path: root/docs/jsdocs/metamask-controller.js.html
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authorThomas Huang <tmashuang@users.noreply.github.com>2018-04-18 01:01:09 +0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2018-04-18 01:01:09 +0800
commit7b70804aa0d74120098a4bcb2c375d29080e8368 (patch)
tree4e5addffa196d81502ff47743347e90421fe6e7b /docs/jsdocs/metamask-controller.js.html
parentbdec1bc90b4f057eae77d2986b228c4ef2e7dfb8 (diff)
parent136caa2034e151763347d20488f2516277631bc9 (diff)
Merge pull request #3969 from MetaMask/i3966-AddJsDocsPage
Add JSDocs Page and Script
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+ <h1 class="page-title">metamask-controller.js</h1>
+ <section>
+ <article>
+ <pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>/**
+ * @file The central metamask controller. Aggregates other controllers and exports an api.
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 MetaMask
+ * @license MIT
+ */
+const EventEmitter = require('events')
+const extend = require('xtend')
+const pump = require('pump')
+const Dnode = require('dnode')
+const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
+const asStream = require('obs-store/lib/asStream')
+const AccountTracker = require('./lib/account-tracker')
+const RpcEngine = require('json-rpc-engine')
+const debounce = require('debounce')
+const createEngineStream = require('json-rpc-middleware-stream/engineStream')
+const createFilterMiddleware = require('eth-json-rpc-filters')
+const createOriginMiddleware = require('./lib/createOriginMiddleware')
+const createLoggerMiddleware = require('./lib/createLoggerMiddleware')
+const createProviderMiddleware = require('./lib/createProviderMiddleware')
+const setupMultiplex = require('./lib/stream-utils.js').setupMultiplex
+const KeyringController = require('eth-keyring-controller')
+const NetworkController = require('./controllers/network')
+const PreferencesController = require('./controllers/preferences')
+const CurrencyController = require('./controllers/currency')
+const NoticeController = require('./notice-controller')
+const ShapeShiftController = require('./controllers/shapeshift')
+const AddressBookController = require('./controllers/address-book')
+const InfuraController = require('./controllers/infura')
+const BlacklistController = require('./controllers/blacklist')
+const RecentBlocksController = require('./controllers/recent-blocks')
+const MessageManager = require('./lib/message-manager')
+const PersonalMessageManager = require('./lib/personal-message-manager')
+const TypedMessageManager = require('./lib/typed-message-manager')
+const TransactionController = require('./controllers/transactions')
+const BalancesController = require('./controllers/computed-balances')
+const ConfigManager = require('./lib/config-manager')
+const nodeify = require('./lib/nodeify')
+const accountImporter = require('./account-import-strategies')
+const getBuyEthUrl = require('./lib/buy-eth-url')
+const Mutex = require('await-semaphore').Mutex
+const version = require('../manifest.json').version
+const BN = require('ethereumjs-util').BN
+const GWEI_BN = new BN('1000000000')
+const percentile = require('percentile')
+const seedPhraseVerifier = require('./lib/seed-phrase-verifier')
+ * @typedef {object} MetaMaskOptions
+ * @property {Platform} platform - An object including platform-specific functions.
+ */
+module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
+ /**
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {Object} opts
+ */
+ constructor (opts) {
+ super()
+ // Avoids warnings when we use lots of emitters.
+ this.defaultMaxListeners = 20
+ this.sendUpdate = debounce(this.privateSendUpdate.bind(this), 200)
+ this.opts = opts
+ const initState = opts.initState || {}
+ this.recordFirstTimeInfo(initState)
+ // platform-specific api
+ this.platform = opts.platform
+ // observable state store
+ this.store = new ObservableStore(initState)
+ // lock to ensure only one vault created at once
+ this.createVaultMutex = new Mutex()
+ // network store
+ this.networkController = new NetworkController(initState.NetworkController)
+ // config manager
+ this.configManager = new ConfigManager({
+ store: this.store,
+ })
+ // preferences controller
+ this.preferencesController = new PreferencesController({
+ initState: initState.PreferencesController,
+ initLangCode: opts.initLangCode,
+ })
+ // currency controller
+ this.currencyController = new CurrencyController({
+ initState: initState.CurrencyController,
+ })
+ this.currencyController.updateConversionRate()
+ this.currencyController.scheduleConversionInterval()
+ // infura controller
+ this.infuraController = new InfuraController({
+ initState: initState.InfuraController,
+ })
+ this.infuraController.scheduleInfuraNetworkCheck()
+ this.blacklistController = new BlacklistController()
+ this.blacklistController.scheduleUpdates()
+ // rpc provider
+ this.provider = this.initializeProvider()
+ this.blockTracker = this.provider._blockTracker
+ this.recentBlocksController = new RecentBlocksController({
+ blockTracker: this.blockTracker,
+ provider: this.provider,
+ })
+ // account tracker watches balances, nonces, and any code at their address.
+ this.accountTracker = new AccountTracker({
+ provider: this.provider,
+ blockTracker: this.blockTracker,
+ })
+ // key mgmt
+ this.keyringController = new KeyringController({
+ initState: initState.KeyringController,
+ getNetwork: this.networkController.getNetworkState.bind(this.networkController),
+ encryptor: opts.encryptor || undefined,
+ })
+ // If only one account exists, make sure it is selected.
+ this.keyringController.memStore.subscribe((state) => {
+ const addresses = state.keyrings.reduce((res, keyring) => {
+ return res.concat(keyring.accounts)
+ }, [])
+ if (addresses.length === 1) {
+ const address = addresses[0]
+ this.preferencesController.setSelectedAddress(address)
+ }
+ this.accountTracker.syncWithAddresses(addresses)
+ })
+ // address book controller
+ this.addressBookController = new AddressBookController({
+ initState: initState.AddressBookController,
+ }, this.keyringController)
+ // tx mgmt
+ this.txController = new TransactionController({
+ initState: initState.TransactionController || initState.TransactionManager,
+ networkStore: this.networkController.networkStore,
+ preferencesStore: this.preferencesController.store,
+ txHistoryLimit: 40,
+ getNetwork: this.networkController.getNetworkState.bind(this),
+ signTransaction: this.keyringController.signTransaction.bind(this.keyringController),
+ provider: this.provider,
+ blockTracker: this.blockTracker,
+ getGasPrice: this.getGasPrice.bind(this),
+ })
+ this.txController.on('newUnapprovedTx', opts.showUnapprovedTx.bind(opts))
+ // computed balances (accounting for pending transactions)
+ this.balancesController = new BalancesController({
+ accountTracker: this.accountTracker,
+ txController: this.txController,
+ blockTracker: this.blockTracker,
+ })
+ this.networkController.on('networkDidChange', () => {
+ this.balancesController.updateAllBalances()
+ })
+ this.balancesController.updateAllBalances()
+ // notices
+ this.noticeController = new NoticeController({
+ initState: initState.NoticeController,
+ version,
+ firstVersion: initState.firstTimeInfo.version,
+ })
+ this.noticeController.updateNoticesList()
+ // to be uncommented when retrieving notices from a remote server.
+ // this.noticeController.startPolling()
+ this.shapeshiftController = new ShapeShiftController({
+ initState: initState.ShapeShiftController,
+ })
+ this.networkController.lookupNetwork()
+ this.messageManager = new MessageManager()
+ this.personalMessageManager = new PersonalMessageManager()
+ this.typedMessageManager = new TypedMessageManager()
+ this.publicConfigStore = this.initPublicConfigStore()
+ // manual disk state subscriptions
+ this.txController.store.subscribe((state) => {
+ this.store.updateState({ TransactionController: state })
+ })
+ this.keyringController.store.subscribe((state) => {
+ this.store.updateState({ KeyringController: state })
+ })
+ this.preferencesController.store.subscribe((state) => {
+ this.store.updateState({ PreferencesController: state })
+ })
+ this.addressBookController.store.subscribe((state) => {
+ this.store.updateState({ AddressBookController: state })
+ })
+ this.currencyController.store.subscribe((state) => {
+ this.store.updateState({ CurrencyController: state })
+ })
+ this.noticeController.store.subscribe((state) => {
+ this.store.updateState({ NoticeController: state })
+ })
+ this.shapeshiftController.store.subscribe((state) => {
+ this.store.updateState({ ShapeShiftController: state })
+ })
+ this.networkController.store.subscribe((state) => {
+ this.store.updateState({ NetworkController: state })
+ })
+ this.infuraController.store.subscribe((state) => {
+ this.store.updateState({ InfuraController: state })
+ })
+ // manual mem state subscriptions
+ const sendUpdate = this.sendUpdate.bind(this)
+ this.networkController.store.subscribe(sendUpdate)
+ this.accountTracker.store.subscribe(sendUpdate)
+ this.txController.memStore.subscribe(sendUpdate)
+ this.balancesController.store.subscribe(sendUpdate)
+ this.messageManager.memStore.subscribe(sendUpdate)
+ this.personalMessageManager.memStore.subscribe(sendUpdate)
+ this.typedMessageManager.memStore.subscribe(sendUpdate)
+ this.keyringController.memStore.subscribe(sendUpdate)
+ this.preferencesController.store.subscribe(sendUpdate)
+ this.recentBlocksController.store.subscribe(sendUpdate)
+ this.addressBookController.store.subscribe(sendUpdate)
+ this.currencyController.store.subscribe(sendUpdate)
+ this.noticeController.memStore.subscribe(sendUpdate)
+ this.shapeshiftController.store.subscribe(sendUpdate)
+ this.infuraController.store.subscribe(sendUpdate)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructor helper: initialize a provider.
+ */
+ initializeProvider () {
+ const providerOpts = {
+ static: {
+ eth_syncing: false,
+ web3_clientVersion: `MetaMask/v${version}`,
+ eth_sendTransaction: (payload, next, end) => {
+ const origin = payload.origin
+ const txParams = payload.params[0]
+ nodeify(this.txController.newUnapprovedTransaction, this.txController)(txParams, { origin }, end)
+ },
+ },
+ // account mgmt
+ getAccounts: (cb) => {
+ const isUnlocked = this.keyringController.memStore.getState().isUnlocked
+ const result = []
+ const selectedAddress = this.preferencesController.getSelectedAddress()
+ // only show address if account is unlocked
+ if (isUnlocked &amp;&amp; selectedAddress) {
+ result.push(selectedAddress)
+ }
+ cb(null, result)
+ },
+ // tx signing
+ // old style msg signing
+ processMessage: this.newUnsignedMessage.bind(this),
+ // personal_sign msg signing
+ processPersonalMessage: this.newUnsignedPersonalMessage.bind(this),
+ processTypedMessage: this.newUnsignedTypedMessage.bind(this),
+ }
+ const providerProxy = this.networkController.initializeProvider(providerOpts)
+ return providerProxy
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructor helper: initialize a public config store.
+ */
+ initPublicConfigStore () {
+ // get init state
+ const publicConfigStore = new ObservableStore()
+ // memStore -> transform -> publicConfigStore
+ this.on('update', (memState) => {
+ const publicState = selectPublicState(memState)
+ publicConfigStore.putState(publicState)
+ })
+ function selectPublicState (memState) {
+ const result = {
+ selectedAddress: memState.isUnlocked ? memState.selectedAddress : undefined,
+ networkVersion: memState.network,
+ }
+ return result
+ }
+ return publicConfigStore
+ }
+ /**
+ * The metamask-state of the various controllers, made available to the UI
+ *
+ * @returns {Object} status
+ */
+ getState () {
+ const wallet = this.configManager.getWallet()
+ const vault = this.keyringController.store.getState().vault
+ const isInitialized = (!!wallet || !!vault)
+ return extend(
+ {
+ isInitialized,
+ },
+ this.networkController.store.getState(),
+ this.accountTracker.store.getState(),
+ this.txController.memStore.getState(),
+ this.messageManager.memStore.getState(),
+ this.personalMessageManager.memStore.getState(),
+ this.typedMessageManager.memStore.getState(),
+ this.keyringController.memStore.getState(),
+ this.balancesController.store.getState(),
+ this.preferencesController.store.getState(),
+ this.addressBookController.store.getState(),
+ this.currencyController.store.getState(),
+ this.noticeController.memStore.getState(),
+ this.infuraController.store.getState(),
+ this.recentBlocksController.store.getState(),
+ // config manager
+ this.configManager.getConfig(),
+ this.shapeshiftController.store.getState(),
+ {
+ lostAccounts: this.configManager.getLostAccounts(),
+ seedWords: this.configManager.getSeedWords(),
+ forgottenPassword: this.configManager.getPasswordForgotten(),
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns an api-object which is consumed by the UI
+ *
+ * @returns {Object}
+ */
+ getApi () {
+ const keyringController = this.keyringController
+ const preferencesController = this.preferencesController
+ const txController = this.txController
+ const noticeController = this.noticeController
+ const addressBookController = this.addressBookController
+ const networkController = this.networkController
+ return {
+ // etc
+ getState: (cb) => cb(null, this.getState()),
+ setCurrentCurrency: this.setCurrentCurrency.bind(this),
+ setUseBlockie: this.setUseBlockie.bind(this),
+ setCurrentLocale: this.setCurrentLocale.bind(this),
+ markAccountsFound: this.markAccountsFound.bind(this),
+ markPasswordForgotten: this.markPasswordForgotten.bind(this),
+ unMarkPasswordForgotten: this.unMarkPasswordForgotten.bind(this),
+ // coinbase
+ buyEth: this.buyEth.bind(this),
+ // shapeshift
+ createShapeShiftTx: this.createShapeShiftTx.bind(this),
+ // primary HD keyring management
+ addNewAccount: nodeify(this.addNewAccount, this),
+ placeSeedWords: this.placeSeedWords.bind(this),
+ verifySeedPhrase: nodeify(this.verifySeedPhrase, this),
+ clearSeedWordCache: this.clearSeedWordCache.bind(this),
+ resetAccount: nodeify(this.resetAccount, this),
+ importAccountWithStrategy: this.importAccountWithStrategy.bind(this),
+ // vault management
+ submitPassword: nodeify(keyringController.submitPassword, keyringController),
+ // network management
+ setNetworkEndpoints: nodeify(networkController.setNetworkEndpoints, networkController),
+ setProviderType: nodeify(networkController.setProviderType, networkController),
+ setCustomRpc: nodeify(this.setCustomRpc, this),
+ // PreferencesController
+ setSelectedAddress: nodeify(preferencesController.setSelectedAddress, preferencesController),
+ addToken: nodeify(preferencesController.addToken, preferencesController),
+ removeToken: nodeify(preferencesController.removeToken, preferencesController),
+ setCurrentAccountTab: nodeify(preferencesController.setCurrentAccountTab, preferencesController),
+ setFeatureFlag: nodeify(preferencesController.setFeatureFlag, preferencesController),
+ // AddressController
+ setAddressBook: nodeify(addressBookController.setAddressBook, addressBookController),
+ // KeyringController
+ setLocked: nodeify(keyringController.setLocked, keyringController),
+ createNewVaultAndKeychain: nodeify(this.createNewVaultAndKeychain, this),
+ createNewVaultAndRestore: nodeify(this.createNewVaultAndRestore, this),
+ addNewKeyring: nodeify(keyringController.addNewKeyring, keyringController),
+ saveAccountLabel: nodeify(keyringController.saveAccountLabel, keyringController),
+ exportAccount: nodeify(keyringController.exportAccount, keyringController),
+ // txController
+ cancelTransaction: nodeify(txController.cancelTransaction, txController),
+ updateTransaction: nodeify(txController.updateTransaction, txController),
+ updateAndApproveTransaction: nodeify(txController.updateAndApproveTransaction, txController),
+ retryTransaction: nodeify(this.retryTransaction, this),
+ // messageManager
+ signMessage: nodeify(this.signMessage, this),
+ cancelMessage: this.cancelMessage.bind(this),
+ // personalMessageManager
+ signPersonalMessage: nodeify(this.signPersonalMessage, this),
+ cancelPersonalMessage: this.cancelPersonalMessage.bind(this),
+ // personalMessageManager
+ signTypedMessage: nodeify(this.signTypedMessage, this),
+ cancelTypedMessage: this.cancelTypedMessage.bind(this),
+ // notices
+ checkNotices: noticeController.updateNoticesList.bind(noticeController),
+ markNoticeRead: noticeController.markNoticeRead.bind(noticeController),
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new Vault(?) and create a new keychain(?)
+ *
+ * A vault is ...
+ *
+ * A keychain is ...
+ *
+ *
+ * @param {} password
+ *
+ * @returns {} vault
+ */
+ async createNewVaultAndKeychain (password) {
+ const release = await this.createVaultMutex.acquire()
+ let vault
+ try {
+ const accounts = await this.keyringController.getAccounts()
+ if (accounts.length > 0) {
+ vault = await this.keyringController.fullUpdate()
+ } else {
+ vault = await this.keyringController.createNewVaultAndKeychain(password)
+ this.selectFirstIdentity(vault)
+ }
+ release()
+ } catch (err) {
+ release()
+ throw err
+ }
+ return vault
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a new Vault and restore an existent keychain
+ * @param {} password
+ * @param {} seed
+ */
+ async createNewVaultAndRestore (password, seed) {
+ const release = await this.createVaultMutex.acquire()
+ try {
+ const vault = await this.keyringController.createNewVaultAndRestore(password, seed)
+ this.selectFirstIdentity(vault)
+ release()
+ return vault
+ } catch (err) {
+ release()
+ throw err
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the first Identiy from the passed Vault and selects the related address
+ *
+ * An Identity is ...
+ *
+ * @param {} vault
+ */
+ selectFirstIdentity (vault) {
+ const { identities } = vault
+ const address = Object.keys(identities)[0]
+ this.preferencesController.setSelectedAddress(address)
+ }
+ // ?
+ // Opinionated Keyring Management
+ //
+ /**
+ * Adds a new account to ...
+ *
+ * @returns {} keyState
+ */
+ async addNewAccount () {
+ const primaryKeyring = this.keyringController.getKeyringsByType('HD Key Tree')[0]
+ if (!primaryKeyring) {
+ throw new Error('MetamaskController - No HD Key Tree found')
+ }
+ const keyringController = this.keyringController
+ const oldAccounts = await keyringController.getAccounts()
+ const keyState = await keyringController.addNewAccount(primaryKeyring)
+ const newAccounts = await keyringController.getAccounts()
+ await this.verifySeedPhrase()
+ newAccounts.forEach((address) => {
+ if (!oldAccounts.includes(address)) {
+ this.preferencesController.setSelectedAddress(address)
+ }
+ })
+ return keyState
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds the current vault's seed words to the UI's state tree.
+ *
+ * Used when creating a first vault, to allow confirmation.
+ * Also used when revealing the seed words in the confirmation view.
+ */
+ placeSeedWords (cb) {
+ this.verifySeedPhrase()
+ .then((seedWords) => {
+ this.configManager.setSeedWords(seedWords)
+ return cb(null, seedWords)
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ return cb(err)
+ })
+ }
+ /**
+ * Verifies the validity of the current vault's seed phrase.
+ *
+ * Validity: seed phrase restores the accounts belonging to the current vault.
+ *
+ * Called when the first account is created and on unlocking the vault.
+ */
+ async verifySeedPhrase () {
+ const primaryKeyring = this.keyringController.getKeyringsByType('HD Key Tree')[0]
+ if (!primaryKeyring) {
+ throw new Error('MetamaskController - No HD Key Tree found')
+ }
+ const serialized = await primaryKeyring.serialize()
+ const seedWords = serialized.mnemonic
+ const accounts = await primaryKeyring.getAccounts()
+ if (accounts.length &lt; 1) {
+ throw new Error('MetamaskController - No accounts found')
+ }
+ try {
+ await seedPhraseVerifier.verifyAccounts(accounts, seedWords)
+ return seedWords
+ } catch (err) {
+ log.error(err.message)
+ throw err
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove the primary account seed phrase from the UI's state tree.
+ *
+ * The seed phrase remains available in the background process.
+ *
+ */
+ clearSeedWordCache (cb) {
+ this.configManager.setSeedWords(null)
+ cb(null, this.preferencesController.getSelectedAddress())
+ }
+ /**
+ * ?
+ */
+ async resetAccount (cb) {
+ const selectedAddress = this.preferencesController.getSelectedAddress()
+ this.txController.wipeTransactions(selectedAddress)
+ const networkController = this.networkController
+ const oldType = networkController.getProviderConfig().type
+ await networkController.setProviderType(oldType, true)
+ return selectedAddress
+ }
+ /**
+ * Imports an account ... ?
+ *
+ * @param {} strategy
+ * @param {} args
+ * @param {} cb
+ */
+ importAccountWithStrategy (strategy, args, cb) {
+ accountImporter.importAccount(strategy, args)
+ .then((privateKey) => {
+ return this.keyringController.addNewKeyring('Simple Key Pair', [ privateKey ])
+ })
+ .then(keyring => keyring.getAccounts())
+ .then((accounts) => this.preferencesController.setSelectedAddress(accounts[0]))
+ .then(() => { cb(null, this.keyringController.fullUpdate()) })
+ .catch((reason) => { cb(reason) })
+ }
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Identity Management (sign)
+ /**
+ * @param {} msgParams
+ * @param {} cb
+ */
+ signMessage (msgParams, cb) {
+ log.info('MetaMaskController - signMessage')
+ const msgId = msgParams.metamaskId
+ // sets the status op the message to 'approved'
+ // and removes the metamaskId for signing
+ return this.messageManager.approveMessage(msgParams)
+ .then((cleanMsgParams) => {
+ // signs the message
+ return this.keyringController.signMessage(cleanMsgParams)
+ })
+ .then((rawSig) => {
+ // tells the listener that the message has been signed
+ // and can be returned to the dapp
+ this.messageManager.setMsgStatusSigned(msgId, rawSig)
+ return this.getState()
+ })
+ }
+ // Prefixed Style Message Signing Methods:
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param {} msgParams
+ * @param {} cb
+ */
+ approvePersonalMessage (msgParams, cb) {
+ const msgId = this.personalMessageManager.addUnapprovedMessage(msgParams)
+ this.sendUpdate()
+ this.opts.showUnconfirmedMessage()
+ this.personalMessageManager.once(`${msgId}:finished`, (data) => {
+ switch (data.status) {
+ case 'signed':
+ return cb(null, data.rawSig)
+ case 'rejected':
+ return cb(new Error('MetaMask Message Signature: User denied transaction signature.'))
+ default:
+ return cb(new Error(`MetaMask Message Signature: Unknown problem: ${JSON.stringify(msgParams)}`))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {} msgParams
+ */
+ signPersonalMessage (msgParams) {
+ log.info('MetaMaskController - signPersonalMessage')
+ const msgId = msgParams.metamaskId
+ // sets the status op the message to 'approved'
+ // and removes the metamaskId for signing
+ return this.personalMessageManager.approveMessage(msgParams)
+ .then((cleanMsgParams) => {
+ // signs the message
+ return this.keyringController.signPersonalMessage(cleanMsgParams)
+ })
+ .then((rawSig) => {
+ // tells the listener that the message has been signed
+ // and can be returned to the dapp
+ this.personalMessageManager.setMsgStatusSigned(msgId, rawSig)
+ return this.getState()
+ })
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {} msgParams
+ */
+ signTypedMessage (msgParams) {
+ log.info('MetaMaskController - signTypedMessage')
+ const msgId = msgParams.metamaskId
+ // sets the status op the message to 'approved'
+ // and removes the metamaskId for signing
+ return this.typedMessageManager.approveMessage(msgParams)
+ .then((cleanMsgParams) => {
+ // signs the message
+ return this.keyringController.signTypedMessage(cleanMsgParams)
+ })
+ .then((rawSig) => {
+ // tells the listener that the message has been signed
+ // and can be returned to the dapp
+ this.typedMessageManager.setMsgStatusSigned(msgId, rawSig)
+ return this.getState()
+ })
+ }
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Account Restauration
+ /**
+ * ?
+ *
+ * @param {} migratorOutput
+ */
+ restoreOldVaultAccounts (migratorOutput) {
+ const { serialized } = migratorOutput
+ return this.keyringController.restoreKeyring(serialized)
+ .then(() => migratorOutput)
+ }
+ /**
+ * ?
+ *
+ * @param {} migratorOutput
+ */
+ restoreOldLostAccounts (migratorOutput) {
+ const { lostAccounts } = migratorOutput
+ if (lostAccounts) {
+ this.configManager.setLostAccounts(lostAccounts.map(acct => acct.address))
+ return this.importLostAccounts(migratorOutput)
+ }
+ return Promise.resolve(migratorOutput)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Import (lost) Accounts
+ *
+ * @param {Object} {lostAccounts} @Array accounts &lt;{ address, privateKey }>
+ *
+ * Uses the array's private keys to create a new Simple Key Pair keychain
+ * and add it to the keyring controller.
+ */
+ importLostAccounts ({ lostAccounts }) {
+ const privKeys = lostAccounts.map(acct => acct.privateKey)
+ return this.keyringController.restoreKeyring({
+ type: 'Simple Key Pair',
+ data: privKeys,
+ })
+ }
+ async retryTransaction (txId, cb) {
+ await this.txController.retryTransaction(txId)
+ const state = await this.getState()
+ return state
+ }
+ newUnsignedMessage (msgParams, cb) {
+ const msgId = this.messageManager.addUnapprovedMessage(msgParams)
+ this.sendUpdate()
+ this.opts.showUnconfirmedMessage()
+ this.messageManager.once(`${msgId}:finished`, (data) => {
+ switch (data.status) {
+ case 'signed':
+ return cb(null, data.rawSig)
+ case 'rejected':
+ return cb(new Error('MetaMask Message Signature: User denied message signature.'))
+ default:
+ return cb(new Error(`MetaMask Message Signature: Unknown problem: ${JSON.stringify(msgParams)}`))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ newUnsignedPersonalMessage (msgParams, cb) {
+ if (!msgParams.from) {
+ return cb(new Error('MetaMask Message Signature: from field is required.'))
+ }
+ const msgId = this.personalMessageManager.addUnapprovedMessage(msgParams)
+ this.sendUpdate()
+ this.opts.showUnconfirmedMessage()
+ this.personalMessageManager.once(`${msgId}:finished`, (data) => {
+ switch (data.status) {
+ case 'signed':
+ return cb(null, data.rawSig)
+ case 'rejected':
+ return cb(new Error('MetaMask Message Signature: User denied message signature.'))
+ default:
+ return cb(new Error(`MetaMask Message Signature: Unknown problem: ${JSON.stringify(msgParams)}`))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ newUnsignedTypedMessage (msgParams, cb) {
+ let msgId
+ try {
+ msgId = this.typedMessageManager.addUnapprovedMessage(msgParams)
+ this.sendUpdate()
+ this.opts.showUnconfirmedMessage()
+ } catch (e) {
+ return cb(e)
+ }
+ this.typedMessageManager.once(`${msgId}:finished`, (data) => {
+ switch (data.status) {
+ case 'signed':
+ return cb(null, data.rawSig)
+ case 'rejected':
+ return cb(new Error('MetaMask Message Signature: User denied message signature.'))
+ default:
+ return cb(new Error(`MetaMask Message Signature: Unknown problem: ${JSON.stringify(msgParams)}`))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ cancelMessage (msgId, cb) {
+ const messageManager = this.messageManager
+ messageManager.rejectMsg(msgId)
+ if (cb &amp;&amp; typeof cb === 'function') {
+ cb(null, this.getState())
+ }
+ }
+ cancelPersonalMessage (msgId, cb) {
+ const messageManager = this.personalMessageManager
+ messageManager.rejectMsg(msgId)
+ if (cb &amp;&amp; typeof cb === 'function') {
+ cb(null, this.getState())
+ }
+ }
+ cancelTypedMessage (msgId, cb) {
+ const messageManager = this.typedMessageManager
+ messageManager.rejectMsg(msgId)
+ if (cb &amp;&amp; typeof cb === 'function') {
+ cb(null, this.getState())
+ }
+ }
+ markAccountsFound (cb) {
+ this.configManager.setLostAccounts([])
+ this.sendUpdate()
+ cb(null, this.getState())
+ }
+ markPasswordForgotten(cb) {
+ this.configManager.setPasswordForgotten(true)
+ this.sendUpdate()
+ cb()
+ }
+ unMarkPasswordForgotten(cb) {
+ this.configManager.setPasswordForgotten(false)
+ this.sendUpdate()
+ cb()
+ }
+ setupUntrustedCommunication (connectionStream, originDomain) {
+ // Check if new connection is blacklisted
+ if (this.blacklistController.checkForPhishing(originDomain)) {
+ log.debug('MetaMask - sending phishing warning for', originDomain)
+ this.sendPhishingWarning(connectionStream, originDomain)
+ return
+ }
+ // setup multiplexing
+ const mux = setupMultiplex(connectionStream)
+ // connect features
+ this.setupProviderConnection(mux.createStream('provider'), originDomain)
+ this.setupPublicConfig(mux.createStream('publicConfig'))
+ }
+ setupTrustedCommunication (connectionStream, originDomain) {
+ // setup multiplexing
+ const mux = setupMultiplex(connectionStream)
+ // connect features
+ this.setupControllerConnection(mux.createStream('controller'))
+ this.setupProviderConnection(mux.createStream('provider'), originDomain)
+ }
+ sendPhishingWarning (connectionStream, hostname) {
+ const mux = setupMultiplex(connectionStream)
+ const phishingStream = mux.createStream('phishing')
+ phishingStream.write({ hostname })
+ }
+ setupControllerConnection (outStream) {
+ const api = this.getApi()
+ const dnode = Dnode(api)
+ pump(
+ outStream,
+ dnode,
+ outStream,
+ (err) => {
+ if (err) log.error(err)
+ }
+ )
+ dnode.on('remote', (remote) => {
+ // push updates to popup
+ const sendUpdate = remote.sendUpdate.bind(remote)
+ this.on('update', sendUpdate)
+ })
+ }
+ setupProviderConnection (outStream, origin) {
+ // setup json rpc engine stack
+ const engine = new RpcEngine()
+ // create filter polyfill middleware
+ const filterMiddleware = createFilterMiddleware({
+ provider: this.provider,
+ blockTracker: this.provider._blockTracker,
+ })
+ engine.push(createOriginMiddleware({ origin }))
+ engine.push(createLoggerMiddleware({ origin }))
+ engine.push(filterMiddleware)
+ engine.push(createProviderMiddleware({ provider: this.provider }))
+ // setup connection
+ const providerStream = createEngineStream({ engine })
+ pump(
+ outStream,
+ providerStream,
+ outStream,
+ (err) => {
+ // cleanup filter polyfill middleware
+ filterMiddleware.destroy()
+ if (err) log.error(err)
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ setupPublicConfig (outStream) {
+ pump(
+ asStream(this.publicConfigStore),
+ outStream,
+ (err) => {
+ if (err) log.error(err)
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ privateSendUpdate () {
+ this.emit('update', this.getState())
+ }
+ getGasPrice () {
+ const { recentBlocksController } = this
+ const { recentBlocks } = recentBlocksController.store.getState()
+ // Return 1 gwei if no blocks have been observed:
+ if (recentBlocks.length === 0) {
+ return '0x' + GWEI_BN.toString(16)
+ }
+ const lowestPrices = recentBlocks.map((block) => {
+ if (!block.gasPrices || block.gasPrices.length &lt; 1) {
+ return GWEI_BN
+ }
+ return block.gasPrices
+ .map(hexPrefix => hexPrefix.substr(2))
+ .map(hex => new BN(hex, 16))
+ .sort((a, b) => {
+ return a.gt(b) ? 1 : -1
+ })[0]
+ })
+ .map(number => number.div(GWEI_BN).toNumber())
+ const percentileNum = percentile(50, lowestPrices)
+ const percentileNumBn = new BN(percentileNum)
+ return '0x' + percentileNumBn.mul(GWEI_BN).toString(16)
+ }
+ // Log blocks
+ setCurrentCurrency (currencyCode, cb) {
+ try {
+ this.currencyController.setCurrentCurrency(currencyCode)
+ this.currencyController.updateConversionRate()
+ const data = {
+ conversionRate: this.currencyController.getConversionRate(),
+ currentCurrency: this.currencyController.getCurrentCurrency(),
+ conversionDate: this.currencyController.getConversionDate(),
+ }
+ cb(null, data)
+ } catch (err) {
+ cb(err)
+ }
+ }
+ buyEth (address, amount) {
+ if (!amount) amount = '5'
+ const network = this.networkController.getNetworkState()
+ const url = getBuyEthUrl({ network, address, amount })
+ if (url) this.platform.openWindow({ url })
+ }
+ createShapeShiftTx (depositAddress, depositType) {
+ this.shapeshiftController.createShapeShiftTx(depositAddress, depositType)
+ }
+ // network
+ async setCustomRpc (rpcTarget, rpcList) {
+ this.networkController.setRpcTarget(rpcTarget)
+ await this.preferencesController.updateFrequentRpcList(rpcTarget)
+ return rpcTarget
+ }
+ setUseBlockie (val, cb) {
+ try {
+ this.preferencesController.setUseBlockie(val)
+ cb(null)
+ } catch (err) {
+ cb(err)
+ }
+ }
+ setCurrentLocale (key, cb) {
+ try {
+ this.preferencesController.setCurrentLocale(key)
+ cb(null)
+ } catch (err) {
+ cb(err)
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Records the MetaMask version and time of first installation,
+ * mutating the initState param.
+ *
+ * @private
+ *
+ * @param {object} initState The initial state passed to the controller,
+ * which may be new.
+ */
+ recordFirstTimeInfo (initState) {
+ if (!('firstTimeInfo' in initState)) {
+ initState.firstTimeInfo = {
+ version,
+ date: Date.now(),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ </article>
+ </section>
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