This directory is to contain regression tests that should be run before committing anything to camel. In each subdirectory of tests there is a README containing a one-line description of each test file. This README must be kept uptodate. To write a new test: copy an existing one and replace the contents. See camel-test.h for a number of functions and macros which setup and define the test environmet, and help provide meaningful messages when something actually fails. All tests have the following options: -v[vvvv] verbose. more v's more verbose. 2 v's will give you a simple test backtrace of any partially failed tests. No v's give you a simple backtrace of any failed tests. -q quiet. Dont print anything, unless there is a SEGV. See the other files in lib/* for utility functions that help to write the tests (object comparison, creation, etc functions). Tests may fail and be non-fatal. In this case, you will see "Partial success" on the result of each test line. To get more information about the test, run the test manually with a -v command line argument. The more v's you have the more detail you get (upto about -vvvvv), generally use -vv to find out which parts of a partially successful test failed, and where. Note that if writing tests, non-fatal tests (bracketed by a camel_test_nonfatal() and camel_test_fatal() pair) should only be defined where: 1. The test in question should ideally pass, and 2. The code has known limitations currently that stop it passing, but otherwise works for nominal input. To debug tests, set a breakpoint on camel_test_fail, which will be called for any failure, even a non-fatal one. Or set it to camel_test_break, which will only be called for fatal errors which are to print to the screen. Michael ion> FreeBSD GNOME current development ports (
path: root/textproc/pear-XML_HTMLSax
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Stage support for non-IGNORED pear classesantoine2013-11-261-1/+0
* Add NO_STAGE all over the place in preparation for the staging support (cat: ...bapt2013-09-211-5/+2