/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- * * Sushma Rai * Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Street #330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mail/em-account-editor.h" #include "mail/em-config.h" #include "e-util/e-account.h" #include "widgets/misc/e-error.h" GtkWidget* org_gnome_exchange_settings(EPlugin *epl, EConfigHookItemFactoryData *data); GtkWidget *org_gnome_exchange_owa_url(EPlugin *epl, EConfigHookItemFactoryData *data); gboolean org_gnome_exchange_check_options(EPlugin *epl, EConfigHookPageCheckData *data); GtkWidget *org_gnome_exchange_auth_section (EPlugin *epl, EConfigHookItemFactoryData *data); /* NB: This should be given a better name, it is NOT a camel service, it is only a camel-exchange one */ typedef gboolean (CamelProviderValidateUserFunc) (CamelURL *camel_url, const char *url, gboolean *remember_password, CamelException *ex); typedef struct { CamelProviderValidateUserFunc *validate_user; }CamelProviderValidate; CamelServiceAuthType camel_exchange_ntlm_authtype = { /* i18n: "Secure Password Authentication" is an Outlookism */ N_("Secure Password"), /* i18n: "NTLM" probably doesn't translate */ N_("This option will connect to the Exchange server using " "secure password (NTLM) authentication."), "", TRUE }; CamelServiceAuthType camel_exchange_password_authtype = { N_("Plaintext Password"), N_("This option will connect to the Exchange server using " "standard plaintext password authentication."), "Basic", TRUE }; /* only used in editor */ GtkWidget * org_gnome_exchange_settings(EPlugin *epl, EConfigHookItemFactoryData *data) { EMConfigTargetAccount *target_account; const char *source_url; CamelURL *url; GtkWidget *oof_page; GtkWidget *oof_table; GtkWidget *oof_description, *label_status, *label_empty; GtkWidget *radiobutton_inoff, *radiobutton_oof; GtkWidget *vbox_oof, *vbox_oof_message; GtkWidget *oof_frame; GtkWidget *scrolledwindow_oof; GtkWidget *textview_oof; char *txt; target_account = (EMConfigTargetAccount *)data->config->target; source_url = e_account_get_string (target_account->account, E_ACCOUNT_SOURCE_URL); url = camel_url_new(source_url, NULL); if (url == NULL || strcmp(url->protocol, "exchange") != 0) { if (url) camel_url_free(url); return NULL; } if (data->old) { camel_url_free(url); return data->old; } /* FIXME: This out of office data never goes anywhere */ oof_page = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 6); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (oof_page), 12); /* Description section */ oof_description = gtk_label_new (_("The message specified below will be automatically sent to \neach person who sends mail to you while you are out of the office.")); gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (oof_description), GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT); gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (oof_description), TRUE); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (oof_description), 0.5, 0.5); gtk_misc_set_padding (GTK_MISC (oof_description), 0, 18); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (oof_page), oof_description, FALSE, TRUE, 0); /* Table with out of office radio buttons */ oof_table = gtk_table_new (2, 2, FALSE); gtk_table_set_col_spacings (GTK_TABLE (oof_table), 6); gtk_table_set_row_spacings (GTK_TABLE (oof_table), 6); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (oof_page), oof_table, FALSE, FALSE, 0); /* translators: exchange out of office status header */ txt = g_strdup_printf("%s", _("Status:")); label_status = gtk_label_new (txt); g_free(txt); gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label_status), GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label_status), 0, 0.5); gtk_misc_set_padding (GTK_MISC (label_status), 0, 0); gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL (label_status), TRUE); gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (oof_table), label_status, 0, 1, 0, 1, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0); radiobutton_inoff = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label (NULL, _("I am in the office")); gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (oof_table), radiobutton_inoff, 1, 2, 0, 1, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0); label_empty = gtk_label_new (""); gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label_empty), GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label_empty), 0, 0.5); gtk_misc_set_padding (GTK_MISC (label_empty), 0, 0); gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL (label_empty), FALSE); gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (oof_table), label_empty, 0, 1, 1, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0); radiobutton_oof = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget ( GTK_RADIO_BUTTON (radiobutton_inoff), _("I am out of the office")); gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (oof_table), radiobutton_oof, 1, 2, 1, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0); /* frame containg oof message text box */ vbox_oof = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 6); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (oof_page), vbox_oof, FALSE, FALSE, 0); oof_frame = gtk_frame_new (""); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (oof_frame), 1); gtk_frame_set_shadow_type (GTK_FRAME (oof_frame), GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME (oof_frame), _("Out of office Message:")); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox_oof), oof_frame, FALSE, FALSE, 0); vbox_oof_message = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 6); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (oof_frame), vbox_oof_message); scrolledwindow_oof = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL); gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow_oof), GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type ( GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow_oof), GTK_SHADOW_IN); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox_oof_message), scrolledwindow_oof, TRUE, TRUE, 0); textview_oof = gtk_text_view_new(); gtk_text_view_set_justification (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview_oof), GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT); gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview_oof), GTK_WRAP_WORD); gtk_text_view_set_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textview_oof), TRUE); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (scrolledwindow_oof), textview_oof); gtk_widget_show_all (scrolledwindow_oof); gtk_widget_show_all (oof_page); gtk_notebook_insert_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (data->parent), oof_page, gtk_label_new(_("Exchange Settings")), 4); return oof_page; } static void owa_authenticate_user(GtkWidget *button, EConfig *config) { EMConfigTargetAccount *target_account = (EMConfigTargetAccount *)config->target; CamelProviderValidate *validate; CamelURL *url=NULL; CamelProvider *provider = NULL; gboolean remember_password; char *url_string; const char *source_url, *id_name; char *at, *user; source_url = e_account_get_string (target_account->account, E_ACCOUNT_SOURCE_URL); provider = camel_provider_get (source_url, NULL); if (!provider || provider->priv == NULL) { /* can't happen? */ return; } url = camel_url_new(source_url, NULL); validate = provider->priv; if (url->user == NULL) { id_name = e_account_get_string (target_account->account, E_ACCOUNT_ID_ADDRESS); if (id_name) { at = strchr(id_name, '@'); user = g_alloca(at-id_name+1); memcpy(user, id_name, at-id_name); user[at-id_name] = 0; camel_url_set_user (url, user); } } /* validate_user() CALLS GTK!!! THIS IS TOTALLY UNNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!! It must use camel_session_ask_password, and it should return an exception for any problem, which should then be shown using e-error */ if (validate->validate_user(url, camel_url_get_param(url, "owa_url"), &remember_password, NULL)) { url_string = camel_url_to_string (url, 0); e_account_set_string(target_account->account, E_ACCOUNT_SOURCE_URL, url_string); e_account_set_string(target_account->account, E_ACCOUNT_TRANSPORT_URL, url_string); e_account_set_bool(target_account->account, E_ACCOUNT_SOURCE_SAVE_PASSWD, remember_password); g_free(url_string); } camel_url_free (url); } static void owa_editor_entry_changed(GtkWidget *entry, EConfig *config) { const char *uri, *ssl = NULL; CamelURL *url, *owaurl = NULL; char *url_string; EMConfigTargetAccount *target = (EMConfigTargetAccount *)config->target; GtkWidget *button = g_object_get_data((GObject *)entry, "authenticate-button"); int active = FALSE; /* NB: we set the button active only if we have a parsable uri entered */ url = camel_url_new(e_account_get_string(target->account, E_ACCOUNT_SOURCE_URL), NULL); uri = gtk_entry_get_text((GtkEntry *)entry); if (uri && uri[0]) { camel_url_set_param(url, "owa_url", uri); owaurl = camel_url_new(uri, NULL); if (owaurl) { active = TRUE; /* i'm not sure why we need this, "ssl connection mode" is redundant since we have it in the owa-url protocol */ if (!strcmp(owaurl->protocol, "https")) ssl = "always"; camel_url_free(owaurl); } } else { camel_url_set_param(url, "owa_url", NULL); } camel_url_set_param(url, "use_ssl", ssl); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(button, active); url_string = camel_url_to_string(url, 0); e_account_set_string(target->account, E_ACCOUNT_SOURCE_URL, url_string); g_free(url_string); } static void destroy_label(GtkWidget *old, GtkWidget *label) { gtk_widget_destroy(label); } /* used by editor and druid - same code */ GtkWidget * org_gnome_exchange_owa_url(EPlugin *epl, EConfigHookItemFactoryData *data) { EMConfigTargetAccount *target_account; const char *source_url, *owa_url; GtkWidget *owa_entry; CamelURL *url; int row; GtkWidget *hbox, *label, *button; target_account = (EMConfigTargetAccount *)data->config->target; source_url = e_account_get_string (target_account->account, E_ACCOUNT_SOURCE_URL); url = camel_url_new(source_url, NULL); if (url == NULL || strcmp(url->protocol, "exchange") != 0) { if (url) camel_url_free(url); if (data->old && (label = g_object_get_data((GObject *)data->old, "authenticate-label"))) gtk_widget_destroy(label); /* TODO: we could remove 'owa-url' from the url, but that will lose it if we come back. Maybe a commit callback could do it */ return NULL; } if (data->old) { camel_url_free(url); return data->old; } owa_url = camel_url_get_param(url, "owa_url"); /* if the host is null, then user+other info is dropped silently, force it to be kept */ if (url->host == NULL) { char *uri; camel_url_set_host(url, ""); uri = camel_url_to_string(url, 0); e_account_set_string(target_account->account, E_ACCOUNT_SOURCE_URL, uri); g_free(uri); } row = ((GtkTable *)data->parent)->nrows; hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 6); label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic(_("_OWA Url:")); gtk_widget_show(label); owa_entry = gtk_entry_new(); if (owa_url) gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY (owa_entry), owa_url); gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget((GtkLabel *)label, owa_entry); button = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic (_("A_uthenticate")); gtk_widget_set_sensitive (button, owa_url && owa_url[0]); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), owa_entry, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show_all(hbox); gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (data->parent), label, 0, 1, row, row+1, 0, 0, 0, 0); gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (data->parent), hbox, 1, 2, row, row+1, GTK_FILL|GTK_EXPAND, GTK_FILL, 0, 0); g_signal_connect (owa_entry, "changed", G_CALLBACK(owa_editor_entry_changed), data->config); g_object_set_data((GObject *)owa_entry, "authenticate-button", button); g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(owa_authenticate_user), data->config); /* Track the authenticate label, so we can destroy it if e-config is to destroy the hbox */ g_object_set_data((GObject *)hbox, "authenticate-label", label); return hbox; } gboolean org_gnome_exchange_check_options(EPlugin *epl, EConfigHookPageCheckData *data) { EMConfigTargetAccount *target = (EMConfigTargetAccount *)data->config->target; int status = TRUE; /* We assume that if the host is set, then the setting is valid. The host gets set when the provider validate() call is made */ /* We do this check for receive page also, so that user can * proceed with the account set up only after user is validated, * and host name is reset by validate() call */ if (data->pageid == NULL || strcmp (data->pageid, "10.receive") == 0 || strcmp (data->pageid, "20.receive_options") == 0) { CamelURL *url; url = camel_url_new(e_account_get_string(target->account, E_ACCOUNT_SOURCE_URL), NULL); /* Note: we only care about exchange url's, we WILL get called on all other url's too. */ if (url != NULL && strcmp(url->protocol, "exchange") == 0 && (url->host == NULL || url->host[0] == 0)) status = FALSE; if (url) camel_url_free(url); } return status; } static void exchange_check_authtype (GtkWidget *w, EConfig *config) { return; } static void exchange_authtype_changed (GtkComboBox *dropdown, EConfig *config) { EMConfigTargetAccount *target = (EMConfigTargetAccount *)config->target; int id = gtk_combo_box_get_active(dropdown); GtkTreeModel *model; GtkTreeIter iter; CamelServiceAuthType *authtype; CamelURL *url; const char *source_url; char *url_string; source_url = e_account_get_string (target->account, E_ACCOUNT_SOURCE_URL); if (id == -1) return; url = camel_url_new (source_url, NULL); model = gtk_combo_box_get_model(dropdown); if (gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child(model, &iter, NULL, id)) { gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, 1, &authtype, -1); if (authtype) camel_url_set_authmech(url, authtype->authproto); else camel_url_set_authmech(url, NULL); url_string = camel_url_to_string(url, 0); e_account_set_string(target->account, E_ACCOUNT_SOURCE_URL, url_string); g_free(url_string); } camel_url_free(url); } GtkWidget * org_gnome_exchange_auth_section (EPlugin *epl, EConfigHookItemFactoryData *data) { EMConfigTargetAccount *target_account; const char *source_url; char *label_text; CamelURL *url; GtkWidget *hbox, *button, *auth_label, *vbox, *label_hide; GtkComboBox *dropdown; GtkTreeIter iter; GtkListStore *store; int i, active=0, auth_changed_id = 0; GList *authtypes, *l, *ll; target_account = (EMConfigTargetAccount *)data->config->target; source_url = e_account_get_string (target_account->account, E_ACCOUNT_SOURCE_URL); url = camel_url_new (source_url, NULL); if (url == NULL || strcmp (url->protocol, "exchange") != 0) { if (url) camel_url_free (url); return NULL; } if (data->old) { camel_url_free(url); return data->old; } vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 6); label_text = g_strdup_printf("%s", _("Authentication Type")); auth_label = gtk_label_new (label_text); g_free (label_text); gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (auth_label), GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (auth_label), 0, 0.5); gtk_misc_set_padding (GTK_MISC (auth_label), 0, 0); gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL (auth_label), TRUE); label_hide = gtk_label_new("\n"); hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 6); dropdown = (GtkComboBox * )gtk_combo_box_new (); button = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic (_("Ch_eck for Supported Types")); authtypes = g_list_prepend (g_list_prepend (NULL, &camel_exchange_password_authtype), &camel_exchange_ntlm_authtype); store = gtk_list_store_new(3, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_POINTER, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN); for (i=0, l=authtypes; l; l=l->next, i++) { CamelServiceAuthType *authtype = l->data; int avail = TRUE; if (authtypes) { for (ll = authtypes; ll; ll = g_list_next(ll)) if (!strcmp(authtype->authproto, ((CamelServiceAuthType *)ll->data)->authproto)) break; avail = ll != NULL; } gtk_list_store_append (store, &iter); gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, 0, authtype->name, 1, authtype, 2, !avail, -1); if (url && url->authmech && !strcmp(url->authmech, authtype->authproto)) active = i; } gtk_combo_box_set_model (dropdown, (GtkTreeModel *)store); gtk_combo_box_set_active (dropdown, -1); if (auth_changed_id == 0) { GtkCellRenderer *cell = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(); gtk_cell_layout_pack_start ((GtkCellLayout *)dropdown, cell, TRUE); gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes ((GtkCellLayout *)dropdown, cell, "text", 0, "strikethrough", 2, NULL); auth_changed_id = g_signal_connect (dropdown, "changed", G_CALLBACK (exchange_authtype_changed), data->config); g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(exchange_check_authtype), data->config); } gtk_combo_box_set_active(dropdown, active); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), GTK_WIDGET (dropdown), FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), auth_label, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), label_hide, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show_all (vbox); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (data->parent), vbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0); if (url) camel_url_free(url); g_list_free (authtypes); return vbox; }