#include #include #include "vcaltmp.h" #if 0 This testcase would generate a file call "frankcal.vcf" with the following content: BEGIN:VCALENDAR DCREATED:19960523T100522 GEO:37.24,-17.87 PRODID:-//Frank Dawson/Hand Crafted In North Carolina//NONSGML Made By Hand//EN VERSION:0.3 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:19960523T120000 DTEND:19960523T130000 DESCRIPTION;QUOTED-PRINTABLE:VERSIT PDI PR Teleconference/Interview =0A= With Tom Streeter and Frank Dawson - Discuss VERSIT PDI project and vCard and vCalendar=0A= activities with European Press representatives. SUMMARY:VERSIT PDI PR Teleconference/Interview SUBTYPE:PHONE CALL STATUS:CONFIRMED TRANSP:19960523T100522-4000F100582713-009251 UID:http://www.ibm.com/raleigh/fdawson/~c:\or2\orgfiles\versit.or2 DALARM:19960523T114500;5;3;Your Telecon Starts At Noon!!!; MALARM:19960522T120000;;;fdawson@raleigh.ibm.com;Remember 05/23 Noon Telecon!!!; PALARM:19960523T115500;;;c:\or2\organize.exe c:\or2\orgfiles\versit.or2; X-LDC-OR2-OLE:c:\temp\agenda.doc END:VEVENT BEGIN:VTODO DUE:19960614T0173000 DESCRIPTION:Review VCalendar helper API. END:VTODO END:VCALENDAR #endif FILE *cfp; void testVcalAPIs() { FILE *fp; VObject *vcal, *vevent; #if _CONSOLE cfp = stdout; #else cfp = fopen("vcaltest.out","w"); #endif if (cfp == 0) return; vcal = vcsCreateVCal( "19960523T100522", "37.24,-17.87", "-//Frank Dawson/Hand Crafted In North Carolina//NONSGML Made By Hand//EN", 0, "0.3" ); vevent = vcsAddEvent( vcal, "19960523T120000", "19960523T130000", "VERSIT PDI PR Teleconference/Interview \nWith Tom Streeter and Frank Dawson - Discuss VERSIT PDI project and vCard and vCalendar\nactivities with European Press representatives.", "VERSIT PDI PR Teleconference/Interview", "PHONE CALL", 0, "CONFIRMED", "19960523T100522-4000F100582713-009251", "http://www.ibm.com/raleigh/fdawson/~c:\\or2\\orgfiles\\versit.or2", 0 ); vcsAddDAlarm(vevent, "19960523T114500", "5", "3", "Your Telecon Starts At Noon!!!"); vcsAddMAlarm(vevent, "19960522T120000", 0, 0, "fdawson@raleigh.ibm.com", "Remember 05/23 Noon Telecon!!!"); vcsAddPAlarm(vevent, "19960523T115500", 0 ,0, "c:\\or2\\organize.exe c:\\or2\\orgfiles\\versit.or2"); addPropValue(vevent, "X-LDC-OR2-OLE", "c:\\temp\\agenda.doc"); vcsAddTodo( vcal, 0, "19960614T0173000", 0, "Review VCalendar helper API.", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); /* now do something to the resulting VObject */ /* pretty print on stdout for fun */ printVObject(cfp,vcal); /* open the output text file */ #define OUTFILE "frankcal.vcf" fp = fopen(OUTFILE, "w"); if (fp) { /* write it in text form */ writeVObject(fp,vcal); fclose(fp); } else { fprintf(cfp,"open output file '%s' failed\n", OUTFILE); } if (cfp != stdout) fclose(cfp); } void main() { testVcalAPIs(); } /serve-10.1.2'>dependabot/npm_and_yarn/devel/electron4/files/serve-10.1.2 FreeBSD GNOME current development ports (https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports-gnome)
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Update the Qt5 ports to 5.10.1.rakuco2018-05-181-1/+0
* Fix permissions in installed Qt5 header filestcberner2018-03-301-0/+1