/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ /* * Authors: Jeffrey Stedfast <fejj@ximian.com> * * Copyright 2002 Ximian, Inc. (www.ximian.com) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Street #330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <glib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <errno.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <bonobo.h> #include <bonobo-conf/bonobo-config-database.h> #include <gal/util/e-xml-utils.h> #include <libxml/xmlmemory.h> #include <libxml/parser.h> #include <libxml/tree.h> #include <camel/camel-file-utils.h> struct _storeinfo { char *base_url; char *namespace; char *encoded_namespace; char dir_sep; GPtrArray *folders; }; static char find_dir_sep (const char *lsub_response) { register const unsigned char *inptr; const unsigned char *inend; inptr = (const unsigned char *) lsub_response; inend = inptr + strlen (inptr); if (strncmp (inptr, "* LSUB (", 8)) return '\0'; inptr += 8; while (inptr < inend && *inptr != ')') inptr++; if (inptr >= inend) return '\0'; inptr++; while (inptr < inend && isspace ((int) *inptr)) inptr++; if (inptr >= inend) return '\0'; if (*inptr == '\"') inptr++; return inptr < inend ? *inptr : '\0'; } static void si_free (struct _storeinfo *si) { int i; g_free (si->base_url); g_free (si->namespace); g_free (si->encoded_namespace); if (si->folders) { for (i = 0; i < si->folders->len; i++) g_free (si->folders->pdata[i]); g_ptr_array_free (si->folders, TRUE); } g_free (si); } static unsigned char tohex[16] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' }; static char * hex_encode (const char *in, size_t len) { const unsigned char *inend = in + len; unsigned char *inptr, *outptr; char *outbuf; outptr = outbuf = g_malloc ((len * 3) + 1); inptr = (unsigned char *) in; while (inptr < inend) { if (*inptr > 127 || isspace ((int) *inptr)) { *outptr++ = '%'; *outptr++ = tohex[(*inptr >> 4) & 0xf]; *outptr++ = tohex[*inptr & 0xf]; inptr++; } else *outptr++ = *inptr++; } *outptr = '\0'; return outbuf; } #define HEXVAL(c) (isdigit (c) ? (c) - '0' : tolower (c) - 'a' + 10) static char * hex_decode (const char *in, size_t len) { const unsigned char *inend = in + len; unsigned char *inptr, *outptr; char *outbuf; outptr = outbuf = g_malloc (len + 1); inptr = (unsigned char *) in; while (inptr < inend) { if (*inptr == '%') { if (isxdigit ((int) inptr[1]) && isxdigit ((int) inptr[2])) { *outptr++ = HEXVAL (inptr[1]) * 16 + HEXVAL (inptr[2]); inptr += 3; } else *outptr++ = *inptr++; } else *outptr++ = *inptr++; } *outptr = '\0'; return outbuf; } static char * parse_lsub (const char *lsub, char *dir_sep) { const unsigned char *inptr = (const unsigned char *) lsub; const unsigned char *inend; int inlen, quoted = 0; inend = inptr + strlen (inptr); if (strncmp (inptr, "* LSUB (", 8)) return NULL; inptr += 8; while (inptr < inend && *inptr != ')') inptr++; if (inptr >= inend) return NULL; inptr++; while (inptr < inend && isspace ((int) *inptr)) inptr++; if (inptr >= inend) return NULL; /* skip over the dir sep */ if (*inptr == '\"') inptr++; *dir_sep = (char) *inptr++; if (*inptr == '\"') inptr++; if (inptr >= inend) return NULL; while (inptr < inend && isspace ((int) *inptr)) inptr++; if (inptr >= inend) return NULL; if (*inptr == '\"') { inptr++; quoted = 1; } else quoted = 0; inlen = strlen (inptr) - quoted; return g_strndup (inptr, inlen); } static void cache_upgrade (struct _storeinfo *si, const char *folder_name) { const char *old_folder_name = folder_name; char *oldpath, *newpath, *p; struct dirent *dent; DIR *dir = NULL; if (si->namespace && strcmp ("INBOX", folder_name)) { if (!strncmp (old_folder_name, si->namespace, strlen (si->namespace))) { old_folder_name += strlen (si->namespace); if (*old_folder_name == si->dir_sep) old_folder_name++; } } oldpath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/evolution/mail/imap/%s/%s", getenv ("HOME"), si->base_url + 7, old_folder_name); newpath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/evolution/mail/imap/%s/folders/%s", getenv ("HOME"), si->base_url + 7, folder_name); if (!strcmp (folder_name, "folders")) goto special_case_folders; if (si->dir_sep != '/') { p = newpath + strlen (newpath) - strlen (folder_name) - 1; while (*p) { if (*p == si->dir_sep) *p = '/'; p++; } } /* make sure all parent directories exist */ if ((p = strrchr (newpath, '/'))) { *p = '\0'; camel_mkdir (newpath, 0755); *p = '/'; } if (rename (oldpath, newpath) == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed to upgrade cache for imap folder %s/%s: %s\n", si->base_url, folder_name, g_strerror (errno)); } g_free (oldpath); g_free (newpath); return; special_case_folders: /* the user had a toplevel folder named "folders" */ if (camel_mkdir (newpath, 0755) == -1) { /* we don't bother to check EEXIST because well, if folders/folders exists then we're pretty much fucked */ goto exception; } if (!(dir = opendir (oldpath))) goto exception; while ((dent = readdir (dir))) { char *old_path, *new_path; if (!strcmp (dent->d_name, ".") || !strcmp (dent->d_name, "..")) continue; old_path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", oldpath, dent->d_name); new_path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", newpath, dent->d_name); /* make sure all parent directories exist */ if ((p = strrchr (new_path, '/'))) { *p = '\0'; camel_mkdir (new_path, 0755); *p = '/'; } if (rename (old_path, new_path) == -1) { g_free (old_path); g_free (new_path); goto exception; } g_free (old_path); g_free (new_path); } closedir (dir); g_free (oldpath); g_free (newpath); return; exception: fprintf (stderr, "Failed to upgrade cache for imap folder %s/%s: %s\n", si->base_url, folder_name, g_strerror (errno)); if (dir) closedir (dir); g_free (oldpath); g_free (newpath); } static int foldercmp (const void *f1, const void *f2) { const char **folder1 = (const char **) f1; const char **folder2 = (const char **) f2; return strcmp (*folder1, *folder2); } static void cache_upgrade_and_free (gpointer key, gpointer val, gpointer user_data) { struct _storeinfo *si = val; GPtrArray *folders; char *path = NULL; char dir_sep; int i; if (si->folders) { path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/evolution/mail/imap/%s/folders", getenv ("HOME"), si->base_url + 7); if (mkdir (path, 0755) == -1 && errno != EEXIST) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed to create directory %s: %s", path, g_strerror (errno)); goto exception; } g_free (path); folders = g_ptr_array_new (); for (i = 0; i < si->folders->len; i++) { if ((path = parse_lsub (si->folders->pdata[i], &dir_sep))) { g_ptr_array_add (folders, path); } } /* sort the folders so that parents get created before their children */ qsort (folders->pdata, folders->len, sizeof (void *), foldercmp); for (i = 0; i < folders->len; i++) { cache_upgrade (si, folders->pdata[i]); g_free (folders->pdata[i]); } } si_free (si); return; exception: fprintf (stderr, "Could not upgrade imap cache for %s: %s\n", si->base_url + 7, g_strerror (errno)); g_free (path); si_free (si); } static char * get_base_url (const char *protocol, const char *uri) { unsigned char *base_url, *p; p = (unsigned char *) uri + strlen (protocol) + 1; if (!strncmp (p, "//", 2)) p += 2; base_url = p; p = strchr (p, '/'); base_url = g_strdup_printf ("%s://%.*s", protocol, p ? (int) (p - base_url) : (int) strlen (base_url), base_url); return base_url; } static char * imap_namespace (const char *uri) { unsigned char *name, *p; if ((name = strstr (uri, ";namespace=\"")) == NULL) return NULL; name += strlen (";namespace=\""); p = name; while (*p && *p != '\"') p++; return g_strndup (name, p - name); } static char * find_folder (GPtrArray *folders, const char *folder, char *dir_sep) { const unsigned char *inptr, *inend; int inlen, len, diff, i; int quoted; len = strlen (folder); for (i = 0; i < folders->len; i++) { inptr = folders->pdata[i]; inend = inptr + strlen (inptr); if (strncmp (inptr, "* LSUB (", 8)) continue; inptr += 8; while (inptr < inend && *inptr != ')') inptr++; if (inptr >= inend) continue; inptr++; while (inptr < inend && isspace ((int) *inptr)) inptr++; if (inptr >= inend) continue; /* skip over the dir sep */ if (*inptr == '\"') inptr++; *dir_sep = *inptr++; if (*inptr == '\"') inptr++; if (inptr >= inend) continue; while (inptr < inend && isspace ((int) *inptr)) inptr++; if (inptr >= inend) continue; if (*inptr == '\"') { inptr++; quoted = 1; } else quoted = 0; inlen = strlen (inptr) - quoted; if (len > inlen) continue; diff = inlen - len; if (!strncmp (inptr + diff, folder, len)) return hex_encode (inptr, inlen); } *dir_sep = '\0'; return NULL; } static char * imap_url_upgrade (GHashTable *imap_sources, const char *uri) { struct _storeinfo *si; unsigned char *base_url, *folder, *p, *new = NULL; char dir_sep; base_url = get_base_url ("imap", uri); fprintf (stderr, "checking for %s... ", base_url); if (!(si = g_hash_table_lookup (imap_sources, base_url))) { fprintf (stderr, "not found.\n"); g_warning ("Unknown imap account: %s", base_url); g_free (base_url); return NULL; } fprintf (stderr, "found.\n"); p = (unsigned char *) uri + strlen (base_url) + 1; if (!strcmp (p, "INBOX")) { new = g_strdup_printf ("%s/INBOX", base_url); g_free (base_url); return new; } p = hex_decode (p, strlen (p)); fprintf (stderr, "checking for folder %s on %s... ", p, base_url); folder = si->folders ? find_folder (si->folders, p, &dir_sep) : NULL; if (folder == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "not found.\n"); folder = p; if (si->namespace) { if (!si->dir_sep) { fprintf (stderr, "checking for directory separator in namespace param... "); if (*si->namespace == '/') { dir_sep = '/'; } else { p = si->namespace; while (*p && !ispunct ((int) *p)) p++; dir_sep = (char) *p; } } else { dir_sep = si->dir_sep; } if (dir_sep) { fprintf (stderr, "found: '%c'\n", dir_sep); p = folder; folder = hex_encode (folder, strlen (folder)); new = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s%c%s", base_url, si->encoded_namespace, dir_sep, folder); g_free (folder); folder = p; p = new + strlen (base_url) + 1; while (*p) { if (*p == dir_sep) *p = '/'; p++; } } else { fprintf (stderr, "not found."); g_warning ("Cannot update settings for imap folder %s: unknown directory separator", uri); } } else { g_warning ("Cannot update settings for imap folder %s: unknown namespace", uri); } g_free (base_url); g_free (folder); return new; } else g_free (p); fprintf (stderr, "found.\n"); new = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", base_url, folder); g_free (folder); if (!si->dir_sep) si->dir_sep = dir_sep; if (dir_sep) { p = new + strlen (base_url) + 1; while (*p) { if (*p == dir_sep) *p = '/'; p++; } } g_free (base_url); return new; } static char * exchange_url_upgrade (const char *uri) { unsigned char *base_url, *folder; char *url; base_url = get_base_url ("exchange", uri); folder = (unsigned char *) uri + strlen (base_url) + 1; if (strncmp (folder, "exchange/", 9)) return g_strdup (uri); folder += 9; while (*folder && *folder != '/') folder++; if (*folder == '/') folder++; folder = hex_decode (folder, strlen (folder)); url = g_strdup_printf ("%s/personal/%s", base_url, folder); g_free (base_url); g_free (folder); return url; } static int mailer_upgrade_account_info (Bonobo_ConfigDatabase db, const char *key, int num, GHashTable *imap_sources) { char *path, *uri, *new; int i; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { path = g_strdup_printf ("/Mail/Accounts/account_%s_folder_uri_%d", key, i); uri = bonobo_config_get_string (db, path, NULL); if (uri) { if (!strncmp (uri, "imap:", 5)) { new = imap_url_upgrade (imap_sources, uri); if (new) { bonobo_config_set_string (db, path, new, NULL); g_free (new); } } else if (!strncmp (uri, "exchange:", 9)) { new = exchange_url_upgrade (uri); bonobo_config_set_string (db, path, new, NULL); g_free (new); } } g_free (uri); g_free (path); } return 0; } static int mailer_upgrade_xml_file (GHashTable *imap_sources, const char *filename) { unsigned char *buffer, *inptr, *start, *uri, *new; ssize_t nread = 0, nwritten, n; gboolean url_need_upgrade; struct stat st; size_t len; char *bak; int fd; bak = g_strdup_printf ("%s.bak-1.0", filename); if (stat (bak, &st) != -1) { /* seems we have already converted this file? */ fprintf (stderr, "\n%s already exists, assuming %s has already been upgraded\n", bak, filename); g_free (bak); return 0; } if (stat (filename, &st) == -1 || (fd = open (filename, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { /* file doesn't exist? I guess nothing to upgrade here */ fprintf (stderr, "\nCould not open %s: %s\n", filename, strerror (errno)); g_free (bak); return 0; } start = buffer = g_malloc (st.st_size + 1); do { do { n = read (fd, buffer + nread, st.st_size - nread); } while (n == -1 && errno == EINTR); if (n > 0) nread += n; } while (n != -1 && nread < st.st_size); buffer[nread] = '\0'; if (nread < st.st_size) { /* failed to load the entire file? */ fprintf (stderr, "\nFailed to load %s: %s\n", filename, strerror (errno)); g_free (buffer); g_free (bak); close (fd); return -1; } close (fd); inptr = buffer; url_need_upgrade = FALSE; do { inptr = strstr (inptr, "uri=\""); if (inptr) { inptr += 5; url_need_upgrade = !strncmp (inptr, "imap:", 5) || !strncmp (inptr, "exchange:", 9); } } while (inptr && !url_need_upgrade); if (inptr == NULL) { /* no imap urls in this xml file, so no need to "upgrade" it */ fprintf (stdout, "\nNo updates required for %s\n", filename); g_free (buffer); g_free (bak); return 0; } if (rename (filename, bak) == -1) { /* failed to backup xml file */ fprintf (stderr, "\nFailed to create backup file %s: %s\n", bak, strerror (errno)); g_free (buffer); g_free (bak); return -1; } if ((fd = open (filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644)) == -1) { /* failed to create new xml file */ fprintf (stderr, "\nFailed to create new %s: %s\n", filename, strerror (errno)); rename (bak, filename); g_free (buffer); g_free (bak); return -1; } while (inptr != NULL) { len = inptr - start; nwritten = 0; do { do { n = write (fd, start + nwritten, len - nwritten); } while (n == -1 && errno == EINTR); if (n > 0) nwritten += n; } while (n != -1 && nwritten < len); if (nwritten < len) goto exception; start = inptr; while (*start && *start != '"') start++; uri = g_strndup (inptr, start - inptr); if (!strncmp (uri, "imap:", 5)) { if ((new = imap_url_upgrade (imap_sources, uri)) == NULL) { new = uri; uri = NULL; } } else if (!strncmp (uri, "exchange:", 9)) { new = exchange_url_upgrade (uri); } else { new = uri; uri = NULL; } g_free (uri); nwritten = 0; len = strlen (new); do { do { n = write (fd, new + nwritten, len - nwritten); } while (n == -1 && errno == EINTR); if (n > 0) nwritten += n; } while (n != -1 && nwritten < len); g_free (new); if (nwritten < len) goto exception; inptr = start; url_need_upgrade = FALSE; do { inptr = strstr (inptr, "uri=\""); if (inptr) { inptr += 5; url_need_upgrade = !strncmp (inptr, "imap:", 5) || !strncmp (inptr, "exchange:", 9); } } while (inptr && !url_need_upgrade); } nwritten = 0; len = strlen (start); do { do { n = write (fd, start + nwritten, len - nwritten); } while (n == -1 && errno == EINTR); if (n > 0) nwritten += n; } while (n != -1 && nwritten < len); if (nwritten < len) goto exception; if (fsync (fd) == -1) goto exception; close (fd); g_free (buffer); fprintf (stdout, "\nSuccessfully upgraded %s\nPrevious settings saved in %s\n\n", filename, bak); g_free (bak); return 0; exception: fprintf (stderr, "\nFailed to save updated settings to %s: %s\n\n", filename, strerror (errno)); close (fd); g_free (buffer); unlink (filename); rename (bak, filename); g_free (bak); return -1; } static char * shortcuts_upgrade_uri (GHashTable *accounts, GHashTable *imap_sources, const char *account, const char *folder) { char *url, *name, *decoded, *new = NULL; struct _storeinfo *si; int type; type = GPOINTER_TO_INT ((si = g_hash_table_lookup (accounts, account))); if (type == 1) { /* exchange */ decoded = hex_decode (folder, strlen (folder)); name = g_strdup_printf ("personal/%s", decoded); g_free (decoded); return name; } else { /* imap */ url = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", si->base_url, folder); new = imap_url_upgrade (imap_sources, url); g_free (url); if (new) { name = new + strlen (si->base_url) + 1; name = hex_decode (name, strlen (name)); g_free (new); return name; } } return NULL; } static int shortcuts_upgrade_xml_file (GHashTable *accounts, GHashTable *imap_sources, const char *filename) { char *bak, *uri, *account, *folder, *new, *new_uri, *type; struct stat st; xmlDoc *doc; xmlNode *group, *item; int account_len; gboolean changed = FALSE; bak = g_strdup_printf ("%s.bak-1.0", filename); if (stat (bak, &st) != -1) { /* seems we have already converted this file? */ fprintf (stderr, "\n%s already exists, assuming %s has already been upgraded\n", bak, filename); g_free (bak); return 0; } if (stat (filename, &st) == -1) { /* file doesn't exist? I guess nothing to upgrade here */ fprintf (stderr, "\nCould not open %s: %s\n", filename, strerror (errno)); g_free (bak); return 0; } doc = xmlParseFile (filename); if (!doc || !doc->xmlRootNode) { /* failed to load/parse the file? */ fprintf (stderr, "\nFailed to load %s\n", filename); g_free (bak); return -1; } for (group = doc->xmlRootNode->xmlChildrenNode; group; group = group->next) { for (item = group->xmlChildrenNode; item; item = item->next) { /* Fix IMAP/Exchange URIs */ uri = xmlNodeGetContent (item); if (!strncmp (uri, "evolution:/", 11)) { if (!strcmp (uri, "evolution:/local/Inbox")) { xmlNodeSetContent (item, "default:mail"); changed = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (uri, "evolution:/local/Calendar")) { xmlNodeSetContent (item, "default:calendar"); changed = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (uri, "evolution:/local/Contacts")) { xmlNodeSetContent (item, "default:contacts"); changed = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (uri, "evolution:/local/Tasks")) { xmlNodeSetContent (item, "default:tasks"); changed = TRUE; } else { account_len = strcspn (uri + 11, "/"); account = g_strndup (uri + 11, account_len); if (g_hash_table_lookup (accounts, account)) { folder = uri + 11 + account_len; if (*folder) folder++; new = shortcuts_upgrade_uri (accounts, imap_sources, account, folder); new_uri = g_strdup_printf ("evolution:/%s/%s", account, new); xmlNodeSetContent (item, new_uri); changed = TRUE; g_free (new_uri); } g_free (account); } } xmlFree (uri); /* Fix LDAP shortcuts */ type = xmlGetProp (item, "type"); if (type) { if (!strcmp (type, "ldap-contacts")) { xmlSetProp (item, "type", "contacts/ldap"); changed = TRUE; } xmlFree (type); } } } if (!changed) { fprintf (stdout, "\nNo updates required for %s\n", filename); xmlFreeDoc (doc); g_free (bak); return 0; } if (rename (filename, bak) == -1) { /* failed to backup xml file */ fprintf (stderr, "\nFailed to create backup file %s: %s\n", bak, strerror (errno)); xmlFreeDoc (doc); g_free (bak); return -1; } if (e_xml_save_file (filename, doc) == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "\nFailed to save updated settings to %s: %s\n\n", filename, strerror (errno)); xmlFreeDoc (doc); unlink (filename); rename (bak, filename); g_free (bak); return -1; } fprintf (stdout, "\nSuccessfully upgraded %s\nPrevious settings saved in %s\n\n", filename, bak); xmlFreeDoc (doc); g_free (bak); return 0; } static int mailer_upgrade (Bonobo_ConfigDatabase db) { GHashTable *imap_sources, *accounts; char *path, *uri; char *account, *transport; int num, i; if ((num = bonobo_config_get_long_with_default (db, "/Mail/Accounts/num", 0, NULL)) == 0) { /* nothing to upgrade */ return 0; } accounts = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); imap_sources = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { struct _storeinfo *si; struct stat st; char *string; guint32 tmp; FILE *fp; int j; path = g_strdup_printf ("/Mail/Accounts/source_url_%d", i); uri = bonobo_config_get_string (db, path, NULL); g_free (path); if (uri && !strncmp (uri, "imap:", 5)) { path = g_strdup_printf ("/Mail/Accounts/account_name_%d", i); account = bonobo_config_get_string (db, path, NULL); g_free (path); si = g_new (struct _storeinfo, 1); si->base_url = get_base_url ("imap", uri); si->namespace = imap_namespace (uri); si->encoded_namespace = NULL; si->dir_sep = '\0'; si->folders = NULL; path = si->base_url + 7; path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/evolution/mail/imap/%s/storeinfo", getenv ("HOME"), path); if (stat (path, &st) != -1 && (fp = fopen (path, "r")) != NULL) { camel_file_util_decode_uint32 (fp, &tmp); camel_file_util_decode_uint32 (fp, &tmp); j = 0; si->folders = g_ptr_array_new (); while (camel_file_util_decode_string (fp, &string) != -1) { if (j++ > 0) { g_ptr_array_add (si->folders, string); } else { if (!si->namespace) si->namespace = string; else g_free (string); camel_file_util_decode_uint32 (fp, &tmp); si->dir_sep = (char) tmp & 0xff; } } fclose (fp); } g_free (path); if (si->folders && si->folders->len > 0) si->dir_sep = find_dir_sep (si->folders->pdata[0]); if (si->namespace) { /* strip trailing dir_sep from namespace if it's there */ j = strlen (si->namespace) - 1; if (si->namespace[j] == si->dir_sep) si->namespace[j] = '\0'; /* set the encoded version of the namespace */ si->encoded_namespace = g_strdup (si->namespace); for (j = 0; j < strlen (si->encoded_namespace); j++) { if (si->encoded_namespace[j] == '/') si->encoded_namespace[j] = '.'; } } g_hash_table_insert (imap_sources, si->base_url, si); if (account) g_hash_table_insert (accounts, account, si); } else if (uri && !strncmp (uri, "exchange:", 9)) { /* Upgrade transport uri */ path = g_strdup_printf ("/Mail/Accounts/transport_url_%d", i); transport = bonobo_config_get_string (db, path, NULL); if (transport && !strncmp (transport, "exchanget:", 10)) bonobo_config_set_string (db, path, uri, NULL); g_free (transport); g_free (path); path = g_strdup_printf ("/Mail/Accounts/account_name_%d", i); account = bonobo_config_get_string (db, path, NULL); g_free (path); if (account) g_hash_table_insert (accounts, account, GINT_TO_POINTER (1)); } g_free (uri); } if (g_hash_table_size (accounts) == 0) { /* user doesn't have any imap/exchange accounts - nothing to upgrade */ g_hash_table_destroy (imap_sources); return 0; } /* upgrade user's account info (bug #29135) */ mailer_upgrade_account_info (db, "drafts", num, imap_sources); mailer_upgrade_account_info (db, "sent", num, imap_sources); /* upgrade user's filters/vfolders (bug #24451) */ path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/evolution/filters.xml", getenv ("HOME")); mailer_upgrade_xml_file (imap_sources, path); g_free (path); path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/evolution/vfolders.xml", getenv ("HOME")); mailer_upgrade_xml_file (imap_sources, path); g_free (path); /* upgrade user's shortcuts (there's no bug # for this one) */ path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/evolution/shortcuts.xml", getenv ("HOME")); shortcuts_upgrade_xml_file (accounts, imap_sources, path); g_free (path); g_hash_table_foreach (imap_sources, cache_upgrade_and_free, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy (imap_sources); #if 0 path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/evolution/mail/imap", getenv ("HOME")); bak = g_strdup_printf ("%s.bak-1.0", path); if (rename (path, bak) == -1) fprintf (stderr, "\nFailed to backup Evolution 1.0's IMAP cache: %s\n", strerror (errno)); g_free (path); g_free (bak); #endif return 0; } static Bonobo_ConfigDatabase get_config_db (void) { Bonobo_ConfigDatabase db; CORBA_Environment ev; CORBA_exception_init (&ev); db = bonobo_get_object ("wombat:", "Bonobo/ConfigDatabase", &ev); if (BONOBO_EX (&ev) || db == CORBA_OBJECT_NIL) { fprintf (stderr, "get_config_db(): Could not get the config database object '%s'", bonobo_exception_get_text (&ev)); db = CORBA_OBJECT_NIL; } CORBA_exception_free (&ev); return db; } static int upgrade (void) { Bonobo_ConfigDatabase db; CORBA_Environment ev; if ((db = get_config_db ()) == CORBA_OBJECT_NIL) g_error ("Could not get config db"); mailer_upgrade (db); CORBA_exception_init (&ev); Bonobo_ConfigDatabase_sync (db, &ev); gtk_main_quit (); return FALSE; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { CORBA_ORB orb; gnome_init ("evolution-upgrade", "1.0", argc, argv); if ((orb = oaf_init (argc, argv)) == NULL) g_error ("Cannot init oaf"); if (bonobo_init (orb, CORBA_OBJECT_NIL, CORBA_OBJECT_NIL) == FALSE) g_error ("Cannot init bonobo"); gtk_idle_add ((GtkFunction) upgrade, NULL); bonobo_main (); return 0; }