const EventEmitter = require('safe-event-emitter') const ObservableStore = require('obs-store') const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') const Transaction = require('ethereumjs-tx') const EthQuery = require('ethjs-query') const abi = require('human-standard-token-abi') const abiDecoder = require('abi-decoder') abiDecoder.addABI(abi) const { TOKEN_METHOD_APPROVE, TOKEN_METHOD_TRANSFER, TOKEN_METHOD_TRANSFER_FROM, SEND_ETHER_ACTION_KEY, DEPLOY_CONTRACT_ACTION_KEY, CONTRACT_INTERACTION_KEY, } = require('../../../../ui/app/helpers/constants/transactions.js') const TransactionStateManager = require('./tx-state-manager') const TxGasUtil = require('./tx-gas-utils') const PendingTransactionTracker = require('./pending-tx-tracker') const NonceTracker = require('nonce-tracker') const txUtils = require('./lib/util') const cleanErrorStack = require('../../lib/cleanErrorStack') const log = require('loglevel') const recipientBlacklistChecker = require('./lib/recipient-blacklist-checker') const { TRANSACTION_TYPE_CANCEL, TRANSACTION_TYPE_RETRY, TRANSACTION_TYPE_STANDARD, TRANSACTION_STATUS_APPROVED, } = require('./enums') const { hexToBn, bnToHex, BnMultiplyByFraction } = require('../../lib/util') /** Transaction Controller is an aggregate of sub-controllers and trackers composing them in a way to be exposed to the metamask controller
- txStateManager responsible for the state of a transaction and storing the transaction
- pendingTxTracker watching blocks for transactions to be include and emitting confirmed events
- txGasUtil gas calculations and safety buffering
- nonceTracker calculating nonces @class @param {object} - opts @param {object} opts.initState - initial transaction list default is an empty array @param {Object} opts.networkStore - an observable store for network number @param {Object} opts.blockTracker - An instance of eth-blocktracker @param {Object} opts.provider - A network provider. @param {Function} opts.signTransaction - function the signs an ethereumjs-tx @param {Function} [opts.getGasPrice] - optional gas price calculator @param {Function} opts.signTransaction - ethTx signer that returns a rawTx @param {Number} [opts.txHistoryLimit] - number *optional* for limiting how many transactions are in state @param {Object} opts.preferencesStore */ class TransactionController extends EventEmitter { constructor (opts) { super() this.networkStore = opts.networkStore || new ObservableStore({}) this.preferencesStore = opts.preferencesStore || new ObservableStore({}) this.provider = opts.provider this.blockTracker = opts.blockTracker this.signEthTx = opts.signTransaction this.getGasPrice = opts.getGasPrice this.inProcessOfSigning = new Set() this.memStore = new ObservableStore({}) this.query = new EthQuery(this.provider) this.txGasUtil = new TxGasUtil(this.provider) this._mapMethods() this.txStateManager = new TransactionStateManager({ initState: opts.initState, txHistoryLimit: opts.txHistoryLimit, getNetwork: this.getNetwork.bind(this), }) this._onBootCleanUp() = this.nonceTracker = new NonceTracker({ provider: this.provider, blockTracker: this.blockTracker, getPendingTransactions: this.txStateManager.getPendingTransactions.bind(this.txStateManager), getConfirmedTransactions: this.txStateManager.getConfirmedTransactions.bind(this.txStateManager), }) this.pendingTxTracker = new PendingTransactionTracker({ provider: this.provider, nonceTracker: this.nonceTracker, publishTransaction: (rawTx) => this.query.sendRawTransaction(rawTx), getPendingTransactions: () => { const pending = this.txStateManager.getPendingTransactions() const approved = this.txStateManager.getApprovedTransactions() return [...pending, ...approved] }, approveTransaction: this.approveTransaction.bind(this), getCompletedTransactions: this.txStateManager.getConfirmedTransactions.bind(this.txStateManager), }) => this.emit('update:badge')) this._setupListeners() // memstore is computed from a few different stores this._updateMemstore() => this._updateMemstore()) this.networkStore.subscribe(() => { this._onBootCleanUp() this._updateMemstore() }) this.preferencesStore.subscribe(() => this._updateMemstore()) // request state update to finalize initialization this._updatePendingTxsAfterFirstBlock() } /** @returns {number} the chainId*/ getChainId () { const networkState = this.networkStore.getState() const getChainId = parseInt(networkState) if (Number.isNaN(getChainId)) { return 0 } else { return getChainId } } /** Adds a tx to the txlist @emits ${}:unapproved */ addTx (txMeta) { this.txStateManager.addTx(txMeta) this.emit(`${}:unapproved`, txMeta) } /** Wipes the transactions for a given account @param {string} address - hex string of the from address for txs being removed */ wipeTransactions (address) { this.txStateManager.wipeTransactions(address) } /** add a new unapproved transaction to the pipeline @returns {Promise} the hash of the transaction after being submitted to the network @param txParams {object} - txParams for the transaction @param opts {object} - with the key origin to put the origin on the txMeta */ async newUnapprovedTransaction (txParams, opts = {}) { log.debug(`MetaMaskController newUnapprovedTransaction ${JSON.stringify(txParams)}`) const initialTxMeta = await this.addUnapprovedTransaction(txParams) initialTxMeta.origin = opts.origin this.txStateManager.updateTx(initialTxMeta, '#newUnapprovedTransaction - adding the origin') // listen for tx completion (success, fail) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.txStateManager.once(`${}:finished`, (finishedTxMeta) => { switch (finishedTxMeta.status) { case 'submitted': return resolve(finishedTxMeta.hash) case 'rejected': return reject(cleanErrorStack(new Error('MetaMask Tx Signature: User denied transaction signature.'))) case 'failed': return reject(cleanErrorStack(new Error(finishedTxMeta.err.message))) default: return reject(cleanErrorStack(new Error(`MetaMask Tx Signature: Unknown problem: ${JSON.stringify(finishedTxMeta.txParams)}`))) } }) }) } /** Validates and generates a txMeta with defaults and puts it in txStateManager store @returns {txMeta} */ async addUnapprovedTransaction (txParams) { // validate const normalizedTxParams = txUtils.normalizeTxParams(txParams) // Assert the from address is the selected address if (normalizedTxParams.from !== this.getSelectedAddress()) { throw new Error(`Transaction from address isn't valid for this account`) } txUtils.validateTxParams(normalizedTxParams) // construct txMeta const { transactionCategory, getCodeResponse } = await this._determineTransactionCategory(txParams) let txMeta = this.txStateManager.generateTxMeta({ txParams: normalizedTxParams, type: TRANSACTION_TYPE_STANDARD, transactionCategory, }) this.addTx(txMeta) this.emit('newUnapprovedTx', txMeta) try { // check whether recipient account is blacklisted recipientBlacklistChecker.checkAccount(txMeta.metamaskNetworkId, // add default tx params txMeta = await this.addTxGasDefaults(txMeta, getCodeResponse) } catch (error) { log.warn(error) txMeta.loadingDefaults = false this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'Failed to calculate gas defaults.') throw error } txMeta.loadingDefaults = false // save txMeta this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta) return txMeta } /** adds the tx gas defaults: gas && gasPrice @param txMeta {Object} - the txMeta object @returns {Promise} resolves with txMeta */ async addTxGasDefaults (txMeta, getCodeResponse) { const txParams = txMeta.txParams // ensure value txParams.value = txParams.value ? ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.value) : '0x0' txMeta.gasPriceSpecified = Boolean(txParams.gasPrice) let gasPrice = txParams.gasPrice if (!gasPrice) { gasPrice = this.getGasPrice ? this.getGasPrice() : await this.query.gasPrice() } txParams.gasPrice = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(gasPrice.toString(16)) // set gasLimit return await this.txGasUtil.analyzeGasUsage(txMeta, getCodeResponse) } /** Creates a new txMeta with the same txParams as the original to allow the user to resign the transaction with a higher gas values @param originalTxId {number} - the id of the txMeta that you want to attempt to retry @param gasPrice {string=} - Optional gas price to be increased to use as the retry transaction's gas price @return {txMeta} */ async retryTransaction (originalTxId, gasPrice) { const originalTxMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(originalTxId) const { txParams } = originalTxMeta const lastGasPrice = gasPrice || originalTxMeta.txParams.gasPrice const suggestedGasPriceBN = new ethUtil.BN(ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(this.getGasPrice()), 16) const lastGasPriceBN = new ethUtil.BN(ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(lastGasPrice), 16) // essentially lastGasPrice * 1.1 but // dont trust decimals so a round about way of doing that const lastGasPriceBNBumped = lastGasPriceBN.mul(new ethUtil.BN(110, 10)).div(new ethUtil.BN(100, 10)) // transactions that are being retried require a >=%10 bump or the clients will throw an error txParams.gasPrice = ? `0x${suggestedGasPriceBN.toString(16)}` : `0x${lastGasPriceBNBumped.toString(16)}` const txMeta = this.txStateManager.generateTxMeta({ txParams: originalTxMeta.txParams, lastGasPrice, loadingDefaults: false, type: TRANSACTION_TYPE_RETRY, }) this.addTx(txMeta) this.emit('newUnapprovedTx', txMeta) return txMeta } /** * Creates a new approved transaction to attempt to cancel a previously submitted transaction. The * new transaction contains the same nonce as the previous, is a basic ETH transfer of 0x value to * the sender's address, and has a higher gasPrice than that of the previous transaction. * @param {number} originalTxId - the id of the txMeta that you want to attempt to cancel * @param {string=} customGasPrice - the hex value to use for the cancel transaction * @returns {txMeta} */ async createCancelTransaction (originalTxId, customGasPrice) { const originalTxMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(originalTxId) const { txParams } = originalTxMeta const { gasPrice: lastGasPrice, from, nonce } = txParams const newGasPrice = customGasPrice || bnToHex(BnMultiplyByFraction(hexToBn(lastGasPrice), 11, 10)) const newTxMeta = this.txStateManager.generateTxMeta({ txParams: { from, to: from, nonce, gas: '0x5208', value: '0x0', gasPrice: newGasPrice, }, lastGasPrice, loadingDefaults: false, status: TRANSACTION_STATUS_APPROVED, type: TRANSACTION_TYPE_CANCEL, }) this.addTx(newTxMeta) await this.approveTransaction( return newTxMeta } async createSpeedUpTransaction (originalTxId, customGasPrice) { const originalTxMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(originalTxId) const { txParams } = originalTxMeta const { gasPrice: lastGasPrice } = txParams const newGasPrice = customGasPrice || bnToHex(BnMultiplyByFraction(hexToBn(lastGasPrice), 11, 10)) const newTxMeta = this.txStateManager.generateTxMeta({ txParams: { ...txParams, gasPrice: newGasPrice, }, lastGasPrice, loadingDefaults: false, status: TRANSACTION_STATUS_APPROVED, type: TRANSACTION_TYPE_RETRY, }) this.addTx(newTxMeta) await this.approveTransaction( return newTxMeta } /** updates the txMeta in the txStateManager @param txMeta {Object} - the updated txMeta */ async updateTransaction (txMeta) { this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'confTx: user updated transaction') } /** updates and approves the transaction @param txMeta {Object} */ async updateAndApproveTransaction (txMeta) { this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'confTx: user approved transaction') await this.approveTransaction( } /** sets the tx status to approved auto fills the nonce signs the transaction publishes the transaction if any of these steps fails the tx status will be set to failed @param txId {number} - the tx's Id */ async approveTransaction (txId) { // TODO: Move this safety out of this function. // Since this transaction is async, // we need to keep track of what is currently being signed, // So that we do not increment nonce + resubmit something // that is already being incrmented & signed. if (this.inProcessOfSigning.has(txId)) { return } this.inProcessOfSigning.add(txId) let nonceLock try { // approve this.txStateManager.setTxStatusApproved(txId) // get next nonce const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId) const fromAddress = txMeta.txParams.from // wait for a nonce nonceLock = await this.nonceTracker.getNonceLock(fromAddress) // add nonce to txParams // if txMeta has lastGasPrice then it is a retry at same nonce with higher // gas price transaction and their for the nonce should not be calculated const nonce = txMeta.lastGasPrice ? txMeta.txParams.nonce : nonceLock.nextNonce txMeta.txParams.nonce = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(nonce.toString(16)) // add nonce debugging information to txMeta txMeta.nonceDetails = nonceLock.nonceDetails this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions#approveTransaction') // sign transaction const rawTx = await this.signTransaction(txId) await this.publishTransaction(txId, rawTx) // must set transaction to submitted/failed before releasing lock nonceLock.releaseLock() } catch (err) { // this is try-catch wrapped so that we can guarantee that the nonceLock is released try { this.txStateManager.setTxStatusFailed(txId, err) } catch (err) { log.error(err) } // must set transaction to submitted/failed before releasing lock if (nonceLock) nonceLock.releaseLock() // continue with error chain throw err } finally { this.inProcessOfSigning.delete(txId) } } /** adds the chain id and signs the transaction and set the status to signed @param txId {number} - the tx's Id @returns - rawTx {string} */ async signTransaction (txId) { const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId) // add network/chain id const chainId = this.getChainId() const txParams = Object.assign({}, txMeta.txParams, { chainId }) // sign tx const fromAddress = txParams.from const ethTx = new Transaction(txParams) await this.signEthTx(ethTx, fromAddress) // set state to signed this.txStateManager.setTxStatusSigned( const rawTx = ethUtil.bufferToHex(ethTx.serialize()) return rawTx } /** publishes the raw tx and sets the txMeta to submitted @param txId {number} - the tx's Id @param rawTx {string} - the hex string of the serialized signed transaction @returns {Promise} */ async publishTransaction (txId, rawTx) { const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId) txMeta.rawTx = rawTx this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions#publishTransaction') const txHash = await this.query.sendRawTransaction(rawTx) this.setTxHash(txId, txHash) this.txStateManager.setTxStatusSubmitted(txId) } /** * Sets the status of the transaction to confirmed and sets the status of nonce duplicates as * dropped if the txParams have data it will fetch the txReceipt * @param {number} txId - The tx's ID * @returns {Promise} */ async confirmTransaction (txId) { // get the txReceipt before marking the transaction confirmed // to ensure the receipt is gotten before the ui revives the tx const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId) if (!txMeta) { return } try { const txReceipt = await this.query.getTransactionReceipt(txMeta.hash) // It seems that sometimes the numerical values being returned from // this.query.getTransactionReceipt are BN instances and not strings. const gasUsed = typeof txReceipt.gasUsed !== 'string' ? txReceipt.gasUsed.toString(16) : txReceipt.gasUsed txMeta.txReceipt = { ...txReceipt, gasUsed, } this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions#confirmTransaction - add txReceipt') } catch (err) { log.error(err) } this.txStateManager.setTxStatusConfirmed(txId) this._markNonceDuplicatesDropped(txId) } /** Convenience method for the ui thats sets the transaction to rejected @param txId {number} - the tx's Id @returns {Promise} */ async cancelTransaction (txId) { this.txStateManager.setTxStatusRejected(txId) } /** Sets the txHas on the txMeta @param txId {number} - the tx's Id @param txHash {string} - the hash for the txMeta */ setTxHash (txId, txHash) { // Add the tx hash to the persisted meta-tx object const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId) txMeta.hash = txHash this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions#setTxHash') } // // PRIVATE METHODS // /** maps methods for convenience*/ _mapMethods () { /** @returns the state in transaction controller */ this.getState = () => this.memStore.getState() /** @returns the network number stored in networkStore */ this.getNetwork = () => this.networkStore.getState() /** @returns the user selected address */ this.getSelectedAddress = () => this.preferencesStore.getState().selectedAddress /** Returns an array of transactions whos status is unapproved */ this.getUnapprovedTxCount = () => Object.keys(this.txStateManager.getUnapprovedTxList()).length /** @returns a number that represents how many transactions have the status submitted @param account {String} - hex prefixed account */ this.getPendingTxCount = (account) => this.txStateManager.getPendingTransactions(account).length /** see txStateManager */ this.getFilteredTxList = (opts) => this.txStateManager.getFilteredTxList(opts) } // called once on startup async _updatePendingTxsAfterFirstBlock () { // wait for first block so we know we're ready await this.blockTracker.getLatestBlock() // get status update for all pending transactions (for the current network) await this.pendingTxTracker.updatePendingTxs() } /** If transaction controller was rebooted with transactions that are uncompleted in steps of the transaction signing or user confirmation process it will either transition txMetas to a failed state or try to redo those tasks. */ _onBootCleanUp () { this.txStateManager.getFilteredTxList({ status: 'unapproved', loadingDefaults: true, }).forEach((tx) => { this.addTxGasDefaults(tx) .then((txMeta) => { txMeta.loadingDefaults = false this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions: gas estimation for tx on boot') }).catch((error) => { tx.loadingDefaults = false this.txStateManager.updateTx(tx, 'failed to estimate gas during boot cleanup.') this.txStateManager.setTxStatusFailed(, error) }) }) this.txStateManager.getFilteredTxList({ status: TRANSACTION_STATUS_APPROVED, }).forEach((txMeta) => { const txSignError = new Error('Transaction found as "approved" during boot - possibly stuck during signing') this.txStateManager.setTxStatusFailed(, txSignError) }) } /** is called in constructor applies the listeners for pendingTxTracker txStateManager and blockTracker */ _setupListeners () { this.txStateManager.on('tx:status-update', this.emit.bind(this, 'tx:status-update')) this._setupBlockTrackerListener() this.pendingTxTracker.on('tx:warning', (txMeta) => { this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions/pending-tx-tracker#event: tx:warning') }) this.pendingTxTracker.on('tx:failed', this.txStateManager.setTxStatusFailed.bind(this.txStateManager)) this.pendingTxTracker.on('tx:confirmed', (txId) => this.confirmTransaction(txId)) this.pendingTxTracker.on('tx:dropped', this.txStateManager.setTxStatusDropped.bind(this.txStateManager)) this.pendingTxTracker.on('tx:block-update', (txMeta, latestBlockNumber) => { if (!txMeta.firstRetryBlockNumber) { txMeta.firstRetryBlockNumber = latestBlockNumber this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions/pending-tx-tracker#event: tx:block-update') } }) this.pendingTxTracker.on('tx:retry', (txMeta) => { if (!('retryCount' in txMeta)) txMeta.retryCount = 0 txMeta.retryCount++ this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions/pending-tx-tracker#event: tx:retry') }) } /** Returns a "type" for a transaction out of the following list: simpleSend, tokenTransfer, tokenApprove, contractDeployment, contractMethodCall */ async _determineTransactionCategory (txParams) { const { data, to } = txParams const { name } = data && abiDecoder.decodeMethod(data) || {} const tokenMethodName = [ TOKEN_METHOD_APPROVE, TOKEN_METHOD_TRANSFER, TOKEN_METHOD_TRANSFER_FROM, ].find(tokenMethodName => tokenMethodName === name && name.toLowerCase()) let result let code if (! { result = SEND_ETHER_ACTION_KEY } else if (tokenMethodName) { result = tokenMethodName } else if (!to) { result = DEPLOY_CONTRACT_ACTION_KEY } else { try { code = await this.query.getCode(to) } catch (e) { code = null log.warn(e) } // For an address with no code, geth will return '0x', and ganache-core v2.2.1 will return '0x0' const codeIsEmpty = !code || code === '0x' || code === '0x0' result = codeIsEmpty ? SEND_ETHER_ACTION_KEY : CONTRACT_INTERACTION_KEY } return { transactionCategory: result, getCodeResponse: code } } /** Sets other txMeta statuses to dropped if the txMeta that has been confirmed has other transactions in the list have the same nonce @param txId {Number} - the txId of the transaction that has been confirmed in a block */ _markNonceDuplicatesDropped (txId) { // get the confirmed transactions nonce and from address const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId) const { nonce, from } = txMeta.txParams const sameNonceTxs = this.txStateManager.getFilteredTxList({nonce, from}) if (!sameNonceTxs.length) return // mark all same nonce transactions as dropped and give i a replacedBy hash sameNonceTxs.forEach((otherTxMeta) => { if ( === txId) return otherTxMeta.replacedBy = txMeta.hash this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions/pending-tx-tracker#event: tx:confirmed reference to confirmed txHash with same nonce') this.txStateManager.setTxStatusDropped( }) } _setupBlockTrackerListener () { let listenersAreActive = false const latestBlockHandler = this._onLatestBlock.bind(this) const blockTracker = this.blockTracker const txStateManager = this.txStateManager txStateManager.on('tx:status-update', updateSubscription) updateSubscription() function updateSubscription () { const pendingTxs = txStateManager.getPendingTransactions() if (!listenersAreActive && pendingTxs.length > 0) { blockTracker.on('latest', latestBlockHandler) listenersAreActive = true } else if (listenersAreActive && !pendingTxs.length) { blockTracker.removeListener('latest', latestBlockHandler) listenersAreActive = false } } } async _onLatestBlock (blockNumber) { try { await this.pendingTxTracker.updatePendingTxs() } catch (err) { log.error(err) } try { await this.pendingTxTracker.resubmitPendingTxs(blockNumber) } catch (err) { log.error(err) } } /** Updates the memStore in transaction controller */ _updateMemstore () { this.pendingTxTracker.updatePendingTxs() const unapprovedTxs = this.txStateManager.getUnapprovedTxList() const selectedAddressTxList = this.txStateManager.getFilteredTxList({ from: this.getSelectedAddress(), metamaskNetworkId: this.getNetwork(), }) this.memStore.updateState({ unapprovedTxs, selectedAddressTxList }) } } module.exports = TransactionController