LIBICAL -- An implementation of basic iCAL protocols
The code and datafiles in this distribution are licensed under the
Mozilla Public License. See
for a copy of the license. Alternately, you may use libical under the
terms of the GNU Library General Public License. See for a copy of the LGPL.
This dual license ensures that the library can be incorporated into
both proprietary code and GPL'd programs, and will benefit from
improvements made by programmers in both realms. I will only accept
changes into my version of the library if they are similarly
The code in this distribution implements the iCal protocols as
described in RFC2445 and RFC2446. The code is in very early stages of
Portions of this distribution are (C) Copyright 1996 Apple Computer,
Inc., AT&T Corp., International Business Machines Corporation and
Siemens Rolm Communications Inc. See src/libicalvcal/README.TXT for
This code is under active development. If you would like to contribute
to the project, you can contact me, Eric Busboom, at The project has a webpage at
and a mailing list that you can join by sending the following mail:
Subject: subscribe libical
Building the library
This distribution is developed on Red Hat Linux 6.0 and usually
compiles on SunOS 5.6 and FreeBSD 2.27. I have reports of success of
previous version on MacOS ( with CodeWarrior ) and on UnixWare, but I
don't know about any other systems.
The library is configured with automake. From the root directory, run
To build all of the Makefiles for your system. If you will be installing the library, you may want to use the --prefix flag to set the directory where the library and header files will be installed.
./configure --prefix=/proj/local/
If configure runs fine, run "make" to build the library and
"make install" to install it.
The current version of libical focuses on creating and
manipulating iCal objects. With it, you can parse text representations
of iCal components, add and remove sub-components, properties,
parameters and values, and print the components back out as strings.
Notes for Libical Developers
If you don't want to use gcc as the compiler, and you got the sources
from CVS, you should set the CC variable to the path to the compiler
and run "automake --include-deps" to keep automake from using
gcc-specific automatic dependancy tracking.
> CC=/pkg/SUNWspro/bin/cc; export CC
> automake --include-deps
> ./configure --prefix=/proj/local/
> make
You will not need to re-run automake unless you got the sources from CVS.
Perl Library
There is a perl language binding of this library, LIBICAL.
It is available from
The parser is a test program that will convert a text representation
of an iCal object to the internal representation and print it back out
as text. It is primarily a test tool, but it is also a good
demonstration of how the library works.
To use it, cat one of the test components into the parser
executable. For example, from the root of the distribution:
src/test/icalparser < test-data/1.1
Eric Busboom
FreeBSD GNOME current development ports (