/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with the program; if not, see * * * Authors: * Chris Lahey * * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Novell, Inc. (www.novell.com) * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include "e-table-sorter.h" #include "e-table-sorting-utils.h" #define d(x) enum { PROP_0, PROP_SORT_INFO }; #define INCREMENT_AMOUNT 100 static void ets_model_changed (ETableModel *etm, ETableSorter *ets); static void ets_model_row_changed (ETableModel *etm, gint row, ETableSorter *ets); static void ets_model_cell_changed (ETableModel *etm, gint col, gint row, ETableSorter *ets); static void ets_model_rows_inserted (ETableModel *etm, gint row, gint count, ETableSorter *ets); static void ets_model_rows_deleted (ETableModel *etm, gint row, gint count, ETableSorter *ets); static void ets_sort_info_changed (ETableSortInfo *info, ETableSorter *ets); static void ets_clean (ETableSorter *ets); static void ets_sort (ETableSorter *ets); static void ets_backsort (ETableSorter *ets); /* Forward Declarations */ static void e_table_sorter_interface_init (ESorterInterface *interface); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE ( ETableSorter, e_table_sorter, G_TYPE_OBJECT, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE ( E_TYPE_SORTER, e_table_sorter_interface_init)) static void ets_dispose (GObject *object) { ETableSorter *ets = E_TABLE_SORTER (object); if (ets->sort_info) { if (ets->table_model_changed_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect ( ets->source, ets->table_model_changed_id); if (ets->table_model_row_changed_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect ( ets->source, ets->table_model_row_changed_id); if (ets->table_model_cell_changed_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect ( ets->source, ets->table_model_cell_changed_id); if (ets->table_model_rows_inserted_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect ( ets->source, ets->table_model_rows_inserted_id); if (ets->table_model_rows_deleted_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect ( ets->source, ets->table_model_rows_deleted_id); if (ets->sort_info_changed_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect ( ets->sort_info, ets->sort_info_changed_id); if (ets->group_info_changed_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect ( ets->sort_info, ets->group_info_changed_id); ets->table_model_changed_id = 0; ets->table_model_row_changed_id = 0; ets->table_model_cell_changed_id = 0; ets->table_model_rows_inserted_id = 0; ets->table_model_rows_deleted_id = 0; ets->sort_info_changed_id = 0; ets->group_info_changed_id = 0; g_object_unref (ets->sort_info); ets->sort_info = NULL; } if (ets->full_header) g_object_unref (ets->full_header); ets->full_header = NULL; if (ets->source) g_object_unref (ets->source); ets->source = NULL; G_OBJECT_CLASS (e_table_sorter_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void ets_set_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { ETableSorter *ets = E_TABLE_SORTER (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_SORT_INFO: if (ets->sort_info) { if (ets->sort_info_changed_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect (ets->sort_info, ets->sort_info_changed_id); if (ets->group_info_changed_id) g_signal_handler_disconnect (ets->sort_info, ets->group_info_changed_id); g_object_unref (ets->sort_info); } ets->sort_info = E_TABLE_SORT_INFO (g_value_get_object (value)); g_object_ref (ets->sort_info); ets->sort_info_changed_id = g_signal_connect ( ets->sort_info, "sort_info_changed", G_CALLBACK (ets_sort_info_changed), ets); ets->group_info_changed_id = g_signal_connect ( ets->sort_info, "group_info_changed", G_CALLBACK (ets_sort_info_changed), ets); ets_clean (ets); break; default: break; } } static void ets_get_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { ETableSorter *ets = E_TABLE_SORTER (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_SORT_INFO: g_value_set_object (value, ets->sort_info); break; } } static gint table_sorter_model_to_sorted (ESorter *es, gint row) { ETableSorter *ets = E_TABLE_SORTER (es); gint rows = e_table_model_row_count (ets->source); g_return_val_if_fail (row >= 0, -1); g_return_val_if_fail (row < rows, -1); if (e_sorter_needs_sorting (es)) ets_backsort (ets); if (ets->backsorted) return ets->backsorted[row]; else return row; } static gint table_sorter_sorted_to_model (ESorter *es, gint row) { ETableSorter *ets = E_TABLE_SORTER (es); gint rows = e_table_model_row_count (ets->source); g_return_val_if_fail (row >= 0, -1); g_return_val_if_fail (row < rows, -1); if (e_sorter_needs_sorting (es)) ets_sort (ets); if (ets->sorted) return ets->sorted[row]; else return row; } static void table_sorter_get_model_to_sorted_array (ESorter *es, gint **array, gint *count) { ETableSorter *ets = E_TABLE_SORTER (es); if (array || count) { ets_backsort (ets); if (array) *array = ets->backsorted; if (count) *count = e_table_model_row_count(ets->source); } } static void table_sorter_get_sorted_to_model_array (ESorter *es, gint **array, gint *count) { ETableSorter *ets = E_TABLE_SORTER (es); if (array || count) { ets_sort (ets); if (array) *array = ets->sorted; if (count) *count = e_table_model_row_count(ets->source); } } static gboolean table_sorter_needs_sorting (ESorter *es) { ETableSorter *ets = E_TABLE_SORTER (es); if (ets->needs_sorting < 0) { if (e_table_sort_info_sorting_get_count (ets->sort_info) + e_table_sort_info_grouping_get_count (ets->sort_info)) ets->needs_sorting = 1; else ets->needs_sorting = 0; } return ets->needs_sorting; } static void e_table_sorter_class_init (ETableSorterClass *class) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); object_class->dispose = ets_dispose; object_class->set_property = ets_set_property; object_class->get_property = ets_get_property; g_object_class_install_property ( object_class, PROP_SORT_INFO, g_param_spec_object ( "sort_info", "Sort Info", NULL, E_TYPE_TABLE_SORT_INFO, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); } static void e_table_sorter_interface_init (ESorterInterface *interface) { interface->model_to_sorted = table_sorter_model_to_sorted; interface->sorted_to_model = table_sorter_sorted_to_model; interface->get_model_to_sorted_array = table_sorter_get_model_to_sorted_array; interface->get_sorted_to_model_array = table_sorter_get_sorted_to_model_array; interface->needs_sorting = table_sorter_needs_sorting; } static void e_table_sorter_init (ETableSorter *ets) { ets->full_header = NULL; ets->sort_info = NULL; ets->source = NULL; ets->needs_sorting = -1; ets->table_model_changed_id = 0; ets->table_model_row_changed_id = 0; ets->table_model_cell_changed_id = 0; ets->table_model_rows_inserted_id = 0; ets->table_model_rows_deleted_id = 0; ets->sort_info_changed_id = 0; ets->group_info_changed_id = 0; } ETableSorter * e_table_sorter_new (ETableModel *source, ETableHeader *full_header, ETableSortInfo *sort_info) { ETableSorter *ets = g_object_new (E_TYPE_TABLE_SORTER, NULL); ets->sort_info = sort_info; g_object_ref (ets->sort_info); ets->full_header = full_header; g_object_ref (ets->full_header); ets->source = source; g_object_ref (ets->source); ets->table_model_changed_id = g_signal_connect ( source, "model_changed", G_CALLBACK (ets_model_changed), ets); ets->table_model_row_changed_id = g_signal_connect ( source, "model_row_changed", G_CALLBACK (ets_model_row_changed), ets); ets->table_model_cell_changed_id = g_signal_connect ( source, "model_cell_changed", G_CALLBACK (ets_model_cell_changed), ets); ets->table_model_rows_inserted_id = g_signal_connect ( source, "model_rows_inserted", G_CALLBACK (ets_model_rows_inserted), ets); ets->table_model_rows_deleted_id = g_signal_connect ( source, "model_rows_deleted", G_CALLBACK (ets_model_rows_deleted), ets); ets->sort_info_changed_id = g_signal_connect ( sort_info, "sort_info_changed", G_CALLBACK (ets_sort_info_changed), ets); ets->group_info_changed_id = g_signal_connect ( sort_info, "group_info_changed", G_CALLBACK (ets_sort_info_changed), ets); return ets; } static void ets_model_changed (ETableModel *etm, ETableSorter *ets) { ets_clean (ets); } static void ets_model_row_changed (ETableModel *etm, gint row, ETableSorter *ets) { ets_clean (ets); } static void ets_model_cell_changed (ETableModel *etm, gint col, gint row, ETableSorter *ets) { ets_clean (ets); } static void ets_model_rows_inserted (ETableModel *etm, gint row, gint count, ETableSorter *ets) { ets_clean (ets); } static void ets_model_rows_deleted (ETableModel *etm, gint row, gint count, ETableSorter *ets) { ets_clean (ets); } static void ets_sort_info_changed (ETableSortInfo *info, ETableSorter *ets) { d (g_print ("sort info changed\n")); ets_clean (ets); } struct qsort_data { ETableSorter *ets; gpointer *vals; gint cols; gint *ascending; GCompareDataFunc *compare; gpointer cmp_cache; }; /* FIXME: Make it not cache the second and later columns (as if anyone cares.) */ static gint qsort_callback (gconstpointer data1, gconstpointer data2, gpointer user_data) { struct qsort_data *qd = (struct qsort_data *) user_data; gint row1 = *(gint *) data1; gint row2 = *(gint *) data2; gint j; gint sort_count = e_table_sort_info_sorting_get_count (qd->ets->sort_info) + e_table_sort_info_grouping_get_count (qd->ets->sort_info); gint comp_val = 0; gint ascending = 1; for (j = 0; j < sort_count; j++) { comp_val = (*(qd->compare[j]))(qd->vals[qd->cols * row1 + j], qd->vals[qd->cols * row2 + j], qd->cmp_cache); ascending = qd->ascending[j]; if (comp_val != 0) break; } if (comp_val == 0) { if (row1 < row2) comp_val = -1; if (row1 > row2) comp_val = 1; } if (!ascending) comp_val = -comp_val; return comp_val; } static void ets_clean (ETableSorter *ets) { g_free (ets->sorted); ets->sorted = NULL; g_free (ets->backsorted); ets->backsorted = NULL; ets->needs_sorting = -1; } static void ets_sort (ETableSorter *ets) { gint rows; gint i; gint j; gint cols; gint group_cols; struct qsort_data qd; if (ets->sorted) return; rows = e_table_model_row_count (ets->source); group_cols = e_table_sort_info_grouping_get_count (ets->sort_info); cols = e_table_sort_info_sorting_get_count (ets->sort_info) + group_cols; ets->sorted = g_new (int, rows); for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) ets->sorted[i] = i; qd.cols = cols; qd.ets = ets; qd.vals = g_new (gpointer , rows * cols); qd.ascending = g_new (int, cols); qd.compare = g_new (GCompareDataFunc, cols); qd.cmp_cache = e_table_sorting_utils_create_cmp_cache (); for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) { ETableSortColumn column; ETableCol *col; if (j < group_cols) column = e_table_sort_info_grouping_get_nth (ets->sort_info, j); else column = e_table_sort_info_sorting_get_nth (ets->sort_info, j - group_cols); col = e_table_header_get_column_by_col_idx (ets->full_header, column.column); if (col == NULL) col = e_table_header_get_column (ets->full_header, e_table_header_count (ets->full_header) - 1); for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { qd.vals[i * cols + j] = e_table_model_value_at (ets->source, col->col_idx, i); } qd.compare[j] = col->compare; qd.ascending[j] = column.ascending; } g_qsort_with_data (ets->sorted, rows, sizeof (gint), qsort_callback, &qd); g_free (qd.vals); g_free (qd.ascending); g_free (qd.compare); e_table_sorting_utils_free_cmp_cache (qd.cmp_cache); } static void ets_backsort (ETableSorter *ets) { gint i, rows; if (ets->backsorted) return; ets_sort (ets); rows = e_table_model_row_count (ets->source); ets->backsorted = g_new0 (int, rows); for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { ets->backsorted[ets->sorted[i]] = i; } }