#include #include #include "filter/filter-context.h" #include "filter/filter-filter.h" #include "camel/camel-filter-driver.h" #include "camel/camel-folder.h" #include "camel/camel-session.h" #include "camel/camel-uid-cache.h" #include "mail-mt.h" #include "mail-config.h" /* for the dialogue stuff */ #include #include #include #include /* send/receive email */ extern char *evolution_dir; extern CamelFolder *mail_tool_filter_get_folder_func (CamelFilterDriver *d, const char *uri, void *data); static FilterContext * load_context(void) { char *userrules; char *systemrules; FilterContext *fc; userrules = g_strdup_printf ("%s/filters.xml", evolution_dir); systemrules = g_strdup_printf ("%s/evolution/filtertypes.xml", EVOLUTION_DATADIR); fc = filter_context_new (); rule_context_load ((RuleContext *)fc, systemrules, userrules); g_free (userrules); g_free (systemrules); return fc; } static void setup_filter_driver(CamelFilterDriver *driver, FilterContext *fc, const char *source) { GString *fsearch, *faction; FilterFilter *rule = NULL; if (TRUE /* perform_logging */) { char *filename = g_strdup_printf("%s/evolution-filter-log", evolution_dir); FILE *logfile = fopen(filename, "a+"); g_free(filename); if (logfile) camel_filter_driver_set_logfile(driver, logfile); } fsearch = g_string_new (""); faction = g_string_new (""); while ((rule = (FilterFilter *)rule_context_next_rule((RuleContext *)fc, (FilterRule *)rule, source))) { g_string_truncate (fsearch, 0); g_string_truncate (faction, 0); filter_rule_build_code ((FilterRule *)rule, fsearch); filter_filter_build_action (rule, faction); camel_filter_driver_add_rule(driver, ((FilterRule *)rule)->name, fsearch->str, faction->str); } g_string_free (fsearch, TRUE); g_string_free (faction, TRUE); } /* used for both just filtering a folder + uid's, and for filtering a whole folder */ struct _fetch_mail_msg { struct _mail_msg msg; char *source_uri; CamelFolder *source_folder; GPtrArray *source_uids; CamelCancel *cancel; CamelFolder *destination; CamelFilterDriver *driver; int keep; void (*done)(char *source, void *data); void *data; }; /* filter a folder, or a subset thereof, uses source_folder/source_uids */ static void fetch_mail_filter_folder(struct _mail_msg *mm) { struct _fetch_mail_msg *m = (struct _fetch_mail_msg *)mm; CamelFolder *folder; CamelUIDCache *cache = NULL; GPtrArray *uids, *folder_uids = NULL, *cache_uids = NULL; if (m->source_folder) folder = m->source_folder; else folder = m->source_folder = mail_tool_get_inbox (m->source_uri, &mm->ex); if (folder == NULL || camel_folder_get_message_count (folder) == 0) { return; } camel_folder_freeze(folder); if (m->source_uids) uids = m->source_uids; else uids = camel_folder_get_uids (folder); if (m->keep) { char *cachename = mail_config_folder_to_cachename (folder, "cache-"); cache = camel_uid_cache_new (cachename); if (cache) { cache_uids = camel_uid_cache_get_new_uids (cache, uids); uids = cache_uids; } g_free (cachename); } camel_filter_driver_filter_folder(m->driver, folder, FILTER_SOURCE_INCOMING, uids, !m->keep, &mm->ex); if (cache) { if (!camel_exception_is_set (&mm->ex)) camel_uid_cache_save (cache); camel_uid_cache_destroy (cache); } if (folder_uids) camel_folder_free_uids(folder, folder_uids); if (cache_uids) camel_uid_cache_free_uids (cache_uids); /* sync and expunge */ camel_folder_sync (folder, TRUE, &mm->ex); camel_folder_thaw(folder); } static void fetch_mail_fetch(struct _mail_msg *mm) { struct _fetch_mail_msg *m = (struct _fetch_mail_msg *)mm; if (m->cancel) camel_cancel_register(m->cancel); if (m->destination == NULL) { if ( (m->destination = mail_tool_get_local_inbox(&mm->ex)) == NULL) { if (m->cancel) camel_cancel_unregister(m->cancel); return; } } camel_folder_freeze (m->destination); camel_filter_driver_set_default_folder(m->driver, m->destination); /* FIXME: this should support keep_on_server too, which would then perform a spool access thingy, right? problem is matching raw messages to uid's etc. */ if (!strncmp (m->source_uri, "mbox:", 5)) { char *path = mail_tool_do_movemail (m->source_uri, &mm->ex); if (path && !camel_exception_is_set (&mm->ex)) { camel_filter_driver_filter_mbox(m->driver, path, FILTER_SOURCE_INCOMING, &mm->ex); /* ok? zap the output file */ if (!camel_exception_is_set (&mm->ex)) { unlink (path); } } g_free (path); } else { fetch_mail_filter_folder(mm); } camel_folder_thaw (m->destination); if (m->cancel) camel_cancel_unregister(m->cancel); } static void fetch_mail_fetched(struct _mail_msg *mm) { struct _fetch_mail_msg *m = (struct _fetch_mail_msg *)mm; if (m->done) m->done(m->source_uri, m->data); } static void fetch_mail_free(struct _mail_msg *mm) { struct _fetch_mail_msg *m = (struct _fetch_mail_msg *)mm; int i; g_free(m->source_uri); if (m->source_folder) camel_object_unref((CamelObject *)m->source_folder); if (m->source_uids) { for (i=0;isource_uids->len;i++) g_free(m->source_uids->pdata[i]); g_ptr_array_free(m->source_uids, TRUE); } camel_cancel_unref(m->cancel); if (m->destination) camel_object_unref((CamelObject *)m->destination); camel_object_unref((CamelObject *)m->driver); } static struct _mail_msg_op fetch_mail_op = { NULL, /* we do our own progress reporting */ fetch_mail_fetch, fetch_mail_fetched, fetch_mail_free, }; /* ouch, a 'do everything' interface ... */ void mail_filter_mail(const char *source, int keep, FilterContext *fc, const char *type, CamelCancel *cancel, CamelFilterGetFolderFunc get_folder, void *get_data, CamelFilterStatusFunc *status, void *status_data, void (*done)(char *source, void *data), void *data) { struct _fetch_mail_msg *m; m = mail_msg_new(&fetch_mail_op, NULL, sizeof(*m)); m->source_uri = g_strdup(source); m->keep = keep; m->cancel = cancel; camel_cancel_ref(cancel); m->done = done; m->data = data; m->driver = camel_filter_driver_new(get_folder, get_data); setup_filter_driver(m->driver, fc, type); if (status) camel_filter_driver_set_status_func(m->driver, status, status_data); e_thread_put(mail_thread_new, (EMsg *)m); } /* this is not used yet, will be used to keep track of which folders were filtering to, and to let them refresh once in a while */ struct _folder_info { char *uri; CamelFolder *folder; time_t update; int count; /* how many times updated, to slow it down as we go, if we have lots */ }; struct _send_data { GList *infos; int active; /* how many still active */ GnomeDialog *gd; int cancelled; CamelFolder *inbox; /* since w'ere never asked to uypdate this one, do it ourselves */ time_t inbox_update; GMutex *lock; GHashTable *folders; }; struct _send_info { CamelCancel *cancel; char *uri; int keep; int cancelled; GtkProgressBar *bar; GtkButton *stop; time_t update; struct _send_data *data; }; static void receive_cancel(GtkButton *button, struct _send_info *info) { camel_cancel_cancel(info->cancel); gtk_progress_set_format_string((GtkProgress *)info->bar, _("Cancelling ...")); info->cancelled = TRUE; gtk_widget_set_sensitive((GtkWidget *)info->stop, FALSE); } static void free_folder_info(void *key, struct _folder_info *info, void *data) { camel_object_unref((CamelObject *)info->folder); g_free(info->uri); } static void free_info_data(void *datain) { struct _send_data *data = datain; GList *list = data->infos; while (list) { struct _send_info *info = list->data; g_free(info->uri); camel_cancel_unref(info->cancel); list = list->next; } g_list_free(data->infos); g_hash_table_foreach(data->folders, (GHFunc)free_folder_info, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy(data->folders); g_mutex_free(data->lock); if (data->inbox) camel_object_unref((CamelObject *)data->inbox); g_free(data); } static void dialogue_clicked(GnomeDialog *gd, int button, struct _send_data *data) { GList *scan; switch(button) { case 0: /* ok */ gnome_dialog_close(gd); break; case 1: printf("cancelled whole thing\n"); if (!data->cancelled) { data->cancelled = TRUE; scan = data->infos; while (scan) { struct _send_info *info = scan->data; receive_cancel(info->stop, info); scan = scan->next; } } gnome_dialog_set_sensitive(gd, 1, FALSE); break; } } static struct _send_data *build_dialogue(GSList *sources) { GnomeDialog *gd; GtkFrame *frame; GtkTable *table; int row; GList *list = NULL; struct _send_data *data; data = g_malloc0(sizeof(*data)); data->lock = g_mutex_new(); data->folders = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal); data->inbox = mail_tool_get_local_inbox(NULL); gd = (GnomeDialog *)gnome_dialog_new(_("Send & Receive mail"), GNOME_STOCK_BUTTON_OK, GNOME_STOCK_BUTTON_CANCEL, NULL); gnome_dialog_set_sensitive(gd, 0, FALSE); frame= (GtkFrame *)gtk_frame_new(_("Receive list")); gtk_box_pack_start((GtkBox *)gd->vbox, (GtkWidget *)frame, TRUE, TRUE, 0); table = (GtkTable *)gtk_table_new(g_slist_length(sources), 3, FALSE); gtk_container_add((GtkContainer *)frame, (GtkWidget *)table); gtk_widget_show((GtkWidget *)frame); row = 0; while (sources) { MailConfigService *source = sources->data; GtkLabel *label; GtkProgressBar *bar; GtkButton *stop; struct _send_info *info; /* imap is handled differently */ if (!strncmp(source->url, "imap:", 5)) { sources = sources->next; continue; } info = g_malloc0(sizeof(*info)); printf("adding source %s\n", source->url); label = (GtkLabel *)gtk_label_new(source->url); bar = (GtkProgressBar *)gtk_progress_bar_new(); stop = (GtkButton *)gnome_stock_button(GNOME_STOCK_BUTTON_CANCEL); gtk_progress_set_format_string((GtkProgress *)bar, _("Waiting ...")); gtk_progress_set_show_text((GtkProgress *)bar, TRUE); gtk_table_attach(table, (GtkWidget *)label, 0, 1, row, row+1, GTK_EXPAND|GTK_FILL, 0, 3, 1); gtk_table_attach(table, (GtkWidget *)bar, 1, 2, row, row+1, GTK_EXPAND|GTK_FILL, 0, 3, 1); gtk_table_attach(table, (GtkWidget *)stop, 2, 3, row, row+1, GTK_EXPAND|GTK_FILL, 0, 3, 1); info->bar = bar; info->uri = g_strdup(source->url); info->keep = source->keep_on_server; info->cancel = camel_cancel_new(); info->stop = stop; info->data = data; data->active++; list = g_list_prepend(list, info); gtk_signal_connect((GtkObject *)stop, "clicked", receive_cancel, info); sources = sources->next; row++; } gtk_widget_show_all((GtkWidget *)table); gtk_widget_show((GtkWidget *)gd); gtk_signal_connect((GtkObject *)gd, "clicked", dialogue_clicked, data); data->infos = list; data->gd = gd; gtk_object_set_data_full((GtkObject *)gd, "info_data", data, free_info_data); return data; } static void update_folders(char *uri, struct _folder_info *info, void *data) { time_t now = *((time_t *)data); printf("checking update for folder: %s\n", info->uri); /* let it flow through to the folders every 10 seconds */ /* we back off slowly as we progress */ if (now > info->update+10+info->count*5) { printf("upating a folder: %s\n", info->uri); camel_folder_thaw(info->folder); camel_folder_freeze(info->folder); info->update = now; info->count++; } } /* for forwarding stuff to the gui thread */ struct _status_msg { struct _mail_msg msg; char *desc; int pc; struct _send_info *info; }; static void do_show_status(struct _mail_msg *mm) { struct _status_msg *m = (struct _status_msg *)mm; gtk_progress_set_percentage((GtkProgress *)m->info->bar, (gfloat)(m->pc/100.0)); gtk_progress_set_format_string((GtkProgress *)m->info->bar, m->desc); } static void do_free_status(struct _mail_msg *mm) { struct _status_msg *m = (struct _status_msg *)mm; g_free(m->desc); } struct _mail_msg_op status_op = { NULL, do_show_status, NULL, do_free_status, }; static void receive_status (CamelFilterDriver *driver, enum camel_filter_status_t status, int pc, const char *desc, void *data) { struct _send_info *info = data; time_t now; struct _status_msg *m; /* only update every second */ now = time(0); if (now <= info->update) return; info->update = now; /* let it flow through to the folder, every now and then too? */ g_hash_table_foreach(info->data->folders, (GHFunc)update_folders, &now); if (info->data->inbox && now > info->data->inbox_update+20) { printf("updating inbox too\n"); /* this doesn't seem to work right :( */ camel_folder_thaw(info->data->inbox); camel_folder_freeze(info->data->inbox); info->data->inbox_update = now; } /* we just pile them onto the port, assuming it can handle it. We could also have a receiver port and see if they've been processed yet, so if this is necessary its not too hard to add */ /* the mail_gui_port receiver will free everything for us */ switch (status) { case FILTER_STATUS_START: case FILTER_STATUS_END: m = mail_msg_new(&status_op, NULL, sizeof(*m)); m->desc = g_strdup(desc); m->pc = pc; m->info = info; e_msgport_put(mail_gui_port, (EMsg *)m); break; default: break; } } static void receive_done (char *uri, void *data) { struct _send_info *info = data; if (info->cancelled) gtk_progress_set_format_string((GtkProgress *)info->bar, _("Cancelled.")); else gtk_progress_set_format_string((GtkProgress *)info->bar, _("Complete.")); gtk_widget_set_sensitive((GtkWidget *)info->stop, FALSE); info->data->active--; if (info->data->active == 0) { gnome_dialog_set_sensitive(info->data->gd, 0, TRUE); gnome_dialog_set_sensitive(info->data->gd, 1, FALSE); } } /* although we dont do anythign smart here yet, there is no need for this interface to be available to anyone else. This can also be used to hook into which folders are being updated, and occasionally let them refresh */ static CamelFolder * receive_get_folder(CamelFilterDriver *d, const char *uri, void *data) { struct _send_info *info = data; CamelFolder *mail_tool_uri_to_folder_noex (const char *uri); CamelFolder *folder; struct _folder_info *oldinfo; char *oldkey; g_mutex_lock(info->data->lock); folder = g_hash_table_lookup(info->data->folders, uri); g_mutex_unlock(info->data->lock); if (folder) { camel_object_ref((CamelObject *)folder); return folder; } folder = mail_tool_uri_to_folder_noex(uri); /* we recheck that the folder hasn't snuck in while we were loading it ... */ /* and we assume the newer one is the same, but unref the old one anyway */ g_mutex_lock(info->data->lock); if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended(info->data->folders, uri, (void **)&oldkey, (void **)&oldinfo)) { camel_object_unref((CamelObject *)oldinfo->folder); oldinfo->folder = folder; } else { oldinfo = g_malloc0(sizeof(*oldinfo)); oldinfo->folder = folder; oldinfo->uri = g_strdup(uri); g_hash_table_insert(info->data->folders, oldinfo->uri, oldinfo); } g_mutex_unlock(info->data->lock); return folder; } void mail_receive(void) { GSList *sources; GList *scan; FilterContext *fc; struct _send_data *data; sources = mail_config_get_sources (); if (!sources) return; fc = load_context(); data = build_dialogue(sources); scan = data->infos; while (scan) { struct _send_info *info = scan->data; mail_filter_mail(info->uri, info->keep, fc, FILTER_SOURCE_INCOMING, info->cancel, receive_get_folder, info, receive_status, info, receive_done, info); scan = scan->next; } gtk_object_unref((GtkObject *)fc); } d=0941a202747383778df713c994bd63e831dd3095'>Bump PORTREVISION for ports depending on the canonical version of GCCgerald2018-07-307-5/+7 * Re-add finance/quantlib following the official procedure.mi2018-07-248-0/+1559 * Remove the recently-added quantlib, so it can be properly resurrected.mi2018-07-248-1559/+0 * - Update to * Add a trick to enable parallel compilations. No functional changes.mi2018-07-211-0/+1 * Add (the first draft of) port of QuantLib -- a C++ library for financial mode...mi2018-07-218-0/+1558 * finance/ledger: unbreak with boost 1.68jbeich2018-07-092-0/+6 * Fix plist when using python version different from 3.6.madpilot2018-07-092-11/+11 * Remove all := from BUILD_DEPENDS, here are never needed.mat2018-07-093-3/+3 * Update finance/skrooge to 2.14.0tcberner2018-07-083-10/+6 * - Update to * - Update to * Update to 3.2.2ehaupt2018-07-032-7/+4 * Update to 3.2.0ehaupt2018-07-022-6/+6 * devel/icu: update to 62.1jbeich2018-06-291-0/+1 * Fix a few Perl ports with Perl 5.28.mat2018-06-291-1/+0 * Replace bsd.qt.mk by Uses/qt.mk and Uses/qt-dist.mktcberner2018-06-295-15/+18 * Update gnucash and gnucash-docs to 3.2madpilot2018-06-267-75/+45 * Mark these ports as broken on aarch64, and, where appropriate, on armvX.linimon2018-06-221-0/+4 * multimedia/*phonon*: update and flavorize with @qt4/@qt5tcberner2018-06-221-0/+1 * Use PY_FLAVOR for dependencies.mat2018-06-2113-44/+44 * Mark ports broken on powerpc64, categories d-f.linimon2018-06-181-0/+2 * finance/R-cran-tseries: updated to version 0.10-45dbn2018-06-142-4/+4 * Upgrade to the latest stable version, 1.0.4.thierry2018-06-102-4/+4 * Attempt to fix build. The kmm_ofximport_dialogs target depends onjhale2018-06-081-0/+13 * Fix crash when editing or adding new transactionsjhale2018-06-063-13/+20 * Update to 4.8.2jhale2018-06-067-56/+25 * Add LICENSEsunpoet2018-06-052-1/+4 * finance/R-cran-tseries: updated to version 0.10-44dbn2018-06-022-5/+4 * - Update to * Bump PORTREVISION due upgrade of devel/boehm-gc to 7.6.6cpm2018-06-011-0/+1 * Update WWWsunpoet2018-05-2834-34/+34 * - Update finance/gnucash to 3.1madpilot2018-05-1512-351/+356 * Update to 6.11.3sunpoet2018-05-112-4/+4 * Update finance/skrooge to 2.13.0tcberner2018-05-103-5/+6 * Update to 6.11.2sunpoet2018-05-062-4/+4 * Remove redundant PKGMESSAGE assignment, which is set appropriatelydanfe2018-05-061-1/+0 * - Update to * Update to 6.11.1sunpoet2018-05-022-4/+4 * x11-toolkits/qwt6 -- flavorize, with qt4 and qt5 variantstcberner2018-04-261-4/+4 * Paypal backend was re-added in this release and was missed due to thejhale2018-04-242-6/+22 * Update gnucash to 2.6.21madpilot2018-04-212-5/+4 * Update to 3.1.3ehaupt2018-04-192-4/+4 * Update mpfr to 4.0.1 release and bump PORTVERSION of dependent ports.ale2018-04-191-1/+1 * devel/boost-*: update to 1.67.0jbeich2018-04-183-3/+3 * Update to 7.0.2jhale2018-04-185-32/+9 * Add CONFLICTS_INSTALL with kmymoney, they install files in the same locationsjhale2018-04-181-0/+2 * - Copy finance/kmymoney-kde4 -> finance/kmymoneyjhale2018-04-189-0/+1775 * - Update to 0.4-13tota2018-04-162-5/+4 * devel/qca, devel/qca-qt5 -- create flavorstcberner2018-04-141-1/+2 * - Update to 0.9.36wen2018-04-142-5/+4 * - Move finance/libalkimia -> finance/alkimia to follow upstream project namejhale2018-04-1316-45/+232 * - Update to * - Update to * - Update to 0.23-3tota2018-04-102-5/+4 * Update to 6.11.0sunpoet2018-04-103-16/+4 * nce/frontaccounting: Convert to USES=phpbrnrd2018-04-081-13/+4 * - Add NLS optionmadpilot2018-04-072-65/+70 * - Update gnucash to 2.6.20madpilot2018-04-057-9/+1387 * Update to 3.1.2ehaupt2018-03-313-28/+4 * - Add LICENSEamdmi32018-03-271-0/+4 * Make libgnome and libgnomeui not implying esound dependencybapt2018-03-261-1/+1 * - Update to 1.6-2tota2018-03-262-7/+5 * - Update to 1.5.2tota2018-03-233-9/+11 * Bump PORTREVISION on ports depending on devel/libical.truckman2018-03-201-1/+1 * Limit portscout reporting to stable versions.madpilot2018-03-191-0/+2 * Update to upstream version 5.1.8riggs2018-03-182-4/+4 * Adapt to changed download URL.se2018-03-182-2/+3 * finance/R-cran-timeDate: updated to version 3043.102dbn2018-03-173-7/+13 * - Update to * Remove expired port:rene2018-03-148-133/+0 * Update to 3.1.1ehaupt2018-03-133-6/+15