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FreeBSD GNOME current development ports (https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports-gnome)
path: root/x11-toolkits/py-gtk2
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* SWitch maintainership of core GNOME ports to a small group ofade2001-05-121-1/+1
* Update to GNOME 1.4 -- massive changes all around, for the sake ofade2001-05-052-6/+4
* Change PKGDIR from pkg/ to . Also fix places where ${PKGDIR} isasami2000-10-081-1/+1
* Implement WANT_IMLIB and USE_IMLIB.reg2000-10-052-17/+19
* Chage bsd.python.mk: PYTHON_CMD is now a full path.nectar2000-09-301-1/+1
* Use bsd.python.mk.tg2000-09-182-37/+35
* Don't break package building on Satoshi's cluster. Explicitly dependtg2000-09-081-2/+2
* USE_LIBTOOL implies GNU_CONFIGURE, so remove redundant GNU_CONFIGURE lines.sobomax2000-08-21