<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its" type="topic" id="intro-application"> <info> <desc>An introduction to Evolution.</desc> <link type="guide" xref="index#getting-started"/> <revision pkgversion="3.6.0" version="0.2" date="2012-09-26" status="draft"/> <credit type="author"> <name its:translate="no">Brian Grohe</name> <email its:translate="no">grohe43@gmail.com</email> </credit> <credit type="author"> <name its:translate="no">Andre Klapper</name> <email its:translate="no">ak-47@gmx.net</email> </credit> <license> <p>Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0</p> </license> </info> <title>Getting Started</title> <p>Evolution is a stable and versatile personal information manager for the GNOME project. Evolution allows you to keep your calendars, mail, address books and tasks in one place.</p> <p>By default Evolution opens the mail view. This is were you can view all your mail. You can change to other views of the application by going to the bottom of the left pane in the window (the so-called "switcher") and selecting the desired view. <link type="topic" xref="intro-main-window">Click here</link> for more information on the elements of the window.</p> <note style="advanced"><p>When Evolution starts, it remembers the last view that you used. However you can also explicitly start Evolution in a specific view. For the calendar view, use the command <cmd>evolution --component=calendar</cmd> in the <app>Terminal</app> application. Other available options are "mail", "contacts", "tasks", and "memos".</p></note> </page>