const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter const hdkey = require('ethereumjs-wallet/hdkey') const bip39 = require('bip39') const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') // *Internal Deps const sigUtil = require('../lib/sig-util') // Options: const hdPathString = `m/44'/60'/0'/0` const type = 'HD Key Tree' class HdKeyring extends EventEmitter { /* PUBLIC METHODS */ constructor (opts = {}) { super() this.type = type this.deserialize(opts) } serialize () { return Promise.resolve({ mnemonic: this.mnemonic, numberOfAccounts: this.wallets.length, }) } deserialize (opts = {}) { this.opts = opts || {} this.wallets = [] this.mnemonic = null this.root = null if (opts.mnemonic) { this._initFromMnemonic(opts.mnemonic) } if (opts.numberOfAccounts) { return this.addAccounts(opts.numberOfAccounts) } return Promise.resolve([]) } addAccounts (numberOfAccounts = 1) { if (!this.root) { this._initFromMnemonic(bip39.generateMnemonic()) } const oldLen = this.wallets.length const newWallets = [] for (let i = oldLen; i < numberOfAccounts + oldLen; i++) { const child = this.root.deriveChild(i) const wallet = child.getWallet() newWallets.push(wallet) this.wallets.push(wallet) } const hexWallets = => w.getAddress().toString('hex')) return Promise.resolve(hexWallets) } getAccounts () { return Promise.resolve( => w.getAddress().toString('hex'))) } // tx is an instance of the ethereumjs-transaction class. signTransaction (address, tx) { const wallet = this._getWalletForAccount(address) var privKey = wallet.getPrivateKey() tx.sign(privKey) return Promise.resolve(tx) } // For eth_sign, we need to sign transactions: signMessage (withAccount, msgHex) { const wallet = this._getWalletForAccount(withAccount) const privKey = wallet.getPrivateKey() const msgBuffer = ethUtil.toBuffer(msgHex) const msgHash = ethUtil.hashPersonalMessage(msgBuffer) const msgSig = ethUtil.ecsign(msgHash, privKey) const rawMsgSig = ethUtil.bufferToHex(sigUtil.concatSig(msgSig.v, msgSig.r, msgSig.s)) return Promise.resolve(rawMsgSig) } exportAccount (address) { const wallet = this._getWalletForAccount(address) return Promise.resolve(wallet.getPrivateKey().toString('hex')) } /* PRIVATE METHODS */ _initFromMnemonic (mnemonic) { this.mnemonic = mnemonic const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic) this.hdWallet = hdkey.fromMasterSeed(seed) this.root = this.hdWallet.derivePath(hdPathString) } _getWalletForAccount (account) { return this.wallets.find((w) => { const address = w.getAddress().toString('hex') return ((address === account) || (sigUtil.normalize(address) === account)) }) } } HdKeyring.type = type module.exports = HdKeyring