/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; tab-width: 8 -*- */
/* e-summary-weather.c
 * Copyright (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
 * License along with this program; if not, write to the
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 * Author: Iain Holmes

#include <config.h>

#include <glib.h>
#include <gtk/gtkctree.h>
#include <gtk/gtkmain.h>

#include <libgnome/gnome-defs.h>
#include <libgnome/gnome-i18n.h>
#include <libgnome/gnome-config.h>

#include <gal/widgets/e-unicode.h>

#include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs.h>
#include "e-summary.h"
#include "e-summary-weather.h"
#include "weather.h"
#include "metar.h"

struct _ESummaryWeather {
	ESummaryConnection *connection;
	GList *weathers;

	char *html;
	guint32 timeout;

	gboolean online;
	gboolean errorshown;

static GHashTable *locations_hash = NULL;

char *
e_summary_weather_get_html (ESummary *summary)
	GList *weathers;
	GString *string;
	char *html;
	char *s;

	if (summary->weather == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	string = g_string_new ("<dl><img src=\"ico-weather.png\" align=\"middle\" "
	                       "alt=\"\" width=\"48\" height=\"48\"><b>"
	                       "<a href=\"http://www.metoffice.gov.uk\">");
	s = e_utf8_from_locale_string (_("My Weather"));
	g_string_append (string, s);
	g_free (s);
	g_string_append (string, "</a></b>");
	for (weathers = summary->weather->weathers; weathers; weathers = weathers->next) {
		if (((Weather *)weathers->data)->html == NULL) {

		g_string_append (string, ((Weather *)weathers->data)->html);

	g_string_append (string, "</dl>");

	html = string->str;
	g_string_free (string, FALSE);

	return html;

static char *
make_url (const char *code)
	return g_strdup_printf ("http://weather.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/mgetmetar.pl?cccc=%s", code);

static char *
make_anchor (const char *name, const char *code)
	char *url, *anchor;

	url = make_url (code);
	anchor = g_strdup_printf ("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", url, name);
	g_free (url);

	return anchor;

static void
weather_make_html (Weather *w)
	GString *string;
	ESummaryWeatherLocation *location;
	char *sky, *temp, *cond, *s;
	const char *icon_name;

	icon_name = icon_from_weather (w);
	string = g_string_new ("");
	g_string_sprintf (string, "<dd><img align=\"middle\" "
			  "src=\"%s\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\">&#160;<b>",
	location = g_hash_table_lookup (locations_hash, w->location);
#if 0
	if (location == NULL) {
		url = make_anchor (w->location, w->location);
	} else {
		url = make_anchor (location->name, w->location);
	if (location == NULL) {
		g_string_append (string, w->location);
	} else {
		g_string_append (string, location->name);

#if 0
	g_string_append (string, url);
	g_free (url);

	g_string_append (string, "</b>:<blockquote><font size=\"-1\">");
	sky = (char *) weather_sky_string (w);
	temp = weather_temp_string (w);
	cond = (char *) weather_conditions_string (w);

	s = e_utf8_from_locale_string (sky);
	g_string_append (string, s);
	g_free (s);
	g_string_append_c (string, ' ');
	s = e_utf8_from_locale_string (cond);
	g_string_append (string, s);
	g_free (s);
	g_string_append_c (string, ' ');
	s = e_utf8_from_locale_string (temp);
	g_string_append (string, s);
	g_free (s);
	g_free (temp);

#if 0
	g_string_append (string, "<font size=\"-1\">");
	uri = g_strdup_printf ("<a href=\"weather://%p\">", w);
	g_string_append (string, uri);
	g_free (uri);
	g_string_append (string, "(More)</a></font></font></blockquote></dd>");
	g_string_append (string, "</font></blockquote></dd>");
	if (w->html != NULL) {
		g_free (w->html);
	w->html = string->str;
	g_string_free (string, FALSE);

	e_summary_draw (w->summary);

static ESummaryWeatherLocation *
weather_location_new (char **locdata)
	ESummaryWeatherLocation *location;

	location = g_new (ESummaryWeatherLocation, 1);
	location->name = g_strdup (locdata[0]);
	location->code = g_strdup (locdata[1]);
	location->zone = g_strdup (locdata[2]);
	location->radar = g_strdup (locdata[3]);

	return location;

static void
parse_metar_token (const char *token,
		   gboolean in_comment,
		   Weather *w)
	if (in_comment == FALSE) {
		if (metar_tok_time ((char *) token, w)) {
		} else if (metar_tok_wind ((char *) token, w)) {
		} else if (metar_tok_vis ((char *) token, w)) {
		} else if (metar_tok_cloud ((char *) token, w)) {
		} else if (metar_tok_temp ((char *) token, w)) {
		} else if (metar_tok_pres ((char *) token, w)) {
		} else if (metar_tok_cond ((char *) token, w)) {

static void
parse_metar (const char *metar,
	     Weather *w)
	char *metar_dup;
	char **toks;
	gint ntoks;
	gint i;
	gboolean in_remark = FALSE;

	metar_dup = g_strdup (metar + 6);

	metar_init_re ();

	toks = g_strsplit (metar, " ", 0);

	for (ntoks = 0; toks[ntoks]; ntoks++) {
		if (strcmp (toks[ntoks], "RMK") == 0) {
			in_remark = TRUE;

	for (i = ntoks - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		if (*toks[i] != '\0') {
			if (strcmp (toks[i], "RMK") == 0) {
				in_remark = FALSE;
			} else {
				parse_metar_token (toks[i], in_remark, w);

	g_strfreev (toks);
	g_free (metar_dup);
	weather_make_html (w);

static void
close_callback (GnomeVFSAsyncHandle *handle,
		GnomeVFSResult result,
		Weather *w)
	ESummary *summary;
	char *html, *metar, *end;
	char *search_str;

	summary = w->summary;
	if (summary->weather->connection->callback) {
		ESummaryConnection *connection = summary->weather->connection;
		connection->callback (summary, connection->callback_closure);

	if (w->handle == NULL) {
		g_free (w->buffer);
		w->buffer = NULL;
		g_string_free (w->string, TRUE);
		w->string = NULL;

	w->handle = NULL;
	g_free (w->buffer);
	w->buffer = NULL;
	html = w->string->str;
	g_string_free (w->string, FALSE);
	w->string = NULL;

	/* Find the metar data */
	search_str = g_strdup_printf ("\n%s", w->location);
	metar = strstr (html, search_str);
	if (metar == NULL) {
		g_free (search_str);
		g_free (html);

	end = strchr (metar, '\n');
	if (end == NULL) {
		g_free (search_str);
		g_free (html);
	*end = '\0';

	parse_metar (metar, w);
	g_free (html);
	g_free (search_str);

static void
read_callback (GnomeVFSAsyncHandle *handle,
	       GnomeVFSResult result,
	       gpointer buffer,
	       GnomeVFSFileSize bytes_requested,
	       GnomeVFSFileSize bytes_read,
	       Weather *w)
	if (result != GNOME_VFS_OK && result != GNOME_VFS_ERROR_EOF) {
		if (w->summary->weather->errorshown == FALSE) {
			w->html = g_strdup ("<dd><b>An error occurred while downloading weather data</b></dd>");
			w->summary->weather->errorshown = TRUE;
		} else {
			w->html = g_strdup ("<dd> </dd>");

		e_summary_draw (w->summary);
		w->handle = NULL;
		gnome_vfs_async_close (handle, 
				       (GnomeVFSAsyncCloseCallback) close_callback, w);

	if (bytes_read == 0) {
		gnome_vfs_async_close (handle,
				       (GnomeVFSAsyncCloseCallback) close_callback, w);
	} else {
		*((char *) buffer + bytes_read) = 0;
		g_string_append (w->string, (const char *) buffer);
		gnome_vfs_async_read (handle, buffer, 4095,
				      (GnomeVFSAsyncReadCallback) read_callback, w);

static void
open_callback (GnomeVFSAsyncHandle *handle,
	       GnomeVFSResult result,
	       Weather *w)
	if (result != GNOME_VFS_OK) {
		if (w->summary->weather->errorshown == FALSE) {
			w->html = e_utf8_from_locale_string (_("<dd><b>The weather server could not be contacted</b></dd>"));

			w->summary->weather->errorshown = TRUE;
		} else {
			w->html = g_strdup ("<dd> </dd>");

		w->handle = NULL;
		e_summary_draw (w->summary);

	w->string = g_string_new ("");
	w->buffer = g_new (char, 4096);

	gnome_vfs_async_read (handle, w->buffer, 4095,
			      (GnomeVFSAsyncReadCallback) read_callback, w);

e_summary_weather_update (ESummary *summary)
	GList *w;

	if (summary->weather->online == FALSE) {
		g_warning ("%s: Repolling but offline", __FUNCTION__);
		return TRUE;

	summary->weather->errorshown = FALSE;
	for (w = summary->weather->weathers; w; w = w->next) {
		char *uri;
		Weather *weather = w->data;

		if (weather->handle != NULL) {
			gnome_vfs_async_cancel (weather->handle);
			weather->handle = NULL;
		if (weather->string) {
			g_string_free (weather->string, TRUE);
			weather->string = NULL;
		if (weather->buffer) {
			g_free (weather->buffer);
			weather->buffer = NULL;

		uri = g_strdup_printf ("http://weather.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/mgetmetar.pl?cccc=%s", weather->location);

		gnome_vfs_async_open (&weather->handle, uri, GNOME_VFS_OPEN_READ,
				      (GnomeVFSAsyncOpenCallback) open_callback, weather);
		g_free (uri);

	return TRUE;

static void
weather_free (Weather *w)
	g_return_if_fail (w != NULL);

	if (w->handle != NULL) {
		gnome_vfs_async_cancel (w->handle);
	if (w->string) {
		g_string_free (w->string, TRUE);
	if (w->buffer) {
		g_free (w->buffer);

	g_free (w->location);
	g_free (w->html);
	g_free (w);

static void
e_summary_weather_add_location (ESummary *summary,
				const char *location)
	Weather *w;

	w = g_new0 (Weather, 1);
	w->summary = summary;
	w->location = g_strdup (location);
	summary->weather->weathers = g_list_append (summary->weather->weathers, w);

static gboolean
e_summary_weather_init_locations (void) 
	char *key, *path;
	int nregions, iregions;
	char **regions;

	if (locations_hash != NULL) {
		return TRUE;

	locations_hash = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
	path = g_strdup (EVOLUTION_DATADIR "/evolution/Locations");

	key = g_strdup_printf ("=%s=/", path);
	g_free (path);

	gnome_config_push_prefix (key);
	g_free (key);

	gnome_config_get_vector ("Main/regions", &nregions, &regions);
	for (iregions = nregions - 1; iregions >= 0; iregions--) {
		int nstates, istates;
		char **states;
		char *region_name;
		char *region_name_key;
		char *states_key;

		region_name_key = g_strconcat (regions[iregions], "/name", NULL);
		states_key = g_strconcat (regions[iregions], "/states", NULL);
		region_name = gnome_config_get_string (region_name_key);

		gnome_config_get_vector (states_key, &nstates, &states);

		for (istates = nstates - 1; istates >= 0; istates--) {
			void *iter;
			char *iter_key, *iter_val;
			char *state_path, *state_name_key, *state_name;

			state_path = g_strconcat (regions[iregions], "_", states[istates], "/", NULL);
			state_name_key = g_strconcat (state_path, "name", NULL);
			state_name = gnome_config_get_string (state_name_key);

			iter = gnome_config_init_iterator (state_path);

			while ((iter = gnome_config_iterator_next (iter, &iter_key, &iter_val)) != NULL) {
				if (strstr (iter_key, "loc") != NULL) {
					char **locdata;
					int nlocdata;
					ESummaryWeatherLocation *location;

					gnome_config_make_vector (iter_val,
					g_return_val_if_fail (nlocdata == 4, FALSE);

					if (!g_hash_table_lookup (locations_hash, locdata[1])) {
						location = weather_location_new (locdata);
						g_hash_table_insert (locations_hash,
								     g_strdup (locdata[1]),
					g_strfreev (locdata);
				g_free (iter_key);
				g_free (iter_val);
			g_free (state_name);
			g_free (state_path);
			g_free (state_name_key);

		g_strfreev (states);
		g_free (region_name);
		g_free (region_name_key);
		g_free (states_key);

	g_strfreev (regions);
	gnome_config_pop_prefix ();

	return TRUE;

static void
e_summary_weather_protocol (ESummary *summary,
			    const char *uri,
			    void *closure)


static int
e_summary_weather_count (ESummary *summary,
			 void *data)
	ESummaryWeather *weather;
	GList *p;
	int count = 0;

	weather = summary->weather;
	for (p = weather->weathers; p; p = p->next) {
		Weather *w = p->data;

		if (w->handle != NULL) {

	return count;

static ESummaryConnectionData *
make_connection (Weather *w)
	ESummaryConnectionData *data;

	data = g_new (ESummaryConnectionData, 1);
	data->hostname = make_url (w->location);
	data->type = g_strdup (_("Weather"));

	return data;

static GList *
e_summary_weather_add (ESummary *summary,
		       void *data)
	ESummaryWeather *weather;
	GList *p, *connections = NULL;

	weather = summary->weather;
	for (p = weather->weathers; p; p = p->next) {
		Weather *w = p->data;

		if (w->handle != NULL) {
			ESummaryConnectionData *d;

			d = make_connection (w);
			connections = g_list_prepend (connections, d);

	return connections;

static void
e_summary_weather_set_online (ESummary *summary,
			      GNOME_Evolution_OfflineProgressListener listener,
			      gboolean online,
			      void *data)
	ESummaryWeather *weather;
	GList *p;

	weather = summary->weather;
	if (weather->online == online) {

	if (online == TRUE) {
		e_summary_weather_update (summary);
		weather->timeout = gtk_timeout_add (summary->preferences->weather_refresh_time * 1000,
						    (GtkFunction) e_summary_weather_update,
	} else {
		for (p = weather->weathers; p; p = p->next) {
			Weather *w;

			w = p->data;
			if (w->handle) {
				gnome_vfs_async_cancel (w->handle);
				w->handle = NULL;

		gtk_timeout_remove (weather->timeout);
		weather->timeout = 0;

	weather->online = online;

e_summary_weather_init (ESummary *summary)
	ESummaryPrefs *prefs;
	ESummaryWeather *weather;
	ESummaryConnection *connection;
	int timeout;

	g_return_if_fail (summary != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (IS_E_SUMMARY (summary));

	if (e_summary_weather_init_locations () == FALSE) {

	prefs = summary->preferences;
	weather = g_new0 (ESummaryWeather, 1);
	weather->online = TRUE;
	summary->weather = weather;

	connection = g_new (ESummaryConnection, 1);
	connection->count = e_summary_weather_count;
	connection->add = e_summary_weather_add;
	connection->set_online = e_summary_weather_set_online;
	connection->closure = NULL;
	connection->callback = NULL;
	connection->callback_closure = NULL;

	weather->connection = connection;
	e_summary_add_online_connection (summary, connection);

	e_summary_add_protocol_listener (summary, "weather", e_summary_weather_protocol, weather);

	if (prefs == NULL) {
		/* translators: Put here a list of codes for locations you want to
		   see in My Evolution by default. You can find the list of all
		   stations and their codes in Evolution sources
		   (evolution/my-evolution/Locations) */
		char *default_stations = _("KBOS:EGAA:RJTT"), **stations_v, **p;

		stations_v = g_strsplit (default_stations, ":", 0);
		g_assert (stations_v != NULL);
		for (p = stations_v; *p != NULL; p++) {
			e_summary_weather_add_location (summary, *p);
		g_strfreev (stations_v);
		timeout = 600;
	} else {
		GList *p;

		for (p = prefs->stations; p; p = p->next) {
			e_summary_weather_add_location (summary, p->data);
		timeout = prefs->weather_refresh_time;

	e_summary_weather_update (summary);
	weather->timeout = gtk_timeout_add (timeout * 1000, 
					    (GtkFunction) e_summary_weather_update,

const char *
e_summary_weather_code_to_name (const char *code)
	ESummaryWeatherLocation *location;

	if (locations_hash == NULL) {
		if (e_summary_weather_init_locations () == FALSE) {
			return code;

	location = g_hash_table_lookup (locations_hash, code);
	if (location == NULL) {
		return code;
	} else {
		return location->name;

e_summary_weather_ctree_fill (GtkCTree *tree)
	GtkCTreeNode *region, *state, *location, *pref_loc_root;
	char *key, *path;
	int nregions, iregions;
	char **regions, *pp[1];

	path = g_strdup (EVOLUTION_DATADIR "/evolution/Locations");

	key = g_strdup_printf ("=%s=/", path);
	g_free (path);

	gnome_config_push_prefix (key);
	g_free (key);

	pp[0] = _("Regions");
	pref_loc_root = gtk_ctree_insert_node (tree, NULL, NULL, pp, 0,
					       NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
					       FALSE, TRUE);

	gnome_config_get_vector ("Main/regions", &nregions, &regions);
	region = NULL;
	for (iregions = nregions - 1; iregions >= 0; iregions--) {
		int nstates, istates;
		char **states;
		char *region_name;
		char *region_name_key;
		char *states_key;

		region_name_key = g_strconcat (regions[iregions], "/name", NULL);
		states_key = g_strconcat (regions[iregions], "/states", NULL);
		region_name = gnome_config_get_string (region_name_key);

		pp[0] = region_name;
		region = gtk_ctree_insert_node (tree, pref_loc_root,
						region, pp, 0, NULL,
						NULL, NULL, NULL, 
						FALSE, FALSE);
		gnome_config_get_vector (states_key, &nstates, &states);

		state = NULL;
		for (istates = nstates - 1; istates >= 0; istates--) {
			void *iter;
			char *iter_key, *iter_val;
			char *state_path, *state_name_key, *state_name;

			state_path = g_strconcat (regions[iregions], "_", states[istates], "/", NULL);
			state_name_key = g_strconcat (state_path, "name", NULL);
			state_name = gnome_config_get_string (state_name_key);

			pp[0] = state_name;
			state = gtk_ctree_insert_node (tree, region,
						       state, pp, 0,
						       NULL, NULL,
						       NULL, NULL,
						       FALSE, FALSE);

			location = NULL;
			iter = gnome_config_init_iterator (state_path);

			while ((iter = gnome_config_iterator_next (iter, &iter_key, &iter_val)) != NULL) {
				if (strstr (iter_key, "loc") != NULL) {
					char **locdata;
					int nlocdata;
					ESummaryWeatherLocation *w_location;

					gnome_config_make_vector (iter_val,
					g_return_if_fail (nlocdata == 4);

					pp[0] = locdata[0];
					location = gtk_ctree_insert_node (tree, state, location, pp, 0,
					w_location = g_hash_table_lookup (locations_hash, locdata[1]);
					gtk_ctree_node_set_row_data (tree, location, w_location);
					g_strfreev (locdata);

				g_free (iter_key);
				g_free (iter_val);

			g_free (state_name);
			g_free (state_path);
			g_free (state_name_key);

		g_strfreev (states);
		g_free (region_name);
		g_free (region_name_key);
		g_free (states_key);

	g_strfreev (regions);
	gnome_config_pop_prefix ();


e_summary_weather_reconfigure (ESummary *summary)
	ESummaryWeather *weather;
	GList *old, *p;

	g_return_if_fail (summary != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (IS_E_SUMMARY (summary));

	weather = summary->weather;

	/* Stop timeout so it doesn't occur while we're changing stuff*/
	gtk_timeout_remove (weather->timeout);

	for (old = weather->weathers; old; old = old->next) {
		Weather *w;

		w = old->data;
		weather_free (w);
	g_list_free (weather->weathers);
	weather->weathers = NULL;
	for (p = summary->preferences->stations; p; p = p->next) {
		e_summary_weather_add_location (summary, p->data);

	weather->timeout = gtk_timeout_add (summary->preferences->weather_refresh_time * 1000, 
					    (GtkFunction) e_summary_weather_update, summary);
	e_summary_weather_update (summary);

e_summary_weather_free (ESummary *summary)
	ESummaryWeather *weather;
	GList *p;

	g_return_if_fail (summary != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (IS_E_SUMMARY (summary));

	weather = summary->weather;

	if (weather->timeout != 0) {
		gtk_timeout_remove (weather->timeout);
	for (p = weather->weathers; p; p = p->next) {
		Weather *w = p->data;

		weather_free (w);
	g_list_free (weather->weathers);
	g_free (weather->html);

	e_summary_remove_online_connection (summary, weather->connection);
	g_free (weather->connection);

	g_free (weather);
	summary->weather = NULL;