/* XPM */ static char * reply_xpm[] = { "16 16 27 1", " c None", ". c #010101", "+ c #2F2F2F", "@ c #A7A4A0", "# c #FCFCFC", "$ c #64625F", "% c #FFFFFF", "& c #5D5B57", "* c #868580", "= c #E5E2DB", "- c #FBFBF8", "; c #716E6B", "> c #000000", ", c #FBFAF7", "' c #A5A29D", ") c #990000", "! c #EFEFEF", "~ c #CCCCCC", "{ c #797873", "] c #7D7A77", "^ c #F7F5F1", "/ c #090808", "( c #D7D4CE", "_ c #D8D5CF", ": c #7F0000", "< c #181818", "[ c #090909", " ", " ", " ", " .+......... ", " .@#########$. ", " .%&%%%%%%%*=. ", " .%-;%>>>>>>>>> ", " .%--;>%%%%%%%> ", " .%-,'>%))))!~> ", " .%,{->%)))!!~> ", " .%]-^>%))))!~> ", " ./(__>%)!)):~> ", " ....>%!!!::~> ", " >%~~~~~~< ", " >>[>>>>>> ", " "}; //www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~b01902062/git/freebsd-ports-gnome' title='freebsd-ports-gnome Git repository'/>
path: root/deskutils/xwrits
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* - Update to 1.0clement2007-03-192-7/+9
* - Convert to new USE_APACHEclement2005-12-051-4/+2
* - Fix future INDEX build failureclement2005-12-041-1/+1
* - prepare removal of www/apache2 in favor of www/apache20 for namingclement2005-12-041-1/+1
* - Update to 0.2.6clement2005-09-182-4/+5
* - Oops I committed the wrong directory, so merge changes to make portlintclement2005-09-101-3/+4