/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with the program; if not, see * * * Authors: * Michael Zucchi * * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Novell, Inc. (www.novell.com) * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include "e-event.h" #include #include #define d(x) struct _EEventFactory { struct _EEventFactory *next, *prev; gchar *menuid; EEventFactoryFunc factory; gpointer factory_data; }; struct _event_node { struct _event_node *next, *prev; GSList *events; gpointer data; EEventItemsFunc freefunc; }; struct _event_info { struct _event_node *parent; EEventItem *item; }; struct _EEventPrivate { EDList events; GSList *sorted; /* sorted list of struct _event_info's */ }; static GObjectClass *ep_parent; static void ep_init(GObject *o) { EEvent *emp = (EEvent *)o; struct _EEventPrivate *p; p = emp->priv = g_malloc0(sizeof(struct _EEventPrivate)); e_dlist_init(&p->events); } static void ep_finalise(GObject *o) { EEvent *emp = (EEvent *)o; struct _EEventPrivate *p = emp->priv; struct _event_node *node; if (emp->target) e_event_target_free(emp, emp->target); g_free(emp->id); while ((node = (struct _event_node *)e_dlist_remhead(&p->events))) { if (node->freefunc) node->freefunc(emp, node->events, node->data); g_free(node); } g_slist_foreach(p->sorted, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free(p->sorted); g_free(p); ((GObjectClass *)ep_parent)->finalize(o); } static void ep_target_free(EEvent *ep, EEventTarget *t) { g_free(t); g_object_unref(ep); } static void ep_class_init(GObjectClass *klass) { d(printf("EEvent class init %p '%s'\n", klass, g_type_name(((GObjectClass *)klass)->g_type_class.g_type))); klass->finalize = ep_finalise; ((EEventClass *)klass)->target_free = ep_target_free; } /** * e_event_get_type: * * Standard GObject type function. Used to subclass EEvent. * * Return value: The EEvent type. **/ GType e_event_get_type(void) { static GType type = 0; if (type == 0) { static const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof(EEventClass), (GBaseInitFunc)NULL, NULL, (GClassInitFunc)ep_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof(EEvent), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc)ep_init }; ep_parent = g_type_class_ref(G_TYPE_OBJECT); type = g_type_register_static(G_TYPE_OBJECT, "EEvent", &info, 0); } return type; } /** * e_event_construct: * @ep: An instantiated but uninitialised EEvent. * @id: Event manager id. * * Construct the base event instance with standard parameters. * * Return value: Returns @ep. **/ EEvent *e_event_construct(EEvent *ep, const gchar *id) { ep->id = g_strdup(id); return ep; } /** * e_event_add_items: * @emp: An initialised EEvent structure. * @items: A list of EEventItems event listeners to register on this event manager. * @freefunc: A function called when the @items list is no longer needed. * @data: callback data for @freefunc and for item event handlers. * * Adds @items to the list of events listened to on the event manager @emp. * * Return value: An opaque key which can later be passed to remove_items. **/ gpointer e_event_add_items(EEvent *emp, GSList *items, EEventItemsFunc freefunc, gpointer data) { struct _event_node *node; node = g_malloc(sizeof(*node)); node->events = items; node->freefunc = freefunc; node->data = data; e_dlist_addtail(&emp->priv->events, (EDListNode *)node); if (emp->priv->sorted) { g_slist_foreach(emp->priv->sorted, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free(emp->priv->sorted); emp->priv->sorted = NULL; } return (gpointer)node; } /** * e_event_remove_items: * @emp: * @handle: * * Remove items previously added. They MUST have been previously * added, and may only be removed once. **/ void e_event_remove_items(EEvent *emp, gpointer handle) { struct _event_node *node = handle; e_dlist_remove((EDListNode *)node); if (node->freefunc) node->freefunc(emp, node->events, node->data); g_free(node); if (emp->priv->sorted) { g_slist_foreach(emp->priv->sorted, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free(emp->priv->sorted); emp->priv->sorted = NULL; } } static int ee_cmp(gconstpointer ap, gconstpointer bp) { gint a = ((struct _event_info **)ap)[0]->item->priority; gint b = ((struct _event_info **)bp)[0]->item->priority; if (a < b) return 1; else if (a > b) return -1; else return 0; } /** * e_event_emit: * @ee: An initialised EEvent, potentially with registered event listeners. * @id: Event name. This will be compared against EEventItem.id. * @target: The target describing the event context. This will be implementation defined. * * Emit an event. @target will automatically be freed once its * emission is complete. **/ void e_event_emit(EEvent *emp, const gchar *id, EEventTarget *target) { struct _EEventPrivate *p = emp->priv; GSList *events; d(printf("emit event %s\n", id)); if (emp->target != NULL){ g_warning ("Event already in progress.\n"); return; } emp->target = target; events = p->sorted; if (events == NULL) { struct _event_node *node = (struct _event_node *)p->events.head; for (;node->next;node=node->next) { GSList *l = node->events; for (;l;l=g_slist_next(l)) { struct _event_info *info; info = g_malloc0(sizeof(*info)); info->parent = node; info->item = l->data; events = g_slist_prepend(events, info); } } p->sorted = events = g_slist_sort(events, ee_cmp); } for (;events;events=g_slist_next(events)) { struct _event_info *info = events->data; EEventItem *event = info->item; d(printf("event '%s' mask %08x target %08x\n", event->id, event->enable, target->mask)); if (event->enable & target->mask) continue; if (strcmp(event->id, id) == 0) { event->handle(emp, event, info->parent->data); if (event->type == E_EVENT_SINK) break; } } e_event_target_free(emp, target); emp->target = NULL; } /** * e_event_target_new: * @ep: An initialised EEvent instance. * @type: type, up to implementor * @size: The size of memory to allocate. This must be >= sizeof(EEventTarget). * * Allocate a new event target suitable for this class. It is up to * the implementation to define the available target types and their * structure. **/ gpointer e_event_target_new(EEvent *ep, gint type, size_t size) { EEventTarget *t; if (size < sizeof(EEventTarget)) { g_warning ("Size is less than the size of EEventTarget\n"); size = sizeof(EEventTarget); } t = g_malloc0(size); t->event = ep; g_object_ref(ep); t->type = type; return t; } /** * e_event_target_free: * @ep: An initialised EEvent instance on which this target was allocated. * @o: The target to free. * * Free a target. This invokes the virtual free method on the EEventClass. **/ void e_event_target_free(EEvent *ep, gpointer o) { EEventTarget *t = o; ((EEventClass *)G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(ep))->target_free(ep, t); } /* ********************************************************************** */ /* Event menu plugin handler */ /* */ static gpointer emph_parent_class; #define emph ((EEventHook *)eph) /* must have 1:1 correspondence with e-event types in order */ static const EPluginHookTargetKey emph_item_types[] = { { "pass", E_EVENT_PASS }, { "sink", E_EVENT_SINK }, { NULL } }; static void emph_event_handle(EEvent *ee, EEventItem *item, gpointer data) { struct _EEventHook *hook = data; /* FIXME: we could/should just remove the items we added to the event handler */ if (!hook->hook.plugin->enabled) return; e_plugin_invoke(hook->hook.plugin, (gchar *)item->user_data, ee->target); } static void emph_free_item(struct _EEventItem *item) { g_free((gchar *)item->id); g_free(item->user_data); g_free(item); } static void emph_free_items(EEvent *ee, GSList *items, gpointer data) { /*EPluginHook *eph = data;*/ g_slist_foreach(items, (GFunc)emph_free_item, NULL); g_slist_free(items); } static struct _EEventItem * emph_construct_item(EPluginHook *eph, xmlNodePtr root, EEventHookClass *klass) { struct _EEventItem *item; EEventHookTargetMap *map; gchar *tmp; item = g_malloc0(sizeof(*item)); tmp = (gchar *)xmlGetProp(root, (const guchar *)"target"); if (tmp == NULL) goto error; map = g_hash_table_lookup(klass->target_map, tmp); xmlFree(tmp); if (map == NULL) goto error; item->target_type = map->id; item->type = e_plugin_hook_id(root, emph_item_types, "type"); if (item->type == -1) item->type = E_EVENT_PASS; item->priority = e_plugin_xml_int(root, "priority", 0); item->id = e_plugin_xml_prop(root, "id"); item->enable = e_plugin_hook_mask(root, map->mask_bits, "enable"); item->user_data = e_plugin_xml_prop(root, "handle"); if (item->user_data == NULL || item->id == NULL) goto error; item->handle = emph_event_handle; return item; error: emph_free_item(item); return NULL; } static int emph_construct(EPluginHook *eph, EPlugin *ep, xmlNodePtr root) { xmlNodePtr node; EEventHookClass *klass; GSList *items = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail(((EEventHookClass *)G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(eph))->event != NULL, -1); d(printf("loading event hook\n")); if (((EPluginHookClass *)emph_parent_class)->construct(eph, ep, root) == -1) return -1; klass = (EEventHookClass *)G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(eph); node = root->children; while (node) { if (strcmp((gchar *)node->name, "event") == 0) { struct _EEventItem *item; item = emph_construct_item(eph, node, klass); if (item) items = g_slist_prepend(items, item); } node = node->next; } eph->plugin = ep; if (items) e_event_add_items(klass->event, items, emph_free_items, eph); return 0; } static void emph_finalise(GObject *o) { /*EPluginHook *eph = (EPluginHook *)o;*/ ((GObjectClass *)emph_parent_class)->finalize(o); } static void emph_class_init(EPluginHookClass *klass) { ((GObjectClass *)klass)->finalize = emph_finalise; klass->construct = emph_construct; /* this is actually an abstract implementation but list it anyway */ klass->id = "org.gnome.evolution.event:1.0"; d(printf("EEventHook: init class %p '%s'\n", klass, g_type_name(((GObjectClass *)klass)->g_type_class.g_type))); ((EEventHookClass *)klass)->target_map = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal); } /** * e_event_hook_get_type: * * Standard GObject function to get the EEvent object type. Used to * subclass EEventHook. * * Return value: The type of the event hook class. **/ GType e_event_hook_get_type(void) { static GType type = 0; if (!type) { static const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof(EEventHookClass), NULL, NULL, (GClassInitFunc) emph_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof(EEventHook), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) NULL, }; emph_parent_class = g_type_class_ref(e_plugin_hook_get_type()); type = g_type_register_static(e_plugin_hook_get_type(), "EEventHook", &info, 0); } return type; } /** * e_event_hook_class_add_target_map: * @klass: The derived EEventHook class. * @map: A map used to describe a single EEventTarget type for this * class. * * Add a target map to a concrete derived class of EEvent. The target * map enumerates a single target type and th eenable mask bit names, * so that the type can be loaded automatically by the base EEvent class. **/ void e_event_hook_class_add_target_map(EEventHookClass *klass, const EEventHookTargetMap *map) { g_hash_table_insert(klass->target_map, (gpointer)map->type, (gpointer)map); } ni-1.3.8&id=2243cdbcd403bd6fbe0a82d675cd8ab92e879590'>- Update to * - Update to * - Convert to OptionsNGswills2012-09-061-19/+12 * - Update www/mod_spdy to v0.9.2.2swills2012-08-293-5/+3 * - Avoid leftover fileswills2012-07-221-0/+1 * - Update www/mod_spdy to