/* * e-mail-store-utils.c * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with the program; if not, see * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "e-mail-utils.h" #include "e-mail-store-utils.h" #include typedef struct _AsyncContext AsyncContext; struct _AsyncContext { gchar *full_name; }; static void async_context_free (AsyncContext *context) { g_free (context->full_name); g_slice_free (AsyncContext, context); } static void mail_store_create_folder_thread (GSimpleAsyncResult *simple, GObject *object, GCancellable *cancellable) { AsyncContext *context; GError *error = NULL; context = g_simple_async_result_get_op_res_gpointer (simple); e_mail_store_create_folder_sync ( CAMEL_STORE (object), context->full_name, cancellable, &error); if (error != NULL) g_simple_async_result_take_error (simple, error); } gboolean e_mail_store_create_folder_sync (CamelStore *store, const gchar *full_name, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { CamelFolderInfo *folder_info; gchar *copied_full_name; gchar *display_name; const gchar *parent; gboolean success = TRUE; g_return_val_if_fail (CAMEL_IS_STORE (store), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (full_name != NULL, FALSE); copied_full_name = g_strdup (full_name); display_name = strrchr (copied_full_name, '/'); if (display_name == NULL) { display_name = copied_full_name; parent = ""; } else { *display_name++ = '\0'; parent = copied_full_name; } folder_info = camel_store_create_folder_sync ( store, parent, display_name, cancellable, error); g_free (copied_full_name); if (folder_info == NULL) return FALSE; if (CAMEL_IS_SUBSCRIBABLE (store)) success = camel_subscribable_subscribe_folder_sync ( CAMEL_SUBSCRIBABLE (store), full_name, cancellable, error); camel_store_free_folder_info (store, folder_info); return success; } void e_mail_store_create_folder (CamelStore *store, const gchar *full_name, gint io_priority, GCancellable *cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GSimpleAsyncResult *simple; AsyncContext *context; g_return_if_fail (CAMEL_IS_STORE (store)); g_return_if_fail (full_name != NULL); context = g_slice_new0 (AsyncContext); context->full_name = g_strdup (full_name); simple = g_simple_async_result_new ( G_OBJECT (store), callback, user_data, e_mail_store_create_folder); g_simple_async_result_set_check_cancellable (simple, cancellable); g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gpointer ( simple, context, (GDestroyNotify) async_context_free); g_simple_async_result_run_in_thread ( simple, mail_store_create_folder_thread, io_priority, cancellable); g_object_unref (simple); } gboolean e_mail_store_create_folder_finish (CamelStore *store, GAsyncResult *result, GError **error) { GSimpleAsyncResult *simple; g_return_val_if_fail ( g_simple_async_result_is_valid ( result, G_OBJECT (store), e_mail_store_create_folder), FALSE); simple = G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (result); /* Assume success unless a GError is set. */ return !g_simple_async_result_propagate_error (simple, error); } static void mail_store_go_offline_thread (GSimpleAsyncResult *simple, CamelStore *store, GCancellable *cancellable) { CamelService *service; const gchar *display_name; GError *error = NULL; service = CAMEL_SERVICE (store); display_name = camel_service_get_display_name (service); if (display_name == NULL || *display_name == '\0') display_name = G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (service); camel_operation_push_message ( cancellable, _("Disconnecting from '%s'"), display_name); if (CAMEL_IS_DISCO_STORE (store)) { CamelDiscoStore *disco_store; disco_store = CAMEL_DISCO_STORE (store); if (camel_disco_store_can_work_offline (disco_store)) camel_disco_store_set_status ( disco_store, CAMEL_DISCO_STORE_OFFLINE, cancellable, &error); else em_utils_disconnect_service_sync (service, TRUE, cancellable, &error); } else if (CAMEL_IS_OFFLINE_STORE (store)) { CamelOfflineStore *offline_store; offline_store = CAMEL_OFFLINE_STORE (store); camel_offline_store_set_online_sync ( offline_store, FALSE, cancellable, &error); } else em_utils_disconnect_service_sync (service, TRUE, cancellable, &error); if (error != NULL) g_simple_async_result_take_error (simple, error); camel_operation_pop_message (cancellable); } void e_mail_store_go_offline (CamelStore *store, gint io_priority, GCancellable *cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GSimpleAsyncResult *simple; g_return_if_fail (CAMEL_IS_STORE (store)); /* Cancel any pending connect first so the set_offline_op * thread won't get queued behind a hung connect op. */ camel_service_cancel_connect (CAMEL_SERVICE (store)); simple = g_simple_async_result_new ( G_OBJECT (store), callback, user_data, e_mail_store_go_offline); g_simple_async_result_set_check_cancellable (simple, cancellable); g_simple_async_result_run_in_thread ( simple, (GSimpleAsyncThreadFunc) mail_store_go_offline_thread, io_priority, cancellable); g_object_unref (simple); } gboolean e_mail_store_go_offline_finish (CamelStore *store, GAsyncResult *result, GError **error) { GSimpleAsyncResult *simple; g_return_val_if_fail ( g_simple_async_result_is_valid ( result, G_OBJECT (store), e_mail_store_go_offline), FALSE); simple = G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (result); /* Assume success unless a GError is set. */ return !g_simple_async_result_propagate_error (simple, error); } static void mail_store_go_online_thread (GSimpleAsyncResult *simple, CamelStore *store, GCancellable *cancellable) { CamelService *service; const gchar *display_name; GError *error = NULL; service = CAMEL_SERVICE (store); display_name = camel_service_get_display_name (service); if (display_name == NULL || *display_name == '\0') display_name = G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (service); camel_operation_push_message ( cancellable, _("Reconnecting to '%s'"), display_name); if (CAMEL_IS_DISCO_STORE (store)) camel_disco_store_set_status ( CAMEL_DISCO_STORE (store), CAMEL_DISCO_STORE_ONLINE, cancellable, &error); else if (CAMEL_IS_OFFLINE_STORE (store)) camel_offline_store_set_online_sync ( CAMEL_OFFLINE_STORE (store), TRUE, cancellable, &error); if (error != NULL) g_simple_async_result_take_error (simple, error); camel_operation_pop_message (cancellable); } void e_mail_store_go_online (CamelStore *store, gint io_priority, GCancellable *cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GSimpleAsyncResult *simple; g_return_if_fail (CAMEL_IS_STORE (store)); simple = g_simple_async_result_new ( G_OBJECT (store), callback, user_data, e_mail_store_go_online); g_simple_async_result_set_check_cancellable (simple, cancellable); g_simple_async_result_run_in_thread ( simple, (GSimpleAsyncThreadFunc) mail_store_go_online_thread, io_priority, cancellable); g_object_unref (simple); } gboolean e_mail_store_go_online_finish (CamelStore *store, GAsyncResult *result, GError **error) { GSimpleAsyncResult *simple; g_return_val_if_fail ( g_simple_async_result_is_valid ( result, G_OBJECT (store), e_mail_store_go_online), FALSE); simple = G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (result); /* Assume success unless a GError is set. */ return !g_simple_async_result_propagate_error (simple, error); } static void mail_store_prepare_for_offline_thread (GSimpleAsyncResult *simple, CamelStore *store, GCancellable *cancellable) { CamelService *service; const gchar *display_name; GError *error = NULL; service = CAMEL_SERVICE (store); display_name = camel_service_get_display_name (service); if (display_name == NULL || *display_name == '\0') display_name = G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (service); camel_operation_push_message ( cancellable, _("Preparing account '%s' for offline"), display_name); if (CAMEL_IS_DISCO_STORE (store)) camel_disco_store_prepare_for_offline ( CAMEL_DISCO_STORE (store), cancellable, &error); else if (CAMEL_IS_OFFLINE_STORE (store)) camel_offline_store_prepare_for_offline_sync ( CAMEL_OFFLINE_STORE (store), cancellable, &error); if (error != NULL) g_simple_async_result_take_error (simple, error); camel_operation_pop_message (cancellable); } void e_mail_store_prepare_for_offline (CamelStore *store, gint io_priority, GCancellable *cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GSimpleAsyncResult *simple; g_return_if_fail (CAMEL_IS_STORE (store)); simple = g_simple_async_result_new ( G_OBJECT (store), callback, user_data, e_mail_store_prepare_for_offline); g_simple_async_result_set_check_cancellable (simple, cancellable); g_simple_async_result_run_in_thread ( simple, (GSimpleAsyncThreadFunc) mail_store_prepare_for_offline_thread, io_priority, cancellable); g_object_unref (simple); } gboolean e_mail_store_prepare_for_offline_finish (CamelStore *store, GAsyncResult *result, GError **error) { GSimpleAsyncResult *simple; g_return_val_if_fail ( g_simple_async_result_is_valid ( result, G_OBJECT (store), e_mail_store_prepare_for_offline), FALSE); simple = G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (result); /* Assume success unless a GError is set. */ return !g_simple_async_result_propagate_error (simple, error); }