. But
-	   we have to rename TZIDs to this TZID. */
-	tzid_copy = strdup (tzid);
-	existing_tzid_copy = strdup (existing_tzid);
-	if (!tzid_copy || !existing_tzid_copy) {
-	  icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	} else {
-	  icalarray_append (tzids_to_rename, tzid_copy);
-	  icalarray_append (tzids_to_rename, existing_tzid_copy);
-	}
-	return;
-      } else {
-	/* FIXME: Handle possible NEWFAILED error. */
-	/* Convert the suffix to an integer and remember the maximum numeric
-	   suffix found. */
-	suffix = atoi (existing_tzid + existing_tzid_len);
-	if (max_suffix < suffix)
-	  max_suffix = suffix;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* We didn't find a VTIMEZONE that matched, so we have to rename the TZID,
-     using the maximum numerical suffix found + 1. */
-  tzid_copy = strdup (tzid);
-  sprintf (suffix_buf, "%i", max_suffix + 1);
-  new_tzid = malloc (tzid_len + strlen (suffix_buf) + 1);
-  if (!new_tzid || !tzid_copy) {
-    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-    return;
-  }
-  strncpy (new_tzid, tzid, tzid_len);
-  strcpy (new_tzid + tzid_len, suffix_buf);
-  icalarray_append (tzids_to_rename, tzid_copy);
-  icalarray_append (tzids_to_rename, new_tzid);
-/* Returns the length of the TZID, without any trailing digits. */
-static int icalcomponent_get_tzid_prefix_len (const char *tzid)
-  int len;
-  const char *p;
-  len = strlen (tzid);
-  p = tzid + len - 1;
-  while (len > 0 && *p >= '0' && *p <= '9') {
-    p--;
-    len--;
-  }
-  return len;
-/* Renames all references to the given TZIDs to a new name. rename_table
-   contains pairs of strings - a current TZID, and the new TZID to rename it
-   to. */
-static void icalcomponent_rename_tzids(icalcomponent* comp,
-				       icalarray* rename_table)
-    icalcomponent_foreach_tzid (comp, icalcomponent_rename_tzids_callback,
-				rename_table);
-static void icalcomponent_rename_tzids_callback(icalparameter *param, void *data)
-    icalarray *rename_table = data;
-    const char *tzid;
-    int i;
-    tzid = icalparameter_get_tzid (param);
-    if (!tzid)
-        return;
-    /* Step through the rename table to see if the current TZID matches
-       any of the ones we want to rename. */
-    for (i = 0; i < rename_table->num_elements - 1; i += 2) {
-        if (!strcmp (tzid, icalarray_element_at (rename_table, i))) {
-	    icalparameter_set_tzid (param, icalarray_element_at (rename_table, i + 1));
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-/* Calls the given function for each TZID parameter found in the component. */
-void icalcomponent_foreach_tzid(icalcomponent* comp,
-				void (*callback)(icalparameter *param, void *data),
-				void *callback_data)
-    icalproperty *prop;
-    icalproperty_kind kind;
-    icalparameter *param;
-    icalcomponent *subcomp;
-    /* First look for any TZID parameters used in this component itself. */
-    prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property (comp, ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
-    while (prop) {
-      kind = icalproperty_isa (prop);
-      /* These are the only properties that can have a TZID. Note that
-	  || kind == ICAL_RDATE_PROPERTY) {
-	param = icalproperty_get_first_parameter (prop, ICAL_TZID_PARAMETER);
-	if (param)
-	    (*callback) (param, callback_data);
-      }
-      prop = icalcomponent_get_next_property (comp, ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
-    }
-    /* Now recursively check child components. */
-    subcomp = icalcomponent_get_first_component (comp, ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-    while (subcomp) {
-        icalcomponent_foreach_tzid (subcomp, callback, callback_data);
-        subcomp = icalcomponent_get_next_component (comp, ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-    }
-/* Returns the icaltimezone from the component corresponding to the given
-   TZID, or NULL if the component does not have a corresponding VTIMEZONE. */
-icaltimezone* icalcomponent_get_timezone(icalcomponent* comp, const char *tzid)
-    struct icalcomponent_impl *impl;
-    icaltimezone *zone;
-    int lower, upper, middle, cmp;
-    char *zone_tzid;
-    impl = (struct icalcomponent_impl*)comp;
-    if (!impl->timezones)
-	return NULL;
-    /* Sort the array if necessary (by the TZID string). */
-    if (!impl->timezones_sorted) {
-	icalarray_sort (impl->timezones, icalcomponent_compare_timezone_fn);
-	impl->timezones_sorted = 1;
-    }
-    /* Do a simple binary search. */
-    lower = middle = 0;
-    upper = impl->timezones->num_elements;
-    while (lower < upper) {
-	middle = (lower + upper) >> 1;
-	zone = icalarray_element_at (impl->timezones, middle);
-	zone_tzid = icaltimezone_get_tzid (zone);
-	cmp = strcmp (tzid, zone_tzid);
-	if (cmp == 0)
-	    return zone;
-	else if (cmp < 0)
-	    upper = middle;
-	else
-	    lower = middle + 1;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-/* A function to compare 2 icaltimezone elements, used for qsort(). */
-static int icalcomponent_compare_timezone_fn	(const void	*elem1,
-						 const void	*elem2)
-    icaltimezone *zone1, *zone2;
-    const char *zone1_tzid, *zone2_tzid;
-    int retval;
-    zone1 = (icaltimezone*) elem1;
-    zone2 = (icaltimezone*) elem2;
-    zone1_tzid = icaltimezone_get_tzid (zone1);
-    zone2_tzid = icaltimezone_get_tzid (zone2);
-    return strcmp (zone1_tzid, zone2_tzid);
-/* Compares 2 VTIMEZONE components to see if they match, ignoring their TZIDs.
-   It returns 1 if they match, 0 if they don't, or -1 on error. */
-static int icalcomponent_compare_vtimezones (icalcomponent	*vtimezone1,
-					     icalcomponent	*vtimezone2)
-    icalproperty *prop1, *prop2;
-    const char *tzid1, *tzid2;
-    char *tzid2_copy, *string1, *string2;
-    int cmp;
-    /* Get the TZID property of the first VTIMEZONE. */
-    prop1 = icalcomponent_get_first_property (vtimezone1, ICAL_TZID_PROPERTY);
-    if (!prop1)
-	return -1;
-    tzid1 = icalproperty_get_tzid (prop1);
-    if (!tzid1)
-	return -1;
-    /* Get the TZID property of the second VTIMEZONE. */
-    prop2 = icalcomponent_get_first_property (vtimezone2, ICAL_TZID_PROPERTY);
-    if (!prop2)
-	return -1;
-    tzid2 = icalproperty_get_tzid (prop2);
-    if (!tzid2)
-	return -1;
-    /* Copy the second TZID, and set the property to the same as the first
-       TZID, since we don't care if these match of not. */
-    tzid2_copy = strdup (tzid2);
-    if (!tzid2_copy) {
-      icalerror_set_errno (ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    icalproperty_set_tzid (prop2, tzid1);
-    /* Now convert both VTIMEZONEs to strings and compare them. */
-    string1 = icalcomponent_as_ical_string (vtimezone1);
-    if (!string1) {
-	free (tzid2_copy);
-	return -1;
-    }
-    string2 = icalcomponent_as_ical_string (vtimezone2);
-    if (!string2) {
-	free (string1);
-	free (tzid2_copy);
-	return -1;
-    }
-    cmp = strcmp (string1, string2);
-    free (string1);
-    free (string2);
-    /* Now reset the second TZID. */
-    icalproperty_set_tzid (prop2, tzid2_copy);
-    free (tzid2_copy);
-    return (cmp == 0) ? 1 : 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.h b/libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 55c0592bb2..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalcomponent.h
- CREATOR: eric 20 March 1999
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalcomponent.h
-#include "icalproperty.h"
-#include "icalvalue.h"
-#include "icalenums.h" /* defines icalcomponent_kind */
-#include "icalattendee.h"
-#include "pvl.h"
-typedef void icalcomponent;
-/* An opaque struct representing a timezone. We declare this here to avoid
-   a circular dependancy. */
-typedef struct _icaltimezone		icaltimezone;
-/* This is exposed so that callers will not have to allocate and
-   deallocate iterators. Pretend that you can't see it. */
-typedef struct icalcompiter
-	icalcomponent_kind kind;
-	pvl_elem iter;
-} icalcompiter;
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new(icalcomponent_kind kind);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_clone(icalcomponent* component);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_from_string(char* str);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_vanew(icalcomponent_kind kind, ...);
-void icalcomponent_free(icalcomponent* component);
-char* icalcomponent_as_ical_string(icalcomponent* component);
-int icalcomponent_is_valid(icalcomponent* component);
-icalcomponent_kind icalcomponent_isa(icalcomponent* component);
-int icalcomponent_isa_component (void* component);
- * Working with properties
- */
-void icalcomponent_add_property(icalcomponent* component,
-				icalproperty* property);
-void icalcomponent_remove_property(icalcomponent* component,
-				   icalproperty* property);
-int icalcomponent_count_properties(icalcomponent* component,
-				   icalproperty_kind kind);
-/* Iterate through the properties */
-icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_current_property(icalcomponent* component);
-icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_first_property(icalcomponent* component,
-					      icalproperty_kind kind);
-icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_next_property(icalcomponent* component,
-					      icalproperty_kind kind);
- * Working with components
- */ 
-/* Return the first VEVENT, VTODO or VJOURNAL sub-component of cop, or
-   comp if it is one of those types */
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_inner(icalcomponent* comp);
-void icalcomponent_add_component(icalcomponent* parent,
-				icalcomponent* child);
-void icalcomponent_remove_component(icalcomponent* parent,
-				icalcomponent* child);
-int icalcomponent_count_components(icalcomponent* component,
-				   icalcomponent_kind kind);
-/* This takes 2 VCALENDAR components and merges the second one into the first,
-   resolving any problems with conflicting TZIDs. comp_to_merge will no
-   longer exist after calling this function. */
-void icalcomponent_merge_component(icalcomponent* comp,
-				   icalcomponent* comp_to_merge);
-/* Iteration Routines. There are two forms of iterators, internal and
-external. The internal ones came first, and are almost completely
-sufficient, but they fail badly when you want to construct a loop that
-removes components from the container.*/
-/* Iterate through components */
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_current_component (icalcomponent* component);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_first_component(icalcomponent* component,
-					      icalcomponent_kind kind);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_next_component(icalcomponent* component,
-					      icalcomponent_kind kind);
-/* Using external iterators */
-icalcompiter icalcomponent_begin_component(icalcomponent* component,
-					   icalcomponent_kind kind);
-icalcompiter icalcomponent_end_component(icalcomponent* component,
-					 icalcomponent_kind kind);
-icalcomponent* icalcompiter_next(icalcompiter* i);
-icalcomponent* icalcompiter_prior(icalcompiter* i);
-icalcomponent* icalcompiter_deref(icalcompiter* i);
-/* Working with embedded error properties */
-int icalcomponent_count_errors(icalcomponent* component);
-/* Remove all X-LIC-ERROR properties*/
-void icalcomponent_strip_errors(icalcomponent* component);
-/* Convert some X-LIC-ERROR properties into RETURN-STATUS properties*/
-void icalcomponent_convert_errors(icalcomponent* component);
-/* Internal operations. They are private, and you should not be using them. */
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_parent(icalcomponent* component);
-void icalcomponent_set_parent(icalcomponent* component, 
-			      icalcomponent* parent);
-/* Kind conversion routiens */
-icalcomponent_kind icalcomponent_string_to_kind(const char* string);
-const char* icalcomponent_kind_to_string(icalcomponent_kind kind);
-/************* Derived class methods.  ****************************
-If the code was in an OO language, the remaining routines would be
-members of classes derived from icalcomponent. Don't call them on the
-wrong component subtypes. */
-/* For VCOMPONENT: Return a reference to the first VEVENT, VTODO or
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_first_real_component(icalcomponent *c);
-/* For VEVENT, VTODO, VJOURNAL and VTIMEZONE: report the start and end
-   times of an event in UTC */
-struct icaltime_span icalcomponent_get_span(icalcomponent* comp);
-/******************** Convienience routines **********************/
-void icalcomponent_set_dtstart(icalcomponent* comp, struct icaltimetype v);
-struct icaltimetype icalcomponent_get_dtstart(icalcomponent* comp);
-/* For the icalcomponent routines only, dtend and duration are tied
-   together. If you call the set routine for one and the other exists,
-   the routine will calculate the change to the other. That is, if
-   there is a DTEND and you call set_duration, the routine will modify
-   DTEND to be the sum of DTSTART and the duration. If you call a get
-   routine for one and the other exists, the routine will calculate
-   the return value. If you call a set routine and neither exists, the
-   routine will create the apcompriate comperty */
-struct icaltimetype icalcomponent_get_dtend(icalcomponent* comp);
-void icalcomponent_set_dtend(icalcomponent* comp, struct icaltimetype v);
-void icalcomponent_set_duration(icalcomponent* comp, 
-				struct icaldurationtype v);
-struct icaldurationtype icalcomponent_get_duration(icalcomponent* comp);
-void icalcomponent_set_method(icalcomponent* comp, icalproperty_method method);
-icalproperty_method icalcomponent_get_method(icalcomponent* comp);
-struct icaltimetype icalcomponent_get_dtstamp(icalcomponent* comp);
-void icalcomponent_set_dtstamp(icalcomponent* comp, struct icaltimetype v);
-void icalcomponent_set_summary(icalcomponent* comp, const char* v);
-const char* icalcomponent_get_summary(icalcomponent* comp);
-void icalcomponent_set_comment(icalcomponent* comp, const char* v);
-const char* icalcomponent_get_comment(icalcomponent* comp);
-void icalcomponent_set_uid(icalcomponent* comp, const char* v);
-const char* icalcomponent_get_uid(icalcomponent* comp);
-void icalcomponent_set_recurrenceid(icalcomponent* comp, 
-				    struct icaltimetype v);
-struct icaltimetype icalcomponent_get_recurrenceid(icalcomponent* comp);
-void icalcomponent_set_organizer(icalcomponent* comp, 
-				 struct icalorganizertype org);
-                                 struct icalorganizertype icalcomponent_get_organizer(icalcomponent* comp);
-void icalcomponent_add_attendee(icalcomponent *comp,
-				struct icalattendeetype attendee);
-int icalcomponent_remove_attendee(icalcomponent *comp, char* cuid);
-/* Get the Nth attendee. Out of range indices return an attendee
-   with cuid == 0 */
-struct icalattendeetype icalcomponent_get_attendee(icalcomponent *comp,
-  int index);
-/* Calls the given function for each TZID parameter found in the component,
-   and any subcomponents. */
-void icalcomponent_foreach_tzid(icalcomponent* comp,
-				void (*callback)(icalparameter *param, void *data),
-				void *callback_data);
-/* Returns the icaltimezone in the component corresponding to the TZID, or NULL
-   if it can't be found. */
-icaltimezone* icalcomponent_get_timezone(icalcomponent* comp,
-					 const char *tzid);
-/*************** Type Specific routines ***************/
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_vcalendar();
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_vevent();
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_vtodo();
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_vjournal();
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_valarm();
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_vfreebusy();
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_vtimezone();
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_xstandard();
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_xdaylight();
-#endif /* !ICALCOMPONENT_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/ b/libical/src/libical/
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index 4af6e95c0e..0000000000
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@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icalderivedparameters.{c,h}
-  CREATOR: eric 09 May 1999
-  $Id:,v 1.1 2001/04/17 17:23:17 jpr Exp $
-  $Locker:  $
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalderivedparameters.{c,h}
-  Contributions from:
-     Graham Davison (
- ======================================================================*/
-/*#line 29 ""*/
-#include <config.h>
-#include "icalparameter.h"
-#include "icalparameterimpl.h"
-#include "icalproperty.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc() */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h> /* for memset() */
-icalvalue_kind icalparameter_value_to_value_kind(icalparameter_value value);
-struct icalparameter_impl* icalparameter_new_impl(icalparameter_kind kind);
-/* This map associates each of the parameters with the string
-   representation of the paramter's name */
-struct icalparameter_kind_map {
-    icalparameter_kind kind;
-    char *name;
-extern  struct icalparameter_kind_map parameter_map[];
-const char* icalparameter_kind_to_string(icalparameter_kind kind)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; parameter_map[i].kind != ICAL_NO_PARAMETER; i++) {
-	if (parameter_map[i].kind == kind) {
-	    return parameter_map[i].name;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-icalparameter_kind icalparameter_string_to_kind(const char* string)
-    int i;
-    if (string ==0 ) { 
-    }
-    for (i=0; parameter_map[i].kind  != ICAL_NO_PARAMETER; i++) {
-	if (strcmp(parameter_map[i].name, string) == 0) {
-	    return parameter_map[i].kind;
-	}
-    }
-    if(strncmp(string,"X-",2)==0){
-    }
-    return ICAL_NO_PARAMETER;
-/* This map associates the enumerations for the VALUE parameter with
-   the kinds of VALUEs. */
-struct icalparameter_value_kind_map {
-    icalparameter_value value; 
-    icalvalue_kind kind; 
-extern struct icalparameter_value_kind_map value_kind_map[];
-icalvalue_kind icalparameter_value_to_value_kind(icalparameter_value value)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; value_kind_map[i].kind  != ICAL_NO_VALUE; i++) {
-	if (value_kind_map[i].value == value) {
-	    return value_kind_map[i].kind;
-	}
-    }
-    return ICAL_NO_VALUE;
-/* This map associates the parameter enumerations with a specific parameter and the string representation of the enumeration */
-struct icalparameter_map {
-    icalparameter_kind kind;
-    int enumeration;
-    const char* str;
-extern struct icalparameter_map icalparameter_map[];
-const char* icalparameter_enum_to_string(int e) 
-    int i;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(e >= ICALPARAMETER_FIRST_ENUM,"e");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(e <= ICALPARAMETER_LAST_ENUM,"e");
-    for (i=0; icalparameter_map[i].kind != ICAL_NO_PARAMETER; i++){
-        if(e == icalparameter_map[i].enumeration){
-            return icalparameter_map[i].str;
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;
-int icalparameter_string_to_enum(const char* str)
-    int i;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(str != 0,"str");
-    for (i=0; icalparameter_map[i].kind != ICAL_NO_PARAMETER; i++){
-        if(strcmp(str,icalparameter_map[i].str) == 0) {
-            return icalparameter_map[i].enumeration;
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_from_value_string(icalparameter_kind kind,const  char* val)
-    struct icalparameter_impl* param=0;
-    int found_kind = 0;
-    int i;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((val!=0),"val");
-    /* Search through the parameter map to find a matching kind */
-    param = icalparameter_new_impl(kind);
-    for (i=0; icalparameter_map[i].kind != ICAL_NO_PARAMETER; i++){
-        if(kind == icalparameter_map[i].kind) {
-            found_kind = 1;
-            if(strcmp(val,icalparameter_map[i].str) == 0) {
-                param->data = (int)icalparameter_map[i].enumeration;
-                return param;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if(found_kind == 1){
-        /* The kind was in the parameter map, but the string did not
-           match, so assume that it is an alternate value, like an
-           X-value.*/
-        icalparameter_set_xvalue(param, val);
-    } else {
-        /* If the kind was not found, then it must be a string type */
-        ((struct icalparameter_impl*)param)->string = icalmemory_strdup(val);
-    }
-   return param;
-/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */
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deleted file mode 100644
index e9fdd19fa7..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
-  FILE: icalparam.h
-  CREATOR: eric 20 March 1999
-  $Id:,v 1.1 2001/04/17 17:23:17 jpr Exp $
-  $Locker:  $
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalparam.h
-  ======================================================================*/
-typedef void icalparameter;
-const char* icalparameter_enum_to_string(int e);
-int icalparameter_string_to_enum(const char* str); 
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/ b/libical/src/libical/
deleted file mode 100644
index ceec0b797d..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/
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@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
-  FILE: icalderivedproperty.c
-  CREATOR: eric 15 Feb 2001
-  $Id:,v 1.1 2001/04/17 17:23:17 jpr Exp $
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalproperty.c
-#include <config.h>
-#include "icalproperty.h"
-#include "icalcomponent.h"
-#include "pvl.h"
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include "icalparser.h"
-#include <string.h> /* For icalmemory_strdup, rindex */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
-#include <stdarg.h> /* for va_list, va_start, etc. */
-#define TMP_BUF_SIZE 1024
-struct icalproperty_impl*
-icalproperty_new_impl (icalproperty_kind kind);
-/* This map associates the property kinds with the string
-   representation of the property name and the kind of VALUE that the
-   property uses as a default */
-struct  icalproperty_map {
-	icalproperty_kind kind;
-	const char *name;
-	icalvalue_kind value;
-extern struct icalproperty_map property_map[];
-const char* icalproperty_kind_to_string(icalproperty_kind kind)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; property_map[i].kind != ICAL_NO_PROPERTY; i++) {
-	if (property_map[i].kind == kind) {
-	    return property_map[i].name;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-icalproperty_kind icalproperty_string_to_kind(const char* string)
-    int i;
-    if (string ==0 ) { 
-    }
-    for (i=0; property_map[i].kind  != ICAL_NO_PROPERTY; i++) {
-	if (strcmp(property_map[i].name, string) == 0) {
-	    return property_map[i].kind;
-	}
-    }
-    if(strncmp(string,"X-",2)==0){
-    }
-    return ICAL_NO_PROPERTY;
-icalvalue_kind icalproperty_value_kind_to_kind(icalvalue_kind kind)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; property_map[i].kind  != ICAL_NO_PROPERTY; i++) {
-	if ( property_map[i].value == kind ) {
-	    return property_map[i].kind;
-	}
-    }
-    return ICAL_NO_VALUE;
-icalvalue_kind icalproperty_kind_to_value_kind(icalproperty_kind kind)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; property_map[i].kind  != ICAL_NO_PROPERTY; i++) {
-	if ( property_map[i].kind == kind ) {
-	    return property_map[i].value;
-	}
-    }
-    return ICAL_NO_VALUE;
-/* This map associates the property enumerations with the king of
-   property that they are used in and the string representation of the
-   enumeration */
-struct icalproperty_enum_map {
-    icalproperty_kind prop;
-    int prop_enum;
-    const char* str;
-extern struct icalproperty_enum_map enum_map[];
-const char* icalproperty_enum_to_string(int e)
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(e >= ICALPROPERTY_FIRST_ENUM,"e");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(e <= ICALPROPERTY_LAST_ENUM,"e");
-    return enum_map[e-ICALPROPERTY_FIRST_ENUM].str;
-int icalproperty_string_to_enum(const char* str)
-    int i;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(str!=0,"str")
-    while(*str == ' '){
-	str++;
-    }
-	if ( strcmp(enum_map[i-ICALPROPERTY_FIRST_ENUM].str, str) == 0) {
-	    return enum_map[i-ICALPROPERTY_FIRST_ENUM].prop_enum;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-int icalproperty_enum_belongs_to_property(icalproperty_kind kind, int e)
-    int i;
-        if(enum_map[i-ICALPROPERTY_FIRST_ENUM].prop_enum == e && 
-           enum_map[i-ICALPROPERTY_FIRST_ENUM].prop == kind ){
-            return 1;
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;
-const char* icalproperty_method_to_string(icalproperty_method method)
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(method >= ICAL_METHOD_X,"method");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(method <= ICAL_METHOD_NONE,"method");
-    return enum_map[method-ICALPROPERTY_FIRST_ENUM].str;
-icalproperty_method icalproperty_string_to_method(const char* str)
-    int i;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rx(str!=0,"str",ICAL_METHOD_NONE)
-    while(*str == ' '){
-	str++;
-    }
-         i++) {
-	if ( strcmp(enum_map[i].str, str) == 0) {
-	    return (icalproperty_method)enum_map[i].prop_enum;
-	}
-    }
-    return ICAL_METHOD_NONE;
-const char* icalenum_status_to_string(icalproperty_status status)
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(status >= ICAL_STATUS_X,"status");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(status <= ICAL_STATUS_NONE,"status");
-    return enum_map[status-ICALPROPERTY_FIRST_ENUM].str;
-icalproperty_status icalenum_string_to_status(const char* str)
-    int i;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rx(str!=0,"str",ICAL_STATUS_NONE)
-    while(*str == ' '){
-	str++;
-    }
-         i++) {
-	if ( strcmp(enum_map[i].str, str) == 0) {
-	    return (icalproperty_method)enum_map[i].prop_enum;
-	}
-    }
-    return ICAL_STATUS_NONE;
-/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/ b/libical/src/libical/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ce34afafb..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icalderivedproperties.{c,h}
-  CREATOR: eric 09 May 1999
-  $Id:,v 1.1 2001/04/17 17:23:17 jpr Exp $
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- ======================================================================*/
-#include <time.h>
-#include "icalparameter.h"
-#include "icalderivedvalue.h"  
-#include "icalrecur.h"
-typedef void icalproperty;
-/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/ b/libical/src/libical/
deleted file mode 100644
index 420ffb9ef0..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
-  FILE: icalvalue.c
-  CREATOR: eric 02 May 1999
-  $Id:,v 1.1 2001/04/17 17:23:17 jpr Exp $
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalvalue.c
-  Contributions from:
-     Graham Davison (
-#include <config.h>
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include "icalparser.h"
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include "icalvalueimpl.h"
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc */
-#include <stdio.h> /* for sprintf */
-#include <string.h> /* For memset, others */
-#include <stddef.h> /* For offsetof() macro */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <time.h> /* for mktime */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for atoi and atof */
-#include <limits.h> /* for SHRT_MAX */         
-#define TMP_BUF_SIZE 1024
-struct icalvalue_impl*  icalvalue_new_impl(icalvalue_kind kind);
-/* This map associates each of the value types with its string
-   representation */
-struct icalvalue_kind_map {
-	icalvalue_kind kind;
-	char name[20];
-extern struct icalvalue_kind_map value_map[]; 
-const char* icalvalue_kind_to_string(icalvalue_kind kind)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; value_map[i].kind != ICAL_NO_VALUE; i++) {
-	if (value_map[i].kind == kind) {
-	    return value_map[i].name;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-icalvalue_kind icalvalue_string_to_kind(const char* str)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; value_map[i].kind != ICAL_NO_VALUE; i++) {
-	if (strcmp(value_map[i].name,str) == 0) {
-	    return value_map[i].kind;
-	}
-    }
-    return  value_map[i].kind;
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_x (const char* v){
-   struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_X_VALUE);
-   icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),"v");
-   icalvalue_set_x((icalvalue*)impl,v);
-   return (icalvalue*)impl;
-void icalvalue_set_x(icalvalue* value, const char* v) {
-    struct icalvalue_impl* impl; 
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
-    impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
-    if(impl->x_value!=0) {free((void*)impl->x_value);}
-    impl->x_value = icalmemory_strdup(v);
-    if (impl->x_value == 0){
-      errno = ENOMEM;
-    }
- }
-const char* icalvalue_get_x(icalvalue* value) {
-    icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
-    icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_X_VALUE);
-    return ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->x_value;
-/* Recur is a special case, so it is not auto generated. */
-icalvalue_new_recur (struct icalrecurrencetype v)
-   struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_RECUR_VALUE);
-   icalvalue_set_recur((icalvalue*)impl,v);
-   return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_recur(icalvalue* value, struct icalrecurrencetype v)
-    struct icalvalue_impl* impl; 
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
-    icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_RECUR_VALUE);
-    impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
-    if (impl->data.v_recur != 0){
-	free(impl->data.v_recur);
-	impl->data.v_recur = 0;
-    }
-    impl->data.v_recur = malloc(sizeof(struct icalrecurrencetype));
-    if (impl->data.v_recur == 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return;
-    } else {
-	memcpy(impl->data.v_recur, &v, sizeof(struct icalrecurrencetype));
-    }
-struct icalrecurrencetype
-icalvalue_get_recur(icalvalue* value)
-    icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
-    icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_RECUR_VALUE);
-    return *(((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_recur);
-icalvalue_new_trigger (struct icaltriggertype v)
-   struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_TRIGGER_VALUE);
-   icalvalue_set_trigger((icalvalue*)impl,v);
-   return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_trigger(icalvalue* value, struct icaltriggertype v)
-    struct icalvalue_impl* impl; 
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
-    impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
-   if(!icaltime_is_null_time(v.time)){
-       icalvalue_set_datetime((icalvalue*)impl,v.time);
-       impl->kind = ICAL_DATETIME_VALUE;
-   } else {
-       icalvalue_set_duration((icalvalue*)impl,v.duration);
-       impl->kind = ICAL_DURATION_VALUE;
-   }
-struct icaltriggertype
-icalvalue_get_trigger(icalvalue* value)
-    struct icalvalue_impl *impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
-    struct icaltriggertype tr;
-    icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
-    icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
-    if(impl->kind == ICAL_DATETIME_VALUE){
-	 tr.duration = icaldurationtype_from_int(0);
-	 tr.time = impl->data.v_time;
-    } else if(impl->kind == ICAL_DURATION_VALUE){
-	tr.time = icaltime_null_time();
-	tr.duration = impl->data.v_duration;
-    } else {
-	tr.duration = icaldurationtype_from_int(0);
-	tr.time = icaltime_null_time();
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-    }
-    return tr;
-/* DATE-TIME-PERIOD is a special case, and is not auto generated */
-icalvalue_new_datetimeperiod (struct icaldatetimeperiodtype v)
-   struct icalvalue_impl* impl = icalvalue_new_impl(ICAL_DATETIMEPERIOD_VALUE);
-   icalvalue_set_datetimeperiod((icalvalue*)impl,v);
-   return (icalvalue*)impl;
-icalvalue_set_datetimeperiod(icalvalue* value, struct icaldatetimeperiodtype v)
-    struct icalvalue_impl* impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
-    icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_DATETIMEPERIOD_VALUE);
-    if(!icaltime_is_null_time(v.time)){
-	if(!icaltime_is_valid_time(v.time)){
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-	    return;
-	}
-	impl->kind = ICAL_DATETIME_VALUE;
-	icalvalue_set_datetime(impl,v.time);
-    } else if (!icalperiodtype_is_null_period(v.period)) {
-	if(!icalperiodtype_is_valid_period(v.period)){
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-	    return;
-	}
-	impl->kind = ICAL_PERIOD_VALUE;
-	icalvalue_set_period(impl,v.period);
-    } else {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-    }
-struct icaldatetimeperiodtype
-icalvalue_get_datetimeperiod(icalvalue* value)
-  struct icaldatetimeperiodtype dtp;
-  struct icalvalue_impl* impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
-  icalerror_check_arg( (value!=0),"value");
-  icalerror_check_value_type(value, ICAL_DATETIMEPERIOD_VALUE);
-  if(impl->kind == ICAL_DATETIME_VALUE){
-      dtp.period = icalperiodtype_null_period();
-      dtp.time = impl->data.v_time;
-  } else if(impl->kind == ICAL_PERIOD_VALUE) {
-      dtp.period = impl->data.v_period;
-      dtp.time = icaltime_null_time();
-  } else {
-      dtp.period = icalperiodtype_null_period();
-      dtp.time = icaltime_null_time();
-      icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-  }	
-  return dtp;
-/* The remaining interfaces are 'new', 'set' and 'get' for each of the value
-   types */
-/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */
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deleted file mode 100644
index 640dd86821..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
-  FILE: icalvalue.h
-  CREATOR: eric 20 March 1999
-  $Id:,v 1.1 2001/04/17 17:23:17 jpr Exp $
-  $Locker:  $
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalvalue.h
-  ======================================================================*/
-#include "icaltypes.h"
-#include "icalrecur.h"
-#include "icaltime.h"
-#include "icalduration.h"
-#include "icalperiod.h"
-typedef void icalvalue;
-void icalvalue_set_x(icalvalue* value, const char* v);
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_x(const char* v);
-const char* icalvalue_get_x(icalvalue* value);
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_recur (struct icalrecurrencetype v);
-void icalvalue_set_recur(icalvalue* value, struct icalrecurrencetype v);
-struct icalrecurrencetype icalvalue_get_recur(icalvalue* value);
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_trigger (struct icaltriggertype v);
-void icalvalue_set_trigger(icalvalue* value, struct icaltriggertype v);
-struct icaltriggertype icalvalue_get_trigger(icalvalue* value);
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_datetimeperiod (struct icaldatetimeperiodtype v);
-void icalvalue_set_datetimeperiod(icalvalue* value, struct icaldatetimeperiodtype v);
-struct icaldatetimeperiodtype icalvalue_get_datetimeperiod(icalvalue* value);
-/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalduration.c b/libical/src/libical/icalduration.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 18a74396f5..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalduration.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icaltime.c
-  CREATOR: eric 02 June 2000
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
- ======================================================================*/
-#include <config.h>
-#include "icalduration.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#define icalerror_set_errno(x)
-#define  icalerror_check_arg_rv(x,y)
-#define  icalerror_check_arg_re(x,y,z)
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-/* From Seth Alves,  <>   */
-struct icaldurationtype icaldurationtype_from_int(int t)
-        struct icaldurationtype dur;
-        int used = 0;
-        dur = icaldurationtype_null_duration();
-        if(t < 0){
-            dur.is_neg = 1;
-            t = -t;
-        }
-        dur.weeks = (t - used) / (60 * 60 * 24 * 7);
-        used += dur.weeks * (60 * 60 * 24 * 7);
-        dur.days = (t - used) / (60 * 60 * 24);
-        used += dur.days * (60 * 60 * 24);
-        dur.hours = (t - used) / (60 * 60);
-        used += dur.hours * (60 * 60);
-        dur.minutes = (t - used) / (60);
-        used += dur.minutes * (60);
-        dur.seconds = (t - used);
-        return dur;
-#include "icalvalue.h"
-struct icaldurationtype icaldurationtype_from_string(const char* str)
-    int i;
-    int begin_flag = 0;
-    int time_flag = 0;
-    int date_flag = 0;
-    int week_flag = 0;
-    int digits=-1;
-    int scan_size = -1;
-    int size = strlen(str);
-    char p;
-    struct icaldurationtype d;
-    memset(&d, 0, sizeof(struct icaldurationtype));
-    for(i=0;i != size;i++){
-	p = str[i];
-	switch(p) 
-	    {
-	    case '-': {
-		if(i != 0 || begin_flag == 1) goto error;
-		d.is_neg = 1;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case 'P': {
-		if (i != 0 && i !=1 ) goto error;
-		begin_flag = 1;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case 'T': {
-		time_flag = 1;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case '0':
-	    case '1':
-	    case '2':
-	    case '3':
-	    case '4':
-	    case '5':
-	    case '6':
-	    case '7':
-	    case '8':
-	    case '9':
-		{ 
-		    /* HACK. Skip any more digits if the l;ast one
-                       read has not been assigned */
-		    if(digits != -1){
-			break;
-		    }
-		    if (begin_flag == 0) goto error;
-		    /* Get all of the digits, not one at a time */
-		    scan_size = sscanf((char*)(str+i),"%d",&digits);
-		    if(scan_size == 0) goto error;
-		    break;
-		}
-	    case 'H': {	
-		if (time_flag == 0||week_flag == 1||d.hours !=0||digits ==-1) 
-		    goto error;
-		d.hours = digits; digits = -1;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case 'M': {
-		if (time_flag == 0||week_flag==1||d.minutes != 0||digits ==-1) 
-		    goto error;
-		d.minutes = digits; digits = -1;	    
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case 'S': {
-		if (time_flag == 0||week_flag==1||d.seconds!=0||digits ==-1) 
-		    goto error;
-		d.seconds = digits; digits = -1;	    
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case 'W': {
-		if (time_flag==1||date_flag==1||d.weeks!=0||digits ==-1) 
-		    goto error;
-		week_flag = 1;	
-		d.weeks = digits; digits = -1;	    
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case 'D': {
-		if (time_flag==1||week_flag==1||d.days!=0||digits ==-1) 
-		    goto error;
-		date_flag = 1;
-		d.days = digits; digits = -1;	    
-		break;
-	    }
-	    default: {
-		goto error;
-	    }
-	    }
-    }
-    return d;
- error:
-    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-    memset(&d, 0, sizeof(struct icaldurationtype));
-    return d;
-#define TMP_BUF_SIZE 1024
-void append_duration_segment(char** buf, char** buf_ptr, size_t* buf_size, 
-			     char* sep, unsigned int value) {
-    char temp[TMP_BUF_SIZE];
-    sprintf(temp,"%d",value);
-    icalmemory_append_string(buf, buf_ptr, buf_size, temp);
-    icalmemory_append_string(buf, buf_ptr, buf_size, sep);
-char* icaldurationtype_as_ical_string(struct icaldurationtype d) 
-    char *buf, *output_line;
-    size_t buf_size = 256;
-    char* buf_ptr = 0;
-    int seconds;
-    buf = (char*)icalmemory_new_buffer(buf_size);
-    buf_ptr = buf;
-    seconds = icaldurationtype_as_int(d);
-    if(seconds !=0){
-	if(d.is_neg == 1){
-	    icalmemory_append_char(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, '-'); 
-	}
-	icalmemory_append_char(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, 'P');
-	if (d.weeks != 0 ) {
-	    append_duration_segment(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "W", d.weeks);
-	}
-	if (d.days != 0 ) {
-	    append_duration_segment(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "D", d.days);
-	}
-	if (d.hours != 0 || d.minutes != 0 || d.seconds != 0) {
-	    icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "T");
-	    if (d.hours != 0 ) {
-		append_duration_segment(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "H", d.hours);
-	    }
-	    if (d.minutes != 0 ) {
-		append_duration_segment(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "M", 
-					d.minutes);
-	    }
-	    if (d.seconds != 0 ) {
-		append_duration_segment(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "S", 
-					d.seconds);
-	    }
-	}
-    } else {
-	icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "PTS0");
-    }
-    output_line = icalmemory_tmp_copy(buf);
-    icalmemory_free_buffer(buf);
-    return output_line;
-/* From Russel Steinthal */
-int icaldurationtype_as_int(struct icaldurationtype dur)
-    return (int)( (dur.seconds +
-		   (60 * dur.minutes) +
-		   (60 * 60 * dur.hours) +
-		   (60 * 60 * 24 * dur.days) +
-		   (60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * dur.weeks))
-		  * (dur.is_neg==1? -1 : 1) ) ;
-struct icaldurationtype icaldurationtype_null_duration()
-    struct icaldurationtype d;
-    memset(&d,0,sizeof(struct icaldurationtype));
-    return d;
-int icaldurationtype_is_null_duration(struct icaldurationtype d)
-    if(icaldurationtype_as_int(d) == 0){
-	return 1;
-    } else {
-	return 0;
-    }
-struct icaltimetype  icaltime_add(struct icaltimetype t,
-				  struct icaldurationtype  d)
-    int dt = icaldurationtype_as_int(d);
-    t.second += dt;
-    t = icaltime_normalize(t);
-    return t;
-struct icaldurationtype  icaltime_subtract(struct icaltimetype t1,
-					   struct icaltimetype t2)
-    time_t t1t = icaltime_as_timet(t1);
-    time_t t2t = icaltime_as_timet(t2);
-    return icaldurationtype_from_int(t1t-t2t);
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalduration.h b/libical/src/libical/icalduration.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dd6e311f47..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalduration.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalduration.h
- CREATOR: eric 26 Jan 2001
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
-#include "icaltime.h"
-struct icaldurationtype
-	int is_neg;
-	unsigned int days;
-	unsigned int weeks;
-	unsigned int hours;
-	unsigned int minutes;
-	unsigned int seconds;
-struct icaldurationtype icaldurationtype_from_int(int t);
-struct icaldurationtype icaldurationtype_from_string(const char*);
-int icaldurationtype_as_int(struct icaldurationtype duration);
-char* icaldurationtype_as_ical_string(struct icaldurationtype d);
-struct icaldurationtype icaldurationtype_null_duration();
-int icaldurationtype_is_null_duration(struct icaldurationtype d);
-struct icaltimetype  icaltime_add(struct icaltimetype t,
-				  struct icaldurationtype  d);
-struct icaldurationtype  icaltime_subtract(struct icaltimetype t1,
-					   struct icaltimetype t2);
-#endif /* !ICALDURATION_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalenums.c b/libical/src/libical/icalenums.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6751933c3e..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalenums.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
-  FILE: icalenum.c
-  CREATOR: eric 29 April 1999
-  $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalenum.c
-  ======================================================================*/
-#include "config.h"
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include <stdio.h> /* For fprintf */
-#include <stdio.h> /* For stderr */
-#include <string.h> /* For strncmp */
-#include <assert.h>
-struct {
-	 enum icalrequeststatus kind;
-	int major;
-	int minor;
-	const char* str;
-} request_status_map[] = {
-    {ICAL_2_0_SUCCESS_STATUS, 2,0,"Success."},
-    {ICAL_2_1_FALLBACK_STATUS, 2,1,"Success but fallback taken  on one or more property  values."},
-    {ICAL_2_2_IGPROP_STATUS, 2,2,"Success, invalid property ignored."},
-    {ICAL_2_3_IGPARAM_STATUS, 2,3,"Success, invalid property parameter ignored."},
-    {ICAL_2_4_IGXPROP_STATUS, 2,4,"Success, unknown non-standard property ignored."},
-    {ICAL_2_5_IGXPARAM_STATUS, 2,5,"Success, unknown non standard property value  ignored."},
-    {ICAL_2_6_IGCOMP_STATUS, 2,6,"Success, invalid calendar component ignored."},
-    {ICAL_2_7_FORWARD_STATUS, 2,7,"Success, request forwarded to Calendar User."},
-    {ICAL_2_8_ONEEVENT_STATUS, 2,8,"Success, repeating event ignored. Scheduled as a  single component."},
-    {ICAL_2_9_TRUNC_STATUS, 2,9,"Success, truncated end date time to date boundary."},
-    {ICAL_2_10_ONETODO_STATUS, 2,10,"Success, repeating VTODO ignored. Scheduled as a  single VTODO."},
-    {ICAL_2_11_TRUNCRRULE_STATUS, 2,11,"Success, unbounded RRULE clipped at some finite  number of instances  "},
-    {ICAL_3_0_INVPROPNAME_STATUS, 3,0,"Invalid property name."},
-    {ICAL_3_1_INVPROPVAL_STATUS, 3,1,"Invalid property value."},
-    {ICAL_3_2_INVPARAM_STATUS, 3,2,"Invalid property parameter."},
-    {ICAL_3_3_INVPARAMVAL_STATUS, 3,3,"Invalid property parameter  value."},
-    {ICAL_3_4_INVCOMP_STATUS, 3,4,"Invalid calendar component."},
-    {ICAL_3_5_INVTIME_STATUS, 3,5,"Invalid date or time."},
-    {ICAL_3_6_INVRULE_STATUS, 3,6,"Invalid rule."},
-    {ICAL_3_7_INVCU_STATUS, 3,7,"Invalid Calendar User."},
-    {ICAL_3_8_NOAUTH_STATUS, 3,8,"No authority."},
-    {ICAL_3_9_BADVERSION_STATUS, 3,9,"Unsupported version."},
-    {ICAL_3_10_TOOBIG_STATUS, 3,10,"Request entity too large."},
-    {ICAL_3_11_MISSREQCOMP_STATUS, 3,11,"Required component or property missing."},
-    {ICAL_3_12_UNKCOMP_STATUS, 3,12,"Unknown component or property found."},
-    {ICAL_3_13_BADCOMP_STATUS, 3,13,"Unsupported component or property found"},
-    {ICAL_3_14_NOCAP_STATUS, 3,14,"Unsupported capability."},
-    {ICAL_4_0_BUSY_STATUS, 4,0,"Event conflict. Date/time  is busy."},
-    {ICAL_5_0_MAYBE_STATUS, 5,0,"Request MAY supported."},
-    {ICAL_5_1_UNAVAIL_STATUS, 5,1,"Service unavailable."},
-    {ICAL_5_2_NOSERVICE_STATUS, 5,2,"Invalid calendar service."},
-    {ICAL_5_3_NOSCHED_STATUS, 5,3,"No scheduling support for  user."},
-    {ICAL_UNKNOWN_STATUS, 0,0,"Error: Unknown request status"}
-const char* icalenum_reqstat_desc(icalrequeststatus stat)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; request_status_map[i].kind  != ICAL_UNKNOWN_STATUS; i++) {
-	if ( request_status_map[i].kind ==  stat) {
-	    return request_status_map[i].str;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-short icalenum_reqstat_major(icalrequeststatus stat)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; request_status_map[i].kind  != ICAL_UNKNOWN_STATUS; i++) {
-	if ( request_status_map[i].kind ==  stat) {
-	    return request_status_map[i].major;
-	}
-    }
-    return -1;
-short icalenum_reqstat_minor(icalrequeststatus stat)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; request_status_map[i].kind  != ICAL_UNKNOWN_STATUS; i++) {
-	if ( request_status_map[i].kind ==  stat) {
-	    return request_status_map[i].minor;
-	}
-    }
-    return -1;
-icalrequeststatus icalenum_num_to_reqstat(short major, short minor)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; request_status_map[i].kind  != ICAL_UNKNOWN_STATUS; i++) {
-	if ( request_status_map[i].major ==  major && request_status_map[i].minor ==  minor) {
-	    return request_status_map[i].kind;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalenums.h b/libical/src/libical/icalenums.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 21031dd20e..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalenums.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-*/
- FILE: icalenums.h
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalenums.h
-  Contributions from:
-     Graham Davison (
-#ifndef ICALENUMS_H
-#define ICALENUMS_H
- * Component enumerations
-typedef enum icalcomponent_kind {
-    ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT,	/* Used to select all components*/
-    ICAL_XATTACH_COMPONENT, /* MIME attached data, returned by parser. */
-    ICAL_XLICMIMEPART_COMPONENT /* a non-stardard component that mirrors
-				structure of MIME data */
-} icalcomponent_kind;
- * Request Status codes
- **********************************************************************/
-typedef enum icalrequeststatus {
-} icalrequeststatus;
-const char* icalenum_reqstat_desc(icalrequeststatus stat);
-short icalenum_reqstat_major(icalrequeststatus stat);
-short icalenum_reqstat_minor(icalrequeststatus stat);
-icalrequeststatus icalenum_num_to_reqstat(short major, short minor);
- * Conversion functions
-/* Thse routines used to be in icalenums.c, but were moved into the
-   icalproperty, icalparameter, icalvalue, or icalcomponent modules. */
-/* const char* icalproperty_kind_to_string(icalproperty_kind kind);*/
-#define icalenum_property_kind_to_string(x) icalproperty_kind_to_string(x)
-/*icalproperty_kind icalproperty_string_to_kind(const char* string)*/
-#define icalenum_string_to_property_kind(x) icalproperty_string_to_kind(x)
-/*icalvalue_kind icalproperty_kind_to_value_kind(icalproperty_kind kind);*/
-#define icalenum_property_kind_to_value_kind(x) icalproperty_kind_to_value_kind(x)
-/*const char* icalenum_method_to_string(icalproperty_method);*/
-#define icalenum_method_to_string(x) icalproperty_method_to_string(x)
-/*icalproperty_method icalenum_string_to_method(const char* string);*/
-#define icalenum_string_to_method(x) icalproperty_string_to_method(x)
-/*const char* icalenum_status_to_string(icalproperty_status);*/
-#define icalenum_status_to_string(x) icalproperty_status_to_string(x)
-/*icalproperty_status icalenum_string_to_status(const char* string);*/
-#define icalenum_string_to_status(x) icalproperty_string_to_status(x)
-/*icalvalue_kind icalenum_string_to_value_kind(const char* str);*/
-#define icalenum_string_to_value_kind(x) icalvalue_string_to_kind(x)
-/*const char* icalenum_value_kind_to_string(icalvalue_kind kind);*/
-#define icalenum_value_kind_to_string(x) icalvalue_kind_to_string(x)
-/*const char* icalenum_component_kind_to_string(icalcomponent_kind kind);*/
-#define icalenum_component_kind_to_string(x) icalcomponent_kind_to_string(x)
-/*icalcomponent_kind icalenum_string_to_component_kind(const char* string);*/
-#define icalenum_string_to_component_kind(x) icalcomponent_string_to_kind(x)
-#endif /* !ICALENUMS_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalerror.c b/libical/src/libical/icalerror.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 05191defb9..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalerror.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icalerror.c
-  CREATOR: eric 16 May 1999
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalerror.c
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "config.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-icalerrorenum icalerrno;
-int foo;
-void icalerror_stop_here(void)
-    foo++; /* Keep optimizers from removing routine */
-void icalerror_crash_here(void)
-    int *p=0;
-    *p = 1;
-    assert( *p);
-void icalerror_clear_errno() {
-    icalerrno = ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-int icalerror_errors_are_fatal = 1;
-int icalerror_errors_are_fatal = 0;
-struct icalerror_state {
-    icalerrorenum error;
-    icalerrorstate state; 
-struct icalerror_state error_state_map[] = 
-struct icalerror_string_map {
-    const char* str;
-    icalerrorenum error;
-    char name[160];
-static struct icalerror_string_map string_map[] = 
-    {"BADARG",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR,"BADARG: Bad argument to function"},
-    { "NEWFAILED",ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR,"NEWFAILED: Failed to create a new object via a *_new() routine"},
-    {"MALFORMEDDATA",ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR,"MALFORMEDDATA: An input string was not correctly formed or a component has missing or extra properties"},
-    { "PARSE",ICAL_PARSE_ERROR,"PARSE: Failed to parse a part of an iCal component"},
-    {"INTERNAL",ICAL_INTERNAL_ERROR,"INTERNAL: Random internal error. This indicates an error in the library code, not an error in use"}, 
-    { "FILE",ICAL_FILE_ERROR,"FILE: An operation on a file failed. Check errno for more detail."},
-    { "USAGE",ICAL_USAGE_ERROR,"USAGE: Failed to propertyl sequence calls to a set of interfaces"},
-    { "UNIMPLEMENTED",ICAL_UNIMPLEMENTED_ERROR,"UNIMPLEMENTED: This feature has not been implemented"},
-    { "NO",ICAL_NO_ERROR,"NO: No error"},
-    {"UNKNOWN",ICAL_UNKNOWN_ERROR,"UNKNOWN: Unknown error type -- icalerror_strerror() was probably given bad input"}
-icalerrorenum icalerror_error_from_string(const char* str){
-    icalerrorenum e;
-    int i = 0;
-    for( i = 0; string_map[i].error != ICAL_NO_ERROR; i++){
-        if (strcmp(string_map[i].str,str) == 0){
-            e = string_map[i].error;
-        }
-    }
-    return e;
-icalerrorstate icalerror_supress(const char* error){
-    icalerrorenum e = icalerror_error_from_string(error);
-    icalerrorstate es;
-     if (e == ICAL_NO_ERROR){
-        return ICAL_ERROR_UNKNOWN;
-    }
-    es = icalerror_get_error_state(e);
-    icalerror_set_error_state(e,ICAL_ERROR_NONFATAL);
-    return es;
-char* icalerror_perror()
-    return icalerror_strerror(icalerrno);
-void icalerror_restore(const char* error, icalerrorstate es){
-    icalerrorenum e = icalerror_error_from_string(error);
-    if (e != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
-        icalerror_set_error_state(e,es);
-    }
-void icalerror_set_error_state( icalerrorenum error, 
-				icalerrorstate state)
-    int i;
-    for(i = ICAL_BADARG_ERROR; error_state_map[i].error!= ICAL_NO_ERROR;i++){
-	if(error_state_map[i].error == error){
-	    error_state_map[i].state = state; 	
-	}
-    }
-icalerrorstate icalerror_get_error_state( icalerrorenum error)
-    int i;
-    for(i = ICAL_BADARG_ERROR; error_state_map[i].error!= ICAL_NO_ERROR;i++){
-	if(error_state_map[i].error == error){
-	    return error_state_map[i].state; 	
-	}
-    }
-    return ICAL_ERROR_UNKNOWN;	
-char* icalerror_strerror(icalerrorenum e) {
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; string_map[i].error != ICAL_UNKNOWN_ERROR; i++) {
-	if (string_map[i].error == e) {
-	    return string_map[i].name;
-	}
-    }
-    return string_map[i].name; /* Return string for ICAL_UNKNOWN_ERROR*/
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalerror.h b/libical/src/libical/icalerror.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 790fa90f22..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalerror.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
-  FILE: icalerror.h
-  CREATOR: eric 09 May 1999
-  $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalerror.h
-#ifndef ICALERROR_H
-#define ICALERROR_H
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdio.h> /* For icalerror_warn() */
-#include "config.h"
-/* This routine is called before any error is triggered. It is called
-   by icalerror_set_errno, so it does not appear in all of the macros
-   below */
-void icalerror_stop_here(void);
-void icalerror_crash_here(void);
-typedef enum icalerrorenum {
-    ICAL_INTERNAL_ERROR, /* Like assert --internal consist. prob */
-    ICAL_UNKNOWN_ERROR, /* Used for problems in input to icalerror_strerror()*/
-} icalerrorenum;
-/* The libical error enumeration, like errno*/
-extern icalerrorenum icalerrno;
-/* If true, libicl aborts after a call to icalerror_set_error*/
-extern int icalerror_errors_are_fatal;
-/* Warning messages */
-#ifdef __GNUC__ca
-#define icalerror_warn(message) {fprintf(stderr,"%s(), %s:%d: %s\n",__FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__,message);}
-#else /* __GNU_C__ */
-#define icalerror_warn(message) {fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: %s\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,message);}
-#endif /* __GNU_C__ */
-void icalerror_clear_errno(void);
-void _icalerror_set_errno(icalerrorenum);
-/* Make an individual error fatal or non-fatal. */
-typedef enum icalerrorstate { 
-    ICAL_ERROR_FATAL,     /* Not fata */
-    ICAL_ERROR_NONFATAL,  /* Fatal */
-    ICAL_ERROR_DEFAULT,   /* Use the value of icalerror_errors_are_fatal*/
-    ICAL_ERROR_UNKNOWN    /* Asked state for an unknown error type */
-} icalerrorstate ;
-char* icalerror_strerror(icalerrorenum e);
-char* icalerror_perror();
-void icalerror_set_error_state( icalerrorenum error, icalerrorstate);
-icalerrorstate icalerror_get_error_state( icalerrorenum error);
-#define icalerror_set_errno(x) \
-icalerrno = x; \
-if(icalerror_get_error_state(x)==ICAL_ERROR_FATAL || \
-   (icalerror_get_error_state(x)==ICAL_ERROR_DEFAULT && \
-    icalerror_errors_are_fatal == 1 )){ \
-   icalerror_warn(icalerror_strerror(x)); \
-   assert(0); \
-#undef NDEBUG
-#define icalerror_check_value_type(value,type);
-#define icalerror_check_property_type(value,type);
-#define icalerror_check_parameter_type(value,type);
-#define icalerror_check_component_type(value,type);
-/* Assert with a message */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define icalerror_assert(test,message) if(!(test)){fprintf(stderr,"%s(), %s:%d: %s\n",__FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__,message);icalerror_stop_here(); abort();}
-#else /*__GNUC__*/
-#define icalerror_assert(test,message) if(!(test)){fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: %s\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,message);icalerror_stop_here(); abort();}
-#endif /*__GNUC__*/
-#define icalerror_assert(test,message) 
-/* Check & abort if check fails */
-#define icalerror_check_arg(test,arg) if(!(test)) { icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR); }
-/* Check & return void if check fails*/
-#define icalerror_check_arg_rv(test,arg) if(!(test)) {icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR); return; }
-/* Check & return 0 if check fails*/
-#define icalerror_check_arg_rz(test,arg) if(!(test)) { icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR); return 0;}
-/* Check & return an error if check fails*/
-#define icalerror_check_arg_re(test,arg,error) if(!(test)) { icalerror_stop_here(); assert(0); return error;}
-/* Check & return something*/
-#define icalerror_check_arg_rx(test,arg,x) if(!(test)) { icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR); return x;}
-/* String interfaces to set an error to NONFATAL and restore it to its
-   original value */
-icalerrorstate icalerror_supress(const char* error);
-void icalerror_restore(const char* error, icalerrorstate es);
-#endif /* !ICALERROR_H */
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deleted file mode 100644
index 866eb700cc..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icallangbind.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icallangbind.c
-  CREATOR: eric 15 dec 2000
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
-  (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom 
-  This package is free software and is provided "as is" without
-  express or implied warranty.  It may be used, redistributed and/or
-  modified under the same terms as perl itself. ( Either the Artistic
-  License or the GPL. )
-  ======================================================================*/
-#include "icalcomponent.h"
-#include "icalproperty.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include <string.h>
-int* icallangbind_new_array(int size){
-    int* p = (int*)malloc(size*sizeof(int));
-    return p; /* Caller handles failures */
-void icallangbind_free_array(int* array){
-    free(array);
-int icallangbind_access_array(int* array, int index) {
-    return array[index];
-/* LIke icalcomponent_get_first_component, buut takes a string for the
-   kind and can iterate over X properties as if each X name was a
-   seperate kind */
-icalproperty* icallangbind_get_first_property(icalcomponent *c,
-                                              const char* prop)
-    icalproperty_kind kind = icalproperty_string_to_kind(prop);
-    icalproperty *p;
-    if (kind == ICAL_NO_PROPERTY){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    if(kind == ICAL_X_PROPERTY){
-        for(p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c,kind);
-            p !=0;
-            p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(c,kind)){
-            if(strcmp(icalproperty_get_x_name(p),prop) == 0){
-                return p;
-            }                
-        }
-    } else {
-        p=icalcomponent_get_first_property(c,kind);
-        return p;
-    }
-    return 0;
-icalproperty* icallangbind_get_next_property(icalcomponent *c,
-                                              const char* prop)
-    icalproperty_kind kind = icalenum_string_to_property_kind(prop);
-    icalproperty *p;
-    if (kind == ICAL_NO_PROPERTY){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    if(kind == ICAL_X_PROPERTY){
-        for(p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(c,kind);
-            p !=0;
-            p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(c,kind)){
-            if(strcmp(icalproperty_get_x_name(p),prop) == 0){
-                return p;
-            }                
-        }
-    } else {
-        p=icalcomponent_get_next_property(c,kind);
-        return p;
-    }
-    return 0;
-icalcomponent* icallangbind_get_first_component(icalcomponent *c,
-                                              const char* comp)
-    icalcomponent_kind kind = icalenum_string_to_component_kind(comp);
-    if (kind == ICAL_NO_COMPONENT){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return icalcomponent_get_first_component(c,kind);
-icalcomponent* icallangbind_get_next_component(icalcomponent *c,
-                                              const char* comp)
-    icalcomponent_kind kind = icalenum_string_to_component_kind(comp);
-    if (kind == ICAL_NO_COMPONENT){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return icalcomponent_get_next_component(c,kind);
-#define APPENDS(x) icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, x);
-#define APPENDC(x) icalmemory_append_char(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, x);
-const char* icallangbind_property_eval_string(icalproperty* prop, char* sep)
-    char tmp[25];
-    size_t buf_size = 1024;
-    char* buf = icalmemory_new_buffer(buf_size);
-    char* buf_ptr = buf;
-    icalparameter *param;
-    icalvalue* value;
-    if( prop == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    APPENDS("{ ");
-    value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
-    APPENDS(" 'name' ");
-    APPENDS(sep);
-    APPENDC('\'');
-    APPENDS(icalenum_property_kind_to_string(icalproperty_isa(prop)));
-    APPENDC('\'');
-    if(value){
-        APPENDS(", 'value_type' ");
-        APPENDS(sep);
-        APPENDC('\'');
-        APPENDS(icalenum_value_kind_to_string(icalvalue_isa(value)));
-        APPENDC('\'');
-    }
-    APPENDS(", 'pid' ");
-    APPENDS(sep);
-    APPENDC('\'');
-    snprintf(tmp,25,"%p",prop);
-    APPENDS(tmp);
-    APPENDC('\'');
-    if(value){
-        switch (icalvalue_isa(value)){
-        case ICAL_ATTACH_VALUE:
-        case ICAL_BINARY_VALUE: 
-        case ICAL_NO_VALUE: {
-            icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_INTERNAL_ERROR);
-            break;
-        }
-        default: 
-        {
-            const char* str = icalvalue_as_ical_string(value);
-            char* copy = (char*) malloc(strlen(str)+1);
-            const char *i;
-            char *j;
-            if(copy ==0){
-                icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-                break; 
-            }
-            /* Remove any newlines */
-            for(j=copy, i = str; *i != 0; j++,i++){
-                if(*i=='\n'){
-                    i++;
-                }   
-                *j = *i;
-            }
-            *j = 0;
-            APPENDS(", 'value'");
-            APPENDS(sep);
-            APPENDC('\'');
-            APPENDS(copy);
-            APPENDC('\'');
-            free(copy);
-            break;
-        }
-        }
-    }
-    /* Add Parameters */
-    for(param = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(prop,ICAL_ANY_PARAMETER);
-        param != 0;
-        param = icalproperty_get_next_parameter(prop,ICAL_ANY_PARAMETER)){
-        const char* str = icalparameter_as_ical_string(param);
-        char *copy = icalmemory_tmp_copy(str);
-        char *v;
-        if(copy == 0){
-            icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-            continue;
-        }
-        v = strchr(copy,'=');
-        if(v == 0){
-            continue;
-        }
-        *v = 0;
-        v++;
-        APPENDS(", ");
-        APPENDC('\'');
-        APPENDS(copy);
-        APPENDC('\'');
-        APPENDS(sep);
-        APPENDC('\'');
-        APPENDS(v);        
-        APPENDC('\'');
-    }
-    APPENDC('}');
-    icalmemory_add_tmp_buffer(buf);
-    return buf;
-#include "fcntl.h"
-int icallangbind_string_to_open_flag(const char* str)
-    if (strcmp(str,"r") == 0) {return O_RDONLY;}
-    else if (strcmp(str,"r+") == 0) {return O_RDWR;}
-    else if (strcmp(str,"w") == 0) {return O_WRONLY;}
-    else if (strcmp(str,"a") == 0) {return O_WRONLY|O_APPEND;}
-    else return -1;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2ed50038eb..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icallangbind.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icallangbind.h
-  CREATOR: eric 25 jan 2001
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
-  (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom 
-  This package is free software and is provided "as is" without
-  express or implied warranty.  It may be used, redistributed and/or
-  modified under the same terms as perl itself. ( Either the Artistic
-  License or the GPL. )
-  ======================================================================*/
-#ifndef __ICALLANGBIND_H__
-#define __ICALLANGBIND_H__
-int* icallangbind_new_array(int size);
-void icallangbind_free_array(int* array);
-int icallangbind_access_array(int* array, int index);
-icalproperty* icallangbind_get_property(icalcomponent *c, int n, const char* prop);
-const char* icallangbind_get_property_val(icalproperty* p);
-const char* icallangbind_get_parameter(icalproperty *p, const char* parameter);
-icalcomponent* icallangbind_get_component(icalcomponent *c, const char* comp);
-icalproperty* icallangbind_get_first_property(icalcomponent *c,
-                                              const char* prop);
-icalproperty* icallangbind_get_next_property(icalcomponent *c,
-                                              const char* prop);
-icalcomponent* icallangbind_get_first_component(icalcomponent *c,
-                                              const char* comp);
-icalcomponent* icallangbind_get_next_component(icalcomponent *c,
-                                              const char* comp);
-const char* icallangbind_property_eval_string(icalproperty* prop, char* sep);
-int icallangbind_string_to_open_flag(const char* str);
-#endif /*__ICALLANGBIND_H__*/
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icallexer.l b/libical/src/libical/icallexer.l
deleted file mode 100644
index d76a7938e3..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icallexer.l
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icallexer.l
-  CREATOR: eric 10 June 1999
-  $Id: icallexer.l,v 1.8 2001/01/23 20:22:33 jpr Exp $
-  $Locker:  $
-  (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom 
-  The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-  Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-  compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-  basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-  the License for the specific language governing rights and
-  limitations under the License.
-  The original author is Eric Busboom
-  The original code is icalitip.y
-  ======================================================================*/
-#include "icalparser.h"
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "icalyacc.h"
-#include <string.h> /* For strdup() */
-int icalparser_flex_input(char* buf, int max_size);
-void icalparser_clear_flex_input(void);
-#define ICAL_MAX_STR_CONST 1024
-#undef YY_INPUT
-#define YY_INPUT(b,r,ms) ( r= icalparser_flex_input(b,ms))
-#undef yywrap
-#define YY_FATAL_ERROR(msg) ical_yyerror(msg)
-icalvalue_kind value_kind=ICAL_NO_VALUE;
-void set_parser_value_state(icalvalue_kind kind);
-extern int yydebug; 
-void ical_yyerror(char *s);
-void init_str_buf(void);
-int last_state;
-char *str_buf;
-char *str_buf_p;
-size_t buf_sz; /* = ICAL_MAX_STR_CONST;*/
-crlf		\x0D?\x0A
-space		[ ]
-qsafechar	[^\x00-\x1F\"]
-safechar	[^\x00-\x1F\"\:\;\,]
-tsafechar	[\x20-\x21\x23-\x2B\x2D-\x39\x3C-\x5B\x5D-\x7E]
-valuechar	[^\x00-\x08\x10-\x1F]
-xname		X-[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+
-xname2          [a-zA-Z0-9\-\ ]
-paramtext	{safechar}+
-value		{valuechar}+
-quotedstring	\"{qsafechar}+\"
-digit		[0-9]
-%array /* Make yytext an array. Slow, but handy. HACK */
-%option caseless
-%s quoted_string
-%s binary_value boolean_value uri_value time_value duration_value number_value period_value recur_value text_value utcoffset_value
-%s enum_param_value string_param_value stringlist_param_value keyword line_start component seperator parameter end_of_value paramtext
-{digit}+		 { ical_yylval.v_string =icalmemory_tmp_copy(yytext) ;
-                           return DIGITS; }
-T			 { return TIME_CHAR; }
-Z			 { return UTC_CHAR; }
-[\/\+\-PWHMSD]		 { return yytext[0]; }
-{crlf}                   { return EOL;}
-{crlf}                   { return EOL;}
-\-|\+			 { return yytext[0]; }
-{digit}{digit}		 { ical_yylval.v_int=atoi(yytext); return INTNUMBER; }
-.			 { return CHARACTER; }
-{crlf}                   { return EOL;}
-,       { BEGIN(last_state); return COMMA; } 
-int yywrap()
-     return 1;
-void set_parser_value_state(icalvalue_kind kind)
-    switch (kind){
-	    {BEGIN(utcoffset_value);break;}
-	    {BEGIN(time_value);break;}
-	default:
-	{
-	   assert(1==0);
-	}
-    }
-void init_str_buf(void)
-   str_buf = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(ICAL_MAX_STR_CONST);
-   str_buf_p = str_buf;
-   buf_sz = ICAL_MAX_STR_CONST;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalmemory.c b/libical/src/libical/icalmemory.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 297ead8826..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalmemory.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icalmemory.c
-  CREATOR: eric 30 June 1999
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is icalmemory.h
- ======================================================================*/
-/* libical often passes strings back to the caller. To make these
- * interfaces simple, I did not want the caller to have to pass in a
- * memory buffer, but having libical pass out newly allocated memory
- * makes it difficult to de-allocate the memory.
- * 
- * The ring buffer in this scheme makes it possible for libical to pass
- * out references to memory which the caller does not own, and be able
- * to de-allocate the memory later. The ring allows libical to have
- * several buffers active simultaneously, which is handy when creating
- * string representations of components. */
-#include "config.h"
-#ifdef DMALLOC
-#include "dmalloc.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include <stdio.h> /* for printf (debugging) */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc, realloc */
-#include <string.h> /* for memset(), strdup */
-#define BUFFER_RING_SIZE 25
-#define MIN_BUFFER_SIZE 200
-void icalmemory_free_tmp_buffer (void* buf);
-/* HACK. Not threadsafe */
-void* buffer_ring[BUFFER_RING_SIZE];
-int buffer_pos = -1;
-int initialized = 0;
-/* Add an existing buffer to the buffer ring */
-void  icalmemory_add_tmp_buffer(void* buf)
-    /* I don't think I need this -- I think static arrays are
-       initialized to 0 as a standard part of C, but I am not sure. */
-    if (initialized == 0){
-	int i;
-	for(i=0; i<BUFFER_RING_SIZE; i++){
-	    buffer_ring[i]  = 0;
-	}
-	initialized = 1;
-    }
-    /* Wrap around the ring */
-    if(++buffer_pos == BUFFER_RING_SIZE){
-	buffer_pos = 0;
-    }
-    /* Free buffers as their slots are overwritten */
-    if ( buffer_ring[buffer_pos] != 0){
-	free( buffer_ring[buffer_pos]);
-	buffer_ring[buffer_pos] = 0;
-    }
-    /* Assign the buffer to a slot */
-    buffer_ring[buffer_pos] = buf; 
-/* Create a new temporary buffer on the ring. Libical owns these and
-   wil deallocate them. */
-icalmemory_tmp_buffer (size_t size)
-    char *buf;
-    if (size < MIN_BUFFER_SIZE){
-    }
-    buf = (void*)malloc(size);
-    if( buf == 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    memset(buf,0,size); 
-    icalmemory_add_tmp_buffer(buf);
-    return buf;
-void icalmemory_free_ring()
-   int i;
-   for(i=0; i<BUFFER_RING_SIZE; i++){
-    if ( buffer_ring[i] != 0){
-       free( buffer_ring[i]);
-    }
-    buffer_ring[i]  = 0;
-   }
-   initialized = 1;
-/* Like strdup, but the buffer is on the ring. */
-icalmemory_tmp_copy(const char* str)
-    char* b = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(strlen(str)+1);
-    strcpy(b,str);
-    return b;
-char* icalmemory_strdup(const char *s)
-    return strdup(s);
-icalmemory_free_tmp_buffer (void* buf)
-   if(buf == 0)
-   {
-       return;
-   }
-   free(buf);
-/* These buffer routines create memory the old fashioned way -- so the
-   caller will have to delocate the new memory */
-void* icalmemory_new_buffer(size_t size)
-    void *b = malloc(size);
-    if( b == 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    memset(b,0,size); 
-    return b;
-void* icalmemory_resize_buffer(void* buf, size_t size)
-    void *b = realloc(buf, size);
-    if( b == 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-   return b;
-void icalmemory_free_buffer(void* buf)
-    free(buf);
-icalmemory_append_string(char** buf, char** pos, size_t* buf_size, 
-			      const char* string)
-    char *new_buf;
-    char *new_pos;
-    size_t data_length, final_length, string_length;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (buf!=0),"buf");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (*buf!=0),"*buf");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (pos!=0),"pos");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (*pos!=0),"*pos");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (buf_size!=0),"buf_size");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (*buf_size!=0),"*buf_size");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (string!=0),"string");
-    string_length = strlen(string);
-    data_length = (size_t)*pos - (size_t)*buf;    
-    final_length = data_length + string_length; 
-    if ( final_length >= (size_t) *buf_size) {
-	*buf_size  = (*buf_size) * 2  + final_length;
-	new_buf = realloc(*buf,*buf_size);
-	new_pos = (void*)((size_t)new_buf + data_length);
-	*pos = new_pos;
-	*buf = new_buf;
-    }
-    strcpy(*pos, string);
-    *pos += string_length;
-icalmemory_append_char(char** buf, char** pos, size_t* buf_size, 
-			      char ch)
-    char *new_buf;
-    char *new_pos;
-    size_t data_length, final_length;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (buf!=0),"buf");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (*buf!=0),"*buf");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (pos!=0),"pos");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (*pos!=0),"*pos");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (buf_size!=0),"buf_size");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (*buf_size!=0),"*buf_size");
-    data_length = (size_t)*pos - (size_t)*buf;
-    final_length = data_length + 2; 
-    if ( final_length > (size_t) *buf_size ) {
-	*buf_size  = (*buf_size) * 2  + final_length +1;
-	new_buf = realloc(*buf,*buf_size);
-	new_pos = (void*)((size_t)new_buf + data_length);
-	*pos = new_pos;
-	*buf = new_buf;
-    }
-    **pos = ch;
-    *pos += 1;
-    **pos = 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalmemory.h b/libical/src/libical/icalmemory.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 52364e289f..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalmemory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalmemory.h
- CREATOR: eric 30 June 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric Busboom
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
-#include <sys/types.h> /* for size_t */
-/* Tmp buffers are managed by ical. References can be returned to the
-   caller, although the caller will not own the memory. */
-void* icalmemory_tmp_buffer(size_t size);
-char* icalmemory_tmp_copy(const char* str);
-/* Add an externally allocated buffer to the ring. */
-void  icalmemory_add_tmp_buffer(void*);
-/* Free all memory used in the ring */
-void icalmemory_free_ring(void);
-/* Non-tmp buffers must be freed. These are mostly wrappers around
- * malloc, etc, but are used so the caller can change the memory
- * allocators in a future version of the library */
-void* icalmemory_new_buffer(size_t size);
-void* icalmemory_resize_buffer(void* buf, size_t size);
-void icalmemory_free_buffer(void* buf);
-/* icalmemory_append_string will copy the string 'string' to the
-   buffer 'buf' starting at position 'pos', reallocing 'buf' if it is
-   too small. 'buf_size' is the size of 'buf' and will be changed if
-   'buf' is reallocated. 'pos' will point to the last byte of the new
-   string in 'buf', usually a '\0' */
-   normally allocated memory, or on buffers created from
-   icalmemory_new_buffer, never with buffers created by
-   icalmemory_tmp_buffer. If icalmemory_append_string has to resize a
-   buffer on the ring, the ring will loose track of it an you will
-   have memory problems. */
-void icalmemory_append_string(char** buf, char** pos, size_t* buf_size, 
-			      const char* string);
-/*  icalmemory_append_char is similar, but is appends a character instead of a string */
-void icalmemory_append_char(char** buf, char** pos, size_t* buf_size, 
-			      char ch);
-/* A wrapper around strdup. Partly to trap calls to strdup, partly
-   because in -ansi, gcc on Red Hat claims that strudup is undeclared */
-char* icalmemory_strdup(const char *s);
-#endif /* !ICALMEMORY_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalmime.c b/libical/src/libical/icalmime.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e11e9e326..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalmime.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-*/
- FILE: icalmime.c
- CREATOR: eric 26 July 2000
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
-#include "icalmime.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include "sspm.h"
-#include "stdlib.h"
-#include <string.h> /* For strdup */
-#include <stdio.h> /* for snprintf*/
-#ifdef DMALLOC
-#include "dmalloc.h"
-/* These *_part routines are called by the MIME parser via the
-   local_action_map */
-struct text_part
-	char* buf;
-	char* buf_pos;
-	size_t buf_size;
-void* icalmime_text_new_part()
-#define BUF_SIZE 2048
-    struct text_part* impl;
-    if ( ( impl = (struct text_part*)
-	   malloc(sizeof(struct text_part))) == 0) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    impl->buf =  icalmemory_new_buffer(BUF_SIZE);
-    impl->buf_pos = impl->buf;
-    impl->buf_size = BUF_SIZE;
-    return impl;    
-void icalmime_text_add_line(void *part, 
-			    struct sspm_header *header, 
-			    char* line, size_t size)
-    struct text_part* impl = (struct text_part*) part;
-    icalmemory_append_string(&(impl->buf),&(impl->buf_pos),
-			     &(impl->buf_size),line);
-void* icalmime_textcalendar_end_part(void* part)
-    struct text_part* impl = (struct text_part*) part;
-    icalcomponent *c = icalparser_parse_string(impl->buf);
-    icalmemory_free_buffer(impl->buf);
-    free(impl);
-    return c;
-void* icalmime_text_end_part(void* part)
-    struct text_part* impl = ( struct text_part*) part;
-    icalmemory_add_tmp_buffer(impl->buf);
-    free(impl);
-    return impl->buf;
-void icalmime_text_free_part(void *part)
-    part = part;
-/* Ignore Attachments for now */
-void* icalmime_attachment_new_part()
-    return 0;
-void icalmime_attachment_add_line(void *part, struct sspm_header *header, 
-				  char* line, size_t size)
-    part = part;
-    header = header;
-    line = line;
-    size = size;
-void* icalmime_attachment_end_part(void* part)
-    return 0;
-void icalmime_attachment_free_part(void *part)
-struct sspm_action_map icalmime_local_action_map[] = 
-    {SSPM_TEXT_MAJOR_TYPE,SSPM_CALENDAR_MINOR_TYPE,icalmime_text_new_part,icalmime_text_add_line,icalmime_textcalendar_end_part,icalmime_text_free_part},
-    {SSPM_TEXT_MAJOR_TYPE,SSPM_ANY_MINOR_TYPE,icalmime_text_new_part,icalmime_text_add_line,icalmime_text_end_part,icalmime_text_free_part},
-    {SSPM_TEXT_MAJOR_TYPE,SSPM_PLAIN_MINOR_TYPE,icalmime_text_new_part,icalmime_text_add_line,icalmime_text_end_part,icalmime_text_free_part},
-    {SSPM_APPLICATION_MAJOR_TYPE,SSPM_CALENDAR_MINOR_TYPE,icalmime_attachment_new_part,icalmime_attachment_add_line,icalmime_attachment_end_part,icalmime_attachment_free_part},
-    {SSPM_IMAGE_MAJOR_TYPE,SSPM_CALENDAR_MINOR_TYPE,icalmime_attachment_new_part,icalmime_attachment_add_line,icalmime_attachment_end_part,icalmime_attachment_free_part},
-    {SSPM_AUDIO_MAJOR_TYPE,SSPM_CALENDAR_MINOR_TYPE,icalmime_attachment_new_part,icalmime_attachment_add_line,icalmime_attachment_end_part,icalmime_attachment_free_part},
-    {SSPM_IMAGE_MAJOR_TYPE,SSPM_CALENDAR_MINOR_TYPE,icalmime_attachment_new_part,icalmime_attachment_add_line,icalmime_attachment_end_part,icalmime_attachment_free_part},
-#define NUM_PARTS 100 /* HACK. Hard Limit */
-struct sspm_part* icalmime_make_part(icalcomponent* comp)
-    comp = comp;
-    return 0;
-char* icalmime_as_mime_string(char* icalcomponent);
-icalcomponent* icalmime_parse(char* (*get_string)(char *s, size_t size, 
-						       void *d),
-				void *data)
-    struct sspm_part *parts;
-    int i, last_level=0;
-    icalcomponent *root=0, *parent=0, *comp=0, *last = 0;
-    if ( (parts = (struct sspm_part *)
-	  malloc(NUM_PARTS*sizeof(struct sspm_part)))==0) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    memset(parts,0,sizeof(parts));
-    sspm_parse_mime(parts, 
-		    NUM_PARTS, /* Max parts */
-		    icalmime_local_action_map, /* Actions */ 
-		    get_string,
-		    data, /* data for get_string*/
-		    0 /* First header */);
-    for(i = 0; i <NUM_PARTS && parts[i].header.major != SSPM_NO_MAJOR_TYPE ; i++){
-#define TMPSZ 1024
-	char mimetype[TMPSZ];			       
-	char* major = sspm_major_type_string(parts[i].header.major);
-	char* minor = sspm_minor_type_string(parts[i].header.minor);
-	if(parts[i].header.minor == SSPM_UNKNOWN_MINOR_TYPE ){
-	    assert(parts[i].header.minor_text !=0);
-	    minor = parts[i].header.minor_text;
-	}
-	sprintf(mimetype,"%s/%s",major,minor);
-	comp = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_XLICMIMEPART_COMPONENT);
-	if(comp == 0){
-	    /* HACK Handle Error */
-	    assert(0);
-	}
-	if(parts[i].header.error!=SSPM_NO_ERROR){
-	    char *str;
-	    char* temp[256];
-	    if(parts[i].header.error==SSPM_UNEXPECTED_BOUNDARY_ERROR){
-		str = "Got an unexpected boundary, possibly due to a MIME header for a MULTIPART part that is missing the Content-Type line";
-	    }
-	    if(parts[i].header.error==SSPM_WRONG_BOUNDARY_ERROR){
-		str = "Got the wrong boundary for the opening of a MULTIPART part.";
-	    }
-	    if(parts[i].header.error==SSPM_NO_BOUNDARY_ERROR){
-		str = "Got a multipart header that did not specify a boundary";
-	    }
-	    if(parts[i].header.error==SSPM_NO_HEADER_ERROR){
-		str = "Did not get a header for the part. Is there a blank\
-line between the header and the previous boundary\?";
-	    }
-	    if(parts[i].header.error_text != 0){
-		snprintf((char*)temp,256,
-			 "%s: %s",str,parts[i].header.error_text);
-	    } else {
-		strcpy((char*)temp,str);
-	    }
-	    icalcomponent_add_property
-		(comp,
-		 icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(
-		     (char*)temp,
-		     icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(
-		     0));  
-	}
-	if(parts[i].header.major != SSPM_NO_MAJOR_TYPE &&
-	   parts[i].header.major != SSPM_UNKNOWN_MAJOR_TYPE){
-	    icalcomponent_add_property(comp,
-		icalproperty_new_xlicmimecontenttype((char*)
-				icalmemory_strdup(mimetype)));
-	}
-	if (parts[i].header.encoding != SSPM_NO_ENCODING){
-	    icalcomponent_add_property(comp,
-	       icalproperty_new_xlicmimeencoding(
-		   sspm_encoding_string(parts[i].header.encoding)));
-	}
-	if (parts[i].header.filename != 0){
-	    icalcomponent_add_property(comp,
-	       icalproperty_new_xlicmimefilename(parts[i].header.filename));
-	}
-	if (parts[i].header.content_id != 0){
-	    icalcomponent_add_property(comp,
-	       icalproperty_new_xlicmimecid(parts[i].header.content_id));
-	}
-	if (parts[i].header.charset != 0){
-	    icalcomponent_add_property(comp,
-	       icalproperty_new_xlicmimecharset(parts[i].header.charset));
-	}
-	/* Add iCal components as children of the component */
-	if(parts[i].header.major == SSPM_TEXT_MAJOR_TYPE &&
-	   parts[i].header.minor == SSPM_CALENDAR_MINOR_TYPE &&
-	   parts[i].data != 0){
-	    icalcomponent_add_component(comp,
-					(icalcomponent*)parts[i].data);
-	    parts[i].data = 0;
-	} else 	if(parts[i].header.major == SSPM_TEXT_MAJOR_TYPE &&
-	   parts[i].header.minor != SSPM_CALENDAR_MINOR_TYPE &&
-	   parts[i].data != 0){
-	    /* Add other text components as "DESCRIPTION" properties */
-	    icalcomponent_add_property(comp,
-               icalproperty_new_description(
-		   (char*)icalmemory_strdup((char*)parts[i].data)));
-	    parts[i].data = 0;
-	}
-	if(root!= 0 && parts[i].level == 0){
-	    /* We've already assigned the root, but there is another
-               part at the root level. This is probably a parse
-               error*/
-	    icalcomponent_free(comp);
-	    continue;
-	}
-	if(parts[i].level == last_level && last_level != 0){
-	    icalerror_assert(parent!=0,"No parent for adding component");
-	    icalcomponent_add_component(parent,comp);
-	} else if (parts[i].level == last_level && last_level == 0 &&
-	    root == 0) {
-	    root = comp;
-	    parent = comp;
-	} else if (parts[i].level > last_level){	    
-	    parent = last;
-	    icalcomponent_add_component(parent,comp);
-	    last_level = parts[i].level;
-	} else if (parts[i].level < last_level){
-	    parent = icalcomponent_get_parent(parent);
-	    icalcomponent_add_component(parent,comp);
-	    last_level = parts[i].level;
-	} else { 
-	    assert(0);
-	}
-	last = comp;
-	last_level = parts[i].level;
-	assert(parts[i].data == 0);
-    }
-    sspm_free_parts(parts,NUM_PARTS);
-    free(parts);
-    return root;
-int icalmime_test(char* (*get_string)(char *s, size_t size, void *d),
-		  void *data)
-    char *out;
-    struct sspm_part *parts;
-    int i;
-    if ( (parts = (struct sspm_part *)
-	  malloc(NUM_PARTS*sizeof(struct sspm_part)))==0) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    memset(parts,0,sizeof(parts));
-    sspm_parse_mime(parts, 
-		    NUM_PARTS, /* Max parts */
-		    icalmime_local_action_map, /* Actions */ 
-		    get_string,
-		    data, /* data for get_string*/
-		    0 /* First header */);
-   for(i = 0; i <NUM_PARTS && parts[i].header.major != SSPM_NO_MAJOR_TYPE ; 
-       i++){
-       if(parts[i].header.minor == SSPM_CALENDAR_MINOR_TYPE){
-	   parts[i].data = icalmemory_strdup(
-	       icalcomponent_as_ical_string((icalcomponent*)parts[i].data));
-       }
-   }
-    sspm_write_mime(parts,NUM_PARTS,&out,"To:");
-    printf("%s\n",out);
-    return 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalmime.h b/libical/src/libical/icalmime.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b22288842d..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalmime.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalmime.h
- CREATOR: eric 26 July 2000
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-#ifndef ICALMIME_H
-#define ICALMIME_H
-#include "icalcomponent.h"
-#include "icalparser.h"
-icalcomponent* icalmime_parse(	char* (*line_gen_func)(char *s, size_t size, 
-						       void *d),
-				void *data);
-/* The inverse of icalmime_parse, not implemented yet. Use sspm.h directly.  */
-char* icalmime_as_mime_string(char* component);
-#endif /* !ICALMIME_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalparameter.c b/libical/src/libical/icalparameter.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e0d15cef3..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalparameter.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icalderivedparameters.{c,h}
-  CREATOR: eric 09 May 1999
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalderivedparameters.{c,h}
-  Contributions from:
-     Graham Davison (
- ======================================================================*/
-/*#line 29 ""*/
-#include <config.h>
-#include "icalparameter.h"
-#include "icalproperty.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include "icalparameterimpl.h"
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc() */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h> /* for memset() */
-/* In icalderivedparameter */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_from_value_string(icalparameter_kind kind,const  char* val);
-struct icalparameter_impl* icalparameter_new_impl(icalparameter_kind kind)
-    struct icalparameter_impl* v;
-    if ( ( v = (struct icalparameter_impl*)
-	   malloc(sizeof(struct icalparameter_impl))) == 0) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    strcpy(v->id,"para");
-    v->kind = kind;
-    v->size = 0;
-    v->string = 0;
-    v->x_name = 0;
-    v->parent = 0;
-    v->data = 0;
-    return v;
-icalparameter_new (icalparameter_kind kind)
-    struct icalparameter_impl* v = icalparameter_new_impl(kind);
-    return (icalparameter*) v;
-icalparameter_free (icalparameter* parameter)
-    struct icalparameter_impl * impl;
-    impl = (struct icalparameter_impl*)parameter;
-/*  HACK. This always triggers, even when parameter is non-zero
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv((parameter==0),"parameter");*/
-    icalerror_assert( (impl->parent ==0),"Tried to free a parameter that is still attached to a component. ");
-    if(impl->parent !=0){
-	return;
-    }
-    if (impl->string != 0){
-	free ((void*)impl->string);
-    }
-    if (impl->x_name != 0){
-	free ((void*)impl->x_name);
-    }
-    memset(impl,0,sizeof(impl));
-    impl->parent = 0;
-    impl->id[0] = 'X';
-    free(impl);
-icalparameter_new_clone(icalparameter* param)
-    struct icalparameter_impl *old;
-    struct icalparameter_impl *new;
-    old = (struct icalparameter_impl *)param;
-    new = icalparameter_new_impl(old->kind);
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((param!=0),"param");
-    if (new == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    memcpy(new,old,sizeof(struct icalparameter_impl));
-    if (old->string != 0){
-	new->string = icalmemory_strdup(old->string);
-	if (new->string == 0){
-	    icalparameter_free(new);
-	    return 0;
-	}
-    }
-    if (old->x_name != 0){
-	new->x_name = icalmemory_strdup(old->x_name);
-	if (new->x_name == 0){
-	    icalparameter_free(new);
-	    return 0;
-	}
-    }
-    return new;
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_from_string(const char *str)
-    char* eq;
-    char* cpy;
-    icalparameter_kind kind;
-    icalparameter *param;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(str != 0,"str");
-    cpy = icalmemory_strdup(str);
-    if (cpy == 0){
-        icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    eq = strchr(cpy,'=');
-    if(eq == 0){
-        icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    *eq = '\0';
-    eq++;
-    kind = icalparameter_string_to_kind(cpy);
-    if(kind == ICAL_NO_PARAMETER){
-        icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    param = icalparameter_new_from_value_string(kind,eq);
-    if(kind == ICAL_X_PARAMETER){
-        icalparameter_set_xname(param,cpy);
-    }
-    free(cpy);
-    return param;
-icalparameter_as_ical_string (icalparameter* parameter)
-    struct icalparameter_impl* impl;
-    size_t buf_size = 1024;
-    char* buf; 
-    char* buf_ptr;
-    char *out_buf;
-    const char *kind_string;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (parameter!=0), "parameter");
-    /* Create new buffer that we can append names, parameters and a
-       value to, and reallocate as needed. Later, this buffer will be
-       copied to a icalmemory_tmp_buffer, which is managed internally
-       by libical, so it can be given to the caller without fear of
-       the caller forgetting to free it */
-    buf = icalmemory_new_buffer(buf_size);
-    buf_ptr = buf;
-    impl = (struct icalparameter_impl*)parameter;
-    if(impl->kind == ICAL_X_PARAMETER) {
-	icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, 
-				 icalparameter_get_xname(impl));
-    } else {
-	kind_string = icalparameter_kind_to_string(impl->kind);
-	if (impl->kind == ICAL_NO_PARAMETER || 
-	    impl->kind == ICAL_ANY_PARAMETER || 
-	    kind_string == 0)
-	{
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-	    return 0;
-	}
-	/* Put the parameter name into the string */
-	icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, kind_string);
-    }
-    icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "=");
-    if(impl->string !=0){
-        int qm = 0;
-	/* Encapsulate the property in quotes if necessary */
-	if (strchr (impl->string, ';') != 0 || strchr (impl->string, ':') != 0) {
-		icalmemory_append_char (&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, '"');
-		qm = 1;
-	}
-        icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, impl->string); 
-	if (qm == 1) {
-		icalmemory_append_char (&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, '"');
-	}
-    } else if (impl->data != 0){
-        const char* str = icalparameter_enum_to_string(impl->data);
-        icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, str); 
-    } else {
-        icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    /* Now, copy the buffer to a tmp_buffer, which is safe to give to
-       the caller without worring about de-allocating it. */
-    out_buf = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(strlen(buf));
-    strcpy(out_buf, buf);
-    icalmemory_free_buffer(buf);
-    return out_buf;
-icalparameter_is_valid (icalparameter* parameter);
-icalparameter_isa (icalparameter* parameter)
-    if(parameter == 0){
-    }
-    return ((struct icalparameter_impl *)parameter)->kind;
-icalparameter_isa_parameter (void* parameter)
-    struct icalparameter_impl *impl = (struct icalparameter_impl *)parameter;
-    if (parameter == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    if (strcmp(impl->id,"para") == 0) {
-	return 1;
-    } else {
-	return 0;
-    }
-icalparameter_set_xname (icalparameter* param, const char* v)
-    struct icalparameter_impl *impl = (struct icalparameter_impl*)param;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0),"param");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
-    if (impl->x_name != 0){
-	free((void*)impl->x_name);
-    }
-    impl->x_name = icalmemory_strdup(v);
-    if (impl->x_name == 0){
-	errno = ENOMEM;
-    }
-const char*
-icalparameter_get_xname (icalparameter* param)
-    struct icalparameter_impl *impl = (struct icalparameter_impl*)param;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (param!=0),"param");
-    return impl->x_name;
-icalparameter_set_xvalue (icalparameter* param, const char* v)
-    struct icalparameter_impl *impl = (struct icalparameter_impl*)param;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0),"param");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),"v");
-    if (impl->string != 0){
-	free((void*)impl->string);
-    }
-    impl->string = icalmemory_strdup(v);
-    if (impl->string == 0){
-	errno = ENOMEM;
-    }
-const char*
-icalparameter_get_xvalue (icalparameter* param)
-    struct icalparameter_impl *impl = (struct icalparameter_impl*)param;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (param!=0),"param");
-    return impl->string;
-void icalparameter_set_parent(icalparameter* param,
-			     icalproperty* property)
-    struct icalparameter_impl *impl = (struct icalparameter_impl*)param;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (param!=0),"param");
-    impl->parent = property;
-icalproperty* icalparameter_get_parent(icalparameter* param)
-    struct icalparameter_impl *impl = (struct icalparameter_impl*)param;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (param!=0),"param");
-    return impl->parent;
-/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */
-/* ALTREP */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalparameter.h b/libical/src/libical/icalparameter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f3b59f049..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalparameter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
-  FILE: icalparam.h
-  CREATOR: eric 20 March 1999
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalparam.h
-  ======================================================================*/
-#ifndef ICALPARAM_H
-#define ICALPARAM_H
-#include "icalderivedparameter.h"
-/* Declared in icalderivedparameter.h */
-/*typedef void icalparameter;*/
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new(icalparameter_kind kind);
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_clone(icalparameter* p);
-/* Create from string of form "PARAMNAME=VALUE" */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_from_string(const char* value);
-/* Create from just the value, the part after the "=" */
-icalparameter* icalparameter_new_from_value_string(icalparameter_kind kind, const char* value);
-void icalparameter_free(icalparameter* parameter);
-char* icalparameter_as_ical_string(icalparameter* parameter);
-int icalparameter_is_valid(icalparameter* parameter);
-icalparameter_kind icalparameter_isa(icalparameter* parameter);
-int icalparameter_isa_parameter(void* param);
-/* Acess the name of an X parameer */
-void icalparameter_set_xname (icalparameter* param, const char* v);
-const char* icalparameter_get_xname(icalparameter* param);
-void icalparameter_set_xvalue (icalparameter* param, const char* v);
-const char* icalparameter_get_xvalue(icalparameter* param);
-/* Convert enumerations */
-const char* icalparameter_kind_to_string(icalparameter_kind kind);
-icalparameter_kind icalparameter_string_to_kind(const char* string);
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalparameterimpl.h b/libical/src/libical/icalparameterimpl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d0fdd642d..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalparameterimpl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icalparameterimpl.h
-  CREATOR: eric 09 May 1999
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalderivedparameters.{c,h}
-  Contributions from:
-     Graham Davison (
- ======================================================================*/
-#include <config.h>
-#include "icalparameter.h"
-#include "icalproperty.h"
-struct icalparameter_impl
-	icalparameter_kind kind;
-	char id[5];
-	int size;
-	const char* string;
-	const char* x_name;
-	icalproperty* parent;
-	int data;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalparser.c b/libical/src/libical/icalparser.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a389540f0..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalparser.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1121 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 8; -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icalparser.c
-  CREATOR: eric 04 August 1999
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric Busboom
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "config.h"
-#include "icalparser.h"
-#include "pvl.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalvalue.h"
-#include "icalderivedparameter.h"
-#include "icalparameter.h"
-#include "icalproperty.h"
-#include "icalcomponent.h"
-#include <string.h> /* For strncpy & size_t */
-#include <stdio.h> /* For FILE and fgets and sprintf */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for free */
-extern icalvalue* icalparser_yy_value;
-void set_parser_value_state(icalvalue_kind kind);
-int ical_yyparse(void);
-char* icalparser_get_next_char(char c, char *str, int qm);
-char* icalparser_get_next_parameter(char* line,char** end);
-char* icalparser_get_next_value(char* line, char **end, icalvalue_kind kind);
-char* icalparser_get_prop_name(char* line, char** end);
-char* icalparser_get_param_name(char* line, char **end);
-#define TMP_BUF_SIZE 80
-struct icalparser_impl 
-    int buffer_full; /* flag indicates that temp is smaller that 
-                        data being read into it*/
-    int continuation_line; /* last line read was a continuation line */
-    size_t tmp_buf_size; 
-    char temp[TMP_BUF_SIZE];
-    icalcomponent *root_component;
-    int version; 
-    int level;
-    int lineno;
-    icalparser_state state;
-    pvl_list components;
-    void *line_gen_data;
-icalparser* icalparser_new(void)
-    struct icalparser_impl* impl = 0;
-    if ( ( impl = (struct icalparser_impl*)
-	   malloc(sizeof(struct icalparser_impl))) == 0) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    impl->root_component = 0;
-    impl->components  = pvl_newlist();  
-    impl->level = 0;
-    impl->state = ICALPARSER_SUCCESS;
-    impl->tmp_buf_size = TMP_BUF_SIZE;
-    impl->buffer_full = 0;
-    impl->continuation_line = 0;
-    impl->lineno = 0;
-    memset(impl->temp,0, TMP_BUF_SIZE);
-    return (icalparser*)impl;
-void icalparser_free(icalparser* parser)
-    struct icalparser_impl* impl = (struct icalparser_impl*)parser;
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    if (impl->root_component != 0){
-	icalcomponent_free(impl->root_component);
-    }
-    while( (c=pvl_pop(impl->components)) != 0){
-	icalcomponent_free(c);
-    }
-    pvl_free(impl->components);
-    free(impl);
-void icalparser_set_gen_data(icalparser* parser, void* data)
-    struct icalparser_impl* impl = (struct icalparser_impl*)parser;
-    impl->line_gen_data  = data;
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_From_string_with_error(icalvalue_kind kind, 
-                                                char* str, 
-                                                icalproperty **error);
-char* icalparser_get_next_char(char c, char *str, int qm)
-    int quote_mode = 0;
-    char* p;
-    for(p=str; *p!=0; p++){
-	    if (qm == 1) {
-		    if ( quote_mode == 0 && *p=='"' && *(p-1) != '\\' ){
-			    quote_mode =1;
-			    continue;
-		    }
-		    if ( quote_mode == 1 && *p=='"' && *(p-1) != '\\' ){
-			    quote_mode =0;
-			    continue;
-		    }
-	    }
-		if (quote_mode == 0 &&  *p== c  && *(p-1) != '\\' ){
-				return p;
-		}
-    }
-    return 0;
-/* make a new tmp buffer out of a substring */
-char* make_segment(char* start, char* end)
-    char *buf;
-    size_t size = (size_t)end - (size_t)start;
-    buf = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(size+1);
-    strncpy(buf,start,size);
-    *(buf+size) = 0;
-    return buf;
-const char* input_buffer;
-const char* input_buffer_p;
-#define min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))   
-int icalparser_flex_input(char* buf, int max_size)
-    int n = min(max_size,strlen(input_buffer_p));
-    if (n > 0){
-	memcpy(buf, input_buffer_p, n);
-	input_buffer_p += n;
-	return n;
-    } else {
-	return 0;
-    }
-void icalparser_clear_flex_input(void)
-    input_buffer_p = input_buffer+strlen(input_buffer);
-/* Call the flex/bison parser to parse a complex value */
-icalvalue*  icalparser_parse_value(icalvalue_kind kind,
-                                   const char* str, icalproperty** error)
-    int r;
-    input_buffer_p = input_buffer = str;
-    set_parser_value_state(kind);
-    icalparser_yy_value = 0;
-    r = ical_yyparse();
-    /* Error. Parse failed */
-    if( icalparser_yy_value == 0 || r != 0){
-	if(icalparser_yy_value !=0){
-	    icalvalue_free(icalparser_yy_value);
-	    icalparser_yy_value = 0;
-	}
-	return 0;
-    }
-    if (error != 0){
-	*error = 0;
-    }
-    return icalparser_yy_value;
-char* icalparser_get_prop_name(char* line, char** end)
-    char* p;
-    char* v;
-    char *str;
-    p = icalparser_get_next_char(';',line,1); 
-    v = icalparser_get_next_char(':',line,1); 
-    if (p== 0 && v == 0) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /* There is no ';' or, it is after the ';' that marks the beginning of
-       the value */
-    if (v!=0 && ( p == 0 || p > v)){
-	str = make_segment(line,v);
-	*end = v+1;
-    } else {
-	str = make_segment(line,p);
-	*end = p+1;
-    }
-    return str;
-char* icalparser_get_param_name(char* line, char **end)
-    char* next; 
-    char* quote; 
-    char *str;
-    next = icalparser_get_next_char('=',line,1);
-    if (next == 0) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    str = make_segment(line,next);
-    *end = next+1;
-    if (**end == '"') {
-        *end = *end+1;
-	    next = icalparser_get_next_char('"',*end,0);
-	    if (next == 0) {
-		    return 0;
-	    }
-	    *end = make_segment(*end,next);
-    }
-    return str;
-char* icalparser_get_next_paramvalue(char* line, char **end)
-    char* next; 
-    char *str;
-    next = icalparser_get_next_char(',',line,1);
-    if (next == 0){
-	next = (char*)(size_t)line+(size_t)strlen(line);\
-    }
-    if (next == line){
-	return 0;
-    } else {
-	str = make_segment(line,next);
-	*end = next+1;
-	return str;
-    }
-/* A property may have multiple values, if the values are seperated by
-   commas in the content line. This routine will look for the next
-   comma after line and will set the next place to start searching in
-   end. */
-char* icalparser_get_next_value(char* line, char **end, icalvalue_kind kind)
-    char* next;
-    char *p;
-    char *str;
-    size_t length = strlen(line);
-    p = line;
-    while(1){
-	next = icalparser_get_next_char(',',p,1);
-	/* Unforunately, RFC2445 says that for the RECUR value, COMMA
-	   can both seperate digits in a list, and it can seperate
-	   multiple recurrence specifications. This is not a friendly
-	   part of the spec. This weirdness tries to
-	   distinguish the two uses. it is probably a HACK*/
-	if( kind == ICAL_RECUR_VALUE ) {
-	    if ( next != 0 &&
-		 (*end+length) > next+5 &&
-		 strncmp(next,"FREQ",4) == 0
-		) {
-		/* The COMMA was followed by 'FREQ', is it a real seperator*/
-		/* Fall through */
-	    } else if (next != 0){
-		/* Not real, get the next COMMA */
-		p = next+1;
-		next = 0;
-		continue;
-	    } 
-	}
-	/* If the comma is preceeded by a '\', then it is a literal and
-	   not a value seperator*/  
-	if ( (next!=0 && *(next-1) == '\\') ||
-	     (next!=0 && *(next-3) == '\\')
-	    ) 
-	    /*second clause for '/' is on prev line. HACK may be out of bounds */
-	{
-	    p = next+1;
-	} else {
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    if (next == 0){
-	next = (char*)(size_t)line+length;
-	*end = next;
-    } else {
-	*end = next+1;
-    }
-    if (next == line){
-	return 0;
-    } 
-    str = make_segment(line,next);
-    return str;
-char* icalparser_get_next_parameter(char* line,char** end)
-    char *next;
-    char *v;
-    char *str;
-    v = icalparser_get_next_char(':',line,1); 
-    next = icalparser_get_next_char(';', line,1);
-    /* There is no ';' or, it is after the ':' that marks the beginning of
-       the value */
-    if (next == 0 || next > v) {
-	next = icalparser_get_next_char(':', line,1);
-    }
-    if (next != 0) {
-	str = make_segment(line,next);
-	*end = next+1;
-	return str;
-    } else {
-	*end = line;
-	return 0;
-    }
-/* Get a single property line, from the property name through the
-   final new line, and include any continuation lines */
-char* icalparser_get_line(icalparser *parser,
-                          char* (*line_gen_func)(char *s, size_t size, void *d))
-    char *line;
-    char *line_p;
-    struct icalparser_impl* impl = (struct icalparser_impl*)parser;
-    size_t buf_size = impl->tmp_buf_size;
-    line_p = line = icalmemory_new_buffer(buf_size);
-    line[0] = '\0';
-    /* Read lines by calling line_gen_func and putting the data into
-       impl->temp. If the line is a continuation line ( begins with a
-       space after a newline ) then append the data onto line and read
-       again. Otherwise, exit the loop. */
-    while(1) {
-        /* The first part of the loop deals with the temp buffer,
-           which was read on he last pass through the loop. The
-           routine is split like this because it has to read lone line
-           ahead to determine if a line is a continuation line. */
-	/* The tmp buffer is not clear, so transfer the data in it to the
-	   output. This may be left over from a previous call */
-	if (impl->temp[0] != '\0' ) {
-	    /* If the last position in the temp buffer is occupied,
-               mark the buffer as full. The means we will do another
-               read later, because the line is not finished */
-	    if (impl->temp[impl->tmp_buf_size-1] == 0 &&
-		impl->temp[impl->tmp_buf_size-2] != '\n'&& 
-                impl->temp[impl->tmp_buf_size-2] != 0 ){
-		impl->buffer_full = 1;
-	    } else {
-		impl->buffer_full = 0;
-	    }
-	    /* Copy the temp to the output and clear the temp buffer. */
-            if(impl->continuation_line==1){
-                /* back up the pointer to erase the continuation characters */
-                impl->continuation_line = 0;
-                line_p--;
-                if ( *(line_p-1) == '\r'){
-                    line_p--;
-                }
-                /* copy one space up to eliminate the leading space*/
-                icalmemory_append_string(&line,&line_p,&buf_size,
-                                         impl->temp+1);
-            } else {
-                icalmemory_append_string(&line,&line_p,&buf_size,impl->temp);
-            }
-            impl->temp[0] = '\0' ;
-	}
-	impl->temp[impl->tmp_buf_size-1] = 1; /* Mark end of buffer */
-        /****** Here is where the routine gets string data ******************/
-	if ((*line_gen_func)(impl->temp,impl->tmp_buf_size,impl->line_gen_data)
-	    ==0){/* Get more data */
-	    /* If the first position is clear, it means we didn't get
-               any more data from the last call to line_ge_func*/
-	    if (impl->temp[0] == '\0'){
-		if(line[0] != '\0'){
-		    /* There is data in the output, so fall trhough and process it*/
-		    break;
-		} else {
-		    /* No data in output; return and signal that there
-                       is no more input*/
-		    free(line);
-		    return 0;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	/* If the output line ends in a '\n' and the temp buffer
-	   begins with a ' ', then the buffer holds a continuation
-	   line, so keep reading.  */
-	if  ( line_p > line+1 && *(line_p-1) == '\n' && impl->temp[0] == ' ') {
-            impl->continuation_line = 1;
-	} else if ( impl->buffer_full == 1 ) {
-	    /* The buffer was filled on the last read, so read again */
-	} else {
-	    /* Looks like the end of this content line, so break */
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    /* Erase the final newline and/or carriage return*/
-    if ( line_p > line+1 && *(line_p-1) == '\n') {	
-	*(line_p-1) = '\0';
-	if ( *(line_p-2) == '\r'){
-	    *(line_p-2) = '\0';
-	}
-    } else {
-	*(line_p) = '\0';
-    }
-    return line;
-void insert_error(icalcomponent* comp, char* text, 
-		  char* message, icalparameter_xlicerrortype type)
-    char temp[1024];
-    if (text == 0){
-	snprintf(temp,1024,"%s:",message);
-    } else {
-	snprintf(temp,1024,"%s: %s",message,text);
-    }	
-    icalcomponent_add_property
-	(comp,
-	 icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(
-	     temp,
-	     icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(type),
-	     0));   
-int line_is_blank(char* line){
-    int i=0;
-    for(i=0; *(line+i)!=0; i++){
-	char c = *(line+i);
-	if(c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\t'){
-	    return 0;
-	}
-    }
-    return 1;
-icalcomponent* icalparser_parse(icalparser *parser,
-				char* (*line_gen_func)(char *s, size_t size, 
-						       void* d))
-    char* line; 
-    icalcomponent *c=0; 
-    icalcomponent *root=0;
-    struct icalparser_impl *impl = (struct icalparser_impl*)parser;
-    icalerrorstate es = icalerror_get_error_state(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((parser !=0),"parser");
-    do{
-	    line = icalparser_get_line(parser, line_gen_func);
-	if ((c = icalparser_add_line(parser,line)) != 0){
-	    if(icalcomponent_get_parent(c) !=0){
-		/* This is bad news... assert? */
-	    }	    
-	    assert(impl->root_component == 0);
-	    assert(pvl_count(impl->components) ==0);
-	    if (root == 0){
-		/* Just one component */
-		root = c;
-	    } else if(icalcomponent_isa(root) != ICAL_XROOT_COMPONENT) {
-		/*Got a second component, so move the two components under
-		  an XROOT container */
-		icalcomponent *tempc = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_XROOT_COMPONENT);
-		icalcomponent_add_component(tempc, root);
-		icalcomponent_add_component(tempc, c);
-		root = tempc;
-	    } else if(icalcomponent_isa(root) == ICAL_XROOT_COMPONENT) {
-		/* Already have an XROOT container, so add the component
-		   to it*/
-		icalcomponent_add_component(root, c);
-	    } else {
-		/* Badness */
-		assert(0);
-	    }
-	    c = 0;
-        }
-	if(line != 0){
-	    free(line);
-	}
-    } while ( line != 0);
-    icalerror_set_error_state(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR,es);
-    return root;
-icalcomponent* icalparser_add_line(icalparser* parser,
-                                       char* line)
-    char *p; 
-    char *str;
-    char *end;
-    int vcount = 0;
-    icalproperty *prop;
-    icalproperty_kind prop_kind;
-    icalvalue *value;
-    icalvalue_kind value_kind = ICAL_NO_VALUE;
-    struct icalparser_impl *impl = (struct icalparser_impl*)parser;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((parser != 0),"parser");
-    if (line == 0)
-    {
-	impl->state = ICALPARSER_ERROR;
-	return 0;
-    }
-    if(line_is_blank(line) == 1){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /* Begin by getting the property name at the start of the line. The
-       property name may end up being "BEGIN" or "END" in which case it
-       is not really a property, but the marker for the start or end of
-       a component */
-    end = 0;
-    str = icalparser_get_prop_name(line, &end);
-    if (str == 0 || strlen(str) == 0 ){
-	/* Could not get a property name */
-	icalcomponent *tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(impl->components));
-	if (tail){
-	    insert_error(tail,line,
-			 "Got a data line, but could not find a property name or component begin tag",
-	}
-	tail = 0;
-	impl->state = ICALPARSER_ERROR;
-	return 0; 
-    }
-    /**********************************************************************
-     * Handle begin and end of components
-     **********************************************************************/								       
-    /* If the property name is BEGIN or END, we are actually
-       starting or ending a new component */
-    if(strcmp(str,"BEGIN") == 0){
-	icalcomponent *c;
-        icalcomponent_kind comp_kind;
-	impl->level++;
-	str = icalparser_get_next_value(end,&end, value_kind);
-        comp_kind = icalenum_string_to_component_kind(str);
-        if (comp_kind == ICAL_NO_COMPONENT){
-	    c = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_XLICINVALID_COMPONENT);
-	    insert_error(c,str,"Parse error in component name",
-        }
-	c  =  icalcomponent_new(comp_kind);
-	if (c == 0){
-	    c = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_XLICINVALID_COMPONENT);
-	    insert_error(c,str,"Parse error in component name",
-	}
-	pvl_push(impl->components,c);
-	impl->state = ICALPARSER_BEGIN_COMP;
-	return 0;
-    } else if (strcmp(str,"END") == 0 ) {
-	icalcomponent* tail;
-	impl->level--;
-	str = icalparser_get_next_value(end,&end, value_kind);
-	/* Pop last component off of list and add it to the second-to-last*/
-	impl->root_component = pvl_pop(impl->components);
-	tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(impl->components));
-	if(tail != 0){
-	    icalcomponent_add_component(tail,impl->root_component);
-	} 
-	tail = 0;
-	/* Return the component if we are back to the 0th level */
-	if (impl->level == 0){
-	    icalcomponent *rtrn; 
-	    if(pvl_count(impl->components) != 0){
-	    /* There are still components on the stack -- this means
-               that one of them did not have a proper "END" */
-		pvl_push(impl->components,impl->root_component);
-		icalparser_clean(parser); /* may reset impl->root_component*/
-	    }
-	    assert(pvl_count(impl->components) == 0);
-	    impl->state = ICALPARSER_SUCCESS;
-	    rtrn = impl->root_component;
-	    impl->root_component = 0;
-	    return rtrn;
-	} else {
-	    impl->state = ICALPARSER_END_COMP;
-	    return 0;
-	}
-    }
-    /* There is no point in continuing if we have not seen a
-       component yet */
-    if(pvl_data(pvl_tail(impl->components)) == 0){
-	impl->state = ICALPARSER_ERROR;
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /**********************************************************************
-     * Handle property names
-     **********************************************************************/
-    /* At this point, the property name really is a property name,
-       (Not a component name) so make a new property and add it to
-       the component */
-    prop_kind = icalproperty_string_to_kind(str);
-    prop = icalproperty_new(prop_kind);
-    if (prop != 0){
-	icalcomponent *tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(impl->components));
-        if(prop_kind==ICAL_X_PROPERTY){
-            icalproperty_set_x_name(prop,str);
-        }
-	icalcomponent_add_property(tail, prop);
-	/* Set the value kind for the default for this type of
-	   property. This may be re-set by a VALUE parameter */
-	value_kind = icalproperty_kind_to_value_kind(icalproperty_isa(prop));
-    } else {
-	icalcomponent* tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(impl->components));
-	insert_error(tail,str,"Parse error in property name",
-	tail = 0;
-	impl->state = ICALPARSER_ERROR;
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /**********************************************************************
-     * Handle parameter values
-     **********************************************************************/								       
-    /* Now, add any parameters to the last property */
-    p = 0;
-    while(1) {
-	if (*(end-1) == ':'){
-	    /* if the last seperator was a ":" and the value is a
-	       URL, icalparser_get_next_parameter will find the
-	       ':' in the URL, so better break now. */
-	    break;
-	}
-	str = icalparser_get_next_parameter(end,&end);
-	if (str != 0){
-	    char* name;
-	    char* pvalue;
-	    icalparameter *param = 0;
-	    icalparameter_kind kind;
-	    icalcomponent *tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(impl->components));
-	    name = icalparser_get_param_name(str,&pvalue);
-	    if (name == 0){
-		/* 'tail' defined above */
-		insert_error(tail, str, "Cant parse parameter name",
-		tail = 0;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    kind = icalparameter_string_to_kind(name);
-	    if(kind == ICAL_X_PARAMETER){
-		param = icalparameter_new(ICAL_X_PARAMETER);
-		if(param != 0){
-		    icalparameter_set_xname(param,name);
-		    icalparameter_set_xvalue(param,pvalue);
-		}
-	    } else if (kind != ICAL_NO_PARAMETER){
-		param = icalparameter_new_from_value_string(kind,pvalue);
-	    } else {
-		/* Error. Failed to parse the parameter*/
-		/* 'tail' defined above */
-		insert_error(tail, str, "Cant parse parameter name",
-		tail = 0;
-		impl->state = ICALPARSER_ERROR;
-		return 0;
-	    }
-	    if (param == 0){
-		/* 'tail' defined above */
-		insert_error(tail,str,"Cant parse parameter value",
-		tail = 0;
-		impl->state = ICALPARSER_ERROR;
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    /* If it is a VALUE parameter, set the kind of value*/
-	    if (icalparameter_isa(param)==ICAL_VALUE_PARAMETER){
-		value_kind = (icalvalue_kind)
-                    icalparameter_value_to_value_kind(
-                                icalparameter_get_value(param)
-                                );
-		if (value_kind == ICAL_NO_VALUE){
-		    /* Ooops, could not parse the value of the
-		       parameter ( it was not one of the defined
-		       values ), so reset the value_kind */
-		    insert_error(
-			tail, str, 
-			"Got a VALUE parameter with an unknown type",
-		    icalparameter_free(param);
-		    value_kind = 
-			icalproperty_kind_to_value_kind(
-			    icalproperty_isa(prop));
-		    icalparameter_free(param);
-		    tail = 0;
-		    impl->state = ICALPARSER_ERROR;
-		    return 0;
-		} 
-	    }
-	    /* Everything is OK, so add the parameter */
-	    icalproperty_add_parameter(prop,param);
-	    tail = 0;
-	} else { /* if ( str != 0)  */
-	    /* If we did not get a param string, go on to looking
-	       for a value */
-	    break;
-	} /* if ( str != 0)  */
-    } /* while(1) */	    
-    /**********************************************************************
-     * Handle values
-     **********************************************************************/								       
-    /* Look for values. If there are ',' characters in the values,
-       then there are multiple values, so clone the current
-       parameter and add one part of the value to each clone */
-    vcount=0;
-    while(1) {
-	str = icalparser_get_next_value(end,&end, value_kind);
-	if (str != 0){
-	    if (vcount > 0){
-		/* Actually, only clone after the second value */
-		icalproperty* clone = icalproperty_new_clone(prop);
-		icalcomponent* tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(impl->components));
-		icalcomponent_add_property(tail, clone);
-		prop = clone;		    
-		tail = 0;
-	    }
-	    value = icalvalue_new_from_string(value_kind, str);
-	    /* Don't add properties without value */
-	    if (value == 0){
-		char temp[200]; /* HACK */
-		icalproperty_kind prop_kind = icalproperty_isa(prop);
-		icalcomponent* tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(impl->components));
-		sprintf(temp,"Cant parse as %s value in %s property. Removing entire property",
-			icalvalue_kind_to_string(value_kind),
-			icalproperty_kind_to_string(prop_kind));
-		insert_error(tail, str, temp,
-		/* Remove the troublesome property */
-		icalcomponent_remove_property(tail,prop);
-		icalproperty_free(prop);
-		prop = 0;
-		tail = 0;
-		impl->state = ICALPARSER_ERROR;
-		return 0;
-	    } else {
-		vcount++;
-		icalproperty_set_value(prop, value);
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    if (vcount == 0){
-		char temp[200]; /* HACK */
-		icalproperty_kind prop_kind = icalproperty_isa(prop);
-		icalcomponent *tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(impl->components));
-		sprintf(temp,"No value for %s property. Removing entire property",
-			icalproperty_kind_to_string(prop_kind));
-		insert_error(tail, str, temp,
-		/* Remove the troublesome property */
-		icalcomponent_remove_property(tail,prop);
-		icalproperty_free(prop);
-		prop = 0;
-		tail = 0;
-		impl->state = ICALPARSER_ERROR;
-		return 0;
-	    } else {
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /****************************************************************
-     * End of component parsing. 
-     *****************************************************************/
-    if (pvl_data(pvl_tail(impl->components)) == 0 &&
-	impl->level == 0){
-	/* HACK. Does this clause ever get executed? */
-	impl->state = ICALPARSER_SUCCESS;
-	assert(0);
-	return impl->root_component;
-    } else {
-	return 0;
-    }
-icalparser_state icalparser_get_state(icalparser* parser)
-    struct icalparser_impl* impl = (struct icalparser_impl*) parser;
-    return impl->state;
-icalcomponent* icalparser_clean(icalparser* parser)
-    struct icalparser_impl* impl = (struct icalparser_impl*) parser;
-    icalcomponent *tail; 
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((parser != 0 ),"parser");
-    /* We won't get a clean exit if some components did not have an
-       "END" tag. Clear off any component that may be left in the list */
-    while((tail=pvl_data(pvl_tail(impl->components))) != 0){
-	insert_error(tail," ",
-		     "Missing END tag for this component. Closing component at end of input.",
-	impl->root_component = pvl_pop(impl->components);
-	tail=pvl_data(pvl_tail(impl->components));
-	if(tail != 0){
-	    if(icalcomponent_get_parent(impl->root_component)!=0){
-		icalerror_warn("icalparser_clean is trying to attach a component for the second time");
-	    } else {
-		icalcomponent_add_component(tail,impl->root_component);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    return impl->root_component;
-struct slg_data {
-	const char* pos;
-	const char* str;
-char* string_line_generator(char *out, size_t buf_size, void *d)
-    char *n;
-    size_t size;
-    struct slg_data* data = (struct slg_data*)d;
-    if(data->pos==0){
-	data->pos=data->str;
-    }
-    /* If the pointer is at the end of the string, we are done */
-    if (*(data->pos)==0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    n = strchr(data->pos,'\n');
-    if (n == 0){
-	size = strlen(data->pos);
-    } else {
-	n++; /* include newline in output */
-	size = (n-data->pos);	
-    }
-    if (size > buf_size-1){
-	size = buf_size-1;
-    }
-    strncpy(out,data->pos,size);
-    *(out+size) = '\0';
-    data->pos += size;
-    return out;    
-icalcomponent* icalparser_parse_string(const char* str)
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    struct slg_data d;
-    icalparser *p;
-    icalerrorstate es = icalerror_get_error_state(ICAL_PARSE_ERROR);
-    d.pos = 0;
-    d.str = str;
-    p = icalparser_new();
-    icalparser_set_gen_data(p,&d);
-    icalerror_set_error_state(ICAL_PARSE_ERROR,ICAL_ERROR_NONFATAL);
-    c = icalparser_parse(p,string_line_generator);
-    icalerror_set_error_state(ICAL_PARSE_ERROR,es);
-    icalparser_free(p);
-    return c;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalparser.h b/libical/src/libical/icalparser.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e1c88ffc0..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalparser.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
-  FILE: icalparser.h
-  CREATOR: eric 20 April 1999
-  $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalparser.h
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include "icaltypes.h"
-#include <stdio.h> /* For FILE* */
-typedef void* icalparser;
- * Line-oriented parsing. 
- * 
- * Create a new parser via icalparse_new_parser, then add ines one at
- * a time with icalparse_add_line(). icalparser_add_line() will return
- * non-zero when it has finished with a component.
- ***********************************************************************/
-typedef enum icalparser_state {
-} icalparser_state;
-icalparser* icalparser_new(void);
-icalcomponent* icalparser_add_line(icalparser* parser, char* str );
-icalcomponent* icalparser_clean(icalparser* parser);
-icalparser_state icalparser_get_state(icalparser* parser);
-void icalparser_free(icalparser* parser);
- * Message oriented parsing.  icalparser_parse takes a string that
- * holds the text ( in RFC 2445 format ) and returns a pointer to an
- * icalcomponent. The caller owns the memory. line_gen_func is a
- * pointer to a function that returns one content line per invocation
- **********************************************************************/
-icalcomponent* icalparser_parse(icalparser *parser,
-				char* (*line_gen_func)(char *s, size_t size, void *d));
-/* Set the data that icalparser_parse will give to the line_gen_func
-   as the parameter 'd'*/
-void icalparser_set_gen_data(icalparser* parser, void* data);
-icalcomponent* icalparser_parse_string(const char* str);
- * Parser support functions
- ***********************************************************************/
-/* Use the flex/bison parser to turn a string into a value type */
-icalvalue*  icalparser_parse_value(icalvalue_kind kind, 
-				   const char* str, icalcomponent** errors);
-/* Given a line generator function, return a single iCal content line.*/
-char* icalparser_get_line(icalparser* parser, char* (*line_gen_func)(char *s, size_t size, void *d));
-char* string_line_generator(char *out, size_t buf_size, void *d);
-#endif /* !ICALPARSE_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalperiod.c b/libical/src/libical/icalperiod.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c74c157eff..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalperiod.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icalperiod.c
-  CREATOR: eric 02 June 2000
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
- ======================================================================*/
-#include <config.h>
-#include "icalperiod.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#define icalerror_set_errno(x)
-#define  icalerror_check_arg_rv(x,y)
-#define  icalerror_check_arg_re(x,y,z)
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-struct icalperiodtype icalperiodtype_from_string (const char* str)
-    struct icalperiodtype p, null_p;
-    char *s = icalmemory_strdup(str);
-    char *start, *end = s;
-    icalerrorstate es;
-    /* Errors are normally generated in the following code, so save
-       the error state for resoration later */
-    icalerrorenum e = icalerrno;
-    p.start = p.end = icaltime_null_time();
-    p.duration = icaldurationtype_from_int(0);
-    null_p = p;
-    if(s == 0) goto error;
-    start = s;
-    end = strchr(s, '/');
-    if(end == 0) goto error;
-    *end = 0;
-    end++;
-    p.start = icaltime_from_string(start);
-    if (icaltime_is_null_time(p.start)) goto error;
-    es = icalerror_get_error_state(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-    p.end = icaltime_from_string(end);
-    icalerror_set_error_state(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR,es);
-    if (icaltime_is_null_time(p.end)){
-	p.duration = icaldurationtype_from_string(end);
-	if(icaldurationtype_as_int(p.duration) == 0) goto error;
-    } 
-    icalerrno = e;
-    return p;
- error:
-    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-    return null_p;
-const char* icalperiodtype_as_ical_string(struct icalperiodtype p)
-    const char* start;
-    const char* end;
-    char *buf;
-    size_t buf_size = 40;
-    char* buf_ptr = 0;
-    buf = (char*)icalmemory_new_buffer(buf_size);
-    buf_ptr = buf;
-    start = icaltime_as_ical_string(p.start);
-    icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, start); 
-    if(!icaltime_is_null_time(p.end)){
-	end = icaltime_as_ical_string(p.end);
-    } else {
-	end = icaldurationtype_as_ical_string(p.duration);
-    }
-    icalmemory_append_char(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, '/'); 
-    icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, end); 
-    return buf;
-struct icalperiodtype icalperiodtype_null_period() {
-    struct icalperiodtype p;
-    p.start = icaltime_null_time();
-    p.end = icaltime_null_time();
-    p.duration = icaldurationtype_null_duration();
-    return p;
-int icalperiodtype_is_null_period(struct icalperiodtype p){
-    if(icaltime_is_null_time(p.start) && 
-       icaltime_is_null_time(p.end) && 
-       icaldurationtype_is_null_duration(p.duration)){
-	return 1;
-    } else {
-	return 0;
-    }
-int icalperiodtype_is_valid_period(struct icalperiodtype p){
-    if(icaltime_is_valid_time(p.start) && 
-       (icaltime_is_valid_time(p.end) || icaltime_is_null_time(p.end)) )
-	{
-	    return 1;
-	}
-    return 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalperiod.h b/libical/src/libical/icalperiod.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 64d53237ad..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalperiod.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalperiod.h
- CREATOR: eric 26 Jan 2001
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
-#include "icaltime.h"
-#include "icalduration.h"
-struct icalperiodtype 
-	struct icaltimetype start; 
-	struct icaltimetype end; 
-	struct icaldurationtype duration;
-struct icalperiodtype icalperiodtype_from_string (const char* str);
-const char* icalperiodtype_as_ical_string(struct icalperiodtype p);
-struct icalperiodtype icalperiodtype_null_period();
-int icalperiodtype_is_null_period(struct icalperiodtype p);
-int icalperiodtype_is_valid_period(struct icalperiodtype p);
-#endif /* !ICALTIME_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalproperty.c b/libical/src/libical/icalproperty.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c5638827e5..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalproperty.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,808 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
-  FILE: icalproperty.c
-  CREATOR: eric 28 April 1999
-  $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalproperty.c
-/*#line 27 ""*/
-#include <config.h>
-#include "icalproperty.h"
-#include "icalparameter.h"
-#include "icalcomponent.h"
-#include "pvl.h"
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include "icalparser.h"
-#include <string.h> /* For icalmemory_strdup, rindex */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
-#include <stdarg.h> /* for va_list, va_start, etc. */
-#define TMP_BUF_SIZE 1024
-/* Private routines for icalproperty */
-void icalvalue_set_parent(icalvalue* value,
-			     icalproperty* property);
-icalproperty* icalvalue_get_parent(icalvalue* value);
-void icalparameter_set_parent(icalparameter* param,
-			     icalproperty* property);
-icalproperty* icalparameter_get_parent(icalparameter* value);
-void icalproperty_set_x_name(icalproperty* prop, char* name);
-struct icalproperty_impl 
-	char id[5];
-	icalproperty_kind kind;
-	char* x_name;
-	pvl_list parameters;
-	pvl_elem parameter_iterator;
-	icalvalue* value;
-	icalcomponent *parent;
-void icalproperty_add_parameters(struct icalproperty_impl *prop,va_list args)
-    void* vp;
-    struct icalproperty_impl *impl = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
-    while((vp = va_arg(args, void*)) != 0) {
-	if (icalvalue_isa_value(vp) != 0 ){
-	} else if (icalparameter_isa_parameter(vp) != 0 ){
-	    icalproperty_add_parameter((icalproperty*)impl,
-				       (icalparameter*)vp);
-	} else {
-	    assert(0);
-	}
-    }
-struct icalproperty_impl*
-icalproperty_new_impl (icalproperty_kind kind)
-    struct icalproperty_impl* prop;
-    if ( ( prop = (struct icalproperty_impl*)
-	   malloc(sizeof(struct icalproperty_impl))) == 0) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    strcpy(prop->id,"prop");
-    prop->kind = kind;
-    prop->parameters = pvl_newlist();
-    prop->parameter_iterator = 0;
-    prop->value = 0;
-    prop->x_name = 0;
-    prop->parent = 0;
-    return prop;
-icalproperty_new (icalproperty_kind kind)
-    if(kind == ICAL_NO_PROPERTY){
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return (icalproperty*)icalproperty_new_impl(kind);
-icalproperty_new_clone(icalproperty* prop)
-    struct icalproperty_impl *old = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
-    struct icalproperty_impl *new = icalproperty_new_impl(old->kind);
-    pvl_elem p;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((prop!=0),"Prop");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((old!=0),"old");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((new!=0),"new");
-    if (old->value !=0) {
-	new->value = icalvalue_new_clone(old->value);
-    }
-    if (old->x_name != 0) {
-	new->x_name = icalmemory_strdup(old->x_name);
-	if (new->x_name == 0) {
-	    icalproperty_free(new);
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	    return 0;
-	}
-    }
-    for(p=pvl_head(old->parameters);p != 0; p = pvl_next(p)){
-	icalparameter *param = icalparameter_new_clone(pvl_data(p));
-	if (param == 0){
-	    icalproperty_free(new);
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	    return 0;
-	}
-	pvl_push(new->parameters,param);
-    } 
-    return new;
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_from_string(char* str)
-    size_t buf_size = 1024;
-    char* buf = icalmemory_new_buffer(buf_size);
-    char* buf_ptr = buf;  
-    icalproperty *prop;
-    icalcomponent *comp;
-    int errors  = 0;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (str!=0),"str");
-    /* Is this a HACK or a crafty reuse of code? */
-    icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n");
-    icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, str);
-    icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "\n");    
-    icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "END:VCALENDAR\n");
-    comp = icalparser_parse_string(buf);
-    if(comp == 0){
-        icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_PARSE_ERROR);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    errors = icalcomponent_count_errors(comp);
-    prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
-    icalcomponent_remove_property(comp,prop);
-    icalcomponent_free(comp);
-    free(buf);
-    if(errors > 0){
-        icalproperty_free(prop);
-        return 0;
-    } else {
-        return prop;
-    }
-icalproperty_free (icalproperty* prop)
-    struct icalproperty_impl *p;
-    icalparameter* param;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv((prop!=0),"prop");
-    p = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
-    icalerror_assert( (p->parent ==0),"Tried to free a property that is still attached to a component. ");
-    if(p->parent !=0){
-	return;
-    }
-    if (p->value != 0){
-        icalvalue_set_parent(p->value,0);
-	icalvalue_free(p->value);
-    }
-    while( (param = pvl_pop(p->parameters)) != 0){
-	icalparameter_free(param);
-    }
-    pvl_free(p->parameters);
-    if (p->x_name != 0) {
-	free(p->x_name);
-    }
-    p->kind = ICAL_NO_PROPERTY;
-    p->parameters = 0;
-    p->parameter_iterator = 0;
-    p->value = 0;
-    p->x_name = 0;
-    p->id[0] = 'X';
-    free(p);
-icalproperty_as_ical_string (icalproperty* prop)
-    icalparameter *param;
-    /* Create new buffer that we can append names, parameters and a
-       value to, and reallocate as needed. Later, this buffer will be
-       copied to a icalmemory_tmp_buffer, which is managed internally
-       by libical, so it can be given to the caller without fear of
-       the caller forgetting to free it */
-    const char* property_name = 0; 
-    size_t buf_size = 1024;
-    char* buf = icalmemory_new_buffer(buf_size);
-    char* buf_ptr = buf;
-    icalvalue* value;
-    char *out_buf;
-    char newline[] = "\n";
-    struct icalproperty_impl *impl = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (prop!=0),"prop");
-    /* Append property name */
-    if (impl->kind == ICAL_X_PROPERTY && impl->x_name != 0){
-	property_name = impl->x_name;
-    } else {
-	property_name = icalproperty_kind_to_string(impl->kind);
-    }
-    if (property_name == 0 ) {
-	icalerror_warn("Got a property of an unknown kind.");
-	icalmemory_free_buffer(buf);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, property_name);
-    icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, newline);
-    /* Determine what VALUE parameter to include. The VALUE parameters
-       are ignored in the normal parameter printing ( the block after
-       this one, so we need to do it here */
-    {
-	const char* kind_string = 0;
-	icalparameter *orig_val_param
-	    = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(prop,ICAL_VALUE_PARAMETER);
-	icalvalue *value = icalproperty_get_value(impl);
-	icalvalue_kind orig_kind = ICAL_NO_VALUE;
-	icalvalue_kind this_kind = ICAL_NO_VALUE;
-	icalvalue_kind default_kind 
-	    =  icalproperty_kind_to_value_kind(impl->kind);
-	if(orig_val_param){
-	    orig_kind = (icalvalue_kind)icalparameter_get_value(orig_val_param);
-	}
-	if(value != 0){
-	    this_kind = icalvalue_isa(value);
-	}
-	if(this_kind == default_kind &&
-	   orig_kind != ICAL_NO_VALUE){
-	    /* The kind is the default, so it does not need to be
-               included, but do it anyway, since it was explicit in
-               the property. But, use the default, not the one
-               specified in the property */
-	    kind_string = icalvalue_kind_to_string(default_kind);
-	} else if (this_kind != default_kind && this_kind !=  ICAL_NO_VALUE){
-	    /* Not the default, so it must be specified */
-	    kind_string = icalvalue_kind_to_string(this_kind);
-	} else {
-	    /* Don'tinclude the VALUE parameter at all */
-	}
-	if(kind_string!=0){
-	    icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, " ;");
-	    icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, "VALUE=");
-	    icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, kind_string);
-	    icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, newline);
-	}
-    }
-    /* Append parameters */
-    for(param = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(prop,ICAL_ANY_PARAMETER);
-	param != 0; 
-	param = icalproperty_get_next_parameter(prop,ICAL_ANY_PARAMETER)) {
-	char* kind_string = icalparameter_as_ical_string(param); 
-	icalparameter_kind kind = icalparameter_isa(param);
-	    continue;
-	}
-	if (kind_string == 0 ) {
-	    char temp[TMP_BUF_SIZE];
-	    snprintf(temp, TMP_BUF_SIZE,"Got a parameter of unknown kind in %s property",property_name);
-	    icalerror_warn(temp);
-	    continue;
-	}
-	icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, " ;");
-    	icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, kind_string);
- 	icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, newline);
-    }    
-    /* Append value */
-    icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, " :");
-    value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
-    if (value != 0){
-	const char *str = icalvalue_as_ical_string(value);
-	icalerror_assert((str !=0),"Could not get string representation of a value");
-	icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, str);
-    } else {
-	icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size,"ERROR: No Value"); 
-    }
-    icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, newline);
-    /* Now, copy the buffer to a tmp_buffer, which is safe to give to
-       the caller without worring about de-allocating it. */
-    out_buf = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(strlen(buf)+1);
-    strcpy(out_buf, buf);
-    icalmemory_free_buffer(buf);
-    return out_buf;
-icalproperty_isa (icalproperty* property)
-    struct icalproperty_impl *p = (struct icalproperty_impl*)property;
-   if(property != 0){
-       return p->kind;
-   }
-   return ICAL_NO_PROPERTY;
-icalproperty_isa_property (void* property)
-    struct icalproperty_impl *impl = (struct icalproperty_impl*)property;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (property!=0), "property");
-    if (strcmp(impl->id,"prop") == 0) {
-	return 1;
-    } else {
-	return 0;
-    }
-icalproperty_add_parameter (icalproperty* prop,icalparameter* parameter)
-    struct icalproperty_impl *p = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
-   icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
-   icalerror_check_arg_rv( (parameter!=0),"parameter");
-   pvl_push(p->parameters, parameter);
-icalproperty_set_parameter (icalproperty* prop,icalparameter* parameter)
-    icalparameter_kind kind;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (parameter!=0),"parameter");
-    kind = icalparameter_isa(parameter);
-    icalproperty_remove_parameter(prop,kind);
-    icalproperty_add_parameter(prop,parameter);
-void icalproperty_set_parameter_from_string(icalproperty* prop,
-                                            const char* name, const char* value)
-    icalparameter_kind kind;
-    icalparameter *param;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (name!=0),"name");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (value!=0),"value");
-    kind = icalparameter_string_to_kind(name);
-    if(kind == ICAL_NO_PARAMETER){
-        icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-        return;
-    }
-    param  = icalparameter_new_from_value_string(kind,value);
-    if (param == 0){
-        icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-        return;
-    }
-    icalproperty_set_parameter(prop,param);
-const char* icalproperty_get_parameter_as_string(icalproperty* prop,
-                                                 const char* name)
-    icalparameter_kind kind;
-    icalparameter *param;
-    char* str;
-    char* pv;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (prop!=0),"prop");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (name!=0),"name");
-    kind = icalparameter_string_to_kind(name);
-    if(kind == ICAL_NO_PROPERTY){
-        /* icalenum_string_to_parameter_kind will set icalerrno */
-        return 0;
-    }
-    param = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(prop,kind);
-    if (param == 0){
-        return 0;
-    }
-    str = icalparameter_as_ical_string(param);
-    pv = strchr(str,'=');
-    if(pv == 0){
-        icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_INTERNAL_ERROR);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return pv+1;
-icalproperty_remove_parameter (icalproperty* prop, icalparameter_kind kind)
-    pvl_elem p;     
-    struct icalproperty_impl *impl = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv((prop!=0),"prop");
-    for(p=pvl_head(impl->parameters);p != 0; p = pvl_next(p)){
-	icalparameter* param = (icalparameter *)pvl_data (p);
-        if (icalparameter_isa(param) == kind) {
-            pvl_remove (impl->parameters, p);
-            icalparameter_free (param);
-            break;
-        }
-    }                       
-icalproperty_count_parameters (icalproperty* prop)
-    struct icalproperty_impl *p = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
-    if(prop != 0){
-	return pvl_count(p->parameters);
-    }
-    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_USAGE_ERROR);
-    return -1;
-icalproperty_get_first_parameter (icalproperty* prop, icalparameter_kind kind)
-   struct icalproperty_impl *p = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
-   icalerror_check_arg_rz( (prop!=0),"prop");
-   p->parameter_iterator = pvl_head(p->parameters);
-   if (p->parameter_iterator == 0) {
-       return 0;
-   }
-   for( p->parameter_iterator = pvl_head(p->parameters);
-	p->parameter_iterator !=0;
-	p->parameter_iterator = pvl_next(p->parameter_iterator)){
-       icalparameter *param = (icalparameter*)pvl_data(p->parameter_iterator);
-       if(icalparameter_isa(param) == kind || kind == ICAL_ANY_PARAMETER){
-	   return param;
-       }
-   }
-   return 0;
-icalproperty_get_next_parameter (icalproperty* prop, icalparameter_kind kind)
-    struct icalproperty_impl *p = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (prop!=0),"prop");
-    if (p->parameter_iterator == 0) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    for( p->parameter_iterator = pvl_next(p->parameter_iterator);
-	 p->parameter_iterator !=0;
-	 p->parameter_iterator = pvl_next(p->parameter_iterator)){
-	icalparameter *param = (icalparameter*)pvl_data(p->parameter_iterator);
-	if(icalparameter_isa(param) == kind || kind == ICAL_ANY_PARAMETER){
-	    return param;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-icalproperty_set_value (icalproperty* prop, icalvalue* value)
-    struct icalproperty_impl *p = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv((prop !=0),"prop");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv((value !=0),"value");
-    if (p->value != 0){
-	icalvalue_set_parent(p->value,0);
-	icalvalue_free(p->value);
-	p->value = 0;
-    }
-    p->value = value;
-    icalvalue_set_parent(value,prop);
-void icalproperty_set_value_from_string(icalproperty* prop,const char* str,
-                                        const char* type)
-    icalvalue *oval,*nval;
-    icalvalue_kind kind = ICAL_NO_VALUE;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop"); 
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (str!=0),"str");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (type!=0),"type");
-    if(strcmp(type,"NO")==0){
-        /* Get the type from the value the property already has, if it exists */
-        oval = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
-        if(oval != 0){
-            /* Use the existing value kind */
-            kind  = icalvalue_isa(oval);
-        } else {   
-            /* Use the default kind for the property */
-            kind = icalproperty_kind_to_value_kind(icalproperty_isa(prop));
-        }
-    } else {
-        /* Use the given kind string */
-        kind = icalvalue_string_to_kind(type);
-    }
-    if(kind == ICAL_NO_VALUE){
-        icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-        return;
-    }
-    nval = icalvalue_new_from_string(kind, str);
-    if(nval == 0){
-        /* icalvalue_new_from_string sets errno */
-        assert(icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-        return;
-    }
-    icalproperty_set_value(prop,nval);
-icalproperty_get_value (icalproperty* prop)
-    struct icalproperty_impl *p = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (prop!=0),"prop");
-    return p->value;
-const char* icalproperty_get_value_as_string(icalproperty* prop)
-    icalvalue *value;
-    struct icalproperty_impl *impl = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (prop!=0),"prop");
-    value = impl->value; 
-    return icalvalue_as_ical_string(value);
-void icalproperty_set_x_name(icalproperty* prop, char* name)
-    struct icalproperty_impl *impl = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (name!=0),"name");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (prop!=0),"prop");
-    if (impl->x_name != 0) {
-        free(impl->x_name);
-    }
-    impl->x_name = icalmemory_strdup(name);
-    if(impl->x_name == 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-    }
-char* icalproperty_get_x_name(icalproperty* prop){
-    struct icalproperty_impl *impl = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (prop!=0),"prop");
-    return impl->x_name;
-/* From Jonathan Yue <>    */
-char* icalproperty_get_name (icalproperty* prop)
-    const char* property_name = 0;
-    size_t buf_size = 256;
-    char* buf = icalmemory_new_buffer(buf_size);
-    char* buf_ptr = buf;  
-    struct icalproperty_impl *impl = (struct icalproperty_impl*)prop;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (prop!=0),"prop");
-    if (impl->kind == ICAL_X_PROPERTY && impl->x_name != 0){
-        property_name = impl->x_name;
-    } else {
-        property_name = icalproperty_kind_to_string(impl->kind);
-    }
-    if (property_name == 0 ) {
-        icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-        return 0;
-    } else {
-        /* _append_string will automatically grow the buffer if
-           property_name is longer than the initial buffer size */
-        icalmemory_append_string(&buf, &buf_ptr, &buf_size, property_name);
-    }
-    /* Add the buffer to the temporary buffer ring -- the caller will
-       not have to free the memory. */
-    icalmemory_add_tmp_buffer(buf);
-    return buf;
-void icalproperty_set_parent(icalproperty* property,
-			     icalcomponent* component)
-    struct icalproperty_impl *impl = (struct icalproperty_impl*)property;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (property!=0),"property");
-    impl->parent = component;
-icalcomponent* icalproperty_get_parent(icalproperty* property)
-    struct icalproperty_impl *impl = (struct icalproperty_impl*)property;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (property!=0),"property");
-    return impl->parent;
-/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalproperty.h b/libical/src/libical/icalproperty.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f5f1bfaef..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalproperty.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
-  FILE: icalproperty.h
-  CREATOR: eric 20 March 1999
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalparam.h
-  ======================================================================*/
-#include <time.h>
-#include "icalderivedparameter.h"
-#include "icalvalue.h"  
-#include "icalrecur.h"
-/* Actually in icalderivedproperty.h:
-   typedef void icalproperty; */
-#include "icalderivedproperty.h" /* To get icalproperty_kind enumerations */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new(icalproperty_kind kind);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_clone(icalproperty * prop);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_from_string(char* str);
-char* icalproperty_as_ical_string(icalproperty* prop);
-void  icalproperty_free(icalproperty* prop);
-icalproperty_kind icalproperty_isa(icalproperty* property);
-int icalproperty_isa_property(void* property);
-void icalproperty_add_parameter(icalproperty* prop,icalparameter* parameter);
-void icalproperty_set_parameter(icalproperty* prop,icalparameter* parameter);
-void icalproperty_set_parameter_from_string(icalproperty* prop,
-                                            const char* name, const char* value);
-const char* icalproperty_get_parameter_as_string(icalproperty* prop,
-                                                 const char* name);
-void icalproperty_remove_parameter(icalproperty* prop,
-				   icalparameter_kind kind);
-int icalproperty_count_parameters(icalproperty* prop);
-/* Iterate through the parameters */
-icalparameter* icalproperty_get_first_parameter(icalproperty* prop,
-						icalparameter_kind kind);
-icalparameter* icalproperty_get_next_parameter(icalproperty* prop,
-						icalparameter_kind kind);
-/* Access the value of the property */
-void icalproperty_set_value(icalproperty* prop, icalvalue* value);
-void icalproperty_set_value_from_string(icalproperty* prop,const char* value, const char* kind);
-icalvalue* icalproperty_get_value(icalproperty* prop);
-const char* icalproperty_get_value_as_string(icalproperty* prop);
-/* Deal with X properties */
-void icalproperty_set_x_name(icalproperty* prop, char* name);
-char* icalproperty_get_x_name(icalproperty* prop);
-/* Return the name of the property -- the type name converted to a
-   string, or the value of _get_x_name if the type is and X property */
-char* icalproperty_get_name (icalproperty* prop);
-icalvalue_kind icalparameter_value_to_value_kind(icalparameter_value value);
-/* Convert kinds to string and get default value type */
-icalvalue_kind icalproperty_kind_to_value_kind(icalproperty_kind kind);
-icalvalue_kind icalproperty_value_kind_to_kind(icalvalue_kind kind);
-const char* icalproperty_kind_to_string(icalproperty_kind kind);
-icalproperty_kind icalproperty_string_to_kind(const char* string);
-icalproperty_method icalproperty_string_to_method(const char* str);
-const char* icalproperty_method_to_string(icalproperty_method method);
-const char* icalproperty_enum_to_string(int e);
-int icalproperty_string_to_enum(const char* str);
-const char* icalproperty_status_to_string(icalproperty_status);
-icalproperty_status icalproperty_string_to_status(const char* string);
-int icalproperty_enum_belongs_to_property(icalproperty_kind kind, int e);
-#endif /*ICALPROPERTY_H*/
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalrecur.c b/libical/src/libical/icalrecur.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d998cd0e39..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalrecur.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2353 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icalrecur.c
-  CREATOR: eric 16 May 2000
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  How this code works:
-  Processing starts when the caller generates a new recurrence
-  iterator via icalrecur_iterator_new(). This routine copies the
-  recurrence rule into the iterator and extracts things like start and
-  end dates. Then, it checks if the rule is legal, using some logic
-  from RFC2445 and some logic that probably should be in RFC2445.
-  Then, icalrecur_iterator_new() re-writes some of the BY*
-  arrays. This involves ( via a call to setup_defaults() ) :
-  1) For BY rule parts with no data ( ie BYSECOND was not specified )
-  copy the corresponding time part from DTSTART into the BY array. (
-  So impl->by_ptrs[BY_SECOND] will then have one element if is
-  originally had none ) This only happens if the BY* rule part data
-  would expand the number of occurrences in the occurrence set. This
-  lets the code ignore DTSTART later on and still use it to get the
-  time parts that were not specified in any other way.
-  2) For the by rule part that are not the same interval as the
-  frequency -- for HOURLY anything but BYHOUR, for instance -- copy the
-  first data element from the rule part into the first occurrence. For
-  example, for "INTERVAL=MONTHLY and BYHOUR=10,30", initialize the
-  first time to be returned to have an hour of 10.
-  Finally, for INTERVAL=YEARLY, the routine expands the rule to get
-  all of the days specified in the rule. The code will do this for
-  each new year, and this is the first expansion. This is a special
-  case for the yearly interval; no other frequency gets expanded this
-  way. The yearly interval is the most complex, so some special
-  processing is required.
-  After creating a new iterator, the caller will make successive calls
-  to icalrecur_iterator_next() to get the next time specified by the
-  rule. The main part of this routine is a switch on the frequency of
-  the rule. Each different frequency is handled by a different
-  routine. 
-  For example, next_hour handles the case of INTERVAL=HOURLY, and it
-  is called by other routines to get the next hour. First, the routine
-  tries to get the next minute part of a time with a call to
-  next_minute(). If next_minute() returns 1, it has reached the end of
-  its data, usually the last element of the BYMINUTE array. Then, if
-  there is data in the BYHOUR array, the routine changes the hour to
-  the next one in the array. If INTERVAL=HOURLY, the routine advances
-  the hour by the interval.
-  If the routine used the last hour in the BYHOUR array, and the
-  INTERVAL=HOURLY, then the routine calls increment_monthday() to set
-  the next month day. The increment_* routines may call higher routine
-  to increment the month or year also.
-  The code for INTERVAL=DAILY is handled by next_day(). First, the
-  routine tries to get the next hour part of a time with a call to
-  next_hour. If next_hour() returns 1, it has reached the end of its
-  data, usually the last element of the BYHOUR array. This means that
-  next_day() should increment the time to the next day. If FREQUENCY==DAILY,
-  the routine increments the day by the interval; otherwise, it
-  increments the day by 1.
-  Next_day() differs from next_hour because it does not use the BYDAY
-  array to select an appropriate day. Instead, it returns every day (
-  incrementing by 1 if the frequency is not DAILY with INTERVAL!=1)
-  Any days that are not specified in an non-empty BYDAY array are
-  filtered out later.
-  Generally, the flow of these routine is for a next_* call a next_*
-  routine of a lower interval ( next_day calls next_hour) and then to
-  possibly call an increment_* routine of an equal or higher
-  interval. ( next_day calls increment_monthday() )
-  When the call to the original next_* routine returns,
-  icalrecur_iterator_next() will check the returned data against other
-  BYrule parts to determine if is should be excluded by calling
-  check_contracting_rules. Generally, a contracting rule is any with a
-  larger time span than the interval. For instance, if
-  INTERVAL=DAILY, BYMONTH is a contracting rule part. 
-  Check_contracting_rules() uses icalrecur_check_rulepart() to do its
-  work. icalrecur_check_rulepart() uses expand_map[] to determine if a rule
-  is contracting, and if it is, and if the BY rule part has some data,
-  then the routine checks if the value of a component of the time is
-  part of the byrule part. For instance, for "INTERVAL=DAILY;
-  BYMONTH=6,10", icalrecur_check_rulepart() would check that the time value
-  given to it has a month of either 6 or 10.
-  Finally, icalrecur_iterator_next() does a few other checks on the
-  time value, and if it passes, it returns the time.
-  A note about the end_of_data flag. The flag indicates that the
-  routine is at the end of its data -- the last BY rule if the routine
-  is using by rules, or the last day of the week/month/year/etc if
-  not.
-  This flag is usually set early in a next_* routine and returned in
-  the end. The way it is used allows the next_* routine to set the
-  last time back to the first element in a BYxx rule, and then signal
-  to the higer level routine to increment the next higher level. For
-  instance. WITH FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=TU,FR, After next_weekday_by_month
-  runs though both TU and FR, it sets the week day back to TU and sets
-  end_of_data to 1x. This signals next_month to increment the month.
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "config.h"
-#include "icalrecur.h"
-#define icalerror_set_errno(x)
-#define  icalerror_check_arg_rv(x,y)
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc */
-#include <errno.h> /* for errno */
-#include <string.h> /* for strdup and strchr*/
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stddef.h> /* For offsetof() macro */
-#include "pvl.h"
-#define TEMP_MAX 1024
-#define BYDAYIDX impl->by_indices[BY_DAY]
-#define BYDAYPTR impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY]
-#define BYMONIDX impl->by_indices[BY_MONTH]
-#define BYMONPTR impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH]
-#define BYMDIDX impl->by_indices[BY_MONTH_DAY]
-#define BYMDPTR impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH_DAY]
-#define BYWEEKIDX impl->by_indices[BY_WEEK_NO]
-#define BYWEEKPTR impl->by_ptrs[BY_WEEK_NO]
-const char* icalrecur_freq_to_string(icalrecurrencetype_frequency kind);
-icalrecurrencetype_frequency icalrecur_string_to_freq(const char* str);
-const char* icalrecur_weekday_to_string(icalrecurrencetype_weekday kind);
-icalrecurrencetype_weekday icalrecur_string_to_weekday(const char* str);
-/*********************** Rule parsing routines ************************/
-struct icalrecur_parser {
-	const char* rule;
-        char* copy;
-	char* this_clause;
-	char* next_clause;
-	struct icalrecurrencetype rt;
-const char* icalrecur_first_clause(struct icalrecur_parser *parser)
-    char *idx;
-    parser->this_clause = parser->copy;
-    idx = strchr(parser->this_clause,';');
-    if (idx == 0){
-	parser->next_clause = 0;
-	return 0;
-    }
-    *idx = 0;
-    idx++;
-    parser->next_clause = idx;
-    return parser->this_clause;
-const char* icalrecur_next_clause(struct icalrecur_parser *parser)
-    char* idx;
-    parser->this_clause = parser->next_clause;
-    if(parser->this_clause == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    idx = strchr(parser->this_clause,';');
-    if (idx == 0){
-	parser->next_clause = 0;
-    } else {
-	*idx = 0;
-	idx++;
-	parser->next_clause = idx;
-    }
-    return parser->this_clause;
-void icalrecur_clause_name_and_value(struct icalrecur_parser *parser,
-				     char** name, char** value)
-    char *idx;
-    *name = parser->this_clause;
-    idx = strchr(parser->this_clause,'=');
-    if (idx == 0){
-	*name = 0;
-	*value = 0;
-	return;
-    }
-    *idx = 0;
-    idx++;
-    *value = idx;
-void icalrecur_add_byrules(struct icalrecur_parser *parser, short *array,
-			   int size, char* vals)
-    char *t, *n;
-    int i=0;
-    int sign = 1;
-    short v;
-    n = vals;
-    while(n != 0){
-	if(i == size){
-	    return;
-	}
-	t = n;
-	n = strchr(t,',');
-	if(n != 0){
-	    *n = 0;
-	    n++;
-	}
-	/* Get optional sign. HACK. sign is not allowed for all BYxxx
-           rule parts */
-	if( *t == '-'){
-	    sign = -1;
-	    t++;
-	} else if (*t == '+'){
-	    sign = 1;
-	    t++;
-	} else {
-	    sign = 1;
-	}
-	v = atoi(t) * sign ;
-	array[i++] = v;
-    }
-void icalrecur_add_bydayrules(struct icalrecur_parser *parser, const char* vals)
-    char *t, *n;
-    int i=0;
-    int sign = 1;
-    int weekno = 0;
-    icalrecurrencetype_weekday wd;
-    short *array = parser->rt.by_day;
-    char* end;
-    char* vals_copy;
-    vals_copy = icalmemory_strdup(vals);
-    end = (char*)vals_copy+strlen(vals_copy);
-    n = vals_copy;
-    while(n != 0){
-	t = n;
-	n = strchr(t,',');
-	if(n != 0){
-	    *n = 0;
-	    n++;
-	}
-	/* Get optional sign. */
-	if( *t == '-'){
-	    sign = -1;
-	    t++;
-	} else if (*t == '+'){
-	    sign = 1;
-	    t++;
-	} else {
-	    sign = 1;
-	}
-	weekno = 0;
-	/* Get Optional weekno */
-	if( sscanf(t,"%d",&weekno) != 0){
-	    if (n != 0){
-		int weeknolen = (n-t)-3; /* 3 -> one for \0, 2 for day name */
-		/* could use abs(log10(weekno))+1, but that needs libm */
-		t += weeknolen;
-	    } else {
-		t = end -2;
-	    }
-	}
-	wd = icalrecur_string_to_weekday(t);
-	array[i++] = sign* ((int)wd + 8*weekno);
-    }
-    free(vals_copy);
-struct icalrecurrencetype icalrecurrencetype_from_string(const char* str)
-    struct icalrecur_parser parser;
-    memset(&parser,0,sizeof(parser));
-    icalrecurrencetype_clear(&parser.rt);
-    icalerror_check_arg_re(str!=0,"str",parser.rt);
-    /* Set up the parser struct */
-    parser.rule = str;
-    parser.copy = icalmemory_strdup(parser.rule);
-    parser.this_clause = parser.copy;
-    if(parser.copy == 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return parser.rt;
-    }
-    /* Loop through all of the clauses */
-    for(icalrecur_first_clause(&parser); 
-	parser.this_clause != 0;
-	icalrecur_next_clause(&parser))
-    {
-	char *name, *value;
-	icalrecur_clause_name_and_value(&parser,&name,&value);
-	if(name == 0){
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	    icalrecurrencetype_clear(&parser.rt);
-	    return parser.rt;
-	}
-	if (strcmp(name,"FREQ") == 0){
-	    parser.rt.freq = icalrecur_string_to_freq(value);
-	} else if (strcmp(name,"COUNT") == 0){
-	    parser.rt.count = atoi(value);
-	} else if (strcmp(name,"UNTIL") == 0){
-	    parser.rt.until = icaltime_from_string(value);
-	} else if (strcmp(name,"INTERVAL") == 0){
-	    parser.rt.interval = atoi(value);
-	} else if (strcmp(name,"WKST") == 0){
-	    parser.rt.week_start = icalrecur_string_to_weekday(value);
-	} else if (strcmp(name,"BYSECOND") == 0){
-	    icalrecur_add_byrules(&parser,parser.rt.by_second,
-				  ICAL_BY_SECOND_SIZE,value);
-	} else if (strcmp(name,"BYMINUTE") == 0){
-	    icalrecur_add_byrules(&parser,parser.rt.by_minute,
-				  ICAL_BY_MINUTE_SIZE,value);
-	} else if (strcmp(name,"BYHOUR") == 0){
-	    icalrecur_add_byrules(&parser,parser.rt.by_hour,
-				  ICAL_BY_HOUR_SIZE,value);
-	} else if (strcmp(name,"BYDAY") == 0){
-	    icalrecur_add_bydayrules(&parser,value);
-	} else if (strcmp(name,"BYMONTHDAY") == 0){
-	    icalrecur_add_byrules(&parser,parser.rt.by_month_day,
-				  ICAL_BY_MONTHDAY_SIZE,value);
-	} else if (strcmp(name,"BYYEARDAY") == 0){
-	    icalrecur_add_byrules(&parser,parser.rt.by_year_day,
-				  ICAL_BY_YEARDAY_SIZE,value);
-	} else if (strcmp(name,"BYWEEKNO") == 0){
-	    icalrecur_add_byrules(&parser,parser.rt.by_week_no,
-				  ICAL_BY_WEEKNO_SIZE,value);
-	} else if (strcmp(name,"BYMONTH") == 0){
-	    icalrecur_add_byrules(&parser,parser.rt.by_month,
-				  ICAL_BY_MONTH_SIZE,value);
-	} else if (strcmp(name,"BYSETPOS") == 0){
-	    icalrecur_add_byrules(&parser,parser.rt.by_set_pos,
-				  ICAL_BY_SETPOS_SIZE,value);
-	} else {
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	    icalrecurrencetype_clear(&parser.rt);
-	    return parser.rt;
-	}
-    }
-    free(parser.copy);
-    return parser.rt;
-struct { char* str;size_t offset; short limit;  } recurmap[] = 
-    {";BYSECOND=",offsetof(struct icalrecurrencetype,by_second),60},
-    {";BYMINUTE=",offsetof(struct icalrecurrencetype,by_minute),60},
-    {";BYHOUR=",offsetof(struct icalrecurrencetype,by_hour),24},
-    {";BYDAY=",offsetof(struct icalrecurrencetype,by_day),7},
-    {";BYMONTHDAY=",offsetof(struct icalrecurrencetype,by_month_day),31},
-    {";BYYEARDAY=",offsetof(struct icalrecurrencetype,by_year_day),366},
-    {";BYWEEKNO=",offsetof(struct icalrecurrencetype,by_week_no),52},
-    {";BYMONTH=",offsetof(struct icalrecurrencetype,by_month),12},
-    {";BYSETPOS=",offsetof(struct icalrecurrencetype,by_set_pos),366},
-    {0,0,0},
-/* A private routine in icalvalue.c */
-void print_date_to_string(char* str,  struct icaltimetype *data);
-void print_datetime_to_string(char* str,  struct icaltimetype *data);
-char* icalrecurrencetype_as_string(struct icalrecurrencetype *recur)
-    char* str;
-    char *str_p;
-    size_t buf_sz = 200;
-    char temp[20];
-    int i,j;
-    if(recur->freq == ICAL_NO_RECURRENCE){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(buf_sz);
-    str_p = str;
-    icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,"FREQ=");
-    icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,
-			     icalrecur_freq_to_string(recur->freq));
-    if(recur->until.year != 0){
-	temp[0] = 0;
-	if (recur->until.is_date)
-	    print_date_to_string(temp,&(recur->until));
-	else
-	    print_datetime_to_string(temp,&(recur->until));
-	icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,";UNTIL=");
-	icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz, temp);
-    }
-    if(recur->count != 0){
-	sprintf(temp,"%d",recur->count);
-	icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,";COUNT=");
-	icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz, temp);
-    }
-    if(recur->interval != 0){
-	sprintf(temp,"%d",recur->interval);
-	icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,";INTERVAL=");
-	icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz, temp);
-    }
-    for(j =0; recurmap[j].str != 0; j++){
-	short* array = (short*)(recurmap[j].offset+ (size_t)recur);
-	short limit = recurmap[j].limit;
-	/* Skip unused arrays */
-	if( array[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX ) {
-	    icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,recurmap[j].str);
-	    for(i=0; 
-		i< limit  && array[i] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX;
-		i++){
-		if (j == 3) { /* BYDAY */
-		    short dow = icalrecurrencetype_day_day_of_week(array[i]);
-		    const char *daystr = icalrecur_weekday_to_string(dow);
-		    short pos;
-		    pos = icalrecurrencetype_day_position(array[i]);  
-		    if (pos == 0)
-			icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,daystr);
-		    else {
-			sprintf(temp,"%d%s",pos,daystr);
-			icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,temp);
-		    }                  
-		} else {
-		    sprintf(temp,"%d",array[i]);
-		    icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz, temp);
-		}
-		if( (i+1)<limit &&array[i+1] 
-		    icalmemory_append_char(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,',');
-		}
-	    }	 
-	}   
-    }
-    return  str;
-/************************* occurrence iteration routiens ******************/
-enum byrule {
-    BY_SECOND = 0,
-    BY_MINUTE = 1,
-    BY_HOUR = 2,
-    BY_DAY = 3,
-    BY_MONTH_DAY = 4,
-    BY_YEAR_DAY = 5,
-    BY_WEEK_NO = 6,
-    BY_MONTH = 7,
-struct icalrecur_iterator_impl {
-    struct icaltimetype dtstart; /* Hack. Make into time_t */
-    struct icaltimetype last; /* last time return from _iterator_next*/
-    int occurrence_no; /* number of step made on t iterator */
-    struct icalrecurrencetype rule;
-    short days[366];
-    short days_index;
-    enum byrule byrule;
-    short by_indices[9];
-    short orig_data[9]; /* 1 if there was data in the byrule */
-    short *by_ptrs[9]; /* Pointers into the by_* array elements of the rule */
-int icalrecur_iterator_sizeof_byarray(short* byarray)
-    int array_itr;
-    for(array_itr = 0; 
-	byarray[array_itr] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX;
-	array_itr++){
-    }
-    return array_itr;
-enum expand_table {
-    UNKNOWN  = 0,
-    CONTRACT = 1,
-    EXPAND =2,
-    ILLEGAL=3
-/* The split map indicates, for a particular interval, wether a BY_*
-   rule part expands the number of instances in the occcurrence set or
-   contracts it. 1=> contract, 2=>expand, and 3 means the pairing is
-   not allowed. */
-struct expand_split_map_struct 
-	icalrecurrencetype_frequency frequency;
-	/* Elements of the 'map' array correspond to the BYxxx rules:
-           Second,Minute,Hour,Day,Month Day,Year Day,Week No,Month*/
-	short map[8];
-struct expand_split_map_struct expand_map[] =
-    {ICAL_SECONDLY_RECURRENCE,{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}},
-    {ICAL_MINUTELY_RECURRENCE,{2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}},
-    {ICAL_HOURLY_RECURRENCE,  {2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1}},
-    {ICAL_DAILY_RECURRENCE,   {2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1}},
-    {ICAL_WEEKLY_RECURRENCE,  {2,2,2,2,3,3,1,1}},
-    {ICAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE, {2,2,2,2,2,3,3,1}},
-    {ICAL_YEARLY_RECURRENCE,  {2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2}},
-    {ICAL_NO_RECURRENCE,      {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}
-/* Check that the rule has only the two given interday byrule parts. */
-int icalrecur_two_byrule(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl,
-			 enum byrule one,enum byrule two)
-    short test_array[9];
-    enum byrule itr;
-    int passes = 0;
-    memset(test_array,0,9);
-    test_array[one] = 1;
-    test_array[two] = 1;
-    for(itr = BY_DAY; itr != BY_SET_POS; itr++){
-	if( (test_array[itr] == 0  &&
-	     impl->by_ptrs[itr][0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX
-	    ) ||
-	    (test_array[itr] == 1  &&
-	     impl->by_ptrs[itr][0] == ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX
-		) 
-	    ) {
-	    /* test failed */
-	    passes = 0;
-	}
-    }
-    return passes;
-/* Check that the rule has only the one given interdat byrule parts. */
-int icalrecur_one_byrule(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl,enum byrule one)
-    int passes = 1;
-    enum byrule itr;
-    for(itr = BY_DAY; itr != BY_SET_POS; itr++){
-	if ((itr==one && impl->by_ptrs[itr][0] == ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) ||
-	    (itr!=one && impl->by_ptrs[itr][0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX)) {
-	    passes = 0;
-	}
-    }
-    return passes;
-int count_byrules(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
-    int count = 0;
-    enum byrule itr;
-    for(itr = BY_DAY; itr <= BY_SET_POS; itr++){
-	if(impl->by_ptrs[itr][0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX){
-	    count++;
-	}
-    }
-    return count;
-void setup_defaults(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl, 
-		    enum byrule byrule, icalrecurrencetype_frequency req,
-		    short deftime, int *timepart)
-    icalrecurrencetype_frequency freq;
-    freq = impl->rule.freq;
-    /* Re-write the BY rule arrays with data from the DTSTART time so
-       we don't have to explicitly deal with DTSTART */
-    if(impl->by_ptrs[byrule][0] == ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX &&
-	expand_map[freq].map[byrule] != CONTRACT){
-	impl->by_ptrs[byrule][0] = deftime;
-    }
-    /* Initialize the first occurence */
-    if( freq != req && expand_map[freq].map[byrule] != CONTRACT){
-	*timepart = impl->by_ptrs[byrule][0];
-    }
-int has_by_data(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl, enum byrule byrule){
-    return (impl->orig_data[byrule] == 1);
-int expand_year_days(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl,short year);
-icalrecur_iterator* icalrecur_iterator_new(struct icalrecurrencetype rule, 
-					   struct icaltimetype dtstart)
-    struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl;
-    icalrecurrencetype_frequency freq;
-    short days_in_month;
-    if ( ( impl = (struct icalrecur_iterator_impl *)
-	   malloc(sizeof(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl))) == 0) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    memset(impl,0,sizeof(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl));
-    impl->rule = rule;
-    impl->last = dtstart;
-    impl->dtstart = dtstart;
-    impl->days_index =0;
-    impl->occurrence_no = 0;
-    freq = impl->rule.freq;
-    /* Set up convienience pointers to make the code simpler. Allows
-       us to iterate through all of the BY* arrays in the rule. */
-    impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH]=impl->rule.by_month;
-    impl->by_ptrs[BY_WEEK_NO]=impl->rule.by_week_no;
-    impl->by_ptrs[BY_YEAR_DAY]=impl->rule.by_year_day;
-    impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH_DAY]=impl->rule.by_month_day;
-    impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY]=impl->rule.by_day;
-    impl->by_ptrs[BY_HOUR]=impl->rule.by_hour;
-    impl->by_ptrs[BY_MINUTE]=impl->rule.by_minute;
-    impl->by_ptrs[BY_SECOND]=impl->rule.by_second;
-    impl->by_ptrs[BY_SET_POS]=impl->rule.by_set_pos;
-    memset(impl->orig_data,0,9);
-    /* Note which by rules had data in them when the iterator was
-       created. We can't use the actuall by_x arrays, because the
-       empty ones will be given default values later in this
-       routine. The orig_data array will be used later in has_by_data */
-    impl->orig_data[BY_MONTH]
-	= (impl->rule.by_month[0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
-    impl->orig_data[BY_WEEK_NO]
-      =(impl->rule.by_week_no[0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
-    impl->orig_data[BY_YEAR_DAY]
-    =(impl->rule.by_year_day[0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
-    impl->orig_data[BY_MONTH_DAY]
-    =(impl->rule.by_month_day[0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
-    impl->orig_data[BY_DAY]
-	= (impl->rule.by_day[0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
-    impl->orig_data[BY_HOUR]
-	= (impl->rule.by_hour[0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
-    impl->orig_data[BY_MINUTE]
-     = (impl->rule.by_minute[0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
-    impl->orig_data[BY_SECOND]
-     = (impl->rule.by_second[0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
-    impl->orig_data[BY_SET_POS]
-     = (impl->rule.by_set_pos[0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
-    /* Check if the recurrence rule is legal */
-    /* If the BYYEARDAY appears, no other date rule part may appear.   */
-    if(icalrecur_two_byrule(impl,BY_YEAR_DAY,BY_MONTH) ||
-       icalrecur_two_byrule(impl,BY_YEAR_DAY,BY_WEEK_NO) ||
-       icalrecur_two_byrule(impl,BY_YEAR_DAY,BY_MONTH_DAY) ||
-       icalrecur_two_byrule(impl,BY_YEAR_DAY,BY_DAY) ){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /* BYWEEKNO and BYMONTH rule parts may not both appear.*/
-    if(icalrecur_two_byrule(impl,BY_WEEK_NO,BY_MONTH)){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /* BYWEEKNO and BYMONTHDAY rule parts may not both appear.*/
-    if(icalrecur_two_byrule(impl,BY_WEEK_NO,BY_MONTH_DAY)){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /*For MONTHLY recurrences (FREQ=MONTHLY) neither BYYEARDAY nor
-      BYWEEKNO may appear. */
-    if(freq == ICAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE && 
-       icalrecur_one_byrule(impl,BY_WEEK_NO)){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /*For WEEKLY recurrences (FREQ=WEEKLY) neither BYMONTHDAY nor
-      BYYEARDAY may appear. */
-    if(freq == ICAL_WEEKLY_RECURRENCE && 
-       icalrecur_one_byrule(impl,BY_MONTH_DAY )) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /* BYYEARDAY may only appear in YEARLY rules */
-    if(freq != ICAL_YEARLY_RECURRENCE && 
-       icalrecur_one_byrule(impl,BY_YEAR_DAY )) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /* Rewrite some of the rules and set up defaults to make later
-       processing easier. Primarily, t involves copying an element
-       from the start time into the coresponding BY_* array when the
-       BY_* array is empty */
-    setup_defaults(impl,BY_SECOND,ICAL_SECONDLY_RECURRENCE,impl->dtstart.second,
-		   &(impl->last.second));
-    setup_defaults(impl,BY_MINUTE,ICAL_MINUTELY_RECURRENCE,impl->dtstart.minute,
-		   &(impl->last.minute));
-    setup_defaults(impl,BY_HOUR,ICAL_HOURLY_RECURRENCE,impl->dtstart.hour,
-		   &(impl->last.hour));
-    setup_defaults(impl,BY_MONTH_DAY,ICAL_DAILY_RECURRENCE,impl->,
-		   &(impl->;
-    setup_defaults(impl,BY_MONTH,ICAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE,impl->dtstart.month,
-		   &(impl->last.month));
-    if(impl->rule.freq == ICAL_WEEKLY_RECURRENCE ){
-       if(impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][0] == ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX){
-	   /* Weekly recurrences with no BY_DAY data should occur on the
-	      same day of the week as the start time . */
-	   impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][0] = icaltime_day_of_week(impl->dtstart);
-       } else {
-	  /* If there is BY_DAY data, then we need to move the initial
-	     time to the start of the BY_DAY data. That is if the
-	     start time is on a Wednesday, and the rule has
-	     BYDAY=MO,WE,FR, move the initial time back to
-	     monday. Otherwise, jumping to the next week ( jumping 7
-	     days ahead ) will skip over some occurrences in the
-	     second week. */
-	  /* This is probably a HACK. There should be some more
-             general way to solve this problem */
-	  short dow = impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][0]-icaltime_day_of_week(impl->last);
-	  if(dow < 0) {
-	      /* initial time is after first day of BY_DAY data */
-	      impl-> += dow;
-	      impl->last = icaltime_normalize(impl->last);
-	  }
-      }
-    }
-    /* For YEARLY rule, begin by setting up the year days array */
-    if(impl->rule.freq == ICAL_YEARLY_RECURRENCE){
-        struct icaltimetype next;
-	for (;;) {
-	    expand_year_days(impl,impl->last.year);
-	    if (impl->days[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX)
-	        break;
-	    increment_year(impl,impl->rule.interval);
-	}
-        /* Copy the first day into last. */
-	next = icaltime_from_day_of_year(impl->days[0], impl->last.year);
-	impl-> =;
-	impl->last.month =  next.month;
-    } 
-    /* If this is a monthly interval with by day data, then we need to
-       set the last value to the appropriate day of the month */
-    if(impl->rule.freq == ICAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE &&
-       has_by_data(impl,BY_DAY)) {
-	short dow = icalrecurrencetype_day_day_of_week(
-	    impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][impl->by_indices[BY_DAY]]);  
-	short pos =  icalrecurrencetype_day_position(
-	    impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][impl->by_indices[BY_DAY]]);  
-	short poscount = 0;
-	days_in_month = 
-            icaltime_days_in_month(impl->last.month, impl->last.year); 
-        if(pos >= 0){
-            /* Count up from the first day pf the month to find the
-               pos'th weekday of dow ( like the second monday. ) */
-            for(impl-> = 1;
-                impl-> <= days_in_month;
-                impl->{
-                if(icaltime_day_of_week(impl->last) == dow){
-                    if(++poscount == pos || pos == 0){
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            /* Count down from the last day pf the month to find the
-               pos'th weekday of dow ( like the second to last monday. ) */
-            pos = -pos;
-            for(impl-> = days_in_month;
-                impl-> != 0;
-                impl->{
-                if(icaltime_day_of_week(impl->last) == dow){
-                    if(++poscount == pos ){
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-	if(impl-> > days_in_month || impl-> == 0){
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	    return 0;
-	}
-    }
-    return impl;
-void icalrecur_iterator_free(icalrecur_iterator* i)
-    struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl = 
-	(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl*)i;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv((impl!=0),"impl");
-    free(impl);
-void increment_year(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl, int inc)
-    impl->last.year+=inc;
-/* Increment month is different that the other incement_* routines --
-   it figures out the interval for itself, and uses BYMONTH data if
-   available. */
-void increment_month(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
-    int years;
-     if(has_by_data(impl,BY_MONTH) ){
-         /* Ignore the frequency and use the byrule data */
-         impl->by_indices[BY_MONTH]++;
-         if (impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH][impl->by_indices[BY_MONTH]]
-             impl->by_indices[BY_MONTH] = 0;
-             increment_year(impl,1);
-         }
-         impl->last.month = 
-             impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH][impl->by_indices[BY_MONTH]];
-     } else {
-         int inc;
-         if(impl->rule.freq == ICAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE){
-            inc =  impl->rule.interval;
-         } else {
-             inc = 1;
-         }
-         impl->last.month+=inc;
-         /* Months are offset by one */
-         impl->last.month--;
-         years = impl->last.month / 12;
-         impl->last.month = impl->last.month % 12;
-         impl->last.month++;
-         if (years != 0){
-             increment_year(impl,years);
-         }
-     }
-void increment_monthday(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl, int inc)
-    int i;
-    for(i=0; i<inc; i++){
-	short days_in_month = 
-	    icaltime_days_in_month(impl->last.month,impl->last.year);
-	impl->;
-	if (impl-> > days_in_month){
-	    impl-> = impl->;
-	    increment_month(impl);
-	}
-    }
-void increment_hour(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl, int inc)
-    short days;
-    impl->last.hour+=inc;
-    days = impl->last.hour / 24;
-    impl->last.hour = impl->last.hour % 24;
-    if (impl->days != 0){
-	increment_monthday(impl,days);
-    }
-void increment_minute(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl, int inc)
-    short hours;
-    impl->last.minute+=inc;
-    hours = impl->last.minute / 60;
-     impl->last.minute =  impl->last.minute % 60;
-     if (hours != 0){
-	increment_hour(impl,hours);
-    }
-void increment_second(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl, int inc)
-    short minutes;
-    impl->last.second+=inc;
-    minutes = impl->last.second / 60;
-    impl->last.second = impl->last.second % 60;
-    if (minutes != 0)
-    {
-	increment_minute(impl, minutes);
-    }                 
-#if 0
-#include "ical.h"
-void test_increment()
-    struct icalrecur_iterator_impl impl;
-    impl.last =  icaltime_from_string("20000101T000000Z");
-    printf("Orig: %s\n",icaltime_as_ctime(impl.last));
-    increment_second(&impl,5);
-    printf("+ 5 sec    : %s\n",icaltime_as_ctime(impl.last));
-    increment_second(&impl,355);
-    printf("+ 355 sec  : %s\n",icaltime_as_ctime(impl.last));
-    increment_minute(&impl,5);
-    printf("+ 5 min    : %s\n",icaltime_as_ctime(impl.last));
-    increment_minute(&impl,360);
-    printf("+ 360 min  : %s\n",icaltime_as_ctime(impl.last));
-    increment_hour(&impl,5);
-    printf("+ 5 hours  : %s\n",icaltime_as_ctime(impl.last));
-    increment_hour(&impl,43);
-    printf("+ 43 hours : %s\n",icaltime_as_ctime(impl.last));
-    increment_monthday(&impl,3);
-    printf("+ 3 days   : %s\n",icaltime_as_ctime(impl.last));
-    increment_monthday(&impl,600);
-    printf("+ 600 days  : %s\n",icaltime_as_ctime(impl.last));
-short next_second(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
-  short has_by_data = (impl->by_ptrs[BY_SECOND][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
-  short this_frequency = (impl->rule.freq == ICAL_SECONDLY_RECURRENCE);
-  short end_of_data = 0;
-  assert(has_by_data || this_frequency);
-  if(  has_by_data ){
-      /* Ignore the frequency and use the byrule data */
-      impl->by_indices[BY_SECOND]++;
-      if (impl->by_ptrs[BY_SECOND][impl->by_indices[BY_SECOND]]
-	  impl->by_indices[BY_SECOND] = 0;
-	  end_of_data = 1;
-      }
-      impl->last.second = 
-	  impl->by_ptrs[BY_SECOND][impl->by_indices[BY_SECOND]];
-  } else if( !has_by_data &&  this_frequency ){
-      /* Compute the next value from the last time and the frequency interval*/
-      increment_second(impl, impl->rule.interval);
-  }
-  /* If we have gone through all of the seconds on the BY list, then we
-     need to move to the next minute */
-  if(has_by_data && end_of_data && this_frequency ){
-      increment_minute(impl,1);
-  }
-  return end_of_data;
-int next_minute(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
-  short has_by_data = (impl->by_ptrs[BY_MINUTE][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
-  short this_frequency = (impl->rule.freq == ICAL_MINUTELY_RECURRENCE);
-  short end_of_data = 0;
-  assert(has_by_data || this_frequency);
-  if (next_second(impl) == 0){
-      return 0;
-  }
-  if(  has_by_data ){
-      /* Ignore the frequency and use the byrule data */
-      impl->by_indices[BY_MINUTE]++;
-      if (impl->by_ptrs[BY_MINUTE][impl->by_indices[BY_MINUTE]]
-	  impl->by_indices[BY_MINUTE] = 0;
-	  end_of_data = 1;
-      }
-      impl->last.minute = 
-	  impl->by_ptrs[BY_MINUTE][impl->by_indices[BY_MINUTE]];
-  } else if( !has_by_data &&  this_frequency ){
-      /* Compute the next value from the last time and the frequency interval*/
-      increment_minute(impl,impl->rule.interval);
-  } 
-/* If we have gone through all of the minutes on the BY list, then we
-     need to move to the next hour */
-  if(has_by_data && end_of_data && this_frequency ){
-      increment_hour(impl,1);
-  }
-  return end_of_data;
-int next_hour(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
-  short has_by_data = (impl->by_ptrs[BY_HOUR][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
-  short this_frequency = (impl->rule.freq == ICAL_HOURLY_RECURRENCE);
-  short end_of_data = 0;
-  assert(has_by_data || this_frequency);
-  if (next_minute(impl) == 0){
-      return 0;
-  }
-  if(  has_by_data ){
-      /* Ignore the frequency and use the byrule data */
-      impl->by_indices[BY_HOUR]++;
-      if (impl->by_ptrs[BY_HOUR][impl->by_indices[BY_HOUR]]
-	  impl->by_indices[BY_HOUR] = 0;
-	  end_of_data = 1;
-      }
-      impl->last.hour = 
-	  impl->by_ptrs[BY_HOUR][impl->by_indices[BY_HOUR]];
-  } else if( !has_by_data &&  this_frequency ){
-      /* Compute the next value from the last time and the frequency interval*/
-      increment_hour(impl,impl->rule.interval);
-  }
-  /* If we have gone through all of the hours on the BY list, then we
-     need to move to the next day */
-  if(has_by_data && end_of_data && this_frequency ){
-      increment_monthday(impl,1);
-  }
-  return end_of_data;
-int next_day(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
-  short has_by_data = (impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
-  short this_frequency = (impl->rule.freq == ICAL_DAILY_RECURRENCE);
-  assert(has_by_data || this_frequency);
-  if (next_hour(impl) == 0){
-      return 0;
-  }
-  /* Always increment through the interval, since this routine is not
-     called by any other next_* routine, and the days that are
-     excluded will be taken care of by restriction filtering */
-  if(this_frequency){
-      increment_monthday(impl,impl->rule.interval);
-  } else {
-      increment_monthday(impl,1);
-  }
-  return 0;
-int next_yearday(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
-  short has_by_data = (impl->by_ptrs[BY_YEAR_DAY][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
-  short end_of_data = 0;
-  assert(has_by_data );
-  if (next_hour(impl) == 0){
-      return 0;
-  }
-  impl->by_indices[BY_YEAR_DAY]++;
-  if (impl->by_ptrs[BY_YEAR_DAY][impl->by_indices[BY_YEAR_DAY]]
-      impl->by_indices[BY_YEAR_DAY] = 0;
-      end_of_data = 1;
-  }
-  impl-> = 
-      impl->by_ptrs[BY_YEAR_DAY][impl->by_indices[BY_YEAR_DAY]];
-  if(has_by_data && end_of_data){
-      increment_year(impl,1);
-  }
-  return end_of_data;
-/* This routine is only called by next_week. It is certain that BY_DAY
-has data */
-int next_weekday_by_week(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
-  short end_of_data = 0;
-  short start_of_week, dow;
-  struct icaltimetype next;
-  if (next_hour(impl) == 0){
-      return 0;
-  }
-  assert( impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
-  while(1) {
-      impl->by_indices[BY_DAY]++; /* Look at next elem in BYDAY array */
-      /* Are we at the end of the BYDAY array? */
-      if (impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][impl->by_indices[BY_DAY]]
-	  impl->by_indices[BY_DAY] = 0; /* Reset to 0 */      
-	  end_of_data = 1; /* Signal that we're at the end */
-      }
-      /* Add the day of week offset to to the start of this week, and use
-	 that to get the next day */
-      dow = impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][impl->by_indices[BY_DAY]];  
-      start_of_week = icaltime_start_doy_of_week(impl->last);
-      dow--; /*Sun is 1, not 0 */
-      if(dow+start_of_week <1 && !end_of_data){
-	  /* The selected date is in the previous year. */
-	  continue;
-      }
-      next = icaltime_from_day_of_year(start_of_week + dow,impl->last.year);
-      impl-> =;
-      impl->last.month =  next.month;
-      impl->last.year =  next.year;
-      return end_of_data;
-  }
-int nth_weekday(short dow, short pos, struct icaltimetype t){
-    short days_in_month = icaltime_days_in_month(t.month,t.year);
-    short end_dow, start_dow;
-    short wd;
-    if(pos >= 0){
- = 1;
-        start_dow = icaltime_day_of_week(t);        
-        if (pos != 0) {
-            pos--;
-        }
-        /* find month day of first occurrence of dow -- such as the
-           month day of the first monday */
-        wd = dow-start_dow+1;
-        if (wd <= 0){
-            wd = wd + 7;
-        }
-        wd = wd + pos * 7;
-    } else {
- = days_in_month;
-        end_dow = icaltime_day_of_week(t);
-        pos++;
-        /* find month day of last occurrence of dow -- such as the
-           month day of the last monday */
-        wd = (end_dow - dow);
-        if (wd < 0){
-            wd = wd+ 7;
-        }
-        wd = days_in_month - wd;
-        wd = wd + pos * 7;
-    }
-    return wd;
-int next_month(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
-    int data_valid = 1;
-    short this_frequency = (impl->rule.freq == ICAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE);
-    assert( has_by_data(impl,BY_MONTH) || this_frequency);
-    /* Iterate through the occurrences within a day. If we don't get to
-       the end of the intra-day data, don't bother going to the next
-       month */
-    if (next_hour(impl) == 0){
-        return data_valid; /* Signal that the data is valid */
-    }
-    /* Now iterate through the occurrences within a month -- by days,
-       weeks or weekdays.  */
-    if(has_by_data(impl,BY_DAY) && has_by_data(impl,BY_MONTH_DAY)){
-      short day, idx,j;
-      short days_in_month = icaltime_days_in_month(impl->last.month,
-                                                   impl->last.year);
-      /* Iterate through the remaining days in the month and check if
-         each day is listed in the BY_DAY array and in the BY_MONTHDAY
-         array. This seems very inneficient, but I think it is the
-         simplest way to account for both BYDAY=1FR (First friday in
-         month) and BYDAY=FR ( every friday in month ) */
-      for(day = impl->; day <= days_in_month; day++){
-          for(idx = 0; BYDAYPTR[idx] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; idx++){
-              for(j = 0; BYMDPTR[j]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; j++){
-                  short dow = 
-                      icalrecurrencetype_day_day_of_week(BYDAYPTR[idx]);  
-                  short pos =  icalrecurrencetype_day_position(BYDAYPTR[idx]);  
-                  short mday = BYMDPTR[j];
-                  short this_dow;
-                  impl-> = day;
-                  this_dow = icaltime_day_of_week(impl->last);
-                  if( (pos == 0 &&  dow == this_dow && mday == day) || 
-                      (nth_weekday(dow,pos,impl->last) == day && mday==day)){
-                      goto MDEND;
-                  }
-              }
-          }
-      }
-      if ( day > days_in_month){
-          impl-> = 1;
-          increment_month(impl);
-          data_valid = 0; /* signal that impl->last is invalid */
-      }
-  }  else if(has_by_data(impl,BY_DAY)){
-      /* Cases like: FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=FR */
-      /* For this case, the weekdays are relative to the
-         month. BYDAY=FR -> First Friday in month, etc. */
-      short day, idx;
-      short days_in_month = icaltime_days_in_month(impl->last.month,
-                                                   impl->last.year);
-      /* Iterate through the remaining days in the month and check if
-         each day is listed in the BY_DAY array. This seems very
-         inneficient, but I think it is the simplest way to account
-         for both BYDAY=1FR (First friday in month) and BYDAY=FR (
-         every friday in month ) */
-      for(day = impl->; day <= days_in_month; day++){
-          for(idx = 0; BYDAYPTR[idx] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; idx++){
-              short dow = icalrecurrencetype_day_day_of_week(BYDAYPTR[idx]);  
-              short pos =  icalrecurrencetype_day_position(BYDAYPTR[idx]);  
-              short this_dow;
-              impl-> = day;
-              this_dow = icaltime_day_of_week(impl->last);
-              if( (pos == 0 &&  dow == this_dow ) || 
-                  (nth_weekday(dow,pos,impl->last) == day)){
-                  goto DEND;
-              }
-          }
-      }
-  DEND:
-      if ( day > days_in_month){
-          impl-> = 1;
-          increment_month(impl);
-          data_valid = 0; /* signal that impl->last is invalid */
-      }
-  } else if (has_by_data(impl,BY_MONTH_DAY)) {
-      /* Cases like: FREQ=MONTHLY;COUNT=10;BYMONTHDAY=-3  */
-      short day;
-      BYMDIDX++;
-      /* Are we at the end of the BYDAY array? */
-          BYMDIDX = 0; /* Reset to 0 */      
-          increment_month(impl);          
-      }
-      day = BYMDPTR[BYMDIDX];
-      if (day < 0) {
-          day = icaltime_days_in_month(impl->last.month,impl->last.year)+
-              day + 1;
-      }
-      impl-> = day;
-  } else {
-      increment_month(impl);
-  }
-  return data_valid; /* Signal that the data is valid */
-int next_week(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
-  short has_by_data = (impl->by_ptrs[BY_WEEK_NO][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX);
-  short this_frequency = (impl->rule.freq == ICAL_WEEKLY_RECURRENCE);
-  short end_of_data = 0;
-  /* Increment to the next week day */
-  if (next_weekday_by_week(impl) == 0){
-      return 0; /* Have not reached end of week yet */
-  }
-  /* If we get here, we have incremented through the entire week, and
-     can increment to the next week */
-  if( has_by_data){
-    /* Use the Week Number byrule data */
-      int week_no;
-      struct icaltimetype t;
-      impl->by_indices[BY_WEEK_NO]++;
-      if (impl->by_ptrs[BY_WEEK_NO][impl->by_indices[BY_WEEK_NO]]
-	  impl->by_indices[BY_WEEK_NO] = 0;
-	  end_of_data = 1;
-      }
-      t = impl->last;
-      t.month=1; /* HACK, should be setting to the date of the first week of year*/
-      week_no = impl->by_ptrs[BY_WEEK_NO][impl->by_indices[BY_WEEK_NO]];
-      impl-> += week_no*7;
-      impl->last = icaltime_normalize(impl->last);
-  } else if( !has_by_data &&  this_frequency ){
-      /* If there is no BY_WEEK_NO data, just jump forward 7 days. */
-      increment_monthday(impl,7*impl->rule.interval);
-  }
-  if(has_by_data && end_of_data && this_frequency ){
-      increment_year(impl,1);
-  }
-  return end_of_data;
-/* Expand the BYDAY rule part and return a pointer to a newly allocated list of days. */
-pvl_list expand_by_day(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl,short year)
-    /* Try to calculate each of the occurrences. */
-    int i;
-    pvl_list days_list = pvl_newlist();
-    short start_dow, end_dow, end_year_day;
-    struct icaltimetype tmp = impl->last;
-    tmp.year= year;
-    tmp.month = 1;
- = 1;
-    tmp.is_date = 1;
-    /* Find the day that 1st Jan falls on, 1 (Sun) to 7 (Sat). */
-    start_dow = icaltime_day_of_week(tmp);
-    /* Get the last day of the year*/
-    tmp.year= year;
-    tmp.month = 12;
- = 31;
-    tmp.is_date = 1;
-    end_dow =  icaltime_day_of_week(tmp);
-    end_year_day = icaltime_day_of_year(tmp);
-    for(i = 0; BYDAYPTR[i] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; i++){
-        /* This is 1 (Sun) to 7 (Sat). */
-        short dow = 
-            icalrecurrencetype_day_day_of_week(BYDAYPTR[i]);  
-        short pos =  icalrecurrencetype_day_position(BYDAYPTR[i]);
-        if(pos == 0){
-            /* The day was specified without a position -- it is just
-               a bare day of the week ( BYDAY=SU) so add all of the
-               days of the year with this day-of-week*/
-            int doy, tmp_start_doy;
-	    tmp_start_doy = ((dow + 7 - start_dow) % 7) + 1;
-            for (doy = tmp_start_doy; doy <= end_year_day; doy += 7)
-		pvl_push(days_list,(void*)(int)doy);
-        } else if ( pos > 0) {
-            int first;
-            /* First occurrence of dow in year */
-            if( dow >= start_dow) {
-                first = dow - start_dow + 1;
-            } else {
-                first = dow - start_dow + 8;
-            }
-            pvl_push(days_list,(void*)(first+  (pos-1) * 7));
-        } else { /* pos < 0 */ 
-            icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_UNIMPLEMENTED_ERROR);
-        }
-    }
-    return days_list;
-/* For INTERVAL=YEARLY, set up the days[] array in the iterator to
-   list all of the days of the current year that are specified in this
-   rule. */
-int expand_year_days(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl,short year)
-    int j,k;
-    int days_index=0;
-    struct icaltimetype t;
-    int flags;
-    t = icaltime_null_time();
-#define HBD(x) has_by_data(impl,x)
-    t.is_date = 1; /* Needed to make day_of_year routines work property */
-    memset(&t,0,sizeof(t));
-    memset(impl->days,ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX_BYTE,sizeof(impl->days));
-    flags = (HBD(BY_DAY) ? 1<<BY_DAY : 0) + 
-        (HBD(BY_WEEK_NO) ? 1<<BY_WEEK_NO : 0) + 
-        (HBD(BY_MONTH_DAY) ? 1<<BY_MONTH_DAY : 0) + 
-        (HBD(BY_MONTH) ? 1<<BY_MONTH : 0) + 
-        (HBD(BY_YEAR_DAY) ? 1<<BY_YEAR_DAY : 0);
-    switch(flags) {
-    case 0: {
-        /* FREQ=YEARLY; */
-        break;
-    }
-    case 1<<BY_MONTH: {
-        /* FREQ=YEARLY; BYMONTH=3,11*/
-        for(j=0;impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH][j]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX;j++){
-	    struct icaltimetype t;
-	    short month = impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH][j];	    
-            short doy;
-	    t = impl->dtstart;
-	    t.year = year;
-	    t.month = month;
-	    t.is_date = 1;
-	    doy = icaltime_day_of_year(t);
-            impl->days[days_index++] = doy;
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    case 1<<BY_MONTH_DAY:  {
-        /* FREQ=YEARLY; BYMONTHDAY=1,15*/
-        for(k=0;impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH_DAY][k]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX;k++)
-            {
-                short month_day = impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH_DAY][k];
-                short doy;
-                t = impl->dtstart;
- = month_day;
-		t.year = year;
-		t.is_date = 1;
-		doy = icaltime_day_of_year(t);
-		impl->days[days_index++] = doy;
-            }
-        break;
-    }
-    case (1<<BY_MONTH_DAY) + (1<<BY_MONTH): {
-        /* FREQ=YEARLY; BYMONTHDAY=1,15; BYMONTH=10 */
-        for(j=0;impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH][j]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX;j++){
-            for(k=0;impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH_DAY][k]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX;k++)
-           {
-                short month = impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH][j];
-                short month_day = impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH_DAY][k];
-                short doy;
- = month_day;
-		t.month = month;
-		t.year = year;
-		t.is_date = 1;
-		doy = icaltime_day_of_year(t);
-		impl->days[days_index++] = doy;
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    case 1<<BY_WEEK_NO: {
-        /* FREQ=YEARLY; BYWEEKNO=20,50 */
-	struct icaltimetype t;
-	short dow;
- = impl->;
-	t.month = impl->dtstart.month;
-	t.year = year;
-	t.is_date = 1;
-        dow = icaltime_day_of_week(t);
-	/* HACK Not finished */ 
-        icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_UNIMPLEMENTED_ERROR);
-        break;
-    }
-    case (1<<BY_WEEK_NO) + (1<<BY_MONTH_DAY): {
-        /*FREQ=YEARLY; WEEKNO=20,50; BYMONTH= 6,11 */
-        icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_UNIMPLEMENTED_ERROR);
-        break;
-    }
-    case 1<<BY_DAY: {
-        /*FREQ=YEARLY; BYDAY=TH,20MO,-10FR*/
-        int days_index = 0;
-        pvl_elem i;
-        pvl_list days = expand_by_day(impl,year);
-        for(i=pvl_head(days);i!=0;i=pvl_next(i)){
-            short day = (short)(int)pvl_data(i);
-            impl->days[days_index++] = day;
-        }
-        pvl_free(days);
-        break;
-    }
-    case (1<<BY_DAY)+(1<<BY_MONTH): {
-        /*FREQ=YEARLY; BYDAY=TH,20MO,-10FR; BYMONTH = 12*/
-        for(j=0;impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH][j]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX;j++){
-	    short month = impl->by_ptrs[BY_MONTH][j];
-	    short days_in_month = icaltime_days_in_month(month,year);
-	    short first_dow, last_dow, doy_offset;
-	    struct icaltimetype t;
-	    memset(&t,0,sizeof(struct icaltimetype));
-	    t.year = year;
-	    t.month = month;
- = 1;
-	    t.is_date = 1;
-	    first_dow = icaltime_day_of_week(t);
-	    /* This holds the day offset used to calculate the day of the year
-	       from the month day. Just add the month day to this. */
-	    doy_offset = icaltime_day_of_year(t) - 1;
- = days_in_month;
-	    last_dow = icaltime_day_of_week(t);
-	    for(k=0;impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][k]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX;k++){
-	        short day_coded = impl->by_ptrs[BY_DAY][k];
-		enum icalrecurrencetype_weekday dow =
-		  icalrecurrencetype_day_day_of_week(day_coded);
-		short pos = icalrecurrencetype_day_position(day_coded);  
-		short first_matching_day, last_matching_day, day, month_day;
-		/* Calculate the first day in the month with the given weekday,
-		   and the last day. */
-		first_matching_day = ((dow + 7 - first_dow) % 7) + 1;
-		last_matching_day = days_in_month - ((last_dow + 7 - dow) % 7);
-		if (pos == 0) {
-		    /* Add all of instances of the weekday within the month. */
-		  for (day = first_matching_day; day <= days_in_month; day += 7)
-		      impl->days[days_index++] = doy_offset + day;
-		} else if (pos > 0) {
-		    /* Add the nth instance of the weekday within the month. */
-		    month_day = first_matching_day + (pos - 1) * 7;
-		    if (month_day <= days_in_month)
-		        impl->days[days_index++] = doy_offset + month_day;
-		} else {
-		    /* Add the -nth instance of the weekday within the month.*/
-		    month_day = last_matching_day + (pos + 1) * 7;
-		    if (month_day > 0)
-		        impl->days[days_index++] = doy_offset + month_day;
-		}
-	    }
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    case (1<<BY_DAY) + (1<<BY_MONTH_DAY) : {
-        /*FREQ=YEARLY; BYDAY=TH,20MO,-10FR; BYMONTHDAY=1,15*/
-        int days_index = 0;
-        pvl_elem itr;
-        pvl_list days = expand_by_day(impl,year);
-        for(itr=pvl_head(days);itr!=0;itr=pvl_next(itr)){
-            short day = (short)(int)pvl_data(itr);
-            struct icaltimetype tt; 
-            short i,j;
-            tt = icaltime_from_day_of_year(day,year);
-            for(j = 0; BYMDPTR[j]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; j++){
-                    short mday = BYMDPTR[j];
-                    if( == mday){
-                        impl->days[days_index++] = day;
-                    }
-            }
-        }
-        pvl_free(days);
-        break;
-    }
-    case (1<<BY_DAY) + (1<<BY_MONTH_DAY) + (1<<BY_MONTH): {
-        int days_index = 0;
-        pvl_elem itr;
-        pvl_list days = expand_by_day(impl,year);
-        for(itr=pvl_head(days);itr!=0;itr=pvl_next(itr)){
-            short day = (short)(int)pvl_data(itr);
-            struct icaltimetype tt; 
-            short i,j;
-            tt = icaltime_from_day_of_year(day,year);
-            for(i = 0; BYMONPTR[i] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; i++){
-                for(j = 0; BYMDPTR[j]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; j++){
-                    short mday = BYMDPTR[j];
-                    short month = BYMONPTR[i];
-                    if(tt.month == month  && == mday){
-                        impl->days[days_index++] = day;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        pvl_free(days);
-       break;
-    }
-    case (1<<BY_DAY) + (1<<BY_WEEK_NO) : {
-        /*FREQ=YEARLY; BYDAY=TH,20MO,-10FR;  WEEKNO=20,50*/
-        int days_index = 0;
-        pvl_elem itr;
-        pvl_list days = expand_by_day(impl,year);
-        for(itr=pvl_head(days);itr!=0;itr=pvl_next(itr)){
-            short day = (short)(int)pvl_data(itr);
-            struct icaltimetype tt; 
-            short i;
-            tt = icaltime_from_day_of_year(day,year);
-            for(i = 0; BYWEEKPTR[i] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX; i++){
-                    short weekno = BYWEEKPTR[i];
-                    if(weekno== icaltime_week_number(tt)){
-                        impl->days[days_index++] = day;
-                    }
-            }
-        }
-        pvl_free(days);
-        break;
-    }
-    case (1<<BY_DAY) + (1<<BY_WEEK_NO) + (1<<BY_MONTH_DAY): {
-        /*FREQ=YEARLY; BYDAY=TH,20MO,-10FR;  WEEKNO=20,50; BYMONTHDAY=1,15*/
-        icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_UNIMPLEMENTED_ERROR);
-        break;
-    }
-    case 1<<BY_YEAR_DAY: {
-	for(j=0;impl->by_ptrs[BY_YEAR_DAY][j]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX;j++){
-	    short doy = impl->by_ptrs[BY_YEAR_DAY][j];
-	    impl->days[days_index++] = doy;
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    default: {
-        icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_UNIMPLEMENTED_ERROR);
-        break;
-    }
-    }
-    return 0;
-int next_year(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
-    struct icaltimetype next;
-    if (next_hour(impl) == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    if (impl->days[++impl->days_index] == ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX){
-	impl->days_index = 0;
-	for (;;) {
-	  increment_year(impl,impl->rule.interval);
-	  expand_year_days(impl,impl->last.year);
-	  if (impl->days[0] != ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX)
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    next = icaltime_from_day_of_year(impl->days[impl->days_index],impl->last.year);
-    impl-> =;
-    impl->last.month =  next.month;
-    return 1;
-int icalrecur_check_rulepart(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl,
-		      short v, enum byrule byrule)
-    int itr;
-    if(impl->by_ptrs[byrule][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX){
-	for(itr=0; impl->by_ptrs[byrule][itr]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX;itr++){
-	    if(impl->by_ptrs[byrule][itr] == v){
-		return 1;
-	    }
-	}
-    } 
-    return 0;
-int check_contract_restriction(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl,
-		      enum byrule byrule, short v)
-    int pass = 0;
-    int itr;
-    icalrecurrencetype_frequency freq = impl->rule.freq;
-    if(impl->by_ptrs[byrule][0]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX &&
-	expand_map[freq].map[byrule] == CONTRACT){
-	for(itr=0; impl->by_ptrs[byrule][itr]!=ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX;itr++){
-	    if(impl->by_ptrs[byrule][itr] == v){
-		pass=1;
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	return pass;
-    } else {
-	/* This is not a contracting byrule, or it has no data, so the
-           test passes*/
-	return 1;
-    }
-int check_contracting_rules(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl)
-    int day_of_week=0;
-    int week_no=0;
-    int year_day=0;
-    if (
-	check_contract_restriction(impl,BY_SECOND,impl->last.second) &&
-	check_contract_restriction(impl,BY_MINUTE,impl->last.minute) &&
-	check_contract_restriction(impl,BY_HOUR,impl->last.hour) &&
-	check_contract_restriction(impl,BY_DAY,day_of_week) &&
-	check_contract_restriction(impl,BY_WEEK_NO,week_no) &&
-	check_contract_restriction(impl,BY_MONTH_DAY,impl-> &&
-	check_contract_restriction(impl,BY_MONTH,impl->last.month) &&
-	check_contract_restriction(impl,BY_YEAR_DAY,year_day) )
-    {
-	return 1;
-    } else {
-	return 0;
-    }
-struct icaltimetype icalrecur_iterator_next(icalrecur_iterator *itr)
-    int valid = 1;
-    struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* impl = 
-	(struct icalrecur_iterator_impl*)itr;
-    if( (impl->rule.count!=0 &&impl->occurrence_no >= impl->rule.count) ||
-       (!icaltime_is_null_time(impl->rule.until) && 
-	icaltime_compare(impl->last,impl->rule.until) > 0)) {
-	return icaltime_null_time();
-    }
-    if(impl->occurrence_no == 0 
-       &&  icaltime_compare(impl->last,impl->dtstart) >= 0){
-	impl->occurrence_no++;
-	return impl->last;
-    }
-    do {
-        valid = 1;
-	switch(impl->rule.freq){
-		next_second(impl);
-		break;
-	    }
-		next_minute(impl);
-		break;
-	    }
-		next_hour(impl);
-		break;
-	    }
-		next_day(impl);
-		break;
-	    }
-		next_week(impl);
-		break;
-	    }
-		valid = next_month(impl);
-		break;
-	    }
-		next_year(impl);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    default:{
-		icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-                return icaltime_null_time();
-	    }
-	}    
-	if(impl->last.year >= 2038 ){
-	    /* HACK */
-	    return icaltime_null_time();
-	}
-    } while(!check_contracting_rules(impl) 
-	    || icaltime_compare(impl->last,impl->dtstart) < 0
-            || valid == 0);
-/* Ignore null times and times that are after the until time */
-    if( !icaltime_is_null_time(impl->rule.until) && 
-	icaltime_compare(impl->last,impl->rule.until) > 0 ) {
-	return icaltime_null_time();
-    }
-    impl->occurrence_no++;
-    return impl->last;
-/************************** Type Routines **********************/
-void icalrecurrencetype_clear(struct icalrecurrencetype *recur)
-	   sizeof(struct icalrecurrencetype));
-    recur->week_start = ICAL_MONDAY_WEEKDAY;
-    recur->freq = ICAL_NO_RECURRENCE;
-    recur->interval = 1;
-    memset(&(recur->until),0,sizeof(struct icaltimetype));
-    recur->count = 0;
-/* The 'day' element of icalrecurrencetype_weekday is encoded to allow
-reporesentation of both the day of the week ( Monday, Tueday), but
-also the Nth day of the week ( First tuesday of the month, last
-thursday of the year) These routines decode the day values. 
-The day's position in the period ( Nth-ness) and the numerical value
-of the day are encoded together as: pos*7 + dow
-A position of 0 means 'any' or 'every'
- */
-enum icalrecurrencetype_weekday icalrecurrencetype_day_day_of_week(short day)
-    return abs(day)%8;
-short icalrecurrencetype_day_position(short day)
-    short wd, pos;
-    wd = icalrecurrencetype_day_day_of_week(day);
-    pos = (abs(day)-wd)/8 * ((day<0)?-1:1);
-    return pos;
-/****************** Enumeration Routines ******************/
-struct {icalrecurrencetype_weekday wd; const char * str; } 
-wd_map[] = {
-const char* icalrecur_weekday_to_string(icalrecurrencetype_weekday kind)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; wd_map[i].wd  != ICAL_NO_WEEKDAY; i++) {
-	if ( wd_map[i].wd ==  kind) {
-	    return wd_map[i].str;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-icalrecurrencetype_weekday icalrecur_string_to_weekday(const char* str)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; wd_map[i].wd  != ICAL_NO_WEEKDAY; i++) {
-	if ( strcmp(str,wd_map[i].str) == 0){
-	    return wd_map[i].wd;
-	}
-    }
-    return ICAL_NO_WEEKDAY;
-struct {
-	icalrecurrencetype_frequency kind;
-	const char* str;
-} freq_map[] = {
-const char* icalrecur_freq_to_string(icalrecurrencetype_frequency kind)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; freq_map[i].kind != ICAL_NO_RECURRENCE ; i++) {
-	if ( freq_map[i].kind == kind ) {
-	    return freq_map[i].str;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-icalrecurrencetype_frequency icalrecur_string_to_freq(const char* str)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; freq_map[i].kind != ICAL_NO_RECURRENCE ; i++) {
-	if ( strcmp(str,freq_map[i].str) == 0){
-	    return freq_map[i].kind;
-	}
-    }
-/* Fill an array with the 'count' number of occurrences generated by
-   the rrule. Note that the times are returned in UTC, but the times
-   are calculated in local time. YOu will have to convert the results
-   back into local time before using them. */
-int icalrecur_expand_recurrence(char* rule, time_t start,
-				int count, time_t* array)
-    struct icalrecurrencetype recur;
-    icalrecur_iterator* ritr;
-    time_t tt;
-    struct icaltimetype icstart, next;
-    int i = 0;
-    memset(array, 0, count*sizeof(time_t));
-    icstart = icaltime_from_timet(start,0);
-    recur = icalrecurrencetype_from_string(rule);
-    for(ritr = icalrecur_iterator_new(recur,icstart),
-	next = icalrecur_iterator_next(ritr);
-	!icaltime_is_null_time(next) && i < count;
-	next = icalrecur_iterator_next(ritr)){
-	tt = icaltime_as_timet(next);
-	if (tt >= start ){
-	    array[i++] = tt;
-	}
-    }
-    icalrecur_iterator_free(ritr);
-    return 1;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalrecur.h b/libical/src/libical/icalrecur.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fcdc15a8c..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalrecur.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalrecur.h
- CREATOR: eric 20 March 2000
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-How to use: 
-1) Get a rule and a start time from a component
-        icalproperty rrule;
-        struct icalrecurrencetype recur;
-        struct icaltimetype dtstart;
-	rrule = icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp,ICAL_RRULE_PROPERTY);
-	recur = icalproperty_get_rrule(rrule);
-	start = icalproperty_get_dtstart(dtstart);
-Or, just make them up: 
-        recur = icalrecurrencetype_from_string("FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=SU,WE");
-        dtstart = icaltime_from_string("19970101T123000")
-2) Create an iterator
-        icalrecur_iterator* ritr;
-        ritr = icalrecur_iterator_new(recur,start);
-3) Iterator over the occurrences
-        struct icaltimetype next;
-        while (next = icalrecur_iterator_next(ritr) 
-               && !icaltime_is_null_time(next){
-                Do something with next
-        }
-Note that that the time returned by icalrecur_iterator_next is in
-whatever timezone that dtstart is in.
-#ifndef ICALRECUR_H
-#define ICALRECUR_H
-#include <time.h>
-#include "icaltime.h"
- * Recurrance enumerations
-typedef enum icalrecurrencetype_frequency
-    /* These enums are used to index an array, so don't change the
-       order or the integers */
-} icalrecurrencetype_frequency;
-typedef enum icalrecurrencetype_weekday
-} icalrecurrencetype_weekday;
-enum {
-/********************** Recurrence type routines **************/
-/* See RFC 2445 Section 4.3.10, RECUR Value, for an explaination of
-   the values and fields in struct icalrecurrencetype */
-#define ICAL_BY_HOUR_SIZE 25
-#define ICAL_BY_DAY_SIZE 364 /* 7 days * 52 weeks */
-#define ICAL_BY_MONTH_SIZE 13
-#define ICAL_BY_SETPOS_SIZE 367
-/* Main struct for holding digested recurrence rules */
-struct icalrecurrencetype 
-	icalrecurrencetype_frequency freq;
-	/* until and count are mutually exclusive. */
-       	struct icaltimetype until; 
-	int count;
-	short interval;
-	icalrecurrencetype_weekday week_start;
-	/* The BY* parameters can each take a list of values. Here I
-	 * assume that the list of values will not be larger than the
-	 * range of the value -- that is, the client will not name a
-	 * value more than once. 
-	 * Each of the lists is terminated with the value
-	 * ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX unless the the list is full.
-	 */
-	short by_second[ICAL_BY_SECOND_SIZE];
-	short by_minute[ICAL_BY_MINUTE_SIZE];
-	short by_hour[ICAL_BY_HOUR_SIZE];
-	short by_day[ICAL_BY_DAY_SIZE]; /* Encoded value, see below */
-	short by_month_day[ICAL_BY_MONTHDAY_SIZE];
-	short by_year_day[ ICAL_BY_YEARDAY_SIZE];
-	short by_week_no[ICAL_BY_WEEKNO_SIZE];
-	short by_month[ICAL_BY_MONTH_SIZE];
-	short by_set_pos[ICAL_BY_SETPOS_SIZE];
-void icalrecurrencetype_clear(struct icalrecurrencetype *r);
-/* The 'day' element of the by_day array is encoded to allow
-representation of both the day of the week ( Monday, Tueday), but also
-the Nth day of the week ( First tuesday of the month, last thursday of
-the year) These routines decode the day values */
-/* 1 == Monday, etc. */
-enum icalrecurrencetype_weekday icalrecurrencetype_day_day_of_week(short day);
-/* 0 == any of day of week. 1 == first, 2 = second, -2 == second to last, etc */
-short icalrecurrencetype_day_position(short day);
- * Recurrance rule parser
-/* Convert between strings ans recurrencetype structures. */
-struct icalrecurrencetype icalrecurrencetype_from_string(const char* str);
-char* icalrecurrencetype_as_string(struct icalrecurrencetype *recur);
-/********** recurrence iteration routines ********************/
-typedef void icalrecur_iterator;
-/* Create a new recurrence rule iterator */
-icalrecur_iterator* icalrecur_iterator_new(struct icalrecurrencetype rule, 
-                                           struct icaltimetype dtstart);
-/* Get the next occurrence from an iterator */
-struct icaltimetype icalrecur_iterator_next(icalrecur_iterator*);
-/* Free the iterator */
-void icalrecur_iterator_free(icalrecur_iterator*);
-/* Fills array up with at most 'count' time_t values, each
-   representing an occurrence time in seconds past the POSIX epoch */
-int icalrecur_expand_recurrence(char* rule, time_t start, 
-				int count, time_t* array);
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/ b/libical/src/libical/
deleted file mode 100644
index 454442531f..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
-/*  -*- Mode: C -*- */
-/*  ======================================================================
-  File: icalrestriction.c
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- ======================================================================*/
-/*#line 7 ""*/
-#include <config.h>
-#include "icalrestriction.h"
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdio.h> /* For snprintf */   
-#define TMP_BUF_SIZE 1024
-/* Define the structs for the restrictions. these data are filled out
-in machine generated code below */
-struct icalrestriction_property_record;
-typedef char* (*restriction_func)(struct icalrestriction_property_record* rec,icalcomponent* comp,icalproperty* prop);
-typedef struct icalrestriction_property_record {
-	icalproperty_method method;
-	icalcomponent_kind component;
-	icalproperty_kind property;
-	icalrestriction_kind restriction;
-	restriction_func function;
-} icalrestriction_property_record;
-typedef struct icalrestriction_component_record {
-	icalproperty_method method;
-	icalcomponent_kind component;
-	icalcomponent_kind subcomponent;
-	icalrestriction_kind restriction;
-	restriction_func function;
-} icalrestriction_component_record;
-icalrestriction_get_property_restriction(icalproperty_method method,
-					 icalcomponent_kind component,
-					 icalproperty_kind property);
-icalrestriction_get_component_restriction(icalproperty_method method,
-					  icalcomponent_kind component,
-					  icalcomponent_kind subcomponent);
-icalrestriction_component_record icalrestriction_component_records[];
-icalrestriction_property_record icalrestriction_property_records[]; 
-icalrestriction_property_record null_prop_record =   {ICAL_METHOD_NONE,ICAL_NO_COMPONENT,ICAL_NO_PROPERTY,ICAL_RESTRICTION_UNKNOWN,0};
-icalrestriction_component_record null_comp_record =   {ICAL_METHOD_NONE,ICAL_NO_COMPONENT,ICAL_NO_COMPONENT,ICAL_RESTRICTION_UNKNOWN,0};
-/* The each row gives the result of comparing a restriction against a
-   count. The columns in each row represent 0,1,2+. '-1' indicates
-   'invalid, 'don't care' or 'needs more analysis' So, for
-   ICAL_RESTRICTION_ONE, if there is 1 of a property with that
-   restriction, it passes, but if there are 0 or 2+, it fails. */
-char compare_map[ICAL_RESTRICTION_UNKNOWN+1][3] = {
-    { 1, 1, 1},/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_NONE*/
-    { 1, 0, 0},/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ZERO*/
-    { 0, 1, 0},/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ONE*/
-    { 0, 1, 1},/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ONEPLUS*/
-    { 1, 1, 1} /*ICAL_RESTRICTION_UNKNOWN*/
-char restr_string_map[ICAL_RESTRICTION_UNKNOWN+1][60] = {
-    "unknown number",/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_NONE*/
-    "zero or more",/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ZEROPLUS*/
-    "one or more" ,/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ONEPLUS*/
-    "zero or one",/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ZEROORONE*/
-    "zero or one, exclusive with another property",/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ONEEXCLUSIVE*/
-    "zero or one, mutual with another property",/*ICAL_RESTRICTION_ONEMUTUAL*/
-    "unknown number" /*ICAL_RESTRICTION_UNKNOWN*/
-icalrestriction_compare(icalrestriction_kind restr, int count){
-	 || count < 0){
-	return -1;
-    }
-    if (count > 2) {
-	count = 2;
-    }
-    return compare_map[restr][count];
-/* Special case routines */
-char* icalrestriction_may_be_draft_final_canceled(
-    icalrestriction_property_record *rec,
-    icalcomponent* comp, 
-    icalproperty* prop)
-    icalproperty_status stat = icalproperty_get_status(prop);
-    if( !( stat == ICAL_STATUS_DRAFT ||
-	   stat == ICAL_STATUS_FINAL ||
-	   stat == ICAL_STATUS_CANCELLED )){
-	return "Failed iTIP restrictions for STATUS property. Value must be one of DRAFT, FINAL, or CANCELED";
-    }
-    return 0;    
-char* icalrestriction_may_be_comp_need_process(
-    icalrestriction_property_record *rec,
-    icalcomponent* comp, 
-    icalproperty* prop)
-    icalproperty_status stat = icalproperty_get_status(prop);
-    if( !( stat == ICAL_STATUS_COMPLETED ||
-	   stat == ICAL_STATUS_INPROCESS )){
-	return "Failed iTIP restrictions for STATUS property. Value must be one of COMPLETED, NEEDS-ACTION or IN-PROCESS";
-    }
-    return 0;    
-char* icalrestriction_may_be_tent_conf(icalrestriction_property_record *rec,
-				       icalcomponent* comp, 
-				       icalproperty* prop){
-    icalproperty_status stat = icalproperty_get_status(prop);
-    if( !( stat == ICAL_STATUS_TENTATIVE ||
-	   stat == ICAL_STATUS_CONFIRMED )){
-	return "Failed iTIP restrictions for STATUS property. Value must be one of TENTATIVE or CONFIRMED";
-    }
-    return 0;    
-char* icalrestriction_may_be_tent_conf_cancel(
-    icalrestriction_property_record *rec,
-    icalcomponent* comp, 
-    icalproperty* prop)
-    icalproperty_status stat = icalproperty_get_status(prop);
-    if( !( stat == ICAL_STATUS_TENTATIVE ||
-	   stat == ICAL_STATUS_CANCELLED )){
-	return "Failed iTIP restrictions for STATUS property. Value must be one of TENTATIVE, CONFIRMED or CANCELED";
-    }
-    return 0;    
-char* icalrestriction_must_be_cancel_if_present(
-    icalrestriction_property_record *rec,
-    icalcomponent* comp, 
-    icalproperty* prop)
-    /* This routine will not be called if prop == 0 */
-    icalproperty_status stat = icalproperty_get_status(prop);
-    if( stat != ICAL_STATUS_CANCELLED)
-    {
-	return "Failed iTIP restrictions for STATUS property. Value must be CANCELLED";
-    }
-    return 0;    
-char* icalrestriction_must_be_canceled_no_attendee(
-    icalrestriction_property_record *rec,
-    icalcomponent* comp, 
-    icalproperty* prop)
-    /* Hack. see rfc2446, 3.2.5 CANCEL for porperty STATUS. I don't
-       understand the note */
-    return 0;    
-char* icalrestriction_must_be_recurring(icalrestriction_property_record *rec,
-					icalcomponent* comp, 
-					icalproperty* prop){
-    /* Hack */
-    return 0;    
-char* icalrestriction_must_have_duration(icalrestriction_property_record *rec,
-					 icalcomponent* comp, 
-					 icalproperty* prop){
-    if( !icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp,ICAL_DURATION_PROPERTY)){
-	return "Failed iTIP restrictions for STATUS property. This component must have a DURATION property";
-    }
-    return 0;    
-char* icalrestriction_must_have_repeat(icalrestriction_property_record *rec,
-				       icalcomponent* comp, 
-				       icalproperty* prop){
-    if( !icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp,ICAL_REPEAT_PROPERTY)){
-	return "Failed iTIP restrictions for STATUS property. This component must have a REPEAT property";
-    }
-    return 0;    
-char* icalrestriction_must_if_tz_ref(icalrestriction_property_record *rec,
-				     icalcomponent* comp, 
-				     icalproperty* prop){
-    /* Hack */
-    return 0;    
-char* icalrestriction_no_dtend(icalrestriction_property_record *rec,
-			       icalcomponent* comp, 
-			       icalproperty* prop){
-    if( !icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp,ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY)){
-	return "Failed iTIP restrictions for STATUS property. The component must not have both DURATION and DTEND";
-    }
-    return 0;    
-char* icalrestriction_no_duration(icalrestriction_property_record *rec,
-				icalcomponent* comp, 
-				  icalproperty* prop){
-    /* _no_dtend takes care of this one */
-    return 0;    
-int icalrestriction_check_component(icalproperty_method method,
-				    icalcomponent* comp)
-    icalproperty_kind kind;
-    icalcomponent_kind comp_kind;
-    icalrestriction_kind restr;
-    icalrestriction_property_record *prop_record;
-    icalrestriction_component_record *comp_record;
-    char* funcr = 0;
-    icalproperty *prop;
-    int count;
-    int compare;
-    int valid = 1;
-    comp_kind = icalcomponent_isa(comp);
-    /* Check all of the properties in this component */
-    for(kind = ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY+1; kind != ICAL_NO_PROPERTY; kind++){
-	count = icalcomponent_count_properties(comp, kind);
-	prop_record = icalrestriction_get_property_restriction(method, 
-							 comp_kind,
-							 kind);
-	restr = prop_record->restriction;
-	    /* First treat is as a 0/1 restriction */
-	    compare = icalrestriction_compare(restr,count);
-	} else {
-	    compare = icalrestriction_compare(restr,count);
-	}
-	assert(compare != -1);
-	if (compare == 0){
-	    char temp[TMP_BUF_SIZE];
-	    snprintf(temp, TMP_BUF_SIZE,"Failed iTIP restrictions for %s property. Expected %s instances of the property and got %d",
-		    icalenum_property_kind_to_string(kind),
-		    restr_string_map[restr], count);
-	    icalcomponent_add_property
-		(comp,
-		 icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(
-		     temp,
-		     icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_INVALIDITIP),
-		     0));   
-	} 
-	prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp, kind);
-	if (prop != 0 && prop_record->function !=0  ){
-	    funcr =  prop_record->function(prop_record,comp,prop);
-	}
-	if(funcr !=0){
-	    icalcomponent_add_property
-		(comp,
-		 icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(
-		     funcr,
-		     icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(
-		     0));   
-	    compare = 0;
-	}
-	valid = valid && compare;
-    }
-    return valid;
-int icalrestriction_check(icalcomponent* outer_comp)
-    icalcomponent_kind comp_kind;
-    icalproperty_method method;
-    icalcomponent* inner_comp;
-    icalproperty *method_prop;
-    int valid;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (outer_comp!=0), "outer comp");
-    /* Get the Method value from the outer component */
-    comp_kind = icalcomponent_isa(outer_comp);
-    if (comp_kind != ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    method_prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property(outer_comp,
-    if (method_prop == 0){
-	method = ICAL_METHOD_NONE;
-    } else {
-	method = icalproperty_get_method(method_prop);
-    }
-    /* Check the VCALENDAR wrapper */
-    valid = icalrestriction_check_component(ICAL_METHOD_NONE,outer_comp);
-    /* Now check the inner components */
-    for(inner_comp= icalcomponent_get_first_component(outer_comp,
-						      ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-	inner_comp != 0;
-	inner_comp= icalcomponent_get_next_component(outer_comp,
-						     ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)){
-	valid = valid && icalrestriction_check_component(method,inner_comp);
-    }
-    return valid;
-icalrestriction_get_property_restriction(icalproperty_method method,
-					 icalcomponent_kind component,
-					 icalproperty_kind property)
-    int i;
-    for(i = 0;
-	icalrestriction_property_records[i].restriction != ICAL_RESTRICTION_NONE;
-	i++){
-	if (method == icalrestriction_property_records[i].method &&
-	    component == icalrestriction_property_records[i].component &&
-	    property ==  icalrestriction_property_records[i].property ){
-	    return  &icalrestriction_property_records[i];
-	}
-    }
-    return &null_prop_record;
-icalrestriction_get_component_restriction(icalproperty_method method,
-					  icalcomponent_kind component,
-					  icalcomponent_kind subcomponent)
-    int i;
-    for(i = 0;
-	icalrestriction_component_records[i].restriction != ICAL_RESTRICTION_NONE;
-	i++){
-	if (method == icalrestriction_component_records[i].method &&
-	    component == icalrestriction_component_records[i].component &&
-	    subcomponent ==  icalrestriction_component_records[i].subcomponent ){
-	    return  &icalrestriction_component_records[i];
-	}
-    }
-    return &null_comp_record;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalrestriction.h b/libical/src/libical/icalrestriction.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d414db4af..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalrestriction.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
-  FILE: icalrestriction.h
-  CREATOR: eric 24 April 1999
-  $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalrestriction.h
-  Contributions from:
-     Graham Davison (
-#include "icalproperty.h"
-#include "icalcomponent.h"
-/* These must stay in this order for icalrestriction_compare to work */
-typedef enum icalrestriction_kind {
-    ICAL_RESTRICTION_NONE=0,		/* 0 */
-} icalrestriction_kind;
-icalrestriction_compare(icalrestriction_kind restr, int count);
-icalrestriction_is_parameter_allowed(icalproperty_kind property,
-                                       icalparameter_kind parameter);
-int icalrestriction_check(icalcomponent* comp);
-#endif /* !ICALRESTRICTION_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icaltime.c b/libical/src/libical/icaltime.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 698035537b..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icaltime.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,714 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icaltime.c
-  CREATOR: eric 02 June 2000
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "config.h"
-#include "icaltime.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#define icalerror_set_errno(x)
-#define  icalerror_check_arg_rv(x,y)
-#define  icalerror_check_arg_re(x,y,z)
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include "icaltimezone.h"
-struct icaltimetype 
-icaltime_from_timet(time_t tm, int is_date)
-    struct icaltimetype tt = icaltime_null_time();
-    struct tm t;
-    t = *(gmtime(&tm));
-    if(is_date == 0){ 
-	tt.second = t.tm_sec;
-	tt.minute = t.tm_min;
-	tt.hour = t.tm_hour;
-    } else {
-	tt.second = tt.minute =tt.hour = 0 ;
-    }
- = t.tm_mday;
-    tt.month = t.tm_mon + 1;
-    tt.year = t.tm_year+ 1900;
-    tt.is_utc = 1;
-    tt.is_date = is_date; 
-    return tt;
-struct icaltimetype 
-icaltime_from_timet_with_zone(time_t tm, int is_date, icaltimezone *zone)
-    struct icaltimetype tt;
-    struct tm t;
-    icaltimezone *utc_zone;
-    utc_zone = icaltimezone_get_utc_timezone ();
-    /* Convert the time_t to a struct tm in UTC time. We can trust gmtime
-       for this. */
-    t = *(gmtime(&tm));
-    tt.year   = t.tm_year + 1900;
-    tt.month  = t.tm_mon + 1;
-    = t.tm_mday;
-    tt.is_utc = (zone == utc_zone) ? 1 : 0;
-    tt.is_date = is_date; 
-    tt.is_daylight = 0;
- = NULL;
-    if (is_date) { 
-	/* We don't convert DATE values between timezones. */
-	tt.hour   = 0;
-	tt.minute = 0;
-	tt.second = 0;
-    } else {
-	tt.hour   = t.tm_hour;
-	tt.minute = t.tm_min;
-	tt.second = t.tm_sec;
-	/* Use our timezone functions to convert to the required timezone. */
-	icaltimezone_convert_time (&tt, utc_zone, zone);
-    }
-    return tt;
-/* Returns the current time in the given timezone, as an icaltimetype. */
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_current_time_with_zone(icaltimezone *zone)
-    return icaltime_from_timet_with_zone (time (NULL), 0, zone);
-/* Returns the current day as an icaltimetype, with is_date set. */
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_today(void)
-    return icaltime_from_timet_with_zone (time (NULL), 1, NULL);
-/* Structure used by set_tz to hold an old value of TZ, and the new
-   value, which is in memory we will have to free in unset_tz */
-/* This will hold the last "TZ=XXX" string we used with putenv(). After we
-   call putenv() again to set a new TZ string, we can free the previous one.
-   As far as I know, no libc implementations actually free the memory used in
-   the environment variables (how could they know if it is a static string or
-   a malloc'ed string?), so we have to free it ourselves. */
-static char* saved_tz = NULL;
-/* If you use set_tz(), you must call unset_tz() some time later to restore the
-   original TZ. Pass unset_tz() the string that set_tz() returns. */
-char* set_tz(const char* tzid)
-    char *old_tz, *old_tz_copy = NULL, *new_tz;
-    /* Get the old TZ setting and save a copy of it to return. */
-    old_tz = getenv("TZ");
-    if(old_tz){
-	old_tz_copy = (char*)malloc(strlen (old_tz) + 4);
-	if(old_tz_copy == 0){
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	    return 0;
-	}
-	strcpy (old_tz_copy, "TZ=");
-	strcpy (old_tz_copy + 3, old_tz);
-    }
-    /* Create the new TZ string. */
-    new_tz = (char*)malloc(strlen (tzid) + 4);
-    if(new_tz == 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    strcpy (new_tz, "TZ=");
-    strcpy (new_tz + 3, tzid);
-    /* Add the new TZ to the environment. */
-    putenv(new_tz); 
-    /* Free any previous TZ environment string we have used. */
-    if (saved_tz)
-      free (saved_tz);
-    /* Save a pointer to the TZ string we just set, so we can free it later. */
-    saved_tz = new_tz;
-    return old_tz_copy; /* This will be zero if the TZ env var was not set */
-void unset_tz(char *tzstr)
-    /* restore the original environment */
-    if(tzstr!=0){
-	putenv(tzstr);
-    } else {
-	putenv("TZ"); /* Delete from environment */
-    } 
-    /* Free any previous TZ environment string we have used. */
-    if (saved_tz)
-      free (saved_tz);
-    /* Save a pointer to the TZ string we just set, so we can free it later.
-       (This can possibly be NULL if there was no TZ to restore.) */
-    saved_tz = tzstr;
-time_t icaltime_as_timet(struct icaltimetype tt)
-    struct tm stm;
-    time_t t;
-    memset(&stm,0,sizeof( struct tm));
-    if(icaltime_is_null_time(tt)) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    stm.tm_sec = tt.second;
-    stm.tm_min = tt.minute;
-    stm.tm_hour = tt.hour;
-    stm.tm_mday =;
-    stm.tm_mon = tt.month-1;
-    stm.tm_year = tt.year-1900;
-    stm.tm_isdst = -1;
-    if(tt.is_utc == 1 || tt.is_date == 1){
-        char *old_tz = set_tz("UTC");
-	t = mktime(&stm);
-	unset_tz(old_tz);
-    } else {
-	t = mktime(&stm);
-    }
-    return t;
-time_t icaltime_as_timet_with_zone(struct icaltimetype tt, icaltimezone *zone)
-    icaltimezone *utc_zone;
-    struct tm stm;
-    time_t t;
-    char *old_tz;
-    utc_zone = icaltimezone_get_utc_timezone ();
-    /* If the time is the special null time, return 0. */
-    if (icaltime_is_null_time(tt)) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /* Use our timezone functions to convert to UTC. */
-    if (!tt.is_date)
-	icaltimezone_convert_time (&tt, zone, utc_zone);
-    /* Copy the icaltimetype to a struct tm. */
-    memset (&stm, 0, sizeof (struct tm));
-    stm.tm_sec = tt.second;
-    stm.tm_min = tt.minute;
-    stm.tm_hour = tt.hour;
-    stm.tm_mday =;
-    stm.tm_mon = tt.month-1;
-    stm.tm_year = tt.year-1900;
-    stm.tm_isdst = -1;
-    /* Set TZ to UTC and use mktime to convert to a time_t. */
-    old_tz = set_tz ("UTC");
-    t = mktime (&stm);
-    unset_tz (old_tz);
-    return t;
-char* icaltime_as_ical_string(struct icaltimetype tt)
-    size_t size = 17;
-    char* buf = icalmemory_new_buffer(size);
-    if(tt.is_date){
-	snprintf(buf, size,"%04d%02d%02d",tt.year,tt.month,;
-    } else {
-	char* fmt;
-	if(tt.is_utc){
-	    fmt = "%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02dZ";
-	} else {
-	    fmt = "%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02d";
-	}
-	snprintf(buf, size,fmt,tt.year,tt.month,,
-		 tt.hour,tt.minute,tt.second);
-    }
-    icalmemory_add_tmp_buffer(buf);
-    return buf;
-/* Normalize the icaltime, so that all fields are within the normal range. */
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_normalize(struct icaltimetype tt)
-  icaltime_adjust (&tt, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-  return tt;
-#include "icalvalue.h"
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_from_string(const char* str)
-    struct icaltimetype tt = icaltime_null_time();
-    int size;
-    icalerror_check_arg_re(str!=0,"str",icaltime_null_time());
-    size = strlen(str);
-    if(size == 15) { /* floating time */
-	tt.is_utc = 0;
-	tt.is_date = 0;
-    } else if (size == 16) { /* UTC time, ends in 'Z'*/
-	tt.is_utc = 1;
-	tt.is_date = 0;
-	if(str[15] != 'Z'){
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	    return icaltime_null_time();
-	}
-    } else if (size == 8) { /* A DATE */
-	tt.is_utc = 1;
-	tt.is_date = 1;
-    } else { /* error */
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	return icaltime_null_time();
-    }
-    if(tt.is_date == 1){
-	sscanf(str,"%04d%02d%02d",&tt.year,&tt.month,&;
-    } else {
-	char tsep;
-	sscanf(str,"%04d%02d%02d%c%02d%02d%02d",&tt.year,&tt.month,&,
-	       &tsep,&tt.hour,&tt.minute,&tt.second);
-	if(tsep != 'T'){
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	    return icaltime_null_time();
-	}
-    }
-    return tt;    
-char ctime_str[20];
-char* icaltime_as_ctime(struct icaltimetype t)
-    time_t tt;
-    tt = icaltime_as_timet(t);
-    sprintf(ctime_str,"%s",ctime(&tt));
-    ctime_str[strlen(ctime_str)-1] = 0;
-    return ctime_str;
-short days_in_month[] = {0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
-short icaltime_days_in_month(short month,short year)
-    int is_leap =0;
-    int days = days_in_month[month];
-    assert(month > 0);
-    assert(month <= 12);
-    if( (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) ||
-	year % 400 == 0){
-	is_leap =1;
-    }
-    if( month == 2){
-	days += is_leap;
-    }
-    return days;
-/* Returns whether the specified year is a leap year. Year is the normal year,
-   e.g. 2001. */
-icaltime_is_leap_year (int year)
-  if (year <= 1752)
-    return !(year % 4);
-  else
-    return (!(year % 4) && (year % 100)) || !(year % 400);
-/* 1-> Sunday, 7->Saturday */
-short icaltime_day_of_week(struct icaltimetype t){
-    struct tm stm;
-    stm.tm_year = t.year - 1900;
-    stm.tm_mon = t.month - 1;
-    stm.tm_mday =;
-    stm.tm_hour = 0;
-    stm.tm_min = 0;
-    stm.tm_sec = 0;
-    stm.tm_isdst = -1;
-    mktime (&stm);
-    return stm.tm_wday + 1;
-/* Day of the year that the first day of the week (Sunday) is on.
-   FIXME: Doesn't take into account different week start days. */
-short icaltime_start_doy_of_week(struct icaltimetype t){
-    struct tm stm;
-    stm.tm_year = t.year - 1900;
-    stm.tm_mon = t.month - 1;
-    stm.tm_mday =;
-    stm.tm_hour = 0;
-    stm.tm_min = 0;
-    stm.tm_sec = 0;
-    stm.tm_isdst = -1;
-    mktime (&stm);
-    /* Move back to the start of the week. */
-    stm.tm_mday -= stm.tm_wday;
-    mktime (&stm);
-    /* If we are still in the same year as the original date, we just return
-       the day of the year. */
-    if (t.year - 1900 == stm.tm_year){
-	return stm.tm_yday+1;
-    } else {
-	/* return negative to indicate that start of week is in
-           previous year. */
-	int is_leap = 0;
-	int year = stm.tm_year;
-	if( (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) ||
-	    year % 400 == 0){
-	    is_leap =1;
-	}
-	return (stm.tm_yday+1)-(365+is_leap);
-    }
-/* FIXME: Doesn't take into account the start day of the week. strftime assumes
-   that weeks start on Monday. */
-short icaltime_week_number(struct icaltimetype ictt)
-    struct tm stm;
-    int week_no;
-    char str[8];
-    stm.tm_year = ictt.year - 1900;
-    stm.tm_mon = ictt.month - 1;
-    stm.tm_mday =;
-    stm.tm_hour = 0;
-    stm.tm_min = 0;
-    stm.tm_sec = 0;
-    stm.tm_isdst = -1;
-    mktime (&stm);
-    strftime(str,5,"%V", &stm);
-    week_no = atoi(str);
-    return week_no;
-static const short days_in_year[2][13] = 
-{ /* jan feb mar apr may  jun  jul  aug  sep  oct  nov  dec */
-  {  0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 }, 
-  {  0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366 }
-/* Returns the day of the year, counting from 1 (Jan 1st). */
-short icaltime_day_of_year(struct icaltimetype t){
-  int is_leap = 0;
-  if (icaltime_is_leap_year (t.year))
-    is_leap = 1;
-  return days_in_year[is_leap][t.month - 1] +;
-/* Jan 1 is day #1, not 0 */
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_from_day_of_year(short doy,  short year)
-    struct icaltimetype tt = { 0 };
-    int is_leap = 0, month;
-    tt.year = year;
-    if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0)
-	is_leap = 1;
-    assert(doy > 0);
-    assert(doy <= days_in_year[is_leap][12]);
-    for (month = 11; month >= 0; month--) {
-      if (doy > days_in_year[is_leap][month]) {
-	tt.month = month + 1;
- = doy - days_in_year[is_leap][month];
-	return tt;
-      }
-    }
-    /* Shouldn't reach here. */
-    assert (0);
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_null_time()
-    struct icaltimetype t;
-    memset(&t,0,sizeof(struct icaltimetype));
-    return t;
-int icaltime_is_valid_time(struct icaltimetype t){
-    if(t.is_utc > 1 || t.is_utc < 0 ||
-       t.year < 0 || t.year > 3000 ||
-       t.is_date > 1 || t.is_date < 0){
-	return 0;
-    } else {
-	return 1;
-    }
-int icaltime_is_null_time(struct icaltimetype t)
-    if (t.second == 0){
-	return 1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-int icaltime_compare(struct icaltimetype a, struct icaltimetype b)
-    int retval;
-    if (a.year > b.year)
-	retval = 1;
-    else if (a.year < b.year)
-	retval = -1;
-    else if (a.month > b.month)
-	retval = 1;
-    else if (a.month < b.month)
-	retval = -1;
-    else if ( >
-	retval = 1;
-    else if ( <
-	retval = -1;
-    else if (a.hour > b.hour)
-	retval = 1;
-    else if (a.hour < b.hour)
-	retval = -1;
-    else if (a.minute > b.minute)
-	retval = 1;
-    else if (a.minute < b.minute)
-	retval = -1;
-    else if (a.second > b.second)
-	retval = 1;
-    else if (a.second < b.second)
-	retval = -1;
-    else
-	retval = 0;
-    return retval;
-icaltime_compare_date_only (struct icaltimetype a, struct icaltimetype b)
-    int retval;
-    if (a.year > b.year)
-	retval = 1;
-    else if (a.year < b.year)
-	retval = -1;
-    else if (a.month > b.month)
-	retval = 1;
-    else if (a.month < b.month)
-	retval = -1;
-    else if ( >
-	retval = 1;
-    else if ( <
-	retval = -1;
-    else
-	retval = 0;
-    return retval;
-/* These are defined in icalduration.c:
-struct icaltimetype  icaltime_add(struct icaltimetype t,
-				  struct icaldurationtype  d)
-struct icaldurationtype  icaltime_subtract(struct icaltimetype t1,
-					   struct icaltimetype t2)
-/* Adds (or subtracts) a time from a icaltimetype.
-   NOTE: This function is exactly the same as icaltimezone_adjust_change()
-   except for the type of the first parameter. */
-icaltime_adjust				(struct icaltimetype	*tt,
-					 int		 days,
-					 int		 hours,
-					 int		 minutes,
-					 int		 seconds)
-    int second, minute, hour, day;
-    int minutes_overflow, hours_overflow, days_overflow, years_overflow;
-    int days_in_month;
-    /* Add on the seconds. */
-    second = tt->second + seconds;
-    tt->second = second % 60;
-    minutes_overflow = second / 60;
-    if (tt->second < 0) {
-	tt->second += 60;
-	minutes_overflow--;
-    }
-    /* Add on the minutes. */
-    minute = tt->minute + minutes + minutes_overflow;
-    tt->minute = minute % 60;
-    hours_overflow = minute / 60;
-    if (tt->minute < 0) {
-	tt->minute += 60;
-	hours_overflow--;
-    }
-    /* Add on the hours. */
-    hour = tt->hour + hours + hours_overflow;
-    tt->hour = hour % 24;
-    days_overflow = hour / 24;
-    if (tt->hour < 0) {
-	tt->hour += 24;
-	days_overflow--;
-    }
-    /* Normalize the month. We do this before handling the day since we may
-       need to know what month it is to get the number of days in it.
-       Note that months are 1 to 12, so we have to be a bit careful. */
-    if (tt->month >= 13) {
-	years_overflow = (tt->month - 1) / 12;
-	tt->year += years_overflow;
-	tt->month -= years_overflow * 12;
-    } else if (tt->month <= 0) {
-	/* 0 to -11 is -1 year out, -12 to -23 is -2 years. */
-	years_overflow = (tt->month / 12) - 1;
-	tt->year += years_overflow;
-	tt->month -= years_overflow * 12;
-    }
-    /* Add on the days. */
-    day = tt->day + days + days_overflow;
-    if (day > 0) {
-	for (;;) {
-	    days_in_month = icaltime_days_in_month (tt->month, tt->year);
-	    if (day <= days_in_month)
-		break;
-	    tt->month++;
-	    if (tt->month >= 13) {
-		tt->year++;
-		tt->month = 1;
-	    }
-	    day -= days_in_month;
-	}
-    } else {
-	while (day <= 0) {
-	    if (tt->month == 1) {
-		tt->year--;
-		tt->month = 12;
-	    } else {
-		tt->month--;
-	    }
-	    day += icaltime_days_in_month (tt->month, tt->year);
-	}
-    }
-    tt->day = day;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icaltime.h b/libical/src/libical/icaltime.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b2a536b2b5..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icaltime.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icaltime.h
- CREATOR: eric 02 June 2000
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
-#ifndef ICALTIME_H
-#define ICALTIME_H
-#include <time.h>
-/* An opaque struct representing a timezone. We declare this here to avoid
-   a circular dependancy. */
-typedef struct _icaltimezone		icaltimezone;
-/* icaltime_span is returned by icalcomponent_get_span() */
-struct icaltime_span {
-	time_t start; /* in UTC */
-	time_t end; /* in UTC */
-	int is_busy; /* 1->busy time, 0-> free time */
-struct icaltimetype
-	int year;	/* Actual year, e.g. 2001. */
-	int month;	/* 1 (Jan) to 12 (Dec). */
-	int day;
-	int hour;
-	int minute;
-	int second;
-	int is_utc; /* 1-> time is in UTC timezone */
-	int is_date; /* 1 -> interpret this as date. */
-	int is_daylight; /* 1 -> time is in daylight savings time. */
-	const char* zone; /*Ptr to Olsen placename. Libical does not own mem*/
-/* Convert seconds past UNIX epoch to a timetype*/
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_from_timet(time_t v, int is_date);
-/* Newer version of above, using timezones. */
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_from_timet_with_zone(time_t tm, int is_date,
-						  icaltimezone *zone);
-/* Returns the current time in the given timezone, as an icaltimetype. */
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_current_time_with_zone(icaltimezone *zone);
-/* Returns the current day as an icaltimetype, with is_date set. */
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_today(void);
-/* Return the time as seconds past the UNIX epoch */
-time_t icaltime_as_timet(struct icaltimetype);
-/* Newer version of above, using timezones. */
-time_t icaltime_as_timet_with_zone(struct icaltimetype tt, icaltimezone *zone);
-/* Return a string represention of the time, in RFC2445 format. The
-   string is owned by libical */
-char* icaltime_as_ical_string(struct icaltimetype tt);
-/* Like icaltime_from_timet(), except that the input may be in seconds
-   past the epoch in floating time. This routine is deprecated */
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_from_int(int v, int is_date, int is_utc);
-/* Like icaltime_as_timet, but in a floating epoch. This routine is deprecated */
-int icaltime_as_int(struct icaltimetype);
-/* create a time from an ISO format string */
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_from_string(const char* str);
-/* Return a null time, which indicates no time has been set. This time represent the beginning of the epoch */
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_null_time(void);
-/* Return true of the time is null. */
-int icaltime_is_null_time(struct icaltimetype t);
-/* Returns false if the time is clearly invalid, but is not null. This
-   is usually the result of creating a new time type buy not clearing
-   it, or setting one of the flags to an illegal value. */
-int icaltime_is_valid_time(struct icaltimetype t);
-/* Reset all of the time components to be in their normal ranges. For
-   instance, given a time with minutes=70, the minutes will be reduces
-   to 10, and the hour incremented. This allows the caller to do
-   arithmetic on times without worrying about overflow or
-   underflow. */
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_normalize(struct icaltimetype t);
-/* Return the day of the year of the given time */
-short icaltime_day_of_year(struct icaltimetype t);
-/* Create a new time, given a day of year and a year. */
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_from_day_of_year(short doy,  short year);
-/* Return the day of the week of the given time. Sunday is 1 */
-short icaltime_day_of_week(struct icaltimetype t);
-/* Return the day of the year for the Sunday of the week that the
-   given time is within. */
-short icaltime_start_doy_of_week(struct icaltimetype t);
-/* Return a string with the time represented in the same format as ctime(). THe string is owned by libical */
-char* icaltime_as_ctime(struct icaltimetype);
-/* Return the week number for the week the given time is within */
-short icaltime_week_number(struct icaltimetype t);
-/* Create a new time from a weeknumber and a year. */
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_from_week_number(short week_number, short year);
-/* Return -1, 0, or 1 to indicate that a<b, a==b or a>b */
-int icaltime_compare(struct icaltimetype a,struct icaltimetype b);
-/* like icaltime_compare, but only use the date parts. */
-int icaltime_compare_date_only(struct icaltimetype a, struct icaltimetype b);
-/* Return the number of days in the given month */
-short icaltime_days_in_month(short month,short year);
-/* Adds or subtracts a number of days, hours, minutes and seconds. */
-void  icaltime_adjust(struct icaltimetype *tt, int days, int hours,
-		      int minutes, int seconds);
-#endif /* !ICALTIME_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icaltimezone.c b/libical/src/libical/icaltimezone.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fcb12c378b..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icaltimezone.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1597 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- FILE: icaltimezone.h
- CREATOR: Damon Chaplin 15 March 2001
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Damon Chaplin
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-#include "config.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "icalproperty.h"
-#include "icalarray.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalparser.h"
-#include "icaltimezone.h"
-/* This is the toplevel directory where the timezone data is installed in. */
-/* The prefix we use to uniquely identify TZIDs. */
-#define TZID_PREFIX		"/"
-#define TZID_PREFIX_LEN		20
-/* This is the filename of the file containing the city names and coordinates
-   of all the builtin timezones. */
-/* This is the number of years of extra coverage we do when expanding the
-   timezone changes. */
-/* This is the maximum year we will expand to. time_t values only go up to
-   somewhere around 2037. */
-struct _icaltimezone {
-    /* The unique ID of this timezone,
-       e.g. "/".
-       This should only be used to identify a VTIMEZONE. It is not meant to
-       be displayed to the user in any form. */
-    char		*tzid;
-    /* The location for the timezone, e.g. "Africa/Accra" for the Olson
-       database. We look for this in the "LOCATION" or "X-LIC-LOCATION"
-       properties of the VTIMEZONE component. It isn't a standard property
-       yet. This will be NULL if no location is found in the VTIMEZONE. */
-    char		*location;
-    /* This will be set to a combination of the TZNAME properties from the last
-       STANDARD and DAYLIGHT components in the VTIMEZONE, e.g. "EST/EDT".
-       If they both use the same TZNAME, or only one type of component is
-       found, then only one TZNAME will appear, e.g. "AZOT". If no TZNAME
-       is found this will be NULL. */
-    char		*tznames;
-    /* The coordinates of the city, in degrees. */
-    double		 latitude;
-    double		 longitude;
-    /* The toplevel VTIMEZONE component loaded from the .ics file for this
-       timezone. If we need to regenerate the changes data we need this. */
-    icalcomponent	*component;
-    /* If this is not NULL it points to the builtin icaltimezone that the
-       above TZID refers to. This icaltimezone should be used instead when
-       accessing the timezone changes data, so that the expanded timezone
-       changes data is shared between calendar components. */
-    icaltimezone	*builtin_timezone;
-    /* This is the last year for which we have expanded the data to.
-       If we need to calculate a date past this we need to expand the
-       timezone component data from scratch. */
-    int			 end_year;
-    /* A dynamically-allocated array of time zone changes, sorted by the
-       time of the change in local time. So we can do fast binary-searches
-       to convert from local time to UTC. */
-    icalarray		*changes;
-typedef struct _icaltimezonechange	icaltimezonechange;
-struct _icaltimezonechange {
-    /* The offset to add to UTC to get local time, in seconds. */
-    int		 utc_offset;
-    /* The offset to add to UTC, before this change, in seconds. */
-    int		 prev_utc_offset;
-    /* The time that the change came into effect, in UTC.
-       Note that the prev_utc_offset applies to this local time,
-       since we haven't changed to the new offset yet. */
-    int		 year;		/* Actual year, e.g. 2001. */
-    char	 month;		/* 1 (Jan) to 12 (Dec). */
-    char	 day;
-    char	 hour;
-    char	 minute;
-    char	 second;
-    /* Whether this is STANDARD or DAYLIGHT time. */
-    char	 is_daylight;
-/* An array of icaltimezones for the builtin timezones. */
-icalarray *builtin_timezones = NULL;
-/* This is the special UTC timezone, which isn't in builtin_timezones. */
-icaltimezone utc_timezone = { 0 };
-static void  icaltimezone_reset			(icaltimezone   *zone);
-static char* icaltimezone_get_location_from_vtimezone (icalcomponent *component);
-static char* icaltimezone_get_tznames_from_vtimezone (icalcomponent *component);
-static void  icaltimezone_expand_changes	(icaltimezone	*zone,
-						 int		 end_year);
-static void  icaltimezone_expand_vtimezone	(icalcomponent	*comp,
-						 int		 end_year,
-						 icalarray	*changes);
-static int   icaltimezone_compare_change_fn	(const void	*elem1,
-						 const void	*elem2);
-static int   icaltimezone_find_nearby_change	(icaltimezone	*zone,
-						 icaltimezonechange *change);
-static void  icaltimezone_adjust_change		(icaltimezonechange *tt,
-						 int		 days,
-						 int		 hours,
-						 int		 minutes,
-						 int		 seconds);
-static void  icaltimezone_init			(icaltimezone	*zone);
-/* Gets the TZID, LOCATION/X-LIC-LOCATION, and TZNAME properties from the
-   VTIMEZONE component and places them in the icaltimezone. It returns 1 on
-   success, or 0 if the TZID can't be found. */
-static int   icaltimezone_get_vtimezone_properties (icaltimezone  *zone,
-						    icalcomponent *component);
-static void  icaltimezone_load_builtin_timezone	(icaltimezone	*zone);
-static void  icaltimezone_ensure_coverage	(icaltimezone	*zone,
-						 int		 end_year);
-static void  icaltimezone_init_builtin_timezones(void);
-static void  icaltimezone_parse_zone_tab	(void);
-static char* icaltimezone_load_get_line_fn	(char		*s,
-						 size_t		 size,
-						 void		*data);
-static void  format_utc_offset			(int		 utc_offset,
-						 char		*buffer);
-/* Creates a new icaltimezone. */
-icaltimezone_new			(void)
-    icaltimezone *zone;
-    zone = (icaltimezone*) malloc (sizeof (icaltimezone));
-    if (!zone) {
-	icalerror_set_errno (ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return;
-    }
-    icaltimezone_init (zone);
-    return zone;
-/* Frees all memory used for the icaltimezone. */
-icaltimezone_free			(icaltimezone *zone,
-					 int	       free_struct)
-    icaltimezone_reset (zone);
-    if (free_struct)
-	free (zone);
-/* Resets the icaltimezone to the initial state, freeing most of the fields. */
-static void
-icaltimezone_reset			(icaltimezone *zone)
-    if (zone->tzid)
-	free (zone->tzid);
-    if (zone->location)
-	free (zone->location);
-    if (zone->tznames)
-	free (zone->tznames);
-    if (zone->component)
-	icalcomponent_free (zone->component);
-    if (zone->changes)
-	icalarray_free (zone->changes);
-    icaltimezone_init (zone);
-/* Initializes an icaltimezone. */
-static void
-icaltimezone_init			(icaltimezone	*zone)
-    zone->tzid = NULL;
-    zone->location = NULL;
-    zone->tznames = NULL;
-    zone->latitude = 0.0;
-    zone->longitude = 0.0;
-    zone->component = NULL;
-    zone->builtin_timezone = NULL;
-    zone->end_year = 0;
-    zone->changes = NULL;
-/* Gets the TZID, LOCATION/X-LIC-LOCATION and TZNAME properties of the
-   VTIMEZONE component and stores them in the icaltimezone.
-   It returns 1 on success, or 0 if the TZID can't be found.
-   Note that it expects the zone to be initialized or reset - it doesn't free
-   any old values. */
-static int
-icaltimezone_get_vtimezone_properties	(icaltimezone	*zone,
-					 icalcomponent	*component)
-    icalproperty *prop;
-    const char *tzid, *location;
-    prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property (component, ICAL_TZID_PROPERTY);
-    if (!prop)
-	return 0;
-    /* A VTIMEZONE MUST have a TZID, or a lot of our code won't work. */
-    tzid = icalproperty_get_tzid (prop);
-    if (!tzid)
-	return 0;
-    zone->tzid = strdup (tzid);
-    zone->component = component;
-    zone->location = icaltimezone_get_location_from_vtimezone (component);
-    zone->tznames = icaltimezone_get_tznames_from_vtimezone (component);
-    return 1;
-/* Gets the LOCATION or X-LIC-LOCATION property from a VTIMEZONE. */
-static char*
-icaltimezone_get_location_from_vtimezone (icalcomponent *component)
-    icalproperty *prop;
-    const char *location;
-    char *name;
-    int found_location = 0;
-    prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property (component,
-    if (prop) {
-	location = icalproperty_get_location (prop);
-	if (location)
-	    return strdup (location);
-    }
-    prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property (component, ICAL_X_PROPERTY);
-    while (prop) {
-	name = icalproperty_get_x_name (prop);
-	if (name && !strcmp (name, "X-LIC-LOCATION")) {
-	    location = icalproperty_get_x (prop);
-	    if (location)
-		return strdup (location);
-	}
-	prop = icalcomponent_get_next_property (component,
-    }
-    return NULL;
-/* Gets the TZNAMEs used for the last STANDARD & DAYLIGHT components in a
-   VTIMEZONE. If both STANDARD and DAYLIGHT components use the same TZNAME,
-   it returns that. If they use different TZNAMEs, it formats them like
-   "EST/EDT". The returned string should be freed by the caller. */
-static char*
-icaltimezone_get_tznames_from_vtimezone (icalcomponent *component)
-    icalcomponent *comp;
-    icalcomponent_kind type;
-    icalproperty *prop;
-    struct icaltimetype dtstart;
-    struct icaldatetimeperiodtype rdate;
-    const char *current_tzname;
-    const char *standard_tzname = NULL, *daylight_tzname = NULL;
-    struct icaltimetype standard_max_date, daylight_max_date;
-    struct icaltimetype current_max_date;
-    /* Step through the STANDARD & DAYLIGHT subcomponents. */
-    comp = icalcomponent_get_first_component (component, ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-    while (comp) {
-	type = icalcomponent_isa (comp);
-	    || type == ICAL_XDAYLIGHT_COMPONENT) {
-	    current_max_date = icaltime_null_time ();
-	    current_tzname = NULL;
-	    /* Step through the properties. We want to find the TZNAME, and
-	       the largest DTSTART or RDATE. */
-	    prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property (comp, ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
-	    while (prop) {
-		switch (icalproperty_isa (prop)) {
-		    current_tzname = icalproperty_get_tzname (prop);
-		    break;
-		    dtstart = icalproperty_get_dtstart (prop);
-		    if (icaltime_compare (dtstart, current_max_date) > 0)
-			current_max_date = dtstart;
-		    break;
-		    rdate = icalproperty_get_rdate (prop);
-		    if (icaltime_compare (rdate.time, current_max_date) > 0)
-			current_max_date = rdate.time;
-		    break;
-		default:
-		    break;
-		}
-		prop = icalcomponent_get_next_property (comp,
-	    }
-	    if (current_tzname) {
-		    if (!standard_tzname
-			|| icaltime_compare (current_max_date,
-					     standard_max_date) > 0) {
-			standard_max_date = current_max_date;
-			standard_tzname = current_tzname;
-		    }
-		} else {
-		    if (!daylight_tzname
-			|| icaltime_compare (current_max_date,
-					     daylight_max_date) > 0) {
-			daylight_max_date = current_max_date;
-			daylight_tzname = current_tzname;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-        comp = icalcomponent_get_next_component (component,
-    }
-    /* If both standard and daylight TZNAMEs were found, if they are the same
-       we return just one, else we format them like "EST/EDT". */
-    if (standard_tzname && daylight_tzname) {
-	int standard_len, daylight_len;
-	char *tznames;
-	if (!strcmp (standard_tzname, daylight_tzname))
-	    return strdup (standard_tzname);
-	standard_len = strlen (standard_tzname);
-	daylight_len = strlen (daylight_tzname);
-	tznames = malloc (standard_len + daylight_len + 2);
-	strcpy (tznames, standard_tzname);
-	tznames[standard_len] = '/';
-	strcpy (tznames + standard_len + 1, daylight_tzname);
-	return tznames;
-    } else {
-	const char *tznames;
-	/* If either of the TZNAMEs was found just return that, else NULL. */
-	tznames = standard_tzname ? standard_tzname : daylight_tzname;
-	return tznames ? strdup (tznames) : NULL;
-    }
-static void
-icaltimezone_ensure_coverage		(icaltimezone	*zone,
-					 int		 end_year)
-    /* When we expand timezone changes we always expand at least up to this
-       year, plus ICALTIMEZONE_EXTRA_COVERAGE. */
-    static int icaltimezone_minimum_expansion_year = -1;
-    int changes_end_year;
-    if (!zone->component)
-	icaltimezone_load_builtin_timezone (zone);
-    if (icaltimezone_minimum_expansion_year == -1) {
-	struct tm *tmp_tm;
-	time_t t;
-	t = time (NULL);
-	tmp_tm = localtime (&t);
-	icaltimezone_minimum_expansion_year = tmp_tm->tm_year + 1900;
-    }
-    changes_end_year = end_year;
-    if (changes_end_year < icaltimezone_minimum_expansion_year)
-	changes_end_year = icaltimezone_minimum_expansion_year;
-    changes_end_year += ICALTIMEZONE_EXTRA_COVERAGE;
-    if (changes_end_year > ICALTIMEZONE_MAX_YEAR)
-	changes_end_year = ICALTIMEZONE_MAX_YEAR;
-    if (!zone->changes || zone->end_year < end_year)
-	icaltimezone_expand_changes (zone, changes_end_year);
-static void
-icaltimezone_expand_changes		(icaltimezone	*zone,
-					 int		 end_year)
-    icalarray *changes;
-    icalcomponent *comp;
-#if 0
-    printf ("\nExpanding changes for: %s to year: %i\n", zone->tzid, end_year);
-    changes = icalarray_new (sizeof (icaltimezonechange), 32);
-    if (!changes)
-	return;
-    /* Scan the STANDARD and DAYLIGHT subcomponents. */
-    comp = icalcomponent_get_first_component (zone->component,
-					      ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-    while (comp) {
-	icaltimezone_expand_vtimezone (comp, end_year, changes);
-	comp = icalcomponent_get_next_component (zone->component,
-    }
-    /* Sort the changes. We may have duplicates but I don't think it will
-       matter. */
-    icalarray_sort (changes, icaltimezone_compare_change_fn);
-    if (zone->changes)
-	icalarray_free (zone->changes);
-    zone->changes = changes;
-    zone->end_year = end_year;
-static void
-icaltimezone_expand_vtimezone		(icalcomponent	*comp,
-					 int		 end_year,
-					 icalarray	*changes)
-    icaltimezonechange change;
-    icalproperty *prop;
-    struct icaltimetype dtstart, occ;
-    struct icalrecurrencetype rrule;
-    icalrecur_iterator* rrule_iterator;
-    struct icaldatetimeperiodtype rdate;
-    int found_dtstart = 0, found_tzoffsetto = 0, found_tzoffsetfrom = 0;
-    int has_recurrence = 0;
-    /* First we check if it is a STANDARD or DAYLIGHT component, and
-       just return if it isn't. */
-    if (icalcomponent_isa (comp) == ICAL_XSTANDARD_COMPONENT)
-	change.is_daylight = 0;
-    else if (icalcomponent_isa (comp) == ICAL_XDAYLIGHT_COMPONENT)
-	change.is_daylight = 1;
-    else 
-	return;
-    /* Step through each of the properties to find the DTSTART,
-       TZOFFSETFROM and TZOFFSETTO. We can't expand recurrences here
-       since we need these properties before we can do that. */
-    prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property (comp, ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
-    while (prop) {
-	switch (icalproperty_isa (prop)) {
-	    dtstart = icalproperty_get_dtstart (prop);
-	    found_dtstart = 1;
-	    break;
-	    change.utc_offset = icalproperty_get_tzoffsetto (prop);
-	    /*printf ("Found TZOFFSETTO: %i\n", change.utc_offset);*/
-	    found_tzoffsetto = 1;
-	    break;
-	    change.prev_utc_offset = icalproperty_get_tzoffsetfrom (prop);
-	    /*printf ("Found TZOFFSETFROM: %i\n", change.prev_utc_offset);*/
-	    found_tzoffsetfrom = 1;
-	    break;
-	    has_recurrence = 1;
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    /* Just ignore any other properties. */
-	    break;
-	}
-	prop = icalcomponent_get_next_property (comp, ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
-    }
-    /* If we didn't find a DTSTART, TZOFFSETTO and TZOFFSETFROM we have to
-       ignore the component. FIXME: Add an error property? */
-    if (!found_dtstart || !found_tzoffsetto || !found_tzoffsetfrom)
-	return;
-#if 0
-    printf ("\n Expanding component DTSTART (Y/M/D): %i/%i/%i %i:%02i:%02i\n",
-	    dtstart.year, dtstart.month,,
-	    dtstart.hour, dtstart.minute, dtstart.second);
-    /* If the STANDARD/DAYLIGHT component has no recurrence data, we just add
-       a single change for the DTSTART. */
-    if (!has_recurrence) {
-	change.year   = dtstart.year;
-	change.month  = dtstart.month;
-    =;
-	change.hour   = dtstart.hour;
-	change.minute = dtstart.minute;
-	change.second = dtstart.second;
-	/* Convert to UTC. */
-	icaltimezone_adjust_change (&change, 0, 0, 0, -change.prev_utc_offset);
-#if 0
-	printf ("  Appending single DTSTART (Y/M/D): %i/%02i/%02i %i:%02i:%02i\n",
-		change.year, change.month,,
-		change.hour, change.minute, change.second);
-	/* Add the change to the array. */
-	icalarray_append (changes, &change);
-	return;
-    }
-    /* The component has recurrence data, so we expand that now. */
-    prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property (comp, ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
-    while (prop) {
-#if 0
-	printf ("Expanding property...\n");
-	switch (icalproperty_isa (prop)) {
-	    rdate = icalproperty_get_rdate (prop);
-	    change.year   = rdate.time.year;
-	    change.month  = rdate.time.month;
-    =;
-	    /* RDATEs with a DATE value inherit the time from
-	       the DTSTART. */
-	    if (rdate.time.is_date) {
-		change.hour   = dtstart.hour;
-		change.minute = dtstart.minute;
-		change.second = dtstart.second;
-	    } else {
-		change.hour   = rdate.time.hour;
-		change.minute = rdate.time.minute;
-		change.second = rdate.time.second;
-		/* The spec was a bit vague about whether RDATEs were in local
-		   time or UTC so we support both to be safe. So if it is in
-		   UTC we have to add the UTC offset to get a local time. */
-		if (!rdate.time.is_utc)
-		    icaltimezone_adjust_change (&change, 0, 0, 0,
-						-change.prev_utc_offset);
-	    }
-#if 0
-	    printf ("  Appending RDATE element (Y/M/D): %i/%02i/%02i %i:%02i:%02i\n",
-		    change.year, change.month,,
-		    change.hour, change.minute, change.second);
-	    icalarray_append (changes, &change);
-	    break;
-	    rrule = icalproperty_get_rrule (prop);
-	    /* If the rrule UNTIL value is set and is in UTC, we convert it to
-	       a local time, since the recurrence code has no way to convert
-	       it itself. */
-	    if (!icaltime_is_null_time (rrule.until) && rrule.until.is_utc) {
-#if 0
-		printf ("  Found RRULE UNTIL in UTC.\n");
-		/* To convert from UTC to a local time, we use the TZOFFSETFROM
-		   since that is the offset from UTC that will be in effect
-		   when each of the RRULE occurrences happens. */
-		icaltime_adjust (&rrule.until, 0, 0, 0,
-				 change.prev_utc_offset);
-		rrule.until.is_utc = 0;
-	    }
-	    rrule_iterator = icalrecur_iterator_new (rrule, dtstart);
-	    for (;;) {
-		occ = icalrecur_iterator_next (rrule_iterator);
-		if (occ.year > end_year || icaltime_is_null_time (occ))
-		    break;
-		change.year   = occ.year;
-		change.month  = occ.month;
-    =;
-		change.hour   = occ.hour;
-		change.minute = occ.minute;
-		change.second = occ.second;
-#if 0
-		printf ("  Appending RRULE element (Y/M/D): %i/%02i/%02i %i:%02i:%02i\n",
-			change.year, change.month,,
-			change.hour, change.minute, change.second);
-		icaltimezone_adjust_change (&change, 0, 0, 0,
-					    -change.prev_utc_offset);
-		icalarray_append (changes, &change);
-	    }
-	    icalrecur_iterator_free (rrule_iterator);
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    break;
-	}
-	prop = icalcomponent_get_next_property (comp, ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
-    }
-/* A function to compare 2 icaltimezonechange elements, used for qsort(). */
-static int
-icaltimezone_compare_change_fn		(const void	*elem1,
-					 const void	*elem2)
-    const icaltimezonechange *change1, *change2;
-    int retval;
-    change1 = elem1;
-    change2 = elem2;
-    if (change1->year < change2->year)
-	retval = -1;
-    else if (change1->year > change2->year)
-	retval = 1;
-    else if (change1->month < change2->month)
-	retval = -1;
-    else if (change1->month > change2->month)
-	retval = 1;
-    else if (change1->day < change2->day)
-	retval = -1;
-    else if (change1->day > change2->day)
-	retval = 1;
-    else if (change1->hour < change2->hour)
-	retval = -1;
-    else if (change1->hour > change2->hour)
-	retval = 1;
-    else if (change1->minute < change2->minute)
-	retval = -1;
-    else if (change1->minute > change2->minute)
-	retval = 1;
-    else if (change1->second < change2->second)
-	retval = -1;
-    else if (change1->second > change2->second)
-	retval = 1;
-    else
-	retval = 0;
-    return retval;
-icaltimezone_convert_time		(struct icaltimetype *tt,
-					 icaltimezone	*from_zone,
-					 icaltimezone	*to_zone)
-    int utc_offset, is_daylight;
-    /* If the time is a DATE value or both timezones are the same, or we are
-       converting a floating time, we don't need to do anything. */
-    if (tt->is_date || from_zone == to_zone || from_zone == NULL)
-	return;
-    /* Convert the time to UTC by getting the UTC offset and subtracting it. */
-    utc_offset = icaltimezone_get_utc_offset (from_zone, tt, NULL);
-    icaltime_adjust (tt, 0, 0, 0, -utc_offset);
-    /* Now we convert the time to the new timezone by getting the UTC offset
-       of our UTC time and adding it. */       
-    utc_offset = icaltimezone_get_utc_offset_of_utc_time (to_zone, tt,
-							  &is_daylight);
-    tt->is_daylight = is_daylight;
-    icaltime_adjust (tt, 0, 0, 0, utc_offset);
-/* Calculates the UTC offset of a given local time in the given timezone.
-   It is the number of seconds to add to UTC to get local time.
-   The is_daylight flag is set to 1 if the time is in daylight-savings time. */
-icaltimezone_get_utc_offset		(icaltimezone	*zone,
-					 struct icaltimetype	*tt,
-					 int		*is_daylight)
-    icaltimezonechange *zone_change, *prev_zone_change, tt_change, tmp_change;
-    int change_num, step, utc_offset_change, cmp;
-    int change_num_to_use;
-    char want_daylight;
-    if (is_daylight)
-	*is_daylight = 0;
-    /* For local times and UTC return 0. */
-    if (zone == NULL || zone == &utc_timezone)
-	return 0;
-    /* Use the builtin icaltimezone if possible. */
-    if (zone->builtin_timezone)
-	zone = zone->builtin_timezone;
-    /* Make sure the changes array is expanded up to the given time. */
-    icaltimezone_ensure_coverage (zone, tt->year);
-    if (!zone->changes || zone->changes->num_elements == 0)
-	return 0;
-    /* Copy the time parts of the icaltimetype to an icaltimezonechange so we
-       can use our comparison function on it. */
-    tt_change.year   = tt->year;
-    tt_change.month  = tt->month;
-    = tt->day;
-    tt_change.hour   = tt->hour;
-    tt_change.minute = tt->minute;
-    tt_change.second = tt->second;
-    /* This should find a change close to the time, either the change before
-       it or the change after it. */
-    change_num = icaltimezone_find_nearby_change (zone, &tt_change);
-    /* Sanity check. */
-    icalerror_assert (change_num >= 0,
-		      "Negative timezone change index");
-    icalerror_assert (change_num < zone->changes->num_elements,
-		      "Timezone change index out of bounds");
-    /* Now move backwards or forwards to find the timezone change that applies
-       to tt. It should only have to do 1 or 2 steps. */
-    zone_change = icalarray_element_at (zone->changes, change_num);
-    step = 1;
-    change_num_to_use = -1;
-    for (;;) {
-	/* Copy the change, so we can adjust it. */
-	tmp_change = *zone_change;
-	/* If the clock is going backward, check if it is in the region of time
-	   that is used twice. If it is, use the change with the daylight
-	   setting which matches tt, or use standard if we don't know. */
-	if (tmp_change.utc_offset < tmp_change.prev_utc_offset) {
-	    /* If the time change is at 2:00AM local time and the clock is
-	       going back to 1:00AM we adjust the change to 1:00AM. We may
-	       have the wrong change but we'll figure that out later. */
-	    icaltimezone_adjust_change (&tmp_change, 0, 0, 0,
-					tmp_change.utc_offset);
-	} else {
-	    icaltimezone_adjust_change (&tmp_change, 0, 0, 0,
-					tmp_change.prev_utc_offset);
-	}
-	cmp = icaltimezone_compare_change_fn (&tt_change, &tmp_change);
-	/* If the given time is on or after this change, then this change may
-	   apply, but we continue as a later change may be the right one.
-	   If the given time is before this change, then if we have already
-	   found a change which applies we can use that, else we need to step
-	   backwards. */
-	if (cmp >= 0)
-	    change_num_to_use = change_num;
-	else
-	    step = -1;
-	/* If we are stepping backwards through the changes and we have found
-	   a change that applies, then we know this is the change to use so
-	   we exit the loop. */
-	if (step == -1 && change_num_to_use != -1)
-	    break;
-	change_num += step;
-	/* If we go past the start of the changes array, then we have no data
-	   for this time so we return a UTC offset of 0. */
-	if (change_num < 0)
-	    return 0;
-	if (change_num >= zone->changes->num_elements)
-	    break;
-	zone_change = icalarray_element_at (zone->changes, change_num);
-    }
-    /* If we didn't find a change to use, then we have a bug! */
-    icalerror_assert (change_num_to_use != -1,
-		      "No applicable timezone change found");
-    /* Now we just need to check if the time is in the overlapped region of
-       time when clocks go back. */
-    zone_change = icalarray_element_at (zone->changes, change_num_to_use);
-    utc_offset_change = zone_change->utc_offset - zone_change->prev_utc_offset;
-    if (utc_offset_change < 0 && change_num_to_use > 0) {
-	tmp_change = *zone_change;
-	icaltimezone_adjust_change (&tmp_change, 0, 0, 0,
-				    tmp_change.prev_utc_offset);
-	if (icaltimezone_compare_change_fn (&tt_change, &tmp_change) < 0) {
-	    /* The time is in the overlapped region, so we may need to use
-	       either the current zone_change or the previous one. If the
-	       time has the is_daylight field set we use the matching change,
-	       else we use the change with standard time. */
-	    prev_zone_change = icalarray_element_at (zone->changes,
-						     change_num_to_use - 1);
-	    /* I was going to add an is_daylight flag to struct icaltimetype,
-	       but iCalendar doesn't let us distinguish between standard and
-	       daylight time anyway, so there's no point. So we just use the
-	       standard time instead. */
-	    want_daylight = (tt->is_daylight == 1) ? 1 : 0;
-#if 0
-	    if (zone_change->is_daylight == prev_zone_change->is_daylight)
-		printf (" **** Same is_daylight setting\n");
-	    if (zone_change->is_daylight != want_daylight
-		&& prev_zone_change->is_daylight == want_daylight)
-		zone_change = prev_zone_change;
-	}
-    }
-    /* Now we know exactly which timezone change applies to the time, so
-       we can return the UTC offset and whether it is a daylight time. */
-    if (is_daylight)
-	*is_daylight = zone_change->is_daylight;
-    return zone_change->utc_offset;
-/* Calculates the UTC offset of a given UTC time in the given timezone.
-   It is the number of seconds to add to UTC to get local time.
-   The is_daylight flag is set to 1 if the time is in daylight-savings time. */
-icaltimezone_get_utc_offset_of_utc_time	(icaltimezone	*zone,
-					 struct icaltimetype	*tt,
-					 int		*is_daylight)
-    icaltimezonechange *zone_change, tt_change, tmp_change;
-    int change_num, step, change_num_to_use;
-    if (is_daylight)
-	*is_daylight = 0;
-    /* For local times and UTC return 0. */
-    if (zone == NULL || zone == &utc_timezone)
-	return 0;
-    /* Use the builtin icaltimezone if possible. */
-    if (zone->builtin_timezone)
-	zone = zone->builtin_timezone;
-    /* Make sure the changes array is expanded up to the given time. */
-    icaltimezone_ensure_coverage (zone, tt->year);
-    if (!zone->changes || zone->changes->num_elements == 0)
-	return 0;
-    /* Copy the time parts of the icaltimetype to an icaltimezonechange so we
-       can use our comparison function on it. */
-    tt_change.year   = tt->year;
-    tt_change.month  = tt->month;
-    = tt->day;
-    tt_change.hour   = tt->hour;
-    tt_change.minute = tt->minute;
-    tt_change.second = tt->second;
-    /* This should find a change close to the time, either the change before
-       it or the change after it. */
-    change_num = icaltimezone_find_nearby_change (zone, &tt_change);
-    /* Sanity check. */
-    icalerror_assert (change_num >= 0,
-		      "Negative timezone change index");
-    icalerror_assert (change_num < zone->changes->num_elements,
-		      "Timezone change index out of bounds");
-    /* Now move backwards or forwards to find the timezone change that applies
-       to tt. It should only have to do 1 or 2 steps. */
-    zone_change = icalarray_element_at (zone->changes, change_num);
-    step = 1;
-    change_num_to_use = -1;
-    for (;;) {
-	/* Copy the change and adjust it to UTC. */
-	tmp_change = *zone_change;
-	/* If the given time is on or after this change, then this change may
-	   apply, but we continue as a later change may be the right one.
-	   If the given time is before this change, then if we have already
-	   found a change which applies we can use that, else we need to step
-	   backwards. */
-	if (icaltimezone_compare_change_fn (&tt_change, &tmp_change) >= 0)
-	    change_num_to_use = change_num;
-	else
-	    step = -1;
-	/* If we are stepping backwards through the changes and we have found
-	   a change that applies, then we know this is the change to use so
-	   we exit the loop. */
-	if (step == -1 && change_num_to_use != -1)
-	    break;
-	change_num += step;
-	/* If we go past the start of the changes array, then we have no data
-	   for this time so we return a UTC offset of 0. */
-	if (change_num < 0)
-	    return 0;
-	if (change_num >= zone->changes->num_elements)
-	    break;
-	zone_change = icalarray_element_at (zone->changes, change_num);
-    }
-    /* If we didn't find a change to use, then we have a bug! */
-    icalerror_assert (change_num_to_use != -1,
-		      "No applicable timezone change found");
-    /* Now we know exactly which timezone change applies to the time, so
-       we can return the UTC offset and whether it is a daylight time. */
-    zone_change = icalarray_element_at (zone->changes, change_num_to_use);
-    if (is_daylight)
-	*is_daylight = zone_change->is_daylight;
-    return zone_change->utc_offset;
-/* Returns the index of a timezone change which is close to the time given
-   in change. */
-static int
-icaltimezone_find_nearby_change		(icaltimezone		*zone,
-					 icaltimezonechange	*change)
-    icaltimezonechange *zone_change;
-    int lower, upper, middle, cmp;
-    /* Do a simple binary search. */
-    lower = middle = 0;
-    upper = zone->changes->num_elements;
-    while (lower < upper) {
-	middle = (lower + upper) >> 1;
-	zone_change = icalarray_element_at (zone->changes, middle);
-	cmp = icaltimezone_compare_change_fn (change, zone_change);
-	if (cmp == 0)
-	    break;
-	else if (cmp < 0)
-	    upper = middle;
-	else
-	    lower = middle + 1;
-    }
-    return middle;
-/* Adds (or subtracts) a time from a icaltimezonechange.
-   NOTE: This function is exactly the same as icaltime_adjust()
-   except for the type of the first parameter. */
-static void
-icaltimezone_adjust_change		(icaltimezonechange *tt,
-					 int		 days,
-					 int		 hours,
-					 int		 minutes,
-					 int		 seconds)
-    int second, minute, hour, day;
-    int minutes_overflow, hours_overflow, days_overflow;
-    int days_in_month;
-    /* Add on the seconds. */
-    second = tt->second + seconds;
-    tt->second = second % 60;
-    minutes_overflow = second / 60;
-    if (tt->second < 0) {
-	tt->second += 60;
-	minutes_overflow--;
-    }
-    /* Add on the minutes. */
-    minute = tt->minute + minutes + minutes_overflow;
-    tt->minute = minute % 60;
-    hours_overflow = minute / 60;
-    if (tt->minute < 0) {
-	tt->minute += 60;
-	hours_overflow--;
-    }
-    /* Add on the hours. */
-    hour = tt->hour + hours + hours_overflow;
-    tt->hour = hour % 24;
-    days_overflow = hour / 24;
-    if (tt->hour < 0) {
-	tt->hour += 24;
-	days_overflow--;
-    }
-    /* Add on the days. */
-    day = tt->day + days + days_overflow;
-    if (day > 0) {
-	for (;;) {
-	    days_in_month = icaltime_days_in_month (tt->month, tt->year);
-	    if (day <= days_in_month)
-		break;
-	    tt->month++;
-	    if (tt->month >= 13) {
-		tt->year++;
-		tt->month = 1;
-	    }
-	    day -= days_in_month;
-	}
-    } else {
-	while (day <= 0) {
-	    if (tt->month == 1) {
-		tt->year--;
-		tt->month = 12;
-	    } else {
-		tt->month--;
-	    }
-	    day += icaltime_days_in_month (tt->month, tt->year);
-	}
-    }
-    tt->day = day;
-icaltimezone_get_tzid			(icaltimezone	*zone)
-    /* If this is a floating time, without a timezone, return NULL. */
-    if (!zone)
-	return NULL;
-    if (!zone->component)
-	icaltimezone_load_builtin_timezone (zone);
-    return zone->tzid;
-icaltimezone_get_location		(icaltimezone	*zone)
-    /* If this is a floating time, without a timezone, return NULL. */
-    if (!zone)
-	return NULL;
-    /* Note that for builtin timezones this comes from so we don't
-       need to check the timezone is loaded here. */
-    return zone->location;
-icaltimezone_get_tznames		(icaltimezone	*zone)
-    /* If this is a floating time, without a timezone, return NULL. */
-    if (!zone)
-	return NULL;
-    if (!zone->component)
-	icaltimezone_load_builtin_timezone (zone);
-    return zone->tznames;
-/* Returns the latitude of a builtin timezone. */
-icaltimezone_get_latitude		(icaltimezone	*zone)
-    /* If this is a floating time, without a timezone, return 0. */
-    if (!zone)
-	return 0.0;
-    /* Note that for builtin timezones this comes from so we don't
-       need to check the timezone is loaded here. */
-    return zone->latitude;
-/* Returns the longitude of a builtin timezone. */
-icaltimezone_get_longitude		(icaltimezone	*zone)
-    /* If this is a floating time, without a timezone, return 0. */
-    if (!zone)
-	return 0.0;
-    /* Note that for builtin timezones this comes from so we don't
-       need to check the timezone is loaded here. */
-    return zone->longitude;
-/* Returns the VTIMEZONE component of a timezone. */
-icaltimezone_get_component		(icaltimezone	*zone)
-    /* If this is a floating time, without a timezone, return NULL. */
-    if (!zone)
-	return NULL;
-    if (!zone->component)
-	icaltimezone_load_builtin_timezone (zone);
-    return zone->component;
-/* Sets the VTIMEZONE component of an icaltimezone, initializing the tzid,
-   location & tzname fields. It returns 1 on success or 0 on failure, i.e.
-   no TZID was found. */
-icaltimezone_set_component		(icaltimezone	*zone,
-					 icalcomponent	*comp)
-    icaltimezone_reset (zone);
-    return icaltimezone_get_vtimezone_properties (zone, comp);
-icaltimezone_array_new			(void)
-    return icalarray_new (sizeof (icaltimezone), 16);
-icaltimezone_array_append_from_vtimezone (icalarray	*timezones,
-					  icalcomponent	*child)
-    icaltimezone zone;
-    icaltimezone_init (&zone);
-    if (icaltimezone_get_vtimezone_properties (&zone, child))
-	icalarray_append (timezones, &zone);
-icaltimezone_array_free			(icalarray	*timezones)
-    icaltimezone *zone;
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < timezones->num_elements; i++) {
-	zone = icalarray_element_at (timezones, i);
-	icaltimezone_free (zone, 0);
-    }
-    icalarray_free (timezones);
- */
-/* Returns an icalarray of icaltimezone structs, one for each builtin timezone.
-   This will load and parse the file to get the timezone names and
-   their coordinates. It will not load the VTIMEZONE data for any timezones. */
-icaltimezone_get_builtin_timezones	(void)
-    if (!builtin_timezones)
-	icaltimezone_init_builtin_timezones ();
-    return builtin_timezones;
-/* Returns a single builtin timezone, given its Olson city name. */
-icaltimezone_get_builtin_timezone	(const char *location)
-    icaltimezone *zone;
-    int lower, upper, middle, cmp;
-    char *zone_location;
-    if (!location || !location[0])
-	return NULL;
-    if (!strcmp (location, "UTC"))
-	return &utc_timezone;
-    if (!builtin_timezones)
-	icaltimezone_init_builtin_timezones ();
-    /* Do a simple binary search. */
-    lower = middle = 0;
-    upper = builtin_timezones->num_elements;
-    while (lower < upper) {
-	middle = (lower + upper) >> 1;
-	zone = icalarray_element_at (builtin_timezones, middle);
-	zone_location = icaltimezone_get_location (zone);
-	cmp = strcmp (location, zone_location);
-	if (cmp == 0)
-	    return zone;
-	else if (cmp < 0)
-	    upper = middle;
-	else
-	    lower = middle + 1;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-/* Returns a single builtin timezone, given its TZID. */
-icaltimezone_get_builtin_timezone_from_tzid (const char *tzid)
-    int num_slashes = 0;
-    const char *p, *zone_tzid;
-    icaltimezone *zone;
-    if (!tzid || !tzid[0])
-	return NULL;
-    /* Check that the TZID starts with our unique prefix. */
-    if (strncmp (tzid, TZID_PREFIX, TZID_PREFIX_LEN))
-	return NULL;
-    /* Get the location, which is after the 3rd '/' character. */
-    p = tzid;
-    for (p = tzid; *p; p++) {
-	if (*p == '/') {
-	    num_slashes++;
-	    if (num_slashes == 3)
-		break;
-	}
-    }
-    if (num_slashes != 3)
-	return NULL;
-    p++;
-    /* Now we can use the function to get the builtin timezone from the
-       location string. */
-    zone = icaltimezone_get_builtin_timezone (p);
-    if (!zone)
-	return NULL;
-    /* Check that the builtin TZID matches exactly. We don't want to return
-       a different version of the VTIMEZONE. */
-    zone_tzid = icaltimezone_get_tzid (zone);
-    if (!strcmp (zone_tzid, tzid))
-	return zone;
-    else
-	return NULL;
-/* Returns the special UTC timezone. */
-icaltimezone_get_utc_timezone		(void)
-    return &utc_timezone;
-/* This initializes the builtin timezone data, i.e. the builtin_timezones
-   array and the special UTC timezone. It should be called before any
-   code that uses the timezone functions. */
-static void
-icaltimezone_init_builtin_timezones	(void)
-    /* Initialize the special UTC timezone. */
-    utc_timezone.tzid = "UTC";
-    icaltimezone_parse_zone_tab ();
-/* This parses the file containing the names and locations of the
-   builtin timezones. It creates the builtin_timezones array which is an
-   icalarray of icaltimezone structs. It only fills in the location, latitude
-   and longtude fields; the rest are left blank. The VTIMEZONE component is
-   loaded later if it is needed. The timezones in the file are
-   sorted by their name, which is useful for binary searches. */
-static void
-icaltimezone_parse_zone_tab		(void)
-    char *filename;
-    FILE *fp;
-    char buf[1024];  /* Used to store each line of as it is read. */
-    char location[1024]; /* Stores the city name when parsing buf. */
-    int filename_len;
-    int latitude_degrees, latitude_minutes, latitude_seconds;
-    int longitude_degrees, longitude_minutes, longitude_seconds;
-    icaltimezone zone;
-    icalerror_assert (builtin_timezones == NULL,
-		      "Parsing file multiple times");
-    builtin_timezones = icalarray_new (sizeof (icaltimezone), 32);
-    filename_len = strlen (ZONEINFO_DIRECTORY) + strlen (ZONES_TAB_FILENAME)
-	+ 2;
-    filename = (char*) malloc (filename_len);
-    if (!filename) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return;
-    }
-    snprintf (filename, filename_len, "%s/%s", ZONEINFO_DIRECTORY,
-    fp = fopen (filename, "r");
-    free (filename);
-    if (!fp) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
-	return;
-    }
-    while (fgets (buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
-	if (*buf == '#') continue;
-	/* The format of each line is: "latitude longitude location". */
-	if (sscanf (buf, "%4d%2d%2d %4d%2d%2d %s",
-		    &latitude_degrees, &latitude_minutes,
-		    &latitude_seconds,
-		    &longitude_degrees, &longitude_minutes,
-		    &longitude_seconds,
-		    &location) != 7) {
-	    fprintf (stderr, "Invalid timezone description line: %s\n", buf);
-	    continue;
-	}
-	icaltimezone_init (&zone);
-	zone.location = strdup (location);
-	if (latitude_degrees >= 0)
-	    zone.latitude = (double) latitude_degrees
-		+ (double) latitude_minutes / 60
-		+ (double) latitude_seconds / 3600;
-	else
-	    zone.latitude = (double) latitude_degrees
-		- (double) latitude_minutes / 60
-		- (double) latitude_seconds / 3600;
-	if (longitude_degrees >= 0)
-	    zone.longitude = (double) longitude_degrees
-		+ (double) longitude_minutes / 60
-		+ (double) longitude_seconds / 3600;
-	else
-	    zone.longitude = (double) longitude_degrees
-		- (double) longitude_minutes / 60
-		- (double) longitude_seconds / 3600;
-	icalarray_append (builtin_timezones, &zone);
-#if 0
-	printf ("Found zone: %s %f %f\n",
-		location, zone.latitude, zone.longitude);
-    }
-    fclose (fp);
-/* Loads the builtin VTIMEZONE data for the given timezone. */
-static void
-icaltimezone_load_builtin_timezone	(icaltimezone	*zone)
-    char *filename;
-    int filename_len;
-    FILE *fp;
-    icalparser *parser;
-    icalcomponent *comp, *subcomp;
-    /* If the location isn't set, it isn't a builtin timezone. */
-    if (!zone->location || !zone->location[0])
-	return;
-    filename_len = strlen (ZONEINFO_DIRECTORY) + strlen (zone->location) + 6;
-    filename = (char*) malloc (filename_len);
-    if (!filename) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return;
-    }
-    snprintf (filename, filename_len, "%s/%s.ics", ZONEINFO_DIRECTORY,
-	      zone->location);
-    fp = fopen (filename, "r");
-    free (filename);
-    if (!fp) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
-	return;
-    }
-    parser = icalparser_new ();
-    icalparser_set_gen_data (parser, fp);
-    comp = icalparser_parse (parser, icaltimezone_load_get_line_fn);
-    icalparser_free (parser);
-    fclose (fp);
-    /* Find the VTIMEZONE component inside the VCALENDAR. There should be 1. */
-    subcomp = icalcomponent_get_first_component (comp,
-    if (!subcomp) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_PARSE_ERROR);
-	return;
-    }
-    icaltimezone_get_vtimezone_properties (zone, subcomp);
-/* Callback used from icalparser_parse() */
-static char *
-icaltimezone_load_get_line_fn		(char		*s,
-					 size_t		 size,
-					 void		*data)
-    return fgets (s, size, (FILE*) data);
- */
- * This outputs a list of timezone changes for the given timezone to the
- * given file, up to the maximum year given. We compare this output with the
- * output from 'vzic --dump-changes' to make sure that we are consistent.
- * (vzic is the Olson timezone database to VTIMEZONE converter.)
- * 
- * The output format is:
- *
- *	Zone-Name [tab] Date [tab] Time [tab] UTC-Offset
- *
- * The Date and Time fields specify the time change in UTC.
- *
- * The UTC Offset is for local (wall-clock) time. It is the amount of time
- * to add to UTC to get local time.
- */
-icaltimezone_dump_changes		(icaltimezone	*zone,
-					 int		 max_year,
-					 FILE		*fp)
-    static char *months[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
-			      "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
-    icaltimezonechange *zone_change;
-    int change_num;
-    char buffer[8];
-    /* Make sure the changes array is expanded up to the given time. */
-    icaltimezone_ensure_coverage (zone, max_year);
-#if 0
-    printf ("Num changes: %i\n", zone->changes->num_elements);
-    change_num = 0;
-    for (change_num = 0; change_num < zone->changes->num_elements; change_num++) {
-	zone_change = icalarray_element_at (zone->changes, change_num);
-	if (zone_change->year > max_year)
-	    break;
-	fprintf (fp, "%s\t%2i %s %04i\t%2i:%02i:%02i",
-		zone->location,
-		zone_change->day, months[zone_change->month - 1],
-		zone_change->year,
-		zone_change->hour, zone_change->minute, zone_change->second);
-	/* Wall Clock Time offset from UTC. */
-	format_utc_offset (zone_change->utc_offset, buffer);
-	fprintf (fp, "\t%s", buffer);
-	fprintf (fp, "\n");
-    }
-/* This formats a UTC offset as "+HHMM" or "+HHMMSS".
-   buffer should have space for 8 characters. */
-static void
-format_utc_offset			(int		 utc_offset,
-					 char		*buffer)
-  char *sign = "+";
-  int hours, minutes, seconds;
-  if (utc_offset < 0) {
-    utc_offset = -utc_offset;
-    sign = "-";
-  }
-  hours = utc_offset / 3600;
-  minutes = (utc_offset % 3600) / 60;
-  seconds = utc_offset % 60;
-  /* Sanity check. Standard timezone offsets shouldn't be much more than 12
-     hours, and daylight saving shouldn't change it by more than a few hours.
-     (The maximum offset is 15 hours 56 minutes at present.) */
-  if (hours < 0 || hours >= 24 || minutes < 0 || minutes >= 60
-      || seconds < 0 || seconds >= 60) {
-    fprintf (stderr, "Warning: Strange timezone offset: H:%i M:%i S:%i\n",
-	     hours, minutes, seconds);
-  }
-  if (seconds == 0)
-    sprintf (buffer, "%s%02i%02i", sign, hours, minutes);
-  else
-    sprintf (buffer, "%s%02i%02i%02i", sign, hours, minutes, seconds);
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icaltimezone.h b/libical/src/libical/icaltimezone.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e8ec70048..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icaltimezone.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- FILE: icaltimezone.h
- CREATOR: Damon Chaplin 15 March 2001
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Damon Chaplin
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-#include <stdio.h> /* For FILE* */
-#include "icaltime.h"
-#include "icalarray.h"
-#include "icalcomponent.h"
- * Creating/Destroying individual icaltimezones.
- */
-/* Creates a new icaltimezone. */
-icaltimezone *icaltimezone_new			(void);
-/* Frees all memory used for the icaltimezone. Set free_struct to free the
-   icaltimezone struct as well. */
-void icaltimezone_free				(icaltimezone *zone,
-						 int free_struct);
- * Accessing timezones.
- */
-/* Returns the array of builtin icaltimezones. */
-icalarray* icaltimezone_get_builtin_timezones	(void);
-/* Returns a single builtin timezone, given its Olson city name. */
-icaltimezone* icaltimezone_get_builtin_timezone	(const char *location);
-/* Returns a single builtin timezone, given its TZID. */
-icaltimezone* icaltimezone_get_builtin_timezone_from_tzid (const char *tzid);
-/* Returns the UTC timezone. */
-icaltimezone* icaltimezone_get_utc_timezone	(void);
-/* Returns the TZID of a timezone. */
-char*	icaltimezone_get_tzid			(icaltimezone	*zone);
-/* Returns the city name of a timezone. */
-char*	icaltimezone_get_location		(icaltimezone	*zone);
-/* Returns the TZNAME properties used in the latest STANDARD and DAYLIGHT
-   components. If they are the same it will return just one, e.g. "LMT".
-   If they are different it will format them like "EST/EDT". Note that this
-   may also return NULL. */
-char*	icaltimezone_get_tznames		(icaltimezone	*zone);
-/* Returns the latitude of a builtin timezone. */
-double	icaltimezone_get_latitude		(icaltimezone	*zone);
-/* Returns the longitude of a builtin timezone. */
-double	icaltimezone_get_longitude		(icaltimezone	*zone);
-/* Returns the VTIMEZONE component of a timezone. */
-icalcomponent*	icaltimezone_get_component	(icaltimezone	*zone);
-/* Sets the VTIMEZONE component of an icaltimezone, initializing the tzid,
-   location & tzname fields. It returns 1 on success or 0 on failure, i.e.
-   no TZID was found. */
-int	icaltimezone_set_component		(icaltimezone	*zone,
-						 icalcomponent	*comp);
- * Converting times between timezones.
- */
-void	icaltimezone_convert_time		(struct icaltimetype *tt,
-						 icaltimezone	*from_zone,
-						 icaltimezone	*to_zone);
- * Getting offsets from UTC.
- */
-/* Calculates the UTC offset of a given local time in the given timezone.
-   It is the number of seconds to add to UTC to get local time.
-   The is_daylight flag is set to 1 if the time is in daylight-savings time. */
-int	icaltimezone_get_utc_offset		(icaltimezone	*zone,
-						 struct icaltimetype *tt,
-						 int		*is_daylight);
-/* Calculates the UTC offset of a given UTC time in the given timezone.
-   It is the number of seconds to add to UTC to get local time.
-   The is_daylight flag is set to 1 if the time is in daylight-savings time. */
-int	icaltimezone_get_utc_offset_of_utc_time	(icaltimezone	*zone,
-						 struct icaltimetype *tt,
-						 int		*is_daylight);
- * Handling arrays of timezones. Mainly for internal use.
- */
-icalarray*  icaltimezone_array_new		(void);
-void	    icaltimezone_array_append_from_vtimezone (icalarray	    *timezones,
-						      icalcomponent *child);
-void	    icaltimezone_array_free		(icalarray	*timezones);
- * Debugging Output.
- */
-/* Dumps information about changes in the timezone up to and including
-   max_year. */
-int	icaltimezone_dump_changes		(icaltimezone	*zone,
-						 int		 max_year,
-						 FILE		*fp);
-#endif /* ICALTIMEZONE_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icaltypes.c b/libical/src/libical/icaltypes.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c6c388a978..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icaltypes.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icaltypes.c
-  CREATOR: eric 16 May 1999
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icaltypes.c
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "config.h"
-#include "icaltypes.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc and abs() */
-#include <errno.h> /* for errno */
-#include <string.h> /* for icalmemory_strdup */
-#include <assert.h>
-#define TEMP_MAX 1024
-icalattachtype_get_data (struct icalattachtype* type);
-struct icalattachtype*
-    struct icalattachtype* v;
-    if ( ( v = (struct icalattachtype*)
-	   malloc(sizeof(struct icalattachtype))) == 0) {
-	errno = ENOMEM;
-	return 0;
-    }
-    v->refcount = 1;
-    v->binary = 0;
-    v->owns_binary = 0;
-    v->base64 = 0;
-    v->owns_base64 = 0;
-    v->url = 0; 
-    return v;
-icalattachtype_free(struct icalattachtype* v)
-    icalerror_check_arg( (v!=0),"v");
-    v->refcount--;
-    if (v->refcount <= 0){
-	if (v->base64 != 0 && v->owns_base64 != 0){
-	    free(v->base64);
-	}
-	if (v->binary != 0 && v->owns_binary != 0){
-	    free(v->binary);
-	}
-	if (v->url != 0){
-	    free(v->url);
-	}
-	free(v);
-    }
-void  icalattachtype_add_reference(struct icalattachtype* v)
-    icalerror_check_arg( (v!=0),"v");
-    v->refcount++;
-void icalattachtype_set_url(struct icalattachtype* v, char* url)
-    icalerror_check_arg( (v!=0),"v");
-    if (v->url != 0){
-	free (v->url);
-    }
-    v->url = icalmemory_strdup(url);
-    /* HACK This routine should do something if icalmemory_strdup returns NULL */
-char* icalattachtype_get_url(struct icalattachtype* v)
-    icalerror_check_arg( (v!=0),"v");
-    return v->url;
-void icalattachtype_set_base64(struct icalattachtype* v, char* base64,
-				int owns)
-    icalerror_check_arg( (v!=0),"v");
-    v->base64 = base64;
-    v->owns_base64 = !(owns != 0 );
-char* icalattachtype_get_base64(struct icalattachtype* v)
-    icalerror_check_arg( (v!=0),"v");
-    return v->base64;
-void icalattachtype_set_binary(struct icalattachtype* v, char* binary,
-				int owns)
-    icalerror_check_arg( (v!=0),"v");
-    v->binary = binary;
-    v->owns_binary = !(owns != 0 );
-void* icalattachtype_get_binary(struct icalattachtype* v)
-    icalerror_check_arg( (v!=0),"v");
-    return v->binary;
-struct icaltriggertype icaltriggertype_from_string(const char* str)
-    struct icaltriggertype tr, null_tr;
-    int old_ieaf = icalerror_errors_are_fatal;
-    tr.time= icaltime_null_time();
-    tr.duration = icaldurationtype_from_int(0);
-    null_tr = tr;
-    if(str == 0) goto error;
-    icalerror_errors_are_fatal = 0;
-    tr.time = icaltime_from_string(str);
-    icalerror_errors_are_fatal = old_ieaf;
-    if (icaltime_is_null_time(tr.time)){
-	tr.duration = icaldurationtype_from_string(str);
-	if(icaldurationtype_as_int(tr.duration) == 0) goto error;
-    } 
-    return tr;
- error:
-    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-    return null_tr;
-struct icalreqstattype icalreqstattype_from_string(char* str)
-  char *p1,*p2;
-  struct icalreqstattype stat;
-  int major, minor;
-  icalerror_check_arg((str != 0),"str");
-  stat.code = ICAL_UNKNOWN_STATUS;
-  stat.debug = 0; 
-   stat.desc = 0;
-  /* Get the status numbers */
-  sscanf(str, "%d.%d",&major, &minor);
-  if (major <= 0 || minor < 0){
-    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-    return stat;
-  }
-  stat.code = icalenum_num_to_reqstat(major, minor);
-  if (stat.code == ICAL_UNKNOWN_STATUS){
-    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-    return stat;
-  }
-  p1 = strchr(str,';');
-  if (p1 == 0){
-/*    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);*/
-    return stat;
-  }
-  /* Just ignore the second clause; it will be taken from inside the library 
-   */
-  p2 = strchr(p1+1,';');
-  if (p2 != 0 && *p2 != 0){
-    stat.debug = p2+1;
-  } 
-  return stat;
-char* icalreqstattype_as_string(struct icalreqstattype stat)
-  char *temp;
-  temp = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(TEMP_MAX);
-  icalerror_check_arg_rz((stat.code != ICAL_UNKNOWN_STATUS),"Status");
-  if (stat.desc == 0){
-    stat.desc = icalenum_reqstat_desc(stat.code);
-  }
-  if(stat.debug != 0){
-    snprintf(temp,TEMP_MAX,"%d.%d;%s;%s", icalenum_reqstat_major(stat.code),
-             icalenum_reqstat_minor(stat.code),
-             stat.desc, stat.debug);
-  } else {
-    snprintf(temp,TEMP_MAX,"%d.%d;%s", icalenum_reqstat_major(stat.code),
-             icalenum_reqstat_minor(stat.code),
-             stat.desc);
-  }
-  return temp;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icaltypes.h b/libical/src/libical/icaltypes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 04e04c9dc3..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icaltypes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icaltypes.h
- CREATOR: eric 20 March 1999
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icaltypes.h
-#ifndef ICALTYPES_H
-#define ICALTYPES_H
-#include <time.h>
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include "icaltime.h"
-#include "icalduration.h"
-#include "icalperiod.h"
-/* This type type should probably be an opaque type... */
-struct icalattachtype
-	void* binary;
-	int owns_binary; 
-	char* base64;
-	int owns_base64;
-	char* url;
-	int refcount; 
-/* converts base64 to binary, fetches url and stores as binary, or
-   just returns data */
-struct icalattachtype* icalattachtype_new(void);
-void  icalattachtype_add_reference(struct icalattachtype* v);
-void icalattachtype_free(struct icalattachtype* v);
-void icalattachtype_set_url(struct icalattachtype* v, char* url);
-char* icalattachtype_get_url(struct icalattachtype* v);
-void icalattachtype_set_base64(struct icalattachtype* v, char* base64,
-				int owns);
-char* icalattachtype_get_base64(struct icalattachtype* v);
-void icalattachtype_set_binary(struct icalattachtype* v, char* binary,
-				int owns);
-void* icalattachtype_get_binary(struct icalattachtype* v);
-struct icalgeotype 
-	float lat;
-	float lon;
-struct icaldatetimeperiodtype 
-	struct icaltimetype time;
-	struct icalperiodtype period;
-struct icaltriggertype 
-	struct icaltimetype time; 
-	struct icaldurationtype duration;
-struct icaltriggertype icaltriggertype_from_string(const char* str);
-/* struct icalreqstattype. This struct contains two string pointers,
-but don't try to free either of them. The "desc" string is a pointer
-to a static table inside the library.  Don't try to free it. The
-"debug" string is a pointer into the string that the called passed
-into to icalreqstattype_from_string. Don't try to free it either, and
-don't use it after the original string has been freed.
-BTW, you would get that original string from
-*icalproperty_get_requeststatus() or icalvalue_get_text(), when
-operating on a the value of a request_status property. */
-struct icalreqstattype {
-	icalrequeststatus code;
-	const char* desc;
-	const char* debug;
-struct icalreqstattype icalreqstattype_from_string(char* str);
-char* icalreqstattype_as_string(struct icalreqstattype);
-struct icaltimezonephase {
-    const char* tzname;
-    int is_stdandard; /* 1 = standard tme, 0 = daylight savings time */
-    struct icaltimetype dtstart;
-    int offsetto;
-    int tzoffsetfrom;
-    const char* comment;
-    struct icaldatetimeperiodtype rdate;
-    const char* rrule;    
-struct icaltimezonetype {
-    const char* tzid;
-    struct icaltimetype last_mod;
-    const char* tzurl;
-    /* Array of phases. The end of the array is a phase with tzname == 0 */
-    struct icaltimezonephase *phases;
-void icaltimezonetype_free(struct icaltimezonetype tzt);
-#endif /* !ICALTYPES_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalvalue.c b/libical/src/libical/icalvalue.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c5c1303ea..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalvalue.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1196 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
-  FILE: icalvalue.c
-  CREATOR: eric 02 May 1999
-  $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalvalue.c
-  Contributions from:
-     Graham Davison (
-#include <config.h>
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include "icalparser.h"
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include "icalvalueimpl.h"
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc */
-#include <stdio.h> /* for sprintf */
-#include <string.h> /* For memset, others */
-#include <stddef.h> /* For offsetof() macro */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <time.h> /* for mktime */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for atoi and atof */
-#include <limits.h> /* for SHRT_MAX */         
-#if _MAC_OS_
-#include "icalmemory_strdup.h"
-#define TMP_BUF_SIZE 1024
-void print_datetime_to_string(char* str,  struct icaltimetype *data);
-void print_date_to_string(char* str,  struct icaltimetype *data);
-void print_time_to_string(char* str,  struct icaltimetype *data);
-void print_recur_to_string(char* str,  struct icaltimetype *data);
-struct icalvalue_impl*  icalvalue_new_impl(icalvalue_kind kind){
-    struct icalvalue_impl* v;
-    if ( ( v = (struct icalvalue_impl*)
-	   malloc(sizeof(struct icalvalue_impl))) == 0) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    strcpy(v->id,"val");
-    v->kind = kind;
-    v->size = 0;
-    v->parent = 0;
-    v->x_value = 0;
-    memset(&(v->data),0,sizeof(v->data));
-    return v;
-icalvalue_new (icalvalue_kind kind)
-    return (icalvalue*)icalvalue_new_impl(kind);
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_clone(icalvalue* value){
-    struct icalvalue_impl* new;
-    struct icalvalue_impl* old = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
-    new = icalvalue_new_impl(old->kind);
-    if (new == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    strcpy(new->id, old->id);
-    new->kind = old->kind;
-    new->size = old->size;
-    switch (new->kind){
-	/* The contents of the attach value may or may not be owned by the 
-	 * library. */
-	{
-	    /* HACK ugh. I don't feel like impleenting this */
-	}
-	{
-	    if (old->data.v_string != 0) { 
-		new->data.v_string=icalmemory_strdup(old->data.v_string);
-		if ( new->data.v_string == 0 ) {
-		    return 0;
-		}		    
-	    }
-	    break;
-	}
-	{
-	    if(old->data.v_recur != 0){
-		new->data.v_recur = malloc(sizeof(struct icalrecurrencetype));
-		if(new->data.v_recur == 0){
-		    return 0;
-		}
-		memcpy(	new->data.v_recur, old->data.v_recur,
-			sizeof(struct icalrecurrencetype));	
-	    }
-	    break;
-	}
-	default:
-	{
-	    /* all of the other types are stored as values, not
-               pointers, so we can just copy the whole structure. */
-	    new->data = old->data;
-	}
-    }
-    return new;
-char* icalmemory_strdup_and_dequote(const char* str)
-    const char* p;
-    char* out = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(str) +1);
-    char* pout;
-    if (out == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    pout = out;
-    for (p = str; *p!=0; p++){
-	if( *p == '\\')
-	{
-	    p++;
-	    switch(*p){
-		case 0:
-		{
-		    *pout = '\0';
-		    break;
-		}
-		case 'n':
-		{
-		    *pout = '\n';
-		    break;
-		}
-		case 'N':
-		{
-		    *pout = '\n';
-		    break;
-		}
-		case '\\':
-		case ',':
-		case ';':
-		{
-		    *pout = *p;
-		    break;
-		}
-		default:
-		{
-		    *pout = ' ';
-		}		
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    *pout = *p;
-	}
-	pout++;
-    }
-    *pout = '\0';
-    return out;
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_enum(icalvalue_kind kind, int x_type, const char* str)
-    int e = icalproperty_string_to_enum(str);
-    struct icalvalue_impl *value; 
-    if(e != 0 && icalproperty_enum_belongs_to_property(
-                   icalproperty_value_kind_to_kind(kind),e)) {
-        value = icalvalue_new_impl(kind);
-        value->data.v_enum = e;
-    } else {
-        /* Make it an X value */
-        value = icalvalue_new_impl(kind);
-        value->data.v_enum = x_type;
-        icalvalue_set_x(value,str);
-    }
-    return value;
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_from_string_with_error(icalvalue_kind kind,const char* str,icalproperty** error)
-    struct icalvalue_impl *value = 0;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(str!=0,"str");
-    if (error != 0){
-	*error = 0;
-    }
-    switch (kind){
-        {
-            /* HACK */
-            value = 0;
-	    if (error != 0){
-		char temp[TMP_BUF_SIZE];
-		sprintf(temp,"%s Values are not implemented",
-                        icalparameter_kind_to_string(kind)); 
-		*error = icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror( 
-                                   temp, 
-                                   icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype( 
-                                        ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_VALUEPARSEERROR), 
-                                   0); 
-	    }
-	    break;
-	}
-        value = icalvalue_new_enum(kind, ICAL_TRANSP_X,str);
-        break;
-        value = icalvalue_new_enum(kind, ICAL_METHOD_X,str);
-        break;
-        value = icalvalue_new_enum(kind, ICAL_STATUS_X,str);
-        break;
-        value = icalvalue_new_enum(kind, ICAL_ACTION_X,str);
-        break;
-        value = icalvalue_new_enum(kind, ICAL_CLASS_X,str);
-        break;
-	{
-	    value = icalvalue_new_integer(atoi(str));
-	    break;
-	}
-        {
-	    value = icalvalue_new_float(atof(str));
-	    break;
-	}
-	{
-	    value = icalparser_parse_value(kind,str,(icalcomponent*)0);
-	    break;
-	}
-    case ICAL_TEXT_VALUE:
-	{
-	    char* dequoted_str = icalmemory_strdup_and_dequote(str);
-	    value = icalvalue_new_text(dequoted_str);
-	    free(dequoted_str);
-	    break;
-	}
-	{
-	    value = icalvalue_new_string(str);
-	    break;
-	}
-	{
-	    value = icalvalue_new_caladdress(str);
-	    break;
-	}
-    case ICAL_URI_VALUE:
-	{
-	    value = icalvalue_new_uri(str);
-	    break;
-	}
-    case ICAL_GEO_VALUE:
-	{
-	    value = 0;
-	    /* HACK */
-	    if (error != 0){
-		char temp[TMP_BUF_SIZE];
-		sprintf(temp,"GEO Values are not implemented"); 
-		*error = icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror( 
-		    temp, 
-		    icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype( 
-		    0); 
-	    }
-	    /*icalerror_warn("Parsing GEO properties is unimplmeneted");*/
-	    break;
-	}
-	{
-	    struct icalrecurrencetype rt;
-	    rt = icalrecurrencetype_from_string(str);
-	    value = icalvalue_new_recur(rt);
-	    break;
-	}
-	{
-	    struct icaltimetype tt;
-	    tt = icaltime_from_string(str);
-            if(!icaltime_is_null_time(tt)){
-                value = icalvalue_new_impl(kind);
-                value->data.v_time = tt;
-            }
-	    break;
-	}
-	{
-	    struct icaltimetype tt;
-            struct icalperiodtype p;
-            tt = icaltime_from_string(str);
-            p = icalperiodtype_from_string(str);
-            if(!icaltime_is_null_time(tt)){
-                value = icalvalue_new_datetime(tt);
-            } else if (!icalperiodtype_is_null_period(p)){
-                value = icalvalue_new_period(p);
-            }            
-            break;
-	}
-        case ICAL_DURATION_VALUE:
-	{
-            struct icaldurationtype dur = icaldurationtype_from_string(str);
-            if(icaldurationtype_is_null_duration(dur)){
-                value = 0;
-            } else {
-                value = icalvalue_new_duration(dur);
-            }
-	    break;
-	}
-         case ICAL_PERIOD_VALUE:
-	{
-          struct icalperiodtype p;
-          p = icalperiodtype_from_string(str);  
-          if(!icalperiodtype_is_null_period(p)){
-              value = icalvalue_new_period(p);
-          }
-          break; 
-	}
-        case ICAL_TRIGGER_VALUE:
-	{
-	    struct icaltriggertype tr = icaltriggertype_from_string(str);
-	    value = icalvalue_new_trigger(tr);
-	    break;
-	}
-	default:
-	{
-	    if (error != 0 ){
-		char temp[TMP_BUF_SIZE];
-                snprintf(temp,TMP_BUF_SIZE,"Unknown type for \'%s\'",str);
-		*error = icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror( 
-		    temp, 
-		    icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype( 
-		    0); 
-	    }
-	    icalerror_warn("icalvalue_new_from_string got an unknown value type");
-            value=0;
-	}
-    }
-    if (error != 0 && *error == 0 && value == 0){
-	char temp[TMP_BUF_SIZE];
-        snprintf(temp,TMP_BUF_SIZE,"Failed to parse value: \'%s\'",str);
-	*error = icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror( 
-	    temp, 
-	    icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype( 
-	    0); 
-    }
-    return value;
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_from_string(icalvalue_kind kind,const char* str)
-    return icalvalue_new_from_string_with_error(kind,str,(icalproperty*)0);
-icalvalue_free (icalvalue* value)
-    struct icalvalue_impl* v = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv((value != 0),"value");
-    icalerror_assert( (v->parent ==0),"This value is still attached to a property");
-    if(v->parent !=0){
-	return;
-    }
-    if(v->x_value != 0){
-        free(v->x_value);
-    }
-    switch (v->kind){
-	    /* HACK ugh. This will be tough to implement */
-	}
-	{
-	    if (v->data.v_string != 0) { 
-		free((void*)v->data.v_string);
-		v->data.v_string = 0;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	}
-	{
-	    if(v->data.v_recur != 0){
-		free((void*)v->data.v_recur);
-		v->data.v_recur = 0;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	}
-	default:
-	{
-	    /* Nothing to do */
-	}
-    }
-    v->kind = ICAL_NO_VALUE;
-    v->size = 0;
-    v->parent = 0;
-    memset(&(v->data),0,sizeof(v->data));
-    v->id[0] = 'X';
-    free(v);
-icalvalue_is_valid (icalvalue* value)
-    /*struct icalvalue_impl* v = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;*/
-    if(value == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return 1;
-char* icalvalue_binary_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
-    const char* data;
-    char* str;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
-    data = icalvalue_get_binary(value);
-    str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(60);
-    sprintf(str,"icalvalue_binary_as_ical_string is not implemented yet");
-    return str;
-#define MAX_INT_DIGITS 12 /* Enough for 2^32 + sign*/ 
-char* icalvalue_int_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
-    int data;
-    char* str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(MAX_INT_DIGITS); 
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
-    data = icalvalue_get_integer(value);
-    snprintf(str,MAX_INT_DIGITS,"%d",data);
-    return str;
-char* icalvalue_utcoffset_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value)
-    int data,h,m,s;
-    char sign;
-    char* str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(9);
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
-    data = icalvalue_get_utcoffset(value);
-    if (abs(data) == data){
-	sign = '+';
-    } else {
-	sign = '-';
-    }
-    h = data/3600;
-    m = (data - (h*3600))/ 60;
-    s = (data - (h*3600) - (m*60));
-    sprintf(str,"%c%02d%02d%02d",sign,abs(h),abs(m),abs(s));
-    return str;
-char* icalvalue_string_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
-    const char* data;
-    char* str = 0;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
-    data = ((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_string;
-    str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(strlen(data)+1);   
-    strcpy(str,data);
-    return str;
-char* icalvalue_recur_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) 
-    struct icalvalue_impl *impl = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
-    struct icalrecurrencetype *recur = impl->data.v_recur;
-    return icalrecurrencetype_as_string(recur);
-char* icalvalue_text_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
-    char *str;
-    char *str_p;
-    char *rtrn;
-    const char *p;
-    size_t buf_sz;
-    int line_length;
-    line_length = 0;
-    buf_sz = strlen(((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_string)+1;
-    str_p = str = (char*)icalmemory_new_buffer(buf_sz);
-    if (str_p == 0){
-      return 0;
-    }
-    for(p=((struct icalvalue_impl*)value)->data.v_string; *p!=0; p++){
-	switch(*p){
-	    case '\n': {
-		icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,"\\n");
-		line_length+=3;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case '\t': {
-		icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,"\\t");
-		line_length+=3;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case '\r': {
-		icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,"\\r");
-		line_length+=3;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case '\b': {
-		icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,"\\b");
-		line_length+=3;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case '\f': {
-		icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,"\\f");
-		line_length+=3;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case ';':
-	    case ',':{
-		icalmemory_append_char(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,'\\');
-		icalmemory_append_char(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,*p);
-		line_length+=3;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case '"':{
-		icalmemory_append_char(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,'\\');
-		icalmemory_append_char(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,*p);
-		line_length+=3;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    default: {
-		icalmemory_append_char(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,*p);
-		line_length++;
-	    }
-	}
-	if (line_length > 65 && *p == ' '){
-	    icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,"\n ");
-	    line_length=0;
-	}
-	if (line_length > 75){
-	    icalmemory_append_string(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,"\n ");
-	    line_length=0;
-	}
-    }
-    /* Assume the last character is not a '\0' and add one. We could
-       check *str_p != 0, but that would be an uninitialized memory
-       read. */
-    icalmemory_append_char(&str,&str_p,&buf_sz,'\0');
-    rtrn = icalmemory_tmp_copy(str);
-    icalmemory_free_buffer(str);
-    return rtrn;
-char* icalvalue_attach_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
-    struct icalattachtype a;
-    char * str;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
-    a = icalvalue_get_attach(value);
-    if (a.binary != 0) {
-	return  icalvalue_binary_as_ical_string(value);
-    } else if (a.base64 != 0) {
-	str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(strlen(a.base64)+1);
-	strcpy(str,a.base64);
-	return str;
-    } else if (a.url != 0){
-	return icalvalue_string_as_ical_string(value);
-    } else {
-	return 0;
-    }
-char* icalvalue_duration_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
-    struct icaldurationtype data;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
-    data = icalvalue_get_duration(value);
-    return icaldurationtype_as_ical_string(data);
-void print_time_to_string(char* str,  struct icaltimetype *data)
-    char temp[20];
-    if (data->is_utc == 1){
-	sprintf(temp,"%02d%02d%02dZ",data->hour,data->minute,data->second);
-    } else {
-	sprintf(temp,"%02d%02d%02d",data->hour,data->minute,data->second);
-    }   
-    strcat(str,temp);
-char* icalvalue_time_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
-    struct icaltimetype data;
-    char* str;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
-    data = icalvalue_get_time(value);
-    str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(8);
-    str[0] = 0;
-    print_time_to_string(str,&data);
-    return str;
-void print_date_to_string(char* str,  struct icaltimetype *data)
-    char temp[20];
-    sprintf(temp,"%04d%02d%02d",data->year,data->month,data->day);
-    strcat(str,temp);
-char* icalvalue_date_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
-    struct icaltimetype data;
-    char* str;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
-    data = icalvalue_get_date(value);
-    str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(9);
-    str[0] = 0;
-    print_date_to_string(str,&data);
-    return str;
-void print_datetime_to_string(char* str,  struct icaltimetype *data)
-    print_date_to_string(str,data);
-    strcat(str,"T");
-    print_time_to_string(str,data);
-const char* icalvalue_datetime_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
-    struct icaltimetype data;
-    char* str;
-    icalvalue_kind kind = icalvalue_isa(value);    
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
-    if( !(kind == ICAL_DATETIMEDATE_VALUE ||
-	  kind == ICAL_DATE_VALUE ||
-	  kind == ICAL_DATETIME_VALUE ||
-	  kind == ICAL_TIME_VALUE))
-	{
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-	    return 0;
-	}
-    data = icalvalue_get_datetime(value);
-    str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(20);
-    str[0] = 0;
-    print_datetime_to_string(str,&data);
-    return str;
-const char* icalvalue_datetimedate_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
-    struct icaltimetype data;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
-    data = icalvalue_get_datetime(value);
-    if (data.is_date == 1){
-	return icalvalue_date_as_ical_string(value);
-    } else {
-	return icalvalue_datetime_as_ical_string(value);
-    }
-char* icalvalue_float_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
-    float data;
-    char* str;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
-    data = icalvalue_get_float(value);
-    str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(15);
-    sprintf(str,"%f",data);
-    return str;
-char* icalvalue_geo_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
-    struct icalgeotype data;
-    char* str;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
-    data = icalvalue_get_geo(value);
-    str = (char*)icalmemory_tmp_buffer(25);
-    sprintf(str,"%f;%f",,data.lon);
-    return str;
-const char* icalvalue_datetimeperiod_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
-    struct icaldatetimeperiodtype dtp = icalvalue_get_datetimeperiod(value);
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
-    if(!icaltime_is_null_time(dtp.time)){
-	return icaltime_as_ical_string(dtp.time);
-    } else {
-	return icalperiodtype_as_ical_string(dtp.period);
-    }
-const char* icalvalue_period_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
-    struct icalperiodtype data;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
-    data = icalvalue_get_period(value);
-    return icalperiodtype_as_ical_string(data);
-char* icalvalue_trigger_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value) {
-    struct icaltriggertype data;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0),"value");
-    data = icalvalue_get_trigger(value);
-    if(!icaltime_is_null_time(data.time)){
-	return icaltime_as_ical_string(data.time);
-    } else {
-	return icaldurationtype_as_ical_string(data.duration);
-    }   
-const char*
-icalvalue_as_ical_string (icalvalue* value)
-    struct icalvalue_impl* v = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
-    v=v;
-    if(value == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    switch (v->kind){
-        return icalvalue_attach_as_ical_string(value);
-        return icalvalue_binary_as_ical_string(value);
-        return icalvalue_int_as_ical_string(value);                  
-        return icalvalue_utcoffset_as_ical_string(value);                  
-    case ICAL_TEXT_VALUE:
-        return icalvalue_text_as_ical_string(value);
-    case ICAL_URI_VALUE:
-        return icalvalue_string_as_ical_string(value);
-    case ICAL_DATE_VALUE:
-        return icalvalue_date_as_ical_string(value);
-        return icalvalue_datetime_as_ical_string(value);
-        return icalvalue_datetimedate_as_ical_string(value);
-        return icalvalue_duration_as_ical_string(value);
-    case ICAL_TIME_VALUE:
-        return icalvalue_time_as_ical_string(value);
-        return icalvalue_period_as_ical_string(value);
-        return icalvalue_datetimeperiod_as_ical_string(value);
-        return icalvalue_float_as_ical_string(value);
-    case ICAL_GEO_VALUE:
-        return icalvalue_geo_as_ical_string(value);
-        return icalvalue_recur_as_ical_string(value);
-        return icalvalue_trigger_as_ical_string(value);
-        if(v->x_value !=0){
-            return icalmemory_tmp_copy(v->x_value);
-        }
-        return icalproperty_enum_to_string(v->data.v_enum);
-    case ICAL_X_VALUE: 
-        return icalmemory_tmp_copy(v->x_value);
-    case ICAL_NO_VALUE:
-    default:
-	{
-	    return 0;
-	}
-    }
-icalvalue_isa (icalvalue* value)
-    struct icalvalue_impl* v = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
-    if(value == 0){
-	return ICAL_NO_VALUE;
-    }
-    return v->kind;
-icalvalue_isa_value (void* value)
-    struct icalvalue_impl *impl = (struct icalvalue_impl *)value;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (value!=0), "value");
-    if (strcmp(impl->id,"val") == 0) {
-	return 1;
-    } else {
-	return 0;
-    }
-int icalvalue_is_time(icalvalue* a) {
-    icalvalue_kind kind = icalvalue_isa(a);
-    if(kind == ICAL_DATETIMEDATE_VALUE ||
-       kind == ICAL_DATETIME_VALUE ||
-       kind == ICAL_DATE_VALUE ||
-       kind == ICAL_TIME_VALUE ){
-	return 1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-icalvalue_compare(icalvalue* a, icalvalue *b)
-    struct icalvalue_impl *impla = (struct icalvalue_impl *)a;
-    struct icalvalue_impl *implb = (struct icalvalue_impl *)b;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (a!=0), "a");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (b!=0), "b");
-    /* Not the same type; they can only be unequal */
-    if( ! (icalvalue_is_time(a) && icalvalue_is_time(b)) &&
-	icalvalue_isa(a) != icalvalue_isa(b)){
-    }
-    switch (icalvalue_isa(a)){
-	{
-	    if (icalvalue_get_boolean(a) == icalvalue_get_boolean(b)){
-	    } else {
-	    }
-	}
-	{
-	    if (impla->data.v_float > implb->data.v_float){
-	    } else if (impla->data.v_float < implb->data.v_float){
-	    } else {
-	    }
-	}
-	{
-	    if (impla->data.v_int > implb->data.v_int){
-	    } else if (impla->data.v_int < implb->data.v_int){
-	    } else {
-	    }
-	}
-	{
-	    int a = icaldurationtype_as_int(impla->data.v_duration);
-	    int b = icaldurationtype_as_int(implb->data.v_duration);
-	    if (a > b){
-	    } else if (a < b){
-	    } else {
-	    }
-	}	    
-	{
-	    int r;
-	    r =  strcmp(icalvalue_as_ical_string(a),
-			  icalvalue_as_ical_string(b));
-	    if (r > 0) { 	
-	    } else if (r < 0){
-	    } else {
-	    }
-	}
-	{
-	    if (icalvalue_get_method(a) == icalvalue_get_method(b)){
-	    } else {
-	    }
-	}
-	{
-	    if (icalvalue_get_status(a) == icalvalue_get_status(b)){
-	    } else {
-	    }
-	}
-	default:
-	{
-	    icalerror_warn("Comparison not implemented for value type");
-	}
-    }   
-void icalvalue_set_parent(icalvalue* value,
-			     icalproperty* property)
-    struct icalvalue_impl* v = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
-    v->parent = property;
-icalproperty* icalvalue_get_parent(icalvalue* value)
-    struct icalvalue_impl* v = (struct icalvalue_impl*)value;
-    return v->parent;
-/* The remaining interfaces are 'new', 'set' and 'get' for each of the value
-   types */
-/* Everything below this line is machine generated. Do not edit. */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalvalue.h b/libical/src/libical/icalvalue.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6983c23275..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalvalue.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
-  FILE: icalvalue.h
-  CREATOR: eric 20 March 1999
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalvalue.h
-  ======================================================================*/
-#ifndef ICALVALUE_H
-#define ICALVALUE_H
-#include <time.h>
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include "icaltypes.h"
-#include "icalrecur.h"
-#include "icalduration.h"
-#include "icalperiod.h"
-#include "icalderivedproperty.h" /* For icalproperty_method, etc. */
-#include "icalderivedparameter.h"
-#include "icalderivedvalue.h"
-/* Defined in icalderivedvalue.h */
-/*typedef void icalvalue;*/
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new(icalvalue_kind kind);
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_clone(icalvalue* value);
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_from_string(icalvalue_kind kind, const char* str);
-void icalvalue_free(icalvalue* value);
-int icalvalue_is_valid(icalvalue* value);
-const char* icalvalue_as_ical_string(icalvalue* value);
-icalvalue_kind icalvalue_isa(icalvalue* value);
-int icalvalue_isa_value(void*);
-icalparameter_xliccomparetype icalvalue_compare(icalvalue* a, icalvalue *b);
-/* Special, non autogenerated value accessors */
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_recur (struct icalrecurrencetype v);
-void icalvalue_set_recur(icalvalue* value, struct icalrecurrencetype v);
-struct icalrecurrencetype icalvalue_get_recur(icalvalue* value);
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_trigger (struct icaltriggertype v);
-void icalvalue_set_trigger(icalvalue* value, struct icaltriggertype v);
-struct icaltriggertype icalvalue_get_trigger(icalvalue* value);
-icalvalue* icalvalue_new_datetimeperiod (struct icaldatetimeperiodtype v);
-void icalvalue_set_datetimeperiod(icalvalue* value, 
-				  struct icaldatetimeperiodtype v);
-struct icaldatetimeperiodtype icalvalue_get_datetimeperiod(icalvalue* value);
-/* Convert enumerations */
-icalvalue_kind icalvalue_string_to_kind(const char* str);
-const char* icalvalue_kind_to_string(icalvalue_kind kind);
-#endif /*ICALVALUE_H*/
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalvalueimpl.h b/libical/src/libical/icalvalueimpl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b103c9cb3f..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalvalueimpl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
-  FILE: icalvalue.c
-  CREATOR: eric 02 May 1999
-  $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalvalue.c
-  Contributions from:
-     Graham Davison (
-#include <config.h>
-#include "icalenums.h"
-struct icalvalue_impl {
-    icalvalue_kind kind; /*this is the kind that is visible from the outside*/
-    char id[5];
-    int size;
-    icalproperty* parent;
-    const char* x_value;
-    union data {
-	struct icalattachtype v_attach;		
-	/* void *v_binary; */ /* use v_attach */
-	const char *v_string;
-	/*char *v_text;*/
-	/*char *v_caladdress;*/
-	/*char *v_uri;*/
-	float v_float;
-	int v_int;
-	/*int v_boolean;*/
-	/*int v_integer;*/
-	struct icaldurationtype v_duration;
-	/*int v_utcoffset;*/
-	struct icalperiodtype v_period;
-	/*struct icalperiodtype v_datetimeperiod;*/
-	struct icalgeotype v_geo;
-	/*time_t v_time;*/
-	struct icaltimetype v_time;
-	/*struct icaltimetype v_date;*/
-	/*struct icaltimetype v_datetime;*/
-	/*struct icaltimetype v_datetimedate;*/
-	/* struct icalrecurrencetype was once included
-	   directly ( not referenced ) in this union, but it
-	   contributes 2000 bytes to every value, so now it is
-	   a reference*/
-	struct icalrecurrencetype *v_recur;
-	struct icaltriggertype v_trigger;
-        int v_enum;
-        /* v_enum takes care of several enumerated types including: 
-	icalproperty_method v_method;
-	icalproperty_status v_status;
-        icalproperty_action v_action;
-        icalproperty_class v_class;
-	icalproperty_transp v_transp;
-        */
-    } data;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/ b/libical/src/libical/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d213693e5..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/icalyacc.y b/libical/src/libical/icalyacc.y
deleted file mode 100644
index c78299fa2a..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/icalyacc.y
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icalitip.y
-  CREATOR: eric 10 June 1999
-  $Id: icalyacc.y,v 1.12 2001/06/14 02:50:46 damon Exp $
-  $Locker:  $
-  (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom 
-  The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-  Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-  compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-  basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-  the License for the specific language governing rights and
-  limitations under the License.
-  The original author is Eric Busboom
-  The original code is icalitip.y
-  =======================================================================*/
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h> /* for strdup() */
-#include "icalparser.h"
-#include "pvl.h"
-icalvalue *icalparser_yy_value; /* Current Value */
-void ical_yyerror(char* s);
-void icalparser_clear_flex_input();  
-int ical_yy_lex(void);
-/* Globals for UTCOFFSET values */
-int utc; 
-int utc_b; 
-int utcsign;
-/* Globals for DURATION values */
-struct icaldurationtype duration;
-/* Globals for TRIGGER values */
-struct icaltriggertype trigger;
-void copy_list(short* array, size_t size);
-void add_prop(icalproperty_kind);
-void icalparser_fill_date(struct tm* t, char* dstr);
-void icalparser_fill_time(struct tm* t, char* tstr);
-void set_value_type(icalvalue_kind kind);
-void set_parser_value_state();
-struct icaltimetype fill_datetime(char* d, char* t);
-void ical_yy_error(char *s); /* Don't know why I need this.... */
-int yylex(void); /* Or this. */
-/* Set the state of the lexer so it will interpret values ( iCAL
-   VALUEs, that is, ) correctly. */
-%union {
-	float v_float;
-	int   v_int;
-	char* v_string;
-  /* Renaming hack */
-#define    yymaxdepth ical_yy_maxdepth
-#define    yyparse ical_yy_parse
-#define    yyerror ical_yy_error
-#define    yylval  ical_yy_lval
-#define    yychar  ical_yy_char
-#define    yydebug ical_yy_debug
-#define    yypact  ical_yy_pact
-#define    yyr1    ical_yy_r1
-#define    yyr2    ical_yy_r2
-#define    yydef   ical_yy_def
-#define    yychk   ical_yy_chk
-#define    yypgo   ical_yy_pgo
-#define    yyact   ical_yy_act
-#define    yyexca  ical_yy_exca
-#define yyerrflag ical_yy_errflag
-#define yynerrs    ical_yy_nerrs
-#define    yyps    ical_yy_ps
-#define    yypv    ical_yy_pv
-#define    yys     ical_yy_s
-#define    yy_yys  ical_yy_yys
-#define    yystate ical_yy_state
-#define    yytmp   ical_yy_tmp
-#define    yyv     ical_yy_v
-#define    yy_yyv  ical_yy_yyv
-#define    yyval   ical_yy_val
-#define    yylloc  ical_yy_lloc
-#define yyreds     ical_yy_reds
-#define yytoks     ical_yy_toks
-#define yylhs      ical_yy_yylhs
-#define yylen      ical_yy_yylen
-#define yydefred ical_yy_yydefred
-#define yydgoto    ical_yy_yydgoto
-#define yydefred ical_yy_yydefred
-#define yydgoto    ical_yy_yydgoto
-#define yysindex ical_yy_yysindex
-#define yyrindex ical_yy_yyrindex
-#define yygindex ical_yy_yygindex
-#define yytable     ical_yy_yytable
-#define yycheck     ical_yy_yycheck
-#define yyname   ical_yy_yyname
-#define yyrule   ical_yy_yyrule
-#define yy_scan_bytes ical_yy_scan_bytes
-#define yy_scan_string ical_yy_scan_string
-#define yy_scan_buffer ical_yy_scan_buffer
-/* These are redefined with the -P option to flex */
-#define yy_create_buffer  ical_yy_create_buffer 
-#define yy_delete_buffer ical_yy_delete_buffer
-#define yy_flex_debug ical_yy_flex_debug
-#define yy_init_buffer ical_yy_init_buffer
-#define yy_flush_buffer ical_yy_flush_buffer
-#define yy_load_buffer_state ical_yy_load_buffer_state
-#define yy_switch_to_buffer ical_yy_switch_to_buffer
-#define yyin ical_yyin
-#define yyleng ical_yyleng
-#define yylex ical_yylex
-#define yylineno ical_yylineno
-#define yyout ical_yyout
-#define yyrestart ical_yyrestart
-#define yytext ical_yytext
-#define yywrap ical_yywrap             
-%token <v_string> DIGITS
-%token <v_int> INTNUMBER
-%token <v_float> FLOATNUMBER
-%token <v_string> STRING   
-%token TRUE FALSE
-	date_value
-	| datetime_value
-	| duration_value
-	| period_value
-        | utcoffset_value
-        | error { 
-                  icalparser_yy_value = 0;
-		  icalparser_clear_flex_input();
-                  yyclearin;
-                  }
-date_value: DIGITS
-        {
-	    struct icaltimetype stm;
-	    stm = fill_datetime($1,0);
-	    stm.hour = -1;
-	    stm.minute = -1;
-	    stm.second = -1;
-	    stm.is_utc = 0;
-	    stm.is_date = 1;
-	    icalparser_yy_value = icalvalue_new_date(stm);
-	}
-	/*empty*/  {utc = 0;}
-	| UTC_CHAR {utc = 1;}
-/* This is used in the period_value, where there may be two utc characters per rule. */
-	/*empty*/  {utc_b = 0;}
-	| UTC_CHAR {utc_b = 1;}
-        {
-	    struct  icaltimetype stm;
-	    stm = fill_datetime($1, $3);
-	    stm.is_utc = utc;
-	    stm.is_date = 0;
-	    icalparser_yy_value = 
-		icalvalue_new_datetime(stm);
-	}
-/* Duration */
-dur_date: dur_day
-	| dur_day dur_time
-dur_week: DIGITS 'W'
-	{
-	    duration.weeks = atoi($1);
-	}
-dur_time: TIME_CHAR dur_hour 
-	{
-	}
-	| TIME_CHAR dur_minute
-	{
-	}
-	| TIME_CHAR dur_second
-	{
-	}
-dur_hour: DIGITS 'H'
-	{
-	    duration.hours = atoi($1);
-	}
-	| DIGITS 'H' dur_minute
-	{
-	    duration.hours = atoi($1);
-	}
-dur_minute: DIGITS 'M'
-	{
-	    duration.minutes = atoi($1);
-	}
-	| DIGITS 'M' dur_second
-	{
-	    duration.minutes = atoi($1);
-	}
-dur_second: DIGITS 'S'
-	{
-	    duration.seconds = atoi($1);
-	}
-dur_day: DIGITS 'D'
-	{
-	    duration.days = atoi($1);
-	}
-dur_prefix: /* empty */
-	{
-	    duration.is_neg = 0;
-	} 
-	| '+'
-	{
-	    duration.is_neg = 0;
-	}
-	| '-'
-	{ 
-	    duration.is_neg = 1;
-	}
-duration_value: dur_prefix 'P' dur_date
-	{ 
-	    icalparser_yy_value = icalvalue_new_duration(duration); 
-	    memset(&duration,0, sizeof(duration));
-	}
-	| dur_prefix 'P' dur_time
-	{ 
-	    icalparser_yy_value = icalvalue_new_duration(duration); 
-	    memset(&duration,0, sizeof(duration));
-	}
-	| dur_prefix 'P' dur_week
-	{ 
-	    icalparser_yy_value = icalvalue_new_duration(duration); 
-	    memset(&duration,0, sizeof(duration));
-	}
-/* Period */
-period_value:  DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char '/'  DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char_b
-	{
-            struct icalperiodtype p;
-	    p.start = fill_datetime($1,$3);
-	    p.start.is_utc = utc;
-	    p.start.is_date = 0;
-	    p.end = fill_datetime($6,$8);
-	    p.end.is_utc = utc_b;
-	    p.end.is_date = 0;
-	    p.duration.days = -1;
-	    p.duration.weeks = -1;
-	    p.duration.hours = -1;
-	    p.duration.minutes = -1;
-	    p.duration.seconds = -1;
-	    icalparser_yy_value = icalvalue_new_period(p);
-	}
-	| DIGITS TIME_CHAR DIGITS utc_char '/'  duration_value
-	{
-            struct icalperiodtype p;
-	    p.start = fill_datetime($1,$3);
-	    p.start.is_utc = utc;
-	    p.start.is_date = 0;
-	    p.end.year = -1;
-	    p.end.month = -1;
- = -1;
-	    p.end.hour = -1;
-	    p.end.minute = -1;
-	    p.end.second = -1;
-	    /* The duration_value rule setes the global 'duration'
-               variable, but it also creates a new value in
-               icalparser_yy_value. So, free that, then copy
-               'duration' into the icalperiodtype struct. */
-	    p.duration = icalvalue_get_duration(icalparser_yy_value);
-	    icalvalue_free(icalparser_yy_value);
-	    icalparser_yy_value = 0;
-	    icalparser_yy_value = icalvalue_new_period(p);
-	}
-/* UTC Offset */
-plusminus: '+' { utcsign = 1; }
-	| '-' { utcsign = -1; }
-	{
-	    icalparser_yy_value = icalvalue_new_utcoffset( utcsign * (($2*3600) + ($3*60)) );
-  	}
-	{
-	    icalparser_yy_value = icalvalue_new_utcoffset(utcsign * (($2*3600) + ($3*60) +($4)));
-  	}
-struct icaltimetype fill_datetime(char* datestr, char* timestr)
-	    struct icaltimetype stm;
-	    memset(&stm,0,sizeof(stm));
-	    if (datestr != 0){
-		sscanf(datestr,"%4d%2d%2d",&(stm.year), &(stm.month), 
-		       &(;
-	    }
-	    if (timestr != 0){
-		sscanf(timestr,"%2d%2d%2d", &(stm.hour), &(stm.minute), 
-		       &(stm.second));
-	    }
-	    return stm;
-void ical_yyerror(char* s)
-    /*fprintf(stderr,"Parse error \'%s\'\n", s);*/
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/pvl.c b/libical/src/libical/pvl.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a733e8aa9..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/pvl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,761 +0,0 @@
- FILE: pvl.c
- CREATOR: eric November, 1995
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
-#include "config.h"
-#include "pvl.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-  struct pvl_list_t
-  The list structure. This is the hanlde for the entire list 
-  This type is also private. Use pvl_list instead 
-  */
-typedef struct pvl_list_t
-	int MAGIC;		        /* Magic Identifier */
-	struct pvl_elem_t *head;	/* Head of list */
-	struct pvl_elem_t *tail;	/* Tail of list */
-	int count;			/* Number of items in the list */
-	struct pvl_elem_t *p;		/* Pointer used for iterators */
-} pvl_list_t;
-/* This global is incremented for each call to pvl_new_element(); it gives each
- * list a unique identifer */
-int pvl_elem_count = 0;
-int pvl_list_count = 0;
-  Function: pvl_list pvl_newlist()
-  Purpose:
-  Creates a new list, clears the pointers and assigns a magic number
-  Returns:
-  Pointer to the new list
-  0 if there is no available memory. 
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-    struct pvl_list_t *L;
-    if ( ( L = (struct pvl_list_t*)malloc(sizeof(struct pvl_list_t))) == 0)
-    {
-	errno = ENOMEM;
-	return 0;
-    }
-    L->MAGIC = pvl_list_count;
-    pvl_list_count++;
-    L->head = 0;
-    L->tail = 0;
-    L->count = 0;
-    L->p = 0;
-    return L;
-pvl_free(pvl_list l)
-   struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
-   pvl_clear(l);
-   free(L);
-  Function: pvl_new_element(void *d, struct pvl_elem_t *next,struct pvl_elem_t *prior)
-  Purpose:
-  Creates a new list element, assigns a magic number, and assigns 
-  the next and previous pointers. 
-  Passing in the next and previous points may seem odd, but it allos the user
-  to set them while keeping the internal data hidden. In nearly all cases, 
-  the user is the pvl library itself. 
-  Parameters:
-  d	The data item to be stored in the list
-  next  Pointer value to assign to the member "next"
-  prior Pointer value to assign to the member "prior"
-  Returns:
-  A pointer to the new element.
-  0 if there is no memory available. 
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_new_element(void *d, pvl_elem next,pvl_elem prior)
-    struct pvl_elem_t *E;
-    if ( ( E = (struct pvl_elem_t*)malloc(sizeof(struct pvl_elem_t))) == 0)
-    {
-	errno = ENOMEM;
-	return 0;
-    }
-    E->MAGIC = pvl_elem_count++;
-    E->d = d;
-    E->next = next;
-    E->prior = prior;
-    return (pvl_elem)E;
-  Function: pvl_unshift(pvl_list l,void *d)
-  Purpose:
-  Add a new element to the from of the list
-  Parameters:
-  l	The list to add the item to 
-  d	Pointer to the item to add
-  Returns:
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_unshift(pvl_list l,void *d)
-    struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
-    struct pvl_elem_t *E = pvl_new_element(d,L->head,0);
-    if (E->next != 0)
-    {
-	/* Link the head node to it */
-	E->next->prior = E;
-    }
-    /* move the head */
-    L->head = E;
-    /* maybe move the tail */
-    if (L->tail == 0)
-    {
-	L->tail = E;
-    }
-    L->count++;
-  Function: pvl_shift(pvl_list l)
-  Purpose:
-  Remove an element from the front of the list 
-  Parameters:
-  l	The list to operate on
-  Returns:
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_shift(pvl_list l)
-    struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
-    if (L->head == 0)
-    {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return pvl_remove(l,(void*)L->head);
-  Function: void  pvl_push(pvl_list l,void *d)
-  Purpose:
-  Add a new item to the tail of the list
-  Paramters:
-  l	The list to operate on
-  d	Pointer to the item to add
-  Returns:
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_push(pvl_list l,void *d)
-    struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
-    struct pvl_elem_t *E = pvl_new_element(d,0,L->tail);
-    /* These are done in pvl_new_element
-       E->next = 0;
-       E->prior = L->tail;
-    */
-    if (L->tail != 0) 
-    {
-	L->tail->next = E;
-    }
-    if (L->head == 0) 
-    {
-	L->head = E;
-    }
-    L->tail = E;
-    L->count++;
-  Function: void*  pvl_pop(pvl_list l)
-  Purpose:
-  Remove an element from the tail of the list 
-  Paramters:
-  l	The list to operate on
-  Returns:
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_pop(pvl_list l)
-    struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
-    if ( L->tail == 0)
-    {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return pvl_remove(l,(void*) L->tail);;
-  Function: void pvl_insert_ordered(pvl_list l,pvl_comparef f,void *d)
-  Purpose:
-  Add a new item to a list that is ordered by a comparison function. 
-  This routine assumes that the list is properly ordered. 
-  l	The list to operate on
-  f	Pointer to a comparison function
-  d     Pointer to data to pass to the comparison function
-  Returns:
-  void
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_insert_ordered(pvl_list l,pvl_comparef f,void *d)
-    struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
-    struct pvl_elem_t *P;
-    L->count++;
-    /* Empty list, add to head */
-    if(L->head == 0)
-    {
-	pvl_unshift(l,d);
-	return;
-    }
-    /* smaller than head, add to head */
-    if ( ((*f)(d,L->head->d)) <= 0)
-    { 
-	pvl_unshift(l,d);
-	return;
-    }
-    /* larger than tail, add to tail */
-    if ( (*f)(d,L->tail->d) >= 0)
-    { 
-	pvl_push(l,d);
-	return;
-    }
-    /* Search for the first element that is smaller, and add before it */
-    for (P=L->head; P != 0; P = P->next)
-    {
-	if ( (*f)(P->d,d) >= 0)
-	{
-	    pvl_insert_before(l,P,d);
-	    return;
-	}
-    }
-    /* badness, choke */
-    assert(0);
-  Function: void  pvl_insert_after(pvl_list l,pvl_elem p,void *d)
-  Purpose:
-  Add a new item after the referenced element. 
-  Parameters:
-  l	The list to operate on 
-  p	The list element to add the item after
-  d	Pointer to the item to add. 
-  Returns:
-  void
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_insert_after(pvl_list l,pvl_elem p,void *d)
-    struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
-    struct pvl_elem_t *P = (struct pvl_elem_t *)p;
-    struct pvl_elem_t *E = 0;
-    L->count++;
-    if (P == 0)
-    {
-	pvl_unshift(l,d);
-	return;
-    }
-    if ( P == L->tail)
-    {
-	E = pvl_new_element(d,0,P);
-	L->tail = E;
-	E->prior->next = E;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	E = pvl_new_element(d,P->next,P);
-	E->next->prior  = E;
-	E->prior->next = E;
-    }
-  Function: void pvl_insert_before(pvl_list l,pvl_elem p,void *d)
-  Purpose:
-  Add an item after a referenced item
-  Parameters:
-  l	The list to operate on
-  p	The list element to add the item before
-  d	Pointer to the data to be added. 
-  Returns:
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_insert_before(pvl_list l,pvl_elem p,void *d)
-    struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
-    struct pvl_elem_t *P = (struct pvl_elem_t *)p;
-    struct pvl_elem_t *E = 0;
-    L->count++;
-    if (P == 0)
-    {
-	pvl_unshift(l,d);
-	return;
-    }
-    if ( P == L->head)
-    {
-	E = pvl_new_element(d,P,0);
-	E->next->prior = E;
-	L->head = E;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	E = pvl_new_element(d,P,P->prior);
-	E->prior->next = E;
-	E->next->prior = E;
-    }
-  Function: void pvl_remove(pvl_list l,pvl_elem e)
-  Purpose:
-  Remove the referenced item from the list
-  This routine will free the element, but not the data item that the
-  element contains. 
-  Parameters:
-  l	The list to operate on
-  e	The element to remove. 
-  Returns:
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_remove(pvl_list l,pvl_elem e)
-    struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
-    struct pvl_elem_t *E = (struct pvl_elem_t *)e;
-    void* data;
-    if (E == L->head)
-    {
-	if (E->next != 0)
-	{
-	    E->next->prior = 0;
-	    L->head = E->next;
-	} else {
-	    /* E Also points to tail -> only one element in list */
-	    L->tail = 0;
-	    L->head = 0;
-	}
-    }
-    else if (E == L->tail)
-    {
-	if (E->prior != 0)
-	{
-	    E->prior->next = 0;
-	    L->tail = E->prior;
-	} else {
-	    /* E points to the head, so it was the last element */
-	    /* This case should be taken care of in the previous clause */
-	    L->head = 0;
-	    L->tail = 0;
-	}
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	E->prior->next = E->next;
-	E->next->prior = E->prior;
-    }
-    L->count--;
-    data = E->d; 
-    E->prior = 0;
-    E->next = 0;
-    E->d = 0;
-    free(E);
-    return data;
-  Function: pvl_elem pvl_find(pvl_list l,pvl_findf f,void* v)
-  Purpose:
-  Return a pointer to data that satisfies a function
-  This routine will interate through the entire list and call the
-  find function for each item. It will break and return a pointer to the
-  data that causes the find function to return 1.
-  Parameters:
-  l	The list to operate on
-  f	Pointer to the find function
-  v	Pointer to constant data to pass into the function
-  Returns:
-  Pointer to the element that the find function found. 
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_find(pvl_list l,pvl_findf f,void* v)
-    pvl_elem e;
-    for (e=pvl_head(l); e!= 0; e = pvl_next(e))
-    {
-	if ( (*f)(((struct pvl_elem_t *)e)->d,v) == 1)
-	{
-	    /* Save this elem for a call to find_next */
-	    ((struct pvl_list_t *)l)->p = e;
-	    return e;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-  Function: void*  pvl_find_next(pvl_list l,pvl_findf f,void* v)
-  Purpose:
-  Like pvl_find(), but continues the search where the last find() or
-  find_next() left off
-  Parameters:
-  l	The list to operate on
-  f	Pointer to the find function
-  v	Pointer to constant data to pass into the function
-  Returns:
-  Pointer to the element that the find function found. 
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_find_next(pvl_list l,pvl_findf f,void* v)
-    pvl_elem e;
-    for (e=pvl_head(l); e!= 0; e = pvl_next(e))
-    {
-	if ( (*f)(((struct pvl_elem_t *)e)->d,v) == 1)
-	{
-	    /* Save this elem for a call to find_next */
-	    ((struct pvl_list_t *)l)->p = e;
-	    return e;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-  Function: void pvl_clear(pvl_list l)
-  Purpose:
-  Remove the all the elements in the list. The does not free the data items
-  the elements hold. 
-  Returns:
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_clear(pvl_list l)
-    pvl_elem e = pvl_head(l);
-    pvl_elem next;
-    if (e == 0) {
-	return;
-    }
-    while(e != 0)
-    {
-	next = pvl_next(e);
-	pvl_remove(l,e);
-	e = next;
-    }
-  Function: int pvl_count(pvl_list l)
-  Purpose:
-  Returns the number of items in the list. 
-  Returns:
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_count(pvl_list l)
-    struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
-    return L->count;
-  Function: pvl_elem  pvl_next(pvl_elem e)
-  Purpose: 
-  Returns a pointer to the given element 
-  Returns:
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_next(pvl_elem e)
-    struct pvl_elem_t *E = (struct pvl_elem_t *)e;
-    if (E == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return (pvl_elem)E->next;
-  Function: pvl_elem  pvl_prior(pvl_elem e)
-  Purpose:
-  Returns a pointer to the element previous to the element given. 
-  Returns:
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_prior(pvl_elem e)
-    struct pvl_elem_t *E = (struct pvl_elem_t *)e;
-    return (pvl_elem)E->prior;
-  Function: pvl_elem  pvl_head(pvl_list l )
-  Purpose:
-  Returns a pointer to the first item in the list. 
-  Returns:
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_head(pvl_list l )
-    struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
-    return (pvl_elem)L->head;
-  Function: pvl_elem  pvl_tail(pvl_list l)
-  Purpose:
-  Returns a pointer to the last item in the list. 
-  Returns:
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_tail(pvl_list l)
-    struct pvl_list_t *L = (struct pvl_list_t *)l;
-    return (pvl_elem)L->tail;
-  Function:
-  Purpose:
-  Returns:
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_data(pvl_elem e)
-    struct pvl_elem_t *E = (struct pvl_elem_t *)e;
-    if ( e == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return E->d;
-  Function: void  pvl_apply(pvl_list l,pvl_applyf f, void *v)
-  Purpose:
-  Call a function for every item in the list. 
-  Paramters: 
-  l	The list to operate on
-  f	Pointer to the function to call
-  v	Data to pass to the function on every iteration
-  Returns:
-  void
-  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-pvl_apply(pvl_list l,pvl_applyf f, void *v)
-    pvl_elem e;
-    for (e=pvl_head(l); e!= 0; e = pvl_next(e))
-    {
-	(*f)(((struct pvl_elem_t *)e)->d,v);
-    }
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/pvl.h b/libical/src/libical/pvl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 14a15a15eb..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/pvl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
- FILE: pvl.h
- CREATOR: eric November, 1995
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
-#ifndef __PVL_H__
-#define __PVL_H__
-typedef void* pvl_list;
-typedef void* pvl_elem;
-  struct pvl_elem_t
-  This type is private. Always use pvl_elem instead. The struct would
-  not even appear in this header except to make code in the USE_MACROS
-  blocks work
-  */
-typedef struct pvl_elem_t
-	int MAGIC;			/* Magic Identifier */
-	void *d;			/* Pointer to data user is storing */
-	struct pvl_elem_t *next;	/* Next element */
-	struct pvl_elem_t *prior;	/* prior element */
-} pvl_elem_t;
-/* This global is incremented for each call to pvl_new_element(); it gives each
- * list a unique identifer */
-extern int  pvl_elem_count;
-extern int  pvl_list_count;
-/* Create new lists or elements */
-pvl_elem pvl_new_element(void* d, pvl_elem next,pvl_elem prior);
-pvl_list pvl_newlist(void);
-void pvl_free(pvl_list);
-/* Add, remove, or get the head of the list */
-void pvl_unshift(pvl_list l,void *d);
-void* pvl_shift(pvl_list l);
-pvl_elem pvl_head(pvl_list);
-/* Add, remove or get the tail of the list */
-void pvl_push(pvl_list l,void *d);
-void* pvl_pop(pvl_list l);
-pvl_elem pvl_tail(pvl_list);
-/* Insert elements in random places */
-typedef int (*pvl_comparef)(void* a, void* b); /* a, b are of the data type*/
-void pvl_insert_ordered(pvl_list l,pvl_comparef f,void *d);
-void pvl_insert_after(pvl_list l,pvl_elem e,void *d);
-void pvl_insert_before(pvl_list l,pvl_elem e,void *d);
-/* Remove an element, or clear the entire list */
-void* pvl_remove(pvl_list,pvl_elem); /* Remove element, return data */
-void pvl_clear(pvl_list); /* Remove all elements, de-allocate all data */
-int pvl_count(pvl_list);
-/* Navagate the list */
-pvl_elem pvl_next(pvl_elem e);
-pvl_elem pvl_prior(pvl_elem e);
-/* get the data in the list */
-void* pvl_data(pvl_elem);
-#define pvl_data(x) x==0 ? 0 : ((struct pvl_elem_t *)x)->d;
-/* Find an element for which a function returns true */
-typedef int (*pvl_findf)(void* a, void* b); /*a is list elem, b is other data*/
-pvl_elem pvl_find(pvl_list l,pvl_findf f,void* v);
-pvl_elem pvl_find_next(pvl_list l,pvl_findf f,void* v);
-/* Pass each element in the list to a function */
-typedef void (*pvl_applyf)(void* a, void* b); /*a is list elem, b is other data*/
-void pvl_apply(pvl_list l,pvl_applyf f, void *v);
-#endif /* __PVL_H__ */
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/sspm.c b/libical/src/libical/sspm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 311747c8f5..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/sspm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1613 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: sspm.c Parse Mime
-  CREATOR: eric 25 June 2000
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric Busboom
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- ======================================================================*/
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "sspm.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <ctype.h> /* for tolower */
-#include <stdlib.h>   /* for malloc, free */
-#include <string.h> /* for strcasecmp */
-#ifdef DMALLOC
-#include "dmalloc.h"
-#define TMP_BUF_SIZE 1024
-enum mime_state {
-    IN_BODY,
-struct mime_impl{
-	struct sspm_part *parts; 
-	size_t max_parts;
-	int part_no;
-	int level;
-	struct sspm_action_map *actions;
-	char* (*get_string)(char *s, size_t size, void* data);
-	void* get_string_data;
-	char temp[TMP_BUF_SIZE];
-	enum mime_state state;
-void sspm_free_header(struct sspm_header *header);
-void* sspm_make_multipart_part(struct mime_impl *impl,struct sspm_header *header);
-void sspm_read_header(struct mime_impl *impl,struct sspm_header *header);
-char* sspm_strdup(char* str){
-    char* s;
-    s = strdup(str);
-    return s;
-struct  major_content_type_map 
-	enum sspm_major_type type;
-	char* str;
-} major_content_type_map[]  = 
-    {SSPM_MULTIPART_MAJOR_TYPE,"multipart" },
-    {SSPM_TEXT_MAJOR_TYPE,"text" },
-    {SSPM_TEXT_MAJOR_TYPE,"text" },
-    {SSPM_IMAGE_MAJOR_TYPE,"image" },
-    {SSPM_AUDIO_MAJOR_TYPE,"audio" },
-    {SSPM_VIDEO_MAJOR_TYPE,"video" },
-    {SSPM_APPLICATION_MAJOR_TYPE,"application" },
-    {SSPM_MULTIPART_MAJOR_TYPE,"multipart" },
-    {SSPM_MESSAGE_MAJOR_TYPE,"message" },
-struct  minor_content_type_map 
-	enum sspm_minor_type type;
-	char* str;
-} minor_content_type_map[]  = 
-    {SSPM_ANY_MINOR_TYPE,"*" },
-    {SSPM_PLAIN_MINOR_TYPE,"plain" },
-    {SSPM_RFC822_MINOR_TYPE,"rfc822" },
-    {SSPM_DIGEST_MINOR_TYPE,"digest" },
-    {SSPM_CALENDAR_MINOR_TYPE,"calendar" },
-    {SSPM_MIXED_MINOR_TYPE,"mixed" },
-    {SSPM_RELATED_MINOR_TYPE,"related" },
-    {SSPM_ALTERNATIVE_MINOR_TYPE,"alternative" },
-    {SSPM_PARALLEL_MINOR_TYPE,  "parallel" },  
-struct encoding_map {
-	enum sspm_encoding encoding;
-	char* str;
-} sspm_encoding_map[] = 
-    {SSPM_QUOTED_PRINTABLE_ENCODING,"quoted-printable"},
-    {SSPM_8BIT_ENCODING,"8bit"},
-    {SSPM_7BIT_ENCODING,"7bit"},
-    {SSPM_BINARY_ENCODING,"binary"},
-    {SSPM_BASE64_ENCODING,"base64"},
-char* sspm_get_parameter(char* line, char* parameter)
-    char *p,*s,*q;
-    static char name[1024];
-    /* Find where the parameter name is in the line */
-    p = strstr(line,parameter);
-    if( p == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /* skip over the parameter name, the '=' and any blank spaces */
-    p+=strlen(parameter);
-    while(*p==' ' || *p == '='){
-	p++;
-    }
-    /*now find the next semicolon*/
-    s = strchr(p,';');
-    /* Strip of leading quote */
-    q = strchr(p,'\"');
-    if(q !=0){
-	p = q+1;
-    }
-    if(s != 0){
-	strncpy(name,p,(size_t)s-(size_t)p);
-    } else {
-	strcpy(name,p);
-    }
-    /* Strip off trailing quote, if it exists */
-    q = strrchr(name,'\"');
-    if (q != 0){
-	*q='\0';
-    }
-    return name;
-char* sspm_property_name(char* line)
-    static char name[1024];
-    char *c = strchr(line,':');
-    if(c != 0){
-	strncpy(name,line,(size_t)c-(size_t)line);
-	name[(size_t)c-(size_t)line] = '\0';
-	return name;
-    } else {
-	return 0;
-    }
-char* sspm_value(char* line)
-    static char value[1024];
-    char *c,*s, *p;
-    /* Find the first colon and the next semicolon */
-    c = strchr(line,':');
-    s = strchr(c,';');
-    /* Skip the colon */
-    c++;
-    if (s == 0){
-	s = c+strlen(line);
-    }
-    for(p=value; c != s; c++){
-	if(*c!=' ' && *c!='\n'){
-	    *(p++) = *c;
-	}
-    }
-    *p='\0';
-    return value;
-char *mime_headers[] = {
-    "Content-Type",
-    "Content-Transfer-Encoding",
-    "Content-Disposition",
-    "Content-Id",
-    "Mime-Version",
-    0 
-void* sspm_default_new_part()
-    return 0;
-void sspm_default_add_line(void *part, struct sspm_header *header, 
-			   char* line, size_t size)
-void* sspm_default_end_part(void* part)
-    return 0;
-void sspm_default_free_part(void *part)
-struct sspm_action_map sspm_action_map[] = 
-    {SSPM_UNKNOWN_MAJOR_TYPE,SSPM_UNKNOWN_MINOR_TYPE,sspm_default_new_part,sspm_default_add_line,sspm_default_end_part,sspm_default_free_part},
-int sspm_is_mime_header(char *line)
-    char *name = sspm_property_name(line);
-    int i;
-    if(name == 0){ 
-	return 0;
-    }
-    for(i = 0; mime_headers[i] != 0; i++){
-	if(strcasecmp(name, mime_headers[i]) == 0)
-	    return 1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-int sspm_is_mail_header(char* line)
-    char *name = sspm_property_name(line);
-    if (name != 0){
-	return 1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-int sspm_is_blank(char* line)
-    char *p;
-    char c =0;
-    for(p=line; *p!=0; p++){
-	if( ! (*p == ' '|| *p == '\t' || *p=='\n') ){
-	    c++;
-	}
-    }
-    if (c==0){
-	return 1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-int sspm_is_continuation_line(char* line)
-    if (line[0] == ' '|| line[0] == '\t' ) {
-	return 1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-int sspm_is_mime_boundary(char *line)
-    if( line[0] == '-' && line[1] == '-') {
-	return 1;
-    } 
-    return 0;
-int sspm_is_mime_terminating_boundary(char *line)
-    if (sspm_is_mime_boundary(line) &&
-	strstr(line,"--\n")){
-	return 1;
-    } 
-    return 0;
-enum line_type {
-    EMPTY,
-    BLANK,
-enum line_type get_line_type(char* line){
-    if (line == 0){
-	return EMPTY;
-    } else if(sspm_is_blank(line)){
-	return BLANK;
-    } else if (sspm_is_mime_header(line)){
-	return MIME_HEADER;
-    } else if (sspm_is_mail_header(line)){
-	return MAIL_HEADER;
-    } else if (sspm_is_continuation_line(line)){
-    } else if (sspm_is_mime_terminating_boundary(line)){
-    } else if (sspm_is_mime_boundary(line)) {
-	return BOUNDARY;
-    } else {
-	return UNKNOWN_TYPE;
-    }
-struct sspm_action_map get_action(struct mime_impl *impl,
-				  enum sspm_major_type major,
-				  enum sspm_minor_type minor)
-    int i;
-    /* Read caller suppled action map */
-    if (impl->actions != 0){
-	for(i=0; impl->actions[i].major != SSPM_UNKNOWN_MAJOR_TYPE; i++){
-	    if((major == impl->actions[i].major &&
-	       minor == impl->actions[i].minor) ||
-	       (major == impl->actions[i].major &&
-		minor == SSPM_ANY_MINOR_TYPE)){
-		return impl->actions[i];
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /* Else, read default action map */
-    for(i=0; sspm_action_map[i].major != SSPM_UNKNOWN_MAJOR_TYPE; i++){
-	    if((major == sspm_action_map[i].major &&
-	       minor == sspm_action_map[i].minor) ||
-	       (major == sspm_action_map[i].major &&
-		minor == SSPM_ANY_MINOR_TYPE)){
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    return sspm_action_map[i];
-char* sspm_lowercase(char* str)
-    char* p = 0;
-    char* new = sspm_strdup(str);
-    if(str ==0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    for(p = new; *p!=0; p++){
-	*p = tolower(*p);
-    }
-    return new;
-enum sspm_major_type sspm_find_major_content_type(char* type)
-    int i;
-    char* ltype = sspm_lowercase(type);
-    for (i=0; major_content_type_map[i].type !=  SSPM_UNKNOWN_MINOR_TYPE; i++){
-	if(strncmp(ltype, major_content_type_map[i].str,
-		   strlen(major_content_type_map[i].str))==0){
-	    free(ltype);
-	    return major_content_type_map[i].type;
-	}
-    }
-    free(ltype);
-    return major_content_type_map[i].type; /* Should return SSPM_UNKNOWN_MINOR_TYPE */
-enum sspm_minor_type sspm_find_minor_content_type(char* type)
-    int i;
-    char* ltype = sspm_lowercase(type);
-    char *p = strchr(ltype,'/');
-    if (p==0){
-    }
-    p++; /* Skip the '/' */
-    for (i=0; minor_content_type_map[i].type !=  SSPM_UNKNOWN_MINOR_TYPE; i++){
-	if(strncmp(p, minor_content_type_map[i].str,
-		   strlen(minor_content_type_map[i].str))==0){
-	    free(ltype);
-	    return minor_content_type_map[i].type;
-	}
-    }
-    free(ltype);
-    return minor_content_type_map[i].type; /* Should return SSPM_UNKNOWN_MINOR_TYPE */
-char* sspm_major_type_string(enum sspm_major_type type)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; major_content_type_map[i].type !=  SSPM_UNKNOWN_MINOR_TYPE; 
-	 i++){
-	if(type == major_content_type_map[i].type){
-	    return major_content_type_map[i].str;
-	}
-    }
-    return major_content_type_map[i].str; /* Should return SSPM_UNKNOWN_MINOR_TYPE */
-char* sspm_minor_type_string(enum sspm_minor_type type)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; minor_content_type_map[i].type !=  SSPM_UNKNOWN_MINOR_TYPE; 
-	 i++){
-	if(type == minor_content_type_map[i].type){
-	    return minor_content_type_map[i].str;
-	}
-    }
-    return minor_content_type_map[i].str; /* Should return SSPM_UNKNOWN_MINOR_TYPE */
-char* sspm_encoding_string(enum sspm_encoding type)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; sspm_encoding_map[i].encoding !=  SSPM_UNKNOWN_ENCODING; 
-	 i++){
-	if(type == sspm_encoding_map[i].encoding){
-	    return sspm_encoding_map[i].str;
-	}
-    }
-    return sspm_encoding_map[i].str; /* Should return SSPM_UNKNOWN_MINOR_TYPE */
-/* Interpret a header line and add its data to the header
-   structure. */
-void sspm_build_header(struct sspm_header *header, char* line)
-    char *prop;
-    char *val;
-    val = sspm_strdup(sspm_value(line));
-    prop = sspm_strdup(sspm_property_name(line));
-    if(strcmp(prop,"Content-Type") == 0){
-	/* Create a new mime_header, fill in content-type
-	   and possibly boundary */
-	char* boundary= sspm_get_parameter(line,"boundary");
-	header->def = 0;
-	header->major = sspm_find_major_content_type(val);
-	header->minor = sspm_find_minor_content_type(val);
-	if(header->minor == SSPM_UNKNOWN_MINOR_TYPE){
-	    char *p = strchr(val,'/');
-	    if (p != 0){
-		p++; /* Skip the '/' */
-		header->minor_text = sspm_strdup(p);
-	    } else {
-		/* Error, malformed content type */
-		header->minor_text = sspm_strdup("unknown");
-	    }
-	}
-	if (boundary != 0){
-	    header->boundary = sspm_strdup(boundary);
-	}
-    } else if(strcmp(prop,"Content-Transfer-Encoding")==0){
-	char* encoding = sspm_value(line);
-	char* lencoding = sspm_lowercase(encoding);
-	if(strcmp(lencoding,"base64")==0){
-	    header->encoding = SSPM_BASE64_ENCODING;
-	} else 	if(strcmp(lencoding,"quoted-printable")==0){
-	    header->encoding = SSPM_QUOTED_PRINTABLE_ENCODING;
-	} else 	if(strcmp(lencoding,"binary")==0){
-	    header->encoding = SSPM_BINARY_ENCODING;
-	} else 	if(strcmp(lencoding,"7bit")==0){
-	    header->encoding = SSPM_7BIT_ENCODING;
-	} else 	if(strcmp(lencoding,"8bit")==0){
-	    header->encoding = SSPM_8BIT_ENCODING;
-	} else {
-	    header->encoding = SSPM_UNKNOWN_ENCODING;
-	}
-	free(lencoding);
-	header->def = 0;
-    } else if(strcmp(prop,"Content-Id")==0){
-	char* cid = sspm_value(line);
-	header->content_id = sspm_strdup(cid);
-	header->def = 0;
-    }
-    free(val);
-    free(prop);
-char* sspm_get_next_line(struct mime_impl *impl)
-    char* s;
-    s = impl->get_string(impl->temp,TMP_BUF_SIZE,impl->get_string_data);
-    if(s == 0){
-	impl->state = END_OF_INPUT;
-    }
-    return s;
-void sspm_store_part(struct mime_impl *impl, struct sspm_header header,
-		      int level, void *part, size_t size)
-    impl->parts[impl->part_no].header = header;
-    impl->parts[impl->part_no].level = level;
-    impl->parts[impl->part_no].data = part;  
-    impl->parts[impl->part_no].data_size = size;  
-    impl->part_no++;
-void sspm_set_error(struct sspm_header* header, enum sspm_error error,
-		    char* message)
-    header->error = error;
-    if(header->error_text!=0){
-	free(header->error_text);
-    }
-    header->def = 0;
-    if(message != 0){
-	header->error_text = sspm_strdup(message);  
-    } else {
-	header->error_text = 0;
-    }
-void* sspm_make_part(struct mime_impl *impl,
-		     struct sspm_header *header, 
-		     struct sspm_header *parent_header,
-		     void **end_part,
-		     size_t *size)
-    /* For a single part type, read to the boundary, if there is a
-   boundary. Otherwise, read until the end of input.  This routine
-   assumes that the caller has read the header and has left the input
-   at the first blank line */
-    char *line;
-    void *part;
-    int end = 0;
-    struct sspm_action_map action = get_action(
-	impl,
-	header->major,
-	header->minor);
-    *size = 0;
-    part =action.new_part();
-    impl->state = IN_BODY;
-    while(end == 0 && (line = sspm_get_next_line(impl)) != 0){
-	if(sspm_is_mime_boundary(line)){
-	    /* If there is a boundary, then this must be a multipart
-               part, so there must be a parent_header. */
-	    if(parent_header == 0){
-		char* boundary;
-		end = 1;
-		*end_part = 0;
-		sspm_set_error(header,SSPM_UNEXPECTED_BOUNDARY_ERROR,line);
-		/* Read until the paired terminating boundary */
-		if((boundary = (char*)malloc(strlen(line)+5)) == 0){
-		    fprintf(stderr,"Out of memory");
-		    abort();
-		}
-		strcpy(boundary,line);
-		strcat(boundary,"--");
-		while((line = sspm_get_next_line(impl)) != 0){
-		    /*printf("Error: %s\n",line);*/
-		    if(strcmp(boundary,line)==0){
-			break;
-		    }
-		}
-		free(boundary);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    if(strncmp((line+2),parent_header->boundary,
-		       sizeof(parent_header->boundary)) == 0){
-		*end_part = action.end_part(part);
-		if(sspm_is_mime_boundary(line)){
-		    impl->state = END_OF_PART;
-		} else if ( sspm_is_mime_terminating_boundary(line)){
-		    impl->state = TERMINAL_END_OF_PART;
-		}
-		end = 1;
-	    } else {
-		/* Error, this is not the correct terminating boundary*/
-		/* read and discard until we get the right boundary.  */
-		    char* boundary;
-		    char msg[256];
-		    snprintf(msg,256,
-			     "Expected: %s--. Got: %s",
-			     parent_header->boundary,line);
-		    sspm_set_error(parent_header,
-		    /* Read until the paired terminating boundary */
-		    if((boundary = (char*)malloc(strlen(line)+5)) == 0){
-			fprintf(stderr,"Out of memory");
-			abort();
-		    }		 
-		    strcpy(boundary,line);
-		    strcat(boundary,"--");
-		    while((line = sspm_get_next_line(impl)) != 0){
-			if(strcmp(boundary,line)==0){
-			    break;
-			}
-		    }
-		    free(boundary);
-	    }	
-	} else {
-	    char* data=0;
-	    char* rtrn=0;
-	    *size = strlen(line);
-	    data = (char*)malloc(*size+2);
-	    assert(data != 0);
-	    if (header->encoding == SSPM_BASE64_ENCODING){
-		rtrn = decode_base64(data,line,size); 
-	    } else if(header->encoding == SSPM_QUOTED_PRINTABLE_ENCODING){
-		rtrn = decode_quoted_printable(data,line,size); 
-	    } 
-	    if(rtrn == 0){
-		strcpy(data,line);
-	    }
-	    /* add a end-of-string after the data, just in case binary
-               data from decode64 gets passed to a tring handling
-               routine in add_line  */
-	    data[*size+1]='\0';
-	    action.add_line(part,header,data,*size);
-	    free(data);
-	}
-    }
-    if (end == 0){
-	/* End the part if the input is exhausted */
-	*end_part = action.end_part(part);
-    }
-    return end_part;
-void* sspm_make_multipart_subpart(struct mime_impl *impl,
-			    struct sspm_header *parent_header)
-    struct sspm_header header;
-    char *line;
-    void* part;
-    size_t size;
-    if(parent_header->boundary == 0){
-	/* Error. Multipart headers must have a boundary*/
-	sspm_set_error(parent_header,SSPM_NO_BOUNDARY_ERROR,0);
-	/* read all of the reamining lines */
-	while((line = sspm_get_next_line(impl)) != 0){
-	}  
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /* Step 1: Read the opening boundary */
-    if(get_line_type(impl->temp) != BOUNDARY){
-	while((line=sspm_get_next_line(impl)) != 0 ){
-	    if(sspm_is_mime_boundary(line)){
-		assert(parent_header != 0);
-		/* Check if it is the right boundary */
-		if(!sspm_is_mime_terminating_boundary(line) &&
-		   strncmp((line+2),parent_header->boundary, 
-			   sizeof(parent_header->boundary)) 
-		   == 0){
-		    /* The +2 in strncmp skips over the leading "--" */
-		    break;
-		} else {
-		    /* Got the wrong boundary, so read and discard
-                       until we get the right boundary.  */
-		    char* boundary;
-		    char msg[256];
-		    snprintf(msg,256,
-			     "Expected: %s. Got: %s",
-			     parent_header->boundary,line);
-		    sspm_set_error(parent_header,
-		    /* Read until the paired terminating boundary */
-		    if((boundary = (char*)malloc(strlen(line)+5)) == 0){
-			fprintf(stderr,"Out of memory");
-			abort();
-		    }
-		    strcpy(boundary,line);
-		    strcat(boundary,"--");
-		    while((line = sspm_get_next_line(impl)) != 0){
-			if(strcmp(boundary,line)==0){
-			    break;
-			}
-		    }
-		    free(boundary);
-		    return 0;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /* Step 2: Get the part header */
-    sspm_read_header(impl,&header);
-    /* If the header is still listed as default, there was probably an
-       error */
-    if(header.def == 1 && header.error != SSPM_NO_ERROR){
-	sspm_set_error(&header,SSPM_NO_HEADER_ERROR,0);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    if(header.error!= SSPM_NO_ERROR){
-	sspm_store_part(impl,header,impl->level,0,0);
-	return 0;
-    }	
-    /* Step 3: read the body */
-    if(header.major == SSPM_MULTIPART_MAJOR_TYPE){
-	struct sspm_header *child_header;
-	child_header = &(impl->parts[impl->part_no].header);
-	/* Store the multipart part */
-	sspm_store_part(impl,header,impl->level,0,0);
-	/* now get all of the sub-parts */
-	part = sspm_make_multipart_part(impl,child_header);
-	if(get_line_type(impl->temp) != TERMINATING_BOUNDARY){
-	    sspm_set_error(child_header,SSPM_NO_BOUNDARY_ERROR,impl->temp);
-	    return 0;
-	}
-	sspm_get_next_line(impl); /* Step past the terminating boundary */
-    } else {
-	sspm_make_part(impl, &header,parent_header,&part,&size);
-	memset(&(impl->parts[impl->part_no]), 0, sizeof(struct sspm_part));
-	sspm_store_part(impl,header,impl->level,part,size);
-    }
-    return part;
-void* sspm_make_multipart_part(struct mime_impl *impl,struct sspm_header *header)
-    void *part=0;
-    /* Now descend a level into each of the children of this part */
-    impl->level++;
-    /* Now we are working on the CHILD */
-    memset(&(impl->parts[impl->part_no]), 0, sizeof(struct sspm_part));
-    do{
-	part = sspm_make_multipart_subpart(impl,header);
-	if (part==0){
-	    /* Clean up the part in progress */
-	    impl->parts[impl->part_no].header.major 
-	    impl->parts[impl->part_no].header.minor 
-	}
-    } while (get_line_type(impl->temp) != TERMINATING_BOUNDARY &&
-	impl->state != END_OF_INPUT);
-    impl->level--;
-    return 0;
-void sspm_read_header(struct mime_impl *impl,struct sspm_header *header)
-#define BUF_SIZE 1024
-#define MAX_HEADER_LINES 25
-    char *buf;
-    char header_lines[MAX_HEADER_LINES][BUF_SIZE]; /* HACK, hard limits */
-    int current_line = -1;
-    int end = 0;
-    memset(header_lines,0,sizeof(header_lines));
-    memset(header,0,sizeof(struct sspm_header));
-    /* Set up default header */
-    header->def = 1;
-    header->major = SSPM_TEXT_MAJOR_TYPE;
-    header->minor = SSPM_PLAIN_MINOR_TYPE;
-    header->error = SSPM_NO_ERROR;
-    header->error_text = 0;
-    /* Read all of the lines into memory */
-    while(end==0&& (buf=sspm_get_next_line(impl)) != 0){
-	enum line_type line_type = get_line_type(buf);
-	switch(line_type){
-	    case BLANK: {
-		end = 1;
-		impl->state = END_OF_HEADER;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case MAIL_HEADER:
-	    case MIME_HEADER: {	    
-		impl->state = IN_HEADER;
-		current_line++;
-		assert(strlen(buf) < BUF_SIZE);
-		strcpy(header_lines[current_line],buf);
-		break;
-	    }
-		char* last_line, *end;
-		char *buf_start;
-		if(current_line < 0){
-		    /* This is not really a continuation line, since
-                       we have not see any header line yet */
-		    sspm_set_error(header,SSPM_MALFORMED_HEADER_ERROR,buf);
-		    return;
-		}
-		last_line = header_lines[current_line];
-		end = (char*) ( (size_t)strlen(last_line)+
-				      (size_t)last_line);
-		impl->state = IN_HEADER;
-		/* skip over the spaces in buf start, and remove the new
-		   line at the end of the lat line */
-		if (last_line[strlen(last_line)-1] == '\n'){
-		    last_line[strlen(last_line)-1] = '\0';
-		}
-		buf_start = buf;
-		while(*buf_start == ' ' ||*buf_start == '\t' ){
-		    buf_start++;
-		}
-		assert( strlen(buf_start) + strlen(last_line) < BUF_SIZE);
-		strcat(last_line,buf_start);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    default: {
-		sspm_set_error(header,SSPM_MALFORMED_HEADER_ERROR,buf);
-		return;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    for(current_line = 0;
-	current_line < MAX_HEADER_LINES && header_lines[current_line][0] != 0;
-	current_line++){
-	sspm_build_header(header,header_lines[current_line]);
-    }
-/* Root routine for parsing mime entries*/
-int sspm_parse_mime(struct sspm_part *parts, 
-		    size_t max_parts,
-		    struct sspm_action_map *actions,
-		    char* (*get_string)(char *s, size_t size, void* data),
-		    void *get_string_data,
-		    struct sspm_header *first_header
-    )
-    struct mime_impl impl;
-    struct sspm_header header;
-    void *part;
-    int i;
-    /* Initialize all of the data */
-    memset(&impl,0,sizeof(struct mime_impl));
-    memset(&header,0,sizeof(struct sspm_header));
-    for(i = 0; i<(int)max_parts; i++){
-	parts[i].header.major = SSPM_NO_MAJOR_TYPE;
-	parts[i].header.minor = SSPM_NO_MINOR_TYPE;
-    }
- = parts;
-    impl.max_parts = max_parts;
-    impl.part_no = 0;
-    impl.actions = actions;
-    impl.get_string = get_string;
-    impl.get_string_data = get_string_data;
-    /* Read the header of the message. This will be the email header,
-       unless first_header is specified. But ( HACK) that var is not
-       currently being used */
-    sspm_read_header(&impl,&header);
-    if(header.major == SSPM_MULTIPART_MAJOR_TYPE){
-	struct sspm_header *child_header;
-	child_header = &([impl.part_no].header);
-	sspm_store_part(&impl,header,impl.level,0,0);
-	part = sspm_make_multipart_part(&impl,child_header);
-    } else {
-	void *part;
-	size_t size;
-	sspm_make_part(&impl, &header, 0,&part,&size);
-	memset(&([impl.part_no]), 0, sizeof(struct sspm_part));
-	sspm_store_part(&impl,header,impl.level,part,size);
-    }
-    return 0;
-void sspm_free_parts(struct sspm_part *parts, size_t max_parts)
-     int i;
-    for(i = 0; i<(int)max_parts && parts[i].header.major != SSPM_NO_MAJOR_TYPE;
-	i++){
-	sspm_free_header(&(parts[i].header));
-    }
-void sspm_free_header(struct sspm_header *header)
-    if(header->boundary!=0){
-	free(header->boundary);
-    }
-    if(header->minor_text!=0){
-	free(header->minor_text);
-    }
-    if(header->charset!=0){
-	free(header->charset);
-    }
-    if(header->filename!=0){
-	free(header->filename);
-    }
-    if(header->content_id!=0){
-	free(header->content_id);
-    }
-    if(header->error_text!=0){
-	free(header->error_text);
-    }
-The remaining code is beased on code from the mimelite distribution,
-which has the following notice:
-| Authorship:
-|    Copyright (c) 1994 Gisle Hannemyr.
-|    Permission is granted to hack, make and distribute copies of this
-|    program as long as this copyright notice is not removed.
-|    Flames, bug reports, comments and improvements to:
-|       snail: Gisle Hannemyr, Brageveien 3A, 0452 Oslo, Norway
-|       email: Inet:
-The code is heavily modified by Eric Busboom. 
-char *decode_quoted_printable(char *dest, 
-				       char *src,
-				       size_t *size)
-    int cc;
-    size_t i=0;
-    while (*src != 0 && i < *size) {
-	if (*src == '=') {
-	    src++; 
-	    if (!*src) {
-		break;
-	    }
-	    /* remove soft line breaks*/
-	    if ((*src == '\n') || (*src == '\r')){
-		src++;
-		if ((*src == '\n') || (*src == '\r')){
-		    src++;
-		}
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    cc  = isdigit(*src) ? (*src - '0') : (*src - 55);
-	    cc *= 0x10;
-	    src++; 
-	    if (!*src) {
-		break;
-	    }
-	    cc += isdigit(*src) ? (*src - '0') : (*src - 55);
-	    *dest = cc;
-	} else {
-	    *dest = *src;
-	}
-	dest++;
-	src++;
-	i++;
-    }
-    *dest = '\0';
-    *size = i;
-    return(dest);
-char *decode_base64(char *dest, 
-			     char *src,
-			     size_t *size)
-    int cc;
-    char buf[4] = {0,0,0,0};  
-    int p = 0;
-    int valid_data = 0;
-    size_t size_out=0;
-    while (*src && p<(int)*size && (cc!=  -1)) {
-	/* convert a character into the Base64 alphabet */
-	cc = *src++;
-	if	((cc >= 'A') && (cc <= 'Z')) cc = cc - 'A';
-	else if ((cc >= 'a') && (cc <= 'z')) cc = cc - 'a' + 26;
-	else if ((cc >= '0') && (cc <= '9')) cc = cc - '0' + 52;
-	else if  (cc == '/')		     cc = 63;
-	else if  (cc == '+')		     cc = 62;
-	else                                 cc = -1;
-	assert(cc<64);
-	/* If we've reached the end, fill the remaining slots in
-	   the bucket and do a final conversion */
-	if(cc== -1){
-	    if(valid_data == 0){
-		return 0;
-	    }
-	    while(p%4!=3){
-		p++;
-		buf[p%4] = 0;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    buf[p%4] = cc;
-	    size_out++;
-	    valid_data = 1;
-	}
-	/* When we have 4 base64 letters, convert them into three
-	   bytes */
-	if (p%4 == 3) {
-	    *dest++ =(buf[0]<< 2)|((buf[1] & 0x30) >> 4);
-	    *dest++ =((buf[1] & 0x0F) << 4)|((buf[2] & 0x3C) >> 2);
-	    *dest++ =((buf[2] & 0x03) << 6)|(buf[3] & 0x3F);
-	    memset(buf,0,4);
-	}
-	p++;
-    }
-    /* Calculate the size of the converted data*/
-   *size = ((int)(size_out/4))*3;
-    if(size_out%4 == 2) *size+=1;
-    if(size_out%4 == 3) *size+=2;
-    return(dest);
- Routines to output MIME
-struct sspm_buffer {
-	char* buffer;
-	char* pos;
-	size_t buf_size;
-	int line_pos;
-void sspm_append_string(struct sspm_buffer* buf, char* string);
-void sspm_write_part(struct sspm_buffer *buf,struct sspm_part *part, int *part_num);
-void sspm_append_hex(struct sspm_buffer* buf, char ch)
-    char tmp[3];
-    sprintf(tmp,"=%02X",ch);
-    sspm_append_string(buf,tmp);
-/* a copy of icalmemory_append_char */
-void sspm_append_char(struct sspm_buffer* buf, char ch)
-    char *new_buf;
-    char *new_pos;
-    size_t data_length, final_length;
-    data_length = (size_t)buf->pos - (size_t)buf->buffer;
-    final_length = data_length + 2; 
-    if ( final_length > (size_t) buf->buf_size ) {
-	buf->buf_size  = (buf->buf_size) * 2  + final_length +1;
-	new_buf = realloc(buf->buffer,buf->buf_size);
-	new_pos = (void*)((size_t)new_buf + data_length);
-	buf->pos = new_pos;
-	buf->buffer = new_buf;
-    }
-    *(buf->pos) = ch;
-    buf->pos += 1;
-    *(buf->pos) = 0;
-/* A copy of icalmemory_append_string */
-void sspm_append_string(struct sspm_buffer* buf, char* string)
-    char *new_buf;
-    char *new_pos;
-    size_t data_length, final_length, string_length;
-    string_length = strlen(string);
-    data_length = (size_t)buf->pos - (size_t)buf->buffer;    
-    final_length = data_length + string_length; 
-    if ( final_length >= (size_t) buf->buf_size) {
-	buf->buf_size  = (buf->buf_size) * 2  + final_length;
-	new_buf = realloc(buf->buffer,buf->buf_size);
-	new_pos = (void*)((size_t)new_buf + data_length);
-	buf->pos = new_pos;
-	buf->buffer = new_buf;
-    }
-    strcpy(buf->pos, string);
-    buf->pos += string_length;
-static int sspm_is_printable(char c)
-    return (c >= 33) && (c <= 126) && (c != '=');
-void sspm_encode_quoted_printable(struct sspm_buffer *buf, char* data)
-    char *p;
-    int lpos = 0;
-    for(p = data; *p != 0; p++){
-	if(sspm_is_printable(*p)){
-	    /* plain characters can represent themselves */
-	    /* RFC2045 Rule #2 */
-	       sspm_append_char(buf,*p);
-	       lpos++;
-	} else if ( *p == '\t' || *p == ' ' ) {
-	    /* For tabs and spaces, only encode if they appear at the
-               end of the line */
-	    /* RFC2045 Rule #3 */
-	   char n = *(p+1);
-	   if( n == '\n' || n == '\r'){
-	       sspm_append_hex(buf,*p);
-	       lpos += 3;
-	   } else {
-	       sspm_append_char(buf,*p);
-	       lpos++;
-	   }
-	} else if( *p == '\n' || *p == '\r'){
-	    sspm_append_char(buf,*p);
-	    lpos=0;
-	} else {
-	    /* All others need to be encoded */
-	    sspm_append_hex(buf,*p);
-	    lpos+=3;
-	}
-	/* Add line breaks */
-	if (lpos > 72){
-	    lpos = 0;
-	    sspm_append_string(buf,"=\n");
-	}
-    }
-static char BaseTable[64] = {
-    'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P',
-    'Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','a','b','c','d','e','f',
-    'g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v',
-    'w','x','y','z','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','+','/'
-void sspm_write_base64(struct sspm_buffer *buf, char* inbuf,int size )
-    char outbuf[4];
-    int i;
-    outbuf[0] = outbuf[1] = outbuf[2] = outbuf[3] = 65;
-    switch(size){
-	case 4:
-	    outbuf[3] =   inbuf[2] & 0x3F;
-	case 3:
-	    outbuf[2] = ((inbuf[1] & 0x0F) << 2) | ((inbuf[2] & 0xC0) >> 6);
-	case 2:	
-	    outbuf[0] =  (inbuf[0] & 0xFC) >> 2;
-	    outbuf[1] = ((inbuf[0] & 0x03) << 4) | ((inbuf[1] & 0xF0) >> 4);
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    assert(0);
-    }
-    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
-	if(outbuf[i] == 65){
-	    sspm_append_char(buf,'=');
-	} else {
-	    sspm_append_char(buf,BaseTable[(int)outbuf[i]]);
-	}
-    }
-void sspm_encode_base64(struct sspm_buffer *buf, char* data, size_t size)
-    char *p;
-    char inbuf[3];
-    int i = 0;
-    int first = 1;
-    int lpos = 0;
-    inbuf[0] = inbuf[1] = inbuf[2]  = 0;
-    for (p = data; *p !=0; p++){
-	if (i%3 == 0 && first == 0){
-	    sspm_write_base64(buf, inbuf, 4);
-	    lpos+=4;
-	    inbuf[0] = inbuf[1] = inbuf[2] = 0;
-	}
-	assert(lpos%4 == 0);
-	if (lpos == 72){
-	    sspm_append_string(buf,"\n");
-	    lpos = 0;
-	}
-	inbuf[i%3] = *p;
-	i++;
-	first = 0;
-    }
-    /* If the inbuf was not exactly filled on the last byte, we need
-       to spit out the odd bytes that did get in -- either one or
-       two. This will result in an output of two bytes and '==' or
-       three bytes and '=', respectively */
-    if (i%3 == 1 && first == 0){
-	    sspm_write_base64(buf, inbuf, 2);
-    } else if (i%3 == 2 && first == 0){
-	    sspm_write_base64(buf, inbuf, 3);
-    }
-void sspm_write_header(struct sspm_buffer *buf,struct sspm_header *header)
-    int i;
-    char temp[TMP_BUF_SIZE];			       
-    char* major; 
-    char* minor; 
-    /* Content-type */
-    major = sspm_major_type_string(header->major);
-    minor = sspm_minor_type_string(header->minor);
-    if(header->minor == SSPM_UNKNOWN_MINOR_TYPE ){
-	assert(header->minor_text !=0);
-	minor = header->minor_text;
-    }
-    sprintf(temp,"Content-Type: %s/%s",major,minor);
-    sspm_append_string(buf,temp);
-    if(header->boundary != 0){
-	sprintf(temp,";boundary=\"%s\"",header->boundary);
-	sspm_append_string(buf,temp);
-    }
-    /* Append any content type parameters */    
-    if(header->content_type_params != 0){
-	for(i=0; *(header->content_type_params[i])!= 0;i++){
-	    sprintf(temp,header->content_type_params[i]);
-	    sspm_append_char(buf,';');
-	    sspm_append_string(buf,temp);
-	}
-    }
-    sspm_append_char(buf,'\n');
-    /*Content-Transfer-Encoding */
-    if(header->encoding != SSPM_UNKNOWN_ENCODING &&
-	header->encoding != SSPM_NO_ENCODING){
-	sprintf(temp,"Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s\n",
-		sspm_encoding_string(header->encoding));
-    }
-    sspm_append_char(buf,'\n');
-void sspm_write_multipart_part(struct sspm_buffer *buf,
-			       struct sspm_part *parts,
-			       int* part_num)
-    int parent_level, level;
-    struct sspm_header *header = &(parts[*part_num].header);
-    /* Write the header for the multipart part */
-    sspm_write_header(buf,header);
-    parent_level = parts[*part_num].level;
-    (*part_num)++;
-    level = parts[*part_num].level;
-    while(parts[*part_num].header.major != SSPM_NO_MAJOR_TYPE &&
-	  level == parent_level+1){
-	assert(header->boundary);
-	sspm_append_string(buf,header->boundary);
-	sspm_append_char(buf,'\n');
-	if (parts[*part_num].header.major == SSPM_MULTIPART_MAJOR_TYPE){
-	    sspm_write_multipart_part(buf,parts,part_num);
-	} else {
-	    sspm_write_part(buf, &(parts[*part_num]), part_num);
-	}	
-	(*part_num)++;
-	level =  parts[*part_num].level;
-    }
-    sspm_append_string(buf,"\n\n--");
-    sspm_append_string(buf,header->boundary);
-    sspm_append_string(buf,"\n");
-    (*part_num)--; /* undo last, spurious, increment */
-void sspm_write_part(struct sspm_buffer *buf,struct sspm_part *part,int *part_num)
-    /* Write header */
-    sspm_write_header(buf,&(part->header));
-    /* Write part data */
-    if(part->data == 0){
-	return;
-    }
-    if(part->header.encoding == SSPM_BASE64_ENCODING) {
-	assert(part->data_size != 0);
-	sspm_encode_base64(buf,part->data,part->data_size);
-    } else if(part->header.encoding == SSPM_QUOTED_PRINTABLE_ENCODING) {
-	sspm_encode_quoted_printable(buf,part->data);
-    } else {
-	sspm_append_string(buf,part->data);
-    }
-    sspm_append_string(buf,"\n\n");
-int sspm_write_mime(struct sspm_part *parts,size_t num_parts,
-		    char **output_string, char* header)
-    struct sspm_buffer buf;
-    int part_num =0;
-    buf.buffer = malloc(4096);
-    buf.pos = buf.buffer;
-    buf.buf_size = 10;
-    buf.line_pos = 0;
-    /* write caller's header */
-    if(header != 0){
-	sspm_append_string(&buf,header);
-    }
-    if(buf.buffer[strlen(buf.buffer)-1] != '\n'){
-	sspm_append_char(&buf,'\n');
-    }
-    /* write mime-version header */
-    sspm_append_string(&buf,"Mime-Version: 1.0\n");
-    /* End of header */
-    /* Write body parts */
-    while(parts[part_num].header.major != SSPM_NO_MAJOR_TYPE){
-	if (parts[part_num].header.major == SSPM_MULTIPART_MAJOR_TYPE){
-	    sspm_write_multipart_part(&buf,parts,&part_num);
-	} else {
-	    sspm_write_part(&buf, &(parts[part_num]), &part_num);
-	}	
-	part_num++;
-    }
-    *output_string = buf.buffer;
-    return 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/sspm.h b/libical/src/libical/sspm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 864a23a36f..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/sspm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: sspm.h Mime Parser
-  CREATOR: eric 25 June 2000
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric Busboom
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- ======================================================================*/
-#ifndef SSPM_H
-#define SSPM_H
-enum sspm_major_type {
-enum sspm_minor_type {
-enum sspm_encoding {
-enum sspm_error{
-struct sspm_header
-	int def;
-	char* boundary;
-	enum sspm_major_type major;
-	enum sspm_minor_type minor;
-	char *minor_text;
-	char ** content_type_params;
-	char* charset;
-	enum sspm_encoding encoding;
-	char* filename;
-	char* content_id;
-	enum sspm_error error;
-	char* error_text;
-struct sspm_part {
-	struct sspm_header header;
-	int level;
-	size_t data_size;
-	void *data;
-struct sspm_action_map {
-	enum sspm_major_type major;
-	enum sspm_minor_type minor;
-	void* (*new_part)();
-	void (*add_line)(void *part, struct sspm_header *header, 
-			 char* line, size_t size);
-	void* (*end_part)(void* part);
-	void (*free_part)(void *part);
-char* sspm_major_type_string(enum sspm_major_type type);
-char* sspm_minor_type_string(enum sspm_minor_type type);
-char* sspm_encoding_string(enum sspm_encoding type);
-int sspm_parse_mime(struct sspm_part *parts, 
-		    size_t max_parts,
-		    struct sspm_action_map *actions,
-		    char* (*get_string)(char *s, size_t size, void* data),
-		    void *get_string_data,
-		    struct sspm_header *first_header
-    );
-void sspm_free_parts(struct sspm_part *parts, size_t max_parts);
-char *decode_quoted_printable(char *dest, 
-				       char *src,
-				       size_t *size);
-char *decode_base64(char *dest, 
-			     char *src,
-			     size_t *size);
-int sspm_write_mime(struct sspm_part *parts,size_t num_parts,
-		    char **output_string, char* header);
-#endif /*SSPM_H*/
diff --git a/libical/src/libical/vsnprintf.c b/libical/src/libical/vsnprintf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6339183dd4..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libical/vsnprintf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __osf__
- * Revision 12:
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1997 Theo de Raadt
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- */
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#if __STDC__
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#ifndef roundup
-#define roundup(x, y) ((((x)+((y)-1))/(y))*(y))
-static int pgsize;
-static char *curobj;
-static sigjmp_buf bail;
-#define EXTRABYTES	2	/* XXX: why 2? you don't want to know */
-static char *
-msetup(str, n)
-	char *str;
-	size_t n;
-	char *e;
-	if (n == 0)
-		return NULL;
-	if (pgsize == 0)
-		pgsize = getpagesize();
-	curobj = (char *)malloc(n + EXTRABYTES + pgsize * 2);
-	if (curobj == NULL)
-		return NULL;
-	e = curobj + n + EXTRABYTES;
-	e = (char *)roundup((unsigned long)e, pgsize);
-	if (mprotect(e, pgsize, PROT_NONE) == -1) {
-		free(curobj);
-		curobj = NULL;
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	e = e - n - EXTRABYTES;
-	*e = '\0';
-	return (e);
-static void
-mcatch(int i)
-	siglongjmp(bail, 1);
-static void
-mcleanup(str, n, p)
-	char *str;
-	size_t n;
-	char *p;
-	strncpy(str, p, n-1);
-	str[n-1] = '\0';
-	if (mprotect((caddr_t)(p + n + EXTRABYTES), pgsize,
-		mprotect((caddr_t)(p + n + EXTRABYTES), pgsize,
-	free(curobj);
-#if __STDC__
-vsnprintf(char *str, size_t n, char const *fmt, va_list ap)
-vsnprintf(str, n, fmt, ap)
-	char *str;
-	size_t n;
-	char *fmt;
-	char *ap;
-	struct sigaction osa, nsa;
-	char *p;
-	int ret = n + 1;	/* if we bail, indicated we overflowed */
-	memset(&nsa, 0, sizeof nsa);
-	nsa.sa_handler = mcatch;
-	sigemptyset(&nsa.sa_mask);
-	p = msetup(str, n);
-	if (p == NULL) {
-		*str = '\0';
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (sigsetjmp(bail, 1) == 0) {
-		if (sigaction(SIGSEGV, &nsa, &osa) == -1) {
-			mcleanup(str, n, p);
-			return (0);
-		}
-		ret = vsprintf(p, fmt, ap);
-	}
-	mcleanup(str, n, p);
-	(void) sigaction(SIGSEGV, &osa, NULL);
-	return (ret);
-#if __STDC__
-snprintf(char *str, size_t n, char const *fmt, ...)
-snprintf(str, n, fmt, va_alist)
-	char *str;
-	size_t n;
-	char *fmt;
-	va_dcl
-	va_list ap;
-#if __STDC__
-	va_start(ap, fmt);
-	va_start(ap);
-	return (vsnprintf(str, n, fmt, ap));
-	va_end(ap);
-/* ANSI C forbids an empty source file... */
-static void vsnprintf_dummy_func() {
-   vsnprintf_dummy_func();
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/.cvsignore b/libical/src/libicalss/.cvsignore
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index 04a3e1b036..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/ b/libical/src/libicalss/
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index 9e11bc3fc8..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-YFLAGS =-d -v -p ss
-LFLAGS = -Pss 
-all: icalss.h
-	-I$(top_srcdir)/src	\
-	-I$(top_builddir)/src	\
-	-I$(top_srcdir)/src/libical	\
-	-I$(top_builddir)/src/libical
-libicalss_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 0:0:0
-libicalss_la_SOURCES =		\
-	icalcalendar.h		\
-	icalclassify.c		\
-	icalclassify.h		\
-	icalgauge.c		\
-	icalgauge.h		\
-	icalgaugeimpl.h		\
-	icaldirset.h		\
-	icaldirsetimpl.h	\
-	icalfileset.c		\
-	icalfileset.h		\
-	icalfilesetimpl.h	\
-	icalset.c		\
-	icalset.h		\
-	icalsslexer.l		\
-	icalssyacc.h		\
-	icalssyacc.y		\
-	icalspanlist.c		\
-	icalspanlist.h		\
-	icalmessage.c		\
-	icalmessage.h		\
-	icalcstpclient.c        \
-	icalcstpclient.h        \
-	icalcstpserver.c        \
-	icalcstpserver.h 	\
-	icalcstp.c		\
-	icalcstp.h
-libicalssincludedir = $(includedir)
-        $(srcdir)/icalgauge.h \
-        $(srcdir)/icalset.h \
-        $(srcdir)/icalfileset.h \
-        $(srcdir)/icaldirset.h \
-        $(srcdir)/icalcalendar.h  \
-        $(srcdir)/icalclassify.h \
-	$(srcdir)/icalspanlist.h	\
-	$(srcdir)/icalmessage.h \
-	$(srcdir)/icalcstp.h \
-	$(srcdir)/icalcstpclient.h \
-	$(srcdir)/icalcstpserver.h
-	cat $(COMBINEDHEADERS) | egrep -v "#include.*\"ical" \
-	| egrep -v "#include.*\"pvl\.h\"" > icalss.h
-libicalssinclude_HEADERS = icalss.h
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcalendar.c b/libical/src/libicalss/icalcalendar.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e63b5330ad..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcalendar.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-  FILE: icalcalendar.c
-  CREATOR: eric 23 December 1999
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "config.h"
-#include "icalcalendar.h"
-#include "icalset.h"
-#include "icalfileset.h"
-#include "icaldirset.h"
-#include <limits.h> 
-#include <sys/stat.h> /* For mkdir, stat */
-#include <sys/types.h> /* For mkdir */
-#include <fcntl.h> /* For mkdir */
-#include <unistd.h>  /* For mkdir, stat */    
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc */
-#include <string.h> /* for strcat */
-#include <errno.h>
-#define BOOKED_DIR "booked"
-#define INCOMING_FILE "incoming.ics"
-#define PROP_FILE "properties.ics"
-#define FBLIST_FILE "freebusy.ics"
-struct icalcalendar_impl 
-	char* dir;
-	icalcomponent* freebusy;
-	icalcomponent* properties;
-	icalset* booked;
-	icalset* incoming;
-struct icalcalendar_impl* icalcalendar_new_impl()
-    struct icalcalendar_impl* impl;
-    if ( ( impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)
-	   malloc(sizeof(struct icalcalendar_impl))) == 0) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return impl;
-icalerrorenum icalcalendar_create(struct icalcalendar_impl* impl)
-    char path[PATH_MAX];
-    struct stat sbuf;
-    int r;
-    icalerror_check_arg_re((impl != 0),"impl",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-    path[0] = '\0';
-    strcpy(path,impl->dir);
-    strcat(path,"/");
-    strcat(path,BOOKED_DIR);
-    r = stat(path,&sbuf);
-    if( r != 0 && errno == ENOENT){
-	if(mkdir(path,0777)!=0){
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
-	    return ICAL_FILE_ERROR;
-	}
-    }
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalcalendar* icalcalendar_new(char* dir)
-    struct icalcalendar_impl* impl;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((dir != 0),"dir");
-    impl = icalcalendar_new_impl();
-    if (impl == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    impl->dir = (char*)strdup(dir);
-    impl->freebusy = 0;
-    impl->properties = 0;
-    impl->booked = 0;
-    impl->incoming = 0;
-    if (icalcalendar_create(impl) != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
-	free(impl);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return impl;
-void icalcalendar_free(icalcalendar* calendar)
-    struct icalcalendar_impl *impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)calendar;
-    if (impl->dir !=0){
-	free(impl->dir);
-    }
-    if (impl->freebusy !=0){
-	icalfileset_free(impl->freebusy);
-    }
-    if (impl->properties !=0){
-	icalfileset_free(impl->properties);
-    }
-    if (impl->booked !=0){
-	icaldirset_free(impl->booked);
-    }
-    if (impl->incoming !=0){
-	icaldirset_free(impl->incoming);
-    }
-    impl->dir = 0;
-    impl->freebusy = 0;
-    impl->properties = 0;
-    impl->booked = 0;
-    impl->incoming = 0;
-    free(impl);
-int icalcalendar_lock(icalcalendar* calendar)
-    struct icalcalendar_impl *impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)calendar;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((impl != 0),"impl");
-    return 0;
-int icalcalendar_unlock(icalcalendar* calendar)
-    struct icalcalendar_impl *impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)calendar;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((impl != 0),"impl");
-    return 0;
-int icalcalendar_islocked(icalcalendar* calendar)
-    struct icalcalendar_impl *impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)calendar;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((impl != 0),"impl");
-    return 0;
-int icalcalendar_ownlock(icalcalendar* calendar)
-    struct icalcalendar_impl *impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)calendar;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((impl != 0),"impl");
-    return 0;
-icalset* icalcalendar_get_booked(icalcalendar* calendar)
-    struct icalcalendar_impl *impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)calendar;
-    char dir[PATH_MAX];
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((impl != 0),"impl");
-    dir[0] = '\0';
-    strcpy(dir,impl->dir);
-    strcat(dir,"/");
-    strcat(dir,BOOKED_DIR);
-    if (impl->booked == 0){
-	icalerror_clear_errno();
-	impl->booked = icaldirset_new(dir);
-	assert(icalerrno == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-    }
-    return impl->booked;
-icalset* icalcalendar_get_incoming(icalcalendar* calendar)
-    char path[PATH_MAX];
-    struct icalcalendar_impl *impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)calendar;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((impl != 0),"impl");
-    path[0] = '\0';
-    strcpy(path,impl->dir);
-    strcat(path,"/");
-    strcat(path,INCOMING_FILE);
-    if (impl->properties == 0){
-	impl->properties = icalfileset_new(path);
-    }
-    return impl->properties;
-icalset* icalcalendar_get_properties(icalcalendar* calendar)
-    char path[PATH_MAX];
-    struct icalcalendar_impl *impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)calendar;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((impl != 0),"impl");
-    path[0] = '\0';
-    strcpy(path,impl->dir);
-    strcat(path,"/");
-    strcat(path,PROP_FILE);
-    if (impl->properties == 0){
-	impl->properties = icalfileset_new(path);
-    }
-    return impl->properties;
-icalset* icalcalendar_get_freebusy(icalcalendar* calendar)
-    char path[PATH_MAX];
-    struct icalcalendar_impl *impl = (struct icalcalendar_impl*)calendar;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((impl != 0),"impl");
-    path[0] = '\0';
-    strcpy(path,impl->dir);
-    strcat(path,"/");
-    strcat(path,FBLIST_FILE);
-    if (impl->freebusy == 0){
-	impl->freebusy = icalfileset_new(path);
-    }
-    return impl->freebusy;
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcalendar.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalcalendar.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f07457c60d..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcalendar.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalcalendar.h
- CREATOR: eric 23 December 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalset.h"
-/* icalcalendar
- * Routines for storing calendar data in a file system. The calendar 
- * has two icaldirsets, one for incoming components and one for booked
- * components. It also has interfaces to access the free/busy list
- * and a list of calendar properties */
-typedef  void icalcalendar;
-icalcalendar* icalcalendar_new(char* dir);
-void icalcalendar_free(icalcalendar* calendar);
-int icalcalendar_lock(icalcalendar* calendar);
-int icalcalendar_unlock(icalcalendar* calendar);
-int icalcalendar_islocked(icalcalendar* calendar);
-int icalcalendar_ownlock(icalcalendar* calendar);
-icalset* icalcalendar_get_booked(icalcalendar* calendar);
-icalset* icalcalendar_get_incoming(icalcalendar* calendar);
-icalset* icalcalendar_get_properties(icalcalendar* calendar);
-icalset* icalcalendar_get_freebusy(icalcalendar* calendar);
-#endif /* !ICALCALENDAR_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalclassify.c b/libical/src/libicalss/icalclassify.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ad2d6d6fd8..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalclassify.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,696 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-    ======================================================================
-    FILE: icalclassify.c
-    CREATOR: ebusboom 23 aug 2000
-    $Id$
-    $Locker$
-    (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-    Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-    ======================================================================*/
-#include "config.h"
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalclassify.h"
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include <ctype.h>   /* For tolower() */
-#include <string.h> /* for index() */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc and free */
-struct icalclassify_parts {
-	icalcomponent *c;
-	icalproperty_method method;
-	char* organizer;
-	icalparameter_partstat reply_partstat;
-	char* reply_attendee;
-	char* uid;
-	int sequence;
-	struct icaltimetype dtstamp;	
-	struct icaltimetype recurrence_id;
-char* icalclassify_lowercase(const char* str)
-    char* p = 0;
-    char* new = icalmemory_strdup(str);
-    if(str ==0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    for(p = new; *p!=0; p++){
-	*p = tolower(*p);
-    }
-    return new;
-/* Return a set of components that intersect in time with comp. For
-component X and Y to intersect:
-icalcomponent* icalclassify_find_overlaps(icalset* set, icalcomponent* comp)
-    icalcomponent *return_set;
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    struct icaltime_span span,compspan;
-    icalerror_clear_errno();
-    compspan = icalcomponent_get_span(comp);
-    if(icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return_set = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_XROOT_COMPONENT);
-    for(c = icalset_get_first_component(set);
-	c != 0;
-	c = icalset_get_next_component(set)){
-	icalerror_clear_errno();
-	span = icalcomponent_get_span(c);
-	if(icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
-	    continue;
-	}
-	if (compspan.start < span.end && 
-	    compspan.end > span.start){
-	    icalcomponent *clone = icalcomponent_new_clone(c);
-	    icalcomponent_add_component(return_set,clone);
-	}	
-    }
-    if(icalcomponent_count_components(return_set,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT) !=0){
-	return return_set;
-    } else {
-	icalcomponent_free(return_set);
-	return 0;
-    }
-icalproperty* icalclassify_find_attendee(icalcomponent *c, 
-						  const char* attendee)
-    icalproperty *p;
-    char* lattendee = icalclassify_lowercase(attendee);
-    char* upn =  strchr(lattendee,':');
-    icalcomponent *inner = icalcomponent_get_first_real_component(c);
-    for(p  = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY);
-	p != 0;
-	p  = icalcomponent_get_next_property(inner,ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY))
-    {
-	const char* this_attendee
-	    = icalclassify_lowercase(icalproperty_get_attendee(p));
-	char* this_upn = strchr(this_attendee,':');
-        if(this_upn == 0){
-            continue;
-        } 
-	if(strcmp(this_upn,upn)==0){
-            return p;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-void icalssutil_free_parts(struct icalclassify_parts *parts)
-    if(parts == 0){
-	return;
-    }
-    if(parts->organizer != 0){
-	free(parts->organizer);
-    }
-    if(parts->uid != 0){
-	free(parts->uid);
-    }
-    if(parts->reply_attendee){
-	free(parts->reply_attendee);
-    }
-void icalssutil_get_parts(icalcomponent* c,  
-			  struct icalclassify_parts* parts)
-    icalproperty *p;
-    icalcomponent *inner;
-    memset(parts,0,sizeof(struct icalclassify_parts));
-    parts->method = ICAL_METHOD_NONE;
-    parts->sequence = 0;
-    parts->reply_partstat = ICAL_PARTSTAT_NONE;
-    if(c == 0){
-	return;
-    }
-    parts->c = c;
-    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c,ICAL_METHOD_PROPERTY);
-    if(p!=0){
-	parts->method = icalproperty_get_method(p);
-    }
-    inner = icalcomponent_get_first_real_component(c);
-    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_ORGANIZER_PROPERTY);
-    if(p!=0){
-	parts->organizer = strdup(icalproperty_get_organizer(p));
-    }
-    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_SEQUENCE_PROPERTY);    
-    if(p!=0){
-	parts->sequence = icalproperty_get_sequence(p);
-    }
-    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_UID_PROPERTY);
-    if(p!=0){
-	parts->uid = strdup(icalproperty_get_uid(p));
-    }
-    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_RECURRENCEID_PROPERTY);
-    if(p!=0){
-	parts->recurrence_id = icalproperty_get_recurrenceid(p);
-    }
-    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_DTSTAMP_PROPERTY);
-    if(p!=0){
-	parts->dtstamp = icalproperty_get_dtstamp(p);
-    }
-    if(parts->method==ICAL_METHOD_REPLY){
-	icalparameter *param;
-	p  = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY);
-	if(p!=0){
-	    param = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(p,ICAL_PARTSTAT_PARAMETER);
-	    if(param != 0){
-		parts->reply_partstat = 
-		    icalparameter_get_partstat(param);
-	    }
-	    parts->reply_attendee = strdup(icalproperty_get_attendee(p));
-	}
-    }    
-int icalssutil_is_rescheduled(icalcomponent* a,icalcomponent* b)
-    icalproperty *p1,*p2;
-    icalcomponent *i1,*i2;
-    int i;
-    icalproperty_kind kind_array[] = {
-    };
-    i1 = icalcomponent_get_first_real_component(a);
-    i2 = icalcomponent_get_first_real_component(b);
-    for(i =0; kind_array[i] != ICAL_NO_PROPERTY; i++){
-	p1 = icalcomponent_get_first_property(i1,kind_array[i]);
-	p2 = icalcomponent_get_first_property(i2,kind_array[i]);
-	if( (p1!=0)^(p1!=0) ){
-	    /* Return true if the property exists in one component and not
-	       the other */
-	    return 1;
-	}
-	if(p1 && strcmp(icalproperty_as_ical_string(p1),
-			icalproperty_as_ical_string(p2)) != 0){
-	    return 1;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-#define icalclassify_pre \
-    int rtrn =0; 
-#define icalclassify_post \
-    return rtrn;
-int icalclassify_publish_new(struct icalclassify_parts *comp, 
-				struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-				const char* user)
-    icalclassify_pre;
-    if(comp->method == ICAL_METHOD_PUBLISH &&
-	match == 0){
-	rtrn = 1;
-    }
-    icalclassify_post;
-int icalclassify_publish_update(struct icalclassify_parts *comp, 
-				struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-				const char* user)
-    icalclassify_pre;
-    if(comp->method == ICAL_METHOD_PUBLISH &&
-	match !=0 ){
-	rtrn = 1;
-    }
-    icalclassify_post;
-int icalclassify_publish_freebusy(struct icalclassify_parts *comp, 
-				struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-				const char* user)
-    icalclassify_pre;
-    if(comp->method == ICAL_METHOD_PUBLISH &&
-	match == 0){
-	rtrn = 1;
-    }
-    icalclassify_post;
-int icalclassify_request_new(struct icalclassify_parts *comp, 
-				    struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-				    const char* user)
-    /* Method is  REQUEST, and there is no match */
-    icalclassify_pre
-    if(match->c==0 && comp->method == ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST){
-	rtrn = 1;
-    }
-    icalclassify_post
-int icalclassify_request_update(
-    struct icalclassify_parts *comp,
-    struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-    const char* user)
-    /* REQUEST method, Higher SEQUENCE than match, and all
-       time-related properties are unchanged */
-    icalclassify_pre
-    if (match != 0 &&
-	comp->sequence >= match->sequence &&
-	!icalssutil_is_rescheduled(comp->c,match->c)){
-	rtrn = 1;
-    }
-    icalclassify_post
-int icalclassify_request_reschedule(
-    struct icalclassify_parts *comp,
-    struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-    const char* user)
-    /* REQUEST method, Higher SEQUENCE than match, and one or more
-       time-related properties are changed */
-    icalclassify_pre
-    if (match->c != 0 &&
-	comp->sequence > match->sequence &&
-	icalssutil_is_rescheduled(comp->c,match->c)){
-	rtrn = 1;
-    }
-    icalclassify_post
-int icalclassify_request_delegate(
-    struct icalclassify_parts *comp,
-    struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-    const char* user)
-    icalclassify_pre
-    if (match->c != 0 &&
-	comp->sequence > match->sequence &&
-	icalssutil_is_rescheduled(comp->c,match->c)){
-	rtrn = 1;
-    }
-    icalclassify_post
-int icalclassify_request_new_organizer(
-    struct icalclassify_parts *comp,
-    struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-    const char* user)
-    /*   Organizer has changed between match and component */
-    icalclassify_pre
-    icalclassify_post
-int icalclassify_request_status(
-    struct icalclassify_parts *comp,
-    struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-    const char* user)
-    icalclassify_pre
-    icalclassify_post
-int icalclassify_request_forward(
-    struct icalclassify_parts *comp,
-    struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-    const char* user)
-    icalclassify_pre
-    icalclassify_post
-int icalclassify_request_freebusy(
-    struct icalclassify_parts *comp,
-    struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-    const char* user)
-    icalclassify_pre
-    icalclassify_post
-int icalclassify_reply_accept(
-    struct icalclassify_parts *comp,
-    struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-    const char* user)
-    icalproperty* attendee;
-    icalclassify_pre;
-    attendee = icalclassify_find_attendee(match->c,comp->reply_attendee);
-    if(attendee != 0&&
-       comp->reply_partstat == ICAL_PARTSTAT_ACCEPTED){
-	rtrn = 1;
-    }
-    icalclassify_post
-int icalclassify_reply_decline(
-    struct icalclassify_parts *comp,
-    struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-    const char* user)
-    icalproperty* attendee;
-    icalclassify_pre;
-    attendee = icalclassify_find_attendee(match->c,comp->reply_attendee);
-    if( attendee != 0 &&
-       comp->reply_partstat == ICAL_PARTSTAT_DECLINED){
-	rtrn = 1;
-    }
-    icalclassify_post
-int icalclassify_reply_crasher_accept(
-    struct icalclassify_parts *comp,
-    struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-    const char* user)
-    icalproperty* attendee;
-    icalclassify_pre;
-    attendee= icalclassify_find_attendee(match->c,comp->reply_attendee);
-    if(attendee == 0 &&
-       comp->reply_partstat == ICAL_PARTSTAT_ACCEPTED){
-	rtrn = 1;
-    }
-    icalclassify_post
-int icalclassify_reply_crasher_decline(
-    struct icalclassify_parts *comp,
-    struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-    const char* user)
-    icalparameter_partstat partstat;
-    icalproperty* attendee;
-    icalclassify_pre;
-    attendee = icalclassify_find_attendee(match->c,comp->reply_attendee);
-    if(attendee == 0 &&
-       comp->reply_partstat == ICAL_PARTSTAT_DECLINED){
-	rtrn = 1;
-    }
-    icalclassify_post
-int icalclassify_add_instance(
-    struct icalclassify_parts *comp,
-    struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-    const char* user)
-    icalclassify_pre
-    if(comp->method == ICAL_METHOD_ADD){
-	rtrn = 1;
-    }
-    icalclassify_post
-int icalclassify_cancel_event(
-    struct icalclassify_parts *comp,
-    struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-    const char* user)
-    icalclassify_pre
-    if(comp->method == ICAL_METHOD_CANCEL){
-	rtrn = 1;
-    }
-    icalclassify_post
-int icalclassify_cancel_instance(
-    struct icalclassify_parts *comp,
-    struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-    const char* user)
-    icalclassify_pre
-    if(comp->method == ICAL_METHOD_CANCEL){
-	rtrn = 1;
-    }
-    icalclassify_post
-int icalclassify_cancel_all(
-    struct icalclassify_parts *comp,
-    struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-    const char* user)
-    icalclassify_pre
-    if(comp->method == ICAL_METHOD_CANCEL){
-	rtrn = 1;
-    }
-    icalclassify_post
-int icalclassify_refesh(
-    struct icalclassify_parts *comp,
-    struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-    const char* user)
-    icalclassify_pre
-    if(comp->method == ICAL_METHOD_REFRESH){
-	rtrn = 1;
-    }
-    icalclassify_post
-int icalclassify_counter(
-    struct icalclassify_parts *comp,
-    struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-    const char* user)
-    icalclassify_pre
-    if(comp->method == ICAL_METHOD_COUNTER){
-	rtrn = 1;
-    }
-    icalclassify_post
-int icalclassify_delinecounter(
-    struct icalclassify_parts *comp,
-    struct icalclassify_parts *match, 
-    const char* user)
-    icalclassify_pre
-    if(comp->method == ICAL_METHOD_DECLINECOUNTER){
-	rtrn = 1;
-    }
-    icalclassify_post
-struct icalclassify_map {
-	icalproperty_method method;
-	int (*fn)(struct icalclassify_parts *comp,struct icalclassify_parts *match, const char* user);
-	ical_class class;
-} icalclassify_map[] = 
-{ {ICAL_METHOD_PUBLISH,icalclassify_publish_new,ICAL_PUBLISH_NEW_CLASS},
- {ICAL_METHOD_PUBLISH,icalclassify_publish_update,ICAL_PUBLISH_UPDATE_CLASS},
- {ICAL_METHOD_PUBLISH,icalclassify_publish_freebusy,ICAL_PUBLISH_FREEBUSY_CLASS},
-  {ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST,icalclassify_request_new,ICAL_REQUEST_NEW_CLASS},
-  {ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST,icalclassify_request_update,ICAL_REQUEST_UPDATE_CLASS},
-  {ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST,icalclassify_request_reschedule,ICAL_REQUEST_RESCHEDULE_CLASS},
-  {ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST,icalclassify_request_delegate,ICAL_REQUEST_DELEGATE_CLASS},
-  {ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST,icalclassify_request_new_organizer,ICAL_REQUEST_NEW_ORGANIZER_CLASS},
-  {ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST,icalclassify_request_forward,ICAL_REQUEST_FORWARD_CLASS},
-  {ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST,icalclassify_request_status,ICAL_REQUEST_STATUS_CLASS},
-  {ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST,icalclassify_request_freebusy,ICAL_REQUEST_FREEBUSY_CLASS},
-  {ICAL_METHOD_REPLY,icalclassify_reply_accept,ICAL_REPLY_ACCEPT_CLASS},
-  {ICAL_METHOD_REPLY,icalclassify_reply_decline,ICAL_REPLY_DECLINE_CLASS},
-  {ICAL_METHOD_REPLY,icalclassify_reply_crasher_accept,ICAL_REPLY_CRASHER_ACCEPT_CLASS},
-  {ICAL_METHOD_REPLY,icalclassify_reply_crasher_decline,ICAL_REPLY_CRASHER_DECLINE_CLASS},
-  {ICAL_METHOD_ADD,icalclassify_add_instance,ICAL_ADD_INSTANCE_CLASS},
-  {ICAL_METHOD_CANCEL,icalclassify_cancel_event,ICAL_CANCEL_EVENT_CLASS},
-  {ICAL_METHOD_CANCEL,icalclassify_cancel_instance,ICAL_CANCEL_INSTANCE_CLASS},
-  {ICAL_METHOD_CANCEL,icalclassify_cancel_all,ICAL_CANCEL_ALL_CLASS},
-ical_class icalclassify(icalcomponent* c,icalcomponent* match, 
-			      const char* user)
-    icalcomponent *inner;
-    icalproperty *p;
-    icalproperty_method method;
-    ical_class class = ICAL_UNKNOWN_CLASS;
-    int i;
-    struct icalclassify_parts comp_parts;
-    struct icalclassify_parts match_parts;
-    inner = icalcomponent_get_first_real_component(c);
-    if (inner == 0) {
-	return ICAL_NO_CLASS;
-    }
-    icalssutil_get_parts(c,&comp_parts);
-    icalssutil_get_parts(match,&match_parts);
-    /* Determine if the incoming component is obsoleted by the match */
-    if(match != 0 && (
-	comp_parts.method == ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST
-	)){
-	assert ( ! ((comp_parts.dtstamp.is_utc==1)^
-		    (match_parts.dtstamp.is_utc==1)));
-	if( comp_parts.sequence<match_parts.sequence &&
-	    icaltime_compare(comp_parts.dtstamp,match_parts.dtstamp)>0)
-	{
-	    /* comp has a smaller sequence and a later DTSTAMP */
-	}
-	if( (comp_parts.sequence<match_parts.sequence )
-	     /*&&icaltime_compare(comp_parts.dtstamp,match_parts.dtstamp)<=0*/
-	     ||
-	   ( comp_parts.sequence == match_parts.sequence &&
-	     icaltime_compare(comp_parts.dtstamp,match_parts.dtstamp)<=0)){
-	}
-    }
-    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c,ICAL_METHOD_PROPERTY);
-    if (p == 0) {
-    }
-    method = icalproperty_get_method(p);
-    for (i =0; icalclassify_map[i].method != ICAL_METHOD_NONE; i++){
-	if(icalclassify_map[i].method == method){
-	    if( (*(icalclassify_map[i].fn))(&comp_parts,&match_parts,user)==1){
-		class = icalclassify_map[i].class;
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    icalssutil_free_parts(&comp_parts); 
-    icalssutil_free_parts(&match_parts);
-    return class;
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalclassify.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalclassify.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ae76434378..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalclassify.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalclassify.h
- CREATOR: eric 21 Aug 2000
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- =========================================================================*/
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalset.h"
-typedef enum icalclass {
-    ICAL_OBSOLETE_CLASS, /* 21 */
-    ICAL_UNKNOWN_CLASS /* 23 */
-} ical_class;
-ical_class icalclassify(icalcomponent* c,icalcomponent* match, 
-			      const char* user);
-icalcomponent* icalclassify_find_overlaps(icalset* set, icalcomponent* comp);
-#endif /* ICALCLASSIFY_H*/
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcomponent.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalcomponent.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e0e9f5a9f..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcomponent.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalcomponent.h
- CREATOR: eric 20 March 1999
-  (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom 
-  The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-  Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-  compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-  basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-  the License for the specific language governing rights and
-  limitations under the License.
-  The original author is Eric Busboom
-  The original code is icalcomponent.h
-#include "icalproperty.h"
-#include "icalvalue.h"
-#include "icalenums.h" /* defines icalcomponent_kind */
-typedef void icalcomponent;
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new(icalcomponent_kind kind);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_clone(icalcomponent* component);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_from_string(char* str);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_vanew(icalcomponent_kind kind, ...);
-void icalcomponent_free(icalcomponent* component);
-char* icalcomponent_as_ical_string(icalcomponent* component);
-int icalcomponent_is_valid(icalcomponent* component);
-icalcomponent_kind icalcomponent_isa(icalcomponent* component);
-int icalcomponent_isa_component (void* component);
- * Working with properties
- */
-void icalcomponent_add_property(icalcomponent* component,
-				icalproperty* property);
-void icalcomponent_remove_property(icalcomponent* component,
-				   icalproperty* property);
-int icalcomponent_count_properties(icalcomponent* component,
-				   icalproperty_kind kind);
-/* Iterate through the properties */
-icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_current_property(icalcomponent* component);
-icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_first_property(icalcomponent* component,
-					      icalproperty_kind kind);
-icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_next_property(icalcomponent* component,
-					      icalproperty_kind kind);
-/* Return a null-terminated array of icalproperties*/
-icalproperty** icalcomponent_get_properties(icalcomponent* component,
-					      icalproperty_kind kind);
- * Working with components
- */ 
-void icalcomponent_add_component(icalcomponent* parent,
-				icalcomponent* child);
-void icalcomponent_remove_component(icalcomponent* parent,
-				icalcomponent* child);
-int icalcomponent_count_components(icalcomponent* component,
-				   icalcomponent_kind kind);
-/* Iterate through components */
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_current_component (icalcomponent* component);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_first_component(icalcomponent* component,
-					      icalcomponent_kind kind);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_next_component(icalcomponent* component,
-					      icalcomponent_kind kind);
-/* Return a null-terminated array of icalproperties*/
-icalproperty** icalcomponent_get_component(icalcomponent* component,
-					      icalproperty_kind kind);
-/* Working with embedded error properties */
-int icalcomponent_count_errors(icalcomponent* component);
-void icalcomponent_strip_errors(icalcomponent* component);
-/* Internal operations. You don't see these... */
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_parent(icalcomponent* component);
-void icalcomponent_set_parent(icalcomponent* component, 
-			      icalcomponent* parent);
-#endif /* !ICALCOMPONENT_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcsdb.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalcsdb.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4619b94fd0..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcsdb.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalcsdb.h Calendar Server Database
- CREATOR: eric 23 December 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-#ifndef ICALCSDB_H
-#define ICALCSDB_H
-#include "ical.h"
-typedef void icalcsdb;
-icalcsdb* icalcsdb_new(char* path);
-void icalcsdb_free(icalcsdb* csdb);
-icalerrorenum icalcsdb_create(icalcsdb* db, char* calid);
-icalerrorenum icalcsdb_delete(icalcsdb* db, char* calid);
-icalerrorenum icalcsdb_move(icalcsdb* db, char* oldcalid, char* newcalid);
-icalerrorenum icalcsdb_noop(icalcsdb* db);
-char* icalcsdb_generateuid(icalcsdb* db);
-icalcomponent* icalcsdb_expand_upn(icalcsdb* db, char* upn);
-icalcomponent* icalcsdb_expand_calid(icalcsdb* db, char* calid);
-icalerrorenum icalcsbd_senddata(icalcsdb* db, icalcomponent* comp);
-icalset* icalcsdb_get_calendar(icalcsdb* db, char* calid, 
-			       icalcomponent *gauge);
-icalset* icalcsdb_get_vcars(icalcsdb* db);
-icalset* icalcsdb_get_properties(icalcsdb* db);
-icalset* icalcsdb_get_capabilities(icalcsdb* db);
-icalset* icalcsdb_get_timezones(icalcsdb* db);
-#endif /* !ICALCSDB_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcstp.c b/libical/src/libicalss/icalcstp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b212b424a..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcstp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-    ======================================================================
-    FILE: icalcstps.c
-    CREATOR: ebusboom 23 Jun 2000
-    $Id$
-    $Locker$
-    (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-    Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-    ======================================================================*/
-#include "config.h"
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalcstp.h"
-#include "pvl.h" 
-#include <sys/types.h> /* For send(), others */
-#include <sys/socket.h>  /* For send(), others. */
-#include <unistd.h> /* For alarm */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc */
-#include <string.h>
-struct command_map {
-	enum icalcstp_command command;
-	char *str;
-} command_map[] = 
-icalcstp_command icalcstp_line_command(char* line)
-    int i;
-    for(i = 0; command_map[i].command != ICAL_UNKNOWN_COMMAND; i++){
-        size_t l = strlen(command_map[i].str);
-        if(strncmp(line, command_map[i].str, l) == 0){
-            return command_map[i].command;
-        }
-    }
-icalrequeststatus icalcstp_line_response_code(char* line)
-    struct icalreqstattype rs; 
-    rs = icalreqstattype_from_string(line);
-    return rs.code;
-int icalcstp_line_is_endofdata(char* line)
-    if(line[0] == '.' && line[1] == '\n'){
-        return 1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-int icalcstp_line_is_mime(char* line)
-const char* icalcstp_command_to_string(icalcstp_command command){
-    int i;
-    for(i = 0; command_map[i].command != ICAL_UNKNOWN_COMMAND; i++){
-        size_t l = strlen(command_map[i].str);
-        if(command_map[i].command == command){
-            return command_map[i].str;
-        }
-    }
-    return command_map[i].str;
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcstp.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalcstp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dfc361830e..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcstp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
-  FILE: icalcstp.h
-  CREATOR: eric 20 April 1999
-  $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalcstp.h
-#ifndef ICALCSTP_H
-#define ICALCSTP_H
-#include "ical.h"
-/* Connection state, from the state machine in RFC2445 */
-enum cstps_state {
-    NO_STATE,
-/* CSTP Commands that a client can issue to a server */
-typedef enum icalcstp_command {
-} icalcstp_command;
-/* A statement is a combination of command or response code and a
-   component that the server and client exchage with each other. */
-struct icalcstp_statement {
-    icalcstp_command command;
-    char* str_data; /* If non-NUll use as arguments to command */
-    int int_data; /* If non-NULL use as arguments to command */
-    icalrequeststatus code;
-    icalcomponent* data;
-const char* icalcstp_command_to_string(icalcstp_command command);
-icalcstp_command icalcstp_string_to_command(const char* str);
-#endif /* !ICALCSTP_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpclient.c b/libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpclient.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d53d53f568..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpclient.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-    ======================================================================
-    FILE: icalcstps.c
-    CREATOR: ebusboom 23 Jun 2000
-    $Id$
-    $Locker$
-    (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-    Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-    ======================================================================*/
-#include "config.h"
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalcstp.h"
-#include "icalcstpclient.h"
-#include "pvl.h" 
-#include <sys/types.h> /* For send(), others */
-#include <sys/socket.h>  /* For send(), others. */
-#include <unistd.h> /* For alarm */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc */
-#include <string.h>
-#define EOL "\n"
-/* Client state machine */
-typedef enum icalcstpc_line_type {
-} icalcstpc_line_type;
-typedef enum icalcstpc_state {
-} icalcstpc_state;
-struct icalcstpc_impl {
-    int timeout;
-    icalparser *parser;
-    icalcstp_command command;
-    icalcstpc_state state;
-    char* next_output;
-    char* next_input;
-icalcstpc* icalcstpc_new()
-    struct icalcstpc_impl *impl;
-    impl = malloc(sizeof(struct icalcstpc_impl));
-    if(impl == 0){
-        icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    memset(impl,0,sizeof(struct icalcstpc_impl));
-    return impl;
-void icalcstpc_free(icalcstpc* cstpc)
-    struct icalcstpc_impl *impl = (struct icalcstpc_impl *)cstpc;
-    if(impl->next_output != 0){
-        free(impl->next_output);
-    }
-    if(impl->next_input != 0){
-        free(impl->next_input);
-    }
-    if(impl->parser != 0){
-        icalparser_free(impl->parser);
-    }
-/* Get the next string to send to the server */
-char* icalcstpc_next_output(icalcstpc* cstp, char * line)
-    char* out;
-    struct icalcstpc_impl *impl = (struct icalcstpc_impl *)cstp;
-    if(impl->next_output == 0){
-        return 0;
-    }
-    out = impl->next_output;
-    impl->next_output = 0;
-    icalmemory_add_tmp_buffer(out);
-    return out;
-/* process the next string sent by the server */ 
-int icalcstpc_next_input(icalcstpc* cstp, char* line)
-    struct icalcstpc_impl *impl = (struct icalcstpc_impl *)cstp;
-    icalcstpc_line_type line_type;
-    if(icalcstp_line_is_endofdata(line) || line == 0){
-        return 0;
-    }
-    switch (impl->command){
-        break;
-    }
-        break;
-    }
-        break;
-    }
-        break;
-    }
-        break;
-    }
-        break;
-    }
-        break;
-    }
-        break;
-    }
-        break;
-    }
-        break;
-    }
-        break;
-    }
-        break;
-    }
-    default:
-        break;
-    }
-/* After icalcstpc_next_input returns a 0, there are responses
-   ready. use these to get them */
-icalcstpc_response icalcstpc_first_response(icalcstpc* cstp)
-    struct icalcstpc_impl *impl = (struct icalcstpc_impl *)cstp;
-icalcstpc_response icalcstpc_next_response(icalcstpc* cstp)
-    struct icalcstpc_impl *impl = (struct icalcstpc_impl *)cstp;
-int icalcstpc_set_timeout(icalcstpc* cstp, int sec)
-    struct icalcstpc_impl *impl = (struct icalcstpc_impl *)cstp;
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_abort(icalcstpc* cstp)
-    struct icalcstpc_impl* impl = (struct icalcstpc_impl*)cstp;
-    icalerror_check_arg_re(cstp!=0,"cstp",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-    impl->next_output = "ABORT\n";
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum icalcstpclient_setup_output(icalcstpc* cstp, size_t sz)
-   struct icalcstpc_impl *impl = (struct icalcstpc_impl *)cstp;
-   if(impl->next_output != 0){
-       icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_USAGE_ERROR);
-       return ICAL_USAGE_ERROR;
-   }
-   impl->next_output = malloc(sz);
-   if(impl->next_output == 0){
-       icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-       return ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR;
-   }
-   return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_authenticate(icalcstpc* cstp, char* mechanism, 
-                                        char* data, char* f(char*))
-   struct icalcstpc_impl *impl = (struct icalcstpc_impl *)cstp;
-   char* command_str;
-   icalerrorenum error;
-   size_t sz;
-   icalerror_check_arg_re(cstp!=0,"cstp",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-   icalerror_check_arg_re(mechanism!=0,"mechanism",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-   icalerror_check_arg_re(data!=0,"data",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-   icalerror_check_arg_re(f!=0,"f",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-   impl->command = ICAL_AUTHENTICATE_COMMAND;
-   command_str = icalcstp_command_to_string(impl->command);
-   sz = strlen(command_str) + strlen(mechanism) + strlen(data) + 4;
-   if((error=icalcstpclient_setup_output(cstp,sz)) != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
-       return error;
-   }
-   sprintf(impl->next_output,"%s %s %s%s",command_str,mechanism,data,EOL);
-   return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_capability(icalcstpc* cstp)
-    struct icalcstpc_impl *impl = (struct icalcstpc_impl *)cstp;
-    char* command_str;
-    icalerrorenum error;
-    size_t sz;
-    icalerror_check_arg_re(cstp!=0,"cstp",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-    impl->command = ICAL_CAPABILITY_COMMAND;
-    command_str = icalcstp_command_to_string(impl->command);
-    sz = strlen(command_str);
-    if((error=icalcstpclient_setup_output(cstp,sz)) != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
-        return error;
-    }
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_calidexpand(icalcstpc* cstp,char* calid)
-    struct icalcstpc_impl *impl = (struct icalcstpc_impl *)cstp;
-    impl->command = ICAL_CALIDEXPAND_COMMAND;
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_continue(icalcstpc* cstp, unsigned int time)
-    struct icalcstpc_impl *impl = (struct icalcstpc_impl *)cstp;
-    impl->command = ICAL_CONTINUE_COMMAND;
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_disconnect(icalcstpc* cstp)
-    struct icalcstpc_impl *impl = (struct icalcstpc_impl *)cstp;
-    impl->command = ICAL_DISCONNECT_COMMAND;
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_identify(icalcstpc* cstp, char* id)
-    struct icalcstpc_impl *impl = (struct icalcstpc_impl *)cstp;
-    impl->command = ICAL_IDENTIFY_COMMAND;
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_starttls(icalcstpc* cstp, char* command, 
-                                    char* data, char * f(char*))
-    struct icalcstpc_impl *impl = (struct icalcstpc_impl *)cstp;
-    impl->command = ICAL_STARTTLS_COMMAND;
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_upnexpand(icalcstpc* cstp,char* calid)
-    struct icalcstpc_impl *impl = (struct icalcstpc_impl *)cstp;
-    impl->command = ICAL_UPNEXPAND_COMMAND;
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_sendata(icalcstpc* cstp, unsigned int time,
-                                   icalcomponent *comp)
-    struct icalcstpc_impl *impl = (struct icalcstpc_impl *)cstp;
-    impl->command = ICAL_SENDDATA_COMMAND;
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpclient.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpclient.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d9d0c904c..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpclient.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
-  FILE: icalcstpclient.h
-  CREATOR: eric 4 Feb 01
-  $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalcstp.h
-#ifndef ICALCSTPC_H
-#define ICALCSTPC_H
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalcstp.h"
-/********************** Client (Sender) Interfaces **************************/
-/* How to use: 
-   1) Construct a new icalcstpc
-   2) Issue a command by calling one of the command routines. 
-   3) Repeat until both call icalcstpc_next_output and
-   icalcstpc_next_input return 0:
-     3a) Call icalcstpc_next_output. Send string to server. 
-     3b) Get string from server, & give to icalcstp_next_input()
-   4) Iterate with icalcstpc_first_response & icalcstp_next_response to 
-   get the servers responses
-   5) Repeat at #2
-typedef void icalcstpc;
-/* Response code sent by the server. */
-typedef struct icalcstpc_response {	
-    icalrequeststatus code;
-    char *arg; /* These strings are owned by libical */
-    char *debug_text;
-    char *more_text;
-    void* result;
-} icalcstpc_response;
-icalcstpc* icalcstpc_new();
-void icalcstpc_free(icalcstpc* cstpc);
-int icalcstpc_set_timeout(icalcstpc* cstp, int sec);
-/* Get the next string to send to the server */
-char* icalcstpc_next_output(icalcstpc* cstp, char* line);
-/* process the next string from the server */ 
-int icalcstpc_next_input(icalcstpc* cstp, char * line);
-/* After icalcstpc_next_input returns a 0, there are responses
-   ready. use these to get them */
-icalcstpc_response icalcstpc_first_response(icalcstpc* cstp);
-icalcstpc_response icalcstpc_next_response(icalcstpc* cstp);
-/* Issue a command */
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_abort(icalcstpc* cstp);
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_authenticate(icalcstpc* cstp, char* mechanism, 
-                                        char* init_data, char* f(char*) );
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_capability(icalcstpc* cstp);
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_calidexpand(icalcstpc* cstp,char* calid);
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_continue(icalcstpc* cstp, unsigned int time);
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_disconnect(icalcstpc* cstp);
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_identify(icalcstpc* cstp, char* id);
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_starttls(icalcstpc* cstp, char* command, 
-                                    char* init_data, char* f(char*));
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_senddata(icalcstpc* cstp, unsigned int time,
-				icalcomponent *comp);
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_upnexpand(icalcstpc* cstp,char* calid);
-icalerrorenum icalcstpc_sendata(icalcstpc* cstp, unsigned int time,
-                                   icalcomponent *comp);
-#endif /* !ICALCSTPC_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpserver.c b/libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpserver.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a6ed7b976..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpserver.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-    ======================================================================
-    FILE: icalcstpserver.c
-    CREATOR: ebusboom 13 Feb 01
-    $Id$
-    $Locker$
-    (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-    Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-    ======================================================================*/
-#include "config.h"
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalcstp.h"
-#include "icalcstpserver.h"
-#include "pvl.h" 
-#include <sys/types.h> /* For send(), others */
-#include <sys/socket.h>  /* For send(), others. */
-#include <unistd.h> /* For alarm */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc */
-#include <string.h>
-struct icalcstps_impl {
-	int timeout;
-	icalparser *parser;
-	enum cstps_state major_state;
-	struct icalcstps_commandfp commandfp;
-/* This state machine is a Mealy-type: actions occur on the
-   transitions, not in the states.
-   Here is the state machine diagram from the CAP draft:
-        STARTTLS /
-       +-------+
-       |       |                       +---------------+
-       |   +-----------+ AUTHENTICATE  |               |
-       +-->| Connected |-------------->| Authenticated |
-           +-----------+               |               |
-             |                         +---------------+
-             |                              |
-             |                              |
-             |                              |
-             |                              |       +-----+ STARTTLS /
-             |                              V       |     | CAPABILITY /
-             |                         +---------------+  | IDENTIFY
-             |                         |               |<-+
-             |                         |   Identified  |<----+
-             |                +--------|               |     |
-             |                |        +---------------+     | command
-             |                |             |                | completes
-             V                |DISCONNECT   |                |
-           +--------------+   |             |SENDDATA        |
-           | Disconnected |<--+             |                |
-           +--------------+                 |                | ABORT
-                     A                      |                |
-                     |                      V                |
-                     |     DISCONNECT     +---------------+  |
-                     +--------------------|    Receive    |--+
-                                          |               |<--+
-                                          +---------------+   |
-                                                         |    | CONTINUTE
-                                                         +----+
-   In this implmenetation, the transition from CONNECTED to IDENTIFIED
-   is non-standard. The spec specifies that on the ATHENTICATE
-   command, the machine transitions from CONNECTED to AUTHENTICATED,
-   and then immediately goes to IDENTIFIED. This makes AUTHENTICATED a
-   useless state, so I removed it */
-struct state_table {
-	enum cstps_state major_state;
-	enum icalcstp_command command;
-	void (*action)();
-	enum cstps_state next_state;
-} server_state_table[] = 
-    { DISCONNECTED, 0, 0, 0},
-icalcstps* icalcstps_new(struct icalcstps_commandfp cfp)
-    struct icalcstps_impl* impl;
-    if ( ( impl = (struct icalcstps_impl*)
-	   malloc(sizeof(struct icalcstps_impl))) == 0) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    impl->commandfp = cfp;
-    impl->timeout = 10;
-    return (icalcstps*)impl;
-void icalcstps_free(icalcstps* cstp);
-int icalcstps_set_timeout(icalcstps* cstp, int sec) 
-    struct icalcstps_impl *impl = (struct icalcstps_impl *) cstp;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (cstp!=0), "cstp");
-    impl->timeout = sec;
-    return sec;
-typedef struct icalcstps_response {	
-	icalrequeststatus code;
-	char caluid[1024];
-	void* result;
-} icalcstps_response;
-icalerrorenum prep_abort(struct icalcstps_impl* impl, char* data)
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum prep_authenticate(struct icalcstps_impl* impl, char* data)
-{    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum prep_capability(struct icalcstps_impl* impl, char* data)
-{    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum prep_calidexpand(struct icalcstps_impl* impl, char* data)
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum prep_continue(struct icalcstps_impl* impl, char* data)
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum prep_disconnect(struct icalcstps_impl* impl, char* data)
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum prep_identify(struct icalcstps_impl* impl, char* data)
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum prep_starttls(struct icalcstps_impl* impl, char* data)
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum prep_upnexpand(struct icalcstps_impl* impl, char* data)
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum prep_sendata(struct icalcstps_impl* impl, char* data)
-{    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-char* icalcstps_process_incoming(icalcstps* cstp, char* input)
-    struct icalcstps_impl *impl = (struct icalcstps_impl *) cstp;
-    char *i;
-    char *cmd_or_resp;
-    char *data;
-    char *input_cpy;
-    icalerrorenum error;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(cstp !=0,"cstp");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(input !=0,"input");
-    if ((input_cpy = (char*)strdup(input)) == 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    i = (char*)strstr(" ",input_cpy);
-    cmd_or_resp = input_cpy;
-    if (i != 0){
-	*i = '\0';
-	data = ++i;
-    } else {
-	data = 0;
-    }
-    printf("cmd: %s\n",cmd_or_resp);
-    printf("data: %s\n",data);
-    /* extract the command, look up in the state table, and dispatch
-       to the proper handler */    
-    if(strcmp(cmd_or_resp,"ABORT") == 0){
-	error = prep_abort(impl,data);	
-    } else if(strcmp(cmd_or_resp,"AUTHENTICATE") == 0){
-	error = prep_authenticate(impl,data);
-    } else if(strcmp(cmd_or_resp,"CAPABILITY") == 0){
-	error = prep_capability(impl,data);
-    } else if(strcmp(cmd_or_resp,"CALIDEXPAND") == 0){
-	error = prep_calidexpand(impl,data);
-    } else if(strcmp(cmd_or_resp,"CONTINUE") == 0){
-	error = prep_continue(impl,data);
-    } else if(strcmp(cmd_or_resp,"DISCONNECT") == 0){
-	error = prep_disconnect(impl,data);
-    } else if(strcmp(cmd_or_resp,"IDENTIFY") == 0){
-	error = prep_identify(impl,data);
-    } else if(strcmp(cmd_or_resp,"STARTTLS") == 0){
-	error = prep_starttls(impl,data);
-    } else if(strcmp(cmd_or_resp,"UPNEXPAND") == 0){
-	error = prep_upnexpand(impl,data);
-    } else if(strcmp(cmd_or_resp,"SENDDATA") == 0){
-	error = prep_sendata(impl,data);
-    }
-    return 0;
-    /* Read data until we get a end of data marker */
-struct icalcstps_server_stubs {
-  icalerrorenum (*abort)(icalcstps* cstp);
-  icalerrorenum (*authenticate)(icalcstps* cstp, char* mechanism, 
-                                    char* data);
-  icalerrorenum (*calidexpand)(icalcstps* cstp, char* calid);
-  icalerrorenum (*capability)(icalcstps* cstp);
-  icalerrorenum (*cont)(icalcstps* cstp, unsigned int time);
-  icalerrorenum (*identify)(icalcstps* cstp, char* id);
-  icalerrorenum (*disconnect)(icalcstps* cstp);
-  icalerrorenum (*sendata)(icalcstps* cstp, unsigned int time, 
-                               icalcomponent *comp);
-  icalerrorenum (*starttls)(icalcstps* cstp, char* command, 
-                                char* data);
-  icalerrorenum (*upnexpand)(icalcstps* cstp, char* upn);
-  icalerrorenum (*unknown)(icalcstps* cstp, char* command, char* data);
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpserver.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpserver.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fa2254b2e..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalcstpserver.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
-  FILE: icalcstpserver.h
-  CREATOR: eric 13 Feb 01
-  $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalcstp.h
-#ifndef ICALCSTPS_H
-#define ICALCSTPS_H
-#include "ical.h"
-/********************** Server (Reciever) Interfaces *************************/
-/* On the server side, the caller will recieve data from the incoming
-   socket and pass it to icalcstps_next_input. The caller then takes
-   the return from icalcstps_next_outpu and sends it out through the
-   socket. This gives the caller a point of control. If the cstp code
-   connected to the socket itself, it would be hard for the caller to
-   do anything else after the cstp code was started.
-   All of the server and client command routines will generate
-   response codes. On the server side, these responses will be turned
-   into text and sent to the client. On the client side, the reponse
-   is the one sent from the server.
-   Since each command can return multiple responses, the responses are
-   stored in the icalcstps object and are accesses by
-   icalcstps_first_response() and icalcstps_next_response()
-   How to use: 
-   1) Construct a new icalcstps, bound to your code via stubs
-   2) Repeat forever:
-     2a) Get string from client & give to icalcstps_next_input()
-     2b) Repeat until icalcstp_next_output returns 0:
-       2b1) Call icalcstps_next_output. 
-       2b2) Send string to client.
-typedef void icalcstps;
-/* Pointers to the rountines that
-   icalcstps_process_incoming will call when it recognizes a CSTP
-   command in the data. BTW, the CONTINUE command is named 'cont'
-   because 'continue' is a C keyword */
-struct icalcstps_commandfp {
-  icalerrorenum (*abort)(icalcstps* cstp);
-  icalerrorenum (*authenticate)(icalcstps* cstp, char* mechanism,
-                                    char* data);
-  icalerrorenum (*calidexpand)(icalcstps* cstp, char* calid);
-  icalerrorenum (*capability)(icalcstps* cstp);
-  icalerrorenum (*cont)(icalcstps* cstp, unsigned int time);
-  icalerrorenum (*identify)(icalcstps* cstp, char* id);
-  icalerrorenum (*disconnect)(icalcstps* cstp);
-  icalerrorenum (*sendata)(icalcstps* cstp, unsigned int time,
-                               icalcomponent *comp);
-  icalerrorenum (*starttls)(icalcstps* cstp, char* command,
-                                char* data);
-  icalerrorenum (*upnexpand)(icalcstps* cstp, char* upn);
-  icalerrorenum (*unknown)(icalcstps* cstp, char* command, char* data);
-icalcstps* icalcstps_new(struct icalcstps_commandfp stubs);
-void icalcstps_free(icalcstps* cstp);
-int icalcstps_set_timeout(icalcstps* cstp, int sec);
-/* Get the next string to send to the client */
-char* icalcstps_next_output(icalcstps* cstp);
-/* process the next string from the client */ 
-int icalcstps_next_input(icalcstps* cstp);
-#endif /* ICALCSTPS */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icaldirset.c b/libical/src/libicalss/icaldirset.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a7b9cfdd9..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icaldirset.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,753 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-    ======================================================================
-    FILE: icaldirset.c
-    CREATOR: eric 28 November 1999
-    $Id$
-    $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-    The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
-    Code is Eric Busboom
-    ======================================================================*/
-  icaldirset manages a database of ical components and offers
-  interfaces for reading, writting and searching for components.
-  icaldirset groups components in to clusters based on their DTSTAMP
-  time -- all components that start in the same month are grouped
-  together in a single file. All files in a sotre are kept in a single
-  directory. 
-  The primary interfaces are icaldirset_first and icaldirset_next. These
-  routine iterate through all of the components in the store, subject
-  to the current gauge. A gauge is an icalcomponent that is tested
-  against other componets for a match. If a gauge has been set with
-  icaldirset_select, icaldirset_first and icaldirset_next will only
-  return componentes that match the gauge.
-  The Store generated UIDs for all objects that are stored if they do
-  not already have a UID. The UID is the name of the cluster (month &
-  year as MMYYYY) plus a unique serial number. The serial number is
-  stored as a property of the cluster.
-#include "config.h"
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icaldirset.h"
-#include "pvl.h" 
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalparser.h"
-#include "icaldirset.h"
-#include "icalfileset.h"
-#include "icalfilesetimpl.h"
-#include "icalgauge.h"
-#include <limits.h> /* For PATH_MAX */
-#include <dirent.h> /* for opendir() */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/types.h> /* for opendir() */
-#include <sys/stat.h> /* for stat */
-#include <unistd.h> /* for stat, getpid */
-#include <time.h> /* for clock() */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for rand(), srand() */
-#include <sys/utsname.h> /* for uname */
-#include <string.h> /* for strdup */
-#include "icaldirsetimpl.h"
-struct icaldirset_impl* icaldirset_new_impl()
-    struct icaldirset_impl* impl;
-    if ( ( impl = (struct icaldirset_impl*)
-	   malloc(sizeof(struct icaldirset_impl))) == 0) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    strcpy(impl->id,ICALDIRSET_ID);
-    return impl;
-const char* icaldirset_path(icaldirset* cluster)
-    struct icaldirset_impl *impl = icaldirset_new_impl();
-    return impl->dir;
-void icaldirset_mark(icaldirset* store)
-    struct icaldirset_impl *impl = (struct icaldirset_impl*)store;
-    icalfileset_mark(impl->cluster);
-icalerrorenum icaldirset_commit(icaldirset* store)
-    struct icaldirset_impl *impl = (struct icaldirset_impl*)store;
-    return icalfileset_commit(impl->cluster);
-void icaldirset_lock(const char* dir)
-void icaldirset_unlock(const char* dir)
-/* Load the contents of the store directory into the store's internal directory list*/
-icalerrorenum icaldirset_read_directory(struct icaldirset_impl* impl)
-    struct dirent *de;
-    DIR* dp;
-    char *str;
-    dp = opendir(impl->dir);
-    if ( dp == 0) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
-    }
-    /* clear contents of directory list */
-    while((str = pvl_pop(impl->directory))){
-	free(str);
-    }
-    /* load all of the cluster names in the directory list */
-    for(de = readdir(dp);
-	de != 0;
-	de = readdir(dp)){
-	/* Remove known directory names  '.' and '..'*/
-	if (strcmp(de->d_name,".") == 0 ||
-	    strcmp(de->d_name,"..") == 0 ){
-	    continue;
-	}
-	pvl_push(impl->directory, (void*)strdup(de->d_name));	
-    }
-    closedir(dp);
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icaldirset* icaldirset_new(const char* dir)
-    struct icaldirset_impl *impl = icaldirset_new_impl();
-    struct stat sbuf;
-    if (impl == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (dir!=0), "dir");
-    if (stat(dir,&sbuf) != 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /* dir is not the name of a direectory*/
-    if (!S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)){ 
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_USAGE_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }	    
-    icaldirset_lock(dir);
-    impl = icaldirset_new_impl();
-    if (impl ==0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    impl->directory = pvl_newlist();
-    impl->directory_iterator = 0;
-    impl->dir = (char*)strdup(dir);
-    impl->gauge = 0;
-    impl->first_component = 0;
-    impl->cluster = 0;
-    icaldirset_read_directory(impl);
-    return (icaldirset*) impl;
-void icaldirset_free(icaldirset* s)
-    struct icaldirset_impl *impl = (struct icaldirset_impl*)s;
-    char* str;
-    icaldirset_unlock(impl->dir);
-    if(impl->dir !=0){
-	free(impl->dir);
-    }
-    if(impl->gauge !=0){
-	icalcomponent_free(impl->gauge);
-    }
-    if(impl->cluster !=0){
-	icalfileset_free(impl->cluster);
-    }
-    while(impl->directory !=0 &&  (str=pvl_pop(impl->directory)) != 0){
-	free(str);
-    }
-    if(impl->directory != 0){
-	pvl_free(impl->directory);
-    }
-    impl->directory = 0;
-    impl->directory_iterator = 0;
-    impl->dir = 0;
-    impl->gauge = 0;
-    impl->first_component = 0;
-    free(impl);
-/* icaldirset_next_uid_number updates a serial number in the Store
-   directory in a file called SEQUENCE */
-int icaldirset_next_uid_number(icaldirset* store)
-    struct icaldirset_impl *impl = (struct icaldirset_impl*)store;
-    char sequence = 0;
-    char temp[128];
-    char filename[ICAL_PATH_MAX];
-    char *r;
-    FILE *f;
-    struct stat sbuf;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (store!=0), "store");
-    sprintf(filename,"%s/%s",impl->dir,"SEQUENCE");
-    /* Create the file if it does not exist.*/
-    if (stat(filename,&sbuf) == -1 || !S_ISREG(sbuf.st_mode)){
-	f = fopen(filename,"w");
-	if (f != 0){
-	    fprintf(f,"0");
-	    fclose(f);
-	} else {
-	    icalerror_warn("Can't create SEQUENCE file in icaldirset_next_uid_number");
-	    return 0;
-	}
-    }
-    if ( (f = fopen(filename,"r+")) != 0){
-	rewind(f);
-	r = fgets(temp,128,f);
-	if (r == 0){
-	    sequence = 1;
-	} else {
-	    sequence = atoi(temp)+1;
-	}
-	rewind(f);
-	fprintf(f,"%d",sequence);
-	fclose(f);
-	return sequence;
-    } else {
-	icalerror_warn("Can't create SEQUENCE file in icaldirset_next_uid_number");
-	return 0;
-    }
-icalerrorenum icaldirset_next_cluster(icaldirset* store)
-    struct icaldirset_impl *impl = (struct icaldirset_impl*)store;
-    char path[ICAL_PATH_MAX];
-    if (impl->directory_iterator == 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_INTERNAL_ERROR);
-    }	    
-    impl->directory_iterator = pvl_next(impl->directory_iterator);
-    if (impl->directory_iterator == 0){
-	/* There are no more clusters */
-	if(impl->cluster != 0){
-	    icalfileset_free(impl->cluster);
-	    impl->cluster = 0;
-	}
-	return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-    }
-    sprintf(path,"%s/%s",impl->dir,(char*)pvl_data(impl->directory_iterator));
-    icalfileset_free(impl->cluster);
-    impl->cluster = icalfileset_new(path);
-    return icalerrno;
-void icaldirset_add_uid(icaldirset* store, icaldirset* comp)
-    char uidstring[ICAL_PATH_MAX];
-    icalproperty *uid;
-    struct utsname unamebuf;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (store!=0), "store");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv( (comp!=0), "comp");
-    uid = icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp,ICAL_UID_PROPERTY);
-    if (uid == 0) {
-	uname(&unamebuf);
-	sprintf(uidstring,"%d-%s",(int)getpid(),unamebuf.nodename);
-	uid = icalproperty_new_uid(uidstring);
-	icalcomponent_add_property(comp,uid);
-    } else {
-	strcpy(uidstring,icalproperty_get_uid(uid));
-    }
-/* This assumes that the top level component is a VCALENDAR, and there
-   is an inner component of type VEVENT, VTODO or VJOURNAL. The inner
-   component must have a DTAMP property */
-icalerrorenum icaldirset_add_component(icaldirset* store, icaldirset* comp)
-    struct icaldirset_impl *impl;
-    char clustername[ICAL_PATH_MAX];
-    icalproperty *dt;
-    icalvalue *v;
-    struct icaltimetype tm;
-    icalerrorenum error = ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-    icalcomponent *inner;
-    impl = (struct icaldirset_impl*)store;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (store!=0), "store");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (comp!=0), "comp");
-    errno = 0;
-    icaldirset_add_uid(store,comp);
-    /* Determine which cluster this object belongs in. This is a HACK */
-    for(inner = icalcomponent_get_first_component(comp,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-	inner != 0;
-	inner = icalcomponent_get_next_component(comp,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)){
-	dt = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_DTSTAMP_PROPERTY);
-	if (dt != 0){
-	    break; 
-	}	
-    }
-    if (dt == 0){
-	for(inner = icalcomponent_get_first_component(comp,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-	    inner != 0;
-	    inner = icalcomponent_get_next_component(comp,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)){
-	    dt = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY);
-	    if (dt != 0){
-		break; 
-	    }	
-	}
-    }
-    if (dt == 0){
-	icalerror_warn("The component does not have a DTSTAMP or DTSTART property, so it cannot be added to the store");
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-    }
-    v = icalproperty_get_value(dt);
-    tm = icalvalue_get_datetime(v);
-    snprintf(clustername,ICAL_PATH_MAX,"%s/%04d%02d",impl->dir,tm.year,tm.month);
-    /* Load the cluster and insert the object */
-    if(impl->cluster != 0 && 
-       strcmp(clustername,icalfileset_path(impl->cluster)) != 0 ){
-	icalfileset_free(impl->cluster);
-	impl->cluster = 0;
-    }
-    if (impl->cluster == 0){
-	impl->cluster = icalfileset_new(clustername);
-	if (impl->cluster == 0){
-	    error = icalerrno;
-	}
-    }
-    if (error != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
-	icalerror_set_errno(error);
-	return error;
-    }
-    /* Add the component to the cluster */
-    icalfileset_add_component(impl->cluster,comp);
-    icalfileset_mark(impl->cluster);
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;    
-/* Remove a component in the current cluster. HACK. This routine is a
-   "friend" of icalfileset, and breaks its encapsulation. It was
-   either do it this way, or add several layers of interfaces that had
-   no other use.  */
-icalerrorenum icaldirset_remove_component(icaldirset* store, icaldirset* comp)
-    struct icaldirset_impl *impl = (struct icaldirset_impl*)store;
-    struct icalfileset_impl *filesetimpl = 
-	(struct icalfileset_impl*)impl->cluster;
-    icalcomponent *filecomp = filesetimpl->cluster;
-    icalcompiter i;
-    int found = 0;
-    icalerror_check_arg_re((store!=0),"store",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-    icalerror_check_arg_re((comp!=0),"comp",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-    icalerror_check_arg_re((impl->cluster!=0),"Cluster pointer",ICAL_USAGE_ERROR);
-    for(i = icalcomponent_begin_component(filecomp,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-	icalcompiter_deref(&i)!= 0; icalcompiter_next(&i)){
-	icalcomponent *this = icalcompiter_deref(&i);
-	if (this == comp){
-	    found = 1;
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    if (found != 1){
-	icalerror_warn("icaldirset_remove_component: component is not part of current cluster");
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_USAGE_ERROR);
-    }
-    icalfileset_remove_component(impl->cluster,comp);
-    icalfileset_mark(impl->cluster);
-    /* If the removal emptied the fileset, get the next fileset */
-    if( icalfileset_count_components(impl->cluster,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)==0){
-	icalerrorenum error = icaldirset_next_cluster(store);
-	if(impl->cluster != 0 && error == ICAL_NO_ERROR){
-	    icalfileset_get_first_component(impl->cluster);
-	} else {
-	    /* HACK. Not strictly correct for impl->cluster==0 */
-	    return error;
-	}
-    } else {
-	/* Do nothing */
-    }
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-int icaldirset_count_components(icaldirset* store,
-			       icalcomponent_kind kind)
-    /* HACK, not implemented */
-    assert(0);
-    return 0;
-icalcomponent* icaldirset_fetch_match(icaldirset* set, icalcomponent *c)
-    fprintf(stderr," icaldirset_fetch_match is not implemented\n");
-    assert(0);
-icalcomponent* icaldirset_fetch(icaldirset* store, const char* uid)
-    icalcomponent *gauge;
-    icalcomponent *old_gauge;
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    struct icaldirset_impl *impl = (struct icaldirset_impl*)store;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (store!=0), "store");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (uid!=0), "uid");
-    gauge = 
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-	    icalcomponent_vanew(
-		icalproperty_vanew_uid(
-		    uid,
-		    icalparameter_new_xliccomparetype(
-		    0),
-		0),
-	    0);
-    old_gauge = impl->gauge;
-    impl->gauge = gauge;
-    c= icaldirset_get_first_component(store);
-    impl->gauge = old_gauge;
-    icalcomponent_free(gauge);
-    return c;
-int icaldirset_has_uid(icaldirset* store, const char* uid)
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (store!=0), "store");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (uid!=0), "uid");
-    /* HACK. This is a temporary implementation. _has_uid should use a
-       database, and _fetch should use _has_uid, not the other way
-       around */
-    c = icaldirset_fetch(store,uid);
-    return c!=0;
-icalerrorenum icaldirset_select(icaldirset* store, icalcomponent* gauge)
- {
-    struct icaldirset_impl *impl = (struct icaldirset_impl*)store;
-    icalerror_check_arg_re( (store!=0), "store",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-    icalerror_check_arg_re( (gauge!=0), "gauge",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-    if (!icalcomponent_is_valid(gauge)){
-    }
-    impl->gauge = gauge;
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum icaldirset_modify(icaldirset* store, icalcomponent *old,
-			       icalcomponent *new)
-    assert(0);
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR; /* HACK, not implemented */
-void icaldirset_clear(icaldirset* store)
-    assert(0);
-    return;
-    /* HACK, not implemented */
-icalcomponent* icaldirset_get_current_component(icaldirset* store)
-    struct icaldirset_impl *impl = (struct icaldirset_impl*)store;
-    if(impl->cluster == 0){
-	icaldirset_get_first_component(store);
-    }
-    return icalfileset_get_current_component(impl->cluster);
-icalcomponent* icaldirset_get_first_component(icaldirset* store)
-    struct icaldirset_impl *impl = (struct icaldirset_impl*)store;
-    icalerrorenum error;
-    char path[ICAL_PATH_MAX];
-    error = icaldirset_read_directory(impl);
-    if (error != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
-	icalerror_set_errno(error);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    impl->directory_iterator = pvl_head(impl->directory);
-    if (impl->directory_iterator == 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(error);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    snprintf(path,ICAL_PATH_MAX,"%s/%s",impl->dir,(char*)pvl_data(impl->directory_iterator));
-    /* If the next cluster we need is different than the current cluster, 
-       delete the current one and get a new one */
-    if(impl->cluster != 0 && strcmp(path,icalfileset_path(impl->cluster)) != 0 ){
-	icalfileset_free(impl->cluster);
-	impl->cluster = 0;
-    }
-    if (impl->cluster == 0){
-	impl->cluster = icalfileset_new(path);
-	if (impl->cluster == 0){
-	    error = icalerrno;
-	}
-    } 
-    if (error != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
-	icalerror_set_errno(error);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    impl->first_component = 1;
-    return icaldirset_get_next_component(store);
-icalcomponent* icaldirset_get_next_component(icaldirset* store)
-    struct icaldirset_impl *impl;
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    icalerrorenum error;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (store!=0), "store");
-    impl = (struct icaldirset_impl*)store;
-    if(impl->cluster == 0){
-	icalerror_warn("icaldirset_get_next_component called with a NULL cluster (Caller must call icaldirset_get_first_component first");
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_USAGE_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /* Set the component iterator for the following for loop */
-    if (impl->first_component == 1){
-	icalfileset_get_first_component(impl->cluster);
-	impl->first_component = 0;
-    } else {
-	icalfileset_get_next_component(impl->cluster);
-    }
-    while(1){
-	/* Iterate through all of the objects in the cluster*/
-	for( c = icalfileset_get_current_component(impl->cluster);
-	     c != 0;
-	     c = icalfileset_get_next_component(impl->cluster)){
-	    /* If there is a gauge defined and the component does not
-	       pass the gauge, skip the rest of the loop */
-#if 0 /* HACK */
-	    if (impl->gauge != 0 && icalgauge_test(c,impl->gauge) == 0){
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    assert(0); /* icalgauge_test needs to be fixed */
-	    /* Either there is no gauge, or the component passed the
-	       gauge, so return it*/
-	    return c;
-	}
-	/* Fell through the loop, so the component we want is not
-	   in this cluster. Load a new cluster and try again.*/
-	error = icaldirset_next_cluster(store);
-	if(impl->cluster == 0 || error != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
-	    /* No more clusters */
-	    return 0;
-	} else {
-	    c = icalfileset_get_first_component(impl->cluster);
-	    return c;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0; /* Should never get here */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icaldirset.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icaldirset.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d205ecf0a..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icaldirset.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icaldirset.h
- CREATOR: eric 28 November 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
-#include "ical.h"
-/* icaldirset Routines for storing, fetching, and searching for ical
- * objects in a database */
-typedef void icaldirset;
-icaldirset* icaldirset_new(const char* path);
-void icaldirset_free(icaldirset* store);
-const char* icaldirset_path(icaldirset* store);
-/* Mark the cluster as changed, so it will be written to disk when it
-   is freed. Commit writes to disk immediately*/
-void icaldirset_mark(icaldirset* store);
-icalerrorenum icaldirset_commit(icaldirset* store); 
-icalerrorenum icaldirset_add_component(icaldirset* store, icalcomponent* comp);
-icalerrorenum icaldirset_remove_component(icaldirset* store, icalcomponent* comp);
-int icaldirset_count_components(icaldirset* store,
-			       icalcomponent_kind kind);
-/* Restrict the component returned by icaldirset_first, _next to those
-   that pass the gauge. _clear removes the gauge. */
-icalerrorenum icaldirset_select(icaldirset* store, icalcomponent* gauge);
-void icaldirset_clear(icaldirset* store);
-/* Get a component by uid */
-icalcomponent* icaldirset_fetch(icaldirset* store, const char* uid);
-int icaldirset_has_uid(icaldirset* store, const char* uid);
-icalcomponent* icaldirset_fetch_match(icaldirset* set, icalcomponent *c);
-/* Modify components according to the MODIFY method of CAP. Works on
-   the currently selected components. */
-icalerrorenum icaldirset_modify(icaldirset* store, icalcomponent *oldc,
-			       icalcomponent *newc);
-/* Iterate through the components. If a guage has been defined, these
-   will skip over components that do not pass the gauge */
-icalcomponent* icaldirset_get_current_component(icaldirset* store);
-icalcomponent* icaldirset_get_first_component(icaldirset* store);
-icalcomponent* icaldirset_get_next_component(icaldirset* store);
-#endif /* !ICALDIRSET_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icaldirsetimpl.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icaldirsetimpl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e69ba2f2e..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icaldirsetimpl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icaldirsetimpl.h
-  CREATOR: eric 21 Aug 2000
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "config.h"
-/* This definition is in its own file so it can be kept out of the
-   main header file, but used by "friend classes" like icalset*/
-#define ICALDIRSET_ID "dset"
-struct icaldirset_impl 
-	char id[5]; /* "dset" */
-	char* dir;
-	icalcomponent* gauge;
-	icaldirset* cluster;
-	int first_component;
-	pvl_list directory;
-	pvl_elem directory_iterator;
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalfileset.c b/libical/src/libicalss/icalfileset.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b6e3430f7d..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalfileset.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,637 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icalfileset.c
-  CREATOR: eric 23 December 1999
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "config.h"
-#include "icalfileset.h"
-#include "icalgauge.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h> /* for stat */
-#include <unistd.h> /* for stat, getpid */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <fcntl.h> /* for fcntl */
-#include <unistd.h> /* for fcntl */
-#include "icalfilesetimpl.h"
-extern int errno;
-int icalfileset_lock(icalfileset *cluster);
-int icalfileset_unlock(icalfileset *cluster);
-icalerrorenum icalfileset_read_file(icalfileset* cluster, mode_t mode);
-int icalfileset_filesize(icalfileset* cluster);
-icalerrorenum icalfileset_create_cluster(const char *path);
-icalfileset* icalfileset_new_impl()
-    struct icalfileset_impl* impl;
-    if ( ( impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)
-	   malloc(sizeof(struct icalfileset_impl))) == 0) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	errno = ENOMEM;
-	return 0;
-    }
-    memset(impl,0,sizeof(struct icalfileset_impl));
-    strcpy(impl->id,ICALFILESET_ID);
-    return impl;
-icalfileset* icalfileset_new(const char* path)
-    return icalfileset_new_open(path, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0664);
-icalfileset* icalfileset_new_open(const char* path, int flags, mode_t mode)
-    struct icalfileset_impl *impl = icalfileset_new_impl(); 
-    struct icaltimetype tt;
-    off_t cluster_file_size;
-    memset(&tt,0,sizeof(struct icaltimetype));
-    icalerror_clear_errno();
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (path!=0), "path");
-    if (impl == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    impl->path = strdup(path); 
-    cluster_file_size = icalfileset_filesize(impl);
-    if(cluster_file_size < 0){
-	icalfileset_free(impl);
-	return 0;
-    } 
-    impl->fd = open(impl->path,flags, mode);
-    if (impl->fd < 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
-	icalfileset_free(impl);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    icalfileset_lock(impl);
-    if(cluster_file_size > 0 ){
-	icalerrorenum error;
-	if((error = icalfileset_read_file(impl,mode))!= ICAL_NO_ERROR){
-	    icalfileset_free(impl);
-	    return 0;
-	}
-    }
-    if(impl->cluster == 0){
-	impl->cluster = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_XROOT_COMPONENT);
-    }      
-    return impl;
-char* icalfileset_read_from_file(char *s, size_t size, void *d)
-    char* p = s;
-    int fd = (int)d;
-    /* Simulate fgets -- read single characters and stop at '\n' */
-    for(p=s; p<s+size-1;p++){
-	if(read(fd,p,1) != 1 || *p=='\n'){
-	    p++;
-	    break;
-	} 
-    }
-    *p = '\0';
-    if(*s == 0){
-	return 0;
-    } else {
-	return s;
-    }
-icalerrorenum icalfileset_read_file(icalfileset* cluster,mode_t mode)
-    icalparser *parser;
-    struct icalfileset_impl *impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)cluster;
-    parser = icalparser_new();
-    icalparser_set_gen_data(parser,(void*)impl->fd);
-    impl->cluster = icalparser_parse(parser,icalfileset_read_from_file);
-    icalparser_free(parser);
-    if (impl->cluster == 0 || icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_PARSE_ERROR);
-    }
-    if (icalcomponent_isa(impl->cluster) != ICAL_XROOT_COMPONENT){
-	/* The parser got a single component, so it did not put it in
-	   an XROOT. */
-	icalcomponent *cl = impl->cluster;
-	impl->cluster = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_XROOT_COMPONENT);
-	icalcomponent_add_component(impl->cluster,cl);
-    }
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-int icalfileset_filesize(icalfileset* cluster)
-    struct icalfileset_impl *impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)cluster;
-    int cluster_file_size;
-    struct stat sbuf;
-    if (stat(impl->path,&sbuf) != 0){
-	/* A file by the given name does not exist, or there was
-	   another error */
-	cluster_file_size = 0;
-	if (errno == ENOENT) {
-	    /* It was because the file does not exist */
-	    return 0;
-	} else {
-	    /* It was because of another error */
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
-	    return -1;
-	}
-    } else {
-	/* A file by the given name exists, but is it a regular file? */
-	if (!S_ISREG(sbuf.st_mode)){ 
-	    /* Nope, not a regular file */
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
-	    return -1;
-	} else {
-	    /* Lets assume that it is a file of the right type */
-	    return sbuf.st_size;
-	}	
-    }
-    /*return -1; not reached*/
-void icalfileset_free(icalfileset* cluster)
-    struct icalfileset_impl *impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)cluster;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv((cluster!=0),"cluster");
-    if (impl->cluster != 0){
-	icalfileset_commit(cluster);
-	icalcomponent_free(impl->cluster);
-	impl->cluster=0;
-    }
-    if(impl->fd > 0){
-	icalfileset_unlock(impl);
-	close(impl->fd);
-	impl->fd = -1;
-    }
-    if(impl->path != 0){
-	free(impl->path);
-	impl->path = 0;
-    }
-    free(impl);
-const char* icalfileset_path(icalfileset* cluster)
-    struct icalfileset_impl *impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)cluster;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((cluster!=0),"cluster");
-    return impl->path;
-int icalfileset_lock(icalfileset *cluster)
-    struct icalfileset_impl *impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)cluster;
-    struct flock lock;
-    int rtrn;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((impl->fd>0),"impl->fd");
-    errno = 0;
-    lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;     /* F_RDLCK, F_WRLCK, F_UNLCK */
-    lock.l_start = 0;  /* byte offset relative to l_whence */
-    lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; /* SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END */
-    lock.l_len = 0;       /* #bytes (0 means to EOF) */
-    rtrn = fcntl(impl->fd, F_SETLKW, &lock);
-    return rtrn;
-int icalfileset_unlock(icalfileset *cluster)
-    struct icalfileset_impl *impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)cluster;
-    struct flock lock;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((impl->fd>0),"impl->fd");
-    lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;     /* F_RDLCK, F_WRLCK, F_UNLCK */
-    lock.l_start = 0;  /* byte offset relative to l_whence */
-    lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; /* SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END */
-    lock.l_len = 0;       /* #bytes (0 means to EOF) */
-    return (fcntl(impl->fd, F_UNLCK, &lock)); 
-int icalfileset_safe_saves=1;
-int icalfileset_safe_saves=0;
-icalerrorenum icalfileset_commit(icalfileset* cluster)
-    char tmp[ICAL_PATH_MAX]; 
-    char *str;
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    off_t write_size=0;
-    struct icalfileset_impl *impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)cluster;
-    icalerror_check_arg_re((impl!=0),"cluster",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);  
-    icalerror_check_arg_re((impl->fd>0),"impl->fd is invalid",
-    if (impl->changed == 0 ){
-	return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-    }
-    if(icalfileset_safe_saves == 1){
-	snprintf(tmp,ICAL_PATH_MAX,"cp %s %s.bak",impl->path,impl->path);
-	if(system(tmp) < 0){
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
-	    return ICAL_FILE_ERROR;
-	}
-    }
-    if(lseek(impl->fd,SEEK_SET,0) < 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
-    }
-    for(c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(impl->cluster,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-	c != 0;
-	c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(impl->cluster,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)){
-	int sz;
-	str = icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c);
-	sz=write(impl->fd,str,strlen(str));
-	if ( sz != strlen(str)){
-	    perror("write");
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_FILE_ERROR);
-	    return ICAL_FILE_ERROR;
-	}
-	write_size += sz;
-    }
-    impl->changed = 0;    
-    if(ftruncate(impl->fd,write_size) < 0){
-    }
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-void icalfileset_mark(icalfileset* cluster){
-    struct icalfileset_impl *impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)cluster;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rv((impl!=0),"cluster");
-    impl->changed = 1;
-icalcomponent* icalfileset_get_component(icalfileset* cluster){
-    struct icalfileset_impl *impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)cluster;
-    icalerror_check_arg_re((impl!=0),"cluster",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-    return impl->cluster;
-/* manipulate the components in the cluster */
-icalerrorenum icalfileset_add_component(icalfileset *cluster,
-					icalcomponent* child)
-    struct icalfileset_impl* impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)cluster;
-    icalerror_check_arg_re((cluster!=0),"cluster", ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-    icalerror_check_arg_re((child!=0),"child",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-    icalcomponent_add_component(impl->cluster,child);
-    icalfileset_mark(cluster);
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-icalerrorenum icalfileset_remove_component(icalfileset *cluster,
-					   icalcomponent* child)
-    struct icalfileset_impl* impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)cluster;
-    icalerror_check_arg_re((cluster!=0),"cluster",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-    icalerror_check_arg_re((child!=0),"child",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-    icalcomponent_remove_component(impl->cluster,child);
-    icalfileset_mark(cluster);
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-int icalfileset_count_components(icalfileset *cluster,
-				 icalcomponent_kind kind)
-    struct icalfileset_impl* impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)cluster;
-    if(cluster == 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-	return -1;
-    }
-    return icalcomponent_count_components(impl->cluster,kind);
-icalerrorenum icalfileset_select(icalfileset* set, icalgauge* gauge)
-    struct icalfileset_impl* impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)set;
-    icalerror_check_arg_re(gauge!=0,"guage",ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-    impl->gauge = gauge;
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-void icalfileset_clear(icalfileset* gauge)
-    struct icalfileset_impl* impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)gauge;
-    impl->gauge = 0;
-icalcomponent* icalfileset_fetch(icalfileset* store,const char* uid)
-    icalcompiter i;    
-    struct icalfileset_impl* impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)store;
-    for(i = icalcomponent_begin_component(impl->cluster,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-	icalcompiter_deref(&i)!= 0; icalcompiter_next(&i)){
-	icalcomponent *this = icalcompiter_deref(&i);
-	icalcomponent *inner = icalcomponent_get_first_real_component(this);
-	icalcomponent *p;
-	const char *this_uid;
-	if(inner != 0){
-	    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_UID_PROPERTY);
-	    this_uid = icalproperty_get_uid(p);
-	    if(this_uid==0){
-		icalerror_warn("icalfileset_fetch found a component with no UID");
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    if (strcmp(uid,this_uid)==0){
-		return this;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-int icalfileset_has_uid(icalfileset* store,const char* uid)
-    assert(0); /* HACK, not implemented */
-    return 0;
-/******* support routines for icalfileset_fetch_match *********/
-struct icalfileset_id{
-    char* uid;
-    char* recurrence_id;
-    int sequence;
-void icalfileset_id_free(struct icalfileset_id *id)
-    if(id->recurrence_id != 0){
-	free(id->recurrence_id);
-    }
-    if(id->uid != 0){
-	free(id->uid);
-    }
-struct icalfileset_id icalfileset_get_id(icalcomponent* comp)
-    icalcomponent *inner;
-    struct icalfileset_id id;
-    icalproperty *p;
-    inner = icalcomponent_get_first_real_component(comp);
-    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner, ICAL_UID_PROPERTY);
-    assert(p!= 0);
-    id.uid = strdup(icalproperty_get_uid(p));
-    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner, ICAL_SEQUENCE_PROPERTY);
-    if(p == 0) {
-	id.sequence = 0;
-    } else { 
-	id.sequence = icalproperty_get_sequence(p);
-    }
-    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner, ICAL_RECURRENCEID_PROPERTY);
-    if (p == 0){
-	id.recurrence_id = 0;
-    } else {
-	icalvalue *v;
-	v = icalproperty_get_value(p);
-	id.recurrence_id = strdup(icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
-	assert(id.recurrence_id != 0);
-    }
-    return id;
-/* Find the component that is related to the given
-   component. Currently, it just matches based on UID and
-icalcomponent* icalfileset_fetch_match(icalfileset* set, icalcomponent *comp)
-    struct icalfileset_impl* impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)set;
-    icalcompiter i;    
-    struct icalfileset_id comp_id, match_id;
-    comp_id = icalfileset_get_id(comp);
-    for(i = icalcomponent_begin_component(impl->cluster,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-	icalcompiter_deref(&i)!= 0; icalcompiter_next(&i)){
-	icalcomponent *match = icalcompiter_deref(&i);
-	match_id = icalfileset_get_id(match);
-	if(strcmp(comp_id.uid, match_id.uid) == 0 &&
-	   ( comp_id.recurrence_id ==0 || 
-	     strcmp(comp_id.recurrence_id, match_id.recurrence_id) ==0 )){
-	    /* HACK. What to do with SEQUENCE? */
-	    icalfileset_id_free(&match_id);
-	    icalfileset_id_free(&comp_id);
-	    return match;
-	}
-	icalfileset_id_free(&match_id);
-    }
-    icalfileset_id_free(&comp_id);
-    return 0;
-icalerrorenum icalfileset_modify(icalfileset* store, icalcomponent *old,
-				 icalcomponent *new)
-    assert(0); /* HACK, not implemented */
-    return ICAL_NO_ERROR;
-/* Iterate through components */
-icalcomponent* icalfileset_get_current_component (icalfileset* cluster)
-    struct icalfileset_impl* impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)cluster;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((cluster!=0),"cluster");
-    return icalcomponent_get_current_component(impl->cluster);
-icalcomponent* icalfileset_get_first_component(icalfileset* cluster)
-    struct icalfileset_impl* impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)cluster;
-    icalcomponent *c=0;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((cluster!=0),"cluster");
-    do {
-	if (c == 0){
-	    c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(impl->cluster,
-	} else {
-	    c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(impl->cluster,
-	}
-	if(c != 0 && (impl->gauge == 0 ||
-		      icalgauge_compare(impl->gauge,c) == 1)){
-	    return c;
-	}
-    } while(c != 0);
-    return 0;
-icalcomponent* icalfileset_get_next_component(icalfileset* cluster)
-    struct icalfileset_impl* impl = (struct icalfileset_impl*)cluster;
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz((cluster!=0),"cluster");
-    do {
-	c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(impl->cluster,
-	if(c != 0 && (impl->gauge == 0 ||
-		      icalgauge_compare(impl->gauge,c) == 1)){
-	    return c;
-	}
-    } while(c != 0);
-    return 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalfileset.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalfileset.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c785921463..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalfileset.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalfileset.h
- CREATOR: eric 23 December 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalset.h"
-#include "icalgauge.h"
-#include <sys/types.h> /* For open() flags and mode */
-#include <sys/stat.h> /* For open() flags and mode */
-#include <fcntl.h> /* For open() flags and mode */
-extern int icalfileset_safe_saves;
-typedef void icalfileset;
-/* icalfileset
-   icalfilesetfile
-   icalfilesetdir
-icalfileset* icalfileset_new(const char* path);
-/* Like _new, but takes open() flags for opening the file */
-icalfileset* icalfileset_new_open(const char* path, 
-				  int flags, mode_t mode);
-void icalfileset_free(icalfileset* cluster);
-const char* icalfileset_path(icalfileset* cluster);
-/* Mark the cluster as changed, so it will be written to disk when it
-   is freed. Commit writes to disk immediately. */
-void icalfileset_mark(icalfileset* cluster);
-icalerrorenum icalfileset_commit(icalfileset* cluster); 
-icalerrorenum icalfileset_add_component(icalfileset* cluster,
-					icalcomponent* child);
-icalerrorenum icalfileset_remove_component(icalfileset* cluster,
-					   icalcomponent* child);
-int icalfileset_count_components(icalfileset* cluster,
-				 icalcomponent_kind kind);
-/* Restrict the component returned by icalfileset_first, _next to those
-   that pass the gauge. _clear removes the gauge */
-icalerrorenum icalfileset_select(icalfileset* store, icalgauge* gauge);
-void icalfileset_clear(icalfileset* store);
-/* Get and search for a component by uid */
-icalcomponent* icalfileset_fetch(icalfileset* cluster, const char* uid);
-int icalfileset_has_uid(icalfileset* cluster, const char* uid);
-icalcomponent* icalfileset_fetch_match(icalfileset* set, icalcomponent *c);
-/* Modify components according to the MODIFY method of CAP. Works on
-   the currently selected components. */
-icalerrorenum icalfileset_modify(icalfileset* store, icalcomponent *oldcomp,
-			       icalcomponent *newcomp);
-/* Iterate through components. If a guage has been defined, these
-   will skip over components that do not pass the gauge */
-icalcomponent* icalfileset_get_current_component (icalfileset* cluster);
-icalcomponent* icalfileset_get_first_component(icalfileset* cluster);
-icalcomponent* icalfileset_get_next_component(icalfileset* cluster);
-/* Return a reference to the internal component. You probably should
-   not be using this. */
-icalcomponent* icalfileset_get_component(icalfileset* cluster);
-#endif /* !ICALFILESET_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalfilesetimpl.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalfilesetimpl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fcd3415121..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalfilesetimpl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icalfilesetimpl.h
-  CREATOR: eric 23 December 1999
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "config.h"
-#include "icalgauge.h"
-/* This definition is in its own file so it can be kept out of the
-   main header file, but used by "friend classes" like icaldirset*/
-#define ICALFILESET_ID "fset"
-struct icalfileset_impl {
-  char id[5]; /*fset*/
-  char *path;
-  icalcomponent* cluster;
-  icalgauge* gauge;
-  int changed;
-  int fd; /* file descriptor */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalgauge.c b/libical/src/libicalss/icalgauge.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b958ecfc9d..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalgauge.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalgauge.c
- CREATOR: eric 23 December 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalgauge.h"
-#include "icalgaugeimpl.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-extern char* input_buffer;
-extern char* input_buffer_p;
-int ssparse(void);
-struct icalgauge_impl *icalss_yy_gauge;
-icalgauge* icalgauge_new_from_sql(char* sql)
-    struct icalgauge_impl *impl;
-    int r;
-    if ( ( impl = (struct icalgauge_impl*)
-	   malloc(sizeof(struct icalgauge_impl))) == 0) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    impl->select = pvl_newlist();
-    impl->from = pvl_newlist();
-    impl->where = pvl_newlist();
-    icalss_yy_gauge = impl;
-    input_buffer_p = input_buffer = sql;
-    r = ssparse();
-    return impl;
-void icalgauge_free(icalgauge* gauge)
-      struct icalgauge_impl *impl =  (struct icalgauge_impl*)gauge;
-      struct icalgauge_where *w;
-      assert(impl->select != 0);
-      assert(impl->where != 0);
-      assert(impl->from != 0);
-      if(impl->select){
-	  while( (w=pvl_pop(impl->select)) != 0){
-	      if(w->value != 0){
-		  free(w->value);
-	      }
-	      free(w);
-	  }
-	  pvl_free(impl->select);
-      }
-      if(impl->where){
-	  while( (w=pvl_pop(impl->where)) != 0){
-	      if(w->value != 0){
-		  free(w->value);
-	      }
-	      free(w);
-	  }
-	  pvl_free(impl->where);
-      }
-      if(impl->from){
-	  pvl_free(impl->from);
-      }
-/* Convert a VQUERY component into a gauge */
-icalcomponent* icalgauge_make_gauge(icalcomponent* query);
-/* icaldirset_test compares a component against a gauge, and returns
-   true if the component passes the test 
-   The gauge is a VCALENDAR component that specifies how to test the
-   target components. The guage holds a collection of VEVENT, VTODO or
-   VJOURNAL sub-components. Each of the sub-components has a
-   collection of properties that are compared to corresponding
-   properties in the target component, according to the
-   X-LIC-COMPARETYPE parameters to the gauge's properties.
-   When a gauge has several sub-components, the results of testing the
-   target against each of them is ORed together - the target
-   component will pass if it matches any of the sub-components in the
-   gauge. However, the results of matching the properties in a
-   sub-component are ANDed -- the target must match every property in
-   a gauge sub-component to match the sub-component.
-   Here is an example:
-   This gauge has two sub-components; one which will match a VEVENT
-   based on start time, and organizer, and another that matches based
-   on LOCATION. A target component will pass the test if it matched
-   either of the sub-components.
-  */
-int icalgauge_compare_recurse(icalcomponent* comp, icalcomponent* gauge)
-    int pass = 1,localpass = 0;
-    icalproperty *p;
-    icalcomponent *child,*subgauge; 
-    icalcomponent_kind gaugekind, compkind;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (comp!=0), "comp");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (gauge!=0), "gauge");
-    gaugekind = icalcomponent_isa(gauge);
-    compkind = icalcomponent_isa(comp);
-    if( ! (gaugekind == compkind || gaugekind == ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT) ){
-	return 0;
-    }   
-    /* Test properties. For each property in the gauge, search through
-       the component for a similar property. If one is found, compare
-       the two properties value with the comparison specified in the
-       gauge with the X-LIC-COMPARETYPE parameter */
-    for(p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(gauge,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
-	p != 0;
-	p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(gauge,ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY)){
-	icalproperty* targetprop; 
-	icalparameter* compareparam;
-	icalparameter_xliccomparetype compare;
-	int rel; /* The relationship between the gauge and target values.*/
-	/* Extract the comparison type from the gauge. If there is no
-	   comparison type, assume that it is "EQUAL" */
-	compareparam = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(
-	    p,
-	if (compareparam!=0){
-	    compare = icalparameter_get_xliccomparetype(compareparam);
-	} else {
-	}
-	/* Find a property in the component that has the same type
-	   as the gauge property. HACK -- multiples of a single
-	   property type in the gauge will match only the first
-	   instance in the component */
-	targetprop = icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp,
-						      icalproperty_isa(p));
-	if(targetprop != 0){
-	    /* Compare the values of the gauge property and the target
-	       property */
-	    rel = icalvalue_compare(icalproperty_get_value(p),
-				    icalproperty_get_value(targetprop));
-	    /* Now see if the comparison is equavalent to the comparison
-	       specified in the gauge */
-	    if (rel == compare){ 
-		localpass++; 
-	    } else if (compare == ICAL_XLICCOMPARETYPE_LESSEQUAL && 
-		       ( rel == ICAL_XLICCOMPARETYPE_LESS ||
-		localpass++;
-	    } else if (compare == ICAL_XLICCOMPARETYPE_GREATEREQUAL && 
-		localpass++;
-	    } else if (compare == ICAL_XLICCOMPARETYPE_NOTEQUAL && 
-		localpass++;
-	    } else {
-		localpass = 0;
-	    }
-	    pass = pass && (localpass>0);
-	}
-    }
-    /* Test subcomponents. Look for a child component that has a
-       counterpart in the gauge. If one is found, recursively call
-       icaldirset_test */
-    for(subgauge = icalcomponent_get_first_component(gauge,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-	subgauge != 0;
-	subgauge = icalcomponent_get_next_component(gauge,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)){
-	gaugekind = icalcomponent_isa(subgauge);
-	if (gaugekind == ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT){
-	    child = icalcomponent_get_first_component(comp,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-	} else {
-	    child = icalcomponent_get_first_component(comp,gaugekind);
-	}
-	if(child !=0){
-	    localpass = icalgauge_compare_recurse(child,subgauge);
-	    pass = pass && localpass;
-	} else {
-	    pass = 0;
-	}
-    }
-    return pass;   
-int icalgauge_compare(icalgauge* gauge,icalcomponent* comp)
-    struct icalgauge_impl *impl = (struct icalgauge_impl*)gauge;
-    icalcomponent *inner; 
-    int local_pass = 0;
-    int last_clause = 1, this_clause = 1;
-    pvl_elem e;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (comp!=0), "comp");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (gauge!=0), "gauge");
-    inner = icalcomponent_get_first_real_component(comp);
-    if(inner == 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /* Check that this component is one of the FROM types */
-    local_pass = 0;
-    for(e = pvl_head(impl->from);e!=0;e=pvl_next(e)){
-	icalcomponent_kind k = (icalcomponent_kind)pvl_data(e);
-	if(k == icalcomponent_isa(inner)){
-	    local_pass=1;
-	}
-    }
-    if(local_pass == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /* Check each where clause against the component */
-    for(e = pvl_head(impl->where);e!=0;e=pvl_next(e)){
-	struct icalgauge_where *w = pvl_data(e);
-	icalcomponent *sub_comp;
-	icalvalue *v;
-	icalproperty *prop;
-	icalvalue_kind vk;
-	if(w->prop == ICAL_NO_PROPERTY || w->value == 0){
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_INTERNAL_ERROR);
-	    return 0;
-	}
-	/* First, create a value from the gauge */
-	vk = icalenum_property_kind_to_value_kind(w->prop);
-	if(vk == ICAL_NO_VALUE){
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_INTERNAL_ERROR);
-	    return 0;
-	}
-	v = icalvalue_new_from_string(vk,w->value);
-	if (v == 0){
-	    /* Keep error set by icalvalue_from-string*/
-	    return 0;
-	}
-	/* Now find the corresponding property in the component,
-	   descending into a sub-component if necessary */
-	if(w->comp == ICAL_NO_COMPONENT){
-	    sub_comp = inner;
-	} else {
-	    sub_comp = icalcomponent_get_first_component(inner,w->comp);
-	    if(sub_comp == 0){
-		return 0;
-	    }
-	}	   
-	this_clause = 0;
-	local_pass = 0;
-	for(prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property(sub_comp,w->prop);
-	    prop != 0;
-	    prop = icalcomponent_get_next_property(sub_comp,w->prop)){
-	    icalvalue* prop_value;
-	    icalgaugecompare relation;
-	    prop_value = icalproperty_get_value(prop);
-	    relation = (icalgaugecompare)icalvalue_compare(prop_value,v);
-	    if (relation  == w->compare){ 
-		local_pass++; 
-	    } else if (w->compare == ICALGAUGECOMPARE_LESSEQUAL && 
-		       ( relation  == ICALGAUGECOMPARE_LESS ||
-			 relation  == ICALGAUGECOMPARE_EQUAL)) {
-		local_pass++;
-	    } else if (w->compare == ICALGAUGECOMPARE_GREATEREQUAL && 
-		       ( relation  == ICALGAUGECOMPARE_GREATER ||
-			 relation  == ICALGAUGECOMPARE_EQUAL)) {
-		local_pass++;
-	    } else if (w->compare == ICALGAUGECOMPARE_NOTEQUAL && 
-		       ( relation  == ICALGAUGECOMPARE_GREATER ||
-			 relation  == ICALGAUGECOMPARE_LESS)) {
-		local_pass++;
-	    } else {
-		local_pass = 0;
-	    }
-	}
-	this_clause = local_pass > 0 ? 1 : 0;
-	/* Now look at the logic operator for this clause to see how
-           the value should be merge with the previous clause */
-	if(w->logic == ICALGAUGELOGIC_AND){
-	    last_clause = this_clause && last_clause;
-	} else if(w->logic == ICALGAUGELOGIC_AND) {
-	    last_clause = this_clause || last_clause;
-	} else {
-	    last_clause = this_clause;
-	}
-    }
-    return last_clause;
-void icalgauge_dump(icalcomponent* gauge)
-    pvl_elem *p;
-    struct icalgauge_impl *impl = (struct icalgauge_impl*)gauge;
-    printf("--- Select ---\n");
-    for(p = pvl_head(impl->select);p!=0;p=pvl_next(p)){
-	struct icalgauge_where *w = pvl_data(p);
-	if(w->comp != ICAL_NO_COMPONENT){
-	    printf("%s ",icalenum_component_kind_to_string(w->comp));
-	}
-	if(w->prop != ICAL_NO_PROPERTY){
-	    printf("%s ",icalenum_property_kind_to_string(w->prop));
-	}
-	if (w->compare != ICALGAUGECOMPARE_NONE){
-	    printf("%d ",w->compare);
-	}
-	if (w->value!=0){
-	    printf("%s",w->value);
-	}
-	printf("\n");
-    }
-    printf("--- From ---\n");
-    for(p = pvl_head(impl->from);p!=0;p=pvl_next(p)){
-	icalcomponent_kind k = (icalcomponent_kind)pvl_data(p);
-	printf("%s\n",icalenum_component_kind_to_string(k));
-    }
-    printf("--- Where ---\n");
-    for(p = pvl_head(impl->where);p!=0;p=pvl_next(p)){
-	struct icalgauge_where *w = pvl_data(p);
-	if(w->logic != ICALGAUGELOGIC_NONE){
-	    printf("%d ",w->logic);
-	}
-	if(w->comp != ICAL_NO_COMPONENT){
-	    printf("%s ",icalenum_component_kind_to_string(w->comp));
-	}
-	if(w->prop != ICAL_NO_PROPERTY){
-	    printf("%s ",icalenum_property_kind_to_string(w->prop));
-	}
-	if (w->compare != ICALGAUGECOMPARE_NONE){
-	    printf("%d ",w->compare);
-	}
-	if (w->value!=0){
-	    printf("%s",w->value);
-	}
-	printf("\n");
-    }
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalgauge.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalgauge.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1caf0ac7d1..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalgauge.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalgauge.h
- CREATOR: eric 23 December 1999
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
-#ifndef ICALGAUGE_H
-#define ICALGAUGE_H
-typedef void icalgauge;
-icalgauge* icalgauge_new_from_sql(char* sql);
-void icalgauge_free(icalgauge* gauge);
-char* icalgauge_as_sql(icalcomponent* gauge);
-void icalgauge_dump(icalcomponent* gauge);
-/* Return true is comp matches the gauge. The component must be in
-   cannonical form -- a VCALENDAR with one VEVENT, VTODO or VJOURNAL
-   sub component */
-int icalgauge_compare(icalgauge* g, icalcomponent* comp);
-/* Clone the component, but only return the properties specified in
-   the gauge */
-icalcomponent* icalgauge_new_clone(icalgauge* g, icalcomponent* comp);
-#endif /* ICALGAUGE_H*/
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalgaugeimpl.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalgaugeimpl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 73a2813242..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalgaugeimpl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalgaugeimpl.h
- CREATOR: eric 09 Aug 2000
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "pvl.h" 
-typedef enum icalgaugecompare {
-} icalgaugecompare;
-typedef enum icalgaugelogic {
-} icalgaugelogic;
-struct icalgauge_where {
-	icalgaugelogic logic;
-	icalcomponent_kind comp;
-	icalproperty_kind prop;
-	icalgaugecompare compare;
-	char* value;
-struct icalgauge_impl
-	pvl_list select; /*Of icalgaugecompare, using only prop and comp fields*/
-	pvl_list from; /* List of component_kinds, as integers */
-	pvl_list where; /* List of icalgaugecompare */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalmessage.c b/libical/src/libicalss/icalmessage.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e1e8d8015c..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalmessage.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-    ======================================================================
-    FILE: icalmessage.c
-    CREATOR: ebusboom 07 Nov 2000
-    $Id$
-    $Locker$
-    (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-    Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-    ======================================================================*/
-#include "config.h"
-#include "icalmessage.h"
-#include "icalenums.h"
-#include <ctype.h>  /* for tolower()*/
-#include <string.h> /* for strstr */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for free(), malloc() */
-icalcomponent* icalmessage_get_inner(icalcomponent* comp)
-    if (icalcomponent_isa(comp) == ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT){
-	return icalcomponent_get_first_real_component(comp);
-    } else {
-	return comp;
-    }
-char* lowercase(const char* str)
-    char* p = 0;
-    char* n = icalmemory_strdup(str);
-    if(str ==0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    for(p = n; *p!=0; p++){
-	*p = tolower(*p);
-    }
-    return n;
-icalproperty* icalmessage_find_attendee(icalcomponent* comp, const char* user)
-    icalcomponent *inner = icalmessage_get_inner(comp);
-    icalproperty *p,*attendee = 0;
-    char* luser = lowercase(user);
-    for(p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner, ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY);
-	p != 0;
-	p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(inner, ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY)
-	){
-	char* lattendee;
-	lattendee = lowercase(icalproperty_get_attendee(p));
-	if (strstr(lattendee,user) != 0){
-	    attendee = p;
-	    break;
-	}
-	free(lattendee);
-    }
-    free(luser);
-    return attendee;
-void icalmessage_copy_properties(icalcomponent* to, icalcomponent* from, 
-		icalproperty_kind kind)
-    icalcomponent *to_inner = icalmessage_get_inner(to);
-    icalcomponent *from_inner = icalmessage_get_inner(from);
-    if (to_inner == 0 && from_inner == 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	return;
-    }
-    if(!icalcomponent_get_first_property(from_inner,kind)){
-	return;
-    }
-    icalcomponent_add_property(to_inner,
-	       icalproperty_new_clone(
-		   icalcomponent_get_first_property(
-		       from_inner,
-		       kind)
-		   )
-	);
-icalcomponent *icalmessage_new_reply_base(icalcomponent* c,
-					    const char* user,
-					    const char* msg)
-    icalproperty *attendee;
-    char tmp[45];
-    icalcomponent *reply = icalcomponent_vanew(
-	icalproperty_new_method(ICAL_METHOD_REPLY),
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-	    icalproperty_new_dtstamp(icaltime_from_timet(time(0),0)),
-	    0),
-	0);
-    icalcomponent *inner = icalmessage_get_inner(reply);
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(c,"c");
-    icalmessage_copy_properties(reply,c,ICAL_UID_PROPERTY);
-    icalmessage_copy_properties(reply,c,ICAL_ORGANIZER_PROPERTY);
-    icalmessage_copy_properties(reply,c,ICAL_RECURRENCEID_PROPERTY);
-    icalmessage_copy_properties(reply,c,ICAL_SUMMARY_PROPERTY);
-    icalmessage_copy_properties(reply,c,ICAL_SEQUENCE_PROPERTY);
-    icalcomponent_set_dtstamp(reply,icaltime_from_timet(time(0),0));
-    if(msg != 0){
-	icalcomponent_add_property(inner,icalproperty_new_comment(msg));
-    }
-    /* Copy this user's attendee property */
-    attendee = icalmessage_find_attendee(c,user);
-    if (attendee == 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_MALFORMEDDATA_ERROR);
-	icalcomponent_free(reply);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    icalcomponent_add_property(inner,icalproperty_new_clone(attendee));
-    /* Add PRODID and VERSION */
-    icalcomponent_add_property(reply,icalproperty_new_version("2.0"));
-    sprintf(tmp,
-           "-//SoftwareStudio//NONSGML %s %s //EN",PACKAGE,VERSION);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(reply,icalproperty_new_prodid(tmp));
-    return reply;
-icalcomponent* icalmessage_new_accept_reply(icalcomponent* c,
-					    const char* user,
-					    const char* msg)
-    icalcomponent *reply;
-    icalproperty *attendee;
-    icalcomponent *inner;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(c,"c");
-    reply = icalmessage_new_reply_base(c,user,msg);
-    if(reply == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    inner  = icalmessage_get_inner(reply);
-    attendee = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,
-    icalproperty_set_parameter(attendee,
-	       icalparameter_new_partstat(ICAL_PARTSTAT_ACCEPTED));
-    return reply;
-icalcomponent* icalmessage_new_decline_reply(icalcomponent* c,
-					    const char* user,
-					    const char* msg)
-    icalcomponent *reply;
-    icalproperty *attendee;
-    icalcomponent *inner;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(c,"c");
-    reply = icalmessage_new_reply_base(c,user,msg);
-    inner = icalmessage_get_inner(reply);
-    if(reply == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    attendee = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,
-    icalproperty_set_parameter(attendee,
-	       icalparameter_new_partstat(ICAL_PARTSTAT_DECLINED));
-    return reply;
-/* New is modified version of old */
-icalcomponent* icalmessage_new_counterpropose_reply(icalcomponent* oldc,
-						    icalcomponent* newc,
-						    const char* user,
-						    const char* msg)
-    icalcomponent *reply;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(oldc,"oldc");
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(newc,"newc");
-    reply = icalcomponent_new_clone(newc);
-    icalcomponent_set_method(reply,ICAL_METHOD_COUNTER);
-    return newc;
-icalcomponent* icalmessage_new_delegate_reply(icalcomponent* c,
-					      const char* user,
-					      const char* delegatee,
-					      const char* msg)
-    icalcomponent *reply;
-    icalproperty *attendee;
-    icalcomponent *inner;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(c,"c");
-    reply =  icalmessage_new_reply_base(c,user,msg);
-    inner = icalmessage_get_inner(reply);
-    if(reply == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    attendee = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,
-    icalproperty_set_parameter(attendee,
-	       icalparameter_new_partstat(ICAL_PARTSTAT_DELEGATED));
-    icalproperty_set_parameter(attendee,
-	       icalparameter_new_delegatedto(delegatee));
-    return reply;
-icalcomponent* icalmessage_new_delegate_request(icalcomponent* c,
-					      const char* user,
-					      const char* delegatee,
-					      const char* msg)
-    icalcomponent *reply;
-    icalproperty *attendee;
-    icalcomponent *inner;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(c,"c");
-    reply =  icalmessage_new_reply_base(c,user,msg);
-    inner = icalmessage_get_inner(reply);
-    if(reply == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    icalcomponent_set_method(reply,ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST);
-    attendee = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,
-    icalproperty_set_parameter(attendee,
-	       icalparameter_new_partstat(ICAL_PARTSTAT_DELEGATED));
-    icalproperty_set_parameter(attendee,
-	       icalparameter_new_delegatedto(delegatee));
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	inner,
-	icalproperty_vanew_attendee(
-	    delegatee,
-	    icalparameter_new_delegatedfrom(
-		icalproperty_get_attendee(attendee)
-		),
-	    0
-	    )
-	);
-    return reply;
-icalcomponent* icalmessage_new_cancel_event(icalcomponent* c,
-					    const char* user,
-					    const char* msg);
-icalcomponent* icalmessage_new_cancel_instance(icalcomponent* c,
-					    const char* user,
-					    const char* msg);
-icalcomponent* icalmessage_new_cancel_all(icalcomponent* c,
-					    const char* user,
-					    const char* msg);
-icalcomponent* icalmessage_new_error_reply(icalcomponent* c,
-					   const char* user,
-					   const char* msg,
-					   const char* debug,
-					   icalrequeststatus code)
-    icalcomponent *reply;
-    icalcomponent *inner, *cinner;
-    struct icalreqstattype rs;
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz(c,"c");
-    reply = icalmessage_new_reply_base(c,user,msg);
-    inner = icalmessage_get_inner(reply);
-    cinner = icalmessage_get_inner(c);
-    if(reply == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    if( code != ICAL_UNKNOWN_STATUS){
-	rs.code = code;
-	rs.debug = debug;
-	icalcomponent_add_property(inner, 
-				   icalproperty_new_requeststatus(
-				       icalreqstattype_as_string(rs)
-				       ) 
-	    );
-    } else { /*  code == ICAL_UNKNOWN_STATUS */ 
-	/* Copy all of the request status properties */
-	icalproperty *p;
-	for(p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(cinner,
-	    p != 0;
-	    p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(cinner,
-	    icalcomponent_add_property(inner,icalproperty_new_clone(p));
-	}
-    }
-    return reply;
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalmessage.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalmessage.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 24f1c9f243..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalmessage.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalmessage.h
- CREATOR: eric 07 Nov 2000
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- =========================================================================*/
-#include "ical.h"
-icalcomponent* icalmessage_new_accept_reply(icalcomponent* c, 
-					    const char* user,
-					    const char* msg);
-icalcomponent* icalmessage_new_decline_reply(icalcomponent* c,
-					    const char* user,
-					    const char* msg);
-/* New is modified version of old */
-icalcomponent* icalmessage_new_counterpropose_reply(icalcomponent* oldc,
-						    icalcomponent* newc,
-						    const char* user,
-						    const char* msg);
-icalcomponent* icalmessage_new_delegate_reply(icalcomponent* c,
-					      const char* user,
-					      const char* delegatee,
-					      const char* msg);
-icalcomponent* icalmessage_new_cancel_event(icalcomponent* c,
-					    const char* user,
-					    const char* msg);
-icalcomponent* icalmessage_new_cancel_instance(icalcomponent* c,
-					    const char* user,
-					    const char* msg);
-icalcomponent* icalmessage_new_cancel_all(icalcomponent* c,
-					    const char* user,
-					    const char* msg);
-icalcomponent* icalmessage_new_error_reply(icalcomponent* c,
-					   const char* user,
-					   const char* msg,
-					   const char* debug,
-					   icalrequeststatus rs);
-#endif /* ICALMESSAGE_H*/
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalset.c b/libical/src/libicalss/icalset.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2120609928..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalset.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalset.c
- CREATOR: eric 17 Jul 2000
- Icalset is the "base class" for representations of a collection of
- iCal components. Derived classes (actually delegates) include:
-    icalfileset   Store components in a single file
-    icaldirset    Store components in multiple files in a directory
-    icalheapset   Store components on the heap
-    icalmysqlset  Store components in a mysql database. 
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalset.h"
-#include "icalfileset.h"
-#include "icalfilesetimpl.h"
-#include "icaldirset.h"
-#include "icaldirsetimpl.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/*#include "icalheapset.h"*/
-/*#include "icalmysqlset.h"*/
-#define ICALSET_ID "set "
-struct icalset_fp {
-	void (*free)(icalset* set);
-	const char* (*path)(icalset* set);
-	void (*mark)(icalset* set);
-	icalerrorenum (*commit)(icalset* set); 
-	icalerrorenum (*add_component)(icalset* set, icalcomponent* comp);
-	icalerrorenum (*remove_component)(icalset* set, icalcomponent* comp);
-	int (*count_components)(icalset* set,
-			     icalcomponent_kind kind);
-	icalerrorenum (*select)(icalset* set, icalcomponent* gauge);
-	void (*clear)(icalset* set);
-	icalcomponent* (*fetch)(icalset* set, const char* uid);
-	icalcomponent* (*fetch_match)(icalset* set, icalcomponent *comp);
-	int (*has_uid)(icalset* set, const char* uid);
-	icalerrorenum (*modify)(icalset* set, icalcomponent *old,
-				     icalcomponent *new);
-	icalcomponent* (*get_current_component)(icalset* set);	
-	icalcomponent* (*get_first_component)(icalset* set);
-	icalcomponent* (*get_next_component)(icalset* set);
-struct icalset_fp icalset_dirset_fp = {
-    icaldirset_free,
-    icaldirset_path,
-    icaldirset_mark,
-    icaldirset_commit,
-    icaldirset_add_component,
-    icaldirset_remove_component,
-    icaldirset_count_components,
-    icaldirset_select,
-    icaldirset_clear,
-    icaldirset_fetch,
-    icaldirset_fetch_match,
-    icaldirset_has_uid,
-    icaldirset_modify,
-    icaldirset_get_current_component,
-    icaldirset_get_first_component,
-    icaldirset_get_next_component
-struct icalset_fp icalset_fileset_fp = {
-    icalfileset_free,
-    icalfileset_path,
-    icalfileset_mark,
-    icalfileset_commit,
-    icalfileset_add_component,
-    icalfileset_remove_component,
-    icalfileset_count_components,
-    icalfileset_select,
-    icalfileset_clear,
-    icalfileset_fetch,
-    icalfileset_fetch_match,
-    icalfileset_has_uid,
-    icalfileset_modify,
-    icalfileset_get_current_component,
-    icalfileset_get_first_component,
-    icalfileset_get_next_component
-struct icalset_impl {
-	char id[5]; /* "set " */
-	void *derived_impl;
-	struct icalset_fp *fp;
-/* Figure out what was actually passed in as the set. This could be a
-   set or and of the derived types such as dirset or fileset. Note
-   this routine returns a value, not a reference, to avoid memory
-   leaks in the methods */
-struct icalset_impl icalset_get_impl(icalset* set)
-    struct icalset_impl  impl;
-    memset(&impl,0,sizeof(impl));
-    icalerror_check_arg_re( (set!=0),"set",impl);
-    if(strcmp((char*)set,ICALSET_ID)==0) {
-	/* It is actually a set, so just sent the reference back out. */
-	return *(struct icalset_impl*)set;
-    } else if(strcmp((char*)set,ICALFILESET_ID)==0) {
-	/* Make a new set from the fileset */
-	impl.fp = &icalset_fileset_fp;
-	impl.derived_impl = set;
-	strcpy(,ICALFILESET_ID);/* HACK. Is this necessary? */
-	return impl;
-    } else if(strcmp((char*)set,ICALDIRSET_ID)==0) {
-	/* Make a new set from the dirset */
-	impl.fp = &icalset_dirset_fp;
-	impl.derived_impl = set;
-	strcpy(,ICALDIRSET_ID);/* HACK. Is this necessary? */
-	return impl;
-    } else {
-	/* The type of set is unknown, so throw an error */
-	icalerror_assert((0),"Unknown set type");
-	return impl;
-    }
-struct icalset_impl* icalset_new_impl()
-    struct icalset_impl* impl;
-    if ( ( impl = (struct icalset_impl*)
-	   malloc(sizeof(struct icalset_impl))) == 0) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    strcpy(impl->id,ICALSET_ID);
-    impl->derived_impl = 0;
-    impl->fp = 0;
-    return impl;
-struct icalset_impl* icalset_new_file_from_ref(icalfileset *fset)
-    struct icalset_impl *impl = icalset_new_impl();
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (fset!=0),"fset");
-    if(impl == 0){
-	free(impl);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    impl->derived_impl = fset;
-    if (impl->derived_impl == 0){
-	free(impl);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    impl->fp = &icalset_fileset_fp;
-    return (struct icalset_impl*)impl;
-icalset* icalset_new_file(const char* path)
-    icalfileset *fset = icalfileset_new(path);
-    if(fset == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return (icalset*)icalset_new_file_from_ref(fset);
-icalset* icalset_new_dir_from_ref(icaldirset *dset)
-    struct icalset_impl *impl = icalset_new_impl();
-    icalerror_check_arg_rz( (dset!=0),"dset");
-    if(impl == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    impl->derived_impl = dset;
-    if (impl->derived_impl == 0){
-	free(impl);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    impl->fp = &icalset_dirset_fp;
-    return impl;
-icalset* icalset_new_dir(const char* path)
-    icaldirset *dset = icaldirset_new(path);
-    if(dset == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return icalset_new_dir_from_ref(dset);
-icalset* icalset_new_heap(void)
-    struct icalset_impl *impl = icalset_new_impl();
-    if(impl == 0){
-	free(impl);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return 0;
-icalset* icalset_new_mysql(const char* path)
-    struct icalset_impl *impl = icalset_new_impl();
-    if(impl == 0){
-	free(impl);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return 0;
-void icalset_free(icalset* set)
-    struct icalset_impl impl = icalset_get_impl(set);
-    (*(impl.fp->free))(impl.derived_impl);
-   if(strcmp((char*)set,ICALSET_ID)) {    
-       free(set);
-   }
-const char* icalset_path(icalset* set)
-    struct icalset_impl impl = icalset_get_impl(set);
-    return (*(impl.fp->path))(impl.derived_impl);
-void icalset_mark(icalset* set)
-    struct icalset_impl impl = icalset_get_impl(set);
-    (*(impl.fp->mark))(impl.derived_impl);
-icalerrorenum icalset_commit(icalset* set)
-    struct icalset_impl impl = icalset_get_impl(set);
-    return (*(impl.fp->commit))(impl.derived_impl);
-icalerrorenum icalset_add_component(icalset* set, icalcomponent* comp)
-    struct icalset_impl impl = icalset_get_impl(set);
-    return (*(impl.fp->add_component))(impl.derived_impl,comp);
-icalerrorenum icalset_remove_component(icalset* set, icalcomponent* comp)
-    struct icalset_impl impl = icalset_get_impl(set);
-    return (*(impl.fp->remove_component))(impl.derived_impl,comp);
-int icalset_count_components(icalset* set,icalcomponent_kind kind)
-    struct icalset_impl impl = icalset_get_impl(set);
-    return (*(impl.fp->count_components))(impl.derived_impl,kind);
-icalerrorenum icalset_select(icalset* set, icalcomponent* gauge)
-    struct icalset_impl impl = icalset_get_impl(set);
-    return (*(impl.fp->select))(impl.derived_impl,gauge);
-void icalset_clear(icalset* set)
-    struct icalset_impl impl = icalset_get_impl(set);
-    (*(impl.fp->clear))(impl.derived_impl);
-icalcomponent* icalset_fetch(icalset* set, const char* uid)
-    struct icalset_impl impl = icalset_get_impl(set);
-    return (*(impl.fp->fetch))(impl.derived_impl,uid);
-icalcomponent* icalset_fetch_match(icalset* set, icalcomponent *comp)
-    struct icalset_impl impl = icalset_get_impl(set);
-    return (*(impl.fp->fetch_match))(impl.derived_impl,comp);
-int icalset_has_uid(icalset* set, const char* uid)
-    struct icalset_impl impl = icalset_get_impl(set);
-    return (*(impl.fp->has_uid))(impl.derived_impl,uid);
-icalerrorenum icalset_modify(icalset* set, icalcomponent *old,
-			       icalcomponent *new)
-    struct icalset_impl impl = icalset_get_impl(set);
-    return (*(impl.fp->modify))(impl.derived_impl,old,new);
-icalcomponent* icalset_get_current_component(icalset* set)
-    struct icalset_impl impl = icalset_get_impl(set);
-    return (*(impl.fp->get_current_component))(impl.derived_impl);
-icalcomponent* icalset_get_first_component(icalset* set)
-    struct icalset_impl impl = icalset_get_impl(set);
-    return (*(impl.fp->get_first_component))(impl.derived_impl);
-icalcomponent* icalset_get_next_component(icalset* set)
-    struct icalset_impl impl = icalset_get_impl(set);
-    return (*(impl.fp->get_next_component))(impl.derived_impl);
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalset.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalset.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b083dae24..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalset.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalset.h
- CREATOR: eric 28 November 1999
- Icalset is the "base class" for representations of a collection of
- iCal components. Derived classes (actually delegatees) include:
-    icalfileset   Store componetns in a single file
-    icaldirset    Store components in multiple files in a directory
-    icalheapset   Store components on the heap
-    icalmysqlset  Store components in a mysql database. 
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
-#ifndef ICALSET_H
-#define ICALSET_H
-#include <limits.h> /* For PATH_MAX */
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#ifdef PATH_MAX
-#define ICAL_PATH_MAX 1024
-typedef void icalset;
-typedef enum icalset_kind {
-} icalset_kind;
-/* Create a specific derived type of set */
-icalset* icalset_new_file(const char* path);
-icalset* icalset_new_dir(const char* path);
-icalset* icalset_new_heap(void);
-icalset* icalset_new_mysql(const char* path);
-/*icalset* icalset_new_cap(icalcstp* cstp);*/
-void icalset_free(icalset* set);
-const char* icalset_path(icalset* set);
-/* Mark the cluster as changed, so it will be written to disk when it
-   is freed. Commit writes to disk immediately*/
-void icalset_mark(icalset* set);
-icalerrorenum icalset_commit(icalset* set); 
-icalerrorenum icalset_add_component(icalset* set, icalcomponent* comp);
-icalerrorenum icalset_remove_component(icalset* set, icalcomponent* comp);
-int icalset_count_components(icalset* set,
-			     icalcomponent_kind kind);
-/* Restrict the component returned by icalset_first, _next to those
-   that pass the gauge. _clear removes the gauge. */
-icalerrorenum icalset_select(icalset* set, icalcomponent* gauge);
-void icalset_clear_select(icalset* set);
-/* Get a component by uid */
-icalcomponent* icalset_fetch(icalset* set, const char* uid);
-int icalset_has_uid(icalset* set, const char* uid);
-icalcomponent* icalset_fetch_match(icalset* set, icalcomponent *c);
-/* Modify components according to the MODIFY method of CAP. Works on
-   the currently selected components. */
-icalerrorenum icalset_modify(icalset* set, icalcomponent *oldc,
-			       icalcomponent *newc);
-/* Iterate through the components. If a guage has been defined, these
-   will skip over components that do not pass the gauge */
-icalcomponent* icalset_get_current_component(icalset* set);
-icalcomponent* icalset_get_first_component(icalset* set);
-icalcomponent* icalset_get_next_component(icalset* set);
-#endif /* !ICALSET_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalspanlist.c b/libical/src/libicalss/icalspanlist.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cab6a81c68..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalspanlist.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-    ======================================================================
-    FILE: icalspanlist.c
-    CREATOR: ebusboom 23 aug 2000
-    $Id$
-    $Locker$
-    (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-    Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-    ======================================================================*/
-#include "config.h"
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalspanlist.h"
-#include "pvl.h" 
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for free and malloc */
-struct icalspanlist_impl {
-	pvl_list spans;
-int compare_span(void* a, void* b)
-    struct icaltime_span *span_a = (struct icaltime_span *)a ;
-    struct icaltime_span *span_b = (struct icaltime_span *)b ;
-    if(span_a->start == span_b->start){
-	return 0;
-    } else if(span_a->start < span_b->start){
-	return -1;
-    }  else { /*if(span_a->start > span->b.start)*/
-	return 1;
-    }
-icalcomponent* icalspanlist_get_inner(icalcomponent* comp)
-    if (icalcomponent_isa(comp) == ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT){
-	return icalcomponent_get_first_real_component(comp);
-    } else {
-	return comp;
-    }
-void print_span(int c, struct icaltime_span span );
-/* Make a free list from a set of component */
-icalspanlist* icalspanlist_new(icalset *set, 
-			       struct icaltimetype start,
-			       struct icaltimetype end)
-    struct icaltime_span range;
-    pvl_elem itr;
-    icalcomponent *c,*inner;
-    icalcomponent_kind kind, inner_kind;
-    struct icalspanlist_impl *sl; 
-    struct icaltime_span *freetime;
-    if ( ( sl = (struct icalspanlist_impl*)
-	   malloc(sizeof(struct icalspanlist_impl))) == 0) {
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    sl->spans =  pvl_newlist();
-    range.start = icaltime_as_timet(start);
-    range.end = icaltime_as_timet(end);
-    printf("Range start: %s",ctime(&range.start));
-    printf("Range end  : %s",ctime(&range.end));
-    /* Get a list of spans of busy time from the events in the set
-       and order the spans based on the start time */
-   for(c = icalset_get_first_component(set);
-	c != 0;
-	c = icalset_get_next_component(set)){
-       struct icaltime_span span;
-       kind  = icalcomponent_isa(c);
-       inner = icalcomponent_get_inner(c);
-       if(!inner){
-	   continue;
-       }
-       inner_kind = icalcomponent_isa(inner);
-       if( kind != ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT &&
-	   inner_kind != ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT){
-	   continue;
-       }
-       icalerror_clear_errno();
-	span = icalcomponent_get_span(c);
-	span.is_busy = 1;
-	if(icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
-	    continue;
-	}
-	if ((range.start < span.end && icaltime_is_null_time(end)) ||
-	    (range.start < span.end && range.end > span.start )){
-	    struct icaltime_span *s;
-	    if ((s=(struct icaltime_span *)
-		 malloc(sizeof(struct icaltime_span))) == 0){
-		icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-		return 0;
-	    }
-	    memcpy(s,&span,sizeof(span));
-	    pvl_insert_ordered(sl->spans,compare_span,(void*)s);
-	}
-    }
-    /* Now Fill in the free time spans. loop through the spans. if the
-       start of the range is not within the span, create a free entry
-       that runs from the start of the range to the start of the
-       span. */
-     for( itr = pvl_head(sl->spans);
-	 itr != 0;
-	 itr = pvl_next(itr))
-    {
-	struct icaltime_span *s = (icalproperty*)pvl_data(itr);
-	if ((freetime=(struct icaltime_span *)
-	     malloc(sizeof(struct icaltime_span))) == 0){
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	    return 0;
-	    }
-	if(range.start < s->start){
-	    freetime->start = range.start; 
-	    freetime->end = s->start;
-	    freetime->is_busy = 0;
-	    pvl_insert_ordered(sl->spans,compare_span,(void*)freetime);
-	} else {
-	    free(freetime);
-	}
-	range.start = s->end;
-    }
-     /* If the end of the range is null, then assume that everything
-        after the last item in the calendar is open and add a span
-        that indicates this */
-     if( icaltime_is_null_time(end)){
-	 struct icaltime_span* last_span;
-	 last_span = pvl_data(pvl_tail(sl->spans));
-	 if (last_span != 0){
-	     if ((freetime=(struct icaltime_span *)
-		  malloc(sizeof(struct icaltime_span))) == 0){
-		 icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-		 return 0;
-	     }	
-	     freetime->is_busy = 0;
-	     freetime->start = last_span->end;
-	     freetime->end = freetime->start;
-	     pvl_insert_ordered(sl->spans,compare_span,(void*)freetime);
-	 }
-     }
-     return sl;
-void icalspanlist_free(icalspanlist* s)
-    struct icaltime_span *span;
-    struct icalspanlist_impl* impl = (struct icalspanlist_impl*)s;
-    while( (span=pvl_pop(impl->spans)) != 0){
-	free(span);
-    }
-    pvl_free(impl->spans);
-    impl->spans = 0;
-void icalspanlist_dump(icalspanlist* s){
-     int i = 0;
-     struct icalspanlist_impl* sl = (struct icalspanlist_impl*)s;
-     pvl_elem itr;
-     for( itr = pvl_head(sl->spans);
-	 itr != 0;
-	 itr = pvl_next(itr))
-    {
-	struct icaltime_span *s = (icalproperty*)pvl_data(itr);
-	printf("#%02d %d start: %s",++i,s->is_busy,ctime(&s->start));
-	printf("      end  : %s",ctime(&s->end));
-    }
-icalcomponent* icalspanlist_make_free_list(icalspanlist* sl);
-icalcomponent* icalspanlist_make_busy_list(icalspanlist* sl);
-struct icalperiodtype icalspanlist_next_free_time(icalspanlist* sl,
-						struct icaltimetype t)
-     struct icalspanlist_impl* impl = (struct icalspanlist_impl*)sl;
-     pvl_elem itr;
-     struct icalperiodtype period;
-     struct icaltime_span *s;
-     time_t rangett= icaltime_as_timet(t);
-     period.start = icaltime_null_time();
-     period.end = icaltime_null_time();
-     /* Is the reference time before the first span? If so, assume
-        that the reference time is free */
-     itr = pvl_head(impl->spans);
-     s = (icalproperty*)pvl_data(itr);
-     if (s == 0){
-	 /* No elements in span */
-	 return period;
-     }
-     if(rangett <s->start ){
-	 /* End of period is start of first span if span is busy, end
-            of the span if it is free */
-	 period.start =  t;
-	 if (s->is_busy == 0){
-	     period.end =  icaltime_from_timet(s->start,0);
-	 } else {
-	     period.end =  icaltime_from_timet(s->end,0);
-	 }
-	 return period;
-     }
-     /* Otherwise, find the first free span that contains the
-        reference time. */
-     for( itr = pvl_head(impl->spans);
-	 itr != 0;
-	 itr = pvl_next(itr))
-    {
-	s = (icalproperty*)pvl_data(itr);
-	if(s->is_busy == 0 && s->start >= rangett && 
-	    ( rangett < s->end || s->end == s->start)){
-	    if (rangett < s->start){
-		period.start = icaltime_from_timet(s->start,0);
-	    } else {
-		period.start = icaltime_from_timet(rangett,0);
-	    }
-	    period.end = icaltime_from_timet(s->end,0);
-	    return period;
-	}
-    }
-     period.start = icaltime_null_time();
-     period.end = icaltime_null_time();
-     return period;
-struct icalperiodtype icalspanlist_next_busy_time(icalspanlist* sl,
-						struct icaltimetype t);
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalspanlist.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalspanlist.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 83cb1c8a6d..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalspanlist.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalspanlist.h
- CREATOR: eric 21 Aug 2000
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- =========================================================================*/
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalset.h"
-typedef void icalspanlist;
-/* Make a free list from a set of component. Start and end should be in UTC */
-icalspanlist* icalspanlist_new(icalset *set, 
-				struct icaltimetype start,
-				struct icaltimetype end);
-void icalspanlist_free(icalspanlist* spl);
-icalcomponent* icalspanlist_make_free_list(icalspanlist* sl);
-icalcomponent* icalspanlist_make_busy_list(icalspanlist* sl);
-/* Get first free or busy time after time t. all times are in UTC */
-struct icalperiodtype icalspanlist_next_free_time(icalspanlist* sl,
-						struct icaltimetype t);
-struct icalperiodtype icalspanlist_next_busy_time(icalspanlist* sl,
-						struct icaltimetype t);
-void icalspanlist_dump(icalspanlist* s);
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalsslexer.l b/libical/src/libicalss/icalsslexer.l
deleted file mode 100644
index 848a9bc74f..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalsslexer.l
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icalsslexer.l
-  CREATOR: eric 8 Aug 2000
-  $Id: icalsslexer.l,v 2001/01/23 19:20:41 jpr Exp $
-  $Locker:  $
-(C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
-  ======================================================================*/
-#include "icalssyacc.h"
-#include "icalgaugeimpl.h"
-#include "assert.h"
-#include <string.h> /* For strdup() */
-int icalparser_flex_input(char* buf, int max_size);
-void icalparser_clear_flex_input();
-#undef YY_INPUT
-#define YY_INPUT(b,r,ms) ( r= icalparser_flex_input(b,ms))
-#define SS_FATAL_ERROR(msg) sserror(msg)
-crlf		\x0D?\x0A
-space		[ ]
-qsafechar	[^\x00-\x1F\"]
-safechar	[^\x00-\x1F\"\:\;\,]
-tsafechar	[\x20-\x21\x23-\x2B\x2D-\x39\x3C-\x5B\x5D-\x7E]
-valuechar	[^\x00-\x08\x10-\x1F]
-xname		X-[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+
-xname2          [a-zA-Z0-9\-\ ]
-paramtext	{safechar}+
-value		{valuechar}+
-quotedstring	\"{qsafechar}+\"
-digit		[0-9]
-%array /* Make yytext an array. Slow, but handy. HACK */
-%option caseless
-%s sql string_value
-SELECT			{ return SELECT; }
-FROM			{ return FROM; }
-WHERE			{ return WHERE; }
-,			{ return COMMA; }
-"="  			{ return EQUALS; }
-"!=" 			{ return NOTEQUALS; }
-"<"  			{ return LESS; }
-">"  			{ return GREATER; }
-"<=" 			{ return LESSEQUALS; }
-">=" 			{ return GREATEREQUALS; }
-AND 			{ return AND; }
-OR			{ return OR; }
-\'                      { return QUOTE; }
-[ \t\n\r]+ ;			
-;			{ return EOL; }
-\'[\*A-Za-z0-9\-\.]+\' {
-	int c = input();
-	unput(c);
-	if(c!='\''){
-		sslval.v_string= icalmemory_tmp_copy(sstext);
-		return STRING;
-	} else {
-		/*ssmore();*/
-	}
-[\*A-Za-z0-9\-\.]+		{ sslval.v_string= icalmemory_tmp_copy(sstext);
-			  return STRING; }
-.			{ return yytext[0]; }
-int sswrap()
-     return 1;
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalssutil.c b/libical/src/libicalss/icalssutil.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8db141d41d..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalssutil.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-    ======================================================================
-    FILE: icalssutil.c
-    CREATOR: ebusboom 23 aug 2000
-    $Id$
-    $Locker$
-    (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-    Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-    ======================================================================*/
-#include "config.h"
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalssutil.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalssutil.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3890da6a11..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalssutil.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
- FILE: icalssutil.h
- CREATOR: eric 21 Aug 2000
- $Id$
- $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- =========================================================================*/
-#include "ical.h"
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalssyacc.h b/libical/src/libicalss/icalssyacc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a933dc735..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalssyacc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-typedef union {
-	char* v_string;
-#define	STRING	257
-#define	SELECT	258
-#define	FROM	259
-#define	WHERE	260
-#define	COMMA	261
-#define	QUOTE	262
-#define	EQUALS	263
-#define	NOTEQUALS	264
-#define	LESS	265
-#define	GREATER	266
-#define	LESSEQUALS	267
-#define	GREATEREQUALS	268
-#define	AND	269
-#define	OR	270
-#define	EOL	271
-#define	END	272
-extern YYSTYPE sslval;
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalss/icalssyacc.y b/libical/src/libicalss/icalssyacc.y
deleted file mode 100644
index 047b158e93..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalss/icalssyacc.y
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icalssyacc.y
-  CREATOR: eric 08 Aug 2000
-  $Id: icalssyacc.y,v 2001/01/23 19:20:41 jpr Exp $
-  $Locker:  $
-(C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
-  ======================================================================*/
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h> /* for strdup() */
-#include <limits.h> /* for SHRT_MAX*/
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "pvl.h"
-#include "icalgauge.h"
-#include "icalgaugeimpl.h"
-extern struct icalgauge_impl *icalss_yy_gauge;
-void ssyacc_add_where(struct icalgauge_impl* impl, char* prop, 
-	icalgaugecompare compare , char* value);
-void ssyacc_add_select(struct icalgauge_impl* impl, char* str1);
-void ssyacc_add_from(struct icalgauge_impl* impl, char* str1);
-void set_logic(struct icalgauge_impl* impl,icalgaugelogic l);
-void sserror(char *s); /* Don't know why I need this.... */
-%union {
-	char* v_string;
-%token <v_string> STRING
-query_min: SELECT select_list FROM from_list WHERE where_list
-	   | error { 
-		 icalparser_clear_flex_input();
-                 yyclearin;
-           }	
-	   ;	
-	STRING {ssyacc_add_select(icalss_yy_gauge,$1);}
-	| select_list COMMA STRING {ssyacc_add_select(icalss_yy_gauge,$3);}
-	;
-	STRING {ssyacc_add_from(icalss_yy_gauge,$1);}
-	| from_list COMMA STRING {ssyacc_add_from(icalss_yy_gauge,$3);}
-	;
-	/* Empty */
-	| STRING EQUALS STRING {ssyacc_add_where(icalss_yy_gauge,$1,ICALGAUGECOMPARE_EQUAL,$3); }
-	| STRING NOTEQUALS STRING {ssyacc_add_where(icalss_yy_gauge,$1,ICALGAUGECOMPARE_NOTEQUAL,$3); }
-	| STRING LESS STRING {ssyacc_add_where(icalss_yy_gauge,$1,ICALGAUGECOMPARE_LESS,$3); }
-	| STRING GREATER STRING {ssyacc_add_where(icalss_yy_gauge,$1,ICALGAUGECOMPARE_GREATER,$3); }
-	| STRING LESSEQUALS STRING {ssyacc_add_where(icalss_yy_gauge,$1,ICALGAUGECOMPARE_LESSEQUAL,$3); }
-	;
-	where_clause {set_logic(icalss_yy_gauge,ICALGAUGELOGIC_NONE);}
-	| where_list AND where_clause {set_logic(icalss_yy_gauge,ICALGAUGELOGIC_AND);} 
-	| where_list OR where_clause {set_logic(icalss_yy_gauge,ICALGAUGELOGIC_OR);}
-	;
-void ssyacc_add_where(struct icalgauge_impl* impl, char* str1, 
-	icalgaugecompare compare , char* value_str)
-    struct icalgauge_where *where;
-    char *compstr, *propstr, *c, *s,*l;
-    if ( (where = malloc(sizeof(struct icalgauge_where))) ==0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return;
-    }
-    memset(where,0,sizeof(struct icalgauge_where));
-    where->logic = ICALGAUGELOGIC_NONE;
-    where->compare = ICALGAUGECOMPARE_NONE;
-    where->comp = ICAL_NO_COMPONENT;
-    where->prop = ICAL_NO_PROPERTY;
-    /* remove enclosing quotes */
-    s = value_str;
-    if(*s == '\''){
-	s++;
-    }
-    l = s+strlen(s)-1;
-    if(*l == '\''){
-	*l=0;
-    }
-    where->value = strdup(s);
-    /* Is there a period in str1 ? If so, the string specified both a
-       component and a property*/
-    if( (c = strrchr(str1,'.')) != 0){
-	compstr = str1;
-	propstr = c+1;
-	*c = '\0';
-    } else {
-	compstr = 0;
-	propstr = str1;
-    }
-    /* Handle the case where a component was specified */
-    if(compstr != 0){
-	where->comp = icalenum_string_to_component_kind(compstr);
-    } else {
-	where->comp = ICAL_NO_COMPONENT;
-    }
-    where->prop = icalenum_string_to_property_kind(propstr);    
-    where->compare = compare;
-    if(where->value == 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	free(where->value);
-	return;
-    }
-    pvl_push(impl->where,where);
-void set_logic(struct icalgauge_impl* impl,icalgaugelogic l)
-    pvl_elem e = pvl_tail(impl->where);
-    struct icalgauge_where *where = pvl_data(e);
-    where->logic = l;
-void ssyacc_add_select(struct icalgauge_impl* impl, char* str1)
-    char *c, *compstr, *propstr;
-    struct icalgauge_where *where;
-    /* Uses only the prop and comp fields of the where structure */
-    if ( (where = malloc(sizeof(struct icalgauge_where))) ==0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return;
-    }
-    memset(where,0,sizeof(struct icalgauge_where));
-    where->logic = ICALGAUGELOGIC_NONE;
-    where->compare = ICALGAUGECOMPARE_NONE;
-    where->comp = ICAL_NO_COMPONENT;
-    where->prop = ICAL_NO_PROPERTY;
-    /* Is there a period in str1 ? If so, the string specified both a
-       component and a property*/
-    if( (c = strrchr(str1,'.')) != 0){
-	compstr = str1;
-	propstr = c+1;
-	*c = '\0';
-    } else {
-	compstr = 0;
-	propstr = str1;
-    }
-    /* Handle the case where a component was specified */
-    if(compstr != 0){
-	where->comp = icalenum_string_to_component_kind(compstr);
-    } else {
-	where->comp = ICAL_NO_COMPONENT;
-    }
-    /* If the property was '*', then accept all properties */
-    if(strcmp("*",propstr) == 0) {
-	where->prop = ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY; 	    
-    } else {
-	where->prop = icalenum_string_to_property_kind(propstr);    
-    }
-    if(where->prop == ICAL_NO_PROPERTY){
-	icalgauge_free(where);
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR);
-	return;
-    }
-    pvl_push(impl->select,where);
-void ssyacc_add_from(struct icalgauge_impl* impl, char* str1)
-    icalcomponent_kind ckind;
-    ckind = icalenum_string_to_component_kind(str1);
-    if(ckind == ICAL_NO_COMPONENT){
-	assert(0);
-    }
-    pvl_push(impl->from,(void*)ckind);
-void sserror(char *s){
-    fprintf(stderr,"Parse error \'%s\'\n", s);
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalvcal/.cvsignore b/libical/src/libicalvcal/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 533caa2f3d..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalvcal/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalvcal/ b/libical/src/libicalvcal/
deleted file mode 100644
index c409347d14..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalvcal/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-	-I$(top_builddir)	\
-	-I$(top_srcdir)/src/libical	\
-	-I$(top_builddir)/src/libical	\
-	-I$(top_srcdir)/src/libicalss
-libicalvcal_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 0:0:0
-libicalvcal_la_SOURCES =	\
-	icalvcal.c		\
-	vcc.y			\
-	vobject.c		\
-	vcaltmp.c
-libicalvcalincludedir = $(includedir)/libicalvcal
-libicalvcalinclude_HEADERS =	\
-	icalvcal.h		\
-	port.h			\
-	vcc.h			\
-	vobject.h		\
-	vcaltmp.h
-	vcaltest.c	\
-	vctest.c
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalvcal/README.TXT b/libical/src/libicalvcal/README.TXT
deleted file mode 100644
index c8ce8b0979..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalvcal/README.TXT
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,951 +0,0 @@
-NOTE: If you used the earlier APIs released by Versit
-then you will want to look at the document "migrate.doc"
-included with this package. It contains a discussion of
-the differences between the old API and this one.
-The vCard/vCalendar C interface is implemented in the set 
-of files as follows:
-vcc.y, yacc source, and vcc.c, the yacc output you will use
-implements the core parser
-vobject.c implements an API that insulates the caller from
-the parser and changes in the vCard/vCalendar BNF
-port.h defines compilation environment dependent stuff
-vcc.h and vobject.h are header files for their .c counterparts
-vcaltmp.h and vcaltmp.c implement vCalendar "macro" functions
-which you may find useful.
-test.c is a standalone test driver that exercises some of
-the features of the APIs provided. Invoke test.exe on a
-VCARD/VCALENDAR input text file and you will see the pretty
-print output of the internal representation (this pretty print
-output should give you a good idea of how the internal 
-representation looks like -- there is one such output in the 
-following too). Also, a file with the .out suffix is generated 
-to show that the internal representation can be written back 
-in the original text format.
-				VObject for VCard/VCalendar
-Table of Contents
-1. VObject
-2. Internal Representations of VCard/VCalendar
-3. Iterating Through VObject's Properties or Values
-4. Pretty Printing a VObject Tree
-5. Building A VObject Representation of A VCard/VCalendar
-6. Converting A VObject Representation Into Its Textual Representation
-7. Miscellaneous Notes On VObject APIs usages
-8. Brief descriptions of each APIs
-9. Additional Programming Notes.
-This document is mainly about the VObject and its APIs. The main
-use of a VObject is to represent a VCard or a VCalendar inside
-a program. However, its use is not limited to aforemention as it
-can represent an arbitrary information that makes up of a tree or
-forest of properties/values.
-1. VObject
-   =======
-A VObject can have a name (id) and a list of associated properties and
-a value. Each property is itself a VObject.
-2. Internal Representations of VCard/VCalendar
-   ===========================================
-A list of VCard or a VCalendar is represented by a list of VObjects.
-The name (id) of the VObjects in the list is either VCCardProp or
-VCCalProp. Each of these VObjects can have a list of properties.
-Since a property is represented as a VObject, each of these properties
-can have a name, a list of properties, and a value.
-For example, the input file "vobject.vcf":
-FN:Roland H. Alden
-ORG:AT&T;Versit Project Office
-Suite 2208=0A=
-One Pine Street=0A=
-San Francisco, CA 94111
-Suite 2208=0A=
-One Pine Street=0A=
-San Francisco, CA 94111=0A=
-TEL;WORK;PREF;MSG:+1 415 296 9106
-TEL;WORK;FAX:+1 415 296 9016
-TEL;MSG;CELL:+1 415 608 5981
-ADR:;Suite 2208;One Pine Street;San Francisco;CA;94111;U.S.A.
-    R0lGODdhpgBOAMQAAP///+/v797e3s7Ozr29va2trZycnIyMjHt7e2NjY1JSUkJC
-    QjExMSEhIRAQEO///87v9973/73n95zW71K13jGl1nvG50Kt3iGc1gCMzq3e94zO
-    7xCU1nO952O15wAAACwAAAAApgBOAAAF/yAgjmRpnmiqrmzrvnAsz3Rt33iu73zv
-    /8CgcEj8QTaeywWTyWCUno2kSK0KI5tLc8vtNi+WiHVMlj0mFK96nalsxOW4fPSw
-    cNj4tQc+7xcjGh4WExJTJYUTFkp3eU0eEH6RkpOUlTARhRoWm5ydFpCWoS0QEqAu
-    ARKaHRcVjV0borEoFl0cSre4Sq67FA+yvwAeTU8XHZ7HmxS6u2wVfMCVpAE3pJoW
-    ylrMptDcOqSF4OHg3eQ5pInInb7lcc86mNbLzBXsZbRfUOn6ucyNHvVWJHCpQFDf
-    MWwEEzLqx2YCQCqF3OnItClJNmYcJD7cSAKTuI/gtnEcOQKkyVIk6/+ds5CkFcMM
-    61LiENikwi1jBnNyuvUSjwWZOS5uIZarqNFcNl32XMMB6I06GgoJ+bZp1ZKeDl8E
-    +MC1K1cBIhZ4HUu2LAsCZdOWRQDt20lxIlccSHsgrNq7Xc/ixcsWmNu34WKyYJCW
-    gQjCe9XqTZy2L4pv04gg2sSKSc8OLgTcBSuWsdkVaD2TdXyiQxebFyjo1Gnx6tJm
-    LuaqrdtZtNfFtruSNmF5IKujwIsmJbjwtRqNJhrcNVw79wcRAgogmE4ArIjQzj/s
-    JvHAGCFDQR4UqigPK4sBe62XwO51OwADiMcqUG+iOdcFAL+hW20BfAoEexlwAnu6
-    3lgJKECWgiMQyBVpW+0V4oJjNfhCNkR1IgWEb21QlRK9GdfFCgeOZYBsXgm4noYj
-    GEBhAQHYh0J8XenoQnFGdrkUciJY6FUAK15ogozakcBhliKsyZWHDMZQ0wWC/Aim
-    2pWTMUJ53WgAuPncCR9q6VQMAYjZlXWJmknCoSUM2p4BC+SaKwG88hoZlvfFMM4f
-    hQh5TXkv+RklWYtC91mopJIAKFkJlDAW/wF25ShnLbeo5gmQ+1FGkJdrKCuCi2OR
-    BuwHBcwqKgABrMtVAgpem61XkLbAJ7n8uiIpvGVhO4KpH1QLbbpqLheZvQCkGoNL
-    thSzSTg2UGVBBzbtaxwKsYrmgLvRAlCmWgwMAADD66rKAgR3XlGspcdkZYK8ibU7
-    asgEl+XAyB8I7PCqMWiWncGGimpfAgO4ypXSPpOVLwsRCDJxRD2AoyeRRv5kApO5
-    fXwzwvfOKLKtaTWtbQxccmGLTZy8xYlVSvXbhbk0M2YzrYfJJ0K8m+V9NgxpyC04
-    UycI/aiuiH9Y8NftDUwWp1Wm5UABnAUKwwRsPFGBt4Oc9PZvGvNLwf8JOZt8Arpe
-    eY23yDovwIDiBX74NAsPVLDJj3Hh4JEExsKcjrlKf9DsCVx3ZfLqAKBuG1s/A90C
-    z2KjYHjjyPOdG1spz6BBUr+BcUxUb1nDCTa/VZD2Uv+YkLPAKJC9dNEh7628WgqI
-    ybzlaA+ufxMa6bxC6ciLUQLcx5UGIAAsAkDA6wQkOxrcY39yo4cQMNWCAPTKV1R4
-    wPkgaBxzOc8FtMiF1NoGoXBRJjgoPApmPsjCFlbMdzCM4TFy50IXxI2DPcHAv2rY
-    i1vcgta8iANPCIQOghzQABl30J0tXqBla4wjFLFQxZzAUY42CIAd5OYBCuKxB2c4
-PRODID:-//Alden Roland/Hand Crafted In North Carolina//NONSGML Made By Hand//EN
-SUMMARY:VERSIT PDI PR Teleconference/Interview
-DESCRIPTION:VERSIT PDI PR Teleconference/Interview With Tom Streeter and Alden Roland
-SUMMARY:Eat in the cafeteria today
-will conceptually be be represented as
-    vcard
-	VCNameProp
-	    VCFamilyNameProp=Alden
-	    VCGivenNameProp=Roland
-	VCFullNameProp=Roland H.Alden
-	....
-note that
-will be represented as:
-	VCEmailAddress=sf!rincon!
-	    VCWork
-	    VCPreferred
-	    VCInternet
-where the lower level properties are properties of the property
-Groupings are flattened out in the VObject representation such
-	a.b:blah
-	a.c:blahblah
-are represented as:
-	b=blah
-	    VCGrouping=a
-	c=blahblah
-	    VCGrouping=a
-i.e. one can read the above as:
-	 the property "b" has value "blah" and property "VCGrouping"
-		with the value "a".
-	 the property "c" has value "blahblah" and property "VCGrouping"
-		with the value "a".
-likewise, multi-level groupings are flatten similarly. e.g.
-	a.b.c:blah
-	a.b.e:blahblah
-	c=blah
-	    VCGrouping=b
-		VCGrouping=a
-	e=blahblah
-	    VCGrouping=b
-		VCGrouping=a
-which read:
-	 the property "c" has value "blah" and property "VCGrouping"
-		with the value "b" which has property "VCGrouping"
-		with value "a".
-	 the property "e" has value "blahblah" and property "VCGrouping"
-		with the value "b" which has property "VCGrouping"
-		with value "a".
-3. Iterating Through VObject's Properties or Values
-   ================================================
-The following is a skeletal form of iterating through
-all properties of a vobject, o:
-    // assume the object of interest, o, is of type VObject
-    VObjectIterator i;
-    initPropIterator(&i,o);
-    while (moreIteration(&i)) {
-	VObject *each = nextVObject(&i);
-	// ... do something with "each" property 
-	}
-Use the API vObjectName() to access a VObject's name.
-Use the API vObjectValueType() to determine if a VObject has
-	a value. For VCard/VCalendar application, you
-	should not need this function as practically
-	all values are either of type VCVT_USTRINGZ or
-	VCVT_RAW (i.e set by setVObjectUStringZValue and
-	setVObjectAnyValue APIs respectively), and the
-	value returned by calls to vObjectUStringZValue
-	and vObjectAnyValue are 0 if a VObject has no
-	value. (There is a minor exception where VObject with
-	VCDataSizeProp has value that is set by
-	setVObjectLongValue).
-Use the APIs vObject???Value() to access a VObject's value.
-	where ??? is the expected type.
-Use the APIs setvObject???Value() to set or modify a VObject's value.
-	where ??? is the expected type.
-Use the API isAPropertyOf() to query if a name match the name of
-	a property of a VObject. Since isAPropertyOf() return
-	the matching property, we can use that to retrieve
-	a property and subsequently the value of the property.
-4. Pretty Printing a VObject Tree
-   ==============================
-VObject tree can be pretty printed with the printVObject() function.
-The output of pretty printing a VObject representation of the input
-test file "vobject.vcf" is shown below. Note that the indentation
-indicates the tree hirerarchy where the immediate children nodes
-of a parent node is all at the same indentation level and the
-immediate children nodes are the immediate properties of the
-associated parent nodes.  In the following, {N,FN,ORG,TITLE,...}
-are immediate properties of VCARD. {F and G} are properties of N
-with value {"Alden" and "Roland"} respectively; FN has no property
-but has the value "Roland H. Alden"; EMAIL has value and
-the properties WORK, PREF, and INTERNET.
-    N
-        F="Alden"
-        G="Roland"
-    FN="Roland H. Alden"
-    ORG
-        ORGNAME="AT&T"
-        OUN="Versit Project Office"
-    TITLE="Consultant"
-    EMAIL="sf!rincon!"
-        WORK
-        PREF
-        INTERNET
-    EMAIL=""
-        INTERNET
-    EMAIL="242-2200"
-        MCIMail
-    LABEL="Roland H. Alden
-            Suite 2208
-            One Pine Street
-            San Francisco, CA 94111"
-        DOM
-        POSTAL
-        PARCEL
-        HOME
-        WORK
-        QP
-    LABEL="Roland H. Alden
-            Suite 2208
-            One Pine Street
-            San Francisco, CA 94111
-            U.S.A."
-        POSTAL
-        PARCEL
-        HOME
-        WORK
-        QP
-    TEL="+1 415 296 9106"
-        WORK
-        PREF
-        MSG
-    TEL="+1 415 296 9016"
-        WORK
-        FAX
-    TEL="+1 415 608 5981"
-        MSG
-        CELL
-    ADR
-        EXT ADD="Suite 2208"
-        STREET="One Pine Street"
-        L="San Francisco"
-        R="CA"
-        PC="94111"
-        C="U.S.A."
-    LOGO=[raw data]
-        GIF
-        BASE64
-        DataSize=1482
-    DCREATED="19960523T100522"
-    PRODID="-//Alden Roland/Hand Crafted In North Carolina//NONSGML Made By Hand//EN"
-    VERSION="0.3"
-        START="19960523T120000"
-        END="19960523T130000"
-        SUMMARY="VERSIT PDI PR Teleconference/Interview"
-        DESCRIPTION="VERSIT PDI PR Teleconference/Interview With Tom Streeter and Alden Roland"
-        START="19960523T113000"
-        END="19960523T115500"
-        SUBTYPE="LUNCH"
-        SUMMARY="Eat in the cafeteria today"
-5. Building A VObject Representation of A VCard/VCalendar
-   ======================================================
-The parser in vcc.y converts an input file with one or more
-VCard/VCalendar that is in their textual representation
-into their corresponding VObject representation.
-VObject representation of a VCard/VCalendar can also be built
-directly with calls to the VObject building APIs. e.g.
-	VObject *prop;
-	VObject *vcard = newVObject(VCCardProp);
-	prop = addProp(vcard,VCNameProp);
-		addPropValue(prop,VCFamilyNameProp,"Alden");
-		addPropValue(prop,VCGivenNameProp,"Roland");
-	addPropValue(vcard,VCFullNameProp,"Roland H. Alden");
-	....
-6. Converting A VObject Representation Into Its Textual Representation
-   ===================================================================
-The VObject representation can be converted back to its textual
-representation via the call to writeVObject() or writeMemVObject()
-API. e.g.
-   a. to write to a file:
-	// assume vcard is of type VObject
-	FILE *fp = fopen("alden.vcf","w");
-	writeVObject(fp,vcard);
-   a. to write to memory, and let the API allocate the required memory.
-	char* clipboard = writeVObject(0,0,vcard);
-	... do something to clipboard
-	free(clipboard);
-   b. to write to a user allocated buffer:
-	char clipboard[16384];
-	int len = 16384;
-	char *buf  = writeVObject(clipboard,&len,vcard);
-	... buf will be equal to clipboard if the write
-	is successful otherwise 0.
-In the case of writing to memory, the memory buffer can be either
-allocated by the API or the user. If the user allocate the
-memory for the buffer, then the length of the buffer needs to be
-communicated to the API via a variable. The variable passed as
-the length argument will be overwritten with the actual size
-of the text output. A 0 return value from writeMemVObject()
-indicates an error which could be caused by overflowing the
-size of the buffer or lack of heap memory.
-7. Miscellaneous Notes On VObject APIs usages
-   ==========================================
-a. vcc.h -- contains basic interfaces to the parser:
-    VObject* Parse_MIME(const char *input, unsigned long len);
-    VObject* Parse_MIME_FromFile(FILE *file);
-	-- both of this return a null-terminated list of
-	   VObject that is either a VCARD or VCALENDAR.
-	   To iterate through this list, do
-		VObject *t, *v;
-		v = Parse_Mime_FromFile(fp);
-		while (v) {
-		    // ... do something to v.
-		    t = v;
-		    v = nextVObjectInList(v);
-		    cleanVObject(t);
-		    }
-	    note that call to cleanVObject will release
-	    resource used to represent the VObject.
-b. vobject.h -- contains basic interfaces to the VObject APIs.
-	see the header for more details.
-	The structure of VObject is purposely (hiddened) not exposed
-	to the user. Every access has to be done via
-	the APIs. This way, if we need to change the
-	structure or implementation, the client need not
-	recompile as long as the interfaces remain the
-	same.
-c. values of a property is determined by the property definition
-	itself. The vobject APIs does not attempt to enforce
-	any of such definition. It is the consumer responsibility
-	to know what value is expected from a property. e.g
-	most properties have unicode string value, so to access
-	the value of these type of properties, you will use
-	the vObjectUStringZValue() to read the value and
-	setVObjectUStringZValue() to set or modify the value.
-	Refer to the VCard and VCalendar specifications for
-	the definition of each property.
-d. properties name (id) are case incensitive.
-8. Brief descriptions of each APIs
-   ===============================
-   * the predefined properties' names (id) are listed under vobject.h
-	each is of the form VC*Prop. e.g.
-		#define VC7bitProp		"7BIT"
-		#define VCAAlarmProp	"AALARM"
-		....
-   * consumer of a VObject can only define pointers to VObject.
-   * a variable of type VObjectIterator, say "i", can be used to iterate
-	through a VObject's properties, say "o". The APIs related to
-	VObjectIterator are:
-		void initPropIterator(VObjectIterator *i, VObject *o);
-			-- e.g. usage
-				initPropIterator(&i,o);
-		int moreIteration(VObjectIterator *i);
-			-- e.g. usage
-				while (moreIteration(&i)) { ... }
-		VObject* nextVObject(VObjectIterator *i);
-			-- e.g. usage
-				while (moreIteration(&i)) {
-				    VObject *each = nextVObject(&i);
-				    }
-    * VObject can be chained together to form a list. e.g. of such
-	use is in the parser where the return value of the parser is
-	a link list of VObject. A link list of VObject can be
-	built by:
-		void addList(VObject **o, VObject *p);
-	and iterated by
-		VObject* nextVObjectInList(VObject *o);
-			-- next VObjectInList return 0 if the list
-				is exhausted.
-    * the following APIs are mainly used to construct a VObject tree:
-	VObject* newVObject(const char *id);
-	    -- used extensively internally by VObject APIs but when
-		used externally, its use is mainly limited to the
-		construction of top level object (e.g. an object
-		with VCCardProp or VCCalendarProp id).
-	void deleteVObject(VObject *p);
-	    -- to deallocate single VObject, for most user, use
-		cleanVObject(VObject *o) instead for freeing all
-		resources associated with the VObject.
-	char* dupStr(const char *s, unsigned int size);
-	    -- duplicate a string s. If size is 0, the string is
-		assume to be a null-terminated. 
-	void deleteStr(const char *p);
-	    -- used to deallocate a string allocated by dupStr();
-	void setVObjectName(VObject *o, const char* id);
-	    -- set the id of VObject o. This function is not
-		normally used by the user. The setting of id
-		is normally done as part of other APIs (e.g.
-		addProp()).
-	void setVObjectStringZValue(VObject *o, const char *s);
-	    -- set a string value of a VObject.
-	void setVObjectUStringZValue(VObject *o, const wchar_t *s);
-	    -- set a Unicode string value of a VObject.
-	void setVObjectIntegerValue(VObject *o, unsigned int i);
-	    -- set an integer value of a VObject.
-	void setVObjectLongValue(VObject *o, unsigned long l);
-	    -- set an long integer value of a VObject.
-	void setVObjectAnyValue(VObject *o, void *t);
-	    -- set any value of a VObject. The value type is
-		unspecified.
-	VObject* setValueWithSize(VObject *prop, void *val, unsigned int size);
-	    -- set a raw data (stream of bytes) value of a VObject
-		whose size is size. The internal VObject representation
-		is
-			this object = val
-			    VCDataSizeProp=size
-		i.e. the value val will be attached to the VObject prop
-		and a property of VCDataSize whose value is size
-		is also added to the object.
-	void setVObjectVObjectValue(VObject *o, VObject *p);
-	    -- set a VObject as the value of another VObject.
-	const char* vObjectName(VObject *o);
-	    -- retrieve the VObject's Name (i.e. id).
-	const char* vObjectStringZValue(VObject *o);
-	    -- retrieve the VObject's value interpreted as
-		null-terminated string.
-	const wchar_t* vObjectUStringZValue(VObject *o);
-	    -- retrieve the VObject's value interpreted as
-		null-terminated unicode string.
-	unsigned int vObjectIntegerValue(VObject *o);
-	    -- retrieve the VObject's value interpreted as
-		integer.
-	unsigned long vObjectLongValue(VObject *o);
-	    -- retrieve the VObject's value interpreted as
-		long integer.
-	void* vObjectAnyValue(VObject *o);
-	    -- retrieve the VObject's value interpreted as
-		any value.
-	VObject* vObjectVObjectValue(VObject *o);
-	    -- retrieve the VObject's value interpreted as
-		a VObject.
-	VObject* addVObjectProp(VObject *o, VObject *p);
-	    -- add a VObject p as a property of VObject o.
-		(not normally used externally for building a
-		VObject).
-	VObject* addProp(VObject *o, const char *id);
-	    -- add a property whose name is id to VObject o.
-	VObject* addPropValue(VObject *o, const char *id, const char *v);
-	    -- add a property whose name is id and whose value
-		is a null-terminated string to VObject o.
-	VObject* addPropSizedValue(VObject *o, const char *id,
-			const char *v, unsigned int size);
-	    -- add a property whose name is id and whose value
-		is a stream of bytes of size size, to VObject o.
-	VObject* addGroup(VObject *o, const char *g);
-	    -- add a group g to VObject o.
-		e.g. if g is a.b.c, you will have
-		    o
-			c
-			   VCGroupingProp=b
-			       VCGroupingProp=a
-		and the object c is returned.
-	VObject* isAPropertyOf(VObject *o, const char *id);
-	     -- query if a property by the name id is in o and
-		return the VObject that represent that property.
-	void printVObject(VObject *o);
-	     -- pretty print VObject o to stdout (for debugging use).
-	void writeVObject(FILE *fp, VObject *o);
-	     -- convert VObject o to its textual representation and
-		write it to file.
-	char* writeMemVObject(char *s, int *len, VObject *o);
-	     -- convert VObject o to its textual representation and
-		write it to memory. If s is 0, then memory required
-		to hold the textual representation will be allocated
-		by this API. If a variable len is passed, len will
-		be overwriten with the byte size of the textual
-		representation. If s is non-zero, then s has to
-		be a user allocated buffer whose size has be passed
-		in len as a variable. Memory allocated by the API
-		has to be freed with call to free. The return value
-		of this API is either the user supplied buffer,
-		the memory allocated by the API, or 0 (in case of
-		failure).
-	void cleanStrTbl();
-		-- this function has to be called when all
-		VObject has been destroyed.
-	void cleanVObject(VObject *o);
-		-- release all resources used by VObject o.
-	wchar_t* fakeUnicode(const char *ps, int *bytes);
-		-- convert char* to wchar_t*.
-	extern int uStrLen(const wchar_t *u);
-		-- length of unicode u.
-	char *fakeCString(const wchar_t *u);
-		-- convert wchar_t to CString (blindly assumes that
-		this could be done).
-9. Additional Programming Notes
-   ============================
-In the following notes, please refers to the listing
-of Example.vcf and its VObject Representation
-(shown at the end of this section).
-* Handling the Return Value of the VCard/VCalendar Parser
-    The example input text file contains two root VObjects
-    (a VCalendar and a VCard). The output of the VCard/VCalendar
-    parser is a null-terminated list of VObjects. For this
-    particular input file, the list will have two VObjects.
-    The following shows a template for iterating through the
-    output of the Parser:
-	VObject *t, *v;
-	v = Parse_Mime_fromFileName("example.vcf");
-	while (v) {
-	    // currently, v will either be a VCard or a VCalendar
-	    //	do whatever your application need to do to
-	    //  v here ...
-	    t = v;
-	    v = nextVObjectInList(v);
-	    cleanVObject(t);
-	    }
-* Iterating Through a VCard/VCalendar VObject
-    From the VObject APIs point of view, a VCard VObject
-    is the same as a VCalendar VObject. However, the application
-    needs to know what are in a VCard or a VCalendar.
-    For example, A VCalendar VObject can have VCDCreatedProp,
-    a VCGEOLocationProp, etc, and one or more VCEventProp and
-    or VCTodoProp. The VCEventProp and VCTodoProp can have
-    many properties of their own, which in turn could have
-    more properties (e.g. VCDAlarmProp can be a VCEventProp
-    VObject's property, and VCRunTimeProp can be a
-    VCDAlarmProp VObject's property. Because a VObject tree
-    can be arbitrarily complex, in general, to process all
-    properties and values of a VObject tree, a recursive walk
-    is desirable. An example recursive VObject tree walk
-    can be found in the vobject.c source lines for printVObject*
-    and writeVObject* APIs. Depending on what the application need
-    to do with a VCard or a VCalendar, a recursive walk
-    of the VObject tree may or may not be desirable. An example
-    template of a non-recursive walk is shown below:
-    void processVCardVCalendar(char *inputFile)
-    {
-	VObject *t, *v;
-	v = Parse_Mime_fromFileName(inputFile);
-	while (v) {
-	    char *n = vObjectName(v);
-	    if (strcmp(n,VCCardProp) == 0) {
-		do_VCard(v);
-		}
-	    else if (strcmp(n,VCCalendarProp) == 0) {
-		do_VCalendar(v);
-		}
-	    else {
-		// don't know how to handle anything else!
-		}
-	    t = v;
-	    v = nextVObjectInList(v);
-	    cleanVObject(t);
-	    }
-    }
-    void  do_VCard(VObject *vcard)
-    {
-	VObjectIterator t;
-	initPropIterator(&t,vcard);
-	while (moreIteration(&t)) {
-	    VObject *eachProp = nextVObject(&t);
-	    //	The primarly purpose of this example is to
-	    //  show how to iterate through a VCard VObject,
-	    //	it is not meant to be efficient at all.
-	    char *n = vObjectName(eachProp);
-	    if (strcmp(n,VCNameProp)==0) {
-		do_name(eachProp);
-		}
-	    else if (strcmp(n,VCEmailProp)==0) {
-		do_email(eachProp);
-		}
-	    else if (strcmp(n,VCLabelProp)==0) {
-		do_label(eachProp);
-		}
-	    else if ....
-	    }
-    }
-    void  do_VCalendar(VObject *vcal)
-    {
-	VObjectIterator t;
-	initPropIterator(&t,vcard);
-	while (moreIteration(&t)) {
-	    VObject *eachProp = nextVObject(&t);
-	    //	The primarly purpose of this example is to
-	    //  show how to iterate through a VCalendar VObject,
-	    //	it is not meant to be efficient at all.
-	    char *n = vObjectName(eachProp);
-	    if (strcmp(n,VCDCreatedProp)==0) {
-		do_DCreated(eachProp);
-		}
-	    else if (strcmp(n,VCVersionProp)==0) {
-		do_Version(eachProp);
-		}
-	    else if (strcmp(n,VCTodoProp)==0) {
-		do_Todo(eachProp);
-		}
-	    else if (strcmp(n,VCEventProp)==0) {
-		do_Event(eachProp);
-		}
-	    else if ....
-	    }
-    }
-    void do_Todo(VObject *vtodo) { ... }
-    void do_Event(VObject *vevent) { ... }
-    ...
-* Property's Values and Properties
-    The VObject APIs do not attempt to check for the
-    correctness of the values of a property. Nor do they
-    will prevent the user from attaching a non-VCard/VCalendar
-    standard property to a VCard/VCalendar property. Take
-    the example of line [11] of the example, "O.K" is not
-    a valid value of VCStatusProp.  It is up to the application
-    to accept or reject the value of a property.
-* Output of printVObject
-    PrintVObject pretty prints a VObject tree in human
-    readable form. See the listing at the end of the file
-    for an example output of printVObject on the example
-    input file "Example.vcf".
-    Note that binary data are not shown in the output of
-    printVObject. Instead, a note is made ([raw data]) to
-    indicate that there exists such a binary data.
-* Note on Binary Data
-    When the value of a property is a binary data, it is only
-    useful to know the size of the binary data.
-    In the case of the VCard/VCalendar parser, it chooses
-    to represent the size information as a separate property
-    called VCDataSizeProp whose value is the size of the binary
-    data. The APIs sequence to construct the VObject subtree
-    of line [44] of Example.vcf is
-	    // VObject *vcard;
-	    VObject *p1 = addProp(vcard,VCLogoProp);
-	    (void) addProp(p1,VCGIFProp);
-	    (void) addProp(p1,VCBASE64Prop);
-	    VObject *p2 = addProp(p1,VCDataSizeProp);
-	    (void) setVObjectLongValue(p2,1482);
-	    setVObjectAnyValue(vcard,...pointer to binary data);
-    Note the presence of VCBase64Prop will cause the
-    writeVObject API to output the binary data as BASE64 text.
-    For VCard/VCalendar application, having the VCBase64Prop
-    property is pratically always neccessary for property with
-    binary data as its value.
-* Note on Quoted-Printable String
-    String value with embedded newline are written out as
-    quoted-prinatable string. It is therefore important
-    to mark a property with a string value that has
-    one or more embedded newlines, with the VCQutedPrintableProp
-    property. e.g.
-	// VObject *root;
-	char *msg="To be\nor\nnot to be";
-	VObject *p = addPropValue(root,VCDescriptionProp,msg);
-	    // the following is how you mark a property with
-	    //	a property. In this case, the marker is
-	    //  VCQuotedPrintableProp
-	    addProp(p,VCQuotedPrintableProp);
-* Note on Unicode
-    Although, the current parser takes ASCII text file only,
-    string values are all stored as Unicode in the VObject tree.
-    For now, when using the VObject APIs to construct a
-    VObject tree, one should always convert ASCII string value
-    to a Unicode string value:
-	// VObject *root;
-	VObject *p = addProp(root,VCSomeProp);
-	setVObjectUStringZValue(p,fakeUnicode(someASCIIStringZvalue));
-    An API is provided to simplify the above process:
-	addPropValue(root,VCSomeProp,someASCIIStringZValue);
-    Note that someASCIISTringZValue is automatically converted to
-    Unicode by addPropValue API, where as, the former code
-    sequence do an explicit call to fakeUnicode.
-    To read back the value, one should use the vObjectUStringZValue
-    API not vObjectStringZValue API. The value returned by the
-    vObjectUStringZValue API is a Unicode string. If the application
-    do not know how to handle Unicode string, it can use the
-    fakeCString API to convert it back to ASCII string (as long
-    as the conversion is meaningful).
-    Note that fakeCString return a heap allocated memory. It is
-    important to call deleteStr on fakeCString return value if
-    it is not longer required (or there will be memory leak).
-    NOTE: Unfortunately, at the point when this document is written,
-    there is still no consensus on how Unicode is to be handled
-    in the textual representation of VCard/VCalendar. So, there
-    is no version of writeVObject and the parser to output and
-    input Unicode textual representation of VCard/VCalendar.
-number Input Text (example.vcf)
------- ----------
-2      DCREATED:19961102T100522
-3      GEO:0,0
-4      VERSION:1.0
-6      DTSTART:19961103T000000
-7      DTEND:20000101T000000
-9      or =0A=
-10     not to be
-11     STATUS:O.K.
-12     X-ACTION:No action required
-13     DALARM:19961103T114500;5;3;Enjoy
-14     MALARM:19970101T120000;;;;Call Mom.
-15     END:VEVENT
-18     DUE:19960614T0173000
-19     DESCRIPTION:Relex.
-20     END:VTODO
-25     N:Alden;Roland
-26     FN:Roland H. Alden
-27     ORG:AT&T;Versit Project Office
-28     TITLE:Consultant
-31     Suite 2208=0A=
-32     One Pine Street=0A=
-33     San Francisco, CA 94111
-35     Suite 2208=0A=
-36     One Pine Street=0A=
-37     San Francisco, CA 94111=0A=
-38     U.S.A.
-39     TEL;WORK;PREF;MSG:+1 415 296 9106
-40     TEL;WORK;FAX:+1 415 296 9016
-41     TEL;MSG;CELL:+1 415 608 5981
-42     ADR:;Suite 2208;One Pine Street;San Francisco;CA;94111;U.S.A.
-44     LOGO;GIF;BASE64:
-45         R0lGODdhpgBOAMQAAP///+/v797e3s7Ozr29va2trZycnIyMjHt7e2NjY1JSUkJC
-    ... 30 lines of BASE64 data not shown here.
-76     END:VCARD
-VObject Representation of Example.vcf:
-file  VObject Tree as Printed by printVObject API
-----  -------------------------------------------
-2         DCREATED="19961102T100522"
-3         GEO="0,0"
-4         VERSION="1.0"
-5         VEVENT
-6             DTSTART="19961103T000000"
-7             DTEND="20000101T000000"
-8             DESCRIPTION="To be
-9                     or
-10                    not to be"
-8                 QUOTED-PRINTABLE
-11            STATUS="O.K."
-12            X-ACTION="No action required"
-13            DALARM
-13                RUNTIME="19961103T114500"
-13                SNOOZETIME="5"
-13                REPEATCOUNT="3"
-13                DISPLAYSTRING="Enjoy"
-14            MALARM
-14                RUNTIME="19970101T120000"
-14                EMAIL=""
-14                NOTE="Call Mom"
-17        VTODO
-18            DUE="19960614T0173000"
-19            DESCRIPTION="Relex."
-24    VCARD
-25        N
-25            F="Alden"
-25            G="Roland"
-26        FN="Roland H. Alden"
-27        ORG
-27            ORGNAME="AT&T"
-27            OUN="Versit Project Office"
-28        TITLE="Consultant"
-29        EMAIL=""
-29            WORK
-29            PREF
-29            INTERNET
-30        LABEL="Roland H. Alden
-31                Suite 2208
-32                One Pine Street
-33                San Francisco, CA 94111"
-30            DOM
-30            POSTAL
-30            PARCEL
-30            HOME
-30            WORK
-30            QUOTED-PRINTABLE
-34        LABEL="Roland H. Alden
-35                Suite 2208
-36                One Pine Street
-37                San Francisco, CA 94111
-38                U.S.A."
-34            POSTAL
-34            PARCEL
-34            HOME
-34            WORK
-34            QUOTED-PRINTABLE
-39        TEL="+1 415 296 9106"
-39            WORK
-39            PREF
-39            MSG
-40        TEL="+1 415 296 9016"
-40            WORK
-40            FAX
-41        TEL="+1 415 608 5981"
-41            MSG
-41            CELL
-42        ADR
-42            EXT ADD="Suite 2208"
-42            STREET="One Pine Street"
-42            L="San Francisco"
-42            R="CA"
-42            PC="94111"
-42            C="U.S.A."
-44        LOGO=[raw data]
-44            GIF
-44            BASE64
-44            DATASIZE=1482
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalvcal/icalvcal.c b/libical/src/libicalvcal/icalvcal.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 24c3155178..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalvcal/icalvcal.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,517 +0,0 @@
-  FILE: icalvcal.c
-  CREATOR: eric 25 May 00
-  $Id$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalvcal.c
-  The icalvcal_convert routine calls icalvcal_traverse_objects to do
-  its work.s his routine steps through through all of the properties
-  and components of a VObject. For each name of a property or a
-  component, icalvcal_traverse_objects looks up the name in
-  conversion_table[]. This table indicates wether the name is of a
-  component or a property, lists a routine to handle conversion, and
-  has extra data for the conversion.
-  The conversion routine will create new iCal components or properties
-  and add them to the iCal component structure. 
-  The most common conversion routine is dc_prop. This routine converts
-  properties for which the text representation of the vCal component
-  is identical the iCal representation.
-  ======================================================================*/
-#include "icalvcal.h"
-#include <string.h>   
-enum datatype {
-struct conversion_table_struct {
-	char* vcalname;
-	enum datatype type;
-	void* (*conversion_func)(int icaltype, VObject *o);
-	int icaltype;
-struct conversion_table_struct conversion_table[];
-void* dc_prop(int icaltype, VObject *object);
-static void icalvcal_traverse_objects(VObject *object,icalcomponent* last_comp,
-			     icalproperty* last_prop)
-    VObjectIterator iterator;
-    char* name = "[No Name]";
-    icalcomponent* subc = 0;
-    int i;
-    if ( vObjectName(object)== 0){
-	printf("ERROR, object has no name");
-	assert(0);
-	return;
-    }
-    name = (char*)vObjectName(object);
-    /* Lookup this object in the conversion table */
-    for (i = 0; conversion_table[i].vcalname != 0; i++){
-	if(strcmp(conversion_table[i].vcalname, name) == 0){
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    /* Did not find the object. It may be an X-property, or an unknown
-       property */
-    if (conversion_table[i].vcalname == 0){
-	/* Handle X properties */
-	if(strncmp(name, "X-",2) == 0){
-	   icalproperty* prop = (icalproperty*)dc_prop(ICAL_X_PROPERTY,object);
-	   icalproperty_set_x_name(prop,name);
-	   icalcomponent_add_property(last_comp,prop);
-	} else {
-	    assert(0);
-	    return;
-	}
-    } else {
-	/* The vCal property is in the table, and it is not an X
-           property, so try to convert it to an iCal component,
-           property or parameter. */
-	switch(conversion_table[i].type){
-	    case COMPONENT: {
-		subc = 
-		    (icalcomponent*)(conversion_table[i].conversion_func
-				     (conversion_table[i].icaltype,
-				      object));
-		icalcomponent_add_component(last_comp,subc);
-		assert(subc!=0);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case PROPERTY: {
-		if (vObjectValueType(object) &&
-		    conversion_table[i].conversion_func != 0 ) {
-		    icalproperty* prop = 
-			(icalproperty*)(conversion_table[i].conversion_func
-					(conversion_table[i].icaltype,
-					 object));		
-		    icalcomponent_add_property(last_comp,prop);
-		    last_prop = prop;
-		}
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case PARAMETER: {
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case UNSUPPORTED: {
-		/* If the property is listed as UNSUPPORTED, insert a
-                   X_LIC_ERROR property to note this fact. */
-		char temp[1024];
-		char* message = "Unsupported vCal property";
-		icalparameter *error_param;
-		icalproperty *error_prop;
-		snprintf(temp,1024,"%s: %s",message,name);
-		error_param = icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(
-		    );
-		error_prop = icalproperty_new_xlicerror(temp);
-		icalproperty_add_parameter(error_prop, error_param);
-		icalcomponent_add_property(last_comp,error_prop);
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /* Now, step down into the next vCalproperty */
-    initPropIterator(&iterator,object);
-    while (moreIteration(&iterator)) {
-	VObject *eachProp = nextVObject(&iterator);
-	/* If 'object' is a component, then the next traversal down
-           should use it as the 'last_comp' */
-	if(subc!=0){
-	    icalvcal_traverse_objects(eachProp,subc,last_prop);
-	} else {
-	    icalvcal_traverse_objects(eachProp,last_comp,last_prop);
-	}
-    }
-icalcomponent* icalvcal_convert(VObject *object){
-   char* name =  (char*)vObjectName(object);
-   icalcomponent* container = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_XROOT_COMPONENT);
-   icalcomponent* root;
-   icalerror_check_arg_rz( (object!=0),"Object");
-   /* The root object must be a VCALENDAR */
-   if(*name==0 || strcmp(name,VCCalProp) != 0){
-       return 0; /* HACK. Should return an error */
-   }
-   icalvcal_traverse_objects(object,container,0);
-   /* HACK. I am using the extra 'container' component because I am
-      lazy. I know there is a way to get rid of it, but I did not care
-      to find it. */
-   root = icalcomponent_get_first_component(container,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-   icalcomponent_remove_component(container, root);
-   icalcomponent_free(container);
-   return root;
-/* comp() is useful for most components, but alarm, daylight and
- * timezone are different. In vcal, they are properties, and in ical,
- * they are components. Although because of the way that vcal treats
- * everything as a property, alarm_comp() daylight_comp() and
- * timezone_comp() may not really be necessary, I think it would be
- * easier to use them. */
-void* comp(int icaltype, VObject *o)
-    icalcomponent_kind kind = (icalcomponent_kind)icaltype;
-    icalcomponent* c = icalcomponent_new(kind);
-    return (void* )c;
-void* alarm_comp(int icaltype, VObject *o)
-    icalcomponent_kind kind = (icalcomponent_kind)icaltype;
-    icalcomponent* c = icalcomponent_new(kind);
-    return (void*)c;
-void* daylight_comp(int icaltype, VObject *o)
-    icalcomponent_kind kind = (icalcomponent_kind)icaltype;
-    icalcomponent* c = icalcomponent_new(kind);
-    return (void*)c;
-void* timezone_comp(int icaltype, VObject *o)
-    icalcomponent_kind kind = (icalcomponent_kind)icaltype;
-    icalcomponent* c = icalcomponent_new(kind);
-    return (void*)c;
-/* These #defines indicate conversion routines that are not defined yet. */
-#define categories_prop 0
-#define transp_prop 0   
-#define status_prop 0   
-#define parameter 0   
-#define rsvp_parameter 0   
-/* directly convertable property. The string representation of vcal is
-   the same as ical */
-void* dc_prop(int icaltype, VObject *object)
-    icalproperty_kind kind = (icalproperty_kind)icaltype;
-    icalproperty *prop; 
-    icalvalue *value;
-    icalvalue_kind value_kind;
-    char *s,*t=0;
-    prop = icalproperty_new(kind);
-    value_kind = 
-	icalenum_property_kind_to_value_kind(
-	    icalproperty_isa(prop));
-    switch (vObjectValueType(object)) {
-	    s = t = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(object));
-	    break;
-	}
-	case VCVT_STRINGZ: {
-	    s = (char*)vObjectStringZValue(object);
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    value = icalvalue_new_from_string(value_kind,s);
-    if(t!=0){
-	deleteStr(t);
-    }
-    icalproperty_set_value(prop,value);
-    return (void*)prop;
-/* My extraction program screwed up, so this table does not have all
-of the vcal properties in it. I didn't feel like re-doing the entire
-table, so you'll have to find the missing properties the hard way --
-the code will assert */
-struct conversion_table_struct conversion_table[] = 
-{VCCalProp,            COMPONENT, comp,         ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT},
-{VCTodoProp,           COMPONENT, comp,         ICAL_VTODO_COMPONENT},
-{VCEventProp,          COMPONENT, comp,         ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT},
-{VCAAlarmProp,         COMPONENT, alarm_comp,   ICAL_XAUDIOALARM_COMPONENT},
-{VCMAlarmProp,         COMPONENT, alarm_comp,   ICAL_XEMAILALARM_COMPONENT},
-{VCDayLightProp,       COMPONENT, daylight_comp,0},
-{VCTimeZoneProp,       COMPONENT, timezone_comp, ICAL_VTIMEZONE_COMPONENT},
-{VCProdIdProp,         PROPERTY,  dc_prop,       ICAL_PRODID_PROPERTY},
-{VCClassProp,          PROPERTY,  dc_prop,       ICAL_CLASS_PROPERTY},
-{VCDCreatedProp,       PROPERTY,  dc_prop,       ICAL_CREATED_PROPERTY},
-{VCDescriptionProp,    PROPERTY,  dc_prop,       ICAL_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY},
-{VCAttendeeProp,       PROPERTY,  dc_prop,       ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY},
-{VCCategoriesProp,     PROPERTY,  categories_prop,ICAL_CATEGORIES_PROPERTY},
-{VCDTendProp,          PROPERTY,  dc_prop,       ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY},
-{VCDTstartProp,        PROPERTY,  dc_prop,       ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY},
-{VCDueProp,            PROPERTY,  dc_prop,       ICAL_DUE_PROPERTY},
-{VCLocationProp,       PROPERTY,  dc_prop,       ICAL_LOCATION_PROPERTY},
-{VCSummaryProp,        PROPERTY,  dc_prop,       ICAL_SUMMARY_PROPERTY},
-{VCVersionProp,        PROPERTY,  dc_prop,       ICAL_VERSION_PROPERTY},
-{VCTranspProp,         PROPERTY,  transp_prop,   ICAL_TRANSP_PROPERTY},
-{VCUniqueStringProp,   PROPERTY,  dc_prop,       ICAL_UID_PROPERTY},
-{VCURLProp,            PROPERTY,  dc_prop,       ICAL_URL_PROPERTY},
-{VCLastModifiedProp,   PROPERTY,  dc_prop,       ICAL_LASTMODIFIED_PROPERTY},
-{VCSequenceProp,       PROPERTY,  dc_prop,       ICAL_SEQUENCE_PROPERTY},
-{VCPriorityProp,       PROPERTY,  dc_prop,       ICAL_PRIORITY_PROPERTY},
-{VCStatusProp,         PROPERTY,  status_prop,   ICAL_STATUS_PROPERTY},
-{VCRSVPProp,           UNSUPPORTED, rsvp_parameter,ICAL_RSVP_PARAMETER  },
-{VCEncodingProp,       UNSUPPORTED, parameter,     ICAL_ENCODING_PARAMETER},
-{VCRoleProp,           UNSUPPORTED, parameter,     ICAL_ROLE_PARAMETER},
-{VCStatusProp,         UNSUPPORTED, parameter,     ICAL_STATUS_PROPERTY},
-{VCQuotedPrintableProp,UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VC7bitProp,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VC8bitProp,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCAdditionalNamesProp,UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCAdrProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCAgentProp,          UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCAIFFProp,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCAOLProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCAppleLinkProp,      UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCAttachProp,         UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCATTMailProp,        UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCAudioContentProp,   UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCAVIProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCBase64Prop,         UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCBBSProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCBirthDateProp,      UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCBMPProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCBodyProp,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCCaptionProp,        UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCCarProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCCellularProp,       UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCCGMProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCCharSetProp,        UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCCIDProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCCISProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCCityProp,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCCommentProp,        UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCCompletedProp,      UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCCountryNameProp,    UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCDataSizeProp,       UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCDeliveryLabelProp,  UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCDIBProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCDisplayStringProp,  UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCDomesticProp,       UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCEmailAddressProp,   UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCEndProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCEWorldProp,         UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCExNumProp,          UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCExpDateProp,        UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCExpectProp,         UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCFamilyNameProp,     UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCFaxProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCFullNameProp,       UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCGeoProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCGeoLocationProp,    UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCGIFProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCGivenNameProp,      UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCGroupingProp,       UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCHomeProp,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCIBMMailProp,        UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCInlineProp,         UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCInternationalProp,  UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCInternetProp,       UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCISDNProp,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCJPEGProp,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCLanguageProp,       UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCLastRevisedProp,    UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCLogoProp,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCMailerProp,         UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCMCIMailProp,        UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCMessageProp,        UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCMETProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCModemProp,          UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCMPEG2Prop,          UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCMPEGProp,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCMSNProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCNamePrefixesProp,   UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCNameProp,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCNameSuffixesProp,   UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCNoteProp,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCOrgNameProp,        UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCOrgProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCOrgUnit2Prop,       UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCOrgUnit3Prop,       UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCOrgUnit4Prop,       UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCOrgUnitProp,        UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCPagerProp,          UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCParcelProp,         UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCPartProp,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCPCMProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCPDFProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCPGPProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCPhotoProp,          UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCPICTProp,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCPMBProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCPostalBoxProp,      UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCPostalCodeProp,     UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCPostalProp,         UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCPowerShareProp,     UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCPreferredProp,      UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCProcedureNameProp,  UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCProdigyProp,        UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCPronunciationProp,  UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCPSProp,             UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCPublicKeyProp,      UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCQPProp,             UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCQuickTimeProp,      UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCRDateProp,          UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCRegionProp,         UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCRepeatCountProp,    UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCResourcesProp,      UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCRNumProp,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCRRuleProp,          UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCRunTimeProp,        UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCSnoozeTimeProp,     UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCStartProp,          UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCStreetAddressProp,  UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCSubTypeProp,        UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCTelephoneProp,      UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCTIFFProp,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCTitleProp,          UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCTLXProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCURLValueProp,       UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCValueProp,          UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCVideoProp,          UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCVoiceProp,          UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCWAVEProp,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCWMFProp,            UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCWorkProp,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCX400Prop,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCX509Prop,           UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-{VCXRuleProp,          UNSUPPORTED,0,            0},
-#if 0
-		switch (vObjectValueType(object)) {
-		    case VCVT_USTRINGZ: {
-			char c;
-			char *t,*s;
-			s = t = fakeCString(vObjectUStringZValue(object));
-			printf(" ustringzstring:%s\n",s);
-			deleteStr(s);
-			break;
-		    }
-		    case VCVT_STRINGZ: {
-			char c;
-			const char *s = vObjectStringZValue(object);
-			printf(" stringzstring:%s\n",s);
-			break;
-		    }
-		    case VCVT_UINT:
-		    {
-			int i = vObjectIntegerValue(object);
-			printf(" int:%d\n",i);
-			break;
-		    }
-		    case VCVT_ULONG:
-		    {
-			long l = vObjectLongValue(object); 
-			printf(" int:%d\n",l);
-			break;
-		    }
-		    case VCVT_VOBJECT:
-		    {
-			printf("ERROR, should not get here\n");
-			break;
-		    }
-		    case VCVT_RAW:
-		    case 0:
-		    default:
-			break;
-		}
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalvcal/icalvcal.h b/libical/src/libicalvcal/icalvcal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f2316c2d0f..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalvcal/icalvcal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-*/
- FILE: icalvcal.h
- CREATOR: eric 25 May 00
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The original code is icalvcal.h
-#ifndef ICALVCAL_H
-#define ICALVCAL_H
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "vcc.h"
-/* Convert a vObject into an icalcomponent */
-icalcomponent* icalvcal_convert(VObject *object);
-#endif /* !ICALVCAL_H */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalvcal/port.h b/libical/src/libicalvcal/port.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1768beebd8..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalvcal/port.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-(C) Copyright 1996 Apple Computer, Inc., AT&T Corp., International             
-Business Machines Corporation and Siemens Rolm Communications Inc.             
-For purposes of this license notice, the term Licensors shall mean,            
-collectively, Apple Computer, Inc., AT&T Corp., International                  
-Business Machines Corporation and Siemens Rolm Communications Inc.             
-The term Licensor shall mean any of the Licensors.                             
-Subject to acceptance of the following conditions, permission is hereby        
-granted by Licensors without the need for written agreement and without        
-license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify and distribute this              
-software for any purpose.                                                      
-The above copyright notice and the following four paragraphs must be           
-reproduced in all copies of this software and any software including           
-this software.                                                                 
-The software is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS.  Use, duplication, or         
-disclosure by the government are subject to restrictions set forth in          
-DFARS 252.227-7013 or 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.                         
-#ifndef __PORT_H__
-#define __PORT_H__ 1
-#if defined(__CPLUSPLUS__) || defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
-/* some of these #defines are commented out because */
-/* Visual C++ sets them on the compiler command line instead */
-/* #define _DEBUG */
-/* #define WIN32 */
-/* #define WIN16 */
-/* #define _WINDOWS */
-/* #define __MWERKS__ */
-/* #define INCLUDEMFC */
-#define	vCardClipboardFormat		"+//ISBN 1-887687-00-9::versit::PDI//vCard"
-#define	vCalendarClipboardFormat	"+//ISBN 1-887687-00-9::versit::PDI//vCalendar"
-/* The above strings vCardClipboardFormat and vCalendarClipboardFormat 
-are globally unique IDs which can be used to generate clipboard format 
-ID's as per the requirements of a specific platform. For example, in 
-Windows they are used as the parameter in a call to RegisterClipboardFormat. 
-For example:
-  CLIPFORMAT foo = RegisterClipboardFormat(vCardClipboardFormat);
-#define vCardMimeType		"text/x-vCard"
-#define vCalendarMimeType	"text/x-vCalendar"
-#define DLLEXPORT(t) t
-#ifndef FALSE
-#define FALSE	0
-#ifndef TRUE
-#define TRUE	1
-#define stricmp strcasecmp
-#if defined(__CPLUSPLUS__) || defined(__cplusplus)
-#endif /* __PORT_H__ */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalvcal/vcaltest.c b/libical/src/libicalvcal/vcaltest.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5528aab1d1..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalvcal/vcaltest.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "vcaltmp.h"
-#if 0
-This testcase would generate a file call "frankcal.vcf" with
-the following content:
-PRODID:-//Frank Dawson/Hand Crafted In North Carolina//NONSGML Made By Hand//EN
-With Tom Streeter and Frank Dawson - Discuss VERSIT PDI project and vCard and vCalendar=0A=
-activities with European Press representatives.
-SUMMARY:VERSIT PDI PR Teleconference/Interview
-DALARM:19960523T114500;5;3;Your Telecon Starts At Noon!!!;
-MALARM:19960522T120000;;;;Remember 05/23 Noon Telecon!!!;
-PALARM:19960523T115500;;;c:\or2\organize.exe c:\or2\orgfiles\versit.or2;
-DESCRIPTION:Review VCalendar helper API.
-FILE *cfp;
-void testVcalAPIs() {
-    FILE *fp;
-    VObject *vcal, *vevent;
-    cfp = stdout;
-    cfp = fopen("vcaltest.out","w");
-    if (cfp == 0) return;
-    vcal = vcsCreateVCal(
-	"19960523T100522",
-	"37.24,-17.87",
-	"-//Frank Dawson/Hand Crafted In North Carolina//NONSGML Made By Hand//EN",
-	0,
-	"0.3"
-	);
-    vevent = vcsAddEvent(
-	vcal,
-	"19960523T120000",
-	"19960523T130000",
-	"VERSIT PDI PR Teleconference/Interview \nWith Tom Streeter and Frank Dawson - Discuss VERSIT PDI project and vCard and vCalendar\nactivities with European Press representatives.",
-	"VERSIT PDI PR Teleconference/Interview",
-	0,
-	"19960523T100522-4000F100582713-009251",
-	"\\or2\\orgfiles\\versit.or2",
-	0
-	);
-    vcsAddDAlarm(vevent, "19960523T114500", "5", "3",
-	    "Your Telecon Starts At Noon!!!");
-    vcsAddMAlarm(vevent, "19960522T120000", 0, 0, "",
-	    "Remember 05/23 Noon Telecon!!!");
-    vcsAddPAlarm(vevent, "19960523T115500", 0 ,0,
-	    "c:\\or2\\organize.exe c:\\or2\\orgfiles\\versit.or2");
-    addPropValue(vevent, "X-LDC-OR2-OLE", "c:\\temp\\agenda.doc");
-    vcsAddTodo(
-	vcal,
-	0,
-	"19960614T0173000",
-	0,
-	"Review VCalendar helper API.",
-	0,
-	0,
-	0,
-	0,
-	0,
-	0
-	);
-    /* now do something to the resulting VObject */
-    /* pretty print on stdout for fun */
-    printVObject(cfp,vcal);
-    /* open the output text file */
-#define OUTFILE "frankcal.vcf"
-    fp = fopen(OUTFILE, "w");
-    if (fp) {
-	/* write it in text form */
-	writeVObject(fp,vcal);
-	fclose(fp);
-	}
-    else {
-	fprintf(cfp,"open output file '%s' failed\n", OUTFILE);
-	}
-    if (cfp != stdout) fclose(cfp);
-    }
-void main() {
-    testVcalAPIs();
-    }
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalvcal/vcaltmp.c b/libical/src/libicalvcal/vcaltmp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ccb21a649a..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalvcal/vcaltmp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-This module provides some helper APIs for creating
-a VCalendar object.
-Note on APIs:
-	1.	The APIs does not attempt to verify if the arguments
-		passed are correct.
-	2.	Where the argument to an API is not applicable, pass
-		the value 0.
-	3.	See the test program at the bottom of this file as an
-		example of usage.
-	4.	This code calls APIs in vobject.c. 
-(C) Copyright 1996 Apple Computer, Inc., AT&T Corp., International             
-Business Machines Corporation and Siemens Rolm Communications Inc.             
-For purposes of this license notice, the term Licensors shall mean,            
-collectively, Apple Computer, Inc., AT&T Corp., International                  
-Business Machines Corporation and Siemens Rolm Communications Inc.             
-The term Licensor shall mean any of the Licensors.                             
-Subject to acceptance of the following conditions, permission is hereby        
-granted by Licensors without the need for written agreement and without        
-license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify and distribute this              
-software for any purpose.                                                      
-The above copyright notice and the following four paragraphs must be           
-reproduced in all copies of this software and any software including           
-this software.                                                                 
-The software is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS.  Use, duplication, or         
-disclosure by the government are subject to restrictions set forth in          
-DFARS 252.227-7013 or 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.                         
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "vcaltmp.h"
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) vcsCreateVCal(
-	char *date_created,
-	char *location,
-	char *product_id,
-	char *time_zone,
-	char *version
-	)
-    {
-    VObject *vcal = newVObject(VCCalProp);
-#define Z(p,v) if (v) addPropValue(vcal,p,v);
-    Z(VCDCreatedProp, date_created);
-    Z(VCLocationProp, location)
-    Z(VCProdIdProp, product_id)
-    Z(VCTimeZoneProp, time_zone)
-    Z(VCVersionProp, version)
-#undef Z
-    return vcal;
-    }
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) vcsAddEvent(
-	VObject *vcal,
-	char *start_date_time,
-	char *end_date_time,
-	char *description,
-	char *summary,
-	char *categories,
-	char *classification,
-	char *status,
-	char *transparency,
-	char *uid,
-	char *url
-	)
-    {
-    VObject *vevent = addProp(vcal,VCEventProp);
-#define Z(p,v) if (v) addPropValue(vevent,p,v);
-    Z(VCDTstartProp,start_date_time);
-    Z(VCDTendProp,end_date_time);
-    if (description) {
-	VObject *p = addPropValue(vevent,VCDescriptionProp,description);
-	if (strchr(description,'\n'))
-	    addProp(p,VCQuotedPrintableProp);
-	}
-    Z(VCSummaryProp,summary);
-    Z(VCCategoriesProp,categories);
-    Z(VCClassProp,classification);
-    Z(VCStatusProp,status);
-    Z(VCTranspProp,transparency);
-    Z(VCUniqueStringProp,uid);
-    Z(VCURLProp,url);
-#undef Z
-    return vevent;
-    }
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) vcsAddTodo(
-	VObject *vcal,
-	char *start_date_time,
-	char *due_date_time,
-	char *date_time_complete,
-	char *description,
-	char *summary,
-	char *priority,
-	char *classification,
-	char *status,
-	char *uid,
-	char *url
-	)
-    {
-    VObject *vtodo = addProp(vcal,VCTodoProp);
-#define Z(p,v) if (v) addPropValue(vtodo,p,v);
-    Z(VCDTstartProp,start_date_time);
-    Z(VCDueProp,due_date_time);
-    Z(VCCompletedProp,date_time_complete);
-    if (description) {
-	VObject *p = addPropValue(vtodo,VCDescriptionProp,description);
-	if (strchr(description,'\n'))
-	    addProp(p,VCQuotedPrintableProp);
-	}
-    Z(VCSummaryProp,summary);
-    Z(VCPriorityProp,priority);
-    Z(VCClassProp,classification);
-    Z(VCStatusProp,status);
-    Z(VCUniqueStringProp,uid);
-    Z(VCURLProp,url);
-#undef Z
-    return vtodo;
-    }
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) vcsAddAAlarm(
-	VObject *vevent,
-	char *run_time,
-	char *snooze_time,
-	char *repeat_count,
-	char *audio_content
-	)
-    {
-    VObject *aalarm= addProp(vevent,VCAAlarmProp);
-#define Z(p,v) if (v) addPropValue(aalarm,p,v);
-    Z(VCRunTimeProp,run_time);
-    Z(VCSnoozeTimeProp,snooze_time);
-    Z(VCRepeatCountProp,repeat_count);
-    Z(VCAudioContentProp,audio_content);
-#undef Z
-    return aalarm;
-    }
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) vcsAddMAlarm(
-	VObject *vevent,
-	char *run_time,
-	char *snooze_time,
-	char *repeat_count,
-	char *email_address,
-	char *note
-	)
-    {
-    VObject *malarm= addProp(vevent,VCMAlarmProp);
-#define Z(p,v) if (v) addPropValue(malarm,p,v);
-    Z(VCRunTimeProp,run_time);
-    Z(VCSnoozeTimeProp,snooze_time);
-    Z(VCRepeatCountProp,repeat_count);
-    Z(VCEmailAddressProp,email_address);
-    Z(VCNoteProp,note);
-#undef Z
-    return malarm;
-    }
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) vcsAddDAlarm(
-	VObject *vevent,
-	char *run_time,
-	char *snooze_time,
-	char *repeat_count,
-	char *display_string
-	)
-    {
-    VObject *dalarm= addProp(vevent,VCDAlarmProp);
-#define Z(p,v) if (v) addPropValue(dalarm,p,v);
-    Z(VCRunTimeProp,run_time);
-    Z(VCSnoozeTimeProp,snooze_time);
-    Z(VCRepeatCountProp,repeat_count);
-    Z(VCDisplayStringProp,display_string);
-#undef Z
-    return dalarm;
-    }
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) vcsAddPAlarm(
-	VObject *vevent,
-	char *run_time,
-	char *snooze_time,
-	char *repeat_count,
-	char *procedure_name
-	)
-    {
-    VObject *palarm= addProp(vevent,VCPAlarmProp);
-#define Z(p,v) if (v) addPropValue(palarm,p,v);
-    Z(VCRunTimeProp,run_time);
-    Z(VCSnoozeTimeProp,snooze_time);
-    Z(VCRepeatCountProp,repeat_count);
-    Z(VCProcedureNameProp,procedure_name);
-#undef Z
-    return palarm;
-    }
-#ifdef _TEST
-#if 0
-This testcase would generate a file call "frankcal.vcf" with
-the following content:
-PRODID:-//Frank Dawson/Hand Crafted In North Carolina//NONSGML Made By Hand//EN
-With Tom Streeter and Frank Dawson - Discuss VERSIT PDI project and vCard and vCalendar=0A=
-activities with European Press representatives.
-SUMMARY:VERSIT PDI PR Teleconference/Interview
-DALARM:19960523T114500;5;3;Your Telecon Starts At Noon!!!;
-MALARM:19960522T120000;;;;Remember 05/23 Noon Telecon!!!;
-PALARM:19960523T115500;;;c:\or2\organize.exe c:\or2\orgfiles\versit.or2;
-DESCRIPTION:Review VCalendar helper API.
-void testVcalAPIs() {
-    FILE *fp;
-    VObject *vcal = vcsCreateVCal(
-	"19960523T100522",
-	"37.24,-17.87",
-	"-//Frank Dawson/Hand Crafted In North Carolina//NONSGML Made By Hand//EN",
-	0,
-	"0.3"
-	);
-    VObject *vevent = vcsAddEvent(
-	vcal,
-	"19960523T120000",
-	"19960523T130000",
-	"VERSIT PDI PR Teleconference/Interview \nWith Tom Streeter and Frank Dawson - Discuss VERSIT PDI project and vCard and vCalendar\nactivities with European Press representatives.",
-	"VERSIT PDI PR Teleconference/Interview",
-	0,
-	"19960523T100522-4000F100582713-009251",
-	"\\or2\\orgfiles\\versit.or2",
-	0
-	);
-    vcsAddDAlarm(vevent, "19960523T114500", "5", "3",
-	    "Your Telecon Starts At Noon!!!");
-    vcsAddMAlarm(vevent, "19960522T120000", 0, 0, "",
-	    "Remember 05/23 Noon Telecon!!!");
-    vcsAddPAlarm(vevent, "19960523T115500", 0 ,0,
-	    "c:\\or2\\organize.exe c:\\or2\\orgfiles\\versit.or2");
-    addPropValue(vevent, "X-LDC-OR2-OLE", "c:\\temp\\agenda.doc");
-    vcsAddTodo(
-	vcal,
-	0,
-	"19960614T0173000",
-	0,
-	"Review VCalendar helper API.",
-	0,
-	0,
-	0,
-	0,
-	0,
-	0
-	);
-    /* now do something to the resulting VObject */
-    /* pretty print on stdout for fun */
-    printVObject(vcal);
-    /* open the output text file */
-#define OUTFILE "frankcal.vcf"
-    fp = fopen(OUTFILE, "w");
-    if (fp) {
-	/* write it in text form */
-	writeVObject(fp,vcal);
-	fclose(fp);
-	}
-    else {
-	printf("open output file '%s' failed\n", OUTFILE);
-	}
-    }
-void main() {
-    testVcalAPIs();
-    }
-/* end of source file vcaltmp.c */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalvcal/vcaltmp.h b/libical/src/libicalvcal/vcaltmp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c4afde963..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalvcal/vcaltmp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-(C) Copyright 1996 Apple Computer, Inc., AT&T Corp., International             
-Business Machines Corporation and Siemens Rolm Communications Inc.             
-For purposes of this license notice, the term Licensors shall mean,            
-collectively, Apple Computer, Inc., AT&T Corp., International                  
-Business Machines Corporation and Siemens Rolm Communications Inc.             
-The term Licensor shall mean any of the Licensors.                             
-Subject to acceptance of the following conditions, permission is hereby        
-granted by Licensors without the need for written agreement and without        
-license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify and distribute this              
-software for any purpose.                                                      
-The above copyright notice and the following four paragraphs must be           
-reproduced in all copies of this software and any software including           
-this software.                                                                 
-The software is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS.  Use, duplication, or         
-disclosure by the government are subject to restrictions set forth in          
-DFARS 252.227-7013 or 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.                         
-#include "vcc.h"
-#ifndef __VCALTMP_H__
-#define __VCALTMP_H__
-#if defined(__CPLUSPLUS__) || defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) vcsCreateVCal(
-	char *date_created,
-	char *location,
-	char *product_id,
-	char *time_zone,
-	char *version
-	);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) vcsAddEvent(
-	VObject *vcal,
-	char *start_date_time,
-	char *end_date_time,
-	char *description,
-	char *summary,
-	char *categories,
-	char *classification,
-	char *status,
-	char *transparency,
-	char *uid,
-	char *url
-	);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) vcsAddTodo(
-	VObject *vcal,
-	char *start_date_time,
-	char *due_date_time,
-	char *date_time_complete,
-	char *description,
-	char *summary,
-	char *priority,
-	char *classification,
-	char *status,
-	char *uid,
-	char *url
-	);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) vcsAddAAlarm(
-	VObject *vevent,
-	char *run_time,
-	char *snooze_time,
-	char *repeat_count,
-	char *audio_content
-	);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) vcsAddMAlarm(
-	VObject *vevent,
-	char *run_time,
-	char *snooze_time,
-	char *repeat_count,
-	char *email_address,
-	char *note
-	);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) vcsAddDAlarm(
-	VObject *vevent,
-	char *run_time,
-	char *snooze_time,
-	char *repeat_count,
-	char *display_string
-	);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) vcsAddPAlarm(
-	VObject *vevent,
-	char *run_time,
-	char *snooze_time,
-	char *repeat_count,
-	char *procedure_name
-	);
-#if defined(__CPLUSPLUS__) || defined(__cplusplus)
-#endif /* __VCALTMP_H__ */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalvcal/vcc.h b/libical/src/libicalvcal/vcc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e52034710..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalvcal/vcc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-(C) Copyright 1996 Apple Computer, Inc., AT&T Corp., International             
-Business Machines Corporation and Siemens Rolm Communications Inc.             
-For purposes of this license notice, the term Licensors shall mean,            
-collectively, Apple Computer, Inc., AT&T Corp., International                  
-Business Machines Corporation and Siemens Rolm Communications Inc.             
-The term Licensor shall mean any of the Licensors.                             
-Subject to acceptance of the following conditions, permission is hereby        
-granted by Licensors without the need for written agreement and without        
-license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify and distribute this              
-software for any purpose.                                                      
-The above copyright notice and the following four paragraphs must be           
-reproduced in all copies of this software and any software including           
-this software.                                                                 
-The software is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS.  Use, duplication, or         
-disclosure by the government are subject to restrictions set forth in          
-DFARS 252.227-7013 or 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.                         
-#ifndef __VCC_H__
-#define __VCC_H__ 1
-#include "vobject.h"
-#if defined(__CPLUSPLUS__) || defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
-typedef void (*MimeErrorHandler)(char *);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) registerMimeErrorHandler(MimeErrorHandler);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) Parse_MIME(const char *input, unsigned long len);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) Parse_MIME_FromFileName(char* fname);
-/* NOTE regarding Parse_MIME_FromFile
-The function above, Parse_MIME_FromFile, comes in two flavors,
-neither of which is exported from the DLL. Each version takes
-a CFile or FILE* as a parameter, neither of which can be
-passed across a DLL interface (at least that is my experience).
-If you are linking this code into your build directly then
-you may find them a more convenient API that the other flavors
-that take a file name. If you use them with the DLL LIB you
-will get a link error.
-extern VObject* Parse_MIME_FromFile(CFile *file);
-extern VObject* Parse_MIME_FromFile(FILE *file);
-#if defined(__CPLUSPLUS__) || defined(__cplusplus)
-#endif /* __VCC_H__ */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalvcal/vcc.y b/libical/src/libicalvcal/vcc.y
deleted file mode 100644
index 70feefab57..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalvcal/vcc.y
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1176 +0,0 @@
-(C) Copyright 1996 Apple Computer, Inc., AT&T Corp., International
-Business Machines Corporation and Siemens Rolm Communications Inc.
-For purposes of this license notice, the term Licensors shall mean,
-collectively, Apple Computer, Inc., AT&T Corp., International
-Business Machines Corporation and Siemens Rolm Communications Inc.
-The term Licensor shall mean any of the Licensors.
-Subject to acceptance of the following conditions, permission is hereby
-granted by Licensors without the need for written agreement and without
-license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify and distribute this
-software for any purpose.
-The above copyright notice and the following four paragraphs must be
-reproduced in all copies of this software and any software including
-this software.
-The software is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS.  Use, duplication, or
-disclosure by the government are subject to restrictions set forth in
-DFARS 252.227-7013 or 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.
- * src: vcc.c
- * doc: Parser for vCard and vCalendar. Note that this code is
- * generated by a yacc parser generator. Generally it should not
- * be edited by hand. The real source is vcc.y. The #line directives
- * can be commented out here to make it easier to trace through
- * in a debugger. However, if a bug is found it should
- * be fixed in vcc.y and this file regenerated.
- */
-/* debugging utilities */
-#if __DEBUG
-#define DBG_(x) printf x
-#define DBG_(x)
-/****  External Functions  ****/
-/* assign local name to parser variables and functions so that
-   we can use more than one yacc based parser.
-#define yyparse mime_parse
-#define yylex mime_lex
-#define yyerror mime_error
-#define yychar mime_char
-/* #define p_yyval p_mime_val */
-#undef yyval
-#define yyval mime_yyval
-/* #define p_yylval p_mime_lval */
-#undef yylval
-#define yylval mime_yylval
-#define yydebug mime_debug
-#define yynerrs mime_nerrs
-#define yyerrflag mime_errflag
-#define yyss mime_ss
-#define yyssp mime_ssp
-#define yyvs mime_vs
-#define yyvsp mime_vsp
-#define yylhs mime_lhs
-#define yylen mime_len
-#define yydefred mime_defred
-#define yydgoto mime_dgoto
-#define yysindex mime_sindex
-#define yyrindex mime_rindex
-#define yygindex mime_gindex
-#define yytable mime_table
-#define yycheck mime_check
-#define yyname mime_name
-#define yyrule mime_rule
-#define YYPREFIX "mime_"
-/* undef below if compile with MFC */
-/* #define INCLUDEMFC 1 */
-#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)
-#include <afx.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#ifndef __MWERKS__
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "vcc.h"
-/****  Types, Constants  ****/
-#define YYDEBUG		1	/* 1 to compile in some debugging code */
-#define MAXTOKEN	256	/* maximum token (line) length */
-#define YYSTACKSIZE 	50	/* ~unref ? */
-#define MAXLEVEL	10	/* max # of nested objects parseable */
-				/* (includes outermost) */
-/****  Global Variables  ****/
-int mime_lineNum, mime_numErrors; /* yyerror() can use these */
-static VObject* vObjList;
-static VObject *curProp;
-static VObject *curObj;
-static VObject* ObjStack[MAXLEVEL];
-static int ObjStackTop;
-/* A helpful utility for the rest of the app. */
-#if __CPLUSPLUS__
-extern "C" {
-    extern void Parse_Debug(const char *s);
-    static void yyerror(char *s);
-#if __CPLUSPLUS__
-    };
-int yyparse();
-enum LexMode {
-	L_BASE64,
-	};
-/****  Private Forward Declarations  ****/
-static int pushVObject(const char *prop);
-static VObject* popVObject();
-static void lexPopMode(int top);
-static int lexWithinMode(enum LexMode mode);
-static void lexPushMode(enum LexMode mode);
-static void enterProps(const char *s);
-static void enterAttr(const char *s1, const char *s2);
-static void enterValues(const char *value);
-static void mime_error_(char *s);
-/***                           The grammar                              ****/
-%union {
-    char *str;
-    VObject *vobj;
-    }
-	ID
- * NEWLINE is the token that would occur outside a vCard,
- * while LINESEP is the token that would occur inside a vCard.
- */
-%token <str>
-%type <str> name value
-%type <vobj> vcard vcal vobject
-%start mime
-mime: vobjects
-	;
-vobjects: vobject
-	{ addList(&vObjList, $1); curObj = 0; }
-	vobjects
-	| vobject
-		{ addList(&vObjList, $1); curObj = 0; }
-	;
-vobject: vcard
-	| vcal
-	;
-	{
-	lexPushMode(L_VCARD);
-	if (!pushVObject(VCCardProp)) YYERROR;
-	}
-	items END_VCARD
-	{
-	lexPopMode(0);
-	$$ = popVObject();
-	}
-	{
-	lexPushMode(L_VCARD);
-	if (!pushVObject(VCCardProp)) YYERROR;
-	}
-	{
-	lexPopMode(0);
-	$$ = popVObject();
-	}
-	;
-items: item items
-	| item
-	;
-item: prop COLON
-	{
-	lexPushMode(L_VALUES);
-	}
-	values LINESEP
-	{
-	if (lexWithinMode(L_BASE64) || lexWithinMode(L_QUOTED_PRINTABLE))
-	   lexPopMode(0);
-	lexPopMode(0);
-	}
-	| error
-	;
-prop: name
-	{
-	enterProps($1);
-	}
-	attr_params
-	| name
-	{
-	enterProps($1);
-	}
-	;
-attr_params: attr_param attr_params
-	| attr_param
-	;
-attr_param: SEMICOLON attr
-	;
-attr: name
-	{
-	enterAttr($1,0);
-	}
-	| name EQ name
-	{
-	enterAttr($1,$3);
-	}
-	;
-name: ID
-	;
-values: value SEMICOLON { enterValues($1); } values
-	| value
-	{ enterValues($1); }
-	;
-value: STRING
-	| { $$ = 0; }
-	;
-	{ if (!pushVObject(VCCalProp)) YYERROR; }
-	calitems
-	{ $$ = popVObject(); }
-	{ if (!pushVObject(VCCalProp)) YYERROR; }
-	{ $$ = popVObject(); }
-	;
-calitems: calitem calitems
-	| calitem
-	;
-	eventitem
-	| todoitem
-	| items
-	;
-	{
-	lexPushMode(L_VEVENT);
-	if (!pushVObject(VCEventProp)) YYERROR;
-	}
-	items
-	{
-	lexPopMode(0);
-	popVObject();
-	}
-	{
-	lexPushMode(L_VEVENT);
-	if (!pushVObject(VCEventProp)) YYERROR;
-	}
-	{
-	lexPopMode(0);
-	popVObject();
-	}
-	;
-	{
-	lexPushMode(L_VTODO);
-	if (!pushVObject(VCTodoProp)) YYERROR;
-	}
-	items
-	{
-	lexPopMode(0);
-	popVObject();
-	}
-	{
-	lexPushMode(L_VTODO);
-	if (!pushVObject(VCTodoProp)) YYERROR;
-	}
-	{
-	lexPopMode(0);
-	popVObject();
-	}
-	;
-static int pushVObject(const char *prop)
-    {
-    VObject *newObj;
-    if (ObjStackTop == MAXLEVEL)
-	return FALSE;
-    ObjStack[++ObjStackTop] = curObj;
-    if (curObj) {
-        newObj = addProp(curObj,prop);
-        curObj = newObj;
-	}
-    else
-	curObj = newVObject(prop);
-    return TRUE;
-    }
-/* This pops the recently built vCard off the stack and returns it. */
-static VObject* popVObject()
-    {
-    VObject *oldObj;
-    if (ObjStackTop < 0) {
-	yyerror("pop on empty Object Stack\n");
-	return 0;
-	}
-    oldObj = curObj;
-    curObj = ObjStack[ObjStackTop--];
-    return oldObj;
-    }
-static void enterValues(const char *value)
-    {
-    if (fieldedProp && *fieldedProp) {
-	if (value) {
-	    addPropValue(curProp,*fieldedProp,value);
-	    }
-	/* else this field is empty, advance to next field */
-	fieldedProp++;
-	}
-    else {
-	if (value) {
-	    setVObjectUStringZValue_(curProp,fakeUnicode(value,0));
-	    }
-	}
-    deleteStr(value);
-    }
-static void enterProps(const char *s)
-    {
-    curProp = addGroup(curObj,s);
-    deleteStr(s);
-    }
-static void enterAttr(const char *s1, const char *s2)
-    {
-    const char *p1, *p2;
-    p1 = lookupProp_(s1);
-    if (s2) {
-	VObject *a;
-	p2 = lookupProp_(s2);
-	a = addProp(curProp,p1);
-	setVObjectStringZValue(a,p2);
-	}
-    else
-	addProp(curProp,p1);
-    if (stricmp(p1,VCBase64Prop) == 0 || (s2 && stricmp(p2,VCBase64Prop)==0))
-	lexPushMode(L_BASE64);
-    else if (stricmp(p1,VCQuotedPrintableProp) == 0
-	    || (s2 && stricmp(p2,VCQuotedPrintableProp)==0))
-    deleteStr(s1); deleteStr(s2);
-    }
-#define MAX_LEX_LOOKAHEAD_0 32
-#define LEXMODE() (lexBuf.lexModeStack[lexBuf.lexModeStackTop])
-struct LexBuf {
-	/* input */
-    CFile *inputFile;
-    FILE *inputFile;
-    char *inputString;
-    unsigned long curPos;
-    unsigned long inputLen;
-	/* lookahead buffer */
-	/*   -- lookahead buffer is short instead of char so that EOF
-	 /      can be represented correctly.
-	*/
-    unsigned long len;
-    short buf[MAX_LEX_LOOKAHEAD];
-    unsigned long getPtr;
-	/* context stack */
-    unsigned long lexModeStackTop;
-    enum LexMode lexModeStack[MAX_LEX_MODE_STACK_SIZE];
-	/* token buffer */
-    unsigned long maxToken;
-    char *strs;
-    unsigned long strsLen;
-    } lexBuf;
-static void lexPushMode(enum LexMode mode)
-    {
-    if (lexBuf.lexModeStackTop == (MAX_LEX_MODE_STACK_SIZE-1))
-	yyerror("lexical context stack overflow");
-    else {
-	lexBuf.lexModeStack[++lexBuf.lexModeStackTop] = mode;
-	}
-    }
-static void lexPopMode(int top)
-    {
-    /* special case of pop for ease of error recovery -- this
-	version will never underflow */
-    if (top)
-	lexBuf.lexModeStackTop = 0;
-    else
-	if (lexBuf.lexModeStackTop > 0) lexBuf.lexModeStackTop--;
-    }
-static int lexWithinMode(enum LexMode mode) {
-    unsigned long i;
-    for (i=0;i<lexBuf.lexModeStackTop;i++)
-	if (mode == lexBuf.lexModeStack[i]) return 1;
-    return 0;
-    }
-static char lexGetc_()
-    {
-    /* get next char from input, no buffering. */
-    if (lexBuf.curPos == lexBuf.inputLen)
-	return EOF;
-    else if (lexBuf.inputString)
-	return *(lexBuf.inputString + lexBuf.curPos++);
-    else {
-	char result;
-	return lexBuf.inputFile->Read(&result, 1) == 1 ? result : EOF;
-	return fgetc(lexBuf.inputFile);
-	}
-    }
-static int lexGeta()
-    {
-    ++lexBuf.len;
-    return (lexBuf.buf[lexBuf.getPtr] = lexGetc_());
-    }
-static int lexGeta_(int i)
-    {
-    ++lexBuf.len;
-    return (lexBuf.buf[(lexBuf.getPtr+i)%MAX_LEX_LOOKAHEAD] = lexGetc_());
-    }
-static void lexSkipLookahead() {
-    if (lexBuf.len > 0 && lexBuf.buf[lexBuf.getPtr]!=EOF) {
-	/* don't skip EOF. */
-        lexBuf.getPtr = (lexBuf.getPtr + 1) % MAX_LEX_LOOKAHEAD;
-	lexBuf.len--;
-        }
-    }
-static int lexLookahead() {
-    int c = (lexBuf.len)?
-	lexBuf.buf[lexBuf.getPtr]:
-	lexGeta();
-    /* do the \r\n -> \n or \r -> \n translation here */
-    if (c == '\r') {
-	int a = (lexBuf.len>1)?
-	    lexBuf.buf[(lexBuf.getPtr+1)%MAX_LEX_LOOKAHEAD]:
-	    lexGeta_(1);
-	if (a == '\n') {
-	    lexSkipLookahead();
-	    }
-	lexBuf.buf[lexBuf.getPtr] = c = '\n';
-	}
-    else if (c == '\n') {
-	int a = (lexBuf.len>1)?
-	    lexBuf.buf[lexBuf.getPtr+1]:
-	    lexGeta_(1);
-	if (a == '\r') {
-	    lexSkipLookahead();
-	    }
-	lexBuf.buf[lexBuf.getPtr] = '\n';
-	}
-    return c;
-    }
-static int lexGetc() {
-    int c = lexLookahead();
-    if (lexBuf.len > 0 && lexBuf.buf[lexBuf.getPtr]!=EOF) {
-	/* EOF will remain in lookahead buffer */
-        lexBuf.getPtr = (lexBuf.getPtr + 1) % MAX_LEX_LOOKAHEAD;
-	lexBuf.len--;
-        }
-    return c;
-    }
-static void lexSkipLookaheadWord() {
-    if (lexBuf.strsLen <= lexBuf.len) {
-	lexBuf.len -= lexBuf.strsLen;
-	lexBuf.getPtr = (lexBuf.getPtr + lexBuf.strsLen) % MAX_LEX_LOOKAHEAD;
-	}
-    }
-static void lexClearToken()
-    {
-    lexBuf.strsLen = 0;
-    }
-static void lexAppendc(int c)
-    {
-    lexBuf.strs[lexBuf.strsLen] = c;
-    /* append up to zero termination */
-    if (c == 0) return;
-    lexBuf.strsLen++;
-    if (lexBuf.strsLen > lexBuf.maxToken) {
-	/* double the token string size */
-	lexBuf.maxToken <<= 1;
-	lexBuf.strs = (char*) realloc(lexBuf.strs,(size_t)lexBuf.maxToken);
-	}
-    }
-static char* lexStr() {
-    return dupStr(lexBuf.strs,(size_t)lexBuf.strsLen+1);
-    }
-static void lexSkipWhite() {
-    int c = lexLookahead();
-    while (c == ' ' || c == '\t') {
-	lexSkipLookahead();
-	c = lexLookahead();
-	}
-    }
-static char* lexGetWord() {
-    int c;
-    lexSkipWhite();
-    lexClearToken();
-    c = lexLookahead();
-    while (c != EOF && !strchr("\t\n ;:=",c)) {
-	lexAppendc(c);
-	lexSkipLookahead();
-	c = lexLookahead();
-	}
-    lexAppendc(0);
-    return lexStr();
-    }
-static void lexPushLookaheadc(int c) {
-    int putptr;
-    /* can't putback EOF, because it never leaves lookahead buffer */
-    if (c == EOF) return;
-    putptr = (int)lexBuf.getPtr - 1;
-    if (putptr < 0) putptr += MAX_LEX_LOOKAHEAD;
-    lexBuf.getPtr = putptr;
-    lexBuf.buf[putptr] = c;
-    lexBuf.len += 1;
-    }
-static char* lexLookaheadWord() {
-    /* this function can lookahead word with max size of MAX_LEX_LOOKAHEAD_0
-     /  and thing bigger than that will stop the lookahead and return 0;
-     / leading white spaces are not recoverable.
-     */
-    int c;
-    int len = 0;
-    int curgetptr = 0;
-    lexSkipWhite();
-    lexClearToken();
-    curgetptr = (int)lexBuf.getPtr;	/* remember! */
-    while (len < (MAX_LEX_LOOKAHEAD_0)) {
-	c = lexGetc();
-	len++;
-	if (c == EOF || strchr("\t\n ;:=", c)) {
-	    lexAppendc(0);
-	    /* restore lookahead buf. */
-	    lexBuf.len += len;
-	    lexBuf.getPtr = curgetptr;
-	    return lexStr();
-	    }
-        else
-	    lexAppendc(c);
-	}
-    lexBuf.len += len;	/* char that has been moved to lookahead buffer */
-    lexBuf.getPtr = curgetptr;
-    return 0;
-    }
-static void handleMoreRFC822LineBreak(int c) {
-    /* suport RFC 822 line break in cases like
-     *	ADR: foo;
-     *    morefoo;
-     *    more foo;
-     */
-    if (c == ';') {
-	int a;
-	lexSkipLookahead();
-	/* skip white spaces */
-	a = lexLookahead();
-	while (a == ' ' || a == '\t') {
-	    lexSkipLookahead();
-	    a = lexLookahead();
-	    }
-	if (a == '\n') {
-	    lexSkipLookahead();
-	    a = lexLookahead();
-	    if (a == ' ' || a == '\t') {
-		/* continuation, throw away all the \n and spaces read so
-		 * far
-		 */
-		lexSkipWhite();
-		lexPushLookaheadc(';');
-		}
-	    else {
-		lexPushLookaheadc('\n');
-		lexPushLookaheadc(';');
-		}
-	    }
-	else {
-	    lexPushLookaheadc(';');
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-static char* lexGet1Value() {
-    int c;
-    lexSkipWhite();
-    c = lexLookahead();
-    lexClearToken();
-    while (c != EOF && c != ';') {
-	if (c == '\n') {
-	    int a;
-	    lexSkipLookahead();
-	    a  = lexLookahead();
-	    if (a == ' ' || a == '\t') {
-		lexAppendc(' ');
-		lexSkipLookahead();
-		}
-	    else {
-		lexPushLookaheadc('\n');
-		break;
-		}
-	    }
-	else {
-	    lexAppendc(c);
-	    lexSkipLookahead();
-	    }
-	c = lexLookahead();
-	}
-    lexAppendc(0);
-    handleMoreRFC822LineBreak(c);
-    return c==EOF?0:lexStr();
-    }
-static int match_begin_name(int end) {
-    char *n = lexLookaheadWord();
-    int token = ID;
-    if (n) {
-	if (!stricmp(n,"vcard")) token = end?END_VCARD:BEGIN_VCARD;
-	else if (!stricmp(n,"vcalendar")) token = end?END_VCAL:BEGIN_VCAL;
-	else if (!stricmp(n,"vevent")) token = end?END_VEVENT:BEGIN_VEVENT;
-	else if (!stricmp(n,"vtodo")) token = end?END_VTODO:BEGIN_VTODO;
-	deleteStr(n);
-	return token;
-	}
-    return 0;
-    }
-void initLex(const char *inputstring, unsigned long inputlen, CFile *inputfile)
-void initLex(const char *inputstring, unsigned long inputlen, FILE *inputfile)
-    {
-    /* initialize lex mode stack */
-    lexBuf.lexModeStack[lexBuf.lexModeStackTop=0] = L_NORMAL;
-    /* iniatialize lex buffer. */
-    lexBuf.inputString = (char*) inputstring;
-    lexBuf.inputLen = inputlen;
-    lexBuf.curPos = 0;
-    lexBuf.inputFile = inputfile;
-    lexBuf.len = 0;
-    lexBuf.getPtr = 0;
-    lexBuf.maxToken = MAXTOKEN;
-    lexBuf.strs = (char*)malloc(MAXTOKEN);
-    lexBuf.strsLen = 0;
-    }
-static void finiLex() {
-    free(lexBuf.strs);
-    }
-/* This parses and converts the base64 format for binary encoding into
- * a decoded buffer (allocated with new).  See RFC 1521.
- */
-static char * lexGetDataFromBase64()
-    {
-    unsigned long bytesLen = 0, bytesMax = 0;
-    int quadIx = 0, pad = 0;
-    unsigned long trip = 0;
-    unsigned char b;
-    int c;
-    unsigned char *bytes = NULL;
-    unsigned char *oldBytes = NULL;
-    DBG_(("db: lexGetDataFromBase64\n"));
-    while (1) {
-	c = lexGetc();
-	if (c == '\n') {
-	    ++mime_lineNum;
-	    if (lexLookahead() == '\n') {
-		/* a '\n' character by itself means end of data */
-		break;
-		}
-	    else continue; /* ignore '\n' */
-	    }
-	else {
-	    if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z'))
-		b = (unsigned char)(c - 'A');
-	    else if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z'))
-		b = (unsigned char)(c - 'a') + 26;
-	    else if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
-		b = (unsigned char)(c - '0') + 52;
-	    else if (c == '+')
-		b = 62;
-	    else if (c == '/')
-		b = 63;
-	    else if (c == '=') {
-		b = 0;
-		pad++;
-	    } else if ((c == ' ') || (c == '\t')) {
-		continue;
-	    } else { /* error condition */
-		if (bytes) free(bytes);
-		else if (oldBytes) free(oldBytes);
-		/* error recovery: skip until 2 adjacent newlines. */
-		DBG_(("db: invalid character 0x%x '%c'\n", c,c));
-		if (c != EOF)  {
-		    c = lexGetc();
-		    while (c != EOF) {
-			if (c == '\n' && lexLookahead() == '\n') {
-			    ++mime_lineNum;
-			    break;
-			    }
-			c = lexGetc();
-			}
-		    }
-		return NULL;
-		}
-	    trip = (trip << 6) | b;
-	    if (++quadIx == 4) {
-		unsigned char outBytes[3];
-		int numOut;
-		int i;
-		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-		    outBytes[2-i] = (unsigned char)(trip & 0xFF);
-		    trip >>= 8;
-		    }
-		numOut = 3 - pad;
-		if (bytesLen + numOut > bytesMax) {
-		    if (!bytes) {
-			bytesMax = 1024;
-			bytes = (unsigned char*)malloc((size_t)bytesMax);
-			}
-		    else {
-			bytesMax <<= 2;
-			oldBytes = bytes;
-			bytes = (unsigned char*)realloc(bytes,(size_t)bytesMax);
-			}
-		    if (bytes == 0) {
-			mime_error("out of memory while processing BASE64 data\n");
-			}
-		    }
-		if (bytes) {
-		    memcpy(bytes + bytesLen, outBytes, numOut);
-		    bytesLen += numOut;
-		    }
-		trip = 0;
-		quadIx = 0;
-		}
-	    }
-	} /* while */
-    DBG_(("db: bytesLen = %d\n",  bytesLen));
-    /* kludge: all this won't be necessary if we have tree form
-	representation */
-    if (bytes) {
-	setValueWithSize(curProp,bytes,(unsigned int)bytesLen);
-	free(bytes);
-	}
-    else if (oldBytes) {
-	setValueWithSize(curProp,oldBytes,(unsigned int)bytesLen);
-	free(oldBytes);
-	}
-    return 0;
-    }
-static int match_begin_end_name(int end) {
-    int token;
-    lexSkipWhite();
-    if (lexLookahead() != ':') return ID;
-    lexSkipLookahead();
-    lexSkipWhite();
-    token = match_begin_name(end);
-    if (token == ID) {
-	lexPushLookaheadc(':');
-	DBG_(("db: ID '%s'\n", yylval.str));
-	return ID;
-	}
-    else if (token != 0) {
-	lexSkipLookaheadWord();
-	deleteStr(yylval.str);
-	DBG_(("db: begin/end %d\n", token));
-	return token;
-	}
-    return 0;
-    }
-static char* lexGetQuotedPrintable()
-    {
-    char cur;
-    lexClearToken();
-    do {
-	cur = lexGetc();
-	switch (cur) {
-	    case '=': {
-		int c = 0;
-		int next[2];
-		int i;
-		for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-		    next[i] = lexGetc();
-		    if (next[i] >= '0' && next[i] <= '9')
-			c = c * 16 + next[i] - '0';
-		    else if (next[i] >= 'A' && next[i] <= 'F')
-			c = c * 16 + next[i] - 'A' + 10;
-		    else
-			break;
-		    }
-		if (i == 0) {
-		    /* single '=' follow by LINESEP is continuation sign? */
-		    if (next[0] == '\n') {
-			++mime_lineNum;
-			}
-		    else {
-			lexPushLookaheadc('=');
-			goto EndString;
-			}
-		    }
-		else if (i == 1) {
-		    lexPushLookaheadc(next[1]);
-		    lexPushLookaheadc(next[0]);
-		    lexAppendc('=');
-		} else {
-		    lexAppendc(c);
-		    }
-		break;
-		} /* '=' */
-	    case '\n': {
-		lexPushLookaheadc('\n');
-		goto EndString;
-		}
-	    case (char)EOF:
-		break;
-	    default:
-		lexAppendc(cur);
-		break;
-	    } /* switch */
-	} while (cur != (char)EOF);
-    lexAppendc(0);
-    return lexStr();
-    } /* LexQuotedPrintable */
-int yylex() {
-    int lexmode = LEXMODE();
-    if (lexmode == L_VALUES) {
-	int c = lexGetc();
-	if (c == ';') {
-	    DBG_(("db: SEMICOLON\n"));
-	    lexPushLookaheadc(c);
-	    handleMoreRFC822LineBreak(c);
-	    lexSkipLookahead();
-	    return SEMICOLON;
-	    }
-	else if (strchr("\n",c)) {
-	    ++mime_lineNum;
-	    /* consume all line separator(s) adjacent to each other */
-	    c = lexLookahead();
-	    while (strchr("\n",c)) {
-		lexSkipLookahead();
-		c = lexLookahead();
-		++mime_lineNum;
-		}
-	    DBG_(("db: LINESEP\n"));
-	    return LINESEP;
-	    }
-	else {
-	    char *p = 0;
-	    lexPushLookaheadc(c);
-	    if (lexWithinMode(L_BASE64)) {
-		/* get each char and convert to bin on the fly... */
-		p = lexGetDataFromBase64();
-		yylval.str = p;
-		return STRING;
-		}
-	    else if (lexWithinMode(L_QUOTED_PRINTABLE)) {
-		p = lexGetQuotedPrintable();
-		}
-	    else {
-		p = lexGet1Value();
-		p = lexGetStrUntil(";\n");
-		}
-	    if (p) {
-		DBG_(("db: STRING: '%s'\n", p));
-		yylval.str = p;
-		return STRING;
-		}
-	    else return 0;
-	    }
-	}
-    else {
-	/* normal mode */
-	while (1) {
-	    int c = lexGetc();
-	    switch(c) {
-		case ':': {
-		    /* consume all line separator(s) adjacent to each other */
-		    /* ignoring linesep immediately after colon. */
-/*		    c = lexLookahead();
-		    while (strchr("\n",c)) {
-			lexSkipLookahead();
-			c = lexLookahead();
-			++mime_lineNum;
-			}*/
-		    DBG_(("db: COLON\n"));
-		    return COLON;
-		    }
-		case ';':
-		    DBG_(("db: SEMICOLON\n"));
-		    return SEMICOLON;
-		case '=':
-		    DBG_(("db: EQ\n"));
-		    return EQ;
-		/* ignore whitespace in this mode */
-		case '\t':
-		case ' ': continue;
-		case '\n': {
-		    ++mime_lineNum;
-		    continue;
-		    }
-		case EOF: return 0;
-		    break;
-		default: {
-		    lexPushLookaheadc(c);
-		    if (isalpha(c)) {
-			char *t = lexGetWord();
-			yylval.str = t;
-			if (!stricmp(t, "begin")) {
-			    return match_begin_end_name(0);
-			    }
-			else if (!stricmp(t,"end")) {
-			    return match_begin_end_name(1);
-			    }
-		        else {
-			    DBG_(("db: ID '%s'\n", t));
-			    return ID;
-			    }
-			}
-		    else {
-			/* unknow token */
-			return 0;
-			}
-		    break;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    return 0;
-    }
-/***							Public Functions						****/
-static VObject* Parse_MIMEHelper()
-    {
-    ObjStackTop = -1;
-    mime_numErrors = 0;
-    mime_lineNum = 1;
-    vObjList = 0;
-    curObj = 0;
-    if (yyparse() != 0)
-	return 0;
-    finiLex();
-    return vObjList;
-    }
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) Parse_MIME(const char *input, unsigned long len)
-    {
-    initLex(input, len, 0);
-    return Parse_MIMEHelper();
-    }
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) Parse_MIME_FromFile(CFile *file)
-    {
-    unsigned long startPos;
-    VObject *result;
-    initLex(0,-1,file);
-    startPos = file->GetPosition();
-    if (!(result = Parse_MIMEHelper()))
-	file->Seek(startPos, CFile::begin);
-    return result;
-    }
-VObject* Parse_MIME_FromFile(FILE *file)
-    {
-    VObject *result;
-    long startPos;
-    initLex(0,(unsigned long)-1,file);
-    startPos = ftell(file);
-    if (!(result = Parse_MIMEHelper())) {
-	fseek(file,startPos,SEEK_SET);
-	}
-    return result;
-    }
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) Parse_MIME_FromFileName(char *fname)
-    {
-    FILE *fp = fopen(fname,"r");
-    if (fp) {
-	VObject* o = Parse_MIME_FromFile(fp);
-	fclose(fp);
-	return o;
-	}
-    else {
-	char msg[256];
-	snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "can't open file '%s' for reading\n", fname);
-	mime_error_(msg);
-	return 0;
-	}
-    }
-static MimeErrorHandler mimeErrorHandler;
-DLLEXPORT(void) registerMimeErrorHandler(MimeErrorHandler me)
-    {
-    mimeErrorHandler = me;
-    }
-static void mime_error(char *s)
-    {
-    char msg[256];
-    if (mimeErrorHandler) {
-	sprintf(msg,"%s at line %d", s, mime_lineNum);
-	mimeErrorHandler(msg);
-	}
-    }
-static void mime_error_(char *s)
-    {
-    if (mimeErrorHandler) {
-	mimeErrorHandler(s);
-	}
-    }
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalvcal/vctest.c b/libical/src/libicalvcal/vctest.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7975d1e200..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalvcal/vctest.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "vcc.h"
-FILE *cfp;
-void myMimeErrorHandler(char *s)
-    printf("%s\n", s);
-void main(int argc, char **argv)
-    int testmem = 0;
-	char * foo[2] = {"foo","alden.vcf"};
-argc = 2;
-argv = foo;
-#ifdef _CONSOLE
-    cfp = stdout;
-    registerMimeErrorHandler(myMimeErrorHandler);
-    cfp = fopen("vctest.out", "w");
-    if (!cfp) return;
-    ++argv;
-    while (--argc) {
-	FILE *fp;
-	if (strcmp(*argv,"-testmem") == 0) {
-	    testmem = 1;
-	    argv++;
-	    continue;
-	    }
-	fprintf(cfp,"processing %s\n",*argv);
-	fp = fopen(*argv,"r");
-	if (!fp) {
-	    fprintf(cfp,"error opening file\n");
-	    }
-	else {
-	    VObject *v, *t;
-	    FILE *ofp;
-	    char buf[256];
-	    char *p;
-	    strcpy(buf,*argv);
-	    p = strchr(buf,'.');
-	    if (p) *p = 0;
-	    strcat(buf,".out");
-	    fprintf(cfp,"reading text input from '%s'...\n", *argv);
-	    /*v = Parse_MIME_FromFile(fp); */
-	    v = Parse_MIME_FromFileName(*argv);
-		writeVObjectToFile(buf,v);
-		cleanVObject(v);
-		/*
-	    fprintf(cfp,"pretty print internal format of '%s'...\n", *argv);
-	    ofp = fopen(buf,"w");
-	    while (v) {
-		printVObject(cfp,v);
-		if (testmem) {
-		    char *s, *p;
-		    fprintf(cfp,"test writing to mem...\n");
-		    p = s  = writeMemVObject(0,0,v);
-		    if (s) {
-			while (*s) {
-			    fputc(*s,ofp);
-			    s++;
-			    }
-			free(p);
-			}
-		    }
-		else {
-		    writeVObject(ofp,v);
-		    }
-		t = v;
-		v = nextVObjectInList(v);
-		cleanVObject(t);
-		}
-	    fclose(ofp);
-	    fclose(fp);
-		*/
-	    }
-	cleanStrTbl();
-	argv++;
-	}
-    if (cfp != stdout) fclose(cfp);
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalvcal/vobject.c b/libical/src/libicalvcal/vobject.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d685b04278..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalvcal/vobject.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1452 +0,0 @@
-(C) Copyright 1996 Apple Computer, Inc., AT&T Corp., International             
-Business Machines Corporation and Siemens Rolm Communications Inc.             
-For purposes of this license notice, the term Licensors shall mean,            
-collectively, Apple Computer, Inc., AT&T Corp., International                  
-Business Machines Corporation and Siemens Rolm Communications Inc.             
-The term Licensor shall mean any of the Licensors.                             
-Subject to acceptance of the following conditions, permission is hereby        
-granted by Licensors without the need for written agreement and without        
-license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify and distribute this              
-software for any purpose.                                                      
-The above copyright notice and the following four paragraphs must be           
-reproduced in all copies of this software and any software including           
-this software.                                                                 
-The software is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS.  Use, duplication, or         
-disclosure by the government are subject to restrictions set forth in          
-DFARS 252.227-7013 or 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.                         
- * src: vobject.c
- * doc: vobject and APIs to construct vobject, APIs pretty print 
- * vobject, and convert a vobject into its textual representation.
- */
-#ifndef	 MWERKS
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include "vobject.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#define NAME_OF(o)				o->id
-#define VALUE_TYPE(o)			o->valType
-#define STRINGZ_VALUE_OF(o)		o->val.strs
-#define USTRINGZ_VALUE_OF(o)	o->val.ustrs
-#define INTEGER_VALUE_OF(o)		o->val.i
-#define LONG_VALUE_OF(o)		o->val.l
-#define ANY_VALUE_OF(o)			o->val.any
-#define VOBJECT_VALUE_OF(o)		o->val.vobj
-typedef union ValueItem {
-    const char *strs;
-    const wchar_t *ustrs;
-    unsigned int i;
-    unsigned long l;
-    void *any;
-    VObject *vobj;
-    } ValueItem;
-struct VObject {
-    VObject *next;
-    const char *id;
-    VObject *prop;
-    unsigned short valType;
-    ValueItem val;
-    };
-typedef struct StrItem StrItem;
-struct StrItem {
-    StrItem *next;
-    const char *s;
-    unsigned int refCnt;
-    };
-const char** fieldedProp;
-   The following functions involve with memory allocation:
-	newVObject
-	deleteVObject
-	dupStr
-	deleteStr
-	newStrItem
-	deleteStrItem
-   ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) newVObject_(const char *id)
-    VObject *p = (VObject*)malloc(sizeof(VObject));
-    p->next = 0;
-    p->id = id;
-    p->prop = 0;
-    VALUE_TYPE(p) = 0;
-    ANY_VALUE_OF(p) = 0;
-    return p;
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) newVObject(const char *id)
-    return newVObject_(lookupStr(id));
-DLLEXPORT(void) deleteVObject(VObject *p)
-    unUseStr(p->id);
-    free(p);
-DLLEXPORT(char*) dupStr(const char *s, unsigned int size)
-    char *t;
-    if  (size == 0) {
-	size = strlen(s);
-	}
-    t = (char*)malloc(size+1);
-    if (t) {
-	memcpy(t,s,size);
-	t[size] = 0;
-	return t;
-	}
-    else {
-	return (char*)0;
-	}
-DLLEXPORT(void) deleteStr(const char *p)
-    if (p) free((void*)p);
-static StrItem* newStrItem(const char *s, StrItem *next)
-    StrItem *p = (StrItem*)malloc(sizeof(StrItem));
-    p->next = next;
-    p->s = s;
-    p->refCnt = 1;
-    return p;
-static void deleteStrItem(StrItem *p)
-    free((void*)p);
-  The following function provide accesses to VObject's value.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-DLLEXPORT(const char*) vObjectName(VObject *o)
-    return NAME_OF(o);
-DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectName(VObject *o, const char* id)
-    NAME_OF(o) = id;
-DLLEXPORT(const char*) vObjectStringZValue(VObject *o)
-    return STRINGZ_VALUE_OF(o);
-DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectStringZValue(VObject *o, const char *s)
-    STRINGZ_VALUE_OF(o) = dupStr(s,0);
-DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectStringZValue_(VObject *o, const char *s)
-    STRINGZ_VALUE_OF(o) = s;
-DLLEXPORT(const wchar_t*) vObjectUStringZValue(VObject *o)
-    return USTRINGZ_VALUE_OF(o);
-DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectUStringZValue(VObject *o, const wchar_t *s)
-    USTRINGZ_VALUE_OF(o) = (wchar_t*) dupStr((char*)s,(uStrLen(s)+1)*2);
-DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectUStringZValue_(VObject *o, const wchar_t *s)
-    USTRINGZ_VALUE_OF(o) = s;
-DLLEXPORT(unsigned int) vObjectIntegerValue(VObject *o)
-    return INTEGER_VALUE_OF(o);
-DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectIntegerValue(VObject *o, unsigned int i)
-    INTEGER_VALUE_OF(o) = i;
-DLLEXPORT(unsigned long) vObjectLongValue(VObject *o)
-    return LONG_VALUE_OF(o);
-DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectLongValue(VObject *o, unsigned long l)
-    LONG_VALUE_OF(o) = l;
-DLLEXPORT(void*) vObjectAnyValue(VObject *o)
-    return ANY_VALUE_OF(o);
-DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectAnyValue(VObject *o, void *t)
-    ANY_VALUE_OF(o) = t;
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) vObjectVObjectValue(VObject *o)
-    return VOBJECT_VALUE_OF(o);
-DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectVObjectValue(VObject *o, VObject *p)
-    VOBJECT_VALUE_OF(o) = p;
-DLLEXPORT(int) vObjectValueType(VObject *o)
-    return VALUE_TYPE(o);
-  The following functions can be used to build VObject.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addVObjectProp(VObject *o, VObject *p)
-    /* circular link list pointed to tail */
-    /*
-    o {next,id,prop,val}
-                V
-	pn {next,id,prop,val}
-             V
-	    ...
-	p1 {next,id,prop,val}
-             V
-	     pn
-    -->
-    o {next,id,prop,val}
-                V
-	pn {next,id,prop,val}
-             V
-	p {next,id,prop,val}
-	    ...
-	p1 {next,id,prop,val}
-             V
-	     pn
-    */
-    VObject *tail = o->prop;
-    if (tail) {
-	p->next = tail->next;
-	o->prop = tail->next = p;
-	}
-    else {
-	o->prop = p->next = p;
-	}
-    return p;
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addProp(VObject *o, const char *id)
-    return addVObjectProp(o,newVObject(id));
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addProp_(VObject *o, const char *id)
-    return addVObjectProp(o,newVObject_(id));
-DLLEXPORT(void) addList(VObject **o, VObject *p)
-    p->next = 0;
-    if (*o == 0) {
-	*o = p;
-	}
-    else {
-	VObject *t = *o;
-	while (t->next) {
-	   t = t->next;
-	   }
-	t->next = p;
-	}
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) nextVObjectInList(VObject *o)
-    return o->next;
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) setValueWithSize_(VObject *prop, void *val, unsigned int size)
-    VObject *sizeProp;
-    setVObjectAnyValue(prop, val);
-    sizeProp = addProp(prop,VCDataSizeProp);
-    setVObjectLongValue(sizeProp, size);
-    return prop;
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) setValueWithSize(VObject *prop, void *val, unsigned int size)
-    void *p = dupStr((const char *)val,size);
-    return setValueWithSize_(prop,p,p?size:0);
-DLLEXPORT(void) initPropIterator(VObjectIterator *i, VObject *o)
-    i->start = o->prop; 
-    i->next = 0;
-DLLEXPORT(void) initVObjectIterator(VObjectIterator *i, VObject *o)
-    i->start = o->next; 
-    i->next = 0;
-DLLEXPORT(int) moreIteration(VObjectIterator *i)
-    return (i->start && (i->next==0 || i->next!=i->start));
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) nextVObject(VObjectIterator *i)
-    if (i->start && i->next != i->start) {
-	if (i->next == 0) {
-	    i->next = i->start->next;
-	    return i->next;
-	    }
-	else {
-	    i->next = i->next->next;
-	    return i->next;
-	    }
-	}
-    else return (VObject*)0;
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) isAPropertyOf(VObject *o, const char *id)
-    VObjectIterator i;
-    initPropIterator(&i,o);
-    while (moreIteration(&i)) {
-	VObject *each = nextVObject(&i);
-	if (!stricmp(id,each->id))
-	    return each;
-	}
-    return (VObject*)0;
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addGroup(VObject *o, const char *g)
-    /*
-	a.b.c
-	-->
-	prop(c)
-	    prop(VCGrouping=b)
-		prop(VCGrouping=a)
-     */
-    char *dot = strrchr(g,'.');
-    if (dot) {
-	VObject *p, *t;
-	char *gs, *n = dot+1;
-	gs = dupStr(g,0);	/* so we can write to it. */
-	/* used to be
-	* t = p = addProp_(o,lookupProp_(n));
-	*/
-	t = p = addProp_(o,lookupProp(n));
-	dot = strrchr(gs,'.');
-	*dot = 0;
-	do {
-	    dot = strrchr(gs,'.');
-	    if (dot) {
-		n = dot+1;
-		*dot=0;
-		}
-	    else
-		n = gs;
-	    /* property(VCGroupingProp=n);
-	     *	and the value may have VCGrouping property
-	     */
-	    t = addProp(t,VCGroupingProp);
-	    setVObjectStringZValue(t,lookupProp_(n));
-	    } while (n != gs);
-	deleteStr(gs);	
-	return p;
-	}
-    else
-	return addProp_(o,lookupProp(g));
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addPropValue(VObject *o, const char *p, const char *v)
-    VObject *prop;
-    prop = addProp(o,p);
-    setVObjectUStringZValue_(prop, fakeUnicode(v,0));
-    return prop;
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addPropSizedValue_(VObject *o, const char *p, const char *v,
-	unsigned int size)
-    VObject *prop;
-    prop = addProp(o,p);
-    setValueWithSize_(prop, (void*)v, size);
-    return prop;
-DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addPropSizedValue(VObject *o, const char *p, const char *v,
-	unsigned int size)
-    return addPropSizedValue_(o,p,dupStr(v,size),size);
-  The following pretty print a VObject
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-static void printVObject_(FILE *fp, VObject *o, int level);
-static void indent(FILE *fp, int level)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0;i<level*4;i++) {
-	fputc(' ', fp);
-	}
-static void printValue(FILE *fp, VObject *o, int level)
-    switch (VALUE_TYPE(o)) {
-	    char c;
-            char *t,*s;
-	    s = t = fakeCString(USTRINGZ_VALUE_OF(o));
-	    fputc('"',fp);
-	    while (c=*t,c) {
-	        fputc(c,fp);
-		if (c == '\n') indent(fp,level+2);
-		t++;
-		}
-	    fputc('"',fp);
-	    deleteStr(s);
-	    break;
-	    }
-	case VCVT_STRINGZ: {
-	    char c;
-	    const char *s = STRINGZ_VALUE_OF(o);
-	    fputc('"',fp);
-	    while (c=*s,c) {
-	        fputc(c,fp);
-		if (c == '\n') indent(fp,level+2);
-		s++;
-		}
-	    fputc('"',fp);
-	    break;
-	    }
-	case VCVT_UINT:
-	    fprintf(fp,"%d", INTEGER_VALUE_OF(o)); break;
-	case VCVT_ULONG:
-	    fprintf(fp,"%ld", LONG_VALUE_OF(o)); break;
-	case VCVT_RAW:
-	    fprintf(fp,"[raw data]"); break;
-	    fprintf(fp,"[vobject]\n");
-	    printVObject_(fp,VOBJECT_VALUE_OF(o),level+1);
-	    break;
-	case 0:
-	    fprintf(fp,"[none]"); break;
-	default:
-	    fprintf(fp,"[unknown]"); break;
-	}
-static void printNameValue(FILE *fp,VObject *o, int level)
-    indent(fp,level);
-    if (NAME_OF(o)) {
-	fprintf(fp,"%s", NAME_OF(o));
-	}
-    if (VALUE_TYPE(o)) {
-	fputc('=',fp);
-	printValue(fp,o, level);
-	}
-    fprintf(fp,"\n");
-static void printVObject_(FILE *fp, VObject *o, int level)
-    {
-    VObjectIterator t;
-    if (o == 0) {
-	fprintf(fp,"[NULL]\n");
-	return;
-	}
-    printNameValue(fp,o,level);
-    initPropIterator(&t,o);
-    while (moreIteration(&t)) {
-	VObject *eachProp = nextVObject(&t);
-	printVObject_(fp,eachProp,level+1);
-	}
-    }
-void printVObject(FILE *fp,VObject *o)
-    printVObject_(fp,o,0);
-DLLEXPORT(void) printVObjectToFile(char *fname,VObject *o)
-    FILE *fp = fopen(fname,"w");
-    if (fp) {
-	printVObject(fp,o);
-	fclose(fp);
-	}
-DLLEXPORT(void) printVObjectsToFile(char *fname,VObject *list)
-    FILE *fp = fopen(fname,"w");
-    if (fp) {
-	while (list) {
-	    printVObject(fp,list);
-	    list = nextVObjectInList(list);
-	    }
-	fclose(fp);
-	}
-DLLEXPORT(void) cleanVObject(VObject *o)
-    if (o == 0) return;
-    if (o->prop) {
-	/* destroy time: cannot use the iterator here.
-	   Have to break the cycle in the circular link
-	   list and turns it into regular NULL-terminated
-	   list -- since at some point of destruction,
-	   the reference entry for the iterator to work
-	   will not longer be valid.
-	   */
-	VObject *p;
-	p = o->prop->next;
-	o->prop->next = 0;
-	do {
-	   VObject *t = p->next;
-	   cleanVObject(p);
-	   p = t;
-	   } while (p);
-	}
-    switch (VALUE_TYPE(o)) {
-	case VCVT_RAW:
-		/* assume they are all allocated by malloc. */
-	    free((char*)STRINGZ_VALUE_OF(o));
-	    break;
-	    cleanVObject(VOBJECT_VALUE_OF(o));
-	    break;
-	}
-    deleteVObject(o);
-DLLEXPORT(void) cleanVObjects(VObject *list)
-    while (list) {
-	VObject *t = list;
-	list = nextVObjectInList(list);
-	cleanVObject(t);
-	}
-  The following is a String Table Facilities.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define STRTBLSIZE 255
-static StrItem *strTbl[STRTBLSIZE];
-static unsigned int hashStr(const char *s)
-    unsigned int h = 0;
-    int i;
-    for (i=0;s[i];i++) {
-	h += s[i]*i;
-	}
-    return h % STRTBLSIZE;
-DLLEXPORT(const char*) lookupStr(const char *s)
-    StrItem *t;
-    unsigned int h = hashStr(s);
-    if ((t = strTbl[h]) != 0) {
-	do {
-	    if (stricmp(t->s,s) == 0) {
-		t->refCnt++;
-		return t->s;
-		}
-	    t = t->next;
-	    } while (t);
-	}
-    s = dupStr(s,0);
-    strTbl[h] = newStrItem(s,strTbl[h]);
-    return s;
-DLLEXPORT(void) unUseStr(const char *s)
-    StrItem *t, *p;
-    unsigned int h = hashStr(s);
-    if ((t = strTbl[h]) != 0) {
-	p = t;
-	do {
-	    if (stricmp(t->s,s) == 0) {
-		t->refCnt--;
-		if (t->refCnt == 0) {
-		    if (p == strTbl[h]) {
-			strTbl[h] = t->next;
-			}
-		    else {
-			p->next = t->next;
-			}
-		    deleteStr(t->s);
-		    deleteStrItem(t);
-		    return;
-		    }
-		}
-	    p = t;
-	    t = t->next;
-	    } while (t);
-	}
-DLLEXPORT(void) cleanStrTbl()
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; i<STRTBLSIZE;i++) {
-	StrItem *t = strTbl[i];
-	while (t) {
-	    StrItem *p;
-	    deleteStr(t->s);
-	    p = t;
-	    t = t->next;
-	    deleteStrItem(p);
-	    } while (t);
-	strTbl[i] = 0;
-	}
-struct PreDefProp {
-    const char *name;
-    const char *alias;
-    const char** fields;
-    unsigned int flags;
-    };
-/* flags in PreDefProp */
-#define PD_BEGIN	0x1
-#define PD_INTERNAL	0x2
-static const char *adrFields[] = {
-    VCPostalBoxProp,
-    VCExtAddressProp,
-    VCStreetAddressProp,
-    VCCityProp,
-    VCRegionProp,
-    VCPostalCodeProp,
-    VCCountryNameProp,
-    0
-static const char *nameFields[] = {
-    VCFamilyNameProp,
-    VCGivenNameProp,
-    VCAdditionalNamesProp,
-    VCNamePrefixesProp,
-    VCNameSuffixesProp,
-    NULL
-    };
-static const char *orgFields[] = {
-    VCOrgNameProp,
-    VCOrgUnitProp,
-    VCOrgUnit2Prop,
-    VCOrgUnit3Prop,
-    VCOrgUnit4Prop,
-    NULL
-    };
-static const char *AAlarmFields[] = {
-    VCRunTimeProp,
-    VCSnoozeTimeProp,
-    VCRepeatCountProp,
-    VCAudioContentProp,
-    0
-    };
-/* ExDate -- has unamed fields */
-/* RDate -- has unamed fields */
-static const char *DAlarmFields[] = {
-    VCRunTimeProp,
-    VCSnoozeTimeProp,
-    VCRepeatCountProp,
-    VCDisplayStringProp,
-    0
-    };
-static const char *MAlarmFields[] = {
-    VCRunTimeProp,
-    VCSnoozeTimeProp,
-    VCRepeatCountProp,
-    VCEmailAddressProp,
-    VCNoteProp,
-    0
-    };
-static const char *PAlarmFields[] = {
-    VCRunTimeProp,
-    VCSnoozeTimeProp,
-    VCRepeatCountProp,
-    VCProcedureNameProp,
-    0
-    };
-static struct PreDefProp propNames[] = {
-    { VC7bitProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VC8bitProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCAAlarmProp, 0, AAlarmFields, 0 },
-    { VCAdditionalNamesProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCAdrProp, 0, adrFields, 0 },
-    { VCAgentProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCAIFFProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCAOLProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCAppleLinkProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCAttachProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCAttendeeProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCATTMailProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCAudioContentProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCAVIProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCBase64Prop, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCBBSProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCBirthDateProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCBMPProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCBodyProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCBusinessRoleProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCCalProp, 0, 0, PD_BEGIN },
-    { VCCaptionProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCCardProp, 0, 0, PD_BEGIN },
-    { VCCarProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCCategoriesProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCCellularProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCCGMProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCCharSetProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCCIDProp, VCContentIDProp, 0, 0 },
-    { VCCISProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCCityProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCClassProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCCommentProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCCompletedProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCContentIDProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCCountryNameProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCDAlarmProp, 0, DAlarmFields, 0 },
-    { VCDataSizeProp, 0, 0, PD_INTERNAL },
-    { VCDayLightProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCDCreatedProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCDeliveryLabelProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCDescriptionProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCDIBProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCDisplayStringProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCDomesticProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCDTendProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCDTstartProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCDueProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCEmailAddressProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCEncodingProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCEndProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCEventProp, 0, 0, PD_BEGIN },
-    { VCEWorldProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCExNumProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCExpDateProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCExpectProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCExtAddressProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCFamilyNameProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCFaxProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCFullNameProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCGeoLocationProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCGeoProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCGIFProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCGivenNameProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCGroupingProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCHomeProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCIBMMailProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCInlineProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCInternationalProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCInternetProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCISDNProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCJPEGProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCLanguageProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCLastModifiedProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCLastRevisedProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCLocationProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCLogoProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCMailerProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCMAlarmProp, 0, MAlarmFields, 0 },
-    { VCMCIMailProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCMessageProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCMETProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCModemProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCMPEG2Prop, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCMPEGProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCMSNProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCNamePrefixesProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCNameProp, 0, nameFields, 0 },
-    { VCNameSuffixesProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCNoteProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCOrgNameProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCOrgProp, 0, orgFields, 0 },
-    { VCOrgUnit2Prop, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCOrgUnit3Prop, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCOrgUnit4Prop, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCOrgUnitProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCPagerProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCPAlarmProp, 0, PAlarmFields, 0 },
-    { VCParcelProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCPartProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCPCMProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCPDFProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCPGPProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCPhotoProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCPICTProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCPMBProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCPostalBoxProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCPostalCodeProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCPostalProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCPowerShareProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCPreferredProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCPriorityProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCProcedureNameProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCProdIdProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCProdigyProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCPronunciationProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCPSProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCPublicKeyProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCQPProp, VCQuotedPrintableProp, 0, 0 },
-    { VCQuickTimeProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCQuotedPrintableProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCRDateProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCRegionProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCRelatedToProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCRepeatCountProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCResourcesProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCRNumProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCRoleProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCRRuleProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCRSVPProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCRunTimeProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCSequenceProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCSnoozeTimeProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCStartProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCStatusProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCStreetAddressProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCSubTypeProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCSummaryProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCTelephoneProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCTIFFProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCTimeZoneProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCTitleProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCTLXProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCTodoProp, 0, 0, PD_BEGIN },
-    { VCTranspProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCUniqueStringProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCURLProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCURLValueProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCValueProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCVersionProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCVideoProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCVoiceProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCWAVEProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCWMFProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCWorkProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCX400Prop, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCX509Prop, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { VCXRuleProp, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 0,0,0,0 }
-    };
-static struct PreDefProp* lookupPropInfo(const char* str)
-    /* brute force for now, could use a hash table here. */
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; propNames[i].name; i++)
-	if (stricmp(str, propNames[i].name) == 0) {
-	    return &propNames[i];
-	    }
-    return 0;
-DLLEXPORT(const char*) lookupProp_(const char* str)
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; propNames[i].name; i++)
-	if (stricmp(str, propNames[i].name) == 0) {
-	    const char* s;
-	    s = propNames[i].alias?propNames[i].alias:propNames[i].name;
-	    return lookupStr(s);
-	    }
-    return lookupStr(str);
-DLLEXPORT(const char*) lookupProp(const char* str)
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; propNames[i].name; i++)
-	if (stricmp(str, propNames[i].name) == 0) {
-	    const char *s;
-	    fieldedProp = propNames[i].fields;
-	    s = propNames[i].alias?propNames[i].alias:propNames[i].name;
-	    return lookupStr(s);
-	    }
-    fieldedProp = 0;
-    return lookupStr(str);
-  APIs to Output text form.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-typedef struct OFile {
-    FILE *fp;
-    char *s;
-    int len;
-    int limit;
-    int alloc:1;
-    int fail:1;
-    } OFile;
-#if 0
-static void appendsOFile(OFile *fp, const char *s)
-    int slen;
-    if (fp->fail) return;
-    slen  = strlen(s);
-    if (fp->fp) {
-	fwrite(s,1,slen,fp->fp);
-	}
-    else {
-	if (fp->len + slen < fp->limit) {
-	    memcpy(fp->s+fp->len,s,slen);
-	    fp->len += slen;
-	    return;
-	    }
-	else if (fp->alloc) {
-	    fp->limit = fp->limit + OFILE_REALLOC_SIZE;
-	    if (OFILE_REALLOC_SIZE <= slen) fp->limit += slen;
-	    fp->s = (char *) realloc(fp->s,fp->limit);
-	    if (fp->s) goto stuff;
-	    }
-	if (fp->alloc)
-	    free(fp->s);
-	fp->s = 0;
-	fp->fail = 1;
-	}
-static void appendcOFile(OFile *fp, char c)
-    if (fp->fail) return;
-    if (fp->fp) {
-	fputc(c,fp->fp);
-	}
-    else {
-	if (fp->len+1 < fp->limit) {
-	    fp->s[fp->len] = c;
-	    fp->len++;
-	    return;
-	    }
-	else if (fp->alloc) {
-	    fp->limit = fp->limit + OFILE_REALLOC_SIZE;
-	    fp->s = (char *) realloc(fp->s,fp->limit);
-	    if (fp->s) goto stuff;
-	    }
-	if (fp->alloc)
-	    free(fp->s);
-	fp->s = 0;
-	fp->fail = 1;
-	}
-static void appendcOFile_(OFile *fp, char c)
-    if (fp->fail) return;
-    if (fp->fp) {
-	fputc(c,fp->fp);
-	}
-    else {
-	if (fp->len+1 < fp->limit) {
-	    fp->s[fp->len] = c;
-	    fp->len++;
-	    return;
-	    }
-	else if (fp->alloc) {
-	    fp->limit = fp->limit + OFILE_REALLOC_SIZE;
-	    fp->s = realloc(fp->s,fp->limit);
-	    if (fp->s) goto stuff;
-	    }
-	if (fp->alloc)
-	    free(fp->s);
-	fp->s = 0;
-	fp->fail = 1;
-	}
-static void appendcOFile(OFile *fp, char c)
-    if (c == '\n') {
-	/* write out as <CR><LF> */
-	appendcOFile_(fp,0xd);
-	appendcOFile_(fp,0xa);
-	}
-    else
-	appendcOFile_(fp,c);
-static void appendsOFile(OFile *fp, const char *s)
-    int i, slen;
-    slen  = strlen(s);
-    for (i=0; i<slen; i++) {
-	appendcOFile(fp,s[i]);
-	}
-static void initOFile(OFile *fp, FILE *ofp)
-    fp->fp = ofp;
-    fp->s = 0;
-    fp->len = 0;
-    fp->limit = 0;
-    fp->alloc = 0;
-    fp->fail = 0;
-static void initMemOFile(OFile *fp, char *s, int len)
-    fp->fp = 0;
-    fp->s = s;
-    fp->len = 0;
-    fp->limit = s?len:0;
-    fp->alloc = s?0:1;
-    fp->fail = 0;
-static int writeBase64(OFile *fp, unsigned char *s, long len)
-    long cur = 0;
-    int i, numQuads = 0;
-    unsigned long trip;
-    unsigned char b;
-    char quad[5];
-#define MAXQUADS 16
-    quad[4] = 0;
-    while (cur < len) {
-	    /* collect the triplet of bytes into 'trip' */
-	trip = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-	    b = (cur < len) ? *(s + cur) : 0;
-	    cur++;
-	    trip = trip << 8 | b;
-	    }
-	/* fill in 'quad' with the appropriate four characters */
-	for (i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
-	    b = (unsigned char)(trip & 0x3F);
-	    trip = trip >> 6;
-	    if ((3 - i) < (cur - len))
-		    quad[i] = '='; /* pad char */
-	    else if (b < 26) quad[i] = (char)b + 'A';
-	    else if (b < 52) quad[i] = (char)(b - 26) + 'a';
-	    else if (b < 62) quad[i] = (char)(b - 52) + '0';
-	    else if (b == 62) quad[i] = '+';
-	    else quad[i] = '/';
-	    }
-	/* now output 'quad' with appropriate whitespace and line ending */
-	appendsOFile(fp, (numQuads == 0 ? "    " : ""));
-	appendsOFile(fp, quad);
-	appendsOFile(fp, ((cur >= len)?"\n" :(numQuads==MAXQUADS-1?"\n" : "")));
-	numQuads = (numQuads + 1) % MAXQUADS;
-	}
-    appendcOFile(fp,'\n');
-    return 1;
-static void writeString(OFile *fp, const char *s)
-    appendsOFile(fp,s);
-static void writeQPString(OFile *fp, const char *s)
-    char buf[4];
-    int count=0;
-    const char *p = s;
-    while (*p) {
-        /* break up lines biggger than 75 chars */
-        if(count >=74){
-		count=0;
-		appendsOFile(fp,"=\n");
-	}
-	/* escape any non ASCII characters and '=' as per rfc1521 */
-	if (*p<= 0x1f || *p >=0x7f || *p == '=' ) {
-		sprintf(buf,"=%02X",(unsigned char)*p);
-		appendsOFile(fp,buf); 
-		count+=3; 
-	} else {
-		appendcOFile(fp,*p);	
-		count++; 
-	}
-	p++;
-    }
-static void writeVObject_(OFile *fp, VObject *o);
-static void writeValue(OFile *fp, VObject *o, unsigned long size,int quote)
-    if (o == 0) return;
-    switch (VALUE_TYPE(o)) {
-	    char *s = fakeCString(USTRINGZ_VALUE_OF(o));
-	    if(quote) writeQPString(fp, s);
-	    else writeString(fp,s);
-	    deleteStr(s);
-	    break;
-	    }
-	case VCVT_STRINGZ: {
-	    if(quote) writeQPString(fp, STRINGZ_VALUE_OF(o));
-	    else writeString(fp,STRINGZ_VALUE_OF(o));
-	    break;
-	    }
-	case VCVT_UINT: {
-	    char buf[16];
-	    sprintf(buf,"%u", INTEGER_VALUE_OF(o));
-	    appendsOFile(fp,buf);
-	    break;
-	    }
-	case VCVT_ULONG: {
-	    char buf[16];
-	    sprintf(buf,"%lu", LONG_VALUE_OF(o));
-	    appendsOFile(fp,buf);
-	    break;
-	    }
-	case VCVT_RAW: {
-	    appendcOFile(fp,'\n');
-	    writeBase64(fp,(unsigned char*)(ANY_VALUE_OF(o)),size);
-	    break;
-	    }
-	    appendcOFile(fp,'\n');
-	    writeVObject_(fp,VOBJECT_VALUE_OF(o));
-	    break;
-	}
-static void writeAttrValue(OFile *fp, VObject *o)
-    if (NAME_OF(o)) {
-	struct PreDefProp *pi;
-	pi = lookupPropInfo(NAME_OF(o));
-	if (pi && ((pi->flags & PD_INTERNAL) != 0)) return;
-	appendcOFile(fp,';');
-	appendsOFile(fp,NAME_OF(o));
-	}
-    else
-	appendcOFile(fp,';');
-    if (VALUE_TYPE(o)) {
-	appendcOFile(fp,'=');
-	writeValue(fp,o,0,0);
-	}
-static void writeGroup(OFile *fp, VObject *o)
-    char buf1[256];
-    char buf2[256];
-    strcpy(buf1,NAME_OF(o));
-    while ((o=isAPropertyOf(o,VCGroupingProp)) != 0) {
-	strcpy(buf2,STRINGZ_VALUE_OF(o));
-	strcat(buf2,".");
-	strcat(buf2,buf1);
-	strcpy(buf1,buf2);
-	}
-    appendsOFile(fp,buf1);
-static int inList(const char **list, const char *s)
-    if (list == 0) return 0;
-    while (*list) {
-	if (stricmp(*list,s) == 0) return 1;
-	list++;
-	}
-    return 0;
-static void writeProp(OFile *fp, VObject *o)
-    int isQuoted=0;
-    if (NAME_OF(o)) {
-	struct PreDefProp *pi;
-	VObjectIterator t;
-	const char **fields_ = 0;
-	pi = lookupPropInfo(NAME_OF(o));
-	if (pi && ((pi->flags & PD_BEGIN) != 0)) {
-	    writeVObject_(fp,o);
-	    return;
-	    }
-	if (isAPropertyOf(o,VCGroupingProp))
-	    writeGroup(fp,o);
-	else
-	    appendsOFile(fp,NAME_OF(o));
-	if (pi) fields_ = pi->fields;
-	initPropIterator(&t,o);
-	while (moreIteration(&t)) {
-	    const char *s;
-	    VObject *eachProp = nextVObject(&t);
-	    s = NAME_OF(eachProp);
-	    if (stricmp(VCGroupingProp,s) && !inList(fields_,s))
-		writeAttrValue(fp,eachProp);
-	    if (stricmp(VCQPProp,s)==0 || stricmp(VCQuotedPrintableProp,s)==0)
-		 isQuoted=1;
-	    }
-	if (fields_) {
-	    int i = 0, n = 0;
-	    const char** fields = fields_;
-	    /* output prop as fields */
-	    appendcOFile(fp,':');
-	    while (*fields) {
-		VObject *t = isAPropertyOf(o,*fields);
-		i++;
-		if (t) n = i;
-		fields++;
-		}
-	    fields = fields_;
-	    for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
-		writeValue(fp,isAPropertyOf(o,*fields),0,isQuoted);
-		fields++;
-		if (i<(n-1)) appendcOFile(fp,';');
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    if (VALUE_TYPE(o)) {
-	unsigned long size = 0;
-        VObject *p = isAPropertyOf(o,VCDataSizeProp);
-	if (p) size = LONG_VALUE_OF(p);
-	appendcOFile(fp,':');
-	writeValue(fp,o,size,isQuoted);
-	}
-    appendcOFile(fp,'\n');
-static void writeVObject_(OFile *fp, VObject *o)
-    if (NAME_OF(o)) {
-	struct PreDefProp *pi;
-	pi = lookupPropInfo(NAME_OF(o));
-	if (pi && ((pi->flags & PD_BEGIN) != 0)) {
-	    VObjectIterator t;
-	    const char *begin = NAME_OF(o);
-	    appendsOFile(fp,"BEGIN:");
-	    appendsOFile(fp,begin);
-	    appendcOFile(fp,'\n');
-	    initPropIterator(&t,o);
-	    while (moreIteration(&t)) {
-		VObject *eachProp = nextVObject(&t);
-		writeProp(fp, eachProp);
-		}
-	    appendsOFile(fp,"END:");
-	    appendsOFile(fp,begin);
-	    appendsOFile(fp,"\n\n");
-	    }
-	}
-void writeVObject(FILE *fp, VObject *o)
-    OFile ofp;
-    initOFile(&ofp,fp);
-    writeVObject_(&ofp,o);
-DLLEXPORT(void) writeVObjectToFile(char *fname, VObject *o)
-    FILE *fp = fopen(fname,"w");
-    if (fp) {
-	writeVObject(fp,o);
-	fclose(fp);
-	}
-DLLEXPORT(void) writeVObjectsToFile(char *fname, VObject *list)
-    FILE *fp = fopen(fname,"w");
-    if (fp) {
-	while (list) {
-	    writeVObject(fp,list);
-	    list = nextVObjectInList(list);
-	    }
-	fclose(fp);
-	}
-DLLEXPORT(char*) writeMemVObject(char *s, int *len, VObject *o)
-    OFile ofp;
-    initMemOFile(&ofp,s,len?*len:0);
-    writeVObject_(&ofp,o);
-    if (len) *len = ofp.len;
-    appendcOFile(&ofp,0);
-    return ofp.s;
-DLLEXPORT(char*) writeMemVObjects(char *s, int *len, VObject *list)
-    OFile ofp;
-    initMemOFile(&ofp,s,len?*len:0);
-    while (list) {
-	writeVObject_(&ofp,list);
-	list = nextVObjectInList(list);
-	}
-    if (len) *len = ofp.len;
-    appendcOFile(&ofp,0);
-    return ofp.s;
-  APIs to do fake Unicode stuff.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-DLLEXPORT(wchar_t*) fakeUnicode(const char *ps, int *bytes)
-    wchar_t *r, *pw;
-    int len = strlen(ps)+1;
-    pw = r = (wchar_t*)malloc(sizeof(wchar_t)*len);
-    if (bytes)
-	*bytes = len * sizeof(wchar_t);
-    while (*ps) { 
-	if (*ps == '\n')
-	    *pw = (wchar_t)0x2028;
-	else if (*ps == '\r')
-	    *pw = (wchar_t)0x2029;
-	else
-	    *pw = (wchar_t)(unsigned char)*ps;
-	ps++; pw++;
-	}				 
-    *pw = (wchar_t)0;
-    return r;
-DLLEXPORT(int) uStrLen(const wchar_t *u)
-    int i = 0;
-    while (*u != (wchar_t)0) { u++; i++; }
-    return i;
-DLLEXPORT(char*) fakeCString(const wchar_t *u)
-    char *s, *t;
-    int len = uStrLen(u) + 1;
-    t = s = (char*)malloc(len);
-    while (*u) {
-	if (*u == (wchar_t)0x2028)
-	    *t = '\n';
-	else if (*u == (wchar_t)0x2029)
-	    *t = '\r';
-	else
-	    *t = (char)*u;
-	u++; t++;
-	}
-    *t = 0;
-    return s;
-/* end of source file vobject.c */
diff --git a/libical/src/libicalvcal/vobject.h b/libical/src/libicalvcal/vobject.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bc31dc8297..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/libicalvcal/vobject.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-(C) Copyright 1996 Apple Computer, Inc., AT&T Corp., International             
-Business Machines Corporation and Siemens Rolm Communications Inc.             
-For purposes of this license notice, the term Licensors shall mean,            
-collectively, Apple Computer, Inc., AT&T Corp., International                  
-Business Machines Corporation and Siemens Rolm Communications Inc.             
-The term Licensor shall mean any of the Licensors.                             
-Subject to acceptance of the following conditions, permission is hereby        
-granted by Licensors without the need for written agreement and without        
-license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify and distribute this              
-software for any purpose.                                                      
-The above copyright notice and the following four paragraphs must be           
-reproduced in all copies of this software and any software including           
-this software.                                                                 
-The software is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS.  Use, duplication, or         
-disclosure by the government are subject to restrictions set forth in          
-DFARS 252.227-7013 or 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.                         
-The vCard/vCalendar C interface is implemented in the set 
-of files as follows:
-vcc.y, yacc source, and vcc.c, the yacc output you will use
-implements the core parser
-vobject.c implements an API that insulates the caller from
-the parser and changes in the vCard/vCalendar BNF
-port.h defines compilation environment dependent stuff
-vcc.h and vobject.h are header files for their .c counterparts
-vcaltmp.h and vcaltmp.c implement vCalendar "macro" functions
-which you may find useful.
-test.c is a standalone test driver that exercises some of
-the features of the APIs provided. Invoke test.exe on a
-VCARD/VCALENDAR input text file and you will see the pretty
-print output of the internal representation (this pretty print
-output should give you a good idea of how the internal 
-representation looks like -- there is one such output in the 
-following too). Also, a file with the .out suffix is generated 
-to show that the internal representation can be written back 
-in the original text format.
-For more information on this API see the readme.txt file
-which accompanied this distribution.
-  Also visit:
-#ifndef __VOBJECT_H__
-#define __VOBJECT_H__ 1
-#include "port.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#if defined(__CPLUSPLUS__) || defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
-#define VC7bitProp				"7BIT"
-#define VC8bitProp				"8BIT"
-#define VCAAlarmProp			"AALARM"
-#define VCAdditionalNamesProp	"ADDN"
-#define VCAdrProp				"ADR"
-#define VCAgentProp				"AGENT"
-#define VCAIFFProp				"AIFF"
-#define VCAOLProp				"AOL"
-#define VCAppleLinkProp			"APPLELINK"
-#define VCAttachProp			"ATTACH"
-#define VCAttendeeProp			"ATTENDEE"
-#define VCATTMailProp			"ATTMAIL"
-#define VCAudioContentProp		"AUDIOCONTENT"
-#define VCAVIProp				"AVI"
-#define VCBase64Prop			"BASE64"
-#define VCBBSProp				"BBS"
-#define VCBirthDateProp			"BDAY"
-#define VCBMPProp				"BMP"
-#define VCBodyProp				"BODY"
-#define VCBusinessRoleProp		"ROLE"
-#define VCCalProp				"VCALENDAR"
-#define VCCaptionProp			"CAP"
-#define VCCardProp				"VCARD"
-#define VCCarProp				"CAR"
-#define VCCategoriesProp		"CATEGORIES"
-#define VCCellularProp			"CELL"
-#define VCCGMProp				"CGM"
-#define VCCharSetProp			"CS"
-#define VCCIDProp				"CID"
-#define VCCISProp				"CIS"
-#define VCCityProp				"L"
-#define VCClassProp				"CLASS"
-#define VCCommentProp			"NOTE"
-#define VCCompletedProp			"COMPLETED"
-#define VCContentIDProp			"CONTENT-ID"
-#define VCCountryNameProp		"C"
-#define VCDAlarmProp			"DALARM"
-#define VCDataSizeProp			"DATASIZE"
-#define VCDayLightProp			"DAYLIGHT"
-#define VCDCreatedProp			"DCREATED"
-#define VCDeliveryLabelProp     "LABEL"
-#define VCDescriptionProp		"DESCRIPTION"
-#define VCDIBProp				"DIB"
-#define VCDisplayStringProp		"DISPLAYSTRING"
-#define VCDomesticProp			"DOM"
-#define VCDTendProp				"DTEND"
-#define VCDTstartProp			"DTSTART"
-#define VCDueProp				"DUE"
-#define VCEmailAddressProp		"EMAIL"
-#define VCEncodingProp			"ENCODING"
-#define VCEndProp				"END"
-#define VCEventProp				"VEVENT"
-#define VCEWorldProp			"EWORLD"
-#define VCExNumProp				"EXNUM"
-#define VCExpDateProp			"EXDATE"
-#define VCExpectProp			"EXPECT"
-#define VCExtAddressProp		"EXT ADD"
-#define VCFamilyNameProp		"F"
-#define VCFaxProp				"FAX"
-#define VCFullNameProp			"FN"
-#define VCGeoProp				"GEO"
-#define VCGeoLocationProp		"GEO"
-#define VCGIFProp				"GIF"
-#define VCGivenNameProp			"G"
-#define VCGroupingProp			"Grouping"
-#define VCHomeProp				"HOME"
-#define VCIBMMailProp			"IBMMail"
-#define VCInlineProp			"INLINE"
-#define VCInternationalProp		"INTL"
-#define VCInternetProp			"INTERNET"
-#define VCISDNProp				"ISDN"
-#define VCJPEGProp				"JPEG"
-#define VCLanguageProp			"LANG"
-#define VCLastModifiedProp		"LAST-MODIFIED"
-#define VCLastRevisedProp		"REV"
-#define VCLocationProp			"LOCATION"
-#define VCLogoProp				"LOGO"
-#define VCMailerProp			"MAILER"
-#define VCMAlarmProp			"MALARM"
-#define VCMCIMailProp			"MCIMAIL"
-#define VCMessageProp			"MSG"
-#define VCMETProp				"MET"
-#define VCModemProp				"MODEM"
-#define VCMPEG2Prop				"MPEG2"
-#define VCMPEGProp				"MPEG"
-#define VCMSNProp				"MSN"
-#define VCNamePrefixesProp		"NPRE"
-#define VCNameProp				"N"
-#define VCNameSuffixesProp		"NSUF"
-#define VCNoteProp				"NOTE"
-#define VCOrgNameProp			"ORGNAME"
-#define VCOrgProp				"ORG"
-#define VCOrgUnit2Prop			"OUN2"
-#define VCOrgUnit3Prop			"OUN3"
-#define VCOrgUnit4Prop			"OUN4"
-#define VCOrgUnitProp			"OUN"
-#define VCPagerProp				"PAGER"
-#define VCPAlarmProp			"PALARM"
-#define VCParcelProp			"PARCEL"
-#define VCPartProp				"PART"
-#define VCPCMProp				"PCM"
-#define VCPDFProp				"PDF"
-#define VCPGPProp				"PGP"
-#define VCPhotoProp				"PHOTO"
-#define VCPICTProp				"PICT"
-#define VCPMBProp				"PMB"
-#define VCPostalBoxProp			"BOX"
-#define VCPostalCodeProp		"PC"
-#define VCPostalProp			"POSTAL"
-#define VCPowerShareProp		"POWERSHARE"
-#define VCPreferredProp			"PREF"
-#define VCPriorityProp			"PRIORITY"
-#define VCProcedureNameProp		"PROCEDURENAME"
-#define VCProdIdProp			"PRODID"
-#define VCProdigyProp			"PRODIGY"
-#define VCPronunciationProp		"SOUND"
-#define VCPSProp				"PS"
-#define VCPublicKeyProp			"KEY"
-#define VCQPProp				"QP"
-#define VCQuickTimeProp			"QTIME"
-#define VCQuotedPrintableProp	"QUOTED-PRINTABLE"
-#define VCRDateProp				"RDATE"
-#define VCRegionProp			"R"
-#define VCRelatedToProp			"RELATED-TO"
-#define VCRepeatCountProp		"REPEATCOUNT"
-#define VCResourcesProp			"RESOURCES"
-#define VCRNumProp				"RNUM"
-#define VCRoleProp				"ROLE"
-#define VCRRuleProp				"RRULE"
-#define VCRSVPProp				"RSVP"
-#define VCRunTimeProp			"RUNTIME"
-#define VCSequenceProp			"SEQUENCE"
-#define VCSnoozeTimeProp		"SNOOZETIME"
-#define VCStartProp				"START"
-#define VCStatusProp			"STATUS"
-#define VCStreetAddressProp		"STREET"
-#define VCSubTypeProp			"SUBTYPE"
-#define VCSummaryProp			"SUMMARY"
-#define VCTelephoneProp			"TEL"
-#define VCTIFFProp				"TIFF"
-#define VCTimeZoneProp			"TZ"
-#define VCTitleProp				"TITLE"
-#define VCTLXProp				"TLX"
-#define VCTodoProp				"VTODO"
-#define VCTranspProp			"TRANSP"
-#define VCUniqueStringProp		"UID"
-#define VCURLProp				"URL"
-#define VCURLValueProp			"URLVAL"
-#define VCValueProp				"VALUE"
-#define VCVersionProp			"VERSION"
-#define VCVideoProp				"VIDEO"
-#define VCVoiceProp				"VOICE"
-#define VCWAVEProp				"WAVE"
-#define VCWMFProp				"WMF"
-#define VCWorkProp				"WORK"
-#define VCX400Prop				"X400"
-#define VCX509Prop				"X509"
-#define VCXRuleProp				"XRULE"
-/* Extensions */
-#define XPilotIdProp                            "X-PILOTID"
-#define XPilotStatusProp                        "X-PILOTSTAT"
-typedef struct VObject VObject;
-typedef struct VObjectIterator {
-    VObject* start;
-    VObject* next;
-    } VObjectIterator;
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) newVObject(const char *id);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) deleteVObject(VObject *p);
-extern DLLEXPORT(char*) dupStr(const char *s, unsigned int size);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) deleteStr(const char *p);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) unUseStr(const char *s);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectName(VObject *o, const char* id);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectStringZValue(VObject *o, const char *s);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectStringZValue_(VObject *o, const char *s);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectUStringZValue(VObject *o, const wchar_t *s);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectUStringZValue_(VObject *o, const wchar_t *s);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectIntegerValue(VObject *o, unsigned int i);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectLongValue(VObject *o, unsigned long l);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectAnyValue(VObject *o, void *t);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) setValueWithSize(VObject *prop, void *val, unsigned int size);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) setValueWithSize_(VObject *prop, void *val, unsigned int size);
-extern DLLEXPORT(const char*) vObjectName(VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(const char*) vObjectStringZValue(VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(const wchar_t*) vObjectUStringZValue(VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(unsigned int) vObjectIntegerValue(VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(unsigned long) vObjectLongValue(VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void*) vObjectAnyValue(VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) vObjectVObjectValue(VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) setVObjectVObjectValue(VObject *o, VObject *p);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addVObjectProp(VObject *o, VObject *p);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addProp(VObject *o, const char *id);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addProp_(VObject *o, const char *id);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addPropValue(VObject *o, const char *p, const char *v);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addPropSizedValue_(VObject *o, const char *p, const char *v, unsigned int size);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addPropSizedValue(VObject *o, const char *p, const char *v, unsigned int size);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) addGroup(VObject *o, const char *g);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) addList(VObject **o, VObject *p);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) isAPropertyOf(VObject *o, const char *id);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) nextVObjectInList(VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) initPropIterator(VObjectIterator *i, VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(int) moreIteration(VObjectIterator *i);
-extern DLLEXPORT(VObject*) nextVObject(VObjectIterator *i);
-extern DLLEXPORT(char*) writeMemVObject(char *s, int *len, VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(char*) writeMemVObjects(char *s, int *len, VObject *list);
-extern DLLEXPORT(const char*) lookupStr(const char *s);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) cleanStrTbl();
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) cleanVObject(VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) cleanVObjects(VObject *list);
-extern DLLEXPORT(const char*) lookupProp(const char* str);
-extern DLLEXPORT(const char*) lookupProp_(const char* str);
-extern DLLEXPORT(wchar_t*) fakeUnicode(const char *ps, int *bytes);
-extern DLLEXPORT(int) uStrLen(const wchar_t *u);
-extern DLLEXPORT(char*) fakeCString(const wchar_t *u);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) printVObjectToFile(char *fname,VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) printVObjectsToFile(char *fname,VObject *list);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) writeVObjectToFile(char *fname, VObject *o);
-extern DLLEXPORT(void) writeVObjectsToFile(char *fname, VObject *list);
-extern DLLEXPORT(int) vObjectValueType(VObject *o);
-/* return type of vObjectValueType: */
-#define VCVT_NOVALUE	0
-	/* if the VObject has no value associated with it. */
-#define VCVT_STRINGZ	1
-	/* if the VObject has value set by setVObjectStringZValue. */
-#define VCVT_USTRINGZ	2
-	/* if the VObject has value set by setVObjectUStringZValue. */
-#define VCVT_UINT		3
-	/* if the VObject has value set by setVObjectIntegerValue. */
-#define VCVT_ULONG		4
-	/* if the VObject has value set by setVObjectLongValue. */
-#define VCVT_RAW		5
-	/* if the VObject has value set by setVObjectAnyValue. */
-#define VCVT_VOBJECT	6
-	/* if the VObject has value set by setVObjectVObjectValue. */
-extern const char** fieldedProp;
-/* NOTE regarding printVObject and writeVObject
-The functions below are not exported from the DLL because they
-take a FILE* as a parameter, which cannot be passed across a DLL 
-interface (at least that is my experience). Instead you can use
-their companion functions which take file names or pointers
-to memory. However, if you are linking this code into 
-your build directly then you may find them a more convenient API
-and you can go ahead and use them. If you try to use them with 
-the DLL LIB you will get a link error.
-extern void printVObject(FILE *fp,VObject *o);
-extern void writeVObject(FILE *fp, VObject *o);
-#if defined(__CPLUSPLUS__) || defined(__cplusplus)
-#endif /* __VOBJECT_H__ */
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3dda72986f..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/python/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
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index 7b16306ce5..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/python/ChangeLog
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@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-2001-03-13  Eric Busboom  <>
-	* Added
-2001-03-10  Patrick Lewis <>
-	* Added __str__ method to Collection.Collection
-	* Component.Component can now be initialized without arguments
-	* Made _singular_property and _multiple_properties (in Component)
-	useful for nearly all the specific component interfaces
-	* Changed Property.Attendee and Property.Organizer to allow creation
-	with no arguments
-	* Filled in Todo skeleton
-	* Added test function for an Event
-2001-03-05  Eric Busboom  <>
-	* Added a lot of exception code to signal failure to
- 	create a Property.
-	* Added derived property classes for RDATE
- 	and TRIGGER, two properties that can have one of two value types. 
-2001-03-04  Eric Busboom  <>
-	* Added Property.ConstructorFailedError exception
-	* fixed bug in Collection.__setslice__. "," used
- 	instead of ":"
-2001-03-04  Patrick Lewis <>
-	* Split file into,,, 
-	and
-	* Added test_* functions to
-	* Changed component bindings to return a Collection when objects can 
-	have multiple values
-	* Changed Component object to allow for creation of an object without
-	an initial string
-	* Added Todo and Journal events
-2001-02-28  Eric Busboom  <>
-	* Property Remove most internal data. The property now work
- 	alsmost entirely off of the icalproperty that it holds a reference
- 	to. Made changes in all derived Properties to accomodate the
- 	change.
-	* Property Added __del__ 
-	* Component now caches properties that it
- 	constructs, so two calls to properties() to that get the same
- 	icalproperty will also get the same Property.
-	* Property Added Property.__cmp__ to test equality of properties
- 	based on ical string values
-2001-02-27  Eric Busboom  <>
-	* Property Added Property.ref() to set/get the reference to the
- 	Property's internal icalproperty
-	* Property Property._update_value now changes the icalproperty
- 	value if a reference has been set.
-	* Component re-instituted The routine now
- 	adds a 'ref' key to the dict that holds the python pointer
- 	string. The C hex value of the pointer is in the 'pid' key
-2001-02-27  Patrick Lewis  <>
-	* Backed out changes to Component removing comp_p; 
-	  Component.comp_p should be restored
-2001-02-26  Eric Busboom  <>
-	* Period Added test routine,test_period()
-	* Period implemented methods in period
-	* Time Addedd addition and subtraction operators
-2001-02-25  Eric Busboom  <>
-	* Added test routine for time, time_test()
-	* Remove end of line chars ('\r\n" ) from
- 	Property._str__. Caller should add these lines itself
-	* CHanges Time._update_values to set time VALUE type
- 	based on use of is_date, rather than length of string.
-	* Removed call to _update_value in TIme::timezone
-	* changed update_value to _update_value
diff --git a/libical/src/python/ b/libical/src/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index 48092aadaa..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python 
-# -*- Mode: python -*-
-# FILE:
-# CREATOR: eric 
-#  $Id$
-#  $Locker$
-# (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Eric Busboom <>
-# (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Patrick Lewis <>  
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of either: 
-#    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-#    2.1, available at:
-#  Or:
-#    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-#    the License at
-from types import *
-class Collection:
-    """A group of components that can be modified somewhat like a list.
-    Usage:
-        Collection(componet, propSequence)
-    component is a Component object
-    propSequence is a list or tuple of Property (or subclass of Property)
-        of objects already in component
-    """
-    def __init__(self, component, propSequence):
-        self._properties = list(propSequence[:])
-        self._component = component
-    def __getslice__(self, beg, end):
-        return Collection(self._component, self._properties[beg:end])
-    def __setslice__(self, beg, end, sequence):
-        if  not isinstance(sequence,ListType):
-            raise TypeError, "must assign list (not instance) to slice"
-        oldProps = self._properties[beg:end]
-        for p in oldProps:
-            self._component.remove_property(p)
-        self._properties[beg:end] = sequence
-        for p in sequence:
-            self._component.add_property(p)
-    def __getitem__(self, i):
-        return self._properties[i]
-    def __setitem__(self, i, prop):
-        self._component.remove_property(self._properties[i])
-        self._component.add_property(prop)
-        self._properties[i]=prop
-    def __delitem__(self, i):
-        self._component.remove_property(self._properties[i])
-        del self._properties[i]
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self._properties)
-    def __str__(self):
-        s = "[ "
-        if len(self._properties) > 0:
-            s = s + str(self._properties[0])
-            for p in self._properties[1:]:
-                s = "%s, %s" % (s, p)
-        s = s + " ]"
-        return s
-    def append(self, property):
-        self._properties.append(property)
-        self._component.add_property(property)
-class ComponentCollection:
-    def __init__(self, parent, componentSequence):
-        self._parent = parent
-        self._components = list(componentSequence[:])
-    def __getslice__(self, beg, end):
-        return ComponentCollection(self._parent, self._components[beg:end])
-    def __setslice__(self, beg, end, sequence):
-        oldComps = self._components[beg:end]
-        self._components.__setslice__(beg, end, sequence)
-        for c in sequence:
-            self._components.addComponent(c)
-        for c in oldComps:
-            self._parent.remove_component(c)
-    def __getitem__(self, i):
-        return self._components[i]
-    def __setitem__(self, i, prop):
-        self._parent.remove_component(self._components[i])
-        self._parent.add_property(prop)
-        self._components[i]=prop
-    def __delitem__(self, i):
-        self._parent.remove_componet(self._components[i])
-        del self._components[i]
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self._components)
-    def append(self, property):
-        self._components.append(property)
-        self._parent.addComponent(property)
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deleted file mode 100644
index f4399f6c20..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,670 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python 
-# -*- Mode: python -*-
-# FILE:
-# CREATOR: eric 
-#  $Id$
-#  $Locker$
-# (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Eric Busboom <>
-# (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Patrick Lewis <>  
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of either: 
-#    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-#    2.1, available at:
-#  Or:
-#    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-#    the License at
-from LibicalWrap import *
-from types import *
-from Property import *
-from Collection import *
-class Component:
-    def __init__(self,str=None, component_kind="ANY", ref=None):
-        if ref != None: 
-            self._ref = ref
-        else:
-            self._ref = None
-            if str != None:
-                self._ref = icalparser_parse_string(str)
-            else:
-                kind = icalenum_string_to_component_kind(component_kind)
-                self._ref = icalcomponent_new(kind)
-        self.cached_props = {}
-    def __del__(self):
-        if self._ref != None and \
-           icalcomponent_get_parent(self._ref) != None:
-            for k in self.cached_props.keys():
-                del self.cached_props[k]
-            icalcomponent_free(self._ref)
-            self._ref = None
-    def _prop_from_ref(self,p):
-        d_string = icallangbind_property_eval_string(p,":")
-        d = eval(d_string)
-        d['ref'] = p
-        if not self.cached_props.has_key(p):
-            if d['value_type'] == 'DATE-TIME' or d['value_type'] == 'DATE':
-                prop = Time(d,)
-            elif d['value_type'] == 'PERIOD':
-                prop = Period(d)
-            elif d['value_type'] == 'DURATION':
-                prop = Duration(d)
-            elif d['name'] == 'ATTACH':
-                prop = Attach(d)
-            elif d['name'] == 'ATTENDEE':
-                prop = Attendee(d)
-            elif d['name'] == 'ORGANIZER':
-                prop = Organizer(d)
-            else:
-                prop=Property(ref=p)
-            self.cached_props[p] = prop
-    def property(self, type):
-       p = icallangbind_get_first_property(self._ref,type) 
-       if p !='NULL':
-           self._prop_from_ref(p)
-           prop =  self.cached_props[p]
-           return prop
-       else :    
-           return None
-    def properties(self,type='ANY'): 
-        """  
-        Return a list of Property instances, each representing a
-        property of the type 'type.'
-        """
-        props = []
-        p = icallangbind_get_first_property(self._ref,type)
-        while p !='NULL':
-            self._prop_from_ref(p)
-            prop =  self.cached_props[p]
-            props.append(prop)
-            p = icallangbind_get_next_property(self._ref,type)
-        return Collection(self,props)
-    def add_property(self, prop):
-        "Adds the property object to the component."
-        if not isinstance(prop,Property):
-            raise TypeError
-        prop_p = prop.ref()
-        if not prop_p:
-            s = str(prop)
-            prop_p = icalproperty_new_from_string(s)
-            if prop_p == 'NULL':
-                raise "Bad property string: " + s
-            prop.ref(prop_p)
-        if icalproperty_get_parent(prop_p)=='NULL':
-            icalcomponent_add_property(self._ref, prop_p)
-        elif  icalproperty_get_parent(prop_p) != self._ref:
-            raise "Property is already a child of another component"
-    def remove_property(self,prop):
-        if prop.ref() and self.cached_props.has_key(prop.ref()):
-            del self.cached_props[prop.ref()]
-            icalcomponent_remove_property(self._ref,prop.ref())
-    def components(self,type='ANY'):        
-        comps = []
-        return comps
-    def add_component(self, componentObj):
-        "Adds a child component."
-        pass
-    def remove_component(self, component):
-        "Removes a child component"
-        pass
-    def as_ical_string(self):
-        return self.__str__()
-    def __str__(self):
-        return icalcomponent_as_ical_string(self._ref)
-def NewComponent(comp):
-    "Converts a string or C icalcomponent into the right component object."
-    wasStr=0 # Were we passed a string or an icalcomponent?
-    if isinstance (comp, StringType):
-        compStr = comp
-        comp = icalparser_parse_string(comp)
-        wasStr=1
-    else:
-        compStr = icalcomponent_as_ical_string(comp)
-    kind = icalcomponent_isa(comp)
-    kindStr = icalenum_component_kind_to_string(kind)
-    # Do I need to free kind? (I think not).
-    if kindStr == 'VEVENT':
-        newComp = Event(compStr)
-    elif kindStr == 'VTODO':
-        newComp = Todo(compStr)
-    elif kindStr == 'VJOURNAL':
-        newComp = Journal(compstr)
-    else:
-        newComp = Component(compStr)
-    # I don't think I need to free the component created when passed a string,
-    # as it wasn't created with a _new function.
-    return newComp
-class GenericComponent(Component):
-    def __init__(self):
-        # Component.__init__(self, str) # Call from subclasses
-        self._recurrence_set=None
-    def _singular_property(self, name, value_type, value=None,
-                           property_obj=None, enumerated_values=None):
-        """Sets or gets the value of a method which exists once per Component.
-        This is a constructor method for properties without a strictly defined
-        object."""
-        curr_properties =
-        # Get the value
-        if value==None:
-            if len(curr_properties) == 0:
-                return None
-            elif len(curr_properties) == 1:
-                return curr_properties[0].value()
-            else:
-                raise ValueError, "too many properties of type %s" % propType
-        # Set the value
-        else:
-            # Check if value is in enumerated_values
-            if enumerated_values:
-                value = upper(value)
-                if value not in enumerated_values:
-                    raise ValueError, "%s is not one of %s" \
-                          % (value, enumerated_values)
-            # Create the new property
-            if property_obj:
-                if not isinstance(value, property_obj):
-                    # Create a special property_obj property
-                    if property_obj == Time:
-                        p = Time(value, name)
-                        ## p.value_type(value_type)
-                    else:
-                        p = property_obj()
-                        ## p.value_type(value_type)
-                        p.value(value)
-                else:
-                    p = value # value is already a property_obj
-            else:
-                # Create a generic property
-                p = Property(name)
-                ## p.value_type(value_type)
-                p.value(value)
-            if len(curr_properties) == 1:
-                self.remove_property(curr_properties[0])
-            elif len(curr_properties) > 1:
-                raise ValueError, "too many properties of type %s" % propType
-            self.add_property(p)
-    def method(self, v=None):
-        "Sets or returns the value of the METHOD property."
-        return self._singular_property("METHOD", "TEXT", v)
-    def prodid(self, v=None):
-        "Sets or returns the value of the PRODID property."
-        return self._singular_property("PRODID", "TEXT", v)
-    def calscale(self, v=None):
-        "Sets or returns the value of the CALSCALE property."
-        return self._singular_property("CALSCALE", "TEXT", v)
-    def class_prop(self, v=None):  # Class is a reserved word
-        "Sets or returns the value of the CLASS property."
-        if v!=None:
-            v = upper(v)
-        return self._singular_property('CLASS', 'TEXT', v)
-    def created(self, v=None):
-        """Sets or returns the value of the CREATED property.
-        Usage:
-        created(time_obj)           # Set the value using a Time object
-        created('19970101T123000Z') # Set using an iCalendar string
-        created(982362522)          # Set using seconds 
-        created()                   # Return an iCalendar string
-        """
-        return self._singular_property("CREATED", "DATE-TIME", v, Time)
-    def description(self, v=None):
-        "Sets or returns the value of the DESCRIPTION property."
-        return self._singular_property("DESCRIPTION", "TEXT", v)
-    def dtstamp(self, v=None):
-        """Sets or returns the value of the DTSTAMP property.
-        Usage:
-        dtstamp(time_obj)          # Set the value using a Time object
-        dtstamp('19970101T123000Z')# Set using an iCalendar string
-        dtstamp(982362522)         # Set using seconds 
-        dtstamp()                  # Return an iCalendar string
-        """
-        return self._singular_property("DTSTAMP", "DATE-TIME", v, Time)
-    def dtstart(self, v=None):
-        """Sets or returns the value of the DTSTART property.
-        Usage:
-        dtstart(time_obj)           # Set the value using a Time object
-        dtstart('19970101T123000Z') # Set the value as an iCalendar string
-        dtstart(982362522)          # Set the value using seconds (time_t)
-        dtstart()                   # Return the time as an iCalendar string
-        """
-        return self._singular_property("DTSTART", "DATE-TIME", v, Time)
-    def last_modified(self, v=None):
-        """Sets or returns the value of the LAST-MODIFIED property.
-        Usage:
-        lastmodified(time_obj)          # Set the value using a Time object
-        lastmodified('19970101T123000Z')# Set using an iCalendar string
-        lastmodified(982362522)         # Set using seconds 
-        lastmodified()                  # Return an iCalendar string
-        """
-        return self._singular_property("LAST-MODIFIED", "DATE-TIME", v, Time)
-    def organizer(self, v=None):
-        """Sets or gets the value of the ORGANIZER property.
-        Usage:
-        organizer(orgObj)              # Set value using an organizer object
-        organizer('') # Set value using a CAL-ADDRESS string
-        organizer()                    # Return a CAL-ADDRESS string
-        """
-        return self._singular_property('ORGANIZER', 'CAL-ADDRESS', v,
-                                       Organizer)
-    def recurrence_id(self, v=None):
-        """Sets or gets the value for the RECURRENCE-ID property.
-        Usage:
-        recurrence_id(recIdObj)             # Set using a Recurrence_Id object
-        recurrence_id("19700801T133000")    # Set using an iCalendar string
-        recurrence_id(8349873494)           # Set using seconds from epoch
-        recurrence_id()                     # Return an iCalendar string
-        """
-        return self._singular_property('RECURRENCE-ID', 'DATE-TIME', v,
-                                       Recurrence_Id)
-    def sequence(self, v=None):
-        """Sets or gets the SEQUENCE value of the Event.
-        Usage:
-        sequence(1)     # Set the value using an integer
-        sequence('2')   # Set the value using a string containing an integer
-        sequence()      # Return an integer
-        """
-        if isinstance(v, StringType):
-            v = int(str)
-        return self._singular_property('SEQUENCE', 'INTEGER', v)
-    def summary(self, v=None):
-        "Sets or gets the SUMMARY value of the Event."
-        return self._singular_property('SUMMARY', 'TEXT', v)
-    def uid(self, v=None):
-        "Sets or gets the UID of the Event."
-        return self._singular_property('UID', 'TEXT', v)
-    def url(self, v=None):
-        """Sets or returns the URL property."""
-        return self._singular_property('URL', 'URI', v)
-    ####
-    # Not quite sure if this is how we want to handle recurrence rules, but
-    # this is a start.
-    def recurrence_set(self):
-        "Returns the Events RecurrenceSet object."
-        if self._recurrence_set == None:  # i.e haven't initialized one
-            self._recurrence_set = RecurrenceSet()
-        return self._recurrence_set
-    ###
-    # Alarm interface.  Returns an ComponentCollection.
-    def alarms(self, values=None):
-        """Sets or returns ALARM components.
-        Examples:
-        alarms((alarm1,))   # Set using Alarm component
-        alarms()            # Returns an ComponentCollection of all Alarms
-        """
-        if values!=None:
-            for alarm in values:
-                self.addComponent(alarm)
-        else:
-            return ComponentCollection(self, self.components('VALARM'))
-    ####
-    # Methods that deal with Properties that can occur multiple times are
-    # below.  They use the Collection class to return their Properties.
-    def _multiple_properties(self, name, value_type, values,
-                             property_obj=None):
-        "Processes set/get for Properties that can have multiple instances."
-        # Set value
-        if values!=None:
-            if not isinstance(values, TupleType) \
-               and not isinstance(values, ListType):
-                raise TypeError, "%s is not a tuple or list."
-            # Delete old properties
-            for p in
-                self.remove_property(p)
-            for v in values:
-                if property_obj:   # Specialized properties
-                    if not isinstance(v, property_obj): # Make new object
-                        new_prop = property_obj()
-                        new_prop.value(v)
-                    else:                            # Use existing object
-                        new_prop = v
-                else:                  # Generic properties
-                    new_prop= Property() 
-                    # new_prop.value_type(value_type)
-                    new_prop.value(v)
-                self.add_property(new_prop)
-        # Get value
-        else:
-            return Collection(self,
-    def attachments(self, values=None):
-        """Sets or returns a Collection of Attach properties.
-        'values' can be a sequence containing URLs (strings) and/or file-ish
-        objects.
-        """
-        return self._multiple_properties("ATTACH", "", value, Attach)
-    def attendees(self, value=None):
-        """Sets attendees or returns a Collection of Attendee objects.
-        If setting the attendees, pass a sequence as the argument.
-        Examples:
-        # Set using Attendee objects
-        attendees((attObj1, attObj2))
-        # Set using a CAL-ADDRESS string
-        attendees([''])
-        # Set using a combination of Attendee objects and strings
-        attendees(['', attObj1])
-        # Returns a list of Attendee objects
-        attendees()
-        When setting the attendees, any previous Attendee objects in the Event
-        are overwritten.  If you want to add to the Attendees, one way to do it
-        is:
-        attendees().append(Attendee(''))
-        """
-        return self._multiple_properties("ATTENDEE", "", value, Attendee)
-    def categories(self, value=None):
-        """Sets categories or returns a Collection of CATEGORIES properties.
-        If setting the categories, pass a sequence as the argument.
-        Examples:
-        # Set using string[s]
-        categories(('APPOINTMENT', 'EDUCATION'))
-        # Returns a list of Category properites
-        categories()
-        When setting the attendees, any previous category Properties in the
-        Event are overwritten.  If you want to add to the categories, one way
-        to do it is:
-        new_cat=Property('CATEGORIES')
-        new_cat.value_type('TEXT')
-        new_cat.value('PERSONAL')
-        categories().append(new_cat)
-        """
-        return self._multiple_properties("CATEGORIES", "TEXT", value)
-    def comments(self, value=None):
-        "Sets or returns a Collection of COMMENT properties."
-        return self._multiple_properties('COMMENT', 'TEXT', value)
-    def contacts(self, value=None):
-        "Sets or returns a Collection of CONTACT properties."
-        return self._multiple_properties('CONTACT', 'TEXT', value)
-    def related_tos(self, value=None):
-        "Sets or returns a Collectoin of RELATED-TO properties."
-        return self._multiple_properties('RELATED-TO', 'TEXT', value)
-class Event(GenericComponent):
-    "The iCalendar Event object."
-    def __init__(self, str=None):
-        Component.__init__(self, str, "VEVENT")
-        GenericComponent.__init__(self)
-    def component_type(self):
-        "Returns the type of component for the object."
-        return "VEVENT"
-    def clone(self):
-        "Returns a copy of the object."
-        return Event(self.asIcalString())
-    def dtend(self, v=None):
-        """Sets or returns the value of the DTEND property.
-        Usage:
-        dtend(time_obj)             # Set the value using a Time object
-        dtend('19970101T123000Z')   # Set the value as an iCalendar string
-        dtend(982362522)            # Set the value using seconds (time_t)
-        dtend()                     # Return the time as an iCalendar string
-        If the dtend value is being set and duration() has a value, the
-        duration property will be removed.
-        """
-        if v != None:
-            duration ='DURATION')
-            for d in duration:          # Clear DURATION properties
-                self.remove_property(d)
-        return self._singular_property("DTEND", "DATE-TIME", v, Time)
-    def duration(self, v=None):
-        """Sets or returns the value of the duration property.
-        Usage:
-        duration(dur_obj)       # Set the value using a Duration object
-        duration("P3DT12H")     # Set value as an iCalendar string
-        duration(3600)          # Set duration using seconds
-        duration()              # Return duration as an iCalendar string
-        If the duration value is being set and dtend() has a value, the dtend
-        property will be removed.
-        """
-        if v != None:
-            dtend = self.properites('DTEND')
-            for d in dtend:
-                self.remove_property(d)  # Clear DTEND properties
-        return self._singular_property("DURATION", "DURATION", v, Duration)
-    def status(self, v=None):
-        "Sets or returns the value of the STATUS property."
-        # These values are only good for VEVENT components (i.e. don't copy
-        # & paste into VTODO or VJOURNAL
-        valid_values=('TENTATIVE', 'CONFIRMED', 'CANCELLED')
-        return self._singular_property("STATUS", "TEXT", v,
-                                       enumerated_values=valid_values)
-    def geo(self, v=None):
-        """Sets or returns the value of the GEO property.
-        Usage:
-        geo(value) or
-        geo()           # Returns the icalendar string
-        'value' is either a icalendar GEO string or a sequence with two 'float'
-        numbers.
-        Examples:
-        geo('40.232;-115.9531')     # Set value using string
-        geo((40.232, -115.9531))    # Set value using a sequence
-        geo()                       # Returns "40.232;-115.9531"
-        To get the GEO property represented as a tuple and numbers instead of
-        the iCalendar string, use geo_get_tuple().
-        """
-        if isinstance(v, ListType) or isinstance(v, TupleType):
-            v = "%s;%s" % (float(v[0]), float(v[1]))
-        return self._singular_property("GEO", "FLOAT", v)
-    def geo_get_tuple(self):
-        """Returns the GEO property as a tuple."""
-        geo = self.geo()
-        geo = split(geo, ';')
-        return float(geo[0]), float(geo[1])
-    def location(self, v=None):
-        """Sets or returns the LOCATION property."""
-        return self._singular_property("LOCATION", "TEXT", v)
-    def transp(self, v=None):
-        """Sets or returns the TRANSP property."""
-        ok_values = ('OPAQUE', 'TRANSPARENT')
-        return self._singular_property('TRANSP', 'TEXT', v,
-                                       enumerated_values=ok_values)
-    def resources(self, v=None):
-        pass
-class Todo(GenericComponent):
-    "The iCalendar TODO component."
-    def component_type(self):
-        "Returns the type of component for the object."
-        return "VTODO"
-    def clone(self):
-        "Returns a copy of the object."
-        return Todo(self.asIcalString())
-    def completed(self, value=None):
-        return self._singular_property('COMPLETED', 'DATE-TIME', value, Time)
-    def geo(self, value=None):
-        if isinstance(v, ListType) or isinstance(v, TupleType):
-            v = "%s;%s" % (float(v[0]), float(v[1]))
-        return self._singular_property("GEO", "FLOAT", value)
-    def location(self, value=None):
-        return self._singular_property('LOCATION', 'TEXT', value)
-    def percent(self, value=None):
-        if value!=None:
-            value = str(int(value))
-        return self._singular_property('PERCENT', 'INTEGER', value)
-    def status(self, value=None):
-        if value!=None:
-            value=upper(value)
-        ok_values = ('NEEDS-ACTION', 'COMPLETED', 'IN-PROCESS', 'CANCELLED')
-        return self._singular_property('STATUS', 'TEXT', value,
-                                       enumerated_values=ok_values)
-    def due(self, value=None):
-        if value != None:
-            duration ='DURATION')
-            for d in duration:
-                self.remove_property(d) # Clear DURATION properties
-        return self._singular_property('DUE', 'DATE-TIME', value, Time)
-    def duration(self, value=None):
-        if value != None:
-            due = self.properites('DUE')
-            for d in due:
-                self.remove_property(d)  # Clear DUE properties
-        return self._singular_property("DURATION", "DURATION", value, Duration)
-    def resources():
-        pass
-class Journal(GenericComponent):
-    "The iCalendar JOURNAL component."
-    def component_type(self):
-        "Returns the type of component for the object."
-        return "VJOURNAL"
-    def clone(self):
-        "Returns a copy of the object."
-        return Journal(self.asIcalString())
-    def status(self, v=None):
-        if v!=None:
-            v = upper(v)
-        ok_values=('DRAFT', 'FINAL', 'CANCELLED')
-        return self._singular_property('STATUS', 'TEXT', v,
-                                       enumerated_values=ok_values)
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deleted file mode 100644
index b557a1f7d7..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python 
-# -*- Mode: python -*-
-# FILE:
-# CREATOR: eric 
-#  $Id$
-#  $Locker$
-# (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Eric Busboom <>
-# (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Patrick Lewis <>  
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of either: 
-#    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-#    2.1, available at:
-#  Or:
-#    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-#    the License at
-from Property import Time, Period, Duration
-def RDate(arg):
-    class RDate_Time(Time):
-        def __init__(self,arg): Time.__init__(self,arg,"RDATE")
-    class RDate_Period(Period):
-        def __init__(self,arg): Period.__init__(self,arg,"RDATE")
-    p = None
-    for c in [RDate_Time, RDate_Period]:
-        try: return c(arg)
-        except Property.ConstructorFailedError, d: pass
-    raise Property.ConstructorFailedError("Failed to construct RDATE from "+str(arg))
-def Trigger(arg):        
-    class Trigger_Time(Time): 
-        def __init__(self,arg): Time.__init__(self,arg,"TRIGGER")
-    class Trigger_Duration(Duration):
-        def __init__(self,arg): Duration.__init__(self,arg,"TRIGGER")
-    p = None
-    for c in [Trigger_Duration, Trigger_Time]:
-        try: return c(arg)
-        except Property.ConstructorFailedError, d: pass        
-    raise Property.ConstructorFailedError("Failed to construct TRIGGER from "+str(arg))
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deleted file mode 100644
index 78a0fff8ff..0000000000
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@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python 
-# -*- Mode: python -*-
-# FILE:
-# CREATOR: eric 
-#  $Id$
-#  $Locker$
-# (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Eric Busboom <>
-# (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Patrick Lewis <>  
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of either: 
-#    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-#    2.1, available at:
-#  Or:
-#    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-#    the License at
-import LibicalWrap
-from Component import Component, NewComponent, Event, Todo, Journal
-# Will eventually remove Time for real Property events
-from Property import Property, Time, Duration, Period, Attendee, Organizer, \
-     Recurrence_Id, Attach, RecurrenceSet
-from DerivedProperties import RDate, Trigger
-from Store import Store, FileStore
diff --git a/libical/src/python/LibicalWrap.i b/libical/src/python/LibicalWrap.i
deleted file mode 100644
index c6b6740383..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/python/LibicalWrap.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-*/
-  FILE: ical.i
-  (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom
-  The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-  Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-  compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-  basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-  the License for the specific language governing rights and
-  limitations under the License.
-  The original author is Eric Busboom
-  Contributions from:
-  Graham Davison (
-  ======================================================================*/  
-%module LibicalWrap
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalss.h"
-#include <sys/types.h> /* for size_t */
-#include <time.h>
-#include "fcntl.h" /* For Open flags */
-typedef void icalcomponent;
-typedef void icalproperty;
-icalcomponent* icalparser_parse_string(char* str);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new(int kind);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_clone(icalcomponent* component);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_new_from_string(char* str);
-char* icalcomponent_as_ical_string(icalcomponent* component);
-void icalcomponent_free(icalcomponent* component);
-int icalcomponent_count_errors(icalcomponent* component);
-void icalcomponent_strip_errors(icalcomponent* component);
-void icalcomponent_convert_errors(icalcomponent* component);
-icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_current_property(icalcomponent* component);
-icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_first_property(icalcomponent* component,
-					      int kind);
-icalproperty* icalcomponent_get_next_property(icalcomponent* component,
-					      int kind);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_current_component (icalcomponent* component);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_first_component(icalcomponent* component,
-					      int kind);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_next_component(icalcomponent* component,
-					      int kind);
-void icalcomponent_add_property(icalcomponent* component,
-				icalproperty* property);
-void icalcomponent_remove_property(icalcomponent* component,
-				   icalproperty* property);
-icalcomponent* icalcomponent_get_parent(icalcomponent* component);
-int icalcomponent_isa(icalcomponent* component);
-int icalrestriction_check(icalcomponent* comp);
-/* actually takes icalproperty_kind */
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new(int kind);
-icalproperty* icalproperty_new_from_string(char* str);
-char* icalproperty_as_ical_string(icalproperty *prop);
-void icalproperty_set_parameter_from_string(icalproperty* prop,
-                                          const char* name, const char* value);
-void icalproperty_set_value_from_string(icalproperty* prop,const char* value, const char * kind);
-const char* icalproperty_get_value_as_string(icalproperty* prop);
-const char* icalproperty_get_parameter_as_string(icalproperty* prop,
-                                                 const char* name);
-icalcomponent* icalproperty_get_parent(icalproperty* property);
-int icalerror_supress(const char* error);
-void icalerror_restore(const char* error, int es);
-char* icalerror_perror();
-void icalerror_clear_errno(void);
-const char* icalproperty_kind_to_string(int kind);
-int icalproperty_string_to_kind(const char* string);
-int icalproperty_kind_to_value_kind(int kind);
-const char* icalvalue_kind_to_string(int kind);
-int icalvalue_string_to_kind(const char* str);
-const char* icalparameter_kind_to_string(int kind);
-int icalparameter_string_to_kind(const char* string);
-const char* icalenum_component_kind_to_string(int kind);
-int  icalenum_string_to_component_kind(const char* string);
-int* icallangbind_new_array(int size);
-void icallangbind_free_array(int* array);
-int icallangbind_access_array(int* array, int index);
-int icalrecur_expand_recurrence(char* rule, int start, 
-				int count, int* array);
-/* Iterate through properties and components using strings for the kind */
-icalproperty* icallangbind_get_first_property(icalcomponent *c,
-                                              const char* prop);
-icalproperty* icallangbind_get_next_property(icalcomponent *c,
-                                              const char* prop);
-icalcomponent* icallangbind_get_first_component(icalcomponent *c,
-                                              const char* comp);
-icalcomponent* icallangbind_get_next_component(icalcomponent *c,
-                                              const char* comp);
-/* Return a string that can be evaluated in perl or python to
-   generated a hash that holds the property's name, value and
-   parameters. Sep is the hash seperation string, "=>" for perl and
-   ":" for python */
-const char* icallangbind_property_eval_string(icalproperty* prop, char* sep);
-int icallangbind_string_to_open_flag(const char* str);
- Time routines 
-struct icaltimetype
-	int year;
-	int month;
-	int day;
-	int hour;
-	int minute;
-	int second;
-	int is_utc; /* 1-> time is in UTC timezone */
-	int is_date; /* 1 -> interpret this as date. */
-	const char* zone; /*Ptr to Olsen placename. Libical does not own mem*/
-/* Convert seconds past UNIX epoch to a timetype*/
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_from_timet(int v, int is_date);
-/* Return the time as seconds past the UNIX epoch */
-/* Normally, this returns a time_t, but SWIG tries to turn that type
-   into a pointer */
-int icaltime_as_timet(struct icaltimetype);
-/* Return a string represention of the time, in RFC2445 format. The
-   string is owned by libical */
-char* icaltime_as_ical_string(struct icaltimetype tt);
-/* create a time from an ISO format string */
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_from_string(const char* str);
-/* Routines for handling timezones */
-/* Return the offset of the named zone as seconds. tt is a time
-   indicating the date for which you want the offset */
-int icaltime_utc_offset(struct icaltimetype tt, const char* tzid);
-/* convert tt, of timezone tzid, into a utc time. Does nothing if the
-   time is already UTC.  */
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_as_utc(struct icaltimetype tt,
-				    const char* tzid);
-/* convert tt, a time in UTC, into a time in timezone tzid */
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_as_zone(struct icaltimetype tt,
-				     const char* tzid);
-/* Return a null time, which indicates no time has been set. This time represent the beginning of the epoch */
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_null_time(void);
-/* Return true of the time is null. */
-int icaltime_is_null_time(struct icaltimetype t);
-/* Returns false if the time is clearly invalid, but is not null. This
-   is usually the result of creating a new time type buy not clearing
-   it, or setting one of the flags to an illegal value. */
-int icaltime_is_valid_time(struct icaltimetype t);
-/* Reset all of the time components to be in their normal ranges. For
-   instance, given a time with minutes=70, the minutes will be reduces
-   to 10, and the hour incremented. This allows the caller to do
-   arithmetic on times without worrying about overflow or
-   underflow. */
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_normalize(struct icaltimetype t);
-/* Return the day of the year of the given time */
-short icaltime_day_of_year(struct icaltimetype t);
-/* Create a new time, given a day of year and a year. */
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_from_day_of_year(short doy,  short year);
-/* Return the day of the week of the given time. Sunday is 0 */
-short icaltime_day_of_week(struct icaltimetype t);
-/* Return the day of the year for the Sunday of the week that the
-   given time is within. */
-short icaltime_start_doy_of_week(struct icaltimetype t);
-/* Return a string with the time represented in the same format as ctime(). THe string is owned by libical */
-char* icaltime_as_ctime(struct icaltimetype);
-/* Return the week number for the week the given time is within */
-short icaltime_week_number(struct icaltimetype t);
-/* Return -1, 0, or 1 to indicate that a<b, a==b or a>b */
-int icaltime_compare(struct icaltimetype a,struct icaltimetype b);
-/* like icaltime_compare, but only use the date parts. */
-int icaltime_compare_date_only(struct icaltimetype a, struct icaltimetype b);
-/* Return the number of days in the given month */
-short icaltime_days_in_month(short month,short year);
-  Duration Routines 
-struct icaldurationtype
-	int is_neg;
-	unsigned int days;
-	unsigned int weeks;
-	unsigned int hours;
-	unsigned int minutes;
-	unsigned int seconds;
-struct icaldurationtype icaldurationtype_from_int(int t);
-struct icaldurationtype icaldurationtype_from_string(const char*);
-int icaldurationtype_as_int(struct icaldurationtype duration);
-char* icaldurationtype_as_ical_string(struct icaldurationtype d);
-struct icaldurationtype icaldurationtype_null_duration();
-int icaldurationtype_is_null_duration(struct icaldurationtype d);
-struct icaltimetype  icaltime_add(struct icaltimetype t,
-				  struct icaldurationtype  d);
-struct icaldurationtype  icaltime_subtract(struct icaltimetype t1,
-					   struct icaltimetype t2);
-  Period Routines 
-struct icalperiodtype 
-	struct icaltimetype start;
-	struct icaltimetype end;
-	struct icaldurationtype duration;
-struct icalperiodtype icalperiodtype_from_string (const char* str);
-const char* icalperiodtype_as_ical_string(struct icalperiodtype p);
-struct icalperiodtype icalperiodtype_null_period();
-int icalperiodtype_is_null_period(struct icalperiodtype p);
-int icalperiodtype_is_valid_period(struct icalperiodtype p);
-  Storage Routines
-icalfileset* icalfileset_new(const char* path);
-/* Like _new, but takes open() flags for opening the file */
-icalfileset* icalfileset_new_open(const char* path, 
-				  int flags, int mode);
-void icalfileset_free(icalfileset* cluster);
-const char* icalfileset_path(icalfileset* cluster);
-/* Mark the cluster as changed, so it will be written to disk when it
-   is freed. Commit writes to disk immediately. */
-void icalfileset_mark(icalfileset* cluster);
-icalerrorenum icalfileset_commit(icalfileset* cluster); 
-icalerrorenum icalfileset_add_component(icalfileset* cluster,
-					icalcomponent* child);
-icalerrorenum icalfileset_remove_component(icalfileset* cluster,
-					   icalcomponent* child);
-int icalfileset_count_components(icalfileset* cluster,
-				 icalcomponent_kind kind);
-/* Restrict the component returned by icalfileset_first, _next to those
-   that pass the gauge. _clear removes the gauge */
-icalerrorenum icalfileset_select(icalfileset* store, icalgauge* gauge);
-void icalfileset_clear(icalfileset* store);
-/* Get and search for a component by uid */
-icalcomponent* icalfileset_fetch(icalfileset* cluster, const char* uid);
-int icalfileset_has_uid(icalfileset* cluster, const char* uid);
-icalcomponent* icalfileset_fetch_match(icalfileset* set, icalcomponent *c);
-/* Modify components according to the MODIFY method of CAP. Works on
-   the currently selected components. */
-icalerrorenum icalfileset_modify(icalfileset* store, icalcomponent *oldcomp,
-			       icalcomponent *newcomp);
-/* Iterate through components. If a guage has been defined, these
-   will skip over components that do not pass the gauge */
-icalcomponent* icalfileset_get_current_component (icalfileset* cluster);
-icalcomponent* icalfileset_get_first_component(icalfileset* cluster);
-icalcomponent* icalfileset_get_next_component(icalfileset* cluster);
-/* Return a reference to the internal component. You probably should
-   not be using this. */
-icalcomponent* icalfileset_get_component(icalfileset* cluster);
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8eaf4a74cb..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/python/
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@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-libLibicalWrap_la_SOURCES = LibicalWrap.c
-INCLUDES =				\
-	-I$(top_builddir)		\
-	-I$(top_srcdir)/src		\
-	-I$(top_builddir)/src		\
-	-I$(top_srcdir)/src/libical	\
-	-I$(top_builddir)/src/libical	\
-	-I$(top_srcdir)/src/libicalss	\
-	$(PY_CFLAGS) 	
-LDADD =  ../libical/ ../libicalss/
-LibicalWrap.c:  LibicalWrap.i
-	swig -python  -o LibicalWrap.c LibicalWrap.i 
-# This part should be done with libtool, but I don't know how to do
-# it. Libtool needs to generate a shared library in this directory
-# regardless of the value of AM_DISABLE_SHARED LibicalWrap.c 
-	ld -shared -o LibicalWrap.o ../libical/.libs/libical.a  ../libicalss/.libs/libicalss.a 
-CLEANFILES = LibicalWrap.c LibicalWrap_wrap.doc  Libical.pyc
-EXTRA_DIST = 		\ 		\
-LibicalWrap.i 		\
-python-binding.txt 	\			\		\		\	\		\  		\
diff --git a/libical/src/python/ b/libical/src/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index d63b265525..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,839 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python 
-# -*- Mode: python -*-
-# FILE:
-# CREATOR: eric 
-#  $Id$
-#  $Locker$
-# (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Eric Busboom <>
-# (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Patrick Lewis <>  
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of either: 
-#    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-#    2.1, available at:
-#  Or:
-#    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-#    the License at
-from LibicalWrap import *
-from types import *
-import regsub
-import base64
-from string import index, upper
-#def icalerror_supress(arg): 
-#    pass
-#def icalerror_restore(a,b):
-#    pass
-def error_type():
-    error = icalerror_perror()
-    return error[:index(error,':')]
-class Property:
-    """ Represent any iCalendar Property.
-    Usage:
-    Property(dict)
-    Where:
-    dict is a dictionary with keys of 'name', 'value_type', and 'value'.
-    In addition, parameter:parameter value entries may be included.
-    """
-    class ConstructorFailedError(Exception):
-        "Failed to construct a property"
-    class UpdateFailedError(Exception):
-        "Failed to update the value of a property"
-    def __init__(self, type = None, ref = None):
-        assert(ref == None or isinstance(ref,StringType))
-        assert(type == None or isinstance(type,StringType))
-        self._ref = None
-        if ref != None:
-            self._ref = ref
-        elif type != None:
-            kind  = icalproperty_string_to_kind(type)
-            self._ref = icalproperty_new(kind)
-        if self._ref == None or self._ref == 'NULL':
-            raise Property.ConstructorFailedError("Failed to construct Property")
-        self._deleted = 0;
-        # Initialize all of the required keys
-    def __del__(self):
-        self._deleted = 1;
-        if not self._deleted and \
-           self.ref() and \
-           icalproperty_get_parent(self.ref()) == 'NULL':
-            icalproperty_free(self.ref())
-    def name(self,v=None):
-        """ Return the name of the property """
-        str = icalproperty_as_ical_string(self._ref)
-        idx = index(str, '\n')
-        return str[:idx]
-    def ref(self,v=None):
-        """ Return the internal reference to the libical icalproperty """
-        if(v != None):
-            if not self._deleted and self._ref and \
-               icalproperty_get_parent(self._ref) == 'NULL':
-                icalproperty_free(self._ref)
-            self._ref = v
-        return self._ref
-    def value(self,v=None, kind = None):
-        """ Return the RFC2445 representation of the value """
-        if(v != None):
-            if kind != None:
-                # Get the default kind of value for this property 
-                default_kind = icalvalue_kind_to_string(icalproperty_kind_to_value_kind(icalproperty_string_to_kind(
-                if(kind != default_kind):
-                    self.__setitem__('VALUE',kind)
-                vt = kind
-            elif self.__getitem__('VALUE'):
-                vt = self.__getitem__('VALUE')
-            else:
-                vt = 'NO' # Use the kind of the existing value
-            icalerror_clear_errno()
-            #e1=icalerror_supress("MALFORMEDDATA")
-            icalproperty_set_value_from_string(self._ref,v,vt)
-            #icalerror_restore("MALFORMEDDATA",e1)
-            if error_type() != "NO":
-                raise Property.UpdateFailedError(error_type())
-            s = icalproperty_get_value_as_string(self._ref)
-            assert(s == v)
-        return icalproperty_get_value_as_string(self._ref)
-    def parameters(self):
-        d_string = icallangbind_property_eval_string(self._ref,":")
-        dict = eval(d_string)
-        desc_keys = ('name', 'value', 'value_type', 'pid', 'ref', 'deleted' )
-        def foo(k,d=dict):
-            if d.has_key(k): del d[k]
-        map( foo, desc_keys)
-        return filter(lambda p, s=self: s[p] != None, dict.keys())
-    def as_ical_string(self):
-        return icalproperty_as_ical_string(self._ref)
-    def __getitem__(self,key):
-        """ Return property values by name """
-        key = upper(key)
-        str = icalproperty_get_parameter_as_string(self._ref,key)
-        if(str == 'NULL'): return None
-        return str
-    def __setitem__(self,key,value):
-        """ Set Property Values by Name """
-        key = upper(key)
-        icalproperty_set_parameter_from_string(self._ref,key,value)
-        return self.__getitem__(key)
-    def __str__(self):
-        str = self.as_ical_string()
-        return regsub.gsub('\r?\n ?','',str)
-    def __cmp__(self, other):
-        s_str = str(self)
-        o_str = str(other)
-        return cmp(s_str,o_str)
-class Time(Property):
-    """ Represent iCalendar DATE, TIME and DATE-TIME """
-    def __init__(self, arg, name="DTSTART"):
-        """ 
-        Create a new Time from a string or number of seconds past the 
-        POSIX epoch
-        Time("19970325T123000Z")  Construct from an iCalendar string
-        Time(8349873494)          Construct from seconds past POSIX epoch
-        """
-        e1=icalerror_supress("MALFORMEDDATA")
-        e2=icalerror_supress("BADARG")
-        if isinstance(arg, DictType):
-            # Dictionary -- used for creating from Component
-   = icaltime_from_string(arg['value'])
-            Property.__init__(self, ref=arg['ref'])
-        else:
-            if isinstance(arg, StringType):
-                # Create from an iCal string
-       = icaltime_from_string(arg)
-            elif isinstance(arg, IntType) or   \
-                 isinstance(arg, FloatType): 
-                # Create from seconds past the POSIX epoch
-       = icaltime_from_timet(int(arg),0)
-            elif isinstance(arg, Time):
-                # Copy an instance
-       =
-            else:
-       = icaltime_null_time()
-            Property.__init__(self,type=name)
-        icalerror_restore("MALFORMEDDATA",e1)
-        icalerror_restore("BADARG",e2)
-        if icaltime_is_null_time(
-            raise Property.ConstructorFailedError("Failed to construct a Time")
-        try:
-            self._update_value()
-        except Property.UpdateFailedError:
-            raise Property.ConstructorFailedError("Failed to construct a Time")
-    def _update_value(self):
- = icaltime_normalize(
-        self.value(icaltime_as_ical_string(,"DATE-TIME")
-    def valid(self):
-        " Return true if this is a valid time "
-        return not icaltime_is_null_time(
-    def utc_seconds(self,v=None):
-        """ Return or set time in seconds past POSIX epoch"""
-        if (v!=None):
-   = icaltime_from_timet(v,0)
-            self._update_value()
-        return icaltime_as_timet(
-    def is_utc(self,v=None):
-        """ Return or set boolean indicating if time is in UTC """
-        if(v != None):
-            icaltimetype_is_utc_set(,v)
-            self._update_value()
-        return icaltimetype_is_utc_get(
-    def is_date(self,v=None):
-        """ Return or set boolean indicating if time is actually a date """
-        if(v != None):
-            icaltimetype_is_date_set(,v)
-            self._update_value()
-        return icaltimetype_is_date_get(
-    def timezone(self,v=None):
-        """ Return or set the timezone string for this time """
-        if (v != None):
-            assert(isinstance(v,StringType) )
-            self['TZID'] = v
-        return  self['TZID']
-    def second(self,v=None):
-        """ Get or set the seconds component of this time """
-        if(v != None):
-            icaltimetype_second_set(,v)
-            self._update_value()
-        return icaltimetype_second_get(
-    def minute(self,v=None):
-        """ Get or set the minute component of this time """
-        if(v != None):
-            icaltimetype_minute_set(,v)
-            self._update_value()
-        return icaltimetype_minute_get(
-    def hour(self,v=None):
-        """ Get or set the hour component of this time """
-        if(v != None):
-            icaltimetype_hour_set(,v)
-            self._update_value()
-        return icaltimetype_hour_get(
-    def day(self,v=None):
-        """ Get or set the month day component of this time """
-        if(v != None):
-            icaltimetype_day_set(,v)
-            self._update_value()
-        return icaltimetype_day_get(
-    def month(self,v=None):
-        """ Get or set the month component of this time. January is month 1 """
-        if(v != None):
-            icaltimetype_month_set(,v)
-            self._update_value()
-        return icaltimetype_month_get(
-    def year(self,v=None):
-        """ Get or set the year component of this time """
-        if(v != None):
-            icaltimetype_year_set(,v)
-            self._update_value()
-        return icaltimetype_year_get(
-    def __add__(self,o):
-        other = Duration(o,"DURATION")      
-        if not other.valid():
-            return Duration(0,"DURATION")
-        seconds = self.utc_seconds() + other.seconds()
-        new = Time(seconds,
-        new.timezone(self.timezone())
-        new.is_utc(self.is_utc())
-        return new
-    def __radd_(self,o):
-        return self.__add__(o)
-    def __sub__(self,o):
-        if isinstance(o,Time):
-            # Subtract a time from this time and return a duration
-            seconds = self.utc_seconds() - other.utc_seconds()
-            return Duration(seconds)
-        elif isinstance(o,Duration):
-            # Subtract a duration from this time and return a time
-            other = Duration(o)
-            if(not other.valid()):
-                return Time()
-            seconds = self.utc_seconds() - other.seconds()
-            return Time(seconds)
-        else:
-            raise TypeError, "subtraction with Time reqires Time or Duration"
-class Duration(Property):
-    """ 
-    Represent a length of time, like 3 minutes, or 6 days, 20 seconds.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, arg, name="DURATION"):
-        """
-        Create a new duration from an RFC2445 string or number of seconds.
-        Construct the duration from an iCalendar string or a number of seconds.
-        Duration("P3DT2H34M45S")   Construct from an iCalendar string
-        Duration(3660)             Construct from seconds 
-        """ 
-        self.dur = None
-        e=icalerror_supress("MALFORMEDDATA")
-        if isinstance(arg, DictType):
-            self.dur = icaldurationtype_from_string(arg['value'])
-            Property.__init__(self,ref=arg['ref'])
-        else:
-            if isinstance(arg, StringType):
-                self.dur = icaldurationtype_from_string(arg)
-            elif isinstance(arg, IntType): 
-                self.dur = icaldurationtype_from_int(arg)
-            elif isinstance(arg,Duration):
-                self.dur = arg.dur
-            else:
-                self.dur = icaldurationtype_null_duration()
-            Property.__init__(self,type=name)
-        icalerror_restore("MALFORMEDDATA",e)
-        if self.dur == None or icaldurationtype_is_null_duration(self.dur):
-            raise Property.ConstructorFailedError("Failed to construct Duration from " +str(arg))
-        try:
-            self._update_value()
-        except Property.UpdateFailedError:
-            raise Property.ConstructorFailedError("Failed to construct Duration from  " + str(arg))
-    def _update_value(self):
-        self.value(icaldurationtype_as_ical_string(self.dur),"DURATION")
-    def valid(self):
-        "Return true if this is a valid duration"
-        return not icaldurationtype_is_null_duration(self.dur)
-    def seconds(self,v=None):
-        """Return or set duration in seconds"""
-        if(v != None):
-            self.dur = icaldurationtype_from_int(v);
-            self.dict['value'] = icaltimedurationtype_as_ical_string(self.dur)
-        return icaldurationtype_as_int(self.dur)
-class Period(Property):
-    """Represent a span of time"""
-    def __init__(self,arg,name='FREEBUSY'):
-        """ """
-        Property.__init__(self, type = name)
-        #icalerror_clear_errno()
-        e1=icalerror_supress("MALFORMEDDATA")
-        e2=icalerror_supress("BADARG")
-        if isinstance(arg, DictType):
-            es=icalerror_supress("MALFORMEDDATA")
-   = icalperiodtype_from_string(arg['value'])
-            icalerror_restore("MALFORMEDDATA",es)
-            Property.__init__(self, ref=arg['ref'])
-        else:
-            if isinstance(arg, StringType):
-       = icalperiodtype_from_string(arg)
-            else:
-       = icalperiodtype_null_period()
-            Property.__init__(self,type=name)
-        icalerror_restore("MALFORMEDDATA",e1)
-        icalerror_restore("BADARG",e2)
-        if == None or icalperiodtype_is_null_period(
-            raise Property.ConstructorFailedError("Failed to construct Period")
-        try:
-            self._update_value()
-        except Property.UpdateFailedError:
-            raise Property.ConstructorFailedError("Failed to construct Period")
-    def _end_is_duration(self):        
-        dur = icalperiodtype_duration_get(
-        if not icaldurationtype_is_null_duration(dur):
-            return 1
-        return 0
-    def _end_is_time(self):
-        end = icalperiodtype_end_get(
-        if not icaltime_is_null_time(end):
-            return 1
-        return 0
-    def _update_value(self):
-        self.value(icalperiodtype_as_ical_string(,"PERIOD")
-    def valid(self):
-        "Return true if this is a valid period"
-        return not icalperiodtype_is_null_period(self.dur)
-    def start(self,v=None):
-        """
-        Return or set start time of the period. The start time may be
-        expressed as an RFC2445 format string or an instance of Time.
-        The return value is an instance of Time
-        """
-        if(v != None):
-            if isinstance(t,Time):
-                t = v
-            elif isinstance(t,StringType) or isinstance(t,IntType):
-                t = Time(v,"DTSTART")
-            else:
-                raise TypeError
-            icalperiodtype_start_set(,
-            self._update_value()
-        return Time(icaltime_as_timet(icalperiodtype_start_get(,
-                    "DTSTART")
-    def end(self,v=None):
-        """
-        Return or set end time of the period. The end time may be
-        expressed as an RFC2445 format string or an instance of Time.
-        The return value is an instance of Time.
-        If the Period has a duration set, but not an end time, this
-        method will caluculate the end time from the duration.  """
-        if(v != None):
-            if isinstance(t,Time):
-                t = v
-            elif isinstance(t,StringType) or isinstance(t,IntType):
-                t = Time(v)
-            else:
-                raise TypeError
-            if(self._end_is_duration()):
-                start = icaltime_as_timet(icalperiodtype_start_get(
-                dur = t.utc_seconds()-start;
-                icalperiodtype_duration_set(,
-                                            icaldurationtype_from_int(dur))
-            else:
-                icalperiodtype_end_set(,
-            self._update_value()
-        if(self._end_is_time()):
-            rt = Time(icaltime_as_timet(icalperiodtype_end_get(,
-                      'DTEND')
-            rt.timezone(self.timezone())
-            return rt
-        elif(self._end_is_duration()):
-            start = icaltime_as_timet(icalperiodtype_start_get(
-            dur = icaldurationtype_as_int(icalperiodtype_duration_get(
-            rt = Time(start+dur,'DTEND')
-            rt.timezone(self.timezone())
-            return rt
-        else:
-            return Time({},'DTEND')
-    def duration(self,v=None):
-        """
-        Return or set the duration of the period. The duration may be
-        expressed as an RFC2445 format string or an instance of Duration.
-        The return value is an instance of Duration.
-        If the period has an end time set, but not a duration, this
-        method will calculate the duration from the end time.  """
-        if(v != None):
-            if isinstance(t,Duration):
-                d = v
-            elif isinstance(t,StringType) or isinstance(t,IntType):
-                d = Duration(v)
-            else:
-                raise TypeError
-            if(self._end_is_time()):
-                start = icaltime_as_timet(icalperiodtype_start_get(
-                end = start + d.seconds()
-                icalperiodtype_end_set(,icaltime_from_timet(end,0))
-            else:
-                icalperiodtype_duration_set(,d.dur)
-        if(self._end_is_time()):
-            start =icaltime_as_timet(icalperiodtype_start_get(
-            end = icaltime_as_timet(icalperiodtype_end_get(
-            print "End is time " + str(end-start)
-            return Duration(end-start,"DURATION")
-        elif(self._end_is_duration()):
-            dur = icaldurationtype_as_int(
-                icalperiodtype_duration_get(
-            return Duration(dur,"DURATION")
-        else:
-            return Duration(0,"DURATION")
-    def timezone(self,v=None):
-        """ Return or set the timezone string for this time """
-        if (v != None):
-            self['TZID'] = v
-        return  self['TZID']
-class Attendee(Property):
-    """Class for Attendee properties.
-    Usage:
-    Attendee([dict])
-    Attendee([address])
-    Where:
-    dict is an optional dictionary with keys of
-     'value': CAL-ADDRESS string and any parameter: parameter_value entries.
-     'name' and 'value_type' entries in dict are ignored and automatically set
-     with the appropriate values.
-    address is the CAL-ADDRESS (string) of the Attendee 
-    """
-    def __init__(self, arg={}):
-        assert(isinstance(arg,DictType))
-        ref = None
-        if arg!={}:
-            ref = arg['ref']
-        Property.__init__(self,type='ATTENDEE',ref=ref)
-    def _doParam(self, parameter, v):
-        if v!=None:
-            self[parameter]=v
-        return self[parameter]
-    # Methods for accessing enumerated parameters
-    def cn(self, v=None): self._doParam('CN', v)
-    def cutype(self, v=None): self._doParam('CUTYPE', v)
-    def dir(self, v=None): self._doParam('DIR', v)
-    def delegated_from(self, v=None): self._doParam('DELEGATED-FROM', v)
-    def delegated_to(self, v=None): self._doParam('DELEGATED-TO', v)
-    def language(self, v=None): self._doParam('LANGUAGE', v)
-    def member(self, v=None): self._doParam('MEMBER', v)
-    def partstat(self, v=None): self._doParam('PARTSTAT', v)
-    def role(self, v=None): self._doParam('ROLE', v)
-    def rsvp(self, v=None): self._doParam('RSVP', v)
-    def sent_by(self, v=None): self._doParam('SENT-BY', v)
-class Organizer(Property):
-    """Class for Organizer property.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, arg={}):
-        assert(isinstance(arg, DictType))
-        ref = None
-        if arg != {}:
-            ref = arg['ref']
-        Property.__init__(self, type='ORGANIZER', ref=ref)
-##         param_t = ( 'CN', 'DIR', 'SENT-BY', 'LANGUAGE' )
-##         for param in param_t:
-##             self[param] = None
-##         if value != None:
-##             self.value(value)
-    def _doParam(self, parameter, v):
-        if v!=None:
-            self[parameter]=v
-        return self[parameter]
-    def name(self):
-        "Return the name of the property."
-        return
-    def value_type(self):
-        "Return the value type of the property."
-        return self._desc['value_type']
-    # Methods for accessing enumerated parameters
-    def cn(self, v=None): self._doParam('CN', v)
-    def dir(self, v=None): self._doParam('DIR', v)
-    def language(self, v=None): self._doParam('LANGUAGE', v)
-    def sent_by(self, v=None): self._doParam('SENT-BY', v)
-class Recurrence_Id(Time):
-    """Class for RECURRENCE-ID property.
-    Usage:
-    Reccurence_Id(dict)         # A normal property dictionary
-    Reccurence_Id("19960401")   # An iCalendar string
-    Reccurence_Id(8349873494)   # Seconds from epoch
-    If the 'dict' constructor is used, 'name' and 'value_type'
-    entries in dict are ignored and automatically set with the appropriate
-    values.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, dict={}):
-        Time.__init__(self, dict)
-    def name(self):
-        return
-    def _doParam(self, parameter, v):
-        if v!=None:
-            self[parameter]=v
-        return self[parameter]
-    # Enumerated parameters
-    def value_parameter(self, v=None):
-        """Sets or gets the VALUE parameter value.
-        The value passed should be either "DATE-TIME" or "DATE".  Setting this
-        parameter has no impact on the property's value_type.  Doing something
-        like:
-        rid=Recurrence_Id("19960401")    # Sets value & makes value_type="DATE"
-        rid.value_parameter("DATE-TIME") # Sets the parameter VALUE=DATE-TIME
-        Would be allowed (even though it is wrong), so pay attention.
-        Verifying the component will reveal the error.
-        """
-        if v!=None and v!="DATE" and v!="DATE-TIME":
-            raise ValueError, "%s is an invalid VALUE parameter value" % str(v)
-        self._doParam("VALUE", v)
-    def tzid(self, v=None):
-        "Sets or gets the TZID parameter value."
-        self._doParam("TZID", v)
-    def range_parameter(self, v=None): # 'range' is a builtin function
-        "Sets or gets the RANGE parameter value."
-        if v!=None and v!="THISANDPRIOR" and v!= "THISANDFUTURE":
-            raise ValueError, "%s is an invalid RANGE parameter value" % str(v)
-        self._doParam("RANGE", v)
-class Attach(Property):
-    """A class representing an ATTACH property.
-    Usage:
-    Attach(uriString [, parameter_dict])
-    Attach(fileObj [, parameter_dict])
-    """
-    def __init__(self, value=None, parameter_dict={}):
-        Property.__init__(self, parameter_dict)
-, 'ATTACH')
-        self.value(value)
-    def value(self, v=None):
-        "Returns or sets the value of the property."
-        if v != None:
-            if isinstance(v, StringType):  # Is a URI
-                self._desc['value']=v
-                Property.value_type(self, 'URI')
-            else:
-                try:
-                    tempStr =
-                except:
-                    raise TypeError,"%s must be a URL string or file-ish type"\
-                          % str(v)
-                self._desc['value'] = base64.encodestring(tempStr)
-                Property.value_type(self, 'BINARY')
-        else:
-            return self._desc['value']
-    def name(self):
-        "Returns the name of the property."
-        return
-    def value_type(self):
-        return Property.value_type(self)
-    def fmttype(self, v=None):
-        "Gets or sets the FMTYPE parameter."
-        if v!= None:
-            self['FMTTYPE']=v
-        else:
-            return self['FMTTYPE']
-class RecurrenceSet: 
-    """
-    Represents a set of event occurrences. This
-    class controls a component's RRULE, EXRULE, RDATE and EXDATE
-    properties and can produce from them a set of occurrences. 
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        pass
-    def include(self, **params): 
-        """ 
-        Include a date or rule to the set. 
-        Use date= or pass in a
-        Time instance to include a date. Included dates will add an
-        RDATE property or will remove an EXDATE property of the same
-        date.
-        Use rule= or pass in a string to include a rule. Included
-        rules with either add a RRULE property or remove an EXRULE
-        property.
-        """
-        pass
-    def exclude(self, **params): 
-        """ 
-        Exclude date or rule to the set. 
-        Use date= or pass in a Time instance to exclude a
-        date. Excluded dates will add an EXDATE property or will remove
-        an RDATE property of the same date.
-        Use rule= or pass in a string to exclude a rule. Excluded
-        rules with either add an EXRULE property or remove an RRULE
-        property.
-        """
-        pass
-    def occurrences(self, count=None):
-        """
-        Return 'count' occurrences as a tuple of Time instances.
-        """
-        pass
diff --git a/libical/src/python/ b/libical/src/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d13bd5211..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python 
-# -*- Mode: python -*-
-# FILE:
-# CREATOR: eric 
-#  $Id$
-#  $Locker$
-# (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Eric Busboom <>
-# (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Patrick Lewis <>  
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of either: 
-#    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-#    2.1, available at:
-#  Or:
-#    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-#    the License at
-from LibicalWrap import *
-from Error import LibicalError
-from Component import Component
-class Store:
-    """ 
-    Base class for several component storage methods 
-    """
-    class AddFailedError(LibicalError):
-        "Failed to add a property to the file store"
-    class ConstructorFailedError(LibicalError):
-        "Failed to create a Store "
-    def __init__(self):
-        pass
-    def path(self):
-        pass
-    def mark(self):
-        pass
-    def commit(self): 
-        pass
-    def add_component(self, comp):
-        pass
-    def remove_component(self, comp):
-        pass
-    def count_components(self, kind):
-        pass
-    def select(self, gauge):
-        pass
-    def clearSelect(self):
-        pass
-    def fetch(self, uid):
-        pass
-    def fetchMatch(self, comp):
-        pass
-    def modify(self, oldc, newc):
-        pass
-    def current_component(self):
-        pass
-    def first_component(self):
-        pass
-    def next_component(self):
-        pass
-class FileStore(Store):
-    def __init__(self, file,mode="r",flags=0664):
-        _flags = icallangbind_string_to_open_flag(mode)
-        if _flags == -1:
-            raise Store.ConstructorFailedError("Illegal value for mode: "+mode)
-        e1=icalerror_supress("FILE")
-        self._ref = icalfileset_new_open(file,_flags,flags)
-        icalerror_restore("FILE",e1)
-        print self._ref
-        if self._ref == None or self._ref == 'NULL':
-            raise  Store.ConstructorFailedError(file)
-    def __del__(self):
-        icalfileset_free(self._ref)
-    def path(self):
-        return icalfileset_path(self._ref)
-    def mark(self):
-        icalfileset_mark(self._ref)
-    def commit(self): 
-        icalfileset_commit(self._ref)
-    def add_component(self, comp):
-        if not isinstance(comp,Component):
-            raise Store.AddFailedError("Argument is not a component")
-        error = icalfileset_add_component(self._ref,comp)
-    def remove_component(self, comp):
-        if not isinstance(comp,Component):
-            raise Store.AddFailedError("Argument is not a component")
-        error = icalfileset_remove_component(self._ref,comp)
-    def count_components(self, kind):
-        pass
-    def select(self, gauge):
-        pass
-    def clearSelect(self):
-        pass
-    def fetch(self, uid):
-        pass
-    def fetchMatch(self, comp):
-        pass
-    def modify(self, oldc, newc):
-        pass
-    def current_component(self):
-        comp_ref = icalfileset_get_current_component(self._ref)
-        if comp_ref == None:
-            return None
-        return Component(ref=comp_ref)
-    def first_component(self):
-        comp_ref = icalfileset_get_first_component(self._ref)
-        if comp_ref == None:
-            return None
-        return Component(ref=comp_ref)
-    def next_component(self):
-        comp_ref = icalfileset_get_next_component(self._ref)
-        if comp_ref == None:
-            return None
-        return Component(ref=comp_ref)
diff --git a/libical/src/python/python-binding.txt b/libical/src/python/python-binding.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fc9e066bf..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/python/python-binding.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,434 +0,0 @@
-Classes for python binding to libical
-(Indentation indicates inheritance)
-	Component
-		Event
-		JournalEntry
-		Todo
-		FreeBusy
-		Timezone
-		Alarm
-			AudioAlarm
-			EmailAlarm
-			ProcedureAlarm
-			DisplayAlarm
-	Property
-		Attendee
-		Organizer
-		Status
-		Error
-	Time
-	Period
-	Date
-	RecurrenceSet
-	Timezone
-	TimezonePhase
-	Store
-		FileStore
-		DirStore
-		CAPStore
-		HeapStore
-		MySQLStore
-Component is the central class in the design. The component can be
-though of as a container for child components and properties, or as
-representation of a specific kind of iCal object. The first
-interface offers general property and component accessors, and the
-second treats some types of objects in a special way. 
-The general interface offers simple manipulators for child property
-and components, and it only works with immediate children. So, given
-the Component:
-	COMMENT: An Alarm
-A caller would have to descend three levels to access the COMMENT
-property in the alarm, but only one to access the METHOD property. 
-Libical is almost entirely dedicated to the general interface; it
-includes all of the *get_first_*, *_next_next_*, *_add_* and *_remove_*
-The specific interface works with derived classes of Property and
-Component. In this interface, the caller could get the COMMENT in the
-alarm in the example in two steps. First the caller would ask the
-Event object for its alarms, then then the caller would ask the first
-Alarm object for its comment. 
-The Specific interface is part of the
-derived classes of Component. This interface names all of the types of 
-properties and components that can be accessed from the derived
-component type. 
-In libical, the specific interface is primarily the "convenience
-routines in icalcomponent.h, such as: 
-	struct icaltimetype icalcomponent_get_dtend(icalcomponent* comp);
-	void icalcomponent_set_dtend(icalcomponent* comp, struct icaltimetype v);
-	void icalcomponent_set_duration(icalcomponent* comp, 
-				struct icaldurationtype v);
-	struct icaldurationtype icalcomponent_get_duration(icalcomponent* comp);
-These routines are smarter and do more work than the general
-interface. From the general interface, you can set the DTEND
-property of a component by creating the property and adding it to a
-component. But, if the component already has a DURATION property, then 
-this is an error -- a component can't have both. 
-icalcomponent_set_dtend determines if the component already has a
-DURATION. If it does, it substracts the dtstart time from the new
-dtend time and sets the duration to that. Otherwise, it creates aor
-changes the DTEND. 
-Also, icalcomponent_set_duration works the same regardless if the
-component is a VCALENDAR or a VEVENT. If it is a VCALENDAR, the
-routine descends into the VEVENT before making any changes. If it is
-allready a VEVENT ( or VTODO or VJOURNAL ) the routine just makes the
-changes. With icalcomponent_add_property, you need to do this check
-( There should probably be a class between Component
-and Event ,JournalEntry and Todo that names all of the properties and
-components. Then Event, JournalEntry and Todo would remove the
-accessors that did not apply to them. )
-Parameters are accessed as dictionaries from Property or as attributes
-of a derived class of Property. Both the names and the values of the
-parameters are strings.
-The Store hierarchy is a interface to various ways to store iCal
-components. Each of these has the same interface as its corresponding
-libical module:
-	FileStore icalfileset	Store iCal components in a single file
-	DirStore  icaldirset	Use multiple files, one per month of
-	CAPStore		Access components in a CAP server
-	HeapStore		Components stored in memory
-	MySQLStore		Components stored in a MySQL
-				database. 
-The only iCal value objects that will be implemented as Python classes 
-are Time, Duration and Period. RecurrenceSet handles recurrence
-rules. It replaces the properties RRULE, RDATE, EXRULE and EXDATE. 
-(Not all of the libical modules are implemented )
-How to Use the library
-The most common usecases will be something like this: 
-1)Caller opens a Store object on a file, server or database. The
-caller retrieves one or more component. Some of the components will be 
-booked on the user's calendar. Other components will be messages that
-other users have sent, like requests for meetings. 
-2) The caller will use the Specific interface ( using methods specific 
-to each property ) to example the component and decide what to do with 
-3) Rarely, the caller will access the general interface to do things
-that the specific interface has not implemented or cannot manage
-4) Cller may create a new component, using a combination of the
-general and specific interfaces. The caller may send the message to
-another user via mail, or may submit it to the user's CAP server with
-the CAPStore class. 
-Following are the methods in each of the classes. 
-	Construct from string
-	output string in ical form
-	Get a Property by type
-	Get a set of Properties by type
-	Remove a Property by reference
-	Get a Component by type
-	Get a set of Components by type
-	Remove a Component  by reference
-	Validate the component ( insert properties for errors )
-	Count error properties
-	Remove error properties
-	Convert error properties into REQUEST-STATUS properties
-Event, JournalEntry, Todo
-	Construct from string
-	output string in ical form
-	There are get/set accessors for every property. These are
-	listed in a later section
-	Construct from string
-	Construct from arguments 
-	output string in ical form
-	Accessors for the following properties. See below for return
-	types for these properties:
-	method
-	prodid
-	attendee
-	dtstamp
-	dtstart
-	freebusy
-	organizer
-	uid
-	comment
-	contact
-	request-status
-	url
-	duration
-	sequence
-	Construct from string
-	Construct from arguments 
-	output string in ical form
-	Accessors for the following properties. See below for return
-	types for these properties:
-	tzname
-	offsetto
-	offsetfrom
-	rrule
-	rdate
-	comment
-	Construct from string
-	Construct from arguments 
-	output string in ical form
-	Accessors for the following properties. See below for return
-	types for these properties:
-	tzid
-	last-modified
-	tzurl
-	standard (returns TimezonePhase)
-	daylight (returns TimezonePhase)
-	Construct from string
-	Construct from arguments
-	output string in ical form
-	Dictionary access to parameters
-	Get/set value
-	Construct from string
-	Construct from arguments
-	output string in ical form
-	Access to the following properties and parameters:
-	cuid
-	cutype
-	member
-	role
-	rsvp
-	delto
-	delfrom
-	sentby
-	cn
-	dir
-	language
-	Access to the following properties:
-	common_name
-	dir
-	sentby
-	language
-	Same interfaces as libical modules. 
-	I don't know -- need to think about it more. 
-	Similar methods to the icalset modules. 
-RFC2445 Properties
-This is a list of all of the RFC2445 properties and their associated
-VALUE type.
-Property	     Value
-CALSCALE             TEXT		
-PRODID               TEXT
-VERSION              TEXT
-CLASS                TEXT
-COMMENT              TEXT
-LOCATION             TEXT
-RESOURCES            TEXT
-STATUS               STATUS
-SUMMARY              TEXT
-FREEBUSY             PERIOD
-TRANSP               TEXT
-TZNAME               TEXT
-TZURL                URI
-TZID                 TEXT
-CONTACT              TEXT
-RELATED-TO           TEXT
-URL                  URI
-UID                  TEXT
-EXRULE               RECUR
-RRULE                RECUR
-ACTION               TEXT
-REPEAT               INTEGER
-CREATED              DATE-TIME
-DTSTAMP              DATE-TIME
-X         	     TEXT
-REQUEST-STATUS       STRING             
-ATTACH               URL, BINARY
-GEO                  FLOAT
-DTEND                DATE-TIME
-DUE                  DATE-TIME
-DTSTART              DATE-TIME
-EXDATE               DATE-TIME
-RDATE                DATE-TIME, PERIOD
-Some of the properties can appear multiple times in a component, other 
-can appear only once. For a particular component, the number of times
-a property can apper may also change with the METHOD property
-associated with the component. This list shows which properties can
-appear multiple times for some ( but not all ) combinations of
-component type and METHOD value: 
-This is a list of the value types and their associated python return
-types. A lowercased return type is a python builtin, and an
-uppercase-first-letter is a class in the library:
-Value			Return Type
-BINARY			file
-BOOLEAN			number
-CAL-ADDRESS		string
-DATE			Time
-DURATION		Duration
-FLOAT			number
-GEO			tuple
-INTEGER			number
-METHOD			string
-PERIOD			Period
-RECUR			RecurrenceSet
-TEXT			string
-TIME			Time
-URI			string
-UTC-OFFSET		number
-STATUS			string
-X			string
-I suspect that the Component class should use the three previous
-tables to create the property accessor methods on the fly. If the
-method generation system is general enough, we could also use it for
-other classes, such as Alarm, Timezone, Attendee, Organizer and
-Memory Handling
-One of the things that made the perl binding to libcal difficult was
-that if a Component (in perl) returns a reference to a child Component
-(in perl), the child Component (in perl) will contain a reference to a
-libical component. When the caller is done with the child component in
-perl, the caller just drops it and lets perl reclaim the memory.
-The destructor for Component needs to free the libical component that
-it holds a reference to, but the child's libical component is still
-being used by libical. So perl frees the libical component and later,
-libical tries to reference freed memory.
-The situation is actually a little better than that, because libical
-will throw an error when you try to free a component that is still
-attached to a parent. 
-So, the perl library has to be able to determine when the destructor
-should free a libical component or not. The perl library calls
-icalcomponent_get_parent(), and if is it non-zero, it does not free
-the component.
-It is not hard, just more code, and something to watch out for. 
diff --git a/libical/src/python/ b/libical/src/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fdf515408..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python 
-# -*- Mode: python -*-
-# FILE:
-# CREATOR: eric 
-#  $Id$
-#  $Locker$
-# (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Eric Busboom <>
-# (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Patrick Lewis <>  
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of either: 
-#    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-#    2.1, available at:
-#  Or:
-#    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-#    the License at
-from Libical import *
-def error_type():
-    error = icalerror_perror()
-    return error[:index(error,':')]
-comp_str = """
-COMMENT: When in the course of writting comments and nonsense text\, it 
- becomes necessary to insert a newline
-def test_property():
-    print "--------------------------- Test Property ----------------------"
-    liw = LibicalWrap
-    icalprop = liw.icalproperty_new_from_string("ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;")
-    print liw.icalproperty_as_ical_string(icalprop)
-    p = Property(ref=icalprop)
-    print
-    print p.parameters()
-    print p['ROLE']
-    p['ROLE'] = 'INDIVIDUAL'
-    print p['ROLE']
-    print p.value()
-    p.value("")
-    print p.value()
-    print p.as_ical_string()
-    try:
-        p = Property()
-    except Property.ConstructorFailedError:
-        pass
-    else:
-        assert(0)
-def test_time():
-    "Test routine"
-    print"-------------------Test Time  --------------------------------"
-    t = Time("19970325T123010Z",'DTSTART')
-    assert(t.year() == 1997)
-    assert(t.month() == 3)
-    assert( == 25)
-    assert(t.hour() == 12)
-    assert(t.minute() == 30)
-    assert(t.second() == 10)
-    assert(t.is_utc())
-    assert(not t.is_date())
-    print t
-    t.timezone("America/Los_Angeles")
-    print str(t)
-    assert(str(t)=='DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:19970325T123010Z')
-    t.second(t.second()+80)
-    print t
-    assert(t.minute() == 31)
-    assert(t.second() == 30)
-    d = Duration(3600,"DURATION")
-    t2 = t + d
-    print t2
-    assert(t2.hour() == 13)
-    t2 = t - d
-    print t2
-    assert(isinstance(t2,Time))
-    assert(t2.hour() == 11)
-def test_period():    
-    print"-------------------Test Period--------------------------------"
-    p = Period("19970101T180000Z/19970101T233000Z")
-    print p
-    assert(str(p) == 'FREEBUSY:19970101T180000Z/19970101T233000Z')
-    print p.start()
-    assert(str(p.start()) == 'DTSTART:19970101T180000Z')
-    print p.end()
-    assert(str(p.end()) == 'DTEND:19970101T233000Z')
-    print p.duration()
-    assert(str(p.duration()) == 'DURATION:PT5H30M')
-    p = None
-    p = Period("19970101T180000Z/PT5H30M")
-    print p
-    print p.start()
-    assert(str(p.start()) == 'DTSTART:19970101T180000Z')
-    print p.end()
-    assert(str(p.end()) == 'DTEND:19970101T233000Z')
-    print p.duration()
-    assert(str(p.duration()) == 'DURATION:PT5H30M')
-def test_duration():
-    print "-------------- Test Duration ----------------"
-    # Ical string
-    d = Duration("P3DT4H25M")
-    print str(d)
-    assert(str(d) == "DURATION:P3DT4H25M")
-    print d.seconds()
-    assert(d.seconds() == 275100)
-    # seconds
-    d = Duration(-275100)
-    print str(d)
-    assert(str(d) == "DURATION:-P3DT4H25M")
-    print d.seconds()
-    assert(d.seconds() == -275100)
-    #error
-    try:
-        d = Duration("P10WT7M")
-        print str(d)
-        assert(0)
-    except: pass
-    try:
-        d = Duration("Pgiberish")
-        print str(d)
-        assert(0)
-    except:
-        pass
-def test_attach():
-    file = open('littlefile.txt')
-    attachProp = Attach(file)
-    file.close()
-    attachProp.fmttype('text/ascii')
-    print "\n" +
-    print attachProp.value_type()
-    print attachProp.fmttype()
-    attachProp['fmttype']=None
-    print "Calling value()"
-    print attachProp.value()
-    print "Calling asIcalString()"
-    print attachProp.as_ical_string()
-def test_component():
-    print "------------------- Test Component ----------------------"
-    c = Component(comp_str);
-    props =
-    for p in props: 
-        print p.as_ical_string()
-    dtstart ='DTSTART')[0]
-    print dtstart
-    print "\n Orig hour: ", dtstart.hour()
-    assert(dtstart.hour() == 12)
-    dtstart.hour(dtstart.hour() + 5)
-    print "\n New hour: ", dtstart.hour()
-    assert(dtstart.hour() == 17)
-    attendee ='ATTENDEE')[0]
-    print attendee
-    t = Time("20011111T123030")
-    c.add_property(t)
-    print c
-    dtstart1 ='DTSTART')[0]
-    dtstart2 ='DTSTART')[0]
-    dtstart3 ='DTSTART')
-    assert(dtstart1 is dtstart2)
-    assert(dtstart1 == dtstart2)
-    assert(dtstart1 is dtstart3)
-    assert(dtstart1 == dtstart3)
-    p = Property(type="SUMMARY");
-    p.value("This is a summary")
-    print c.as_ical_string()
-    p ="SUMMARY")[0]
-    assert(p!=None);
-    print str(p)
-    assert(str(p) == "SUMMARY:This is a summary")
-[:] = [p]
-    print c.as_ical_string()
-def test_event():
-    print "------------ Event Class ----------------------"
-    event = Event()
-    event.created("20010313T123000Z")
-    #print "created =", event.created()
-    assert (event.created() == "20010313T123000Z")
-    event.organizer("")
-    org ='ORGANIZER')[0]
-    #print
-'Jane Doe')
-    assert (isinstance(org, Organizer))
-    #print "organizer =", event.organizer()
-    assert (event.organizer() == "")
-    event.dtstart("20010401T183000Z")
-    #print "dtstart =", event.dtstart()
-    assert (event.dtstart()=="20010401T183000Z")
-    dtend = Time('20010401T190000Z', 'DTEND')
-    event.dtend(dtend)
-    assert (event.dtend()==dtend.value())
-    assert (event.dtend() == '20010401T190000Z')
-    att = Attendee()
-    att.value('')
-    event.attendees(('', att))
-    event.description("A short description.  Longer ones break things.")
-    event.status('TeNtAtIvE')
-    print event.as_ical_string()
-def test_derivedprop():
-    print "------------ Derived Properties -----------------"
-    p = RDate("20011111T123030")
-    print str(p)
-    p = RDate("19970101T120000/19970101T123000")
-    print str(p)
-    try:
-        p = RDate("P3DT4H25M")
-        print str(p)
-        assert(0)
-    except: pass
-    p = Trigger("P3DT4H25M")
-    print str(p)
-    p = Trigger("20011111T123030")
-    print str(p)
-    try:
-        p = Trigger("19970101T120000/19970101T123000")
-        print str(p)
-        assert(0)
-    except: pass
-def run_tests():
-    test_property()
-    test_time()
-    test_period()
-    test_component()
-    test_duration()
-    test_derivedprop()
-    test_event()
-    #test_attach()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    run_tests()
diff --git a/libical/src/test/.cvsignore b/libical/src/test/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index ed72bfe59f..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
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@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-noinst_PROGRAMS = copycluster regression parser storage stow recur testmime testvcal process testclassify
-LDADD =  ../libicalss/.libs/libicalss.a ../libicalvcal/.libs/libicalvcal.a ../libical/.libs/libical.a 
-INCLUDES = 				\
-       -I. 				\
-       -I../libicalvcal 		\
-       -I$(srcdir)/../libicalvcal 	\
-       -I$(srcdir) 			\
-       -I../libical 			\
-       -I$(srcdir)/../libical 		\
-       -I../libicalss 			\
-       -I$(srcdir)/../libicalss           
-copycluster_SOURCES = copycluster.c
-regression_SOURCES = regression.c
-parser_SOURCES = icaltestparser.c
-storage_SOURCES = storage.c
-stow_SOURCES = stow.c
-testvcal_SOURCES = testvcal.c
-recur_SOURCES = recur.c 
-testmime_SOURCES = testmime.c
-process_SOURCES = process.c
-testclassify_SOURCES = testclassify.c
diff --git a/libical/src/test/copycluster.c b/libical/src/test/copycluster.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4eefc37758..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/copycluster.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: copycluster.c
-  CREATOR: eric 15 January 2000
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000 Eric Busboom
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
- ======================================================================*/
-#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalss.h"
-#include "icalfileset.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h> /* For strerror */
-#include <signal.h> /* for signal */
-#include <unistd.h> /* for alarm */
-#include "icalrestriction.h"
-static void sig_alrm(int i){
-    fprintf(stderr,"Could not get lock on file\n");
-    exit(1);
-/* This program copies a file that holds iCal components to an other file. */
-void usage(char* arg0) {
-    printf("usage: %s cluster-file1 cluster-file2\n",arg0);
-int main(int c, char *argv[]){
-    icalfileset *clusterin, *clusterout;
-    icalcomponent *itr;
-    int count=0;
-    int tostdout = 0;
-    if(c < 2 || c > 3){
-	usage(argv[0]);
-	exit(1);
-    }
-    if (c == 2){
-	tostdout = 1;
-    }
-    icalerror_set_error_state(ICAL_PARSE_ERROR, ICAL_ERROR_NONFATAL);
-    signal(SIGALRM,sig_alrm);
-    alarm(0);
-    clusterin = icalfileset_new(argv[1]);
-    alarm(0);
-    if (clusterin == 0){
-	printf("Could not open input cluster \"%s\"",argv[1]);
-	exit(1);
-    }
-    if (!tostdout){
-	clusterout = icalfileset_new(argv[2]);
-	if (clusterout == 0){
-	    printf("Could not open output cluster \"%s\"\n",argv[2]);
-	    exit(1);
-	}
-    }
-    for (itr = icalset_get_first_component(clusterin);
-	 itr != 0;
-	 itr = icalset_get_next_component(clusterin)){
-        icalerror_set_error_state(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR, ICAL_ERROR_NONFATAL);
-	icalrestriction_check(itr);
-        icalerror_set_error_state(ICAL_BADARG_ERROR, ICAL_ERROR_DEFAULT);
-	if (itr != 0){
-	    if(tostdout){
-		printf("--------------\n%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(itr));
-	    } else {
-		icalfileset_add_component(clusterout,
-					  icalcomponent_new_clone(itr));
-	    }
-	    count++;
-	} else {
-	    printf("Got NULL component");
-	}
-    }
-    printf("Transfered %d components\n",count);
-    icalfileset_free(clusterin);
-    if (!tostdout){
-	icalfileset_mark(clusterout);
-	icalfileset_free(clusterout);
-    }
-     return 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/test/findobj.c b/libical/src/test/findobj.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c31101c33d..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/findobj.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: findobj.c
-  CREATOR: eric 11 February 2000
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000 Eric Busboom
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
- ======================================================================*/
-#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalcalendar.h"
-#include "icaldirset.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h> /* For strerror */
-#include "icalrestriction.h"
-/* This program finds an object stored in a calendar */
-void usage(char* arg0) {
-    printf("usage: %s calendar-dir uid\n",arg0);
-int main(int c, char *argv[]){
-    icalcalendar *cal;
-    icaldirset *booked;
-    icalcomponent *itr;
-    if(c < 2 || c > 3){
-	usage(argv[0]);
-	exit(1);
-    }
-    cal = icalcalendar_new(argv[1]);
-    if(cal == 0){
-	fprintf(stderr,"%s: error in opening calendar \"%s\": %s. errno is \"%s\"\n",
-		argv[0],argv[1],icalerror_strerror(icalerrno),
-		strerror(errno));
-    }
-    booked = icalcalendar_get_booked(cal);
-    itr = icaldirset_fetch(booked,argv[2]);
-    if(itr != 0){
-	printf("%s",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(itr));
-    }
-    return 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/test/icaltestparser.c b/libical/src/test/icaltestparser.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e5973e0d4a..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/icaltestparser.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: icaltestparser.c
-  CREATOR: eric 20 June 1999
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
-  The original author is Eric Busboom
-  The original code is icaltestparser.c
- (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 The Software Studio. 
- ======================================================================*/
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "ical.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-char str[] = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\
-PRODID:\"-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN\"\
-DESCRIPTION:Project XYZ Review Meeting\
-SUMMARY:XYZ Project Review\
-LOCATION:1CP Conference Room 4350\
-extern int yydebug;
-/* Have the parser fetch data from stdin */
-char* read_stream(char *s, size_t size, void *d)
-  char *c = fgets(s,size, (FILE*)d);
-  return c;
-int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-    char* line; 
-    FILE* stream;
-    icalcomponent *c; 
-    icalparser *parser = icalparser_new();
-    stream = fopen(argv[1],"r");
-    assert(stream != 0);
-    icalparser_set_gen_data(parser,stream);
-    do{
-	line = icalparser_get_line(parser,read_stream);
-	c = icalparser_add_line(parser,line);
-	if (c != 0){
-	    /*icalcomponent_convert_errors(c);*/
-	    printf("%s",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-	    printf("\n---------------\n");
-	    icalcomponent_free(c);
-	}
-    } while ( line != 0);
-    return 0;
- }
diff --git a/libical/src/test/process.c b/libical/src/test/process.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 56f1c65fb1..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/process.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: process.c
-  CREATOR: eric 11 February 2000
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000 Eric Busboom
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- ======================================================================*/
-#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalss.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h> /* For strerror */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for free */
-struct class_map {
-	ical_class class;
-	char *str;
-} class_map[] = {
-    {ICAL_NO_CLASS,"No class"},
-    {ICAL_PUBLISH_NEW_CLASS,"New Publish"},
-    {ICAL_REQUEST_NEW_CLASS,"New request"},
-    {ICAL_REQUEST_STATUS_CLASS,"Status request"},
-    {ICAL_REPLY_ACCEPT_CLASS,"Accept reply"},
-    {ICAL_REPLY_DECLINE_CLASS,"Decline reply"},
-    {ICAL_REPLY_CRASHER_ACCEPT_CLASS,"Crasher's accept reply"},
-    {ICAL_REPLY_CRASHER_DECLINE_CLASS,"Crasher's decline reply"},
-    {ICAL_ADD_INSTANCE_CLASS,"Add instance"},
-    {ICAL_CANCEL_EVENT_CLASS,"Cancel event"},
-    {ICAL_CANCEL_INSTANCE_CLASS,"Cancel instance"},
-    {ICAL_CANCEL_ALL_CLASS,"Cancel all instances"},
-    {ICAL_REFRESH_CLASS,"Refresh"},
-    {ICAL_COUNTER_CLASS,"Counter"},
-    {ICAL_DECLINECOUNTER_CLASS,"Decline counter"},
-    {ICAL_MALFORMED_CLASS,"Malformed"}, 
-    {ICAL_OBSOLETE_CLASS,"Obsolete"},
-    {ICAL_MISSEQUENCED_CLASS,"Missequenced"},
-    {ICAL_UNKNOWN_CLASS,"Unknown"}
-char* find_class_string(ical_class class)
-    int i; 
-    for (i = 0;class_map[i].class != ICAL_UNKNOWN_CLASS;i++){
-	if (class_map[i].class == class){
-	    return class_map[i].str;
-	}
-    }
-    return "Unknown";
-void send_message(icalcomponent *reply,const char* this_user)
-    printf("From: %s\n\n%s\n",this_user,icalcomponent_as_ical_string(reply));
-int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-    icalcomponent *c, *next_c;
-    int i=0;
-    char *class_string;
-    int dont_remove;
-    icalset* f = icalset_new_file("../../test-data/process-incoming.ics");
-    icalset* trash = icalset_new_file("trash.ics");
-    icalset* cal = icalset_new_file("../../test-data/process-calendar.ics");
-    icalset* out = icalset_new_file("outgoing.ics");
-    const char* this_user = "";
-    assert(f!= 0);
-    assert(cal!=0);
-    assert(trash!=0);
-    assert(out!=0);
-    /* Foreach incoming message */
-    for(c=icalset_get_first_component(f);c!=0;c = next_c){
-	ical_class class;
-	icalcomponent *match;
-	icalcomponent *inner; 
-	icalcomponent *reply = 0;
-	assert(c!=0);
-	inner = icalcomponent_get_first_real_component(c);
-	i++;
-	reply = 0;
-	dont_remove = 0;
-	if(inner == 0){
-	    printf("Bad component, no inner\n %s\n",
-		   icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-	    continue;
-	}
-	/* Find a booked component that is matched to the incoming
-	   message, based on the incoming component's UID, SEQUENCE
-	   and RECURRENCE-ID*/
-	match = icalset_fetch_match(cal,c);
-	class = icalclassify(c,match,this_user);
-	class_string = find_class_string(class);
-	/* Print out the notes associated with the incoming component
-           and the matched component in the */
-	{
-	    const char *c_note=0;
-	    const char *m_note=0;
-	    icalproperty *p;
-	    for(p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c,ICAL_X_PROPERTY);
-		p!= 0;
-		p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(c,ICAL_X_PROPERTY)){
-		if(strcmp(icalproperty_get_x_name(p),"X-LIC-NOTE")==0){
-		    c_note = icalproperty_get_x(p);
-		}
-	    }
-	    if (match != 0){
-		for(p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(match,
-							 ICAL_X_PROPERTY);
-		    p!= 0;
-		    p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(match,
-							ICAL_X_PROPERTY)){
-		    if(strcmp(icalproperty_get_x_name(p),"X-LIC-NOTE")==0){
-			m_note = icalproperty_get_x(p);
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    if(c_note != 0){
-		printf("Incoming: %s\n",c_note);
-	    }
-	    if(m_note != 0){
-		printf("Match   : %s\n",m_note);
-	    }		
-	}
-	/* Main processing structure */
-	switch (class){
-	    case ICAL_NO_CLASS: { 
-		char temp[1024];
-		/* Huh? Return an error to sender */
-		icalrestriction_check(c);
-		icalcomponent_convert_errors(c);
-		snprintf(temp,1024,"I can't understand the component you sent. \n Here is the component you sent, possibly with error messages:\n %s",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-		reply = icalmessage_new_error_reply(
-		    c,
-		    this_user,
-		    temp,
-		    "",
-		    );
-		break; 
-	    }
-		/* Don't accept published events from anyone but
-		   self. If self, fall through to ICAL_REQUEST_NEW_CLASS */
-	    }
-		/* Book the new component if it does not overlap
-		   anything. If the time is busy and the start time is
-		   an even modulo 4, delegate to
- If the time is busy and
-		   is 1 modulo 4, counterpropose for the first
-		   available free time. Otherwise, deline the meeting */
-		icalcomponent *overlaps;
-		overlaps = icalclassify_find_overlaps(cal,c);
-		if(overlaps == 0){
-		    /* No overlaps, book the meeting */
-/*		    icalset_add_component(cal,icalcomponent_new_clone(c));*/
-		    /* Return a reply */
-		    reply = icalmessage_new_accept_reply(c,this_user,
-				  	 "I can make it to this meeting");
-		    icalset_add_component(out,reply);
-		} else {
-		    /* There was a conflict, so delegate, counterpropose
-		       or decline it */
-		    struct icaltimetype dtstart 
-			= icalcomponent_get_dtstart(c);
-		    if(dtstart.hour%4 == 0){  
-			/* Delegate the meeting */
-			reply = icalmessage_new_delegate_reply(c, 
-			  this_user,
-            		  "",
-			  "Unfortunately, I have another commitment that \
-conflicts with this meeting. I am delegating my attendance to Bob. ");
-			icalset_add_component(out,reply);
-		    } else if (dtstart.hour%4 == 1) {
-			/* Counter propose to next available time */
-			icalcomponent *newc;
-			struct icalperiodtype next_time;
-			icalspanlist *spanl = 
-			    icalspanlist_new(cal,dtstart,
-					     icaltime_null_time());
-			next_time = icalspanlist_next_free_time(
-			   spanl,icalcomponent_get_dtstart(c));
-			newc = icalcomponent_new_clone(c);
-			icalcomponent_set_dtstart(newc,next_time.start);
-			/* Hack, the duration of the counterproposed
-                           meeting may be longer than the free time
-                           available */
-			icalcomponent_set_duration(newc,
-			     icalcomponent_get_duration(c));
-			reply = icalmessage_new_counterpropose_reply(c, 
-								     newc,
-								     this_user,
-			   "Unfortunately, I have another commitment that \
-conflicts with this meeting. I am proposing a time that works better for me.");
-			icalset_add_component(out,reply);
-		    } else {
-			/* Decline the meeting */
-			reply = icalmessage_new_decline_reply(c,
-							      this_user,
-					  "I can't make it to this meeting");
-			icalset_add_component(out,reply);
-		    }
-		}
-		break; 
-	    }
-		/* Store the busy time information in a file named after
-		   the sender */
-		break;
-	    }
-		/* Only accept publish updates from self. If self, fall
-		   throught to ICAL_REQUEST_UPDATE_CLASS */
-	    }
-		/* always accept the changes */
-		break; 
-	    }
-		/* Use same rules as REQUEST_NEW */
-		icalcomponent *overlaps;
-		overlaps = icalclassify_find_overlaps(cal,c);
-		break; 
-	    }
-		break; 
-	    }
-		break; 
-	    }
-		break; 
-	    }
-		break; 
-	    }
-		break; 
-	    }
-		/* Change the PARTSTAT of the sender */
-		break; 
-	    }
-		/* Change the PARTSTAT of the sender */
-		break; 
-	    }
-		/* Add the crasher to the ATTENDEE list with the
-		   appropriate PARTSTAT */
-		break; 
-	    }
-		/* Add the crasher to the ATTENDEE list with the
-		   appropriate PARTSTAT */
-		break; 
-	    }
-		break; 
-	    }
-		/* Remove the component */
-		break; 
-	    }
-		break; 
-	    }
-	    case ICAL_CANCEL_ALL_CLASS: { 
-		/* Remove the component */	      
-		break; 
-	    }
-	    case ICAL_REFRESH_CLASS: { 
-		/* Resend the latest copy of the request */
-		break; 
-	    }
-	    case ICAL_COUNTER_CLASS: { 
-		break; 
-	    }
-		break; 
-	    }
-		/* Send back an error */
-		break; 
-	    } 
-	    case ICAL_OBSOLETE_CLASS: { 
-		printf(" ** Got an obsolete component:\n%s",
-		       icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-		/* Send back an error */
-		break; 
-	    } 
-		printf(" ** Got a missequenced component:\n%s",
-		       icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-		/* Send back an error */
-		break; 
-	    }
-	    case ICAL_UNKNOWN_CLASS: { 
-		printf(" ** Don't know what to do with this component:\n%s",
-		       icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-		/* Send back an error */
-		break; 
-	    }
-	}
-	if (reply != 0){	
-	    /* Don't send the reply if the RSVP parameter indicates not to*/
-	    icalcomponent *reply_inner;
-	    icalproperty *attendee;
-	    icalparameter *rsvp;
-	    reply_inner = icalcomponent_get_first_real_component(reply);
-	    attendee = icalcomponent_get_first_property(reply_inner,
-	    rsvp = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(attendee,
-	    if(rsvp == 0 || icalparameter_get_rsvp(rsvp) == 1){
-		icalrestriction_check(reply);
-		send_message(reply,this_user);
-	    }
-	    icalcomponent_free(reply);
-	}
-	if(reply !=0){
-	    printf("%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(reply));
-	}
-	next_c =   icalset_get_next_component(f);
-	if(dont_remove == 0){
-	    /*icalset_remove_component(f,c);
-	      icalset_add_component(trash,c);*/
-	}
-    }
-#if (0)
-    for(c = icalset_get_first_component(out);
-	c!=0;
-	c = icalset_get_next_component(out)){
-	printf("%s",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-    }
-    icalset_free(f);
-    icalset_free(trash);
-    icalset_free(cal);
-    icalset_free(out);
-    return 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/test/recur.c b/libical/src/test/recur.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f4d9a38647..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/recur.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: recur.c
-  CREATOR: ebusboom 8jun00
-  Test program for expanding recurrences. Run as:
-     ./recur ../../test-data/recur.txt
-  (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom 
-  The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-  Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-  compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-  basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-  the License for the specific language governing rights and
-  limitations under the License.
-  ======================================================================*/
-#include "ical.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <string.h> /* for strdup */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc */
-#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
-#include <time.h> /* for time() */
-#include <signal.h> /* for signal */
-#include <unistd.h> /* for alarm */
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include "icaldirset.h"
-#include "icalfileset.h"
-static void sig_alrm(int i){
-    fprintf(stderr,"Could not get lock on file\n");
-    exit(1);
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    icalfileset *cin;
-    struct icaltimetype start, next;
-    icalcomponent *itr;
-    icalproperty *desc, *dtstart, *rrule;
-    struct icalrecurrencetype recur;
-    icalrecur_iterator* ritr;
-    time_t tt;
-    char* file; 
-    icalerror_set_error_state(ICAL_PARSE_ERROR, ICAL_ERROR_NONFATAL);
-    signal(SIGALRM,sig_alrm);
-    if (argc <= 1){
-	file = "../../test-data/recur.txt";
-    } else if (argc == 2){
-	file = argv[1];
-    } else {
-	fprintf(stderr,"usage: recur [input file]\n");
-	exit(1);
-    }
-    alarm(300); /* to get file lock */
-    cin = icalfileset_new(file);
-    alarm(0);
-    if(cin == 0){
-	fprintf(stderr,"recur: can't open file %s\n",file);
-	exit(1);
-    }
-    for (itr = icalfileset_get_first_component(cin);
-         itr != 0;
-         itr = icalfileset_get_next_component(cin)){
-	desc = icalcomponent_get_first_property(itr,ICAL_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY);
-	dtstart = icalcomponent_get_first_property(itr,ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY);
-	rrule = icalcomponent_get_first_property(itr,ICAL_RRULE_PROPERTY);
-	if (desc == 0 || dtstart == 0 || rrule == 0){
-	    printf("\n******** Error in input component ********\n");
-	    printf("The following component is malformed:\n %s\n",
-		   icalcomponent_as_ical_string(itr));
-	    continue;
-	}
-	printf("\n\n#### %s\n",icalproperty_get_description(desc));
-	printf("#### %s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(icalproperty_get_value(rrule)));
-	recur = icalproperty_get_rrule(rrule);
-	start = icalproperty_get_dtstart(dtstart);
-	ritr = icalrecur_iterator_new(recur,start);
-	tt = icaltime_as_timet(start);
-	printf("#### %s\n",ctime(&tt ));
-	for(ritr = icalrecur_iterator_new(recur,start),
-		next = icalrecur_iterator_next(ritr); 
-	    !icaltime_is_null_time(next);
-	    next = icalrecur_iterator_next(ritr)){
-	    tt = icaltime_as_timet(next);
-	    printf("  %s",ctime(&tt ));		
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/test/regression.c b/libical/src/test/regression.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 08696207f2..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/regression.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3605 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: regression.c
-  CREATOR: eric 03 April 1999
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
-  (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom 
-  The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-  Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-  compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-  basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-  the License for the specific language governing rights and
-  limitations under the License.
-  The original author is Eric Busboom
-  The original code is regression.c
-  ======================================================================*/
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalss.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <string.h> /* for strdup */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc */
-#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
-#include <time.h> /* for time() */
-#include <unistd.h> /* for unlink, fork */
-#include <sys/wait.h> /* For waitpid */
-#include <sys/types.h> /* For wait pid */
-#include <sys/time.h> /* for select */
-/* For GNU libc, strcmp appears to be a macro, so using strcmp in
- assert results in incomprehansible assertion messages. This
- eliminates the problem */
-int regrstrcmp(const char* a, const char* b){
-    return strcmp(a,b);
-/* This example creates and minipulates the ical object that appears
- * in rfc 2445, page 137 */
-char str[] = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\
-PRODID:\"-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN\"\
-DESCRIPTION:Project XYZ Review Meeting\
-SUMMARY:XYZ Project Review\
-LOCATION:1CP Conference Room 4350\
-icalcomponent* create_simple_component()
-    icalcomponent* calendar;
-    struct icalperiodtype rtime;
-    rtime.start = icaltime_from_timet( time(0),0);
-    rtime.end = icaltime_from_timet( time(0),0);
-    rtime.end.hour++;
-    /* Create calendar and add properties */
-    calendar = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	calendar,
-	icalproperty_new_version("2.0")
-	);
-    printf("%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(calendar));
-    return calendar;
-/* Create a new component */
-icalcomponent* create_new_component()
-    icalcomponent* calendar;
-    icalcomponent* timezone;
-    icalcomponent* tzc;
-    icalcomponent* event;
-    struct icaltimetype atime = icaltime_from_timet( time(0),0);
-    struct icaldatetimeperiodtype rtime;
-    icalproperty* property;
-    rtime.period.start = icaltime_from_timet( time(0),0);
-    rtime.period.end = icaltime_from_timet( time(0),0);
-    rtime.period.end.hour++;
-    rtime.time = icaltime_null_time();
-    /* Create calendar and add properties */
-    calendar = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	calendar,
-	icalproperty_new_version("2.0")
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	calendar,
-	icalproperty_new_prodid("-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN")
-	);
-    /* Create a timezone object and add it to the calendar */
-    timezone = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VTIMEZONE_COMPONENT);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	timezone,
-	icalproperty_new_tzid("US_Eastern")
-	);
-    /* Add a sub-component of the timezone */
-    tzc = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_XDAYLIGHT_COMPONENT);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	tzc, 
-	icalproperty_new_dtstart(atime)
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	tzc, 
-	icalproperty_new_rdate(rtime)
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	tzc, 
-	icalproperty_new_tzoffsetfrom(-4.0)
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	tzc, 
-	icalproperty_new_tzoffsetto(-5.0)
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	tzc, 
-	icalproperty_new_tzname("EST")
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_component(timezone,tzc);
-    icalcomponent_add_component(calendar,timezone);
-    /* Add a second subcomponent */
-    tzc = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_XSTANDARD_COMPONENT);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	tzc, 
-	icalproperty_new_dtstart(atime)
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	tzc, 
-	icalproperty_new_rdate(rtime)
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	tzc, 
-	icalproperty_new_tzoffsetfrom(-4.0)
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	tzc, 
-	icalproperty_new_tzoffsetto(-5.0)
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	tzc, 
-	icalproperty_new_tzname("EST")
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_component(timezone,tzc);
-    /* Add an event */
-    event = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	event,
-	icalproperty_new_dtstamp(atime)
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	event,
-	icalproperty_new_uid("")
-	);
-    /* add a property that has parameters */
-    property = icalproperty_new_organizer("");
-    icalproperty_add_parameter(
-	property,
-	icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_CHAIR)
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(event,property);
-    /* add another property that has parameters */
-    property = icalproperty_new_attendee("");
-    icalproperty_add_parameter(
-	property,
-	icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT)
-	);
-    icalproperty_add_parameter(
-	property,
-	icalparameter_new_rsvp(ICAL_RSVP_TRUE)
-	);
-    icalproperty_add_parameter(
-	property,
-	icalparameter_new_cutype(ICAL_CUTYPE_GROUP)
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(event,property);
-    /* more properties */
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	event,
-	icalproperty_new_description("Project XYZ Review Meeting")
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	event,
-	icalproperty_new_categories("MEETING")
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	event,
-	icalproperty_new_class("PUBLIC")
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	event,
-	icalproperty_new_created(atime)
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	event,
-	icalproperty_new_summary("XYZ Project Review")
-	);
-    property = icalproperty_new_dtstart(atime);
-    icalproperty_add_parameter(
-	property,
-	icalparameter_new_tzid("US-Eastern")
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(event,property);
-    property = icalproperty_new_dtend(atime);
-    icalproperty_add_parameter(
-	property,
-	icalparameter_new_tzid("US-Eastern")
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(event,property);
-    icalcomponent_add_property(
-	event,
-	icalproperty_new_location("1CP Conference Room 4350")
-	);
-    icalcomponent_add_component(calendar,event);
-    printf("%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(calendar));
-    icalcomponent_free(calendar);
-    return 0;
-/* Create a new component, using the va_args list */
-icalcomponent* create_new_component_with_va_args()
-    icalcomponent* calendar;
-    struct icaltimetype atime = icaltime_from_timet( time(0),0);
-    struct icaldatetimeperiodtype rtime;
-    rtime.period.start = icaltime_from_timet( time(0),0);
-    rtime.period.end = icaltime_from_timet( time(0),0);
-    rtime.period.end.hour++;
-    rtime.time = icaltime_null_time();
-    calendar = 
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-	    icalproperty_new_version("2.0"),
-	    icalproperty_new_prodid("-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN"),
-	    icalcomponent_vanew(
-		icalproperty_new_tzid("US_Eastern"),
-		icalcomponent_vanew(
-		    icalproperty_new_dtstart(atime),
-		    icalproperty_new_rdate(rtime),
-		    icalproperty_new_tzoffsetfrom(-4.0),
-		    icalproperty_new_tzoffsetto(-5.0),
-		    icalproperty_new_tzname("EST"),
-		    0
-		    ),
-		icalcomponent_vanew(
-		    icalproperty_new_dtstart(atime),
-		    icalproperty_new_rdate(rtime),
-		    icalproperty_new_tzoffsetfrom(-5.0),
-		    icalproperty_new_tzoffsetto(-4.0),
-		    icalproperty_new_tzname("EST"),
-		    0
-		    ),
-		0
-		),
-	    icalcomponent_vanew(
-		icalproperty_new_dtstamp(atime),
-		icalproperty_new_uid(""),
-		icalproperty_vanew_organizer(
-		    "",
-		    icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_CHAIR),
-		    0
-		    ),
-		icalproperty_vanew_attendee(
-		    "",
-		    icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT),
-		    icalparameter_new_rsvp(ICAL_RSVP_TRUE),
-		    icalparameter_new_cutype(ICAL_CUTYPE_GROUP),
-		    0
-		    ),
-		icalproperty_new_description("Project XYZ Review Meeting"),
-		icalproperty_new_categories("MEETING"),
-		icalproperty_new_class("PUBLIC"),
-		icalproperty_new_created(atime),
-		icalproperty_new_summary("XYZ Project Review"),
-		icalproperty_vanew_dtstart(
-		    atime,
-		    icalparameter_new_tzid("US-Eastern"),
-		    0
-		    ),
-		icalproperty_vanew_dtend(
-		    atime,
-		    icalparameter_new_tzid("US-Eastern"),
-		    0
-		    ),
-		icalproperty_new_location("1CP Conference Room 4350"),
-		0
-		),
-	    0
-	    );
-    printf("%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(calendar));
-    icalcomponent_free(calendar);
-    return 0;
-/* Return a list of all attendees who are required. */
-char** get_required_attendees(icalproperty* event)
-    icalproperty* p;
-    icalparameter* parameter;
-    char **attendees;
-    int max = 10;
-    int c = 0;
-    attendees = malloc(max * (sizeof (char *)));
-    assert(event != 0);
-    assert(icalcomponent_isa(event) == ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
-    for(
-	p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(event,ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY);
-	p != 0;
-	p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(event,ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY)
-	) {
-	parameter = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(p,ICAL_ROLE_PARAMETER);
-	if ( icalparameter_get_role(parameter) == ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT) 
-	{
-	    attendees[c++] = icalmemory_strdup(icalproperty_get_attendee(p));
-            if (c >= max) {
-                max *= 2; 
-                attendees = realloc(attendees, max * (sizeof (char *)));
-            }
-	}
-    }
-    return attendees;
-/* If an attendee has a PARTSTAT of NEEDSACTION or has no PARTSTAT
-   parameter, change it to TENTATIVE. */
-void update_attendees(icalproperty* event)
-    icalproperty* p;
-    icalparameter* parameter;
-    assert(event != 0);
-    assert(icalcomponent_isa(event) == ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
-    for(
-	p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(event,ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY);
-	p != 0;
-	p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(event,ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY)
-	) {
-	parameter = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(p,ICAL_PARTSTAT_PARAMETER);
-	if (parameter == 0) {
-	    icalproperty_add_parameter(
-		p,
-		icalparameter_new_partstat(ICAL_PARTSTAT_TENTATIVE)
-		);
-	} else if (icalparameter_get_partstat(parameter) == ICAL_PARTSTAT_NEEDSACTION) {
-	    icalproperty_remove_parameter(p,ICAL_PARTSTAT_PARAMETER);
-	    icalparameter_free(parameter);
-	    icalproperty_add_parameter(
-		p,
-		icalparameter_new_partstat(ICAL_PARTSTAT_TENTATIVE)
-		);
-	}
-    }
-void test_values()
-    icalvalue *v; 
-    icalvalue *copy; 
-    v = icalvalue_new_caladdress("cap://value/1");
-    printf("caladdress 1: %s\n",icalvalue_get_caladdress(v));
-    icalvalue_set_caladdress(v,"cap://value/2");
-    printf("caladdress 2: %s\n",icalvalue_get_caladdress(v));
-    printf("String: %s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
-    copy = icalvalue_new_clone(v);
-    printf("Clone: %s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
-    icalvalue_free(v);
-    icalvalue_free(copy);
-    v = icalvalue_new_boolean(1);
-    printf("caladdress 1: %d\n",icalvalue_get_boolean(v));
-    icalvalue_set_boolean(v,2);
-    printf("caladdress 2: %d\n",icalvalue_get_boolean(v));
-    printf("String: %s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
-    copy = icalvalue_new_clone(v);
-    printf("Clone: %s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
-    icalvalue_free(v);
-    icalvalue_free(copy);
-    v = icalvalue_new_date(icaltime_from_timet( time(0),0));
-    printf("date 1: %s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
-    icalvalue_set_date(v,icaltime_from_timet( time(0)+3600,0));
-    printf("date 2: %s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
-    copy = icalvalue_new_clone(v);
-    printf("Clone: %s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
-    icalvalue_free(v);
-    icalvalue_free(copy);
-    v = icalvalue_new(-1);
-    printf("Invalid type: %p\n",v);
-    if (v!=0) icalvalue_free(v);
-    assert(ICAL_BOOLEAN_VALUE == 
-           icalparameter_value_to_value_kind(ICAL_VALUE_BOOLEAN));
-    assert(ICAL_UTCOFFSET_VALUE == 
-           icalparameter_value_to_value_kind(ICAL_VALUE_UTCOFFSET));
-    assert(ICAL_RECUR_VALUE == 
-           icalparameter_value_to_value_kind(ICAL_VALUE_RECUR));
-           icalparameter_value_to_value_kind(ICAL_VALUE_CALADDRESS));
-    assert(ICAL_PERIOD_VALUE == 
-           icalparameter_value_to_value_kind(ICAL_VALUE_PERIOD));
-    assert(ICAL_BINARY_VALUE == 
-           icalparameter_value_to_value_kind(ICAL_VALUE_BINARY));
-    assert(ICAL_TEXT_VALUE == 
-           icalparameter_value_to_value_kind(ICAL_VALUE_TEXT));
-    assert(ICAL_DURATION_VALUE == 
-           icalparameter_value_to_value_kind(ICAL_VALUE_DURATION));
-    assert(ICAL_INTEGER_VALUE == icalparameter_value_to_value_kind(ICAL_VALUE_INTEGER));
-    assert(ICAL_TIME_VALUE == 
-           icalparameter_value_to_value_kind(ICAL_VALUE_TIME));
-    assert(ICAL_URI_VALUE == 
-           icalparameter_value_to_value_kind(ICAL_VALUE_URI));
-    assert(ICAL_FLOAT_VALUE == 
-           icalparameter_value_to_value_kind(ICAL_VALUE_FLOAT));
-    assert(ICAL_X_VALUE == 
-           icalparameter_value_to_value_kind(ICAL_VALUE_X));
-    assert(ICAL_DATETIME_VALUE == 
-           icalparameter_value_to_value_kind(ICAL_VALUE_DATETIME));
-    assert(ICAL_DATE_VALUE == 
-           icalparameter_value_to_value_kind(ICAL_VALUE_DATE));
-    /*    v = icalvalue_new_caladdress(0);
-    printf("Bad string: %p\n",v);
-    if (v!=0) icalvalue_free(v); */
-void test_properties()
-    icalproperty *prop;
-    icalparameter *param;
-    icalproperty *clone;
-    prop = icalproperty_vanew_comment(
-	"Another Comment",
-	icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 1"),
-	icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 2"),
-	icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 3"),
-       	icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 4"),
-	0); 
-    for(param = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(prop,ICAL_ANY_PARAMETER);
-	param != 0; 
-	param = icalproperty_get_next_parameter(prop,ICAL_ANY_PARAMETER)) {
-	printf("Prop parameter: %s\n",icalparameter_get_cn(param));
-    }    
-    printf("Prop value: %s\n",icalproperty_get_comment(prop));
-    printf("As iCAL string:\n %s\n",icalproperty_as_ical_string(prop));
-    clone = icalproperty_new_clone(prop);
-    printf("Clone:\n %s\n",icalproperty_as_ical_string(prop));
-    icalproperty_free(clone);
-    icalproperty_free(prop);
-    prop = icalproperty_new(-1);
-    printf("Invalid type: %p\n",prop);
-    if (prop!=0) icalproperty_free(prop);
-    /*
-    prop = icalproperty_new_method(0);
-    printf("Bad string: %p\n",prop);
-    if (prop!=0) icalproperty_free(prop);
-    */
-void test_parameters()
-    icalparameter *p;
-    int i;
-    char* str1 = "A Common Name";
-    p = icalparameter_new_cn(str1);
-    printf("Common Name: %s\n",icalparameter_get_cn(p));
-    assert(regrstrcmp(str1,icalparameter_get_cn(p)) == 0);
-    printf("As String: %s\n",icalparameter_as_ical_string(p));
-    assert(regrstrcmp(icalparameter_as_ical_string(p),"CN=A Common Name")==0);
-    icalparameter_free(p);
-    p = icalparameter_new_from_string("PARTSTAT=ACCEPTED");
-    assert(icalparameter_isa(p) == ICAL_PARTSTAT_PARAMETER);
-    assert(icalparameter_get_partstat(p) == ICAL_PARTSTAT_ACCEPTED);
-    p = icalparameter_new_from_string("ROLE=CHAIR");
-    assert(icalparameter_isa(p) == ICAL_ROLE_PARAMETER);
-    assert(icalparameter_get_partstat(p) == ICAL_ROLE_CHAIR);
-    p = icalparameter_new_from_string("PARTSTAT=X-FOO");
-    assert(icalparameter_isa(p) == ICAL_PARTSTAT_PARAMETER);
-    assert(icalparameter_get_partstat(p) == ICAL_PARTSTAT_X);
-    p = icalparameter_new_from_string("X-PARAM=X-FOO");
-    assert(icalparameter_isa(p) == ICAL_X_PARAMETER);
-    for (i=0;enums[i] != -1; i++){
-        printf("%s\n",icalparameter_enum_to_string(enums[i]));
-        assert(icalparameter_string_to_enum(
-            icalparameter_enum_to_string(enums[i]))==enums[i]);
-    }
-void test_components()
-    icalcomponent* c;
-    icalcomponent* child;
-    c = icalcomponent_vanew(
-	icalproperty_new_version("2.0"),
-	icalproperty_new_prodid("-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN"),
-	icalproperty_vanew_comment(
-	    "A Comment",
-	    icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 1"),
-	    0),
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-	    icalproperty_new_version("2.0"),
-	    icalproperty_new_description("This is an event"),
-	    icalproperty_vanew_comment(
-		"Another Comment",
-		icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 1"),
-		icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 2"),
-		icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 3"),
-		icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 4"),
-		0),
-	    icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(
-		"This is only a test",
-		icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_COMPONENTPARSEERROR),
-		0),
-	    0
-	    ),
-	0
-	);
-    printf("Original Component:\n%s\n\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-    child = icalcomponent_get_first_component(c,ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
-    printf("Child Component:\n%s\n\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(child));
-    icalcomponent_free(c);
-void test_memory()
-    size_t bufsize = 256;
-    int i;
-    char *p;
-    char S1[] = "1) When in the Course of human events, ";
-    char S2[] = "2) it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, ";
-    char S3[] = "3) and to assume among the powers of the earth, ";
-    char S4[] = "4) the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, ";
-    char S5[] = "5) a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they ";
-    char S6[] = "6) should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. ";
-    char S7[] = "7) We hold these truths to be self-evident, ";
-    char S8[] = "8) that all men are created equal, ";
-/*    char S9[] = "9) that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, ";
-    char S10[] = "10) that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. ";
-    char S11[] = "11) That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, ";
-    char S12[] = "12) deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. "; 
-    char *f, *b1, *b2, *b3, *b4, *b5, *b6, *b7, *b8;
-#define BUFSIZE 1024
-    f = icalmemory_new_buffer(bufsize);
-    p = f;
-    b1 = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(BUFSIZE);
-    strcpy(b1, S1);
-    icalmemory_append_string(&f, &p, &bufsize, b1);
-    b2 = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(BUFSIZE);
-    strcpy(b2, S2);
-    icalmemory_append_string(&f, &p, &bufsize, b2);
-    b3 = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(BUFSIZE);
-    strcpy(b3, S3);
-    icalmemory_append_string(&f, &p, &bufsize, b3);
-    b4 = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(BUFSIZE);
-    strcpy(b4, S4);
-    icalmemory_append_string(&f, &p, &bufsize, b4);
-    b5 = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(BUFSIZE);
-    strcpy(b5, S5);
-    icalmemory_append_string(&f, &p, &bufsize, b5);
-    b6 = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(BUFSIZE);
-    strcpy(b6, S6);
-    icalmemory_append_string(&f, &p, &bufsize, b6);
-    b7 = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(BUFSIZE);
-    strcpy(b7, S7);
-    icalmemory_append_string(&f, &p, &bufsize, b7);
-    b8 = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(BUFSIZE);
-    strcpy(b8, S8);
-    icalmemory_append_string(&f, &p, &bufsize, b8);
-    printf("1: %p %s \n",b1,b1);
-    printf("2: %p %s\n",b2,b2);
-    printf("3: %p %s\n",b3,b3);
-    printf("4: %p %s\n",b4,b4);
-    printf("5: %p %s\n",b5,b5);
-    printf("6: %p %s\n",b6,b6);
-    printf("7: %p %s\n",b7,b7);
-    printf("8: %p %s\n",b8,b8);
-    printf("Final: %s\n", f);
-    printf("Final buffer size: %d\n",bufsize);
-    free(f);
-    bufsize = 4;
-    f = icalmemory_new_buffer(bufsize);
-    memset(f,0,bufsize);
-    p = f;
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'a');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'b');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'c');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'd');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'e');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'f');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'g');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'h');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'i');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'j');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'a');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'b');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'c');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'd');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'e');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'f');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'g');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'h');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'i');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    icalmemory_append_char(&f, &p, &bufsize, 'j');
-    printf("Char-by-Char buffer: %s\n", f);
-    for(i=0; i<100; i++){
-	f = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(bufsize);
-	assert(f!=0);
-	memset(f,0,bufsize);
-	sprintf(f,"%d",i);
-    }
-int test_store()
-    icalcomponent *c, *gauge;
-    icalerrorenum error;
-    icalcomponent *next, *itr;
-    icalfileset* cluster;
-    struct icalperiodtype rtime;
-    icaldirset *s = icaldirset_new("store");
-    int i;
-    rtime.start = icaltime_from_timet( time(0),0);
-    cluster = icalfileset_new("clusterin.vcd");
-    if (cluster == 0){
-	printf("Failed to create cluster: %s\n",icalerror_strerror(icalerrno));
-	return 0;
-    }
-#define NUMCOMP 4
-    /* Duplicate every component in the cluster NUMCOMP times */
-    icalerror_clear_errno();
-    for (i = 1; i<NUMCOMP+1; i++){
-	/*rtime.start.month = i%12;*/
-	rtime.start.month = i;
-	rtime.end = rtime.start;
-	rtime.end.hour++;
-	for (itr = icalfileset_get_first_component(cluster);
-	     itr != 0;
-	     itr = icalfileset_get_next_component(cluster)){
-	    icalcomponent *clone;
-	    icalproperty *p;
-	    if(icalcomponent_isa(itr) != ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT){
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    assert(itr != 0);
-	    /* Change the dtstart and dtend times in the component
-               pointed to by Itr*/
-	    clone = icalcomponent_new_clone(itr);
-	    assert(icalerrno == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-	    assert(clone !=0);
-	    /* DTSTART*/
-	    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(clone,ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY);
-	    assert(icalerrno  == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-	    if (p == 0){
-		p = icalproperty_new_dtstart(rtime.start);
-		icalcomponent_add_property(clone,p);
-	    } else {
-		icalproperty_set_dtstart(p,rtime.start);
-	    }
-	    assert(icalerrno  == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-	    /* DTEND*/
-	    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(clone,ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY);
-	    assert(icalerrno  == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-	    if (p == 0){
-		p = icalproperty_new_dtstart(rtime.end);
-		icalcomponent_add_property(clone,p);
-	    } else {
-		icalproperty_set_dtstart(p,rtime.end);
-	    }
-	    assert(icalerrno  == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-	    printf("\n----------\n%s\n---------\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(clone));
-	    error = icaldirset_add_component(s,clone);
-	    assert(icalerrno  == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-	}
-    }
-    gauge = 
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-	    icalcomponent_vanew(
-		icalproperty_vanew_summary(
-		    "Submit Income Taxes",
-		    icalparameter_new_xliccomparetype(ICAL_XLICCOMPARETYPE_EQUAL),
-		    0),
-		0),
-	    icalcomponent_vanew(
-		icalproperty_vanew_summary(
-		    "Bastille Day Party",
-		    icalparameter_new_xliccomparetype(ICAL_XLICCOMPARETYPE_EQUAL),
-		    0),
-		0),
-	    0);
-#if 0
-    icaldirset_select(s,gauge);
-    for(c = icaldirset_first(s); c != 0; c = icaldirset_next(s)){
-	printf("Got one! (%d)\n", count++);
-	if (c != 0){
-	    printf("%s", icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));;
-	    if (icaldirset_store(s2,c) == 0){
-		printf("Failed to write!\n");
-	    }
-	    icalcomponent_free(c);
-	} else {
-	    printf("Failed to get component\n");
-	}
-    }
-    icaldirset_free(s2);
-    for(c = icaldirset_get_first_component(s); 
-	c != 0; 
-	c =  next){
-	next = icaldirset_get_next_component(s);
-	if (c != 0){
-	    /*icaldirset_remove_component(s,c);*/
-	    printf("%s", icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));;
-	} else {
-	    printf("Failed to get component\n");
-	}
-    }
-    icaldirset_free(s);
-    return 0;
-int test_compare()
-    icalvalue *v1, *v2;
-    v1 = icalvalue_new_caladdress("cap://value/1");
-    v2 = icalvalue_new_clone(v1);
-    printf("%d\n",icalvalue_compare(v1,v2));
-    v1 = icalvalue_new_caladdress("A");
-    v2 = icalvalue_new_caladdress("B");
-    printf("%d\n",icalvalue_compare(v1,v2));
-    v1 = icalvalue_new_caladdress("B");
-    v2 = icalvalue_new_caladdress("A");
-    printf("%d\n",icalvalue_compare(v1,v2));
-    v1 = icalvalue_new_integer(5);
-    v2 = icalvalue_new_integer(5);
-    printf("%d\n",icalvalue_compare(v1,v2));
-    v1 = icalvalue_new_integer(5);
-    v2 = icalvalue_new_integer(10);
-    printf("%d\n",icalvalue_compare(v1,v2));
-    v1 = icalvalue_new_integer(10);
-    v2 = icalvalue_new_integer(5);
-    printf("%d\n",icalvalue_compare(v1,v2));
-    return 0;
-void test_restriction()
-    icalcomponent *comp;
-    struct icaltimetype atime = icaltime_from_timet( time(0),0);
-    int valid; 
-    struct icaldatetimeperiodtype rtime;
-    rtime.period.start = icaltime_from_timet( time(0),0);
-    rtime.period.end = icaltime_from_timet( time(0),0);
-    rtime.period.end.hour++;
-    rtime.time = icaltime_null_time();
-    comp = 
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-	    icalproperty_new_version("2.0"),
-	    icalproperty_new_prodid("-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN"),
-	    icalproperty_new_method(ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST),
-	    icalcomponent_vanew(
-		icalproperty_new_tzid("US_Eastern"),
-		icalcomponent_vanew(
-		    icalproperty_new_dtstart(atime),
-		    icalproperty_new_rdate(rtime),
-		    icalproperty_new_tzoffsetfrom(-4.0),
-		    icalproperty_new_tzoffsetto(-5.0),
-		    icalproperty_new_tzname("EST"),
-		    0
-		    ),
-		icalcomponent_vanew(
-		    icalproperty_new_dtstart(atime),
-		    icalproperty_new_rdate(rtime),
-		    icalproperty_new_tzoffsetfrom(-5.0),
-		    icalproperty_new_tzoffsetto(-4.0),
-		    icalproperty_new_tzname("EST"),
-		    0
-		    ),
-		0
-		),
-	    icalcomponent_vanew(
-		icalproperty_new_dtstamp(atime),
-		icalproperty_new_uid(""),
-		icalproperty_vanew_organizer(
-		    "",
-		    icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_CHAIR),
-		    0
-		    ),
-		icalproperty_vanew_attendee(
-		    "",
-		    icalparameter_new_role(ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT),
-		    icalparameter_new_rsvp(ICAL_RSVP_TRUE),
-		    icalparameter_new_cutype(ICAL_CUTYPE_GROUP),
-		    0
-		    ),
-		icalproperty_new_description("Project XYZ Review Meeting"),
-		icalproperty_new_categories("MEETING"),
-		icalproperty_new_class("PUBLIC"),
-		icalproperty_new_created(atime),
-		icalproperty_new_summary("XYZ Project Review"),
-                /*		icalproperty_new_dtstart(
-		    atime,
-		    icalparameter_new_tzid("US-Eastern"),
-		    0
-		    ),*/
-		icalproperty_vanew_dtend(
-		    atime,
-		    icalparameter_new_tzid("US-Eastern"),
-		    0
-		    ),
-		icalproperty_new_location("1CP Conference Room 4350"),
-		0
-		),
-	    0
-	    );
-    valid = icalrestriction_check(comp);
-    printf("#### %d ####\n%s\n",valid, icalcomponent_as_ical_string(comp));
-#if 0
-void test_calendar()
-    icalcomponent *comp;
-    icalfileset *c;
-    icaldirset *s;
-    icalcalendar* calendar = icalcalendar_new("calendar");
-    icalerrorenum error;
-    struct icaltimetype atime = icaltime_from_timet( time(0),0);
-    comp = icalcomponent_vanew(
-	icalproperty_new_version("2.0"),
-	icalproperty_new_description("This is an event"),
-	icalproperty_new_dtstart(atime),
-	icalproperty_vanew_comment(
-	    "Another Comment",
-	    icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 1"),
-	    icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 2"),
-	    icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 3"),
-		icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 4"),
-	    0),
-	icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(
-	    "This is only a test",
-	    icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_COMPONENTPARSEERROR),
-	    0),
-	0);
-    s = icalcalendar_get_booked(calendar);
-    error = icaldirset_add_component(s,comp);
-    assert(error == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-    c = icalcalendar_get_properties(calendar);
-    error = icalfileset_add_component(c,icalcomponent_new_clone(comp));
-    assert(error == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-    icalcalendar_free(calendar);
-void test_increment(void);
-void print_occur(struct icalrecurrencetype recur, struct icaltimetype start)
-    struct icaltimetype next;
-    icalrecur_iterator* ritr;
-    time_t tt = icaltime_as_timet(start);
-    printf("#### %s\n",icalrecurrencetype_as_string(&recur));
-    printf("#### %s\n",ctime(&tt ));
-    for(ritr = icalrecur_iterator_new(recur,start),
-	    next = icalrecur_iterator_next(ritr); 
-	!icaltime_is_null_time(next);
-	next = icalrecur_iterator_next(ritr)){
-	tt = icaltime_as_timet(next);
-	printf("  %s",ctime(&tt ));		
-    }
-    icalrecur_iterator_free(ritr);
-void test_recur()
-   struct icalrecurrencetype rt;
-   struct icaltimetype start;
-   time_t array[25];
-   int i;
-   rt = icalrecurrencetype_from_string("FREQ=MONTHLY;UNTIL=19971224T000000Z;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=TU,2FR,3SA");
-   start = icaltime_from_string("19970905T090000Z");
-   print_occur(rt,start);   
-   printf("\n  Using icalrecur_expand_recurrence\n");
-   icalrecur_expand_recurrence("FREQ=MONTHLY;UNTIL=19971224T000000Z;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=TU,2FR,3SA",
-			       icaltime_as_timet(start),
-			       25,
-			       array);
-   for(i =0; array[i] != 0 && i < 25 ; i++){
-       printf("  %s",ctime(&(array[i])));
-   }
-/*    test_increment();*/
-void test_expand_recurrence(){
-    time_t arr[10];
-    time_t now = 931057385;
-    int i;
-    icalrecur_expand_recurrence( "FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=MO,WE", now,
-                                 5, arr );
-    printf("Start %s",ctime(&now) );
-    for (i=0; i<5; i++)
-        {
-            printf("i=%d  %s\n", i, ctime(&arr[i]) );
-        }
-enum byrule {
-    BY_SECOND = 0,
-    BY_MINUTE = 1,
-    BY_HOUR = 2,
-    BY_DAY = 3,
-    BY_MONTH_DAY = 4,
-    BY_YEAR_DAY = 5,
-    BY_WEEK_NO = 6,
-    BY_MONTH = 7,
-struct icalrecur_iterator_impl {
-	struct icaltimetype dtstart; 
-	struct icaltimetype last; /* last time return from _iterator_next*/
-	int occurrence_no; /* number of step made on this iterator */
-	struct icalrecurrencetype rule;
-	short days[366];
-	short days_index;
-	enum byrule byrule;
-	short by_indices[9];
-	short *by_ptrs[9]; /* Pointers into the by_* array elements of the rule */
-void icalrecurrencetype_test()
-    icalvalue *v = icalvalue_new_from_string(
-    struct icalrecurrencetype r = icalvalue_get_recur(v);
-    struct icaltimetype t = icaltime_from_timet( time(0), 0);
-    struct icaltimetype next;
-    time_t tt;
-    struct icalrecur_iterator_impl* itr 
-	= (struct icalrecur_iterator_impl*) icalrecur_iterator_new(r,t);
-    do {
-	next = icalrecur_iterator_next(itr);
-	tt = icaltime_as_timet(next);
-	printf("%s",ctime(&tt ));		
-    } while( ! icaltime_is_null_time(next));
-/* From Federico Mena Quintero <>    */
-void test_recur_parameter_bug(){
-#include <config.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <ical.h>
-    static const char test_icalcomp_str[] =
-" ;X-EVOLUTION-ENDDATE=20030209T081500\r\n"
-    icalcomponent *icalcomp;
-    icalproperty *prop;
-    struct icalrecurrencetype recur;
-    int n_errors;
-    icalcomp = icalparser_parse_string ((char *) test_icalcomp_str);
-    if (!icalcomp) {
-	fprintf (stderr, "main(): could not parse the component\n");
-	exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-    }
-    printf("%s\n\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(icalcomp));
-    n_errors = icalcomponent_count_errors (icalcomp);
-    if (n_errors) {
-	icalproperty *p;
-	for (p = icalcomponent_get_first_property (icalcomp,
-	     p;
-	     p = icalcomponent_get_next_property (icalcomp,
-	    char *str;
-	    str = icalproperty_as_ical_string (p);
-	    fprintf (stderr, "error: %s\n", str);
-	}
-    }
-    prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property (icalcomp, ICAL_RRULE_PROPERTY);
-    if (!prop) {
-	fprintf (stderr, "main(): could not get the RRULE property");
-	exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-    }
-    recur = icalproperty_get_rrule (prop);
-    printf("%s\n",icalrecurrencetype_as_string(&recur));
-void test_duration()
-    struct icaldurationtype d;
-    d = icaldurationtype_from_string("PT8H30M");
-    printf("%s\n",icaldurationtype_as_ical_string(d));
-    assert(icaldurationtype_as_int(d) == 30600);
-    d = icaldurationtype_from_string("-PT8H30M");
-    printf("%s\n",icaldurationtype_as_ical_string(d));
-    assert(icaldurationtype_as_int(d) == -30600);
-    d = icaldurationtype_from_string("PT10H10M10S");
-    printf("%s\n",icaldurationtype_as_ical_string(d));
-    assert(icaldurationtype_as_int(d) == 36610);
-    d = icaldurationtype_from_string("P7W");
-    printf("%s\n",icaldurationtype_as_ical_string(d));
-    assert(icaldurationtype_as_int(d) == 4233600);
-    d = icaldurationtype_from_string("P2DT8H30M");
-    printf("%s\n",icaldurationtype_as_ical_string(d));
-    assert(icaldurationtype_as_int(d) == 203400);
-    icalerror_errors_are_fatal = 0;
-    d = icaldurationtype_from_string("P-2DT8H30M");
-    printf("%s\n",icaldurationtype_as_ical_string(d));
-    assert(icaldurationtype_as_int(d) == 0);
-    d = icaldurationtype_from_string("P7W8H");
-    printf("%s\n",icaldurationtype_as_ical_string(d));
-    assert(icaldurationtype_as_int(d) == 0);
-    d = icaldurationtype_from_string("T10H");
-    printf("%s\n",icaldurationtype_as_ical_string(d));
-    assert(icaldurationtype_as_int(d) == 0);
-    icalerror_errors_are_fatal = 1;
-void test_period()
-    struct icalperiodtype p;
-    icalvalue *v;
-    p = icalperiodtype_from_string("19971015T050000Z/PT8H30M");
-    printf("%s\n",icalperiodtype_as_ical_string(p));
-    assert(strcmp(icalperiodtype_as_ical_string(p),
-                  "19971015T050000Z/PT8H30M") == 0);
-    p = icalperiodtype_from_string("19971015T050000Z/19971015T060000Z");
-    printf("%s\n",icalperiodtype_as_ical_string(p));
-    assert(strcmp(icalperiodtype_as_ical_string(p),
-                  "19971015T050000Z/19971015T060000Z") == 0);
-    p = icalperiodtype_from_string("19970101T120000/PT3H");
-    printf("%s\n",icalperiodtype_as_ical_string(p));
-    assert(strcmp(icalperiodtype_as_ical_string(p),
-                  "19970101T120000/PT3H") == 0);
-    v = icalvalue_new_from_string(ICAL_PERIOD_VALUE,"19970101T120000/PT3H");
-    printf("%s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
-    assert(strcmp(icalvalue_as_ical_string(v),
-                  "19970101T120000/PT3H") == 0);
-void test_strings(){
-    icalvalue *v;
-    v = icalvalue_new_text("foo;bar;bats");
-    printf("%s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
-    icalvalue_free(v);
-    v = icalvalue_new_text("foo\\;b\nar\\;ba\tts");
-    printf("%s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
-    icalvalue_free(v);
-void test_requeststat()
-  icalrequeststatus s;
-  struct icalreqstattype st, st2;
-  char temp[1024];
-  s = icalenum_num_to_reqstat(2,1);
-  assert(s == ICAL_2_1_FALLBACK_STATUS);
-  assert(icalenum_reqstat_major(s) == 2);
-  assert(icalenum_reqstat_minor(s) == 1);
-  printf("2.1: %s\n",icalenum_reqstat_desc(s));
-  st.code = s;
-  st.debug = "booga";
-  st.desc = 0;
-  printf("%s\n",icalreqstattype_as_string(st));
-  st.desc = " A non-standard description";
-  printf("%s\n",icalreqstattype_as_string(st));
-  st.desc = 0;
-  sprintf(temp,"%s\n",icalreqstattype_as_string(st));
-  st2 = icalreqstattype_from_string("2.1;Success but fallback taken  on one or more property  values.;booga");
-  printf("%d --  %d --  %s -- %s\n",icalenum_reqstat_major(st2.code),
-         icalenum_reqstat_minor(st2.code),
-         icalenum_reqstat_desc(st2.code),
-         st2.debug);
-  st2 = icalreqstattype_from_string("2.1;Success but fallback taken  on one or more property  values.;booga");
-  printf("%s\n",icalreqstattype_as_string(st2));
-  st2 = icalreqstattype_from_string("2.1;Success but fallback taken  on one or more property  values.;");
-  printf("%s\n",icalreqstattype_as_string(st2));
-  st2 = icalreqstattype_from_string("2.1;Success but fallback taken  on one or more property  values.");
-  printf("%s\n",icalreqstattype_as_string(st2));
-  st2 = icalreqstattype_from_string("2.1;");
-  printf("%s\n",icalreqstattype_as_string(st2));
-  st2 = icalreqstattype_from_string("2.1");
-  printf("%s\n",icalreqstattype_as_string(st2));
-  st2 = icalreqstattype_from_string("16.4");
-  assert(st2.code == ICAL_UNKNOWN_STATUS);
-  st2 = icalreqstattype_from_string("1.");
-  assert(st2.code == ICAL_UNKNOWN_STATUS);
-char ictt_str[1024];
-char* ictt_as_string(struct icaltimetype t)
-    sprintf(ictt_str,"%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d%s",t.year,t.month,,
-	    t.hour,t.minute,t.second,t.is_utc?" Z":"");
-    return ictt_str;
-char* ical_timet_string(time_t t)
-    struct tm stm = *(gmtime(&t));    
-    sprintf(ictt_str,"%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d Z",stm.tm_year+1900,
-	    stm.tm_mon+1,stm.tm_mday,stm.tm_hour,stm.tm_min,stm.tm_sec);
-    return ictt_str;
-void do_test_time(char* zone)
-    struct icaltimetype ictt, icttutc, icttutczone, icttdayl, 
-	icttla, icttny,icttphoenix, icttlocal, icttnorm;
-    time_t tt,tt2, tt_p200;
-    int offset_la, offset_tz;
-    icalvalue *v;
-    short day_of_week,start_day_of_week, day_of_year;
-    icalerror_errors_are_fatal = 0;
-    ictt = icaltime_from_string("20001103T183030Z");
-    tt = icaltime_as_timet(ictt);
-    assert(tt==973276230); /* Fri Nov  3 10:30:30 PST 2000 in PST 
-                               Fri Nov  3 18:30:30 PST 2000 in UTC */
-    offset_la = icaltime_utc_offset(ictt,"America/Los_Angeles");
-    offset_tz = icaltime_utc_offset(ictt, zone);
-    printf(" Normalize \n");
-    printf("Orig (ical) : %s\n", ictt_as_string(ictt));
-    icttnorm = ictt;
-    icttnorm.second -= 60 * 60 * 24 * 5;
-    icttnorm = icaltime_normalize(icttnorm);
-    printf("-5d in sec  : %s\n", ictt_as_string(icttnorm));
- += 60;
-    icttnorm = icaltime_normalize(icttnorm);
-    printf("+60 d       : %s\n", ictt_as_string(icttnorm));
-    printf("\n As time_t \n");
-    tt2 = icaltime_as_timet(ictt);
-    printf("20001103T183030Z (timet): %s\n",ical_timet_string(tt2));
-    printf("20001103T183030Z        : %s\n",ictt_as_string(ictt));
-    assert(tt2 == tt);
-    icttlocal = icaltime_from_string("20001103T183030");
-    tt2 = icaltime_as_timet(icttlocal);
-    printf("20001103T183030  (timet): %s\n",ical_timet_string(tt2));
-    printf("20001103T183030         : %s\n",ictt_as_string(icttlocal));
-    assert(tt-tt2 == offset_tz);
-    printf("\n From time_t \n");
-    printf("Orig        : %s\n",ical_timet_string(tt));
-    printf("As utc      : %s\n", ictt_as_string(ictt));
-    icttlocal = icaltime_as_zone(ictt,zone);
-    printf("As local    : %s\n", ictt_as_string(icttlocal));
-    printf("\n Convert to and from lib c \n");
-    printf("System time is: %s\n",ical_timet_string(tt));
-    v = icalvalue_new_datetime(ictt);
-    printf("System time from libical: %s\n",icalvalue_as_ical_string(v));
-    tt2 = icaltime_as_timet(ictt);
-    printf("Converted back to libc: %s\n",ical_timet_string(tt2));
-    printf("\n Incrementing time  \n");
-    icttnorm = ictt;
-    icttnorm.year++;
-    tt2 = icaltime_as_timet(icttnorm);
-    printf("Add a year: %s\n",ical_timet_string(tt2));
-    icttnorm.month+=13;
-    tt2 = icaltime_as_timet(icttnorm);
-    printf("Add 13 months: %s\n",ical_timet_string(tt2));
-    icttnorm.second+=90;
-    tt2 = icaltime_as_timet(icttnorm);
-    printf("Add 90 seconds: %s\n",ical_timet_string(tt2));
-    printf("\n Day Of week \n");
-    day_of_week = icaltime_day_of_week(ictt);
-    start_day_of_week = icaltime_start_doy_of_week(ictt);
-    day_of_year = icaltime_day_of_year(ictt);
-    printf("Today is day of week %d, day of year %d\n",day_of_week,day_of_year);
-    printf("Week started n doy of %d\n",start_day_of_week);
-    assert(day_of_week == 6);
-    assert(day_of_year == 308);
-    assert(start_day_of_week == 303 );
-    printf("\n TimeZone Conversions \n");
-    icttla = icaltime_as_zone(ictt,"America/Los_Angeles");
-    assert(icttla.hour == 10);
-    icttutc = icaltime_as_utc(icttla,"America/Los_Angeles");
-    assert(icaltime_compare(icttla,
-			 icaltime_from_string("20001103T103030"))==0);
-    icttutczone = icaltime_as_zone(ictt,"Etc/GMT0");
-    icttutczone.is_utc = 1;
-    assert(icaltime_compare(icttutc, icttutczone) == 0); 
-    assert(icaltime_compare(icttutc, ictt) == 0); 
-    icttny  = icaltime_as_zone(ictt,"America/New_York");
-    icttphoenix = icaltime_as_zone(ictt,"America/Phoenix");
-    printf("Orig (ctime): %s\n", ical_timet_string(tt) );
-    printf("Orig (ical) : %s\n", ictt_as_string(ictt));
-    printf("UTC         : %s\n", ictt_as_string(icttutc));
-    printf("Los Angeles : %s\n", ictt_as_string(icttla));
-    printf("Phoenix     : %s\n", ictt_as_string(icttphoenix));
-    printf("New York    : %s\n", ictt_as_string(icttny));
-    /* Daylight savings test for New York */
-    printf("\n Daylight Savings \n");
-    printf("Orig (ctime): %s\n", ical_timet_string(tt) );
-    printf("Orig (ical) : %s\n", ictt_as_string(ictt));
-    printf("NY          : %s\n", ictt_as_string(icttny));
-    assert(strcmp(ictt_as_string(icttny),"2000-11-03 13:30:30")==0);
-    tt_p200 = tt +  200 * 24 * 60 * 60 ; /* Add 200 days */
-    icttdayl = icaltime_from_timet(tt_p200,0);    
-    icttny = icaltime_as_zone(icttdayl,"America/New_York");
-    printf("Orig +200d  : %s\n", ical_timet_string(tt_p200) );
-    printf("NY+200D     : %s\n", ictt_as_string(icttny));
-    assert(strcmp(ictt_as_string(icttny),"2001-05-22 14:30:30")==0);
-    /* Daylight savings test for Los Angeles */
-    icttla  = icaltime_as_zone(ictt,"America/Los_Angeles");
-    printf("\nOrig (ctime): %s\n", ical_timet_string(tt) );
-    printf("Orig (ical) : %s\n", ictt_as_string(ictt));
-    printf("LA          : %s\n", ictt_as_string(icttla));
-    assert(strcmp(ictt_as_string(icttla),"2000-11-03 10:30:30")==0);
-    icttla = icaltime_as_zone(icttdayl,"America/Los_Angeles");
-    printf("Orig +200d  : %s\n", ical_timet_string(tt_p200) );
-    printf("LA+200D     : %s\n", ictt_as_string(icttla));
-    assert(strcmp(ictt_as_string(icttla),"2001-05-22 11:30:30")==0);
-    icalerror_errors_are_fatal = 1;
-void test_iterators()
-    icalcomponent *c,*inner,*next;
-    icalcompiter i;
-    c= icalcomponent_vanew(
-	icalcomponent_vanew(ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT,
-			    icalproperty_vanew_version("1"),0),
-	icalcomponent_vanew(ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT,
-			    icalproperty_vanew_version("2"),0),
-	icalcomponent_vanew(ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT,
-			    icalproperty_vanew_version("3"),0),
-	icalcomponent_vanew(ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT,
-			    icalproperty_vanew_version("4"),0),
-	icalcomponent_vanew(ICAL_VTODO_COMPONENT,
-			    icalproperty_vanew_version("5"),0),
-	icalcomponent_vanew(ICAL_VJOURNAL_COMPONENT,
-			    icalproperty_vanew_version("6"),0),
-	icalcomponent_vanew(ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT,
-			    icalproperty_vanew_version("7"),0),
-	icalcomponent_vanew(ICAL_VJOURNAL_COMPONENT,
-			    icalproperty_vanew_version("8"),0),
-	icalcomponent_vanew(ICAL_VJOURNAL_COMPONENT,
-			    icalproperty_vanew_version("9"),0),
-	icalcomponent_vanew(ICAL_VJOURNAL_COMPONENT,
-			    icalproperty_vanew_version("10"),0),
-	0);
-    printf("1: ");
-    /* List all of the VEVENTS */
-    for(i = icalcomponent_begin_component(c,ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
-	icalcompiter_deref(&i)!= 0; icalcompiter_next(&i)){
-	icalcomponent *this = icalcompiter_deref(&i);
-	icalproperty *p = 
-	    icalcomponent_get_first_property(this,
-	const char* s = icalproperty_get_version(p);
-	printf("%s ",s);
-    }
-    printf("\n2: ");
-#if 0
-    for(inner = icalcomponent_get_first_component(c,ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT); 
-	inner != 0; 
-	inner = next){
-	next = icalcomponent_get_next_component(c,ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
-	icalcomponent_remove_component(c,inner);
-	icalcomponent_free(inner);
-    }
-    /* Delete all of the VEVENTS */
-    /* reset iterator */
-    icalcomponent_get_first_component(c,ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
-    while((inner=icalcomponent_get_current_component(c)) != 0 ){
-	if(icalcomponent_isa(inner) == ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT){
-	    icalcomponent_remove_component(c,inner);
-	} else {
-	    icalcomponent_get_next_component(c,ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
-	}
-    }
-    /* List all remaining components */
-    for(inner = icalcomponent_get_first_component(c,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT); 
-	inner != 0; 
-	inner = icalcomponent_get_next_component(c,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)){
-	icalproperty *p = 
-	    icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_VERSION_PROPERTY);
-	const char* s = icalproperty_get_version(p);	
-	printf("%s ",s);
-    }
-    printf("\n3: ");
-    /* Remove all remaining components */
-    for(inner = icalcomponent_get_first_component(c,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT); 
-	inner != 0; 
-	inner = next){
-	icalcomponent *this;
-	icalproperty *p;
-	const char* s;
-	next = icalcomponent_get_next_component(c,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-	p=icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_VERSION_PROPERTY);
-	s = icalproperty_get_version(p);	
-	printf("rem:%s ",s);
-	icalcomponent_remove_component(c,inner);
-	this = icalcomponent_get_current_component(c);
-	if(this != 0){
-	    p=icalcomponent_get_first_property(this,ICAL_VERSION_PROPERTY);
-	    s = icalproperty_get_version(p);	
-	    printf("next:%s; ",s);
-	}
-	icalcomponent_free(inner);
-    }
-    printf("\n4: ");
-    /* List all remaining components */
-    for(inner = icalcomponent_get_first_component(c,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT); 
-	inner != 0; 
-	inner = icalcomponent_get_next_component(c,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)){
-	icalproperty *p = 
-	    icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_VERSION_PROPERTY);
-	const char* s = icalproperty_get_version(p);	
-	printf("%s ",s);
-    }
-    printf("\n");
-char* test_set_tz(const char* tzid)
-    char *tzstr = 0;
-    char *tmp;
-   /* Put the new time zone into the environment */
-    if(getenv("TZ") != 0){
-	tzstr = (char*)icalmemory_strdup(getenv("TZ"));
-	if(tzstr == 0){
-	    icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	    return 0;
-	}
-    }
-    tmp = (char*)malloc(1024);
-    if(tmp == 0){
-	icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    snprintf(tmp,1024,"TZ=%s",tzid);
-    /* HACK. In some libc versions, putenv gives the string to the
-       system and in some it gives a copy, so the following might be a
-       memory leak. THe linux man page says that glibc2.1.2 take
-       ownership ( no leak) while BSD4.4 uses a copy ( A leak ) */
-    putenv(tmp); 
-    return tzstr; /* This will be zero if the TZ env var was not set */
-void test_unset_tz(char* tzstr)
-    /* restore the original environment */
-    if(tzstr!=0){
-	char temp[1024];
-	snprintf(temp,1024,"TZ=%s",tzstr);
-	putenv(temp);
-	free(tzstr);
-    } else {
-	putenv("TZ"); /* Delete from environment */
-    } 
-void test_time()
-    char  zones[6][40] = { "America/Los_Angeles","America/New_York","Europe/London","Asia/Shanghai", ""};
-    int i;
-    char* old_tz;
-    int orig_month;
-    time_t tt;
-    struct tm stm;
-    tt = time(0);
-    stm = *(localtime(&tt));
-    orig_month = stm.tm_mon;
-    do_test_time(0);
-    old_tz = test_set_tz(zones[0]);
-    for(i = 0; zones[i][0] != 0; i++){
-	if(zones[i][0] != 0){
-	    test_set_tz(zones[i]);
-	}
-	printf(" ######### Timezone: %s ############\n",zones[i]);
-	do_test_time(zones[i]);
-    } 
-    test_unset_tz(old_tz);
-void test_icalset()
-    icalcomponent *c; 
-    icalset* f = icalset_new_file("2446.ics");
-    icalset* d = icalset_new_dir("outdir");
-    assert(f!=0);
-    assert(d!=0);
-    for(c = icalset_get_first_component(f);
-	c != 0;
-	c = icalset_get_next_component(f)){
-	icalcomponent *clone; 
-	clone = icalcomponent_new_clone(c);
-	icalset_add_component(d,clone);
-	printf(" class %d\n",icalclassify(c,0,"user"));
-    }
-void test_classify()
-    icalcomponent *c,*match; 
-    icalset* f = icalset_new_file("../../test-data/classify.ics");
-    assert(f!=0);
-    c = icalset_get_first_component(f);
-    match = icalset_get_next_component(f);
-    printf("Class %d\n",icalclassify(c,match,""));
-void print_span(int c, struct icaltime_span span ){
-    printf("#%02d start: %s\n",c,ical_timet_string(span.start));
-    printf("    end  : %s\n",ical_timet_string(span.end));
-struct icaltimetype icaltime_as_local(struct icaltimetype tt) {
-    return  icaltime_as_zone(tt,0);
-void test_span()
-    time_t tm1 = 973378800; /*Sat Nov  4 23:00:00 UTC 2000,
-			      Sat Nov  4 15:00:00 PST 2000 */
-    time_t tm2 = 973382400; /*Sat Nov  5 00:00:00 UTC 2000 
-			      Sat Nov  4 16:00:00 PST 2000 */
-    struct icaldurationtype dur;
-    struct icaltime_span span;
-    icalcomponent *c; 
-    memset(&dur,0,sizeof(dur));
-    dur.minutes = 30;
-    span.start = tm1;
-    span.end = tm2;
-    print_span(0,span);
-    /* Specify save timezone as in commend above */
-    c = 
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-		icalproperty_vanew_dtstart(
-		    icaltime_as_local(icaltime_from_timet(tm1,0)),
-		    icalparameter_new_tzid("US/Pacific"),0),
-		icalproperty_vanew_dtend(
-		    icaltime_as_local(icaltime_from_timet(tm2,0)),
-		    icalparameter_new_tzid("US/Pacific"),0),
-	    0
-	    );
-    printf("%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-    span = icalcomponent_get_span(c);
-    print_span(1,span);
-    icalcomponent_free(c);
-    /* Use machine's local timezone. Same as above if run in US/Pacific */
-    c = 
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-	    icalproperty_vanew_dtstart(icaltime_from_timet(tm1,0),0),
-	    icalproperty_vanew_dtend(icaltime_from_timet(tm2,0),0),
-	    0
-	    );
-    span = icalcomponent_get_span(c);
-    print_span(2,span);
-    icalcomponent_free(c);
-    /* Specify different timezone */
-    c = 
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-		icalproperty_vanew_dtstart(
-		    icaltime_as_local(icaltime_from_timet(tm1,0)),
-		    icalparameter_new_tzid("US/Eastern"),0),
-		icalproperty_vanew_dtend(
-		    icaltime_as_local(icaltime_from_timet(tm2,0)),
-		    icalparameter_new_tzid("US/Eastern"),0),
-	    0
-	    );
-    span = icalcomponent_get_span(c);
-    print_span(3,span);
-    icalcomponent_free(c);
-    /* Specify different timezone for start and end*/
-    c = 
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-		icalproperty_vanew_dtstart(
-		    icaltime_as_local(icaltime_from_timet(tm1,0)),
-		    icalparameter_new_tzid("US/Eastern"),0),
-		icalproperty_vanew_dtend(
-		    icaltime_as_local(icaltime_from_timet(tm2,0)),
-		    icalparameter_new_tzid("US/Pacific"),0),
-	    0
-	    );
-    span = icalcomponent_get_span(c);
-    print_span(4,span);
-    icalcomponent_free(c);
-    /* Use Duration */
-    c = 
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-		icalproperty_vanew_dtstart(
-		    icaltime_as_local(icaltime_from_timet(tm1,0)),
-		    icalparameter_new_tzid("US/Pacific"),0),
-	    icalproperty_new_duration(dur),
-	    0
-	    );
-    span = icalcomponent_get_span(c);
-    print_span(5,span);
-    icalcomponent_free(c);
-    /* Both UTC and Timezone -- an error */
-    icalerror_clear_errno();
-    c = 
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-		icalproperty_vanew_dtstart(icaltime_from_timet(tm1,0),
-		    icalparameter_new_tzid("US/Eastern"),0),
-		icalproperty_vanew_dtend(icaltime_from_timet(tm2,0),
-		    icalparameter_new_tzid("US/Eastern"),0),
-	    0
-	    );
-    span = icalcomponent_get_span(c);
-    assert(icalerrno != ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-    icalcomponent_free(c);
-icalcomponent* icalclassify_find_overlaps(icalset* set, icalcomponent* comp);
-void test_overlaps()
-#if 0 /* Hack, not working right now */
-    icalcomponent *cset,*c;
-    icalset *set;
-    time_t tm1 = 973378800; /*Sat Nov  4 23:00:00 UTC 2000,
-			      Sat Nov  4 15:00:00 PST 2000 */
-    time_t tm2 = 973382400; /*Sat Nov  5 00:00:00 UTC 2000 
-			      Sat Nov  4 16:00:00 PST 2000 */
-    time_t hh = 1800; /* one half hour */
-    set = icalset_new_file("../../test-data/overlaps.ics");
-    printf("-- 1 -- \n");
-    c = icalcomponent_vanew(
-	icalproperty_vanew_dtstart(icaltime_from_timet(tm1-hh,0),0),
-	icalproperty_vanew_dtend(icaltime_from_timet(tm2-hh,0),0),
-	0
-	);
-    cset =  icalclassify_find_overlaps(set,c);
-    printf("%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(cset));
-    printf("-- 2 -- \n");
-    c = icalcomponent_vanew(
-	icalproperty_vanew_dtstart(icaltime_from_timet(tm1-hh,0),0),
-	icalproperty_vanew_dtend(icaltime_from_timet(tm2,0),0),
-	0
-	);
-    cset =  icalclassify_find_overlaps(set,c);
-    printf("%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(cset));
-    printf("-- 3 -- \n");
-    c = icalcomponent_vanew(
-	icalproperty_vanew_dtstart(icaltime_from_timet(tm1+5*hh,0),0),
-	icalproperty_vanew_dtend(icaltime_from_timet(tm2+5*hh,0),0),
-	0
-	);
-    cset =  icalclassify_find_overlaps(set,c);
-    printf("%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(cset));
-void test_fblist()
-    icalspanlist *sl;
-    icalset* set = icalset_new_file("../../test-data/spanlist.ics");
-    struct icalperiodtype period;
-    sl = icalspanlist_new(set,
-		     icaltime_from_string("19970324T120000Z"),
-		     icaltime_from_string("19990424T020000Z"));
-    printf("Restricted spanlist\n");
-    icalspanlist_dump(sl);
-    period= icalspanlist_next_free_time(sl,
-				      icaltime_from_string("19970801T120000Z"));
-    printf("Next Free time: %s\n",icaltime_as_ctime(period.start));
-    printf("                %s\n",icaltime_as_ctime(period.end));
-    icalspanlist_free(sl);
-    printf("Unrestricted spanlist\n");
-    sl = icalspanlist_new(set,
-		     icaltime_from_string("19970324T120000Z"),
-			  icaltime_null_time());
-    printf("Restricted spanlist\n");
-    icalspanlist_dump(sl);
-    period= icalspanlist_next_free_time(sl,
-				      icaltime_from_string("19970801T120000Z"));
-    printf("Next Free time: %s\n",icaltime_as_ctime(period.start));
-    printf("                %s\n",icaltime_as_ctime(period.end));
-    icalspanlist_free(sl);
-void test_convenience(){
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    int duration;
-    c = icalcomponent_vanew(
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-	    icalproperty_new_dtstart(icaltime_from_string("19970801T120000")),
-	    icalproperty_new_dtend(icaltime_from_string("19970801T130000")),
-	    0
-	    ),
-	0);
-    printf("** 1 DTSTART and DTEND **\n%s\n\n",
-	   icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-    duration = icaldurationtype_as_int(icalcomponent_get_duration(c))/60;
-    printf("Start: %s\n",ictt_as_string(icalcomponent_get_dtstart(c)));
-    printf("End:   %s\n",ictt_as_string(icalcomponent_get_dtend(c)));
-    printf("Dur:   %d m\n",duration);
-    icalcomponent_free(c);
-    c = icalcomponent_vanew(
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-	    icalproperty_new_dtstart(icaltime_from_string("19970801T120000Z")),
-	    icalproperty_new_duration(icaldurationtype_from_string("PT1H30M")),
-	    0
-	    ),
-	0);
-    printf("\n** 2 DTSTART and DURATION **\n%s\n\n",
-	   icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-    duration = icaldurationtype_as_int(icalcomponent_get_duration(c))/60;
-    printf("Start: %s\n",ictt_as_string(icalcomponent_get_dtstart(c)));
-    printf("End:   %s\n",ictt_as_string(icalcomponent_get_dtend(c)));
-    printf("Dur:   %d m\n",duration);
-    icalcomponent_free(c);
-    c = icalcomponent_vanew(
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-	    icalproperty_new_dtstart(icaltime_from_string("19970801T120000")),
-	    icalproperty_new_dtend(icaltime_from_string("19970801T130000")),
-	    0
-	    ),
-	0);
-    icalcomponent_set_duration(c,icaldurationtype_from_string("PT1H30M"));
-    printf("** 3 DTSTART and DTEND, Set DURATION **\n%s\n\n",
-	   icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-    duration = icaldurationtype_as_int(icalcomponent_get_duration(c))/60;
-    printf("Start: %s\n",ictt_as_string(icalcomponent_get_dtstart(c)));
-    printf("End:   %s\n",ictt_as_string(icalcomponent_get_dtend(c)));
-    printf("Dur:   %d m\n",duration);
-    icalcomponent_free(c);
-    c = icalcomponent_vanew(
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-	    icalproperty_new_dtstart(icaltime_from_string("19970801T120000Z")),
-	    icalproperty_new_duration(icaldurationtype_from_string("PT1H30M")),
-	    0
-	    ),
-	0);
-    icalcomponent_set_dtend(c,icaltime_from_string("19970801T133000Z"));
-    printf("\n** 4 DTSTART and DURATION, set DTEND **\n%s\n\n",
-	   icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-    duration = icaldurationtype_as_int(icalcomponent_get_duration(c))/60;
-    printf("Start: %s\n",ictt_as_string(icalcomponent_get_dtstart(c)));
-    printf("End:   %s\n",ictt_as_string(icalcomponent_get_dtend(c)));
-    printf("Dur:   %d m\n",duration);
-    icalcomponent_free(c);
-    c = icalcomponent_vanew(
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-	    0
-	    ),
-	0);
-    icalcomponent_set_dtstart(c,icaltime_from_string("19970801T120000Z"));
-    icalcomponent_set_dtend(c,icaltime_from_string("19970801T133000Z"));
-    printf("\n** 5 Set DTSTART and DTEND **\n%s\n\n",
-	   icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-    duration = icaldurationtype_as_int(icalcomponent_get_duration(c))/60;
-    printf("Start: %s\n",ictt_as_string(icalcomponent_get_dtstart(c)));
-    printf("End:   %s\n",ictt_as_string(icalcomponent_get_dtend(c)));
-    printf("Dur:   %d m\n",duration);
-    icalcomponent_free(c);
-    c = icalcomponent_vanew(
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-	    0
-	    ),
-	0);
-    icalcomponent_set_dtstart(c,icaltime_from_string("19970801T120000Z"));
-    icalcomponent_set_duration(c,icaldurationtype_from_string("PT1H30M"));
-    printf("\n** 6 Set DTSTART and DURATION **\n%s\n\n",
-	   icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-    duration = icaldurationtype_as_int(icalcomponent_get_duration(c))/60;
-    printf("Start: %s\n",ictt_as_string(icalcomponent_get_dtstart(c)));
-    printf("End:   %s\n",ictt_as_string(icalcomponent_get_dtend(c)));
-    printf("Dur:   %d m\n",duration);
-    icalcomponent_free(c);
-void test_time_parser()
-    struct icaltimetype tt;
-    icalerror_errors_are_fatal = 0;
-    tt = icaltime_from_string("19970101T1000");
-    assert(icaltime_is_null_time(tt));
-    tt = icaltime_from_string("19970101X100000");
-    assert(icaltime_is_null_time(tt));
-    tt = icaltime_from_string("19970101T100000");
-    assert(!icaltime_is_null_time(tt));
-    printf("%s\n",icaltime_as_ctime(tt));
-    tt = icaltime_from_string("19970101T100000Z");
-    assert(!icaltime_is_null_time(tt));
-    printf("%s\n",icaltime_as_ctime(tt));
-    tt = icaltime_from_string("19970101");
-    assert(!icaltime_is_null_time(tt));
-    printf("%s\n",icaltime_as_ctime(tt));
-    icalerror_errors_are_fatal = 1;
-void test_recur_parser()
-    struct icalrecurrencetype rt; 
-    printf("FREQ=YEARLY;UNTIL=20000131T090000Z;BYMONTH=1,2,3,4,8;BYYEARDAY=34,65,76,78;BYDAY=-1TU,3WE,-4FR,SU,SA\n");
-    rt = icalrecurrencetype_from_string("FREQ=YEARLY;UNTIL=20000131T090000Z;BYMONTH=1,2,3,4,8;BYYEARDAY=34,65,76,78;BYDAY=-1TU,3WE,-4FR,SU,SA");
-    printf("%s\n\n",icalrecurrencetype_as_string(&rt));
-    printf("FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=3;BYMONTH=1,2,3,4,8;BYYEARDAY=34,65,76,78;BYDAY=-1TU,3WE,-4FR,SU,S\n");
-    rt = icalrecurrencetype_from_string("FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=3;BYMONTH=1,2,3,4,8;BYYEARDAY=34,65,76,78;BYDAY=-1TU,3WE,-4FR,SU,SA");
-    printf("%s\n",icalrecurrencetype_as_string(&rt));
-char* ical_strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle){
-    return strstr(haystack,needle);
-void test_doy()
-    struct icaltimetype tt1, tt2;
-    short doy;
-    tt1 = icaltime_from_string("19950301");
-    doy = icaltime_day_of_year(tt1);
-    tt2 = icaltime_from_day_of_year(doy,1995);
-    printf("%d %s %s\n",doy, icaltime_as_ctime(tt1),icaltime_as_ctime(tt2));
-    assert( == 1 && tt2.month == 3);
-    assert(doy == 60);
-    tt1 = icaltime_from_string("19960301");
-    doy = icaltime_day_of_year(tt1);
-    tt2 = icaltime_from_day_of_year(doy,1996);
-    printf("%d %s %s\n",doy, icaltime_as_ctime(tt1),icaltime_as_ctime(tt2));
-    assert( == 1 && tt2.month == 3);
-    assert(doy == 61);
-    tt1 = icaltime_from_string("19970301");
-    doy = icaltime_day_of_year(tt1);
-    tt2 = icaltime_from_day_of_year(doy,1997);
-    printf("%d %s %s\n",doy, icaltime_as_ctime(tt1),icaltime_as_ctime(tt2));
-    assert( == 1 && tt2.month == 3);
-    assert(doy == 60);
-void test_x(){
-#include <config.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <ical.h>
-    static const char test_icalcomp_str[] =
-" ;X-EVOLUTION-ENDDATE=20030209T081500\r\n"
-"X-COMMENT;X-FOO=BAR: Booga\r\n"
-    icalcomponent *icalcomp;
-    icalproperty *prop;
-    struct icalrecurrencetype recur;
-    int n_errors;
-    icalcomp = icalparser_parse_string ((char *) test_icalcomp_str);
-    if (!icalcomp) {
-	fprintf (stderr, "main(): could not parse the component\n");
-	exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-    }
-    printf("%s\n\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(icalcomp));
-    n_errors = icalcomponent_count_errors (icalcomp);
-    if (n_errors) {
-	icalproperty *p;
-	for (p = icalcomponent_get_first_property (icalcomp,
-	     p;
-	     p = icalcomponent_get_next_property (icalcomp,
-	    char *str;
-	    str = icalproperty_as_ical_string (p);
-	    fprintf (stderr, "error: %s\n", str);
-	}
-    }
-    prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property (icalcomp, ICAL_RRULE_PROPERTY);
-    if (!prop) {
-	fprintf (stderr, "main(): could not get the RRULE property");
-	exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-    }
-    recur = icalproperty_get_rrule (prop);
-    printf("%s\n",icalrecurrencetype_as_string(&recur));
-void test_gauge_sql() {
-    icalgauge *g;
-    icalgauge_dump(g);
-    icalgauge_free(g);
-    g = icalgauge_new_from_sql("SELECT * FROM VEVENT,VTODO WHERE VEVENT.SUMMARY = 'Bongoa' AND SEQUENCE < 5 OR METHOD != 'CREATE'");
-    icalgauge_dump(g);
-    icalgauge_free(g);
-void test_gauge_compare() {
-    icalgauge *g;
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    /* Equality */
-    c =  icalcomponent_vanew(ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT,
-	      icalcomponent_vanew(ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT,
-		  icalproperty_new_dtstart(
-		      icaltime_from_string("20000101T000002")),0),0);
-    g = icalgauge_new_from_sql(
-	"SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART = '20000101T000002'");
-    printf("SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART = '20000101T000002'\n");
-    assert(c!=0);
-    assert(g!=0);
-    assert(icalgauge_compare(g,c) == 1);
-    icalgauge_free(g);
-    g = icalgauge_new_from_sql(
-	"SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART = '20000101T000001'");
-    printf("SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART = '20000101T000001'\n");
-    assert(g!=0);
-    assert(icalgauge_compare(g,c) == 0);
-    icalgauge_free(g);
-    g = icalgauge_new_from_sql(
-	"SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART != '20000101T000003'");
-    printf("SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART != '20000101T000003'\n");
-    assert(g!=0);
-    assert(icalgauge_compare(g,c) == 1);
-    icalgauge_free(g);
-    /* Less than */
-    g = icalgauge_new_from_sql(
-	"SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART < '20000101T000003'");
-    printf("SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART < '20000101T000003'\n");
-    assert(icalgauge_compare(g,c) == 1);
-    assert(g!=0);
-    icalgauge_free(g);
-    g = icalgauge_new_from_sql(
-	"SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART < '20000101T000002'");
-    printf("SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART < '20000101T000002'\n");
-    assert(g!=0);
-    assert(icalgauge_compare(g,c) == 0);
-    icalgauge_free(g);
-    /* Greater than */
-    g = icalgauge_new_from_sql(
-	"SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART > '20000101T000001'");
-    printf("SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART > '20000101T000001'\n");
-    assert(g!=0);
-    assert(icalgauge_compare(g,c) == 1);
-    icalgauge_free(g);
-    g = icalgauge_new_from_sql(
-	"SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART > '20000101T000002'");
-    printf("SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART > '20000101T000002'\n");
-    assert(g!=0);
-    assert(icalgauge_compare(g,c) == 0);
-    icalgauge_free(g);
-    /* Greater than or Equal to */
-    g = icalgauge_new_from_sql(
-	"SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART >= '20000101T000002'");
-    printf("SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART >= '20000101T000002'\n");
-    assert(g!=0);
-    assert(icalgauge_compare(g,c) == 1);
-    icalgauge_free(g);
-    g = icalgauge_new_from_sql(
-	"SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART >= '20000101T000003'");
-    printf("SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART >= '20000101T000003'\n");
-    assert(g!=0);
-    assert(icalgauge_compare(g,c) == 0);
-    icalgauge_free(g);
-    /* Less than or Equal to */
-    g = icalgauge_new_from_sql(
-	"SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART <= '20000101T000002'");
-    printf("SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART <= '20000101T000002'\n");
-    assert(g!=0);
-    assert(icalgauge_compare(g,c) == 1);
-    icalgauge_free(g);
-    g = icalgauge_new_from_sql(
-	"SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART <= '20000101T000001'");
-    printf("SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART <= '20000101T000001'\n");
-    assert(g!=0);
-    assert(icalgauge_compare(g,c) == 0);
-    icalgauge_free(g);
-    icalcomponent_free(c);
-    /* Complex comparisions */
-    c =  icalcomponent_vanew(
-	icalproperty_new_method(ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST),
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-	    icalproperty_new_dtstart(
-		icaltime_from_string("20000101T000002")),
-	    icalproperty_new_comment("foo"),
-	    icalcomponent_vanew(
-		icalproperty_new_dtstart(
-		    icaltime_from_string("20000101T120000")),
-		0),
-	    0),
-	0);
-    g = icalgauge_new_from_sql(
-    printf("SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE VALARM.DTSTART = '20000101T120000'\n");
-    assert(icalgauge_compare(g,c) == 1);
-    icalgauge_free(g);
-    g = icalgauge_new_from_sql(
-    printf("SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE COMMENT = 'foo'\n");
-    assert(icalgauge_compare(g,c) == 1);
-    icalgauge_free(g);
-    g = icalgauge_new_from_sql(
-    printf("SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE COMMENT = 'foo' AND  VALARM.DTSTART = '20000101T120000'\n");
-    assert(icalgauge_compare(g,c) == 1);
-    icalgauge_free(g);
-    icalcomponent_free(c);
-icalcomponent* make_component(int i){
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    struct icaltimetype t = icaltime_from_string("20000101T120000Z");
- += i;
-    icaltime_normalize(t);
-    c =  icalcomponent_vanew(
-	icalproperty_new_method(ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST),
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-	    icalproperty_new_dtstart(t),
-	    0),
-	0);
-    assert(c != 0);
-    return c;
-void test_fileset()
-    icalfileset *fs;
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    int i;
-    char *path = "test_fileset.ics";
-    icalgauge  *g = icalgauge_new_from_sql(
-	"SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE DTSTART > '20000103T120000Z' AND DTSTART <= '20000106T120000Z'");
-    unlink(path);
-    fs = icalfileset_new(path);
-    assert(fs != 0);
-    for (i = 0; i!= 10; i++){
-	c = make_component(i);
-	icalfileset_add_component(fs,c);
-    }
-    icalfileset_commit(fs);
-    icalfileset_free(fs);
-    fs = icalfileset_new(path);
-    printf("== No Selections \n");
-    for (c = icalfileset_get_first_component(fs);
-	 c != 0;
-	 c = icalfileset_get_next_component(fs)){
-	struct icaltimetype t = icalcomponent_get_dtstart(c);
-	printf("%s\n",icaltime_as_ctime(t));
-    }
-    icalfileset_select(fs,g);
-    printf("\n== DTSTART > '20000103T120000Z' AND DTSTART <= '20000106T120000Z' \n");
-    for (c = icalfileset_get_first_component(fs);
-	 c != 0;
-	 c = icalfileset_get_next_component(fs)){
-	struct icaltimetype t = icalcomponent_get_dtstart(c);
-	printf("%s\n",icaltime_as_ctime(t));
-    }
-    icalfileset_free(fs);
-void microsleep(int us)
-    struct timeval tv;
-    tv.tv_sec = 0;
-    tv.tv_usec = us;
-    select(0,0,0,0,&tv);
-void test_file_locks()
-    pid_t pid;
-    char *path = "test_fileset_locktest.ics";
-    icalfileset *fs;
-    icalcomponent *c, *c2;
-    struct icaldurationtype d;
-    int i;
-    int final,sec;
-    icalfileset_safe_saves = 1;
-    icalerror_clear_errno();
-    unlink(path);
-    fs = icalfileset_new(path);
-    if(icalfileset_get_first_component(fs)==0){
-	c = make_component(0);
-	d = icaldurationtype_from_int(1);
-	icalcomponent_set_duration(c,d);
-	icalfileset_add_component(fs,c);
-	c2 = icalcomponent_new_clone(c);
-	icalfileset_add_component(fs,c2);
-	icalfileset_commit(fs);
-    }
-    icalfileset_free(fs);
-    assert(icalerrno == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-    pid = fork();
-    assert(pid >= 0);
-    if(pid == 0){
-	/*child*/
-	int i;
-	microsleep(rand()/(RAND_MAX/100));
-	for(i = 0; i< 50; i++){
-	    fs = icalfileset_new(path);
-	    assert(fs != 0);
-	    c = icalfileset_get_first_component(fs);
-	    assert(c!=0);
-	    d = icalcomponent_get_duration(c);
-	    d = icaldurationtype_from_int(icaldurationtype_as_int(d)+1);
-	    icalcomponent_set_duration(c,d);
-	    icalcomponent_set_summary(c,"Child");	  
-	    c2 = icalcomponent_new_clone(c);
-	    icalcomponent_set_summary(c2,"Child");
-	    icalfileset_add_component(fs,c2);
-	    icalfileset_mark(fs);
-	    icalfileset_commit(fs);
-	    icalfileset_free(fs);
-	    microsleep(rand()/(RAND_MAX/20));
-	}
-	exit(0);
-    } else {
-	/* parent */
-	int i;
-	for(i = 0; i< 50; i++){
-	    fs = icalfileset_new(path);
-	    assert(fs != 0);
-	    c = icalfileset_get_first_component(fs);
-	    assert(c!=0);
-	    d = icalcomponent_get_duration(c);
-	    d = icaldurationtype_from_int(icaldurationtype_as_int(d)+1);
-	    icalcomponent_set_duration(c,d);
-	    icalcomponent_set_summary(c,"Parent");
-	    c2 = icalcomponent_new_clone(c);
-	    icalcomponent_set_summary(c2,"Parent");
-	    icalfileset_add_component(fs,c2);
-	    icalfileset_mark(fs);
-	    icalfileset_commit(fs);
-	    icalfileset_free(fs);
-	    putc('.',stdout);
-	    fflush(stdout);
-	}
-    }
-    assert(waitpid(pid,0,0)==pid);
-    fs = icalfileset_new(path);
-    i=1;
-    c = icalfileset_get_first_component(fs);
-    final = icaldurationtype_as_int(icalcomponent_get_duration(c));
-    for (c = icalfileset_get_next_component(fs);
-	 c != 0;
-	 c = icalfileset_get_next_component(fs)){
-	struct icaldurationtype d = icalcomponent_get_duration(c);
-	sec = icaldurationtype_as_int(d);
-	/*printf("%d,%d ",i,sec);*/
-	assert(i == sec);
-	i++;
-    }
-    printf("\nFinal: %d\n",final);
-    assert(sec == final);
-void test_action()
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    icalproperty *p;
-    static const char test_icalcomp_str[] =
-    c = icalparser_parse_string ((char *) test_icalcomp_str);
-    if (!c) {
-	fprintf (stderr, "main(): could not parse the component\n");
-	exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-    }
-    printf("%s\n\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c,ICAL_ACTION_PROPERTY);
-    assert(icalproperty_get_action(p) == ICAL_ACTION_EMAIL);
-    p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(c,ICAL_ACTION_PROPERTY);
-    assert(icalproperty_get_action(p) == ICAL_ACTION_PROCEDURE);
-    p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(c,ICAL_ACTION_PROPERTY);
-    assert(icalproperty_get_action(p) == ICAL_ACTION_AUDIO);
-    p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(c,ICAL_ACTION_PROPERTY);
-    assert(icalproperty_get_action(p) == ICAL_ACTION_X);
-    assert(regrstrcmp(icalvalue_get_x(icalproperty_get_value(p)), "FUBAR")==0);
-void test_trigger()
-    struct icaltriggertype tr;
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    icalproperty *p;
-    char* str;
-    static const char test_icalcomp_str[] =
-    c = icalparser_parse_string ((char *) test_icalcomp_str);
-    if (!c) {
-	fprintf (stderr, "main(): could not parse the component\n");
-	exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-    }
-    printf("%s\n\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-    for(p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c,ICAL_TRIGGER_PROPERTY);
-	p != 0;
-	p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(c,ICAL_TRIGGER_PROPERTY)){
-	tr = icalproperty_get_trigger(p);
-	if(!icaltime_is_null_time(tr.time)){
-	    printf("value=DATE-TIME:%s\n", icaltime_as_ical_string(tr.time));
-	} else {
-	    printf("value=DURATION:%s\n", icaldurationtype_as_ical_string(tr.duration));
-	}   
-    }
-    /* Trigger, as a DATETIME */
-    tr.duration = icaldurationtype_null_duration();
-    tr.time = icaltime_from_string("19970101T120000");
-    p = icalproperty_new_trigger(tr);
-    str = icalproperty_as_ical_string(p);
-    printf("%s\n",str);
-    assert(regrstrcmp("TRIGGER\n ;VALUE=DATE-TIME\n :19970101T120000\n",str) == 0);
-    icalproperty_free(p);
-    /* TRIGGER, as a DURATION */
-    tr.time = icaltime_null_time();
-    tr.duration = icaldurationtype_from_string("P3DT3H50M45S");
-    p = icalproperty_new_trigger(tr);
-    str = icalproperty_as_ical_string(p);
-    printf("%s\n",str);
-    assert(regrstrcmp("TRIGGER\n ;VALUE=DURATION\n :P3DT3H50M45S\n",str) == 0);
-    icalproperty_free(p);
-    tr.duration = icaldurationtype_null_duration();
-    tr.time = icaltime_from_string("19970101T120000");
-    p = icalproperty_new_trigger(tr);
-    icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_value( ICAL_VALUE_DATETIME));
-    str = icalproperty_as_ical_string(p);
-    printf("%s\n",str);
-    assert(regrstrcmp("TRIGGER\n ;VALUE=DATE-TIME\n :19970101T120000\n",str) == 0);
-    icalproperty_free(p);
-    tr.time = icaltime_null_time();
-    tr.duration = icaldurationtype_from_string("P3DT3H50M45S");
-    p = icalproperty_new_trigger(tr);
-    icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_value( ICAL_VALUE_DATETIME ));
-    str = icalproperty_as_ical_string(p);
-    printf("%s\n",str);
-    assert(regrstrcmp("TRIGGER\n ;VALUE=DURATION\n :P3DT3H50M45S\n",str) == 0);
-    icalproperty_free(p);
-    tr.duration = icaldurationtype_null_duration();
-    tr.time = icaltime_from_string("19970101T120000");
-    p = icalproperty_new_trigger(tr);
-    icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_value( ICAL_VALUE_DURATION));
-    str = icalproperty_as_ical_string(p);
-    printf("%s\n",str);
-    assert(regrstrcmp("TRIGGER\n ;VALUE=DATE-TIME\n :19970101T120000\n",str) == 0);
-    icalproperty_free(p);
-    tr.time = icaltime_null_time();
-    tr.duration = icaldurationtype_from_string("P3DT3H50M45S");
-    p = icalproperty_new_trigger(tr);
-    icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_value( ICAL_VALUE_DURATION));
-    str = icalproperty_as_ical_string(p);
-    printf("%s\n",str);
-    assert(regrstrcmp("TRIGGER\n ;VALUE=DURATION\n :P3DT3H50M45S\n",str) == 0);
-    icalproperty_free(p);
-    tr.duration = icaldurationtype_null_duration();
-    tr.time = icaltime_from_string("19970101T120000");
-    p = icalproperty_new_trigger(tr);
-    icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_BINARY));
-    str = icalproperty_as_ical_string(p);
-    printf("%s\n",str);
-    assert(regrstrcmp("TRIGGER\n ;VALUE=DATE-TIME\n :19970101T120000\n",str) == 0);
-    icalproperty_free(p);
-    tr.time = icaltime_null_time();
-    tr.duration = icaldurationtype_from_string("P3DT3H50M45S");
-    p = icalproperty_new_trigger(tr);
-    icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_BINARY));
-    str = icalproperty_as_ical_string(p);
-    printf("%s\n",str);
-    assert(regrstrcmp("TRIGGER\n ;VALUE=DURATION\n :P3DT3H50M45S\n",str) == 0);
-    icalproperty_free(p);
-void test_rdate()
-    struct icaldatetimeperiodtype dtp;
-    icalproperty *p;
-    char* str;
-    struct icalperiodtype period;
-    period.start = icaltime_from_string("19970101T120000");
-    period.end = icaltime_null_time();
-    period.duration = icaldurationtype_from_string("PT3H10M15S");
-    /* RDATE, as DATE-TIME */
-    dtp.time = icaltime_from_string("19970101T120000");
-    dtp.period = icalperiodtype_null_period();
-    p = icalproperty_new_rdate(dtp);
-    str = icalproperty_as_ical_string(p);
-    printf("%s\n",str);
-    assert(regrstrcmp("RDATE\n ;VALUE=DATE-TIME\n :19970101T120000\n",str) == 0);
-    icalproperty_free(p); 
-    /* RDATE, as PERIOD */
-    dtp.time = icaltime_null_time();
-    dtp.period = period;
-    p = icalproperty_new_rdate(dtp);
-    str = icalproperty_as_ical_string(p);
-    printf("%s\n",str);
-    assert(regrstrcmp("RDATE\n ;VALUE=PERIOD\n :19970101T120000/PT3H10M15S\n",str) == 0);
-    icalproperty_free(p); 
-    dtp.time = icaltime_from_string("19970101T120000");
-    dtp.period = icalperiodtype_null_period();
-    p = icalproperty_new_rdate(dtp);
-    icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_DATETIME));
-    str = icalproperty_as_ical_string(p);
-    printf("%s\n",str);
-    assert(regrstrcmp("RDATE\n ;VALUE=DATE-TIME\n :19970101T120000\n",str) == 0);
-    icalproperty_free(p); 
-    dtp.time = icaltime_null_time();
-    dtp.period = period;
-    p = icalproperty_new_rdate(dtp);
-    icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_DATETIME));
-    str = icalproperty_as_ical_string(p);
-    printf("%s\n",str);
-    assert(regrstrcmp("RDATE\n ;VALUE=PERIOD\n :19970101T120000/PT3H10M15S\n",str) == 0);
-    icalproperty_free(p); 
-    dtp.time = icaltime_from_string("19970101T120000");
-    dtp.period = icalperiodtype_null_period();
-    p = icalproperty_new_rdate(dtp);
-    icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_PERIOD));
-    str = icalproperty_as_ical_string(p);
-    printf("%s\n",str);
-    assert(regrstrcmp("RDATE\n ;VALUE=DATE-TIME\n :19970101T120000\n",str) == 0);
-    icalproperty_free(p); 
-    dtp.time = icaltime_null_time();
-    dtp.period = period;
-    p = icalproperty_new_rdate(dtp);
-    icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_PERIOD));
-    str = icalproperty_as_ical_string(p);
-    printf("%s\n",str);
-    assert(regrstrcmp("RDATE\n ;VALUE=PERIOD\n :19970101T120000/PT3H10M15S\n",str) == 0);
-    icalproperty_free(p); 
-    dtp.time = icaltime_from_string("19970101T120000");
-    dtp.period = icalperiodtype_null_period();
-    p = icalproperty_new_rdate(dtp);
-    icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_BINARY));
-    str = icalproperty_as_ical_string(p);
-    printf("%s\n",str);
-    assert(regrstrcmp("RDATE\n ;VALUE=DATE-TIME\n :19970101T120000\n",str) == 0);
-    icalproperty_free(p); 
-    dtp.time = icaltime_null_time();
-    dtp.period = period;
-    p = icalproperty_new_rdate(dtp);
-    icalproperty_add_parameter(p,icalparameter_new_value(ICAL_VALUE_BINARY));
-    str = icalproperty_as_ical_string(p);
-    printf("%s\n",str);
-    assert(regrstrcmp("RDATE\n ;VALUE=PERIOD\n :19970101T120000/PT3H10M15S\n",str) == 0);
-    icalproperty_free(p); 
-void test_langbind()
-    icalcomponent *c, *inner; 
-    icalproperty *p;
-    static const char test_str[] =
-"COMMENT: Comment that \n spans a line\n"
-    printf("%s\n",test_str);
-    c = icalparser_parse_string(test_str);
-    inner = icalcomponent_get_inner(c);
-    for(
-	p = icallangbind_get_first_property(inner,"ANY");
-	p != 0;
-	p = icallangbind_get_next_property(inner,"ANY")
-	) { 
-	printf("%s\n",icallangbind_property_eval_string(p,":"));
-    }
-    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY);
-    icalproperty_set_parameter_from_string(p,"CUTYPE","INDIVIDUAL");
-    printf("%s\n",icalproperty_as_ical_string(p));
-    icalproperty_set_value_from_string(p,"","TEXT");
-    printf("%s\n",icalproperty_as_ical_string(p));
-void test_property_parse()
-    icalproperty *p;
-    p= icalproperty_new_from_string(
-                         "ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;");
-    assert (p !=  0);
-    printf("%s\n",icalproperty_as_ical_string(p));
-    p= icalproperty_new_from_string("DTSTART:19970101T120000Z\n");
-    assert (p !=  0);
-    printf("%s\n",icalproperty_as_ical_string(p));
-void test_value_parameter() 
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    icalproperty *p;
-    icalparameter *param;
-    static const char test_icalcomp_str[] =
-    c = icalparser_parse_string ((char *) test_icalcomp_str);
-    if (!c) {
-	fprintf (stderr, "main(): could not parse the component\n");
-	exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-    }
-    printf("%s",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c,ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY);
-    param = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(p,ICAL_VALUE_PARAMETER);
-    assert(icalparameter_get_value(param) == ICAL_VALUE_DATETIME);
-    p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(c,ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY);
-    param = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(p,ICAL_VALUE_PARAMETER);
-    assert(icalparameter_get_value(param) == ICAL_VALUE_DATE);
-void test_x_property() 
-    icalproperty *p;
-    p= icalproperty_new_from_string(
-       "X-LIC-PROPERTY: This is a note");
-    printf("%s\n",icalproperty_as_ical_string(p));
-    assert(icalproperty_isa(p) == ICAL_X_PROPERTY);
-    assert(regrstrcmp(icalproperty_get_x_name(p),"X-LIC-PROPERTY")==0);
-    assert(regrstrcmp(icalproperty_get_x(p)," This is a note")==0);
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    int c;
-    extern char *optarg;
-    extern int optopt;
-    int errflg=0;
-    char* program_name = strrchr(argv[0],'/');
-    int ttime=0, trecur=0,tspan=0, tmisc=0, tgauge = 0, tfile = 0,
-        tbasic = 0;
-    if(argc==1) {
-	ttime = trecur = tspan = tmisc = tgauge = tfile = tbasic = 1;
-    }
-    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "t:s:r:m:g:f:b:")) != -1) {
-	switch (c) {
-	    case 'b': {
-		tbasic = atoi(optarg);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case 't': {
-		ttime = atoi(optarg);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case 's': {
-		tspan = atoi(optarg);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case 'r': {
-		trecur = atoi(optarg);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case 'm': {
-		tmisc = atoi(optarg);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case 'g': {
-		tgauge = atoi(optarg);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case 'f': {
-		tfile = atoi(optarg);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case ':': {/* Option given without an operand */
-		fprintf(stderr,
-			"%s: Option -%c requires an operand\n", 
-			program_name,optopt);
-		errflg++;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case '?': {
-		errflg++;
-	    }
-	}
-    } 
-    if(ttime==1 || ttime==2){
-	printf("\n------------Test time parser ----------\n");
-	test_time_parser();
-    }
-    if(ttime==1 || ttime==3){
-	printf("\n------------Test time----------------\n");
-	test_time();
-    }
-    if(ttime==1 || ttime==4){
-	printf("\n------------Test day of year---------\n");
-	test_doy();
-    }
-    if(ttime==1 || ttime==5){
-	printf("\n------------Test duration---------------\n");
-	test_duration();
-    }	
-    if(ttime==1 || ttime==6){
-	printf("\n------------Test period ----------------\n");
-	test_period();
-    }	
-    if(trecur==1 || trecur==2){
-	printf("\n------------Test recur parser ----------\n");
-	test_recur_parser();
-    }
-    if(trecur==1 || trecur==3){
-	printf("\n------------Test recur---------------\n");
-	test_recur();
-    }
-    if(trecur==1 || trecur==4){
-	printf("\n------------Test parameter bug---------\n");
-	test_recur_parameter_bug();
-    }
-    if(trecur==1 || trecur==5){
-	printf("\n------------Test Array Expansion---------\n");
-	test_expand_recurrence();
-    }
-    if(tspan==1 || tspan==2){
-	printf("\n------------Test FBlist------------\n");
-	test_fblist();
-    }
-    if(tspan==1 || tspan==3){
-	printf("\n------------Test Overlaps------------\n");
-	test_overlaps();
-    }
-    if(tspan==1 || tspan==4){
-	printf("\n------------Test Span----------------\n");
-	test_span();
-    }
-    if(tgauge == 1 || tgauge == 2){
-	printf("\n------------Test Gauge SQL----------------\n");
-	test_gauge_sql();
-    }	
-    if(tgauge == 1 || tgauge == 3){
-	printf("\n------------Test Gauge Compare--------------\n");
-	test_gauge_compare();
-    }	
-    if(tfile ==1 || tfile == 2){
-	printf("\n------------Test File Set--------------\n");
-	test_fileset();
-    }
-    if(tfile ==1 || tfile == 3){
-	printf("\n------------Test File Locks--------------\n");
-	test_file_locks();
-    }
-    if(tmisc == 1 || tmisc  == 2){
-	printf("\n------------Test X Props and Params--------\n");
-	test_x();
-    }
-    if(tmisc == 1 || tmisc  == 3){
-	printf("\n------------Test Trigger ------------------\n");
-	test_trigger();
-    }
-    if(tmisc == 1 || tmisc  == 4){
-	printf("\n------------Test Restriction---------------\n");
-	test_restriction();
-    }
-    if(tmisc == 1 || tmisc  == 5){
-	printf("\n------------Test RDATE---------------\n");
-	test_rdate();
-    }
-    if(tmisc == 1 || tmisc  == 6){
-	printf("\n------------Test language binding---------------\n");
-	test_langbind();
-    }
-    if(tmisc == 1 || tmisc  == 7){
-	printf("\n------------Test property parser---------------\n");
-	test_property_parse();
-    }
-    if(tmisc == 1 || tmisc  == 8){
-	printf("\n------------Test Action ------------------\n");
-	test_action();
-    }
-    if(tmisc == 1 || tmisc  == 9){
-	printf("\n------------Test Value Parameter ------------------\n");
-	test_value_parameter();
-    }
-    if(tmisc == 1 || tmisc  == 10){
-	printf("\n------------Test X property ------------------\n");
-	test_x_property();
-    }
-    if(tbasic == 1 || tbasic  == 2){
-	printf("\n------------Test Values---------------\n");
-	test_values();
-    }
-    if(tbasic == 1 || tbasic  == 3){
-	printf("\n------------Test Parameters-----------\n");
-	test_parameters();
-    }
-    if(tbasic == 1 || tbasic  == 4){
-	printf("\n------------Test Properties-----------\n");
-	test_properties();
-    }
-    if(tbasic == 1 || tbasic  == 5){
-	printf("\n------------Test Components ----------\n");
-	test_components();
-    }	
-    if(tmisc == 1){
-	printf("\n------------Test Convenience ------------\n");
-	test_convenience();
-	printf("\n------------Test classify ---------------\n");
-	test_classify();
-	printf("\n------------Test Iterators-----------\n");
-	test_iterators();
-	printf("\n-----------Test request status-------\n");
-	test_requeststat();
-	printf("\n------------Test strings---------------\n");
-	test_strings();
-	printf("\n------------Test Compare---------------\n");
-	test_compare();
-	printf("\n------------Create Components --------\n");
-	create_new_component();
-	printf("\n----- Create Components with vaargs ---\n");
-	create_new_component_with_va_args();
-	printf("\n------------Test Memory---------------\n");
-	test_memory();
-    }
-    return 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/test/storage.c b/libical/src/test/storage.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d8bc586f4..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/storage.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: usecases.c
-  CREATOR: eric 03 April 1999
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
-  (C) COPYRIGHT 1999 Eric Busboom 
-  The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-  Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-  compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-  basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-  the License for the specific language governing rights and
-  limitations under the License.
-  The original author is Eric Busboom
-  The original code is usecases.c
-  ======================================================================*/
-#include "ical.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <string.h> /* for strdup */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc */
-#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
-#include <time.h> /* for time() */
-#include "icalmemory.h"
-#include "icaldirset.h"
-#include "icalfileset.h"
-#include "icalerror.h"
-#include "icalrestriction.h"
-#include "icalcalendar.h"
-#define OUTPUT_FILE "filesetout.ics"
-char str[] = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n\
-PRODID:\"-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN\"\n\
-DESCRIPTION:Project XYZ Review Meeting\n\
-SUMMARY:XYZ Project Review\n\
-LOCATION:1CP Conference Room 4350\n\
-char str2[] = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n\
-PRODID:\"-//RDU Software//NONSGML HandCal//EN\"\n\
-DESCRIPTION:Project XYZ Review Meeting\n\
-SUMMARY:XYZ Project Review\n\
-LOCATION:1CP Conference Room 4350\n\
-void test_fileset()
-    icalfileset *cout;
-    int month = 0;
-    int count=0;
-    struct icaltimetype start, end;
-    icalcomponent *c,*clone, *itr;
-    start = icaltime_from_timet( time(0),0);
-    end = start;
-    end.hour++;
-    cout = icalfileset_new(OUTPUT_FILE);
-    assert(cout != 0);
-    c = icalparser_parse_string(str2);
-    assert(c != 0);
-    /* Add data to the file */
-    for(month = 1; month < 10; month++){
-	icalcomponent *event;
-	icalproperty *dtstart, *dtend;
-        cout = icalfileset_new(OUTPUT_FILE);
-        assert(cout != 0);
-	start.month = month; 
-	end.month = month;
-	clone = icalcomponent_new_clone(c);
-	assert(clone !=0);
-	event = icalcomponent_get_first_component(clone,ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
-	assert(event != 0);
-	dtstart = icalcomponent_get_first_property(event,ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY);
-	assert(dtstart!=0);
-	icalproperty_set_dtstart(dtstart,start);
-	dtend = icalcomponent_get_first_property(event,ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY);
-	assert(dtend!=0);
-	icalproperty_set_dtend(dtend,end);
-	icalfileset_add_component(cout,clone);
-	icalfileset_commit(cout);
-        icalfileset_free(cout);
-    }
-    /* Print them out */
-    cout = icalfileset_new(OUTPUT_FILE);
-    assert(cout != 0);
-    for (itr = icalfileset_get_first_component(cout);
-         itr != 0;
-         itr = icalfileset_get_next_component(cout)){
-      icalcomponent *event;
-      icalproperty *dtstart, *dtend;
-      count++;
-      event = icalcomponent_get_first_component(itr,ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
-      dtstart = icalcomponent_get_first_property(event,ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY);
-      dtend = icalcomponent_get_first_property(event,ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY);
-      printf("%d %s %s\n",count, icalproperty_as_ical_string(dtstart),
-             icalproperty_as_ical_string(dtend));
-    }
-    /* Remove all of them */
-    icalfileset_free(cout);
-    cout = icalfileset_new(OUTPUT_FILE);
-    assert(cout != 0);
-    for (itr = icalfileset_get_first_component(cout);
-         itr != 0;
-         itr = icalfileset_get_next_component(cout)){
-      icalfileset_remove_component(cout, itr);
-    }
-    icalfileset_free(cout);
-    /* Print them out again */
-    cout = icalfileset_new(OUTPUT_FILE);
-    assert(cout != 0);
-    count =0;
-    for (itr = icalfileset_get_first_component(cout);
-         itr != 0;
-         itr = icalfileset_get_next_component(cout)){
-      icalcomponent *event;
-      icalproperty *dtstart, *dtend;
-      count++;
-      event = icalcomponent_get_first_component(itr,ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
-      dtstart = icalcomponent_get_first_property(event,ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY);
-      dtend = icalcomponent_get_first_property(event,ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY);
-      printf("%d %s %s\n",count, icalproperty_as_ical_string(dtstart),
-             icalproperty_as_ical_string(dtend));
-    }
-    icalfileset_free(cout);
-int test_dirset()
-    icalcomponent *c, *gauge;
-    icalerrorenum error;
-    icalcomponent *itr;
-    icalfileset* cluster;
-    struct icalperiodtype rtime;
-    icaldirset *s = icaldirset_new("store");
-    int i;
-    assert(s != 0);
-    rtime.start = icaltime_from_timet( time(0),0);
-    cluster = icalfileset_new(OUTPUT_FILE);
-    assert(cluster != 0);
-#define NUMCOMP 4
-    /* Duplicate every component in the cluster NUMCOMP times */
-    icalerror_clear_errno();
-    for (i = 1; i<NUMCOMP+1; i++){
-	/*rtime.start.month = i%12;*/
-	rtime.start.month = i;
-	rtime.end = rtime.start;
-	rtime.end.hour++;
-	for (itr = icalfileset_get_first_component(cluster);
-	     itr != 0;
-	     itr = icalfileset_get_next_component(cluster)){
-	    icalcomponent *clone, *inner;
-	    icalproperty *p;
-	    inner = icalcomponent_get_first_component(itr,ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
-            if (inner == 0){
-              continue;
-            }
-	    /* Change the dtstart and dtend times in the component
-               pointed to by Itr*/
-	    clone = icalcomponent_new_clone(itr);
-	    inner = icalcomponent_get_first_component(itr,ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
-	    assert(icalerrno == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-	    assert(inner !=0);
-	    /* DTSTART*/
-	    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY);
-	    assert(icalerrno  == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-	    if (p == 0){
-		p = icalproperty_new_dtstart(rtime.start);
-		icalcomponent_add_property(inner,p);
-	    } else {
-		icalproperty_set_dtstart(p,rtime.start);
-	    }
-	    assert(icalerrno  == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-	    /* DTEND*/
-	    p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY);
-	    assert(icalerrno  == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-	    if (p == 0){
-		p = icalproperty_new_dtstart(rtime.end);
-		icalcomponent_add_property(inner,p);
-	    } else {
-		icalproperty_set_dtstart(p,rtime.end);
-	    }
-	    assert(icalerrno  == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-	    printf("\n----------\n%s\n---------\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(inner));
-	    error = icaldirset_add_component(s,
-					     icalcomponent_new_clone(itr));
-	    assert(icalerrno  == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-	}
-    }
-    gauge = 
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-	    icalcomponent_vanew(
-		icalproperty_vanew_summary(
-		    "Submit Income Taxes",
-		    icalparameter_new_xliccomparetype(ICAL_XLICCOMPARETYPE_EQUAL),
-		    0),
-		0),
-	    icalcomponent_vanew(
-		icalproperty_vanew_summary(
-		    "Bastille Day Party",
-		    icalparameter_new_xliccomparetype(ICAL_XLICCOMPARETYPE_EQUAL),
-		    0),
-		0),
-	    0);
-#if 0
-    icaldirset_select(s,gauge);
-    for(c = icaldirset_first(s); c != 0; c = icaldirset_next(s)){
-	printf("Got one! (%d)\n", count++);
-	if (c != 0){
-	    printf("%s", icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));;
-	    if (icaldirset_store(s2,c) == 0){
-		printf("Failed to write!\n");
-	    }
-	    icalcomponent_free(c);
-	} else {
-	    printf("Failed to get component\n");
-	}
-    }
-    icaldirset_free(s2);
-    for(c = icaldirset_get_first_component(s); 
-	c != 0; 
-	c = icaldirset_get_next_component(s)){
-	if (c != 0){
-	    printf("%s", icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));;
-	} else {
-	    printf("Failed to get component\n");
-	}
-    }
-    /* Remove all of the components */
-    i=0;
-    while((c=icaldirset_get_current_component(s)) != 0 ){
-	i++;
-	icaldirset_remove_component(s,c);
-    }
-    icaldirset_free(s);
-    return 0;
-#if 0
-void test_calendar()
-    icalcomponent *comp;
-    icalfileset *c;
-    icaldirset *s;
-    icalcalendar* calendar = icalcalendar_new("calendar");
-    icalerrorenum error;
-    struct icaltimetype atime = icaltime_from_timet( time(0),0,0);
-    comp = icalcomponent_vanew(
-	icalproperty_new_version("2.0"),
-	icalproperty_new_description("This is an event"),
-	icalproperty_new_dtstart(atime),
-	icalproperty_vanew_comment(
-	    "Another Comment",
-	    icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 1"),
-	    icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 2"),
-	    icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 3"),
-		icalparameter_new_cn("A Common Name 4"),
-	    0),
-	icalproperty_vanew_xlicerror(
-	    "This is only a test",
-	    icalparameter_new_xlicerrortype(ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_COMPONENTPARSEERROR),
-	    0),
-	0);
-    s = icalcalendar_get_booked(calendar);
-    error = icaldirset_add_component(s,comp);
-    assert(error == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-    c = icalcalendar_get_properties(calendar);
-    error = icalfileset_add_component(c,icalcomponent_new_clone(comp));
-    assert(error == ICAL_NO_ERROR);
-    icalcalendar_free(calendar);
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-/*    printf("\n------------Test File Set---------------\n");
-      test_fileset(); */
-    printf("\n------------Test Dir Set---------------\n");
-    test_dirset();
-#if 0    
-    printf("\n------------Test Calendar---------------\n");
-    test_calendar();
-    return 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/test/stow.c b/libical/src/test/stow.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e676c677f3..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/stow.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,866 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: stow.c
-  CREATOR: eric 29 April 2000
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000 Eric Busboom
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric Busboom
- ======================================================================*/
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <limits.h> /* for PATH_MAX */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/utsname.h> /* for uname */
-#include <sys/stat.h> /* for stat */
-#include <unistd.h> /* for stat, getpid, getopt */
-#include <pwd.h> /* For getpwent */
-#include <sys/types.h> /* For getpwent */
-#include <ctype.h> /* for tolower */
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "icalcalendar.h"
-#include "icalfileset.h"
-#include "icalmime.h"
-char* program_name;
-#define TMPSIZE 2048
-#define SENDMAIL "/usr/lib/sendmail -t"
-void usage(char *message);
-#ifndef PATH_MAX
-#define PATH_MAX 256 /* HACK */
-enum options {
-struct options_struct
-	enum options storage;
-	enum options input_type;
-	enum options input_source;
-	enum options errors;
-	char* input_file;
-	char* calid;
-	char* output_file;
-enum file_type
-    ERROR,
-    NO_FILE,
-    OTHER
-enum file_type test_file(char *path)
-    struct stat sbuf;
-    enum file_type type;
-    errno = 0;
-    /* Check if the path already exists and if it is a directory*/
-    if (stat(path,&sbuf) != 0){
-	/* A file by the given name does not exist, or there was
-           another error */
-	if(errno == ENOENT)
-	{
-	    type = NO_FILE;
-	} else {
-	    type = ERROR;
-	}
-    } else {
-	/* A file by the given name exists, but is it a directory? */
-	if (S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)){ 
-	    type = DIRECTORY;
-	} else if(S_ISREG(sbuf.st_mode)){ 
-	    type = REGULAR;
-	} else {
-	    type = OTHER;
-	}
-    }
-    return type;
-char* lowercase(const char* str)
-    char* p = 0;
-    char* new = strdup(str);
-    if(str ==0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    for(p = new; *p!=0; p++){
-	*p = tolower(*p);
-    }
-    return new;
-#if 0
-char* get_local_attendee(struct options_struct *opt)
-    char attendee[PATH_MAX];
-    if(opt->calid){
-	strncpy(attendee,opt->calid,PATH_MAX);
-    } else {
-	char* user = getenv("USER");
-	struct utsname uts;
-	uname(&utget_option);
-	/* HACK nodename may not be a fully qualified domain name */
-	snprintf(attendee,PATH_MAX,"%s@%s",user,uts.nodename);
-    }
-    return lowercase(attendee);
-icalcomponent* get_first_real_component(icalcomponent *comp)
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    for(c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(comp,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-	c != 0;
-	c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(comp,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)){
-	if (icalcomponent_isa(c) == ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT ||
-	    icalcomponent_isa(c) == ICAL_VTODO_COMPONENT ||
-	    icalcomponent_isa(c) == ICAL_VJOURNAL_COMPONENT )
-	{
-	    return c;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-char* make_mime(char* to, const char* from, const char* subject, 
-		const char* text_message, const char* method, 
-		const char* ical_message)
-    size_t size = strlen(to)+strlen(from)+strlen(subject)+
-	strlen(text_message)+ strlen(ical_message)+TMPSIZE;
-    char mime_part_1[TMPSIZE];
-    char mime_part_2[TMPSIZE];
-    char content_id[TMPSIZE];
-    char boundary[TMPSIZE];
-    struct utsname uts;
-    char* m;
-    if ((m = malloc(sizeof(char)*size)) == 0){
-	fprintf(stderr,"%s: Can't allocate memory: %s\n",program_name,strerror(errno));
-	exit(1);
-    }
-    uname(&uts);
-    srand(time(0)<<getpid());
-    sprintf(content_id,"%d-%d@%s",(int)time(0),rand(),uts.nodename);
-    sprintf(boundary,"%d-%d-%s",(int)time(0),rand(),uts.nodename);
-    sprintf(mime_part_1,"Content-ID: %s\n\
-Content-type: text/plain\n\
-Content-Description: Text description of error message\n\n\
-	    content_id,text_message,boundary);
-    if(ical_message != 0 && method != 0){
-	sprintf(mime_part_2,"Content-ID: %s\n\
-Content-type: text/calendar; method=%s\n\
-Content-Description: iCal component reply\n\n\
-		content_id,method,ical_message,boundary);
-    }
-    sprintf(m,"To: %s\n\
-From: %s\n\
-Subject: %s\n\
-MIME-Version: 1.0\n\
-Content-ID: %s\n\
-Content-Type:  multipart/mixed; boundary=\"%s\"\n\
- This is a multimedia message in MIME format\n\
-	    to,from,subject,content_id,boundary,boundary,
-	    mime_part_1);
-    if(ical_message != 0 && method != 0){
-	strcat(m, mime_part_2);
-    } else {
-	strcat(m,"--\n");
-    }
-    return m;
-/* The incoming component had fatal errors */
-void return_failure(icalcomponent* comp,  char* message, 
-		    struct options_struct *opt)
-    char* local_attendee = opt->calid;
-    FILE* p;
-    icalcomponent  *inner = get_first_real_component(comp);
-    icalproperty *organizer_prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_ORGANIZER_PROPERTY);
-    const char *organizer = icalproperty_get_organizer(organizer_prop);
-    organizer += 7;
-    if (opt->errors == ERRORS_TO_ORGANIZER){
-	p = popen(SENDMAIL,"w");
-    } else {
-	p = stdout;
-    }
-    if(p == 0){
-	fprintf(stderr,
-		"%s: fatal. Could not open pipe to sendmail (\"%s\") \n",
-		program_name,SENDMAIL);
-	exit(1);
-     }
-    fputs(make_mime(organizer, local_attendee, "iMIP error", 
-		    message, "reply",
-		    icalcomponent_as_ical_string(comp)),p);
-    if (opt->errors == ERRORS_TO_ORGANIZER){ 
-	pclose(p);
-    }   
-/* The program had a fatal error and could not process the incoming component*/
-void return_error(icalcomponent* comp,  char* message, struct options_struct *opt)
-    fputs(make_mime("Dest", "Source", "iMIP system failure", 
-		    message, 0,0),stdout);
-icalcomponent* make_reply(icalcomponent *comp, icalproperty *return_status, 
-			 struct options_struct *opt)
-    icalcomponent *reply, *rinner;
-    icalcomponent  *inner = get_first_real_component(comp);
-    icalproperty *p=0;
-    char* local_attendee = opt->calid;
-    char attendee[TMPSIZE];
-    char prodid[TMPSIZE];
-    snprintf(attendee,TMPSIZE,"mailto:%s",local_attendee);
-    snprintf(prodid,TMPSIZE,"-// version %s//EN",ICAL_PACKAGE,ICAL_VERSION);
-    /* Create the base component */
-    reply = icalcomponent_vanew( 
-	icalproperty_new_version(strdup("2.0")),
-	icalproperty_new_prodid(strdup(prodid)),
-	icalproperty_new_method(ICAL_METHOD_REPLY),
-	icalcomponent_vanew(
-	    icalproperty_new_clone(
-		icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_DTSTAMP_PROPERTY)),
-	    icalproperty_new_clone(
-		icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_ORGANIZER_PROPERTY)),
-	    icalproperty_new_clone(
-		icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_UID_PROPERTY)),
-	    icalproperty_new_attendee(attendee),
-	    0),
-	0);
-    /* Convert errors into request-status properties and transfers
-       them to the reply component */
-    icalcomponent_convert_errors(comp);
-    rinner = get_first_real_component(reply);
-    for(p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,
-	p != 0;
-	p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(inner,
-	icalcomponent_add_property(rinner,icalproperty_new_clone(p));
-    }
-    if(return_status != 0){
-	icalcomponent_add_property(rinner, return_status);
-    }
-    return reply;
-int check_attendee(icalproperty *p,  struct options_struct *opt){  
-    const char* s = icalproperty_get_attendee(p);
-    char* lower_attendee = lowercase(s);
-    char* local_attendee = opt->calid;
-    /* Check that attendee begins with "mailto:" */
-    if (strncmp(lower_attendee,"mailto:",7) == 0){
-	/* skip over the mailto: part */
-	lower_attendee += 7;
-	if(strcmp(lower_attendee,local_attendee) == 0){
-	    return 1;
-	}
-	lower_attendee -= 7;
-	free(lower_attendee);
-    } 
-    return 0;
-char static_component_error_str[PATH_MAX];
-char* check_component(icalcomponent* comp,  icalproperty **return_status,
-		      struct options_struct *opt)
-    char* component_error_str=0;
-    icalcomponent* inner;
-    int errors = 0;
-    icalproperty *p;
-    int found_attendee = 0;
-    *return_status = 0;
-    /* This do/while loop only executes once because it is being used
-       to fake exceptions */
-    do {
-	/* Check that we actually got a component */
-	if(comp == 0){
-	    strcpy(static_component_error_str,
-		   "Did not find a component");
-	    component_error_str = static_component_error_str;
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* Check that the root component is a VCALENDAR */
-	if(icalcomponent_isa(comp) != ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT){
-	    strcpy(static_component_error_str,
-		   "Root component is not a VCALENDAR");
-	    component_error_str = static_component_error_str;
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* Check that the component has a METHOD */
-	if (icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp,ICAL_METHOD_PROPERTY) == 0)
-	{
-	    strcpy(static_component_error_str,
-		   "Component does not have a METHOD property");
-	    component_error_str = static_component_error_str;
-	    break;
-	}
-	inner = get_first_real_component(comp);
-	/* Check that the compopnent has an organizer */
-	if(icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_ORGANIZER_PROPERTY) == 0){
-	    fprintf(stderr,"%s: fatal. Component does not have an ORGANIZER property\n",program_name);
-	    exit(1);
-	}
-	/* Check for this user as an attendee or organizer */
-	for(p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY);
-	    p != 0;
-	    p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(inner,ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY)){
-	    found_attendee += check_attendee(p,opt);
-	}
-	for(p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_ORGANIZER_PROPERTY);
-	    p != 0;
-	    p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(inner,ICAL_ORGANIZER_PROPERTY)){
-	    found_attendee += check_attendee(p,opt);
-	}
-	if (found_attendee == 0){
-	    struct icalreqstattype rs;
-	    char* rs_string;
-	    memset(static_component_error_str,0,PATH_MAX);
-	    snprintf(static_component_error_str,PATH_MAX,
-		   "This target user (%s) is not listed as an attendee or organizer",
-		    opt->calid );
-	    component_error_str = static_component_error_str;
-	    rs.code = ICAL_3_7_INVCU_STATUS;
-	    rs.desc = 0;
-	    rs.debug  = component_error_str;    
-	    rs_string = icalreqstattype_as_string(rs);
-	    *return_status = icalproperty_new_requeststatus(rs_string);
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* Check that the component passes iTIP restrictions */
-	errors = icalcomponent_count_errors(comp);
-	icalrestriction_check(comp);
-	if(errors != icalcomponent_count_errors(comp)){
-	    snprintf(static_component_error_str,PATH_MAX,
-		   "The component does not conform to iTIP restrictions.\n Here is the original component; look at the X-LIC-ERROR properties\nfor details\n\n%s",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(comp));
-	    component_error_str = static_component_error_str;
-	    break;
-	}
-    } while(0);
-    return component_error_str;
-void usage(char *message)
-    fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [-emdcn] [-i inputfile] [-o outputfile] [-u calid]\n",program_name);
-    fprintf(stderr,"-e\tInput data is encapsulated in a MIME Message \n\
--m\tInput is raw iCal \n\
--i\tSpecify input file. Otherwise, input comes from stdin\n\
--o\tSpecify file to save incoming message to\n\
--d\tSpecify database to send data to\n\
--u\tSet the calid to store the data to\n\
--n\tSend errors to stdout instead of organizer\n\
-void get_options(int argc, char* argv[], struct options_struct *opt)
-    int c;
-    extern char *optarg;
-    extern int optind, optopt;
-    int errflg=0;
-    opt->storage = STORE_IN_FILE;
-    opt->input_source = INPUT_FROM_STDIN;
-    opt->input_type = INPUT_IS_ICAL;
-    opt->input_file = 0;
-    opt->errors = ERRORS_TO_ORGANIZER;
-    opt->calid = 0;
-    opt->output_file = 0;
-    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "nemu:o:d:b:c:i:")) != -1) {
-             switch (c) {
-		 case 'e': { /* Input data is MIME encapsulated */
-		     opt->input_type = INPUT_IS_MIME;
-		     break;
-		 }
-		 case 'm': { /* Input is iCal. Default*/
-		     opt->input_type = INPUT_IS_ICAL;
-		     break;
-		 }
-		 case 'i': { /* Input comes from named file */
-		     opt->input_source = INPUT_FROM_FILE;
-		     opt->input_file = strdup(optarg);
-		     break;
-		 }
-		 case 'o': { /* Output goes to named file. Default*/
-		     opt->output_file = strdup(optarg);
-		     opt->storage = STORE_IN_FILE;
-		     break;
-		 }
-		 case 'd': { /* Output goes to database */
-		     fprintf(stderr,"%s: option -d is unimplmented\n",program_name);
-		     opt->storage = STORE_IN_DB;
-		     errflg++;
-		     break;
-		 }
-		 case 'c': {
-		     break;
-		 }
-		 case 'u': { /* Set the calid for the output database or
-				file. Default is user name of user running
-				program */
-		     opt->calid = strdup(optarg);
-		     break;
-		 }
-		 case 'n': { /* Dump error to stdout. Default is to
-		                send error to the organizer specified
-		                in the iCal data */
-		     opt->errors = ERRORS_TO_STDOUT;
-		     break;
-		 }
-		 case ':': {/* Option given without an operand */
-		     fprintf(stderr,
-			     "%s: Option -%c requires an operand\n", 
-			     program_name,optopt);
-		     errflg++;
-		     break;
-		 }
-		 case '?': {
-		     errflg++;
-		 }
-             }
-	     if (errflg >0){
-		 usage("");
-		 exit(1);
-	     }
-    } 
-    if(opt->calid == 0){
-	/* If no calid specified, use username */
-	char attendee[PATH_MAX];
-	char* user = getenv("USER");
-	struct utsname uts;
-	uname(&uts);
-	/* HACK nodename may not be a fully qualified domain name */
-	snprintf(attendee,PATH_MAX,"%s@%s",user,uts.nodename);
-	opt->calid = lowercase(attendee);
-    }
-    if(opt->storage == STORE_IN_FILE &&
-	opt->output_file ==0){
-	char file[PATH_MAX];
-	char* user = getenv("USER");
-	struct passwd *pw;
-	if(!user){
-	    fprintf(stderr,"%s: Can't get username. Try explicitly specifing the output file with -o", program_name);
-	    exit(1);
-	}
-	/* Find password entry for user */
-	while( (pw = getpwent())!=0){
-	    if(strcmp(user,pw->pw_name)==0){
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	if(pw==0){
-	    fprintf(stderr,"%s: Can't get get password entry for user \"%s\" Try explicitly specifing the output file with -o", 
-		    program_name,user);
-	    exit(1);
-	}
-	if(pw->pw_dir==0){
-	    fprintf(stderr,"%s: User \"%s\" has no home directory. Try explicitly specifing the output file with -o", 
-		    program_name, user);
-	    exit(1);
-	}
-	snprintf(file,PATH_MAX,"%s/.facs/%s",pw->pw_dir,opt->calid);
-	opt->output_file = strdup(file);
-    }
-    /* Now try to create the calendar directory if it does
-       not exist */
-     if(opt->storage == STORE_IN_FILE ) {
-	char * p;
-	char* facspath = strdup(opt->output_file);
-	enum file_type type;
-	/* Cut off the last slash to make it just a directoy */
-	p = strrchr(facspath,'/');
-	if (p == 0){
-	   fprintf(stderr,"%s: Invalid calendar filename \"%s\"", 
-		    program_name,facspath);
-	   exit(1);
-	}   
-	*p='\0';
-	type = test_file(facspath);
-	errno = 0;
-	if (type == NO_FILE){
-	    if(mkdir(facspath,0775) != 0){
-		fprintf(stderr,
-			"%s: Failed to create calendar directory %s: %s\n",
-			program_name,facspath, strerror(errno));
-		exit(1);
-	    } else {
-		fprintf(stderr,"%s: Creating calendar directory %s\n",
-			program_name,facspath);
-	    }
-	} else if(type==REGULAR || type == ERROR){
-	    fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot create calendar directory %s\n",
-		    program_name,facspath);
-	    exit(1);
-	} 		    
-    }
-char* check_options(struct options_struct *opt)
-    return 0;
-void store_component(icalcomponent *comp, struct options_struct *opt)
-    icalerrorenum error; 
-    if(opt->storage == STORE_IN_FILE){
-	icalfileset *fs = icalfileset_new(opt->output_file);
-	if (fs == 0){
-	    fprintf(stderr,
-		    "%s: Failed to get incoming component directory: %s\n",
-		    program_name, icalerror_strerror(icalerrno));
-	    exit(1);
-	}
-	error = icalfileset_add_component(fs,comp);
-	if (error != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
-	    fprintf(stderr,"%s: Failed to write incoming component: %s\n",
-		    program_name, icalerror_strerror(icalerrno));
-	    exit(1);
-	}
-	error = icalfileset_commit(fs);
-	if (error != ICAL_NO_ERROR){
-	    fprintf(stderr,"%s: Failed to commit incoming cluster: %s\n",
-		    program_name, icalerror_strerror(icalerrno));
-	    exit(1);
-	}
-	icalfileset_free(fs);
-	return;
-    } else {
-	assert(0);
-    }
-char* read_stream(char *s, size_t size, void *d)
-  char *c = fgets(s,size, (FILE*)d);
-  return c;
-icalcomponent* read_nonmime_component(struct options_struct *opt)
-    FILE *stream;
-    icalcomponent *comp;
-    icalparser* parser = icalparser_new();
-    char* line;
-    if(opt->input_source == INPUT_FROM_FILE){
- 	stream = fopen(opt->input_file,"r"); 	
-	if (stream == 0){
-	    perror("Can't open input file");
-	    exit(1);
-	}
-    } else {
- 	stream = stdin;  	 	
-    }
-    assert(stream != 0);
-    icalparser_set_gen_data(parser,stream);
-    do {	
-	line = icalparser_get_line(parser,read_stream);
-	comp = icalparser_add_line(parser,line);
-	if (comp != 0){
-	    return comp;
-	}
-    } while ( line != 0);
-    if(opt->input_source == INPUT_FROM_FILE){
-	fclose(stream);
-    }
-    return comp;
- }
-icalcomponent* find_vcalendar(icalcomponent* comp)
-    icalcomponent *c,*rtrn;
-    for(c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(comp,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
-	c != 0;
-	c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(comp,ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)){
-	if(icalcomponent_isa(c) == ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT){
-	    icalcomponent_remove_component(comp,c);
-	    return c;
-	}
-	if((rtrn=find_vcalendar(c)) != 0){
-	    return rtrn;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-icalcomponent* read_mime_component(struct options_struct *opt)
-    icalcomponent *comp,*mimecomp;
-    FILE* stream;
-    if(opt->input_source == INPUT_FROM_FILE){
- 	stream = fopen(opt->input_file,"r"); 	
-	if (stream == 0){
-	    perror("Can't open input file");
-	    exit(1);
-	}
-    } else {
- 	stream = stdin;  	 	
-    }
-    assert(stream != 0);
-    mimecomp = icalmime_parse(read_stream,(void*)stream);
-    /* now find the iCal component embedded within the mime component */
-    comp = find_vcalendar(mimecomp);
-    if(comp == 0){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return comp;    
-icalcomponent* read_component(struct options_struct *opt)
-    if(opt->input_type == INPUT_IS_MIME){
-	return read_mime_component(opt);
-    } else if (opt->input_type == INPUT_IS_ICAL){
-	return read_nonmime_component(opt);
-    } else {
-	fprintf(stderr,"%s: Internal Error; unknown option for input_type\n",
-		program_name);
-	exit(1);
-    }
-int main(int argc, char* argv[] )
-    char* options_error_str;
-    char* component_error_str;
-    icalcomponent* comp, *reply;
-    struct options_struct opt;
-    icalproperty *return_status;
-    program_name = strrchr(argv[0],'/');
-    get_options(argc, argv, &opt);
-    if ( (options_error_str = check_options(&opt)) != 0 ){
-	usage(options_error_str);
-	exit(1);
-    }    
-    comp = read_component(&opt);
-    if ( (component_error_str = 
-	  check_component(comp,&return_status,&opt)) != 0){
-	reply = make_reply(comp,return_status,&opt);
-	return_failure(reply, component_error_str, &opt);
-	icalcomponent_free(reply);
-	exit(0);
-    }
-    store_component(comp,&opt);
-    /* Don't free the component comp, since it is now part of the
-       store, and will be freed there */
-    exit(0);
diff --git a/libical/src/test/testclassify.c b/libical/src/test/testclassify.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c6c785dfa..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/testclassify.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: testclassify.c
-  CREATOR: eric 11 February 2000
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000 Eric Busboom
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
- ======================================================================*/
-#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
-#include "ical.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h> /* For strerror */
-#include "icalset.h"
-#include "icalclassify.h"
-struct class_map {
-	ical_class class;
-	char *str;
-} class_map[] = {
-    {ICAL_NO_CLASS,"No class"},
-    {ICAL_PUBLISH_NEW_CLASS,"New Publish"},
-    {ICAL_PUBLISH_UPDATE_CLASS,"Update Publish"},
-    {ICAL_REQUEST_NEW_CLASS,"New request"},
-    {ICAL_REQUEST_STATUS_CLASS,"Status request"},
-    {ICAL_REPLY_ACCEPT_CLASS,"Accept reply"},
-    {ICAL_REPLY_DECLINE_CLASS,"Decline reply"},
-    {ICAL_REPLY_CRASHER_ACCEPT_CLASS,"Crasher's accept reply"},
-    {ICAL_REPLY_CRASHER_DECLINE_CLASS,"Crasher's decline reply"},
-    {ICAL_ADD_INSTANCE_CLASS,"Add instance"},
-    {ICAL_CANCEL_EVENT_CLASS,"Cancel event"},
-    {ICAL_CANCEL_INSTANCE_CLASS,"Cancel instance"},
-    {ICAL_CANCEL_ALL_CLASS,"Cancel all instances"},
-    {ICAL_REFRESH_CLASS,"Refresh"},
-    {ICAL_COUNTER_CLASS,"Counter"},
-    {ICAL_DECLINECOUNTER_CLASS,"Decline counter"},
-    {ICAL_MALFORMED_CLASS,"Malformed"}, 
-    {ICAL_OBSOLETE_CLASS,"Obsolete"},
-    {ICAL_MISSEQUENCED_CLASS,"Missequenced"},
-    {ICAL_UNKNOWN_CLASS,"Unknown"}
-char* find_class_string(ical_class class)
-    int i; 
-    for (i = 0;class_map[i].class != ICAL_UNKNOWN_CLASS;i++){
-	if (class_map[i].class == class){
-	    return class_map[i].str;
-	}
-    }
-    return "Unknown";
-int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-    icalcomponent *c;
-    int i=0;
-    icalset* f = icalset_new_file("../../test-data/incoming.ics");
-    icalset* cal = icalset_new_file("../../test-data/calendar.ics");
-    assert(f!= 0);
-    assert(cal!=0);
-    /* Foreach incoming message */
-    for(c=icalset_get_first_component(f);c!=0;
-	c=icalset_get_next_component(f)){
-	ical_class class;
-	icalcomponent *match;
-	icalcomponent *inner = icalcomponent_get_first_real_component(c);
-	icalcomponent *p;
-	const char *this_uid;
-	const char *i_x_note=0;
-	const char *c_x_note=0;
-	i++;
-	if(inner == 0){
-	    continue;
-	}
-	p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(inner,ICAL_UID_PROPERTY);
-	this_uid = icalproperty_get_uid(p);
-	assert(this_uid != 0);
-	/* Find a booked component that is matched to the incoming
-	   message, based on the incoming component's UID, SEQUENCE
-	   and RECURRENCE-ID*/
-	match = icalset_fetch(cal,this_uid);
-	class = icalclassify(c,match,"");
-	for(p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c,ICAL_X_PROPERTY);
-	    p!= 0;
-	    p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(c,ICAL_X_PROPERTY)){
-	    if(strcmp(icalproperty_get_x_name(p),"X-LIC-NOTE")==0){
-		i_x_note = icalproperty_get_x(p);
-	    }
-	}
-	if(i_x_note == 0){
-	    i_x_note = "None";
-	}
-	for(p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(match,ICAL_X_PROPERTY);
-	    p!= 0;
-	    p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(match,ICAL_X_PROPERTY)){
-	    if(strcmp(icalproperty_get_x_name(p),"X-LIC-NOTE")==0){
-		c_x_note = icalproperty_get_x(p);
-	    }
-	}
-	if(c_x_note == 0){
-	    c_x_note = "None";
-	}
-	printf("Test %d\nIncoming:      %s\nMatched:       %s\nClassification: %s\n\n",i,i_x_note,c_x_note,find_class_string(class));	
-    }
-    return 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/test/testmime.c b/libical/src/test/testmime.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dfc3b7d31..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/testmime.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: 
-  CREATOR: eric 25 June 2000
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of either: 
-    The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
-    2.1, available at:
-  Or:
-    The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
-    the License at
-  The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric Busboom
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom,
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "ical.h"
-#include "sspm.h"
-#include "icalmime.h"
-#include <stdlib.h> /* For rand */
-#include <string.h> /* for strrchr, strdup*/
-#include <unistd.h>   /* for getopt */
-/*int sspm_parse_mime(struct sspm_part *parts, 
-	       size_t max_parts,
-	       struct sspm_action_map *actions,
-	       char* (*get_string)(char *s, size_t size, void* data),
-	       void *get_string_data,
-	       struct sspm_header *first_header
-    );
-char* major_type_string[] = {
-    "TEXT",
-    "IMAGE",
-    "AUDIO",
-    "VIDEO",
-    "MESSAGE",
-    "UNKNOWN",
-    "NO"
-char* minor_type_string[] = {
-    "ANY",
-    "PLAIN",
-    "RFC822",
-    "DIGEST",
-    "CALENDAR",
-    "MIXED",
-    "RELATED",
-    "PARALLEL",
-    "UNKNOWN",
-    "NO"
-char* read_stream(char *s, size_t size, void *d)
-    char *c = fgets(s,size, (FILE*)d);
-    return c;
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    FILE *f;
-    int c;
-    extern char *optarg;
-    extern int optind, optopt;
-    int errflg=0;
-    char* program_name;
-    struct options{
-	    int normal;
-	    int stress;
-	    int base64;
-	    int qp;
-	    int sleep;
-	    int count;
-	    char* input_file;
-    } opt;
-    memset(&opt,0,sizeof(opt));
-    program_name = (char*)strrchr((char*)argv[0],'/');
-    program_name++;
-    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "nsbqi:S:c:")) != -1) {
-	switch (c) {
-	    case 'i': { /* Input comes from named file */
-		opt.input_file = strdup(optarg);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case 'n':{ /* Normal */
-		if(opt.stress+opt.base64+opt.qp != 0){
-		    fprintf(stderr,
-			    "%s: Use only one of  n,s,b and q\n",
-			    program_name);
-		}
-		opt.normal = 1;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case 's':{ /* Stress-test*/
-		if(opt.base64+opt.normal+opt.qp != 0){
-		    fprintf(stderr,
-			    "%s: Use only one of  n,s,b and q\n",
-			    program_name);
-		}
-		opt.stress = 1;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case 'b':{ /* test base64 decoding*/
-		if(opt.stress+opt.normal+opt.qp != 0){
-		    fprintf(stderr,
-			    "%s: Use only one of  n,s,b and q\n",
-			    program_name);
-		}
-		opt.base64 = 1;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case 'q':{ /* test quoted-printable decoding*/
-		if(opt.stress+opt.base64+opt.normal != 0){
-		    fprintf(stderr,
-			    "%s: Use only one of  n,s,b and q\n",
-			    program_name);
-		}
-		opt.qp = 1;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case 'S':{ /* sleep at end of run */
-		opt.sleep = atoi(optarg);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case 'c':{ /* number of iterations of stress test */
-		opt.count = atoi(optarg);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case ':': {/* Option given without an operand */
-		fprintf(stderr,
-			"%s: Option -%c requires an operand\n", 
-			program_name,optopt);
-		errflg++;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    case '?': {
-		errflg++;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    if (errflg >0){
-	fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [-n|-s|-b|-q] [-i input_file]\n",
-		program_name);
-	exit(1);
-    }
-    if(opt.stress+opt.base64+opt.normal+opt.qp == 0){
-	fprintf(stderr,
-		"%s: Must have one of n,s,b or q\n",
-		program_name);
-    }
-    if(opt.input_file){
-	f = fopen(opt.input_file,"r");
-	if (f == 0){
-	    fprintf(stderr,"Could not open input file \"%s\"\n",
-		    opt.input_file);
-	    exit(1);
-	}
-    } else {
-	f = stdin;
-    }
-    if(opt.normal == 1){
-	icalcomponent *c;
-	c = icalmime_parse(read_stream,f);
-	printf("%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-	icalcomponent_free(c);
-    }  else if (opt.stress==1 ){
-	/* Read file in by lines, then randomize the lines into a
-           string buffer */
-	char *array[1024];
-	char temp[1024];
-       	char *buf;
-	int i,last;
-	int size;
-	int non_rand;
-	int rand_lines;
-	int r;
-	int j;
-	icalcomponent *c;
-	struct slg_data {
-		char* pos;
-		char* str;
-	} d;
-	for(i=0; !feof(f); i++){
-	    fgets(temp,1024,f);
-	    array[i] = strdup(temp);
-	    size += strlen(temp);
-	}
-	last = i;
-	buf = malloc(size*2);
-	assert(buf != 0);
-	for(j=0; j<opt.count; j++){
-	    srand(j);
-	    memset(buf,0,size*2);
-	    /* First insert some non-randomized lines */
-	    non_rand = ((float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX) * last;
-	    for(i=0;i<non_rand;i++){
-		strcat(buf,array[i]);
-	    }
-	    /* Then, insert some lines at random */
-	    rand_lines = last - non_rand;
-	    for(i=0;i<rand_lines;i++){
-		srand(i);
-		r = ((float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX) * rand_lines;
-		strcat(buf,array[r+non_rand]);
-	    }
-	    d.pos = 0;
-	    d.str = buf;
-	    c = icalmime_parse(string_line_generator,&d);
-	    printf("%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c));
-	    icalcomponent_free(c);
-	}
-	free(buf);
-	for(i=0; i<last; i++){
-	    free(array[i]);
-	}
-    } else if(opt.qp == 1){	
-	char str[4096];
-	char conv[4096];
-	memset(str,0,4096);
-	while(!feof(f) && fgets(str,4096,f)!=0){
-	    size_t size;
-	    size = strlen(str);
-	    memset(conv,0,4096);
-	    decode_quoted_printable(conv,str,&size);
-	    conv[size] = '\0';
-	    printf("%s",conv);
-	    memset(str,0,4096);
-	}
-    } else if (opt.base64 == 1) {
-	char str[4096];
-	char conv[4096];
-	memset(str,0,4096);
-	while(!feof(f) && fgets(str,4096,f)!=0){
-	    size_t size;
-	    size = strlen(str);
-	    memset(conv,0,4096);
-	    decode_base64(conv,str,&size);
-	    conv[size] = '\0';
-	    printf("%s",conv);
-	    memset(str,0,4096);
-	}
-    }
-    if (opt.sleep != 0){
-	sleep(opt.sleep);
-    }
-    if(	opt.input_file != 0){
-	free(opt.input_file);
-    }
-    icalmemory_free_ring();
-    return 0;
diff --git a/libical/src/test/testvcal.c b/libical/src/test/testvcal.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f82adffcc8..0000000000
--- a/libical/src/test/testvcal.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C -*-
-  ======================================================================
-  FILE: vcal.c
-  CREATOR: eric 26 May 2000
-  $Id$
-  $Locker$
- (C) COPYRIGHT 2000 Eric Busboom
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- the License for the specific language governing rights and
- limitations under the License.
- The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original
- Code is Eric Busboom
- ======================================================================*/
-#include "icalvcal.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-/* Given a vCal data file as its first argument, this program will
-   print out an equivalent iCal component. 
-   For instance: 
-       ./testvcal ../../test-data/user-cal.vcf
-int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-    VObject *vcal = 0;
-    icalcomponent *comp;
-    char* file;
-    if (argc != 2){
-        file = "../../test-data/user-cal.vcf";
-    } else {
-        file = argv[1];
-    }
-    vcal = Parse_MIME_FromFileName(file);
-    assert(vcal != 0);
-    comp = icalvcal_convert(vcal);
-    printf("%s\n",icalcomponent_as_ical_string(comp));
-    return 0;