#ifndef _E_MSGPORT_H
#define _E_MSGPORT_H
/* double-linked list yeah another one, deal */
typedef struct _EDListNode {
struct _EDListNode *next;
struct _EDListNode *prev;
} EDListNode;
typedef struct _EDList {
struct _EDListNode *head;
struct _EDListNode *tail;
struct _EDListNode *tailpred;
} EDList;
#define E_DLIST_INITIALISER(l) { (EDListNode *)&l.tail, 0, (EDListNode *)&l.head }
void e_dlist_init(EDList *v);
EDListNode *e_dlist_addhead(EDList *l, EDListNode *n);
EDListNode *e_dlist_addtail(EDList *l, EDListNode *n);
EDListNode *e_dlist_remove(EDListNode *n);
EDListNode *e_dlist_remhead(EDList *l);
EDListNode *e_dlist_remtail(EDList *l);
int e_dlist_empty(EDList *l);
int e_dlist_length(EDList *l);
/* message ports - a simple inter-thread 'ipc' primitive */
/* opaque handle */
typedef struct _EMsgPort EMsgPort;
/* header for any message */
typedef struct _EMsg {
EDListNode ln;
EMsgPort *reply_port;
} EMsg;
EMsgPort *e_msgport_new(void);
void e_msgport_destroy(EMsgPort *mp);
/* get a fd that can be used to wait on the port asynchronously */
int e_msgport_fd(EMsgPort *mp);
void e_msgport_put(EMsgPort *mp, EMsg *msg);
EMsg *e_msgport_wait(EMsgPort *mp);
EMsg *e_msgport_get(EMsgPort *mp);
void e_msgport_reply(EMsg *msg);
/* e threads, a server thread with a message based request-response, and flexible queuing */
typedef struct _EThread EThread;
typedef enum {
E_THREAD_QUEUE = 0, /* run one by one, until done, if the queue_limit is reached, discard new request */
E_THREAD_DROP, /* run one by one, until done, if the queue_limit is reached, discard oldest requests */
E_THREAD_NEW, /* always run in a new thread, if the queue limit is reached, new requests are
stored in the queue until a thread becomes available for it, creating a thread pool */
} e_thread_t;
typedef void (*EThreadFunc)(EThread *, EMsg *, void *data);
EThread *e_thread_new(e_thread_t type);
void e_thread_destroy(EThread *e);
void e_thread_set_queue_limit(EThread *e, int limit);
void e_thread_set_msg_lost(EThread *e, EThreadFunc destroy, void *data);
void e_thread_set_msg_destroy(EThread *e, EThreadFunc destroy, void *data);
void e_thread_set_reply_port(EThread *e, EMsgPort *reply_port);
void e_thread_set_msg_received(EThread *e, EThreadFunc received, void *data);
void e_thread_put(EThread *e, EMsg *msg);
/* sigh, another mutex interface, this one allows different mutex types, portably */
typedef struct _EMutex EMutex;
typedef enum _e_mutex_t {
E_MUTEX_SIMPLE, /* == pthread_mutex */
E_MUTEX_REC, /* recursive mutex */
} e_mutex_t;
EMutex *e_mutex_new(e_mutex_t type);
int e_mutex_destroy(EMutex *m);
int e_mutex_lock(EMutex *m);
int e_mutex_unlock(EMutex *m);
void e_mutex_assert_locked(EMutex *m);