/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ /* * Authors: Vivek Jain <jvivek@novell.com> * * Copyright 2005 Novell, Inc. (www.novell.com) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Street #330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <glib.h> #include "em-junk-hook.h" #include "mail-session.h" #include <e-util/e-icon-factory.h> #include <camel/camel-junk-plugin.h> #include <glib/gi18n.h> static GHashTable *emjh_types; static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL; static void *emjh_parent_class; static GObjectClass *emj_parent; #define emjh ((EMJunkHook *)eph) #define d(x) static const EPluginHookTargetKey emjh_flag_map[] = { { 0 } }; /* ********************************************************************** */ /* Mail junk plugin */ /* <hook class="org.gnome.evolution.mail.junk:1.0"> <group id="EMJunk"> <item check_junk="sa_check_junk" report_junk="sa_report_junk" report_non_junk="sa_report_non_junk" commit_reports = "sa_commit_reports"/> </group> </hook> */ static void em_junk_init(CamelJunkPlugin *csp) { } static const char * em_junk_get_name (CamelJunkPlugin *csp) { struct _EMJunkHookItem *item = (EMJunkHookItem *)csp; if (item->hook && item->hook->hook.plugin->enabled) { return (item->hook->hook.plugin->name); } else return _("None"); } static gboolean em_junk_check_junk(CamelJunkPlugin *csp, CamelMimeMessage *m) { struct _EMJunkHookItem *item = (EMJunkHookItem *)csp; if (item->hook && item->hook->hook.plugin->enabled) { EMJunkHookTarget target = { m }; return (gboolean)(e_plugin_invoke(item->hook->hook.plugin, item->check_junk, &target)); } return FALSE; } static void em_junk_report_junk(CamelJunkPlugin *csp, CamelMimeMessage *m) { struct _EMJunkHookItem *item = (EMJunkHookItem *)csp; if (item->hook && item->hook->hook.plugin->enabled) { EMJunkHookTarget target = { m }; e_plugin_invoke(item->hook->hook.plugin, item->report_junk, &target); } } static void em_junk_report_non_junk(CamelJunkPlugin *csp, CamelMimeMessage *m) { struct _EMJunkHookItem *item = (EMJunkHookItem *)csp; if (item->hook && item->hook->hook.plugin->enabled) { EMJunkHookTarget target = { m }; e_plugin_invoke(item->hook->hook.plugin, item->report_non_junk, &target); } } static void em_junk_commit_reports(CamelJunkPlugin *csp) { struct _EMJunkHookItem *item = (EMJunkHookItem *)csp; if (item->hook && item->hook->hook.plugin->enabled) e_plugin_invoke(item->hook->hook.plugin, item->commit_reports, NULL); } static void emj_dispose (GObject *object) { if (parent_class->dispose) parent_class->dispose (object); } static void emj_finalize (GObject *object) { if (parent_class->finalize) parent_class->finalize (object); } static void emjh_free_item(EMJunkHookItem *item) { g_free (item->check_junk); g_free (item->report_junk); g_free (item->report_non_junk); g_free (item->commit_reports); g_free(item); } static void emjh_free_group(EMJunkHookGroup *group) { g_slist_foreach(group->items, (GFunc)emjh_free_item, NULL); g_slist_free(group->items); g_free(group->id); g_free(group); } static struct _EMJunkHookItem * emjh_construct_item(EPluginHook *eph, EMJunkHookGroup *group, xmlNodePtr root) { struct _EMJunkHookItem *item; EMJunk junk_plugin = { { em_junk_get_name, 1, em_junk_check_junk, em_junk_report_junk, em_junk_report_non_junk, em_junk_commit_reports, em_junk_init, } }; d(printf(" loading group item\n")); item = g_malloc0(sizeof(*item)); item->csp = junk_plugin.csp; item->check_junk = e_plugin_xml_prop(root, "check_junk"); item->report_junk = e_plugin_xml_prop(root, "report_junk"); item->report_non_junk = e_plugin_xml_prop(root, "report_non_junk"); item->commit_reports = e_plugin_xml_prop(root, "commit_reports"); item->hook = emjh; if (item->check_junk == NULL || item->report_junk == NULL || item->report_non_junk == NULL || item->commit_reports == NULL) goto error; /* assign the plugin to the session*/ session->junk_plugin = CAMEL_JUNK_PLUGIN (&(item->csp)); return item; error: printf ("ERROR"); emjh_free_item (item); return NULL; } static struct _EMJunkHookGroup * emjh_construct_group(EPluginHook *eph, xmlNodePtr root) { struct _EMJunkHookGroup *group; xmlNodePtr node; d(printf(" loading group\n")); group = g_malloc0(sizeof(*group)); group->id = e_plugin_xml_prop(root, "id"); if (group->id == NULL) goto error; node = root->children; /* We'll processs only the first item from xml file*/ while (node) { if (0 == strcmp(node->name, "item")) { struct _EMJunkHookItem *item; item = emjh_construct_item(eph, group, node); if (item) group->items = g_slist_append(group->items, item); break; } node = node->next; } return group; error: emjh_free_group(group); return NULL; } static int emjh_construct(EPluginHook *eph, EPlugin *ep, xmlNodePtr root) { xmlNodePtr node; static gboolean loaded = FALSE; d(printf("loading junk hook\n")); if (((EPluginHookClass *)emjh_parent_class)->construct(eph, ep, root) == -1) return -1; if (loaded) { g_warning ("Can't load multiple plugins to this hook:ignored"); return -1; } node = root->children; while (node) { if (strcmp(node->name, "group") == 0) { struct _EMJunkHookGroup *group; group = emjh_construct_group(eph, node); if (group) { emjh->groups = g_slist_append(emjh->groups, group); } } node = node->next; } eph->plugin = ep; loaded = TRUE; return 0; } /*XXX: don't think we need here*/ static void emjh_enable(EPluginHook *eph, int state) { GSList *g; g = emjh->groups; if (emjh_types == NULL) return; } static void emjh_finalise(GObject *o) { EPluginHook *eph = (EPluginHook *)o; g_slist_foreach(emjh->groups, (GFunc)emjh_free_group, NULL); g_slist_free(emjh->groups); ((GObjectClass *)emjh_parent_class)->finalize(o); } static void emjh_class_init(EPluginHookClass *klass) { ((GObjectClass *)klass)->finalize = emjh_finalise; klass->construct = emjh_construct; klass->enable = emjh_enable; klass->id = "org.gnome.evolution.mail.junk:1.0"; } GType em_junk_hook_get_type(void) { static GType type = 0; if (!type) { static const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof(EMJunkHookClass), NULL, NULL, (GClassInitFunc) emjh_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof(EMJunkHook), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) NULL, }; emjh_parent_class = g_type_class_ref(e_plugin_hook_get_type()); type = g_type_register_static(e_plugin_hook_get_type(), "EMJunkHook", &info, 0); } return type; } static void emj_class_init (EMJunkClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); object_class->dispose = emj_dispose; object_class->finalize = emj_finalize; } GType emj_get_type(void) { static GType type = 0; if (!type) { static const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof(EMJunkClass), NULL, NULL, (GClassInitFunc) emj_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof(EMJunk), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) NULL, }; emj_parent = g_type_class_ref(G_TYPE_OBJECT); type = g_type_register_static(G_TYPE_OBJECT, "EMJunk", &info, 0); } return type; } void em_junk_hook_register_type(GType type) { EMJunk *klass; if (emjh_types == NULL) emjh_types = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal); d(printf("registering junk plugin type '%s'\n", g_type_name(type))); klass = g_type_class_ref(type); g_hash_table_insert(emjh_types, (void *)g_type_name(type), klass); }