path: root/ui/app/pages/create-account
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ui/app/pages/create-account')
9 files changed, 1367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ui/app/pages/create-account/connect-hardware/account-list.js b/ui/app/pages/create-account/connect-hardware/account-list.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..617fb8833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/app/pages/create-account/connect-hardware/account-list.js
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+const { Component } = require('react')
+const PropTypes = require('prop-types')
+const h = require('react-hyperscript')
+const genAccountLink = require('../../../../lib/account-link.js')
+const Select = require('react-select').default
+import Button from '../../../components/ui/button'
+class AccountList extends Component {
+ constructor (props, context) {
+ super(props)
+ }
+ getHdPaths () {
+ return [
+ {
+ label: `Ledger Live`,
+ value: `m/44'/60'/0'/0/0`,
+ },
+ {
+ label: `Legacy (MEW / MyCrypto)`,
+ value: `m/44'/60'/0'`,
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ goToNextPage = () => {
+ // If we have < 5 accounts, it's restricted by BIP-44
+ if (this.props.accounts.length === 5) {
+ this.props.getPage(this.props.device, 1, this.props.selectedPath)
+ } else {
+ this.props.onAccountRestriction()
+ }
+ }
+ goToPreviousPage = () => {
+ this.props.getPage(this.props.device, -1, this.props.selectedPath)
+ }
+ renderHdPathSelector () {
+ const { onPathChange, selectedPath } = this.props
+ const options = this.getHdPaths()
+ return h('div', [
+ h('h3.hw-connect__hdPath__title', {}, this.context.t('selectHdPath')),
+ h('p.hw-connect__msg', {}, this.context.t('selectPathHelp')),
+ h('div.hw-connect__hdPath', [
+ h(Select, {
+ className: 'hw-connect__hdPath__select',
+ name: 'hd-path-select',
+ clearable: false,
+ value: selectedPath,
+ options,
+ onChange: (opt) => {
+ onPathChange(opt.value)
+ },
+ }),
+ ]),
+ ])
+ }
+ capitalizeDevice (device) {
+ return device.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + device.slice(1)
+ }
+ renderHeader () {
+ const { device } = this.props
+ return (
+ h('div.hw-connect', [
+ h('h3.hw-connect__unlock-title', {}, `${this.context.t('unlock')} ${this.capitalizeDevice(device)}`),
+ device.toLowerCase() === 'ledger' ? this.renderHdPathSelector() : null,
+ h('h3.hw-connect__hdPath__title', {}, this.context.t('selectAnAccount')),
+ h('p.hw-connect__msg', {}, this.context.t('selectAnAccountHelp')),
+ ])
+ )
+ }
+ renderAccounts () {
+ return h('div.hw-account-list', [
+ this.props.accounts.map((a, i) => {
+ return h('div.hw-account-list__item', { key: a.address }, [
+ h('div.hw-account-list__item__radio', [
+ h('input', {
+ type: 'radio',
+ name: 'selectedAccount',
+ id: `address-${i}`,
+ value: a.index,
+ onChange: (e) => this.props.onAccountChange(e.target.value),
+ checked: this.props.selectedAccount === a.index.toString(),
+ }),
+ h(
+ 'label.hw-account-list__item__label',
+ {
+ htmlFor: `address-${i}`,
+ },
+ [
+ h('span.hw-account-list__item__index', a.index + 1),
+ `${a.address.slice(0, 4)}...${a.address.slice(-4)}`,
+ h('span.hw-account-list__item__balance', `${a.balance}`),
+ ]),
+ ]),
+ h(
+ 'a.hw-account-list__item__link',
+ {
+ href: genAccountLink(a.address, this.props.network),
+ target: '_blank',
+ title: this.context.t('etherscanView'),
+ },
+ h('img', { src: 'images/popout.svg' })
+ ),
+ ])
+ }),
+ ])
+ }
+ renderPagination () {
+ return h('div.hw-list-pagination', [
+ h(
+ 'button.hw-list-pagination__button',
+ {
+ onClick: this.goToPreviousPage,
+ },
+ `< ${this.context.t('prev')}`
+ ),
+ h(
+ 'button.hw-list-pagination__button',
+ {
+ onClick: this.goToNextPage,
+ },
+ `${this.context.t('next')} >`
+ ),
+ ])
+ }
+ renderButtons () {
+ const disabled = this.props.selectedAccount === null
+ const buttonProps = {}
+ if (disabled) {
+ buttonProps.disabled = true
+ }
+ return h('div.new-account-connect-form__buttons', {}, [
+ h(Button, {
+ type: 'default',
+ large: true,
+ className: 'new-account-connect-form__button',
+ onClick: this.props.onCancel.bind(this),
+ }, [this.context.t('cancel')]),
+ h(Button, {
+ type: 'confirm',
+ large: true,
+ className: 'new-account-connect-form__button unlock',
+ disabled,
+ onClick: this.props.onUnlockAccount.bind(this, this.props.device),
+ }, [this.context.t('unlock')]),
+ ])
+ }
+ renderForgetDevice () {
+ return h('div.hw-forget-device-container', {}, [
+ h('a', {
+ onClick: this.props.onForgetDevice.bind(this, this.props.device),
+ }, this.context.t('forgetDevice')),
+ ])
+ }
+ render () {
+ return h('div.new-account-connect-form.account-list', {}, [
+ this.renderHeader(),
+ this.renderAccounts(),
+ this.renderPagination(),
+ this.renderButtons(),
+ this.renderForgetDevice(),
+ ])
+ }
+AccountList.propTypes = {
+ onPathChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+ selectedPath: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
+ device: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
+ accounts: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
+ onAccountChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+ onForgetDevice: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+ getPage: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+ network: PropTypes.string,
+ selectedAccount: PropTypes.string,
+ history: PropTypes.object,
+ onUnlockAccount: PropTypes.func,
+ onCancel: PropTypes.func,
+ onAccountRestriction: PropTypes.func,
+AccountList.contextTypes = {
+ t: PropTypes.func,
+module.exports = AccountList
diff --git a/ui/app/pages/create-account/connect-hardware/connect-screen.js b/ui/app/pages/create-account/connect-hardware/connect-screen.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e9dee970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/app/pages/create-account/connect-hardware/connect-screen.js
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+const { Component } = require('react')
+const PropTypes = require('prop-types')
+const h = require('react-hyperscript')
+import Button from '../../../components/ui/button'
+class ConnectScreen extends Component {
+ constructor (props, context) {
+ super(props)
+ this.state = {
+ selectedDevice: null,
+ }
+ }
+ connect = () => {
+ if (this.state.selectedDevice) {
+ this.props.connectToHardwareWallet(this.state.selectedDevice)
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ renderConnectToTrezorButton () {
+ return h(
+ `button.hw-connect__btn${this.state.selectedDevice === 'trezor' ? '.selected' : ''}`,
+ { onClick: _ => this.setState({selectedDevice: 'trezor'}) },
+ h('img.hw-connect__btn__img', {
+ src: 'images/trezor-logo.svg',
+ })
+ )
+ }
+ renderConnectToLedgerButton () {
+ return h(
+ `button.hw-connect__btn${this.state.selectedDevice === 'ledger' ? '.selected' : ''}`,
+ { onClick: _ => this.setState({selectedDevice: 'ledger'}) },
+ h('img.hw-connect__btn__img', {
+ src: 'images/ledger-logo.svg',
+ })
+ )
+ }
+ renderButtons () {
+ return (
+ h('div', {}, [
+ h('div.hw-connect__btn-wrapper', {}, [
+ this.renderConnectToLedgerButton(),
+ this.renderConnectToTrezorButton(),
+ ]),
+ h(Button, {
+ type: 'confirm',
+ large: true,
+ className: 'hw-connect__connect-btn',
+ onClick: this.connect,
+ disabled: !this.state.selectedDevice,
+ }, this.context.t('connect')),
+ ])
+ )
+ }
+ renderUnsupportedBrowser () {
+ return (
+ h('div.new-account-connect-form.unsupported-browser', {}, [
+ h('div.hw-connect', [
+ h('h3.hw-connect__title', {}, this.context.t('browserNotSupported')),
+ h('p.hw-connect__msg', {}, this.context.t('chromeRequiredForHardwareWallets')),
+ ]),
+ h(Button, {
+ type: 'primary',
+ large: true,
+ onClick: () => global.platform.openWindow({
+ url: 'https://google.com/chrome',
+ }),
+ }, this.context.t('downloadGoogleChrome')),
+ ])
+ )
+ }
+ renderHeader () {
+ return (
+ h('div.hw-connect__header', {}, [
+ h('h3.hw-connect__header__title', {}, this.context.t(`hardwareWallets`)),
+ h('p.hw-connect__header__msg', {}, this.context.t(`hardwareWalletsMsg`)),
+ ])
+ )
+ }
+ getAffiliateLinks () {
+ const links = {
+ trezor: `<a class='hw-connect__get-hw__link' href='https://shop.trezor.io/?a=metamask' target='_blank'>Trezor</a>`,
+ ledger: `<a class='hw-connect__get-hw__link' href='https://www.ledger.com/products/ledger-nano-s?r=17c4991a03fa&tracker=MY_TRACKER' target='_blank'>Ledger</a>`,
+ }
+ const text = this.context.t('orderOneHere')
+ const response = text.replace('Trezor', links.trezor).replace('Ledger', links.ledger)
+ return h('div.hw-connect__get-hw__msg', { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {__html: response }})
+ }
+ renderTrezorAffiliateLink () {
+ return h('div.hw-connect__get-hw', {}, [
+ h('p.hw-connect__get-hw__msg', {}, this.context.t(`dontHaveAHardwareWallet`)),
+ this.getAffiliateLinks(),
+ ])
+ }
+ scrollToTutorial = (e) => {
+ if (this.referenceNode) this.referenceNode.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'})
+ }
+ renderLearnMore () {
+ return (
+ h('p.hw-connect__learn-more', {
+ onClick: this.scrollToTutorial,
+ }, [
+ this.context.t('learnMore'),
+ h('img.hw-connect__learn-more__arrow', { src: 'images/caret-right.svg'}),
+ ])
+ )
+ }
+ renderTutorialSteps () {
+ const steps = [
+ {
+ asset: 'hardware-wallet-step-1',
+ dimensions: {width: '225px', height: '75px'},
+ },
+ {
+ asset: 'hardware-wallet-step-2',
+ dimensions: {width: '300px', height: '100px'},
+ },
+ {
+ asset: 'hardware-wallet-step-3',
+ dimensions: {width: '120px', height: '90px'},
+ },
+ ]
+ return h('.hw-tutorial', {
+ ref: node => { this.referenceNode = node },
+ },
+ steps.map((step, i) => (
+ h('div.hw-connect', {}, [
+ h('h3.hw-connect__title', {}, this.context.t(`step${i + 1}HardwareWallet`)),
+ h('p.hw-connect__msg', {}, this.context.t(`step${i + 1}HardwareWalletMsg`)),
+ h('img.hw-connect__step-asset', { src: `images/${step.asset}.svg`, ...step.dimensions }),
+ ])
+ ))
+ )
+ }
+ renderFooter () {
+ return (
+ h('div.hw-connect__footer', {}, [
+ h('h3.hw-connect__footer__title', {}, this.context.t(`readyToConnect`)),
+ this.renderButtons(),
+ h('p.hw-connect__footer__msg', {}, [
+ this.context.t(`havingTroubleConnecting`),
+ h('a.hw-connect__footer__link', {
+ href: 'https://support.metamask.io/',
+ target: '_blank',
+ }, this.context.t('getHelp')),
+ ]),
+ ])
+ )
+ }
+ renderConnectScreen () {
+ return (
+ h('div.new-account-connect-form', {}, [
+ this.renderHeader(),
+ this.renderButtons(),
+ this.renderTrezorAffiliateLink(),
+ this.renderLearnMore(),
+ this.renderTutorialSteps(),
+ this.renderFooter(),
+ ])
+ )
+ }
+ render () {
+ if (this.props.browserSupported) {
+ return this.renderConnectScreen()
+ }
+ return this.renderUnsupportedBrowser()
+ }
+ConnectScreen.propTypes = {
+ connectToHardwareWallet: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+ browserSupported: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
+ConnectScreen.contextTypes = {
+ t: PropTypes.func,
+module.exports = ConnectScreen
diff --git a/ui/app/pages/create-account/connect-hardware/index.js b/ui/app/pages/create-account/connect-hardware/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1398fa680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/app/pages/create-account/connect-hardware/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+const { Component } = require('react')
+const PropTypes = require('prop-types')
+const h = require('react-hyperscript')
+const connect = require('react-redux').connect
+const actions = require('../../../store/actions')
+const { getMetaMaskAccounts } = require('../../../selectors/selectors')
+const ConnectScreen = require('./connect-screen')
+const AccountList = require('./account-list')
+const { DEFAULT_ROUTE } = require('../../../helpers/constants/routes')
+const { formatBalance } = require('../../../helpers/utils/util')
+const { getPlatform } = require('../../../../../app/scripts/lib/util')
+const { PLATFORM_FIREFOX } = require('../../../../../app/scripts/lib/enums')
+class ConnectHardwareForm extends Component {
+ constructor (props, context) {
+ super(props)
+ this.state = {
+ error: null,
+ selectedAccount: null,
+ accounts: [],
+ browserSupported: true,
+ unlocked: false,
+ device: null,
+ }
+ }
+ componentWillReceiveProps (nextProps) {
+ const { accounts } = nextProps
+ const newAccounts = this.state.accounts.map(a => {
+ const normalizedAddress = a.address.toLowerCase()
+ const balanceValue = accounts[normalizedAddress] && accounts[normalizedAddress].balance || null
+ a.balance = balanceValue ? formatBalance(balanceValue, 6) : '...'
+ return a
+ })
+ this.setState({accounts: newAccounts})
+ }
+ componentDidMount () {
+ this.checkIfUnlocked()
+ }
+ async checkIfUnlocked () {
+ ['trezor', 'ledger'].forEach(async device => {
+ const unlocked = await this.props.checkHardwareStatus(device, this.props.defaultHdPaths[device])
+ if (unlocked) {
+ this.setState({unlocked: true})
+ this.getPage(device, 0, this.props.defaultHdPaths[device])
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ connectToHardwareWallet = (device) => {
+ // Ledger hardware wallets are not supported on firefox
+ if (getPlatform() === PLATFORM_FIREFOX && device === 'ledger') {
+ this.setState({ browserSupported: false, error: null})
+ return null
+ }
+ if (this.state.accounts.length) {
+ return null
+ }
+ // Default values
+ this.getPage(device, 0, this.props.defaultHdPaths[device])
+ }
+ onPathChange = (path) => {
+ this.props.setHardwareWalletDefaultHdPath({device: this.state.device, path})
+ this.getPage(this.state.device, 0, path)
+ }
+ onAccountChange = (account) => {
+ this.setState({selectedAccount: account.toString(), error: null})
+ }
+ onAccountRestriction = () => {
+ this.setState({error: this.context.t('ledgerAccountRestriction') })
+ }
+ showTemporaryAlert () {
+ this.props.showAlert(this.context.t('hardwareWalletConnected'))
+ // Autohide the alert after 5 seconds
+ setTimeout(_ => {
+ this.props.hideAlert()
+ }, 5000)
+ }
+ getPage = (device, page, hdPath) => {
+ this.props
+ .connectHardware(device, page, hdPath)
+ .then(accounts => {
+ if (accounts.length) {
+ // If we just loaded the accounts for the first time
+ // (device previously locked) show the global alert
+ if (this.state.accounts.length === 0 && !this.state.unlocked) {
+ this.showTemporaryAlert()
+ }
+ const newState = { unlocked: true, device, error: null }
+ // Default to the first account
+ if (this.state.selectedAccount === null) {
+ accounts.forEach((a, i) => {
+ if (a.address.toLowerCase() === this.props.address) {
+ newState.selectedAccount = a.index.toString()
+ }
+ })
+ // If the page doesn't contain the selected account, let's deselect it
+ } else if (!accounts.filter(a => a.index.toString() === this.state.selectedAccount).length) {
+ newState.selectedAccount = null
+ }
+ // Map accounts with balances
+ newState.accounts = accounts.map(account => {
+ const normalizedAddress = account.address.toLowerCase()
+ const balanceValue = this.props.accounts[normalizedAddress] && this.props.accounts[normalizedAddress].balance || null
+ account.balance = balanceValue ? formatBalance(balanceValue, 6) : '...'
+ return account
+ })
+ this.setState(newState)
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(e => {
+ if (e === 'Window blocked') {
+ this.setState({ browserSupported: false, error: null})
+ } else if (e !== 'Window closed' && e !== 'Popup closed') {
+ this.setState({ error: e.toString() })
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ onForgetDevice = (device) => {
+ this.props.forgetDevice(device)
+ .then(_ => {
+ this.setState({
+ error: null,
+ selectedAccount: null,
+ accounts: [],
+ unlocked: false,
+ })
+ }).catch(e => {
+ this.setState({ error: e.toString() })
+ })
+ }
+ onUnlockAccount = (device) => {
+ if (this.state.selectedAccount === null) {
+ this.setState({ error: this.context.t('accountSelectionRequired') })
+ }
+ this.props.unlockHardwareWalletAccount(this.state.selectedAccount, device)
+ .then(_ => {
+ this.context.metricsEvent({
+ eventOpts: {
+ category: 'Accounts',
+ action: 'Connected Hardware Wallet',
+ name: 'Connected Account with: ' + device,
+ },
+ })
+ this.props.history.push(DEFAULT_ROUTE)
+ }).catch(e => {
+ this.context.metricsEvent({
+ eventOpts: {
+ category: 'Accounts',
+ action: 'Connected Hardware Wallet',
+ name: 'Error connecting hardware wallet',
+ },
+ customVariables: {
+ error: e.toString(),
+ },
+ })
+ this.setState({ error: e.toString() })
+ })
+ }
+ onCancel = () => {
+ this.props.history.push(DEFAULT_ROUTE)
+ }
+ renderError () {
+ return this.state.error
+ ? h('span.error', { style: { margin: '20px 20px 10px', display: 'block', textAlign: 'center' } }, this.state.error)
+ : null
+ }
+ renderContent () {
+ if (!this.state.accounts.length) {
+ return h(ConnectScreen, {
+ connectToHardwareWallet: this.connectToHardwareWallet,
+ browserSupported: this.state.browserSupported,
+ })
+ }
+ return h(AccountList, {
+ onPathChange: this.onPathChange,
+ selectedPath: this.props.defaultHdPaths[this.state.device],
+ device: this.state.device,
+ accounts: this.state.accounts,
+ selectedAccount: this.state.selectedAccount,
+ onAccountChange: this.onAccountChange,
+ network: this.props.network,
+ getPage: this.getPage,
+ history: this.props.history,
+ onUnlockAccount: this.onUnlockAccount,
+ onForgetDevice: this.onForgetDevice,
+ onCancel: this.onCancel,
+ onAccountRestriction: this.onAccountRestriction,
+ })
+ }
+ render () {
+ return h('div', [
+ this.renderError(),
+ this.renderContent(),
+ ])
+ }
+ConnectHardwareForm.propTypes = {
+ hideModal: PropTypes.func,
+ showImportPage: PropTypes.func,
+ showConnectPage: PropTypes.func,
+ connectHardware: PropTypes.func,
+ checkHardwareStatus: PropTypes.func,
+ forgetDevice: PropTypes.func,
+ showAlert: PropTypes.func,
+ hideAlert: PropTypes.func,
+ unlockHardwareWalletAccount: PropTypes.func,
+ setHardwareWalletDefaultHdPath: PropTypes.func,
+ numberOfExistingAccounts: PropTypes.number,
+ history: PropTypes.object,
+ t: PropTypes.func,
+ network: PropTypes.string,
+ accounts: PropTypes.object,
+ address: PropTypes.string,
+ defaultHdPaths: PropTypes.object,
+const mapStateToProps = state => {
+ const {
+ metamask: { network, selectedAddress, identities = {} },
+ } = state
+ const accounts = getMetaMaskAccounts(state)
+ const numberOfExistingAccounts = Object.keys(identities).length
+ const {
+ appState: { defaultHdPaths },
+ } = state
+ return {
+ network,
+ accounts,
+ address: selectedAddress,
+ numberOfExistingAccounts,
+ defaultHdPaths,
+ }
+const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
+ return {
+ setHardwareWalletDefaultHdPath: ({device, path}) => {
+ return dispatch(actions.setHardwareWalletDefaultHdPath({device, path}))
+ },
+ connectHardware: (deviceName, page, hdPath) => {
+ return dispatch(actions.connectHardware(deviceName, page, hdPath))
+ },
+ checkHardwareStatus: (deviceName, hdPath) => {
+ return dispatch(actions.checkHardwareStatus(deviceName, hdPath))
+ },
+ forgetDevice: (deviceName) => {
+ return dispatch(actions.forgetDevice(deviceName))
+ },
+ unlockHardwareWalletAccount: (index, deviceName, hdPath) => {
+ return dispatch(actions.unlockHardwareWalletAccount(index, deviceName, hdPath))
+ },
+ showImportPage: () => dispatch(actions.showImportPage()),
+ showConnectPage: () => dispatch(actions.showConnectPage()),
+ showAlert: (msg) => dispatch(actions.showAlert(msg)),
+ hideAlert: () => dispatch(actions.hideAlert()),
+ }
+ConnectHardwareForm.contextTypes = {
+ t: PropTypes.func,
+ metricsEvent: PropTypes.func,
+module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(
+ ConnectHardwareForm
diff --git a/ui/app/pages/create-account/import-account/index.js b/ui/app/pages/create-account/import-account/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48d8f8838
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/app/pages/create-account/import-account/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+const inherits = require('util').inherits
+const Component = require('react').Component
+const h = require('react-hyperscript')
+const PropTypes = require('prop-types')
+const connect = require('react-redux').connect
+import Select from 'react-select'
+// Subviews
+const JsonImportView = require('./json.js')
+const PrivateKeyImportView = require('./private-key.js')
+AccountImportSubview.contextTypes = {
+ t: PropTypes.func,
+module.exports = connect()(AccountImportSubview)
+inherits(AccountImportSubview, Component)
+function AccountImportSubview () {
+ Component.call(this)
+AccountImportSubview.prototype.getMenuItemTexts = function () {
+ return [
+ this.context.t('privateKey'),
+ this.context.t('jsonFile'),
+ ]
+AccountImportSubview.prototype.render = function () {
+ const state = this.state || {}
+ const menuItems = this.getMenuItemTexts()
+ const { type } = state
+ return (
+ h('div.new-account-import-form', [
+ h('.new-account-import-disclaimer', [
+ h('span', this.context.t('importAccountMsg')),
+ h('span', {
+ style: {
+ cursor: 'pointer',
+ textDecoration: 'underline',
+ },
+ onClick: () => {
+ global.platform.openWindow({
+ url: 'https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015289932',
+ })
+ },
+ }, this.context.t('here')),
+ ]),
+ h('div.new-account-import-form__select-section', [
+ h('div.new-account-import-form__select-label', this.context.t('selectType')),
+ h(Select, {
+ className: 'new-account-import-form__select',
+ name: 'import-type-select',
+ clearable: false,
+ value: type || menuItems[0],
+ options: menuItems.map((type) => {
+ return {
+ value: type,
+ label: type,
+ }
+ }),
+ onChange: (opt) => {
+ this.setState({ type: opt.value })
+ },
+ }),
+ ]),
+ this.renderImportView(),
+ ])
+ )
+AccountImportSubview.prototype.renderImportView = function () {
+ const state = this.state || {}
+ const { type } = state
+ const menuItems = this.getMenuItemTexts()
+ const current = type || menuItems[0]
+ switch (current) {
+ case this.context.t('privateKey'):
+ return h(PrivateKeyImportView)
+ case this.context.t('jsonFile'):
+ return h(JsonImportView)
+ default:
+ return h(JsonImportView)
+ }
diff --git a/ui/app/pages/create-account/import-account/json.js b/ui/app/pages/create-account/import-account/json.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17bef763c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/app/pages/create-account/import-account/json.js
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+const Component = require('react').Component
+const PropTypes = require('prop-types')
+const h = require('react-hyperscript')
+const { withRouter } = require('react-router-dom')
+const { compose } = require('recompose')
+const connect = require('react-redux').connect
+const actions = require('../../../store/actions')
+const FileInput = require('react-simple-file-input').default
+const { DEFAULT_ROUTE } = require('../../../helpers/constants/routes')
+const { getMetaMaskAccounts } = require('../../../selectors/selectors')
+const HELP_LINK = 'https://support.metamask.io/kb/article/7-importing-accounts'
+import Button from '../../../components/ui/button'
+class JsonImportSubview extends Component {
+ constructor (props) {
+ super(props)
+ this.state = {
+ file: null,
+ fileContents: '',
+ }
+ }
+ render () {
+ const { error } = this.props
+ return (
+ h('div.new-account-import-form__json', [
+ h('p', this.context.t('usedByClients')),
+ h('a.warning', {
+ href: HELP_LINK,
+ target: '_blank',
+ }, this.context.t('fileImportFail')),
+ h(FileInput, {
+ readAs: 'text',
+ onLoad: this.onLoad.bind(this),
+ style: {
+ margin: '20px 0px 12px 34%',
+ fontSize: '15px',
+ display: 'flex',
+ justifyContent: 'center',
+ },
+ }),
+ h('input.new-account-import-form__input-password', {
+ type: 'password',
+ placeholder: this.context.t('enterPassword'),
+ id: 'json-password-box',
+ onKeyPress: this.createKeyringOnEnter.bind(this),
+ }),
+ h('div.new-account-create-form__buttons', {}, [
+ h(Button, {
+ type: 'default',
+ large: true,
+ className: 'new-account-create-form__button',
+ onClick: () => this.props.history.push(DEFAULT_ROUTE),
+ }, [this.context.t('cancel')]),
+ h(Button, {
+ type: 'primary',
+ large: true,
+ className: 'new-account-create-form__button',
+ onClick: () => this.createNewKeychain(),
+ }, [this.context.t('import')]),
+ ]),
+ error ? h('span.error', error) : null,
+ ])
+ )
+ }
+ onLoad (event, file) {
+ this.setState({file: file, fileContents: event.target.result})
+ }
+ createKeyringOnEnter (event) {
+ if (event.key === 'Enter') {
+ event.preventDefault()
+ this.createNewKeychain()
+ }
+ }
+ createNewKeychain () {
+ const { firstAddress, displayWarning, importNewJsonAccount, setSelectedAddress, history } = this.props
+ const state = this.state
+ if (!state) {
+ const message = this.context.t('validFileImport')
+ return displayWarning(message)
+ }
+ const { fileContents } = state
+ if (!fileContents) {
+ const message = this.context.t('needImportFile')
+ return displayWarning(message)
+ }
+ const passwordInput = document.getElementById('json-password-box')
+ const password = passwordInput.value
+ importNewJsonAccount([ fileContents, password ])
+ .then(({ selectedAddress }) => {
+ if (selectedAddress) {
+ history.push(DEFAULT_ROUTE)
+ this.context.metricsEvent({
+ eventOpts: {
+ category: 'Accounts',
+ action: 'Import Account',
+ name: 'Imported Account with JSON',
+ },
+ })
+ displayWarning(null)
+ } else {
+ displayWarning('Error importing account.')
+ this.context.metricsEvent({
+ eventOpts: {
+ category: 'Accounts',
+ action: 'Import Account',
+ name: 'Error importing JSON',
+ },
+ })
+ setSelectedAddress(firstAddress)
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(err => err && displayWarning(err.message || err))
+ }
+JsonImportSubview.propTypes = {
+ error: PropTypes.string,
+ goHome: PropTypes.func,
+ displayWarning: PropTypes.func,
+ firstAddress: PropTypes.string,
+ importNewJsonAccount: PropTypes.func,
+ history: PropTypes.object,
+ setSelectedAddress: PropTypes.func,
+ t: PropTypes.func,
+const mapStateToProps = state => {
+ return {
+ error: state.appState.warning,
+ firstAddress: Object.keys(getMetaMaskAccounts(state))[0],
+ }
+const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
+ return {
+ goHome: () => dispatch(actions.goHome()),
+ displayWarning: warning => dispatch(actions.displayWarning(warning)),
+ importNewJsonAccount: options => dispatch(actions.importNewAccount('JSON File', options)),
+ setSelectedAddress: (address) => dispatch(actions.setSelectedAddress(address)),
+ }
+JsonImportSubview.contextTypes = {
+ t: PropTypes.func,
+ metricsEvent: PropTypes.func,
+module.exports = compose(
+ withRouter,
+ connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)
diff --git a/ui/app/pages/create-account/import-account/private-key.js b/ui/app/pages/create-account/import-account/private-key.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..450614e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/app/pages/create-account/import-account/private-key.js
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+const inherits = require('util').inherits
+const Component = require('react').Component
+const h = require('react-hyperscript')
+const { withRouter } = require('react-router-dom')
+const { compose } = require('recompose')
+const PropTypes = require('prop-types')
+const connect = require('react-redux').connect
+const actions = require('../../../store/actions')
+const { DEFAULT_ROUTE } = require('../../../helpers/constants/routes')
+const { getMetaMaskAccounts } = require('../../../selectors/selectors')
+import Button from '../../../components/ui/button'
+PrivateKeyImportView.contextTypes = {
+ t: PropTypes.func,
+ metricsEvent: PropTypes.func,
+module.exports = compose(
+ withRouter,
+ connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)
+function mapStateToProps (state) {
+ return {
+ error: state.appState.warning,
+ firstAddress: Object.keys(getMetaMaskAccounts(state))[0],
+ }
+function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) {
+ return {
+ importNewAccount: (strategy, [ privateKey ]) => {
+ return dispatch(actions.importNewAccount(strategy, [ privateKey ]))
+ },
+ displayWarning: (message) => dispatch(actions.displayWarning(message || null)),
+ setSelectedAddress: (address) => dispatch(actions.setSelectedAddress(address)),
+ }
+inherits(PrivateKeyImportView, Component)
+function PrivateKeyImportView () {
+ this.createKeyringOnEnter = this.createKeyringOnEnter.bind(this)
+ Component.call(this)
+PrivateKeyImportView.prototype.render = function () {
+ const { error, displayWarning } = this.props
+ return (
+ h('div.new-account-import-form__private-key', [
+ h('span.new-account-create-form__instruction', this.context.t('pastePrivateKey')),
+ h('div.new-account-import-form__private-key-password-container', [
+ h('input.new-account-import-form__input-password', {
+ type: 'password',
+ id: 'private-key-box',
+ onKeyPress: e => this.createKeyringOnEnter(e),
+ }),
+ ]),
+ h('div.new-account-import-form__buttons', {}, [
+ h(Button, {
+ type: 'default',
+ large: true,
+ className: 'new-account-create-form__button',
+ onClick: () => {
+ displayWarning(null)
+ this.props.history.push(DEFAULT_ROUTE)
+ },
+ }, [this.context.t('cancel')]),
+ h(Button, {
+ type: 'primary',
+ large: true,
+ className: 'new-account-create-form__button',
+ onClick: () => this.createNewKeychain(),
+ }, [this.context.t('import')]),
+ ]),
+ error ? h('span.error', error) : null,
+ ])
+ )
+PrivateKeyImportView.prototype.createKeyringOnEnter = function (event) {
+ if (event.key === 'Enter') {
+ event.preventDefault()
+ this.createNewKeychain()
+ }
+PrivateKeyImportView.prototype.createNewKeychain = function () {
+ const input = document.getElementById('private-key-box')
+ const privateKey = input.value
+ const { importNewAccount, history, displayWarning, setSelectedAddress, firstAddress } = this.props
+ importNewAccount('Private Key', [ privateKey ])
+ .then(({ selectedAddress }) => {
+ if (selectedAddress) {
+ this.context.metricsEvent({
+ eventOpts: {
+ category: 'Accounts',
+ action: 'Import Account',
+ name: 'Imported Account with Private Key',
+ },
+ })
+ history.push(DEFAULT_ROUTE)
+ displayWarning(null)
+ } else {
+ displayWarning('Error importing account.')
+ this.context.metricsEvent({
+ eventOpts: {
+ category: 'Accounts',
+ action: 'Import Account',
+ name: 'Error importing with Private Key',
+ },
+ })
+ setSelectedAddress(firstAddress)
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(err => err && displayWarning(err.message || err))
diff --git a/ui/app/pages/create-account/import-account/seed.js b/ui/app/pages/create-account/import-account/seed.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d98909baa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/app/pages/create-account/import-account/seed.js
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+const inherits = require('util').inherits
+const Component = require('react').Component
+const h = require('react-hyperscript')
+const PropTypes = require('prop-types')
+const connect = require('react-redux').connect
+SeedImportSubview.contextTypes = {
+ t: PropTypes.func,
+module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(SeedImportSubview)
+function mapStateToProps (state) {
+ return {}
+inherits(SeedImportSubview, Component)
+function SeedImportSubview () {
+ Component.call(this)
+SeedImportSubview.prototype.render = function () {
+ return (
+ h('div', {
+ style: {
+ },
+ }, [
+ this.context.t('pasteSeed'),
+ h('textarea'),
+ h('br'),
+ h('button', this.context.t('submit')),
+ ])
+ )
diff --git a/ui/app/pages/create-account/index.js b/ui/app/pages/create-account/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce84db028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/app/pages/create-account/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+const Component = require('react').Component
+const { Switch, Route, matchPath } = require('react-router-dom')
+const PropTypes = require('prop-types')
+const h = require('react-hyperscript')
+const connect = require('react-redux').connect
+const actions = require('../../store/actions')
+const { getCurrentViewContext } = require('../../selectors/selectors')
+const classnames = require('classnames')
+const NewAccountCreateForm = require('./new-account')
+const NewAccountImportForm = require('./import-account')
+const ConnectHardwareForm = require('./connect-hardware')
+const {
+} = require('../../helpers/constants/routes')
+class CreateAccountPage extends Component {
+ renderTabs () {
+ const { history, location } = this.props
+ return h('div.new-account__tabs', [
+ h('div.new-account__tabs__tab', {
+ className: classnames('new-account__tabs__tab', {
+ 'new-account__tabs__selected': matchPath(location.pathname, {
+ path: NEW_ACCOUNT_ROUTE, exact: true,
+ }),
+ }),
+ onClick: () => history.push(NEW_ACCOUNT_ROUTE),
+ }, [
+ this.context.t('create'),
+ ]),
+ h('div.new-account__tabs__tab', {
+ className: classnames('new-account__tabs__tab', {
+ 'new-account__tabs__selected': matchPath(location.pathname, {
+ path: IMPORT_ACCOUNT_ROUTE, exact: true,
+ }),
+ }),
+ onClick: () => history.push(IMPORT_ACCOUNT_ROUTE),
+ }, [
+ this.context.t('import'),
+ ]),
+ h(
+ 'div.new-account__tabs__tab',
+ {
+ className: classnames('new-account__tabs__tab', {
+ 'new-account__tabs__selected': matchPath(location.pathname, {
+ exact: true,
+ }),
+ }),
+ onClick: () => history.push(CONNECT_HARDWARE_ROUTE),
+ },
+ this.context.t('connect')
+ ),
+ ])
+ }
+ render () {
+ return h('div.new-account', {}, [
+ h('div.new-account__header', [
+ h('div.new-account__title', this.context.t('newAccount')),
+ this.renderTabs(),
+ ]),
+ h('div.new-account__form', [
+ h(Switch, [
+ h(Route, {
+ exact: true,
+ component: NewAccountCreateForm,
+ }),
+ h(Route, {
+ exact: true,
+ component: NewAccountImportForm,
+ }),
+ h(Route, {
+ exact: true,
+ component: ConnectHardwareForm,
+ }),
+ ]),
+ ]),
+ ])
+ }
+CreateAccountPage.propTypes = {
+ location: PropTypes.object,
+ history: PropTypes.object,
+ t: PropTypes.func,
+CreateAccountPage.contextTypes = {
+ t: PropTypes.func,
+const mapStateToProps = state => ({
+ displayedForm: getCurrentViewContext(state),
+const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
+ displayForm: form => dispatch(actions.setNewAccountForm(form)),
+ showQrView: (selected, identity) => dispatch(actions.showQrView(selected, identity)),
+ showExportPrivateKeyModal: () => {
+ dispatch(actions.showModal({ name: 'EXPORT_PRIVATE_KEY' }))
+ },
+ hideModal: () => dispatch(actions.hideModal()),
+ setAccountLabel: (address, label) => dispatch(actions.setAccountLabel(address, label)),
+module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(CreateAccountPage)
diff --git a/ui/app/pages/create-account/new-account.js b/ui/app/pages/create-account/new-account.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..316fbe6f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/app/pages/create-account/new-account.js
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+const { Component } = require('react')
+const PropTypes = require('prop-types')
+const h = require('react-hyperscript')
+const connect = require('react-redux').connect
+const actions = require('../../store/actions')
+const { DEFAULT_ROUTE } = require('../../helpers/constants/routes')
+import Button from '../../components/ui/button'
+class NewAccountCreateForm extends Component {
+ constructor (props, context) {
+ super(props)
+ const { numberOfExistingAccounts = 0 } = props
+ const newAccountNumber = numberOfExistingAccounts + 1
+ this.state = {
+ newAccountName: '',
+ defaultAccountName: context.t('newAccountNumberName', [newAccountNumber]),
+ }
+ }
+ render () {
+ const { newAccountName, defaultAccountName } = this.state
+ const { history, createAccount } = this.props
+ return h('div.new-account-create-form', [
+ h('div.new-account-create-form__input-label', {}, [
+ this.context.t('accountName'),
+ ]),
+ h('div.new-account-create-form__input-wrapper', {}, [
+ h('input.new-account-create-form__input', {
+ value: newAccountName,
+ placeholder: defaultAccountName,
+ onChange: event => this.setState({ newAccountName: event.target.value }),
+ }, []),
+ ]),
+ h('div.new-account-create-form__buttons', {}, [
+ h(Button, {
+ type: 'default',
+ large: true,
+ className: 'new-account-create-form__button',
+ onClick: () => history.push(DEFAULT_ROUTE),
+ }, [this.context.t('cancel')]),
+ h(Button, {
+ type: 'primary',
+ large: true,
+ className: 'new-account-create-form__button',
+ onClick: () => {
+ createAccount(newAccountName || defaultAccountName)
+ .then(() => {
+ this.context.metricsEvent({
+ eventOpts: {
+ category: 'Accounts',
+ action: 'Add New Account',
+ name: 'Added New Account',
+ },
+ })
+ history.push(DEFAULT_ROUTE)
+ })
+ .catch((e) => {
+ this.context.metricsEvent({
+ eventOpts: {
+ category: 'Accounts',
+ action: 'Add New Account',
+ name: 'Error',
+ },
+ customVariables: {
+ errorMessage: e.message,
+ },
+ })
+ })
+ },
+ }, [this.context.t('create')]),
+ ]),
+ ])
+ }
+NewAccountCreateForm.propTypes = {
+ hideModal: PropTypes.func,
+ showImportPage: PropTypes.func,
+ showConnectPage: PropTypes.func,
+ createAccount: PropTypes.func,
+ numberOfExistingAccounts: PropTypes.number,
+ history: PropTypes.object,
+ t: PropTypes.func,
+const mapStateToProps = state => {
+ const { metamask: { network, selectedAddress, identities = {} } } = state
+ const numberOfExistingAccounts = Object.keys(identities).length
+ return {
+ network,
+ address: selectedAddress,
+ numberOfExistingAccounts,
+ }
+const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
+ return {
+ toCoinbase: address => dispatch(actions.buyEth({ network: '1', address, amount: 0 })),
+ hideModal: () => dispatch(actions.hideModal()),
+ createAccount: newAccountName => {
+ return dispatch(actions.addNewAccount())
+ .then(newAccountAddress => {
+ if (newAccountName) {
+ dispatch(actions.setAccountLabel(newAccountAddress, newAccountName))
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ showImportPage: () => dispatch(actions.showImportPage()),
+ showConnectPage: () => dispatch(actions.showConnectPage()),
+ }
+NewAccountCreateForm.contextTypes = {
+ t: PropTypes.func,
+ metricsEvent: PropTypes.func,
+module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(NewAccountCreateForm)