/* ID Management * * This module exists to hold the decrypted credentials for the current session. * It therefore exposes sign methods, because it is able to perform these * with noa dditional authentication, because its very instantiation * means the vault is unlocked. */ const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') const Transaction = require('ethereumjs-tx') module.exports = IdManagement function IdManagement (opts) { if (!opts) opts = {} this.keyStore = opts.keyStore this.derivedKey = opts.derivedKey this.configManager = opts.configManager this.hdPathString = "m/44'/60'/0'/0" this.getAddresses = function () { return this.keyStore.getAddresses(this.hdPathString).map(function (address) { return '0x' + address }) } this.signTx = function (txParams) { // normalize values txParams.gasPrice = ethUtil.intToHex(txParams.gasPrice) txParams.to = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.to) txParams.from = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.from.toLowerCase()) txParams.value = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.value) txParams.data = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.data) txParams.gasLimit = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.gasLimit || txParams.gas) txParams.nonce = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.nonce) var tx = new Transaction(txParams) // sign tx var privKeyHex = this.exportPrivateKey(txParams.from) var privKey = ethUtil.toBuffer(privKeyHex) tx.sign(privKey) // Add the tx hash to the persisted meta-tx object var txHash = ethUtil.bufferToHex(tx.hash()) var metaTx = this.configManager.getTx(txParams.metamaskId) metaTx.hash = txHash this.configManager.updateTx(metaTx) // return raw serialized tx var rawTx = ethUtil.bufferToHex(tx.serialize()) return rawTx } this.signMsg = function (address, message) { // sign message var privKeyHex = this.exportPrivateKey(address.toLowerCase()) var privKey = ethUtil.toBuffer(privKeyHex) var msgSig = ethUtil.ecsign(new Buffer(message.replace('0x', ''), 'hex'), privKey) var rawMsgSig = ethUtil.bufferToHex(concatSig(msgSig.v, msgSig.r, msgSig.s)) return rawMsgSig } this.getSeed = function () { return this.keyStore.getSeed(this.derivedKey) } this.exportPrivateKey = function (address) { var privKeyHex = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(this.keyStore.exportPrivateKey(address, this.derivedKey, this.hdPathString)) return privKeyHex } } function padWithZeroes (number, length) { var myString = '' + number while (myString.length < length) { myString = '0' + myString } return myString } function concatSig (v, r, s) { const rSig = ethUtil.fromSigned(r) const sSig = ethUtil.fromSigned(s) const vSig = ethUtil.bufferToInt(v) const rStr = padWithZeroes(ethUtil.toUnsigned(rSig).toString('hex'), 64) const sStr = padWithZeroes(ethUtil.toUnsigned(sSig).toString('hex'), 64) const vStr = ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(ethUtil.intToHex(vSig)) return ethUtil.addHexPrefix(rStr.concat(sStr, vStr)).toString('hex') }