/* * e-cell-popup.c: Popup cell renderer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with the program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> * * * Authors: * * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Novell, Inc. (www.novell.com) * */ /* * ECellPopup - an abstract ECell class used to support popup selections like * a GtkCombo widget. It contains a child ECell, e.g. an ECellText, but when * selected it displays an arrow on the right edge which the user can click to * show a popup. Subclasses implement the popup class function to show the * popup. */ #include <config.h> #include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h> #include "gal-a11y-e-cell-popup.h" #include "gal-a11y-e-cell-registry.h" #include "e-util/e-util.h" #include "e-cell-popup.h" #include "e-table-item.h" #include <gtk/gtk.h> #define E_CELL_POPUP_ARROW_WIDTH 16 #define E_CELL_POPUP_ARROW_XPAD 3 #define E_CELL_POPUP_ARROW_YPAD 3 static void e_cell_popup_dispose (GObject *object); static ECellView* ecp_new_view (ECell *ecell, ETableModel *table_model, void *e_table_item_view); static void ecp_kill_view (ECellView *ecv); static void ecp_realize (ECellView *ecv); static void ecp_unrealize (ECellView *ecv); static void ecp_draw (ECellView *ecv, GdkDrawable *drawable, gint model_col, gint view_col, gint row, ECellFlags flags, gint x1, gint y1, gint x2, gint y2); static gint ecp_event (ECellView *ecv, GdkEvent *event, gint model_col, gint view_col, gint row, ECellFlags flags, ECellActions *actions); static gint ecp_height (ECellView *ecv, gint model_col, gint view_col, gint row); static gpointer ecp_enter_edit (ECellView *ecv, gint model_col, gint view_col, gint row); static void ecp_leave_edit (ECellView *ecv, gint model_col, gint view_col, gint row, void *edit_context); static void ecp_print (ECellView *ecv, GtkPrintContext *context, gint model_col, gint view_col, gint row, double width, double height); static gdouble ecp_print_height (ECellView *ecv, GtkPrintContext *context, gint model_col, gint view_col, gint row, double width); static gint ecp_max_width (ECellView *ecv, gint model_col, gint view_col); static void ecp_show_tooltip (ECellView *ecv, gint model_col, gint view_col, gint row, gint col_width, ETableTooltip *tooltip); static gchar *ecp_get_bg_color (ECellView *ecell_view, gint row); static gint e_cell_popup_do_popup (ECellPopupView *ecp_view, GdkEvent *event, gint row, gint model_col); G_DEFINE_TYPE (ECellPopup, e_cell_popup, E_CELL_TYPE) static void e_cell_popup_class_init (ECellPopupClass *klass) { ECellClass *ecc = E_CELL_CLASS (klass); G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->dispose = e_cell_popup_dispose; ecc->new_view = ecp_new_view; ecc->kill_view = ecp_kill_view; ecc->realize = ecp_realize; ecc->unrealize = ecp_unrealize; ecc->draw = ecp_draw; ecc->event = ecp_event; ecc->height = ecp_height; ecc->enter_edit = ecp_enter_edit; ecc->leave_edit = ecp_leave_edit; ecc->print = ecp_print; ecc->print_height = ecp_print_height; ecc->max_width = ecp_max_width; ecc->show_tooltip = ecp_show_tooltip; ecc->get_bg_color = ecp_get_bg_color; gal_a11y_e_cell_registry_add_cell_type (NULL, E_CELL_POPUP_TYPE, gal_a11y_e_cell_popup_new); } static void e_cell_popup_init (ECellPopup *ecp) { ecp->popup_shown = FALSE; ecp->popup_model = NULL; } /** * e_cell_popup_new: * * Creates a new ECellPopup renderer. * * Returns: an ECellPopup object. */ ECell * e_cell_popup_new (void) { ECellPopup *ecp = g_object_new (E_CELL_POPUP_TYPE, NULL); return (ECell*) ecp; } /* * GtkObject::destroy method */ static void e_cell_popup_dispose (GObject *object) { ECellPopup *ecp = E_CELL_POPUP (object); if (ecp->child) g_object_unref (ecp->child); ecp->child = NULL; G_OBJECT_CLASS (e_cell_popup_parent_class)->dispose (object); } /* * ECell::new_view method */ static ECellView * ecp_new_view (ECell *ecell, ETableModel *table_model, gpointer e_table_item_view) { ECellPopup *ecp = E_CELL_POPUP (ecell); ECellPopupView *ecp_view; /* We must have a child ECell before we create any views. */ g_return_val_if_fail (ecp->child != NULL, NULL); ecp_view = g_new0 (ECellPopupView, 1); ecp_view->cell_view.ecell = ecell; ecp_view->cell_view.e_table_model = table_model; ecp_view->cell_view.e_table_item_view = e_table_item_view; ecp_view->cell_view.kill_view_cb = NULL; ecp_view->cell_view.kill_view_cb_data = NULL; ecp_view->child_view = e_cell_new_view (ecp->child, table_model, e_table_item_view); return (ECellView*) ecp_view; } /* * ECell::kill_view method */ static void ecp_kill_view (ECellView *ecv) { ECellPopupView *ecp_view = (ECellPopupView *) ecv; if (ecp_view->cell_view.kill_view_cb) (ecp_view->cell_view.kill_view_cb)(ecv, ecp_view->cell_view.kill_view_cb_data); if (ecp_view->cell_view.kill_view_cb_data) g_list_free(ecp_view->cell_view.kill_view_cb_data); if (ecp_view->child_view) e_cell_kill_view (ecp_view->child_view); g_free (ecp_view); } /* * ECell::realize method */ static void ecp_realize (ECellView *ecv) { ECellPopupView *ecp_view = (ECellPopupView *) ecv; e_cell_realize (ecp_view->child_view); if (E_CELL_CLASS (e_cell_popup_parent_class)->realize) (* E_CELL_CLASS (e_cell_popup_parent_class)->realize) (ecv); } /* * ECell::unrealize method */ static void ecp_unrealize (ECellView *ecv) { ECellPopupView *ecp_view = (ECellPopupView *) ecv; e_cell_unrealize (ecp_view->child_view); if (E_CELL_CLASS (e_cell_popup_parent_class)->unrealize) (* E_CELL_CLASS (e_cell_popup_parent_class)->unrealize) (ecv); } /* * ECell::draw method */ static void ecp_draw (ECellView *ecv, GdkDrawable *drawable, gint model_col, gint view_col, gint row, ECellFlags flags, gint x1, gint y1, gint x2, gint y2) { ECellPopup *ecp = E_CELL_POPUP (ecv->ecell); ECellPopupView *ecp_view = (ECellPopupView *) ecv; GtkWidget *canvas = GTK_WIDGET (GNOME_CANVAS_ITEM (ecv->e_table_item_view)->canvas); GtkShadowType shadow; GdkRectangle rect; gboolean show_popup_arrow; /* Display the popup arrow if we are the cursor cell, or the popup is shown for this cell. */ show_popup_arrow = e_table_model_is_cell_editable (ecv->e_table_model, model_col, row) && (flags & E_CELL_CURSOR || (ecp->popup_shown && ecp->popup_view_col == view_col && ecp->popup_row == row && ecp->popup_model == ((ECellView *) ecp_view)->e_table_model)); if (flags & E_CELL_CURSOR) ecp->popup_arrow_shown = show_popup_arrow; if (show_popup_arrow) { e_cell_draw (ecp_view->child_view, drawable, model_col, view_col, row, flags, x1, y1, x2 - E_CELL_POPUP_ARROW_WIDTH, y2); rect.x = x2 - E_CELL_POPUP_ARROW_WIDTH; rect.y = y1 + 1; rect.width = E_CELL_POPUP_ARROW_WIDTH; rect.height = y2 - y1 - 2; if (ecp->popup_shown) shadow = GTK_SHADOW_IN; else shadow = GTK_SHADOW_OUT; gtk_paint_box (canvas->style, drawable, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, shadow, &rect, canvas, "ecellpopup", rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); gtk_paint_arrow (canvas->style, drawable, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_NONE, &rect, canvas, NULL, GTK_ARROW_DOWN, TRUE, rect.x + E_CELL_POPUP_ARROW_XPAD, rect.y + E_CELL_POPUP_ARROW_YPAD, rect.width - E_CELL_POPUP_ARROW_XPAD * 2, rect.height - E_CELL_POPUP_ARROW_YPAD * 2); } else { e_cell_draw (ecp_view->child_view, drawable, model_col, view_col, row, flags, x1, y1, x2, y2); } } /* * ECell::event method */ static gint ecp_event (ECellView *ecv, GdkEvent *event, gint model_col, gint view_col, gint row, ECellFlags flags, ECellActions *actions) { ECellPopupView *ecp_view = (ECellPopupView *) ecv; ECellPopup *ecp = E_CELL_POPUP (ecp_view->cell_view.ecell); ETableItem *eti = E_TABLE_ITEM (ecv->e_table_item_view); gint width; switch (event->type) { case GDK_BUTTON_PRESS: if (e_table_model_is_cell_editable (ecv->e_table_model, model_col, row) && flags & E_CELL_CURSOR && ecp->popup_arrow_shown) { width = e_table_header_col_diff (eti->header, view_col, view_col + 1); /* FIXME: The event coords seem to be relative to the text within the cell, so we have to add 4. */ if (event->button.x + 4 >= width - E_CELL_POPUP_ARROW_WIDTH) { return e_cell_popup_do_popup (ecp_view, event, row, view_col); } } break; case GDK_KEY_PRESS: if (e_table_model_is_cell_editable (ecv->e_table_model, model_col, row) && event->key.state & GDK_MOD1_MASK && event->key.keyval == GDK_Down) { return e_cell_popup_do_popup (ecp_view, event, row, view_col); } break; default: break; } return e_cell_event (ecp_view->child_view, event, model_col, view_col, row, flags, actions); } /* * ECell::height method */ static gint ecp_height (ECellView *ecv, gint model_col, gint view_col, gint row) { ECellPopupView *ecp_view = (ECellPopupView *) ecv; return e_cell_height (ecp_view->child_view, model_col, view_col, row); } /* * ECellView::enter_edit method */ static gpointer ecp_enter_edit (ECellView *ecv, gint model_col, gint view_col, gint row) { ECellPopupView *ecp_view = (ECellPopupView *) ecv; return e_cell_enter_edit (ecp_view->child_view, model_col, view_col, row); } /* * ECellView::leave_edit method */ static void ecp_leave_edit (ECellView *ecv, gint model_col, gint view_col, gint row, gpointer edit_context) { ECellPopupView *ecp_view = (ECellPopupView *) ecv; e_cell_leave_edit (ecp_view->child_view, model_col, view_col, row, edit_context); } static void ecp_print (ECellView *ecv, GtkPrintContext *context, gint model_col, gint view_col, gint row, double width, double height) { ECellPopupView *ecp_view = (ECellPopupView *) ecv; e_cell_print (ecp_view->child_view, context, model_col, view_col, row, width, height); } static gdouble ecp_print_height (ECellView *ecv, GtkPrintContext *context, gint model_col, gint view_col, gint row, double width) { ECellPopupView *ecp_view = (ECellPopupView *) ecv; return e_cell_print_height (ecp_view->child_view, context, model_col, view_col, row, width); } static gint ecp_max_width (ECellView *ecv, gint model_col, gint view_col) { ECellPopupView *ecp_view = (ECellPopupView *) ecv; return e_cell_max_width (ecp_view->child_view, model_col, view_col); } static void ecp_show_tooltip (ECellView *ecv, gint model_col, gint view_col, gint row, gint col_width, ETableTooltip *tooltip) { ECellPopupView *ecp_view = (ECellPopupView *) ecv; e_cell_show_tooltip (ecp_view->child_view, model_col, view_col, row, col_width, tooltip); } static gchar * ecp_get_bg_color (ECellView *ecell_view, gint row) { ECellPopupView *ecp_view = (ECellPopupView *) ecell_view; return e_cell_get_bg_color (ecp_view->child_view, row); } ECell* e_cell_popup_get_child (ECellPopup *ecp) { g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_CELL_POPUP (ecp), NULL); return ecp->child; } void e_cell_popup_set_child (ECellPopup *ecp, ECell *child) { g_return_if_fail (E_IS_CELL_POPUP (ecp)); if (ecp->child) g_object_unref (ecp->child); ecp->child = child; g_object_ref (child); } static gint e_cell_popup_do_popup (ECellPopupView *ecp_view, GdkEvent *event, gint row, gint view_col) { ECellPopup *ecp = E_CELL_POPUP (ecp_view->cell_view.ecell); gint (*popup_func) (ECellPopup *ecp, GdkEvent *event, gint row, gint view_col); ecp->popup_cell_view = ecp_view; popup_func = E_CELL_POPUP_CLASS (GTK_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (ecp))->popup; ecp->popup_view_col = view_col; ecp->popup_row = row; ecp->popup_model = ((ECellView *) ecp_view)->e_table_model; return popup_func ? popup_func (ecp, event, row, view_col) : FALSE; } /* This redraws the popup cell. Only use this if you know popup_view_col and popup_row are valid. */ void e_cell_popup_queue_cell_redraw (ECellPopup *ecp) { ETableItem *eti = E_TABLE_ITEM (ecp->popup_cell_view->cell_view.e_table_item_view); e_table_item_redraw_range (eti, ecp->popup_view_col, ecp->popup_row, ecp->popup_view_col, ecp->popup_row); } void e_cell_popup_set_shown (ECellPopup *ecp, gboolean shown) { ecp->popup_shown = shown; e_cell_popup_queue_cell_redraw (ecp); }