path: root/app/scripts/keyring-controller.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/scripts/keyring-controller.js')
1 files changed, 567 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/scripts/keyring-controller.js b/app/scripts/keyring-controller.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf761c88c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/keyring-controller.js
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+const async = require('async')
+const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
+const ethBinToOps = require('eth-bin-to-ops')
+const EthQuery = require('eth-query')
+const bip39 = require('bip39')
+const Transaction = require('ethereumjs-tx')
+const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
+const normalize = require('./lib/sig-util').normalize
+const encryptor = require('./lib/encryptor')
+const messageManager = require('./lib/message-manager')
+const autoFaucet = require('./lib/auto-faucet')
+const IdStoreMigrator = require('./lib/idStore-migrator')
+const BN = ethUtil.BN
+// Keyrings:
+const SimpleKeyring = require('./keyrings/simple')
+const HdKeyring = require('./keyrings/hd')
+const keyringTypes = [
+ SimpleKeyring,
+ HdKeyring,
+const createId = require('./lib/random-id')
+module.exports = class KeyringController extends EventEmitter {
+ constructor (opts) {
+ super()
+ this.configManager = opts.configManager
+ this.ethStore = opts.ethStore
+ this.encryptor = encryptor
+ this.keyringTypes = keyringTypes
+ this.keyrings = []
+ this.identities = {} // Essentially a name hash
+ this._unconfTxCbs = {}
+ this._unconfMsgCbs = {}
+ this.getNetwork = opts.getNetwork
+ this.idStoreMigrator = new IdStoreMigrator({
+ configManager: this.configManager,
+ })
+ }
+ getState () {
+ const configManager = this.configManager
+ const address = configManager.getSelectedAccount()
+ const wallet = configManager.getWallet() // old style vault
+ const vault = configManager.getVault() // new style vault
+ return {
+ seedWords: this.configManager.getSeedWords(),
+ isInitialized: (!!wallet || !!vault),
+ isUnlocked: !!this.key,
+ isDisclaimerConfirmed: this.configManager.getConfirmedDisclaimer(), // AUDIT this.configManager.getConfirmedDisclaimer(),
+ unconfTxs: this.configManager.unconfirmedTxs(),
+ transactions: this.configManager.getTxList(),
+ unconfMsgs: messageManager.unconfirmedMsgs(),
+ messages: messageManager.getMsgList(),
+ selectedAddress: address,
+ selectedAccount: address,
+ shapeShiftTxList: this.configManager.getShapeShiftTxList(),
+ currentFiat: this.configManager.getCurrentFiat(),
+ conversionRate: this.configManager.getConversionRate(),
+ conversionDate: this.configManager.getConversionDate(),
+ keyringTypes: this.keyringTypes.map((krt) => krt.type()),
+ identities: this.identities,
+ }
+ }
+ setStore (ethStore) {
+ this.ethStore = ethStore
+ }
+ createNewVaultAndKeychain (password, entropy, cb) {
+ this.createNewVault(password, entropy, (err) => {
+ if (err) return cb(err)
+ this.createFirstKeyTree(password, cb)
+ })
+ }
+ createNewVaultAndRestore (password, seed, cb) {
+ if (typeof password !== 'string') {
+ return cb('Password must be text.')
+ }
+ if (!bip39.validateMnemonic(seed)) {
+ return cb('Seed phrase is invalid.')
+ }
+ this.clearKeyrings()
+ this.createNewVault(password, '', (err) => {
+ if (err) return cb(err)
+ this.addNewKeyring('HD Key Tree', {
+ mnemonic: seed,
+ numberOfAccounts: 1,
+ }, (err) => {
+ if (err) return cb(err)
+ const firstKeyring = this.keyrings[0]
+ const accounts = firstKeyring.getAccounts()
+ const firstAccount = accounts[0]
+ const hexAccount = normalize(firstAccount)
+ this.configManager.setSelectedAccount(hexAccount)
+ this.setupAccounts(accounts)
+ this.emit('update')
+ cb()
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ migrateAndGetKey (password) {
+ let key
+ const shouldMigrate = !!this.configManager.getWallet() && !this.configManager.getVault()
+ return this.loadKey(password)
+ .then((derivedKey) => {
+ key = derivedKey
+ this.key = key
+ return this.idStoreMigrator.oldSeedForPassword(password)
+ })
+ .then((serialized) => {
+ if (serialized && shouldMigrate) {
+ const keyring = this.restoreKeyring(serialized)
+ this.keyrings.push(keyring)
+ this.configManager.setSelectedAccount(keyring.getAccounts()[0])
+ return this.persistAllKeyrings()
+ .then(() => { return key })
+ }
+ return key
+ })
+ }
+ createNewVault (password, entropy, cb) {
+ const configManager = this.configManager
+ const salt = this.encryptor.generateSalt()
+ configManager.setSalt(salt)
+ return this.migrateAndGetKey(password)
+ .then(() => {
+ return this.persistAllKeyrings()
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ cb()
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ cb(err)
+ })
+ }
+ createFirstKeyTree (password, cb) {
+ this.clearKeyrings()
+ this.addNewKeyring('HD Key Tree', {numberOfAccounts: 1}, (err) => {
+ const accounts = this.keyrings[0].getAccounts()
+ const firstAccount = accounts[0]
+ const hexAccount = normalize(firstAccount)
+ this.configManager.setSelectedAccount(firstAccount)
+ this.placeSeedWords()
+ autoFaucet(hexAccount)
+ this.setupAccounts(accounts)
+ this.persistAllKeyrings()
+ .then(() => {
+ cb(err)
+ })
+ .catch((reason) => {
+ cb(reason)
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ placeSeedWords () {
+ const firstKeyring = this.keyrings[0]
+ const seedWords = firstKeyring.serialize().mnemonic
+ this.configManager.setSeedWords(seedWords)
+ }
+ submitPassword (password, cb) {
+ this.migrateAndGetKey(password)
+ .then((key) => {
+ return this.unlockKeyrings(key)
+ })
+ .then((keyrings) => {
+ this.keyrings = keyrings
+ this.setupAccounts()
+ this.emit('update')
+ cb(null, this.getState())
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ console.error(err)
+ cb(err)
+ })
+ }
+ loadKey (password) {
+ const salt = this.configManager.getSalt() || this.encryptor.generateSalt()
+ return this.encryptor.keyFromPassword(password + salt)
+ .then((key) => {
+ this.key = key
+ this.configManager.setSalt(salt)
+ return key
+ })
+ }
+ addNewKeyring (type, opts, cb) {
+ const Keyring = this.getKeyringClassForType(type)
+ const keyring = new Keyring(opts)
+ const accounts = keyring.getAccounts()
+ this.keyrings.push(keyring)
+ this.setupAccounts(accounts)
+ this.persistAllKeyrings()
+ .then(() => {
+ cb()
+ })
+ .catch((reason) => {
+ cb(reason)
+ })
+ }
+ addNewAccount (keyRingNum = 0, cb) {
+ const ring = this.keyrings[keyRingNum]
+ const accounts = ring.addAccounts(1)
+ this.setupAccounts(accounts)
+ this.persistAllKeyrings()
+ .then(() => {
+ cb()
+ })
+ .catch((reason) => {
+ cb(reason)
+ })
+ }
+ setupAccounts (accounts) {
+ var arr = accounts || this.getAccounts()
+ arr.forEach((account) => {
+ this.getBalanceAndNickname(account)
+ })
+ }
+ // Takes an account address and an iterator representing
+ // the current number of named accounts.
+ getBalanceAndNickname (account) {
+ const address = normalize(account)
+ this.ethStore.addAccount(address)
+ this.createNickname(address)
+ }
+ createNickname (address) {
+ const hexAddress = normalize(address)
+ var i = Object.keys(this.identities).length
+ const oldNickname = this.configManager.nicknameForWallet(address)
+ const name = oldNickname || `Account ${++i}`
+ this.identities[hexAddress] = {
+ address: hexAddress,
+ name,
+ }
+ return this.saveAccountLabel(hexAddress, name)
+ }
+ saveAccountLabel (account, label, cb) {
+ const address = normalize(account)
+ const configManager = this.configManager
+ configManager.setNicknameForWallet(address, label)
+ this.identities[address].name = label
+ if (cb) {
+ cb(null, label)
+ } else {
+ return label
+ }
+ }
+ persistAllKeyrings () {
+ const serialized = this.keyrings.map((keyring) => {
+ return {
+ type: keyring.type,
+ data: keyring.serialize(),
+ }
+ })
+ return this.encryptor.encryptWithKey(this.key, serialized)
+ .then((encryptedString) => {
+ this.configManager.setVault(encryptedString)
+ return true
+ })
+ }
+ unlockKeyrings (key) {
+ const encryptedVault = this.configManager.getVault()
+ return this.encryptor.decryptWithKey(key, encryptedVault)
+ .then((vault) => {
+ vault.forEach(this.restoreKeyring.bind(this))
+ return this.keyrings
+ })
+ }
+ restoreKeyring (serialized) {
+ const { type, data } = serialized
+ const Keyring = this.getKeyringClassForType(type)
+ const keyring = new Keyring()
+ keyring.deserialize(data)
+ const accounts = keyring.getAccounts()
+ this.setupAccounts(accounts)
+ this.keyrings.push(keyring)
+ return keyring
+ }
+ getKeyringClassForType (type) {
+ const Keyring = this.keyringTypes.reduce((res, kr) => {
+ if (kr.type() === type) {
+ return kr
+ } else {
+ return res
+ }
+ })
+ return Keyring
+ }
+ getAccounts () {
+ const keyrings = this.keyrings || []
+ return keyrings.map(kr => kr.getAccounts())
+ .reduce((res, arr) => {
+ return res.concat(arr)
+ }, [])
+ }
+ setSelectedAddress (address, cb) {
+ var addr = normalize(address)
+ this.configManager.setSelectedAccount(addr)
+ cb(null, addr)
+ }
+ addUnconfirmedTransaction (txParams, onTxDoneCb, cb) {
+ var self = this
+ const configManager = this.configManager
+ // create txData obj with parameters and meta data
+ var time = (new Date()).getTime()
+ var txId = createId()
+ txParams.metamaskId = txId
+ txParams.metamaskNetworkId = this.getNetwork()
+ var txData = {
+ id: txId,
+ txParams: txParams,
+ time: time,
+ status: 'unconfirmed',
+ gasMultiplier: configManager.getGasMultiplier() || 1,
+ metamaskNetworkId: this.getNetwork(),
+ }
+ // keep the onTxDoneCb around for after approval/denial (requires user interaction)
+ // This onTxDoneCb fires completion to the Dapp's write operation.
+ this._unconfTxCbs[txId] = onTxDoneCb
+ var provider = this.ethStore._query.currentProvider
+ var query = new EthQuery(provider)
+ // calculate metadata for tx
+ async.parallel([
+ analyzeForDelegateCall,
+ estimateGas,
+ ], didComplete)
+ // perform static analyis on the target contract code
+ function analyzeForDelegateCall (cb) {
+ if (txParams.to) {
+ query.getCode(txParams.to, function (err, result) {
+ if (err) return cb(err)
+ var code = ethUtil.toBuffer(result)
+ if (code !== '0x') {
+ var ops = ethBinToOps(code)
+ var containsDelegateCall = ops.some((op) => op.name === 'DELEGATECALL')
+ txData.containsDelegateCall = containsDelegateCall
+ cb()
+ } else {
+ cb()
+ }
+ })
+ } else {
+ cb()
+ }
+ }
+ function estimateGas (cb) {
+ query.estimateGas(txParams, function (err, result) {
+ if (err) return cb(err)
+ txData.estimatedGas = self.addGasBuffer(result)
+ cb()
+ })
+ }
+ function didComplete (err) {
+ if (err) return cb(err)
+ configManager.addTx(txData)
+ // signal update
+ self.emit('update')
+ // signal completion of add tx
+ cb(null, txData)
+ }
+ }
+ addUnconfirmedMessage (msgParams, cb) {
+ // create txData obj with parameters and meta data
+ var time = (new Date()).getTime()
+ var msgId = createId()
+ var msgData = {
+ id: msgId,
+ msgParams: msgParams,
+ time: time,
+ status: 'unconfirmed',
+ }
+ messageManager.addMsg(msgData)
+ console.log('addUnconfirmedMessage:', msgData)
+ // keep the cb around for after approval (requires user interaction)
+ // This cb fires completion to the Dapp's write operation.
+ this._unconfMsgCbs[msgId] = cb
+ // signal update
+ this.emit('update')
+ return msgId
+ }
+ approveTransaction (txId, cb) {
+ const configManager = this.configManager
+ var approvalCb = this._unconfTxCbs[txId] || noop
+ // accept tx
+ cb()
+ approvalCb(null, true)
+ // clean up
+ configManager.confirmTx(txId)
+ delete this._unconfTxCbs[txId]
+ this.emit('update')
+ }
+ cancelTransaction (txId, cb) {
+ const configManager = this.configManager
+ var approvalCb = this._unconfTxCbs[txId] || noop
+ // reject tx
+ approvalCb(null, false)
+ // clean up
+ configManager.rejectTx(txId)
+ delete this._unconfTxCbs[txId]
+ if (cb && typeof cb === 'function') {
+ cb()
+ }
+ }
+ signTransaction (txParams, cb) {
+ try {
+ const address = normalize(txParams.from)
+ const keyring = this.getKeyringForAccount(address)
+ // Handle gas pricing
+ var gasMultiplier = this.configManager.getGasMultiplier() || 1
+ var gasPrice = new BN(ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(txParams.gasPrice), 16)
+ gasPrice = gasPrice.mul(new BN(gasMultiplier * 100, 10)).div(new BN(100, 10))
+ txParams.gasPrice = ethUtil.intToHex(gasPrice.toNumber())
+ // normalize values
+ txParams.to = normalize(txParams.to)
+ txParams.from = normalize(txParams.from)
+ txParams.value = normalize(txParams.value)
+ txParams.data = normalize(txParams.data)
+ txParams.gasLimit = normalize(txParams.gasLimit || txParams.gas)
+ txParams.nonce = normalize(txParams.nonce)
+ let tx = new Transaction(txParams)
+ tx = keyring.signTransaction(address, tx)
+ // Add the tx hash to the persisted meta-tx object
+ var txHash = ethUtil.bufferToHex(tx.hash())
+ var metaTx = this.configManager.getTx(txParams.metamaskId)
+ metaTx.hash = txHash
+ this.configManager.updateTx(metaTx)
+ // return raw serialized tx
+ var rawTx = ethUtil.bufferToHex(tx.serialize())
+ cb(null, rawTx)
+ } catch (e) {
+ cb(e)
+ }
+ }
+ signMessage (msgParams, cb) {
+ try {
+ const keyring = this.getKeyringForAccount(msgParams.from)
+ const address = normalize(msgParams.from)
+ const rawSig = keyring.signMessage(address, msgParams.data)
+ cb(null, rawSig)
+ } catch (e) {
+ cb(e)
+ }
+ }
+ getKeyringForAccount (address) {
+ const hexed = normalize(address)
+ return this.keyrings.find((ring) => {
+ return ring.getAccounts()
+ .map(normalize)
+ .includes(hexed)
+ })
+ }
+ cancelMessage (msgId, cb) {
+ if (cb && typeof cb === 'function') {
+ cb()
+ }
+ }
+ setLocked (cb) {
+ this.key = null
+ this.keyrings = []
+ this.emit('update')
+ cb()
+ }
+ exportAccount (address, cb) {
+ try {
+ const keyring = this.getKeyringForAccount(address)
+ const privateKey = keyring.exportAccount(normalize(address))
+ cb(null, privateKey)
+ } catch (e) {
+ cb(e)
+ }
+ }
+ addGasBuffer (gas) {
+ const gasBuffer = new BN('100000', 10)
+ const bnGas = new BN(ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(gas), 16)
+ const correct = bnGas.add(gasBuffer)
+ return ethUtil.addHexPrefix(correct.toString(16))
+ }
+ clearSeedWordCache (cb) {
+ this.configManager.setSeedWords(null)
+ cb(null, this.configManager.getSelectedAccount())
+ }
+ clearKeyrings () {
+ let accounts
+ try {
+ accounts = Object.keys(this.ethStore._currentState.accounts)
+ } catch (e) {
+ accounts = []
+ }
+ accounts.forEach((address) => {
+ this.ethStore.removeAccount(address)
+ })
+ this.keyrings = []
+ this.identities = {}
+ this.configManager.setSelectedAccount()
+ }
+function noop () {}