diff options
46 files changed, 1507 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/.eslintrc b/.eslintrc
index 8af71bf4e..511d6f216 100644
--- a/.eslintrc
+++ b/.eslintrc
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
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diff --git a/.jshintrc b/.jshintrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dc5ecc6b..000000000
--- a/.jshintrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
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diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 7f8c1c6b8..7a9d85d7a 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
## Current Master
- Improved performance of 3D fox logo.
+- Fix bug that prevents setting language locale in settings.
## 4.5.5 Fri Apr 06 2018
diff --git a/app/_locales/cs/messages.json b/app/_locales/cs/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a4ebc8a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/_locales/cs/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,912 @@
+ "accept": {
+ "message": "Přijmout"
+ },
+ "account": {
+ "message": "Účet"
+ },
+ "accountDetails": {
+ "message": "Detaily účtu"
+ },
+ "accountName": {
+ "message": "Název účtu"
+ },
+ "address": {
+ "message": "Adresa"
+ },
+ "addCustomToken": {
+ "message": "Přidat vlastní token"
+ },
+ "addToken": {
+ "message": "Přidat token"
+ },
+ "addTokens": {
+ "message": "Přidat tokeny"
+ },
+ "amount": {
+ "message": "Částka"
+ },
+ "amountPlusGas": {
+ "message": "Částka + palivo"
+ },
+ "appDescription": {
+ "message": "Ethereum rozšíření prohlížeče",
+ "description": "The description of the application"
+ },
+ "appName": {
+ "message": "MetaMask",
+ "description": "The name of the application"
+ },
+ "approved": {
+ "message": "Schváleno"
+ },
+ "attemptingConnect": {
+ "message": "Pokouším se připojit k blockchainu."
+ },
+ "attributions": {
+ "message": "Zásluhy"
+ },
+ "available": {
+ "message": "Dostupné"
+ },
+ "back": {
+ "message": "Zpět"
+ },
+ "balance": {
+ "message": "Zůstatek:"
+ },
+ "balances": {
+ "message": "Zůstatek tokenu"
+ },
+ "balanceIsInsufficientGas": {
+ "message": "Nedostatek prostředků pro aktuální množství paliva"
+ },
+ "beta": {
+ "message": "BETA"
+ },
+ "betweenMinAndMax": {
+ "message": "musí být větší nebo roven $1 a menší nebo roven $2.",
+ "description": "helper for inputting hex as decimal input"
+ },
+ "blockiesIdenticon": {
+ "message": "Použít Blockies Identicon"
+ },
+ "borrowDharma": {
+ "message": "Pújčit si přes Dharma (Beta)"
+ },
+ "builtInCalifornia": {
+ "message": "MetaMask je navržen a vytvořen v Kalifornii."
+ },
+ "buy": {
+ "message": "Koupit"
+ },
+ "buyCoinbase": {
+ "message": "Nákup na Coinbase"
+ },
+ "buyCoinbaseExplainer": {
+ "message": "Coinbase je světově nejoblíbenější místo k nákupu a prodeji bitcoinu, etherea nebo litecoinu."
+ },
+ "ok": {
+ "message": "Ok"
+ },
+ "cancel": {
+ "message": "Zrušit"
+ },
+ "classicInterface": {
+ "message": "Použít klasické rozhraní"
+ },
+ "clickCopy": {
+ "message": "Kliknutím zkopírovat"
+ },
+ "confirm": {
+ "message": "Potvrdit"
+ },
+ "confirmed": {
+ "message": "Potvrzeno"
+ },
+ "confirmContract": {
+ "message": "Potvrdit kontrakt"
+ },
+ "confirmPassword": {
+ "message": "Potvrdit heslo"
+ },
+ "confirmTransaction": {
+ "message": "Potvrdit transakci"
+ },
+ "continue": {
+ "message": "Pokračovat"
+ },
+ "continueToCoinbase": {
+ "message": "Přejít na Coinbase"
+ },
+ "contractDeployment": {
+ "message": "Nasazení kontraktu"
+ },
+ "conversionProgress": {
+ "message": "Provádí se převod"
+ },
+ "copiedButton": {
+ "message": "Zkopírováno"
+ },
+ "copiedClipboard": {
+ "message": "Zkopírováno do schránky"
+ },
+ "copiedExclamation": {
+ "message": "Zkopírováno!"
+ },
+ "copiedSafe": {
+ "message": "Zkopíroval jsem to na bezpečné místo"
+ },
+ "copy": {
+ "message": "Kopírovat"
+ },
+ "copyToClipboard": {
+ "message": "Kopírovat do schránky"
+ },
+ "copyButton": {
+ "message": " Kopírovat "
+ },
+ "copyPrivateKey": {
+ "message": "Toto je váš privátní klíč (kliknutím zkopírujte)"
+ },
+ "create": {
+ "message": "Vytvořit"
+ },
+ "createAccount": {
+ "message": "Vytvořit účet"
+ },
+ "createDen": {
+ "message": "Vytvořit"
+ },
+ "crypto": {
+ "message": "Krypto",
+ "description": "Exchange type (cryptocurrencies)"
+ },
+ "currentConversion": {
+ "message": "Aktuální převod"
+ },
+ "currentNetwork": {
+ "message": "Aktuální síť"
+ },
+ "customGas": {
+ "message": "Nastavit palivo"
+ },
+ "customToken": {
+ "message": "Vlastní token"
+ },
+ "customize": {
+ "message": "Nastavit"
+ },
+ "customRPC": {
+ "message": "Vlastní RPC"
+ },
+ "decimalsMustZerotoTen": {
+ "message": "Desetinných míst musí být od 0 do 36."
+ },
+ "decimal": {
+ "message": "Počet desetinných míst přesnosti"
+ },
+ "defaultNetwork": {
+ "message": "Výchozí síť pro Etherové transakce je Main Net."
+ },
+ "denExplainer": {
+ "message": "Váš DEN je heslem šifrované uložiště v MetaMasku."
+ },
+ "deposit": {
+ "message": "Vklad"
+ },
+ "depositBTC": {
+ "message": "Vložte BTC na níže uvedenou adresu:"
+ },
+ "depositCoin": {
+ "message": "Vložte $1 na níže uvedenou adresu",
+ "description": "Tells the user what coin they have selected to deposit with shapeshift"
+ },
+ "depositEth": {
+ "message": "Vložit Eth"
+ },
+ "depositEther": {
+ "message": "Vložit Ether"
+ },
+ "depositFiat": {
+ "message": "Vklad s fiat měnou"
+ },
+ "depositFromAccount": {
+ "message": "Vložte z jiného účtu"
+ },
+ "depositShapeShift": {
+ "message": "Vklad přes ShapeShift"
+ },
+ "depositShapeShiftExplainer": {
+ "message": "Pokud vlastníte jiné kryptoměny, můžete je směnit Ether a vložit ho přímo do peněženky MetaMask. Bez založení účtu."
+ },
+ "details": {
+ "message": "Podrobnosti"
+ },
+ "directDeposit": {
+ "message": "Přímý vklad"
+ },
+ "directDepositEther": {
+ "message": "Vložit Ether přímo"
+ },
+ "directDepositEtherExplainer": {
+ "message": "Pokud už vlastníte nějaký Ether, nejrychleji ho dostanete do peněženky přímým vkladem."
+ },
+ "done": {
+ "message": "Hotovo"
+ },
+ "downloadStateLogs": {
+ "message": "Stáhnout stavové protokoly"
+ },
+ "dropped": {
+ "message": "Zrušeno"
+ },
+ "edit": {
+ "message": "Upravit"
+ },
+ "editAccountName": {
+ "message": "Upravit název účtu"
+ },
+ "emailUs": {
+ "message": "Napište nám e-mail!"
+ },
+ "encryptNewDen": {
+ "message": "Zašifrujte svůj nový DEN"
+ },
+ "enterPassword": {
+ "message": "Zadejte heslo"
+ },
+ "enterPasswordConfirm": {
+ "message": "Zadejte heslo k potvrzení"
+ },
+ "passwordNotLongEnough": {
+ "message": "Heslo není dost dlouhé"
+ },
+ "passwordsDontMatch": {
+ "message": "Hesla nejsou stejná"
+ },
+ "etherscanView": {
+ "message": "Prohlédněte si účet na Etherscan"
+ },
+ "exchangeRate": {
+ "message": "Směnný kurz"
+ },
+ "exportPrivateKey": {
+ "message": "Exportovat privátní klíč"
+ },
+ "exportPrivateKeyWarning": {
+ "message": "Exportujte privátní klíč na vlastní riziko."
+ },
+ "failed": {
+ "message": "Neúspěšné"
+ },
+ "fiat": {
+ "message": "FIAT",
+ "description": "Exchange type"
+ },
+ "fileImportFail": {
+ "message": "Import souboru nefunguje? Klikněte sem!",
+ "description": "Helps user import their account from a JSON file"
+ },
+ "followTwitter": {
+ "message": "Sledujte nás na Twitteru"
+ },
+ "from": {
+ "message": "Od"
+ },
+ "fromToSame": {
+ "message": "Adresy odesílatele a příjemce nemohou být stejné"
+ },
+ "fromShapeShift": {
+ "message": "Z ShapeShift"
+ },
+ "gas": {
+ "message": "Palivo",
+ "description": "Short indication of gas cost"
+ },
+ "gasFee": {
+ "message": "Poplatek za palivo"
+ },
+ "gasLimit": {
+ "message": "Limit paliva"
+ },
+ "gasLimitCalculation": {
+ "message": "Počítáme doporučený limit paliva na základě úspěšnosti v síti."
+ },
+ "gasLimitRequired": {
+ "message": "Limit paliva je povinný"
+ },
+ "gasLimitTooLow": {
+ "message": "Limit paliva musí být alespoň 21000"
+ },
+ "generatingSeed": {
+ "message": "Generuji klíčovou frázi..."
+ },
+ "gasPrice": {
+ "message": "Cena paliva (GWEI)"
+ },
+ "gasPriceCalculation": {
+ "message": "Počítáme doporučenou cenu paliva na základě úspěšnosti v síti."
+ },
+ "gasPriceRequired": {
+ "message": "Cena paliva je povinná"
+ },
+ "getEther": {
+ "message": "Získejte Ether"
+ },
+ "getEtherFromFaucet": {
+ "message": "Získejte Ether z faucetu za $1.",
+ "description": "Displays network name for Ether faucet"
+ },
+ "greaterThanMin": {
+ "message": "musí být větší nebo roven $1.",
+ "description": "helper for inputting hex as decimal input"
+ },
+ "here": {
+ "message": "zde",
+ "description": "as in -click here- for more information (goes with troubleTokenBalances)"
+ },
+ "hereList": {
+ "message": "Tady je seznam!!!!"
+ },
+ "hide": {
+ "message": "Skrýt"
+ },
+ "hideToken": {
+ "message": "Skrýt token"
+ },
+ "hideTokenPrompt": {
+ "message": "Skrýt token?"
+ },
+ "howToDeposit": {
+ "message": "Jakým způsobem chcete vložit Ether?"
+ },
+ "holdEther": {
+ "message": "Dovoluje vám držet ether a tokeny a slouží jako most k decentralizovaným aplikacím."
+ },
+ "import": {
+ "message": "Import",
+ "description": "Button to import an account from a selected file"
+ },
+ "importAccount": {
+ "message": "Import účtu"
+ },
+ "importAccountMsg": {
+ "message":"Importované účty nebudou spojeny s vaší původní MetaMaskovou klíčovou frází. Zjistěte více o importovaných účtech "
+ },
+ "importAnAccount": {
+ "message": "Import účtu"
+ },
+ "importDen": {
+ "message": "Import existujícího DEN"
+ },
+ "imported": {
+ "message": "Importováno",
+ "description": "status showing that an account has been fully loaded into the keyring"
+ },
+ "infoHelp": {
+ "message": "Informace a nápověda"
+ },
+ "insufficientFunds": {
+ "message": "Nedostatek finančních prostředků."
+ },
+ "insufficientTokens": {
+ "message": "Nedostatek tokenů."
+ },
+ "invalidAddress": {
+ "message": "Neplatná adresa"
+ },
+ "invalidAddressRecipient": {
+ "message": "Adresa příjemce je neplatná"
+ },
+ "invalidGasParams": {
+ "message": "Neplatná parametry paliva"
+ },
+ "invalidInput": {
+ "message": "Neplatný vstup."
+ },
+ "invalidRequest": {
+ "message": "Neplatný požadavek"
+ },
+ "invalidRPC": {
+ "message": "Neplatné RPC URI"
+ },
+ "jsonFail": {
+ "message": "Něco se pokazilo. Prosím, ujistěte se, že váš JSON soubor má správný formát."
+ },
+ "jsonFile": {
+ "message": "JSON soubor",
+ "description": "format for importing an account"
+ },
+ "keepTrackTokens": {
+ "message": "Udržujte si záznamy o tokenech, které jste koupili s účtem v MetaMasku."
+ },
+ "kovan": {
+ "message": "Kovan Test Network"
+ },
+ "knowledgeDataBase": {
+ "message": "Navštivte naši Knowledge Base"
+ },
+ "max": {
+ "message": "Max"
+ },
+ "learnMore": {
+ "message": "Zjistěte více."
+ },
+ "lessThanMax": {
+ "message": "musí být menší nebo roven $1.",
+ "description": "helper for inputting hex as decimal input"
+ },
+ "likeToAddTokens": {
+ "message": "Chcete přidat tyto tokeny?"
+ },
+ "links": {
+ "message": "Odkazy"
+ },
+ "limit": {
+ "message": "Limit"
+ },
+ "loading": {
+ "message": "Načítám..."
+ },
+ "loadingTokens": {
+ "message": "Načítám tokeny..."
+ },
+ "localhost": {
+ "message": "Localhost 8545"
+ },
+ "login": {
+ "message": "Přihlásit"
+ },
+ "logout": {
+ "message": "Odhlásit"
+ },
+ "loose": {
+ "message": "Nevázané"
+ },
+ "loweCaseWords": {
+ "message": "slova klíčové fráze mají pouze malá písmena"
+ },
+ "mainnet": {
+ "message": "Main Ethereum Network"
+ },
+ "message": {
+ "message": "Zpráva"
+ },
+ "metamaskDescription": {
+ "message": "MetaMask je bezpečný osobní trezor pro Ethereum."
+ },
+ "min": {
+ "message": "Minimum"
+ },
+ "myAccounts": {
+ "message": "Moje účty"
+ },
+ "mustSelectOne": {
+ "message": "Musíte zvolit aspoň 1 token."
+ },
+ "needEtherInWallet": {
+ "message": "Potřebujete Ether v peněžence, abyste mohli pomocí MetaMasku interagovat s decentralizovanými aplikacemi."
+ },
+ "needImportFile": {
+ "message": "Musíte zvolit soubor k importu.",
+ "description": "User is important an account and needs to add a file to continue"
+ },
+ "needImportPassword": {
+ "message": "Musíte zadat heslo pro zvolený soubor.",
+ "description": "Password and file needed to import an account"
+ },
+ "negativeETH": {
+ "message": "Nelze odeslat zápornou částku ETH."
+ },
+ "networks": {
+ "message": "Sítě"
+ },
+ "newAccount": {
+ "message": "Nový účet"
+ },
+ "newAccountNumberName": {
+ "message": "Účet $1",
+ "description": "Default name of next account to be created on create account screen"
+ },
+ "newContract": {
+ "message": "Nový kontrakt"
+ },
+ "newPassword": {
+ "message": "Nové heslo (min 8 znaků)"
+ },
+ "newRecipient": {
+ "message": "Nový příjemce"
+ },
+ "newRPC": {
+ "message": "Nová RPC URL"
+ },
+ "next": {
+ "message": "Další"
+ },
+ "noAddressForName": {
+ "message": "Pro toto jméno nebyla nastavena žádná adresa."
+ },
+ "noDeposits": {
+ "message": "Žádný vklad"
+ },
+ "noTransactionHistory": {
+ "message": "Žádná historie transakcí."
+ },
+ "noTransactions": {
+ "message": "Žádné transakce"
+ },
+ "notStarted": {
+ "message": "Nezačalo"
+ },
+ "oldUI": {
+ "message": "Staré rozhraní"
+ },
+ "oldUIMessage": {
+ "message": "Vrátili jste se ke starému rozhraní. Můžete přepnout na nové rozhraní v nastavení v pravém horním menu."
+ },
+ "or": {
+ "message": "nebo",
+ "description": "choice between creating or importing a new account"
+ },
+ "passwordCorrect": {
+ "message": "Ujistěte se, že je vaše heslo správně."
+ },
+ "passwordMismatch": {
+ "message": "hesla nesouhlasí",
+ "description": "in password creation process, the two new password fields did not match"
+ },
+ "passwordShort": {
+ "message": "heslo je krátké",
+ "description": "in password creation process, the password is not long enough to be secure"
+ },
+ "pastePrivateKey": {
+ "message": "Vložte zde svůj privátní klíč:",
+ "description": "For importing an account from a private key"
+ },
+ "pasteSeed": {
+ "message": "Svou klíčovou frázi vložte zde!"
+ },
+ "personalAddressDetected": {
+ "message": "Detekována osobní adresa. Zadejte adresu kontraktu tokenu."
+ },
+ "pleaseReviewTransaction": {
+ "message": "Zkontrolujte si transakci."
+ },
+ "popularTokens": {
+ "message": "Oblíbené tokeny"
+ },
+ "privacyMsg": {
+ "message": "Zásady ochrany osobních údajů"
+ },
+ "privateKey": {
+ "message": "Privátní klíč",
+ "description": "select this type of file to use to import an account"
+ },
+ "privateKeyWarning": {
+ "message": "Upozornění: Nikdy nezveřejněte tento klíč. Kdokoli může s vaším privátním klíčem odcizit vaše aktiva z účtu."
+ },
+ "privateNetwork": {
+ "message": "Soukromá síť"
+ },
+ "qrCode": {
+ "message": "Ukázat QR kód"
+ },
+ "readdToken": {
+ "message": "Tento token můžete v budoucnu přidat zpět s „Přidat token“ v nastavení účtu."
+ },
+ "readMore": {
+ "message": "Přečtěte si více zde."
+ },
+ "readMore2": {
+ "message": "Přečtěte si více."
+ },
+ "receive": {
+ "message": "Obrdžet"
+ },
+ "recipientAddress": {
+ "message": "Adresa příjemce"
+ },
+ "refundAddress": {
+ "message": "Adresa pro vrácení peněz"
+ },
+ "rejected": {
+ "message": "Odmítnuto"
+ },
+ "resetAccount": {
+ "message": "Resetovat účet"
+ },
+ "restoreFromSeed": {
+ "message": "Obnovit z seed fráze"
+ },
+ "restoreVault": {
+ "message": "Obnovit trezor"
+ },
+ "required": {
+ "message": "Povinné"
+ },
+ "retryWithMoreGas": {
+ "message": "Opakujte s vyšší cenou paliva"
+ },
+ "walletSeed": {
+ "message": "Klíčová fráze peněženky"
+ },
+ "revealSeedWords": {
+ "message": "Zobrazit slova klíčové fráze"
+ },
+ "revealSeedWordsWarning": {
+ "message": "Nebnovujte slova klíčové fráze na veřejnosti! Tato slova mohou být použita k odcizení veškerých vyašich účtů."
+ },
+ "revert": {
+ "message": "Zvrátit"
+ },
+ "rinkeby": {
+ "message": "Rinkeby Test Network"
+ },
+ "ropsten": {
+ "message": "Ropsten Test Network"
+ },
+ "currentRpc": {
+ "message": "Současné RPC"
+ },
+ "connectingToMainnet": {
+ "message": "Připojuji se k Main Ethereum Network"
+ },
+ "connectingToRopsten": {
+ "message": "Připojuji se k Ropsten Test Network"
+ },
+ "connectingToKovan": {
+ "message": "Připojuji se k Kovan Test Network"
+ },
+ "connectingToRinkeby": {
+ "message": "Připojuji se k Rinkeby Test Network"
+ },
+ "connectingToUnknown": {
+ "message": "Připojuji se k neznámé síti"
+ },
+ "sampleAccountName": {
+ "message": "Např. můj nový účet",
+ "description": "Help user understand concept of adding a human-readable name to their account"
+ },
+ "save": {
+ "message": "Uložit"
+ },
+ "reprice_title": {
+ "message": "Změnit cenu transakce"
+ },
+ "reprice_subtitle": {
+ "message": "Navyšte cenu paliva ve snaze k přepsání a urychlení vyší transakce"
+ },
+ "saveAsFile": {
+ "message": "Uložit do souboru",
+ "description": "Account export process"
+ },
+ "saveSeedAsFile": {
+ "message": "Uložit slova klíčové fráze do souboru"
+ },
+ "search": {
+ "message": "Hledat"
+ },
+ "secretPhrase": {
+ "message": "Zadejte svých 12 slov tajné fráze k obnovení trezoru."
+ },
+ "newPassword8Chars": {
+ "message": "Nové heslo (min 8 znaků)"
+ },
+ "seedPhraseReq": {
+ "message": "klíčové fráze mají 12 slov"
+ },
+ "select": {
+ "message": "Vybrat"
+ },
+ "selectCurrency": {
+ "message": "Vybrat měnu"
+ },
+ "selectService": {
+ "message": "Vybrat službu"
+ },
+ "selectType": {
+ "message": "Vybrat typ"
+ },
+ "send": {
+ "message": "Odeslat"
+ },
+ "sendETH": {
+ "message": "Odeslat ETH"
+ },
+ "sendTokens": {
+ "message": "Odeslat tokeny"
+ },
+ "onlySendToEtherAddress": {
+ "message": "Posílejte jen ETH na Ethereum adresu."
+ },
+ "searchTokens": {
+ "message": "Hledat tokeny"
+ },
+ "sendTokensAnywhere": {
+ "message": "Posílejte tokeny komukoli s Ethereum účtem"
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "message": "Nastavení"
+ },
+ "info": {
+ "message": "Informace"
+ },
+ "shapeshiftBuy": {
+ "message": "Nakoupit na ShapeShift"
+ },
+ "showPrivateKeys": {
+ "message": "Zobrazit privátní klíče"
+ },
+ "showQRCode": {
+ "message": "Zobrazit QR kód"
+ },
+ "sign": {
+ "message": "Podepsat"
+ },
+ "signed": {
+ "message": "Podepsáno"
+ },
+ "signMessage": {
+ "message": "Podepsat zprávu"
+ },
+ "signNotice": {
+ "message": "Podepsání zprávy může mít \nnebezpečný vedlejší učinek. Podepisujte zprávy pouze ze \nstránek, kterým plně důvěřujete celým svým účtem.\n Tato nebezpečná metoda bude odebrána v budoucí verzi. "
+ },
+ "sigRequest": {
+ "message": "Požadavek podpisu"
+ },
+ "sigRequested": {
+ "message": "Požádáno o podpis"
+ },
+ "spaceBetween": {
+ "message": "mezi slovy může být pouze mezera"
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "message": "Stav"
+ },
+ "stateLogs": {
+ "message": "Stavové protokoly"
+ },
+ "stateLogsDescription": {
+ "message": "Stavové protokoly obsahují vaše veřejné adresy účtů a odeslané transakce."
+ },
+ "stateLogError": {
+ "message": "Chyba během získávání stavových protokolů."
+ },
+ "submit": {
+ "message": "Odeslat"
+ },
+ "submitted": {
+ "message": "Odesláno"
+ },
+ "supportCenter": {
+ "message": "Navštivte naše centrum podpory"
+ },
+ "symbolBetweenZeroTen": {
+ "message": "Symbol musí být mezi 0 a 10 znaky."
+ },
+ "takesTooLong": {
+ "message": "Trvá to dlouho?"
+ },
+ "terms": {
+ "message": "Podmínky použití"
+ },
+ "testFaucet": {
+ "message": "Testovací faucet"
+ },
+ "to": {
+ "message": "Komu: "
+ },
+ "toETHviaShapeShift": {
+ "message": "$1 na ETH přes ShapeShift",
+ "description": "system will fill in deposit type in start of message"
+ },
+ "tokenAddress": {
+ "message": "Adresa tokenu"
+ },
+ "tokenAlreadyAdded": {
+ "message": "Token byl už přidán."
+ },
+ "tokenBalance": {
+ "message": "Váš zůstatek tokenu je:"
+ },
+ "tokenSelection": {
+ "message": "Vyhledejte token nebo je vyberte z našeho seznamu oblíbených tokenů."
+ },
+ "tokenSymbol": {
+ "message": "Symbol tokenu"
+ },
+ "tokenWarning1": {
+ "message": "Mějte přehled o tokenech, které jste koupili s účtem MetaMasku. Pokud jste koupili tokeny s jiným účtem, tyto tokeny se zde nezobrazí."
+ },
+ "total": {
+ "message": "Celkem"
+ },
+ "transactions": {
+ "message": "transakce"
+ },
+ "transactionError": {
+ "message": "Chyba transakce. Vyhozena výjimka v kódu kontraktu."
+ },
+ "transactionMemo": {
+ "message": "Poznámka transakce (nepovinné)"
+ },
+ "transactionNumber": {
+ "message": "Číslo transakce"
+ },
+ "transfers": {
+ "message": "Převody"
+ },
+ "troubleTokenBalances": {
+ "message": "Měli jsme problém s načtením vašich tokenových zůstatků. Můžete je vidět ",
+ "description": "Followed by a link (here) to view token balances"
+ },
+ "twelveWords": {
+ "message": "Těchto 12 slov je jedinou možností, jak obnovit MetaMask účet. \nUložte je na bezpečné a neveřejné místo."
+ },
+ "typePassword": {
+ "message": "Zadejte své heslo"
+ },
+ "uiWelcome": {
+ "message": "Vítejte v novém rozhraní (Beta)"
+ },
+ "uiWelcomeMessage": {
+ "message": "Používáte nyní nové rozhraní MetaMasku. Rozhlédněte se kolem, vyzkoušejte nové funkce, jako jsou zasílání tokenů, a dejte nám vědět, pokud narazíte na problém."
+ },
+ "unapproved": {
+ "message": "Neschváleno"
+ },
+ "unavailable": {
+ "message": "Nedostupné"
+ },
+ "unknown": {
+ "message": "Neznámé"
+ },
+ "unknownNetwork": {
+ "message": "Neznámá soukromá síť"
+ },
+ "unknownNetworkId": {
+ "message": "Neznámé ID sítě"
+ },
+ "uriErrorMsg": {
+ "message": "URI vyžadují korektní HTTP/HTTPS prefix."
+ },
+ "usaOnly": {
+ "message": "jen v USA",
+ "description": "Using this exchange is limited to people inside the USA"
+ },
+ "usedByClients": {
+ "message": "Používána různými klienty"
+ },
+ "useOldUI": {
+ "message": "Použijte staré rozhraní"
+ },
+ "validFileImport": {
+ "message": "Musíte vybrat validní soubor k importu."
+ },
+ "vaultCreated": {
+ "message": "Trezor vytvořen"
+ },
+ "viewAccount": {
+ "message": "Zobrazit účet"
+ },
+ "visitWebSite": {
+ "message": "Navštivte naši stránku"
+ },
+ "warning": {
+ "message": "Varování"
+ },
+ "welcomeBeta": {
+ "message": "Vítejte v MetaMask Beta"
+ },
+ "whatsThis": {
+ "message": "Co to je?"
+ },
+ "yourSigRequested": {
+ "message": "Je vyžadován váš podpis"
+ },
+ "youSign": {
+ "message": "Podepisujete"
+ }
diff --git a/app/_locales/index.json b/app/_locales/index.json
index 727504bda..facee3c35 100644
--- a/app/_locales/index.json
+++ b/app/_locales/index.json
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ { "code": "cs", "name": "Czech" },
{ "code": "de", "name": "German" },
{ "code": "en", "name": "English" },
{ "code": "es", "name": "Spanish" },
diff --git a/app/scripts/background.js b/app/scripts/background.js
index 5878cd2e8..451b0d609 100644
--- a/app/scripts/background.js
+++ b/app/scripts/background.js
@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ const getObjStructure = require('./lib/getObjStructure')
const STORAGE_KEY = 'metamask-config'
-window.log = log
-log.setDefaultLevel(METAMASK_DEBUG ? 'debug' : 'warn')
+log.setDefaultLevel(process.env.METAMASK_DEBUG ? 'debug' : 'warn')
const platform = new ExtensionPlatform()
const notificationManager = new NotificationManager()
diff --git a/app/scripts/controllers/blacklist.js b/app/scripts/controllers/blacklist.js
index df41c90c0..d965f80b8 100644
--- a/app/scripts/controllers/blacklist.js
+++ b/app/scripts/controllers/blacklist.js
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
const extend = require('xtend')
const PhishingDetector = require('eth-phishing-detect/src/detector')
+const log = require('loglevel')
// compute phishing lists
const PHISHING_DETECTION_CONFIG = require('eth-phishing-detect/src/config.json')
diff --git a/app/scripts/controllers/currency.js b/app/scripts/controllers/currency.js
index 36b8808aa..d9e0a3e34 100644
--- a/app/scripts/controllers/currency.js
+++ b/app/scripts/controllers/currency.js
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
const extend = require('xtend')
+const log = require('loglevel')
// every ten minutes
const POLLING_INTERVAL = 600000
diff --git a/app/scripts/controllers/infura.js b/app/scripts/controllers/infura.js
index c6b4c9de2..8f6dd837e 100644
--- a/app/scripts/controllers/infura.js
+++ b/app/scripts/controllers/infura.js
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
const extend = require('xtend')
+const log = require('loglevel')
// every ten minutes
const POLLING_INTERVAL = 10 * 60 * 1000
diff --git a/app/scripts/controllers/network.js b/app/scripts/controllers/network.js
index 617456cd7..45574e673 100644
--- a/app/scripts/controllers/network.js
+++ b/app/scripts/controllers/network.js
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ const extend = require('xtend')
const EthQuery = require('eth-query')
const createEventEmitterProxy = require('../lib/events-proxy.js')
const networkConfig = require('../config.js')
+const log = require('loglevel')
const { OLD_UI_NETWORK_TYPE, DEFAULT_RPC } = networkConfig.enums
const INFURA_PROVIDER_TYPES = ['ropsten', 'rinkeby', 'kovan', 'mainnet']
diff --git a/app/scripts/controllers/recent-blocks.js b/app/scripts/controllers/recent-blocks.js
index 4ae3810eb..0c1ee4e38 100644
--- a/app/scripts/controllers/recent-blocks.js
+++ b/app/scripts/controllers/recent-blocks.js
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
const extend = require('xtend')
const BN = require('ethereumjs-util').BN
const EthQuery = require('eth-query')
+const log = require('loglevel')
class RecentBlocksController {
diff --git a/app/scripts/controllers/shapeshift.js b/app/scripts/controllers/shapeshift.js
index 3bbfaa1c5..b38b3812d 100644
--- a/app/scripts/controllers/shapeshift.js
+++ b/app/scripts/controllers/shapeshift.js
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
const extend = require('xtend')
+const log = require('loglevel')
// every three seconds when an incomplete tx is waiting
diff --git a/app/scripts/controllers/transactions.js b/app/scripts/controllers/transactions.js
index 336b0d8f7..c8211ebd7 100644
--- a/app/scripts/controllers/transactions.js
+++ b/app/scripts/controllers/transactions.js
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ const TransactionStateManager = require('../lib/tx-state-manager')
const TxGasUtil = require('../lib/tx-gas-utils')
const PendingTransactionTracker = require('../lib/pending-tx-tracker')
const NonceTracker = require('../lib/nonce-tracker')
+const log = require('loglevel')
Transaction Controller is an aggregate of sub-controllers and trackers
diff --git a/app/scripts/inpage.js b/app/scripts/inpage.js
index ec99bfc35..92c732813 100644
--- a/app/scripts/inpage.js
+++ b/app/scripts/inpage.js
@@ -3,16 +3,11 @@ cleanContextForImports()
const log = require('loglevel')
const LocalMessageDuplexStream = require('post-message-stream')
-// const PingStream = require('ping-pong-stream/ping')
-// const endOfStream = require('end-of-stream')
const setupDappAutoReload = require('./lib/auto-reload.js')
const MetamaskInpageProvider = require('./lib/inpage-provider.js')
-window.log = log
-log.setDefaultLevel(METAMASK_DEBUG ? 'debug' : 'warn')
+log.setDefaultLevel(process.env.METAMASK_DEBUG ? 'debug' : 'warn')
// setup plugin communication
diff --git a/app/scripts/lib/ComposableObservableStore.js b/app/scripts/lib/ComposableObservableStore.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5ee708a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/lib/ComposableObservableStore.js
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
+ * An ObservableStore that can composes a flat
+ * structure of child stores based on configuration
+ */
+class ComposableObservableStore extends ObservableStore {
+ /**
+ * Create a new store
+ *
+ * @param {Object} [initState] - The initial store state
+ * @param {Object} [config] - Map of internal state keys to child stores
+ */
+ constructor (initState, config) {
+ super(initState)
+ this.updateStructure(config)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Composes a new internal store subscription structure
+ *
+ * @param {Object} [config] - Map of internal state keys to child stores
+ */
+ updateStructure (config) {
+ this.config = config
+ this.removeAllListeners()
+ for (const key in config) {
+ config[key].subscribe((state) => {
+ this.updateState({ [key]: state })
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Merges all child store state into a single object rather than
+ * returning an object keyed by child store class name
+ *
+ * @returns {Object} - Object containing merged child store state
+ */
+ getFlatState () {
+ let flatState = {}
+ for (const key in this.config) {
+ flatState = { ...flatState, ...this.config[key].getState() }
+ }
+ return flatState
+ }
+module.exports = ComposableObservableStore
diff --git a/app/scripts/lib/createLoggerMiddleware.js b/app/scripts/lib/createLoggerMiddleware.js
index 2707cbd9e..fc6abf828 100644
--- a/app/scripts/lib/createLoggerMiddleware.js
+++ b/app/scripts/lib/createLoggerMiddleware.js
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+const log = require('loglevel')
// log rpc activity
module.exports = createLoggerMiddleware
diff --git a/app/scripts/lib/local-store.js b/app/scripts/lib/local-store.js
index 5b47985f6..2dda0ba1f 100644
--- a/app/scripts/lib/local-store.js
+++ b/app/scripts/lib/local-store.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/storage/local
const extension = require('extensionizer')
+const log = require('loglevel')
module.exports = class ExtensionStore {
constructor() {
diff --git a/app/scripts/lib/personal-message-manager.js b/app/scripts/lib/personal-message-manager.js
index 6602f5aa8..43a7d0b42 100644
--- a/app/scripts/lib/personal-message-manager.js
+++ b/app/scripts/lib/personal-message-manager.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
const createId = require('./random-id')
const hexRe = /^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/g
+const log = require('loglevel')
module.exports = class PersonalMessageManager extends EventEmitter {
diff --git a/app/scripts/lib/seed-phrase-verifier.js b/app/scripts/lib/seed-phrase-verifier.js
index 9cea22029..7ba712c0d 100644
--- a/app/scripts/lib/seed-phrase-verifier.js
+++ b/app/scripts/lib/seed-phrase-verifier.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
const KeyringController = require('eth-keyring-controller')
+const log = require('loglevel')
const seedPhraseVerifier = {
diff --git a/app/scripts/lib/typed-message-manager.js b/app/scripts/lib/typed-message-manager.js
index 8b760790e..60042155e 100644
--- a/app/scripts/lib/typed-message-manager.js
+++ b/app/scripts/lib/typed-message-manager.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
const createId = require('./random-id')
const assert = require('assert')
const sigUtil = require('eth-sig-util')
+const log = require('loglevel')
module.exports = class TypedMessageManager extends EventEmitter {
constructor (opts) {
diff --git a/app/scripts/metamask-controller.js b/app/scripts/metamask-controller.js
index b96acc9da..dbb8efc6e 100644
--- a/app/scripts/metamask-controller.js
+++ b/app/scripts/metamask-controller.js
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
const EventEmitter = require('events')
-const extend = require('xtend')
const pump = require('pump')
const Dnode = require('dnode')
const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
+const ComposableObservableStore = require('./lib/ComposableObservableStore')
const asStream = require('obs-store/lib/asStream')
const AccountTracker = require('./lib/account-tracker')
const RpcEngine = require('json-rpc-engine')
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ const BN = require('ethereumjs-util').BN
const GWEI_BN = new BN('1000000000')
const percentile = require('percentile')
const seedPhraseVerifier = require('./lib/seed-phrase-verifier')
+const log = require('loglevel')
module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
this.platform = opts.platform
// observable state store
- this.store = new ObservableStore(initState)
+ this.store = new ComposableObservableStore(initState)
// lock to ensure only one vault created at once
this.createVaultMutex = new Mutex()
@@ -184,53 +185,36 @@ module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
this.typedMessageManager = new TypedMessageManager()
this.publicConfigStore = this.initPublicConfigStore()
- // manual disk state subscriptions
- this.txController.store.subscribe((state) => {
- this.store.updateState({ TransactionController: state })
- })
- this.keyringController.store.subscribe((state) => {
- this.store.updateState({ KeyringController: state })
- })
- this.preferencesController.store.subscribe((state) => {
- this.store.updateState({ PreferencesController: state })
- })
- this.addressBookController.store.subscribe((state) => {
- this.store.updateState({ AddressBookController: state })
- })
- this.currencyController.store.subscribe((state) => {
- this.store.updateState({ CurrencyController: state })
- })
- this.noticeController.store.subscribe((state) => {
- this.store.updateState({ NoticeController: state })
- })
- this.shapeshiftController.store.subscribe((state) => {
- this.store.updateState({ ShapeShiftController: state })
- })
- this.networkController.store.subscribe((state) => {
- this.store.updateState({ NetworkController: state })
+ this.store.updateStructure({
+ TransactionController: this.txController.store,
+ KeyringController: this.keyringController.store,
+ PreferencesController: this.preferencesController.store,
+ AddressBookController: this.addressBookController.store,
+ CurrencyController: this.currencyController.store,
+ NoticeController: this.noticeController.store,
+ ShapeShiftController: this.shapeshiftController.store,
+ NetworkController: this.networkController.store,
+ InfuraController: this.infuraController.store,
- this.infuraController.store.subscribe((state) => {
- this.store.updateState({ InfuraController: state })
+ this.memStore = new ComposableObservableStore(null, {
+ NetworkController: this.networkController.store,
+ AccountTracker: this.accountTracker.store,
+ TxController: this.txController.memStore,
+ BalancesController: this.balancesController.store,
+ MessageManager: this.messageManager.memStore,
+ PersonalMessageManager: this.personalMessageManager.memStore,
+ TypesMessageManager: this.typedMessageManager.memStore,
+ KeyringController: this.keyringController.memStore,
+ PreferencesController: this.preferencesController.store,
+ RecentBlocksController: this.recentBlocksController.store,
+ AddressBookController: this.addressBookController.store,
+ CurrencyController: this.currencyController.store,
+ NoticeController: this.noticeController.memStore,
+ ShapeshiftController: this.shapeshiftController.store,
+ InfuraController: this.infuraController.store,
- // manual mem state subscriptions
- const sendUpdate = this.sendUpdate.bind(this)
- this.networkController.store.subscribe(sendUpdate)
- this.accountTracker.store.subscribe(sendUpdate)
- this.txController.memStore.subscribe(sendUpdate)
- this.balancesController.store.subscribe(sendUpdate)
- this.messageManager.memStore.subscribe(sendUpdate)
- this.personalMessageManager.memStore.subscribe(sendUpdate)
- this.typedMessageManager.memStore.subscribe(sendUpdate)
- this.keyringController.memStore.subscribe(sendUpdate)
- this.preferencesController.store.subscribe(sendUpdate)
- this.recentBlocksController.store.subscribe(sendUpdate)
- this.addressBookController.store.subscribe(sendUpdate)
- this.currencyController.store.subscribe(sendUpdate)
- this.noticeController.memStore.subscribe(sendUpdate)
- this.shapeshiftController.store.subscribe(sendUpdate)
- this.infuraController.store.subscribe(sendUpdate)
+ this.memStore.subscribe(this.sendUpdate.bind(this))
@@ -308,33 +292,16 @@ module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
const vault = this.keyringController.store.getState().vault
const isInitialized = (!!wallet || !!vault)
- return extend(
- {
- isInitialized,
- },
- this.networkController.store.getState(),
- this.accountTracker.store.getState(),
- this.txController.memStore.getState(),
- this.messageManager.memStore.getState(),
- this.personalMessageManager.memStore.getState(),
- this.typedMessageManager.memStore.getState(),
- this.keyringController.memStore.getState(),
- this.balancesController.store.getState(),
- this.preferencesController.store.getState(),
- this.addressBookController.store.getState(),
- this.currencyController.store.getState(),
- this.noticeController.memStore.getState(),
- this.infuraController.store.getState(),
- this.recentBlocksController.store.getState(),
- // config manager
- this.configManager.getConfig(),
- this.shapeshiftController.store.getState(),
- {
+ return {
+ ...{ isInitialized },
+ ...this.memStore.getFlatState(),
+ ...this.configManager.getConfig(),
+ ...{
lostAccounts: this.configManager.getLostAccounts(),
seedWords: this.configManager.getSeedWords(),
forgottenPassword: this.configManager.getPasswordForgotten(),
- }
- )
+ },
+ }
diff --git a/app/scripts/ui.js b/app/scripts/ui.js
index 13c7ac5ec..c326ca1c3 100644
--- a/app/scripts/ui.js
+++ b/app/scripts/ui.js
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ const ExtensionPlatform = require('./platforms/extension')
const NotificationManager = require('./lib/notification-manager')
const notificationManager = new NotificationManager()
const setupRaven = require('./lib/setupRaven')
+const log = require('loglevel')
diff --git a/old-ui/app/app.js b/old-ui/app/app.js
index 37611987f..fc0d634aa 100644
--- a/old-ui/app/app.js
+++ b/old-ui/app/app.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ const Component = require('react').Component
const connect = require('react-redux').connect
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const actions = require('../../ui/app/actions')
+const log = require('loglevel')
// mascara
const MascaraFirstTime = require('../../mascara/src/app/first-time').default
const MascaraBuyEtherScreen = require('../../mascara/src/app/first-time/buy-ether-screen').default
diff --git a/old-ui/app/components/ens-input.js b/old-ui/app/components/ens-input.js
index c85a23514..d09c30644 100644
--- a/old-ui/app/components/ens-input.js
+++ b/old-ui/app/components/ens-input.js
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ const ENS = require('ethjs-ens')
const networkMap = require('ethjs-ens/lib/network-map.json')
const ensRE = /.+\..+$/
const ZERO_ADDRESS = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
+const log = require('loglevel')
module.exports = EnsInput
diff --git a/old-ui/app/components/pending-tx.js b/old-ui/app/components/pending-tx.js
index 7f63d9fdf..cd4189fc4 100644
--- a/old-ui/app/components/pending-tx.js
+++ b/old-ui/app/components/pending-tx.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const inherits = require('util').inherits
const actions = require('../../../ui/app/actions')
const clone = require('clone')
+const log = require('loglevel')
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
const BN = ethUtil.BN
diff --git a/old-ui/app/components/token-list.js b/old-ui/app/components/token-list.js
index 149733b89..e20594b61 100644
--- a/old-ui/app/components/token-list.js
+++ b/old-ui/app/components/token-list.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const inherits = require('util').inherits
const TokenTracker = require('eth-token-tracker')
const TokenCell = require('./token-cell.js')
+const log = require('loglevel')
module.exports = TokenList
diff --git a/old-ui/app/conf-tx.js b/old-ui/app/conf-tx.js
index 1bb8eb97c..67eb31c37 100644
--- a/old-ui/app/conf-tx.js
+++ b/old-ui/app/conf-tx.js
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ const NetworkIndicator = require('./components/network')
const LoadingIndicator = require('./components/loading')
const txHelper = require('../lib/tx-helper')
const isPopupOrNotification = require('../../app/scripts/lib/is-popup-or-notification')
+const log = require('loglevel')
const PendingTx = require('./components/pending-tx')
const PendingMsg = require('./components/pending-msg')
diff --git a/old-ui/lib/tx-helper.js b/old-ui/lib/tx-helper.js
index de3f00d2d..0a6f55a63 100644
--- a/old-ui/lib/tx-helper.js
+++ b/old-ui/lib/tx-helper.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
const valuesFor = require('../app/util').valuesFor
+const log = require('loglevel')
module.exports = function (unapprovedTxs, unapprovedMsgs, personalMsgs, typedMessages, network) {
log.debug('tx-helper called with params:')
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"mascara": "gulp dev:mascara & node ./mascara/example/server",
"dist": "gulp dist",
"test": "npm run test:unit && npm run test:integration && npm run lint",
- "test:unit": "cross-env METAMASK_ENV=test mocha --exit --require babel-core/register --require test/helper.js --recursive \"test/unit/**/*.js\"",
+ "test:unit": "cross-env METAMASK_ENV=test mocha --exit --require test/setup.js --recursive \"test/unit/**/*.js\"",
"test:single": "cross-env METAMASK_ENV=test mocha --require test/helper.js",
"test:integration": "npm run test:integration:build && npm run test:flat && npm run test:mascara",
"test:integration:build": "gulp build:scss",
diff --git a/test/setup.js b/test/setup.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e7965a37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/setup.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ ignore: name => name.includes('node_modules') && !name.includes('obs-store'),
diff --git a/test/unit/ComposableObservableStore.js b/test/unit/ComposableObservableStore.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3fba200c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/ComposableObservableStore.js
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+const assert = require('assert')
+const ComposableObservableStore = require('../../app/scripts/lib/ComposableObservableStore')
+const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
+describe('ComposableObservableStore', () => {
+ it('should register initial state', () => {
+ const store = new ComposableObservableStore('state')
+ assert.strictEqual(store.getState(), 'state')
+ })
+ it('should register initial structure', () => {
+ const testStore = new ObservableStore()
+ const store = new ComposableObservableStore(null, { TestStore: testStore })
+ testStore.putState('state')
+ assert.deepEqual(store.getState(), { TestStore: 'state' })
+ })
+ it('should update structure', () => {
+ const testStore = new ObservableStore()
+ const store = new ComposableObservableStore()
+ store.updateStructure({ TestStore: testStore })
+ testStore.putState('state')
+ assert.deepEqual(store.getState(), { TestStore: 'state' })
+ })
+ it('should return flattened state', () => {
+ const fooStore = new ObservableStore({ foo: 'foo' })
+ const barStore = new ObservableStore({ bar: 'bar' })
+ const store = new ComposableObservableStore(null, {
+ FooStore: fooStore,
+ BarStore: barStore,
+ })
+ assert.deepEqual(store.getFlatState(), { foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar' })
+ })
diff --git a/ui/app/actions.js b/ui/app/actions.js
index 0748a5bea..780edcaba 100644
--- a/ui/app/actions.js
+++ b/ui/app/actions.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ const getBuyEthUrl = require('../../app/scripts/lib/buy-eth-url')
const { getTokenAddressFromTokenObject } = require('./util')
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
const { fetchLocale } = require('../i18n-helper')
+const log = require('loglevel')
var actions = {
_setBackgroundConnection: _setBackgroundConnection,
diff --git a/ui/app/app.js b/ui/app/app.js
index 75c3febb0..827b4e9ce 100644
--- a/ui/app/app.js
+++ b/ui/app/app.js
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ const { compose } = require('recompose')
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const actions = require('./actions')
const classnames = require('classnames')
+const log = require('loglevel')
// init
const InitializeScreen = require('../../mascara/src/app/first-time').default
diff --git a/ui/app/components/ens-input.js b/ui/app/components/ens-input.js
index feb0a7037..aff4b6ef6 100644
--- a/ui/app/components/ens-input.js
+++ b/ui/app/components/ens-input.js
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ const ensRE = /.+\..+$/
const ZERO_ADDRESS = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
const connect = require('react-redux').connect
const ToAutoComplete = require('./send/to-autocomplete')
+const log = require('loglevel')
EnsInput.contextTypes = {
t: PropTypes.func,
diff --git a/ui/app/components/pages/home.js b/ui/app/components/pages/home.js
index 7857a2a99..90b8e1d37 100644
--- a/ui/app/components/pages/home.js
+++ b/ui/app/components/pages/home.js
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ const { Redirect, withRouter } = require('react-router-dom')
const { compose } = require('recompose')
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const actions = require('../../actions')
+const log = require('loglevel')
// init
const NewKeyChainScreen = require('../../new-keychain')
diff --git a/ui/app/components/pages/keychains/restore-vault.js b/ui/app/components/pages/keychains/restore-vault.js
index d57894e00..33575bfbb 100644
--- a/ui/app/components/pages/keychains/restore-vault.js
+++ b/ui/app/components/pages/keychains/restore-vault.js
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ const connect = require('../../../metamask-connect')
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const { createNewVaultAndRestore, unMarkPasswordForgotten } = require('../../../actions')
const { DEFAULT_ROUTE } = require('../../../routes')
+const log = require('loglevel')
class RestoreVaultPage extends PersistentForm {
constructor (props) {
diff --git a/ui/app/components/token-balance.js b/ui/app/components/token-balance.js
index 2f71c0687..1900ccec7 100644
--- a/ui/app/components/token-balance.js
+++ b/ui/app/components/token-balance.js
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ const inherits = require('util').inherits
const TokenTracker = require('eth-token-tracker')
const connect = require('react-redux').connect
const selectors = require('../selectors')
+const log = require('loglevel')
function mapStateToProps (state) {
return {
diff --git a/ui/app/components/token-list.js b/ui/app/components/token-list.js
index 150a3762d..4189cf801 100644
--- a/ui/app/components/token-list.js
+++ b/ui/app/components/token-list.js
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ const TokenTracker = require('eth-token-tracker')
const TokenCell = require('./token-cell.js')
const connect = require('react-redux').connect
const selectors = require('../selectors')
+const log = require('loglevel')
function mapStateToProps (state) {
return {
diff --git a/ui/app/conf-tx.js b/ui/app/conf-tx.js
index fee7cd36f..b71538e31 100644
--- a/ui/app/conf-tx.js
+++ b/ui/app/conf-tx.js
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ const { withRouter } = require('react-router-dom')
const { compose } = require('recompose')
const actions = require('./actions')
const txHelper = require('../lib/tx-helper')
+const log = require('loglevel')
const PendingTx = require('./components/pending-tx')
const SignatureRequest = require('./components/signature-request')
diff --git a/ui/app/keychains/hd/restore-vault.js b/ui/app/keychains/hd/restore-vault.js
index 38ad14adb..913d20505 100644
--- a/ui/app/keychains/hd/restore-vault.js
+++ b/ui/app/keychains/hd/restore-vault.js
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ const PersistentForm = require('../../../lib/persistent-form')
const connect = require('react-redux').connect
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const actions = require('../../actions')
+const log = require('loglevel')
RestoreVaultScreen.contextTypes = {
t: PropTypes.func,
diff --git a/ui/app/main-container.js b/ui/app/main-container.js
index 6dd4ff151..c305687ea 100644
--- a/ui/app/main-container.js
+++ b/ui/app/main-container.js
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ const inherits = require('util').inherits
const AccountAndTransactionDetails = require('./account-and-transaction-details')
const Settings = require('./components/pages/settings')
const UnlockScreen = require('./components/pages/unlock')
+const log = require('loglevel')
module.exports = MainContainer
diff --git a/ui/app/reducers/app.js b/ui/app/reducers/app.js
index 74a0f9299..2b39eb8db 100644
--- a/ui/app/reducers/app.js
+++ b/ui/app/reducers/app.js
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
const extend = require('xtend')
const actions = require('../actions')
const txHelper = require('../../lib/tx-helper')
+const log = require('loglevel')
module.exports = reduceApp
diff --git a/ui/app/reducers/metamask.js b/ui/app/reducers/metamask.js
index 6d0a5bb10..0493a1ff7 100644
--- a/ui/app/reducers/metamask.js
+++ b/ui/app/reducers/metamask.js
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ function reduceMetamask (state, action) {
welcomeScreenSeen: true,
- case action.SET_CURRENT_LOCALE:
+ case actions.SET_CURRENT_LOCALE:
return extend(metamaskState, {
currentLocale: action.value,
diff --git a/ui/index.js b/ui/index.js
index 746e28eab..7b6faac76 100644
--- a/ui/index.js
+++ b/ui/index.js
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ const configureStore = require('./app/store')
const txHelper = require('./lib/tx-helper')
const { fetchLocale } = require('./i18n-helper')
const { OLD_UI_NETWORK_TYPE, BETA_UI_NETWORK_TYPE } = require('../app/scripts/config').enums
-global.log = require('loglevel')
+const log = require('loglevel')
module.exports = launchMetamaskUi
diff --git a/ui/lib/tx-helper.js b/ui/lib/tx-helper.js
index de3f00d2d..0a6f55a63 100644
--- a/ui/lib/tx-helper.js
+++ b/ui/lib/tx-helper.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
const valuesFor = require('../app/util').valuesFor
+const log = require('loglevel')
module.exports = function (unapprovedTxs, unapprovedMsgs, personalMsgs, typedMessages, network) {
log.debug('tx-helper called with params:')