 * Evolution calendar - Utilities for manipulating ECalComponent objects
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) version 3.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with the program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
 * Authors:
 *		Federico Mena-Quintero <federico@ximian.com>
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Novell, Inc. (www.novell.com)

#ifndef COMP_UTIL_H
#define COMP_UTIL_H

#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <libecal/e-cal-component.h>
#include <libecal/e-cal.h>
#include <e-util/e-util-enums.h>

struct _EShell;

void cal_comp_util_add_exdate (ECalComponent *comp, time_t t, icaltimezone *zone);

/* Returns TRUE if the component uses the given timezone for both DTSTART
   and DTEND, or if the UTC offsets of the start and end times are the same
   as in the given zone. */
gboolean cal_comp_util_compare_event_timezones (ECalComponent *comp,
						ECal *client,
						icaltimezone *zone);

/* Returns the number of icons owned by the ECalComponent */
gint     cal_comp_util_get_n_icons (ECalComponent *comp, GSList **pixbufs);

gboolean cal_comp_is_on_server (ECalComponent *comp,
				ECal *client);
gboolean is_icalcomp_on_the_server (icalcomponent *icalcomp, ECal *client);

ECalComponent *	cal_comp_event_new_with_defaults
						(ECal *client,
						 gboolean all_day,
						 gboolean use_default_reminder,
						 gint default_reminder_interval,
						 EDurationType default_reminder_units);
ECalComponent *	cal_comp_event_new_with_current_time
						(ECal *client,
						 gboolean all_day,
						 icaltimezone *zone,
						 gboolean use_default_reminder,
						 gint default_reminder_interval,
						 EDurationType default_reminder_units);
ECalComponent *cal_comp_task_new_with_defaults (ECal *client);
ECalComponent *cal_comp_memo_new_with_defaults (ECal *client);

void cal_comp_update_time_by_active_window (ECalComponent *comp, struct _EShell *shell);

void    cal_comp_selection_set_string_list (GtkSelectionData *data, GSList *str_list);
GSList *cal_comp_selection_get_string_list (GtkSelectionData *data);

void cal_comp_set_dtstart_with_oldzone (ECal *client, ECalComponent *comp, const ECalComponentDateTime *pdate);
void cal_comp_set_dtend_with_oldzone (ECal *client, ECalComponent *comp, const ECalComponentDateTime *pdate);

gboolean cal_comp_process_source_list_drop (ECal *destination, icalcomponent *comp, GdkDragAction action, const gchar *source_uid, ESourceList *source_list);
void comp_util_sanitize_recurrence_master (ECalComponent *comp, ECal *client);

gchar *icalcomp_suggest_filename (icalcomponent *icalcomp, const gchar *default_name);
