#!/usr/bin/env perl require "readvaluesfile.pl"; use Getopt::Std; getopts('chspmi:'); # ARG 0 is properties.csv %propmap = read_properties_file($ARGV[0]); # ARG 1 is value-types.txt %valuemap = read_values_file($ARGV[1]); $include_vanew = 1; # Write the file inline by copying everything before a demarcation # line, and putting the generated data after the demarcation if ($opt_i) { open(IN,$opt_i) || die "Can't open input file $opt_i"; while(){ if (//){ insert_code(); } else { print; } } } sub fudge_data { my $prop = shift; my $value = $propmap{$prop}->{'lic_value'}; if (!$value){ die "Can't find value for property \"$prop\"\n"; } my $ucf = join("",map {ucfirst(lc($_));} split(/-/,$prop)); my $lc = lc($ucf); my $uc = uc($lc); my $ucfvalue = join("",map {ucfirst(lc($_));} split(/-/,$value)); my $lcvalue = lc($ucfvalue); my $ucvalue = uc($lcvalue); my $type = $valuemap{$value}->{C}->[1]; return ($uc,$lc,$lcvalue,$ucvalue,$type); } sub insert_code { # Create the property map data if($opt_c){ my @props = sort keys %propmap; my $count = scalar(@props); print "static struct icalproperty_map property_map[$count] = {\n"; foreach $prop (@props) { next if !$prop; next if $prop eq 'NO'; my ($uc,$lc,$lcvalue,$ucvalue,$type) = fudge_data($prop); print "{ICAL_${uc}_PROPERTY,\"$prop\",ICAL_${ucvalue}_VALUE},\n"; } $prop = "NO"; my ($uc,$lc,$lcvalue,$ucvalue,$type) = fudge_data($prop); print "{ICAL_${uc}_PROPERTY,\"\",ICAL_NO_VALUE}};\n\n"; $idx = 10000; $count = 1; my $out = ""; foreach $value (sort keys %valuemap) { next if !$value; next if $value eq 'NO' or $prop eq 'ANY'; my $ucv = join("",map {uc(lc($_));} split(/-/,$value)); my @enums = @{$valuemap{$value}->{'enums'}}; if(@enums){ my ($c_autogen,$c_type) = @{$valuemap{$value}->{'C'}}; unshift(@enums,"X"); push(@enums,"NONE"); foreach $e (@enums) { my $uce = join("",map {uc(lc($_));} split(/-/,$e)); if($e ne "X" and $e ne "NONE"){ $str = $e; } else { $str = ""; } $out.=" {ICAL_${ucv}_PROPERTY,ICAL_${ucv}_${uce},\"$str\" }, /*$idx*/\n"; $idx++; $count++; } } } $count++; print "static struct icalproperty_enum_map enum_map[$count] = {\n"; print $out; print " {ICAL_NO_PROPERTY,0,\"\"}\n};\n\n"; } if($opt_h){ # Create the property enumerations list print "typedef enum icalproperty_kind {\n ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY = 0,\n"; foreach $prop (sort keys %propmap) { next if !$prop; next if $prop eq 'NO' or $prop eq 'ANY'; my ($uc,$lc,$lcvalue,$ucvalue,$type) = fudge_data($prop); print " ICAL_${uc}_PROPERTY, \n"; } print " ICAL_NO_PROPERTY\n} icalproperty_kind;\n\n"; } foreach $prop (sort keys %propmap) { next if !$prop; next if $prop eq 'NO' or $prop eq 'ANY'; my ($uc,$lc,$lcvalue,$ucvalue,$type) = fudge_data($prop); my $pointer_check; if ($type =~ /\*/){ $pointer_check = "icalerror_check_arg_rz( (v!=0),\"v\");\n" if $type =~ /\*/; } elsif ( $type eq "void" ){ $pointer_check = "icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),\"v\");\n" if $type =~ /\*/; } my $set_pointer_check = "icalerror_check_arg_rv( (v!=0),\"v\");\n" if $type =~ /\*/; if($opt_c) { # Generate C source if ($include_vanew) { print<stats
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Remove # $FreeBSD$ from Makefiles.Mathieu Arnold2021-04-061-1/+0
* - Change tk dependency from 8.5 to 8.6Beat Gaetzi2020-02-09