path: root/ui/app/components
diff options
authorAlexander Tseung <alextsg@gmail.com>2017-12-05 11:27:42 +0800
committerAlexander Tseung <alextsg@gmail.com>2017-12-15 06:11:23 +0800
commit5d1187c37bfee988d7384f189f228882ce847005 (patch)
tree72df1ce878a53439a496338b261e25238831af57 /ui/app/components
parent706a6b0ad6d7b6e2d56252f17713e63430d84abc (diff)
Add route for signature request
Diffstat (limited to 'ui/app/components')
2 files changed, 321 insertions, 253 deletions
diff --git a/ui/app/components/pages/signature-request.js b/ui/app/components/pages/signature-request.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c9f4a091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/app/components/pages/signature-request.js
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+const { Component } = require('react')
+const h = require('react-hyperscript')
+const PropTypes = require('prop-types')
+const Identicon = require('../identicon')
+const { connect } = require('react-redux')
+const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
+const classnames = require('classnames')
+const AccountDropdownMini = require('../dropdowns/account-dropdown-mini')
+const actions = require('../../actions')
+const { conversionUtil } = require('../../conversion-util')
+const txHelper = require('../../../lib/tx-helper')
+const { DEFAULT_ROUTE } = require('../../routes')
+const {
+ getSelectedAccount,
+ getCurrentAccountWithSendEtherInfo,
+ getSelectedAddress,
+ accountsWithSendEtherInfoSelector,
+ conversionRateSelector,
+} = require('../../selectors.js')
+class SignatureRequest extends Component {
+ constructor (props) {
+ super(props)
+ this.state = {
+ selectedAccount: props.selectedAccount,
+ accountDropdownOpen: false,
+ }
+ }
+ componentWillMount () {
+ const {
+ unapprovedMsgCount = 0,
+ unapprovedPersonalMsgCount = 0,
+ unapprovedTypedMessagesCount = 0,
+ } = this.props
+ if (unapprovedMsgCount + unapprovedPersonalMsgCount + unapprovedTypedMessagesCount < 1) {
+ this.props.history.push(DEFAULT_ROUTE)
+ }
+ }
+ renderHeader () {
+ return h('div.request-signature__header', [
+ h('div.request-signature__header-background'),
+ h('div.request-signature__header__text', 'Signature Request'),
+ h('div.request-signature__header__tip-container', [
+ h('div.request-signature__header__tip'),
+ ]),
+ ])
+ }
+ renderAccountDropdown () {
+ const {
+ selectedAccount,
+ accountDropdownOpen,
+ } = this.state
+ const { accounts } = this.props
+ return h('div.request-signature__account', [
+ h('div.request-signature__account-text', ['Account:']),
+ h(AccountDropdownMini, {
+ selectedAccount,
+ accounts,
+ onSelect: selectedAccount => this.setState({ selectedAccount }),
+ dropdownOpen: accountDropdownOpen,
+ openDropdown: () => this.setState({ accountDropdownOpen: true }),
+ closeDropdown: () => this.setState({ accountDropdownOpen: false }),
+ }),
+ ])
+ }
+ renderBalance () {
+ const { balance, conversionRate } = this.props
+ const balanceInEther = conversionUtil(balance, {
+ fromNumericBase: 'hex',
+ toNumericBase: 'dec',
+ fromDenomination: 'WEI',
+ numberOfDecimals: 6,
+ conversionRate,
+ })
+ return h('div.request-signature__balance', [
+ h('div.request-signature__balance-text', ['Balance:']),
+ h('div.request-signature__balance-value', `${balanceInEther} ETH`),
+ ])
+ }
+ renderAccountInfo () {
+ return h('div.request-signature__account-info', [
+ this.renderAccountDropdown(),
+ this.renderRequestIcon(),
+ this.renderBalance(),
+ ])
+ }
+ renderRequestIcon () {
+ const { requesterAddress } = this.props
+ return h('div.request-signature__request-icon', [
+ h(Identicon, {
+ diameter: 40,
+ address: requesterAddress,
+ }),
+ ])
+ }
+ renderRequestInfo () {
+ return h('div.request-signature__request-info', [
+ h('div.request-signature__headline', [
+ `Your signature is being requested`,
+ ]),
+ ])
+ }
+ msgHexToText (hex) {
+ try {
+ const stripped = ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(hex)
+ const buff = Buffer.from(stripped, 'hex')
+ return buff.toString('utf8')
+ } catch (e) {
+ return hex
+ }
+ }
+ renderBody () {
+ let rows = []
+ let notice = 'You are signing:'
+ const { txData = {} } = this.props
+ const { type, msgParams = {} } = txData
+ const { data } = msgParams
+ if (type === 'personal_sign') {
+ rows = [{ name: 'Message', value: this.msgHexToText(data) }]
+ } else if (type === 'eth_signTypedData') {
+ rows = data
+ } else if (type === 'eth_sign') {
+ rows = [{ name: 'Message', value: data }]
+ notice = `Signing this message can have
+ dangerous side effects. Only sign messages from
+ sites you fully trust with your entire account.
+ This dangerous method will be removed in a future version. `
+ }
+ return h('div.request-signature__body', {}, [
+ this.renderAccountInfo(),
+ this.renderRequestInfo(),
+ h('div.request-signature__notice', {
+ className: classnames({
+ 'request-signature__notice': type === 'personal_sign' || type === 'eth_signTypedData',
+ 'request-signature__warning': type === 'eth_sign',
+ }),
+ }, [notice]),
+ h('div.request-signature__rows', [
+ ...rows.map(({ name, value }) => {
+ return h('div.request-signature__row', [
+ h('div.request-signature__row-title', [`${name}:`]),
+ h('div.request-signature__row-value', value),
+ ])
+ }),
+ ]),
+ ])
+ }
+ renderFooter () {
+ const {
+ txData = {},
+ signPersonalMessage,
+ signTypedMessage,
+ cancelPersonalMessage,
+ cancelTypedMessage,
+ signMessage,
+ cancelMessage,
+ history,
+ } = this.props
+ const { type } = txData
+ let cancel = () => Promise.resolve()
+ let sign = () => Promise.resolve()
+ const { msgParams: params = {}, id } = txData
+ params.id = id
+ params.metamaskId = id
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'personal_sign':
+ cancel = () => cancelPersonalMessage(params)
+ sign = () => signPersonalMessage(params)
+ break
+ case 'eth_signTypedData':
+ cancel = () => cancelTypedMessage(params)
+ sign = () => signTypedMessage(params)
+ break
+ case 'eth_sign':
+ cancel = () => cancelMessage(params)
+ sign = () => signMessage(params)
+ break
+ }
+ return h('div.request-signature__footer', [
+ h('button.request-signature__footer__cancel-button', {
+ onClick: () => {
+ cancel().then(() => history.push(DEFAULT_ROUTE))
+ },
+ }, 'CANCEL'),
+ h('button.request-signature__footer__sign-button', {
+ onClick: () => {
+ sign().then(() => history.push(DEFAULT_ROUTE))
+ },
+ }, 'SIGN'),
+ ])
+ }
+ render () {
+ return (
+ h('div.request-signature__container', [
+ this.renderHeader(),
+ this.renderBody(),
+ this.renderFooter(),
+ ])
+ )
+ }
+SignatureRequest.propTypes = {
+ txData: PropTypes.object,
+ signPersonalMessage: PropTypes.func,
+ cancelPersonalMessage: PropTypes.func,
+ signTypedMessage: PropTypes.func,
+ cancelTypedMessage: PropTypes.func,
+ signMessage: PropTypes.func,
+ cancelMessage: PropTypes.func,
+ requesterAddress: PropTypes.string,
+ accounts: PropTypes.array,
+ conversionRate: PropTypes.number,
+ balance: PropTypes.string,
+ selectedAccount: PropTypes.object,
+ history: PropTypes.object,
+ unapprovedMsgCount: PropTypes.number,
+ unapprovedPersonalMsgCount: PropTypes.number,
+ unapprovedTypedMessagesCount: PropTypes.number,
+const mapStateToProps = state => {
+ const { metamask } = state
+ const {
+ unapprovedTxs,
+ unapprovedMsgs,
+ unapprovedPersonalMsgs,
+ unapprovedTypedMessages,
+ network,
+ unapprovedMsgCount,
+ unapprovedPersonalMsgCount,
+ unapprovedTypedMessagesCount,
+ } = metamask
+ const unconfTxList = txHelper(
+ unapprovedTxs,
+ unapprovedMsgs,
+ unapprovedPersonalMsgs,
+ unapprovedTypedMessages,
+ network
+ ) || []
+ return {
+ balance: getSelectedAccount(state).balance,
+ selectedAccount: getCurrentAccountWithSendEtherInfo(state),
+ selectedAddress: getSelectedAddress(state),
+ accounts: accountsWithSendEtherInfoSelector(state),
+ conversionRate: conversionRateSelector(state),
+ unapprovedMsgCount,
+ unapprovedPersonalMsgCount,
+ unapprovedTypedMessagesCount,
+ txData: unconfTxList[0] || {},
+ }
+const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
+ return {
+ signPersonalMessage: params => dispatch(actions.signPersonalMsg(params)),
+ cancelPersonalMessage: params => dispatch(actions.cancelPersonalMsg(params)),
+ signTypedMessage: params => dispatch(actions.signTypedMsg(params)),
+ cancelTypedMessage: params => dispatch(actions.cancelTypedMsg(params)),
+ signMessage: params => dispatch(actions.signMsg(params)),
+ cancelMessage: params => dispatch(actions.cancelMsg(params)),
+ }
+module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(SignatureRequest)
diff --git a/ui/app/components/signature-request.js b/ui/app/components/signature-request.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c5cc23aa8..000000000
--- a/ui/app/components/signature-request.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-const Component = require('react').Component
-const h = require('react-hyperscript')
-const inherits = require('util').inherits
-const Identicon = require('./identicon')
-const connect = require('react-redux').connect
-const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
-const classnames = require('classnames')
-const AccountDropdownMini = require('./dropdowns/account-dropdown-mini')
-const actions = require('../actions')
-const { conversionUtil } = require('../conversion-util')
-const {
- getSelectedAccount,
- getCurrentAccountWithSendEtherInfo,
- getSelectedAddress,
- accountsWithSendEtherInfoSelector,
- conversionRateSelector,
-} = require('../selectors.js')
-function mapStateToProps (state) {
- return {
- balance: getSelectedAccount(state).balance,
- selectedAccount: getCurrentAccountWithSendEtherInfo(state),
- selectedAddress: getSelectedAddress(state),
- requester: null,
- requesterAddress: null,
- accounts: accountsWithSendEtherInfoSelector(state),
- conversionRate: conversionRateSelector(state),
- }
-function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) {
- return {
- goHome: () => dispatch(actions.goHome()),
- }
-module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(SignatureRequest)
-inherits(SignatureRequest, Component)
-function SignatureRequest (props) {
- Component.call(this)
- this.state = {
- selectedAccount: props.selectedAccount,
- accountDropdownOpen: false,
- }
-SignatureRequest.prototype.renderHeader = function () {
- return h('div.request-signature__header', [
- h('div.request-signature__header-background'),
- h('div.request-signature__header__text', 'Signature Request'),
- h('div.request-signature__header__tip-container', [
- h('div.request-signature__header__tip'),
- ]),
- ])
-SignatureRequest.prototype.renderAccountDropdown = function () {
- const {
- selectedAccount,
- accountDropdownOpen,
- } = this.state
- const {
- accounts,
- } = this.props
- return h('div.request-signature__account', [
- h('div.request-signature__account-text', ['Account:']),
- h(AccountDropdownMini, {
- selectedAccount,
- accounts,
- onSelect: selectedAccount => this.setState({ selectedAccount }),
- dropdownOpen: accountDropdownOpen,
- openDropdown: () => this.setState({ accountDropdownOpen: true }),
- closeDropdown: () => this.setState({ accountDropdownOpen: false }),
- }),
- ])
-SignatureRequest.prototype.renderBalance = function () {
- const { balance, conversionRate } = this.props
- const balanceInEther = conversionUtil(balance, {
- fromNumericBase: 'hex',
- toNumericBase: 'dec',
- fromDenomination: 'WEI',
- numberOfDecimals: 6,
- conversionRate,
- })
- return h('div.request-signature__balance', [
- h('div.request-signature__balance-text', ['Balance:']),
- h('div.request-signature__balance-value', `${balanceInEther} ETH`),
- ])
-SignatureRequest.prototype.renderAccountInfo = function () {
- return h('div.request-signature__account-info', [
- this.renderAccountDropdown(),
- this.renderRequestIcon(),
- this.renderBalance(),
- ])
-SignatureRequest.prototype.renderRequestIcon = function () {
- const { requesterAddress } = this.props
- return h('div.request-signature__request-icon', [
- h(Identicon, {
- diameter: 40,
- address: requesterAddress,
- }),
- ])
-SignatureRequest.prototype.renderRequestInfo = function () {
- return h('div.request-signature__request-info', [
- h('div.request-signature__headline', [
- `Your signature is being requested`,
- ]),
- ])
-SignatureRequest.prototype.msgHexToText = function (hex) {
- try {
- const stripped = ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(hex)
- const buff = Buffer.from(stripped, 'hex')
- return buff.toString('utf8')
- } catch (e) {
- return hex
- }
-SignatureRequest.prototype.renderBody = function () {
- let rows
- let notice = 'You are signing:'
- const { txData } = this.props
- const { type, msgParams: { data } } = txData
- if (type === 'personal_sign') {
- rows = [{ name: 'Message', value: this.msgHexToText(data) }]
- } else if (type === 'eth_signTypedData') {
- rows = data
- } else if (type === 'eth_sign') {
- rows = [{ name: 'Message', value: data }]
- notice = `Signing this message can have
- dangerous side effects. Only sign messages from
- sites you fully trust with your entire account.
- This dangerous method will be removed in a future version. `
- }
- return h('div.request-signature__body', {}, [
- this.renderAccountInfo(),
- this.renderRequestInfo(),
- h('div.request-signature__notice', {
- className: classnames({
- 'request-signature__notice': type === 'personal_sign' || type === 'eth_signTypedData',
- 'request-signature__warning': type === 'eth_sign',
- }),
- }, [notice]),
- h('div.request-signature__rows', [
- ...rows.map(({ name, value }) => {
- return h('div.request-signature__row', [
- h('div.request-signature__row-title', [`${name}:`]),
- h('div.request-signature__row-value', value),
- ])
- }),
- ]),
- ])
-SignatureRequest.prototype.renderFooter = function () {
- const {
- signPersonalMessage,
- signTypedMessage,
- cancelPersonalMessage,
- cancelTypedMessage,
- signMessage,
- cancelMessage,
- } = this.props
- const { txData } = this.props
- const { type } = txData
- let cancel
- let sign
- if (type === 'personal_sign') {
- cancel = cancelPersonalMessage
- sign = signPersonalMessage
- } else if (type === 'eth_signTypedData') {
- cancel = cancelTypedMessage
- sign = signTypedMessage
- } else if (type === 'eth_sign') {
- cancel = cancelMessage
- sign = signMessage
- }
- return h('div.request-signature__footer', [
- h('button.request-signature__footer__cancel-button', {
- onClick: cancel,
- }, 'CANCEL'),
- h('button.request-signature__footer__sign-button', {
- onClick: sign,
- }, 'SIGN'),
- ])
-SignatureRequest.prototype.render = function () {
- return (
- h('div.request-signature__container', [
- this.renderHeader(),
- this.renderBody(),
- this.renderFooter(),
- ])
- )