path: root/e-util
span> ECal *client, gboolean skip_cap_test) { ECalComponentOrganizer organizer; const gchar *strip; gboolean user_org = FALSE; if (!e_cal_component_has_organizer (comp) || (!skip_cap_test && e_cal_get_static_capability (client, CAL_STATIC_CAPABILITY_NO_ORGANIZER))) return FALSE; e_cal_component_get_organizer (comp, &organizer); if (organizer.value != NULL) { strip = itip_strip_mailto (organizer.value); if (e_cal_get_static_capability (client, CAL_STATIC_CAPABILITY_ORGANIZER_NOT_EMAIL_ADDRESS)) { gchar *email = NULL; if (e_cal_get_cal_address (client, &email, NULL) && !g_ascii_strcasecmp (email, strip)) { g_free (email); return TRUE; } g_free (email); return FALSE; } user_org = e_account_list_find(itip_addresses_get(), E_ACCOUNT_FIND_ID_ADDRESS, strip) != NULL; } return user_org; } gboolean itip_organizer_is_user (ECalComponent *comp, ECal *client) { return itip_organizer_is_user_ex (comp, client, FALSE); } gboolean itip_sentby_is_user (ECalComponent *comp, ECal *client) { ECalComponentOrganizer organizer; const gchar *strip; gboolean user_sentby = FALSE; if (!e_cal_component_has_organizer (comp) ||e_cal_get_static_capability (client, CAL_STATIC_CAPABILITY_NO_ORGANIZER)) return FALSE; e_cal_component_get_organizer (comp, &organizer); if (organizer.sentby != NULL) { strip = itip_strip_mailto (organizer.sentby); user_sentby = e_account_list_find(itip_addresses_get(), E_ACCOUNT_FIND_ID_ADDRESS, strip) != NULL; } return user_sentby; } static ECalComponentAttendee * get_attendee (GSList *attendees, gchar *address) { GSList *l; if (!address) return NULL; for (l = attendees; l; l = l->next) { ECalComponentAttendee *attendee = l->data; if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (itip_strip_mailto (attendee->value), address)) { return attendee; } } return NULL; } static ECalComponentAttendee * get_attendee_if_attendee_sentby_is_user (GSList *attendees, gchar *address) { GSList *l; for (l = attendees; l; l = l->next) { ECalComponentAttendee *attendee = l->data; if (attendee->sentby && g_str_equal (itip_strip_mailto (attendee->sentby), address)) { return attendee; } } return NULL; } static gchar * html_new_lines_for (const gchar *string) { gchar **lines; gchar *joined; lines = g_strsplit_set (string, "\n", -1); joined = g_strjoinv ("<br>", lines); g_strfreev (lines); return joined; } gchar * itip_get_comp_attendee (ECalComponent *comp, ECal *client) { GSList *attendees; EAccountList *al; EAccount *a; EIterator *it; ECalComponentAttendee *attendee = NULL; gchar *address = NULL; e_cal_component_get_attendee_list (comp, &attendees); al = itip_addresses_get (); if (client) e_cal_get_cal_address (client, &address, NULL); if (address && *address) { attendee = get_attendee (attendees, address); if (attendee) { gchar *user_email = g_strdup (itip_strip_mailto (attendee->value)); e_cal_component_free_attendee_list (attendees); g_free (address); return user_email; } attendee = get_attendee_if_attendee_sentby_is_user (attendees, address); if (attendee) { gchar *user_email = g_strdup (itip_strip_mailto (attendee->sentby)); e_cal_component_free_attendee_list (attendees); g_free (address); return user_email; } g_free (address); address = NULL; } for (it = e_list_get_iterator((EList *)al); e_iterator_is_valid(it); e_iterator_next(it)) { a = (EAccount *) e_iterator_get(it); if (!a->enabled) continue; attendee = get_attendee (attendees, a->id->address); if (attendee) { gchar *user_email = g_strdup (itip_strip_mailto (attendee->value)); e_cal_component_free_attendee_list (attendees); return user_email; } /* If the account was not found in the attendees list, then let's check the 'sentby' fields of the attendees if we can find the account */ attendee = get_attendee_if_attendee_sentby_is_user (attendees, a->id->address); if (attendee) { gchar *user_email = g_strdup (itip_strip_mailto (attendee->sentby)); e_cal_component_free_attendee_list (attendees); return user_email; } } /* We could not find the attendee in the component, so just give the default account address if the email address is not set in the backend */ /* FIXME do we have a better way ? */ a = itip_addresses_get_default (); address = g_strdup ((a != NULL) ? a->id->address : ""); e_cal_component_free_attendee_list (attendees); return address; } const gchar * itip_strip_mailto (const gchar *address) { if (address == NULL) return NULL; if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp (address, "mailto:", 7)) address += 7; return address; } static gchar * get_label (struct icaltimetype *tt) { gchar buffer[1000]; struct tm tmp_tm; tmp_tm = icaltimetype_to_tm (tt); e_time_format_date_and_time (&tmp_tm, calendar_config_get_24_hour_format (), FALSE, FALSE, buffer, 1000); return g_strdup (buffer); } typedef struct { GHashTable *tzids; icalcomponent *icomp; ECal *client; icalcomponent *zones; } ItipUtilTZData; static void foreach_tzid_callback (icalparameter *param, gpointer data) { ItipUtilTZData *tz_data = data; const gchar *tzid; icaltimezone *zone = NULL; icalcomponent *vtimezone_comp; /* Get the TZID string from the parameter. */ tzid = icalparameter_get_tzid (param); if (!tzid || g_hash_table_lookup (tz_data->tzids, tzid)) return; /* Look for the timezone */ if (tz_data->zones != NULL) zone = icalcomponent_get_timezone (tz_data->zones, tzid); if (zone == NULL) zone = icaltimezone_get_builtin_timezone_from_tzid (tzid); if (zone == NULL && tz_data->client != NULL) e_cal_get_timezone (tz_data->client, tzid, &zone, NULL); if (zone == NULL) return; /* Convert it to a string and add it to the hash. */ vtimezone_comp = icaltimezone_get_component (zone); if (!vtimezone_comp) return; icalcomponent_add_component (tz_data->icomp, icalcomponent_new_clone (vtimezone_comp)); g_hash_table_insert (tz_data->tzids, (gchar *)tzid, (gchar *)tzid); } static icalcomponent * comp_toplevel_with_zones (ECalComponentItipMethod method, ECalComponent *comp, ECal *client, icalcomponent *zones) { icalcomponent *top_level, *icomp; icalproperty *prop; icalvalue *value; ItipUtilTZData tz_data; top_level = e_cal_util_new_top_level (); prop = icalproperty_new (ICAL_METHOD_PROPERTY); value = icalvalue_new_method (itip_methods_enum[method]); icalproperty_set_value (prop, value); icalcomponent_add_property (top_level, prop); icomp = e_cal_component_get_icalcomponent (comp); icomp = icalcomponent_new_clone (icomp); tz_data.tzids = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); tz_data.icomp = top_level; tz_data.client = client; tz_data.zones = zones; icalcomponent_foreach_tzid (icomp, foreach_tzid_callback, &tz_data); g_hash_table_destroy (tz_data.tzids); icalcomponent_add_component (top_level, icomp); return top_level; } static gboolean users_has_attendee (GList *users, const gchar *address) { GList *l; for (l = users; l != NULL; l = l->next) { if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (address, l->data)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static gchar * comp_from (ECalComponentItipMethod method, ECalComponent *comp) { ECalComponentOrganizer organizer; ECalComponentAttendee *attendee; GSList *attendees; gchar *from; gchar *sender = NULL; switch (method) { case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_PUBLISH: return NULL; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_REQUEST: return itip_get_comp_attendee (comp, NULL); case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_REPLY: sender = itip_get_comp_attendee (comp, NULL); if (sender != NULL) return sender; if (!e_cal_component_has_attendees (comp)) return NULL; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_CANCEL: case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_ADD: e_cal_component_get_organizer (comp, &organizer); if (organizer.value == NULL) { e_notice (NULL, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, _("An organizer must be set.")); return NULL; } return g_strdup (itip_strip_mailto (organizer.value)); default: if (!e_cal_component_has_attendees (comp)) return NULL; e_cal_component_get_attendee_list (comp, &attendees); attendee = attendees->data; if (attendee->value != NULL) from = g_strdup (itip_strip_mailto (attendee->value)); else from = NULL; e_cal_component_free_attendee_list (attendees); return from; } } static EDestination ** comp_to_list (ECalComponentItipMethod method, ECalComponent *comp, GList *users, gboolean reply_all) { ECalComponentOrganizer organizer; GSList *attendees, *l; GPtrArray *array = NULL; EDestination *destination; gint len; gchar *sender = NULL; union { gpointer *pdata; EDestination **destinations; } convert; switch (method) { case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_REQUEST: case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_CANCEL: e_cal_component_get_attendee_list (comp, &attendees); len = g_slist_length (attendees); if (len <= 0) { e_notice (NULL, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, _("At least one attendee is necessary")); e_cal_component_free_attendee_list (attendees); return NULL; } e_cal_component_get_organizer (comp, &organizer); if (organizer.value == NULL) { e_notice (NULL, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, _("An organizer must be set.")); return NULL; } array = g_ptr_array_new (); sender = itip_get_comp_attendee (comp, NULL); for (l = attendees; l != NULL; l = l->next) { ECalComponentAttendee *att = l->data; if (att->cutype != ICAL_CUTYPE_INDIVIDUAL && att->cutype != ICAL_CUTYPE_GROUP) continue; else if (users_has_attendee (users, att->value)) continue; else if (att->sentby && users_has_attendee (users, att->sentby)) continue; else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (att->value, organizer.value)) continue; else if (att->sentby && !g_ascii_strcasecmp (att->sentby, organizer.sentby)) continue; else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (itip_strip_mailto (att->value), sender)) continue; else if (att->status == ICAL_PARTSTAT_DELEGATED && (att->delto && *att->delto) && !(att->rsvp) && method == E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_REQUEST) continue; destination = e_destination_new (); if (att->cn != NULL) e_destination_set_name (destination, att->cn); e_destination_set_email ( destination, itip_strip_mailto (att->value)); g_ptr_array_add (array, destination); } g_free (sender); e_cal_component_free_attendee_list (attendees); break; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_REPLY: if (reply_all) { e_cal_component_get_attendee_list (comp, &attendees); len = g_slist_length (attendees); if (len <= 0) return NULL; array = g_ptr_array_new (); e_cal_component_get_organizer (comp, &organizer); sender = itip_get_comp_attendee (comp, NULL); for (l = attendees; l != NULL; l = l->next) { ECalComponentAttendee *att = l->data; if (att->cutype != ICAL_CUTYPE_INDIVIDUAL && att->cutype != ICAL_CUTYPE_GROUP) continue; destination = e_destination_new (); if (att->cn != NULL) e_destination_set_name (destination, att->cn); e_destination_set_email ( destination, itip_strip_mailto (att->value)); g_ptr_array_add (array, destination); } g_free (sender); e_cal_component_free_attendee_list (attendees); } else { array = g_ptr_array_new (); destination = e_destination_new (); e_cal_component_get_organizer (comp, &organizer); if (organizer.value) e_destination_set_email ( destination, itip_strip_mailto (organizer.value)); g_ptr_array_add (array, destination); } break; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_ADD: case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_REFRESH: case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_COUNTER: case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_DECLINECOUNTER: e_cal_component_get_organizer (comp, &organizer); if (organizer.value == NULL) { e_notice (NULL, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, _("An organizer must be set.")); return NULL; } array = g_ptr_array_new (); destination = e_destination_new (); if (organizer.cn != NULL) e_destination_set_name (destination, organizer.cn); e_destination_set_email ( destination, itip_strip_mailto (organizer.value)); g_ptr_array_add (array, destination); /* send the status to delegatee to the delegate also*/ e_cal_component_get_attendee_list (comp, &attendees); sender = itip_get_comp_attendee (comp, NULL); for (l = attendees; l != NULL; l = l->next) { ECalComponentAttendee *att = l->data; if (att->cutype != ICAL_CUTYPE_INDIVIDUAL && att->cutype != ICAL_CUTYPE_GROUP) continue; if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (itip_strip_mailto (att->value), sender) || (att->sentby && !g_ascii_strcasecmp (itip_strip_mailto (att->sentby), sender))) { if (!(att->delfrom && *att->delfrom)) break; destination = e_destination_new (); e_destination_set_email ( destination, itip_strip_mailto (att->delfrom)); g_ptr_array_add (array, destination); } } e_cal_component_free_attendee_list (attendees); break; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_PUBLISH: if (users) { GList *list; array = g_ptr_array_new (); for (list = users; list != NULL; list = list->next) { destination = e_destination_new (); e_destination_set_email (destination, list->data); g_ptr_array_add (array, destination); } break; } default: break; } if (array == NULL) return NULL; convert.pdata = array->pdata; g_ptr_array_add (array, NULL); g_ptr_array_free (array, FALSE); return convert.destinations; } static gchar * comp_subject (ECalComponentItipMethod method, ECalComponent *comp) { ECalComponentText caltext; const gchar *description, *prefix = NULL; GSList *alist, *l; gchar *subject; gchar *sender; ECalComponentAttendee *a = NULL; e_cal_component_get_summary (comp, &caltext); if (caltext.value != NULL) description = caltext.value; else { switch (e_cal_component_get_vtype (comp)) { case E_CAL_COMPONENT_EVENT: description = _("Event information"); case E_CAL_COMPONENT_TODO: description = _("Task information"); case E_CAL_COMPONENT_JOURNAL: description = _("Memo information"); case E_CAL_COMPONENT_FREEBUSY: description = _("Free/Busy information"); default: description = _("Calendar information"); } } switch (method) { case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_PUBLISH: case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_REQUEST: /* FIXME: If this is an update to a previous * PUBLISH or REQUEST, then prefix = U_("Updated"); */ break; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_REPLY: e_cal_component_get_attendee_list (comp, &alist); sender = itip_get_comp_attendee (comp, NULL); if (sender) { for (l = alist; l != NULL; l = l->next) { a = l->data; if ((sender && *sender) && (g_ascii_strcasecmp (itip_strip_mailto (a->value), sender) || (a->sentby && g_ascii_strcasecmp (itip_strip_mailto (a->sentby), sender)))) break; } g_free (sender); } if (alist != NULL) { switch (a->status) { case ICAL_PARTSTAT_ACCEPTED: /* Translators: This is part of the subject * line of a meeting request or update email. * The full subject line would be: * "Accepted: Meeting Name". */ prefix = C_("Meeting", "Accepted"); break; case ICAL_PARTSTAT_TENTATIVE: /* Translators: This is part of the subject * line of a meeting request or update email. * The full subject line would be: * "Tentatively Accepted: Meeting Name". */ prefix = C_("Meeting", "Tentatively Accepted"); break; case ICAL_PARTSTAT_DECLINED: /* Translators: This is part of the subject * line of a meeting request or update email. * The full subject line would be: * "Declined: Meeting Name". */ prefix = C_("Meeting", "Declined"); break; case ICAL_PARTSTAT_DELEGATED: /* Translators: This is part of the subject * line of a meeting request or update email. * The full subject line would be: * "Delegated: Meeting Name". */ prefix = C_("Meeting", "Delegated"); break; default: break; } e_cal_component_free_attendee_list (alist); } break; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_ADD: /* Translators: This is part of the subject line of a * meeting request or update email. The full subject * line would be: "Updated: Meeting Name". */ prefix = C_("Meeting", "Updated"); break; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_CANCEL: /* Translators: This is part of the subject line of a * meeting request or update email. The full subject * line would be: "Cancel: Meeting Name". */ prefix = C_("Meeting", "Cancel"); break; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_REFRESH: /* Translators: This is part of the subject line of a * meeting request or update email. The full subject * line would be: "Refresh: Meeting Name". */ prefix = C_("Meeting", "Refresh"); break; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_COUNTER: /* Translators: This is part of the subject line of a * meeting request or update email. The full subject * line would be: "Counter-proposal: Meeting Name". */ prefix = C_("Meeting", "Counter-proposal"); break; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_DECLINECOUNTER: /* Translators: This is part of the subject line of a * meeting request or update email. The full subject * line would be: "Declined: Meeting Name". */ prefix = C_("Meeting", "Declined"); break; default: break; } if (prefix != NULL) subject = g_strdup_printf ("%s: %s", prefix, description); else subject = g_strdup (description); return subject; } static gchar * comp_content_type (ECalComponent *comp, ECalComponentItipMethod method) { return g_strdup_printf ( "text/calendar; name=\"%s\"; charset=utf-8; METHOD=%s", e_cal_component_get_vtype (comp) == E_CAL_COMPONENT_FREEBUSY ? "freebusy.ifb" : "calendar.ics", itip_methods[method]); } static const gchar * comp_filename (ECalComponent *comp) { if (e_cal_component_get_vtype (comp) == E_CAL_COMPONENT_FREEBUSY) return "freebusy.ifb"; else return "calendar.ics"; } static gchar * comp_description (ECalComponent *comp) { gchar *description; ECalComponentDateTime dt; gchar *start = NULL, *end = NULL; switch (e_cal_component_get_vtype (comp)) { case E_CAL_COMPONENT_EVENT: description = g_strdup (_("Event information")); break; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_TODO: description = g_strdup (_("Task information")); break; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_JOURNAL: description = g_strdup (_("Memo information")); break; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_FREEBUSY: e_cal_component_get_dtstart (comp, &dt); if (dt.value) start = get_label (dt.value); e_cal_component_free_datetime (&dt); e_cal_component_get_dtend (comp, &dt); if (dt.value) end = get_label (dt.value); e_cal_component_free_datetime (&dt); if (start != NULL && end != NULL) description = g_strdup_printf ( _("Free/Busy information (%s to %s)"), start, end); else description = g_strdup (_("Free/Busy information")); g_free (start); g_free (end); break; default: description = g_strdup (_("iCalendar information")); break; } return description; } static gboolean comp_server_send (ECalComponentItipMethod method, ECalComponent *comp, ECal *client, icalcomponent *zones, GList **users) { icalcomponent *top_level, *returned_icalcomp = NULL; gboolean retval = TRUE; GError *error = NULL; top_level = comp_toplevel_with_zones (method, comp, client, zones); if (!e_cal_send_objects (client, top_level, users, &returned_icalcomp, &error)) { /* FIXME Really need a book problem status code */ if (error->code != E_CALENDAR_STATUS_OK) { /* FIXME Better error message */ e_notice (NULL, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Unable to book"); retval = FALSE; } } g_clear_error (&error); if (returned_icalcomp) icalcomponent_free (returned_icalcomp); icalcomponent_free (top_level); return retval; } static gboolean comp_limit_attendees (ECalComponent *comp) { icalcomponent *icomp; icalproperty *prop; gboolean found = FALSE, match = FALSE; GSList *l, *list = NULL; icomp = e_cal_component_get_icalcomponent (comp); for (prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property (icomp, ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY); prop != NULL; prop = icalcomponent_get_next_property (icomp, ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY)) { gchar *attendee; gchar *attendee_text; icalparameter *param; const gchar *attendee_sentby; gchar *attendee_sentby_text = NULL; /* If we've already found something, just erase the rest */ if (found) { list = g_slist_prepend (list, prop); continue; } attendee = icalproperty_get_value_as_string_r (prop); if (!attendee) continue; attendee_text = g_strdup (itip_strip_mailto (attendee)); g_free (attendee); attendee_text = g_strstrip (attendee_text); found = match = e_account_list_find(itip_addresses_get(), E_ACCOUNT_FIND_ID_ADDRESS, attendee_text) != NULL; if (!found) { param = icalproperty_get_first_parameter (prop, ICAL_SENTBY_PARAMETER); if (param) { attendee_sentby = icalparameter_get_sentby (param); attendee_sentby_text = g_strdup (itip_strip_mailto (attendee_sentby)); attendee_sentby_text = g_strstrip (attendee_sentby_text); found = match = e_account_list_find(itip_addresses_get(), E_ACCOUNT_FIND_ID_ADDRESS, attendee_sentby_text) != NULL; } } g_free(attendee_text); g_free (attendee_sentby_text); if (!match) list = g_slist_prepend (list, prop); match = FALSE; } for (l = list; l != NULL; l = l->next) { prop = l->data; icalcomponent_remove_property (icomp, prop); icalproperty_free (prop); } g_slist_free (list); return found; } static void comp_sentby (ECalComponent *comp, ECal *client) { ECalComponentOrganizer organizer; GSList * attendees, *l; gchar *user = NULL; e_cal_component_get_organizer (comp, &organizer); if (!organizer.value) { EAccount *a = itip_addresses_get_default (); organizer.value = g_strdup_printf ("MAILTO:%s", a->id->address); organizer.sentby = NULL; organizer.cn = a->id->name; organizer.language = NULL; e_cal_component_set_organizer (comp, &organizer); g_free ((gchar *) organizer.value); return; } e_cal_component_get_attendee_list (comp, &attendees); user = itip_get_comp_attendee (comp, client); for (l = attendees; l; l = l->next) { ECalComponentAttendee *a = l->data; if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (itip_strip_mailto (a->value), user) || (a->sentby && !g_ascii_strcasecmp (itip_strip_mailto (a->sentby), user))) { g_free (user); return; } } if (!itip_organizer_is_user (comp, client) && !itip_sentby_is_user (comp, client)) { EAccount *a = itip_addresses_get_default (); organizer.value = g_strdup (organizer.value); organizer.sentby = g_strdup_printf ("MAILTO:%s", a->id->address); organizer.cn = g_strdup (organizer.cn); organizer.language = g_strdup (organizer.language); e_cal_component_set_organizer (comp, &organizer); g_free ((gchar *)organizer.value); g_free ((gchar *)organizer.sentby); g_free ((gchar *)organizer.cn); g_free ((gchar *)organizer.language); } } static ECalComponent * comp_minimal (ECalComponent *comp, gboolean attendee) { ECalComponent *clone; icalcomponent *icomp, *icomp_clone; icalproperty *prop; ECalComponentOrganizer organizer; const gchar *uid; GSList *comments; struct icaltimetype itt; ECalComponentRange recur_id; clone = e_cal_component_new (); e_cal_component_set_new_vtype (clone, e_cal_component_get_vtype (comp)); if (attendee) { GSList *attendees; e_cal_component_get_attendee_list (comp, &attendees); e_cal_component_set_attendee_list (clone, attendees); if (!comp_limit_attendees (clone)) { e_notice (NULL, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, _("You must be an attendee of the event.")); goto error; } } itt = icaltime_from_timet_with_zone (time (NULL), FALSE, icaltimezone_get_utc_timezone ()); e_cal_component_set_dtstamp (clone, &itt); e_cal_component_get_organizer (comp, &organizer); if (organizer.value == NULL) goto error; e_cal_component_set_organizer (clone, &organizer); e_cal_component_get_uid (comp, &uid); e_cal_component_set_uid (clone, uid); e_cal_component_get_comment_list (comp, &comments); if (g_slist_length (comments) <= 1) { e_cal_component_set_comment_list (clone, comments); } else { GSList *l = comments; comments = g_slist_remove_link (comments, l); e_cal_component_set_comment_list (clone, l); e_cal_component_free_text_list (l); } e_cal_component_free_text_list (comments); e_cal_component_get_recurid (comp, &recur_id); if (recur_id.datetime.value != NULL) e_cal_component_set_recurid (clone, &recur_id); icomp = e_cal_component_get_icalcomponent (comp); icomp_clone = e_cal_component_get_icalcomponent (clone); for (prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property (icomp, ICAL_X_PROPERTY); prop != NULL; prop = icalcomponent_get_next_property (icomp, ICAL_X_PROPERTY)) { icalproperty *p; p = icalproperty_new_clone (prop); icalcomponent_add_property (icomp_clone, p); } e_cal_component_rescan (clone); return clone; error: g_object_unref (clone); return NULL; } static ECalComponent * comp_compliant (ECalComponentItipMethod method, ECalComponent *comp, ECal *client, icalcomponent *zones, gboolean strip_alarms) { ECalComponent *clone, *temp_clone; struct icaltimetype itt; clone = e_cal_component_clone (comp); itt = icaltime_from_timet_with_zone (time (NULL), FALSE, icaltimezone_get_utc_timezone ()); e_cal_component_set_dtstamp (clone, &itt); /* Make UNTIL date a datetime in a simple recurrence */ if (e_cal_component_has_recurrences (clone) && e_cal_component_has_simple_recurrence (clone)) { GSList *rrule_list; struct icalrecurrencetype *r; e_cal_component_get_rrule_list (clone, &rrule_list); r = rrule_list->data; if (!icaltime_is_null_time (r->until) && r->until.is_date) { ECalComponentDateTime dt; icaltimezone *from_zone = NULL, *to_zone; e_cal_component_get_dtstart (clone, &dt); if (dt.value->is_date) { from_zone = calendar_config_get_icaltimezone (); } else if (dt.tzid == NULL) { from_zone = icaltimezone_get_utc_timezone (); } else { if (zones != NULL) from_zone = icalcomponent_get_timezone (zones, dt.tzid); if (from_zone == NULL) from_zone = icaltimezone_get_builtin_timezone_from_tzid (dt.tzid); if (from_zone == NULL && client != NULL) /* FIXME Error checking */ e_cal_get_timezone (client, dt.tzid, &from_zone, NULL); } to_zone = icaltimezone_get_utc_timezone (); r->until.hour = dt.value->hour; r->until.minute = dt.value->minute; r->until.second = dt.value->second; r->until.is_date = FALSE; icaltimezone_convert_time (&r->until, from_zone, to_zone); r->until.is_utc = TRUE; e_cal_component_free_datetime (&dt); e_cal_component_set_rrule_list (clone, rrule_list); e_cal_component_abort_sequence (clone); } e_cal_component_free_recur_list (rrule_list); } /* We delete incoming alarms if requested, even this helps with outlook */ if (strip_alarms) { e_cal_component_remove_all_alarms (clone); } else { /* Always strip procedure alarms, because of security */ GList *uids, *l; uids = e_cal_component_get_alarm_uids (clone); for (l = uids; l; l = l->next) { ECalComponentAlarm *alarm; ECalComponentAlarmAction action = E_CAL_COMPONENT_ALARM_UNKNOWN; alarm = e_cal_component_get_alarm (clone, (const gchar *)l->data); if (alarm) { e_cal_component_alarm_get_action (alarm, &action); e_cal_component_alarm_free (alarm); if (action == E_CAL_COMPONENT_ALARM_PROCEDURE) e_cal_component_remove_alarm (clone, (const gchar *)l->data); } } cal_obj_uid_list_free (uids); } /* Strip X-LIC-ERROR stuff */ e_cal_component_strip_errors (clone); /* Comply with itip spec */ switch (method) { case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_PUBLISH: comp_sentby (clone, client); e_cal_component_set_attendee_list (clone, NULL); break; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_REQUEST: comp_sentby (clone, client); break; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_CANCEL: comp_sentby (clone, client); break; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_REPLY: break; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_ADD: break; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_REFRESH: /* Need to remove almost everything */ temp_clone = comp_minimal (clone, TRUE); g_object_unref (clone); clone = temp_clone; break; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_COUNTER: break; case E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_DECLINECOUNTER: /* Need to remove almost everything */ temp_clone = comp_minimal (clone, FALSE); g_object_unref (clone); clone = temp_clone; break; default: break; } return clone; } static void append_cal_attachments (EMsgComposer *composer, ECalComponent *comp, GSList *attach_list) { struct CalMimeAttach *mime_attach; GSList *l; for (l = attach_list; l; l = l->next) { CamelMimePart *attachment; mime_attach = (struct CalMimeAttach *) l->data; attachment = camel_mime_part_new (); camel_mime_part_set_content ( attachment, mime_attach->encoded_data, mime_attach->length, mime_attach->content_type); if (mime_attach->content_id) camel_mime_part_set_content_id (attachment, mime_attach->content_id); if (mime_attach->filename != NULL) camel_mime_part_set_filename ( attachment, mime_attach->filename); if (mime_attach->description != NULL) camel_mime_part_set_description ( attachment, mime_attach->description); if (mime_attach->disposition) camel_mime_part_set_disposition ( attachment, "inline"); else camel_mime_part_set_disposition ( attachment, "attachment"); e_msg_composer_attach (composer, attachment); camel_object_unref (attachment); g_free (mime_attach->filename); g_free (mime_attach->content_type); g_free (mime_attach->content_id); g_free (mime_attach->description); g_free (mime_attach->encoded_data); g_free (mime_attach); } g_slist_free (attach_list); } gboolean itip_send_comp (ECalComponentItipMethod method, ECalComponent *send_comp, ECal *client, icalcomponent *zones, GSList *attachments_list, GList *users, gboolean strip_alarms) { EMsgComposer *composer; EComposerHeaderTable *table; EDestination **destinations; ECalComponent *comp = NULL; icalcomponent *top_level = NULL; gchar *ical_string = NULL; gchar *from = NULL; gchar *content_type = NULL; gchar *subject = NULL; gboolean retval = FALSE; /* check whether backend could handle auto-saving requests/updates */ if (method != E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_PUBLISH && e_cal_get_save_schedules (client)) return TRUE; /* Give the server a chance to manipulate the comp */ if (method != E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_PUBLISH) { if (!comp_server_send (method, send_comp, client, zones, &users)) goto cleanup; } /* check whether backend could handle sending requests/updates */ if (method != E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_PUBLISH && e_cal_get_static_capability (client, CAL_STATIC_CAPABILITY_CREATE_MESSAGES)) { if (users) { g_list_foreach (users, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_list_free (users); } return TRUE; } /* Tidy up the comp */ comp = comp_compliant (method, send_comp, client, zones, strip_alarms); if (comp == NULL) goto cleanup; /* Recipients */ destinations = comp_to_list (method, comp, users, FALSE); if (method != E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_PUBLISH) { if (destinations == NULL) { /* We sent them all via the server */ retval = TRUE; goto cleanup; } } /* Subject information */ subject = comp_subject (method, comp); /* From address */ from = comp_from (method, comp); composer = e_msg_composer_new (); table = e_msg_composer_get_header_table (composer); e_composer_header_table_set_subject (table, subject); e_composer_header_table_set_account_name (table, from); e_composer_header_table_set_destinations_to (table, destinations); e_destination_freev (destinations); /* Content type */ content_type = comp_content_type (comp, method); top_level = comp_toplevel_with_zones (method, comp, client, zones); ical_string = icalcomponent_as_ical_string_r (top_level); if (e_cal_component_get_vtype (comp) == E_CAL_COMPONENT_EVENT) { e_msg_composer_set_body (composer, ical_string, content_type); } else { CamelMimePart *attachment; const gchar *filename; gchar *description; gchar *body; filename = comp_filename (comp); description = comp_description (comp); body = camel_text_to_html ( description, CAMEL_MIME_FILTER_TOHTML_PRE, 0); e_msg_composer_set_body_text (composer, body, -1); g_free (body); attachment = camel_mime_part_new (); camel_mime_part_set_content ( attachment, ical_string, strlen (ical_string), content_type); if (filename != NULL && *filename != '\0') camel_mime_part_set_filename (attachment, filename); if (description != NULL && *description != '\0') camel_mime_part_set_description (attachment, description); camel_mime_part_set_disposition (attachment, "inline"); e_msg_composer_attach (composer, attachment); camel_object_unref (attachment); g_free (description); } append_cal_attachments (composer, comp, attachments_list); if ((method == E_CAL_COMPONENT_METHOD_PUBLISH) && !users) gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (composer)); else e_msg_composer_send (composer); retval = TRUE; cleanup: if (comp != NULL) g_object_unref (comp); if (top_level != NULL) icalcomponent_free (top_level); if (users) { g_list_foreach (users, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_list_free (users); } g_free (from); g_free (content_type); g_free (subject); g_free (ical_string); return retval; } gboolean reply_to_calendar_comp (ECalComponentItipMethod method, ECalComponent *send_comp, ECal *client, gboolean reply_all, icalcomponent *zones, GSList *attachments_list) { EMsgComposer *composer; EComposerHeaderTable *table; EDestination **destinations; ECalComponent *comp = NULL; icalcomponent *top_level = NULL; GList *users = NULL; gchar *from; gchar *subject; gchar *ical_string = NULL; gboolean retval = FALSE; /* Tidy up the comp */ comp = comp_compliant (method, send_comp, client, zones, TRUE); if (comp == NULL) goto cleanup; /* Recipients */ destinations = comp_to_list (method, comp, users, reply_all); /* Subject information */ subject = comp_subject (method, comp); /* From address */ from = comp_from (method, comp); composer = e_msg_composer_new (); table = e_msg_composer_get_header_table (composer); e_composer_header_table_set_subject (table, subject); e_composer_header_table_set_account_name (table, from); e_composer_header_table_set_destinations_to (table, destinations); e_destination_freev (destinations); top_level = comp_toplevel_with_zones (method, comp, client, zones); ical_string = icalcomponent_as_ical_string_r (top_level); if (e_cal_component_get_vtype (comp) == E_CAL_COMPONENT_EVENT) { GString *body; gchar *orig_from = NULL; const gchar *description = NULL; gchar *subject = NULL; const gchar *location = NULL; gchar *time = NULL; gchar *html_description = NULL; GSList *text_list = NULL; ECalComponentOrganizer organizer; ECalComponentText text; ECalComponentDateTime dtstart; icaltimezone *start_zone = NULL; time_t start; e_cal_component_get_description_list (comp, &text_list); if (text_list) { ECalComponentText text = *((ECalComponentText *)text_list->data); if (text.value) description = text.value; else description = ""; } else { description = ""; } e_cal_component_free_text_list (text_list); e_cal_component_get_summary (comp, &text); if (text.value) subject = g_strdup (text.value); e_cal_component_get_organizer (comp, &organizer); if (organizer.value) orig_from = g_strdup (itip_strip_mailto (organizer.value)); e_cal_component_get_location (comp, &location); if (!location) location = "Unspecified"; e_cal_component_get_dtstart (comp, &dtstart); if (dtstart.value) { start_zone = icaltimezone_get_builtin_timezone_from_tzid (dtstart.tzid); if (!start_zone) { if (!e_cal_get_timezone (client, dtstart.tzid, &start_zone, NULL)) g_warning ("Couldn't get timezone from server: %s", dtstart.tzid ? dtstart.tzid : ""); }