# Translation into Spanish of Evolution docs.
# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# H�ctor Garc�a �lvarez <hector@scouts-es.org>, 2000.
# H�ctor Garc�a �lvarez <hector@scouts-es.org>, 2001.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: evolution-docs\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2001-03-21 23:37+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-12-28 15:38+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: H�ctor Garc�a �lvarez <hector@scouts-es.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish <es@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:1
msgid ""
"\t  <para>\n"
"              Calendars must go in calendar folders, mail in mail\n"
"\t      folders, and contacts in contact folders.\n"
"           </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"\t  <para>\n"
"              Los calendarios deben ir en carpetas de calendarios, el "
"\t      en carpetas de correo, y los contactos en carpetas de contactos.\n"
"           </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:6
msgid "\t  <title>Folders Have Limits</title>\n"
msgstr "\t  <title>Las Carpetas Tienen Limitaciones</title>\n"

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:8
msgid ""
"       <para>\n"
"         To change the way the shortcut bar looks, right-click in an\n"
"         empty space on the shortcut bar.  From the menu that appears,\n"
"         you can select icon sizes.\n"
"       </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"       <para>\n"
"         Para cambiar el aspecto de la barra de atajos, pulse con el bot�n\n"
"         derecho en cualquier espacio vac�o de la barra de atajos.  Del "
"         que aparece, puede elegir el tama�o de los iconos.\n"
"       </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:14
msgid ""
"       <para>\n"
"         To remove a shortcut from the shortcut bar, right-click on it\n"
"         and select <guimenuitem>Remove</guimenuitem>.  To add one,\n"
"         select <menuchoice> <guimenu>File</guimenu>\n"
"         <guisubmenu>New</guisubmenu> <guimenuitem>Evolution Bar\n"
"         Shortcut</guimenuitem> </menuchoice>.\n"
"      </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"       <para>\n"
"         Para quitar un atajo de la barra de atajos, pulse con el bot�n\n"
"         derecho sobre el y seleccione <guimenuitem>Quitar</guimenuitem>.\n"
"         Para a�adir uno, seleccione <menuchoice> "
"         <guisubmenu>Nuevo</guisubmenu> <guimenuitem>atajo de la barra de\n"
"         atajos de Evolution</guimenuitem> </menuchoice>.\n"
"      </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:22
msgid ""
"       <para>\n"
"         You don't need the folder bar or the shortcut bar to move\n"
"         around the main window. You can use <keycap>Tab</keycap> to\n"
"         switch from one part of the window to another, and the folder\n"
"         menu on the right side of the window just below the toolbar\n"
"         to move about the folder tree.\n"
"       </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"       <para>\n"
"         No necesita la barra de carpetas o la barra de atajos para moverse\n"
"         por la ventana principal. Puede usar el <keycap>Tabulador</keycap>\n"
"         para cambiar de una parte de la ventana a otra, y al men� de\n"
"         carpetas en la parte derecha de la ventana debajo de la barra de\n"
"         herramientas para moverse por el arbol de carpetas.\n"
"       </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:30
msgid "       <title>Shortcut Bar Tricks</title>\n"
msgstr "       <title>Trucos de la Barra de Atajos</title>\n"

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:32
msgid ""
"      <para>\n"
"\tGNOME 2.0 will support context-sensitive help, which means you\n"
"\tcan almost always get help on an item by right-clicking it.\n"
"\tIf you're not sure what something is, or don't know what you\n"
"\tcan do with it, choosing <guimenuitem>Help</guimenuitem> from\n"
"\tthe right-click menu is a good way to find out.\n"
"      </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"      <para>\n"
"\tGNOME 2.0 soportar� ayuda contextual, lo que significa que casi\n"
"\tsiempre puede obtener ayuda acerca de un elemento pulsando sobre �l\n"
"\tcon el bot�n derecho.  Si no est� seguro acerca de algo, o no sabe lo\n"
"\tlo que puede hacer con ello, eligir <guimenuitem>Ayuda</guimenuitem>\n"
"\tdel men� del bot�n derecho es una buena manera de averiguarlo.\n"
"      </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:40
msgid "     <title>Context-Sensitive Help</title>\n"
msgstr "     <title>Ayuda Sensible al Contexto</title>\n"

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:42
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"       \n"
"      A typical <guilabel>Local</guilabel> folder contains the following "
"      <itemizedlist>\n"
"\t <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t     <guilabel>Calendar</guilabel>, for appointments and\n"
"\t     event listings.\n"
"\t   </para>\n"
"\t </listitem> \n"
"\t <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t    <guilabel>Contacts</guilabel>, for address cards.\n"
"\t   </para>\n"
"\t </listitem>\n"
"\t <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t     <guilabel>Inbox</guilabel>, for incoming mail. \n"
"\t   </para>\n"
"\t </listitem>\n"
"         <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t    <guilabel>Drafts</guilabel>, for messages you started and didn't "
"\t   </para>\n"
"\t </listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t    <guilabel>Sent</guilabel>, for sent mail.\n"
"\t   </para>\n"
"\t </listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t    <guilabel>Trash</guilabel>, which is used to store\n"
"\t    messages you don't want, but keep around just in case you\n"
"\t    change your mind.\n"
"\t   </para>\n"
"\t </listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t    <guilabel>Outbox</guilabel>, for messages you have written\n"
"\t    but not yet sent.  This will be empty unless you use\n"
"\t    <application>Evolution</application> while offline.\n"
"\t   </para>\n"
"\t </listitem>\n"
"      </itemizedlist>\n"
"    </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"    <para>\n"
"       \n"
"      Una carpeta <guilabel>Local</guilabel> t�pica contiene las siguientes "
"      <itemizedlist>\n"
"\t <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t     <guilabel>Calendario</guilabel>, para citas y\n"
"\t     listas de eventos.\n"
"\t   </para>\n"
"\t </listitem> \n"
"\t <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t    <guilabel>Contactos</guilabel>, para tarjetas de direcciones.\n"
"\t   </para>\n"
"\t </listitem>\n"
"\t <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t     <guilabel>Inbox</guilabel>, para el correo de entrada. \n"
"\t   </para>\n"
"\t </listitem>\n"
"         <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t    <guilabel>Drafts</guilabel>, para mensajes que comenz� y no termin�.\n"
"\t   </para>\n"
"\t </listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t    <guilabel>Sent</guilabel>, para los mensajes enviados.\n"
"\t   </para>\n"
"\t </listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t    <guilabel>Trash</guilabel>, se usa para guardar mensajes que no\n"
"\t    quiere, pero que se dej�n aqu� por si cambia de idea.\n"
"\t   </para>\n"
"\t </listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t    <guilabel>Outbox</guilabel>, para mensajes que ha escrito pero no\n"
"\t    han sido enviados todav�a.  Estar� vac�a a menos que use\n"
"\t    <application>Evolution</application> mientras est� desconectado.\n"
"\t   </para>\n"
"\t </listitem>\n"
"      </itemizedlist>\n"
"    </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:91
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"        <application>Evolution</application>'s most important job is\n"
"        to give you access to your information and help you use it\n"
"        quickly.  One way it does that is through the\n"
"        <interface>shortcut bar</interface>, the column on the left\n"
"        hand side of the main window.  The large buttons with names\n"
"        like <guilabel>Inbox</guilabel> and\n"
"        <guilabel>Contacts</guilabel> are the shortcuts, and you can\n"
"        select different groups of shortcuts by clicking the\n"
"        rectangular group buttons.\n"
"    </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"    <para>\n"
"        El trabajo m�s importante de <application>Evolution</application> "
"        darle acceso a su informaci�n y ayudarle a usarla rapidamente.  Una\n"
"        de las maneras en las que hace esto es atraves de la\n"
"        <interface>barra de atajos</interface>, la columna a la izquierda "
"        la ventana principal.  Los botones grandes con nombres como\n"
"        <guilabel>Inbox</guilabel> y <guilabel>Contactos</guilabel> son\n"
"        los atajos, y puede seleccionar distintos grupos de atajos\n"
"        pulsando los grupos de botones rectangulares.\n"
"    </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:103
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"       Take a look at the <guilabel>Evolution Shortcuts</guilabel>\n"
"       again.  The shortcut buttons in that category are:\n"
"      <variablelist>\n"
"\t<term> <guibutton>Today:</guibutton></term>\n"
"\t  <para>\n"
"\tThis will bring up a summary of any new messages you've\n"
"\treceived, along with the tasks and appointments you have\n"
"\tlined up for today.\n"
"      </para>\n"
"      </listitem>\n"
"      </varlistentry>\n"
"\t  <term> <guibutton>Executive Summary:</guibutton></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t      Start your day here.  The Executive summary gives you\n"
"              lists of new or important messages, daily appointments\n"
"              and urgent tasks.  You can customize its appearance and\n"
"              content, and use it to access Evolution services.\n"
"\t    </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"\t  <term> <guibutton>Inbox:</guibutton></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t      Click the <guibutton>Inbox</guibutton> button to start\n"
"\t      reading your mail.  Your Inbox is also where you can\n"
"\t      access Evolution's tools to filter, sort, organize, and\n"
"\t      search your mail.\n"
"\t    </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"\t  <term><guibutton>Calendar:</guibutton></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t      The Calendar can store your appointments and To do lists\n"
"\t      for you.  Connected to a network, you can use it to keep\n"
"\t      a group of people on schedule and up to date.\n"
"\t    </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"       <varlistentry>\n"
"         <term><guibutton>Tasks:</guibutton></term>\n"
"\t  <para>\n"
"\t     A full-size view of your calendar's task pad.\n"
"\t  </para>\n"
"      </varlistentry>\n"
"\t  <term><guibutton>Contacts:</guibutton></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t      The Contact Manager holds your addresses, phone numbers,\n"
"\t      and contact information.  Like calendar information,\n"
"\t      contact data can be synchronized with hand-held devices\n"
"\t      and shared over a network.\n"
"\t   </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"\t  <term> <guibutton>Notes:</guibutton></term>\n"
"\t  <para> The note pad is your catch-all tool: use it to take\n"
"\t    messages from phone conversations, keep small things\n"
"\t    organized, write <glossterm linkend=\"haiku\">haiku</glossterm>, or "
"\t    you like. This feature is not yet implemented, but will be\n"
"\t    soon. See <xref linkend=\"usage-notes\"> for more\n"
"\t    information.\n"
"\t  </para>\n"
"      </variablelist>\n"
"    </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"    <para>\n"
"       Vuelva a echar un vistazo a los <guilabel>Atajos de\n"
"       Evolution</guilabel>.  Los atajos en esa categor�a son:\n"
"      <variablelist>\n"
"<!--  �SIN IMPLEMENTAR! \n"
"\t<term> <guibutton>Today:</guibutton></term>\n"
"\t  <para>\n"
"\tThis will bring up a summary of any new messages you've\n"
"\treceived, along with the tasks and appointments you have\n"
"\tlined up for today.\n"
"      </para>\n"
"      </listitem>\n"
"      </varlistentry>\n"
"\t  <term> <guibutton>Resumen de Trabajo:</guibutton></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t      Comienze aqu� su d�a.  El resumen de trabajo le muestra la lista\n"
"              de mensajes nuevos o importantes, las citas diarias y las\n"
"              tareas urgentes.  Puede personalizar su apariencia y\n"
"              contenido, y usarlo para acceder a los servicios de "
"\t    </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"\t  <term> <guibutton>Inbox:</guibutton></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t      Pulse el bot�n <guibutton>Inbox</guibutton> para comenzar a leer\n"
"\t      su correo.  Su Inbox es tambien donde puede acceder a las\n"
"\t      herramientas de Evolution para filtrar, ordenar, organizar, y\n"
"\t      buscar su correo.\n"
"\t    </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"\t  <term><guibutton>Calendario:</guibutton></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t      El calendario puede guardar sus citas y su lista de tareas por\n"
"\t      hacer.  Conectado a una red, puede usarlo para mantener el horario\n"
"\t      de un grupo de personas y tenerlo al d�a.\n"
"\t    </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"       <varlistentry>\n"
"         <term><guibutton>Tareas:</guibutton></term>\n"
"\t  <para>\n"
"\t     Una vista a pantalla completa de la parte de tareas de su calendario\n"
"\t  </para>\n"
"      </varlistentry>\n"
"\t  <term><guibutton>Contactos:</guibutton></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"\t      El Administrador de Contactos guarda su informaci�n de direcciones,\n"
"\t      n�meros de tel�fono, e informaci�n de contacto.  Al igual que la\n"
"\t      informaci�n del calendario, los datos de contactos pueden\n"
"\t      sicronizarse con dispositivos de mano y ser compartidos a traves de\n"
"\t      una red.\n"
"\t   </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"\t  <term> <guibutton>Notes:</guibutton></term>\n"
"\t  <para> The note pad is your catch-all tool: use it to take\n"
"\t    messages from phone conversations, keep small things\n"
"\t    organized, write <glossterm linkend=\"haiku\">haiku</glossterm>, or "
"\t    you like. This feature is not yet implemented, but will be\n"
"\t    soon. See <xref linkend=\"usage-notes\"> for more\n"
"\t    information.\n"
"\t  </para>\n"
"      </variablelist>\n"
"    </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:200
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"       The shortcut group buttons are <guibutton>Evolution\n"
"       Shortcuts</guibutton> and <guibutton>Internet\n"
"       Directories</guibutton>.  When you click on them, they'll slide\n"
"       up and down to give you access to different sorts of shortcuts.\n"
"       When you first start <application>Evolution</application>, you\n"
"       are looking at the <guilabel>Evolution Shortcuts</guilabel>\n"
"       category.  If you click <guilabel>Internet\n"
"       Directories</guilabel>, it will slide up and you'll see buttons\n"
"       for the <guilabel>Bigfoot</guilabel> and\n"
"       <guilabel>Netcenter</guilabel> directories, as well as any\n"
"       others you or your system administrator may have added. You can\n"
"       add more groups by right-clicking on the background of the\n"
"       shortcut bar and selecting <guimenuitem>Menu\n"
"       Group</guimenuitem>.  Internet directories behave a lot like\n"
"       the local contact manager, which is covered in <xref\n"
"       linkend=\"usage-contact\">.\n"
"       </para>\n"
msgstr ""

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:219
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"       To create a new folder, select <menuchoice>\n"
"       <guimenu>File</guimenu> <guisubmenu>New</guisubmenu>\n"
"       <guimenuitem>Folder</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.  You'll be asked "
"where you want to\n"
"       put it, and what kind of folder it should be.  You can choose\n"
"       from three types: <guilabel>Mail</guilabel>, for storing mail,\n"
"       <guilabel>Calendar</guilabel> for storing calendars, and\n"
"       <guilabel>Contacts</guilabel> for storing contacts.\n"
"    </para>\n"
msgstr ""

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:229
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"      Any time new information arrives in a folder, that folder label\n"
"      is displayed in bold text.\n"
"    </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"    <para>\n"
"      Cuando llega informaci�n nueva a una carpeta, el nombre de esa\n"
"      carpeta se escribe en negrita.\n"
"    </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:234
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"      If you don't like the shortcut bar, you can use the folder bar\n"
"      or the menu bar to navigate the main window. Press \n"
"            <keycombo action=\"simul\">\n"
"                 <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> \n"
"                 <keycap>O</keycap> \n"
"             </keycombo>\n"
"      to choose from a list of folders you'd like to visit, or use the\n"
"      drop-down folder bar.  You can hide and show the folder bar and\n"
"      the shortcut bar by selecting those items in the\n"
"      <guimenu>View</guimenu> menu.\n"
"    </para>\n"
msgstr ""

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:247
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"      Right-clicking will bring up a menu for just about anything\n"
"      in GNOME, and <application>Evolution</application> is no\n"
"      exception.  If you right-click on a folder, you'll have a\n"
"      menu with the following options:\n"
"      <itemizedlist>\n"
"\t<listitem><para><guimenuitem>FIXME</guimenuitem>, for another purpose. "
"\t<listitem><para><guimenuitem>Something else</guimenuitem>, for another "
"purpose. </para></listitem>\n"
"      </itemizedlist>.\n"
"    </para>\n"
msgstr ""

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:258
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"      The <interface>folder bar</interface> is a more comprehensive\n"
"      way to view the information you've stored with\n"
"      <application>Evolution</application>. It displays all your\n"
"      appointments, address cards, and email in a tree that's a lot\n"
"      like a <glossterm linkend=\"filetree\">file\n"
"      tree</glossterm>&mdash; it starts small at the top, and branches\n"
"      downwards. On most computers, there will be three or four\n"
"      folders at the base.  First is the <guilabel>Local</guilabel>\n"
"      folder, which holds all the <application>Evolution</application>\n"
"      data that's stored on your computer.  After that come\n"
"      <guilabel>Virtual Folders</guilabel>, or virtual folders, discussed "
"      <xref linkend=\"usage-mail-organize-vfolders\">, followed by any\n"
"      <glossterm linkend=\"imap\">IMAP</glossterm> mail folders you may\n"
"      have available to you over your network.  Lastly, there are\n"
"      <guilabel>External Directories</guilabel>, <glossterm\n"
"      linkend=\"ldap\">LDAP</glossterm> contact directories stored on a\n"
"      network.\n"
"    </para>\n"
msgstr ""

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:278
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"      The <interface>menu bar</interface>'s contents will always\n"
"      provide all the possible actions for any given view of your\n"
"      data.  That means that, depending on the context, menu bar items\n"
"      will change.  If you're looking at your Inbox, most of the menu\n"
"      items will relate to mail; some will relate to other components\n"
"      of <application>Evolution</application> and some, especially\n"
"      those in the <guimenu>File Menu</guimenu> will relate to the\n"
"      application as a whole. The contents of the menu bar are\n"
"      described in <xref linkend=\"menuref\">.\n"
"   </para>\n"
msgstr ""

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:290
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"      To delete a folder, right-click it and select\n"
"      <guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem> from the menu that pops up.\n"
"      To change the order of folders, or put one inside another, use\n"
"      drag-and-drop.  To move individual\n"
"      messages, appointments, and address cards between folders, you\n"
"      can do the same thing: drag them where you want them, and\n"
"      they'll go.\n"
"    </para>\n"
msgstr ""

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:300
msgid "    <title>Navigating without the Folder Bar</title>\n"
msgstr "    <title>Navegando sin la Barra de Carpetas</title>\n"

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:302
msgid "    <title>The Folder Bar</title>\n"
msgstr "    <title>La Barra de Carpetas</title>\n"

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:304
msgid "    <title>The Menu Bar</title>\n"
msgstr "    <title>La Barra de Men�</title>\n"

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:306
msgid "    <title>The Shortcut Bar</title>\n"
msgstr "    <title>La Barra de Atajos</title>\n"

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:308
msgid ""
"   <para>\n"
"      <variablelist>\n"
"        <varlistentry>\n"
"          <term> <guimenu>File</guimenu> Menu</term>\n"
"          <listitem><para> \n"
"            Anything even related to a file or to the operations\n"
"            of the application generally  falls under this\n"
"            menu: creating things, saving them to disk, \n"
"            printing them, and quitting the program itself.  \n"
"            </para></listitem>\n"
"        </varlistentry>\n"
"       <varlistentry>\n"
"          <term> <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> Menu </term>\n"
"          <listitem><para>\n"
"              The <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> menu holds\n"
"              useful tools that help you edit text and move it around.\n"
"          </para></listitem>\n"
"        </varlistentry>\n"
"       <varlistentry>\n"
"          <term> <guimenu>View</guimenu> Menu </term>\n"
"          <listitem><para>\n"
"            This menu lets you decide how "
"<application>Evolution</application> \n"
"            should look. Some of the features control the appearance of \n"
"            <application>Evolution</application> as a whole, and others \n"
"            the way a particular kind of information appears.\n"
"          </para></listitem>\n"
"        </varlistentry>\n"
"        <varlistentry>\n"
"          <term> <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> Menu </term>\n"
"          <listitem><para> Tools for configuring, changing, and\n"
"          setting up go here.  For mail, that means things like\n"
"          <guimenuitem>Mail Configuration</guimenuitem> and the\n"
"          <guimenuitem>Virtual Folder Editor</guimenuitem>.  For the\n"
"          <interface>Calendar</interface> and the <interface>Contact\n"
"          Manager</interface>, it's color, network, and layout\n"
"          configuration. </para></listitem>\n"
"        </varlistentry>\n"
"       <varlistentry>\n"
"          <term> <guimenu>Help</guimenu> Menu</term>\n"
"          <listitem><para>\n"
"             Select among these items to open the \n"
"             <application>Help Browser</application> \n"
"             and read the <application>Evolution</application> manual.\n"
"          </para></listitem>\n"
"        </varlistentry>\n"
"      </variablelist>\n"
"   </para>\n"
msgstr ""

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:362
msgid ""
"   <para>\n"
"      Once you've familiarized yourself with the <interface>main\n"
"      window</interface> you can start doing things with it.  We'll\n"
"      start with your email inbox, since you've got a letter waiting\n"
"      for you already.\n"
"    </para>\n"
msgstr ""

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:369
msgid ""
"   <para>\n"
"     After <application>Evolution</application> starts\n"
"     up, you will see the <interface>main window</interface>, with the\n"
"     <interface>Inbox</interface> open.  It should look a lot like the\n"
"     picture in <xref linkend=\"usage-mainwindow-fig\">. On the left of\n"
"     the <interface>main window</interface> is the <interface>shortcut\n"
"     bar</interface>, with several buttons in it.  Just underneath the\n"
"     title bar is a series of menus in the <interface>menu\n"
"     bar</interface>, and below that, the <interface>tool\n"
"     bar</interface> with buttons for different functions. The largest\n"
"     part of the <interface>main window</interface> is taken up by the\n"
"     actual <interface>Inbox</interface>, where messages are listed\n"
"     and displayed.  If you're running the program for the first time,\n"
"     you'll have just one message: a welcome from Ximian.\n"
"<!-- ==============Figure=================================== -->\n"
"    <figure id=\"usage-mainwindow-fig\">\n"
"    <title>Evolution Main Window and Inbox</title>\n"
"    <screenshot>\n"
"      <screeninfo>Evolution Main Window</screeninfo>\n"
"      <graphic fileref=\"fig/mainwindow-pic\" format=\"png\" "
"srccredit=\"Kevin Breit\">\n"
"    </screenshot>\n"
"    </figure>\n"
"<!-- ==============End of Figure=================================== -->\n"
msgstr ""

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:397
msgid ""
"   <para>\n"
"     Other menus, like <guilabel>Folder</guilabel>,\n"
"     <guilabel>Message</guilabel>, and <guilabel>Actions</guilabel>,\n"
"     appear only occasionally.  <guilabel>Message</guilabel> and\n"
"     <guilabel>Folder</guilabel>, for example, have commands that only\n"
"     relate to email, so they're only available when you're looking at\n"
"     email.\n"
"   </para>\n"
msgstr ""

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:406
msgid ""
"   <para>\n"
"    <note>\n"
"      <title>The Way Evolution Looks</title>\n"
"      <para>\n"
"\tThe appearance of both <application>Evolution</application>\n"
"\tand <application>GNOME</application> is very easy to\n"
"\tcustomize, so your screen might not look like this picture.\n"
"\tYou might decide to have <application>Evolution</application>\n"
"\tstart with the calendar and a folder bar, or with the contact\n"
"\tmanager occupying the entire window.\n"
"      </para>\n"
"    </note>\n"
"  </para>\n"
msgstr ""

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:420
msgid ""
"  <para>\n"
"     Start <application>Evolution</application> by selecting\n"
"     <menuchoice><guimenu>Main Panel Menu</guimenu>\n"
"     <guisubmenu>Applications</guisubmenu>\n"
"     <guimenuitem>Evolution</guimenuitem></menuchoice> or by typing\n"
"     <command>evolution</command> at the command line.  The first time\n"
"     you run the program, it will create a directory called\n"
"     <filename>evolution</filename> in your home directory, where it\n"
"     will keep all your <application>Evolution</application>-related\n"
"     files.\n"
"   </para>\n"
msgstr ""

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:432
msgid "  <title>The Main Window: Evolution Basics</title>\n"
msgstr ""
"  <title>La Ventana Principal: Conceptos B�sicos de Evolution</title>\n"

#: tmp/usage-mainwindow.sgml.h:434
msgid ""
" <!DOCTYPE Chapter PUBLIC \"-//GNOME//DTD DocBook PNG Variant V1.1//EN\">\n"
msgstr ""
" <!DOCTYPE Chapter PUBLIC \"-//GNOME//DTD DocBook PNG Variant V1.1//EN\">\n"