#!/usr/bin/perl -w # -*- Mode: perl -*- #====================================================================== # # This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express # or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified # under the same terms as perl itself. ( Either the Artistic License or the # GPL. ) # # #====================================================================== =pod =head1 NAME Net::ICal::Time -- represent a time and date =head1 SYNOPSIS $t = new Net::ICal::Time("19970101T120000Z"); $t = new Net::ICal::Time("19970101T120000","America/Los_Angeles"); $t = new Net::ICal::Time(time(),"America/Los_Angeles"); $t2 = $t->add(Net::Ical::Duration("1D")); $duration = $t->subtract(Net::ICal::Time("19970101T110000Z")) # Add 5 minutes $t->min($t->min()+5); # Add 5 minutes $t->sec($t->sec()+300); # Compare if($t->compare($t2) > 0) {} =head1 DESCRIPTION I