path: root/test/e2e
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/e2e')
8 files changed, 696 insertions, 299 deletions
diff --git a/test/e2e/beta/contract-test/contract.js b/test/e2e/beta/contract-test/contract.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18c866f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/e2e/beta/contract-test/contract.js
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+The `piggybankContract` is compiled from:
+ pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
+ contract PiggyBank {
+ uint private balance;
+ address public owner;
+ function PiggyBank() public {
+ owner = msg.sender;
+ balance = 0;
+ }
+ function deposit() public payable returns (uint) {
+ balance += msg.value;
+ return balance;
+ }
+ function withdraw(uint withdrawAmount) public returns (uint remainingBal) {
+ require(msg.sender == owner);
+ balance -= withdrawAmount;
+ msg.sender.transfer(withdrawAmount);
+ return balance;
+ }
+ }
+var piggybankContract = web3.eth.contract([{'constant': false, 'inputs': [{'name': 'withdrawAmount', 'type': 'uint256'}], 'name': 'withdraw', 'outputs': [{'name': 'remainingBal', 'type': 'uint256'}], 'payable': false, 'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'type': 'function'}, {'constant': true, 'inputs': [], 'name': 'owner', 'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'address'}], 'payable': false, 'stateMutability': 'view', 'type': 'function'}, {'constant': false, 'inputs': [], 'name': 'deposit', 'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'uint256'}], 'payable': true, 'stateMutability': 'payable', 'type': 'function'}, {'inputs': [], 'payable': false, 'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'type': 'constructor'}])
+const deployButton = document.getElementById('deployButton')
+const depositButton = document.getElementById('depositButton')
+const withdrawButton = document.getElementById('withdrawButton')
+deployButton.addEventListener('click', async function (event) {
+ var piggybank = await piggybankContract.new(
+ {
+ from: web3.eth.accounts[0],
+ data: '0x608060405234801561001057600080fd5b5033600160006101000a81548173ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff021916908373ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1602179055506000808190555061023b806100686000396000f300608060405260043610610057576000357c0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000900463ffffffff1680632e1a7d4d1461005c5780638da5cb5b1461009d578063d0e30db0146100f4575b600080fd5b34801561006857600080fd5b5061008760048036038101908080359060200190929190505050610112565b6040518082815260200191505060405180910390f35b3480156100a957600080fd5b506100b26101d0565b604051808273ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1673ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff16815260200191505060405180910390f35b6100fc6101f6565b6040518082815260200191505060405180910390f35b6000600160009054906101000a900473ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1673ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff163373ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1614151561017057600080fd5b8160008082825403925050819055503373ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff166108fc839081150290604051600060405180830381858888f193505050501580156101c5573d6000803e3d6000fd5b506000549050919050565b600160009054906101000a900473ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1681565b60003460008082825401925050819055506000549050905600a165627a7a72305820f237db3ec816a52589d82512117bc85bc08d3537683ffeff9059108caf3e5d400029',
+ gas: '4700000',
+ }, function (e, contract) {
+ console.log(e, contract)
+ if (typeof contract.address !== 'undefined') {
+ console.log('Contract mined! address: ' + contract.address + ' transactionHash: ' + contract.transactionHash)
+ console.log(`contract`, contract)
+ depositButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
+ contract.deposit({ from: web3.eth.accounts[0], value: '0x29a2241af62c0000' }, function (result) {
+ console.log(result)
+ })
+ })
+ withdrawButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
+ contract.withdraw('0xde0b6b3a7640000', { from: web3.eth.accounts[0] }, function (result) {
+ console.log(result)
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ console.log(piggybank)
diff --git a/test/e2e/beta/contract-test/index.html b/test/e2e/beta/contract-test/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0868633f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/e2e/beta/contract-test/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ <button id="deployButton">Deploy Contract</button>
+ <button id="depositButton">Deposit</button>
+ <button id="withdrawButton">Withdraw</button>
+<script src="contract.js"></script>
+</html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/e2e/beta/from-import-beta-ui.spec.js b/test/e2e/beta/from-import-beta-ui.spec.js
index e07d4a99e..b396dc5b9 100644
--- a/test/e2e/beta/from-import-beta-ui.spec.js
+++ b/test/e2e/beta/from-import-beta-ui.spec.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const path = require('path')
const assert = require('assert')
const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver')
-const { By, Key } = webdriver
+const { By, Key, until } = webdriver
const {
@@ -12,20 +12,21 @@ const {
} = require('../func')
const {
- loadExtension,
+ findElement,
+ findElements,
} = require('./helpers')
describe('Using MetaMask with an existing account', function () {
let extensionId
let driver
- let tokenAddress
const testSeedPhrase = 'phrase upgrade clock rough situate wedding elder clever doctor stamp excess tent'
const testAddress = '0xE18035BF8712672935FDB4e5e431b1a0183d2DFC'
+ const testPrivateKey2 = '14abe6f4aab7f9f626fe981c864d0adeb5685f289ac9270c27b8fd790b4235d6'
const regularDelayMs = 1000
const largeDelayMs = regularDelayMs * 2
- const waitingNewPageDelayMs = regularDelayMs * 10
@@ -79,30 +80,34 @@ describe('Using MetaMask with an existing account', function () {
it('use the local network', async function () {
- const [networkSelector] = await driver.findElements(By.css('#network_component'))
+ const networkSelector = await findElement(driver, By.css('#network_component'))
await networkSelector.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [localhost] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//li[contains(text(), 'Localhost')]`))
+ const [localhost] = await findElements(driver, By.xpath(`//li[contains(text(), 'Localhost')]`))
await localhost.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('selects the new UI option', async () => {
- const button = await driver.findElement(By.xpath("//p[contains(text(), 'Try Beta Version')]"))
+ const button = await findElement(driver, By.xpath("//p[contains(text(), 'Try Beta Version')]"))
await button.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
// Close all other tabs
const [oldUi, infoPage, newUi] = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
+ const newUiOrInfoPage = newUi || infoPage
await driver.switchTo().window(oldUi)
await driver.close()
- await driver.switchTo().window(infoPage)
- await driver.close()
- await driver.switchTo().window(newUi)
+ if (infoPage !== newUiOrInfoPage) {
+ await driver.switchTo().window(infoPage)
+ await driver.close()
+ }
+ await driver.switchTo().window(newUiOrInfoPage)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [continueBtn] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.welcome-screen__button'))
+ const continueBtn = await findElement(driver, By.css('.welcome-screen__button'))
await continueBtn.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
@@ -110,37 +115,50 @@ describe('Using MetaMask with an existing account', function () {
describe('First time flow starting from an existing seed phrase', () => {
it('imports a seed phrase', async () => {
- const [seedPhrase] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//a[contains(text(), 'Import with seed phrase')]`))
+ const [seedPhrase] = await findElements(driver, By.xpath(`//a[contains(text(), 'Import with seed phrase')]`))
await seedPhrase.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [seedTextArea] = await driver.findElements(By.css('textarea.import-account__secret-phrase'))
+ const [seedTextArea] = await findElements(driver, By.css('textarea.import-account__secret-phrase'))
await seedTextArea.sendKeys(testSeedPhrase)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [password] = await driver.findElements(By.id('password'))
+ const [password] = await findElements(driver, By.id('password'))
await password.sendKeys('correct horse battery staple')
- const [confirmPassword] = await driver.findElements(By.id('confirm-password'))
+ const [confirmPassword] = await findElements(driver, By.id('confirm-password'))
confirmPassword.sendKeys('correct horse battery staple')
- const [importButton] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Import')]`))
+ const [importButton] = await findElements(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Import')]`))
await importButton.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ it('clicks through the ToS', async () => {
+ // terms of use
+ const canClickThrough = await driver.findElement(By.css('.tou button')).isEnabled()
+ assert.equal(canClickThrough, false, 'disabled continue button')
+ const bottomOfTos = await findElement(driver, By.linkText('Attributions'))
+ await driver.executeScript('arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true)', bottomOfTos)
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ const acceptTos = await findElement(driver, By.css('.tou button'))
+ await acceptTos.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ })
it('clicks through the privacy notice', async () => {
- const [nextScreen] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.tou button'))
+ // privacy notice
+ const nextScreen = await findElement(driver, By.css('.tou button'))
await nextScreen.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ })
- const canClickThrough = await driver.findElement(By.css('.tou button')).isEnabled()
- assert.equal(canClickThrough, false, 'disabled continue button')
- const element = await driver.findElement(By.linkText('Attributions'))
- await driver.executeScript('arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true)', element)
+ it('clicks through the phishing notice', async () => {
+ // phishing notice
+ const noticeElement = await driver.findElement(By.css('.markdown'))
+ await driver.executeScript('arguments[0].scrollTop = arguments[0].scrollHeight', noticeElement)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [acceptTos] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.tou button'))
- await acceptTos.click()
+ const nextScreen = await findElement(driver, By.css('.tou button'))
+ await nextScreen.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
@@ -151,7 +169,7 @@ describe('Using MetaMask with an existing account', function () {
await driver.findElement(By.css('.qr-wrapper')).isDisplayed()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [address] = await driver.findElements(By.css('input.qr-ellip-address'))
+ const [address] = await findElements(driver, By.css('input.qr-ellip-address'))
assert.equal(await address.getAttribute('value'), testAddress)
await driver.executeScript("document.querySelector('.account-modal-close').click()")
@@ -161,19 +179,22 @@ describe('Using MetaMask with an existing account', function () {
it('shows a QR code for the account', async () => {
await driver.findElement(By.css('.wallet-view__details-button')).click()
await driver.findElement(By.css('.qr-wrapper')).isDisplayed()
+ const detailModal = await driver.findElement(By.css('span .modal'))
await delay(regularDelayMs)
await driver.executeScript("document.querySelector('.account-modal-close').click()")
+ await driver.wait(until.stalenessOf(detailModal))
await delay(regularDelayMs)
describe('Log out and log back in', () => {
it('logs out of the account', async () => {
- await driver.findElement(By.css('.account-menu__icon')).click()
+ const accountIdenticon = driver.findElement(By.css('.account-menu__icon .identicon'))
+ accountIdenticon.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [logoutButton] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.account-menu__logout-button'))
+ const [logoutButton] = await findElements(driver, By.css('.account-menu__logout-button'))
assert.equal(await logoutButton.getText(), 'Log out')
await logoutButton.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
@@ -191,23 +212,23 @@ describe('Using MetaMask with an existing account', function () {
await driver.findElement(By.css('.account-menu__icon')).click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [createAccount] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//div[contains(text(), 'Create Account')]`))
+ const [createAccount] = await findElements(driver, By.xpath(`//div[contains(text(), 'Create Account')]`))
await createAccount.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('set account name', async () => {
- const [accountName] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.new-account-create-form input'))
+ const [accountName] = await findElements(driver, By.css('.new-account-create-form input'))
await accountName.sendKeys('2nd account')
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [createButton] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Create')]`))
+ const [createButton] = await findElements(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Create')]`))
await createButton.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('should show the correct account name', async () => {
- const [accountName] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.account-name'))
+ const [accountName] = await findElements(driver, By.css('.account-name'))
assert.equal(await accountName.getText(), '2nd account')
await delay(regularDelayMs)
@@ -218,7 +239,7 @@ describe('Using MetaMask with an existing account', function () {
await driver.findElement(By.css('.account-menu__icon')).click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [originalAccountMenuItem] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.account-menu__name'))
+ const [originalAccountMenuItem] = await findElements(driver, By.css('.account-menu__name'))
await originalAccountMenuItem.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
@@ -226,181 +247,78 @@ describe('Using MetaMask with an existing account', function () {
describe('Send ETH from inside MetaMask', () => {
it('starts to send a transaction', async function () {
- const [sendButton] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Send')]`))
+ const sendButton = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Send')]`))
await sendButton.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [inputAddress] = await driver.findElements(By.css('input[placeholder="Recipient Address"]'))
- const [inputAmount] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.currency-display__input'))
+ const inputAddress = await findElement(driver, By.css('input[placeholder="Recipient Address"]'))
+ const inputAmount = await findElement(driver, By.css('.currency-display__input'))
await inputAddress.sendKeys('0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970')
await inputAmount.sendKeys('1')
// Set the gas limit
- const [configureGas] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.send-v2__gas-fee-display button'))
+ const configureGas = await findElement(driver, By.css('.send-v2__gas-fee-display button'))
await configureGas.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [save] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Save')]`))
+ const gasModal = await driver.findElement(By.css('span .modal'))
+ const save = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Save')]`))
await save.click()
+ await driver.wait(until.stalenessOf(gasModal))
await delay(regularDelayMs)
// Continue to next screen
- const [nextScreen] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Next')]`))
+ const nextScreen = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Next')]`))
await nextScreen.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('confirms the transaction', async function () {
- const [confirmButton] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`))
+ const confirmButton = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`))
await confirmButton.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('finds the transaction in the transactions list', async function () {
- const transactions = await driver.findElements(By.css('.tx-list-item'))
+ const transactions = await findElements(driver, By.css('.tx-list-item'))
assert.equal(transactions.length, 1)
- const txValues = await driver.findElements(By.css('.tx-list-value'))
+ const txValues = await findElements(driver, By.css('.tx-list-value'))
assert.equal(txValues.length, 1)
assert.equal(await txValues[0].getText(), '1 ETH')
- describe('Send ETH from Faucet', () => {
- it('starts a send transaction inside Faucet', async () => {
- await driver.executeScript('window.open("https://faucet.metamask.io")')
- await delay(waitingNewPageDelayMs)
- const [extension, faucet] = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
- await driver.switchTo().window(faucet)
- await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [send1eth] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '10 ether')]`))
- await send1eth.click()
- await delay(regularDelayMs)
- await driver.switchTo().window(extension)
- await loadExtension(driver, extensionId)
- await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [confirmButton] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(),'Confirm')]`))
- await confirmButton.click()
- await delay(regularDelayMs)
- await driver.switchTo().window(faucet)
- await delay(regularDelayMs)
- await driver.close()
- await delay(regularDelayMs)
- await driver.switchTo().window(extension)
- await delay(regularDelayMs)
- await loadExtension(driver, extensionId)
- await delay(regularDelayMs)
- })
- })
- describe('Add existing token using search', () => {
- it('clicks on the Add Token button', async () => {
- const [addToken] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Add Token')]`))
- await addToken.click()
- await delay(regularDelayMs)
- })
- it('picks an existing token', async () => {
- const [tokenSearch] = await driver.findElements(By.css('input.add-token__input'))
- await tokenSearch.sendKeys('BAT')
- await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [token] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[contains(text(), 'BAT')]"))
- await token.click()
- await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [nextScreen] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Next')]`))
- await nextScreen.click()
+ describe('Imports an account with private key', () => {
+ it('choose Create Account from the account menu', async () => {
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('.account-menu__icon')).click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [addTokens] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Add Tokens')]`))
- await addTokens.click()
- await delay(largeDelayMs)
- })
- it('renders the balance for the new token', async () => {
- const balance = await driver.findElement(By.css('.tx-view .balance-display .token-amount'))
- const tokenAmount = await balance.getText()
- assert.equal(tokenAmount, '0BAT')
+ const [importAccount] = await findElements(driver, By.xpath(`//div[contains(text(), 'Import Account')]`))
+ await importAccount.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- })
- describe('Add a custom token from TokenFactory', () => {
- it('creates a new token', async () => {
- await driver.executeScript('window.open("https://tokenfactory.surge.sh/#/factory")')
- await delay(waitingNewPageDelayMs)
- const [extension, tokenFactory] = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
- await driver.switchTo().window(tokenFactory)
- const [
- totalSupply,
- tokenName,
- tokenDecimal,
- tokenSymbol,
- ] = await driver.findElements(By.css('input'))
- await totalSupply.sendKeys('100')
- await tokenName.sendKeys('Test')
- await tokenDecimal.sendKeys('0')
- await tokenSymbol.sendKeys('TST')
- const [createToken] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Create Token')]`))
- await createToken.click()
- await delay(regularDelayMs)
- await driver.switchTo().window(extension)
- await loadExtension(driver, extensionId)
+ it('enter private key', async () => {
+ const privateKeyInput = await findElement(driver, By.css('#private-key-box'))
+ await privateKeyInput.sendKeys(testPrivateKey2)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [confirmButton] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(),'Confirm')]`))
- await confirmButton.click()
- await delay(regularDelayMs)
- await driver.switchTo().window(tokenFactory)
- await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const tokenContactAddress = await driver.findElement(By.css('div > div > div:nth-child(2) > span:nth-child(3)'))
- tokenAddress = await tokenContactAddress.getText()
- await driver.close()
- await driver.switchTo().window(extension)
- await loadExtension(driver, extensionId)
- await delay(regularDelayMs)
- })
- it('clicks on the Add Token button', async () => {
- const [addToken] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Add Token')]`))
- await addToken.click()
+ const importButtons = await findElements(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Import')]`))
+ await importButtons[0].click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- it('picks the new Test token', async () => {
- const [addCustomToken] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[contains(text(), 'Custom Token')]"))
- await addCustomToken.click()
- await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [newTokenAddress] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.add-token__add-custom-form input'))
- await newTokenAddress.sendKeys(tokenAddress)
- await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [nextScreen] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Next')]`))
- await nextScreen.click()
- await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [addTokens] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Add Tokens')]`))
- await addTokens.click()
+ it('should show the correct account name', async () => {
+ const [accountName] = await findElements(driver, By.css('.account-name'))
+ assert.equal(await accountName.getText(), 'Account 3')
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- it('renders the balance for the new token', async () => {
- const [balance] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.tx-view .balance-display .token-amount'))
- const tokenAmount = await balance.getText()
- assert.equal(tokenAmount, '100TST')
+ it('should show the imported label', async () => {
+ const [importedLabel] = await findElements(driver, By.css('.wallet-view__keyring-label'))
+ assert.equal(await importedLabel.getText(), 'IMPORTED')
await delay(regularDelayMs)
diff --git a/test/e2e/beta/helpers.js b/test/e2e/beta/helpers.js
index 8307fdc50..fcc3e96d6 100644
--- a/test/e2e/beta/helpers.js
+++ b/test/e2e/beta/helpers.js
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
const fs = require('fs')
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
const pify = require('pify')
+const {until} = require('selenium-webdriver')
+const { delay } = require('../func')
module.exports = {
+ findElement,
+ findElements,
+ openNewPage,
async function loadExtension (driver, extensionId) {
@@ -53,3 +58,23 @@ async function verboseReportOnFailure (driver, test) {
const htmlSource = await driver.getPageSource()
await pify(fs.writeFile)(`${filepathBase}-dom.html`, htmlSource)
+async function findElement (driver, by, timeout = 10000) {
+ return driver.wait(until.elementLocated(by), timeout)
+async function findElements (driver, by, timeout = 10000) {
+ return driver.wait(until.elementsLocated(by), timeout)
+async function openNewPage (driver, url) {
+ await driver.executeScript('window.open()')
+ await delay(1000)
+ const handles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
+ const secondHandle = handles[1]
+ await driver.switchTo().window(secondHandle)
+ await driver.get(url)
+ await delay(1000)
diff --git a/test/e2e/beta/metamask-beta-ui.spec.js b/test/e2e/beta/metamask-beta-ui.spec.js
index 00863e3b3..5f270b52b 100644
--- a/test/e2e/beta/metamask-beta-ui.spec.js
+++ b/test/e2e/beta/metamask-beta-ui.spec.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const path = require('path')
const assert = require('assert')
const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver')
-const { By, Key } = webdriver
+const { By, Key, until } = webdriver
const {
@@ -11,9 +11,12 @@ const {
} = require('../func')
const {
+ findElement,
+ findElements,
+ openNewPage,
} = require('./helpers')
describe('MetaMask', function () {
@@ -22,10 +25,9 @@ describe('MetaMask', function () {
let tokenAddress
const testSeedPhrase = 'phrase upgrade clock rough situate wedding elder clever doctor stamp excess tent'
- const tinyDelayMs = 500
+ const tinyDelayMs = 1000
const regularDelayMs = tinyDelayMs * 2
const largeDelayMs = regularDelayMs * 2
- const waitingNewPageDelayMs = regularDelayMs * 10
@@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ describe('MetaMask', function () {
if (this.currentTest.state === 'failed') {
- await verboseReportOnFailure(this.currentTest)
+ await verboseReportOnFailure(driver, this.currentTest)
@@ -69,37 +71,52 @@ describe('MetaMask', function () {
describe('New UI setup', async function () {
+ let networkSelector
it('switches to first tab', async function () {
const [firstTab] = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
await driver.switchTo().window(firstTab)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ try {
+ networkSelector = await findElement(driver, By.css('#network_component'))
+ } catch (e) {
+ await loadExtension(driver, extensionId)
+ }
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('use the local network', async function () {
- const [networkSelector] = await driver.findElements(By.css('#network_component'))
await networkSelector.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [localhost] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//li[contains(text(), 'Localhost')]`))
+ const localhost = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//li[contains(text(), 'Localhost')]`))
await localhost.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('selects the new UI option', async () => {
- const button = await driver.findElement(By.xpath("//p[contains(text(), 'Try Beta Version')]"))
+ const button = await findElement(driver, By.xpath("//p[contains(text(), 'Try Beta Version')]"))
await button.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
// Close all other tabs
- const [oldUi, infoPage, newUi] = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
+ const [oldUi, tab1, tab2] = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
await driver.switchTo().window(oldUi)
await driver.close()
- await driver.switchTo().window(infoPage)
- await driver.close()
- await driver.switchTo().window(newUi)
+ await driver.switchTo().window(tab1)
+ const tab1Url = await driver.getCurrentUrl()
+ if (tab1Url.match(/metamask.io/)) {
+ await driver.switchTo().window(tab1)
+ await driver.close()
+ await driver.switchTo().window(tab2)
+ } else if (tab2) {
+ await driver.switchTo().window(tab2)
+ await driver.close()
+ await driver.switchTo().window(tab1)
+ }
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [continueBtn] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.welcome-screen__button'))
+ const continueBtn = await findElement(driver, By.css('.welcome-screen__button'))
await continueBtn.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
@@ -107,9 +124,9 @@ describe('MetaMask', function () {
describe('Going through the first time flow', () => {
it('accepts a secure password', async () => {
- const [passwordBox] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.create-password #create-password'))
- const [passwordBoxConfirm] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.create-password #confirm-password'))
- const [button] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.create-password button'))
+ const passwordBox = await findElement(driver, By.css('.create-password #create-password'))
+ const passwordBoxConfirm = await findElement(driver, By.css('.create-password #confirm-password'))
+ const button = await findElement(driver, By.css('.create-password button'))
await passwordBox.sendKeys('correct horse battery staple')
await passwordBoxConfirm.sendKeys('correct horse battery staple')
@@ -118,102 +135,141 @@ describe('MetaMask', function () {
it('clicks through the unique image screen', async () => {
- const [nextScreen] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.unique-image button'))
+ const nextScreen = await findElement(driver, By.css('.unique-image button'))
await nextScreen.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- it('clicks through the privacy notice', async () => {
- const [nextScreen] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.tou button'))
- await nextScreen.click()
- await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ it('clicks through the ToS', async () => {
+ // terms of use
const canClickThrough = await driver.findElement(By.css('.tou button')).isEnabled()
assert.equal(canClickThrough, false, 'disabled continue button')
- const [bottomOfTos] = await driver.findElements(By.linkText('Attributions'))
+ const bottomOfTos = await findElement(driver, By.linkText('Attributions'))
await driver.executeScript('arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true)', bottomOfTos)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [acceptTos] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.tou button'))
+ const acceptTos = await findElement(driver, By.css('.tou button'))
+ driver.wait(until.elementIsEnabled(acceptTos))
await acceptTos.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ it('clicks through the privacy notice', async () => {
+ // privacy notice
+ const nextScreen = await findElement(driver, By.css('.tou button'))
+ await nextScreen.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ })
+ it('clicks through the phishing notice', async () => {
+ // phishing notice
+ const noticeElement = await driver.findElement(By.css('.markdown'))
+ await driver.executeScript('arguments[0].scrollTop = arguments[0].scrollHeight', noticeElement)
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ const nextScreen = await findElement(driver, By.css('.tou button'))
+ await nextScreen.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ })
let seedPhrase
it('reveals the seed phrase', async () => {
- const [revealSeedPhrase] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.backup-phrase__secret-blocker'))
- await revealSeedPhrase.click()
+ const byRevealButton = By.css('.backup-phrase__secret-blocker .backup-phrase__reveal-button')
+ await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(byRevealButton, 10000))
+ const revealSeedPhraseButton = await findElement(driver, byRevealButton, 10000)
+ await revealSeedPhraseButton.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
seedPhrase = await driver.findElement(By.css('.backup-phrase__secret-words')).getText()
assert.equal(seedPhrase.split(' ').length, 12)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [nextScreen] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.backup-phrase button'))
+ const nextScreen = await findElement(driver, By.css('.backup-phrase button'))
await nextScreen.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- it('can retype the seed phrase', async () => {
- const words = seedPhrase.split(' ')
+ async function retypeSeedPhrase (words) {
+ try {
+ const word0 = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[0]}')]`), 10000)
- const [word0] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[0]}')]`))
- await word0.click()
- await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ await word0.click()
+ await delay(tinyDelayMs)
- const [word1] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[1]}')]`))
- await word1.click()
- await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ const word1 = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[1]}')]`), 10000)
- const [word2] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[2]}')]`))
- await word2.click()
- await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ await word1.click()
+ await delay(tinyDelayMs)
- const [word3] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[3]}')]`))
- await word3.click()
- await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ const word2 = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[2]}')]`), 10000)
- const [word4] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[4]}')]`))
- await word4.click()
- await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ await word2.click()
+ await delay(tinyDelayMs)
- const [word5] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[5]}')]`))
- await word5.click()
- await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ const word3 = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[3]}')]`), 10000)
- const [word6] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[6]}')]`))
- await word6.click()
- await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ await word3.click()
+ await delay(tinyDelayMs)
- const [word7] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[7]}')]`))
- await word7.click()
- await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ const word4 = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[4]}')]`), 10000)
- const [word8] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[8]}')]`))
- await word8.click()
- await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ await word4.click()
+ await delay(tinyDelayMs)
- const [word9] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[9]}')]`))
- await word9.click()
- await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ const word5 = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[5]}')]`), 10000)
- const [word10] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[10]}')]`))
- await word10.click()
- await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ await word5.click()
+ await delay(tinyDelayMs)
- const [word11] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[11]}')]`))
- await word11.click()
- await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ const word6 = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[6]}')]`), 10000)
+ await word6.click()
+ await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ const word7 = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[7]}')]`), 10000)
+ await word7.click()
+ await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ const word8 = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[8]}')]`), 10000)
- const [confirm] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`))
+ await word8.click()
+ await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ const word9 = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[9]}')]`), 10000)
+ await word9.click()
+ await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ const word10 = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[10]}')]`), 10000)
+ await word10.click()
+ await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ const word11 = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${words[11]}')]`), 10000)
+ await word11.click()
+ await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ } catch (e) {
+ await loadExtension(driver, extensionId)
+ await retypeSeedPhrase(words)
+ }
+ }
+ it('can retype the seed phrase', async () => {
+ const words = seedPhrase.split(' ')
+ await retypeSeedPhrase(words)
+ const confirm = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`))
await confirm.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('clicks through the deposit modal', async () => {
- const [closeModal] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.page-container__header-close'))
+ const byBuyModal = By.css('span .modal')
+ const buyModal = await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(byBuyModal))
+ const closeModal = await findElement(driver, By.css('.page-container__header-close'))
await closeModal.click()
+ await driver.wait(until.stalenessOf(buyModal))
await delay(regularDelayMs)
@@ -224,8 +280,12 @@ describe('MetaMask', function () {
await driver.findElement(By.css('.qr-wrapper')).isDisplayed()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ const accountModal = await driver.findElement(By.css('span .modal'))
await driver.executeScript("document.querySelector('.account-modal-close').click()")
- await delay(regularDelayMs * 4)
+ await driver.wait(until.stalenessOf(accountModal))
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
@@ -234,7 +294,7 @@ describe('MetaMask', function () {
await driver.findElement(By.css('.account-menu__icon')).click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [logoutButton] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.account-menu__logout-button'))
+ const logoutButton = await findElement(driver, By.css('.account-menu__logout-button'))
assert.equal(await logoutButton.getText(), 'Log out')
await logoutButton.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
@@ -252,23 +312,23 @@ describe('MetaMask', function () {
await driver.findElement(By.css('.account-menu__icon')).click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [createAccount] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//div[contains(text(), 'Create Account')]`))
+ const createAccount = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//div[contains(text(), 'Create Account')]`))
await createAccount.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('set account name', async () => {
- const [accountName] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.new-account-create-form input'))
+ const accountName = await findElement(driver, By.css('.new-account-create-form input'))
await accountName.sendKeys('2nd account')
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [create] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Create')]`))
+ const create = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Create')]`))
await create.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('should correct account name', async () => {
- const [accountName] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.account-name'))
+ const accountName = await findElement(driver, By.css('.account-name'))
assert.equal(await accountName.getText(), '2nd account')
await delay(regularDelayMs)
@@ -279,19 +339,19 @@ describe('MetaMask', function () {
await driver.findElement(By.css('.account-menu__icon')).click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [logoutButton] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.account-menu__logout-button'))
+ const logoutButton = await findElement(driver, By.css('.account-menu__logout-button'))
assert.equal(await logoutButton.getText(), 'Log out')
await logoutButton.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('imports seed phrase', async () => {
- const [restoreSeedLink] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.unlock-page__link--import'))
+ const restoreSeedLink = await findElement(driver, By.css('.unlock-page__link--import'))
assert.equal(await restoreSeedLink.getText(), 'Import using account seed phrase')
await restoreSeedLink.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [seedTextArea] = await driver.findElements(By.css('textarea'))
+ const seedTextArea = await findElement(driver, By.css('textarea'))
await seedTextArea.sendKeys(testSeedPhrase)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
@@ -302,7 +362,7 @@ describe('MetaMask', function () {
it('balance renders', async () => {
- const balance = await driver.findElement(By.css('.balance-display .token-amount'))
+ const balance = await findElement(driver, By.css('.balance-display .token-amount'))
const tokenAmount = await balance.getText()
assert.equal(tokenAmount, '100.000 ETH')
await delay(regularDelayMs)
@@ -311,56 +371,60 @@ describe('MetaMask', function () {
describe('Send ETH from inside MetaMask', () => {
it('starts to send a transaction', async function () {
- const [sendButton] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Send')]`))
+ const sendButton = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Send')]`))
await sendButton.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [inputAddress] = await driver.findElements(By.css('input[placeholder="Recipient Address"]'))
- const [inputAmount] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.currency-display__input'))
+ const inputAddress = await findElement(driver, By.css('input[placeholder="Recipient Address"]'))
+ const inputAmount = await findElement(driver, By.css('.currency-display__input'))
await inputAddress.sendKeys('0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970')
await inputAmount.sendKeys('1')
// Set the gas limit
- const [configureGas] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.send-v2__gas-fee-display button'))
+ const configureGas = await findElement(driver, By.css('.send-v2__gas-fee-display button'))
await configureGas.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [save] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Save')]`))
+ const gasModal = await driver.findElement(By.css('span .modal'))
+ const save = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Save')]`))
await save.click()
+ await driver.wait(until.stalenessOf(gasModal))
await delay(regularDelayMs)
// Continue to next screen
- const [nextScreen] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Next')]`))
+ const nextScreen = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Next')]`))
await nextScreen.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('confirms the transaction', async function () {
- const [confirmButton] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`))
+ const confirmButton = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`))
await confirmButton.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('finds the transaction in the transactions list', async function () {
- const transactions = await driver.findElements(By.css('.tx-list-item'))
+ const transactions = await findElements(driver, By.css('.tx-list-item'))
assert.equal(transactions.length, 1)
- const txValues = await driver.findElements(By.css('.tx-list-value'))
- assert.equal(txValues.length, 1)
- assert.equal(await txValues[0].getText(), '1 ETH')
+ const txValues = await findElement(driver, By.css('.tx-list-value'))
+ await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(txValues, /1\sETH/), 10000)
describe('Send ETH from Faucet', () => {
it('starts a send transaction inside Faucet', async () => {
- await driver.executeScript('window.open("https://faucet.metamask.io")')
- await delay(waitingNewPageDelayMs)
+ await openNewPage(driver, 'https://faucet.metamask.io')
const [extension, faucet] = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
await driver.switchTo().window(faucet)
+ const faucetPageTitle = await findElement(driver, By.css('.container-fluid'))
+ await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(faucetPageTitle, /MetaMask/))
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [send1eth] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '10 ether')]`))
+ const send1eth = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '10 ether')]`), 14000)
await send1eth.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
@@ -368,7 +432,7 @@ describe('MetaMask', function () {
await loadExtension(driver, extensionId)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [confirmButton] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`))
+ const confirmButton = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`), 14000)
await confirmButton.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
@@ -383,59 +447,146 @@ describe('MetaMask', function () {
- describe('Add existing token using search', () => {
- it('clicks on the Add Token button', async () => {
- const [addToken] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Add Token')]`))
- await addToken.click()
+ describe('Deploy contract and call contract methods', () => {
+ let extension
+ let contractTestPage
+ it('confirms a deploy contract transaction', async () => {
+ await openNewPage(driver, '');
+ [extension, contractTestPage] = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ const deployContractButton = await findElement(driver, By.css('#deployButton'))
+ await deployContractButton.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ await driver.switchTo().window(extension)
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ const txListItem = await findElement(driver, By.css('.tx-list-item'))
+ await txListItem.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ const confirmButton = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`))
+ await confirmButton.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ const txStatuses = await findElements(driver, By.css('.tx-list-status'))
+ await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(txStatuses[0], /Confirmed/))
+ const txAccounts = await findElements(driver, By.css('.tx-list-account'))
+ assert.equal(await txAccounts[0].getText(), 'Contract Deployment')
- it('can pick a token from the existing options', async () => {
- const [tokenSearch] = await driver.findElements(By.css('input.add-token__input'))
- await tokenSearch.sendKeys('BAT')
+ it('calls and confirms a contract method where ETH is sent', async () => {
+ await driver.switchTo().window(contractTestPage)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [token] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[contains(text(), 'BAT')]"))
- await token.click()
+ const depositButton = await findElement(driver, By.css('#depositButton'))
+ await depositButton.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [nextScreen] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Next')]`))
- await nextScreen.click()
+ await driver.switchTo().window(extension)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [addTokens] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Add Tokens')]`))
- await addTokens.click()
- await delay(largeDelayMs)
+ const txListItem = await findElement(driver, By.css('.tx-list-item'))
+ await txListItem.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ // Set the gas limit
+ const configureGas = await findElement(driver, By.css('.sliders-icon-container'))
+ await configureGas.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ const gasModal = await driver.findElement(By.css('span .modal'))
+ await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('.send-v2__customize-gas__title')))
+ const [gasPriceInput, gasLimitInput] = await findElements(driver, By.css('.customize-gas-input'))
+ await gasPriceInput.clear()
+ await gasPriceInput.sendKeys('10')
+ await gasLimitInput.clear()
+ await gasLimitInput.sendKeys('60001')
+ const save = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Save')]`))
+ await save.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ await driver.wait(until.stalenessOf(gasModal))
+ const confirmButton = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`))
+ await confirmButton.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ const txStatuses = await findElements(driver, By.css('.tx-list-status'))
+ await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(txStatuses[0], /Confirmed/))
+ const txValues = await findElement(driver, By.css('.tx-list-value'))
+ await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(txValues, /3\sETH/), 10000)
+ const txAccounts = await findElements(driver, By.css('.tx-list-account'))
+ const firstTxAddress = await txAccounts[0].getText()
+ assert(firstTxAddress.match(/^0x\w{8}\.{3}\w{4}$/))
- it('renders the balance for the chosen token', async () => {
- const balance = await driver.findElement(By.css('.tx-view .balance-display .token-amount'))
+ it('calls and confirms a contract method where ETH is received', async () => {
+ await driver.switchTo().window(contractTestPage)
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ const withdrawButton = await findElement(driver, By.css('#withdrawButton'))
+ await withdrawButton.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ await driver.switchTo().window(extension)
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ const txListItem = await findElement(driver, By.css('.tx-list-item'))
+ await txListItem.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ const confirmButton = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`))
+ await confirmButton.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ const txStatuses = await findElements(driver, By.css('.tx-list-status'))
+ await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(txStatuses[0], /Confirmed/))
+ const txValues = await findElement(driver, By.css('.tx-list-value'))
+ await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(txValues, /0\sETH/), 10000)
+ await driver.switchTo().window(contractTestPage)
+ await driver.close()
+ await driver.switchTo().window(extension)
+ })
+ it('renders the correct ETH balance', async () => {
+ const balance = await findElement(driver, By.css('.tx-view .balance-display .token-amount'))
+ await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(balance, /^86.*ETH.*$/), 10000)
const tokenAmount = await balance.getText()
- assert.equal(tokenAmount, '0BAT')
+ assert.ok(/^86.*ETH.*$/.test(tokenAmount))
await delay(regularDelayMs)
describe('Add a custom token from TokenFactory', () => {
it('creates a new token', async () => {
- await driver.executeScript('window.open("https://tokenfactory.surge.sh/#/factory")')
- await delay(waitingNewPageDelayMs)
+ openNewPage(driver, 'https://tokenfactory.surge.sh/#/factory')
+ await delay(regularDelayMs * 10)
const [extension, tokenFactory] = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
- await driver.switchTo().window(tokenFactory)
const [
- ] = await driver.findElements(By.css('input'))
+ ] = await findElements(driver, By.css('.form-control'))
await totalSupply.sendKeys('100')
await tokenName.sendKeys('Test')
await tokenDecimal.sendKeys('0')
await tokenSymbol.sendKeys('TST')
- const [createToken] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Create Token')]`))
+ const createToken = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Create Token')]`))
await createToken.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
@@ -443,48 +594,261 @@ describe('MetaMask', function () {
await loadExtension(driver, extensionId)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [confirmButton] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`))
+ const confirmButton = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`))
await confirmButton.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
await driver.switchTo().window(tokenFactory)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
const tokenContactAddress = await driver.findElement(By.css('div > div > div:nth-child(2) > span:nth-child(3)'))
tokenAddress = await tokenContactAddress.getText()
await driver.close()
await driver.switchTo().window(extension)
await loadExtension(driver, extensionId)
+ await driver.switchTo().window(extension)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('clicks on the Add Token button', async () => {
- const [addToken] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Add Token')]`))
+ const addToken = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Add Token')]`))
await addToken.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('picks the newly created Test token', async () => {
- const [addCustomToken] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[contains(text(), 'Custom Token')]"))
+ const addCustomToken = await findElement(driver, By.xpath("//div[contains(text(), 'Custom Token')]"))
await addCustomToken.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [newTokenAddress] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.add-token__add-custom-form input'))
+ const newTokenAddress = await findElement(driver, By.css('#custom-address'))
await newTokenAddress.sendKeys(tokenAddress)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [nextScreen] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Next')]`))
+ const nextScreen = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Next')]`))
await nextScreen.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
- const [addTokens] = await driver.findElements(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Add Tokens')]`))
+ const addTokens = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Add Tokens')]`))
await addTokens.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('renders the balance for the new token', async () => {
- const [balance] = await driver.findElements(By.css('.tx-view .balance-display .token-amount'))
+ const balance = await findElement(driver, By.css('.tx-view .balance-display .token-amount'))
+ await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(balance, /^100\s*TST\s*$/))
const tokenAmount = await balance.getText()
- assert.equal(tokenAmount, '100TST')
+ assert.ok(/^100\s*TST\s*$/.test(tokenAmount))
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ })
+ })
+ describe('Send token from inside MetaMask', () => {
+ let gasModal
+ it('starts to send a transaction', async function () {
+ const sendButton = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Send')]`))
+ await sendButton.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ const inputAddress = await findElement(driver, By.css('input[placeholder="Recipient Address"]'))
+ const inputAmount = await findElement(driver, By.css('.currency-display__input'))
+ await inputAddress.sendKeys('0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970')
+ await inputAmount.sendKeys('50')
+ // Set the gas limit
+ const configureGas = await findElement(driver, By.css('.send-v2__gas-fee-display button'))
+ await configureGas.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ gasModal = await driver.findElement(By.css('span .modal'))
+ })
+ it('customizes gas', async () => {
+ await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('.send-v2__customize-gas__title')))
+ const save = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Save')]`))
+ await save.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ })
+ it('transitions to the confirm screen', async () => {
+ await driver.wait(until.stalenessOf(gasModal))
+ // Continue to next screen
+ const nextScreen = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Next')]`))
+ await nextScreen.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ })
+ it('submits the transaction', async function () {
+ const confirmButton = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`))
+ await confirmButton.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ })
+ it('finds the transaction in the transactions list', async function () {
+ const transactions = await findElements(driver, By.css('.tx-list-item'))
+ assert.equal(transactions.length, 1)
+ const txValues = await findElements(driver, By.css('.tx-list-value'))
+ assert.equal(txValues.length, 1)
+ // test cancelled on firefox until https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/issues/906 is resolved,
+ // or possibly until we use latest version of firefox in the tests
+ if (process.env.SELENIUM_BROWSER !== 'firefox') {
+ await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(txValues[0], /50\sTST/), 10000)
+ }
+ const txStatuses = await findElements(driver, By.css('.tx-list-status'))
+ const tx = await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(txStatuses[0], /Confirmed|Failed/), 10000)
+ assert.equal(await tx.getText(), 'Confirmed')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('Send a custom token from TokenFactory', () => {
+ let gasModal
+ it('sends an already created token', async () => {
+ openNewPage(driver, `https://tokenfactory.surge.sh/#/token/${tokenAddress}`)
+ const [extension] = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
+ const [
+ transferToAddress,
+ transferToAmount,
+ ] = await findElements(driver, By.css('.form-control'))
+ await transferToAddress.sendKeys('0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970')
+ await transferToAmount.sendKeys('26')
+ const transferAmountButton = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Transfer Amount')]`))
+ await transferAmountButton.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ const [,, popup] = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
+ await driver.switchTo().window(popup)
+ await driver.close()
+ await driver.switchTo().window(extension)
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ const [txListItem] = await findElements(driver, By.css('.tx-list-item'))
+ await txListItem.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ // Set the gas limit
+ const configureGas = await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('.send-v2__gas-fee-display button')))
+ await configureGas.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ gasModal = await driver.findElement(By.css('span .modal'))
+ })
+ it('customizes gas', async () => {
+ await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('.send-v2__customize-gas__title')))
+ const [gasPriceInput, gasLimitInput] = await findElements(driver, By.css('.customize-gas-input'))
+ await gasPriceInput.clear()
+ await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ await gasPriceInput.sendKeys('10')
+ await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ await gasLimitInput.clear()
+ await delay(tinyDelayMs)
+ await gasLimitInput.sendKeys(Key.chord(Key.CONTROL, 'a'))
+ await gasLimitInput.sendKeys('60000')
+ await gasLimitInput.sendKeys(Key.chord(Key.CONTROL, 'e'))
+ // Needed for different behaviour of input in different versions of firefox
+ const gasLimitInputValue = await gasLimitInput.getAttribute('value')
+ if (gasLimitInputValue === '600001') {
+ await gasLimitInput.sendKeys(Key.BACK_SPACE)
+ }
+ const save = await findElement(driver, By.css('.send-v2__customize-gas__save'))
+ await save.click()
+ await driver.wait(until.stalenessOf(gasModal))
+ const gasFeeInput = await findElement(driver, By.css('.currency-display__input'))
+ assert.equal(await gasFeeInput.getAttribute('value'), 0.0006)
+ })
+ it('submits the transaction', async function () {
+ const confirmButton = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`))
+ await confirmButton.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ })
+ it('finds the transaction in the transactions list', async function () {
+ const transactions = await findElements(driver, By.css('.tx-list-item'))
+ assert.equal(transactions.length, 2)
+ const txValues = await findElements(driver, By.css('.tx-list-value'))
+ await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(txValues[0], /26\sTST/))
+ const txStatuses = await findElements(driver, By.css('.tx-list-status'))
+ await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(txStatuses[0], /Confirmed/))
+ const walletBalance = await findElement(driver, By.css('.wallet-balance'))
+ await walletBalance.click()
+ const tokenListItems = await findElements(driver, By.css('.token-list-item'))
+ await tokenListItems[0].click()
+ // test cancelled on firefox until https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/issues/906 is resolved,
+ // or possibly until we use latest version of firefox in the tests
+ if (process.env.SELENIUM_BROWSER !== 'firefox') {
+ const tokenBalanceAmount = await findElement(driver, By.css('.token-balance__amount'))
+ assert.equal(await tokenBalanceAmount.getText(), '24')
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ describe('Hide token', () => {
+ it('hides the token when clicked', async () => {
+ const [hideTokenEllipsis] = await findElements(driver, By.css('.token-list-item__ellipsis'))
+ await hideTokenEllipsis.click()
+ const byTokenMenuDropdownOption = By.css('.menu__item--clickable')
+ const tokenMenuDropdownOption = await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(byTokenMenuDropdownOption))
+ await tokenMenuDropdownOption.click()
+ const confirmHideModal = await findElement(driver, By.css('span .modal'))
+ const byHideTokenConfirmationButton = By.css('.hide-token-confirmation__button')
+ const hideTokenConfirmationButton = await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(byHideTokenConfirmationButton))
+ await hideTokenConfirmationButton.click()
+ await driver.wait(until.stalenessOf(confirmHideModal))
+ })
+ })
+ describe('Add existing token using search', () => {
+ it('clicks on the Add Token button', async () => {
+ const addToken = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Add Token')]`))
+ await addToken.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ })
+ it('can pick a token from the existing options', async () => {
+ const tokenSearch = await findElement(driver, By.css('#search-tokens'))
+ await tokenSearch.sendKeys('BAT')
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ const token = await findElement(driver, By.xpath("//span[contains(text(), 'BAT')]"))
+ await token.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ const nextScreen = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Next')]`))
+ await nextScreen.click()
+ await delay(regularDelayMs)
+ const addTokens = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Add Tokens')]`))
+ await addTokens.click()
+ await delay(largeDelayMs)
+ })
+ it('renders the balance for the chosen token', async () => {
+ const balance = await findElement(driver, By.css('.tx-view .balance-display .token-amount'))
+ await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(balance, /0\sBAT/))
await delay(regularDelayMs)
diff --git a/test/e2e/beta/run-all.sh b/test/e2e/beta/run-all.sh
index 5916d5614..493e1360a 100755
--- a/test/e2e/beta/run-all.sh
+++ b/test/e2e/beta/run-all.sh
@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ set -o pipefail
export PATH="$PATH:./node_modules/.bin"
-shell-parallel -s 'npm run ganache:start' -x 'sleep 5 && mocha test/e2e/beta/metamask-beta-ui.spec'
-shell-parallel -s 'npm run ganache:start' -x 'sleep 5 && mocha test/e2e/beta/from-import-beta-ui.spec'
+shell-parallel -s 'npm run ganache:start' -x 'sleep 5 && superstatic test/e2e/beta/contract-test/ --port 8080 --host' -x 'sleep 5 && mocha test/e2e/beta/metamask-beta-ui.spec'
+shell-parallel -s 'npm run ganache:start -- -d' -x 'sleep 5 && superstatic test/e2e/beta/contract-test/ --port 8080 --host' -x 'sleep 5 && mocha test/e2e/beta/from-import-beta-ui.spec'
diff --git a/test/e2e/func.js b/test/e2e/func.js
index 9f06e7f37..7b1730959 100644
--- a/test/e2e/func.js
+++ b/test/e2e/func.js
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ function delay (time) {
function buildChromeWebDriver (extPath) {
- const tmpProfile = path.join(os.tmpdir(), fs.mkdtempSync('mm-chrome-profile'));
+ const tmpProfile = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'mm-chrome-profile'))
return new webdriver.Builder()
chromeOptions: {
diff --git a/test/e2e/metamask.spec.js b/test/e2e/metamask.spec.js
index a08a34d96..a32b924b8 100644
--- a/test/e2e/metamask.spec.js
+++ b/test/e2e/metamask.spec.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ const path = require('path')
const assert = require('assert')
const pify = require('pify')
const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver')
-const { By, Key } = webdriver
+const { By, Key, until } = webdriver
const { delay, buildChromeWebDriver, buildFirefoxWebdriver, installWebExt, getExtensionIdChrome, getExtensionIdFirefox } = require('./func')
describe('Metamask popup page', function () {
@@ -71,13 +71,6 @@ describe('Metamask popup page', function () {
it('matches MetaMask title', async () => {
const title = await driver.getTitle()
assert.equal(title, 'MetaMask', 'title matches MetaMask')
- })
- it('shows privacy notice', async () => {
- await delay(300)
- const privacy = await driver.findElement(By.css('.terms-header')).getText()
- assert.equal(privacy, 'PRIVACY NOTICE', 'shows privacy notice')
- await driver.findElement(By.css('button')).click()
await delay(300)
@@ -100,6 +93,24 @@ describe('Metamask popup page', function () {
await button.click()
+ it('shows privacy notice', async () => {
+ const privacy = await driver.findElement(By.css('.terms-header')).getText()
+ assert.equal(privacy, 'PRIVACY NOTICE', 'shows privacy notice')
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('button')).click()
+ await delay(300)
+ })
+ it('shows phishing notice', async () => {
+ await delay(300)
+ const noticeHeader = await driver.findElement(By.css('.terms-header')).getText()
+ assert.equal(noticeHeader, 'PHISHING WARNING', 'shows phishing warning')
+ const element = await driver.findElement(By.css('.markdown'))
+ await driver.executeScript('arguments[0].scrollTop = arguments[0].scrollHeight', element)
+ await delay(300)
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('button')).click()
+ await delay(300)
+ })
it('accepts password with length of eight', async () => {
const passwordBox = await driver.findElement(By.id('password-box'))
const passwordBoxConfirm = await driver.findElement(By.id('password-box-confirm'))
@@ -218,7 +229,11 @@ describe('Metamask popup page', function () {
it('confirms transaction', async function () {
await delay(300)
- await driver.findElement(By.css('#pending-tx-form > div.flex-row.flex-space-around.conf-buttons > input')).click()
+ const bySubmitButton = By.css('#pending-tx-form > div.flex-row.flex-space-around.conf-buttons > input')
+ const submitButton = await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(bySubmitButton))
+ submitButton.click()
await delay(500)
@@ -258,7 +273,8 @@ describe('Metamask popup page', function () {
it('confirms transaction in MetaMask popup', async function () {
const windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
await driver.switchTo().window(windowHandles[windowHandles.length - 1])
- const metamaskSubmit = await driver.findElement(By.css('#pending-tx-form > div.flex-row.flex-space-around.conf-buttons > input'))
+ const byMetamaskSubmit = By.css('#pending-tx-form > div.flex-row.flex-space-around.conf-buttons > input')
+ const metamaskSubmit = await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(byMetamaskSubmit))
await metamaskSubmit.click()
await delay(1000)
@@ -319,7 +335,7 @@ describe('Metamask popup page', function () {
await driver.executeScript('window.metamask.setProviderType(arguments[0])', type)
- async function checkBrowserForConsoleErrors() {
+ async function checkBrowserForConsoleErrors () {
const ignoredLogTypes = ['WARNING']
const ignoredErrorMessages = [
// React throws error warnings on "dataset", but still sets the data-* properties correctly