/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ /* * Authors: Jeffrey Stedfast * * Copyright 2003 Ximian, Inc. (www.ximian.com) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Street #330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mail-config.h" #include "mail-session.h" #include "mail-tools.h" #include "mail-mt.h" /* sigh, these 2 only needed for outbox total count checking - a mess */ #include "mail-component.h" #include "mail-folder-cache.h" #include "em-utils.h" #include "em-marshal.h" #include "em-folder-tree-model.h" #define u(x) /* unread count debug */ #define d(x) x static GType col_types[] = { G_TYPE_STRING, /* display name */ G_TYPE_POINTER, /* store object */ G_TYPE_STRING, /* path */ G_TYPE_STRING, /* uri */ G_TYPE_UINT, /* unread count */ G_TYPE_UINT, /* flags */ G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* is a store node */ G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* has not-yet-loaded subfolders */ }; /* GObject virtual method overrides */ static void em_folder_tree_model_class_init (EMFolderTreeModelClass *klass); static void em_folder_tree_model_init (EMFolderTreeModel *model); static void em_folder_tree_model_finalize (GObject *obj); /* interface init methods */ static void tree_model_iface_init (GtkTreeModelIface *iface); static void tree_sortable_iface_init (GtkTreeSortableIface *iface); static void account_changed (EAccountList *accounts, EAccount *account, gpointer user_data); static void account_removed (EAccountList *accounts, EAccount *account, gpointer user_data); enum { LOADING_ROW, FOLDER_ADDED, LAST_SIGNAL }; static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0, }; static GtkTreeStoreClass *parent_class = NULL; GType em_folder_tree_model_get_type (void) { static GType type = 0; if (!type) { static const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof (EMFolderTreeModelClass), NULL, /* base_class_init */ NULL, /* base_class_finalize */ (GClassInitFunc) em_folder_tree_model_class_init, NULL, /* class_finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof (EMFolderTreeModel), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc) em_folder_tree_model_init, }; static const GInterfaceInfo tree_model_info = { (GInterfaceInitFunc) tree_model_iface_init, NULL, NULL }; static const GInterfaceInfo sortable_info = { (GInterfaceInitFunc) tree_sortable_iface_init, NULL, NULL }; type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_TREE_STORE, "EMFolderTreeModel", &info, 0); g_type_add_interface_static (type, GTK_TYPE_TREE_MODEL, &tree_model_info); g_type_add_interface_static (type, GTK_TYPE_TREE_SORTABLE, &sortable_info); } return type; } static void em_folder_tree_model_class_init (EMFolderTreeModelClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); parent_class = g_type_class_ref (GTK_TYPE_TREE_STORE); object_class->finalize = em_folder_tree_model_finalize; /* signals */ signals[LOADING_ROW] = g_signal_new ("loading-row", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EMFolderTreeModelClass, loading_row), NULL, NULL, em_marshal_VOID__POINTER_POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_POINTER, G_TYPE_POINTER); signals[FOLDER_ADDED] = g_signal_new ("folder-added", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EMFolderTreeModelClass, loading_row), NULL, NULL, em_marshal_VOID__STRING_STRING, G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING); } static int sort_cb (GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *a, GtkTreeIter *b, gpointer user_data) { extern CamelStore *vfolder_store; char *aname, *bname; CamelStore *store; gboolean is_store; gtk_tree_model_get (model, a, COL_BOOL_IS_STORE, &is_store, COL_POINTER_CAMEL_STORE, &store, COL_STRING_DISPLAY_NAME, &aname, -1); gtk_tree_model_get (model, b, COL_STRING_DISPLAY_NAME, &bname, -1); if (is_store) { /* On This Computer is always first and VFolders is always last */ if (!strcmp (aname, _("On This Computer"))) return -1; if (!strcmp (bname, _("On This Computer"))) return 1; if (!strcmp (aname, _("VFolders"))) return 1; if (!strcmp (bname, _("VFolders"))) return -1; } else if (store == vfolder_store) { /* perform no sorting, we want to display in the same * order as they appear in the VFolder editor - UNMATCHED is always last */ GtkTreePath *path; int ret; if (aname && !strcmp (aname, _("UNMATCHED"))) return 1; if (bname && !strcmp (bname, _("UNMATCHED"))) return -1; path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (model, a); if (path) { aname = gtk_tree_path_to_string (path); gtk_tree_path_free (path); } else { return 1; } path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (model, b); if (path) { bname = gtk_tree_path_to_string (path); gtk_tree_path_free (path); } else { g_free(aname); return -1; } ret = strcmp (aname, bname); g_free (aname); g_free (bname); return ret; } else { /* Inbox is always first */ if (aname && (!strcmp (aname, "INBOX") || !strcmp (aname, _("Inbox")))) return -1; if (bname && (!strcmp (bname, "INBOX") || !strcmp (bname, _("Inbox")))) return 1; } if (aname == NULL) { if (bname == NULL) return 0; } else if (bname == NULL) return 1; return g_utf8_collate (aname, bname); } static void em_folder_tree_model_init (EMFolderTreeModel *model) { model->store_hash = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); model->uri_hash = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); model->expanded = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); gtk_tree_sortable_set_default_sort_func ((GtkTreeSortable *) model, sort_cb, NULL, NULL); model->accounts = mail_config_get_accounts (); model->account_hash = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); model->account_changed_id = g_signal_connect (model->accounts, "account-changed", G_CALLBACK (account_changed), model); model->account_removed_id = g_signal_connect (model->accounts, "account-removed", G_CALLBACK (account_removed), model); } static void path_hash_free (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { g_free (key); gtk_tree_row_reference_free (value); } static void store_info_free (struct _EMFolderTreeModelStoreInfo *si) { camel_object_remove_event (si->store, si->created_id); camel_object_remove_event (si->store, si->deleted_id); camel_object_remove_event (si->store, si->renamed_id); camel_object_remove_event (si->store, si->subscribed_id); camel_object_remove_event (si->store, si->unsubscribed_id); g_free (si->display_name); camel_object_unref (si->store); gtk_tree_row_reference_free (si->row); g_hash_table_foreach (si->path_hash, path_hash_free, NULL); g_free (si); } static void store_hash_free (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { struct _EMFolderTreeModelStoreInfo *si = value; store_info_free (si); } static void uri_hash_free (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { g_free (key); gtk_tree_row_reference_free (value); } static gboolean expanded_free (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { g_free (key); return TRUE; } static void em_folder_tree_model_finalize (GObject *obj) { EMFolderTreeModel *model = (EMFolderTreeModel *) obj; g_hash_table_foreach (model->store_hash, store_hash_free, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy (model->store_hash); g_hash_table_foreach (model->uri_hash, uri_hash_free, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy (model->uri_hash); g_hash_table_foreach (model->expanded, (GHFunc) expanded_free, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy (model->expanded); g_hash_table_destroy (model->account_hash); g_signal_handler_disconnect (model->accounts, model->account_changed_id); g_signal_handler_disconnect (model->accounts, model->account_removed_id); g_free (model->filename); G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (obj); } static void tree_model_iface_init (GtkTreeModelIface *iface) { ; } static void tree_sortable_iface_init (GtkTreeSortableIface *iface) { ; } static void em_folder_tree_model_load_state (EMFolderTreeModel *model, const char *filename) { char *node; FILE *fp; g_hash_table_foreach_remove (model->expanded, expanded_free, NULL); if ((fp = fopen (filename, "r")) == NULL) return; while (camel_file_util_decode_string (fp, &node) != -1) g_hash_table_insert (model->expanded, node, GINT_TO_POINTER (TRUE)); fclose (fp); } EMFolderTreeModel * em_folder_tree_model_new (const char *evolution_dir) { EMFolderTreeModel *model; char *filename; model = g_object_new (EM_TYPE_FOLDER_TREE_MODEL, NULL); gtk_tree_store_set_column_types ((GtkTreeStore *) model, NUM_COLUMNS, col_types); gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id ((GtkTreeSortable *) model, GTK_TREE_SORTABLE_DEFAULT_SORT_COLUMN_ID, GTK_SORT_ASCENDING); filename = g_build_filename (evolution_dir, "mail", "config", "folder-tree.state", NULL); em_folder_tree_model_load_state (model, filename); model->filename = filename; return model; } static void account_changed (EAccountList *accounts, EAccount *account, gpointer user_data) { EMFolderTreeModel *model = user_data; struct _EMFolderTreeModelStoreInfo *si; CamelProvider *provider; CamelStore *store; CamelException ex; char *uri; if (!(si = g_hash_table_lookup (model->account_hash, account))) return; em_folder_tree_model_remove_store (model, si->store); if (!(uri = account->source->url)) return; camel_exception_init (&ex); if (!(provider = camel_provider_get(uri, &ex))) { camel_exception_clear (&ex); return; } /* make sure the new store belongs in the tree */ if (!(provider->flags & CAMEL_PROVIDER_IS_STORAGE)) return; if (!(store = (CamelStore *) camel_session_get_service (session, uri, CAMEL_PROVIDER_STORE, &ex))) { camel_exception_clear (&ex); return; } em_folder_tree_model_add_store (model, store, account->name); camel_object_unref (store); } static void account_removed (EAccountList *accounts, EAccount *account, gpointer user_data) { EMFolderTreeModel *model = user_data; struct _EMFolderTreeModelStoreInfo *si; if (!(si = g_hash_table_lookup (model->account_hash, account))) return; em_folder_tree_model_remove_store (model, si->store); } void em_folder_tree_model_set_folder_info (EMFolderTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, struct _EMFolderTreeModelStoreInfo *si, CamelFolderInfo *fi) { GtkTreeRowReference *uri_row, *path_row; unsigned int unread; GtkTreePath *path; GtkTreeIter sub; gboolean load; struct _CamelFolder *folder; load = fi->child == NULL && !(fi->flags & (CAMEL_FOLDER_NOCHILDREN | CAMEL_FOLDER_NOINFERIORS)); path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ((GtkTreeModel *) model, iter); uri_row = gtk_tree_row_reference_new ((GtkTreeModel *) model, path); path_row = gtk_tree_row_reference_copy (uri_row); gtk_tree_path_free (path); g_hash_table_insert (model->uri_hash, g_strdup (fi->uri), uri_row); g_hash_table_insert (si->path_hash, g_strdup (fi->path), path_row); /* HACK: if we have the folder, and its the outbox folder, we need the total count, not unread */ /* This is duplicated in mail-folder-cache too, should perhaps be functionised */ unread = fi->unread == -1 ? 0 : fi->unread; if (mail_note_get_folder_from_uri(fi->uri, &folder) && folder) { if (folder == mail_component_get_folder(NULL, MAIL_COMPONENT_FOLDER_OUTBOX)) unread = camel_folder_get_message_count(folder); camel_object_unref(folder); } gtk_tree_store_set ((GtkTreeStore *) model, iter, COL_STRING_DISPLAY_NAME, fi->name, COL_POINTER_CAMEL_STORE, si->store, COL_STRING_FOLDER_PATH, fi->path, COL_STRING_URI, fi->uri, COL_UINT_UNREAD, unread, COL_UINT_FLAGS, fi->flags, COL_BOOL_IS_STORE, FALSE, COL_BOOL_LOAD_SUBDIRS, load, -1); if (fi->child) { fi = fi->child; do { gtk_tree_store_append ((GtkTreeStore *) model, &sub, iter); em_folder_tree_model_set_folder_info (model, &sub, si, fi); fi = fi->next; } while (fi); } else if (load) { /* create a placeholder node for our subfolders... */ gtk_tree_store_append ((GtkTreeStore *) model, &sub, iter); gtk_tree_store_set ((GtkTreeStore *) model, &sub, COL_STRING_DISPLAY_NAME, _("Loading..."), COL_POINTER_CAMEL_STORE, NULL, COL_STRING_FOLDER_PATH, NULL, COL_BOOL_LOAD_SUBDIRS, FALSE, COL_BOOL_IS_STORE, FALSE, COL_STRING_URI, NULL, COL_UINT_UNREAD, 0, -1); path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ((GtkTreeModel *) model, iter); g_signal_emit (model, signals[LOADING_ROW], 0, path, iter); gtk_tree_path_free (path); } } static void folder_subscribed (CamelStore *store, CamelFolderInfo *fi, EMFolderTreeModel *model) { struct _EMFolderTreeModelStoreInfo *si; GtkTreeRowReference *row; GtkTreeIter parent, iter; GtkTreePath *path; gboolean load; char *dirname; if (!(si = g_hash_table_lookup (model->store_hash, store))) goto done; /* make sure we don't already know about it? */ if (g_hash_table_lookup (si->path_hash, fi->path)) goto done; /* get our parent folder's path */ if (!(dirname = g_path_get_dirname (fi->path))) goto done; if (!strcmp (dirname, "/")) { /* user subscribed to a toplevel folder */ row = si->row; g_free (dirname); } else { row = g_hash_table_lookup (si->path_hash, dirname); g_free (dirname); /* if row is NULL, don't bother adding to the tree, * when the user expands enough nodes - it will be * added auto-magically */ if (row == NULL) goto done; } path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path (row); if (!(gtk_tree_model_get_iter ((GtkTreeModel *) model, &parent, path))) { gtk_tree_path_free (path); goto done; } gtk_tree_path_free (path); /* make sure parent's subfolders have already been loaded */ gtk_tree_model_get ((GtkTreeModel *) model, &parent, COL_BOOL_LOAD_SUBDIRS, &load, -1); if (load) goto done; /* append a new node */ gtk_tree_store_append ((GtkTreeStore *) model, &iter, &parent); em_folder_tree_model_set_folder_info (model, &iter, si, fi); g_signal_emit (model, signals[FOLDER_ADDED], 0, fi->path, fi->uri); done: camel_object_unref (store); camel_folder_info_free (fi); } static void folder_subscribed_cb (CamelStore *store, void *event_data, EMFolderTreeModel *model) { CamelFolderInfo *fi; camel_object_ref (store); fi = camel_folder_info_clone (event_data); mail_async_event_emit (mail_async_event, MAIL_ASYNC_GUI, (MailAsyncFunc) folder_subscribed, store, fi, model); } static void folder_unsubscribed (CamelStore *store, CamelFolderInfo *fi, EMFolderTreeModel *model) { struct _EMFolderTreeModelStoreInfo *si; GtkTreeRowReference *row; GtkTreePath *path; GtkTreeIter iter; if (!(si = g_hash_table_lookup (model->store_hash, store))) goto done; if (!(row = g_hash_table_lookup (si->path_hash, fi->path))) goto done; path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path (row); if (!(gtk_tree_model_get_iter ((GtkTreeModel *) model, &iter, path))) { gtk_tree_path_free (path); goto done; } em_folder_tree_model_remove_folders (model, si, &iter); done: camel_object_unref (store); camel_folder_info_free (fi); } static void folder_unsubscribed_cb (CamelStore *store, void *event_data, EMFolderTreeModel *model) { CamelFolderInfo *fi; camel_object_ref (store); fi = camel_folder_info_clone (event_data); mail_async_event_emit (mail_async_event, MAIL_ASYNC_GUI, (MailAsyncFunc) folder_unsubscribed, store, fi, model); } static void folder_created_cb (CamelStore *store, void *event_data, EMFolderTreeModel *model) { CamelFolderInfo *fi; /* we only want created events to do more work if we don't support subscriptions */ if (camel_store_supports_subscriptions (store)) return; camel_object_ref (store); fi = camel_folder_info_clone (event_data); mail_async_event_emit (mail_async_event, MAIL_ASYNC_GUI, (MailAsyncFunc) folder_subscribed_cb, store, fi, model); } static void folder_deleted_cb (CamelStore *store, void *event_data, EMFolderTreeModel *model) { CamelFolderInfo *fi; /* we only want deleted events to do more work if we don't support subscriptions */ if (camel_store_supports_subscriptions (store)) return; camel_object_ref (store); fi = camel_folder_info_clone (event_data); mail_async_event_emit (mail_async_event, MAIL_ASYNC_GUI, (MailAsyncFunc) folder_unsubscribed_cb, store, fi, model); } static void folder_renamed (CamelStore *store, CamelRenameInfo *info, EMFolderTreeModel *model) { struct _EMFolderTreeModelStoreInfo *si; GtkTreeRowReference *row; GtkTreeIter root, iter; GtkTreePath *path; char *parent, *p; if (!(si = g_hash_table_lookup (model->store_hash, store))) goto done; parent = g_strdup_printf ("/%s", info->old_base); if (!(row = g_hash_table_lookup (si->path_hash, parent))) { g_free (parent); goto done; } g_free (parent); path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path (row); if (!(gtk_tree_model_get_iter ((GtkTreeModel *) model, &iter, path))) { gtk_tree_path_free (path); goto done; } em_folder_tree_model_remove_folders (model, si, &iter); parent = g_strdup (info->new->path); p = strrchr(parent, '/'); g_assert(p); *p = 0; if (parent == p) { /* renamed to a toplevel folder on the store */ path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path (si->row); } else { if (!(row = g_hash_table_lookup (si->path_hash, parent))) { /* NOTE: this should never happen, but I * suppose if it does in reality, we can add * code here to add the missing nodes to the * tree */ g_assert_not_reached (); g_free (parent); goto done; } path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path (row); } g_free (parent); if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter ((GtkTreeModel *) model, &root, path)) { gtk_tree_path_free (path); g_assert_not_reached (); goto done; } gtk_tree_store_append ((GtkTreeStore *) model, &iter, &root); em_folder_tree_model_set_folder_info (model, &iter, si, info->new); done: camel_object_unref (store); g_free (info->old_base); camel_folder_info_free (info->new); g_free (info); } static void folder_renamed_cb (CamelStore *store, void *event_data, EMFolderTreeModel *model) { CamelRenameInfo *rinfo, *info = event_data; camel_object_ref (store); rinfo = g_new0 (CamelRenameInfo, 1); rinfo->old_base = g_strdup (info->old_base); rinfo->new = camel_folder_info_clone (info->new); mail_async_event_emit (mail_async_event, MAIL_ASYNC_GUI, (MailAsyncFunc) folder_renamed, store, rinfo, model); } void em_folder_tree_model_add_store (EMFolderTreeModel *model, CamelStore *store, const char *display_name) { struct _EMFolderTreeModelStoreInfo *si; GtkTreeRowReference *row; GtkTreeIter root, iter; GtkTreePath *path; EAccount *account; char *uri; g_return_if_fail (EM_IS_FOLDER_TREE_MODEL (model)); g_return_if_fail (CAMEL_IS_STORE (store)); g_return_if_fail (display_name != NULL); if ((si = g_hash_table_lookup (model->store_hash, store))) em_folder_tree_model_remove_store (model, store); uri = camel_url_to_string (((CamelService *) store)->url, CAMEL_URL_HIDE_ALL); account = mail_config_get_account_by_source_url (uri); /* add the store to the tree */ gtk_tree_store_append ((GtkTreeStore *) model, &iter, NULL); gtk_tree_store_set ((GtkTreeStore *) model, &iter, COL_STRING_DISPLAY_NAME, display_name, COL_POINTER_CAMEL_STORE, store, COL_STRING_FOLDER_PATH, "/", COL_BOOL_LOAD_SUBDIRS, TRUE, COL_BOOL_IS_STORE, TRUE, COL_STRING_URI, uri, -1); path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ((GtkTreeModel *) model, &iter); row = gtk_tree_row_reference_new ((GtkTreeModel *) model, path); gtk_tree_path_free (path); si = g_new (struct _EMFolderTreeModelStoreInfo, 1); si->display_name = g_strdup (display_name); camel_object_ref (store); si->store = store; si->account = account; si->row = row; si->path_hash = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); g_hash_table_insert (model->store_hash, store, si); g_hash_table_insert (model->account_hash, account, si); /* each store has folders... but we don't load them until the user demands them */ root = iter; gtk_tree_store_append ((GtkTreeStore *) model, &iter, &root); gtk_tree_store_set ((GtkTreeStore *) model, &iter, COL_STRING_DISPLAY_NAME, _("Loading..."), COL_POINTER_CAMEL_STORE, NULL, COL_STRING_FOLDER_PATH, NULL, COL_BOOL_LOAD_SUBDIRS, FALSE, COL_BOOL_IS_STORE, FALSE, COL_STRING_URI, NULL, COL_UINT_UNREAD, 0, -1); g_free (uri); /* listen to store events */ #define CAMEL_CALLBACK(func) ((CamelObjectEventHookFunc) func) si->created_id = camel_object_hook_event (store, "folder_created", CAMEL_CALLBACK (folder_created_cb), model); si->deleted_id = camel_object_hook_event (store, "folder_deleted", CAMEL_CALLBACK (folder_deleted_cb), model); si->renamed_id = camel_object_hook_event (store, "folder_renamed", CAMEL_CALLBACK (folder_renamed_cb), model); si->subscribed_id = camel_object_hook_event (store, "folder_subscribed", CAMEL_CALLBACK (folder_subscribed_cb), model); si->unsubscribed_id = camel_object_hook_event (store, "folder_unsubscribed", CAMEL_CALLBACK (folder_unsubscribed_cb), model); } static void em_folder_tree_model_remove_uri (EMFolderTreeModel *model, const char *uri) { GtkTreeRowReference *row; g_return_if_fail (EM_IS_FOLDER_TREE_MODEL (model)); g_return_if_fail (uri != NULL); if ((row = g_hash_table_lookup (model->uri_hash, uri))) { g_hash_table_remove (model->uri_hash, uri); gtk_tree_row_reference_free (row); } } static void em_folder_tree_model_remove_store_info (EMFolderTreeModel *model, CamelStore *store) { struct _EMFolderTreeModelStoreInfo *si; g_return_if_fail (EM_IS_FOLDER_TREE_MODEL (model)); g_return_if_fail (CAMEL_IS_STORE (store)); if (!(si = g_hash_table_lookup (model->store_hash, store))) return; g_hash_table_remove (model->store_hash, si->store); g_hash_table_remove (model->account_hash, si->account); store_info_free (si); } void em_folder_tree_model_remove_folders (EMFolderTreeModel *model, struct _EMFolderTreeModelStoreInfo *si, GtkTreeIter *toplevel) { GtkTreeRowReference *row; char *uri, *folder_path; gboolean is_store, go; GtkTreeIter iter; if (gtk_tree_model_iter_children ((GtkTreeModel *) model, &iter, toplevel)) { do { GtkTreeIter next = iter; go = gtk_tree_model_iter_next ((GtkTreeModel *) model, &next); em_folder_tree_model_remove_folders (model, si, &iter); iter = next; } while (go); } gtk_tree_model_get ((GtkTreeModel *) model, toplevel, COL_STRING_URI, &uri, COL_STRING_FOLDER_PATH, &folder_path, COL_BOOL_IS_STORE, &is_store, -1); if (folder_path && (row = g_hash_table_lookup (si->path_hash, folder_path))) { g_hash_table_remove (si->path_hash, folder_path); gtk_tree_row_reference_free (row); } em_folder_tree_model_remove_uri (model, uri); gtk_tree_store_remove ((GtkTreeStore *) model, toplevel); if (is_store) em_folder_tree_model_remove_store_info (model, si->store); } void em_folder_tree_model_remove_store (EMFolderTreeModel *model, CamelStore *store) { struct _EMFolderTreeModelStoreInfo *si; GtkTreePath *path; GtkTreeIter iter; g_return_if_fail (EM_IS_FOLDER_TREE_MODEL (model)); g_return_if_fail (CAMEL_IS_STORE (store)); if (!(si = g_hash_table_lookup (model->store_hash, store))) { g_warning ("the store `%s' is not in the folder tree", si->display_name); return; } path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path (si->row); gtk_tree_model_get_iter ((GtkTreeModel *) model, &iter, path); gtk_tree_path_free (path); /* recursively remove subfolders and finally the toplevel store */ em_folder_tree_model_remove_folders (model, si, &iter); } gboolean em_folder_tree_model_get_expanded (EMFolderTreeModel *model, const char *key) { if (g_hash_table_lookup (model->expanded, key)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } void em_folder_tree_model_set_expanded (EMFolderTreeModel *model, const char *key, gboolean expanded) { gpointer okey, oval; if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (model->expanded, key, &okey, &oval)) { g_hash_table_remove (model->expanded, okey); g_free (okey); } if (expanded) g_hash_table_insert (model->expanded, g_strdup (key), GINT_TO_POINTER (TRUE)); } static void expanded_save (gpointer key, gpointer value, FILE *fp) { /* FIXME: don't save stale entries */ if (!GPOINTER_TO_INT (value)) return; camel_file_util_encode_string (fp, key); } void em_folder_tree_model_save_expanded (EMFolderTreeModel *model) { char *dirname, *tmpname; FILE *fp; int fd; dirname = g_path_get_dirname (model->filename); if (camel_mkdir (dirname, 0777) == -1 && errno != EEXIST) { g_free (dirname); return; } g_free (dirname); tmpname = g_strdup_printf ("%s~", model->filename); if (!(fp = fopen (tmpname, "w+"))) { g_free (tmpname); return; } g_hash_table_foreach (model->expanded, (GHFunc) expanded_save, fp); if (fflush (fp) != 0) goto exception; if ((fd = fileno (fp)) == -1) goto exception; if (fsync (fd) == -1) goto exception; fclose (fp); fp = NULL; if (rename (tmpname, model->filename) == -1) goto exception; g_free (tmpname); return; exception: if (fp != NULL) fclose (fp); unlink (tmpname); g_free (tmpname); } void em_folder_tree_model_set_unread_count (EMFolderTreeModel *model, CamelStore *store, const char *path, int unread) { struct _EMFolderTreeModelStoreInfo *si; GtkTreeRowReference *row; GtkTreePath *tree_path; GtkTreeIter iter; g_return_if_fail (EM_IS_FOLDER_TREE_MODEL (model)); g_return_if_fail (CAMEL_IS_STORE (store)); g_return_if_fail (path != NULL); u(printf("set unread count %p '%s' %d\n", store, path, unread)); if (unread < 0) unread = 0; if (!(si = g_hash_table_lookup (model->store_hash, store))) { u(printf(" can't find store\n")); return; } if (!(row = g_hash_table_lookup (si->path_hash, path))) { u(printf(" can't find row\n")); return; } tree_path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path (row); if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter ((GtkTreeModel *) model, &iter, tree_path)) { gtk_tree_path_free (tree_path); return; } gtk_tree_path_free (tree_path); gtk_tree_store_set ((GtkTreeStore *) model, &iter, COL_UINT_UNREAD, unread, -1); } 0' href='#n700'>700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 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18577 18578 18579 18580 18581 18582 18583 18584 18585 18586 18587 18588 18589 18590 18591 18592 18593 18594 18595 18596 18597 18598 18599 18600 18601 18602 18603 18604 18605 18606 18607 18608 18609 18610 18611 18612 18613 18614 18615 18616 18617 18618 18619 18620 18621 18622 18623 18624 18625 18626 18627 18628 18629 18630 18631 18632 18633 18634 18635 18636 18637 18638 18639 18640 18641 18642 18643 18644 18645 18646 18647 18648 18649 18650 18651 18652 18653 18654 18655 18656 18657 18658 18659 18660 18661 18662 18663 18664 18665 18666 18667 18668 18669 18670 18671 18672 18673 18674 18675 18676 18677 18678 18679 18680 18681 18682 18683 18684 18685 18686 18687 18688 18689 18690 18691 18692 18693 18694 18695 18696 18697 18698 18699 18700 18701 18702 18703 18704 18705 18706 18707 18708 18709 18710 18711 18712 18713 18714 18715 18716 18717 18718 18719 18720 18721 18722 18723 18724 18725 18726 18727 18728 18729 18730 18731 18732 18733 18734 18735 18736 18737 18738 18739 18740 18741 18742 18743 18744 18745 18746 18747 18748 18749 18750 18751 18752 18753 18754 18755 18756 18757 18758 18759 18760 18761 18762 18763 18764 18765 18766 18767 18768 18769 18770 18771 18772 18773 18774 18775 18776 18777 18778 18779 18780 18781 18782 18783 18784 18785 18786 18787 18788 18789 18790 18791 18792 18793 18794 18795 18796 18797 18798 18799 18800 18801 18802 18803 18804 18805 18806 18807 18808 18809 18810 18811 18812 18813 18814 18815 18816 18817 18818 18819 18820 18821 18822 18823 18824 18825 18826 18827 18828 18829 18830 18831 18832 18833 18834 18835 18836 18837 18838 18839 18840 18841 18842 18843 18844 18845 18846 18847 18848 18849 18850 18851 18852 18853 18854 18855 18856 18857 18858 18859 18860 18861 18862 18863 18864 18865 18866 18867 18868 18869 18870 18871 18872 18873 18874 18875 18876 18877 18878 18879 18880 18881 18882 18883 18884 18885 18886 18887 18888 18889 18890 18891 18892 18893 18894 18895 18896 18897 18898 18899 18900 18901 18902 18903 18904 18905 18906 18907 18908 18909 18910 18911 18912 18913 18914 18915 18916 18917 18918 18919 18920 18921 18922 18923 18924 18925 18926 18927 18928 18929 18930 18931 18932 18933 18934 18935 18936 18937 18938 18939 18940 18941 18942 18943 18944 18945 18946 18947 18948 18949 18950 18951 18952 18953 18954 18955 18956 18957 18958 18959 18960 18961 18962 18963 18964 18965 18966 18967 18968 18969 18970 18971 18972 18973 18974 18975 18976 18977 18978 18979 18980 18981 18982 18983 18984 18985 18986 18987 18988 18989 18990 18991 18992 18993 18994 18995 18996 18997 18998 18999 19000 19001 19002 19003 19004 19005 19006 19007 19008 19009 19010 19011 19012 19013 19014 19015 19016 19017 19018 19019 19020 19021 19022 19023 19024 19025 19026 19027 19028 19029 19030 19031 19032 19033 19034 19035 19036 19037 19038 19039 19040 19041 19042 19043 19044 19045 19046 19047 19048 19049 19050 19051 19052 19053 19054 19055 19056 19057 19058 19059 19060 19061 19062 19063 19064 19065 19066 19067 19068 19069 19070 19071 19072 19073 19074 19075 19076 19077 19078 19079 19080 19081 19082 19083 19084 19085 19086 19087 19088 19089 19090 19091 19092 19093 19094 19095 19096 19097 19098 19099 19100 19101 19102 19103 19104 19105 19106 19107 19108 19109 19110 19111 19112 19113 19114 19115 19116 19117 19118 19119 19120 19121 19122 19123 19124 19125 19126 19127 19128 19129 19130 19131 19132 19133 19134 19135 19136 19137 19138 19139 19140 19141 19142 19143 19144 19145 19146 19147 19148 19149 19150 19151 19152 19153 19154 19155 19156 19157 19158 19159 19160 19161 19162 19163 19164 19165 19166 19167 19168 19169 19170 19171 19172 19173 19174 19175 19176 19177 19178 19179 19180 19181 19182 19183 19184 19185 19186 19187 19188 19189 19190 19191 19192 19193 19194 19195 19196 19197 19198 19199 19200 19201 19202 19203 19204 19205 19206 19207 19208 19209 19210 19211 19212 19213 19214 19215 19216 19217 19218 19219 19220 19221 19222 19223 19224 19225 19226 19227 19228 19229 19230 19231 19232 19233 19234 19235 19236 19237 19238 19239 19240 19241 19242 19243 19244 19245 19246 19247 19248 19249 19250 19251 19252 19253 19254 19255 19256 19257 19258 19259 19260 19261 19262 19263 19264 19265 19266 19267 19268 19269 19270 19271 19272 19273 19274 19275 19276 19277 19278 19279 19280 19281 19282 19283 19284 19285 19286 19287 19288 19289 19290 19291 19292 19293 19294 19295 19296 19297 19298 19299 19300 19301 19302 19303 19304 19305 19306 19307 19308 19309 19310 19311 19312 19313 19314 19315 19316 19317 19318 19319 19320 19321 19322 19323 19324 19325 19326 19327 19328 19329 19330 19331 19332 19333 19334 19335 19336 19337 19338 19339 19340 19341 19342 19343 19344 19345 19346 19347 19348 19349 19350 19351 19352 19353 19354 19355 19356 19357 19358 19359 19360 19361 19362 19363 19364 19365 19366 19367 19368 19369 19370 19371 19372 19373 19374 19375 19376 19377 19378 19379 19380 19381 19382 19383 19384 19385 19386 19387 19388 19389 19390 19391 19392 19393 19394 19395 19396 19397 19398 19399 19400 19401 19402 19403 19404 19405 19406 19407 19408 19409 19410 19411 19412 19413 19414 19415 19416 19417 19418 19419 19420 19421 19422 19423 19424 19425 19426 19427 19428 19429 19430 19431 19432 19433 19434 19435 19436 19437 19438 19439 19440 19441 19442 19443 19444 19445 19446 19447 19448 19449 19450 19451 19452 19453 19454 19455 19456 19457 19458 19459 19460 19461 19462 19463 19464 19465 19466 19467 19468 19469 19470 19471 19472 19473 19474 19475 19476 19477 19478 19479 19480 19481 19482 19483 19484 19485 19486 19487 19488 19489 19490 19491 19492 19493 19494 19495 19496 19497 19498 19499 19500 19501 19502 19503 19504 19505 19506 19507 19508 19509 19510 19511 19512 19513 19514 19515 19516 19517 19518 19519 19520 19521 19522 19523 19524 19525 19526 19527 19528 19529 19530 19531 19532 19533 19534 19535 19536 19537 19538 19539 19540 19541 19542 19543 19544 19545 19546 19547 19548 19549 19550 19551 19552 19553 19554 19555 19556 19557 19558 19559 19560 19561 19562 19563 19564 19565 19566 19567 19568 19569 19570 19571 19572 19573 19574 19575 19576 19577 19578 19579 19580 19581 19582 19583 19584 19585 19586 19587 19588 19589 19590 19591 19592 19593 19594 19595 19596 19597 19598 19599 19600 19601 19602 19603 19604 19605 19606 19607 19608 19609 19610 19611 19612 19613 19614 19615 19616 19617 19618 19619 19620 19621 19622 19623 19624 19625 19626 19627 19628 19629 19630 19631 19632 19633 19634 19635 19636 19637 19638 19639 19640 19641 19642 19643 19644 19645 19646 19647 19648 19649 19650 19651 19652 19653 19654 19655 19656 19657 19658 19659 19660 19661 19662 19663 19664 19665 19666 19667 19668 19669 19670 19671 19672 19673 19674 19675 19676 19677 19678 19679 19680 19681 19682 19683 19684 19685 19686 19687 19688 19689 19690 19691 19692 19693 19694 19695 19696 19697 19698 19699 19700 19701 19702 19703 19704 19705 19706 19707 19708 19709 19710 19711 19712 19713 19714 19715 19716 19717 19718 19719 19720 19721 19722 19723 19724 19725 19726 19727 19728 19729 19730 19731 19732 19733 19734 19735 19736 19737 19738 19739 19740 19741 19742 19743 19744 19745 19746 19747 19748 19749 19750 19751 19752 19753 19754 19755 19756 19757 19758 19759 19760 19761 19762 19763 19764 19765 19766 19767 19768 19769 19770 19771 19772 19773 19774 19775 19776 19777 19778 19779 19780 19781 19782 19783 19784 19785 19786 19787 19788 19789 19790 19791 19792 19793 19794 19795 19796 19797 19798 19799 19800 19801 19802 19803 19804 19805 19806 19807 19808 19809 19810 19811 19812 19813 19814 19815 19816 19817 19818 19819 19820 19821 19822 19823 19824 19825 19826 19827 19828 19829 19830 19831 19832 19833 19834 19835 19836 19837 19838 19839 19840 19841 19842 19843 19844 19845 19846 19847 19848 19849 19850 19851 19852 19853 19854 19855 19856 19857 19858 19859 19860 19861 19862 19863 19864 19865 19866 19867 19868 19869 19870 19871 19872 19873 19874 19875 19876 19877 19878 19879 19880 19881 19882 19883 19884 19885 19886 19887 19888 19889 19890 19891 19892 19893 19894 19895 19896 19897 19898 19899 19900 19901 19902 19903 19904 19905 19906 19907 19908 19909 19910 19911 19912 19913 19914 19915 19916 19917 19918 19919 19920 19921 19922 19923 19924 19925 19926 19927 19928 19929 19930 19931 19932 19933 19934 19935 19936 19937 19938 19939 19940 19941 19942 19943 19944 19945 19946 19947 19948 19949 19950 19951 19952 19953 19954 19955 19956 19957 19958 19959 19960 19961 19962 19963 19964 19965 19966 19967 19968 19969 19970 19971 19972 19973 19974 19975 19976 19977 19978 19979 19980 19981 19982 19983 19984 19985 19986 19987 19988 19989 19990 19991 19992 19993 19994 19995 19996 19997 19998 19999 20000 20001 20002 20003 20004 20005 20006 20007 20008 20009 20010 20011 20012 20013 20014 20015 20016 20017 20018 20019 20020 20021 20022 20023 20024 20025 20026 20027 20028 20029 20030 20031 20032 20033 20034 20035 20036 20037 20038 20039 20040 20041 20042 20043 20044 20045 20046 20047 20048 20049 20050 20051 20052 20053 20054 20055 20056 20057 20058 20059 20060 20061 20062 20063 20064 20065 20066 20067 20068 20069 20070 20071 20072 20073 20074 20075 20076 20077 20078 20079 20080 20081 20082 20083 20084 20085 20086 20087 20088 20089 20090 20091 20092 20093 20094 20095 20096 20097 20098 20099 20100 20101 20102 20103 20104 20105 20106 20107 20108 20109 20110 20111 20112 20113 20114 20115 20116 20117 20118 20119 20120 20121 20122 20123 20124 20125 20126 20127 20128 20129 20130 20131 20132 20133 20134 20135 20136 20137 20138 20139 20140 20141 20142 20143 20144 20145 20146 20147 20148 20149 20150 20151 20152 20153 20154 20155 20156 20157 20158 20159 20160 20161 20162 20163 20164 20165 20166 20167 20168 20169 20170 20171 20172 20173 20174 20175 20176 20177 20178 20179 20180 20181 20182 20183 20184 20185 20186 20187 20188 20189 20190 20191 20192 20193 20194 20195 20196 20197 20198 20199 20200 20201 20202 20203 20204 20205 20206 20207 20208 20209 20210 20211 20212 20213 20214 20215 20216 20217 20218 20219 20220 20221 20222 20223 20224 20225 20226 20227 20228 20229 20230 20231 20232 20233 20234 20235 20236 20237 20238 20239 20240 20241 20242 20243 20244 20245 20246 20247 20248 20249 20250 20251 20252 20253 20254 20255 20256 20257 20258 20259 20260 20261 20262 20263 20264 20265 20266 20267 20268 20269 20270 20271 20272 20273 20274 20275 20276 20277 20278 20279 20280 20281 20282 20283 20284 20285 20286 20287 20288 20289 20290 20291 20292 20293 20294 20295 20296 20297 20298 20299 20300 20301 20302 20303 20304 20305 20306 20307 20308 20309 20310 20311 20312 20313 20314 20315 20316 20317 20318 20319 20320 20321 20322 20323 20324 20325 20326 20327 20328 20329 20330 20331 20332 20333 20334 20335 20336 20337 20338 20339 20340 20341 20342 20343 20344 20345 20346 20347 20348 20349 20350 20351 20352 20353 20354 20355 20356 20357 20358 20359 20360 20361 20362 20363 20364 20365 20366 20367 20368 20369 20370 20371 20372 20373 20374 20375 20376 20377 20378 20379 20380 20381 20382 20383 20384 20385 20386 20387 20388 20389 20390 20391 20392 20393 20394 20395 20396 20397 20398 20399 20400 20401 20402 20403 20404 20405 20406 20407 20408 20409 20410 20411 20412 20413 20414 20415 20416 20417 20418 20419 20420 20421 20422 20423 20424 20425 20426 20427 20428 20429 20430 20431 20432 20433 20434 20435 20436 20437 20438 20439 20440 20441 20442 20443 20444 20445 20446 20447 20448 20449 20450 20451 20452 20453 20454 20455 20456 20457 20458 20459 20460 20461 20462 20463 20464 20465 20466 20467 20468 20469 20470 20471 20472 20473 20474 20475 20476 20477 20478 20479 20480 20481 20482 20483 20484 20485 20486 20487 20488 20489 20490 20491 20492 20493 20494 20495 20496 20497 20498 20499 20500 20501 20502 20503 20504 20505 20506 20507 20508 20509 20510 20511 20512 20513 20514 20515 20516 20517 20518 20519 20520 20521 20522 20523 20524 20525 20526 20527 20528 20529 20530 20531 20532 20533 20534 20535 20536 20537 20538 20539 20540 20541 20542 20543 20544 20545 20546 20547 20548 20549 20550 20551 20552 20553 20554 20555 20556 20557 20558 20559 20560 20561 20562 20563 20564 20565 20566 20567 20568 20569 20570 20571 20572 20573 20574 20575 20576 20577 20578 20579 20580 20581 20582 20583 20584 20585 20586 20587 20588 20589 20590 20591 20592 20593 20594 20595 20596 20597 20598 20599 20600 20601 20602 20603 20604 20605 20606 20607 20608 20609 20610 20611 20612 20613 20614 20615 20616 20617 20618 20619 20620 20621 20622 20623 20624 20625 20626 20627 20628 20629 20630 20631 20632 20633 20634 20635 20636 20637 20638 20639 20640 20641 20642 20643 20644 20645 20646 20647 20648 20649 20650 20651 20652 20653 20654 20655 20656 20657 20658 20659 20660 20661 20662 20663 20664 20665 20666 20667 20668 20669 20670 20671 20672 20673 20674 20675 20676 20677 20678 20679 20680 20681 20682 20683 20684 20685 20686 20687 20688 20689 20690 20691 20692 20693 20694 20695 20696 20697 20698 20699 20700 20701 20702 20703 20704 20705 20706 20707 20708 20709 20710 20711 20712 20713 20714 20715 20716 20717 20718 20719 20720 20721 20722 20723 20724 20725 20726 20727 20728 20729 20730 20731 20732 20733 20734 20735 20736 20737 20738 20739 20740 20741 20742 20743 20744 20745 20746 20747 20748 20749 20750 20751 20752 20753 20754 20755 20756 20757 20758 20759 20760 20761 20762 20763 20764 20765 20766 20767 20768 20769 20770 20771 20772 20773 20774 20775 20776 20777 20778 20779 20780 20781 20782 20783 20784 20785 20786 20787 20788 20789 20790 20791 20792 20793 20794 20795 20796 20797 20798 20799 20800 20801 20802 20803 20804 20805 20806 20807 20808 20809 20810 20811 20812 20813 20814 20815 20816 20817 20818 20819 20820 20821 20822 20823 20824 20825 20826 20827 20828 20829 20830 20831 20832 20833 20834 20835 20836 20837 20838 20839 20840 20841 20842 20843 20844 20845 20846 20847 20848 20849 20850 20851 20852 20853 20854 20855 20856 20857 20858 20859 20860 20861 20862 20863 20864 20865 20866 20867 20868 20869 20870 20871 20872 20873 20874 20875 20876 20877 20878 20879 20880 20881 20882 20883 20884 20885 20886 20887 20888 20889 20890 20891 20892 20893 20894 20895 20896 20897 20898 20899 20900 20901 20902 20903 20904 20905 20906 20907 20908 20909 20910 20911 20912 20913 20914 20915 20916 20917 20918 20919 20920 20921 20922 20923 20924 20925 20926 20927 20928 20929 20930 20931 20932 20933 20934 20935 20936 20937 20938 20939 20940 20941 20942 20943 20944 20945 20946 20947 20948 20949 20950 20951 20952 20953 20954 20955 20956 20957 20958 20959 20960 20961 20962 20963 20964 20965 20966 20967 20968 20969 20970 20971 20972 20973 20974 20975 20976 20977 20978 20979 20980 20981 20982 20983 20984 20985 20986 20987 20988 20989 20990 20991 20992 20993 20994 20995 20996 20997 20998 20999 21000 21001 21002 21003 21004 21005 21006 21007 21008 21009 21010 21011 21012 21013 21014 21015 21016 21017 21018 21019 21020 21021 21022 21023 21024 21025 21026 21027 21028 21029 21030 21031 21032 21033 21034 21035 21036 21037 21038 21039 21040 21041 21042 21043 21044 21045 21046 21047 21048 21049 21050 21051 21052 21053 21054 21055 21056 21057 21058 21059 21060 21061 21062 21063 21064 21065 21066 21067 21068 21069 21070 21071 21072 21073 21074 21075 21076 21077 21078 21079 21080 21081 21082 21083 21084 21085 21086 21087 21088 21089 21090 21091 21092 21093 21094 21095 21096 21097 21098 21099 21100 21101 21102 21103 21104 21105 21106 21107 21108 21109 21110 21111 21112 21113 21114 21115 21116 21117 21118 21119 21120 21121 21122 21123 21124 21125 21126 21127 21128 21129 21130 21131 21132 21133 21134 21135 21136 21137 21138 21139 21140 21141 21142 21143 21144 21145 21146 21147 21148 21149 21150 21151 21152 21153 21154 21155 21156 21157 21158 21159 21160 21161 21162 21163 21164 21165 21166 21167 21168 21169 21170 21171 21172 21173 21174 21175 21176 21177 21178 21179 21180 21181 21182 21183 21184 21185 21186 21187 21188 21189 21190 21191 21192 21193 21194 21195 21196 21197 21198 21199 21200 21201 21202 21203 21204 21205 21206 21207 21208 21209 21210 21211 21212 21213 21214 21215 21216 21217 21218 21219 21220 21221 21222 21223 21224 21225 21226 21227 21228 21229 21230 21231 21232 21233 21234 21235 21236 21237 21238 21239 21240 21241 21242 21243 21244 21245 21246 21247 21248 21249 21250 21251 21252 21253 21254 21255 21256 21257 21258 21259 21260 21261 21262 21263 21264 21265 21266 21267 21268 21269 21270 21271 21272 21273 21274 21275 21276 21277 21278 21279 21280 21281 21282 21283 21284 21285 21286 21287 21288 21289 21290 21291 21292 21293 21294 21295 21296 21297 21298 21299 21300 21301 21302 21303 21304 21305 21306 21307 21308 21309 21310 21311 21312 21313 21314 21315 21316 21317 21318 21319 21320 21321 21322 21323 21324 21325 21326 21327 21328 21329 21330 21331 21332 21333 21334 21335 21336 21337 21338 21339 21340 21341 21342 21343 21344 21345 21346 21347 21348 21349 21350 21351 21352 21353 21354 21355 21356 21357 21358 21359 21360 21361 21362 21363 21364 21365 21366 21367 21368 21369 21370 21371 21372 21373 21374 21375 21376 21377 21378 21379 21380 21381 21382 21383 21384 21385 21386 21387 21388 21389 21390 21391 21392 21393 21394 21395 21396 21397 21398 21399 21400 21401 21402 21403 21404 21405 21406 21407 21408 21409 21410 21411 21412 21413 21414 21415 21416 21417 21418 21419 21420 21421 21422 21423 21424 21425 21426 21427 21428 21429 21430 21431 21432 21433 21434 21435 21436 21437 21438 21439 21440 21441 21442 21443 21444 21445 21446 21447 21448 21449 21450 21451 21452 21453 21454 21455 21456 21457 21458 21459 21460 21461 21462 21463 21464 21465 21466 21467 21468 21469 21470 21471 21472 21473 21474 21475 21476 21477 21478 21479 21480 21481 21482 21483 21484 21485 21486 21487 21488 21489 21490 21491 21492 21493 21494 21495 21496 21497 21498 21499 21500 21501 21502 21503 21504 21505 21506 21507 21508 21509 21510 21511 21512 21513 21514 21515 21516 21517 21518 21519 21520 21521 21522 21523 21524 21525 21526 21527 21528 21529 21530 21531 21532 21533 21534 21535 21536 21537 21538 21539 21540 21541 21542 21543 21544 21545 21546 21547 21548 21549 21550 21551 21552 21553 21554 21555 21556 21557 21558 21559 21560 21561 21562 21563 21564 21565 21566 21567 21568 21569 21570 21571 21572 21573 21574 21575 21576 21577 21578 21579 21580 21581 21582 21583 21584 21585 21586 21587 21588 21589 21590 21591 21592 21593 21594 21595 21596 21597 21598 21599 21600 21601 21602 21603 21604 21605 21606 21607 21608 21609 21610 21611 21612 21613 21614 21615 21616 21617 21618 21619 21620 21621 21622 21623 21624 21625 21626 21627 21628 21629 21630 21631 21632 21633 21634 21635 21636 21637 21638 21639 21640 21641 21642 21643 21644 21645 21646 21647 21648 21649 21650 21651 21652 21653 21654 21655 21656 21657 21658 21659 21660 21661 21662 21663 21664 21665 21666 21667 21668 21669 21670 21671 21672 21673 21674 21675 21676 21677 21678 21679 21680 21681 21682 21683 21684 21685 21686 21687 21688 21689 21690 21691 21692 21693 21694 21695 21696 21697 21698 21699 21700 21701 21702 21703 21704 21705 21706 21707 21708 21709 21710 21711 21712 21713 21714 21715 21716 21717 21718 21719 21720 21721 21722 21723 21724 21725 21726 21727 21728 21729 21730 21731 21732 21733 21734 21735 21736 21737 21738 21739 21740 21741 21742 21743 21744 21745 21746 21747 21748 21749 21750 21751 21752 21753 21754 21755 21756 21757 21758 21759 21760 21761 21762 21763 21764 21765 21766 21767 21768 21769 21770 21771 21772 21773 21774 21775 21776 21777 21778 21779 21780 21781 21782 21783 21784 21785 21786 21787 21788 21789 21790 21791 21792 21793 21794 21795 21796 21797 21798 21799 21800 21801 21802 21803 21804 21805 21806 21807 21808 21809 21810 21811 21812 21813 21814 21815 21816 21817 21818 21819 21820 21821 21822 21823 21824 21825 21826 21827 21828 21829 21830 21831 21832 21833 21834 21835 21836 21837 21838 21839 21840 21841 21842 21843 21844 21845 21846 21847 21848 21849 21850 21851 21852 21853 21854 21855 21856 21857 21858 21859 21860 21861 21862 21863 21864 21865 21866 21867 21868 21869 21870 21871 21872
2003-06-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes part of #43388

    * importers/icalendar-importer.c (prepare_events):
    (prepare_tasks): use external iterators for removing components from
    the main component.

2003-05-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #43763

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_init): use g_signal_connect_after
    for "button_press_event" callback.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_init): ditto.

2003-05-29  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    Fixes #43775
    * gui/weekday-picker.c (get_day_text): calculate the characters to
    display correctly
    (configure_items): use it
    (weekday_picker_style_set): ditto

    * gui/print.c (format_date): use e_utf8_strftime
    (print_week_view_background): ditto
    (print_month_summary): ditto
    (range_selector_new): ditto
    (print_comp_item): ditto

    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_description): the translation is already

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (write_label_piece): the string is already
    in utf8

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_style_set): use e_utf8_strftime
    (e_day_view_recalc_cell_sizes): ditto

    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c (e_day_view_top_item_draw): use

    * gui/e-cell-date-edit-text.c (ecd_get_text): return the
    duplicated buffer (its already utf8)
    (show_date_warning): use e_utf8_strftime

    * gui/calendar-model.c (date_value_to_string): return the
    duplicated buffer (its already utf8)
    (calendar_model_value_to_string): the translations should already
    be in utf8

    * gui/calendar-config.c
    (calendar_config_locale_supports_12_hour_format): use

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_set_folder_bar_label): use

2003-05-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #43455

    * gui/tasks-control.c (confirm_expunge): converted to a GtkMessageDialog
    and removed object weak's ref code, not needed anymore.
2003-05-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    Fixes #43308
    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c (e_meeting_time_selector_style_set):
    adjust row heights to reflect changes in etable row heights and
    set display top to align properly
2003-05-22  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.c (comp_editor_page_destroy): unref
    not ref the client
2003-05-22  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    Fixes #41329
    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_on_zoomed_out_toggled): make sure the
    meeting time is shown afterwards
    (e_meeting_time_selector_on_working_hours_toggled): ditto

2003-05-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #41234

    * gui/dialogs/e-delegate-dialog.glade: changed button ordering.

2003-05-20  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_setup_view_menus): Removed
    debugging message.

2003-05-20  Anna Marie Dirks  <anna@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/save-comp.c (save_component_dialog): Change this
    dialog from using a gnome_message_box (which has been deprecated), 
    to using a gtk_message_dialog. This HIG-ifies this dialog, and 
    fixes bug #42046.

2003-05-20  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    Fixes #42056

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c (e_meeting_time_selector_construct):
    Don't create accel groups for menuitem mnemonics. Don't use
    deprecated functions where we actually need accel groups.

2003-05-19  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_finalize): Don't double-free
    newly-added categories that the gui hasn't been told about yet.

2003-05-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/main.c (factory): set 'initialized' to TRUE when initialization
    is done, or we get the initialization code called over and over.

2003-05-19  Anna Marie Dirks  <anna@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c:  (e_meeting_time_selector_construct): 
    Added HIG-blessed padding to (some of) the widgets in the

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.glade: Added HIG-blessed border width
    and spacing to the meeting page of the event editor.

    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.glade: Added HIG-blessed border width
    to the schedule page on the event editor. 

2003-05-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_destroy): remove the query time
    out if its still alive
    (update_query_timeout): update the query and clear the time out
    (client_cal_opened_cb): add the query update timeout

2003-05-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    Fixes #43103
    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_init): connect normally instead of
    after so that our boolean return values afffect the action signal
    emmissions properly
    (e_day_view_on_top_canvas_drag_motion): fix proto to be a gboolean
    (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_drag_motion): ditto

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_init): connect normally instead
    of after so that our boolean return values afffect the action
    signal emmissions properly

2003-05-16  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (make_title_from_comp): the title is
    already in UTF-8

2003-05-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #42220

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_finish_resize): hide canvas items and
    update internal fields before updating the object.

2003-05-15  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_finalize): unref the
    client and the ui component
2003-05-15  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    Fixes #41935
    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_init): listen for scroll events
    on the canvas
    (e_week_view_on_button_press): don't scroll here
    (e_week_view_on_scroll): scroll here
    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_init): listen for scroll events on
    the time and main canvases
    (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_button_press): don't scroll here
    (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_scroll): scroll here
    (e_day_view_on_time_canvas_scroll): and here
2003-05-15  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    Fixes #43029
    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_init): don't listen for destroy
    (e_week_view_destroy): check for NULL and make invisible NULL
    after we destroy it, unref cursors and NULL them out as well,
    guard against freeing events multiple times
    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_destroy): check for NULL and make
    invisible NULL after we destroy it, unref cursors and NULL them
    out as well, guard against freeing events multiple times
    (e_day_view_init): don't listen for destroy signal
    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_init): don't listen for
    destroy signal
    (e_calendar_table_destroy): check for NULL and make invisible NULL
    after we destroy it
2003-05-15  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    Fixes #41930
    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: Make sure everything that can raise
    a NotFound exception lists it
2003-05-15  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_refresh_free_busy): ref ourselves the
    number of times we'll get called back

2003-05-14  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_destroy): guard against multiple destroys

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_finalize): unref the
    bonobo listener

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_destroy): guard against multiple
    destroy calls

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_init): connect after destroy
    (invisible_destroyed): don't unref, its already destroyed

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_init): connect after destroy
    (invisible_destroyed): don't unref, its already destroyed

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_class_init): make sure
    we set the parent class
    (e_calendar_table_init): connect after the destroy handler runs
    (e_calendar_table_destroy): guard against multiple destroys
    (invisible_destroyed): don't unref the invisible, its already
    being destroyed

    * gui/calendar-offline-handler.c (backend_cal_set_mode): unref the
    client, we are done with it now
    (backend_cal_opened_online): ditto
    (impl_dispose): unref our main client

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (control_util_set_folder_bar_label):
    release/unref the shell view once we are done with it
    (control_util_show_settings): ditto

2003-05-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (notify_dialog_cb): fixed memory
    leak introduced by previous commit.

2003-05-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #41760

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (create_snooze): don't add a new
    alarm, but update the already existing one.
    (notify_dialog_cb): make sure we don't remove the alarm if we are
2003-05-07  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.glade: fix button conversion problem

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c
    (task_details_page_fill_widgets): only free the percent if its

2003-05-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_discard_alarm): added missing

2003-05-05  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    Fixes #41811
    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am: don't dist idl generated files

2003-05-01  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_finalize): unref the
    model again
    (task_editor_edit_comp): don't allow editing if the assignee has

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (popup_delete_cb): set the new
    non-delegator to be editable

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_edit_comp): don't allow
    editing if the attendee has delegated
    (event_editor_finalize): unref the model again

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c: remove e-table-without related functions
    (finalize): don't create without table
    (e_meeting_model_etable_from_model): build the table with this as
    (e_meeting_model_etable_model_to_view_row): directly use the
    model_to_view call
    (e_meeting_model_etable_view_to_model_row): as above
    (attendee_changed_cb): make sure pre change is alwasy called

    * gui/e-meeting-model.h: use DECLS, remove protos for long dead
    functions, don't include config.h

2003-04-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify.c (alarm_notify_add_calendar): removed
    unused code.
2003-04-29  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_finalize): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_finalize): don't unref
    the model here

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c (e_meeting_time_selector_destroy): null
    up the display_top and display_main for re-entrancy purposes

2003-04-25  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp): kill warnings

2003-04-28  Anna Marie Dirks  <anna@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.glade: Added HIG-blessed padding
    to the alarm options dialog. Fixes bug #41221.

2003-04-28  Anna Marie Dirks  <anna@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.glade: Added appropriate spacing
    and padding to the calendar/tasks page of the settings dialog. 
    Fixes bug #41129

2003-04-28  Anna Marie Dirks  <anna@ximian.com>
    * gui/dialogs/task-page.glade: Finishes up fixing #41256 by
    adding appropriate spacing/padding to the main task page.

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.glade: Added appropriate
    spacing and padding to the task-details page. Partially 
    fixes #41256.

2003-04-28  Anna Marie Dirks  <anna@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.glade: Added padding/spacing
    to this page as specified by the HIG. Partially fixes #41215.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.glade: Added padding/spacing/stock 
    buttons to the alarm page. Partially fixes #41215.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.glade: Added padding/spacing to the
    event-page (partially fixes #41215)

2003-04-27  Rodney Dawes  <dobey@ximian.com>

    Fixes #35814
    * gui/calendar-component.c: Change mnemonic/keybinding for
    New Meeting to not conflict with other items in the File->New menu
2003-04-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #41661

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: added discardAlarm method to
    GNOME:Evolution:Calendar:Cal interface.

    * pcs/cal.c (cal_class_init): set new epv's method.
    (impl_Cal_discardAlarm): implementation of new CORBA method.

    * pcs/cal-backend.[ch]: added 'discard_alarm' virtual method, and
    (cal_backend_class_init): initialize new class method.
    (cal_backend_discard_alarm): new method.
    (cal_backend_update_objects, cal_backend_remove_object): return
    proper CalBackendResult values.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_class_init): initialize
    new class method.
    (cal_backend_file_discard_alarm): implementation of new method.
    * pcs/cal-client.[ch] (cal_client_discard_alarm): new function.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (remove_qeueud_alarm): don't remove
    the alarm directly from the component, call cal_client_discard_alarm
    and let the backend deal with it.

2003-04-24  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/apps_evolution_calendar.schemas: set the hpane default to
    32000 so we never see a pane no matter the start up window size
    unless the user changes it

2003-04-24  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    Fixes #37552
    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: build delete-error.[hc]

    * gui/e-tasks.c: wrap calls to cal_client_remove_object with

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: ditto

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: ditto

    * gui/e-week-view.c: ditto

    * gui/e-day-view.c: ditto

    * gui/dialogs/delete-error.[hc]: gemerate an error message based
    on result

2003-04-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_delete_occurrence): removed
    unused variable..

2003-04-23  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    Fixes #41641

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_focus_in): Remove assert an old
    input method code.
    (e_day_view_focus_out): Ditto.
    (e_day_view_reshape_long_event): Set input method context.
    (e_day_view_reshape_day_event): Ditto.
    (e_day_view_on_editing_started): Let EText handle the context popup.
    (e_day_view_on_editing_stopped): Turn off EText's handling of context

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_reshape_event_span): Set input
    method context.
    (e_week_view_on_text_item_event): Let the EText item handle
    right-click context popup if we're editing it.
    (e_week_view_on_editing_started): Let the EText item handle the
    context popup.
    (e_weeK_view_on_editing_stopped): Turn off EText's handling of
    context popup.

2003-04-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #41671

    * gui/alarm-notify/notify-main.c (main): added calls to gnome_sound_init
    and gnome_sound_shutdown.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (audio_notification): check that the
    sound file exists, and gdk_beep if not.

2003-04-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes part of #41148, #41216 and #41235

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (init):
    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c (e_meeting_time_selector_construct,
    * gui/e-timezone-entry.c (e_timezone_entry_init):
    * gui/gnome-cal.c (setup_widgets):
    * gui/tasks-control.c (confirm_expunge):
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (setup_widgets):
    * gui/dialogs/e-delegate-dialog.c (e_delegate_dialog_construct):
    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_construct):
    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (make_weekly_special,
      make_monthly_special, make_ending_count_special):
    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.c (schedule_page_construct):
    use HIG-suggested spacing.

2003-04-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #22444

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: added new verbs for occurrence-related
    menu items.
    (delete_occurrence_cmd): added callback for "Delete this occurrence"
    menu item. "Delete all occurrences" is just the same as "Delete".
    (sensitize_calendar_commands): sensitive ocurrence-related menu items.

    * gui/gnome-cal.[ch] (gnome_calendar_delete_selected_occurrence): new
    (gnome_calendar_get_current_view_widget): made this public.

    * gui/e-week-view.[ch] (e_week_view_get_selected_event):
    (e_week_view_delete_occurrence): new functions.
    (e_week_view_delete_occurrence_internal): real implementation of the
    'Delete Occurrence' logic.
    (e_week_view_on_delete_occurrence): call delete_instance_internal.

    * gui/e-day-view.[ch] (e_day_view_get_selected_event):
    (e_day_view_delete_occurrence): new functions.
    (e_week_view_delete_occurrence_internal): real implementation of the
    'Delete Occurrence' logic.
    (e_week_view_on_delete_occurrence): call delete_occurrence_internal.

2003-04-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify.glade: removed 'heading' and
    'message' labels.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify-dialog.c: removed deleted widgets.
    (alarm_notify_dialog): don't load the removed widgets.

2003-04-18  Rodney Dawes  <dobey@ximian.com>

    Fixes #21499

    * gui/Makefile.am:
    * gui/calendar-commands.c:
    * gui/tasks-control.c:
    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am:
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c:
    Use PREFIX instead of EVOLUTION_DATADIR for bonobo_ui_util_set_ui ()
2003-04-17  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    Fixes #41459
    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c: comment out delegation stuff

2003-04-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #34498

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c: added a 'uid' field to the
    CompQueuedAlarms structure.
    (remove_queued_alarm): free the 'uid' field when freeing the
    (add_component_alarms): g_strdup the component's UID and use that as
    the key for the hash table.

2003-04-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #41129, #41215, #41221, #41256

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify.glade:
    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.glade:
    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.glade:
    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.glade:
    * gui/dialogs/e-delegate-dialog.glade:
    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.glade:
    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.glade:
    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.glade:
    * gui/dialogs/task-details-dialog.glade:
    * gui/dialogs/task-page.glade:
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.glade: set spacing to 6 pixels

2003-04-16  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    Fixes #41230
    * gui/e-itip-control.c (show_current): make sure to pass TRUE for
    (start_calendar_server): make sure we don't gtk_main_quit if we
    haven't gtk_main'ed
    (start_calendar_server_cb): ditto

2003-04-15  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    Fixes #39735 and 40257
    * gui/gnome-cal.c: convert float pane positions to ints
    (setup_widgets): set the initial position after realization and
    track the drags to get the new position, pack the panes slightly
    (gnome_calendar_set_pane_positions): set purely pixel oriented
    (gnome_calendar_update_config_settings): no need to update quanta
    (gnome_calendar_hpane_realized): realization callback
    (gnome_calendar_vpane_realized): ditto
    (gnome_calendar_vpane_resized): resize callback, store new size
    (gnome_calendar_hpane_resized): ditto

    * gui/calendar-model.c (get_due_status): handle an error getting
    the timezone

    * gui/calendar-config.c (calendar_config_get_hpane_pos): return an int
    (calendar_config_set_hpane_pos): take an int
    (calendar_config_get_vpane_pos): return an int
    (calendar_config_set_vpane_pos): take an int

    * gui/calendar-config.h: update protos

    * gui/apps_evolution_calendar.schemas: update defaults for pane

2003-04-15  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-component.c (owner_set_cb): If we already have an
    evolution_dir, free the old one before setting it anew.

    * gui/e-day-view-time-item.c (e_day_view_time_item_draw): Unref the

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_style_set): Unref the metrics.
    (e_day_view_recalc_cell_sizes): We don't need font metrics here.
    (e_day_view_reshape_long_event): Ditto.

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (init): Don't dup the string passed to

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c (e_meeting_time_selector_style_set):
    Unref the metrics.
    (e_meeting_time_selector_recalc_date_form): Doesn't need metrics.

    * gui/e-week-view-main-item.c (e_week_view_main_item_draw_day):
    Unref the metrics.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_style_set): Unref metrics.
    (e_week_view_recalc_cell_sizes): Ditto.
    (e_week_view_reshape_event_span): Move Pango stuff to where it
    can't be leaked due to an early return. Unref metrics.

    * gui/weekday-picker.c (weekday_picker_style_set): Unref metrics.

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_finalize): Free default

2003-04-11  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am (IDL_GENERATED, etc): Oops. Add this
    back. Turns out it's still needed by other parts.

2003-04-11  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.glade: Remove the "Contacts" button and
    entry from here too. Supposed to have been part of #35926

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c: Remove all code pertaining to the
    contacts button

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c: 
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.h: Likewise

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am (IDL_GENERATED, etc): Remove
    select-names stuff, which is no longer used.

2003-04-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-util.h: added missing capabilities.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_get_one_alarm_only,
    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_organizer_is_user):
    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_on_right_click):
    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (set_menu_sens):
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (event_page_fill_widgets):
    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_fill_widgets):
    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (button_options_clicked_cb): use the macros
    defined in cal-util.h for static capabilities.

2003-04-11  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (start_addressbook_server): load the
    default book to look for additional free/busy info in
    (init): ugly hack to make sure we get destroyed, set idle id to 0
    (process_callbacks): unref the im because we are now done with it
    (refresh_busy_periods): set idle id to 0, ref the model and handle
    e_book_get_cursor error

2003-04-11  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel-item.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_item_destroy): guard against multiple
    destroy calls

2003-04-11  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_get_free_busy): only print a
    message if the exception isn't the reasonable NotFound

2003-04-11  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.c (schedule_page_finalize): unref the
    main widget since we ref it when we un-parent it

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (alarm_page_finalize): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (task_page_finalize): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (event_page_finalize): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c (task_details_page_finalize):

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (recurrence_page_finalize): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_finalize): ditto

2003-04-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_autopick_menu_position_callback): added the
    allocation's X and Y position to the calculated coordinates.

2003-04-10  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    Fixes #41127
    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c (e_meeting_time_selector_refresh_cb):
    unref here, when the callback is done
    (e_meeting_time_selector_refresh_free_busy): don't unref here

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (process_free_busy): if the type is
    unexpected, make sure we cleanup properly

2003-04-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (remove_queued_alarm): only remove
    the alarm for backends that want it (Exchange).

2003-04-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-util.h: added #define's for static capabilities.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_get_static_capabilities):
    use the #define's above.

2003-04-09  Chris Toshok  <toshok@ximian.com>

    Fixes #40133
    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_class_init): use G_TYPE_INT
    instead of G_TYPE_ENUM as a parameter type for the signal to get
    rid of runtime warning.

2003-04-09  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    Fixes #40915
    * gui/calendar-model.c (get_due_status): when getting the current
    time for date values, use a timezone aware function

2003-04-09  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    Fixes #40952
    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_open): check for file
    method instead of is_local

2003-04-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    Fixes #40894
    * gui/gnome-cal.c
    (gnome_calendar_on_date_navigator_selection_changed): update the
    selection for all view types

2003-04-08  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.c: Remove button_ok, button_cancel,
    canceled members from struct Dialog.
    (get_widgets): Do not initialize.
    (close_dialog): Destroy the toplevel.
    (toplevel_delete_event_cb): Removed.
    (button_cancel_clicked_cb): Removed.
    (button_ok_clicked_cb): Removed.
    (close_dialog): Removed.
    (alarm_options_dialog_run): Use gtk_dialog_run.
    (init_widgets): Do not init ->canceled, do not connect OK/Cancel
    (alarm_to_dialog): No need to make the file entry modal from here

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.glade: Turned into a GtkDialog.  Set
    the "modal" property to True for the file entry.

2003-04-07  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    Fixes #35926.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.glade: Remove contacts entry/chooser.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c: Remove contacts entry/chooser.
    (event_page_init): Remove references.
    (event_page_finalize): Ditto.
    (event_page_fill_widgets): Ditto.
    (event_page_fill_component): Ditto.
    (get_widgets): Ditto.
    (init_widgets): Ditto.
    (contacts_clicked_cb): Remove wholesale.
    (contacts_changed_cb): Ditto.

2003-04-07  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    Fixes #40876
    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_refresh_free_busy): guard against
    callbacks after destruction
    (e_meeting_time_selector_refresh_cb): ditto

2003-04-07  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.glade: create buttons properly

    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_server_send): for errors other than busy,
    we want to email the results

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_ref_categories): insert the new
    category in the category list as well
    (idle_notify_categories_changed): reset idle id

2003-04-07  Not Zed  <NotZed@Ximian.com>
    Fixes #40252
    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c: Same as below.
    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: Change the LOG macro to a
    single arg macro which copies its arg.  Fix all callers.  Change
    WARN and INFO to simply g_warning/g_message.  Init G_LOG_DOMAIN
    before including anything.
2003-04-07  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.server.in.in: Clean up server names

    * gui/alarm-notify/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_AlarmNotify.server.in.in: 

    * importers/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_Importer.server.in.in:
    Likewise. Also mark the evolution:menu_name for i18n

2003-04-07  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-attendee.[ch]: GObjectify. Eliminates ref/sink
    warnings from the meeting editor.

2003-04-06  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    Week view part of fix for #39895.

    * gui/e-week-view-main-item.c (e_week_view_main_item_draw_day):
    Use the UNFOCUSSED colour if we're not focused, rather than not
    drawing anything.

    * gui/e-week-view.c: Set up the UNFOCUSSED colour.

    * gui/e-week-view.h: Add the UNFOCUSSED colour.

2003-04-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    Fixes #40790
    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (procedure_notification_dialog):
    return based on the response code (not old button stuff)

2003-04-04  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.c (alarm_to_dialog): Make the file
    entry modal.  [#40792]
2003-04-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    Fixes #40789
    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.c (alarm_to_dalarm_widgets):
    description is a text buffer
    (alarm_to_malarm_widgets): ditto
    (dalarm_widgets_to_alarm): ditto
    (malarm_widgets_to_alarm): ditto
    (alarm_to_repeat_widgets): check repeat status correctly

2003-04-04  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (write_html): Don't free static string.

2003-04-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/cal-search-bar.c (cal_search_bar_destroy): guard against
    multiple destroy calls

2003-04-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * cal-client/cal-client.c (get_default_uri): guard against empty
    uri as well

2003-04-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    Fixes #40722
    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c (e_meeting_time_selector_destroy):
    guard against multiple destroy calls

2003-04-02  Jeffrey Stedfast  <fejj@ximian.com>

    * gui/control-factory.c (set_prop): Add a check to see if the view
    should be the day-view and change the default to be whatever
    calendar_config_get_default_view() returns. Should fix bug #39735.

    * gui/calendar-config.h: calendar_config_write() and
    calendar_config_write_on_exit() no longer exist. Removed

    * gui/control-factory.c (set_prop): g_strcasecmp() is
    deprecated. Since the values can never be anything other than all
    lowercase anyway, just use strcmp.

2003-04-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #39262
    * importers/icalendar-importer.c (load_file_fn, vcal_load_file_fn):
    use folder_type argument to determine what to import.
2003-04-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * importers/icalendar-importer.c (load_file_fn, vcal_load_file_fn):
    added "folder_type" parameter to EvolutionImporterLoadFileFn.
2003-04-02  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    Fixes #39955
    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_sentby): don't unref the the account

2003-04-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #40661
    * gui/itip-utils.c: added missing header for Forte compilation.

2003-04-01  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c (e_day_view_main_item_draw):
    Nuke GdkFont and use Pango's font measuring.

    * gui/e-day-view-time-itme.c (e_day_view_time_item_get_column_width)
    (e_day_view_time_item_draw): Ditto.

    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c (e_day_view_top_item_draw)
    (e_day_view_top_item_draw_long_event): Ditto.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_style_set)
    (e_day_view_update_main_canvas_drag): Ditto.

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c (e_meeting_time_selector_style_set)
    (e_meeting_time_selector_recalc_date_form): Ditto.

    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c (e_week_view_draw_time): Ditto.

    * gui/e-week-view-main-item.c (e_week_view_main_item_draw_day):

    * gui/e-week-view-titles-item.c (e_week_view_titles_item_draw):

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_style_set)
    (e_week_view_reshape_event_span): Ditto.

    * gui/weekday-picker.c (weekday_picker_style_set): Ditto.

2003-04-01  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    Fix for #17231 (Evo portion)
    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (comp_from_remote_record): test for
    secret flag properly

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (comp_from_remote_record):

2003-04-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * importers/icalendar-importer.c (load_file_fn, vcal_load_file_fn):
    added filename (tasks.ics/calendar.ics) to the URI if it does not
    contain it.

2003-03-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #39961

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_autopick_menu_position_callback): use the
    button's allocation to position the popup menu.

2003-03-29  Not Zed  <NotZed@Ximian.com>

    Fixes #39895

    * gui/e-day-view.h (EDayViewColors): add an unfocussed colour to
    draw the selection in when we're not focussed.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_realize): Initialise
    E_DAY_VIEW_COLOR_BG_SELECTED_UNFOCUSSED to be 1/2 saturation of
    the focussed colour.

    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c (e_day_view_main_item_draw): Use the
    UFOCUSSED colour if we aren't focussed, rather than just not
    drawing anything.

2003-03-28  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (get_servers): the shell client is a
    g_object now, ref appropriately

2003-03-28  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (comp_destroy_cb)
    (e_day_view_on_delete_appointment): Hold weak references to the
    CalComponent instead of connecting to the "destroy" signal.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (comp_destroy_cb)
    (e_week_view_on_text_item_event): Ditto.

2003-03-28  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    Fixes #39954
    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (make_recurrence_special):
    Destroy would-be children of the container before the container.

2003-03-28  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_init): init new members
    (get_current_account): get a matching account for the currently
    selected user in the combo
    (meeting_page_finalize): unref the meeting attendee if there is
    (meeting_page_fill_widgets): don't set the combo list here
    (clear_widgets): set the default organizer here and if we don't
    have an organizer, add the default organizer as an attendee
    (meeting_page_fill_component): use get_current_account
    (org_changed_cb): if this is a new meeting and the organizer
    changes, change the attendee
    (change_clicked_cb): no need to set the default here
    (init_widgets): reflect changed callback name
    (meeting_page_construct): set the combo strings here
    (popup_delete_cb): remove the organizer attendee if the user
    explicitly deletes it

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (attendee_changed_cb): set row properly

    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_to_list): skip the user themselves if
    cancelling or requesting

2003-03-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * importers/icalendar-importer.c (gnome_calendar_import_data_fn): use
    g_object_unref for CalClient's.
    (create_checkboxes_control): use g_signal_connect.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_get_load_state): return correct
    values in g_return_val_if_fail.

2003-03-26  Jack Jia <jack.jia@sun.com>

    * calendar/gui/dialogs/alarm-options.c
    (malarm_widgets_to_alarm): add a parameter(TC_CORBA_string) to
    the bonobo_widget_get_property.
2003-03-25  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c: Update for e_notice move

    * gui/tasks-control.c (confirm_expunge): Move the code that used
    to be e_gnome_dialog_set_parent here, since it was marked
    deprecated and this was the only place using it.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c: Update for e_notice move
    (page_changed_cb, page_summary_changed_cb, page_dates_changed_cb):
    Pass a parent_window to e_notice.

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c: Update for e_notice move.
    (meeting_page_fill_component, meeting_page_fill_component,
    popup_delegate_cb): Pass a parent_window to e_notice

2003-03-25  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-util.c (cal_util_parse_ics_file): Utility wrapper
    around icalparser.

    * cal-util/test-recur.c (main): Use it

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (open_cal): Likewise

    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c (open_client): Add the OpenClient to
    the hash before calling cal_client_open_calendar, since in some
    failure cases, that will call cal_opened_cb (which will free the
    oc) with a failure immediately, causing a crash if we then try to
    deref it.

2003-03-21  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    Fixes #32248
    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (comp_from_remote_record): make
    sure the due date is actually a date

2003-03-21  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    Fixes #31660
    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (rrules_mostly_equal):
    check if the rrules are equal other than until/count
    (find_last_cb): update the data with the start timet
    (local_record_from_comp): handle the case where the recurrence
    rule ends after a certain number occurrences
    (comp_from_remote_record): same

2003-03-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c
    (e_calendar_context_destroy): calcomponents are gobjects now
    (calconduit_load_configuration): ref and sink to avoid warnings

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (todoconduit_load_configuration):
    ref and sink to avoid warnings
    (e_todo_context_destroy): calcomponents are gobjects now

2003-03-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/cancel-comp.c (cancel_component_dialog): use a
    GtkMessageDialog and deal correctly with the dialog's reponses.

2003-03-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #39770

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_Send_comp): check the CORBA exception instead
    of the g_return_val_if_fail. Also, use a CORBA_Object for the value
    returned from bonobo_activation_activate_from_id.

2003-03-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * importers/ical-importer.c: removed activation of shell_client.
    (importer_destroy_cb): no need to unref shell_client.
    (connect_to_shell): removed.
    (ical_importer_new, vcal_importer_new): don't call connect_to_shell.

2003-03-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * importers/ical-importer.c (get_uri_from_folder_path): removed.
    (load_file_fn, vcal_load_file_fn): use physical_uri instead of

2003-03-19  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * importers/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_Importer.server.in.in:
    Replace "evolution:menu-name" prop with "evolution:menu_name".

2003-03-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/send-comp.c (send_component_dialog): use GtkMessageDialog
    instead of gnome_question_dialog, and deal correctly with the dialog's

2003-03-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #34505

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (remove_queued_alarm): added removal
    of the alarm itself in the calendar if the (new) argument says so.
    Also, set expecting_update flag to TRUE.
    (add_component_alarms): initialize expecting_update to FALSE.
    (remove_alarms): don't remove the component if expecting_update is
    (obj_updated_cb, notify_dialog_cb, procedure_notification): adapted
    to changes in remove_queued_alarm.
2003-03-17  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    Fixes #34095

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (append_row): Don't leak meeting attendees;
    unref the attendee after it's assigned to model.

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_destroy): Free the actual
    array of deleted attendees.

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_destroy): Free the private

    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_description): Rework free/busy information
    composer so we can free date/time information after use. Then free it.
    (itip_send_comp): Free the allocated CORBA buffer for attachment data.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c (comp_editor_contacts_to_component):
    Free the destination contacts string once we're done with it.

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (invisible_destroyed): Unref the invisible.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (invisible_destroyed): Ditto.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (invisible_destroyed): Ditto.

2003-03-17  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    Fixes #39757

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (sensitize_buttons): Somehow this code
    reverted to thinking it was dealing with a GtkCList, when in reality
    it's a GtkTreeView. Fix that, so the buttons are sensitized correctly.

2003-03-17  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    Fixes #39736

    * gui/e-day-view.c: Reduce the size of the large-digits font so it's
    en par with the one in 1.2.

2003-03-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #39740

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (is_cell_editable): check row number is valid
    before using it as index for the GPtrArray.

2003-03-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #39356

    * gui/Makefile.am:
    * gui/tasks-migrate.[ch]: removed tasks migration obsolete stuff.

    * gui/calendar-component.c (owner_set_cb): don't call tasks_migrate.

2003-03-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>
    * pcs/cal-factory.c (impl_CalFactory_uriList): set_release
    on the sequence we create.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_uri_list): don't leak the
    string sequence returned by CalFactory_uriList.

2003-03-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/query-backend.c (query_backend_new): use a weak ref instead
    of connecting to backend's "destroy" signal.
    (backend_destroyed_cb, query_destroyed_cb): changed to be weak
    reference callbacks.

2003-03-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/save-comp.c (save_component_dialog): don't use
    GNOME_STOCK_* defines, but GTK_STOCK_*.

2003-03-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/save-comp.[ch] (save_component_dialog): corrected
    button ordering and changed the return type to be a GtkResponseType.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (prompt_to_save_changes): adapted to
    changes in save_component_dialog.

2003-03-11  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-config.c (on_timezone_set): Update for timezone
    dialog API changes.

    * gui/e-timezone-entry.c: Likewise

2003-03-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_open): issue more descriptive

2003-03-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify.c (alarm_notify_add_calendar): if we
    already have the client loaded, don't remove it, just increment its
    reference count.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (remove_queued_alarm): added new
    argument to specify whether we want the component's structure removed
    if no more alarms exist, and only free the structure if TRUE.
    (remove_alarms): added same new argument and pass it over to
    (remove_comp, obj_updated_cb): passed new argument to remove_alarms.
    (procedure_notification): passed new argument to remove_queued_alarm.
    (obj_removed_cb): set all freed pointers to NULL.
    (notify_dialog_cb): only remove the alarm if the pointers are not NULL.

2003-03-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/save.c (get_calendars_to_load): create the array
    to be returned only once.

2003-03-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-queue.c (display_notification): ref the CalClient.
    (notify_dialog_cb): unref the CalClient.

2003-03-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify-dialog.[ch]
    (alarm_notify_dialog_disable_buttons): new function.
    (alarm_notify_dialog): made it return a pointer to the dialog structure.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (remove_alarms, remove_comp): splitted
    alarm removal out of remove_comp.
    (obj_updated_cb): remove the component only when needed. In normal
    updates, just update the internal structure.
    (edit_component): don't get a CompQueuedAlarms as argument, since it
    might be removed.
    (on_dialog_obj_updated_cb, on_dialog_obj_removed_cb): callbacks for
    modifications during dialog display.
    (notify_dialog_cb): disconnect from "obj_*ed" signals and call
    edit_component with the new set of arguments.
    (display_notification): added more data to the closure structure.

2003-03-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #31382

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (async_read): don't assume the buffer is
    always full, but use GNOME_VFS_ERROR_EOF instead for knowing when
    the read has finished.

2003-03-05  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/apps_evolution_calendar.schemas: fix defaults and
    descriptions to match what calendar-config wants them to be

2003-03-05  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-itip-control.c (show_current): g_objectify ref/unref

    * gui/itip-bonobo-control.c (set_data_idle_cb): as above
    (pstream_load): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.c (alarm_to_malarm_widgets): as above

2003-03-05  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-itip-control.c (class_init): override finalize, not
    (start_calendar_server): take itip as a param and gtk_main_quit if
    it gets destroyed while we are waiting for the cal client to load
    (start_default_server): ditto
    (get_servers): take itip as a param and don't load if we've been
    destroyed, check for an except when retrieving the folder list
    (init): ref the html control
    (destroy): mark ourselves as destroyed
    (finalize): clean up, unref html control
    (write_html): if the html widget has been destroyed, don't write
    anything out
    (show_current_todo): pass extra param
    (show_current): ref/unref the itip control to avoid finalization while
    we are working, pass extra param
    (button_selected_cb): pass extra param
    (object_requested_cb): ditto

2003-03-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-offline-handler.c (backend_go_offline,
    backend_go_online): cast CalClient's to GObject, not GtkObject.

2003-03-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_fill_widgets): don't
    let the user change to an email organizer if the back end is not
    an email addres
2003-03-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    Fixes #37881
    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (process_section): if the attendee is the
    empty string, try to get the email
2003-03-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-offline-handler.c (backend_cal_opened_online): set
    the backend to REMOTE mode when it opens
    (backend_go_online): prepare to set calendar mode to REMOTE
    (impl_goOnline): get all the local calendars and set to REMOTE

2003-03-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    Fixes #37881
    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (process_section): if the attendee is the
    empty string, try to get the email
2003-03-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    Fixes #37883
    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: getLdapAttribute can raise NotFound
2003-03-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    Fixes #37806, #37697
    * gui/e-itip-control.c (e_itip_control_set_data): if the text is
    null or the empty string, just clear the widget
    (init): set the html widget to initially be blank
2003-03-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * pcs/cal.c (impl_Cal_get_ldap_attribute): implement
    * pcs/cal-backend.h: add virtual method
    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_get_ldap_attribute): call
    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_class_init): overrid
    get_ldap_attribute method
    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: add getLdapAttribute method
    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (process_section): take simple card list
    as arg and try to use the ldap attribute (if any) as the attendee,
    else use the email address
    (select_names_ok_cb): get the simple card list 
    * cal-client/cal-client.h: add proto
    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_init): init ldap_attribute
    to NULL
    (cal_client_destroy): free ldap_attribute
    (cal_client_get_ldap_attribute): accessor
2003-03-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

       * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_organizer_is_user): call
       cal_client_get_cal_address instead of cal_client_get_email_address

       * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_construct): ditto

       * pcs/cal.c (impl_Cal_get_cal_address): implement updated method
       (cal_class_init): set method implementation

       * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_class_init): init get_cal_address
       virtual function
       (cal_backend_get_cal_address): call proper function

       * pcs/cal-backend.h: update proto, rename get_email_address
       virtual function to get_cal_address virtual function

       * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_class_init): match
       get_cal_address call
       (cal_backend_file_get_cal_address): rename from

       * cal-client/cal-client.c: rename email_address private member to
       (cal_client_init): init cal_address
       (cal_client_destroy): free cal_address and properly free
       (cal_client_get_cal_address): rename from
       cal_client_get_email_address and call proper corba function
2003-03-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: fix comment
2003-03-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_append_row): update FIXME
2003-03-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/dialogs/recur-comp.h: fix copyright
    * gui/dialogs/recur-comp.c: fix copyright
    (recur_component_dialog): say "recurring journal entry" instead of
    just "recurring journal"

2003-03-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
        Partially  Fixes #23606 (from Jack Jia <jack.jia@sun.com>)
    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.c (update_time): handle no end date if
    the start is date only
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (update_time): ditto
2003-03-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    Merging in 1.2 stuff
    Fixes #35598
    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c
    (task_details_page_fill_widgets): count a status of needs action
    as a status of none (not started)
    (date_changed_cb): set the option menu to a status of none
    (status_changed): no need to handle needs action status now

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.glade: remove needs-action menu

    Fixes #36763    
    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (add_clicked_cb): if no address was set
    for an email alarm, set the default
    (button_options_clicked_cb): pass the default email address

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.h (alarm_options_dialog_run): update proto

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.c (alarm_to_malarm_widgets): if there
    are no email attendees, default to the passed in value
    (alarm_options_dialog_run): take and track an email param

    * pcs/cal.c (impl_Cal_get_alarm_email_address): implement by
    calling backend method
    (cal_class_init): set alarm email address method implementation

    * pcs/cal-backend.h: add new virtual proto

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_class_init): set alarm email
    address virtual method to NULL
    (cal_backend_get_alarm_email_address): call backend method

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_class_init): set alarm
    email address method
    (cal_backend_file_get_alarm_email_address): implement by returning

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: add getAlarmEmailAddress method
    Fixes #37102
    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (set_menu_sens): don't allow task
    assignment if the backend says not to

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (fill_component): kill warning
    (preview_recur): display the recurrences in the dtstart timezone
    if possible

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (dn_query_obj_updated_cb): pass NULL to use
    default tag zone

    * gui/tag-calendar.c (tag_calendar_by_comp): allow display zone
    for the tagged calendar to be passed in
    (prepare_tag): use the passed in timezone for display if non-null

    * gui/tag-calendar.h (tag_calendar_by_comp): update proto

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (recurrence_page_set_dates): make
    sure we always update the preview

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (add_record): make sure to create a
    unique uid for the record

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (add_record): ditto

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (e_todo_context_new): init default
    comp and timezone to NULL
    (e_todo_context_destroy): unref default comp
    (pre_sync): et the default comp via the client and set the default
    (add_record): pass the default comp as the base comp

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (e_calendar_context_new):
    init default comp to NULL
    (e_calendar_context_destroy): unref default comp
    (pre_sync): get the default comp via the client
    (add_record): pass the default comp as the base comp

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (local_record_from_comp):
    only add the recurrence rule if its not an instance

    * gui/itip-control-factory.c (set_data_idle_cb): idle call back to
    set control data
    (pstream_load): set the data in an idle callback to avoid deadlock
    (get_prop): handle view_only
    (set_prop): ditto
    (itip_control_factory): add view_only

    * gui/e-itip-control.h: add protos

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (write_html): only write out the options if
    we aren't in view_only mode
    (e_itip_control_set_view_only): accessor
    (e_itip_control_get_view_only): ditto
    Fixes #36909
    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (button_options_clicked_cb): indicate
    whether the options dialog should allow repeating

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.h: update proto

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.c (alarm_to_repeat_widgets): if
    repeating is not allowed, sensitize the widgets appropriately
    (alarm_options_dialog_run): store the repeat param

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_append_row): guard against
    saving before the calendar is open

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_key_press): ditto
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (page_changed_cb): change warning
    dialog to not mention email
    (page_summary_changed_cb): ditto
    (page_dates_changed_cb): ditto

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_organizer_is_user): make the compare case

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_fill_widgets): don't
    allow the organizer to be changed if its not an email address

    * gui/e-day-view.c, calendar-model.c, e-week-view.c,
    task-editor.c, event-editor.c, comp-editor.c, meeting-page.c: pass
    additional param

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_organizer_is_user): take client as param,
    and if organizer-not-email-address and email address and organizer
    match, assume the user is the organizer

    * gui/itip-utils.h: update proto

    * pcs/cal.c (build_fb_seq): set the max

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c
    (e_meeting_model_add_attendee_with_defaults): correct typo and set
    rsvp appropriately

    * gui/dialogs/send-comp.c (send_component_dialog): if save
    schedules, return FALSE for now

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (sensitize_recur_widgets):
    de-sensitize the preview widget if we are viewing an instance
    (preview_recur): return if the comp is an instance

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.glade: name the show time frame

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (event_page_fill_widgets) 
    (event_page_init): init show time frame
    (event_page_fill_widgets): hide/show frame as needed
    (get_widgets): get the frame

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (mail_notification): kill mail
    notification code

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (load_static_capabilities): grab static
    capabilities string
    (check_capability): see if a capability is in the string
    (cal_client_get_one_alarm_only): accessor
    (cal_client_get_organizer_must_attend): use check_capability
    (cal_client_get_static_capability): ditto

    * cal-client/cal-client.h: new, changed protos

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: change over getSchedulingInformation
    to a more general getStaticCapabilities call

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c
    (cal_backend_file_get_static_capabilities): return

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_get_static_capabilities): ditto

    * pcs/cal-backend.h: ditto

    * pcs/cal.c (impl_Cal_get_static_capabilities): ditto

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (get_default_address): utility
    routine to snag address info

    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am: build composer idl

    * *.c: pass client param for send an cancel params
    * gui/dialogs/send-comp.c (send_component_dialog): take client as
    a parm and if save schedules return true right away

    * gui/dialogs/send-comp.h: update proto

    * gui/dialogs/cancel-comp.c (cancel_component_dialog): take client
    as a param and if we are deleting and schedule saves, return true
    right away

    * gui/dialogs/cancel-comp.h (cancel_component_dialog): update proto

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.glade: add Send To: button

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.c (addressbook_clicked_cb): display
    (setup_select_names): attach above to Send To: button clicked

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.c (get_widgets): get mail alarm
    (setup_select_names): add the select names widget
    (alarm_to_malarm_widgets): show the attendees and description
    (alarm_to_dialog): set the title for mail alarms properly
    (malarm_widgets_to_alarm): save attendees and descriptions in
    (alarm_options_dialog_run): call setup_select_names

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c: add email to alarm types

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.glade: add mail alarm widgets

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.glade: add email to alarm types

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (scan_attendee): kill unnecessary
    CalComponent param
    (scan_property): don't pass same
    (set_attendee_list): take an icalcomp instead of a CalComponent
    (cal_component_set_attendee_list): pass same
    (scan_alarm_property): if its an attendee, scan it
    (make_alarm): set attendee_list member to null
    (cal_component_alarm_new): ditto
    (cal_component_alarm_free): free attendee list
    (cal_component_alarm_get_attendee_list): return attendee list
    (cal_component_alarm_set_attendee_list): set attendee list
    (cal_component_alarm_has_attendees): return true if alarm has attendees

    * cal-util/cal-component.h: new protos

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_append_row): use

    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c (get_default_task): ditto

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_new_task): ditto

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_new_task): ditto

    * gui/comp-util.h (cal_comp_task_new_with_defaults): new proto

    * gui/comp-util.c (cal_comp_task_new_with_defaults): new utility

    * cal-util/cal-util.c (generate_absolute_triggers): skip omitted
    alarm types
    (add_alarm_occurrences_cb): ditto
    (cal_util_generate_alarms_for_list): take/pass omit param
    (cal_util_generate_alarms_for_comp): ditto

    * cal-util/cal-util.h: update protos

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_get_alarms_for_object):
    add omit param
    (cal_backend_file_get_alarms_in_range): ditto

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_get_scheduling_information):
    remove dead param

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.h: delete proto

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c: remove dead routine

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_edit_comp): we don't
    need to add the organizer as an attendee ourselves, just set the
    edit level properly

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_edit_comp): ditto

    * gui/comp-util.c (cal_comp_event_new_with_defaults): take client
    as arg so we can obtain the default from the backend
    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c (get_default_event): pass
    cal_comp_event_new_with_defaults the new param

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_new_appointment_for): ditto

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_key_press): ditto

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_key_press): ditto

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_append_row): ditto

    * gui/comp-util.h (cal_comp_event_new_with_defaults): update proto

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_get_default_object):
    return appropriate default object

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_get_default_object): call
    get_default_backend class method

    * pcs/cal-backend.h: add proto

    * pcs/cal.c (impl_Cal_get_default_object): implement
    (cal_class_init): set handler for getDefaultObject call

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: remove always schedule from
    SchedulingInformation and add getDefaultObject call

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_get_default_object): gets a
    default object from the server
    (cal_client_init): remove always_schedule
    (load_scheduling_info): ditto

    * cal-client/cal-client.h: add a proto, delete a proto

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (right_click_cb): if the attendee is
    not fully editable, don't allow deletion
    (meeting_page_construct): keep the default organizer as an itip
    (meeting_page_get_default_organizer): return the default organizer

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.h: new proto

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_edit_comp): we set
    appropriate edit levels now for users and if the backend always
    schedules we always show the meeting pages and add the organizer
    as an attendee

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_edit_comp): same

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (is_cell_editable): use the edit level of
    the attendee to determine if cell is editable
    (init): we no longer keep the attendee list of restricted

    * gui/e-meeting-attendee.c (e_meeting_attendee_get_edit_level): accessor
    (e_meeting_attendee_set_edit_level): ditto

    * gui/e-meeting-attendee.h: new protos and edit level enum

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (load_scheduling_info): load the
    scheduling info
    (cal_client_get_always_schedule): accessor
    (cal_client_get_organizer_must_attend): ditto
    (cal_client_get_save_schedules): ditto
    (cal_client_init): init scheduling data members

    * cal-client/cal-client.h: accessors for scheduling information

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c
    (cal_backend_file_get_scheduling_information): implement the new
    virtual method

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_get_scheduling_information): call
    the class specific method

    * pcs/cal-backend.h: add virtual method

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: add a getSchedulingInformation call
    which describes how the backend does its scheduling

    * pcs/cal.c (impl_Cal_get_scheduling_information): implement above

    * gui/e-day-view.c: pass NULL as parent to recur dialog

    * gui/e-week-view.c: ditto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (prompt_to_save_changes): show recur
    dialog after prompting, not before
    (save_cmd): ditto
    (save_close_cmd): ditto
    (real_edit_comp): don't show recur dialog before opening

    * gui/dialogs/recur-comp.h (recur_component_dialog): update proto

    * gui/dialogs/recur-comp.c (recur_component_dialog): take a parent
    argument and set the dialog parent if non-null
    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_day_view_on_editing_stopped): Don't update
    appointment if both the old and the new summary texts are empty.
    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_show_popup_menu): mask out "make
    moveable" if its an instance

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_event_right_click): ditto

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_editing_stopped): if its
    an instance, show the recur comp dialog and modify it based on the
    response (or not if cancel is hit)

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_finish_long_event_resize): if its
    an instance, show the recur comp dialog and modify it based on the
    response (or not if cancel is hit)
    (e_day_view_finish_resize): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_editing_stopped): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_top_canvas_drag_data_received): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_drag_data_received): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (real_edit_comp): reflect changes in
    proto of recur_component_dialog

    * gui/dialogs/recur-comp.c (recur_component_dialog): use ok/cancel
    instead and radio buttons for the mod type

    * gui/dialogs/recur-comp.h: update proto

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_long_event_click): allow
    dragging if its an instance
    (e_day_view_on_event_click): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_top_canvas_motion): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_motion): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (save_comp): if its an instance,
    update with the mod type
    (real_edit_comp): ask the user what instances they want to change

    * gui/dialogs/recur-comp.[hc]: new dialog to ask user what
    recurrences to modify

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: Compile new files
    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_delete_occurrence): if its an
    instance, just remove with THIS mod

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_delete_occurrence): ditto
    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_remove_object_with_mod):
    send the mod parameter to the backend
    (cal_client_remove_object): implement with above
    (cal_client_update_object_with_mod): send the mod parameter to the
    (cal_client_update_object): implement with above

    * cal-client/cal-client.h: new protos

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_is_read_only): return
    booleans in the pre conditions
    (cal_client_update_object): pass mod param
    (cal_client_update_objects): ditto
    (cal_client_remove_object): ditto
    (cal_client_ensure_timezone_on_server): ditto

    * pcs/cal.c (impl_Cal_update_objects): take mod param
    (impl_Cal_remove_object): ditto

    * pcs/cal-backend.h: fix protos

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_update_objects): take mod param
    (cal_backend_remove_object): ditto

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_update_objects): take
    mod param
    (cal_backend_file_remove_object): ditto

    * cal-util/cal-util.h: add mod enum

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (cal_recur_generate_instances_of_rule): if
    its an instance, just report the instance

    * cal-util/cal-component.h: new protos

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_is_instance): indicate
    whether the component is an instance or not
    (cal_component_free_range): free a range

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: get remove and update to take mod

2003-03-03  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c
    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c
    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c
    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.c
    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c
    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (get_widgets): gtk_widget_unparent() ->
    gtk_container_remove(). The former caused crashes in the
    addressbook's name-selector.

2003-03-01  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * Makefile.am: Do importers after the other dirs, as it relies on
    generated files from there. This is still not optimal... Should
    probably introduce dependencies.

2003-02-28  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * importers/Makefile.am: Shlibify.

    * importers/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_Importer.server.in.in:

    * importers/icalendar-importer.c: Add necessary includes.
    (importer_destroy_cb): This is now a GWeakNotify func. gtk_ -> g_.
    (gnome_calendar_importer_destroy_cb): Destroy signal -> weak ref.

    * importers/main.c: Add necessary includes. Shlibify.

2003-02-28  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: build libcal-dialogs as an uninstalled
    shared library
    ($(IDL_GENERATED_H), etc): Only generate
    Evolution-Addressbook-SelectNames.h, not the corresponding .c
    files, or we'll get duplicate symbol errors trying to link this
    into libevolution_calendar.la

    * gui/Makefile.am (libevolution_calendar_la_LIBADD): Update for
    that (and eliminate libtool portability warnings)

2003-02-28  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): Add importers/.

    * importers/Makefile.am (server_in_files)
    (server_DATA): Insert $(libexecdir).

    * importers/icalendar-importer.c (connect_to_shell):
    oaf_activate_from_id() -> bonobo_activation_activate_from_id().
    (load_vcalendar_file): U_() -> _().

    * importers/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_Importer.server.in:
    Renamed to corresponding .in.in.

2003-02-28  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am (libevolution_calendar_la_LIBADD): Remove
    libalarm.a, which was not being used by the calendar.

    * gui/main.c: Remove unneeded alarm.h include.

    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am (noinst_LIBRARIES): Stop building
    (evolution_alarm_notify_SOURCES): Add alarm.c, alarm.h
    (evolution_alarm_notify_LDADD): Remove libalarm.a

2003-02-27  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am: link to versist libtool object

    * conduits/calendar/Makefile.am: ditto
2003-02-26  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    This makes alarm notification work.

    * gui/alarm-notify/notify-main.c (main): Initialize GTK. Don't
    initialize bonobo activation - bonobo_init() does that for us.

2003-02-26  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    This makes creating appointments and tasks from the "New" button work.

    * gui/main.c (comp_editor_factory_fn): Doesn't need to take any args.
    (factory): Add a handler for CompEditorFactory.

2003-02-26  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    Fixes Ximian #37895.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_destroy): g_object_unref () ->
    pango_font_description_free ().
    (e_day_view_style_set): Ditto.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_destroy): Ditto.

2003-02-26  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    Fixes Ximian #38306.

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (clean_up): Do nothing if the private structure
    has been freed. Don't call non-g_free() freers with NULL pointers.
    (destroy): Do nothing if the private structure has been freed. Clear
    pointers to freed blocks.

2003-02-25  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/print.c (print_calendar): Use fixed margins of 5% of page
    width/height. This is the same cheat as gtkhtml employs to get
    around the fact that GNOME_PRINT_KEY_PAGE_MARGIN_* don't return
    useful values (I think). It sort of sucks, but is better than
    no margins at all.
    (print_comp): Ditto.

2003-02-25  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-config.c (calendar_config_get_default_view): Get
    default view from correct key.

2003-02-25  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.c (get_widgets): Show start/end-of-day
2003-02-23  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_is_read_only): Don't warn
    if calendar isn't loaded... Doesn't seem to hurt, but this should
    probably be investigated further.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c (comp_editor_contacts_to_widget):
    If we have no contacts, don't bother trying to set them in the
    widget. Used to pass a NULL list, which would lead to much anxiety
    in callees.

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_fill_widgets):
    If we have no potential organizers, emit a sensible warning.

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (init_widgets): Don't try to connect to
    the "changed" signal of the GtkTextView -- we listen to the
    GtkTextBuffer now.

2003-02-20  Not Zed  <NotZed@Ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (destroy): dont unref accounts anymore.
    (change_status): itipAddress -> EAccount.

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_destroy): dont unref
    accounts anymore.
    (calendar_model_value_at): simplify logic using account_list_find.

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_edit_comp): use new
    itip_addresses interfaces.

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_construct): use new
    itip_addresses_* interfaces.  Should probably be using e_account
    (meeting_page_finalize): dont unref the accounts list.

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_edit_comp): dont unref
    accounts anymore.

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_addresses_get_default): Just use
    (itip_addresses_get): dont ref the account object, just keep 1 ref
    to it.
    (find_account): remove.
    (itip_organizer_is_user): use e_account_list_find now.
    (itip_sentby_is_user): "
    (comp_limit_attendees): "

2003-02-19  Not Zed  <NotZed@Ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c: addresses->accounts
    (meeting_page_finalize): unref accounts.

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c: Use EAccountList api's

    * pcs/cal-backend-util.c (cal_backend_mail_account_get): Removed,
    use a global EAccountList instead.
    (cal_backend_mail_account_get_default): Use the global
    EAccountList directly.
    (cal_backend_mail_account_is_valid): And here too.

    * gui/itip-utils.h: Removed ItipAddress structure.

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_addresses_get): Change it to return a
    global account object, so we dont need to duplicate all account
    info in the calendar.
    (itip_addresses_free, itip_address_free): Removed, use
    (itip_addresses_get_default): Return an EAccount.
    (find_account): helper to lookup accounts based on name/address.
    (itip_organizer_is_user): Use helper to find account.
    (itip_sentby_is_user): "
    (comp_limit_attendees): "
    (comp_sentby): Update to use an EAccount direclty.
    (get_address): Removed, now redundant.

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: Changed priv->addresses to be accounts
    (destroy): unref accounts.
    (find_my_address): Change to use accounts list directly, also fix
    a small potential memleak.

    * gui/calendar-model.c: Change priv->addresses to be a direct
    reference to an EAccountList, renamed priv->accounts.
    (calendar_model_destroy): unref accounts.
    (calendar_model_value_at): Use EAccountList directly to lookup

    * gui/calendar-config.c (calendar_config_get_timezone)
    (calendar_config_set_timezone): Fix timezone key.
    (calendar_config_get_24_hour_format): Same for 24 hour format key.
    (calendar_config_set_24_hour_format): And here.
    (calendar_config_get_week_start_day): "
    (calendar_config_set_week_start_day): "
    (calendar_config_get_day_start_hour): "
    (calendar_config_set_day_start_hour): "
    (calendar_config_get_day_start_minute): "
    (calendar_config_set_day_start_minute): "
    (calendar_config_get_day_end_hour): "
    (calendar_config_set_day_end_hour): "
    (calendar_config_get_hpane_pos, calendar_config_set_hpane_pos)
    (calendar_config_get_vpane_pos, calendar_config_set_vpane_pos)
    (calendar_config_default_tasks_folder): Update config paths for
    new config convention, etc.

    * gui/alarm-notify/save.c (KEY_LAST_NOTIFICATION_TIME, etc):
    Updated keys to lowercase/proper path.
    (save_calendars_to_load): Store the calendars list as a gconf
    (get_calendars_to_load): Load the calendars list as a gconf list.
    (save_blessed_program): Similar, for the blessed program list.
    (is_blessed_program): Same here.

    * gui/alarm-notify/config-data.c (config_data_get_timezone): Update
    the path to the timezone key.
    (config_data_get_24_hour_format): Fix path to config option.

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (get_default_timezone): lower-case
    the timezone key.

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (get_default_timezone):
    lower-case the timezone key.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (get_default_uri): Use the proper path
    to get the default folder uri's.

2003-02-23  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (backend_died_cb): Appease the compiler.
    (gnome_calendar_update_paned_quanta): Don't actually try to set
    the quantum properties. The quantum code should probably go away
    entirely now that the panes update during resize, but let's keep
    it around for a bit more.

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_construct): Ref & sink
    the pages.

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_construct): Ref & sink
    the pages.

2003-02-23  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/cal-search-bar.c (make_suboptions): Eliminate
    e_utf8_to_gtk_string ().

    * gui/e-timezone-entry.c (e_timezone_entry_get_display_name):

    * gui/calendar-model.c (date_value_to_string):
    e_utf8_from_locale_string () -> g_locale_to_utf8 ().
    (calendar_model_value_to_string): Ditto.

    * gui/e-cell-date-edit-text.c (ecd_get_text): Ditto.

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (write_label_piece): Ditto.

    * gui/print.c (format_date): Ditto.
    (print_week_view_background): Ditto.
    (print_month_summary): Ditto.
    (print_date_label): Ditto.
    (print_comp_item): Ditto.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify-dialog.c (write_html_heading):

2003-02-22  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c (get_widgets): Show the custom
    widgets, since libglade appears to not want to do that.

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (clear_widgets): Make the description
    field use a GtkTextView.
    (task_page_fill_widgets): Ditto.
    (task_page_fill_component): Ditto.
    (init_widgets): Ditto.
    (get_widgets): Show the custom widgets, since libglade doesn't do it.

2003-02-22  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_unref_categories): Add an
    iteration statement. Fixes hang in wombat.

2003-02-22  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/apps_evolution_calendar.schemas: Commit fixes from
    Grzegorz Goawski <grzegol@pld.org.pl>.

2003-02-21  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_class_init): GObject, not
    (calendar_model_destroy): -> calendar_model_finalize ().

    * gui/calendar-view.c (calendar_view_class_init): GObject, not
    (calendar_view_destroy): -> calendar_view_finalize ().

    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c (comp_editor_factory_class_init):
    GObject, not GtkObject.
    (comp_editor_factory_destroy): -> comp_editor_factory_finalize ().

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_long_event_button_press):
    gtk_signal_disconnect () -> g_signal_handler_disconnect ().
    (e_day_view_on_event_button_press): Ditto.
    (e_day_view_on_long_event_click): Ditto.
    (e_day_view_on_event_click): Ditto.
    (e_day_view_on_event_double_click): Ditto.
    (e_day_view_on_delete_appointment): Ditto.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_text_item_event):
    gtk_signal_disconnect () -> g_signal_handler_disconnect ().

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify.c (AlarmNotify_RemoveCalendar):
    Don't cast to GtkObject.

2003-02-21  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/Makefile.am (libcal_client_la_LIBADD): depend on
    libcal-util, libwombat, and libeutil
    (client_test_LDADD): Remove those deps from here

    * cal-util/Makefile.am (libcal_util_la_LIBADD): depend on
    (test_recur_LDADD): Remove that dependency here (and an ancient
    libversit dependency).

    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am (evolution_alarm_notify_LDADD):
    remove some deps

    * gui/Makefile.am (libevolution_calendar_la_LIBADD): Likewise.

2003-02-20  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/apps_evolution_calendar.schemas: Add GConf schemas.

    * gui/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Dist GConf schemas.
    (install-data-local): Install GConf schemas.

2003-02-20  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am (libevolution_calendar_la_LIBADD):
    s/libemiscwidgets.a/libemiscwidgets.la/ and likewise for

2003-02-19  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * pcs/Makefile.am: Split $(CORBA_GENERATED_H) rule from the
    $(CORBA_GENERATED_C) rule to that it autogens properly when using
    parallel makes.
    * cal-client/Makefile.am: Likewise.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_setup_view_menus): Fix path to
    the calendar's GAL Views directory.  [Pointed out by Grzegorz

2003-02-11  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    Enable printing for calendar and tasks.

    * gui/print.c: Set default font to be "Sans". Store the PrintConfig
    globally instead of PaperInfo (which doesn't exist anymore).
    (get_font_for_size): Don't use
    gnome_font_face_find_closest_from_weight_slant() anymore, since
    it's broken. Instead, use gnome_font_face_find() and put bold- and
    italicness in the name to look for. Descenders can now be negative,
    so have to take the absolute value to get font height.
    (print_comp): Use global, persistent print configuration.
    GnomePrintDialog is now a GtkDialog. Remove manual configuration
    parameter shuffling. Set up page using new methods.
    (print_calendar): Like print_comp(). For month view, force landscape
    mode by temporarily setting it in the config, and remove the old hack.
    (print_setup): Port. I'm not sure this works, but at least it
    compiles now. How do I test this code path?
    (print_day_view): Pass NULL for page denominator.
    (print_week_view): Ditto.
    (print_month_view): Ditto.
    (print_year_view): Ditto.
    (print_comp_item): Add missing gnome_print_beginpage(). How did this
    work before?

    * gui/tasks-control.c: Store the PrintConfig globally instead of
    passing individual parameters every time. Persistent too.
    (print_title): Look for "Sans Bold" instead of "Times" with
    GNOME_FONT_BOLD property. Don't use find_closest_from_weight_slant().
    (print_tasks): Set up page using new methods. GnomePrintMaster ->
    GnomePrintJob. Get params from global config instead of args.
    (tasks_control_print_cmd): Use global, persistent print configuration.
    Remove manual portrait/landscape hack. GnomePrintDialog is now a
    GtkDialog. Set params in global config instead of passing them to
    (tasks_control_print_preview_cmd): print_tasks() now takes fewer

2003-02-11  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c (e_meeting_time_selector_construct):
    Don't use gtk_scrolled_window_set_scrollbar_spacing() anymore.

2003-02-10  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (save): Don't try to make an error string
    from an uninitialized GnomeVFSResult.

2003-02-10  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am: Make the CORBA IDL compilation work with
    parallel makes.
    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: Likewise.
    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am: Likewise.

2003-02-07  Rodney Dawes  <dobey@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_AlarmNotify.server.in:
    remove this file, as it's generated now
    * gui/alarm-notify/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_AlarmNotify.server.in.in:
    Add this file to generate the .server.in from, with hardcoded path
    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am: Hardcode path in server file
2003-02-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>
    Fixes #37706

    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c (cal_opened_cb): added PERMISSION_DENIED
    case for not ending process on g_assert_not_reached.

2003-02-06  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view-time-item.c
    (e_day_view_time_item_show_popup_menu): Use
    e_auto_kill_popup_menu_on_selection_done() instead of
    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (right_click_cb): Likewise.

2003-02-06  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (make_timezone_entry): show the widget
    before returning it.

    * importers/main.c (main): s/PACKAGE/GETTEXT_PACKAGE/ in gettext

2003-02-05  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Remove cruft. Rename ICONSDIR to
    (gladedir, etspecdir, serverdir): Remove definitions
    (libevolution_calendar_la_LDFLAGS): Remove -export-dynamic, add
    * gui/calendar-config.c: #include <string.h>

    * gui/calendar-component.c (add_creatable_item):

    * gui/comp-util.c: #include <string.h>

    * gui/e-alarm-list.c: #include e-time-utils.h
    (row_deleted): Remove unused variable.
    (e_alarm_list_append): Likewise.

    * gui/e-date-time-list.c: #include e-time-utils.h, timeutil.h,
    (row_deleted): Remove unused variable
    (e_date_time_list_append): Likewise.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_unrealize): Remove unused var
    (e_day_view_style_set): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_set_event_font_cb): Likewise.

    * gui/e-day-view-time-item.c: #include <string.h>
    (e_day_view_time_item_get_column_width): Remove unused variable.

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: #include <unistd.h>
    (url_requested_cb): s/ICONSDIR/IMAGESDIR/

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_unrealize): Remove unused variable
    (e_week_view_style_set): Likewise

    * gui/e-week-view-titles-item.c: #include string.h
    * gui/itip-bonobo-control.c: Likewise
    * gui/print.c: Likewise

    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am: Use privlibexecdir.
    (INCLUDES): Remove cruft.
    (gladedir, serversdir): Remove definitions
    (evolution_alarm_notify_LDFLAGS): Remove no-longer-needed

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify-dialog.c (write_html_heading):

    * gui/alarm-notify/notify-main.c (main): Fix up gettext

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Remove cruft. Rename
    (gladedir, etspecdir): Remove definitions

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c: #include gtktreeselection.h and
    (append_reminder): Remove unused variable.
    (alarm_page_fill_component): Likewise.
    (alarm_page_set_summary): Likewise.
    (delete_clicked_cb): Likewise.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (make_icon_from_comp):

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c: #include <string.h>

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_construct): Remove
    unused variable.
    (meeting_page_fill_widgets): Likewise

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c: #include gtktreeselection.h and
    (append_exception): Remove unused variable
    (fill_component): Likewise
    (recurrence_page_set_summary): Likewise.
    (exception_delete_cb): Likewise

    * cal-client/Makefile.am (libcal_clientincludedir): Define in
    terms of privincludedir

    * cal-client/client-test.c (main): Fix up gettext initialization

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_construct): Likewise

    * cal-util/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Remove cruft.
    (libcal_utilincludedir): Define in terms of privincludedir

    * pcs/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Remove cruft.
    (pcsincludedir): Define in terms of privincludedir

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_finalize): Remove
    unused variable

    * importers/Makefile.am: Update this some although it's not
    currently being built

2003-02-05  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/notify-main.c (main):

    * gui/calendar-offline-handler.c: s/BonoboXObject/BonoboObject/

    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c: Likewise

2003-02-05  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (cal_recur_nth): array of localized month
    day names ("1st" - "31st")

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (make_recur_month_num_submenu,
    make_recur_month_num_menu, month_num_menu_selection_done_cb): Use
    the new cal_recur_nth[] array. The way this was done before didn't
    localize properly.

    From evolution-1-2-branch:

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (write_recurrence_piece): Describe
    recurrences, if we can. #30993
    (set_date_label): If the meeting has recurrences, call
    write_recurrence_piece after writing the start and end dates.
    (write_label_piece): Wrap the timezone in <font size=-1> to
    de-emphasize it a bit and try to keep the timestamp on a single
    line even with big Outlook timezone names. Add an option to show
    just the date, for describing the end of recurrences (since the
    time in the UNTIL is the *beginning* of the last instance, which
    would confuse people).
    (update_item): Set the VCALENDAR's METHOD.
    (ok_clicked_cb): Use update_item, not remove_item, to process a
    cancelation. Part of #33875.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_cancel_object): New,
    handle an ICAL_METHOD_CANCEL update.
    (cal_backend_file_update_objects): Call
    cal_backend_file_update_object or cal_backend_file_cancel_object
    as appropriate.

2003-02-04  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
    Rename to e_meeting_time_selector_on_invite_others_button_expose()
    and handle "expose-event" instead of "draw".
    (e_meeting_time_selector_construct): The "draw" signal doesn't exist
    anymore - connect to "expose-event" instead.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (clear_widgets): Clear the GtkTextBuffer
    for the description.
    (event_page_fill_widgets): Use the GtkTextBuffer.
    (event_page_fill_component): Use the GtkTextBuffer.
    (init_widgets): Create a GtkTextBuffer for the GtkTextView. Set word
    wrap. Connect to the "changed" signal of the model instead of the view.

2003-02-04  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel-item.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_item_paint_day_top): Use PangoLayout to
    draw text.

2003-02-02  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_set_event_font_cb): Skip setting the
    "font_gdk" arg for now.
    (e_day_view_update_main_canvas_drag): Ditto.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_style_set): Ditto.

    * gui/weekday-picker.c (configure_items): Ditto.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (get_widgets): Show custom widgets
    manually, since the visibility specified in the Glade XML appears
    to not have any effect.

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (get_widgets): Ditto.

2003-01-30 Ronald Kuetemeier <ronald@kuetemeier.com>

    Fixes #35572

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c: set saved_notification_time to last
    notification time when we update the config to last notification, so
    alarms will not get trigged again if a new calendar window is opened.

2003-01-26  Chris Toshok  <toshok@ximian.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c: CalClient and CalComponent are

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: same.

2003-01-26  Chris Toshok  <toshok@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (start_calendar_server):
    fix warning.
    (get_default_timezone): BonoboConfigDatabase -> e_config_listener.
    (accept_all_cookies): remove.
    (conduit_get_gpilot_conduit): remove the oaf initialization stuff.

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (start_calendar_server):
    fix warning.
    (get_default_timezone): BonoboConfigDatabase -> e_config_listener.
    (accept_all_cookies): remove.
    (conduit_get_gpilot_conduit): remove the oaf initialization stuff.

    * Makefile.am (CONDUIT_DIR): uncomment the conduit stuff.

2003-01-26  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    Make clicks, drags and resizes work, and pangoize remaining strings.
    Fix EText placement.

    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c (e_day_view_top_item_draw_long_event):
    Use Pango.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_top_canvas_button_press):
    Don't add scroll offset, it's already factored in.
    (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_button_press): Ditto.
    (e_day_view_on_top_canvas_motion): Ditto.
    (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_motion): Ditto.
    (e_day_view_reshape_long_event): Don't set the "font_gdk" property.
    Its non-existence will prevent the other properties from being set as
    (e_day_view_reshape_day_event): Ditto.
    (e_day_view_update_top_canvas_drag): Ditto.
    (e_day_view_start_editing_event): ETextEventProcessor is a GObject
    now. So use g_signal_stuff.
    (e_day_view_check_auto_scroll): Factor out scroll offset before
    checking the pointer's position relative to widget.
    (e_day_view_auto_scroll_handler): Don't freeze the canvas when
    scrolling - it will fail to update the canvas. If this is not
    intended behaviour, it's a bug in the canvas, I think.
    (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_drag_motion): Factor in the scroll offset
    before checking for auto-scroll, since the function requires this.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_reshape_event_span): Don't set the
    "font_gdk" property. Its non-existence will prevent the other
    properties from being set as well.
    (e_week_view_start_editing_event): ETextEventProcessor is a GObject
    now. So use g_signal_stuff.

2003-01-25  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    Mainly making all views use PangoLayouts for text. When drawing a
    PangoLayout, the draw offset is the top left corner of the layout,
    not the text's baseline. Keep this in mind when viewing the
    changes. I'll be brief about the exact changes, since they speak
    better for themselves.

    * gui/e-day-view-time-item.c (e_day_view_time_item_get_column_width):
    Use Pango.
    (e_day_view_time_item_draw): Use Pango.

    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c (e_day_view_top_item_draw): Use Pango.
    (e_day_view_top_item_draw_long_event): Add some FIXME text so we can
    see when this is being used. Is it in use at all?

    * gui/e-day-view.c: No longer specify an explicit X font string for
    the large font. Use the main font, and change the point size.
    (e_day_view_init): Use Pango.
    (e_day_view_style_set): Use Pango. Comment out the gdk_font setting
    for the drag text items for now.

    * gui/e-day-view.h: Use Pango.

    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c (e_week_view_draw_time): Use Pango.

    * gui/e-week-view-main-item.c (e_week_view_main_item_draw_day):
    Use Pango.

    * gui/e-week-view-titles-item.c (e_week_view_titles_item_draw):
    Use Pango.

    * gui/e-week-view.c: No longer specify an explicit X font string for
    the small font. Use the main font, and change the point size.
    (e_week_view_init): Use Pango.
    (e_week_view_destroy): Use Pango.
    (get_string_width): Implemented for convenience.
    (get_digit_width): Implemented for convenience.
    (e_week_view_style_set): Use Pango.
    (e_week_view_recalc_cell_sizes): Use Pango.
    (e_week_view_get_time_string_width): Use Pango.

    * gui/e-week-view.h: Use Pango.

    Following are some random UTF-8 fixes and a crash fix.

    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_description): Use g_locale_to_utf8 ().

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (make_title_from_comp): Return a
    UTF-8 string.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (alarm_page_set_summary): Pass UTF-8
    directly to GTK.

    * gui/dialogs/delete-comp.c (delete_component_dialog): Ditto.

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_fill_widgets): Ditto.
    (meeting_page_construct): Ditto.

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (recurrence_page_set_summary): Ditto.

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_finalize): Fix crash caused
    by gtk_object_destroy()-ing a non-GtkObject.

2003-01-24  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_editing_stopped): Don't insist
    appointment is updated if both old and new summary are blank.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_editing_stopped): Ditto.

    * gui/e-timezone-entry.c (on_button_clicked): Timezone dialog is now
    a GtkDialog. Treat it as such.

    * gui/goto.c (ecal_event): Goto dialog is now a GtkDialog. Treat it
    as such.
    (goto_dialog): Ditto.

    * gui/goto-dialog.glade: Set the return IDs from the dialog buttons.

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (popup_delegate_cb): Enable the delegate
    dialog. It's now a GtkDialog, so treat it like one.
    (right_click_cb): Use GTK stock item, not GNOME (that doesn't work

    * gui/e-delegate-dialog.glade: Set the return IDs from dialog buttons.

    * gui/print.c (print_calendar): Correct the print dialog init. Code
    is still not enabled, though.

    * gui/tasks-control.c (print_tasks): Add a warning about printing
    being disabled.

2003-01-24  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am (iconsdir): Remove, this is now defined
    in configure.in.

    * gui/Makefile.am (iconsdir): Remove; this is now defined in

    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am (iconsdir): Remove; this is now
    defined in configure.in.

2003-01-23  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (get_widgets): GTK_OBJECT -> G_OBJECT cast.
    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (get_widgets): Ditto.

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (get_widgets): Ditto.

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (get_widgets): Ditto.

    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.c (get_widget): Ditto.

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c (get_widget): Ditto.

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (get_widget): Ditto.

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c (e_meeting_time_selector_construct): Add a
    FIXME comment to think about.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_merge_ui): Add a terminating
    NULL to the concatenation.

2003-01-23  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    Fixes some trivial, but distracting, warnings.

    * gui/calendar-config.c (on_timezone_set): Fix constness.

    * gui/e-timezone-entry.c (on_button_clicked): Fix constness.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (contacts_changed_cb): Fix constness.

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (contacts_changed_cb): Fix constness.

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (start_default_server): Cast callback with
    G_CALLBACK ().

    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.c (init_widgets): Cast callback with
    G_CALLBACK ().

    * gui/calendar-offline-handler.c (impl_dispose): Takes GObject,
    not GtkObject.
    (impl_finalize): Ditto.

    * gui/calendar-view.c (calendar_view_edit): Now takes parent window
    as second arg.

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (select_names_ok_cb): Fix constness.
    (get_select_name_dialog): Cast callback to BonoboListenerCallbackFn.

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_options_menu_position_callback): Add the
    push_in arg to arg list. This was crash-prone before.
    (e_meeting_time_selector_autopick_menu_position_callback): Ditto.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify-dialog.c: Include e-unicode.h.

2003-01-23  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am (componentdir): Removed definition; this is now
    defined in configure.in.

2003-01-22  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_ref_categories): Do not put the
    category in both the changed_categories and the categories hashes;
    fixes a double-free when finalizing the CalBackend.

2003-01-22  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_setup_view_menus): Use

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_setup_view_menus): Use

    * cal-util/Makefile.am: Install libcal-util.la in $(privlibdir)
    instead of $(libdir).

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (setup_widgets): Get
    evolution-comp-editor.xml from EVOLUTION_UIDIR.
    (comp_editor_merge_ui): Get the file in EVOLUTION_UIDIR.

    * gui/tasks-control.c (tasks_control_activate): Get
    evolution-tasks.xml from EVOLUTION_UI_DIRECTORY.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_control_activate): Get
    evolution-calendar.xml from EVOLUTION_UI_DIRECTORY.

    * pcs/Makefile.am (pcsincludedir): Version using $(BASE_VERSION).

    * importers/Makefile.am: Install evolution-calendar-importer in
    (sounddir): Remove.

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am (iconsdir): Version using
    (gladedir): Likewise.
    (etspecdir): Likewise.

    * gui/Makefile.am (help_base): Remove.
    (install-data-local): Do not make the $(help_base)/C directory.
    (etspecdir): Version using $(BASE_VERSION).
    (gladedir): Likewise.
    (iconsdir): Likewise.
    (INCLUDES): Update the EVOLUTION_IMAGESDIR define to be versioned,

    * cal-util/Makefile.am: Install evolution-alarm-notify in

    * cal-util/Makefile.am (libcal_utilincludedir): Version using
    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am (iconsdir): Likewise.
    (gladedir): Likewise.

    * cal-client/Makefile.am: Install libcal-client.la in privlibdir
    instead of libdir.
    (libcal_clientincludedir): Version using $(BASE_VERSION).

2003-01-18  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/print.c (print_calendar): Create a GnomePrintDialog,
    not a GnomePrinterDialog. They're different things. Patch from

2003-01-17  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend.c: Move some non-file-backend-specific stuff
    from cal-backend-file here so it can be shared with other
    (CalBackendPrivate): add this, containing the categories hashes
    and the (formerly public) clients list.
    (cal_backend_init, cal_backend_finalize): Handle backend->priv.
    (cal_destroy_cb): Simplify this (and redo it as a weak notify
    (cal_backend_add_cal): Keep a weak ref on the cal rather than
    connecting to its "destroy" signal. Call notify_categories_changed
    to let the new cal know about them.
    (get_object): Default implementation of cal_backend_get_object.
    that calls cal_component_get_as_string on the return value of
    (cal_backend_notify_mode, cal_backend_notify_update,
    cal_backend_notify_remove, cal_backend_notify_error): Notify each
    Cal about something.
    (cal_backend_ref_categories, cal_backend_unref_categories):
    Maintain a list of categories that are used by components in the
    backend, and trigger categories_changed notifications as needed.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c: Remove stuff that was moved to
    CalBackend (notify funcs, category handling, get_object

2003-01-16  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-alarm-list.[ch]: Implement EAlarmList as CalComponentAlarm
    list with a GtkTreeModel interface.

    * gui/Makefile.am: Add e-alarm-list.[ch].

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.[ch]: Use GtkTreeView with the new
    EAlarmList as model for the alarm list. Update copyright.

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.[ch]: Update copyright.
    (free_exception_date_time): Removed.
    (fill_exception_widgets): Kill a lingering clist operation.

2003-01-15  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c (e_meeting_time_selector_construct):
    Create accel groups for popup menus. Fixes crash.

    * gui/e-date-time-list.[ch]: Implement EDateTimeList as
    CalComponentDateTime list with a GtkTreeModel interface.

    * gui/Makefile.am: Add e-date-time-list.[ch]. 

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c: Use GtkTreeView with the new
    EDateTimeList as model for the exception list.

    * gui/e-day-view.c: Silence warnings caused by missing casts.

    * gui/e-week-view.c: Silence warnings caused by missing casts.

2003-01-15  Rodney Dawes  <dobey@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am: Added libevolution_calendar_la_LDFLAGS, and
    avoid versioning the shlib component
2003-01-14  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/Makefile.am (CORBA_SOURCES_GENERATED): Renamed from

2003-01-14  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (tasks_popup_menu): Cast signal handlers
    to GtkSignalFunc, avoid warnings.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (set_view): Only set view ID if we have an instance.

2003-01-14  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): cal-util-marshal.list.

    * Makefile.am: Comment out the CONDUIT_DIR stuff for now.

2003-01-14  Rodney Dawes  <dobey@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c: Use GtkPaned instead of EPaned
2003-01-14  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_init): Work around canvas crashes
    by ensuring rectangles have an initial width.

2003-01-13  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/config-control-factory.h: Removed.
    * gui/config-control-factory.c: Removed.

    * gui/itip-bonobo-control.c: Renamed from itip-control-factory.c.
    (itip_bonobo_control_new): New.
    (itip_control_factory_init): Removed.

    * gui/itip-bonobo-control.h: Renamed from itip-control-factory.h.

    * gui/tasks-control-factory.c: Removed.
    * gui/tasks-control-factory.h: Removed.

    * gui/control-factory.c (control_factory_init): Removed.

    * gui/Makefile.am: Updated to build everything as
    libevolution-calendar.so and install in the COMPONENTDIR.

    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.server.in.in: Updated to build the
    component as a shared library.

    * gui/main.c (main): Removed.

    * gui/calendar-component.c (calendar_component_get_object): New.
    (owner_set_cb): Do not store the shell pointer in shells.
    (owner_unset_cb): Do not remove the shell pointer from shells;
    instead, just set global_shell_client to NULL.

    * gui/calendar-component.h: Renamed from component-factory.h.
    * gui/calendar-component.c: Renamed from component-factory.c.

2003-01-10  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * importers/icalendar-importer.c (connect_to_shell):
    CORBA_Object_release() the CORBA shell.

2003-01-09  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (make_recur_month_num_submenu,
    make_recur_month_num_menu, month_num_menu_selection_done_cb): Use
    the new cal_recur_nth[] array. The way this was done before didn't
    localize properly.

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (cal_recur_nth): array of localized month
    day names ("1st" - "31st")

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_set_recurid): Allow
    recur_id to be NULL to clear the recurrence id. (Based on a story
    by JP on evolution-1-2-recurid-branch)

    * gui/print.c: Remove unused gnome-print-copies.h #include

    * pcs/query.c (query_new): Use g_object_weak_ref rather than
    connecting to "destroy" (which doesn't actually exist on a
    (backend_destroyed_cb): Update prototype.

2003-01-08  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am: Icons are now in
    $(datadir)/evolution/images instead of
    * gui/Makefile.am: Likewise.
    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: Likewise.

2003-01-06  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * idl/Makefile.am: remove idldir definition. (It's defined in
    configure.in now)

2002-12-19  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_control_deactivate):
    Replace gtk_signal_disconnect_by_data() with
    g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(). Former takes GtkObject,
    latter takes GObject.

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_destroy): Ditto.
    (update_query): Ditto.
    (calendar_model_set_cal_client): Ditto.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_destroy): Ditto.
    (update_query): Ditto.
    (e_day_view_set_cal_client): Ditto.

    * gui/e-tasks.c (query_eval_error_cb): Ditto.
    (query_query_done_cb): Ditto.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_destroy): Ditto.
    (update_query): Ditto.
    (e_week_view_set_cal_client): Ditto.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (update_query): Ditto.
    (gnome_calendar_destroy): Ditto.

    * gui/tasks-control.c (tasks_control_deactivate): Ditto.

    * gui/e-comp-editor-registry.c (foreach_close_cb): Replace
    gtk_signal_handler_(un)block_by_data() with
    g_signal_handlers_(un)block_matched(). Former takes GtkObject, latter
    takes GObject.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (alarm_page_get_type): Replace with
    (alarm_page_class_init): Use GObject as base class instead of
    GtkObject, and set up finalization instead of destroy handler.
    (alarm_page_destroy): Change to alarm_page_finalize() and assume
    parent is GObject, not GtkObject.
    (alarm_page_new): Use g_object_new(), not gtk_type_new().

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c: Same general changes as above file.
    (update_time): Replace gtk_signal_handler_(un)block_by_data()
    with g_signal_handlers_(un)block_matched().
    (clear_widgets): Ditto.
    (times_updated): Ditto.

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c: Same general changes as above file.
    (clear_widgets): Replace gtk_signal_handler_(un)block_by_data()
    with g_signal_handlers_(un)block_matched().
    (append_exception): Ditto.
    (fill_ending_date): Ditto.
    (recurrence_page_fill_widgets): Ditto.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c: Same general changes as above file.
    (comp_editor_finalize): Replace gtk_signal_disconnect_by_data()
    with g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched().
    (comp_editor_remove_page): Ditto.

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c: Same general changes as above file.
    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c: Same general changes as above file.
    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.c: Same general changes as above file.
    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c: Same general changes.
    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c: Same general changes as above file.
    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c: Same general changes as above file.
    * gui/dialogs/e-delegate-dialog.c: Same general changes.

2002-12-16  Jeffrey Stedfast  <fejj@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (write_html): Use camel_text_to_html()

2002-12-16  Jeffrey Stedfast  <fejj@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (write_html): Correctly convert text.value
    into HTML here (ie, don't pass "<i>None</i>" into e_text_to_html()
    if text.value is NULL).

2002-12-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>
        Fixes #35003

    * gui/misc.[ch] (get_uri_without_password): new function for
    removing the password from the CalClient's uris.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (client_cal_opened_cb): use the URI returned by
    get_uri_without_password for messages.
    (backend_error_cb): likewise.
    (backend_died_cb): likewise.
    (gnome_calendar_open): likewise.
    (open_error, method_error, permission_error): likewise.

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_open): hide the password from the URI
    being displayed in messages.
    (backend_error_cb): likewise.

2002-12-06  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-query.c (cal_query_done_status_enum_get_type):
    Implement GType for this enumeration.
    (cal_query_class_init): Use the enumeration instead of the
    abstract one.

    * cal-client/cal-query.h: Add type macro and proto for enum.

2002-12-06  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (create_view): Pass the env argument to
    bonobo_control_set_property ().

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (class_init): We're no longer derived from
    GtkObject, so use GObject class methods instead. destroy->finalize.
    (destroy): Zapped.
    (finalize): Implement based on old destroy ().

2002-12-06  Hans Petter Jansson  <hpj@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_open_status_enum_get_type):
    Create a non-abstract enumeration type derived from GEnum.
    (cal_client_set_mode_status_enum_get_type): Ditto.
    (cal_mode_enum_get_type): Ditto.
    (cal_client_class_init): Use our enumerations and not the abstract
    (cal_client_finalize): Don't destroy factories, since the CalClient
    doesn't own them anymore. They're shared between CalClients now.
    (get_factories): Implement. Move the factory setup code here from
    cal_client_construct (), and cache the factories. This is hopefully
    temporary, until wombat goes away or is fixed.
    (cal_client_construct): Most of the code moved to get_factories ().

    * cal-client/cal-client.h: Add enumeration type macros and protos.

    * gui/cal-search-bar.c (cal_search_bar_get_type): Removed in favour
    of E_MAKE_TYPE, which uses GObject calls.
    (cal_search_bar_class_init): Use g_type_class_peek_parent ().

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_get_type):
    (calendar_model_class_init): Ditto, like above file.
    * gui/calendar-view.c (calendar_view_get_type):
    (calendar_view_class_init): Ditto.
    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_get_type):
    (e_calendar_table_class_init): Ditto.
    * gui/e-comp-editor-registry.c (e_comp_editor_registry_get_type):
    (class_init): Ditto.
    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c (e_day_view_main_item_get_type):
    (e_day_view_main_item_class_init): Ditto.
    * gui/e-day-view-time-item.c (e_day_view_time_item_get_type):
    (e_day_view_time_item_class_init): Ditto.
    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c (e_day_view_top_item_get_type):
    (e_day_view_top_item_class_init): Ditto.
    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_get_type):
    (e_day_view_class_init): Ditto.
    * gui/e-itip-control.c (e_itip_control_get_type):
    (class_init): Ditto.
    * gui/e-meeting-attendee.c (e_meeting_attendee_get_type):
    (class_init): Ditto.
    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (e_meeting_model_get_type):
    (class_init): Ditto.
    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel-item.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_item_class_init): Ditto.
    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_class_init): Ditto.
    * gui/e-timezone-entry.c (e_timezone_entry_get_type):
    (e_timezone_entry_class_init): Ditto.
    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c (e_week_view_event_item_get_type):
    (e_week_view_event_item_class_init): Ditto.
    * gui/e-week-view-main-item.c (e_week_view_main_item_get_type):
    (e_week_view_main_item_class_init): Ditto.
    * gui/e-week-view-titles-item.c (e_week_view_titles_item_get_type):
    (e_week_view_titles_item_class_init): Ditto.
    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_get_type):
    (gnome_calendar_class_init): Ditto.
    * gui/weekday-picker.c (weekday_picker_get_type):
    (weekday_picker_class_init): Ditto.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_get_type):
    (e_week_view_class_init): Ditto, but parent_class init was moved
    from get_type() to class_init().

    * gui/calendar-view-factory.c (calendar_view_factory_get_type):
    (calendar_view_factory_class_init): Ditto, and set up finalize
    callback instead of destroy.
    (calendar_view_factory_finalize): It's a GObject, so implement this.
    (celendar_view_factory_destroy): Move code to _finalize() and remove.

    * gui/main.c (init_bonobo): Remove extraneous bonobo_activation_init().

2002-11-27  Not Zed  <NotZed@Ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.[ch]: run fix.sh over this.

    * gui/dialogs/*.[ch]: run fix.sh over all of this.

2002-11-26  Richard Li <Richard.Li@Sun.COM>

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_construct): removed extra call
    to CORBA_exception_init.

2002-11-22  Not Zed  <NotZed@Ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/delete-comp.c (delete_component_dialog): Changed
    e_messagebox -> gtk_messagedialog.

2002-11-21  Not Zed  <NotZed@Ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (create_view): pass type to

2002-11-20  Not Zed  <NotZed@Ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): fix typo, servers_in_files ->

2002-11-19  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * Makefile.am: Added rule to generate
    GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.server.in from
    GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.server.in.in, substituting @LIBEXECDIR@.
    Also, install evolution-calendar in $libexecdir instead of

    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.server.in.in: Renamed from
    GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.server.in.  Prepended the executable name
    with @LIBEXECDIR@.

2002-11-19  Not Zed  <NotZed@Ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (get_select_name_dialog): pass type to
    (select_names_ok_cb): ", for get_property.

    * gui/dialogs/e-delegate-dialog.c (e_delegate_dialog_construct):
    pass type to bonobo_widget::set_property & plug small leak.
    (e_delegate_dialog_get_delegate): ", for get_property.
    (e_delegate_dialog_get_delegate_name): "

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c (comp_editor_contacts_to_widget):
    pass type to bonobo_widget::set_property.
    (comp_editor_contacts_to_component): ", for get_property

2002-11-16  Chris Toshok  <toshok@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c (e_meeting_time_selector_style_set):
    use new e_table_header_compute_height signature.

2002-11-15  Rodney Dawes  <dobey@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c: Use bonobo_main_quit instead of gtk
2002-11-13  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-query.c: #include <string.h>
    (obj_removed_cb): Fixed prototype.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (get_objects_atomically): Fix use of

    * cal-client/client-test.c (create_client): Add G_CALLBACK casts.

2002-11-12  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-util.c: #include <string.h>

    * pcs/cal.c: Fixed prototypes of the CORBA method implementations.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_dispose): Added a
    dispose method.
    (cal_backend_file_get_free_busy): Converted to use EConfigListener
    rather than BonoboConfigDatabase.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify.c: #include <string.h>, fix use of

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify-dialog.c: Substitute deprecated
    GTK+ functions for new ones.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c: Likewise.

    * gui/alarm-notify/notify-main.c: #include <string.h>,

    * gui/alarm-notify/save.c: #include <string.h>.

2002-11-08  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_control_deactivate): Use
    g_object_set_data(..., NULL) instead of gtk_object_remove_data().

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: Use g_object_{set,get}_* functions
    instead of gtk_object_{set,get}_*.
    * gui/calendar-commands.c: Likewise.
    * gui/calendar-config.c: Likewise.
    * gui/control-factory.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-comp-editor-registry.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-day-view-time-item.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-day-view.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-meeting-attendee.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-meeting-model.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel-item.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-week-view-layout.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-week-view-main-item.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-week-view-titles-item.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-week-view.c: Likewise.
    * gui/gnome-cal.c: Likewise.
    * gui/print.c: Likewise.

2002-11-08  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: Use g_object_ref()/g_object_unref()
    instead of gtk_object_ref/gtk_object_unref().
    * gui/calendar-config.c: Likewise.
    * gui/calendar-model.c: Likewise.
    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c: Likewise.
    * gui/comp-util.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-day-view.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-itip-control.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-meeting-model.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-tasks.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-timezone-entry.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-week-view.c: Likewise.
    * gui/gnome-cal.c: Likewise.
    * gui/goto.c: Likewise.
    * gui/itip-utils.c: Likewise.
    * gui/print.c: Likewise.
    * gui/tasks-control.c: Likewise.
    * gui/tasks-migrate.c: Likewise.

    * gui/cal-search-bar.c: Use g_object_new() instead of
    * gui/calendar-model.c: Likewise.
    * gui/calendar-view-factory.c: Likewise.
    * gui/calendar-view.c: Likewise.
    * gui/calendar-view.c: Likewise.
    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-cell-date-edit-text.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-comp-editor-registry.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-day-view.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-itip-control.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-meeting-attendee.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-meeting-attendee.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-meeting-model.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-tasks.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-timezone-entry.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-week-view.c: Likewise.
    * gui/gnome-cal.c: Likewise.
    * gui/weekday-picker.c: Likewise.

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (get_servers): g_object_unref the
    shell_client instead of using bonobo_object_unref().

    * gui/component-factory.c (owner_set_cb): Use
    evolution_shell_client_corba_objref() instead of

2002-11-08  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: Use g_signal_connect() instead of
    * calendar-commands.c: Likewise.
    * calendar-config.c: Likewise.
    * calendar-model.c: Likewise.
    * comp-editor-factory.c: Likewise.
    * component-factory.c: Likewise.
    * control-factory.c: Likewise.
    * e-calendar-table.c: Likewise.
    * e-comp-editor-registry.c: Likewise.
    * e-day-view-time-item.c: Likewise.
    * e-day-view.c: Likewise.
    * e-itip-control.c: Likewise.
    * e-meeting-model.c: Likewise.
    * e-meeting-time-sel.c: Likewise.
    * e-tasks.c: Likewise.
    * e-timezone-entry.c: Likewise.
    * e-week-view.c: Likewise.
    * gnome-cal.c: Likewise.
    * goto.c: Likewise.
    * tasks-control.c: Likewise.
    * tasks-migrate.c: Likewise.
    * weekday-picker.c: Likewise.

2002-11-08  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-offline-handler.c
    (calendar_offline_handler_class_init): GObjectified.
    (impl_finalize): Finalize impl.
    (impl_dispose): Dispose impl.
    (calendar_offline_handler_new): Use g_object_new().
    (backend_cal_opened): use g_signal_connect() instead of
    (backend_go_offline): Likewise.
    (backend_cal_opened): g_object_unref() instead of
    (backend_go_offline): Likewise.

2002-11-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * importers/evolution-calendar-importer.h: use GLib macros.

    * importers/main.c (init_importer): use bonobo_generic_factory_new,
    not bonobo_generic_factory_new_multi.
    (main): don't use libgnome functions.

2002-11-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/client-test.c: don't use GTK, we don't need it.

2002-11-07  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * Initial port of gui/ subdir to GNOME 2

2002-11-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * importers/icalendar-importer.c: removed non-existant headers.

    * importers/Makefile.am: changes for BonoboActivation.

    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.server.in: install to $libdir, not

2002-11-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/query-listener.[ch]: converted to BonoboObject.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c (parse_contact_string): use glib's

    * gui/dialogs/delete-comp.c: removed non-existant headers. Use
    GtkStock instead of GnomeStock.

    * gui/dialogs/e-delegate-dialog.c: converted to BonoboActivation.
    (e_delegate_dialog_construct): adapted to changes in glade_xml_new.

2002-11-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal.[ch]: converted to BonoboObject.
    (impl_Cal_get_query): bonobo_object_unref the query returned by
    cal_backend_get_query if we can't duplicate it.

    * pcs/query.[ch]:
    * pcs/cal-factory.[ch]: converted to BonoboObject.

    * pcs/query-backend.[ch]:
    * pcs/cal-backend-file.[ch]:
    * pcs/cal-backend.[ch]: GObjectify.

2002-11-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/cal-prefs-dialog.c: #include gtkoptionmenu.h.
    (cal_prefs_dialog_new): adapted to changes in glade_xml_new.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.h:
    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.h:
    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.h:
    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.h:
    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.h:
    * gui/dialogs/task-page.h:
    * gui/cal-prefs-dialog.h: use correctly the macros.

    * gui/dialogs/cancel-comp.c:
    * gui/dialogs/changed-comp.c:
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.c:
    * gui/gnome-cal.h: removed non-existent headers.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c: remove non-existent headers.
    (close_dialog): gtk_widget_destroy the widget.
    (setup_widgets, comp_editor_merge_ui): use BonoboWindow correctly.
    (comp_editor_set_cal_client, comp_editor_send_comp,
     comp_editor_edit_comp): use G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS for
    getting the class of an object.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.c (comp_editor_page_class_init):
    use g_signal_* functions.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c: converted to BonoboActivation.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.h: #include bonobo-window.h, not

2002-11-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_AlarmNotify.server.in:
    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.server.in: renmaed .oaf.in files.

    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am:
    * gui/Makefile.am: fixed rules for .server files.

2002-11-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.[ch]
    (comp_editor_connect_contacts_changed): don't return a
    Bonobo_EventSource_ListenerId, since it does not exist anymore,
    and was not even being used.

    * gui/e-timezone-entry.h: use GLib macros.

    * gui/dialogs/*.glade:
    * gui/alarm-notify/*.glade:
    * gui/*.glade: converted to Glade2 format.

2002-11-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.c (alarm_options_dialog_run): adapted to
    to new glade_xml_new signature.

    * gui/calendar-model.h:
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.h:
    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.[ch]: removed non-existant header files.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.h: added missing headers.

2002-11-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend.c: use libxml2 headers.

    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am:
    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am:
    * gui/Makefile.am: s/XML_I18N/INTLTOOL. Fixed execution of

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify.[ch]: converted to BonoboObject.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify-dialog.c: compilation fixes.
    (alarm_notify_dialog): adapted to new glade_xml_new signature.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c: ported to BonoboActivation and
    GtkStock and GtkDialog.

    * gui/alarm-notify/notify-main.c: ported to BonoboActivation and
    use GObject functions instead of GtkObject ones.

    * gui/alarm-notify/save.h: removed BonoboConfig related functions.

    * gui/alarm-notify/config-data.c: use GObject functions instead of
    GtkObject ones.

    * TODO.port: added file for keeping track of disabled things while we

2002-11-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-util-marshal.list: added new marshallers.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (get_objects_atomically): fixed calls to
    (cal_client_class_init): fixed typos.

    * cal-client/cal-client-multi.[ch]:
    * cal-client/cal-client-types.c:
    * cal-client/cal-query.[ch]: ported to GObject.

    * cal-client/cal-listener.[ch]: converted to BonoboObject.

    * cal-client/Makefile.am:
    * pcs/Makefile.am: fixed flags for orbit-idl

2002-11-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/Makefile.am:
    * cal-util/cal-util-marshal.list: added marshallers.

    * cal-client/cal-client.[ch]: ported to GObject.

2002-11-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.[ch]: ported to GObject.

    * cal-util/cal-util.c (cal_util_generate_alarms_for_comp): use
    g_object_* instead of gtk_object_*.

2002-11-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (get_default_uri): use EConfigListener
    instead of BonoboConfig.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c:
    * cal-client/cal-listener.[ch]:
    * cal-client/query-listener.c: warning free.

2002-11-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-util.[ch]: don't use BonoboConfig, but

    * gui/calendar-config.c: use /apps/Evolution prefix for all
    configuration keys.

2002-10-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.[ch]:
    * cal-util/cal-recur.h:
    * cal-util/cal-util.[ch]:
    * cal-client/cal-client.h:
    * cal-client/cal-client-multi.h:
    * cal-client/cal-client-types.[ch]:
    * cal-client/cal-listener.h
    * cal-client/cal-query.[ch]:
    * cal-client/query-listener.h:
    * pcs/cal.h:
    * pcs/cal-backend.[ch]:
    * pcs/cal-backend-file.h:
    * pcs/cal-backend-util.h:
    * pcs/cal-common.h:
    * pcs/cal-factory.h:
    * pcs/query.[ch]:
    * pcs/query-backend.[ch]: started GNOME 2 porting.
    cal-util, cal-client and pcs compiled ok.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_construct):
    * pcs/cal-factory.c: use b-a instead of OAF and bonobo-config
    instead of bonobo-conf.

2002-10-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (backend_died_cb): cleaned up the status bar
    messages for all widgets.

2002-10-24  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-itip-control.c (init): initialize new values
    (clean_up): free new values
    (find_my_address): if we have a delegator address, use it instead
    (write_html): display delegator info to user
    (show_current_event): if we have a calendar uri, use that and
    describe the event differently
    (show_current_todo): ditto
    (show_current): search for delegator X properties
    (e_itip_control_set_delegator_address): accessor
    (e_itip_control_get_delegator_address): ditto
    (e_itip_control_set_delegator_name): ditto
    (e_itip_control_get_delegator_name): ditto
    (e_itip_control_set_calendar_uri): ditto
    (e_itip_control_get_calendar_uri): ditto

    * gui/e-itip-control.h: add protos

    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_from): use the first attendee as the from
    address for things other than request, cancel and add (use
    organizer) and publish (use default address)

2002-10-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #32613

    * gui/component-factory.c (sc_user_create_new_item_cb): use the
    default calendar/tasks folder to activate the component editor.
    (get_data_uri): deal correctly with the URIs being used.

2002-10-23  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (show_current): fix warning

2002-10-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #32371

    * pcs/query.c (start_cached_query_cb): CORBA_exception_init the
    CORBA_Environment before using it.
2002-10-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-factory.c (lookup_backend): use NULL for pointer instead of

2002-10-22  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (get_address): use e_config_listener_* to get
    (itip_addresses_get): ditto
    (itip_addresses_get_default): ditto

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_value_to_string): don't
    send back a null string (affects if it is the group header)
    (calendar_model_init): pre load config database info so we don't
    do corba calls during draws

    Fixes #32276
2002-10-17  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_construct): fix c/p type

2002-10-17  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (fill_ending_date): if the value
    is a datetime, convert it to a date

    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_compliant): convert an UNTIL date value
    to a datetime value

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_has_simple_recurrence):
    check to see if the component recurrences meet our definition of

    * cal-util/cal-component.h: new proto

2002-10-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (fill_component): changed to have a
    gboolean return type, which is what it's supposed to do.
    (recurrence_page_fill_component): return the result from

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.h: fixed typo in function prototype.

2002-10-11  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c
    (gnome_calendar_on_date_navigator_selection_changed): try to
    preserve the work week view setting if it makes sense
    (set_view): don't update the info again based on our view change

    Fixes #16036
2002-10-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #11434
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.[ch]
    (comp_editor_page_display_validation_error): new function.
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (event_page_fill_component):
    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (fill_component):
    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c (task_details_page_fill_component):
    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (task_page_fill_component): added
    checks for all date values, and return FALSE if we find
    some invalid date/times.
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (save_comp): activate the page that
    returns error in fill_component.

2002-10-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.c
    (cal_prefs_dialog_create_time_edit): set the 24 hour format

    Fixes #31812
2002-10-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-week-view.c: remove pilot settings from contextual menu

    * gui/e-day-view.c: ditto

2002-10-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #31774

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.c (dalarm_widgets_to_alarm,
    palarm_widgets_to_alarm): use correct pointer in loop.

2002-10-07  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.c (setup_changes): cast the correct

2002-10-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes crash in #19159

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (lookup_queued_alarm): don't crash if
    we don't find the queued alarm in the internal list.
    (alarm_trigger_cb, create_snooze, display_notification,
     audio_notification, procedure_notification, remove_queued_alarm):
    check return value from lookup_queued_alarm.

2002-10-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #15892

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: added notifyErrorOccurred method to
    the Listener interface, so that backends can notify clients of errors
    that can't be reported otherwise.

    * pcs/cal.[ch] (cal_notify_error): new function.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (save): made to save to temporary file and
    then moved to the correct file, so that we don't lose any data if
    there's a problem while saving.
    (notify_error): new function for notifying error messages to clients.

    * cal-client/cal-listener.[ch]: added new callback function for getting
    error messages from backends.
    (impl_notifyErrorOccurred): new method implementation.
    (cal_listener_class_init): initialize new epv member.
    (cal_listener_init, cal_listener_destroy, cal_listener_construct,
     cal_listener_new): initialize new function pointer.

    * cal-client/cal-client.[ch]: adapted to changes in CalListener class.
    (cal_client_class_init): added "backend_error" signal to CalClient class.
    (backend_error_cb): callback for "error_occurred" signal on the CalListener,
    which just emits the "backend_error" signal of CalClient.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_construct): connect to "backend_error"
    signal on the CalClient's we create.
    (backend_error_cb): display error message on error from backend.

    * gui/e-tasks.c: likewise.

2002-10-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/notify-main.c (alarm_notify_factory_fn): removed
    unneeded g_assert which was preventing the alarm daemon to
    start correctly in some cases.

2002-10-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>
    Fixes #30057
    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_is_read_only): added check
    of the status of the client before trying to make CORBA calls.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (sensitize_calendar_commands,
    * gui/tasks-control.c (sensitize_commands):
    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (set_menu_sens):
    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (set_menu_sens):
    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_on_right_click):
    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_event_right_click):
    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_show_popup_menu): take into account
    the read-onlyness of clients to disable/enable menu items.

2002-10-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: added isReadOnly method to Cal

    * pcs/cal.c (impl_Cal_is_read_only): new method implementation.

    * pcs/cal-backend.[ch]: added is_read_only method to CalBackend class.
    (cal_backend_is_read_only): new function.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_is_read_only): new method.
    (cal_backend_file_class_init): set new signal's virtual method.

    * cal-client/cal-client.[ch] (cal_client_is_read_only): new function.

2002-10-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #15710

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (alarm_page_init): added a
    X-EVOLUTION-NEEDS-DESCRIPTION property, so that we later set it
    correctly if it hasn't been set in the meanwhile (editing options for
    the alarm).

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.c (dalarm_widgets_to_alarm,
    palarm_widgets_to_alarm): removed X-EVOLUTION-NEEDS-DESCRIPTION
    property from alarms every time we set the description of the alarm.

2002-10-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #30290

    * importers/icalendar-importer.c (process_item_fn): return a status of
    BUSY rather than NOT_READY, to avoid the display of the error message.
2002-09-30  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c
    (calconduit_load_configuration): load multi_day_split
    (calconduit_save_configuration): save it
    (calconduit_dupe_configuration): copy it
    (e_cal_gui_new): create gui for it
    (e_cal_gui_fill_widgets): fill gui with value
    (e_cal_gui_fill_config): get value from gui and store in config
    (e_calendar_context_destroy): destroy new_cfg and gui properly
    (process_multi_day): skip item if its multi-day and we don't want
    to split
    (fill_widgets): fill local config widgets
    (create_settings_window): create local config widgets
    (save_settings): fill config from local widgets

    Fixes #23763
2002-09-30  Aaron Weber  <aaron@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (update_item): adjust string on line 1609
    and 1517.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.glade: rephrase string on line 270

2002-09-27  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (pixmaps): Remove "/Toolbar/New" and
    "/Toolbar/NewTask" since they're not there any more. Kills some
    bonobo-ui spewage.

2002-09-26  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    Non-Connector part of #29334 (meeting created by a delegate in the
    delegator's calendar should have the delegator as Organizer).

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: add Cal_getEmailAddress, to return
    the email address associated with a backend (if any).

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_get_email_address): New.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_get_email_address):
    Return NULL (for now).

    * pcs/cal.c (impl_Cal_get_email_address): Implement this by
    calling cal_backend_get_email_address and returning a NotFound
    exception if it returns NULL.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_get_email_address): New.
    (cal_client_init, cal_client_destroy, etc): initialize/free

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_construct): Split this
    out of event_editor_init. Take and set a CalClient.
    (event_editor_new): Take a CalClient.

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_construct,
    task_editor_new): Likewise.

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_new,
    meeting_page_construct): Take a CalClient and call
    cal_client_get_email_address to find the default organizer
    address. (Also fix a bug if the default account's name has
    non-ASCII characters.)

    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_from): New. When sending a REQUEST or
    CANCEL, use the Organizer as the From address.
    (itip_send_comp): Call comp_from and pass the result to

    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c (edit_existing, edit_new): Pass the
    CalClient to event_editor_new/task_editor_new

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (open_task): Likewise.

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_new_task): Likewise.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_edit_object,
    gnome_calendar_new_task): Likewise.

2002-09-26  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (set_value_at): only change the attendee
    value if it isn't empty

2002-09-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Should fix once for all #24210

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: changed the notifyObjUpdated method
    of the QueryListener interface accept a list of UIDs.

    * cal-client/query-listener.[ch] (impl_notifyObjUpdated): likewise for
    the QueryListener class.

    * cal-client/cal-query.c (obj_updated_cb): changed to adapt the
    multiple-id's received in the QueryListener class' signal to the
    one-by-one update notification of the public CalQuery class, thus
    keeping the changes needed for this minimal.

    * pcs/query.c (add_component, start_cached_query_cb): changed to
    send sequences of UIDs.

2002-09-25  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (folder_types): Add "calendar/public"
    and "tasks/public".
    (type_is_calendar, type_is_tasks): New utility functions
    (create_view, create_folder, remove_folder, xfer_folder,
    sc_user_create_new_item_cb): Use type_is_calendar/type_is_tasks

    * importers/icalendar-importer.c (get_uri_from_folder_path): allow
    importing into public calendar/task folders too.

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: Note that it's intentional that we use
    "calendar" and "tasks" here instead of "calendar/*" and "tasks/*".

2002-09-25  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp): if the item being sent is not
    a meeting, send it as a mixed item with a description and the
    calendar text in an attachment

    Fixes #30638

2002-09-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #27961

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_update_object): set the
    LAST-MODIFIED time of the components when we save them.

2002-09-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_get_timezone_object,
    cal_backend_file_get_timezone): return a builtin timezone if we
    don't find the timezone in our component.

2002-09-24  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (comp_from_remote_record):
    make sure the start/end for no time palm events are DATE values,
    tidy code slightly

    Fixes #21631
2002-09-24  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (process_multi_day):
    convert to date values if the original start and end were both

2002-09-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-query.c (cal_query_destroy): unref the query
    since now the query object on the server keeps a copy of it and
    must know when the listener is no longer valid.

    * pcs/query.c (listener_died_cb): unref the QueryListener object.
    (query_construct): create an EComponentListener for the non-cached
    queries' listeners also.

2002-09-23  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am: add libeutil to the link

    * conduits/calendar/Makefile.am: ditto

2002-09-23  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal.c (imple_Cal_update_objects, impl_Cal_remove_object):
    fix non-ANSI switch statements.

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (is_cell_editable, value_is_empty,
    process_free_busy_comp): Likewise

    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_compliant): Likewise.

2002-09-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/main.c (launch_alarm_daemon): install an idle callback that will
    start the alarm daemon.
    (launch_alarm_daemon_cb): actually activate the alarm daemon here.

    * pcs/query.c (start_cached_query_cb): remove timeout function always
    and re-add it if the query is in progress.

2002-09-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/query.c (start_cached_query_cb): move success notification code
    to its own code block, since it was being run for parse errors also.
    Also, remove all traces of the query from the cache if there is an
    error. Also, use GINT_TO_POINTER instead of GPOINTER_TO_INT.

2002-09-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #28310

    * gui/alarm-notify/save.c (save_notification_time): only save the
    new notification time if it is bigger than the already saved one.
    This should avoid some reminders showing up twice.

2002-09-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/comp-util.c (cal_comp_is_on_server): check to see if the
    component is already on the server or not

    * gui/comp-util.h: change proto

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_editing_stopped): only delete
    the event if the summary is empty and the component is not already
    on the server

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_editing_stopped): same

    Fixes #14111
2002-09-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_fill_widgets): set the
    deleted attendees array to size 0 after we clean it up

    Fixes #30479
2002-09-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/query.c (parse_sexp): remove the query from the cache if it
    (start_cached_query_cb): notify of errors in the query.

2002-09-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/query.c: added a list of EComponentListener's to control the
    lifetime of the listeners.
    (query_init): initialize new member.
    (query_destroy): free new member.
    (start_cached_query_cb): create a EComponentListener for the new
    listener being added.

2002-09-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    More fixes for #24210

    * pcs/query.c: added list of cached queries and changed the Query
    class to work with several listeners, not only one.
    (query_init): initialize new members.
    (query_destroy): free new members.
    (add_component, remove_component, parse_sexp, match_component,
     process_components_cb): notify all listeners.
    (notify_uid_cb, start_cached_query_cb): implemented integration of
    cached queries.
    (query_new): search the query in the cache before creating a new
    one. And if we create a new one, store it in the cache.

2002-09-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (simple_recur_to_comp): bump the
    month_num by 1 because it indexs at 0
    (recurrence_page_fill_widgets): lower the month_num by one as above

    Fixes #30381
2002-09-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #26362

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (show current): add a default reminder if
    default reminders are set in the configuration.

2002-09-11  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_top_canvas_button_press): keep
    the selection if we right click in it (but not on an appointment)
    (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_button_press): ditto

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_button_press): same

2002-09-11  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_new_appointment): create a new
    appointment based on the selection
    (e_week_view_on_button_press): use above
    (e_week_view_on_new_appointment): ditto
    (e_week_view_on_new_meeting): ditto

    Fixes #18162
2002-09-10  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c (get_default_event): duh, don't
    blindly increment the hour without adjusting for the day

    Fixes #29983
2002-09-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #24032

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (init): don't get servers here, since we don't
    know the type of the component(s) to be loaded.
    (show_current): get servers here.
    (destroy): only free stuff that needs to be freed.

2002-09-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (client_cal_opened_cb): display status messages for
    all operations we make, so that when using remote slow backends, so
    that users have always indication of what's happening.

2002-09-06  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_edit_object): kill warning

    * gui/e-week-view.h: new proto

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_set_selected_time_range_visible):
    select a range of time in the currently visible area, if out side
    the visible area, select as much as possible
    (e_week_view_on_text_item_event): call above

    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c
    (e_week_view_event_item_button_press): call above

    * gui/e-day-view.c
    (e_day_view_set_selected_time_range_in_top_visible): select a
    range of time in the currently visible area, if out side the
    visible area, select as much as possible
    (e_day_view_set_selected_time_range_visible): the same for the
    main canvas
    (e_day_view_on_long_event_button_press): call above
    (e_day_view_on_event_button_press): ditto

2002-09-05  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp): don't try to send via the
    server if we are publishing; don't bail out on a 0 length to list
    if we are publishing

2002-09-05  Anna Marie Dirks <anna@ximian.com>  

    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.oaf.in: Changed the description of
    the calendar/tasks page of the settings dialog, to be hopefully
    more descriptive and less awkwardly worded.

2002-09-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_drag_data_get): added support for
    text/x-calendar targets, in which case a VCALENDAR component, with
    full timezone information is returned.

2002-09-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_destroy): don't listen to client
    signals after we get destroyed

    Fixes #17036
2002-09-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_send_comp): bail out if
    we couldn't send the cancel

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_send_comp): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (save_comp_with_send): indicate send
    (real_send_comp): return success/fail, only resave the component a
    if we successfully sent
    (comp_editor_send_comp): return success/fail

    * gui/itip-utils.h: update proto

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp): return true if we sent the
2002-09-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_server_send): provide error message
    param, give a dialog with the message if we get a busy result;
    return TRUE if we succeed
    (itip_send_comp): bail out if we had a problem sending via the

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_send_object): pass back
    error message if we get the busy exception in the new param

    * cal-client/cal-client.h: update proto

    * pcs/cal.c (impl_Cal_send_object): dump backend error message
    into Busy exception

    * pcs/cal-backend.h: update proto

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_send_object): take/pass new error
    message parameter

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_send_object): take new param

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: add errorMsg to Busy exception

2002-09-04  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (create_object): Pass NULL as
    @unpopulate_folder_context_menu_fn to

2002-09-03  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_compliant): don't make the reply
    component minimal

    Fixes #28956
2002-08-30  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp): make the sure to list is 0
    length before sending via imip

    Fixes #29624
2002-08-30  Mike Kestner  <mkestner@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c:
    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c: use bonobo_object_release_unref to release
    the remote SelectNames component, not CORBA_Object_release.

2002-08-29  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_top_canvas_button_press): select
    the top canvas if the user right-clicks on it
    (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_button_press): select the row the user
    is right-clicking on
    (e_day_view_on_long_event_button_press): select the top canvas if
    the user right-clicks on an event there
    (e_day_view_on_event_button_press): select the relevant rows if
    the user right-clicks on an event
    (e_day_view_set_selected_time_range_in_top): select a number of
    days in the top canvas

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_button_press): select the day
    the user is right-clicking on
    (e_week_view_on_text_item_event): select the corresponding time
    range when showing the contextual menu for an event

    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c
    (e_week_view_event_item_button_press): select the corresponding
    time range when showing the contextual menu for an event

    Fixes #14660
2002-08-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c:
    * gui/e-week-view.c: added missing header file.

2002-08-28  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.oaf.in: Add an
    evolution:shell_component_launch_order and rename

2002-08-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-config.c: use EConfigListener instead of direct access
    to the bonobo-conf database.
    (calendar_config_init): create the EConfigListener here, and install
    an atexit function to unref the config listener object.
    (config_read, property_change_cb, calendar_config_write,
     calendar_config_write_on_exit): removed unneeded functions.
    (calendar_config_get_*, calendar_config_set_*): changed to make use of
    EConfigListener directly.

    * gui/main.c (main): removed call to calendar_config_write_on_exit.

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.c (update_config): removed call to

2002-08-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #12326

    * gui/alarm-notify/config-data.c (ensure_inited): create a
    EConfigListener for configuration access.
    (do_cleanup): g_atexit installed function, to clean up configuration
    database resources.
    (config_data_get_timezone): retrieve the configuration for the
    EConfigListener object.
    (config_data_get_listener): new function.

    * gui/alarm-notify/save.c (get_config_db, discard_config_db): removed.
    Use EConfigListener instead.
    (save_notification_time, get_saved_notification_time,
     save_calendars_to_load, get_calendars_to_load, save_blessed_program,
     is_blessed_program): use EConfigListener.

    * gui/alarm-notify/notify-main.c (init_alarm_notify_service): removed.
    (alarm_notify_factory_fn): create here the alarm_notify_service if it
    hasn't been created yet.
    (load_calendars): likewise.
    (main): don't call init_alarm_notify_service.

2002-08-22  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (process_section): if its a
    non-participant, add it as a resource to match dialog label
    (set_value_at): if the type is set to be a resource, switch the
    role to non-participant by default

2002-08-22  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/calendar-model.c (set_completed): if the value given is a
    date, convert to a time in the current zone

2002-08-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/tasks-control.c (tasks_control_activate): don't set the
    tasks ui component until the container is set, remove unused

2002-08-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (destroy): disconnect destroy signal
    callbacks on tables

    Fixes #28231

2002-08-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_toplevel_with_zones): clone the ical
    component before adding it

    Fixes #29061
2002-08-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c (get_default_event): make sure to get
    the date in the current zone, not at UTC

    Fixes #17692
2002-08-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (set_date_label): stop adding redundant
    information for start/end/due/complete times
    (write_html): convert newlines properly and escape characters for
    summary, location, description; put text information on separate
    line from bolded title to make it look nicer when there are line

    Fixes #26964
2002-08-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.[ch]: added internal EComponentListener
    object, to listen for the activated Cal.
    (cal_client_class_init): added "backend_died" signal.
    (cal_client_destroy): clean up component listener.
    (backend_died_cb): new callback for getting signals from the
    (cal_opened_cb): setup component listener.
    * cal-client/Makefile.am: added libetuil to needed LIBS.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (backend_died_cb): new callback.
    (gnome_calendar_construct): connect to "backend_died" signal
    on all CalClient's we create.
2002-08-14  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.c (init_widgets): listen for the
    time editors to change
    (cal_prefs_dialog_start_of_day_changed): make sure the start is
    never after the end
    (cal_prefs_dialog_end_of_day_changed): make sure the end is never
    after the start

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_set_working_hours): make sure to show a
    minimum of 1 hour for work day

    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c (e_day_view_main_item_draw):
    calculate the work/not working color boxes to the nearest pixel,
    rather the the nearest time division

    Fixes #10286, #26285
2002-08-13  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: Remove a bunch of old #if 0 code.
    (update_item): Set X-MICROSOFT-CDO-REPLYTIME here.

    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_toplevel_with_zones): Don't set it here.

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (ensure_mandatory_properties): Use
    icaltime_current_time_with_zone rather than rolling our own.
    (cal_component_strip_errors): Remove unused variable.

2002-08-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_open): set status message on
    ECalendarTable when opening the tasks.
    (client_cal_opened_cb): set ECalendarTable status message to NULL
    when we open the tasks folder. Also, clear up calendar status message
    in all cases, not only if the folder was opened successfully.

2002-08-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_open): set status message to NULL
    if there is an error opening the calendar.
    (client_cal_opened_cb): set status message to NULL only when we have
    successfully opened the main CalClient.

2002-08-09  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (real_send_comp): set the editor to
    changed so the item actually gets saved

2002-08-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (users_has_attendee): check for an attendee in
    the list
    (comp_to_list): only add the user if they aren't on the list
    (comp_server_send): don't remove the users, pass back the list
    (itip_send_comp): send to server before doing comp_minimal

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (real_send_comp): edit and save the
    updated comp

    * pcs/cal.c (impl_Cal_send_object): copy the correct item to pass

2002-08-08  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * pcs/query-backend.c (query_backend_new): Initialize
    loaded_backends before using it. (Just kills off a harmless

2002-08-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #15710

    * cal-util/cal-component.[ch]
    (cal_component_alarm_get_icalcomponent): new function for getting
    the icalcomponent from a CalComponentAlarm.

    * gui/comp-util.c (cal_comp_event_new_with_defaults): added
    X-EVOLUTION-NEEDS-DESCRIPTION property to the default reminder
    alarm, so that we can identify it when saving the component.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (alarm_page_fill_component): if the
    alarm has the X-EVOLUTION-NEEDS-DESCRIPTION property, set the
    description to be the same as of the component.

2002-08-07  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_send_object): just
    return the object untouched since we don't send anything

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_remove_object): call virtual method

    * pcs/cal-backend.h: add send result codes, new proto

    * pcs/cal.c (impl_Cal_send_object): implement sendObject corba call
    (cal_class_init): add to epv

    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_toplevel_with_zones): utility function to
    create icalcomponent with necessary timezone info
    (comp_has_attendee): see if attendee is in the attendee list
    (comp_server_send): use above and remove attendees if the server
    sends them

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (show_current_todo): remove unused var

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: add Busy exception and

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_send_object): send object
    via the server (if the server can)

    * cal-client/cal-client.h: add send results and new proto

2002-08-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/query-backend.[ch] (query_backend_get_object_component): new
    (query_backend_get_uids): new function.
    (query_backend_new): create the static GHashTable if it hasn't been
    created yet.
    (query_backend_destroy): destroy the static GHashTable if empty.
    (foreach_uid_cb): call object_updated_cb, which does everything.

    * pcs/query.c: make use of the new QueryBackend class.
    (query_init): initialize new private structure member.
    (query_destroy): clean up new member, without freeing it, since it is
    managed internally in query-backend.c.
    (query_construct): create a QueryBackend for the query.
2002-08-04  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes the crash in #19159

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (create_snooze): check for NULL
    pointers before using them.

2002-08-02  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_init): don't warn if we can't use
    the small font, just set use_small_font to FALSE

2002-08-02  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-itip-control.c (adjust_item): new util function to add
    information to an itip message that might not already be there for
    display purposes (summary, location, etc)
    (show_current_event): use above
    (show_current_todo): ditto

2002-08-02  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (init): initialize value to corba nil

2002-08-01  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (create_object): Use
    meeting-request-16.png instead of meeting-request.png.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (pixmaps): Remove pixmaps in

2002-08-01  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (is_overdue): use get_due_status
    (get_color): ditto
    (get_due_status): utility function to reduce replicated code,
    handle the case where the due date is just a date

2002-07-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/query-backend.[ch]: new class for implementing a backend cache
    for the calendar queries.

    * pcs/Makefile.am: added new files.

2002-07-31  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (create_object): Change the order of the
    user creatable items a bit so that "New Appointment" and "New
    Meeting" are at the top when in a calendar folder.

2002-07-31  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (add_creatable_item): New arg
    @folder_type, pass it to
    (create_object): Set the right folder types for the various
    user-creatable items.

2002-07-31  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_destroy): we no longer need to manually
    save the state
    (e_tasks_open): we no longer need to manually load the state
    (display_view_cb): attach the gal view to the table

    Fixes #27894
2002-07-29  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_find_work_week_start): make sure
    that the work week view goes to the current work week if the day
    selected is before the start of the work week

    Fixes #20317
2002-07-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c: fixed mapping of popdown menu
    to ICAL_STATUS_ values.
    (task_details_page_fill_widgets): when we can't set the status,
    default to ICAL_STATUS_NONE, which maps to 'Not started'. Fixed
    use of 'percent' variable, which was being used after being freed.
    (percent_complete_changed): default to ICAL_STATUS_NONE (Not Started).

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.glade: added 'Needs Action' to
    popdown menu values.

2002-07-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-util.[ch] (cal_util_add_timezones_from_component):
    new function for adding VTIMEZONE components to a VCALENDAR

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (copy_row_cb): added VTIMEZONE components
    to resulting VCALENDAR top-level component.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_copy_clipboard): copy to the
    clipboard a top-level VCALENDAR component, with all the needed
    VTIMEZONE components.
    (e_week_view_on_copy): likewise.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_copy_clipboard): likewise.
    (e_day_view_on_copy): likewise.

2002-07-26  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_construct): remove useless
    debug statement

    Probably fixes #19333
2002-07-26  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c (impl_editExisting): focus the editor
    if it does exist, create a new one if it doesn't (not vice-versa)

    Fixes #23468
2002-07-25  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_init): set large_font to NULL
    (e_day_view_style_set): calculate large font, fall back to the
    style->font if necessary

    Fixes #11773
2002-07-24  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (write_html): display the location in the
    itip information

    Fixes #24690
2002-07-24  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (set_percent): set status to in progress if
    the percent is between 0 and 100
    (set_status): if the value is set to in process, change the
    percent to 50

    Fixes #1590
2002-07-24  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * cal-util/timeutil.c (time_day_of_year): add a day for the leap
    year only if we are currently counting Feb., not if the month
    passed in is Feb.  Fixes #23446.

2002-07-23  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_realize): use proper meeting icon

2002-07-22  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * pcs/Makefile.am: Split pcs-backend-file out of libpcs and build
    it as a separate (noinst) library libpcsfile.a. This gets the db3
    dependencies out of libpcs, and people trying to create a calendar
    backend shouldn't be calling functions from the existing backends
    anyway so there's no reason to install them.

    * cal-util/timeutil.c: Replace a bunch of old gnomecal functions
    with the functionally identical ones from Connector.

2002-07-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * importers/icalendar-importer.c (get_uri_from_folder_path): if
    there's an exception, continue with the next item.

2002-07-08  Peter Williams  <peterw@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/Makefile.am: Install libcal-util-static.la
    and fix the -all-static flag to make it install statically.
    * pcs/Makefile.am: Install libpcs.a and its headers.

    * pcs/cal-backend-util.h: Same sort of include namespacing fix,
    but for pcs.

    * pcs/cal.h:
    * pcs/query.h:
    * pcs/cal-factory.h:
    * pcs/cal-backend.h:
    * pcs/cal-backend-file.h: Same.

2002-07-17    <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_value_at): use util
    function to see if the user is the organizer

    * gui/dialogs/cancel-comp.c (cancel_component_dialog): add
    deleting proto to indicate whether cancelling or deleting is the
    primary operation

    * gui/dialogs/cancel-comp.h: update proto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (delete_cmd): offer to cancel

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (cancel_task_cmd): call
    cancel_component_dialog with new param

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (cancel_meeting_cmd): ditto

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_editing_stopped): only update
    request if user is organizer
    (e_week_view_show_popup_menu): disable the meeting and meeting
    organizer mask if appropriate
    (e_week_view_delete_event_internal): offer to cancel the meeting
    (e_week_view_on_cut): ditto
    (selection_received): send request if its a meeting

    * gui/e-day-view.h: add meeting icon/mask

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_event_right_click): disable the
    meeting and meeting organizer mask if appropriate
    (e_day_view_delete_event_internal): offer to cancel meeting
    (e_day_view_on_cut): ditto
    (e_day_view_finish_long_event_resize): only update request if user
    is organizer
    (e_day_view_reshape_long_event): add meeting icon to count
    (e_day_view_reshape_day_event): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_top_canvas_drag_data_received): only update request
    if user is organizer
    (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_drag_data_received): ditto
    (selection_received): offer to send meeting info

    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c
    (e_day_view_main_item_draw_day_event): draw meeting icon if
    appropriate (using dummy icon atm)

2002-07-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #8001

    * importers/icalendar-importer.c (connect_to_shell): new function for
    connecting the importers (both iCal and vCal) to the shell, needed for
    some information retrieval about the folders we're importing to.
    (ical_importer_new, vcal_importer_new): call connect_to_shell.
    (importer_destroy_cb): unref the shell client object.
    (get_uri_from_folder_path): retrieve the uri from the storage
    (check_folder_type): removed.

    * importers/Makefile.am: included libeshell to LIBS.

2002-07-12  Peter Williams  <peterw@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal.c: Sigh, fix for the wombat.idl -> Evolution-Wombat.idl
    rename here too. At least grep indicates that's all that needs to
    be fixed.

2002-07-08  Peter Williams  <peterw@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Change the -I flags to get
    it to play nicely with the new Ebook header paradigm.

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: Same.
    * gui/e-meeting-model.c: More of the same.

    * gui/dialogs/e-delegate-dialog.c:
    * gui/dialogs/e-meeting-model.c:
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c: Fix include lines to get
    ebook headers.

    * pcs/Makefile.am: Same.

2002-07-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #16034

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_reshape_long_event):
    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c (e_day_view_main_item_draw_day_event):
    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_reshape_event_span):
    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c (e_week_view_event_item_draw_icons):
    Don't assume all categories have icons when allocating space for
    the icons.

2002-07-02  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (add_creatable_item): New arg @tooltip.
    Pass it to evolution_shell_component_add_user_creatable_item(),
    which now has a @tooltip arg.
    (create_object): Added tooltips.

2002-07-01  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-config.c (config_read): listen for timezone config
    (property_change_cb): set the timezone if it changed elsewhere

    * gui/main.c (init_bonobo): call bonobo_activate because we make
    bonobo related calls before the bonobo_main call

2002-06-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes #25410

    * gui/alarm-notify.c (AlarmNotify_removeCalendar): do proper
    cleanup on removal of clients.
    (alarm_notify_add_calendar): ditto.

2002-06-27  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_compliant): plug leak and actually use
    the minimal comp we create
2002-06-25  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.h: add back proto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.c
    (comp_editor_page_notify_needs_send): add page needs_send signal

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_on_invite_others_button_draw): check to
    see if the button should be sensitive when drawing
    (e_meeting_time_selector_construct): listen for the button draw

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_strip_errors): remove
    X-LIC-ERROR x properties

    * cal-util/cal-component.h: new proto

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (change_clicked_cb): set needs_send
    to true
    (meeting_page_fill_widgets): set up gui based on if the user or
    someone else is the organizer
    (meeting_page_construct): read the addresses here for the combo
    (get_widgets): explicitly set the value in list values
    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (set_menu_sens): base this on the
    exist org and user org values of the comp editor
    (event_editor_edit_comp): set up editable row restrictions on the
    meeting model if the user is not an organizer, and don't set needs
    send if we aren't the organizer initially
    (model_row_changed_cb): set needs_send to true
    (row_count_changed_cb): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.glade: update gui
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (save_comp_with_send): if the user is
    not the organizer, REPLY rather than REQUEST
    (comp_editor_set_existing_org): accessor
    (comp_editor_get_existing_org): ditto
    (comp_editor_set_user_org): ditto
    (comp_editor_get_user_org): ditto
    (real_edit_comp): determine if there is an existing organizer and
    if the organizers is a user
    (page_changed_cb): warn the user that changes may be discarded
    (page_summary_changed_cb): ditto
    (page_dates_changed_cb): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.h: new protos

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_organizer_is_user): determine if the
    organizer of a component is a user
    (itip_sentby_is_user): same for sentby field of organizer
    (comp_sentby): use above routines instead
    (comp_compliant): strip all X-LIC-ERROR fields generated by

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (is_cell_editable): if there is a list of
    editable rows, allow only the status column of those rows to be
    (init): init edit_rows
    (e_meeting_model_restricted_add): add an editable row to the model
    (e_meeting_model_restricted_remove): remove an editable row
    (e_meeting_model_restricted_clear): clear all editable rows
    (e_meeting_model_etable_click_to_add): set the click to add arg on
    all tables
    (e_meeting_model_etable_from_model): track the tables
    (table_destroy_list_cb): remove the table being destroyed from the
    (table_destroy_state_cb): remove the table being destroyed from
    the list
    * gui/e-meeting-model.h: new protos

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (update_attendee_status): kill warning
2002-06-18  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * zones.h: update for new zones

2002-06-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Fixes wombat crash (for JP and myself)

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_open): don't call add_alarms here,
    since the client is not yet attached to the backend, and the alarm
    daemon does unref the client before creating a new one.
    (client_cal_opened_cb): call add_alarms here.

2002-06-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

        * gui/alarm-notify.c: added timeout_id to LoadedClient structure, to
    keep track of the timeout function.
    (retry_timeout_cb): don't use RetryData, but the LoadedClient.
    (cal_opened_cb): ditto, and assigned lc->timeout_id to the return
    value of g_timeout_add().
    (alarm_notify_add_calendar): destroy the timeout callback when
    destroying the LoadedClient structure.

2002-06-12  Jeffrey Stedfast  <fejj@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-factory.c (open_fn): Free the uri_string once we're done
    with it.

2002-06-12  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas@gnome.org>

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.glade: Fix a typo.
2002-06-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify.c (alarm_notify_add_calendar): removed
    already loaded client when asked to be opened again, and *really*
    re-open it again.

2002-06-04  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_setup_view_menus):
    gal_view_menus_set_show_define_views (..., FALSE);

2002-06-04  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_setup_view_menus), gui/gnome-cal.c
    (gnome_calendar_setup_view_menus): Set the title of our

2002-06-03  Anna Marie Dirks  <anna@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.glade: In an attempt to clean up the 
    config dialog (and to reduce its overall girth), I have re-laid-out the
    calendar preferences dialog. It now conforms to standard Evolution 
    spacing and padding guidelines, and exhibits proper alignment, etc.

2002-06-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/query.c: keep a reference to the Query object, to avoid
    crashes when the queries are destroyed before finishing processing.
    Fixes #25056.

2002-05-26  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.h: update proto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_get_comp): new function
    to get base comp

    * gui/e-comp-editor-registry.c (e_comp_editor_registry_add): get
    the base comp, not the current comp, don't unref it
    (foreach_close_cb): block the signal, unblock it if the editor
    could not be closed
    (e_comp_editor_registry_close_all): fix preconditions
    (editor_destroy_cb): get the base comp, not the current comp,
    don't unref it

2002-05-26  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-comp-editor-registry.c (e_comp_editor_registry_close_all):
    if there are remaining items, return false
    (foreach_close_cb): don't remove the item if it couldn't be closed

    * gui/e-comp-editor-registry.h: update proto

    * gui/component-factory.c (request_quit): return a boolean
    indicating if everything was closed

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.h: update proto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_close): return true if
    the editor was closed, false otherwise

2002-05-26  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-comp-editor-registry.[hc]: a registry of comp editors so
    we can close them all centrally

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_init): there is no editor hash
    (gnome_calendar_destroy): ditto
    (gnome_calendar_edit_object): look for the event editor in the
    registry, if it isn't there, create it and add it to the registry

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (open_task): look for the task editor in
    the registry, if it isn't there, create it and add it to the

    * gui/component-factory.c (request_quit): close all open editors
    (create_object): add a request_quit function to the shell

    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c (free_client): there is no
    uid_comp_hash to free any more
    (editor_destroy_cb): we get an OpenClient as callback data now,
    reduce the editor count and destroy it if it is 0
    (edit_existing): don't create the Component, add the new editor to
    the registry, increase the editor count
    (edit_new): ditto
    (open_client): set the editor count to 0
    (impl_editExisting): look in the registry for the editor

    * gui/Makefile.am: Build new sources

    * gui/main.c (main): create the registry

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_close): prompt to save
    and then close dialog

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.h: new proto

    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.oaf.in: remove dead summary stuff

2002-05-24  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (save): check the value returned by
    gnome_vfs_uri_to_string before using it.
    (cal_backend_file_open): ditto.

2002-05-20  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_init): Pass the
    @component_pixmaps in so we give the new "Meeting" button an icon.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_merge_ui): New arg
    @component_pixmaps to pass in custom pixmaps.

2002-05-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify.c:
    * gui/alarm-notify/notify-main.c: ported changes from evolution-1-0
    to make it work with reminders on remote backends.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_open): check the string
    returned by gnome_vfs_uri_to_string, which can be empty. If so,
    return an error.

2002-05-17  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_setup_view_menus): set the view
    to the current view

2002-05-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (client_cal_opened_cb): added support for
    (permission_error): new function to display 'Permission Denied'
    error message when opening the calendar.

    * gui/e-tasks.c: likewise.

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: added PERMISSION_DENIED to Listener's
    OpenStatus enumeration.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_opened_cb): added code for retrieving
    'Permission Denied' errors, and convert it to CalClientOpenStatus

    * pcs/cal-factory.c (open_backend): added code for informing of
    'Permission Denied' errors.

2002-05-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: added PermissionDenied exception and
    make it be raised in open, updateObjects and removeObject.

    * pcs/cal-backend.h: added CAL_BACKEND_OPEN_PERMISSION_DENIED to
    CalBackendOpenStatus enumeration, added CalBackendResult enumeration.

    * pcs/cal.c:
    * pcs/cal-backend.c:
    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c: adapted to changes in update_objects and
    remove_object methods.

    * cal-client/cal-client.[ch]: added CalClientResult enumeration.
    (cal_client_update_object, cal_client_update_objects,
     cal_client_remove_object): changed to return a CalClientResult.

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c:
    * calendar/conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c:
    * importers/icalendar-importer.c:
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c:
    * gui/calendar-model.c:
    * gui/e-calendar-table.c:
    * gui/e-day-view.c:
    * gui/e-itip-control.c:
    * gui/e-week-view.c:
    * gui/comp-util.c:
    * gui/e-tasks.c:
    * gui/tasks-migrate.c: adapted to changes in cal_client_update_object(s)
    and cal_client_remove_object.
2002-05-15  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (create_object): Pass NULL as

2002-05-14  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.c (schedule_page_construct): set the
    working hours for the meeting time selector
2002-05-14  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.h: make the range datetime member a
    struct not a pointer

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_get_recurid): take a
    pointer to a range
    (cal_component_set_recurid): ditto

    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_minimal): get/set the recurrence id
2002-05-09  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (get_servers): use
    GNOME_Evolution_Storage__get_folderList instead of
    GNOME_Evolution_Storage_getFolderList since I have now changed
    that to be an attribute instead of a method.

2002-05-07  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (start_calendar_server): start a server a
    (start_default_server): start a default server
    (get_servers): get all clients for all folders of the given
    (find_server): locate a server for a particular uid
    (init): get_servers, listen for object_requested signal
    (destroy): destroy all clients
    (write_html): put options is there own cell
    (get_publish_options): place selector in if param is true
    (get_request_options): ditto
    (get_real_item): only try and look up the item if we know its in
    the server
    (show_current_event): find the server (if any) for the current
    (show_current_todo): ditto
    (update_attendee_status): if there is no server for the comp, it
    doesn't exist
    (remove_item): ditto
    (button_selected_cb): get a client for the selected folder
    (object_requested_cb): draw the folder button in

    * gui/calendar-config.h: new protos

    * gui/calendar-config.c (calendar_config_default_tasks_folder):
    get default tasks uri
    (calendar_config_default_calendar_folder): get default calendar

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (get_default_uri): use

    * cal-util/cal-util.h: new proto

    * cal-util/cal-util.c (cal_util_expand_uri): tack on the file name
    if its a file uri

2002-05-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_delete_selected):
    (e_tasks_complete_selected): show progress messages
    on the status bar.

2002-05-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/query.c: #include <gtk/gtkmain.h> to avoid warnings.

2002-05-02  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-week-view.c (free_view_popup): only discard the popup if
    we created one

2002-05-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/query.c: refactored a bit, to not do things in idle loops.

2002-05-01  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/print.c (print_day_details): modify the start and end hours
    to accomodate all the events in the day

    * gui/e-day-view.c (free_view_popup): only discard the popup if we
    created one

2002-04-30  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_construct): remove setup_widgets
    from here
    (gnome_calendar_init): move setup_widgets back here

2002-04-26  Jeffrey Stedfast  <fejj@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am: Don't link to libibex anymore!!

2002-04-24  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_pilot_settings): launch pilot
    settings capplet

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_pilot_settings): ditto
2002-04-24  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-week-view.c (free_view_popup): free the view popup
    (e_week_view_show_popup_menu): add the view popup to the
    "main_item" menu and listen for destruction

    * gui/e-day-view.c (free_view_popup): as above
    (e_day_view_on_event_right_click): as above

    * gui/e-week-view.h: add class member

    * gui/e-day-view.h: add a class member

    * gui/gnome-cal.h: new protos

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (set_view): set the instance view id properly
    when switching views
    (gnome_calendar_setup_view_popup): generate a view popup
    (gnome_calendar_discard_view_popup): destroy a view popup

2002-04-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal.c (impl_Cal_get_alarms_in_range): raise an exception if the
    backend's method returns NULL, since we can't send a NULL pointer to

2002-04-19  Anna Marie Dirks  <anna@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.glade: Collapsed notebook into two pages
    and added accelerators for everything, as part of my config dialog
    polishing project

2002-04-18  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (simple_recur_to_comp): properly
    handle -ve recurrence values
    (month_num_submenu_selection_done_cb): track the current date in
    (make_recur_month_num_submenu): make a submenu of dates
    (make_recur_month_num_menu): make the date/relation option menu
    (month_num_menu_selection_done_cb): update the date properly and
    keep both option menus consistent
    (month_day_menu_selection_done_cb): keep both option menus
    (make_monthly_special): listen for selection done signal
    (make_recurrence_special): destroy old month_num_menu
    (recurrence_page_fill_widgets): properly handle -ve recurrence

2002-04-18  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_settings): show the settings

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_settings): ditto

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (control_util_show_settings): show the
    settings dialog

    * gui/calendar-commands.h: new proto

    * gui/control-factory.c (control_factory_new_control): set the
    control as object data on the calendar

2002-04-17  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c, gui/e-day-view.c, gui/e-week-view.c,
    gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c: Updated these to match the new

2002-04-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend.[ch] (cal_backend_get_query): new method.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_get_query): new method.

    * pcs/cal.c (impl_Cal_get_query): call the CalBackend's implementation
    instead of calling query_new directly.

    * pcs/query.[ch]: fixed headers.

2002-04-10  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_open): Fix this: Rodrigo's patch
    used one of the functions I just removed. :)

2002-04-10  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_open): use the default uri for
    tasks (as stored in the configuration) when the calendar URI is not
    a local one (connector, etc).

2002-04-10  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (get_default_uri): Use new-and-improved
    default folder URI config paths.

    * gui/calendar-config.c (calendar_config_{get,set}_default_uri,
    calendar_config_{get,set}_default_tasks_uri): Remove these. The
    shell owns this information now. (Weren't being used anyway.)

    * gui/component-factory.c (get_data_uri): Fix another place that
    hardcoded tacking foo.ics on to the end of URLs.

2002-04-08  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (create_view): Add view_info arg. If the
    view_info is non-empty and this is a calendar folder, set the
    "view" property on the control's propertybag.

    * gui/control-factory.c (calendar_properties_init): Set up the
    "view" property.
    (get_prop, set_prop): handle the "view" property by
    getting/setting the GnomeCalendar's view. Unfortunately, this
    doesn't actually work. See #23208.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_control_activate): Set the UI
    component's container before calling
    gnome_calendar_set_ui_component so that the search bar
    initialization will work.

2002-04-06  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-db.[hc]: Remove dead files.

2002-04-06  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.oaf.in: add config_item:type

2002-04-01  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas@gnome.org>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: Fix a string.
2002-04-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-db.c: simple fix for DB3 header inclusion in
    Mac OS X, by Max Horn <max@quendi.de>

2002-03-31  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (clean_up): free the my_address member
    (find_my_address): fall back on a CN match if possible
    (change_status): handle changing the status of a non-existent
    address by adding a new attendee
    (update_attendee_status): if the attendee response is not from a
    user on the list of attendees, ask the user if they want to add
    the attendee any how (as an optional participant)
    (ok_clicked_cb): if we are suppose to rsvp and the status was ok,
    but the attendee address is not known, find it
2002-03-29  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.oaf.in: Set a priority for the
    config item.  Rename to "Calendar and Tasks".

2002-03-29  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/Makefile.am: s/libversit.la/libversit.a/

    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am: ditto

2002-03-29  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: implement new pop up menu items for
    "Save as", "Print", "Assign Task", "Forward as iCalendar"

    * gui/e-day-view.c: similarly, also "Publish Free/Busy
    Information" and "New Meeting" and "New Task"

    * gui/e-week-view.c: ditto

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (show_assignment): move the assignment
    page stuff here
    (task_editor_show_assignment): use it
    (assign_task_cmd): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.h: new proto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (save_as_cmd): use new e-util file
    selector function

    * meeting-mockup.glade: Remove old file

    * topic.dat

2002-03-19  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/Makefile.am: s/libversit.la/libversit.a/

    * cal-client/Makefile.am: Likewise

    * gui/Makefile.am: Likewise

2002-03-18  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/cal-search-bar.c: Removed `search_menu_items'.
    (cal_search_bar_menu_activated): Removed.
    (cal_search_bar_class_init): Don't install.
    (cal_search_bar_construct): No menu items here.

2002-03-15  Jeffrey Stedfast  <fejj@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c: Updated to use new EPopupMenu API.

    * gui/e-week-view.c: Updated to use new EPopupMenu API.

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: Updated to use new EPopupMenu API.

2002-03-15  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/tasks-control.c (tasks_control_activate): Call
    `e_tasks_set_ui_component()' here to give it the
    (tasks_control_deactivate): Likewise, call it here to unset the

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_set_ui_component): New.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_control_activate): Call
    gnome_calendar_set_ui_component() here.
    (calendar_control_deactivate): ...And here, with a NULL

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_set_ui_component): New.

2002-03-15  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/main.c: use bonobo exception macros to tidy

    * gui/itip-control-factory.c: ditto

    * gui/gnome-cal.c: ditto

    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c: ditto

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: ditto

2002-03-14  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: add all day event editor mode

    * gui/component-factory.c: clean up exception handling
    (sc_user_create_new_item_cb): support the all day event id
    (create_object): add a user creatable all day appointment item

    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c (get_default_event): get a default
    event either all day or starting at the top of the hour
    (get_default_task): get a default task
    (edit_new): support the all day event mode

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: remove unused functions/verbs

2002-03-13  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.oaf.in: Add an
    "evolution:config_item:icon_path" attribute so we get an icon for
    the calendar preferences.

2002-03-12  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.glade: Add <visible>False</visible>
    to cal-prefs-dialog so it doesn't get shown when we load the Glade
    file with libglade.

    * gui/component-factory.c (owner_set_cb): Register the
    ConfigControl factory.

    * gui/tasks-control.c: Removed verb "TaskSettings".
    (tasks_control_settings_cmd): Removed.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: Removed verb "CalendarSettings".
    (settings_cmd): Removed.

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.c: Renamed `CalPrefsDialogPrivate'
    to `DialogData'.  Replace `dialog' member with a `page' member.
    Remove `toplevel_notebook' member.
    (init_widgets): Renamed from `cal_prefs_dialog_init_widgets'.
    Just get a DialogData.
    (get_widgets): Get a DialogData pointer.
    (cal_prefs_dialog_destroy): Removed.
    (config_control_destroy_callback): New, signal handler for
    ::destroy for ConfigControl.
    (cal_prefs_dialog_new): Create a new DialogData, connect all the
    signal handlers.
    (create_time_edit): Renamed from
    (cal_prefs_dialog_show): Removed.
    (cal_prefs_dialog_button_clicked): Removed.
    (show_task_list_config): Get a DialogData.
    (show_config): Renamed from `cal_prefs_dialog_show_config'.
    (update_task_list_config): Likewise.
    (update_config): Renamed from
    `cal_prefs_dialog_update_config'. Likewise.
    (color_set_callback): New callback, makes the dialog report
    changes when the setting in any of the color widgets is changed.
    (widget_changed_callback): New callback, makes the dialog report
    changes when any of the widgets changes status.
    (connect_changed): New utility function to connect this callback
    to all the widgets.
    (setup_widgets): Connect all the widgets.
    (cal_prefs_dialog_new): Call `setup_widgets'.

    * gui/config-control-factory.c: New.
    * gui/config-control-factory.h: New.

    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.oaf.in: Add
    OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_ConfigControl and

2002-03-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    Should fix #21240

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify.c: replaced use of GnomeVFSURI
    with EUri, to allow non-registered methods.

2002-03-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (e_itip_control_set_data): reverted my last
    change of adding the METHOD property to the incoming request.

    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_string): added extra
    X-MICROSOFT-CDO-REPLYTIME property for broken Outlook. Should fix

2002-03-04  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_compliant): Reset the DTSTAMP of the new
    component. (RFC2245 says DTSTAMP corresponds to the time the
    particular iCalendar representation of the object was created.)
    Fixes #21198.

2002-03-05  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/print.c: remove unneeded parameter from print_text_size
    (get_font_for_size): calculate a font size based on the available
    (print_text): calculate the top of where the font should be drawn
    (print_text_size): use get_font_for_size
    (print_day_background): use get_font_for_size

2002-03-05  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel-item.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_item_draw): pass the real table
    to e_meeting_model_etable_view_to_model_row
    (e_meeting_time_selector_item_paint_busy_periods): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (right_click_cb): ditto
    * gui/e-meeting-model.h: update protos

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c
    (e_meeting_model_etable_model_to_view_row): take in to account the
    fact the table used the without model
    (e_meeting_model_etable_view_to_model_row): ditto

2002-03-04  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/tasks-control.c: added support for printing the Tasks table.
    I hacked it a bit so the user could choose portrait or landscape mode.
    This is bug #9677. ETable printing has a few issues, though, and it
    isn't very pretty.

2002-03-04  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_subject): Prefix the subject with an
    indicator like "Accepted" or "Cancelled" explaining what the
    action is, since Outlook doesn't display any of that information
    inline like we do. (20780)

2002-02-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * calendar/gui/e-itip-control.c (e_itip_control_set_data): added the
    METHOD property to the top level component we create.

2002-02-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/control-factory.c (set_prop):
    * gui/tasks-control.c (tasks_control_set_property): display an error
    message if the call to gnome_calendar_open or e_tasks_open does not
    return TRUE. Fixes #20346.

2002-02-25  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp): use
    GNOME_Evolution_Composer_setBody rather than _setMultipartType and
    _attachData now, to send a message containing just a text/calendar
    part. Fixes 14705. Mostly.
    (comp_content_type): Include the filename here since we can't add
    a Content-Disposition now.

2002-02-24  Chris Toshok  <toshok@ximian.com>

    * gui/cal-search-bar.c (cal_search_bar_class_init): change
    query_changed to search_activated.
    (cal_search_bar_search_activated): rename
    cal_search_bar_query_changed to this.

2002-02-21  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (add_creatable_item): New helper
    (create_object): Add icons for the various user creatable items.

2002-02-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-itip-control.c (send_item): pass extra itip_send_comp
    (send_freebusy): ditto
    (ok_clicked_cb): ditto, including the timezones culled from the
    * gui/e-week-view.c: pass extra itip_send_comp params
    * gui/calendar-commands.c: ditto
    * gui/e-day-view.c: ditto
    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c: ditto
    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c: ditto
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c: ditto
    * gui/itip-utils.h (itip_send_comp): update proto
    * gui/itip-utils.c (foreach_tzid_callback): check the passed in
    zones, then the builtin time zones then the client

2002-02-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-itip-control.c (find_my_address): strip the ical value and
    do a case insensitive compare
    (find_attendee): ditto
    (change_status): put the error message here
    (ok_clicked_cb): don't update the item or rsvp unless
    change_status was successful, trip the ical value and do a case
    insensitive compare
    * gui/itip-utils.c (get_address): strip the incoming address
    (itip_strip_mailto): use g_strncasecmp
    (comp_limit_attendees): strip the ical value and do a case
    insensitive compare

2002-02-14  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-meeting-model.c: use new column enums
    (set_value_at): emit pre-change/cell change signals
    (destroy): destroy refresh_queue and refresh_data
    (init): init new elements
    (refresh_queue_add): if the attendee is being refreshed already,
    possibly update the start/end times to look for and update the
    callback info, otherwise add it to the queue
    (refresh_queue_remove): remove a refreshing attende from the queue
    (process_callbacks): make all the callbacks and remove the
    attendee from the queue
    (process_free_busy): process the callbacks immediately if parsing
    fails or on successful completion of processing
    (async_close): process free busy
    (cursor_cb): we're only looking for one at a time now
    (refresh_busy_periods): idle callback to start processing the queue
    (e_meeting_model_refresh_all_busy_periods): add every row to the queue
    (e_meeting_model_refresh_busy_periods): add a single row to the queue
    * gui/e-meeting-model.h: new protos, enum the columns
    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c: use new compare time function
    (e_meeting_time_selector_construct): listen for a cell changed
    signal and use separate callbacks for rows_inserted and
    (e_meeting_time_selector_refresh_free_busy): util function to
    refresh free busy info
    (e_meeting_time_selector_on_update_free_busy): use above
    (rows_inserted_cb): refresh free busy on the new rows
    (cell_changed_cb): refresh free busy on the row when the address
    (rows_deleted_cb): redraw
    * gui/e-meeting-utils.[hc]: a holding spot for a meeting time
    comparison function
    * gui/Makefile.am: compile new files
2002-02-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

        * gui/control-factory.c (set_prop): don't append 'calendar.ics'
    to the URI.
    (get_prop): finished.

    * gui/tasks-control.c (tasks_control_set_property): don't append
    'tasks.ics' to the URI.
    (tasks_control_get_property): finished.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_open):
    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_open): append $filename.ics to the uri to be
    opened if the uri is local. Leave intact in other cases.

2002-02-08  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/comp-util.c (cal_comp_util_compare_event_timezones): check if
    the CalComponentDateTime values are set before trying to use them.
    Possibly fixes bug #18529.

    * importers/icalendar-importer.c: added vCalendar importer and
    intelligent GnomeCalendar importer code here, as it shares a lot of
    code with the iCalendar importer.

    NOTE: check_folder_type() needs to be finished at some point.
    It needs a new shell Corba call so it can decide whether to import
    events or tasks into the folder. Currently it just imports both.

    * importers/main.c (importer_factory_fn): create vCalendar importer
    or GnomeCalendar importer if required.

    * importers/evolution-calendar-importer.h: added declarations for
    creating a vCalendar importer and intelligent Gnome Calendar importer.

    * importers/Makefile.am: added -DEVOLUTION_SOUNDDIR so the importer
    knows what filename to use for audio alarms in vCalendar files.
    Added libicalvcal-evolution to LDADD.

    * importers/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_Importer.oaf.in: added vCalendar
    importer and intelligent Gnome Calendar importer.

    * gui/comp-util.c (cal_comp_util_compare_event_timezones): return TRUE
    if the event uses UTC. We don't want to flag all events from Outlook,
    which use UTC.

2002-02-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.glade: change custom widget
    creator to e_url_entry_new

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c (get_widgets): get the url entry
    and its entry

2002-02-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.glade: add a custom widget created
    with e_url_button_new

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c (task_details_page_init): init
    url_button member to NULL
    (init_widgets): set the url button entry
    (get_widgets): get the url button

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (pixmaps): use new all day event icon

2002-02-07  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c: pass meeting boolean for
    gnome_calendar_edit_object and gnome_calendar_new_appointment_for

    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c: ditto

    * gui/e-week-view.c: ditto

    * gui/tasks-control.c (confirm_expunge): kill warning

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (new_meeting_cb): show a new meeting
    (new_event_cb): pass new param

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_edit_object): take meeting
    boolean and show meeting page if true
    (gnome_calendar_new_appointment_for): takeing meeting param and
    pass to above
    (gnome_calendar_new_appointment): add new param

    * gui/gnome-cal.h: update proto

    * gui/component-factory.c (create_component): take a comp editor
    mode, determine vtype
    (sc_user_create_new_item_cb): check for meeting user creatable
    (create_object): add meeting as user creatable item

    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c (edit_new): get a comp editor mode
    now, determine vtype and show meeting page if required
    (queue_edit_new): get comp editor mode
    (impl_editNew): ditto, plus queue the mode directly instead of
    determining the vtype

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (show_meeting): new internal util
    function to show meeting page
    (event_editor_show_meeting): show the meeting
    (schedule_meeting_cmd): use show_meeting

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.h: new proto

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: editNew takes a mode rather than a
    type now

    * cal-util/Makefile.am: fix includes

2002-02-07  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_setup_view_menus), gui/gnome-cal.c
    (gnome_calendar_setup_view_menus): Made these use the new
    GalViewMenus stuff.

2002-02-06  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (cal_recur_from_icalproperty): convert months
    from 1-12 to 0-11. Fixes bug #19235.

2002-02-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (e_todo_gui_new): new gui routines
    for conduit settings
    (e_todo_gui_fill_config): ditto
    (e_todo_gui_fill_widgets): ditto
    (e_todo_gui_destroy): ditto
    (e_todo_context_destroy): destroy new_cfg and gui properly
    (local_record_from_comp): set the priority to the default setting
    if none is set on the icalendar object
    (fill_widgets): fill gui widgets
    (create_settings_window): create gui

2002-01-30  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (write_html): if this is a reply, print the
    attendee status

2002-01-25  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.glade: Use 1 instead of zero as the
    minimum value for the repetitions spin button as we use a check
    box to specify whether the alarm has repetitions or not.  Fixes
    bug #19054.

2002-01-24  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * importers/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_importer_LDADD):
    Ooops.  Forgot to use EVOLUTION_CALENDAR_LIBS here.

2002-01-24  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/Makefile.am: Use
    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am: Likewise.

    * cal-client/Makefile.am: Use EVOLUTION_CALENDAR_LIBS and
    * cal-util/Makefile.am: Likewise.
    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am: Likewise.
    * gui/Makefile.am: Likewise.

2002-01-23  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (create_object): Pass a NULL @icon to

2002-01-21  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (todoconduit_load_configuration):
    return a new configuration struct, load default priority setting
    (todoconduit_save_configuration): save default priority setting
    (e_todo_context_new): dupe configuration

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (e_calendar_context_new):
    set ps to NULL

2002-01-17  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (get_alarm_string): save the alarm string
    in the correct variable (str), so it actually gets shown for alarms
    with specific trigger times. Fixes bug #18801.

2002-01-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (task_page_fill_widgets): default component
    classification to PUBLIC. Fixes internal bug #1066

2002-01-14  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: move all functions here,
    get rid of header files, use e-pilot-settings to display gui

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c: as above
2002-01-14  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/gnome-cal.c (get_current_time): use icaltimetype_to_tm
2002-01-14  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-week-view-main-item.c (e_week_view_main_item_draw_day):
    figure out when today is and highlight if it is not selected

    * gui/e-week-view.h: enum the "today" color

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_realize): init the "today" color

2002-01-13  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/save.h: add protos

    * gui/alarm-notify/save.c (save_blessed_program): records a
    program as blessed
    (is_blessed_program): checks to see if a program is blessed

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (procedure_notification_dialog):
    popup a dialog notifying the user that is a program and let them
    not see the dialog about this program again
    (procedure_notification): use above

2002-01-11  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-timezone-entry.c: 
    * gui/e-itip-control.c (write_label_piece): 
    * gui/calendar-config.c (on_timezone_set): translate timezone names
    when displayed. Fixes bug #6544.

2002-01-03  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/tasks-control.c (tasks_control_complete_cmd): new verb
    (sensitize_commands): set sensitivity of mark complete command

    * gui/e-tasks.h: new proto

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_complete_selected): mark selected tasks
    in the table as complete

    * gui/e-calendar-table.h: new proto

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_complete_selected):
    mark selected rows as complete

2002-01-03  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/tasks-control.c (confirm_expunge): only need one warning
    message now

    * gui/e-tasks.c (create_sexp): change the logic to expunge all
    completed tasks not just hidden ones

2002-01-03  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/tasks-control.c (confirm_expunge): confirm expunging of the
    (tasks_control_expunge_cmd): verb callback

    * gui/calendar-config.c (config_read): read confirm expunge value
    (calendar_config_write): write confirm expunge value
    (calendar_config_write_on_exit): ditto
    (calendar_config_get_confirm_expunge): get value
    (calendar_config_set_confirm_expunge): set value

    * gui/calendar-config.h: new proto

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (start_calendar_server): kill warning

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_init): init query member to NULL
    (set_status_message): util function to set status message
    (e_tasks_open): use above
    (cal_opened_cb): ditto
    (create_sexp): create sexp of items to be deleted
    (query_obj_updated_cb): remove any items found
    (query_eval_error_cb): bail out on error
    (query_query_done_cb): tidy when done
    (e_tasks_delete_completed): set up query

    * gui/e-tasks.h: new proto

    * gui/calendar-model.c (query_query_done_cb): use g_warning
    instead of printing to stderr
    (query_eval_error_cb): ditto
    (update_query): clear the status message if we can't create the

    * gui/tag-calendar.c (resolve_tzid_cb): make this static

2001-12-21  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c: remove needs send signal related
    (save_comp_with_send): with send_component_dialog, indicate if the
    meeting info is newly created or not
    (real_edit_comp): remember if the dialog initially needs a send

    * gui/dialogs/send-comp.c (send_component_dialog): take a "new"
    parameter indicating whether the dialog should intimate if the
    component to be sent is a new meeting or not

    * gui/dialogs/send-comp.h: update proto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c: remove no longer used needs_send
    notification and signal

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.h: remove proto

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_drag_data_received): add new
    param to send_component_dialog
    (e_day_view_finish_long_event_resize): ditto
    (e_day_view_finish_resize): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_editing_stopped): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_top_canvas_drag_data_received): ditto

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_editing_stopped): add new
    param to send_component_dialog

2001-12-21 JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.h: inherit from bonobo window 

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c: inherit from bonobo window
    (comp_editor_key_press_event): Look for an escape key press and
    close the window if found

2001-12-20  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    [Fixes #17377, Evolution doesn't work on multi-depth displays.]

    * gui/main.c (main): Push GdkRGB visual and colormap.

2001-12-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (check_for_slow_setting):
    go slow and clear the map if the last uri and the current uri do
    not match
    (post_sync): save the last uri

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit-config.h: handle a last uri
    config option

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit-config.h: ditto

        * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (start_calendar_server):
        use the open_default_calendar method
        * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (start_calendar_server): same as above
        * cal-client/Makefile.am: link with bonobo conf
        * cal-client/cal-client.h: new protos
        * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: make sure open method raises
        appropriate exceptions
        * gui/e-itip-control.c (start_calendar_server): use
        cal_client_open_default_* calls
        * cal-client/cal-client.c (real_open_calendar): do the real work
        of loading
        (cal_client_open_calendar): use above
        (get_fall_back_uri): get the basic local uri
        (get_default_uri): get the default uri from the config db
        (cal_client_open_default_calendar): open the default uri or the
        fallback if the method is unsupported
        (cal_client_open_default_tasks): same for tasks
2001-12-17  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-itip-control.c (send_item): use get_real_item
    (get_refresh_options): uncomment out
    (get_real_item): obtain the real object which has the uid of the
    item received
    (show_current_todo): use get_refresh_options for refresh method
    and provide the description and summary from the real component
    since its not in the reply
    (show_current_event): ditto
    (send_item): use get_real_item

2001-12-17  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_limit_attendees): can't remove properties
    in an iteration loop, so remove them outside the loop
    (comp_minimal): don't set a recurid if there isn't one, add the x
    properties to the clone
    (comp_compliant): unref the clone for DECLINECOUNTER

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (get_refresh_options): make function
    available again
    (show_current_event): use it here
    (ok_clicked_cb): can't remove properties in an iteration loop, so
    remove them outside the loop

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (free_icalcomponent): properly free the
    attendee list
    (cal_component_rescan): don't destroy the alarm hash

2001-12-13  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * zones.h: new file to contain all timezone names for translation.
    We won't be using the translations in 1.0.1, but it gives translators
    time before we do use them in 1.0.2.

    * Makefile.am: added zones.h to EXTRA_DIST.

2001-12-12  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_top_canvas_button_release):
    ungrab the pointer before calling
    (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_button_release): ditto
    (e_day_view_finish_long_event_resize): ask if the meeting should
    be sent
    (e_day_view_finish_resize): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_editing_stopped): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_top_canvas_drag_data_received): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_drag_data_received): ditto

2001-12-11  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (process_free_busy_comp): properly convert
    the dtstart and dtend times if they are UTC
    (cursor_cb): if we don't have anybody to get f/b info for, process
    the callbacks immediately
    (e_meeting_model_refresh_busy_periods): take start/end times,
    calculate the timet values with object timezone
    (e_meeting_model_etable_model_to_view_row): proper cast
    (e_meeting_model_etable_view_to_model_row): ditto
    (async_open): bail out if we couldn't open properly

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_on_update_free_busy): use defines for
    determining the number of days before and after of free busy to
    (e_meeting_time_selector_update_dates_shown): use defines for the
    number of days shown
    * gui/e-meeting-model.h: update proto

2001-12-10  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/control-factory.c (control_factory_new_control): removed code
    that connects to GnomeCalendar's "dates_shown_changed" signal.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (gcal_calendar_dates_change_cb): 
    (calendar_control_activate): moved it here, so it gets reconnected
    whenever the control is activated. Fixes bug #15798.

2001-12-10  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * importers/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_Importer.oaf.in: fixed executable
    name. Fixes bug #16880.

2001-12-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (local_record_from_comp):
    if we have an alarm that can be represented on the pilot, set the
    appointment fields appropriately, if the duration has values for
    minutes and/or hours and/or days, use the lowest common
    (comp_from_remote_record): if the appointment on the pilot has an
    alarm, find the first alarm an item currently had that is relative
    to the start and with a negative duration and update it (or create
    a new one if no valid ones exist)
    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_get_alarm_uids): build
    list in the order they appear in the component so we get
    consisting order for the gui and for the pilot
2001-12-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-config.c (calendar_config_get_default_uri):
    (calendar_config_get_default_tasks_uri): s/%/%s

2001-11-09  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    (committed by Damon)

    Fix bug #14699.

    * pcs/query.c (QueryState): Added a state QUERY_WAIT_FOR_BACKEND
    to indicate that the query is not populated as we are waiting for
    the backend to be opened.
    (query_init): Start in the QUERY_WAIT_FOR_BACKEND state.
    (query_destroy): Only disconnect from the backend if we are in a
    state that implies that we are connected to its signals.
    (query_construct): If the backend is already loaded, immediately
    set the state to QUERY_START_PENDING.
    (backend_opened_cb): Disconnect from the backend's "opened"
    signal.  Set the state to QUERY_START_PENDING.
    (match_component): We can now only match components if the query
    is in progress or if it is done.  Assert to that effect, and do
    not ensure_sexp().
    (match_component): Do not check for a nonexistent component using
    g_return_if_fail().  Also, there is no need to ref/unref the
    (backend_obj_updated_cb): Assert to the effect of our state.
    (backend_obj_removed_cb): Likewise.
    (parse_sexp): Renamed from ensure_sexp().  Assert that the query
    has not started.  Do not disconnect from the backend's signals
    here, since we have no connections.
    (start_query_cb): Set the state to QUERY_IN_PROGRESS here instead
    of in populate_query().

2001-12-07  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-config.c (calendar_config_get_default_uri):
    (calendar_config_get_default_tasks_uri): if the key in the config
    database does not exist, just return the local URIs, but never
    return NULL

2001-12-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (event_page_fill_widgets): default
    component classification to PUBLIC

2001-12-06  Jon Trowbridge  <trow@ximian.com>

        * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_destroy): Explicitly
    destroy the EMeetingModel.  This is a hack to work around problems
    with the reference counting; we are still leaking the

        * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
        (e_meeting_time_selector_construct): Ref our EMeetingModel.
        (e_meeting_time_selector_destroy): Unref the model.

        * gui/e-meeting-model.c (destroy): Properly destroy
    corba_select_names with a call to bonobo_object_release_unref.
        (Fixes 14002)

2001-12-05  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.glade: added entry for the LOCATION field

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c: added support for the new LOCATION entry
    added in the Event editor.

2001-12-05  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba@gnome.pl>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_subject, comp_description):
    Marked strings for translation.

2001-12-03  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c: 
    * gui/calendar-model.c: make sure we call e_table_model_pre_change()
    before changing the model.

    * gui/calendar-config.c (calendar_config_configure_e_calendar_table): 
    removed call to e_table_model_changed(). calendar_model_refresh()
    results in that anyway.

2001-12-03  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.etspec: disabled 'Alarms', 'End Date' and
    'Show Time As' fields, as these are not useful for tasks. We may want
    to reenable them later if we add a table view of calendar events.

2001-12-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-offline-handler.c (backend_cal_opened): connect to
    "cal_set_mode" signal before calling cal_client_set_mode. Also,
    (backend_go_offline): connect to "cal_opened" signal before calling

2001-11-30  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (remove_item): only show the dialog if we
    created it. Hopefully fixes bug #15774.
    Also ifdef'ed out a lot of code that isn't currently used, including
    code to use a label which is never created. The unused code was there
    to support handling multiple iTIP objects in a message, but was never
    updated when we switched to use HTML for the control. Fixes bug #16232.

2001-11-28  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_new_task): Set the category of
    the new task to that of the search bar.  Fixes bug #15533.

2001-11-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (update_attendee_status):
    * gui/itip-utils.c (comp_to_list): fixed typos in translatable
    strings. Fixes Ximian #15456

2001-11-14  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/print.c: Substituted gnome_font_get_width_string() with
    gnome_font_get_width_utf8() and gnome_font_get_width_string_n()
    with gnome_font_get_width_utf8_sized(). Fixes calendar part of #15379.

2001-11-14  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (date_value_to_string): Convert the buffer
    to UTF8.
    (calendar_model_value_to_string): Do not convert the string fields
    to UTF8 again; they are already in UTF8.  Fixes the UTF8-related
    bits of bug #15304.

2001-11-14  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c: 
    * cal-util/cal-component.h: #ifdef'ed out the LOCATION field for now,
    since it wasn't supported everywhere, or in the .etspec file.

2001-11-14  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: don't abort when e_table_selected_count()
    returns odd values. There seems to be a bug in ETable. This is to
    avoid bug #13843.

2001-11-13  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    (committed to CVS by Damon)
    Fixes bug #15137.
    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_delete_appointment): Do not try
    to operate on the event if it gets deleted while stopping the
    (e_day_view_on_event_double_click): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_on_long_event_button_press): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_on_event_button_press): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_on_long_event_click): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_on_event_click): Likewise.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_text_item_event): Likewise.

2001-11-14  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (pre_sync): remove silly
    debug warning

2001-11-13  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/config-data.c (ensure_inited): 
    * gui/calendar-config.c (config_read): 
    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (get_default_timezone): 
    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (get_default_timezone): 
    make the timezone default to UTC. Fixes bug #14362.

2001-11-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-week-view.c (selection_received): only change the day,
    month and year for the start date, for not screwing up the start
    time, which was being set to midnight always (Fixes Ximian #5287)
    Also, deal correctly with VCALENDAR components
    * gui/e-day-view.c (selection_received): dela correctly with
    VCALENDAR components being pasted

2001-11-11  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/save.c (get_calendars_to_load): The last
    argument to the bonobo_config_get_XXX_with_default() is a gboolean
    *, not a CORBA_Environment *.  Fixes bug #14655.

2001-11-11  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (free_busy_instance): recurrence
    expansion callback for free/busy
    (create_user_free_busy): expand recurrences and use date/time
    values for dtstart and dtend
2001-11-11  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-model.h: new protos

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (e_meeting_model_get_zone): accessor
    (e_meeting_model_set_zone): ditto
    (init): init to the calendar default zone
    (process_free_busy_comp): take the zone to convert to as a param
    (e_meeting_model_refresh_busy_periods): redraw properly

    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.c (update_time): set the zone of the

2001-11-09  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_key_press): don't subtract a day
    from DTEND. For DATE values we don't include the entire day now.
    Fixes bug #14842.

2001-11-09  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-week-view-layout.c (e_week_view_layout_events): fix buffer
    overflow. Fixes bug #10285 (the printing of lines & dates in the
    printout of the month view).

2001-11-09  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba@gnome.pl>

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c
    (meeting_page_fill_widgets): Convert strings to GTK+ encoding.
    (meeting_page_destroy): Free allocated strings before freeing the list

2001-11-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_timeout_handler): don't let an empty
    event occur for all days when auto scrolling

2001-11-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c 
    (cal_backend_file_compute_changes_foreach_key): don't leak the
    string returned by cal_component_get_as_string nor the temporary
    CalComponent we create

2001-11-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-itip-control.c (ok_clicked_cb): don't add the item, remove
    it if declining (in case it was added before)
    (remove_item): Since we can't discern between an item not found
    and another error, always say the removal is complete

2001-11-07  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba@gnome.pl>

    * gui/e-cell-date-edit-text.c (ecd_get_text):
    Convert generated string to UTF-8.

2001-11-07  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_on_start_time_changed): emit changed
    (e_meeting_time_selector_on_end_time_changed): emit changed
    signal, if end time is now before start time and all day event,
    make sure a whole day is still selected
    (e_meeting_time_selector_drag_meeting_time): calculate the first
    and last_time's in whole days for all day events
    (e_meeting_time_selector_timeout_handler): calculate the drag time
    to be whole days for all day events and scroll the canvas even if
    we don't update the time so the user can see where they're headed

2001-11-06  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_edit_comp): make sure
    to remove all attendees from the model when we edit a new comp,
    append the pages if they are needed and we weren't showing them

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_edit_comp): same as above

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_remove_page): check for a
    return value indicating the page was not found and return if so
2001-11-05  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/e-delegate-dialog.c: #include
    "Evolution-Addressbook-SelectNames.h", not
    "../Evolution-Addressbook-SelectNames.h".  Grrr.

2001-11-05  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c (e_meeting_time_selector_class_init):
    add a changed signal
    (e_meeting_time_selector_construct): emit changed signal
    (e_meeting_time_selector_set_meeting_time): ditto
    (e_meeting_time_selector_set_all_day): set the all day setting
    (e_meeting_time_selector_autopick): emit changed signal
    (e_meeting_time_selector_find_nearest_interval): find proper
    interval when in all day mode
    (e_meeting_time_selector_find_nearest_interval_backward): ditto
    (e_meeting_time_selector_drag_meeting_time): for all day events,
    move the time when past the 12 hour mark, and and always make sure
    1 full day is selected, emit changed signal when appropriate
    (e_meeting_time_selector_update_start_date_edit): set date and
    time of day together
    (e_meeting_time_selector_update_end_date_edit): ditto, and adjust
    display time if all day event

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel-item.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_item_draw): remove unused variable
    (e_meeting_time_selector_item_button_press): for all day mode,
    make the interval a whole day

    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.c (update_time): set the meeting time
    selector setting instead of manual mucking with the e-date-edit
    (init_widgets): listen to the changed signal of the meeting time
    selector instead of propagating multiple events as it updates

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (update_time): block time zone change

2001-11-05  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (dup_date_edit_value): removed ';' in the wrong
    place. Fixes bug #14421.

2001-11-05  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am (evolution_alarm_notify_LDFLAGS):
    -export-dynamic for libglade custom widget.

2001-11-04  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c (get_default_component): use TZID from the
    builtin timezone, instead of using the location name.

2001-11-02  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-util.c (compute_alarm_range): Short-circuit the
    calculation of the repeat time if there are zero repetitions.
    (compute_alarm_range): I'm a moron.  De-reference alarm_start when
    subtracting stuff from it!  Fixes bug #14209.

2001-10-31  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: Added rules to generate

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.h: #include
    "Evolution-Addressbook-SelectNames.h" from this directory.

2001-10-31  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.c: #include <string.h>

2001-10-31  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (dn_query_obj_updated_cb): If a query is not in
    progress, just retag the whole thing.  An event may change dates
    and tag_calendar_by_comp() would not know how to untag the old
    dates.  Fixes bug #10220.

    * pcs/query.c (start_query_cb): Connect to the backend's
    "obj_updated" and "obj_removed" signals here instead of in
    query_construct().  If a query is started while another one is
    notifying of an update, these signal connections would get appened
    to the running signal (the one that triggered the notification
    about an update) and the new signal handlers would also get
    called.  We are really not interested in updates before we
    populate the query, because we'll catch the changes anyways.

2001-10-31  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Fix bug #13723.

    * gui/gnome-cal.h (GnomeCalendarClass): New signals
    "calendar_focus_change", "taskpad_focus_change", and
    "taskpad_selection_changed".  Renamed "selection_changed" to

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_get_num_tasks_selected): New
    (setup_widgets): Connect to the focus event signals of the task
    pad and the calendar view widgets.
    (gnome_calendar_delete_selection): Renamed from
    (gnome_calendar_cut_clipboard): Handle the current focus location.
    (gnome_calendar_copy_clipboard): Likewise.
    (gnome_calendar_paste_clipboard): Likewise.
    (gnome_calendar_delete_selection): Likewise.
    (table_selection_change_cb): New callback.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (sensitize_calendar_commands): Take in
    whether we should unconditionally disable everything.
    (sensitize_taskpad_commands): Analogous function to the above.
    (gcal_calendar_focus_change_cb): New callback, used for calendar
    (gcal_taskpad_focus_change_cb): New callback, used for the

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_key_press): Use a better test for
    keys that should start editing.  Fixes bug #6447.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_key_press): Likewise.

2001-10-31  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c: Make the pre_changes and changes match

2001-10-31  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp): send as mixed rather than

2001-10-31  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/save.c (KEY_CALENDARS_TO_LOAD):
    (KEY_NUM_CALENDARS_TO_LOAD): New key, containing the number of
    calendars to load.
    (BASE_KEY_CALENDAR_TO_LOAD): New base key name for the URIs of the
    calendars to load.
    (save_calendars_to_load): Rewrote to not use a sequence, to work
    around an ORBit bug that causes bonobo-moniker-xmldb to crash.
    (get_calendars_to_load): Likewise.

2001-10-30  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_remove_page): disconnect
    signals added in append_page(). Fixes Gtk-Critical warning about
    GtkAccelGroup being added twice to a window.

2001-10-30  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp): set a body for the message

2001-10-30  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp): call
    GNOME_Evolution_Composer_setMultipartType to get a

2001-10-30  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_on_start_time_changed): don't overwrite
    (e_meeting_time_selector_on_end_time_changed): ditto

2001-10-30  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (dup_date_edit_value): return NULL if passed
    NULL. Should fix bug #14048.

2001-10-30  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-config.c (config_read): Do not ignore the
    exceptions of the cases that do not have defaults.

2001-10-30  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_drag_meeting_time): if we are doing all
    day stuff, make the drag increment 1 day at a time

2001-10-30  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_fill_component): Add
    _() to a string that was missing it.

2001-10-30  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (table_canvas_focus_out_cb): Commit
    the ETable click-to-add for if the dialog is being destroyed.
    Should fix bug #13959.

2001-10-30  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp): Allocate enough space for the
    string!  (was missing the null terminator) Possibly fixes #13924.
    Thanks a *LOT* to Michael Zucchi for running this through Purify.

2001-10-30  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel-item.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_item_button_press): move in whole day
    increments if we are in all day mode

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_on_start_time_changed): get rid of
    localtime call
    (e_meeting_time_selector_on_end_time_changed): ditto
    (e_meeting_time_selector_update_start_date_edit): set the date
    editor using the meeting time fields directly
    (e_meeting_time_selector_update_end_date_edit): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.c (update_time): do the set_show_time
    stuff first

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (process_multi_day): don't
    adjust the time, set the default timezone for date values

2001-10-30  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am (INCLUDES):

2001-10-30  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (e_meeting_model_count_actual_attendees):
    count the actual attendees (doesn't include people delegating

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c: use
    e_meeting_model_count_actual_attendees (renamed)

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel-item.c: use
    e_meeting_model_etable_view_to_model_row calls instead of calling
    on the model directly, use e_meeting_model_count_actual_attendees

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c
    (e_meeting_model_etable_model_to_view_row): get the real mapping
    (e_meeting_model_etable_view_to_model_row): ditto
    (get_key): e-table-without callback
    (duplicate_key): ditto
    (free_gotten_key): ditto
    (free_duplicated_key): ditto
    (init): create without model
    (e_meeting_model_etable_from_model): build etable from without

    * gui/e-meeting-model.h: update protos

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (right_click_cb): convert row from
    view to model row

2001-10-30  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (task_page_fill_widgets): set to the default
    timezone for DATE values, in case the user switches to a DATE-TIME.

2001-10-30  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c: handle DATE values for Start and Due dates.

2001-10-30  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.c: 
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c: 
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c: updated code to handle DATE values.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_new_appointment_for): 
    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_key_press): updated DATE code.

    * gui/e-cell-date-edit-text.c: 
    * gui/calendar-model.c: updated to support DATE values.

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (cal_recur_generate_instances_of_rule): updated
    to use DATE values in same way as Outlook - i.e. the DTEND date is
    not included entirely. Though I did make it so that if the DTSTART
    and DTEND used the same DATE value, it includes the entire day.
    So 1-day events should be the same. Long All-Day events will be
    1 day shorter.

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_get_start_plus_duration): 
    don't subtract a day from the end date.

    * gui/tasks-control.c: updated the EPixmap paths for Cut/Copy etc.
    Removed Print & Print Preview paths, since we don't have menu commands
    for these any more.

2001-10-30  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Fix bug #10016.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_merge_ui): Use
    bonobo_ui_util_set_ui() instead of doing things by hand.  Hmmm, if
    only that function had a way of telling us whether it failed so
    that we could avoid setting the verb list...

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_init): Do not pass the
    filename with the full path so that Bonobo can find it in a smart

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_init): Likewise.

2001-10-30  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/delete-comp.c (delete_component_dialog): Use an
    EMessageBox instead of a gnome_dialog_question so that the label
    gets line breaking.  Fixes bug #11260.

2001-10-29  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Fix bug #13649.

    * gui/calendar-config.c
    (calendar_config_get_use_default_reminder): New function.
    (calendar_config_set_use_default_reminder): New function.
    (calendar_config_get_default_reminder_interval): New function.
    (calendar_config_set_default_reminder_interval): New function.
    (calendar_config_get_default_reminder_units): New function.
    (calendar_config_set_default_reminder_units): New function.
    (config_read): Get the options for default reminders.
    (calendar_config_write): Set the options for default reminders.

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.c (cal_prefs_dialog_show_config):
    Set the default reminder widgets from the config values.
    (cal_prefs_dialog_update_config): Set the config values from the

    * gui/comp-util.c (cal_comp_event_new_with_defaults): New
    function; creates a VEVENT component with the default alarm.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_key_press): Use
    cal_comp_event_new_with_defaults ();

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_key_press): Likewise.
    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_append_row): Likewise.
    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c (get_default_component): Likewise.
    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_new_appointment_for): Likewise.

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (ensure_alarm_properties_cb): Ensure we
    have a DESCRIPTION property.
    (cal_component_commit_sequence): Ensure we have the mandatory
    alarm properties.

2001-10-30  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (process_section): process an individual
    section here
    (select_names_ok_cb): call above
    (get_select_name_dialog): listen for ok:dialog signal

2001-10-29  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * importers/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_importer_LDADD): 
    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_LDADD): 
    * cal-util/Makefile.am (test_recur_LDADD): 
    * cal-client/Makefile.am (client_test_LDADD): use libical-evolution.la

    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.c: save the timezone passed in for the
    start time, so if our times are changed we use this. Also, if the
    end time was passed in in a different timezone, convert it.
    Also hide the time fields for DATE values. Note that DATE values still
    do not work.

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.glade: changed "Invite Others" to
    "Invite Others..." to be consistent with the other page.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (times_updated):
    (all_day_event_toggled_cb): set is_date if appropriate.

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (write_label_piece): convert all UTC times to
    the current timezone. Outlook sends simple, non-recurring, events as
    UTC times, which isn't very useful.

2001-10-29  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/main.c (launch_alarm_daemon): Launch the alarm daemon as
    soon as the calendar component is started.  Fixes bug #13867;
    we can't really do much better than this.

2001-10-29  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/tasks-control.c (pixmaps): Fix the verb names for the
    pixmaps in the Edit menu; they were out of synch with the XML
    UI description.

2001-10-29  Chris Toshok  <toshok@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-factory.c (cal_factory_dump_active_backends): new
    (dump_backend): new function.

    * pcs/cal-factory.h: add prototype for

2001-10-29  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Fix bug #12163.

    * cal-util/cal-util.c (compute_alarm_range): Take alarm
    repetitions into account.
    (add_alarm_occurrences_cb): Add alarm repetitions.
    (generate_absolute_triggers): Likewise.
    (generate_absolute_triggers): Oops, absolute triggers are in UTC,
    so convert them as such.  Also, pay attention to the timezones of
    the dtstart and dtend properties.

2001-10-29  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * importers/Makefile.am: include the header as a source so it gets

2001-10-29  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * importers/Makefile.am (INCLUDES):

2001-10-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * importers/icalendar-importer.c (load_file_fn): fixed URI
    construction, which was preventing importing into the root
    calendar (~/evo/local/Calendar/)

2001-10-29  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (is_all_day): handle date

2001-10-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * importers/: added evolution-calendar-importer binary, starting
    with an iCalendar file importer

2001-10-29  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit-config.h
    (todoconduit_load_configuration): get the management object by id

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit-config.h
    (calconduit_load_configuration): ditto

2001-10-29  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-config.[ch] (calendar_config_get_default_uri):
    (calendar_config_set_default_tasks_uri): new functions for setting
    and retrieving the default calendar URIs

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (init): don't use
    hard-coded URI, but use the default calendar URI, as returned
    by calendar_config_get_default_uri
    (start_calendar_server): added a "gboolean tasks" parameter, so
    that the local tasks.ics file is used if the calendar to be
    started is for tasks when no default tasks URI is found in
    the configuration

2001-10-28  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (add_record): unref the
    comp when finished

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (add_record): ditto
2001-10-28  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (task_page_fill_widgets): added break
    statements after each case, when setting the classification.
    Fixes bug #13772.

2001-10-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (destroy_wombat_client): removed this
    function, as we don't need to unref at all the WombatClient
    object, since it is aggregated to the CalListener object, which
    will take care of unrefing it (Fixes Ximian #12001)
    (cal_client_open_calendar): create the WombatClient here

2001-10-28  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/print.c (print_todo_details): get the tasks directly from the
    CalendarModel, so we get the filtering & sorting for free. Fixes
    bug #10280. Hmm. This seems too easy. It isn't going to work is it...

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_get_task_pad): new function to get
    the TaskPad ECalendarTable, for printing.

    * gui/calendar-model.c: 
    * gui/calendar-config.c (calendar_config_get_hide_completed_tasks_sexp): 
    split this out from calendar-model.c so we could use it for printing,
    but ended up doing that a different way.

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (init_widgets): removed a duplicated signal
    connected to field_changed_cb().

2001-10-27  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/print.c (print_week_view): 
    (range_selector_new): when the week start day is set to Sunday, we
    have to be careful to make sure we print the correct week, since
    the previous Saturday is actually printed first. Fixes bug #13687.
    (print_week_summary): always set compress_weekend to true if
    multi_week_view is FALSE (i.e. we are printing the week view).
    Fixes bug #13688.

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (send_freebusy): use the timezones from the
    (write_label_piece): output the date-time and the timezone after it.
    Note that we may want to convert it to the current timezone and display
    that as well. Also converted COMPLETED to the current timezone.
    And fixed all uses of old timezone functions.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (commit_all_fields): added function to
    set the focus in the window to NULL, so all fields lose their focus,
    so they emit "changed" signals and update their values if needed.
    We call this when most menu commands are used, e.g. 'Save and Close',
    'Print' etc. Fixes bug #11434. In future we should also check fields
    are valid and show dialogs if they are not.

    * gui/calendar-model.c (get_completed): use the completed value
    properly. Fixes bug #13694.

    * cal-util/timeutil.c (icaltimetype_to_tm_with_zone): don't check
    from_zone and to_zone != NULL. A NULL zone is valid, it is for
    floating times.

2001-10-27  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_text_item_event): Cancel editing
    if the user presses Escape.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_text_item_event): Likewise.

    * gui/cal-search-bar.c: #include <string.h>

2001-10-27  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_editing_stopped): Delete
    appointments with empty summaries.  Fixes Ximian bug #780.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_editing_stopped): Likewise.

    * gui/dialogs/delete-comp.c (delete_component_dialog): Added an
    argument to specify whether we unconditionally want single
    components to be considered as not having a summary.

    * gui/comp-util.c (cal_comp_confirm_delete_empty_comp): New

    * gui/misc.[ch]: New files with miscellaneous utility functions;
    moved string_is_empty() over from calendar-model.c.

    * gui/calendar-model.c: Use the string_is_empty()
    function from misc.c.

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_SOURCES): Added misc.[ch] to
    the list of sources.

2001-10-27  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (local_record_from_comp): touch on
    (check_for_slow_setting): write touched only if slow sync
    (match): touch on lookup

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (local_record_from_comp):
    touch the record on lookup
    (check_for_slow_setting): write touched only if slow sync
    (pre_sync): don't touch on lookup
    (match): touch on lookup

2001-10-26  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/e-calendar.conduit.in: remove the merges as
    valid sync types

    * conduits/todo/e-todo.conduit.in: as above

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (pre_sync): write out only
    the touched records if we are doing copies

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c: as above
    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit-config.h
    (calconduit_load_configuration): get the sync type

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit-config.h: as above
2001-10-26  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (write_label_piece): convert the formatted
    date to UTF-8.

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (CAL_OBJ_DEBUG): turn off debug functions.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c (parse_contact_string): handle UTF8
    correctly. Bug #4450. Good enough for 1.0.

    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c (e_week_view_draw_time): set the gc
    color before drawing. Should fix bug #11469.

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_edit_comp): show or hide the
    meeting page as appropriate. Note this may be called more than once,
    if the task gets updated somewhere else and the user clicks 'Update
    the object'. Hopefully fixes bug #12930.

    * gui/print.c (print_comp_item): printed more fields and made a little
    prettier. Fixes bug #9352.
    (print_date_label): used the correct timezones for each date field.

    * *.c: removed several debug messages.

2001-10-26  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (check_for_slow_setting):
    make debug output more accurate

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (check_for_slow_setting): ditto

2001-10-26  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (pre_sync): remove the uid from the
    map if was archived and is now deleted

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: ditto

2001-10-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-calendar_table.c (delete_selected_components):
    (selection_received): added status bar messages

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_cut_clipboard):
    (selection_received): likewise

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_cut_clipboard):
    (selection_received): likewise

2001-10-26  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.h: modify fields

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.h: as above

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (print_remote): free the
    struct after use
    (e_calendar_context_new): explicitly init context fields
    (e_calendar_context_destroy): free local records and properly free
    changed hash elements
    (start_calendar_server_cb): tidy
    (start_calendar_server): ditto
    (free_local): free a local record
    (local_record_to_pilot_record): use a static buffer to avoid leaks
    (local_record_from_comp): only copy over alarm stuff from the
    original record, we sync everything else
    (local_record_from_uid): unref the comp when we are done
    (pre_sync): free change_id
    (post_sync): ditto
    (for_each): track locals
    (for_each_modified): ditto
    (free_match): use free_local

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c: as above
2001-10-26  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal.c (cal_construct): Get a fresh CORBA_Environment for
    every CORBA call.  Hopefully will fix #11978, but I'm not sure
    about what else could be happening.
    (cal_get_password): Free the exception.

2001-10-25  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: used functions to get PUBLISH_OPTIONS etc.,
    so we can translate them.

2001-10-25  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (cal_obj_bysetpos_filter): subtract 1 from
    any positive BYSETPOS value, since our array is 0-based.

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (simple_recur_to_comp): 
    (recurrence_page_fill_widgets): Outlook (2000) will not accept monthly
    recurrences like BYDAY=2TU. Instead it uses BYDAY=TU;BYSETPOS=2.
    So to be compatable with it we now do the same, although we still
    accept and convert the old format.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_get_component_as_string): new
    function to return a complete VCALENDAR string containing a VEVENT
    or VTODO with all the VTIMEZONEs it uses.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (save_as_ok): use above function so we
    save the VTIMEZONE data with the VEVENT/VTODO. Fixes bug #8626.
    Also made sure we output "METHOD:PUBLISH" since Outlook (2000) will
    not import it otherwise.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (page_mapped_cb): 
    (page_unmapped_cb): install/uninstall the GtkAccelGroup for the page.
    (comp_editor_append_page): connect to the map/unmap signals to
    install/uninstall the accelerators. (This is all for bug #11609,
    though of course it doesn't work too well in GTK+ 1.2 anyway.)

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (get_widgets): 
    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c (get_widgets): 
    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.c (get_widgets): 
    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (get_widgets): 
    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (get_widgets): 
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (get_widgets): 
    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (get_widgets): got the GtkAccelGroup from
    the original window, ref'ed it and placed it in the CompEditorPage

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.c (comp_editor_page_destroy): unref
    any GtkAccelGroup for the page.

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.glade: changed '_Confidential' to
    'Con_fidential' as it clashed with '_Contacts'. It now matches the
    event editor as well.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.glade: 
    * gui/dialogs/task-page.glade: Set CAN_FOCUS to TRUE for the custom
    EDateEdit widgets, and set them as the accel targets of the labels.

2001-10-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (save_comp): show an error message when
    we can't update the object on the calendar server

2001-10-25  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/control-factory.c: Ifdef-ed out the PersistFile bits.

    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.oaf.in: The tasks folder does not
    support the PersistFile interface; removed it.  Removed it as well
    from the calendar folder since it is aggregated but not actually

2001-10-25  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (xfer_folder): Handle tasks folders as
    well; was always using "calendar.ics" as the filename.

2001-10-24  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.oaf.in: added sections for Tasks
    factory and control. I hope someone checks these!

2001-10-24  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (xfer_folder): Fixed to only copy the
    `calendar.ics' and `calendar.ics~' files.

2001-10-24  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_update_objects): when
    iterating over the subcomponents, use 'subcomp' rather than 'icalcomp'.
    That meant it wasn't working at all well when an entire VCALENDAR
    was passed in.

    * cal-util/cal-component.c: handle DURATION property used instead of
    DTEND or DUE. In cal_component_get_dtend/due we will return DTSTART
    + DURATION if necessary. In set_dtend/due we remove any DURATION
    property. Fixes bug #11262.

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (build_etable): 
    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_init): use U_ for the
    ECellCombo popdown strings, as it expects UTF-8 strings.

2001-10-24  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c (e_meeting_time_selector_construct):
    track the spacer vbox
    (e_meeting_time_selector_style_set): make sure the rows are the
    correct size for the style

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel-item.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_item_paint_day_top): slight adjustments
    to where the text is drawn

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.h: new member

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (build_etable): ensure uniform row height

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (comp_from_remote_record): mark
    status as completed in appropriate places and don't overwrite
    legitimate percentages and such

2001-10-24  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Fixes bug #5282.

    * cal-util/timeutil.c (icaltimetype_to_tm_with_zone): New function
    to avoid copying the same code all over the place.
    (icaltimetype_to_tm): Also set the tm.tm_wday.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (queue_midnight_refresh): Use
    (load_alarms_for_today): Likewise.  And oops, we were only
    computing the times and not loading the alarms.
    (obj_updated_cb): Likewise.
    (load_alarms): Removed assertion that is no longer valid because
    we may load the alarms for a client in two stages.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (get_alarm_string): Convert absolute
    trigger times to the local timezone.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify-dialog.c (write_html_heading):
    Convert the times to the local timezone.
    (alarm_notify_dialog): Likewise, for the window title.
    (alarm_notify_dialog): Set the window layer to WIN_LAYER_ONTOP.

    * gui/e-cell-date-edit-text.c (ecd_get_text): Use

    * gui/alarm-notify/save.c (get_config_db): Made public.
    (discard_config_db): Made public.

    * gui/alarm-notify/config-data.[ch]: New files with functions to
    fetch the calendar configuration data used by the alarm daemon.

2001-10-23  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_event_dates_match): make sure
    we free all the CalComponentDateTime's when we are finished.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_notify_dates_shown_changed): just
    return if no time range is set.

2001-10-23  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_table_vadjustment_changed): adjust the
    display canvas when the table scrolls
    (e_meeting_time_selector_construct): listen for table scrolling

2001-10-23  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (build_etable): no longer set the
    scrollbar policy here

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_update_main_canvas_scroll_region): add an
    extra row to the height so the click to add row can be properly
    (e_meeting_time_selector_construct): set the scrollbar policy for
    the etable scrolled

2001-10-23  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * cal-util/timeutil.c (icaltimetype_to_tm): convert an
    icaltimetype to a tm
    (tm_to_icaltimetype): vice versa

    * cal-util/timeutil.h: new protos

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: replace all mktime and
    localtime calls (except for debugging calls)

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c: ditto
    (comp_from_remote_record): make sure the completed time is in UTC
2001-10-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-query.c (cal_query_construct) set priv->corba_query
    to CORBA_OBJECT_NIL if there was an error

2001-10-22  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: added setDefaultTimezone() method.

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_get_default_timezone): 
    (cal_backend_set_default_timezone): new functions to call class

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c: lots of changes to handle the default
    timezone and use it.

    * pcs/query.c: use the default timezone.

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c (date_changed_cb): initialized

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c: changed it to handle DATE values. The
    'All Day Event' checkbox is only set now when the DTSTART and DTEND
    are DATE values.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c (comp_editor_free_dates): free the
    CalComponentDateTime structs as well.

    * gui/e-tasks.c: set the default timezone on the server.

    * gui/tag-calendar.c: 
    * gui/gnome-cal.c: 
    * gui/e-week-view.c: 
    * gui/e-day-view.c: updates to handle DATE values.

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (date_compare_cb): updated to use the new
    ECellDateEditValue values, so it now works.
    (percent_compare_cb): updated to use GPOINTER_TO_INT values.
    (e_calendar_table_init): use an ECellPercent for the percent field
    and an ECellDateEditText for the date fields.

    * gui/comp-util.c (cal_comp_util_compare_event_timezones): return TRUE
    if the DTSTART or DTEND is a DATE value. We don't want to show the
    timezone icons for DATE values.

    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c (resolve_pending_requests): set the default
    timezone on the server.

    * gui/calendar-model.c: major changes to support sorting properly.
    For date and percent fields we now use subclasses of ECellText, so
    we don't use a char* as the model value. For the percent field we now
    use a GINT_TO_POINTER. For the date fields we now use a
    ECellDateEditValue* as the value.

    * gui/calendar-config.c (calendar_config_configure_e_cell_date_edit): 
    set the timezone and use_24_hour flags of the new ECellDateEditText.

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (pre_sync): 
    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (pre_sync): set the default
    timezone on the server.

    * cal-util/timeutil.c (time_days_in_month): removed debug message.

    * cal-util/test-recur.c: try to handle timezones in the iCalendar
    file properly, and updated to pass default timezone.

    * cal-util/cal-util.c (cal_util_generate_alarms_for_comp):
    (cal_util_generate_alarms_for_list): added default timezone argument.

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c: changed many of the functions to take a default
    timezone, to use to resolve DATE and floating DATE-TIME values.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_set_default_timezone): new
    function to set the default timezone.
    (cal_client_ensure_timezone_on_server): new function to ensure that
    a given timezone is on the server.

    * gui/e-cell-date-edit-text.c: new subclass of ECellText to display
    and edit a date value.

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (cal_obj_byday_expand_monthly): changed week_num
    to -week_num when calculating the weeks to go back from the end of the
    month for things like BYDAY=-2WE. Fixes bug #11525.
    (cal_recur_generate_instances_of_rule): only go up to MAX_YEAR (2037).
    We can't really handle anything past that anyway.
    (cal_recur_ensure_rule_end_date): initialize cb_date.end_date to 0,
    so if the RULE doesn't generate COUNT instances we save 0 as the

2001-10-22  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/tasks-control-factory.c (tasks_control_factory_fn): Put up a
    warning dialog box if we failed to create the tasks control.
    Fixes bug #13033.

2001-10-22  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (set_date_label): write out the correct
    time in the control

    * pcs/cal.c (build_fb_seq): utility function to build sequences of
    f/b data
    (impl_Cal_get_free_busy): use above so we never return a NULL

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit-config.h
    (calconduit_save_configuration): fix c/p error
    (calconduit_load_configuration): ditto

2001-10-22  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_destroy): we don't need
    to save the state

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c (e_meeting_time_selector_destroy):

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (build_etable): listen for the etable
    being destroyed
    (table_destroy_cb): save the state when the etable is destroyed

2001-10-21  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.c (init_widgets): listen for changes
    in the date editors
    (schedule_page_set_dates): update the times when they change
    (update_time): set the time in the dialog
    (time_changed_cb): notify of changed times
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (page_dates_changed_cb): don't call
    the set dates function on the page that noted the change
    (page_summary_changed_cb): same for set summary function
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (update_time): move time setting stuff
    to util function
    (event_page_set_dates): use it
    (event_page_fill_component): ditto

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.h: fix comment

2001-10-19  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify.c (add_uri_to_load): Do not assert
    if we fail to load the URI list.  This would of course have been a
    bonobo-conf activation problem.
    (remove_uri_to_load): Likewise.

    * gui/alarm-notify/notify-main.c (load_calendars): Likewise.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (load_missed_alarms): Make the
    time range half-open so that we do not display the last alarm

2001-10-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_set_status_message): make
    it a public function

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_open): display progress messages
    (cal_opened_cb): clean up status bar messages

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_open): display progress messages
    (client_cal_opened_cb): clean up status bar messages

2001-10-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>
    * gui/calendar-model.c (set_status_message): new function
    (update_query): call set_status_message
    (query_eval_error_cb): clean up status bar messages
    (get_location, set_location): new functions for setting and
    retrieving the location in the calendar model

2001-10-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (owner_set_cb): keep a reference to the
    EvolutionShellClient component

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_set_status_message): new function
    (update_query): call e_week_view_set_status_message
    (query_eval_error_cb): clean up status bar messages

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_set_status_message): new function
    (update_query): call e_day_view_set_status_message
    (query_eval_error_cb): clean up status bar messages

    * gui/Makefile.am: added EVOLUTION_IMAGESDIR to CFLAGS
2001-10-18  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_on_invite_others_button_clicked): call
    the invite others dialog in the model

    * gui/e-meeting-attendee.c (e_meeting_attendee_get_atype): pick
    attendee type based on role and cutype

    * gui/e-meeting-attendee.h: remove proto

    * gui/Makefile.am: compile select names idl

    * gui/e-meeting-model.h: new proto

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c: remove invite others dialogs bits
    from here

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (e_meeting_model_invite_others_dialog):
    and put them here
    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: compile corba bits in parent dir

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.h: reflect above in includes

    * gui/dialogs/e-delegate-dialog.c: ditto

    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.c: ditto and clean includes
2001-10-18  Larry Ewing  <lewing@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify-dialog.c: add html widget
    (url_requested_cb): add function to load images from file as they
    are requested.
    (write_html_heading): convert to using html.
    (alarm_notify_dialog): convert to use html display.
    (make_html_display): this is the function the custom widget in the
    galde file uses to create the html widget.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify.glade: add placeholder for the
    custom html widget.

    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am: add flags for gtkhtml and gal.
2001-10-18  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Adds session management for the alarm daemon.  Also makes it store
    a list of calendars to be monitored.  Those calendars will all be
    loaded when the alarm daemon starts up.

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl (AlarmNotify): Removed the ::die()
    method.  The alarm daemon now handles termination via the session
    manager's commands.

    * gui/alarm-notify/notify-main.c (set_session_parameters): New
    function, sets some parameters so that the session manager can
    restart the daemon via the evolution-alarm-client program.  Also,
    sets up the "die" signal so that the daemon can terminate when the
    session ends.
    (load_calendars): New function to load the calendars on startup.
    (main): Set the session parameters.  Load the calendars on startup.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify.c (alarm_notify_add_calendar): New
    function, moved over from the impl_ function.  Added a
    load_afterwards argument to indicate whether the calendar should
    just be loaded or if it should also be added to the list of
    calendars to load on startup.
    (AlarmNotify_addCalendar): Use alarm_notify_add_calendar().
    (AlarmNotify_removeCalendar): Remove the calendar from the list of
    calendars to load on startup.

    * gui/alarm-notify/save.c (save_calendars_to_load): New function,
    saves a sequence of the URIs to load.
    (get_calendars_to_load): New function, loads a sequence of
    calendars to load.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm.h: Removed stale prototype for alarm_init().

    * gui/component-factory.c (remove_folder): Ask the alarm daemon to
    stop monitoring alarms for the folder that is being deleted.

2001-10-18  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel-item.c
    (e_meeting_time_selector_item_paint_day_top): use 12 or 24 hour

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c: strings for 12 hour setting
    (e_meeting_time_selector_construct): increase width slightly
    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.h: extern the new char array

2001-10-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.[ch] (cal_component_get_location):
    (cal_component_set_location): new functions

2001-10-18  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (process_callbacks): util routine to
    handle calling back
    (async_close): use above
    (e_meeting_model_refresh_busy_periods): ditto

2001-10-17  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (local_record_from_comp): translate
    1-5 priorites to 1-9 priorities better
    (comp_from_remote_record): ditto

2001-10-17  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: allow some decent exceptions

2001-10-17  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/query.c (match_component): there may be cases when the backend
    will return an invalid component from a valid UID (an UID returned
    by the get_uids method), so don't abort if that's the case

2001-10-15  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.glade: removed Help button. Do we have
    any others?

2001-10-15  Larry Ewing  <lewing@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (set_icon_from_comp): remove warnings.

2001-10-15  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (process_multi_day):
    function to break up multi day events into single events for both
    evo and the pilot and create new CalClientChange structures
    (pre_sync): call above function, and adjust changed list if

2001-10-15  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (is_all_day): util function
    to determine if event is all day
    (local_record_from_comp): use new util function
    (comp_from_remote_record): kill use of deprecated time functions

2001-10-13  Larry Ewing  <lewing@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (real_edit_comp): call
    (set_icon_from_comp): set the window icon from the comp.
    (make_icon_from_comp): get the icon path based on comp type.
    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am (iconsdir): EVOLUTION_ICONSDIR bits.

2001-10-13  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_send_comp): send
    cancellation comp if necessary

2001-10-12  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c: return fill_component success

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c: ditto

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c: ditto

    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.c: ditto

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c: ditto

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c: ditto

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c: use e_notice instead of
    (meeting_page_get_cancel_comp): duh, deleted_attendees is an array
    (meeting_page_fill_component): spew gui errors if there is no
    organizer or no attendees, return success

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_send_comp): always call
    parent method and don't send the cancellation comp if the method
    is publish
    (refresh_meeting_cmd): use the orginal comp to refresh
    (forward_cmd): prompt the user for the version they want to send
    (current, original)

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (forward_cmd): as above
    (refresh_task_cmd): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.c
    (comp_editor_page_fill_component): return boolean of whether the
    component could be filled or not

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.h: update proto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (prompt_to_save_changes): take a param
    on whether to try and send or not
    (comp_editor_get_current_comp): only fill component if its changed
    (comp_editor_save_comp): prompt user as well

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.h: change proto

    * gui/itip-utils.c: replace error_dialog with e_notice
    (comp_content_type): specify charset

2001-10-11  Larry Ewing  <lewing@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: large reworking of i18n tagging and now
    uses gtk_html_stream write and U_ where appropriate.  More to

2001-10-10  Larry Ewing  <lewing@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (init): set the default character set to

2001-10-10  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-factory.c (lookup_backend): Return the original key in
    the hash table if requested.
    (backend_last_client_gone_cb): Use lookup_backend() so that we
    have the URI mangling done for us.
    (impl_CalFactory_open): The type should be GtkType *, not GtkType!

2001-10-10  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_set_mode_cb): remove unneeded

2001-10-10  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * pcs/cal-factory.c (add_uri): fix logic checks

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_init): init the
    exisiting_org boolean
    (set_menu_sens): base sensitivity on existing_org boolean
    (event_editor_edit_comp): set exisiting_org boolean

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c: same as above

    * gui/calendar-offline-handler.c (add_connection): handle the
    protocol or host being unknown

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_has_organizer):

2001-10-09  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Fixes bug #884.

    * gui/alarm-notify/save.[ch]: New files with functions to
    save/load the last notification time.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (alarm_trigger_cb): Save the last
    notification time.
    (alarm_queue_init): Load the last notification time when the
    daemon is inited.
    (alarm_queue_add_client): Load the alarms that we missed while the
    alarm daemon was not running.
    (cal_opened_cb): Likewise.

    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am (evolution_alarm_notify_SOURCES):
    Added save.[ch] to the list of sources.

2001-10-09  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (get_address): util function to get address
    (itip_addresses_get_default): get only the default address
    (itip_address_free): free single address
    (itip_addresses_free): use above
    (comp_limit_attendees): limit the number of attendees to one, the
    (comp_sentby): set the sentby parameter if the user is not the
    (comp_minimal): remove extraneous info for send (for refresh and
    (comp_compliant): remove all alarms, do various things to make the
    components comply with itip spec based on method
    (itip_send_comp): use comp_compliant method

    * gui/itip-utils.h: new protos

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: rescan the component when necessary
    (get_next): don't get stuck in infinite loop if there are no
    viewable components
    (e_itip_control_set_data): if there are no viewable components,
    spit an error message

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.h: tidy

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_fill_widgets): use
    organizer's cn if possible
    (other_clicked_cb): no longer doing the sent by stuff directly,
    hide more widgets

    * pcs/query.c: use bonobo exception stuff

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_rescan): have the comp
    rescan its libical component (for when you change things directly)
    (free_icalcomponent): take a param on whether to free the
    component or just clean up the mappings
    (cal_component_has_attendees): util function

    * cal-util/cal-component.h: new protos
2001-10-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-factory.c (lookup_backend, add_backend): deal correctly with
    URIs to be inserted into the hash table, so that we don't add the same
    backend over and over because the URI strings were different (although
    refering to the same backend)

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (mail_account_*): moved to a common place
    (cal_backend_file_open): check if "uristr != NULL" and not
    "uri != NULL"

    * pcs/cal-backend-util.c: moved to here

    * gui/e-day-view.c: add missing header file

2001-10-09  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (process_free_busy_comp): Fix incorrect
    variable name check.

2001-10-03  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp): refactor functionality into
    several function
    (comp_string): if we are publishing, empty the attendee list

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (schedule_meeting_cmd): when we
    schedule a new meeting, mark the event editor as changed

    * pcs/cal.c (cal_class_init): get correct parent class

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_merge_ui): use the
    generated ui component name

2001-10-03  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c:
    * gui/calendar-offline-handler.c:
    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c: replace use of gnome_vfs_uri with e_uri

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (start_addressbook_server): make it return void,
    since the return value does not mind

    * pcs/cal.c:
    * pcs/cal-factory.c:
    * pcs/cal-backend.[ch]: don't use GnomeVFS for URI management
    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c: ditto, only use GnomeVFS for internal

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_open_calendar): don't CORBA_exception_free
    before checking for exceptions

2001-10-03  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.etspec: Added priorities to a bunch of
    these columns.  Fixes Ximian bug #7158.

2001-10-03  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/comp-util.c (cal_comp_util_add_exdate): save the EXDATE as a
    DATE-TIME value, since we know the exact time. Fixes bug #11278.
    (Before we were setting is_date, but icaltime_from_timet_with_zone()
    didn't convert it properly. We need to figure out how to handle DATEs
    when using time_t's.)

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (get_exception_string): use
    e_time_format_date_and_time() so we show the time as well, if the
    exception is a DATE-TIME value.

    * cal-util/timeutil.c: removed time_add_month(), time_year_begin(),
    time_month_begin() & time_week_begin() - old pre-timezone functions
    which we no longer use.

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (cal_recur_from_icalproperty): set
    ir.until.is_date to FALSE before converting to a time_t.
    Hopefully fixes bug #5034.

2001-10-02  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (setup_widgets): Use
    `bonobo_ui_component_new_default()', not

2001-10-02  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-query.c: use bonobo-exception to tidy

2001-10-02  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (nth_weekday): handle -1 as
    (comp_from_remote_record): fix monthly by day recurrences and
    handle "last" day type

2001-10-01  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_destroy): unref the page
    objects here, instead of in close_dialog(). (This was fixed a while
    ago, but accidentally reverted.) Fixes bug #7543.

2001-10-01  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify-dialog.c (alarm_notify_dialog):
    Set the window state to sticky.  Thanks to Peter Teichman for the

2001-10-01  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (local_record_from_comp):
    Convert the comp exceptions to the pilot record
    (comp_from_remote_record): record exceptions on the desktop and
    use time zone stuff on recurrence end date

2001-10-01  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_compute_changes):
    strdup the uid to avoid double free, write out only after
    everything is done

2001-10-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_open): don't use
    gnome_vfs_uri_is_local on URIs created with

2001-09-28  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/print.c (print_comp_item): use bound_text to print the summary,
    so it wraps instead of being clipped to 1 line. Fixes part 3 of bug
    #10285, I think.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.glade: left-aligned the Date/Time label.
    Also set the width of the Summary & Date/Time labels to 10, and set
    expand to TRUE, to make sure that the dialog doesn't keep getting
    wider as the summary text on the main page gets longer. Could possibly
    use an EClippedLabel here instead, so we get a '...' at the end if it
    is clipped.

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.glade: changed Summary & Date/Time
    widths as above.

    * gui/print.c (print_calendar): use landscape mode for the month
    (print_border_with_triangles): use EPSILON to account for floating
    point errors. Hopefully fixes part 2b of bug #10285.

2001-09-28  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (local_record_from_comp):
    Handle the fields and category we don't sync by making sure we
    don't overwrite them
    (local_record_to_pilot_record): use local record category
    (pre_sync): track db info

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.h: db info field

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.[hc]: same as above

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c
    (cal_backend_file_compute_changes_foreach_key): create a dummy
    component of the right type and strdup the uid
    (cal_backend_file_compute_changes): sync the db hash after each
    change and free the uid

2001-09-28  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_open_calendar): init the
    execption rather than freeing it

2001-09-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_construct): use bonobo-exception
    for exceptions
    (cal_client_open_calendar): likewise

2001-09-27  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (pixmaps): Update pixmap menu paths;
    /menu/ComponentToolsPlaceholder/Tools ->
    /menu/Tools/ComponentPlaceholder .
    * gui/tasks-control.c: Likewise.

2001-09-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: added InvalidURI and UnsupportedMethod
    exceptions to the CalFactory interface

    * pcs/cal-factory.c (impl_CalFactory_open): raise InvalidURI exception on
    URI errors and UnsupportedMethod when we don't support the method for
    a given URI
2001-09-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.c: added support for using multiple calendar
    (cal_client_uri_list): use the list of factories loaded for this

2001-09-26  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (date_compare_cb): 
    (priority_compare_cb): added comparison functions for these special
    cell types. But the date and percent ones don't work yet due to the
    use of static text buffers for return cell values.
    (e_calendar_table_init): added the comparison functions to the
    ETableExtras. NOTE: task_compare_cb() never seems to be called.
    I'm not sure why it is there.

    * gui/e-calendar-table.etspec: set the comparison function names for
    the date/percent/priority fields.

    * cal-util/cal-util.c (cal_util_priority_to_string): 
    (cal_util_priority_from_string): new utility functions.

    * gui/calendar-model.c (get_priority): 
    (set_priority): used above utility functions, and removed the warning
    dialog which isn't useful now that the field isn't editable.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (times_updated): handle timezones and for
    all-day events make sure it stays an all-day event after adjusting.
    Fixes bugs #5945 and #10222.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (pixmaps): fixed the E_PIXMAP paths - the
    edit items were moved beneath 'EditPlaceholder'. This gets rid of
    those long Bonobo warnings! (and we get the icons back)

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (pixmaps): removed the PrintPreview toolbar
    icon, since it doesn't appear in the xml file. Gets rid of warning.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (notify_dates_changed): new function to
    emit the notification signal when the dates are changed. It also
    handles timezones now.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.h (CompEditorPageDates): used
    CalComponentDateTime for start/end/due so we have the timezone as well
    as the time.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c (comp_editor_dates): updated to get
    the timezones as well as the times.
    (comp_editor_free_dates): new function needed to free all the structs.

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (recurrence_page_set_dates): added call
    to preview_recur() to make sure the preview gets updated.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (alarm_page_fill_widgets): free the
    CompEditorPageDates struct after use.

    * gui/tag-calendar.c (tag_calendar_by_comp): added 'comp_is_on_server'
    argument. If FALSE, we try to use builtin timezones first. This is
    needed for the recurrence page of the event editor, because the
    timezones may not have been added to the server yet. This and the
    changes to the notification stuff should fix bug #5034.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (dn_query_obj_updated_cb): call above
    tag_calendar_by_comp() with TRUE since the events will be on the
    server in this case.

    * gui/e-day-view-layout.c:
    * gui/e-day-view.c: made sure an event always takes up at least one
    row, even when the start & end times are the same. Fixes bug #5944.
    I don't know if we should try to also handle events with the end time
    before the start time.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_style_set): check that the small font
    is actually smaller than the normal font. If it isn't, don't use it.
    Hopefully fixes bug #6876.
    (e_week_view_on_new_appointment): if only one day is selected, then
    we set the initial time of the event to 1/2-hour from the start of the
    working day, to differentiate 'New Appointment' from 'New All Day
    Event'. Fixes bug #8892.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_new_appointment): do the same as the

2001-09-26  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Fixes the GUI part of bug #7892.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (get_alarm_duration_string): Return
    NULL if the duration is zero.
    (get_alarm_string): Handle duration of zero.  Also, hopefully
    make the strings be more l10n-friendly.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm.c (alarm_ready_cb): I am a moron.  Fix
    reversed test.

2001-09-26  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_destroy): disconnect
    signals first thing

2001-09-26  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_LDFLAGS): Add
    -export-dynamic to make glade custom widgets work on non-Linux.

2001-09-26  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-util.h: added CAL_MODE_INVALID to CalMode enum

2001-09-26  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal.h: new proto

    * pcs/cal.c (impl_Cal_set_mode): implement set mode method
    (cal_class_init): set setMode function in epv
    (cal_notify_mode): notify listener of mode change

    * pcs/cal-factory.c (add_uri): deal with UriType renaming

    * pcs/cal-backend.h: add new virtual methods and protos

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_class_init): init new virtual
    methods to null
    (cal_backend_set_mode): sets mode
    (cal_backend_get_mode): gets mode

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_class_init): overide
    get_mode and set_mode methods
    (cal_backend_file_get_mode): return mode
    (notify_mode): have listeners notified of the set mode call
    (cal_backend_file_set_mode): set the mode by indicating not

    * cal-client/cal-listener.h: update proto

    * cal-client/cal-listener.c (impl_notifyCalSetMode): implement set
    mode callback
    (cal_listener_construct): take set mode callback
    (cal_listener_new): ditto

    * cal-client/cal-client.h: update protos, add signal proto

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_class_init): add
    cal_set_mode signal
    (cal_set_mode_cb): handle set mode callback from listener
    (cal_client_open_calendar): pass additional param to cal_listener_new
    (cal_client_set_mode): wrapper to set the calendar mode

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: make UriType into CalMode, add
    SetModeStatus enum and notifyCalSetMode method to the listener

    * gui/calendar-offline-handler.c (create_connection_list): fetch
    the uri list ourselves
    (impl_prepareForOffline): reflect param change of
    (update_offline): ditto
    (backend_cal_set_mode): set mode call back
    (backend_cal_opened): cal opened call back, set mode to local
    (impl_goOffline): reflect UriType renaming

    * cal-util/cal-util.h: rename UriType to CalMode

2001-09-25  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Warning fixes courtesy of Chris Lahey <clahey@ximian.com>.

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (write_html): Warning fixes.  Also, don't
    strdup() more than necessary.

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.c (e_meeting_time_selector_refresh_cb):
    Warning fixes.

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_addresses_get): Warning fixes.

    * gui/print.c (print_day_background): Warning fixes.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.c (alarm_to_aalarm_widgets): Warning
    (alarm_to_palarm_widgets): Likewise.

    * gui/dialogs/delete-comp.c: #include "../calendar-config.h"

2001-09-25  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm.c (alarm_ready_cb): Check that the
    timeout is not set up before we create a new one; the alarm_fn
    callback may cause the alarm system to re-enter and add a new
    alarm.  Fixes bug #10840.
    (pop_alarm): Assert that there is at least one alarm in the queue.

2001-09-25  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal.c: use bonobo-exception stuff to clean code

    * pcs/cal-factory.c (add_uri): add uri to the list if the type
    (impl_CalFactory_uriList): implement uriList method

    * pcs/cal-backend.h: new virtual function member

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_is_remote): call virtual function

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_class_init): override
    virtual function
    (cal_backend_file_is_remote): new virtual function, always return

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: uriList factory call, with flags for
    types to get

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_destroy): cast to remove

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (write_label_piece): kill warnings by take
    const char *

    * gui/component-factory.c (create_object): aggregate offline

    * gui/Makefile.am: compile new files

    * calobj.[hc]: Remove obsolete files

    * cal-util/cal-util.h: enum URI types for uriList call

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (build_uri_list): build list from string
    (cal_client_uri_list): factory call to get uri list

    * cal-client/cal-client.h: new proto

    * cal-client/cal-client.c: use bonobo exception stuff to clean

    * gui/calendar-offline-handler.[hc]: Start some skeleton routines
    for online/offline handling

    * pcs/cal-factory.c (launch_backend_for_uri): use accessor and
    remove FIXME

2001-09-23  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (set_date_label): base text on component

2001-09-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c: don't use gnome_vfs_uri_new_private
    (fixes Ximian #10544)

2001-09-20  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c: #include a few files we were missing
    from libgnomevfs.

2001-09-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (load_db): gets a config db
    (cal_backend_file_destroy): release config db
    (cal_backend_file_init): use load_db
    (mail_account_get): gets a mail account by number
    (mail_account_get_default): gets the default mail account
    (mail_account_is_valid): looks to see if any accounts have the
    given address
    (create_user_free_busy): modularize so we can call multiple times
    if necessary, set organizer
    (cal_backend_file_get_free_busy): if the list of users is null,
    use the default account otherwise get the same info for each
    address that is an identity in the mailer

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_addresses_get): s/gint/glong/ for bonobo
    conf returns

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (publish_freebusy_cmd): fix problems
    from a merge so that we publish 6 weeks of free/busy information

2001-09-20  Larry Ewing  <lewing@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (recurrence_page_destroy): make
    sure to release the ref on priv->comp.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (real_edit_comp): make sure to release
    the ref on priv->comp.

2001-09-19  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (audio_notification): Display a
    notification message always, in addition to playing the sound.
    (procedure_notification): Present a confirmation dialog before
    actually running the alarm's program.
    (procedure_notification): Use gnome_execute_shell() instead of
    gnome_execute_async() so that we handle multiple arguments
    properly.  Plus, it is most likely what the user expects.
    (mail_notification): Display a message about unsupported email
    reminders instead of blindly dropping the alarm.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.glade: Added an explanatory message
    about mail alarms not being supported.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.glade: Removed the "Send an email"

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (action_map): Removed CAL_ALARM_EMAIL.

2001-09-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (init_widgets): listen for model
    (task_editor_edit_comp): add the attendees to the model and notify
    of need send
    (row_count_changed_cb): mark as changed when row added/deleted
    (model_row_changed_cb): mark as changed when row changes
    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (init_widgets): listen for model
    (event_editor_init): flip page order
    (event_editor_edit_comp): set needs send value
    (schedule_meeting_cmd): flip page order
    (row_count_changed_cb): mark as changed when row added/deleted
    (model_row_changed_cb): mark as changed when row changes
    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.c: remove model change notification
    (schedule_page_fill_widgets): no need to do the needs_send here
    because the editor handles this since it owns the model

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (init_widgets): listen for model
    (event_editor_init): flip page order
    (event_editor_edit_comp): set needs send value
    (schedule_meeting_cmd): flip page order
    (row_count_changed_cb): mark as changed when row added/deleted
    (model_row_changed_cb): mark as changed when row changes

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_fill_widgets): no need
    to do the needs_send here because the editor handles this since it
    owns the model
    (invite_entry_changed): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_set_changed): new
    (comp_editor_get_changed): ditto
    (comp_editor_set_needs_send): ditto
    (comp_editor_get_needs_send): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.h: new protos

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_addresses_get): reflect configuration
    path changes in the mailer

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c: remove commented out code, ifdef one
    section for later

2001-09-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-factory.c (cal_factory_oaf_register): add a new parameter
    (const char *iid) to specify the OAFIID of the factory being

2001-09-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-model.c (e_meeting_model_refresh_busy_periods):
    remove silly debug #if 0

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (publish_freebusy_cmd): g_list_free
    rather than g_free

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (write_html): eliminate code path that
    caused double freed memory

2001-09-18  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/schedule-page.*: A page that shows the meeting time
    selector and free/busy data for attendees

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c: use the meeting model to track/edit
    attendees, remove table value conversion routines and simple table
    (set_attendees): take a pointer array
    (meeting_page_destroy): destroy the pointer array, save state
    (meeting_page_init): new pointer array
    (meeting_page_fill_widgets): don't null the deleted attendees
    (popup_delegate_cb): array add
    (popup_delete_cb): array add
    (cleanup_attendees): iterate over the array to unref now
    (meeting_page_fill_widgets): don't null out fields, no need to add
    attendees here
    (invite_entry_changed): use e_meeting_attendee routines
    (popup_delegate_cb): ditto
    (popup_delete_cb): ditto
    (meeting_page_new): take new arg and pass it to construct
    (meeting_page_construct): take new arg, use e-meeting-model
    routines to construct table

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_init): new meeting model
    (task_editor_destroy): unref the model

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_init): make new model
    and pass it to meeting and schedule pages
    (event_editor_set_cal_client): virtual function, set meeting model
    (event_editor_edit_comp): add the attendees to the model
    (event_editor_destroy): unref model
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.h: add virtual function
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_set_cal_client): make
    set_cal_client a virutal function

    * gui/e-meeting-types.h: generally useful type defines

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel*.[hc]: Move here and use an e-table for
    the attendee list and extract display information from the new
    meeting model and attendees

    * gui/e-meeting-time-sel.etspec: spec for the table

    * gui/e-meeting-attendee.[hc]: meeting attendees for the model,
    with to/from conversions for CalComponentAttendee structure, emits
    changed signal and allows getting and setting of free busy

    * gui/e-meeting-model.[hc]: move the model out on its own

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (write_error_html): clean up warnings
2001-09-18  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Fixes bug #6350.

    * gui/component-factory.c (remove_folder): Use a simplified method
    for removing our folder data; we just need to remove calendar.ics
    or tasks.ics and the corresponding backup files.

2001-09-18  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Fixes bug #2830.

    * gui/calendar-config.c (calendar_config_get_confirm_delete): New
    (calendar_config_set_confirm_delete): New function.
    (config_read): Get the default value for the ConfirmDelete option.
    (calendar_config_write): Set the value of ConfirmDelete.

    * gui/dialogs/delete-comp.c (delete_component_dialog): Handle the
    configuration option for confirmation.

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.c (CalPrefsDialogPrivate): Added
    the fields for the Other page.
    (get_widgets): Handle the new widgets.
    (cal_prefs_dialog_show_config): Likewise.
    (cal_prefs_dialog_update_config): Likewise.

2001-09-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client-multi.[ch]: new class for managing multiple
    calendars, with an API very similar to the CalClient one,
    for ease of transition from one to the other

    * gui/component-factory.c (xfer_folder, remove_folder, create_folder):
    reworked to be able to manage folders for any calendar backend, and
    not only the file: one

2001-09-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>
    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: changed signature for the getFreeBusy
    method, to return a sequence of CalObj's, and added sequence of users
    as a new parameter to that method

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_get_free_busy): adapted to new
    IDL method signature, by adding a new "GList *users" parameter, for
    callers to be able to specify a list of users

    * pcs/cal-backend.[ch] (cal_backend_get_free_busy):
    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_get_free_busy): add the
    "GList *users" parameter. In cal_backend_file_get_free_busy, call
    lookup_component to get the CalComponent for each uid, instead
    of calling cal_backend_get_object, which meant converting the
    component to a string and then parsing it again.

    * cal-client/client-test.c (cal_opened_cb):
    * gui/e-itip-control.c (send_freebusy):
    * gui/calendar-commands.c (publish_freebusy_cmd): adapted to
    new getFreeBusy method signature

2001-09-17  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c: added a timeout to refresh the list every
    10 minutes. Not ideal, as the user may be editing a task when it gets
    (adjust_query_sexp): use the 'completed-before?' operator to filter
    out tasks according to the config settings.

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c (task_details_page_fill_widgets): 
    added support for the 'Completed' date. This code must have got lost
    somewhere, as it used to work.
    (date_changed_cb): set the priv->updating flag while updating the other

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_update_objects): made sure
    we freed the components.

    * pcs/query.c (func_completed_before): added 'completed-before?'

    * gui/calendar-config.c (calendar_config_configure_e_cell_date_edit): 
    don't set the lower & upper hour. Use 0-24 like the EDateEdit does.

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.c (cal_prefs_dialog_show_config): set
    the 12/24-hour time format options sensitive only if we support both.

    * gui/calendar-config.c (config_read): if the locale doesn't define
    'am' and 'pm' strings then we must use 24-hour format.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_set_folder_bar_label): don't
    translate the '%d' as it doesn't make much sense. Resolves bug #8027.

2001-09-17  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (owner_set_cb): Do not call
    calendar_config_init() here.

    * gui/main.c (main): Call calendar_config_init() here.

2001-09-17  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm.c (queue_alarm): Duh, only setup the
    timeout if the list was empty.
    (alarm_ready_cb): Notify with the ID of the original alarm.
    (alarm_remove): Likewise.

2001-09-17  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Switch the alarm system from using SIGALRM to normal glib timers.
    Also, use a more robust de-queueing mechanism.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm.c (alarm_init): Removed.
    (alarm_done): Remove the glib timeout instead of closing the pipes
    and the signal handler.
    (alarm_add): Allow adding alarms that happen before right now.
    (queue_alarm): Use a glib timer instead of a signal.
    (alarm_remove): Adjust the timeout as appropriate.

    * gui/alarm-notify/notify-main.c (main): There is no need to
    initialize the alarm system now.

    * gui/main.c (main): Likewise.

2001-09-17  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_init): get itip addresses
    (calendar_model_destroy): destroy same
    (calendar_model_value_at): do more thorough checking on whether to
    use recurring, assigned, assigned to or regular task icons

2001-09-17  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * cal-util/cal-component.c (for_each_remove_all_alarms): for each
    call back, removes the alarms
    (cal_component_remove_all_alarms): remove all alarms from the

    * cal-util/cal-component.h: new proto

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (write_error_html): writes error messages
    rather than normal html

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp): remove all alarms if the
    method warrants it

2001-09-16  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (build_etable): Updated this to match
    the new ETableSimple interface.

2001-09-14  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    [Automake 1.5 fixes pointed out by Richard Boulton
    <richard@tartarus.org>, as per #9258.]

    * cal-client/Makefile.am: Set CLEANFILES directly instead of using
    * gui/Makefile.am: Likewise.
    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am: Likewise.
    * pcs/Makefile.am: Likewise.

2001-09-14  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (ok_clicked_cb): added space after 'identities'
    in the message. Fixes bug #9896.

2001-09-14  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/e-calendar.conduit.in: remove translation
    marker for now  

2001-09-13  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.h: use ical partstat, role, cutypes

    * cal-util/cal-component.c: ditto

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (find_my_address): set my addresses if the
    addresses match
    (find_attendee): strstr returns non-null on a match
    (write_html): use new icon, select the name displayed (organizer
    or attendee) based on method,
    (ok_clicked_cb): when rsvp'ing strip off all but the attendee
    being replied for as is specified in the spec
    (find_attendee_partstat): new util function to extract the
    partstat of an attendee
    (update_attendee_status): updates the partstat of a specific
    attendee in the reply message

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c: use ical partstat, role, cutypes
    (popup_delegate_cb): if we delegate, notify of needs send and
    (popup_delete_cb): notify of needs send and changed for each
2001-09-12  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (publish_freebusy_cmd): send 6 weeks of
    free busy info starting with the UTC start of day

    * gui/itip-utils.c (get_label): create a text representation of
    the given icaltime
    (itip_send_comp): if the summary is empty, set the subject based
    on the type of component, put the right extension on free/busy
    components and base descriptions on type of component, include
    start/end for free/busy info
2001-09-11  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (display_notification): Added an
    use_description argument so that other alarms can fall back to
    this type.
    (audio_notification): Implemented.
    (remove_comp): Call remove_queued_alarm() here; there is no longer
    a destroy notification function for alarms so must we do this
    (alarm_trigger_cb): Do not pass the alarm to the notification
    functions so that we can free it ourselves before all the alarms
    in the component get freed.
    (display_notification): Get the alarm here instead of getting it
    as an argument.
    (procedure_notification): Implemented.

2001-09-11  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (invite_entry_changed): free the
    destination vector when we finish with it, if we actually add
    anyone, notify listeners of the needs send and changed info. Fixes
    bug #8632.

2001-09-10  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba@gnome.pl>

    * gui/print.c
    (format_date): Convert string generated by strftime to UTF-8.
    (print_week_view_background): Ditto.
    (print_month_summary): Ditto.
    (print_month_small): Use U_() instead of _().
    (print_day_background): Ditto.
    (print_todo_details): Ditto.
    (print_date_label): Convert generated string to UTF-8.

2001-09-10  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_alarm_get_attach):
    Handle the new icalattach type instead of struct icalattachtype.
    (cal_component_alarm_set_attach): Likewise.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.c (alarm_to_aalarm_widgets): Likewise.
    (alarm_to_palarm_widgets): Likewise.
    (aalarm_widgets_to_alarm): Likewise.
    (palarm_widgets_to_alarm): Likewise.

2001-09-05  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    [Fix #958, ShellComponents should not be created by factories, for
    the calendar.]

    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.oaf.in: Remove the

    * gui/component-factory.c (create_object): Renamed from
    `component_fn'.  Don't get any args.
    (component_factory_init): Create the component using
    `create_object()' and register it into OAF.
    (COMPONENT_ID): New.

2001-09-04  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (sc_user_create_new_item_cb):

    * gui/main.c (component_editor_factory_init): New function to
    create the factory for the comp_editor_factory.

    * gui/comp-editor-factory.c: Finished implementation.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (edit_component): Implemented the
    Edit command.

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_SOURCES): Added
    comp-editor-factory.[ch] to the list of sources.

2001-09-03  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_control_activate): 
    * gui/tasks-control.c (tasks_control_activate): don't call
    calendar_config_check_timezone_set() now, since the startup wizard
    handles that.

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_class_init): changed selection_changed signal
    to GTK_RUN_LAST. It has no reason to be GTK_RUN_FIRST.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c: 
    * gui/e-week-view.c: 
    * gui/e-day-view.c: added "selection_changed" signal,
    XX_delete_event() and XX_get_num_events_selected().

    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c (e_day_view_top_item_draw): fix the shadow
    around the dates at the top - it was 1 pixel off.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: added sensitize_commands(), similar to in
    tasks-control.c, so we only make Cut/Copy/Delete sensitive when an
    event is selected. Also added delete_event_cmd().

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (task_page_set_summary): 
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (event_page_set_summary): do nothing,
    since the summary only gets changed on the main event/task page now.
    Fixes bug #6939.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_drag_data_received): 
    (e_day_view_on_top_canvas_drag_data_received): check that we are
    dragging an event from the same EDayView. We currently don't support
    DnD from other widgets.
    (e_day_view_update_top_canvas_drag): only get the summary if we
    actually have an event. Fixes bug #5162.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_editing_stopped): if the text hasn't
    changed we need to call e_day_view_update_event_label() to show the
    times again if necessary. Fixes bug #1813.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_destroy): destroy the
    CompEditorPage objects here rather than in close_dialog(), after the
    widgets have been destroyed. We do this because the widgets have lots
    of signal handlers connected with the CompEditorPage objects as the
    signal data, so we want to ensure that the data pointer is always
    valid. (Alternatively we could disconnect all the handlers when the
    CompEditorPage objects are destroyed, or use connect_while_alive()).
    Fixes bug #7543.

    Note: there is still a small bug in that if you type in a time and
    then hit 'Save and Close', the time won't be saved. I'm not sure
    where this should be fixed - should the actions which close the
    dialog grab the focus to the toplevel, so any widgets currently
    being edited finish the edit and emit 'changed'?
    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (append_exception): use
    gtk_clist_set_row_data_full() so freeing is handled automatically by
    the GtkClist. This helps avoid problems at destroy-time.
    (exception_delete_cb): just call gtk_clist_remove() now. No need to
    free the row data as GtkCList now handles it.
    (recurrence_page_destroy): no need to free the data in the clist.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c: ditto.

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c: ditto.
    (etable_destroy_cb): save the ETable state in this new handler cb
    rather than in the destroy method, since the widget will already be
    destroyed by then.

2001-08-31  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: changed 3 occurrences of 'Replyed' to 'replied'

2001-08-31  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba@gnome.pl>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (write_html):
    Marked strings for translation (with U_).

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp):

2001-08-31  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c (comp_editor_contacts_to_widget): 
    (comp_editor_contacts_to_component): fix debugging messages so they
    use "" rather than NULL. Fixes bug #8559.

2001-08-29  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_remove_object): See if
    the set of categories changed by using the removed_categories hash
    (cal_backend_file_init): Create a table of removed categories.
    This allows us to notify if and only if the set of category
    changes when an object is updated/removed, instead of
    unconditionally notifying if an object is updated.
    (cal_backend_file_update_objects): Only notify if the set of
    categories really changed.
    (update_categories_from_comp): Shuffle the categories between the
    priv->categories and priv->removed_categories lists.

2001-08-28  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Fixes bug #7879, a query may receive an update notification from
    the backend before the query itself gets populated.

    * pcs/query.c (ensure_sexp): New function; ensures that the esexp
    is created and notifies of parse errors.  It is the bulk of
    start_query_cb() but put in a separate function so that we can
    share it elsewhere.
    (start_query_cb): Use ensure_sexp().
    (process_component_cb): Oops, notify of a successfully finished
    (match_component): Call ensure_sexp().  This function can be
    called by the backend notification callbacks before the query is
    populated, so we need to make sure the esexp exists here.

2001-08-22  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/cal-search-bar.c (cal_search_bar_construct): Set the
    "category is" criterion as the default for the calendar and tasks.

2001-08-22  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (recurrence_page_fill_widgets):
    Unset the priv->updating flag before returning in the case the
    component has no recurrence information.  Fixes bug #6850.

2001-08-22  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (QueuedAlarm): Added a snooze
    flag to differentiate snoozed alarms from real occurrences.
    (add_component_alarms): Do not specify a destroy function for the
    alarm trigger.  We handle this in the callbacks now.
    (alarm_trigger_cb): Just remove the alarms for the unimplemented
    notification types.
    (create_snooze): Implemented snooze.
    (notify_dialog_cb): Snooze as appropriate.

2001-08-22  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (foreach_tzid_callback): call back to add
    timezones to the top level
    (itip_send_comp): call icalcomponent_foreach_tzid

2001-08-22  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c: #include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-types.h> so
    this will compile against gnome-vfs 1.0.1.

2001-08-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_open): open the tasks folder
    associated with the calendar being opened, and not always the local
    tasks.ics file

    * pcs/cal-factory.c (open_fn): use gnome_vfs_uri_new_private when
    parsing the URI to allow non-registered URIs

2001-08-21  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.c (alarm_to_palarm_widgets): Handle
    the case where there is no attachment.  Fixes bug #7257.

2001-08-21  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (write_html): strip the mailto bit for the
    email address if we display it

2001-08-21  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * pcs/query.c (func_is_completed): added new e-sexp operator. We
    don't currently use it though.

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.glade: Changed '_Overdue' to 'O_verdue'
    since we have an '_Other' notebook tab. Added '_Hide' accel.

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.c: hooked up config options to dialog.

    * gui/calendar-config.c: added config options for hiding completed

    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c (e_week_view_event_item_draw): 
    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c (e_day_view_top_item_draw_long_event): 
    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_reshape_long_event): added 2 pixels
    extra space between icons and text for long events, and 1 pixel space
    between icons in all events.
    (e_day_view_realize): changed the background color to match the
    EGrayBar in the shell.

2001-08-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-util.[ch]: new files to contain utility functions
    for calendar backends

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_add_cal): implement it here, and not in
    the calendar backends. Add a "cal_added" signal, so that backends are
    notified when a new Cal is added, if they need to
    (cal_backend_get_type_by_uid): implement it here

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (fill_alarm_instances_seq): moved to
    (cal_backend_file_add_cal): removed
    (cal_backend_file_init): connect to the "cal_added" signal in the
    CalBackend class so that we can update categories when a new Cal is
    (cal_backend_file_get_type_by_uid): removed

    * pcs/cal-backend-db.c (fill_alarm_instances_seq): moved to
    (cal_backend_db_add_cal): removed
    (cal_backend_db_get_type_by_uid): removed

    * AUTHORS: added JP and Damon to list of authors

2001-08-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-util.[ch] (cal_util_generate_alarms_for_list):
    new functions moved from the CalBackendFile, to allow its use outside
    of it. The signature has changed a little bit, since these functions
    need a way to get the timezones from the callers, so a callback
    function to resolve the timezones has been added to the list of

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (generate_alarms_for_list):
    (generate_alarms_for_comp): moved to cal-util, with all their related

    * pcs/cal-backend-db.c: removed functions that were moved to cal-util

2001-08-20  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (pixmaps): use Delete icon in menu, and
    change to bigger Save icon in toolbar.

    * gui/tasks-control.c: 
    * gui/calendar-commands.c (pixmaps): used new_task-16.png and

2001-08-20  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (pixmaps): added delete icons for menu
    and toolbar.

2001-08-20  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/tasks-control.c: added Cut/Copy/Paste icons for toolbar.

2001-08-20  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/tasks-control.c: uses new delete icons in menu & toolbar.

2001-08-19  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c: Update the folder list to include a
    display name and a description.

2001-08-20  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (pixmaps): use new delete icon for toolbar.

2001-08-19  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: fixed typo, 'send' -> 'sent'. Bug #7621.

2001-08-18  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.glade: added option to hide completed
    tasks after a given number of minutes/hours/days. Unfinished.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (event_page_fill_component): initialize
    zone to NULL to avoid a warning.
    (contacts_clicked_cb): work around a bug in SelectNames by notifying
    that the page has changed when you click the 'Contacts' button.
    Otherwise it is easy to lose changes.

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (contacts_clicked_cb): ditto.

2001-08-18  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (pixmaps): used new Save/Save As icons.

    * gui/tasks-control.c:
    * gui/calendar-commands.c (pixmaps): added new Cut/Copy/Paste icons,
    and changed the 'New Task' icon to use the bigger one I made.

2001-08-05  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba@gnome.pl>

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (summary_changed_cb):
    Use e_dialog_editable_get instead of gtk_editable_get_chars (we need
    UTF-8 string).

2001-08-18  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba@gnome.pl>

    * gui/calendar-config.c (locale_uses_24h_time_format): New.
    (config_read): Use locale's setting as default for
    /Calendar/Display/Use24HourFormat so that Europeans don't have to
    switch to 24-hour format manually.

2001-08-17  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (destroy): destroy the addresses
    (clean_up): don't free the addresses, we need them

2001-08-17  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_new_task): new function to open the
    task editor to add a new task.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: added new_task_cb() to create a new task
    in the calendar folder, and added menu commands for it, and a toolbar
    button (I think that is what Ettore wanted. Maybe he just meant menu
    commands. Anyway, it is easy to take out.) Note that we don't have a
    decent icon for 'New Task' for the toolbar.
    Also added the new Goto button (but we don't have a similar one for
    the menu command).

2001-08-16  Iain Holmes  <iain@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am: Add the libetimezonedialog.a lib link

    * gui/calendar-config.c: Change the #include for the timezone dialog

    * gui/e-timezone-entry.c: Ditto.

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: Remove the e-timezone-dialog stuff.

2001-08-16  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c: hide the timezone fields for all-day
    events. We will use DATE values for these eventually, and these
    don't have timezones associated with them. Currently we just use the
    default timezone for all-day events, as a workaround until we have
    DATE values working.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c (comp_editor_new_date_edit): added
    make_time_insensitive flag. Though we may not use it.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.glade: made the 'All day event' toggle
    right-aligned, so it doesn't move when the other widgets are shown
    and hidden.

    * gui/e-timezone-entry.c (e_timezone_entry_set_default_timezone): new
    function to set the default timezone of the widget. If the current
    timezone setting matches the default then the entry field is hidden.
    Most people won't use timezones so this makes the GUI simpler.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (init_widgets): 
    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (init_widgets): set the default timezone
    using the above function.

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (task_page_fill_widgets): if the start date
    or due date is not set, we use the default timezone, so the user
    doesn't have to set this each time they set the date.

2001-08-16  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (alarm_page_fill_widgets): If the
    component has no alarms remember to set the priv->updating flag to
    FALSE before returning.

2001-08-16  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/e-delegate-dialog.c
    (e_delegate_dialog_get_delegate_name): get the destinations
    property, not the text property

2001-08-16  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (clear_widgets): Set the default-to-add
    notification to be display a message 15 minutes before the start
    of the appointment.  Fixes bug #7175.

2001-08-16  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c (comp_editor_strip_categories):
    New function to strip surrounding whitespace from a string of
    categories entered by the user.

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (task_page_fill_component): Use

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (event_page_fill_component): Likewise.

2001-08-16  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-config.c (calendar_config_configure_e_date_edit):
    Do not set the time popup range.  We also want to be able to
    create appointments that are not within nine-to-five!  Think of
    going to the movies!  Fixes bug #7436.

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.glade: "am/pm" is now "AM/PM".
    Fixes bug #7367.

2001-08-16  Jon Trowbridge  <trow@ximian.com>

    * gui/cal-search-bar.c: Changed to reflect my renaming of some of
    the more hideously-named functions in the ESearchBar API.

2001-08-15  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (save_comp): only fill the component
    and save it if something has changed
    (save_comp_with_send): only try to send if something has changed
    and the editor needs a send

2001-08-15  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.glade: OK, re-added the default
    alarm options.  Way too many people are asking for them.

2001-08-15  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (factory_fn): Add the user creatable
    items.  The callback is not actually implemented yet; this is just
    to finalize the GUI.

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.glade: Added an option to ask for
    confirmation when deleting items.  Added underlined shortcuts
    (they may not all work currently).

2001-08-14  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c: 
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c: added support for the Contacts field.
    Note that I'm not sure what we should put in the iCalendar CONTACT
    properties. Currently we put "name <email>", but it isn't recognized
    as a contact when we reopen the dialog, so we may need more info here.
    Also we currently use a simple parser to parse the above format, and
    we should maybe use some camel function.

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.glade: 
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.glade: replaced the GtkEntry fields for the
    Contacts with a GtkEventBox which we put the BonoboControl in at

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (invite_entry_changed): added FIXMEs
    since it doesn't seem to be freeing the EDestination stuff. JP?

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c: added bunch of utility functions to
    handle the Contacts field in the main Event and Task pages.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c: added visible_start and visible_end fields, so we
    only emit the 'dates-shown-changed' signal when really necessary.
    Currently changing the folder title bar label results in a complete
    redraw of the Evolution window (silly GtkLabel queueing a resize),
    so we want to avoid that as much as possible.
    (gnome_calendar_new_appointment_for): only move the event's end time
    to the end of the day if it is not already 00:00:00.

    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c: 
    * gui/e-week-view.c: 
    * gui/e-day-view.c: added support for double-clicking on an event to
    open it, and for double-clicking on the background to create a new
    event. There is still a minor problem to sort out, but it basically

    * cal-util/cal-component.c: added support for CONTACT properties,
    mainly by copying the code for COMMENT properties which are exactly
    the same type.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_realize): use the same color for the
    top canvas background as the shortcut bar, to make it look a little
    nicer (I think). Although we still have the theme problem with
    hard-coded colors.

2001-08-14  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.etspec: Made the click-to-add message
    shorter.  Fixes bug #7177.

2001-08-14  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (pixmaps): Added Tigert's new icons for
    Prev and Next.

2001-08-14  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/cal-search-bar.c (make_suboptions): Make the "Any Category"
    item consistent with the one in the addressbook.  Also, free the
    items correctly.

2001-08-14  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/cal-search-bar.c (get_current_category): Handle an array of
    categories in the CalSearchBar instead of our own menu items.
    (notify_query_contains): Fetch the text from the search bar here
    instead of in regen_query().
    (regen_query): Handle category searches.
    (notify_category_is): New function.
    (cal_search_bar_construct): Do not create an option menu.
    (make_suboptions): New function to create the suboption items from
    the list of categories.
    (notify_query_contains): Do not include a category sexp here.

2001-08-13  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (update_item): add dialog for feedback
    (remove_item): ditto
    (send_item): ditto
    (send_freebusy): ditto

2001-08-13  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: rewrite the gui to use gtkhtml

    * gui/Makefile.am: define the icon dir

2001-08-12  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas@gnome.org>

    * gui/e-itip-control.h: Remove #include <config.h> from here.
    * gui/itip-utilss.h: Same here.
2001-08-11  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/tasks-control.c: Update the paths of the Tools menu
    according to the changes in the XML [i.e. things are moved to the

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: Likewise.

2001-08-11  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (init_widgets): 
    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (init_widgets): turn on word-wrap for the
    description fields. Fixes bug #6821.

2001-08-10  Jon Trowbridge  <trow@ximian.com>

    * gui/cal-search-bar.c: Where we have ESearchBarItems, set their
    subitems to NULL.

2001-08-09  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_get_object_component): added new
    backend method to get the component given a UID.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_get_object_component): 
    added implementation of above virtual method.
    * pcs/query.c (match_component): use the new backend function to get
    the CalComponent rather than the string. This avoids converting all
    the calendar components to strings and parsing them back into
    components for every query! (That wasn't a good idea, was it ;)

    * gui/e-week-view.c: 
    * gui/e-day-view.c: use a timeout handler to layout the events,
    to avoid doing a layout for each event we get from a query.

    * gui/print.c (print_day_add_event): 
    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_add_event): set start_row_or_col and
    num_columns to 0. They are guint8's.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_free_events): hide all the jump
    buttons. Fixes bug #5946.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_set_folder_bar_label): added the
    day numbers for the month view.

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.glade: changed "_Delete" to "_Remove",
    since it clashed with "_Add". Also added underlined accelerators for
    the recurrence radio buttons. Note that none of these accelerators
    actually work at present, due to the way we are using .glade files
    for each notebook page. I need to add a bug about this.
    Also, the "_Action" menu doesn't popup when I press Alt+A, even though
    the "_File" menu does popup when I press Alt+F. Strange.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_get_timezone_object):
    removed debug msgs.

2001-08-09  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c (e_day_view_top_item_draw_long_event):
    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c (e_day_view_main_item_draw_day_event):
    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c (e_week_view_event_item_draw_icons):
    unref the GdkPixmap and GdkBitmap returned by the function
    e_categories_config_get_icon_for ()

2001-08-09  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.*: Remove progress frame

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.*: Put in progress frame, remove
    basics frame
    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (set_menu_sens): util function to set
    menu sensitivity based on state
    (task_editor_init): add meeting page
    (task_editor_edit_comp): show page if necessary
    (task_editor_destroy): unref meeting page
    (assign_task_cmd): bring up meeting page
    (refresh_task_cmd): save before sending
    (forward_cmd): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (save_cmd): implement new save command

2001-08-09  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (destroy): Chain to the destroy handler in
    the parent class!

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.c (comp_editor_page_destroy):
    Likewise.  Sigh.

    * gui/cal-search-bar.c (cal_search_bar_destroy): Whoops, added a
    destroy handler.

2001-08-08  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/goto-dialog.glade: removed underlined accelerator key from
    "_Go To Today" button. GnomeDialog doesn't actually support underlined
    accelerator keys for buttons. We could hack it, like Glade does, if
    we really need to. Fixes bug #6418.

2001-08-08  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (update_query): Stop editing any event.  Fixes
    bug #5949.

2001-08-08  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (alarm_page_fill_component): Duuuh, set
    the alarm_copy on the component, not the original alarm.  Fixes
    bug #5214.

2001-08-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (set_attendees): set the attendees of
    a component
    (meeting_page_fill_component): use above
    (meeting_page_get_cancel_comp): return a comp with the attendees
    to be cancelled

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.h: get a component that will be sent as
    a cancellation

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_class_init): override
    send_comp class method
    (event_editor_send_comp): send cancellation notices to deleted
    (refresh_meeting_cmd): save before send
    (forward_cmd): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_class_init): set default
    send_comp method
    (real_send_comp): do the real work
    (comp_editor_send_comp): call class method
    (save_comp): don't do any sending
    (save_comp_with_send): save and send here
    (prompt_to_save_changes): use above
    (save_close_cmd): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.h: add virtual function

2001-08-08  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c
    (e_week_view_event_item_draw_icons): don't use a NULL mask in the
    call to gdk_gc_set_clip_mask

    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c (e_day_view_top_item_draw_long_event):

    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c
    (e_day_view_main_item_draw_day_event): ditto

2001-08-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit-config.h: fix pre-processor

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.h: ditto

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit-config.h: fix pre-processor macros

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.h: ditto

2001-08-07  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-listener.c (cal_listener_stop_notification): New
    function to stop further notification from happening.
    (impl_notifyCalOpened): Do not notify if requested.
    (impl_notifyObjUpdated): Likewise.
    (impl_notifyObjRemoved): Likewise.
    (impl_notifyCategoriesChanged): Likewise.
    (CalListenerPrivate): Do not keep a reference to the server-side
    Cal.  This would create a circular reference since the server
    keeps a reference to the listener.
    (cal_listener_destroy): Likewise.
    (impl_notifyCalOpened): Likewise.

    * pcs/cal.c (cal_destroy): bonobo_object_release_unref() the listener.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_destroy): Ask the listener
    to stop notifications.  Also, do not unref it as the server does
    that itself when we unref the Cal.

2001-08-07  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_free_value): Only unref the
    FIELD_COMPONENT if it is non-NULL.  We return a NULL for that
    field from ::initialize_value(), after all.  Fixes bug #6098.

2001-08-07  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp): Make calendar.ics the
    suggested name when attaching the ical object

2001-08-06  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-week-view.h: 
    * gui/e-day-view.h: added 'different_timezone' fields to EDayViewEvent
    and EWeekViewEvent, to note that the event is in a different timezone.
    We now compute this once when we add the event to the array, rather
    than each time we draw the event. If it is set, we will draw the
    timezone icon next to the event.

    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c: take transparency into account when
    drawing the blue vertical bars to represent busy time.

    * gui/tag-calendar.c: take transparency into account when tagging
    the mini calendar.

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_init): removed the "None"
    options for transparency and classification, since these properties
    have defaults anyway, so we may as well use those to keep it simple.
    Also use "Free" and "Busy" for transparency, rather than "Transparent"
    and "Opaque".

    * gui/calendar-model.c: updated classification & transparency code
    as above.

    * gui/e-calendar-table.etspec: changed "Transparency" to "Show Time As"
    since people have a chance of understanding that.

    * gui/e-week-view.c: 
    * gui/e-day-view.c: 
    * gui/gnome-cal.c: added functions to get the visible time range.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: finished stuff to set the folder bar
    label to the dates currently displayed.

    * gui/control-factory.c (control_factory_new_control): connected
    signal to update the folder title bar label when the dates shown
    are changed. I had to connect it here since we need the BonoboControl
    in the callback, and I don't know how to get the control from the

    * gui/tasks-control.c (tasks_control_activate): clear the folder bar
    label. We could display something here at some point.

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.glade: changed "_Add" to "A_dd", since
    we have an "_Actions" menu. (These also use Alt+key, right?)

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.glade: 
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c: added 'Show Time As' field, which is
    really the TRANSP property but with a better name!
    Also changed one of the "_Confidential" to "Con_fidential" since we
    already have "_Contacts" using the same 'C' key.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_get_free_busy): skip
    events that are TRANSPARENT. Also added comment as this code looks

    * cal-util/cal-component.c: removed stuff for comparing timezones.

    * gui/comp-util.c (cal_comp_util_compare_event_timezones): moved the
    above function here, and updated it to compare the UTC offsets of the
    times as well as the TZIDs.

2001-08-06  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.glade: In process of fixing bug
    #6005.  The "Calendar" page is now "Display", and it has no
    frames.  The "Task list" page has colons between the labels and
    the color pickers, and it has no frame.

2001-08-06  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (destroy_wombat_client): added check for
    NULL pointers. Maybe fixes #5203 (I can't reproduce it, so I'm not

2001-08-03  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/query-listener.c (query_listener_stop_notification):
    New function; stops further notification from happening.  This is
    needed since the listener is destroyed asynchronously from the
    Wombat and the corresponding CalQuery may already have died.
    (impl_notifyObjUpdated): Do not notify if requested.
    (impl_notifyObjRemoved): Likewise.
    (impl_notifyQueryDone): Likewise.
    (impl_notifyEvalError): Likewise.

    * cal-client/cal-query.c (cal_query_destroy): Use

    * cal-client/cal-listener.c (cal_listener_destroy): Nullify the
    pointers to the callback functions.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (update_query): Commit our state of no longer
    having a query before unrefing it.  We may reenter from the ORBit
    main loop and we *really* want this information to be committed.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (update_query): Likewise.

    * gui/calendar-model.c (update_query): Likewise.

    * gui/tag-calendar.c (tag_calendar_by_comp): Added a "clear_first"
    argument that indicates whether the ECalendar should be cleared of
    any marks first.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_control_activate): Removed
    ifdefed-out view buttons code from the Gnomecal days.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (client_categories_changed_cb): Merge the
    categories of the calendar and tasks clients so that we can
    display the categories in both sets.
    (gnome_calendar_construct): Connect to "categories_changed" on
    both clients.
    (gnome_calendar_on_date_navigator_selection_changed): Removed call
    to gnome_calendar_update_view_buttons().
    (gnome_calendar_update_view_buttons): Removed.  We cannot have
    this until Bonobo supports radio toolbar items.
    (gnome_calendar_set_view_buttons): Removed.
    (gnome_calendar_dayjump): Do not use priv->day_button.
    (GnomeCalendarPrivate): Removed the {day,work_week,week,month}_button 
    (gnome_calendar_set_query): Start a retagging process of the date
    navigator so that it reflects the current query.
    (update_query): New function to restart a query for the date navigator.
    (initial_load): Use update_query() instead of tagging the date
    navigator directly.
    (gnome_calendar_on_date_navigator_date_range_changed): Likewise.
    (client_cal_opened_cb): Use update_query() instead of initial_load().
    (initial_load): Removed.
    (client_obj_updated_cb): Removed.
    (client_obj_removed_cb): Removed.
    (gnome_calendar_new_appointment_for): Set the default category of
    the new component.
    (search_bar_category_changed_cb): Set the default category for the
    calendar views.

    * gui/cal-search-bar.c (cal_search_bar_set_categories): Sort the
    categories before creating the menu.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (adjust_query_sexp): Return NULL instead of
    "#f" if the time range is not set yet.
    (update_query): Do not start a query if the time range is not set.
    (e_day_view_set_default_category): New function.
    (e_day_view_key_press): Set the default category on the new

    * gui/e-week-view.c (adjust_query_sexp): Analogous to the above.
    (update_query): Analogous to the above.
    (e_week_view_set_default_category): Analogous to the above.
    (e_week_view_key_press): Analogous to the above.

2001-08-03  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Fixes bug #1407.

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.glade: Removed the alarm
    preferences page, since we decided it was unnecessary.

2001-08-03  Zbigniew Chyla  <cyba@gnome.pl>

    I18n fixes.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (summary_changed_cb):
    Use e_dialog_editable_get instead of gtk_editable_get_chars (we need
    UTF-8 string).

    * gui/itip-utils.c:
    Added missing #include <config.h>

2001-08-02  Jon Trowbridge  <trow@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am: Added camel dependency (now needed by ebook).

2001-08-01  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_value_is_empty): If the
    default category is the same as the value passed in to this
    function, return TRUE.  This could be a hack or not, but it
    prevents two items from being added to the table if a category is

    * gui/e-tasks.c (setup_widgets): Allow the search bar to shrink

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (clear_widgets): Pass valid values to
    e_dialog_option_menu_set(); these need to come from the status map.

2001-08-01  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.c: removed debugging messages.

2001-08-01  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    The calendar search bar widget now includes a drop-down menu of
    available categories.

    * pcs/query.c (func_has_categories): Handle one and only one #f
    value as meaning "unfiled", for components that have no categories
    at all.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (open_cal): Duh, do not notify here about
    changed categories since at this point we don't have any clients
    bound to us yet.
    (create_cal): Likewise.
    (cal_backend_file_add_cal): Notify here.

    * gui/cal-search-bar.h (CalSearchBarClass): New signal

    * gui/cal-search-bar.c (cal_search_bar_construct): Add a drop-down
    menu for the list of categories.
    (search_option_items): Removed the "Has category" option, since we
    now have the drop-down menu instad and it would be confusing to
    have both options.
    (regen_query): Likewise.  Also, this function is now the old
    cal_search_bar_query_changed() and is shared by that very function
    and by the callback from the drop-down menu.
    (notify_query_contains): Include the sub-sexp for the categories.
    (cal_search_bar_set_categories): New function.
    (cal_search_bar_get_category): New function.
    (categories_selection_done_cb): Emit the "category_changed" signal.

    * gui/e-tasks.c (obj_updated_cb): Removed function since it did
    not do anything; all updates are handled by the CalendarModel.
    (obj_removed_cb): Likewise.
    (ETasksPrivate): Removed the fields for the categories option
    menu, since now it is in the ESearchBar.
    (search_bar_sexp_changed_cb): Use calendar_model_set_query()
    directly here, as we do not need to frob the sexp anymore.
    (update_query): Removed.
    (client_categories_changed_cb): New callback.
    (search_bar_category_changed_cb): New callback.
    (e_tasks_new_task): Set the default category on the component to
    the one that is selected in the search bar.
    (e_tasks_on_filter_selected): Removed.
    (e_tasks_on_categories_changed): Removed.
    (e_tasks_rebuild_categories_menu): Removed.
    (e_tasks_add_menu_item): Removed.
    (e_tasks_setup_view_menus): Sanitized not to sink objects wildly.
    (e_tasks_discard_view_menus): New function.

    * gui/calendar-model.h (CalendarModelClass): Removed the
    "categories_changed" signal since this is handled in the Wombat

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_get_categories): Removed.
    (calendar_model_set_value_at): Do not collect the categories.
    (query_obj_updated_cb): Likewise.
    (calendar_model_collect_categories): Removed.
    (calendar_model_set_default_category): Constify.

    * gui/tasks-control.c (tasks_control_deactivate): Call

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (search_bar_category_changed_cb): Set the
    default category for the task pad's model.

2001-07-31  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    The Wombat now keeps track of which categories are present in the
    objects of a calendar.  It will notify the clients of changes in
    this set.  This is to make the category drop-down menus in the
    calendar/tasks views be always up to date.

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl (Listener): Added a
    notifyCategoriesChanged() method.  The Wombat now keeps track of
    the categories within a calendar.

    * cal-client/cal-listener.[ch]: Switched it to use BonoboXObject.
    Also added the notifyCategoriesChanged implementation.

    * cal-client/cal-client.[ch]: Added a "categories_changed" signal.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c: Maintain a list of the live categories.
    (update_categories_from_comp): New function to maintain the set of
    live categories.
    (add_component): Update the set of categories.
    (remove_component): Likewise.
    (open_cal): Notify about changes in the set of categories.
    (create_cal): Likewise.
    (cal_backend_file_update_objects): Likewise.
    (cal_backend_file_remove_object): Likewise.
    (notify_categories_changed): New function to notify the clients
    about the current set of categories.

    * pcs/cal.c (cal_notify_categories_changed): New function.

2001-07-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

        * gui/e-day-view.c (selection_received):
        * gui/e-week-view.c (selection_received): yes, set the end date, but
    correctly calculated, not by using the component's duration, which
    may not exist. Now really fixes #5836

2001-07-31  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (selection_received):
    * gui/e-week-view.c (selection_received): don't set the end date
    for the pasted components, since it will be recalculated when the start
    date is set, thus keeping the same duration than the original
    cut/copied component. Fixes #5836

2001-07-30  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c: 
    * gui/calendar-commands.c (clear_folder_bar_label): started some code
    to show the currently displayed dates in the folder title bar.

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (set_date_label):
    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (local_record_from_comp): 
    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (local_record_from_comp): free
    the CalComponentDateTimes. (Note the iTIP control needs updating for
    timezone support.)

    * cal-util/cal-component.c: Changed CalComponentDateTime so that the
    TZID is malloc'ed and freed rather than being a pointer to a static
    string. This was causing problems as sometimes we were freeing the
    string that was being pointed to, so we got corrupted TZIDs.

    * gui/comp-util.c (cal_comp_util_add_exdate): set TZID to NULL.
    DATE values do not have timezones.

    * gui/e-week-view.c: 
    * gui/e-day-view.c: Moved 'Paste' after the New Appointment commands,
    since I think they are more commonly-used. Also added underlined
    accelerator keys.

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: changed 'Edit this task' to 'Open' in the
    popup menu to be consistent with other folders, and separated from the
    clipboard commands. Also changed to use EPopupMenu so the accelerators
    work, and the masks may be useful at some point.

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c: use DATE values for UNTIL, since
    that makes it simpler. Fixes bug #5034.

    * gui/calendar-config.c (calendar_config_set_timezone): strdup the
    location string. Fixes bug #4990.

    * gui/tag-calendar.c (tag_calendar_cb): take 1 off iend as the times
    don't include the end time.

    * gui/e-week-view-layout.c (e_week_view_layout_event): fixed
    days_shown. Fixes bug #5709.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_get_timezone): took out some
    debugging messages.

2001-07-30  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.glade: added Help button. Though of
    course it doesn't do anything yet.

2001-07-30  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c: Mark strings for translation

2001-07-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/client-test.c (cal_opened_cb): call
    cal_client_get_free_busy for testing the new method

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_get_free_busy): implemented

2001-07-28  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Fixes bug #5352.

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.c (cal_prefs_dialog_show): Added a
    `page' argument so that we can select which page to show when
    popping up the dialog.
    (cal_prefs_dialog_construct): Added the `page' argument as well.
    (cal_prefs_dialog_new): Likewise.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (settings_cmd): Set the page to the main
    calendar settings one.

    * gui/tasks-control.c (tasks_control_settings_cmd): Implemented
    callback for the "Task Settings" command.
    (verbs): Added the "TasksSettings" verb.
    (pixmaps): Added an icon for the tasks settings command.

2001-07-27  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (local_record_from_comp):
    recur is always in UTC
2001-07-27  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: handle timezones
    (get_timezone): new function to get a timezone based
    on a tzid
    (get_default_timezone): get default timezone

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.h: time zone field for the

    * conduits/calendar/Makefile.am: link to bonobo conf

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c: handle timezones
    (get_timezone): new function to get a timezone based
    on a tzid
    (get_default_timezone): get default timezone

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.h: time zone field for the

    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am: link to bonobo conf
2001-07-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c (e_day_view_main_item_draw_day_event):
    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c (e_day_view_top_item_draw_long_event): 
    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c (e_week_view_event_item_draw_icons): 
    initialize to NULL some pointers

    * e-calendar-table.c (selection_received): deal correctly with
    VCALENDAR objects
    (e_calendar_table_copy_clipboard): g_strdup the value returned by

2001-07-27  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_set_query): Constify and set the
    query sexp on the task pad's model as well.

2001-07-27  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/cal-search-bar.[ch]: New files with a derivative of
    ESearchBar that generates sexps for calendar queries directly.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (setup_widgets): Use CalSearchBar instead of

    * gui/e-calendar-table.h (ECalendarTable): Removed the ->colors
    array since it is handled by ETableExtras now.

    * gui/e-calendar-table.[ch]: Removed the subset_model.  Now we use
    the live query facility to filter tasks.  Removed the filter
    function stuff as well.

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_construct): Use
    calendar_model_set_cal_client() directly instead of
    (setup_widgets): Create a calendar search bar for the tasks
    (search_bar_sexp_changed_cb): Set the query sexp on the table model.
    (e_tasks_on_filter_selected): Regenerate the query from the
    selected category and the current sexp.
    (update_query): New convenience function to recompute the real
    query sexp.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_construct): Likewise.

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_set_cal_client):
    Removed function; people are now supposed to get the model from
    the calendar table and operate on it.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (verbs): Consistency fixes with the XML
    (pixmaps): Likewise.

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_SOURCES): Added
    cal-search-bar.[ch] to the list of sources.

2001-07-20  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl (CompEditorFactory): New interface to
    a centralized factory for calendar component editors.  Has
    editExisting() and editNew() methods to edit an existing component
    from a URI/UID pair, and to create a new component in a calendar
    that is in a particular URI, respectively.

    * gui/comp-editor-factory.[ch]: Implementation files for the
    component editor factory.

    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.oaf.in: Added the CompEditorFactory

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_SOURCES): Added
    comp-editor-factory.[ch] to the list of sources.

2001-07-26  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (invite_entry_changed): when an entry
    has changed, iterate over the elements of the entry and add them
    to the list if need be
    (get_select_name_dialog): add a Chair Persons section

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp): send the empty string as
    subject if there is no summary
2001-07-26  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp): send the empty string as
    subject if there is no summary

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (cleanup_attendees): free a list of
    (meeting_page_fill_widgets): clean up attendee lists and fix typo
    (find_match): add ability to return pos of match
    (popup_delete_cb): if deletion happens, make sure to tidy up
    delegation chain

    * gui/dialogs/e-delegate-dialog.c (e_delegate_dialog_construct):
    use the destination rather than text property
    (e_delegate_dialog_get_delegate): ditto
    (e_delegate_dialog_new): take name/address pair for dialog default

    * gui/dialogs/e-delegate-dialog.h: update protos

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (clean_up): only unref the object if we
    have one
    * gui/itip-control-factory.c (stream_read): make sure we null
    terminate the final buffer

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp): strip the mailto: from the
    organizer address if necessary

2001-07-26  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (exception_select_row_cb): check that
    the row passed in is valid. Sometimes we get the "row-selected"
    signal for row 0 when there are no rows in the list. Fixes bug #4266.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_get_object): prefetch all the
    timezone data needed by the object, to try to avoid making Corba
    calls all over the place. They can cause problems because they call
    the GTK+ main loop recursively. This currently leads to an assertion
    failure in the GnomeCanvas occasionally.

2001-07-25  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (e_itip_control_set_data): gracefully
    handle the lack of a method

2001-07-25  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (selection_received_cb): check type of component
    before actually pasting.
    Deal with VCALENDAR components also (fixes bug #5140)

    * gui/e-week-view.c (selection_received_cb): ditto

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_update_object): check the return
    value from cal_component_get_as_string and don't call
    GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_Cal_updateObjects if NULL

2001-07-25  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (pixmaps): used the new print preview icon.

    * gui/print.c (range_selector_new): changed the 'Current day/week...'
    strings to 'Selected day/week...' to make a little less confusing.
    Fixes bug #5451.

2001-07-25  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (is_duplicate): see if the address is
    already in the list of attendees
    (duplicate_error): throw up an error dialog
    (popup_delegate_cb): if the attendee has already delegated, delete
    the old delegatee
    (value_at): cast to kill warnings
    (append_row): don't add the new attendee if they are already in
    the list

2001-07-24  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (get_exception_string): calculate
    tmp_tm.tm_wday ourselves. strftime has a habit of crashing if you
    have weird values here. I think this fixes bug #4574.

2001-07-24  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (value_at): stip the delto and
    (popup_delegate_cb): show a delegate dialog and add the new
    delegatee and update the delegator
    (add_section): listen for changes in a more direct manner
    (get_select_name_dialog): add_section now takes a limit argument

    * gui/dialogs/e-delegate-dialog.[hc]: New dialog to query the user
    for a person to delegate to

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: build/install new files

    * gui/Makefile.am: add ldadd line for ebook

2001-07-21  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c (e_week_view_event_item_draw): fixed
    the test to see whether we should draw the icons.

2001-07-22  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (get_local_file_name_for_folder_type):
    New helper function.
    (remove_folder): Add a @type arg and handle it, by deleting
    "tasks.ics" instead of "calendar.ics" if the type is "tasks".  If
    the type is not "tasks" or "calendar", report an
    (xfer_folder): Likewise.

2001-07-21  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c: Make folders of type "calendar" and
    "tasks" user-creatable by setting `user_creatable' to %TRUE in the

2001-07-19  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.h (event_editor_update_widgets):
    Removed unused prototype.

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.h (task_editor_update_widgets):

2001-07-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (clean_up): free various data related
    (destroy): use cleanup and unref the clients
    (e_itip_control_set_data): clean up before setting the data and
    store the timezones in a top level component
    (update_item): use cal_client_update_objects and our top level
    (including the timezones)

2001-07-19  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (pixmaps): 
    * gui/calendar-commands.c (pixmaps): updated to use new print icon.

2001-07-17  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (init_widgets): don't show the time
    in the EDateEdit widget for adding EXDATEs.

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_alarm_set_trigger): don't
    set t.time.is_date to -1. It is a boolean flag, 0 or 1. We probably
    don't want a date value, so we leave it at 0.

2001-07-18  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c (e_day_view_main_item_draw_day_event):
    do not discard drawing icon if mask is NULL

    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c (e_day_view_top_item_draw_long_event):

2001-07-17  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (get_next): find the next displayable
    (get_prev): find the previous displayable component
    (e_itip_control_set_data): use above
    (prev_clicked_cb): ditto
    (next_clicked_cb): ditto

2001-07-17  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Really fixes #4380.  The previous fix was necessary but not
    sufficient; it worked for me because my system timezone happens to
    match the Evolution timezone --- if they don't match, the bug
    would persist.  Not matching is *not* an error; it is just a
    matter of Unix sucking a lot and XST not being finished :)

    * cal-util/timeutil.c (time_to_gdate_with_zone): New function.  We
    cannot use g_date_set_time() anymore because it does not take
    timezones into account.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (get_days_shown): Use the function above.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_find_work_week_start): Likewise.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_set_selected_time_range): Likewise.

2001-07-17  Jon Trowbridge  <trow@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (invite_entry_changed): Print
    a g_message when the list of invited people changes
    in the SelectNames control.
    (add_section): #if 0/#endif out some (broken?) code.
    (get_select_name_dialog): Listen for changes in the
    SelectNames control.

2001-07-17  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/e-timezone-dialog.c (e_timezone_dialog_destroy): destroy
    the dialog widget here. Fixes bug #4198.

2001-07-16  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (task_page_fill_widgets): 
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (event_page_fill_widgets): try to use
    builtin timezones before getting them from the server. When creating
    new events/tasks the timezones may not be on the server.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (event_page_fill_widgets): for all-day
    events we subtract a day from the end date rather than add it.

    * gui/dialogs/e-timezone-dialog.c (on_map_leave): ignore the event
    if it isn't a GDK_CROSSING_NORMAL event. For some reason we are getting
    leave events when the button is pressed, which meant that selecting
    timezones in the map didn't work.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c (comp_editor_dates): 
    * gui/print.c (print_date_label): only free icaltimetype if not NULL.

2001-07-12  Taylor Hayward  <taylorhayward@yahoo.com>

    * gui/goto-dialog.glade:
    * gui/meeting-mockup.glade:
    * gui/alarm-notifyålarm-notify.glade:
    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.glade:
    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.glade:
    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.glade: Added missing underlined

2001-07-12  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>
    * cal-util/cal-util.h: new proto

    * cal-util/cal-util.c (cal_util_new_top_level): standard place to
    get your top level calendar component

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (create_cal): use it

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp): ditto

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_copy_clipboard): ditto
2001-07-12  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_copy_clipboard): fix
    typo breaking compilation

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c: fix include

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: build select names idl here

    * gui/Makefile.am: remove select names compilation from here
2001-07-12  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c (task_details_page_set_dates):
    guard against infinite loops with the updating boolean, fixes 4270

2001-07-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: added support for multiple selections in
    cut/copy/paste. Also, it's now ready for the
    s/update_object/update_objects change (I think)

2001-07-11  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: renamed updateObject to updateObjects
    and removed the UID argument, since it can add/update multiple objects
    at once. (It can't yet, but it will!)

    * pcs/cal.c: 
    * pcs/cal-backend.[hc]: 
    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c: renamed update_object to update_objects and
    got rid of the UID arg.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_update_objects): new function to
    add/update multiple objects in one go, i.e for iTIP and for importing

    * gui/print.c (print_date_label): fixed type bug.

    * gui/e-week-view.[hc]: 
    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c: draw the timezone icons if the event's
    DTSTART or DTEND is in a different timezone to the current one.
    Note that we may want to change this so it compares the UTC offsets
    rather than the TZIDs, since currently it will draw the icons for all
    events coming from iTIP requests from other clients.

2001-07-11  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Fixes bug #4380 as well as some leftovers from the days of struct
    tm and some uninitialized values.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c
    (gnome_calendar_on_date_navigator_selection_changed): Initialize
    the icaltimetype structures completely.
    (gnome_calendar_init): Do not reset priv->zone to NULL here, since
    it was set by gnome_calendar_update_config_settings() from

    * gui/calendar-model.c (set_completed): Do not set is_daylight.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_convert_grid_position_to_time):

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_set_timezone): Likewise.

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (generate_instances_for_chunk): Likewise,
    and initialize start_tt and end_tt completely.

    * cal-util/timeutil.c (time_year_begin_with_zone): Likewise.
    (time_month_begin_with_zone): Likewise.
    (time_week_begin_with_zone): Likewise.
    (time_day_begin_with_zone): Likewise.
    (time_day_end_with_zone): Likewise.
    (time_from_isodate): Likewise.

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (task_page_fill_component): Initialize
    icaltime before using it.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (event_page_fill_component): Likewise.

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (simple_recur_to_comp): Removed an
    unused icaltimetype.

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c
    (task_details_page_fill_component): Initialize icaltime before
    using it.

2001-07-11  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c: fix the calendar not exiting with a
    gross hack because i don't have time to fix the ref counting right
2001-07-11  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c: be careful about adding and
    stripping MAILTO:'s properly

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.etspec: add missing columns

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_strip_mailto): point to the real start of
    the email address

    * gui/itip-utils.h: add proto

    * gui/itip-control-factory.c: get rid of the my address property

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: use the users real identity to figure out
    which attendee they are
    (find_my_address): figure out who the user is among the attendees

    * gui/e-itip-control.h: remove protos

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: extra dist etspecs

    * gui/Makefile.am: ditto

2001-07-11  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas@gnome.org>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: Added a hack to get the last
    string translated since xml-i18n-tools doesn't recognize
    _click-to-add-message="Click here to add a task".
2001-07-10  Peter Williams  <peterw@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am (BUILT_SOURCES): Move this higher so that
    Makefile properly depends on us. Fixes distcheck.

2001-07-11  Jason Leach  <jleach@ximian.com>

    [Fix bug #4389: ETableSpecification still in e-calendar-table.c
    * gui/e-calendar-table.etspec: New file containing the spec that
    was in e-calendar-table.c as a big string.
    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_init): Use the spec
    file instead of a string.
    (e_calendar_table_get_spec): Removed this function, we don't need
    it anymore.

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_setup_menus): Don't load from string,
    from file instead.
    * gui/Makefile.am: Necessary changes to get the new .etspec file

2001-07-10  Jason Leach  <jleach@ximian.com>

    [Fix bug #4388: ETableSpecification still in meeting-page.c file]

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.etspec: New file containing the spec
    that was previously in meeting-page.c as a string.
    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c: One line change to get it to use
    this spec file instead of a string.

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: Necessary changes to get the new
    meeting-page.etspec installed.

2001-07-10  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c:
    * gui/e-calendar-table.c:
    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c:
    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c:
    * gui/e-day-view.[hc]:
    * gui/e-week-view.c:
    * gui/gnome-cal.c:
    * gui/print.c:
    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.c:
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c:
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c:
    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c:
    * pcs/query.c:
    * cal-util/cal-component.[hc]: 
    * cal-util/cal-recur.c: 
    * cal-util/timeutil.[hc]: 
    * cal-client/cal-client.[hc]: more timezone updates. I'm pretty much
    done with the calendar code now, except for alarms and conduits,
    which Federico and JP know more about. And there are a couple of
    other minor things to fix. But it is still pretty buggy.

2001-07-10  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c: Add popup support so you can delete
    users from the list

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (setup_widgets): fix typo

2001-07-10  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (alarm_trigger_cb): Handle the
    different alarm actions.
    (display_notification): Do the alarm notification dialog here.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify-dialog.c (make_heading): Take in a
    CalComponentVType, not a whole component.
    (alarm_notify_dialog): Take in a CalComponentVType and the final
    message instead of generating it ourselves.

2001-07-09  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (generate_alarms_for_comp): Pass the
    parent vCalendar component as the timezone closure of

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (get_alarm_string): Make the string
    consistent with the option menu text.
    (get_alarm_string): Removed extra spaces from the last part of the
    alarm string.

2001-07-09  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_key_press): Use
    e_utf8_from_gtk_event_key() so that we can input utf8 text
    (e_day_view_cut_clipboard): Constify.
    (e_day_view_on_cut): Constify.
    (e_day_view_reshape_long_event): Remove unused variable.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_key_press): Use
    e_utf8_from_gtk_event_key() so that we can input utf8 text
    (e_week_view_cut_clipboard): Constify.
    (e_week_view_on_cut): Constify.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_resolve_tzid_cb): Fix the
    prototype so that this matches CalRecurResolveTimezoneFn.  Also
    renamed it so that it is clear that it is supposed to be a

2001-07-06  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (init_widgets): connect to the entry
    not the combo

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (set_menu_sens): set menu
    sensitivities based on whether or not the meeting page is shown
    (event_editor_init): call above
    (event_editor_edit_comp): ditto
    (schedule_meeting_cmd): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.h: new proto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_set_ui_prop): new
    function to allow for set of ui props (esp. "sensitive")
2001-07-06  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (clear_widgets): actually clear some
    widgets and hide/show widgets in the default setup
    (meeting_page_destroy): destroy the address lists
    (meeting_page_fill_widgets): allow the user to select among their
    identities as a new organizer, or show the existing organizer as
    (meeting_page_fill_component): set the "MAILTO:" bit of the
    organizer to match spec, set CN properly if we know it
    (get_widgets): load new widgets
    (other_clicked_cb): handle "Other Organizer" click
    (change_clicked_cb): handle "Change Organizer" click
    (init_widgets): listen for clicks on new buttons

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_remove_page): remove the
    page from our internal list and unref it

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_addresses_get): get the configure mail
    (itip_addresses_free): free a list of identities returned by

    * gui/itip-utils.h: remove obsolete protos, and new protos

    * gui/gnome-cal.html: Remove ancient file

2001-07-04  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Fixes bug #4018 and what would be the analogous bugs for the other
    component editors.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.h (CompEditorPageClass): New
    virtual method "::focus_main_widget()".

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.c
    (comp_editor_page_focus_main_widget): New function.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_append_page): If we are
    inserting the main page, ask it to focus its main widget.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (alarm_page_focus_main_widget):

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (event_page_focus_main_widget):
    #include "e-util/e-categories-config.h".

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (meeting_page_focus_main_widget):

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c
    (recurrence_page_focus_main_widget): Implemented.

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c
    (task_details_page_focus_main_widget): Implemented.

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (task_page_focus_main_widget):

2001-07-04  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (clear_folder_bar_label): New function.
    (calendar_control_activate): Clear the folder bar label; we really
    don't have anything interesting to display.

2001-07-03  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c: Add new columns for information
    (meeting_page_destroy): save the table state
    (build_etable): load new table state

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_destroy): unref pages

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_destroy): unref pages

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (setup_widgets): kill warning
    (comp_editor_append_page): ref page passed in
    (close_dialog): unref pages

2001-07-03  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (query_obj_updated_cb): fix warning, and added
    some debug messages.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c (write_label_piece): 
    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c (e_day_view_top_item_draw): call mktime()
    to set the weekday, though this is a temporary fix.

2001-07-03  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend.[hc]: added virtual method to get a VTIMEZONE
    component given a TZID. We need this to resolve TZIDs when expanding
    an event using cal_recur_generate_instances() in query.c.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_get_timezone): implemented
    virtual method.
    (cal_backend_file_update_object): fixed bug, kind -> child_kind.

    * pcs/query.c (func_occur_in_time_range): use the virtual method for
    resolving TZIDs. The other way didn't work anyway, as we didn't have
    the entire VCALENDAR with VTIMEZONEs in it.

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (init_widgets): 
    (make_ending_until_special): moved the call to
    e_date_edit_set_get_time_callback() from init_widgets to
    make_ending_until_special(), since that is where the widget gets

    * gui/e-timezone-entry.c (e_timezone_entry_set_timezone): handle zone
    being NULL.

2001-07-02  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-options.[ch]: New files with the alarm options
    dialog; this configures the repeat/duration properties and the
    options specific to each alarm action type.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (AlarmPagePrivate): Added the alarm
    options button.  Also, keep an alarm structure which we are
    editing and an alarm options dialog.
    (init_widgets): Connect to the options button.
    (add_clicked_cb): Clone the component we are editing instead of
    creating a new one so that we preserve the data from the alarm
    options dialog.
    (button_options_clicked_cb): Pop up the alarm options dialog.

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_alarm_new): Doh,
    initialize the other fields in the new alarm.

2001-07-03  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.[hc]
    * cal-util/cal-component.c
    * cal-util/cal-recur.[hc]
    * cal-util/test-recur.c
    * cal-util/timeutil.c
    * gui/calendar-config.c
    * gui/calendar-model.[hc]
    * gui/comp-util.[hc]
    * gui/e-calendar-table.c
    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c
    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c
    * gui/e-day-view.[hc]
    * gui/e-itip-control.c
    * gui/e-timezone-entry.[hc]
    * gui/e-week-view.[hc]
    * gui/gnome-cal.[hc]
    * gui/goto.c
    * gui/tag-calendar.[hc]
    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.c
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.[hc]
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.[hc]
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c
    * gui/dialogs/e-timezone-dialog.[hc]
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c
    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c
    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c
    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c
    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.glade
    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c
    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl
    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c
    * pcs/cal-backend.c
    * pcs/cal-backend.h
    * pcs/cal.c
    * pcs/query.c: timezone changes everywhere. There's still quite a
    few things to update, and its not working well at present.

2001-07-02  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (publish_freebusy_cmd): publish
    free/busy information for the currently viewed time range

2001-07-02  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Added $(BONOBO_CONF_CFLAGS).
    (evolution_calendar_LDADD): Added $(BONOBO_CONF_LIBS).

2001-07-02  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Support for ATTACH, DESCRIPTION properties in alarm components.

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (scan_alarm_property):  Deal with
    ATTACH, DESCRIPTION properties.
    (cal_component_alarm_get_attach): New function.  Libical is
    actually bogus; supposedly icalattachtype structures are
    refcounted but the property functions return them by value.
    (cal_copmonent_alarm_set_attach): New function.
    (cal_component_alarm_get_description): New function.
    (cal_component_alarm_set_description): New function.

2001-07-02  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Support for repeat/duration properties in alarm components.

    * cal-util/cal-component.h (CalAlarmRepeat): New structure that
    pairs the repeat/duration values of an alarm component, which must
    be set both together or not set at all.

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (CalComponentAlarm): Added fields for
    the repeat and duration properties.
    (scan_alarm_property): Scan the DURATION and REPEAT properties.
    (make_alarm): Nullify/initialize all the fields in the alarm.
    (cal_component_alarm_get_repeat): New function.
    (cal_component_alarm_set_repeat): New function.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.glade: Changed the label of display
    alarms from "Show a dialog" to "Display a message".

2001-07-02  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c
    (task_details_page_fill_widgets): fill in delegated from field
2001-07-02  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (categories_clicked_cb): 
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (categories_clicked_cb): use the new
    self-contained e_categories_config_open_dialog_for_entry() function

    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c (e_week_view_item_draw_icons): 
    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c (e_day_view_reshape_long_event):
    (e_day_view_reshape_day_event): ditto
    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c (e_day_view_main_item_draw_day_event):
    use e_categories_config_get_icon_for() to retrieve the icon
    associated with each category

2001-07-02  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (send_freebusy): implement

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (set_attendee_list): add the delto
    property rather than the delfrom property twice

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_edit_comp): show
    delegation info if appropriate
    (delegate_task_cmd): delegate command
    (cancel_task_cmd): cancel command
    (refresh_task_cmd): refresh command

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c: Load new widgets
    (task_details_page_show_delegation): show/hide delegation info widgets

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.h: new proto

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_edit_comp): free
    attendee list when finished

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (setup_widgets): explicitly show the
    widgets, update pixmaps after the verbs have been added
    (comp_editor_focus): don't do a show all

2001-07-02  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Fixes bug #1406.

    * gui/calendar-config.c (config_read): Handle the options for the
    task list colors.
    (calendar_config_write): Ditto.
    (calendar_config_get_tasks_due_today_color): New function.
    (calendar_config_set_tasks_due_today_color): New function.
    (calendar_config_get_tasks_overdue_color): New function.
    (calendar_config_set_tasks_overdue_color): New function.
    (calendar_config_configure_e_calendar_table): Use
    e_table_model_changed() for the colors.

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.glade: Updated the options for the
    task list and alarms.

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.c (cal_prefs_dialog_show_config):
    Update the task list settings.
    (cal_prefs_dialog_update_config): Ditto.

    * gui/calendar-model.c (get_color): Deal with tasks for today as
    well as overdue tasks.  Make it cleaner, even though we have to
    duplicate a chunk of is_overdue().

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (preferences_cmd): Renamed from

2001-07-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c
    (e_day_view_main_item_draw_day_event): draw icons per category

    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c
    (e_day_view_top_item_draw_long_event): draw icons per category

    * gui/e-day-view.c
    (e_day_view_reshape_day_event): calculate space for category icons

    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c
    (e_week_view_event_item_draw_icons): draw icons per category

    * gui/e-week-view.c
    (e_week_view_reshape_event_span): calculate space for category icons
2001-07-01  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_*_clipboard): fixed clibpoard
    command activation from the menu entries. CTRL-C and CTRL-X don't
    work though, since it seems the key presses are being captured by
    the text item

    gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_*_clipboard): ditto

2001-06-30  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c
    (e_week_view_event_item_button_press): Only set the
    pressed_event_num and pressed_span_num if button 1 was pressed.
    Fix up return values a bit.  This fixes bug #3780.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c
    (gnome_calendar_on_date_navigator_selection_changed): Doh, the
    call for the day view was supposed to be
    gnome_calendar_set_view(), not set_view().  Fixes bug #3779.

2001-06-30  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/tasks-control.c (tasks_control_cut_cmd): call
    e_calendar_table_cut_clipboard with the correct object

    (tasks_control_copy_cmd): ditto

    (sensitize_commands): sensitize clipboard commands based on the
    number of selected tasks

2001-06-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.[ch] (e_calendar_table_cut_clipboard),
    (e_calendar_table_paste_clipboard): new functions for allowing the
    execution of clipboard-related commands

    * gui/tasks-control.c (tasks_control_cut_cmd),
    (tasks_control_copy_cmd), (tasks_control_paste_cmd): added
    callbacks for the new clipboard-related menu entries

2001-06-28  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c: removed not-uses-anymore parameter in
    call to evolution_shell_component_new

    * gui/gnome-cal.[ch] (gnome_calendar_cut_clipboard),
    (gnome_calendar_copy_clipboard), (gnome_calendar_paste_clipboard):
    new functions for allowing execution of clipboard-related commands

    * gui/e-day-view.[ch] (e_day_view_cut_clipboard),
    (e_day_view_copy_clipboard), (e_day_view_paste_clipboard): ditto

    * gui/e-week-view.[ch] (e_week_view_cut_clipboard),
    (e_week_view_copy_clipboard), (e_week_view_paste_clipboard): ditto

2001-06-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (cut_event_cmd),
    (copy_event_cmd), (paste_event_cmd): added callbacks for the new
    clipboard-related menu entries

2001-06-27  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (factory_fn): Pass NULL as the
    @external_uri_schemas argument to

2001-06-27  Peter Williams  <peterw@ximian.com>

    * conduits/*/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): More srcdir != builddir

2001-06-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (selection_received): fixed
    (e_calendar_table_on_copy): fixed

2001-06-26  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl (CalAlarmInstance): Renamed the occur
    field to occur_start; added an occur_end field.  This way we can
    present the complete times for the occurrence from the server.

    * cal-util/cal-component.h (CalAlarmInstance): Likewise.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (add_alarm_occurrences_cb): Fill the new
    fields appropriately.
    (generate_absolute_triggers): Likewise; we use -1 in case the
    component has no DTSTART or DTEND because there are no meaningful
    occurrence dates here.
    (fill_alarm_instances_seq): Fill in the new fields.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (build_alarm_instance_list): Likewise.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify-dialog.c (alarm_notify_dialog):
    Take in both the occur_start and occur_end times.

    * gui/goto.c (goto_dialog): Free the dlg structure on the bail-out

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (get_widgets): Do not assert if we
    cannot find the main widget; just return FALSE.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (get_widgets): Likewise.

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (get_widgets): Likewise.

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c (get_widgets): Likewise.

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c (get_widgets): Likewise.

2001-06-25  Peter Williams  <peterw@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Fixes for
    srcdir != builddir. Link to the static libwombat.

    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Here too.

2001-06-24  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/notify-main.c (main): Initialize libglade.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (compute_alarm_range):
    icaldurationtype_as_int() will now return a negative value if
    dur->is_neg is true, so we need to flip the sign of some
    operations here.
    (add_alarm_occurrences_cb): Likewise.

    * pcs/cal-backend-db.c (compute_alarm_range): Likewise.
    (add_alarm_occurrences_cb): Likewise.

2001-06-24  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify.c: Converted to use BonoboXObject.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_open): Ask the alarm
    notification service to add the calendar and tasks URIs.
    (add_alarms): New function.

    * gui/alarm-notify/notify-main.c (main): Doh, fixed typo in the
    (main): Initialize and shut down gnome-vfs.

    * gui/Makefile.am (IDLS): Added evolution-calendar.idl, sigh.
    (evolution_calendar_SOURCES): Added the files generated from the IDL.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.c (alarm_trigger_cb): New function
    used when an alarm is triggered.

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: Removed the alarm-notify-dialog files;
    they are now in gui/alarm-notify.

    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am: Added the alarm-notify-dialog

    * pcs/cal.c (cal_forget_password): This was incorrectly named
    cal_client_forget_password(); renamed it.

    * gui/main.c (main): Initialize and shut down gnome-vfs.

2001-06-23  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (task_compare_cb): New function to
    compare tasks like the Pilot task list.

    * cal-util/cal-component.h (CalComponentField): Added a
    semi-hackish CAL_COMPONENT_FIELD_COMPONENT.  In the ETable model,
    it is intended to return a pointer to the component itself.

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_value_at): Return the
    component itself for CAL_COMPONENT_FIELD_COMPONENT.  Be more
    paranoid about invalid columns.
    (calendar_model_set_value_at): Be more paranoid about invalid
    (calendar_model_duplicate_value): Ref the component field.
    (calendar_model_initialize_value): Deal with the component field.
    (calendar_model_value_is_empty): Likewise.
    (calendar_model_value_to_string): Likewise.

2001-06-22  Jeffrey Stedfast  <fejj@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am: Added itip-control-factory.* to the build.

2001-06-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal.[ch] (cal_get_password): new function for the backends to
    be able to call the getPassword method on the associated
    (cal_forget_password): ditto for the forgetPassword method

2001-06-22  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: changed getFreeBusy method to return
    a CalObj instead of a sequence

    * cal-client/cal-client.[ch] (cal_client_get_free_busy): changed it to
    work like the cal_client_get_object function, that is, it does not
    return anymore a list of UIDs, but a CalClientGetStatus code, and
    added a new parameter for the caller to get the component back when
    this function returns
    (cal_client_open): aggregate WombatClient interface to the CalListener
    being used

    * pcs/cal-backend-db.c, pcs/cal-backend-file.c (..get_free_busy): set
    return value to "char *" as it will be returning a FreeBusy object,
    and not a list of UIDs

    * pcs/cal-backend.[ch] (cal_backend_get_free_busy): ditto

    * pcs/cal.c (cal_construct): queryInterface on the listener to obtain
    the WombatClient interface

2001-06-21  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/main.c (main): update to new call

    * gui/e-itip-control.[hc]: break the widget bits out on their own
    into a proper object, basic stuff seems to be working again
    * gui/itip-control-factory.c: put the control specific bits here
    from e-itip-control.c

    * gui/itip-control-factory.h: new header

2001-06-21  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am (gladedir): add include path

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (setup_widgets): remove buttons and
    use evolution's standard ui config

    * gui/print.c (print_comp_item): print description text

2001-06-21  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.[ch]:
    (cal_client_init): create a WombatClient when creating a CalClient
    object, so that we can receive authentication notifications from
    the wombat
    (cal_client_destroy): destroy the WombatClient object when dying
    (cal_client_set_auth_func): new function to set the authentication
    function to be called when a password is required by the calendar
    server (through the WombatClient object)
    (cal_client_get_free_busy): new function for calling the new IDL
    method Cal::getFreeBusy

    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am: add libwombat to LDADD

    * gui/Makefile.am: add libwombat to LDADD

2001-06-20  Dave Camp  <dave@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp): Changed attach_data
    to be a GNOME_Evolution_Composer_AttachmentData rather than a

2001-06-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (print_cmd): print menu command
    (print_preview_cmd): ditto for print preview
    (print_setup_cmd): ditto for print setup
    (comp_editor_set_cal_client): listen for updated and removed
    (obj_updated_cb): if the item changes else where, query the user
    for the course of action
    (obj_removed_cb): ditto for removal

    * gui/print.c (print_setup): rudimentary page setup support
    (print_comp): rudimentary individual event/task printing support

    * gui/print.h: new protos

    * gui/dialogs/changed-comp.[hc]: dialog to query the user about
    what to do when a item is changed elsewhere

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: build new files

    * gui/dialogs/send-comp.c (send_component_dialog): remove useless
2001-06-20  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: added getFreeBusy method

    * pcs/cal.c (impl_Cal_get_free_busy): implementation of the new
    getFreeBusy added method
    * pcs/cal-backend.[ch]: added new virtual method to the CalBackend
    class (get_free_busy)

    * pcs/cal-backend-db.c (cal_backend_db_get_free_busy): new function,
    not implemented yet

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_get_free_busy): new funtion,
    not implemented yet

2001-06-20  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-config.[hc]:
    * gui/gnome-cal.[hc]: 
    * gui/tasks-control.c (tasks_control_activate): 
    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_control_activate): moved the
    function to check for a default timezone to calendar-config.c, and
    also used it in the tasks control.

    * gui/dialogs/e-timezone-dialog.h: #include <gtk/gtkwidget.h> fix.

2001-06-20  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_control_activate): 
    * gui/gnome-cal.[hc]: added code to show the timezone dialog if the
    user hasn't set a default timezone yet.

    * gui/dialogs/e-timezone-dialog.c (e_timezone_dialog_add_timezones): 
    set the "None" item string before adding it to the combo, to stop the
    combo putting "None" in the entry initially.

2001-06-19  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.[ch]: added cut/copy/paste support. It works
    with single selections (a single component selected) and with
    multiple ones (several components selected)

2001-06-19  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c: if the timezones of the start and end of
    the event are the same, then if the start timezone is changed we
    change the end timezone as well, since that is what most users will

2001-06-19  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal.c: 
    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: 
    * cal-client/cal-client.[hc]: removed stuff to get builtin timezone
    info from the server.

2001-06-19  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.c: added a 'Time zone' setting. Also
    rearranged a little, adding a new 'General' page, since we had too
    many settings on the 'Calendar' page.

    * gui/e-timezone-entry.[hc]: 
    * gui/dialogs/e-timezone-dialog.[hc]: 
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c: 
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.[hc]: 
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c: 
    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c: 
    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c: removed CalClient stuff. The timezone dialog
    now uses the timezone data directly from the client's libical library.

2001-06-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_init): add ui
    (forward_cmd): implement forward command

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (save_as_ok): bug fix, seems to work
2001-06-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/control-factory.c (control_factory_init): add auto exit unref

    * gui/component-factory.c (destroy_cb): destroy our selves if we
    have no more shells
    (component_factory_init): add auto exit unref
2001-06-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am: don't compile or install the old meeting edit

    * gui/e-week-view.c: ditto

    * gui/e-day-view.c: Remove scheduling menu option
2001-06-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.c: add some needed commas
    (itip_send_comp): if publishing, don't set the to list and show
    the message.  unless publishing, just send the email

    * gui/Makefile.am: remove typo
2001-06-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/send-comp.c: itip/imip send dialog

    * gui/dialogs/send-comp.h: new proto

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (recurrence_page_set_dates): only
    use the weekday picker if visible

    * gui/dialogs/meeting-page.c: just show the meeting list

    * gui/dialogs/event-editor.c (event_editor_edit_comp): remove the
    meeting page if no attendees
    (schedule_meeting_cmd): schedule a meeting menu item
    (refresh_meeting_cmd): refresh meeting request menu item
    (cancel_meeting_cmd): ditto for cancel
    (forward_cmd): send as attachment

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_remove_page): remove page
    from dialog
    (comp_editor_show_page): show a given page
    (comp_editor_get_current_comp): return a cal component
    representing the current widget state
    (comp_editor_save_comp): save the cal component
    (comp_editor_delete_comp): delete the cal component
    (comp_editor_send_comp): send the cal component
    (comp_editor_merge_ui): merge xml in to the bonobo gui
    (setup_widgets): use a bonobo window instead of a gtk window, add menus again
    (save_as_cmd): save to file on disk - still broken
    (save_close_cmd): close menu command
    (save_close_cmd): save and close menu command

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.h: new protos

    * gui/dialogs/cancel-comp.c (cancel_component_dialog): itip/imip
    cancellation dialog

    * gui/dialogs/cancel-comp.h: new proto

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: build new files

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.c
    (comp_editor_page_notify_needs_send): emit needs_send signal

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.h: new signal protos

    * gui/itip-utils.c (itip_send_comp): new function to send cal

    * gui/itip-utils.h: new proto

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (pstream_load): trim using cal-component
    wrapper stuff
    (accept_button_clicked_cb): use itip_send_comp
    (tentative_button_clicked_cb): ditto
    (decline_button_clicked_cb): ditto

    * gui/Makefile.am: compile select name idl stuff

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_get_organizer): get the organizer
    (cal_component_set_organizer): set the organizer
    (cal_component_get_recurid): get the recurrence id
    (cal_component_set_recurid): set the recurrence id
    (set_attendee_list): actually set the attendee list
    (get_attendee_list): build the attendee list

    * cal-util/cal-component.h: new protos

2001-06-19  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.glade: 
    * gui/dialogs/task-page.glade: 
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.glade: added timezone fields. Also moved the
    'All Day' flag into an alignment so it doesn't mess up the height of
    the other widgets.

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c: 
    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c: 
    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c: added code to handle the timezone fields.
    This still needs to be hooked up when the libical code is finished.

    * gui/dialogs/e-timezone-dialog.c (on_map_leave): new function to
    clear the preview label and turn off the highlighted point on the
    map when you move the mouse outside it.
    (find_selected_point): new function to try to find the point
    corresponding to the text in the combo.
    (on_combo_changed): call the above function to update the selected
    (on_map_leave): turn off the preview point & label when the mouse
    leaves the map.
    (e_timezone_dialog_set_cal_client): changed it so that selecting "None"
    clears the entry.
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.[hc]: added set_cal_client() virtual
    method since some pages need to access the CalClient to get timezone
    information. Also added comp_editor_page_set_cal_client() to call
    the virtual method.

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_set_cal_client): called
    comp_editor_page_set_cal_client() on each page.

    * gui/calendar-config.c: added functions to get & set the timezone.

2001-06-18  Eskil Heyn Olsen  <eskil@eskil.dk>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: (comp_from_remote_record),
    (check_for_slow_setting), (conduit_get_gpilot_conduit):
    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c: (check_for_slow_setting),
    Tweaked for some gnome-pilot api changes

2001-06-15  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-view.[ch]: New files with the generic calendar view
    object.  It sucks that we have to implement at least two classes
    to define a GalView and its factory.

    * gui/calendar-view-factory.[ch]: New files; factory for calendar

    * gui/gnome-cal.h (GnomeCalendarViewType): Moved from gnome-cal.c
    and renamed from ViewType.  We no longer use strings to identify
    the view types.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_get_view_type): New function.
    (set_view): Renamed from gnome_calendar_set_view_internal().
    (gnome_calendar_set_query): Made public; renamed from set_query().
    (gnome_calendar_setup_view_menus): New function to set up the view
    collection and the GalViewMenus.
    (gnome_calendar_discard_view_menus): New function to discard them.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_control_activate): Set up the
    GalView menus.
    (calendar_control_deactivate): Discard the GalView menus.

    * gui/e-day-view.c: #include <gtk/gtkinvisible.h>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.c (comp_editor_get_type): The type info
    structure should be static.

2001-06-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (selection_received): generate a new UID
    when pasting

    * gui/e-week-view.c (selection_received): ditto

2001-06-15  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (selection_received): finished implementation
    of Paste stuff

    * gui/e-week-view.c (selection_received): ditto

2001-06-14  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.[ch]: added popup menu items for cut/copy/paste

    * gui/e-week-view.[ch]: ditto

2001-06-14  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-timezone-entry.[hc]: new widget to enter a timezone.

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_SOURCES): added the above.
    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_LDADD): had to move
    libcal-dialogs.a above libmiscwidgets.a to get it to compile.

2001-06-14  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/e-timezone-dialog.[hc]: 
    * gui/dialogs/e-timezone-dialog.glade: new dialog for setting the
    time zone.

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: added timezone dialog files.

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: added CalTimezoneInfo struct and seq,
    and getBuiltinTimezoneInfo method.

    * pcs/cal.c (impl_Cal_get_builtin_timezone_info): implemented method.
    (cal_class_init): added method to epv.
    * cal-client/cal-client.c (struct CalClientPrivate): added
    timezone_info array to contain cached info on builtin timezone city
    names and coordinates.
    (cal_client_get_builtin_timezone_info): new function to get the info
    about builtin timezones.

    * cal-client/cal-client.h: added CalTimezoneInfo struct, to contain
    the city names and coords of the builtin timezones.

2001-06-13  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c (comp_editor_date_label): remove
    unnecessary space

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (task_page_set_summary): indicate we are
    updating, Fixes #3307

2001-06-13  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c (task_details_page_set_dates):
    set the completed time in the date editor if appropriate

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (task_page_set_dates): if we are
    updating, return
    (complete_date_changed): don't returns if we are updating - the
    guards are done in the calling function
    (status_changed): indicate when we are updating and when we are
    finished, round the completion time to the nearest minute
    (percent_complete_changed): indicate when are updating and when we
    are finished
    (percent_complete_changed): notify of the date change after the
    option menu is updated
2001-06-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.[ch]: added cut&paste support, by using a GtkInvisible
    widget to manage the clipboard selections.
    * gui/e-week-view.[ch]: ditto

2001-06-08  Iain Holmes  <iain@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c: Removed the executive-summary includes.
    (component_factory_init): Don't init the summary factory.

    * gui/calendar-summary.[ch]: Removed.

    * gui/Makefile.am: Remove executive-summary stuff, move some libs 
    around a bit.

2001-06-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (recurrence_page_set_dates):
    update the blocked/selected days if the starting day of the
    appointment changes, fixes #2188

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.h: tidy proto

2001-06-03  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: #include <bonobo/bonobo-context.h> instead
    of <bonobo/bonobo-running-context.h>.
    * gui/tasks-control-factory.c: Likewise.

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_LDADD): Move `$(DB3_LDADD)'
    before libeutil.

2001-06-01  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am: no longer build widget-util.*, the code has
    been moved
2001-06-01  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (make_date_edit): use new func

    * gui/dialogs/task-details-page.c
    (task_details_page_create_date_edit): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c (make_ending_until_special): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.c (comp_editor_new_date_edit):
    rename date_edit_new function

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.h: new proto

    * gui/dialogs/task-page.c (task_page_set_summary): no longer any
    need to block/unblock the handler
    (task_page_create_date_edit): use new func
2001-06-01  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/.cvsignore: Update

    * gui/evolution-calendar-control.c: Remove dead file

    * gui/*.vcf: Remove dead files
2001-06-01  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-page.[hc]: renamed from editor-page for
    consistency, more complete implementation

    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor.[hc]: More complete implementation

    * gui/dialogs/*-page.*: The various pages needed to construct the
    event and task dialogs
    * gui/dialogs/comp-editor-util.[hc]: useful utility functions for the
    component editor pages to use

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: Build and install new files

    * gui/event-editor*: Remove, obsoleted by the new comp-editor

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor-dialog.glade: ditto

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (open_task): update to use comp editor

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_new_task): ditto

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_edit_object): ditto

    * gui/Makefile.am: don't build non-existent files nor try to
    install them

2001-06-01  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (e_itip_control_factory_init): ditto

    * gui/tasks-control-factory.c (tasks_control_factory_init):
    auto_exit_unref the factory

2001-06-01  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_LDADD): Add `$(DB3_LDADD)'.

2001-05-29  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_get_calendar_table): New function.

    * gui/tasks-control.c (tasks_control_activate): Connect to the
    "selection_changed" signal of the tasks widget here, not in
    tasks_control_new().  Also, update the sensitivity of the commands
    here for the first time.
    (tasks_control_deactivate): Disconnect from the signal here since
    it only makes sense to monitor selection changes while the control
    is active.
    (selection_changed_cb): Removed hack that tested the presence of
    the remote UI container.
    (sensitize_commands): New function.

2001-05-28  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-week-view-layout.[hc]: 
    * gui/e-day-view-layout.[hc]: new files to contain layout code split
    off from EDayView an EWeekView, so we can use it for printing.

    * gui/print.c: rewritten to use the same layout code as the EDayView
    and EWeekView widgets.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_get_task_pad_cal_client): added
    function so we can get the CalClient used for the TaskPad for printing.

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_SOURCES): added
    e-day-view-layout.[hc] amd e-week-view-layout.[hc].

    * cal-util/timeutil.c (time_week_begin): 
    (time_week_end): added week_start_day argument.

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c: added comments describing problems in it.

2001-05-27  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (remove_folder): implemented the
    'remove_folder' function for the calendar shell component
    (xfer_folder): ditto for 'xfer_folder'

2001-05-27  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: #include
    "evolution-shell-component-utils.h" rather than "e-gui-utils.h"
    for e_pixmaps_update.

    * gui/tasks-control.c: Likewise.
2001-05-25  Peter Williams  <peterw@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am: Reference libeshell.la instead of libeshell.a.

2001-05-23  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.c: Finished porting from the old
    event-editor.c.  Made it store a clone of the component for when
    we need to expand the recurrence set.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (event_page_get_dates): New function.

    * gui/dialogs/editor-page.c (editor_page_set_dates): Renamed from
    editor_page_set_dtstart(); now sets both DTSTART and DTEND.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (alarm_page_set_dates): Ahem, it is a
    label, not an entry.

2001-05-21  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Fix bug #2831; the tasks toolbar and menu now have a button to
    delete the selected tasks.

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_delete_selected): New
    (delete_cb): Use e_calendar_table_delete_selected().
    (e_calendar_table_get_table): New function.

    * gui/tasks-control.c (tasks_control_new_task_cmd): Handle the
    delete command.
    (selection_changed_cb): Change the sensitivity of the TasksDelete
    command when the selection in the table changes.

    * gui/e-tasks.c (table_selection_change_cb): Notify upstream when
    the ETable selection changes.

2001-05-18  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Fix bug #2829.

    * gui/dialogs/delete-comp.c (delete_component_dialog): Allow the
    caller to specify whether just one or many components are to be

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (tasks_popup_one): Popup menu definition
    for when one and only one task is selected.
    (tasks_popup_many): Likewise, for more than one task.
    (e_calendar_table_on_right_click): Do not create a structure for
    the closure data; we can simply pass the cal_table.  Use a
    different menu depending on the number of selected tasks.
    (mark_as_complete_cb): Renamed; now iterates over the selected
    (delete_selected_components): New function to delete all the
    selected components.
    (delete_cb): Adjusted for delete_component_dialog().
    (open_task): New function, simply open a CalComponent in the task
    (open_task_by_row): Renamed; use open_task().

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_delete_appointment): Updated
    for delete_component_dialog().

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_delete_appointment): Likewise.

2001-05-16  Duncan Mak  <duncan@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_SOURCES): removed
    editor-page.[ch] because they've now moved dialogs.

2001-05-16  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Split the event and task editors into different objects for the
    separate pages; this way they can be shared by both editors.

    * gui/dialogs/editor-page.[ch]: New abstract class for a page in a
    calendar component editor.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.[ch]: Main page of an event editor.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.[ch]: Alarm page of a calendar component

    * gui/dialogs/recurrence-page.[ch]: Recurrence page of a calendar
    component editor.

    * gui/dialogs/event-page.c (event_page_fill_widgets): Eeek, this
    was missing a bunch of break statements.
    (event_page_fill_component): Use a temporary variable rather than
    allocating a struct icaltimetype.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-page.c (get_alarm_string): Do not use
    fixed-size buffers.
    (alarm_page_fill_widgets): Use cal_obj_uid_list_free().
    (append_reminder): Now the list stores the plain CalComponentAlarm
    structures in the row data.  We do *NOT* want to be frobbing the
    component's data directly.  Rather, we clone the alarms from the
    component and maintain them on our own.
    (alarm_page_fill_component): Clone the alarms before adding them
    to the component so that we maintain the invariant that the alarm
    structures in the list did *not* come from the component.

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_add_alarm): Added
    (cal_component_remove_alarm): Added documentation.
    (cal_component_remove_alarm): Do a lookup in our hash table of
    alarms instead of scanning the whole component.
    (CalComponentAlarm): Removed the `parent' field, since it was
    (cal_component_free_alarm_uids): Removed function, since
    cal_component_get_alarm_uids() is documented so that the user will
    know that he must use cal_obj_uid_list_free().
    (cal_component_alarm_clone): New function.

2001-05-09  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_SOURCES): Added
    editor-page.[ch] to the list of sources.

2001-05-09  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (reminder_add_cb): switch on the correct
    widget and map

2001-05-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (e_itip_control_factory): unref the
    property bag when we finish with it

    * gui/evolution-calendar-control.c (calendar_properties_init): ditto

    * gui/control-factory.c (calendar_properties_init): ditto

    * gui/calendar-summary.c (create_summary_view): ditto

2001-05-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_alarm_free):
    (cal_component_alarm_free): free the alarm component if it doesn't
    have a parent, rather than if it does

    * gui/Makefile.am: sanitize LD_ADDS and CFLAGS so the libtool
    lines are shorter (fixes problem on solaries due to sed)

2001-05-07  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-factory.[hc]: Convert to bonobo xobject

    * pcs/cal.[hc]: Convert to bonobo xobject

2001-05-07  Gediminas Paulauskas <menesis@delfi.lt>

    * gui/event-editor.c (make_title_from_comp): conversion summary
    from utf8 here, use translated strings as is.
    (set_title_from_comp): reflect this, simplify.

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c: updated copies of above functions here.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c: use defines from widgets/misc/e-filter-bar.h for
    consistency in "Show all".

2001-05-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_append_row): unref the
    calcomponent when we're done with it

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_gen_uid): free the iso
    date string when we finish with it

2001-04-27  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c (put_property_in_list): remove hardcoded
    (edit_attendee): ditto, and there are only 4 roles now

    * gui/e-meeting-dialog.glade: tweak

    * gui/itip-utils.c: There shouldn't be an "other" role

2001-04-26  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

     * gui/e-meeting-edit.c (edit_attendee): use enums not hard code
2001-04-26  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c (add_button_clicked_cb):
    icalparameter_new_rsvp now takes an enum

2001-04-26  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_alarm_set_trigger): the
    value type should be inited with ICAL_VALUE_* rather than
    ICAL_*_VALUE because it is a param argument.

2001-04-26  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (get_is_overdue): Replace "<" by "<=" in
    the comparison for due dates against the current time.  This makes
    tasks appear immediately as red when you click Now in the due date
    popup field.

    This is not a complete solution to the more general problem of
    tasks staying the same color even if they become overdue while the
    task list remains the same on the screen.  This has been logged as
    bug #2399.

2001-04-26  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Add `$(EXTRA_GNOME_CFLAGS)'.

2001-04-26  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am (libetodo_conduit_la_LIBADD): Remove

    * cal-client/Makefile.am (client_test_LDADD): Remove -lunicode

2001-04-24  Duncan Mak  <duncan@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/notify-main.c (funny_trigger_cb): Fixed
    Strftime so it uses the locale prefered way to display date/time. 
    ("%x %X" instead of "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")

2001-04-21  Gediminas Paulauskas <menesis@delfi.lt>

    * gui/calendar-summary.c: translate "Things to do" etc. and convert them
    to utf8. Changed some link from helixcode to ximian.

2001-04-18  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Add
    * gui/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Likewise.

    * cal-client/cal-query.h: #include "evolution-calendar.h".

2001-04-17  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (init_widgets): Connect to the "changed"
    signal of the categories entry so that they will be applied
    (EventEditorPrivate): Added fields for the contacts button and
    (init_widgets): Disable the contacts widgets as we do not support
    them yet.
    (get_widgets): Get the contacts widgets.

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (get_widgets): Get the contacts
    button, which was missing.
    (init_widgets): Disable the contacts widgets as we do not support
    them yet.

    * pcs/query.c (matches_text_list): Use e_utf8_strstrcasedecomp()
    instead of plain e_utf8_strstrcase().
    (matches_summary): Likewise.

2001-04-17  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_alarm_set_action): the
    libical action stuff uses enums rather than strings to enumerate
    the various actions now
    (cal_component_alarm_get_action): ditto

2001-04-17  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am (evolution_alarm_notify_SOURCES):

2001-04-16  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * pcs/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Add EXTRA_GNOME_CFLAGS, for gal.

2001-04-15  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (setup_widgets): Create the ESearchBar thingy.
    (search_bar_query_changed_cb): Build the different queries based
    on the type and string.

    * pcs/query.c (backend_obj_updated_cb): Ref the query while we are
    notifying the listener so that it will not disappear from under us.
    (backend_obj_removed_cb): Likewise.
    (process_component_cb): Likewise.
    (func_contains): New function to match text fields.
    (matches_comment): New function to match comment lists.
    (matches_description): New function to match description lists.
    (matches_summary): New function to match summaries.
    (matches_any): New function to match any text field.
    (func_has_categories): New function to match categories.

2001-04-14  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/notify-main.c (main): Initialize the trigger
    and queue systems.

2001-04-13  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/timeutil.c (time_from_isodate): Fix the syntactic bogon
    here, and attempt to fix the logical bogon too. (tm_gmtoff and
    timezone have opposite signs... I'm assuming Federico tested the
    Linux case, so I'm flipping the sign of the BSD case. But maybe he
    didn't and it's supposed to be the other way...)

2001-04-12  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (update_query): New function to restart a query
    for the day view.
    (query_obj_updated_cb): Renamed from obj_updated_cb(); updated for
    queries instead of calendar clients.
    (query_obj_removed_cb): Likewise.
    (cal_opened_cb): Just update_query() instead of queueing reloading
    all the events.
    (e_day_view_set_cal_client): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_set_query): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_set_selected_time_range): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_set_days_shown): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_recalc_work_week): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_queue_reload_events): Removed function now that events
    are updated entirely by the query.
    (e_day_view_reload_events_idle_cb): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_reload_events): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_init): Use a pretty arrow instead of GDK_TOP_LEFT_ARROW.

    * gui/e-week-view.c: Analogous changes to the ones in e-day-view.c.
    (e_week_view_init): Use a pretty arrow instead of GDK_TOP_LEFT_ARROW.

    * cal-util/timeutil.c (isodate_from_time_t): Return a g_strdup()ed
    version of the string instead of a pointer to a static buffer.
    (time_from_isodate): Resurrected function.  Polished up to our
    current standards of paranoia.

    * pcs/query.c (func_time_now): New function (time-now).
    (func_make_time): New function (make-time ISODATE).
    (func_time_add_day): New function (time-add-day TIME N).
    (func_time_day_begin): New function (time-day-begin TIME).
    (func_time_day_end): New function (time-day-end TIME).
    (func_occur_in_time_range): Use time_t values instead of ints.
    (match_component): Free the stringized component.  Free the ESexp
    result value.

    * gui/e-day-view.h: Removed a couple of unused prototypes.

    * pcs/query.c (query_destroy): Oops, disconnect from the backend.

    * pcs/cal.c (Cal_get_query): Duplicate the query reference before
    we return it.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (pixmaps): Fixed paths to image files.

2001-04-11  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_compute_changes):
    prepend to both changes and change_ids when different and mark as
    modified, not added

2001-04-11  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_append_row): Fix this to
    just send the data to the wombat instead of inserting it

2001-04-11  Gediminas Paulauskas <menesis@delfi.lt>

    Display fixes, thanks to Kjartan for finding these.

    * gui/event-editor.c: use simple (not e_utf8_) gtk_clist_append for
    strings which are never in utf-8.
    * dialogs/delete-comp.c (delete_component_dialog): convert only
    summary from utf-8 to gtk charset. Translated values are in correct
    craset already.

2001-04-04  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas@gnome.org>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: Fix headers.
    * gui/calendar-config.c: Same here.
    * gui/calendar-model.c: Same here.
    * gui/e-day-view-time-item.c: Same here.
    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c: Same here.
    * gui/e-day-view.c: Same here.
    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c: Same here.
    * gui/e-week-view-main-item.c: Same here.
    * gui/e-week-view.c: Same here.
    * gui/event-editor.c: Same here.
    * gui/gnome-cal.c: Same here.
    * gui/goto.c: Same here.
    * gui/main.c: Same her.
    * gui/print.c: Same here.

2001-04-02  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_setup_menus): Plug leak.

    * gui/event-editor.c (obj_updated_cb): Do nothing for now until we
    think of something sensible to do.
    (obj_removed_cb): Likewise.

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (obj_updated_cb): Likewise.
    (obj_removed_cb): Likewise.

    * gui/event-editor.c (dialog_to_comp_object): Plug leak.

2001-04-01  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Client-side glue for the live query engine.

    * cal-client/query-listener.[ch]: New files with the
    implementation fo the QueryListener interface.

    * cal-client/cal-query.[ch]: New files with the client-side
    convenience object for live queries.

    * cal-client/cal-listener.h (CalListenerClass): Removed unused
    slots for signal handlers.

    * cal-client/Makefile.am (libcal_clientinclude_HEADERS): Now we
    install the evolution-calendar.h header.  This sucks a bit.

2001-04-01  Gediminas Paulauskas <menesis@delfi.lt>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: use new pixmap cache. Added some menu icons
    and changed filenames of renamed icons.
    * gui/tasks-control.c: added icons for new task and print in menu.

2001-03-29  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    Engine for live queries to calendars.  A query object watches a
    CalBackend in the PCS and is otherwise completely separate from
    it; backends need to do nothing to support live queries.  Right
    now we have the following functions:


            Returns a string indicating the type of component

        (occur-in-time-range? START END)

            START - int, time_t start of the time range
            END - int, time_t end of the time range

            Returns a boolean indicating whether the component
            has any occurrences in the specified time range.

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl (Cal::getQuery): New method that
    initiates a live query.
    (Query): New interface for a handle to a live query.
    (QueryListener): New interface for a listener to changes in a live

    * pcs/query.[ch]: New files with the live query engine.

    * pcs/cal-backend.h (CalBackendClass): Added notification signals
    so that the query system can catch them.
    (CalBackendClass): New virtual method ::get_load_state().

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_opened):
    (cal_backend_obj_updated): New functions to emit the notification
    signals; to be used only by backend implementations.
    (cal_backend_get_load_state): New function.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (notify_update): Call
    (notify_remove): Call call_backend_obj_removed().
    (open_cal): Free the icalcomp if it is not of the correct type.
    (cal_backend_file_get_load_state): Implemented new method.

    * pcs/cal-backend-db.c (cal_backend_db_update_object): Call
    (cal_backend_db_remove_object): Call cal_backend_obj_removed().
    (cal_backend_db_get_load_state): Implemented new method.

    * pcs/cal.c (Cal_get_query): Implementation of the ::getQuery()

2001-03-27 Anna Marie Dirks <anna@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: fixed button placement to comply
    with gnome standards.

2001-03-27 Anna Marie Dirks <anna@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.glade: fixed spacing and label alignment to
    comply with gnome standards. Also removed shadows from extraneous
    scrolled windows to avoid bevelitous. There are many more changes
    that need to happen to this viewer, but they all require a hacker
    to do some c-coding, so I will avoid committing them until after the
    .10 release.

2001-03-26  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas@gnome.org>

    * cal-client/client-test.c: Replace includes of <gnome.h>, <bonobo.h>
    and <gtk/gtk.h> with the needed headers to speed up compile.
    * cal-util/test-recur.c: Same here for <gtk/gtk.h>
    * gui/calendar-commands.c: Replace <bonobo.h> and remove
    * gui/calendar-summary.c: Replace <gnome.h> and <bonobo.h>
    * gui/calendar-summary.h: Added <bonobo/bonobo-generic-factory.h>
    * gui/component-factory.c: Remove <bonobo.h>
    * gui/control-factory.c: Replace <bonobo.h>
    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: Remove <gnome.h>
    * gui/e-itip-control.c: Replace <gnome.h> and <bonobo.h>
    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c: Replace <bonobo.h>
    * gui/e-tasks.c: Replace <gnome.h>
    * gui/e-tasks.h: Replace <bonobo.h>
    * gui/gnome-cal.h: Remove <bonobo.h>
    * gui/main.c: Replace <bonobo.h> and <glade/glade.h>
    * gui/tasks-control-factory.c: Replace <bonobo.h>
    * gui/tasks-control.c: Replace <gnome.h> and <bonobo.h>
    * gui/weekday-picker.c: Add <string.h> and <libgnome/gnome-defs.h>
    * gui/alarm-notify/client-main.c: Remove <gnome.h> and <bonobo.h>
    * gui/alarm-notify/notify-main.c: Replace <gnome.h> and <bonobo.h>
    * gui/dialogs/alarm-notify-dialog.c: Replace <gnome.h>
    * pcs/cal-backend.c: Replace <gtk/gtk.h>

2001-03-25  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_init): The
    model_rows_{inserted,deleted} signals changed names; deal with it.
    (e_calendar_table_on_rows_inserted): Updated for new ETable API.
    (e_calendar_table_on_rows_deleted): Likewise.

    * gui/gnome-cal.h (GnomeCalendarOpenMode): Removed unused enum.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_open): Constify.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_set_uri): Removed function,
    since it was just calling gnome_calendar_open().

    * gui/control-factory.c (set_prop): Replace usage of
    calendar_set_uri() with gnome_calendar_open().
    (load_calendar): Likewise.
    (calendar_persist_init): Made static.

    * gui/e-tasks.c: #include "calendar-config.h"
    (e_tasks_update_all_config_settings): We are configuring a table,
    not a calendar!  Use the appropriate function.

2001-03-17  Miguel de Icaza  <miguel@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_new_event,
    e_day_view_on_new_appointment): Simplifed this function to use the
    shared code.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_new_event,
    e_week_view_on_new_appointment): ditto.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_new_appointment_for): New
    function used to launch editor components with a time range.   A
    bunch of functions use this code now instead of duplicating code
    all over the place

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_new_event): Moved functionality
    here from e_day_view_on_new_appointment.  Allows setting for "full
    day" event.
    (e_week_view_on_new_full_day): New function for making a full day
    (e_week_view_on_goto_date): Go To support.
    (e_week_view_on_goto_today): Goto today support.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_new_event): Moved functionality
    here from e_day_view_on_new_appointment.  Allows setting for "full
    day" event.
    (e_day_view_on_new_full_day): New function for making a full day
    (e_day_view_on_goto_date): Go To support.
    (e_day_view_on_goto_today): Goto today support.

    * main_items: Add New All Day Event;  Go to Today; Go to Date.

2001-03-07  Miguel de Icaza  <miguel@ximian.com>

    * gui/control-factory.c (calendar_persist_init): New function:
    inits the BonoboPersistFile server.

    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.oaf.in: Added BonoboPropertyBag to
    the list of supported interfaces that were supported but not
    reported.  Add the new PersistFile.

    Add text/calendar mime type attribute.

2001-03-15  Dan Winship  <danw@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_start_editing_event):
    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_start_editing_event): Update
    arguments to e_canvas_item_grab_focus.

2001-03-15  Gediminas Paulauskas <menesis@delfi.lt>

    * gui/*.xpm: moved to ../art.
    * gui/Makefile.am: removed *.xpm and oaf_DATA from EXTRA_DIST.
    * gui/e-calendar-table.c, gui/e-day-view.c, gui/e-week-view.c:
    #include "art/*.xpm".

2001-03-09  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am: PISOCK_INCLUDEDIR has become
    PISOCK_CFLAGS in gnome-pilot.m4 and remove capplet foo

    * conduits/calendar/Makefile.am: ditto

2001-03-08  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (factory_fn): Specify a NULL

2001-02-27  Miguel de Icaza  <miguel@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_event_right_click): Reorganize
    the menus to have entries always in a consistent fashion, as
    reported to the genepool mailing list.
    (e_day_view_on_event_right_click): Added a FIXME comment to the
    FIXME comment without a FIXME.

    Now we use e_popup_menu.  This allows us to hide/show items on
    demand, and to sensitize/de-sensitize items depending on their

    This will also let us add icon support (when we get nice icons for

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_show_popup_menu): Ditto.

    The files popup-menu.c and popup-menu.h can now be removed.

2001-03-05  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-tasks.c: keep list of all Tasks folders so we can update the
    preference settings when necessary.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c: configure the TaskPad according to the settings.

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: use ECellCombo and ECellDateEdit for fields,
    so the tasks folders is almost usable now.

    * gui/calendar-model.c: added support for the Status property.

    * gui/calendar-config.[hc]: added convenience functions to setup
    ECalendarTable and ECellDateEdit objects.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: connected to "destroy" signal of calendars
    so we can remove them from all_calendars list.

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.c (cal_prefs_dialog_update_config):
    call e_tasks_update_all_config_settings() to update all the settings
    in the Tasks folders as well.

    * cal-util/cal-component.h: added CAL_COMPONENT_FIELD_STATUS.

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_get_transparency): fixed
    calls to strcasecmp so they check for '== 0'.

    Applied patch from Miguel...

2001-02-27  Miguel de Icaza  <miguel@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_event_right_click): Reorganize
    the menus to have entries always in a consistent fashion, as
    reported to the genepool mailing list.
    (e_day_view_on_event_right_click): Added a FIXME comment to the
    FIXME comment without a FIXME.

    Now we use e_popup_menu.  This allows us to hide/show items on
    demand, and to sensitize/de-sensitize items depending on their

    This will also let us add icon support (when we get nice icons for

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_show_popup_menu): Ditto.

    The files popup-menu.c and popup-menu.h can now be removed.

2001-03-02  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/todo/e-todo.conduit.in: update for new pilot foo

    * conduits/calendar/e-calendar.conduit.in: ditto

    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am: update sed script

    * conduits/calendar/Makefile.am: ditto

2001-02-28  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (recurrence_exception_select_row_cb): New
    function to set the EDateEdit's value when a row is selected in
    the exception date list.  Fixes bug #1638.
    (append_exception): Set the value as well. Block/unblock signals
    from the clist as appropriate.  Gotta love non-model/view widgets.
    (recurrence_exception_delete_cb): Be more paranoid about the
    contents of the list row's data.
    (recur_to_comp_object): Likewise.
    (fill_exception_widgets): Select the first row after we are done
    appending the exception dates.

2001-02-26  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am (libalarm_a_SOURCES): Create a
    little stand-alone library for the low-level alarm trigger
    mechanism.  This is so that the GUI parts of the calendar can use
    it in addition to the alarm daemon.

    * gui/main.c: #include "alarm-notify/alarm.h".

    * gui/calendar-summary.c: Likewise.
    (alarm_fn): Do not remove the previous alarm; it is removed
    automatically when it is triggered.

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_SOURCES): Removed alarm.[ch]
    from the sources.

    * gui/alarm.[ch]: Removed obsolete files.

2001-02-23  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify.c (AlarmNotify_addCalendar):
    Switched to using our own refcounted structure for loaded clients.
    (AlarmNotify_removeCalendar): Ditto.  Also, do the full
    destruction of the client.
    (alarm_notify_destroy): Destroy each element in the hash table.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_construct): Test for
    exceptions from OAF when activating the Wombat calendar factory.

    * gui/alarm-notify/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_AlarmNotify.oaf.in:
    New .oaf.in file.

    * gui/alarm-notify/Makefile.am (oaf_in_files): Updated.

    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.oaf.in: Put all the servers here
    instead of in a million files.

    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_Control.oaf.in: Removed file.

    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_gnomecal.oaf.in: Removed *REALLY*
    obsolete file.

    * gui/Makefile.am (oaf_in_files): Updated.

2001-02-23  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-db.c (add_history): fixed generation of history records

2001-02-16  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-factory.c (CalFactoryPrivate): Added a `registered'
    (cal_factory_oaf_register): New function; now the factory performs
    its own registration with OAF.
    (cal_factory_destroy): Unregister from OAF if appropriate.

2001-02-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am: Remove PISOCK_LIBDIR

    * conduits/calendar/Makefile.am: ditto

2001-02-16  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/calbackend-db.c (cal_backend_db_destroy): close DB environment.
    Some compilation warnings removed

2001-02-13  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@ximian.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_LDADD): Added libmenus.la.

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c, gui/e-calendar-table.h
    (e_calendar_table_get_spec): Added this function.

    * gui/e-tasks.c, gui/e-tasks.h (e_tasks_setup_menus): Added this

    * gui/tasks-control.c (tasks_control_activate): Call

2001-02-13  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_new_task): call task_editor_focus

2001-02-13  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (update_pixmaps): Set toolbar new
    appointment icon
    (set_pixmap): load files rather than create from xpm file

    * gui/*view.xpm: move to the art directory

2001-02-13  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-db.c (cal_backend_db_get_alarms_for_object):

2001-02-13  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (update_pixmaps): Set toolbar new command

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: Add titles to pixbuf column for grouping

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_class_init): override value
    to string virtual method
    (calendar_model_value_to_string): implement value to string for
    etable (necessary for group by)

2001-02-12  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c:
    cal_backend_db_update_object(): manage both updates and additions/add notification
    cal_backend_db_get_object(): don't use DB cursors
    cal_backend_db_get_type_by_uid(): don't use DB cursors
    cal_backend_db_remove_object(): don't use DB cursors/add notification
    cal_backend_db_get_alarms_in_range(): implemented

2001-02-12  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas@gnome.org>

    * gui/Makefile.am: Hook up the xml-i18n-tools + .oaf.in stuff.
    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar*.oaf.in: Marked strings for translation.

2001-02-11  Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-db.c: added DB3 transactions support
    * pcs/cal-backend-db.[ch]: added the new DB3-based backend. This is just
    the beginning, there are some missing things still.

2001-02-11  Gediminas Paulauskas <menesis@delfi.lt>

    Really use xml-i18n-tools.

    * conduits/calendar/e-calendar-conduit-control-applet.desktop,
    conduits/todo/e-todo-conduit-control-applet.desktop: removed.

    * conduits/calendar/e-calendar-conduit-control-applet.desktop.in,
    conduits/todo/e-todo-conduit-control-applet.desktop.in: added empty.

    * conduits/calendar/Makefile.am, conduits/todo/Makefile.am:
    reflect above changes, merge translations.

    * gui/*.glade.h, gui/dialogs/*.glade.h: removed, xml-i18n-extract
    takes care of strings itself.

    * gui/*.glade, gui/dialogs/*.glade: do not output_translatable_strings

    * gui/Makefile.am, gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: do not include removed
    files in EXTRA_DIST.

2001-02-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor-dialog.glade: Oops, remove old widget

2001-02-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (fill_widgets): fill in new
    classification stuff properly
    (get_widgets): load new class. widgets
    (init_widgets): if the class. widgets change, mark the dialog
    (dialog_to_comp_object): set the comp class. from the new widgets

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor-dialog.glade: Make more consistent,
    fixing bugs 1247 and 1249

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (fill_widgets):

    * gui/event-editor-dialog.glade: Gui tidying

    * gui/event-editor.c: Remove old alarm cruft

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_set_url): Don't try and
    write an empty string as a property

2001-02-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c: Move the get_change code here

    * pcs/cal-backend.c: Remove get_changes related stuff and
    implement by calling the virtual method instead

    * pcs/cal-backend.h: New virtual method.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (compute_alarm_range): Use
    icaldurationtype_as_int (replace _as_timet)
    (add_alarm_occurrences_cb): ditto

2001-02-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (compute_alarm_range): Use
    icaldurationtype_as_int (replace _as_timet)
    (add_alarm_occurrences_cb): ditto

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_schedule_meet): new routine to
    throw up the meeting schedule dialog
    (e_week_view_show_popup_menu): add schedule meeting to the
    contextual menu where appropriate

2001-02-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c: Remove assorted menu/bonobo stuff

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c: Remove assorted menu/bonobo stuff
    (task_editor_construct): no longer suck out the glade contents
    into a bonobo win, listen for apply and close signals
    (tedit_apply_event_cb): listen for apply signal and save object
    (tedit_close_event_cb): listen for close signal and prompt to save
    if need be
    (task_editor_focus): new function to bring the dialog to the front

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.h: new prototype

    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c (schedule_button_clicked_cb): no need to
    update widgets in the event editor since the event editor won't be
    (e_meeting_editor_new): don't need the event editor reference any

    * gui/e-meeting-edit.h: Change prototype

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_event_right_click): Make
    schedule meeting a new contextual menu item
    (e_day_view_on_schedule_meet): new routine to schedule a meeting
    from the contextual menu

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_open_task): Call

    * gui/event-editor-dialog.glade: Update to be a property box

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor-dialog.glade: Update to be a property

2001-02-07  Iain Holmes  <iain@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-summary.c (create_summary_view): Add a setter to the
    property bag.
    (set_property): The setter.
    (generate_html_summary): Sort the UIDs accodring to time.

2001-02-06  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (fill_reminder_widgets): Match new
    append_alarm signature
    (reminder_to_comp_object): only add alarms tagged as new, no
    longer delete all alarms first
    (append_reminder): the row data is now of type ReminderData,
    rename from append_alarm
    (reminder_add_cb): math new append_alarm signature
    (reminder_delete_cb): if the alarm existed before the dialog was
    loaded, delete it immediately from the cal component

2001-02-06  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/event-editor-dialog.glade: Gui tweaks for bugs 1248 and 1246

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor-dialog.glade: ditto

2001-02-07  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/event-editor-dialog.glade: Fix spacing

2001-02-06  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/event-editor-dialog.glade: Gui tweaks for bugs 1248 and 1246

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor-dialog.glade: ditto

2001-02-06  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_show_popup_menu): Make the menus more

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_event_right_click): ditto

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: ditto

2001-02-06  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_set_categories): If the
    categories string is empty, remove the property
    (get_period_list): Fixes from clahey to handle the new rdate
    format in libical
    (set_period_list): ditto

2001-02-05  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_alarm_set_trigger): Set
    the time and duration values in the trigger to null by default
    (cal_component_free_alarm_uids): properly free the list of alarm

2001-02-05  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (get_widgets): get the new reminder widgets
    (sync_entries): different callback data
    (summary_changed_cb): take different data and handle various cases
    (init_widgets): connect signals for the new widgets
    (get_alarm_duration_string): give a text string of the alarm
    (get_alarm_string): give a string representing the alarm
    (fill_widgets): make sure we don't loop infinitely and remove old
    alarm cruft
    (reminder_to_comp_object): dump alarm info in the gui into the cal
    (append_alarm): add alarm to the clist
    (reminder_add_cb): create new alarm
    (reminder_delete_cb): remove the alarm from the list

    * gui/event-editor-dialog.glade: Update gui

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: include gnome.h for all the menu stuff

    * gui/calendar-summary.c: for internationalization

    * gui/tasks-control.c: include gnome.h

    * gui/e-tasks.c: ditto

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: ditto

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (cal_recur_set_rule_end_date): Update for
    libical changes

2001-02-05  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c: Fixed up these #includes.

2001-02-03  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/save-comp.c (save_component_dialog):
    gnome_dialog_grab_focus() on the Yes button.  Fixes bug #1242.

2001-01-30  Kjartan Maraas  <kmaraas@gnome.org>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: Mark a string for translation.
    * gui/e-itip-control.c: Mark a bunch of strings for translation.

2001-01-30  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/print.c: #include <sys/time.h>.

2001-01-29  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/calendar-config.c: <gnome.h> trimming to reduce compilation
    * gui/calendar-summary.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-day-view-time-item.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-day-view.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-itip-control.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-meeting-edit.h: Likewise.
    * gui/e-tasks.c: Likewise.
    * gui/e-week-view.c: Likewise.
    * gui/event-editor.c: Likewise.
    * gui/gnome-cal.c: Likewise.
    * gui/goto.c: Likewise.
    * gui/itip-utils.h: Likewise.
    * gui/main.c: Likewise.
    * gui/popup-menu.c: Likewise.
    * gui/print.c: Likewise.
    * gui/tasks-control-factory.c: Likewise.
    * gui/tasks-control.c: Likewise.
    * gui/tasks-migrate.c: Likewise.

2001-01-25  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/timeutil.c: <gnome.h> trimming to reduce compilation time.
    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c: Ditto.
    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.c: Ditto.
    * gui/dialogs/save-comp.c: Ditto.
    * gui/dialogs/delete-comp.c: Ditto.
    * gui/calendar-commands.c: Ditto.
    * gui/calendar-model.c: Ditto.

2001-01-26  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (itip_control_destroy_cb): Don't attempt to
    call `icalcomponent_remove_component()' on a NULL component or a
    NULL subcomponent.

2001-01-25  Damon Chaplin  <damon@ximian.com>

    * gui/tag-calendar.c: don't tag the calendar if no dates are shown.
    (e_calendar_item_get_date_range() now returns FALSE in this case.)

2001-01-23  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (ensure_task_complete): make sure the status
    is set to "Completed". Fixes bug #1253.

    * gui/e-tasks.c (e_tasks_open): load the ETable state after opening
    the tasks folder, since it relies on the folder uri, which isn't set
    now until you open the folder.

    * gui/calendar-model.c (obj_updated_cb): add the categories from the
    updated object to our tree, and emit the "categories-changed" signal
    if they have changed. Fixes bug #1255.

    * gui/e-tasks.c: removed debug messages.

2001-01-23  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    *  libical import cleanup

2001-01-23  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (local_record_from_comp): properly ref
    the cal component when we use it, prevents double free

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (local_record_from_comp): ditto

2001-01-22  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: compile new stuff

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (prompt_to_save_changes): use new
    standard dialog

    * gui/event-editor.c (prompt_to_save_changes): ditto

    * gui/dialogs/save-comp.h: new header

    * gui/dialogs/save-comp.c (save_component_dialog): shows the save

2001-01-22  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (for_each_modified): remove duplicate

    * conduits/calendar/Makefile.am: Remove vfs lib dependency

    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am: ditto

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: Remove alarm foo for now
    (for_each_modified): remove duplicate message

2001-01-21  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (delete_record): Remove
    deleted records from the pilot map so we don't have dupes in the future

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (delete_record): ditto

2001-01-21  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (file_delete_cb): Fix bug #1250; now
    we present a confirmation dialog before deleting the component.

2001-01-20  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/event-editor-dialog.glade: Fix bug #1243.  Turn on the Y
    expand/fill options for the date widgets in the General page.
    This makes them be vertically aligned with the "All day event"
    toggle so that they will get the focus in the proper order; the
    toggle would get the focus before them because it was a pixel or
    two above them.

2001-01-19  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/weekday-picker.c (weekday_picker_init): Unset the
    GTK_CAN_FOCUS flag on the weekday picker.  This will do until it
    supports being used with the keyboard.

2001-01-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_alarm_new): create a new
    cal component alarm
    (cal_component_add_alarm): add alarm to the cal component
    (cal_component_remove_alarm): remove alarm from the cal component
    (remove_alarm): remove alarm from hash

    * cal-util/cal-component.h: new protos

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (comp_from_remote_record):
    add alarm information, still needs to be hacked to replace an already
    existing alarm.  questions abound about the heuristic for doing this.

2001-01-17  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (dialog_to_comp_object): Properly set categories
    to NULL if there are none

2001-01-18  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/tasks-migrate.[ch]: New files with a simple sequence to
    migrate the task components from the old calendar folder into the
    new tasks folder.

    * gui/component-factory.c (owner_set_cb): Call tasks_migrate()
    once evolution_dir is set.  It sucks to have to do this here.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_get_uids): In the inline
    docs, indicate how to free the return value.
    (cal_opened_cb): Ahem, moved assertion to the right place.  Also,
    ref() and unref() around our own signal emission because we are
    not inside a signal handler, rather a simple callback from the
    listener object; we want to have a chance to clean up even if the
    client is unrefed during the emission.

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_SOURCES): Added
    tasks-migrate.[ch] to the list of sources.

2001-01-17  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (init_widgets): Use
    e_calendar_item_set_max_days_sel() instead of setting GTK+ object

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_set_cal_client): Oops, we had a
    reversed test for the client being loaded.

    * gui/tag-calendar.c (tag_calendar_by_client): Fixed similarly
    reversed test.

2001-01-17  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-week-view*.c
    * gui/e-day-view*.c: don't use the theme colors at all within
    the graphical parts of the widgets, since they may clash with
    our colors. May make them configurable in future so people can tweak
    them to go with their theme. At least the calendars are usable in any
    theme now, even though the colors may not go well with the theme.
    Also set the font of all the EText items in style_set.

    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c (e_week_view_event_item_draw): don't
    draw the icons if we are editing the event.

    * gui/e-day-view.c:
    * gui/e-week-view.c: reinstated the optimizations so we don't do a
    complete relayout if the event's dates haven't been changed.
    (Though we still do a re-layout when recurring events change, since
    comparing all the RDATES/RRULES/EXDATES/EXRULES is too much hassle.)
    A side-effect of this change is that the EWeekView won't crash so
    often - only recurring events will be a problem.

    * cal-util/cal-component.[hc]: added function to check if the start
    and end dates of a component match. Used for optimizing the updating
    of the EDayView & EWeekView.

2001-01-17  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (start_calendar_server): Check
    for open error and handled

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (start_calendar_server): ditto

2001-01-17  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (start_calendar_server): Check
    for open error and handled

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_compute_changes): Fix transposition
    of sync db location

2001-01-17  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@ximian.com>

    * */*: Ximianified email addresses and copyrights.

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl (CalFactory::open): Renamed from
    ::load(), and added an only_if_exists argument.
    (CalFactory::create): Removed method.
    (Listener::OpenStatus): Removed the IN_USE error and replaced it
    with a NOT_FOUND one; renamed the enum from LoadStatus.
    (Listener::notifyCalOpened): Renamed from notifyCalLoaded().

    * pcs/cal-backend.h (CalBackend): Removed the uri field.
    (CalBackendOpenStatus): Renamed from CalBackendLoadStatus and
    added a NOT_FOUND value.
    (CalBackendClass::open): Put in a slot for the open method.

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_create): Removed function.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_open): Return the
    appropriate value when only_if_exists is TRUE.
    (create_cal): We are Ximian now, so set the PRODID property to
    the appropriate foo.

    * pcs/cal-factory.c (CalFactory_open): implemented, replacing
    CalFactory_load() and CalFactory_create().
    (CalFactory_open): Moved the queue_load_create_job() stuff to
    here, since we now only need to contemplate the open case instead
    of load/create ones.
    (open_backend): Do everything here; replaces load_backend() and

    * cal-client/cal-listener.h (CalListenerClass::cal_opened):
    Renamed from cal_loaded.
    (CalListenerClass): Replaced the silly signals, which are
    gratuitous abstraction, by a set of function pointers in the
    instance structure.

    * cal-client/cal-listener.c (cal_listener_get_calendar): Removed
    unused function.
    (cal_listener_construct): Added the listener notification functions.
    (cal_listener_new): Ditto.
    (Listener_notifyCalOpened): Renamed to our new naming convention
    for servant implementations.
    (Listener_notifyObjUpdated): Ditto.
    (Listener_notifyObjRemoved): Ditto.

    * cal-client/cal-client.h (CalClientOpenStatus): Renamed from
    (CalClientClass::cal_opened): Renamed from ::cal_loaded().
    (CalClientLoadState): New enum; basically make LoadState public so
    that users of this code do not have to maintain their own states.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_create_calendar): Removed
    (cal_client_open_calendar): Moved the functionality over from
    load_or_create(); now we do everything here.
    (*): Use the CalClientLoadState enum values instead of the old
    LoadState values.
    (cal_client_get_load_state): Renamed from cal_client_is_loaded(),
    and return the appropriate value.
    (CalClientPrivate): Added an uri field.
    (cal_client_init): Initialize priv->uri.
    (cal_client_destroy): Free the priv->uri.
    (cal_opened_cb): Maintain the priv->uri.
    (cal_client_open_calendar): Fill in the priv->uri.
    (cal_client_get_uri): New function.

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_set_new_comp_vtype): New
    function to configure the type of calendar components to create
    when doing click-to-add.  This makes the model usable for
    something other than task lists.
    (calendar_model_get_new_comp_vtype): New function.

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_get_model): New function.
    (e_calendar_table_destroy): Unref the subset_model.

    * gui/gnome-cal.h (GnomeCalendarOpenMode): Removed enum.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (LoadState): Removed enum; we now use the
    CalClientLoadState from the client objects.
    (GnomeCalendarPrivate): Removed the loading_uri and
    task_pad_loading_uri fields as well as the load_state and
    task_pad_load_state fields, as we can now query them directly from
    the CalClient.
    (open_error): Renamed from load_error().
    (create_error): Removed function.
    (gnome_calendar_open): Do not take in the mode parameter.
    (cal_opened_cb): Get rid of our beautifully-crafted state machine
    and replace it with simple code; all the loading smarts are in the
    Wombat now.
    (setup_widgets): Set the new component vtype of the table model to

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_SOURCES): Removed
    gnome-month-item.[ch] from the list of sources.

    * gui/calendar-summary.c (CalSummary): Removed unused cal_loaded
    (create_summary_view): Do not check if the file exists; this is
    the job of the Wombat.
    (generate_html_summary): Fixed prototype.
    (alarm_fn): Fixed prototype.
    (property_dialog): Fixed prototype.  Wonder if/how this ever
    (create_summary_view): Cast the component and view as
    appropriate.  Removed unused html variable.

    [Iain dude, are you compiling with -Wall?]

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (cal_opened_cb): Sigh, this function
    signature was *very* wrong.  It was using CalClientGetStatus
    instead of CalClientOpenStatus.

    * gui/e-tasks.h (ETasksOpenMode): Removed enum.

    * gui/e-tasks.c (setup_widgets): Set the new component vtype of
    the table model to CAL_COMPONENT_TODO.
    (LoadState): Removed the state machine foo.
    (e_tasks_open): Removed the mode parameter.
    (initial_load): Removed function.
    (create_error): Removed function.
    (ETasksPrivate): Removed folder_uri field.
    (cal_opened_cb): Remove the state machine.

    * gui/component-factory.c: #include "tasks-control.h"

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.h (ECalConduitContext):
    Removed calendar_load_tried field.

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (start_calendar_server_cb):
    Sigh, fixed function prototype.

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.h (EToDoConduitContext): Removed
    calendar_load_tried field.

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (start_calendar_server_cb): Fixed
    function prototype.

2001-01-16  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (print_local): fix debug output
    (print_remote): ditto

2001-01-15  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_compute_changes): accomadate tasks
    in their new dir

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (start_calendar_server): ditto

2001-01-15  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (print_local): prevent segfaults and
    buffer overflows.
    (print_remote): ditto

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: as above

2001-01-14  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (E_CALENDAR_TABLE_SPEC): changed the expansion
    values so that small text fields are 1.0, all the date fields and the
    URL field are 2.0, and the Summary is 3.0. Hopefully the user will
    resize the fields as desired, but at least this is a better start.

2001-01-14  JP Rosevear  <jpr@ximian.com>

    * conduits/calendar/Makefile.am: pass -module and -avoid-version to
    conduit linker

    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am: ditto

2001-01-14  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.[hc]: moved #include
    <cal-client/cal-client.h> to the .h file.

    * gui/e-tasks.c: load & save the Tasks folders' ETable layout.
    Added an option menu to filter tasks by category.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c: use the "Tasks" folder for the TaskPad.
    (We may make the actual tasks folder shown a per-calendar option.)

    * gui/tasks-control.c (tasks_control_new_task_cmd): added support for
    the New Task icon on the toolbar.

    * gui/e-calendar-table.[hc]: we now use an ETableSubsetVariable model
    to filter the tasks by a category. And tidied up a little.

    * gui/calendar-model.[hc]: added way to get all the categories used by
    the tasks, so we can show an option menu of them. Also a signal which
    is emitted when they are changed.
    Also allows a default category to be set, which is used to initialize
    the 'click-to-add' row.
    Also made sure the initialize_value()/get_value() functions don't
    return NULL since that can cause a SEGV.

    * gui/e-week-view.c:
    * gui/e-day-view.c: set the "fill_color_rgba" arg of the EText items
    to black since it doesn't seem to set up a default color properly.
    Hopefully this fixes the bug on Solaris where the items appear with
    strange colors.

    * gui/widget-util.c (date_edit_new): use the calendar_config function
    to set most of the options. It wasn't setting the 12/24 hour option

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor-dialog.glade: added "Undefined" priority.

2001-01-12  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@helixcode.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (factory_fn): Pass NULL as the
    @copy_folder_fn arg to `evolution_shell_component_new()'.

2001-01-12  Miguel de Icaza  <miguel@ximian.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: Add translation strings.

2001-01-08  Iain Holmes  <iain@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-summary.c (create_summary_view): Add a PropertyControl
    interface to set whether or not to show tasks and appointments. Add
    a PersistStream to remember this.

2001-01-09  Dave Camp  <dave@helixcode.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am: Replaced e-meet-dialog.glade.h with
    e-meeting-dialog.glade in glade_messages.

    * gui/e-meeting-dialog.glade: Enabled the translatable string option.

    * gui/e-itip-control.glade: Likewise.

2001-01-09  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl (AlarmNotify): New interface for the
    alarm notification system.

    * gui/alarm-notify: New directory for the alarm notification
    daemon and its auxiliary stuff.

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm.[ch]: Moved over from gui/alarm.[ch].

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-queue.[ch]: Moved over from
    gui/alarm-notify.[ch].  Renamed functions from alarm_notify_*() to

    * gui/alarm-notify/alarm-notify.[ch]: Implementation of the
    GNOME::Evolution::Calendar::AlarmNotify interface.

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_LDADD): Removed the
    LINK_FLAGS variable and reordered the libraries to remove some
    duplicated ones.
    (SUBDIRS): Added the alarm-notify directory.

2001-01-08  Iain Holmes  <iain@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-summary.c (generate_html_summary): Get the tasks
    (generate_html_summary): Mark the tasks as completed if so.

2001-01-08  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am: added new source files for the Tasks folders.

    * gui/e-tasks.[hc]: new widget to encapsulate the Tasks view.

    * gui/tasks-control.[hc]: new files to implement the Tasks control.

    * gui/tasks-control-factory.[hc]: new files to implement the factory
    for the Tasks controls. (I think the way I've split the code up is a
    lot cleaner than the GnomeCal implementation - the factory file just
    contains the factory functions and the control file contains all the
    control functions. Maybe we should make GnomeCal like this.)

    * gui/main.c: initialize the Tasks control factory.

    * gui/component-factory.c: added support for the Tasks control.
    Also added a "create_folder" function so we can now create new Tasks
    and Calendar folders within Evolution.
    I'm not a Bonobo expert so someone might want to check these over.

    * gui/calendar-config.[hc]: added convenience functions to configure
    the common settings of ECalendar and EDateEdit widgets.

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_create_date_edit):
    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_update_config_settings):
    * gui/event-editor.c: used function to configure the ECalendars
    and EDateEdits.

    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c (e_day_view_top_item_draw_long_event):
    fixed minor bug in format strings.

2001-01-06  Iain Holmes  <iain@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-summary.c (generate_html_summary): Neaten the HTML,
    and fix the time printing stuff. Add stuff the get Tasks.
    (alarm_fn): Set up an alarm for midnight everynight and regenerate
    the HTML for the new day.

2001-01-05  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (get_widgets): get categories button
    (init_widgets): listen for button click
    (fill_widgets): fill in the categories area
    (dialog_to_comp_object): set the cal component categories
    (categories_clicked): throw up the categories dialog and update
    when ok is clicked

    * gui/event-editor-dialog.glade: Add categories and contacts buttons
    and fields

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor-dialog.glade: Rename button

2001-01-05  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (get_widgets): get categories button
    (init_widgets): listen for button click
    (fill_widgets): fill in the categories area
    (dialog_to_comp_object): set the cal component categories
    (categories_clicked): throw up the categories dialog and update
    when ok is clicked

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor-dialog.glade: Tweak to name the categories
    button and make it active

    * gui/calendar-model.c (get_categories): We can get the string list of
    categories directly now

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_get_categories): new function
    to get the categories list as a string
    (cal_component_set_categories): same but for setting
    (free_icalcomponent): init the categories var
    (scan_categories): kill
    (scan_property): assign the prop to the categories var
    (cal_component_get_categories_list): deal with renaming var to categories
    (cal_component_set_categories_list): fix brokeness

2001-01-03  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (new_calendar): Handle the case where
    the calendar view cannot be created; present a warning dialog box.
    (new_calendar): Do not show the widget here, since we already show
    it in control-factory.c.

    * gui/control-factory.c (control_factory_new_control): Handle the
    case where the calendar view cannot be created.

    * gui/component-factory.c (create_view): Ditto.

    * gui/calendar-summary.h: Added prototype for

2001-01-02  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/alarm-notify.c (add_component_alarms): If the component has
    no alarms, do not try to queue them.
    (remove_client_alarms): New function to remove all the queued
    alarms for a calendar client.
    (alarm_notify_remove_client): Remove the client's alarms.

2001-01-02  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/dialogs/delete-comp.c (delete_component_dialog): Do not
    compose strings so that they can be localized correctly.  Also,
    convert from UTF8 into the font's encoding.  Fixes bug #1030.

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (delete_component): Pass the widget
    argument to delete_component_dialog().

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_delete_appointment): Likewise.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_delete_appointment): Likewise.

    * gui/event-editor.c (file_delete_cb): Likewise.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: Use BONOBO_UI_VERB() instead of
    BONOBO_UI_UNSAFE_VERB().  Guess what, all of our handler
    signatures were wrong.

    * gui/event-editor.c: Likewise.

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c: Likewise.

    * gui/goto-dialog.glade: Added some spacing between the month/year
    widgets and the calendar widget.

2001-01-01  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_destroy): Unconditionally remove
    the client from the alarm notification system.
    Removed all the obsolete alarm code.

    * gui/event-editor.c: Removed some crufty externs left over from

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: #include "goto.h"
    Removed crufty variables left over from Gnomecal.
    (new_calendar): Do not take a full_name parameter.
    (init_username): Removed function.
    (init_calendar): Wheeeeeeee!  Removed crufty function.
    (quit_cmd): Removed function.

    * gui/print.c (WEEK_STARTS_ON_MONDAY): Made it unconditionally
    FALSE because we do not use the configuration setting anyways.
    Sigh, all the printing code needs to be revamped.

2000-12-26  Iain Holmes  <iain@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-summary.c (create_summary_view): Create a shared
    BonoboEventSource object.

2000-12-25  Miguel de Icaza  <miguel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_init): Set draw background to FALSE.
    (e_day_view_reshape_long_event): ditto.
    (e_day_view_reshape_day_event): ditto.

2000-12-22  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/dialogs/delete-comp.c (delete_component_dialog): Clean up
    translatable strings for translators, fixes bug 993

2000-12-22  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/goto.c (create_ecal): Make sure the current month is shown
    when the dialog pops up.

    * gui/goto-dialog.glade: Remove flicker

2000-12-22  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_get_alarms_for_object):
    account for the case where there are no alarms, fixes crash

2000-12-22  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/goto.c (ecal_date_range_changed): New function to keep the
    ecal marked properly
    (create_ecal): move more creation code here, update marks
    (goto_dialog_init_widgets): listen for date_range_changed signal
    in the ecal

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (init_calendar): Remove ancient gnomecal

    * gui/mark.[hc], gui/prop.c: Remove ancient gnomecal code that is
    no longer needed, last bit of bug 904

2000-12-22  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/goto-dialog.glade.h: translations

    * gui/goto-dialog.glade: new glade file for goto dialog

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (setup_widgets): Set date navigator attributes

    * gui/calendar-commands.h: remove prototype

    * gui/goto.h: Add prototype

    * gui/Makefile.am: Add glade file stuff

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (setup_widgets): Use accessors to configure the
    calendar item properly

2000-12-21  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    Alarm trigger queueing for the GUI part.

    * gui/alarm-notify.[ch]: New files with the high-level alarm
    notification system; mostly moved over from gnome-cal.c.  The
    low-level timer stuff is still in alarm.[ch].

    * gui/alarm-notify.c (alarm_notify_init): New function to
    initialize the alarm notification system.
    (alarm_notify_done): New function to shut down the alarm
    notification system.
    (alarm_notify_add_client): New function to start monitoring a
    calendar client for alarm notification.
    (alarm_notify_remove_client): New function to stop monitoring a

    * gui/alarm.h (AlarmDestroyNotify): Also pass in the alarm ID so
    the callback may know which ID is being destroyed.

    * gui/alarm.c (clear_itimer): New function.
    (pop_alarm): Use clear_itimer().
    (alarm_done): New function to shut down the timer system.
    (alarm_add): Add some preconditions.  Do not call the destroy
    notification function if we could not create the alarm.
    (alarm_ready): Pass the alarm ID to the destroy notify function.
    (alarm_remove): Likewise.  Also, add some preconditions.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c: Removed the alarm notification functions from
    here since they are now in alarm-notify.c.
    (gnome_calendar_construct): Register the client with
    (gnome_calendar_destroy): Use alarm_notify_remove_client() to
    unregister the client.
    (obj_updated_cb): Do not do any alarm-related stuff.
    (obj_removed_cb): Likewise.

    * gui/main.c (main): Shut down the alarm timer system.
    (main): Initialize and shut down the alarm notification system.

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_SOURCES): Added
    alarm-notify.[ch] to the list of sources.

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_set_cal_client): Only
    connect to the "cal_loaded" signal if the client is not already

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_set_cal_client): Likewise.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_set_cal_client): Likewise.

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (update_calendar): Connect to "cal_loaded"
    before issuing the load request.

2000-12-21  Iain Holmes  <iain@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-summary.c: Updated for new executive summary.

    * gui/component-factory.c: Reenabled the summary.

    * gui/GNOME_Evolution_Calendar.oafinfo: Added the summary.

2000-12-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.h: Fix erroneous documentation

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (comp_from_remote_record): if
    !is_empty_time rather than is_empty_time
    (e_todo_context_new): Return a pointer rather than fill in
    a parameter
    (e_todo_context_foreach_change): Free just the key
    (e_todo_context_destroy): Plug this enormous leakage.  I had assumed
    i had done this earlier, which isn't too bright when anything beyond
    2 minutes ago is fuzzy.
    (comp_from_remote_record): Kill warnings
    (post_sync): Destroy the map later
    (conduit_get_gpilot_conduit): Fix e_todo_context_new params

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.[hc]: Similar to above

2000-12-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: Remove pointless comment

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (is_empty_time): add utility function
    (comp_from_remote_record): use it

2000-12-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (local_record_from_comp):
    Convert cal component strings to pilot character set
    (comp_from_remote_record): vice versa

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c: Same as above

2000-12-19  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (compute_alarm_range): Fix confusion in
    the way the range is expanded.

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_alarms_free): Doh,
    alarms->alarms is a list, not a generic pointer.  Free it properly.
    (cal_component_free_pilot_id): Removed unused function.
    (cal_component_free_pilot_status): Likewise.

    * gui/main.c (init_bonobo): Use VERSION instead of a hardcoded
    string.  Pass argc by value, not by reference.  Test the return
    value of gnome_init_with_popt_table().

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_free_alarms): Oops, missed
    implementing this function.

    * cal-util/timeutil.c (print_time_t): Better printing format.
    (isodiff_to_secs): Removed unused function.
    (isodiff_from_secs): Removed unused function.
    (time_day_end): Removed crufty part.
    (time_day_begin): Removed crufty part.
    (time_day_hour): Removed unused function.
    (format_simple_hour): Removed unused function.
    (get_time_t_hour): Removed unused function.
    (time_from_start_duration): Removed unused function.

    * cal-util/timeutil.h (parse_date): Removed unimplemented, unused
    function prototype.

2000-12-19  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@helixcode.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c: Removed prototype for setup_alarm to fix a

2000-12-18  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    Alarm instance generation support for the Wombat.

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl (Cal::CalAlarmInstance): Changed to
    have an alarm UID, the trigger time, and the actual occurrence
    (Cal::CalComponentAlarms): New structure to hold a pair of a
    component and its alarms that trigger in a particular range of
    (Cal::getAlarmsInRange): Changed to return a CalComponentAlarmsSeq.

    * cal-util/cal-component.h (CalAlarmInstance): New C-side
    structure to match the one on the IDL.
    (CalComponentAlarms): Ditto.
    (CalAlarmAction): Renamed from CalComponentAlarmAction.
    (CalAlarmTriggerType): Renamed from CalComponentAlarmTriggerType.
    Encoded the START and END parameters for the RELATED parameter in
    this enum, too.  Added a NONE value for invalid or missing trigger
    (CalComponentAlarmTriggerRelated): Removed.
    (CalAlarmTrigger): Renamed from CalComponentAlarmTrigger.  Renamed
    the duration/time fields to rel_duration/abs_time, respectively.

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_alarm_get_trigger):
    Changed to use the new trigger structure.
    (cal_component_alarm_set_trigger): Likewise.
    (cal_component_alarm_free_trigger): Removed function.
    (cal_component_has_alarms): Count the elements in the
    alarm_uid_hash instead of trying to fetch the first alarm subcomponent.
    (cal_component_alarms_free): New function to free a
    CalComponentAlarms structure.
    (CalComponentAlarmPrivate): Added an uid property pointer.
    (scan_alarm_property): Scan for the our extension UID property.
    (cal_component_alarm_get_uid): New function.

    * pcs/cal-backend.h (CalBackendClass): Changed the signatures of
    the ::get_alarms_in_range() and ::get_alarms_for_object() methods.

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_get_alarms_in_range): Changed
    signature; use the new method.
    (cal_backend_get_alarms_for_object): Likewise.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (compute_alarm_range): New spiffy
    function to compute a range of time for alarm occurrences.
    (add_alarm_occurrences_cb): New function to add alarms for a
    particular occurrence of the component.
    (generate_absolute_triggers): New function to add the absolute
    alarm triggers.
    (generate_alarms_for_comp): New function to generate all the alarm
    instances for a component.
    (cal_backend_file_get_alarms_in_range): Implemented.

    * pcs/cal.c (Cal_get_alarms_in_range): Use the new CalBackend API.
    (Cal_get_alarms_for_object): Likewise.
    (build_alarm_instance_seq): Removed old function.

    * cal-util/cal-util.c (cal_alarm_instance_list_free): Removed

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (build_component_alarms_list): New
    function to demarshal the component alarms sequence.
    (build_alarm_instance_list): New function to demarshal the alarm
    instances sequence.
    (cal_client_get_alarms_in_range): Updated for the new API.
    (cal_client_get_alarms_for_object): Updated for the new API.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c: Temporary #ifdef-ing out of alarm-related stuff
    to make it build.

2000-12-15  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/timeutil.[ch] (time_from_isodate): Removed unused
    function, a relic from Gnomecal.

2000-12-15  Dan Winship  <danw@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/timeutil.c (time_from_isodate): Fix the sign in the

2000-12-15  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_SOURCES): Removed getdate.y.
    We no longer use it; it is a relic from Gnomecal.

    * gui/getdate.y: Removed file.

2000-12-14  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    Fixes bug #955.

    * gui/weekday-picker.c (WeekdayPickerPrivate): Added a field for
    the week_start_day, to be used in the same way as
    calendar-config.h defines it.  Removed the week_starts_on_monday
    (day_event_cb): Use the week_start_day.
    (colorize_items): Likewise.
    (configure_items): Likewise.
    (weekday_picker_set_week_start_day): New function.
    (weekday_picker_get_week_start_day): New function.
    (weekday_picker_set_week_starts_on_monday): Removed function.
    (weekday_picker_get_week_starts_on_monday): Removed function.

    * gui/widget-util.[ch]: New files with utilities for creating or
    configuring widgets.

    * gui/widget-util.c (date_edit_new): New function to create an
    EDateEdit configured with the calendar's preferences; moved over
    from event-editor.c.

    * gui/event-editor.c (make_recur_weekly_special): Use
    weekday_picker_set_week_start_day() and the corresponding function
    from calendar-config.h.
    (init_widgets): Likewise.
    (make_date_edit_with_time): Removed function.
    (make_recur_ending_until_special): Use date_edit_new().
    (make_date_edit): Likewise.

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_create_date_edit): Likewise.

    * gui/event-editor-dialog.glade: Removed references to
    make_date_edit_with_time(); replace them with make_date_edit().

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_SOURCES): Added
    widget-util.[ch] to the list of sources.

2000-12-14  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (E_CALENDAR_TABLE_SPEC): Reset the widths
    of the columns with pixbufs to the actual pixbufs' sizes; now
    ETable properly computes its column widths so we do not need to
    add extra padding here.

2000-12-14  Dan Winship  <danw@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (_XOPEN_SOURCE): #define this to 500, not
    nothing. Also, move this bit after the other #includes to
    prevent potential messiness.

2000-12-13  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (ensure_mandatory_properties): Even
    though icaltime_from_timet() now properly ignores the is_utc
    argument since time_t values *are* in UTC by definition, we were
    passing FALSE for that argument's value in a bunch of places.  So
    although it is ignored, changed them to TRUE for consistency.
    Hopefully newer versions of libical will remove that argument
    entirely since it does not make sense to speak of non-absolute
    time_t values.

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (cal_recur_set_rule_end_date): Likewise.

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (comp_from_remote_record): Likewise.

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (comp_from_remote_record): Likewise.

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (dialog_to_comp_object): Likewise.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_new_appointment): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_on_delete_occurrence): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_on_unrecur_appointment): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_on_unrecur_appointment): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_finish_long_event_resize): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_finish_resize): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_key_press): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_on_top_canvas_drag_data_received): Likewise.
    (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_drag_data_received): Likewise.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_key_press): Likewise.
    (e_week_view_on_new_appointment): Likewise.
    (e_week_view_on_delete_occurrence): Likewise.
    (e_week_view_on_unrecur_appointment): Likewise.

    * gui/event-editor.c (simple_recur_to_comp_object): Likewise.
    (recur_to_comp_object): Likewise.
    (dialog_to_comp_object): Likewise.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_new_appointment): Likewise.

2000-12-13  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c: #if 0ed cal_obj_date_only_compare_func.
    (cal_object_get_rdate_end): Changed this function to get rid of a
    possible uninitialized error on the rdate function.

    * gui/calendar-model.c: Fixed some warnings involving the #define
    _XOPEN_SOURCE lines here.

    * gui/component-factory.c: #ifdef WANT_THE_EXECUTIVE_SUMMARYed out
    the summary_factory object since it's unused if
    WANT_THE_EXCUTIVE_SUMMARY is not defined.

    * gui/e-day-view.c: #if 0ed out e_day_view_remove_event_cb.
    (obj_updated_cb): #ifndef NO_WARNINGSed out a #warning.

    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c (e_week_view_event_item_draw): Made
    it so that

    * gui/e-week-view.c (obj_updated_cb): #ifndef NO_WARNINGSed out a

2000-12-13  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am: Revert federico's change for now
    because of libtool limitations with ldadding shared libtool

    * conduits/calendar/Makefile.am: ditto

2000-12-12  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_set_todo_object): Use
    (save_todo_object): ditto
    (set_title_from_comp): Make sure the title is encoded properly (as in

2000-12-12  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (get_text_list): Constify for new
    libical API.
    (set_text_list): Likewise.

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (cal_recur_get_rule_end_date): Likewise.
    (cal_recur_set_rule_end_date): Likewise.

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (find_attendee): Likewise.
    (pstream_load): Likewise.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (released_event_object_cb): Removed unused function.

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (status_string_map): Removed unused

2000-12-11  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/Makefile.am (test_recur_LDADD): Link to the libical
    shared library.

    * cal-client/Makefile.am (client_test_LDADD): Likewise.

    * conduits/calendar/Makefile.am (libecalendar_conduit_la_LIBADD):

    * gui/Makefile.am (LINK_FLAGS): Likewise.

2000-12-11  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    This is to make things work with libical 0.21helix1 and later.
    Warnings remain because at last libical was constified; will take
    care of those tomorrow.

    * cal-util/timeutil.h: #include <ical.h> instead of <icaltypes.h>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: Likewise.

    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c: Likewise.

    * gui/itip-utils.h: Likewise.

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (alarm_uid_from_prop): constify.
    (cal_component_get_status): Updated for new libical API.
    (cal_component_set_status): Likewise.

    * gui/calendar-model.c (ensure_task_complete): Removed unused
    status code.
    (ensure_task_not_complete): Update for new status API.

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (status_string_to_value): Removed
    (status_value_to_string): Removed function.
    (status_string_map): Removed variable.
    (fill_widgets): Update for new status API.
    (dialog_to_comp_object): Likewise.

2000-12-11  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (generate_instances_for_chunk): updated the
    tests on the start & end time just before calling the callback. It
    was skipping occurrences that started before the required interval's
    start time, which was wrong. We want all occurrences that intersect
    the interval.
    (cal_obj_time_weekday): removed the CalRecurrence* argument, since it
    isn't needed.

2000-12-11  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c: added changed flags and added calls to a new
    function event_editor_set_changed() to set & reset this flag.
    Added prompt_to_save_changed() which is called when the user
    selects File/Close or the window's close button.
    Fixed the 'All day event' toggle button.
    Made the 'Alarm' page sensitive as appropriate when filling widgets.
    (Though note that the alarm widgets are not being set yet.)

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c: added changed flag as above.

    * gui/event-editor-dialog.glade: used good names for all the
    classification radio buttons so we can access them in the code.

    * gui/event-editor.c (init_widgets): use the "show week numbers" config
    option in the recurrence preview calendar.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_update_event_label): use 9:00 instead
    of 09:00 in the main view, as we do everywhere else now. It means the
    times won't line up, but they are easier to read which I think is
    Added support for Page Up/Down, though I think it should move the
    selection rather than just scroll the canvas.

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (generate_instances_for_chunk): removed the
    end parameter since we should be using the chunk end time now.
    Added single_rule parameter for when we are generating the
    occurrences of a single RRULE, in which case the event's start date is
    not included in the occurrences output (unless it results from the
    RRULE expansion). Both of these fix problems when using COUNT.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_on_date_navigator_selection_changed):
    fixed bug when checking if the new start day starts on the week start
    day. If you select a complete week it should now show the Week view.

2000-12-08  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (dialog_to_comp_object): Free the strings we
    get from the editables.

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (dialog_to_comp_object): Likewise.
    This sucks; this code should be shared between the two dialogs.

2000-12-08  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (fill_widgets): Free the dates we get from
    the component.

2000-12-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_init): Attach signal
    handlers to the e_scrolled_table's etable rather than to the
    e_scrolled_table directly
    (e_calendar_table_on_double_click): This signal provides more
    params now

2000-12-07  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: Got rid of code referencing the
    ETableScrolled proxy functions.

2000-12-07  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (post_sync): Ugly hack for syncing
    until pcs can be altered (longer term)

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (post_sync): ditto

2000-12-07  Chris Toshok  <toshok@helixcode.com>

    * cal-client/Makefile.am (client_test_LDADD): add

2000-12-07  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_compute_changes_foreach_key): Create
    an empty cal component if the object has been deleted.

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: Bit shift the change type constants

2000-12-07  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_generate_instances): Unref
    the component from the objects list; it got referenced as many
    times as appropriate for the instances list.

2000-12-06  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (file_delete_cb): Confirm before deleting the

2000-12-06  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_init): unref the pixbuf when
    finished with it

2000-12-06  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    Fixes bug #920.

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (delete_component): New function.
    (e_calendar_table_on_delete_task): Use delete_component().
    (e_calendar_table_on_key_press): Likewise.  Also, mark the event
    as handled.

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_get_component): Renamed
    function from calendar_model_get_cal_object().
    (calendar_model_delete_task): Removed function.

    * gui/dialogs/delete-comp.[ch]: New files with the dialog for
    deleting a calendar component.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_delete_appointment): Confirm
    before actually deleting the appointment.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_delete_appointment): Likewise.

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am (libcal_dialogs_a_SOURCES): Added
    delete-comp.[ch] to the list of sources.

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_destroy): Free the alarm
    UID hash.

2000-12-06  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal.c (build_change_seq): kill
    (Cal_get_changes): return the corba sequence directly

    * pcs/cal-backend.h: update prototype

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_compute_changes_foreach_key): Build
    the corba struct rather than the old calobjchange thing
    (cal_backend_compute_changes): ditto.  build and return the actual
    corba sequence rather than the list of calobjchanges
    (cal_backend_get_changes): return the corba sequence

    * cal-util/cal-util.h: Remove CalObjChange cruft

    * cal-util/cal-util.c (cal_obj_change_list_free): Kill

2000-12-06  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-util.c:

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (map_name): Update so as not to conflict
    with calendar
    (next_changed_item): update to use CalClientChange instead of CalObjChange
    (compute_status): ditto
    (pre_sync): ditto
    (for_each_modified): since we now have the cal component we can call
    local_record_from_comp directly

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c: same as above

    * pcs/cal-backend.c: Remove much logging cruft
    (cal_backend_compute_changes): Calculate the changes based on the
    hashed database
    (cal_backend_get_changes): call cal_backend_compute_changes
    (cal_backend_compute_changes_foreach_key): hash callback for
    calculating deletions

    * pcs/cal-backend.h: update protype, remove logging cruft from

    * pcs/cal.c (build_change_seq): dup the calobj rather than the uid
    (Cal_get_changes): rename from Cal_get_changed_uids
    (cal_get_epv): reflect name change in epv

    * cal-util/cal-util.c (cal_obj_change_list_free): update assertion

    * cal-util/cal-util.h: CalObjChange now returns the entire ical
    component, update the change types.  This should all go away shortly

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: getChangedUIds -> getChanges.
    CalObjChange now contains the calobj rather than the uid, update
    the change types

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_get_changes): rename from
    cal_client_get_changed_uids to make idl and addressbook

    * cal-client/cal-client.h: Update prototype

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (build_change_list): Build a list of
    CalClientChange instead of CalObjChange

    * cal-client/cal-client-types.c (cal_client_change_list_free): Free
    a glist of CalClientChanges

    * cal-client/cal-client-types.h: New file. Declarations for

    * cal-client/Makefile.am: Build new files

2000-12-06  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am: Fix my build stupidty READ THE MACRO

    * conduits/calendar/Makefile.am: ditto

2000-12-04  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-day-view-time-item.c (e_day_view_time_item_get_column_width):
    Initialize max_large_digit_width to 0 to prevent crazy sizing issues.

2000-12-04  Dan Winship  <danw@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: Remove mysterious #include inserted by
    mmeeks to break the build.

2000-12-01  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    Fixes bug #918.

    * gui/weekday-picker.c (WeekdayPickerPrivate): Added a field for a
    set of blocked days.
    (weekday_picker_set_blocked_days): New function to configure a set
    of days that cannot be modified by the user.
    (weekday_picker_get_blocked_days): Query function for the above.
    (day_event_cb): Block the appropriate days from being modified.

    * gui/event-editor.c (get_start_weekday_mask): New function to
    compute a day mask for the start day of a calendar component.
    (set_recur_special_defaults): New function to set sane defaults
    for the recurrence special widgets.
    (fill_recurrence_widgets): Use set_recur_special_defaults().
    (make_recur_weekly_special): Block the appropriate days.

2000-12-01  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/control-factory.c (set_prop): Removed debugging message.
    (control_factory_init): Ditto.

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_set_uri): Ditto.

    * gui/main.c (main): Ditto.

    * gui/event-editor.c (set_title_from_comp): New function to
    generate a title and convert it from UTF8 before setting it on the
    (save_event_object): Uset set_title_from_comp().
    (event_editor_set_event_object): Likewise.

2000-11-30  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c:  Debug message cleanups
    (comp_from_remote_record): Properly set the ical description field

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (is_empty_time): New utility
    functions that look for all 0's in a struct tm
    (comp_from_remote_record): use above
    (local_record_from_comp): Correctly set the repeatForever value so
    that we repeat forever instead of a really long time
    (comp_from_remote_record): Only set the cal component recurrence
    until field when repeatForever is 0

2000-11-30  Jesse Pavel   <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: fixed a bug that caused the calendar to
    segfault when the iTip control was destroyed.

2000-11-30  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (local_record_from_comp): Empty
    by_day entries are no longer indicated by ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX not
    SHRT_MAX. Calculate weekly and monthly by date recurrences properly
    (get_pilot_day): Convert ical day to corresponding integer for pilot day

2000-11-30  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: Debug message cleanups
    (get_ical_day): Fix off-by-one error which affected weekly occurences.
    (comp_from_remote_record): Monthly by day and by date were reversed
    (nth_weekday): function taken from event-editor.c that encodes BYDAY
    values - this needs to be in libical really.
    (comp_from_remote_record): Don't set the description if the pilot note
    is null.  Rejig so that we don't have to free objects.

2000-11-28  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    Upgrade of the alarm framework.  We now access alarms by a unique
    identifier.  This UID is added as an extension property to alarm
    subcomponents when their parent components are scanned by

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (CalComponentPrivate): Added a hash
    table of alarm UIDs -> alarm properties.
    (cal_component_init): Initialize priv->alarm_uid_hash.
    (free_icalcomponent): Free the elements in the
    (scan_alarm): New function to add scan an alarm subcomponent and
    ensure that it has an alarm UID extension property so that we can
    add it to our mapping table.
    (cal_component_get_first_alarm): Removed function.
    (cal_component_get_next_alarm): Removed function.
    (cal_component_get_alarm_uids): New function.
    (cal_component_get_alarm): New function.

2000-11-28  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (local_record_to_pilot_record): Return
    a struct rather than a pointer to a struct
    (compare): local_record_to_pilot_record now returns a struct
    (prepare): ditto
    (free_prepare): remove as per gnome-pilot changes
    (conduit_get_gpilot_conduit): don't listen for free_prepare signal

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: Same as above

2000-11-28  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (E_CALENDAR_TABLE_SPEC): Reformatted the
    table spec to make it easier to read.

    * gui/tag-calendar.c: Oops, Damon wrote this, not me.  Fixed the
    Authors line.

2000-11-28  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-day-view*.[hc]:
    * gui/e-week-view*.[hc]: finished 12-hour support and tried to tidy
    up & comment the drawing code in places. Also fixed a couple of bugs I
    spotted. All the options on the 'Calendar' page should now work.

2000-11-28  Jesse Pavel   <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c: removed some debugging code that I had,
    which might have caused problems.

2000-11-27  Jesse Pavel   <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c: added a preliminary change to have
    Assigned To-Do items have a corresponding icon.

2000-11-27  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (free_prepare): Ditto

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (free_prepare): Adjust
    free_prepare to the correct signal parameters.  Don't actually
    do anything - there is a semantic discrepancy that needs to be

2000-11-26  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_set_days_shown): == instead of =.

2000-11-26  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c: added more support for config settings.

    * gui/e-week-view.[hc]:
    * gui/e-day-view.[hc]: added support for setting - show event end
    times, week start day and 12-hour format (unfinished).

    * gui/e-day-view-time-item.c: started 12-hour support.

    * gui/tag-calendar.c (prepare_tag): use end_day + 1 since we want to
    include the last day.

    * gui/event-editor.c (set_all_day): minor change when turning all_day
    off - set the event end to one hour after the event start if it is on
    or before the start time. Also added more comments to make it a bit

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (cal_obj_time_add_days): use a gint for day
    rather than a guint since we now support -ve days.
    Also fixed bug with weekly recurrences.

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_create_date_edit): use
    config settings.

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.c (cal_prefs_dialog_update_config):
    updated EDateEdit calls.

2000-11-24  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_init): Unref the ETable

2000-11-24  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (free_icalcomponent): DOH, fixed
    reversed test for the presence of the icalcomp's parent.  This was
    causing memory leaks in the Wombat and elsewhere.

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_set_node_timet): Plug leak.

2000-11-24  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (scan_vcalendar): Use the new libical
    external iterators (icalcomponent_begin_component() and friends);
    the internal iterators are deprecated.

    * cal-util/test-recur.c (generate_occurrences): Likewise.

    * gui/e-itip-control.c (pstream_load): Likewise.

    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c (e_meeting_edit): Likewise.

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_log_entry): Plug leak.
    (cal_backend_log_sync): Free the entry->uid.

    * util/icalendar-save.[ch]:
    * util/icalendar-test.c:
    * util/icalendar.[ch]: Removed obsolete files.

2000-11-21  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/task.xpm: Remove the check because it makes it look like the
    task is already completed.  This fixes bug #819.

    * gui/task-recurring.xpm: Make it use a prettier overlaid icon.

    * gui/task-*.xpm: Made the things look like little spiral-bound

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (E_CALENDAR_TABLE_SPEC): Make the default
    column order be icon/completed/summary.  You may need to erase
    your ~/evolution/config/TaskPad for this to appear.

2000-11-21  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_is_cell_editable): The icon
    column is not editable!

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (todo_properties_changed): Removed.
    (time_format_changed): Removed.
    (colors_changed): Removed.

    * gui/calendar-commands.h:
    * gui/prop.c (prop_apply):
    * gui/calendar-commands.c (init_calendar): Removed the old to-do
    list crap.

    * gui/gncal-todo.[ch]: Removed obsolete files.

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_SOURCES): Removed gncal-todo.[ch].

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_todo_properties_changed): Removed.
    (gnome_calendar_time_format_changed): Removed.
    (gnome_calendar_colors_changed): Removed.

2000-11-21   Jesse Pavel   <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: fixed the stupid Bonobo widget size
    allocation bug that had been vexing me.

    * gui/e-itip-control.glade: I removed some hacks that were
    necessary for said size bug.

2000-11-16   Jesse Pavel   <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c, gui/e-meeting-edit.c: added cancellation
    code to our program; people can cancel meetings, which is the best
    thing to do for most meetings.

2000-11-13   Jesse Pavel   <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: made the REPLY code actually work.

2000-11-13   Jesse Pavel   <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/itip-utils.[ch]: I created this file to store some commonly used enumeration to
    string mappings and functions.

    * gui/Makefile.am: this was changed to reflect the addition of the above file.

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: added code to take action on a REPLY message.

    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c: bug fixes.

2000-11-12  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    OK, bugzilla bug #829 is fixed and that does not redeem me from
    extreme procrastination.  Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    * gui/event-editor-dialog.c: Changed the "Rule view" label to

2000-11-12  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (make_recur_ending_count_special): Misspelled
    (fill_recurrence_widgets): Sensitize the "Custom recurrence" radio
    button as appropriate.
    (sensitize_recur_widgets): Resurrected the recurrence custom
    warning label.
    (get_widgets): Load the recurrence custom warning bin.

    * gui/event-editor-dialog.glade: Add an empty alignment for the
    recurrence custom warning label.

2000-11-12  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (recur_preview_date_range_changed_cb): New
    function; re-tag the calendar when its date range changes.
    (init_widgets): Connect to "date_range_changed" on the recurrence
    preview calendar.
    (make_recur_weekly_special): Connect to "changed" on the weekday
    (recur_weekday_picker_changed_cb): New function; re-tag the calendar.
    (month_day_menu_selection_done_cb): Re-tag the calendar.
    (recur_month_index_value_changed_cb): Likewise.
    (recur_ending_until_changed_cb): Likewise.
    (recur_ending_count_value_changed_cb): Likewise.
    (make_recur_monthly_special): Connect to "value_changed" on the
    adjustment of the month index.
    (make_recur_ending_until_special): Connect to "changed" on the
    ending-until date picker.
    (make_recur_ending_count_special): Connect to "value_changed" on
    the ending-count adjustment.
    (init_widgets): Set to zero the maximum number of selectable days
    in the recurrence preview calendar.  Set the week_start_day from
    the calendar's configuration.

2000-11-12  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (clear_widgets): Block the signals as appropriate.
    (fill_ending_date): Ditto.
    (fill_recurrence_widgets): Ditto.
    (recurrence_type_toggled_cb): Only sensitize the widgets and
    preview the recurrence if the toggle button is active.

2000-11-12  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (recur_to_comp_object): Clear the rdate and
    exrule lists from the component if we are setting a simple
    (recur_to_comp_object): Set the exdate list here instead of in
    (preview_recur): New function to tag the recurrence preview
    calendar based on the information from the dialog box.
    (fill_exception_widgets): Fill the exception widgets here; moved
    over from fill_widgets().
    (fill_recurrence_widgets): Call preview_recur().  Also, call
    fill_exception_widgets() first of all.
    (recurrence_type_toggled_cb): Call preview_recur().
    (recur_interval_selection_done_cb): Likewise.
    (recur_ending_selection_done_cb): Likewise.
    (recurrence_exception_add_cb): Likewise.
    (recurrence_exception_modify_cb): Likewise.
    (recurrence_exception_delete_cb): Likewise.
    (date_changed_cb): Likewise.
    (recur_interval_value_changed_cb): Likewise, new function.

    * gui/tag-calendar.[ch]: New files with utilities for tagging
    calendars.  mark.[ch] should go away some day.

    * gui/tag-calendar.c (tag_calendar): Moved over from
    gnome_calendar_tag_calendar().  Take in a CalClient instead of a
    GnomeCalendar.  Added API docs.
    (tag_calendar_by_comp): New function to tag a calendar based on a
    single calendar component instead of a whole client.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (initial_load): Use tag_calendar_by_client().
    (obj_updated_cb): Likewise.
    (obj_removed_cb): Likewise.
    (gnome_calendar_on_date_navigator_date_range_changed): Likewise.
    (editor_closed_cb): Free the closure.
    (destroy_editor_cb): Renamed from free_uid().  Do not free the
    UID; just unref the event editor.  Our destroy handler to it will
    free things properly.  This will also cause the corresponding
    calendar client to be unrefed.
    (editor_closed_cb): Use a flag on the GnomeCalendar to decide
    whether to remove the editor from the hash table.  This is sort of

    * gui/calendar-model.c (obj_updated_cb): If the object is new, we
    have to use e_table_model_row_inserted(), not row_changed().
    Thanks to JP Rosevear for reporting this.

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_SOURCES): Added
    tag-calendar.[ch] to the list of sources.

2000-11-11  Matt Bissiri  <bissiri@eecs.umich.edu>

    * gui/evolution-calendar.oafinfo:
    Update the remaining "IDL:Evolution*" to "IDL:GNOME/Evolution*"
    to sync up with yesterday's IDL re-scoping.

2000-11-10  Michael Meeks  <michael@helixcode.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am ($(IDL_GENERATED)): sort include order.

    * pcs/Makefile.am (idl_flags): ditto.

2000-11-10  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (for_each_modified): Inc the
    iterator before finding the next changed item.

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (for_each_modified): ditto

2000-11-09   Jesse Pavel   <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: I wrote the code so that recipients of meeting requests
    can reply appropriately.

2000-11-09   Jesse Pavel   <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c:  fixed a bug that would make the calendar segfault
    if the meeting editor were called up twice without first saving the

2000-11-08   Jesse Pavel   <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c, gui/e-itip-control.glade: updated the GUI
    to allow the user to add PUBLISHed events to his calendar, and created
    unworking buttons for meeting requests.

2000-11-08  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    These changes fix bugzilla bugs #874 and #875.

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_get_exdate_list): Return
    a list of CalComponentDateTime instead of simple struct
    icaltimetype objects.  Exception date properties *can* contain a
    timezone parameter, so we need to include those if they are
    (cal_component_set_exdate_list): On the input, handle a list of
    CalComponentDateTime structures.  On the internals, handle a list
    of struct datetime instead of plain properties.
    (cal_component_free_exdate_list): Handle a list of
    CalComponentDateTime structures.
    (scan_exdate): Create a list of struct datetime structures.
    (free_icalcomponent): Free the exdate_list properly.

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (generate_instances_for_chunk): Use the
    proper types for exception dates.

    * gui/comp-util.h:
    * gui/comp-util.c: New files with utilities for manipulating
    calendar component objects.
    (cal_comp_util_add_exdate): New function.

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_SOURCES): Added
    comp-util.[ch] to the list of sources.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (add_exdate): New convenience function to add
    an exception date to a calendar component.
    (e_day_view_on_unrecur_appointment): Use cal_comp_util_add_exdate().
    (e_day_view_on_delete_occurrence): Likewise.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_delete_occurrence): Likewise.
    (e_week_view_on_unrecur_appointment): Likewise.

    * gui/event-editor.c (nth_weekday): Be paranoid about valid
    position values.
    (fill_widgets): Use the proper types for exdates.
    (dialog_to_comp_object): Likewise.

2000-11-08  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (adjust_day_index_spin): Adjust the valid
    range of the month index spin button depending on the selection of
    the day/weekday menu.

2000-11-07   Jesse Pavel   <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c, gui/e-itip-control.glade: changed the GUI,
    and added some extra feedback for the user.

2000-11-07  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/weekday-picker.h (WeekdayPickerClass): Added a "changed"
    signal to notify of changes to the set of selected days.

    * gui/weekday-picker.c (weekday_picker_class_init): Create the
    "changed" signal.
    (weekday_picker_set_days): Emit the "changed" signal.

2000-11-06   Jesse Pavel   <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c, gui/e-itip-control.glade: changed to GUI to
    accomodate dynamically generated buttons, which will be tailored to
    the type of iTip message that is incoming.

    * gui/e-meeting-dialog.glade gui/e-meeting-edit.c: added a new button
    to publish events, in addition to requesting meetings.

2000-11-05  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor-dialog.glade: Removed the old recurrence page.

    * gui/event-editor.c (make_recurrence_special): Clear the monthly
    (make_recur_monthly_special): Create the monthly widgets.
    (clear_widgets): Clear the monthly values.
    (simple_recur_to_comp_object): Fill in the monthly values.
    (fill_recurrence_widgets): Fill in the monthly and yearly source
    (dialog_to_comp_object): Take in a CalComponent instead of using
    the event editor's directly.
    (recur_to_comp_object): Likewise.
    (simple_recur_to_comp_object): Likewise.
    (EventEditorPrivate): Removed the widgets from the old recurrence
    (get_widgets): Likewise.
    (clear_widgets): Likewise.
    (dialog_to_comp_object): If the description or summary are empty,
    just clear the description list or summary property, respectively,
    instead of saving empty ones.
    (simple_recur_to_comp_object): Set the week_start field.

    * gui/main.c: Fix includes, and add calendar-config.h.

    * gui/Makefile.am (evolution_calendar_SOURCES): The glade messages
    file should not be in SOURCES.

2000-11-05  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@helixcode.com>

    * doc/.cvsignore, doc/C/.cvsignore: Removed unnecessary .cvsignore

2000-11-03  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (check_all_day): Block signals from the
    toggle button.
    (date_changed_cb): Merged check_dates() and check_times() into
    this function; provide better behavior as well.
    (check_dates): Removed function.
    (check_times): Removed function.
    (init_widgets): Connect to the "changed" signal on the start_time
    and end_time widgets.
    (check_all_day): Use a better test.

    * gui/Makefile.am: Clean the idl-generated sources properly.
    * cal-client/Makefile.am: Likewise.

2000-11-03  Jesse Pavel <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: added some checks for the type of an
    incoming iCal component before passing it off to the CalComponent

2000-11-02  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (init_widgets): The date editor's
    signal is now "changed".
    (completed_changed): Renamed callback to reflect the name of the

2000-11-01  Gediminas Paulauskas  <menesis@delfi.lt>

    * gui/main.c: (main): added call to bindtextdomain and textdomain, so
    all calendar gui shows up localized.

2000-10-31  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (count_by_xxx): Hmmm.  SHRT_MAX changed to
    ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX in libical.  Deal with it.
    (fill_recurrence_widgets): Likewise.
    (simple_recur_to_comp_object): Fixed incorrect assertion.  The
    weekday picker is not the immediate child of the recurrence
    special container.
    (fill_recurrence_widgets): Call make_recurrence_special() after
    setting the recurrence period type.
    (fill_ending_date): Call make_recurrence_ending_special().  This
    would be so much nicer if GTK+ were model/view all over.

2000-10-31  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.h: Remove add/del/mod hashes and
    add changed_hash.

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.h: ditto

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (next_changed_item): Utility function
    to get the next "really" changed item (changed status can be cleared now)
    (compute_status): Compute status based on changed_hash
    (pre_sync): Fill changed_hash and counts adds/mods/dels
    (set_status_cleared): New callback handler - avoid double syncing
    (for_each_modified): Use next_changed_item to iterate
    (add_archive_record): kill
    (delete_archive_record): kill
    (archive_record): New callback handler - mark/unmark archive status
    (conduit_get_gpilot_conduit): Adjust signal connects

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: ditto

2000-10-30  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (sensitize_recur_widgets): New function.  We
    split it from the radio callback so that we can call it explicitly
    from fill_recurrence_widgets().
    (fill_recurrence_widgets): Call sensitize_recur_widgets() as

2000-10-30  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (new_calendar): Removed the geometry and
    hidden arguments.  This code is ancient.
    (all_calendars): Made static.  This sucks; configuration should be
    notification-based instead of "let's iterate through all open
    (active_calendars): Removed.  Functions can check the length of
    the all_calendars list if they are interested.

    * gui/event-editor.c (sync_entries): Do not take in an extra data
    (summary_changed_cb): Use a single call back to sync both entries.
    (sync_date_edits): New function to sync two EDateEdit widgets.
    (init_widgets): Connect the general and recurrence starting date

2000-10-27  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (sync_entries): New function.
    (general_summary_changed_cb): Sync the general summary to the
    recurrence summary widget.
    (recurrence_summary_changed_cb): Vice-versa.
    (init_widgets): Hook to the summaries.

    * event-editor-dialog.glade: Do not expand/fill the start and end
    date so that the "all day event" button is not pushed all the way
    to the right.
    Decrease the spacing between the recurrence sentence widgets.
    Remove a spurious empty label that was lurking around the
    recurrence widgets.
    Make the alarm widgets expand the right way.
    Delete old recurrence widgets.

2000-10-27  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (init_widgets): Connect to the recurrence
    ending menu.
    (recur_ending_selection_done_cb): Implemented.
    (make_recurrence_ending_special): Implemented.
    (make_recur_ending_until_special): Implemented.
    (fill_ending_date): Implemented.
    (make_recur_ending_count_special): Implemented.
    (simple_recur_to_comp_object): Fill in the ending date.
    (clear_widgets): Clear the recurrence ending widgets.

    * gui/event-editor-dialog.glade: Moved the recurrence type radio
    buttons to a single hbox to save space.
    Fixed the lower value of the recurrence interval spin button.
    Removed the stale widgets from the recurrence ending date part.

2000-10-27  Jesse Pavel <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c: fixed problems in which I allocated CORBA
    strings of 0 length, but then didn't NULL terminate them.

2000-10-27    <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (check_for_slow_setting):
    Check boundary case of fast sync

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (check_for_slow_setting): ditto

2000-10-27    <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (add_archive_record): Remove
    invalid test.
    (local_record_from_comp): If the event is all day, mark it as timeless
    (comp_from_remote_record): Timeless events take up all day

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (add_archive_record): ditto

2000-10-27  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (add_archive_record): Take proper
    number of parameters

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (add_archive_record): ditto

2000-10-26  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (EventEditorPrivate): Integrate Anna's new
    recurrence page.  Replace the old widget pointers with the new
    ones.  Modified the relevant functions accordingly and added
    plenty of new ones.
    (event_editor_get_cal_client): New function.
    (fill_recurrence_widgets): This is *THE* tricky function for you.
    It has to discriminate whether we get a recurrence we support for
    editing or not.  And this is not trivial.  Sigh.
    (event_editor_update_widgets): Added preconditions and API docs.

    * event-editor-dialog.glade: Fixed all the spacings/
    paddings/packing options so that the widgets will look right if
    the dialog box is resized.  Also fixes some misaligned widgets.

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_set_rdate_list): Removed
    incorrect assertion.

2000-10-26  Michael Meeks  <michael@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-factory.c (str_tolower): unsigned chars to isalpha

    * cal-util/calobj.c (weekdaylist, weekdaynum): ditto.

2000-10-25  Jesse Pavel <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c: brushed up some code to deal with
    the organizer entry, and solidified the CORBA memory-freeing

2000-10-25  Jesse Pavel <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * removed the Evolution-Composer generated files, due
    to a tip on how we do things.

2000-10-25  Jesse Pavel <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c: I fixed a bunch of memory-deallocation
    bugs, and finished the initial integration with the mailer.

    * gui/Makefile.am: made the build us the Evolution-Composer.idl
    from the composer directory.

2000-10-25  Jesse Pavel <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/Evolution-Composer.idl: added this from the composer IDL sources

    * gui/Makefile.am: changed to reflect the above IDL and the associated
    orbit-idl generated files.

    * gui/Evolution-Composer.h,
    the generated files, as per the above description.

    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c: more work towards mailer integration.

2000-10-24  Jesse Pavel <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c: I've added code to interact with the mailer's
    CORBA interfaces, though it's not yet working.

2000-10-23  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (local_record_from_comp): Use
    new e-pilot-map lookup function
    (match): ditto

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (local_record_from_comp): Use
    new e-pilot-map lookup function
    (match): ditto

2000-10-23  Dan Winship  <danw@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/Makefile.am (INCLUDES):
    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am (INCLUDES):
    * gui/Makefile.am (INCLUDES):
    * cal-util/Makefile.am (INCLUDES):
    * cal-client/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Update GNOMELOCALEDIR.

2000-10-23  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.h: Use new libeconduit calls and

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: ditto

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.h: ditto

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c: ditto

    * conduits/calendar/Makefile.am: Add libeconduit-static.la

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (post_sync): Use e_pilot_map_write
    (pre_sync): Use e_pilot_map_read

2000-10-23  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am: Add libeconduit-static.la

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (post_sync): Use e_pilot_map_write
    (pre_sync): Use e_pilot_map_read

2000-10-21  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.c
    (cal_prefs_dialog_use_24_hour_toggled): removed debug message.

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_save_state): new function
    to save the state of the table to a given file.

    * gui/e-calendar-table.h (struct _ECalendarTable): added etable field
    so we can access it to save the state.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_destroy): call
    e_calendar_table_save_state() to save the state of the TaskPad.
    (setup_widgets): load the state of the TaskPad.

    * gui/calendar-config.c: added support for the default view.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_construct):
    (gnome_calendar_set_view_internal): use/set the default view setting.

2000-10-20  Jesse Pavel <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-editor.c: added more (working) integration with the
    meeting schedular.

2000-10-20  Jesse Pavel <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * cal-utils/cal-component.c: in set_datetime(), I put an #if 0'd portion
    of the code back into operation, because the icalproperty_remove_parameter()
    function is now implemented.

    * gui/e-meeting-editor.c: added more (unworking) integration with the
    meeting schedular.

2000-10-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_destroy): New destroy
    handler to properly stop the timer, sync the log and unref
    the URI.
    (cal_backend_last_client_gone): Just emit the signal,
    clean up work is done in cal_backend_destroy now.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_load): Unref the
    uri we are replacing NOT the new uri.

2000-10-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am: Fix build

    * conduits/calendar/Makefile.am: Fix build

2000-10-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (delete_archive_record):
    Don't throw an error

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (delete_archive_record): ditto

2000-10-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit-control-applet.c: Add defines

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit-config.h: put #ifdefs around functions
    can't make this a public interface in the usual way as then the
    symbols would be exported

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c: Kill warnings. clahey will be
    happy! Add some defines to include only the necessary config functions.
    (conduit_get_gpilot_conduit): Hook up archive signals

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: Same as above

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit-control-applet.c: ditto

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit-config.h: ditto

2000-10-20  Michael Meeks  <michael@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.h: s/BonoboUIHandler/BonoboUIComponent/

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (properties_cmd): ditto.

2000-10-20  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_value_at): use

2000-10-20  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (E_CALENDAR_TABLE_SPEC): added
    _click-to-add-message, though I'm not sure if i18n will work.

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (cal_obj_time_add_hours):
    (cal_obj_time_add_seconds): updated to handle -ve args.

    * cal-util/timeutil.c (time_add_day): set tm_isdst to -1 before calling

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (generate_instances_for_chunk): don't call the
    callback if the event ends exactly on the interval start time.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_reshape_event_span):
    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c (e_week_view_event_item_draw_icons):
    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c (e_day_view_top_item_draw_long_event):
    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c (e_day_view_main_item_draw_day_event):
    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_reshape_long_event):
    (e_day_view_reshape_day_event): use cal_component_has_alarms().

    * cal-util/cal-component.[hc]: added cal_component_has_alarms().

2000-10-16  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-config.c (config_read): set default MonthVPanePosition
    to 1 rather than 0, so if you move the hpane you'll see the date

2000-10-19  Jesse Pavel <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.[ch]: added a public function which causes the
    event editor to reload its widgets to the associated CalComponent.

    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c: added rudimentary support for the phat
    e-meeting-time-selector widget, though it has no effect on the
    component yet.

    * gui/Makefile.am: the meeting editor depends on the meeting widget
    library, now.

    * gui/e-itip-control.glade: I added another toolbar button that summons
    from the hoary deep the meeting time widget.

2000-10-19  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@helixcode.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am: Add `event-editor-dialog.glade.h'.
    (EXTRA_DIST): Add `$(glade_messages)'.

2000-10-19  Michael Meeks  <michael@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (tb_print_cb): remove; redundant.

    * gui/event-editor.c (create_menu, create_toolbar): kill.
    (event_editor_destroy): upd.
    (event_editor_construct): update to new UI handler, cast
    priv->general_summary to a widget not an object.

2000-10-18  Michael Meeks  <michael@helixcode.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (create_menu, create_toolbar): die.
    (debug_xml_cb): add debugging hook.

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am: add EVOLUTION_DATADIR

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c (task_editor_construct): upd for new UI.

2000-10-17  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit-control-applet.c: Add defines

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit-config.h: put #ifdefs around functions
    can't make this a public interface in the usual way as then the
    symbols would be exported

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c: Kill warnings. clahey will be
    happy! Add some defines to include only the necessary config functions.
    (conduit_get_gpilot_conduit): Hook up archive signals

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: Same as above

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit-control-applet.c: ditto

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit-config.h: ditto

2000-10-16  Jesse Pavel <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: You can now add incoming iTip
    messages to your calendar store.

    * gui/e-itip-control.glade: added a progress bar dialog
    in case the calendar loading takes a long time.

2000-10-16  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.h: Remove pilot cruft.  All pilot stuff
    is in the conduits now and uses the logging facility.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c: ditto

    * pcs/cal-backend.h: ditto

    * pcs/cal-backend.c: ditto

    * pcs/cal.c: ditto

    * pcs/cal.h: ditto

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: ditto

    * cal-util/cal-component.h: ditto

    * cal-util/cal-component.c: ditto

    * cal-client/cal-client.c: ditto

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (local_record_from_comp):
    Take a stab at storing recurrence stuff on the pilot properly

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_update_object): Don't log the
    event until after the update in case its a new item

2000-10-16  Tuomas Kuosmanen  <tigert@helixcode.com>

    * gui/dayview.xpm, gui/workweekview.xpm, gui/weekview.xpm
    gui/monthview.xpm gui/yearview.xpm: Updated icons, let me know
    if you like these or not, I might work on these some more but
    I wanted to put these versions up anyway to get feedback..

2000-10-15  Dan Winship  <danw@helixcode.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am: Remove CPPFLAGS def since the -D there was
    already in INCLUDES

2000-10-14  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@helixcode.com>

    * gui/evolution-calendar.oafinfo: Added an
    "evolution:shell-component-icon" attribute.

2000-10-12  Jesse Pavel <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.{c,glade}: Made the control much more
    relavent to the function at hand.

2000-10-12  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (E_CALENDAR_TABLE_SPEC): set the 2 icon
    columns to a min width of 18 and resizable to FALSE.

2000-10-12  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_control_activate):
    (set_pixmap): set the pixmaps of the toolbar buttons for the views,
    and removed a lot of old unused stuff. We'll use plain buttons for
    the view buttons for now, until Bonobo toolbars support radio buttons.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_dayjump): check day_button is not
    NULL before using it.
    (gnome_calendar_update_view_buttons): check button is not NULL.

2000-10-11  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-day-view-time-item.c (e_day_view_time_item_draw): got 12/24
    hour format the wrong way round.

2000-10-12  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (comp_from_remote_record):
    Store recurrence stuff on the desktop properly
    (get_ical_day): Utility function

2000-10-12  Iain Holmes  <iain@helixcode.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c: Disable the executive summary.

2000-10-11  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_log_entry): Take CalObjType
    as a param because its impossible to determine after a delete.
    (cal_backend_remove_object): Calculate CalObjType and pass
    it to cal_backend_log_entry
    (cal_backend_update_object): ditto

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (local_record_from_comp): Kill
    unused variables.
    (add_archive_record): Don't kill the sync if this happens
    (update_record): Kill old function
    (replace_record): New function to handle replace_record signal
    (conduit_get_gpilot_conduit): Listen for replace record signal
    (add_record): Always add a new record, never replace
    (replace_record): Always replace an existing record

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: Same as above

2000-10-10  Jesse Pavel  <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-itip-control.c: set a default size for the control.

2000-10-10  Jesse Pavel  <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/evolution-calendar.oafinfo: Added information about the
    text/calendar MIME type, so that the evolution-calendar is called
    to deal with iMIP attachments.

    * gui/e-itip-control.[ch]: These files implement a Bonobo
    control that will eventually deal with iMIP/iTIP messages from
    the mailer. Right now, it's not working.

    * gui/e-itip-control.glade: The Glade GUI for the above-mentioned

    * gui/Makefile.am: added references to the files I created.

    * gui/main.c: called the initialization function of the Bonobo
    control factory.

2000-10-11  Tuomas Kuosmanen  <tigert@helixcode.com>

    * gui/task-assigned-to.xpm gui/task-assigned.xpm
    gui/recur.xpm gui/task-recurring.xpm gui/task.xpm:
    New versions of the icons for the tasklist/pad.

2000-10-11  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (owner_unset_cb): don't free evolution_dir
    as we need it to save the config settings.

2000-10-11  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/main.c (main): call calendar_config_write_on_exit() to write
    out some special config settings (as the mail component does).

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (properties_cmd): changed to use the new
    preferences dialog.
    (update_all_config_settings): new function to iterate over all the
    calendars and update the config settings.

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.glade: preferences dialog.

    * gui/dialogs/cal-prefs-dialog.[hc]: new files for the preferences

    * gui/calendar-config.[hc]: new files to handle loading/saving config

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c: fixed bug in YEARLY when no filters were set,
    plus minor changes.

    * cal-util/test-recur.c: updated.

    * gui/e-day-view-time-item.c:
    * gui/popup-menu.c: update to #include <gal/widgets/e-gui-utils.h>

    * gui/component-factory.c (owner_set_cb): called calendar_config_init.
    (owner_unset_cb): updated the prototypes.

    * gui/main.c (main): added call to calendar_config_write_on_exit().

    * gui/component-factory.h:
    * gui/component-factory.c (owner_set_cb): added global evolution_dir
    just like the mail component, so we know we to store config stuff.

2000-10-11  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: Fixed the column elements here.

2000-10-11  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: Updated to use the new ETable
    specification stuff.

2000-10-11  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (map_sax_start_element): The
    element is "pilot_id" not "pilotid".  Update both maps
    (compute_pid): Utility function to set a local records pid
    (local_record_from_comp): Compute the pid and status here,
    no longer use the old cal_component pilot interfaces
    (free_match): Its a *local not a **local

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: same as above

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.h: Have both a uid and pid map

    * conduits/todo/calendar-conduit.h: same as above

2000-10-09  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/*: Adjust to using gnome-pilot-sync-abs conduit which
    is based on the latest pilot link changes.

2000-10-09  Iain Holmes  <iain@helixcode.com>

    * Makefile.am: Added the executive-summary library and cflags

    * gui/evolution-calendar.oafinfo: Added oaf servers for the
    executive summary and executive summary factory.

    * gui/calendar-summary.[ch]: New files to create the summary.

    * gui/component-factory.c (summary_fn): Create the executive
    summary component.
    (component_factory_init): Start the summary factory as well.

2000-10-06  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/weekday-picker.[ch]: New widget to pick weekdays.

2000-10-05  Michael Meeks  <michael@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: upd.
    (calendar_control_activate): upd.
    (calendar_control_deactivate): upd.

2000-10-05  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c:
    * gui/e-week-view.c: when the user types in a new event, don't create
    it until the user hits Return or switches focus. Removed the
    editing_new_event flags.

    * cal-util/test-recur.c: rewritten to work on ics files. Now I can
    start testing the recurrence code.

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c: a few fixes.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_check_if_new_event_fits): fixed to
    return TRUE for long events, not FALSE.

2000-10-04  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/print.c (print_todo_details): As a temporary solution to the
    to-do printing, just print the summaries.  We'll use the ETable
    printing stuff later.

    * gui/print.c (print_day_summary_cb): Use g_list_append() correctly.
    (print_todo_details_cb): Likewise.
    (print_day_summary): Initialize psi.events.  This code was
    obviously never tested.
    (print_todo_details): Likewise.
    (print_day_details): Initialize pdi.slots.

    * gui/print.c (range_selector_new): Fix strftime() %a versus %b
    confusion.  Fixes bugzilla #644.
    (range_selector_new): Fix the whole localization mess by making
    better use of strftime().  Now we generate whole date strings at a
    time and compose them later.  Fixes bugzilla #643.

2000-10-02  Jesse Pavel   <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c: added support for the ROLE and RSVP parameters
    in both the GUI and underlying iCal.

2000-09-29  Jesse Pavel   <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c: added support for organizers in the meeting

2000-09-29  Jesse Pavel   <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-meeting-edit.c: added code that makes changes to the underlying
    iCAL structure of an event, when the user changes meeting information.

    * gui/e-meeting-dialog.glade: this is the Glade UI for the meeting dialog
    and accoutrements.

2000-09-29  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c: updated to support RDATE end times or
    durations. Note that if you have two RDATEs with the same start times,
    but with different end dates/durations set, the results are
    unpredictable. So the event editor dialog should check for this.

    * gui/e-week-view-main-item.c (e_week_view_main_item_draw_day):
    make strftime() strings translatable, and changed the formats a bit.

    * NOTE: someone needs to check print.c to make sure strftime strings
    are OK for i18n.

    * gui/e-day-view.h: Changed EDayViewDateFormat enum. We now try to
    include the weekday if possible. Also changed EDayView struct so we
    store the month & weekdays with the longest names rather than the
    actual widths. This helps i18n.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_recalc_cell_sizes): used _() for
    strftime strings, tried to see if weekday fits, and rearranged a
    bit to make i18n easier.

    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c (e_day_view_top_item_draw): used _() for
    strftime strings, and updated to use new formats.

    * gui/calendar-model.c: added use_24_hour_format boolean to
    CalendarModelPrivate so we can display dates in 12-hour format if
    requested. This meant adding a CalendarModel argument to a few
    functions. Also added get/set functions to set use_24_hour_format.
    I suppose ideally we should have an ECellDate renderer and this option
    should go there.

2000-09-27  Jesse Pavel   <jpavel@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c: changed a menu entry so that it will invoke
    my meeting editor.

    * gui/e-meeting-edit.[ch]: added these files to provide preliminary
    support for iTIP meeting scheduling. Currently, only the GUI works;
    there is not yet any backend support.

    * gui/Makefile.am: added entries for e-meeting-edit.[ch]

2000-09-24  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor-dialog.glade: set the height of the scrolled
    window for the description field, since the default window height
    doesn't seem to be working.

    * cal-util/cal-component.h: added functions to get the actual
    icalproperty lists for RRULE and EXRULE properties.

    * cal-util/cal-recur.[hc]: added support for COUNT, though I need to
    test it a bit. Also fixed the call to generate_instances_for_year() so
    it uses the chunk dates.

2000-09-20  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c: got rid of 1 '_' in '__Formatting'.

2000-09-22  Michael Meeks  <michael@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_control_activate): upd.

2000-09-21  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (verbs): Removed the "about calendar"
    command, since we don't want to have both "About Evolution" and
    "About Calendar".

2000-09-21  Michael Meeks  <michael@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_control_activate): _UIHandler

2000-09-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (pre_sync): Don't fail if there
    is no map file.

2000-09-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.h: Add since field to context

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (map_set_node_timet): New utility
    (map_sax_start_element): Look for the map timestamp as well
    (map_write): Write the map timestamp
    (pre_sync): Use the map time stamp when looking for changed entries

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_log_sax_start_element): Make sure
    we are in a valid timestamp

2000-09-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_log_name): Make the log file
    name relevant to the actual calendar file, rather than just the

2000-09-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_get_log_entries): Oops

2000-09-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_get_log_entries): Use a local
    sax handler.

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (pre_sync): Use xmlSAXParseFile
    (map_sax_parse): Delete

2000-09-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_log_sax_start_element): Properly
    assign the CalObjChange type.
    (cal_backend_log_sax_parse): Delete
    (cal_backend_get_log_entries): Use xmlSAXUserParseFile

2000-09-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_set_uri): New utility function
    (cal_backend_load): use above
    (cal_backend_create): use above
    (cal_backend_log_name): Take a uri instead of a backend param

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c: Get rid of useless hash functions
    (cal_backend_file_load): Check to make sure path exists and is
    (cal_backend_file_load): Unref the current uri if there is one
    (cal_backend_file_create): ditto

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_last_client_gone): Sync before
    shooting ourselves in the foot

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (save): Fully implement backing up the
    calendar before writing out the new entry.

2000-09-19  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (check_for_slow_setting): Add some
    other cases where a slow sync is in order
    (pre_sync): Pre load the uids, the map and the add/mod/del lists
    (match_record): Use the map hash to match records
    (iterate): Iterate using the pre-loaded uid list
    (iterate_specific): Iterate using the add/mod/del lists
    (purge): Delete all entries in the del list
    (set_status): Set status by adding to an appropriate list
    (set_pilot_id): Set pilot_id by updating map hash

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.h: Add lists for added, modified and
    deleted objects

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (map_name): Get the pilot_id->uid map
    file name
    (map_sax_start_element): SAX handler to extract a pilot_id->uid
    (map_sax_parse): Parse the given file and build a pilot_id->uid hash
    (map_write_foreach): Write out individual mapping elements
    (map_write): Write out the pilot_id->uid mapping
    (start_calendar_server_cb): Rename from gnome_calendar_load_cb

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit-config.h: Rename pilotID to pilot_id

    * conduits/todo/e-todo.conduit.in: A little renaming

    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am: Fix build slightly

    * pcs/cal.c (build_change_seq): Build a corba sequence out of a list
    of CalObjChanges
    (Cal_get_objects_in_range): Implement new corba function

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_init): Intiliaze to NULL
    (cal_backend_load): Track the uri so we can write the log file
    to the same place
    (cal_backend_log_name): Figure out the log filename/path based on
    the calendar uri
    (cal_backend_set_node_timet): Set an xml node property value from
    a time_t
    (cal_backend_log_entry): Adds a log entry to list waiting to be written
    (cal_backend_log_sync): Syncs the log entries to disk
    (cal_backend_log_sax_start_element): SAX callback for reading in
    log entries
    (cal_backend_log_sax_end_element): ditto
    (cal_backend_log_sax_parse): Main SAX parser call to parse the log
    file looking for particular log entries and creating a CalObjChange
    hash with the last change for each object
    (cal_backend_get_log_entries): Returns a hash of objects of a given
    type changed since the given time
    (cal_backend_update_object): Add appropriate log entries
    (cal_backend_remove_object): ditto
    (cal_backend_get_changed_uids): Implement new idl interface call
    (cal_backend_foreach_changed): Convert CalObjChange hash into a list

    * pcs/cal-backend-imc.[hc]: Remove crufty files

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_get_type_by_uid): New
    function that returns the CalObjType for a uid.

    * cal-client/cal-client.h: Update prototypes.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (build_change_list): Build a list
    of CalObjChange items from a corba sequence.
    (cal_client_get_changed_uids): New accessor method for the
    similarly named addition to the idl file.

    * cal-util/cal-util.h: Update prototypes and add CalObjChangeType

    * cal-util/cal-util.c (cal_obj_change_list_free): New utility
    method to free a list of CalObjChange objects.

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl: Add get_changed_uids method
    and associated types.

2000-09-18  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@helixcode.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am: Added $(EXTRA_GNOME_CFLAGS) and
    $(EXTRA_GNOME_LIBS).  Removed unneeded libraries.

    * gui/calendar-model.h, gui/e-calendar-table.c, gui/e-day-view.c,
    gui/e-week-view-event-item.c, gui/e-week-view.c,
    gui/event-editor.c, gui/gncal-todo.c, gui/gnome-cal.c, gui/main.c,
    gui/print.c, gui/dialogs/task-editor.c: Fixed the #include lines
    to deal properly with gal.

    * gui/check-filled.xpm: New file since we can't include it from
    e-table anymore.

2000-09-16  Michael Meeks  <michael@helixcode.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): add datadir

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_control_activate): use it.

2000-09-14  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/.cvsignore: Shush

2000-09-14  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * Add headers with GPL notice and credit copyright to those appropriate

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit-control-applet.c (doHelp): Update name,
    authors, copyright for about dialog.
    (activate_sync_type): Tidy

    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am: Rename binaries and libs to e-todo*
    to avoid conflicts.

    * conduits/todo/e-todo.conduit.in: Reflect binary/lib name changes

    * conduits/todo/e-todo-conduit-control-applet.desktop: ditto

    * conduits/todo/todo.conduit.in: Removed

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit-control-applet.desktop: Removed

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit-config.h (todoconduit_load_configuration):
    The config file will now be called e-todo-conduit
    (todoconduit_save_configuration): ditto

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c: Some renaming to keep consistent.
    (pre_sync): Remove commented out function that does not exist.

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit-control-applet.c: ditto

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit-config.h: ditto

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.h: ditto

2000-09-07  Michael Meeks  <michael@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: Re-write most UI handler code.

2000-09-13  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (obj_updated_cb): Removed an unused

    * gui/calendar-model.c (obj_updated_cb): See if the new object
    matches the type of objects we were told to deal with.
    (load_objects): Likewise.

2000-09-13  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (remove_component): Only remove the pilot
    item from the hash if it exists in the first place.

2000-09-12  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (add_component): plug leakage

2000-09-12  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: Hack to compile for distcheck.

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.h: Remove calobj.h dependency

2000-09-12  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_load): Use g_int_*
    for now
    (cal_backend_file_create): ditto

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (local_record_from_compobject): Make
    this actually fill in the todo record.
    (find_record_in_repository): Add debug stuff
    (iterate_specific): Use the already exisiting utility function

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_update_pilot_id): correct
    the status and id types. g_strdup the uid since this is not a
    constified return
    (cal_backend_file_get_uid_by_pilot_id): correct the id type

2000-09-12  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@helixcode.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am: Remove `ui.xml' stuff.

    * pcs/cal-backend.c: Dont' #include calobj.h anymore as it's gone.

2000-09-12  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_construct): Connect to the
    "cal_loaded" signal of the client here.
    (connect_load): Removed function.
    (disconnect_load): Removed function.
    (cal_loaded_cb): Store the URI we are loading in the GnomeCal
    structure instead of in a weird closure.  This gets rid of the
    connect/disconnect mess as well.
    (gnome_calendar_open): Store the URI in the GnomeCal.

2000-09-11  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c: Fixed a warning (removed unused variable
    gfloat width from e_day_view_get_event_position.)

2000-09-11  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c: Handle renaming, header cleanup

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.h: Rename GCalLocalRecord to
    EToDoLocalRecord, header cleanup

2000-09-11  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (comp_from_remote_record): Use
    description list instead of comment list for pilot todo note
    (transmit): Check for null cal component properties, set priority
    correctly, use description list instead of comment list.  Make
    pilot record private when appropriate.

2000-09-10  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (comp_from_remote_record): Only
    set the due date only if it exists

2000-09-10  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (get_is_complete): Relying on the status
    field is somewhat faulty since it is related to group scheduling

2000-09-10  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (update_calendar_entry_in_repository):
    Make log output a little more sensible
    (comp_from_remote_record): Minor correction when making a CalComponent
    from scratch.
    (update_record): Use comp_from_remote_record for new items, rather
    than repeating the code here.

2000-09-10  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c: Remove catch_ret_val function
    since its no longer useful.  Fix naming of various fields from
    the header changes.  Use GnomePilotRecord* stuff instead of
    (e_todo_context_new): Rename from gcalconduit_new_context. Now takes
    a pilot id and loads the configuration here
    (e_todo_context_destroy): Rename from gcalconduit_destroy_context.
    Unref the client and destroy the configuration if they exist here
    (start_calendar_server): Change the default calendar name
    (local_record_from_comp_uid): Rename from local_record_from_ical_uid
    (local_record_from_compobject): Rename from
    local_record_from_icalobject.  Properly do the pilot id and status.
    (comp_from_remote_record): Rename from ical_from_remote_record.
    Handle due, complete, classification and pilot stuff properly
    (pre_sync): Remove some old stuff.  We need to figure out how to
    set some of the field values.
    (set_status): Reflect pilot status changes from above
    (conduit_destroy_gpilot_conduit): Remove cleanup stuff that is
    now done by e_todo_context_destroy
    (conduit_get_gpilot_conduit): Only set the context as object
    data of the conduit.

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.h: Rename GCalConduitContext to
    EToDoConduitContext.  Remove some unused struct fields.
    For GCalLocalRecord, rename ical to comp.

2000-09-11  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c: changed to use EDateEdit.

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor-dialog.glade: added "None" option to
    Classification option menu, and used custom widgets for the date
    entries so we can use EDateEdit widgets.

    * gui/event-editor.c: changed to use EDateEdit. Note that this needs
    to be fixed at some point to handle invalid dates, i.e. when
    e_date_edit_get_time returns -1.

    * gui/calendar-model.c (ensure_task_complete):
    (ensure_task_not_complete): new functions to set the related properties
    to make sure a task is marked as complete on not, i.e. "Date Completed"
    "Status" and "Percent" properties.

2000-09-08  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (get_is_complete): use the status field rather
    than the completed date, as it is more reliable.
    (get_is_overdue): use get_is_complete().
    (calendar_model_mark_task_complete): check if it is already complete,
    and if so don't update it.

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_get_status):
    (cal_component_set_status): added functions to support the STATUS
    property. Also added the property to CalComponentPrivate and set it
    to NULL in free_icalcomponent(). Someone should check my code as I've
    mainly done a Cut & Paste job.

2000-09-10  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>
    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c: Convert "//" style comments
    (local_record_from_ical_uid): Remove iCalObject cruft
    (ical_from_remote_record): ditto
    (free_match): Properly unref the CalComponent

2000-09-10  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (local_record_from_icalobject): Use
    cal component pilot stuff properly
    (find_record_in_repository): Remove cruft
    (ical_from_remote_record): Remove cruft
    (update_record): Set the vtype immediately after creation. Remove cruft

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.h: Remove iCalObject stuff

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit-config.h: Move all the config stuff
    here, I need to kill the warnings at some point

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit-control-applet.c (doRevertSettings):
    Set all the state variables correctly on a revert
    (doSaveSettings): Update original state
    (doHelp): Rename from about_cb
    (main): Destroy configurations when done

    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am: Tidy

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cbf_pilot_hash): Function for hashing
    pilot ids
    (cbf_pilot_equal): For hash table of pilot ids
    (cal_backend_file_destroy): Destroy pilot id hash
    (add_component): Insert the uid into the pilot hash
    (remove_component): Remove the uid from the pilot hash
    (cal_backend_file_load): Create the pilot hash
    (cal_backend_file_create): ditto
    (cal_backend_file_get_uid_by_pilot_id): Implement using the pilot hash
    (cal_backend_file_update_pilot_id): ditto

    * cal-util/cal-component.h: Update prototypes

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_get_pilot_id): Implement
    using ical X properties
    (cal_component_set_pilot_id): ditto
    (cal_component_get_pilot_status): ditto
    (cal_component_set_pilot_status): ditto
    (cal_component_free_pilot_id): Free a pilot id
    (cal_component_free_pilot_status): Free a pilot status

2000-09-09  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@helixcode.com>

    * gui/dialogs/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Add
    `-I$(top_builddir)/libical/src/libical' so that we get
    `icalversion.h' from the build directory instead of taking it from
    the installation directory, which is of course Wrong (tm).
    * gui/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Likewise.

2000-09-08  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (cal_loaded_cb): New function with the
    loading/creation state machine.  It is carefully modelled after
    the state machine that started the Universe, so bow before it.
    (gnome_calendar_construct): Do not connect to cal_loaded here.
    (connect_load): The closure for the cal_loaded callback is a bit
    tricky, so provide a function to create it and connect to the
    (disconnect_load): Disconnect from the signal and free the
    (gnome_calendar_load_cb): Removed obsolete buggy function.
    (gnome_calendar_open): Use the new mechanism.

    * gui/control-factory.c (set_prop): The default filename is now

2000-09-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (transmit): Use

2000-09-08  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c, gui/e-day-view.c, gui/e-week-view.c,
    gui/event-editor.c, gui/getdate.y, gui/gncal-todo.c,
    gui/gnome-cal.c, gui/dialogs/task-editor.c: Fixed some warnings.

2000-09-08  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/calendar/Makefile.am: Tidy

    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am: Tidy

2000-09-08  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    Fall equinox cleanup!

    OK, I know the equinox is not here yet, but weather has changed
    enough to warrant it.

    Sigh.  This place is definitely not the tropics.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (obj_updated_cb): Renamed from
    gnome_calendar_object_updated_cb(); fixed prototype.
    (obj_removed_cb): Renamed from gnome_calendar_object_removed_cb();
    fixed prototype.
    (GnomeCalendarPrivate): Moved all the GnomeCalendar fields to a
    private structure so I don't have to rebuild the whole calendar
    GUI directory every time something changes in the object.
    (GnomeCalendarPrivate): Removed the property bag and the control
    fields; they are local to the control-factory now.
    (gnome_calendar_update_view_buttons): Remove the
    ignore_view_button_clicks mess and just block the signal.
    (gnome_calendar_set_view): Added a "focus" argument to indicate
    whether we want the main widget in the specified view to grab the
    (gnome_calendar_set_view_internal): Handle the focus argument here.
    (gnome_calendar_set_view_buttons): Temporary hack to notify the
    calendar about its buttons.
    (gnome_calendar_get_selected_time_range): New function.
    (gnome_calendar_get_cal_client): New function.

    * gui/control-factory.c (calendar_properties_init): Keep the
    property bag local to here; it does not need to be in the calendar
    object yet.
    (control_factory_fn): Renamed from control_factory().  Just use
    (control_factory_new_control): Moved the stuff over from
    create_control(), and keep the control local to here.  Check the
    return value of bonobo_control_new().

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (show_day_view_clicked): Remove the
    ignore_view_button_clicks mess.
    (new_calendar): Removed the useless "page" argument.
    (calendar_control_activate): Use gnome_calendar_set_view_buttons()
    for now.

2000-09-07  Lauris Kaplinski  <lauris@helixcode.com>

    * cal-client/Makefile.am: Added -lunicode

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.c: More UTF-8 wrappers
    (priority_index_to_value): Kill warning, add assertion

2000-09-06  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c (e_day_view_main_item_draw_day_event):
    Use new cal_component_has_recurrences convenience function

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_show_popup_menu): ditto

    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c (e_week_view_event_item_draw_icons):

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_value_at): ditto
    (calendar_model_value_at): ditto

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_event_click): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_event_right_click): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_top_canvas_motion): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_top_canvas_motion): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_motion): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_motion): ditto
    (e_day_view_reshape_day_event): ditto

    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c (e_day_view_top_item_draw_long_event):

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_long_event_click): ditto

2000-09-06  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (cal_recur_generate_instances): Use
    new convenience functions and only get the recurrence
    stuff if needed.  Free the recurrence stuff if used.

2000-09-05  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.h: Add new prototypes

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_has_exrules): Utility
    function to determine whether a cal component has any exrules
    (cal_component_has_exdates): Ditto for exdates
    (cal_component_has_exceptions): Utility function to determine
    whether a cal component has any exception rules
    (cal_component_has_recurrences):Utility function to determine
    whether a cal component has any recurrence rules

2000-09-05  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (dialog_to_comp_object): Kill all exdates if
    there are no dates in the box

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (generate_instances_for_year): Add a special
    case for when there are exceptions but no rrules or rdates.
    (cal_obj_remove_exceptions): Use date only compare func
    (cal_obj_date_only_compare_func): New compare function that
    compares the date only, not the time.

    * gui/event-editor.c (dialog_to_comp_object): Need a break for the
    yearly recurrence type
    (dialog_to_comp_object): We need to allocate icaltimetypes for the
    exdate list
    (fill_widgets): Handle a weekly recurrence with no particular day set
    (dialog_to_comp_object): Kill all rrules if "None" is selected as
    the recurrence type by the user

2000-09-06  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_open_task): uses the new
    TaskEditor dialog.

    * gui/dialogs/task-editor.[hc]:
    * gui/dialogs/task-editor-dialog.glade: updated. Still need to fix the
    'Status' property (CalComponent doesn't support it yet), and use a
    replacement for GnomeDateEdit, since we need to support setting 'None'
    as the date.

2000-09-04  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (obj_updated_cb):
    (obj_removed_cb): compare the updated object's uid with the one we
    are editing, and just return if it doesn't match.

2000-09-01  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_tag_calendar): added check to see
    if the client has loaded successfully. Gets rid of a few warnings.

2000-09-05  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (generate_instances_for_year): The exdate
    and rdate lists are a list of icaltimetypes, not CalComponentPeriods

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_delete_occurrence): The exdate list
    is a list of icaltimetypes, not CalComponentDateTimes

2000-09-05  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_delete_occurrence): Append
    the exdate to the list AFTER we create the date value.

2000-09-05  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_free_recur_list): Free
    the data, not the list element.

2000-09-05  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (cal_recur_generate_instances): Compute
    the event duration using the event start/end times, not the
    interval times.

2000-09-05  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (cal_recur_from_icalrecurrencetype): Check
    to see if r->enddate is (time_t)-1 and set to 0 if so

2000-09-02  Ettore Perazzoli  <ettore@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/calendar/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Add libical include
    directories and `$(BONOBO_GNOME_CFLAGS)'.
    * conduits/todo/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Likewise.

2000-09-02  Lauris Kaplinski  <lauris@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c: e_utf8 wrappers

    * gui/gncal-todo.c: e_utf8_wrappers

2000-09-02  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c,
    conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c, gui/e-week-view.c, gui/gnome-cal.c:
    Fixed some warnings.

2000-09-01  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_new): Use
    gnome_calendar_construct() so that we can check for proper
    creation of the client.
    (gnome_calendar_destroy): Check that the client exists before we
    unref it.
    (gnome_calendar_construct): Do the CalClient creation here.  Bind
    the views to it here as well instead of in setup_widgets().
    (gnome_calendar_init): Call setup_widgets() here.

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_destroy): Unref the

2000-09-01  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c: Update for new libical.
    Conduits should atleast compile now.

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c: ditto

    * Makefile.am: Build the conduits only when they've been

2000-09-01  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c: Make toolbar save and close button.
    We should put a similar menu option in sometime.

2000-08-31  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (array_to_list): Use

2000-08-31  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (file_delete_cb): Implement delete option
    (dialog_to_comp_object): Set the weekday start value and use
    local not UTC time

2000-08-31  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (file_delete_cb): No need to spit a warning
    if removal fails.
    (event_editor_destroy): Free the exception clist data.  Unref the
    calendar client here.
    (close_dialog): Just call gtk_object_destroy() on the event
    editor; the destroy handler will free everything else.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_object_exists): Removed
    function; this is not useful because we operate asynchronously.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_delete_appointment): No need to
    spit a warning if removal fails.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_delete_appointment): Likewise.

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_delete_task): Likewise.

2000-08-31  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (file_delete_cb): Implement delete option
    (recurrence_toggled): Make an ugly hack to get the recurrence
    pages showing properly since we don't yet implement all of the
    recurrence rule stuff.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_object_exists): New function
    to see if an object exists and is obtainable from the backend

    * cal-client/cal-client.h: Add prototype

2000-08-31  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (editor_closed_cb): Event editor destroyed
    callback to do hash cleanup
    (gnome_calendar_edit_object): Set event editor calendar client.

    * gui/event-editor.h: Add new prototype

    * gui/event-editor.c: Trash signal stuff.  We will manipulate
    the client directly.  Make the toolbar save and menu save items
    work identically.  Add icons to the toolbar.
    (save_event_object): Call cal_client_update_object
    (close_dialog): Unref the client and disconnect signals
    Actually destroy the event editor object.
    (obj_updated_cb): New function.  Doesn't really do anything
    yet but it will inform the user the event has changed elsewhere
    in the future.
    (obj_removed_cb): ditto
    (event_editor_set_cal_client): New function to set the calendar

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_new_appointment): Commit
    the sequence to the cal component and use non UTC times.

2000-08-30  Lauris Kaplinski  <lauris@helixcode.com>

    * gui/print.c: Countless small changes for gnome-print 0.21+

2000-08-30  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.[hc]:
    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c:
    * gui/e-week-view.[hc]:
    * gui/e-week-view-main-item.c:
    * gui/calendar-commands.c:
    * gui/gnome-cal.[hc]: switched to using new ECalendar widget,
    and a few other fixes.

2000-08-30  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.h (GnomeCal): Removed unused field event_editor.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_key_press): Oops, set the
    dtstart/dtend on the component before adding it.
    (e_day_view_on_editing_stopped): No need to check for an UID.
    Update the summary properly.

2000-08-30  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-week-view.c: Make sure the is_utc flag is always
    FALSE for icaltime_from_timet
    (e_week_view_on_unrecur_appointment): Use icaltimetype struct
    from the stack and make sure tzid is always NULL
    (e_week_view_key_press): ditto

2000-08-30  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c: Make sure the is_utc flag is always
    FALSE for icaltime_from_timet
    (e_day_view_on_unrecur_appointment): Use icaltimetype struct
    from the stack and make sure tzid is always NULL
    (e_day_view_finish_long_event_resize): ditto
    (e_day_view_finish_resize): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_top_canvas_drag_data_received): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_drag_data_received): ditto

2000-08-30  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (add_instance): Actually add the
    comp_instance struct to the instances list.  We now appear
    to able to keep events and todos between sessions. Yay!

2000-08-29  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    Now the views monitor the client by themselves; it does not make
    sense to proxy all notifications through the GnomeCal.  The
    GnomeCal should just be a meta-widget that holds all the views.

    At some later point we'll want to decouple the views from the
    GnomeCal so that they can be embedded anywhere; they should emit
    signals to request appropriate actions from the toplevel GUI
    instead of calling the GnomeCal directly.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_set_cal_client): New function; now
    the day view monitors the client by itself.
    (cal_loaded_cb): New callback; moved over from
    (obj_updated_cb): New callback; moved over from
    (obj_removed_cb): New callback; moved over from
    (e_day_view_update_all_events): Removed function.
    (e_day_view_update_event): Removed function.
    (e_day_view_remove_event): Removed function.
    (*): Use the day_view->client directly instead of fetching it from
    the GnomeCal.
    (e_day_view_destroy): Unref the client.
    (e_day_view_reload_events): Check if the client is loaded.
    (e_day_view_key_press): Set the vtype of the new component.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_set_cal_client): New function.
    (cal_loaded_cb): New callback.
    (obj_updated_cb): New callback.
    (obj_removed_cb): New callback.
    (e_week_view_update_all_events): Removed function.
    (e_week_view_update_event): Removed function.
    (e_week_view_remove_event): Removed function.
    (*): Use the week_view->client directly.
    (e_week_view_destroy): Unref the client.
    (e_week_view_reload_events): Check if the client is loaded.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (setup_widgets): Set the cal_client on all the
    (gnome_calendar_update_all): Do not update the views, since now
    they do it themselves.
    (gnome_calendar_object_updated_cb): Likewise.
    (gnome_calendar_object_removed_cb): Likewise.
    (setup_widgets): Remove all to-do list cruft.
    (gnome_calendar_colors_changed): Likewise.
    (gnome_calendar_todo_properties_changed): Likewise.

    * gui/calendar-commands.h (todo_style_changed): Removed variable.

    * gui/gncal-todo.c: Removed old clist cruft; just left in the
    temporary dialog box for now.

2000-08-29  Dan Winship  <danw@helixcode.com>

    * cal-client/client-test.c:
    * cal-client/cal-client.c:
    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.h:
    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.h: remove USING_OAF checks.

2000-08-29  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_edit_object): Use

    * gui/event-editor.c (event_editor_set_event_object): Rename
    from event_editor_set_ical_object

    * gui/event-editor.h: Update prototype

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_new_appointment):
    Call cal_component_commit_sequence after event changes. Default
    to these being all day events.

2000-08-29  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (dialog_to_comp_object): These are not UTC

2000-08-28  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_is_loaded): New function.
    We need this from code that dynamically updates from a client and
    could not have connected to the "cal_loaded" signal right after
    the client was created.

    * gui/calendar-model.c (load_objects): Do not try to load the
    objects if the client has not been loaded yet.
    (cal_loaded_cb): Check the status value.

    * gui/calendar-model.h (CalendarModel): Declare the private
    structure here so that gdb will give me love.

    * pcs/cal-factory.h (CalFactory): Likewise.

    * pcs/cal.h (Cal): Likewise.

    * cal-client/cal-listener.h (CalListener): Likewise.

    * cal-client/cal-client.h (CalClient): Likewise.

    * pcs/cal-backend.h (CalBackend): This no longer has a private
    structure, so remove it.

    * cal-util/Makefile.am (libcal_util_la_SOURCES): Removed the
    vCalendar and old iCalendar cruft.
    (libcal_utilinclude_HEADERS): Likewise.
    Removed the obsolete iCalendar test program.

2000-08-28  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/timeutil.h: We no longer need time_from_icaltimetype
    as libical has the API for this

    * cal-util/timeutil.c: ditto

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c: Replace time_from_icaltimetype with

    * gui/calendar-model.c: ditto

    * gui/event-editor.c: ditto

    * gui/gnome-cal.c: ditto

2000-08-28  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (remove_component): Remove the
    icalcomponent from the toplevel calendar here.
    (cal_backend_file_update_object): Do not remove it here.
    (cal_backend_file_remove_object): Do not remove it here.
    (add_component): Add the icalcomponent to the toplevel calendar if
    asked to.
    (cal_backend_file_update_object): Do not add it here.

2000-08-28  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.c (dialog_to_comp_object): Initiliaze tzid to
    null, only set recurrence rules and exception dates if there
    are any

2000-08-27  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (save): Write out the calendar object
    (cal_backend_file_update_object): Remove/add the icalcomponent
    from our master icalcomponent (the calendar)
    (cal_backend_file_remove_object): Remove the icalcomponent
    from our master icalcomponent

2000-08-26  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/Makefile.am: Remove gnorba stuff

    * gui/main.c: ditto

    * gui/component-factory.c: ditto

    * gui/control-factory.c: ditto

    * gui/*.gnorba: ditto

2000-08-25  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_init): Uncomment
    debug code.

    * gui/calendar-model.c (set_complete): Set the completed
    date to the current date
    (calendar_model_set_value_at): Handle complete field

2000-08-25  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (get_is_complete): Don't attempt to
    free this if its null
    (calendar_model_duplicate_value): Implement for summary field
    (calendar_model_initialize_value): Remove debug code

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c: Correct etable init xml
    (create_column): Pass the id to e_table_header_add_column
    rather than a hard coded one
    (e_calendar_table_init): Make sure summary column isn't
    added twice.  Add an alarms column, else etable won't
    work with columns who have an ID higher than that

2000-08-24  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/gncal-todo.c (ok_button): Properly append to list

    * gui/event-editor.c (dialog_to_comp_object): ditto

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_new_appointment): The base
    times are not UTC

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_new_appointment): ditto

2000-08-24  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * Update for libical 0.19

2000-08-24  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c, gui/e-day-view.c, gui/e-week-view.c,
    gui/event-editor.c, gui/gncal-todo.c, gui/gnome-cal.c, gui/prop.c:
    Fixed some warnings.

2000-08-24  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_new_appointment): Do not alloc
    the struct icaltimetype but point to one on the stack.  More
    importantly, set the date.tzid to NULL.

2000-08-24  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (save_event_object_cb): Make signal
    names saner
    (released_event_object_cb): ditto
    (gnome_calendar_edit_object): ditto

    * gui/event-editor.h: Make signal names saner

    * gui/event-editor.c (event_editor_class_init): Make signal
    names saner now that we don't use ical object
    (save_event_object): ditto with callback names
    (file_save_cb): ditto
    (tb_save_and_close_cb): ditto
    (event_editor_set_ical_object): ditto

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_update_event): Umm,
    != CAL_COMPONENT_EVENT (I hope that wasn't me!)

2000-08-24  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_new_appointment): Do not alloc
    the struct icaltimetype but point to one on the stack.  More
    importantly, set the date.tzid to NULL.

2000-08-24  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor-dialog.glade: Remove owner field

    * gui/event-editor.c (clear_widgets): Forget about owner field
    (get_widgets): ditto
    (fill_widgets): ditto

2000-08-24  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_initialize_value): Handle
    summary field
    (calendar_model_value_is_empty): ditto
    (calendar_model_free_value): ditto

2000-08-23  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor-dialog.glade: Remove status bar

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_set_rrule_list): Allow
    a null list
    (cal_component_set_rdate_list): Allow a null list

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_new_appointment): Commit
    the CalComponent sequence

2000-08-23  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/main.c: #include <e-util/e-cursors.h>

    * gui/e-day-view-time-item.c (e_day_view_time_item_draw):
    Initialize time_min_x1 and hour_r to keep gcc happy.

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_update_event_label): Warning fix.
    (e_day_view_update_main_canvas_drag): Initialize start_row.

    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c (e_week_view_event_item_draw):
    Initialize time_y_small_min, icon_x.

    * Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): Re-enable the gui directory.

    * gui/prop.c (prop_store_alarm_default_values): Temporarily #if 0

2000-08-23  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_key_press): Set vtype of new
    (e_week_view_on_new_appointment): ditto

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_new_appointment): ditto

2000-08-23  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-day-view-time-item.c: Include gnome.h for gettext purposes

    * gui/gnome-cal.c: ditto

    * gui/prop.c: #if out some alarm stuff

2000-08-23  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-calendar-table.c (e_calendar_table_init): Updated
    (e_calendar_table_open_task): Updated function.

2000-08-21  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_duplicate_value): Updated
    (calendar_model_free_value): Updated function.
    (calendar_model_initialize_value): Updated function.
    (calendar_model_value_is_empty): Updated function.
    (remove_object): Updated function.
    (obj_updated_cb): Updated function.
    (calendar_model_get_cal_client): Added inline docs.
    (calendar_model_delete_task): Updated.
    (calendar_model_mark_task_complete): Updated.
    (calendar_model_get_cal_object): Updated.

2000-08-21  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (set_categories): New function.
    (parse_time): Moved over from the old set_time_t().  This just
    parses the time and leaves the warning dialog for the caller.
    (set_datetime): New function.
    (set_geo): Updated old function.
    (set_percent): Updated old function.
    (set_priority): Updated old function.
    (set_summary): New function.
    (set_url): New function.
    (calendar_model_set_value_at): Updated function.
    (calendar_model_is_cell_editable): Updated function.
    (calendar_model_append_row): Updated.  Added an ugly hack to
    accomodate ETable's lack of a real API for adding new items.
    Also, don't try to set columns that are not editable.

2000-08-21  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_reload_events):
    Use CalObjType

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_reload_events): ditto

2000-08-21  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-day-view-main-item.c (e_day_view_main_item_draw_day_event):
    Use CalComponent instead of iCalObject.  #if some alarm stuff

2000-08-21  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-day-view-top-item.c (e_day_view_top_draw_long_event):
    Use CalComponent instead of iCalObject.  #if some alarm stuff

2000-08-21  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.h: Update prototypes

    * gui/e-day-view.c (e_day_view_on_unrecur_appointment):
    Remove commented out portions.

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_on_unrecur_appointment):

2000-08-21  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-day-view.c
    (e_day_view_update_event): Use CalComponent
    instead of iCalObject.  Work around not having a compare
    dates routine for two CalComponents.
    (e_day_view_reshape_long_event): Use CalComponent instead
    of iCalObject, #if some alarm stuff
    (e_day_view_reshape_day_event): ditto
    (e_day_view_reload_events): Use revamped CalClient
    (e_day_view_update_event_cb): Use CalComponent
    instead of iCalObject
    (e_day_view_foreach_event_with_uid): ditto
    (e_day_view_remove_event_cb): ditto
    (e_day_view_update_event_label): ditto
    (e_day_view_find_event_from_uid): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_event_click): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_event_right_click): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_new_appointment): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_edit_appointment): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_delete_occurrence): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_delete_appointment): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_unrecur_appointment): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_top_canvas_motion): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_motion): ditto
    (e_day_view_finish_long_event_resize): ditto
    (e_day_view_finish_resize): ditto
    (e_day_view_free_event_array): ditto
    (e_day_view_add_event): ditto
    (e_day_view_key_press): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_editing_stopped): ditto
    (e_day_view_update_top_canvas_drag): ditto
    (e_day_view_update_main_canvas_drag): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_drag_data_get): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_top_canvas_drag_data_received): ditto
    (e_day_view_on_main_canvas_drag_data_received): ditto

2000-08-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-week-view-event-item.c (e_week_view_event_item_draw_icons):
    Use CalComponent instead of iCalObject.  #if some alarm stuff

2000-08-20  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/e-week-view.c (e_week_view_update_event): Use CalComponent
    instead of iCalObject.  Work around not having a compare
    dates routine for two CalComponents.
    (e_week_view_reload_events): Use revamped CalClient
    (e_week_view_reshape_event_span): Use CalComponent instead
    of iCalObject, #if some alarm stuff
    (e_week_view_update_event_cb): Use CalComponent instead of
    (e_week_view_foreach_event_with_uid): ditto
    (e_week_view_remove_event_cb): ditto
    (e_week_view_free_events): ditto
    (e_week_view_add_event): ditto
    (e_week_view_on_editing_stopped): ditto
    (e_week_view_find_event_from_uid): ditto
    (e_week_view_key_press): ditto
    (e_week_view_show_popup_menu): ditto
    (e_week_view_on_new_appointment): ditto
    (e_week_view_on_edit_appointment): ditto
    (e_week_view_on_delete_occurrence): ditto
    (e_week_view_on_delete_appointment): ditto
    (e_week_view_on_unrecur_appointment): ditto

    * gui/e-week-view.h: Update prototypes.

2000-08-18  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/event-editor.h: Update prototypes.

    * gui/event-editor.c: Need to come back here later to fix the
    alarm stuff.  The gui also needs to be completely redone to
    support the fancier CalComponent settings (exrules, rdates, etc)
    There are some warnings that I put in to mark some of these
    (event_editor_destroy): Use Calcomponent instead
    of iCalObject
    (make_title_from_comp): ditto
    (clear_widgets): ditto
    (fill_widgets): ditto
    (classification_get): ditto
    (dialog_to_comp_object): ditto
    (save_ical_object): ditto
    (close_dialog): ditto
    (event_editor_set_ical_object): ditto

2000-08-17  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/gncal-todo.c (ok_button): Use CalComponent instead of
    (cancel_button): ditto
    (gncal_todo_edit): ditto
    (add_todo): ditto
    (edit_todo): ditto
    (delete_todo): ditto
    (insert_in_clist): ditto
    (gncal_todo_update): ditto

    * gui/gncal-todo.h: Update prototypes

2000-08-16  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    Rework gnome-cal.c - alarms are a tad broken ATM so this
    will need more cleaning later.

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (snooze): Use CalComponent instead of
    (edit): ditto
    (audio_notification): ditto
    (display_notification_cb): Use CalComponent member of
    alarm_notify_closure rather than iCalObject
    (display_notification): ditto
    (trigger_alarm_cb): ditto.  Use CalComponent alarm types
    (gnome_calendar_tag_calendar_cb): New
    cal_client_generate_instances callback to
    (gnome_calendar_tag_calendar): Use above callback
    (save_ical_object_cb): Use CalComponent instead of
    (gnome_calendar_edit_object): ditto
    (gnome_calendar_new_appointment): ditto

2000-08-15  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/mark.c (mark_month_item_cb): Callback used to mark every
    event in a month.
    (mark_month_item): Use cal_client_generate_instances with
    above callback

2000-08-15  JP Rosevear  <jpr@helixcode.com>

    * gui/print.c (print_month_small): Use
    (print_day_details_cb): Callback used to create columns and fill
    events into a day view.  Code should be shared with e-day-view
    in reality.  Maybe need to go back to layout.[hc] a bit later
    (print_day_details): Use cal_client_generate_instances with
    above callback. Iterate over results to expand events to fit.
    (print_day_summary_cb): Callback to build list of event info
    for a day
    (print_day_summary): Use cal_client_generate_instances with
    above callback to generate the required event info for printing
    (print_todo_details_cb): Callback used create list of todo info
    (print_todo_details): Use cal_client_generate_instances with
    above callback to generate required todo info for printing.

    * gui/layout.[hc]: No longer used.

2000-08-12  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (get_is_overdue): Finished implementing.
    (calendar_model_value_at): Handle the color field.

2000-08-11  Seth Alves  <alves@hungry.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_get_pilot_id):
    (cal_component_set_pilot_id):  stubs for pilot id accessors
    (cal_component_set_pilot_status): stubs for pilot status accessors

    * conduits/calendar/calendar-conduit.c (transmit): start to
    convert to cal-component interface

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (transmit): same

2000-08-11  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (get_geo): Generate a prettier string for
    the geographical position.
    (get_classification): New function.
    (get_categories): New function.
    (get_completed): New function.
    (get_dtend): New function.
    (get_dtstart): New function.
    (get_due): New function.
    (get_percent): New function.
    (get_priority): New function.
    (get_summary): New function.
    (get_transparency): New function.
    (get_url): New function.
    (get_has_alarms): New function.
    (get_has_recurrences): New function.
    (get_is_complete): New function.
    (get_is_overdue): New function.

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (scan_property): Handle the GEO
    (free_icalcomponent): Likewise.
    (cal_component_get_geo): Likewise.
    (cal_component_set_geo): Likewise.
    (cal_component_free_geo): Likewise.
    (cal_component_set_exdate_list): Removed incorrect assertion.
    (cal_component_set_exrule_list): Removed incorrect assertion.
    (cal_component_get_next_alarm): Oops, this had not been
    implemented at all.
    (cal_component_has_rdates): New function.
    (cal_component_has_rrules): New function.

    * cal-util/cal-component.h (CalComponentField): Added the GEO

2000-08-11  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (scan_property): Handle the
    PERCENT-COMPLETE property.
    (free_icalcomponent): Likewise.
    (cal_component_get_percent): Likewise.
    (cal_component_set_percent): Likewise.
    (cal_component_free_percent): Likewise.
    (scan_property): Handle the PRIORITY property.
    (free_icalcomponent): Likewise.
    (cal_component_get_priority): Likewise.
    (cal_component_set_priority): Likewise.
    (cal_component_free_priority): Likewise.

    * cal-util/cal-component.h (CalComponentField): New enumeration
    with the list of fields we support for ETable.

2000-08-10  Dan Winship  <danw@helixcode.com>

    * gui/component-factory.c (owner_set_cb): Update prototype.

2000-08-10  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/gnome-cal.c (gnome_calendar_new_appointment): New function.
    Mostly moved over from calendar-commands.c:display_objedit().

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_iterate): Removed.  Wheee!
    (display_objedit): Removed.
    (new_appointment_cb): New function.  Just call
    (display_objedit_today): Removed.
    (calendar_control_activate): Removed the "New appointment for
    today" option, since it is pretty useless.

2000-08-10  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_generate_instances): There.
    A pretty function to generate recurrence instances atomically so
    that clients don't have to jump through hoops.  Now we can get rid
    of the ugly calendar_iterate() function.

2000-08-09  Cody Russell  <bratsche@gnome.org>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c: Make the toolbar honor the user's
    gnomecc settings for detachable toolbars.

2000-08-09  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * gui/alarm.c (pop_alarm): Oops, subtract the new alarm's trigger
    time from the current time.

2000-08-09  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@helixcode.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.c: Fixed a warning.

2000-08-09  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@helixcode.com>

    * cal-client/cal-client.c, gui/e-calendar-table.c, pcs/cal.c:
    Fixed some warnings.

2000-08-08  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * idl/evolution-calendar.idl (Cal): Added a get_objects_in_range()
    method.  Takes in a time range and the type of component we are
    interested in; returns a list of UIDs.  The idea is that
    ocurrences get computed in the client; we can have multiple
    recurrences in iCalendar and we cannot identify them trivially
    across the wire.
    (Cal): Removed the get_events_in_range() method.

    * pcs/cal-backend.c (cal_backend_free_uid_list): New function.
    (cal_backend_get_objects_in_range): New function.
    (cal_backend_get_events_in_range): Removed.

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_get_objects_in_range):
    Implemented new method.
    (cal_backend_file_get_events_in_range): Removed.

    * pcs/cal.c (Cal_get_events_in_range): Removed.
    (uncorba_obj_type): New function.
    (Cal_get_uids): Use uncorba_obj_type().
    (Cal_get_n_objects): Likewise.
    (Cal_get_objects_in_range): Implemented new method.

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_get_events_in_range): Removed.
    (cal_client_get_objects_in_range): Implemented.
    (corba_obj_type): New function.
    (cal_client_get_n_objects): Use corba_obj_type().
    (cal_client_get_uids): Likewise.

2000-08-07  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_clone): New function.
    (cal_component_get_icalcomponent): Ensure that the SEQUENCE
    property does not need incrementing.

    * gui/dialogs/alarm-notify-dialog.c (alarm_notify_dialog): Use
    CalComponent.  Deal with an empty summary property.

2000-08-07  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_get_as_string): Doh,
    libical owns the string's memory, so do not free it.

    * cal-client/client-test.c (create_client): Connect to the destroy
    signal of the client here.

    * cal-client/test.ics: New test file, modified from Eric Busboom's
    test file from RFC 2445.

2000-08-05  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * cal-client/client-test.c (dump_component): This was gone for
    some reason.
    (main): Load a new test file.

2000-08-04  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_commit_sequence): New
    function to commit changes to the SEQUENCE property.
    (cal_component_get_as_string): Ensure that the sequence has been

    * cal-client/cal-client.c (cal_client_get_object): Use
    CalComponent instead of the old iCalObject.
    (cal_client_update_object): Use iCalObject.  Commit the SEQUENCE
    property before stringifying the object and piping it over to the

2000-08-04  Seth Alves  <alves@hungry.com>

    * conduits/todo/todo-conduit.c (conduit_get_gpilot_conduit): if
    oaf isn't initialized by the time the conduit starts, start it
    up.  we do this because we need to start wombat with oaf, and
    gpilotd doesn't currently start oaf.

2000-08-04  Michael Meeks  <michael@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-commands.c (calendar_control_activate): unref.

2000-08-02  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_get_uid_by_pilot_id):
    Added stub for now.
    (cal_backend_file_update_pilot_id): Likewise.

    * pcs/Makefile.am (libpcs_a_SOURCES): Removed cal-backend-imc.[ch]
    from the list of sources.  The idea is to move vCalendar importing
    to the GUI as a convenience function.

2000-08-02  Seth Alves  <alves@hungry.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-imc.c (cal_backend_imc_update_pilot_id): call
    save (cbimc) after setting the pilot id and status.

2000-08-02  Joe Shaw  <joe@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.c (cal_backend_file_update_pilot_id):
    Fixed a g_return_if_fail that had two parameters and thus
    wouldn't build.

2000-08-03  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c (calendar_model_append_row): updated to match
    the new ETableModel append_row. This meant we could also get rid of
    the row_being_added and idle_id hack.

2000-08-02  Christopher James Lahey  <clahey@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c: Emit "model_pre_change" signals as

2000-08-02  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * pcs/cal-backend-file.[ch]: New files for the iCalendar file

    * pcs/Makefile.am (libpcs_a_SOURCES): Added cal-backend-file.[ch].

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (cal_component_set_icalcomponent):
    Return an operation success code for if we are passed a component
    of a type we don't support.

2000-07-31  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    * cal-util/cal-recur.c (*): Use CalComponent and the new property
    types instead of the old iCalObject stuff.
    (cal_recur_generate_instances): Renamed from
    cal_object_generate_events().  Ensure that the component has the
    DTSTART property.
    (generate_instances_for_year): Renamed from
    (cal_obj_expand_recurrence): Made static.
    (cal_recur_from_icalrecurrencetype): New function.  We should
    really convert this whole file to use struct icalrecurrencetype
    (cal_recur_free): New function.

    * cal-util/cal-recur.h (CalRecurType): Renamed from CalObjRecurType.
    (CalRecurrence): Renamed from CalObjRecurrence.

    * cal-util/timeutil.c (time_from_icaltimetype): New function.

    * cal-util/Makefile.am: Commented out the test-recur program.

2000-08-01  Damon Chaplin  <damon@helixcode.com>

    * Removed doc directory, since it is the old gnome-pim docs which
    aren't used any more.

    * Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): removed doc.

2000-07-26  Peter Williams  <peterw@helixcode.com>

    * gui/calendar-model.c: compile fix for Solaris
    (works under Linux, too; don't know about others)

    * this is a test of whether CVS merge does what I
    think it will do.

2000-07-26  Federico Mena Quintero  <federico@helixcode.com>

    OK, it seems that we have all the interesting properties for
    single-user calendars now.  RFC 2445 can bite me.

    * cal-util/cal-component.c (scan_property): Handle the RRULE
    property.  Yay!.
    (scan_recur): Likewise, yow!
    (get_recur_list): Likewise, yeehaw!
    (get_recur_list): Likewise, honk honk!
    (set_recur_list): Likewise, booooga booooga!
    (cal_component_get_rrule_list): Likewise, squeek squeek!
    (cal_component_set_rrule_list): That's it, I ran out of sounds.