const extend = require('xtend') const EthStore = require('eth-store') const MetaMaskProvider = require('web3-provider-engine/zero.js') const IdentityStore = require('./lib/idStore') const messageManager = require('./lib/message-manager') const HostStore = require('./lib/remote-store.js').HostStore const Web3 = require('web3') const ConfigManager = require('./lib/config-manager') const extension = require('./lib/extension') module.exports = class MetamaskController { constructor (opts) { this.opts = opts this.listeners = [] this.configManager = new ConfigManager(opts) this.idStore = new IdentityStore({ configManager: this.configManager, }) this.provider = this.initializeProvider(opts) this.ethStore = new EthStore(this.provider) this.idStore.setStore(this.ethStore) this.messageManager = messageManager this.publicConfigStore = this.initPublicConfigStore() var currentFiat = this.configManager.getCurrentFiat() || 'USD' this.configManager.setCurrentFiat(currentFiat) this.configManager.updateConversionRate() this.configManager.setTOSHash(0) this.scheduleConversionInterval() } getState () { return extend( this.ethStore.getState(), this.idStore.getState(), this.configManager.getConfig() ) } getApi () { const idStore = this.idStore return { getState: (cb) => { cb(null, this.getState()) }, setRpcTarget: this.setRpcTarget.bind(this), setProviderType: this.setProviderType.bind(this), useEtherscanProvider: this.useEtherscanProvider.bind(this), agreeToDisclaimer: this.agreeToDisclaimer.bind(this), resetDisclaimer: this.resetDisclaimer.bind(this), setCurrentFiat: this.setCurrentFiat.bind(this), agreeToEthWarning: this.agreeToEthWarning.bind(this), setTOSHash: this.setTOSHash.bind(this), checkTOSChange: this.checkTOSChange.bind(this), // forward directly to idStore createNewVault: idStore.createNewVault.bind(idStore), recoverFromSeed: idStore.recoverFromSeed.bind(idStore), submitPassword: idStore.submitPassword.bind(idStore), setSelectedAddress: idStore.setSelectedAddress.bind(idStore), approveTransaction: idStore.approveTransaction.bind(idStore), cancelTransaction: idStore.cancelTransaction.bind(idStore), signMessage: idStore.signMessage.bind(idStore), cancelMessage: idStore.cancelMessage.bind(idStore), setLocked: idStore.setLocked.bind(idStore), clearSeedWordCache: idStore.clearSeedWordCache.bind(idStore), exportAccount: idStore.exportAccount.bind(idStore), revealAccount: idStore.revealAccount.bind(idStore), saveAccountLabel: idStore.saveAccountLabel.bind(idStore), tryPassword: idStore.tryPassword.bind(idStore), recoverSeed: idStore.recoverSeed.bind(idStore), // coinbase buyEth: this.buyEth.bind(this), // shapeshift createShapeShiftTx: this.createShapeShiftTx.bind(this), } } setupProviderConnection (stream, originDomain) { stream.on('data', this.onRpcRequest.bind(this, stream, originDomain)) } onRpcRequest (stream, originDomain, request) { /* Commented out for Parity compliance * Parity does not permit additional keys, like `origin`, * and Infura is not currently filtering this key out. var payloads = Array.isArray(request) ? request : [request] payloads.forEach(function (payload) { // Append origin to rpc payload payload.origin = originDomain // Append origin to signature request if (payload.method === 'eth_sendTransaction') { payload.params[0].origin = originDomain } else if (payload.method === 'eth_sign') { payload.params.push({ origin: originDomain }) } }) */ // handle rpc request this.provider.sendAsync(request, function onPayloadHandled (err, response) { logger(err, request, response) if (response) { try { stream.write(response) } catch (err) { logger(err) } } }) function logger (err, request, response) { if (err) return console.error(err) if (!request.isMetamaskInternal) { if (global.METAMASK_DEBUG) { console.log(`RPC (${originDomain}):`, request, '->', response) } if (response.error) { console.error('Error in RPC response:\n', response.error) } } } } sendUpdate () { this.listeners.forEach((remote) => { remote.sendUpdate(this.getState()) }) } initializeProvider (opts) { const idStore = this.idStore var providerOpts = { rpcUrl: this.configManager.getCurrentRpcAddress(), // account mgmt getAccounts: (cb) => { var selectedAddress = idStore.getSelectedAddress() var result = selectedAddress ? [selectedAddress] : [] cb(null, result) }, // tx signing approveTransaction: this.newUnsignedTransaction.bind(this), signTransaction: (...args) => { idStore.signTransaction(...args) this.sendUpdate() }, // msg signing approveMessage: this.newUnsignedMessage.bind(this), signMessage: (...args) => { idStore.signMessage(...args) this.sendUpdate() }, } var provider = MetaMaskProvider(providerOpts) var web3 = new Web3(provider) idStore.web3 = web3 idStore.getNetwork() provider.on('block', this.processBlock.bind(this)) provider.on('error', idStore.getNetwork.bind(idStore)) return provider } initPublicConfigStore () { // get init state var initPublicState = extend( idStoreToPublic(this.idStore.getState()), configToPublic(this.configManager.getConfig()) ) var publicConfigStore = new HostStore(initPublicState) // subscribe to changes this.configManager.subscribe(function (state) { storeSetFromObj(publicConfigStore, configToPublic(state)) }) this.idStore.on('update', function (state) { storeSetFromObj(publicConfigStore, idStoreToPublic(state)) }) // idStore substate function idStoreToPublic (state) { return { selectedAddress: state.selectedAddress, } } // config substate function configToPublic (state) { return { provider: state.provider, selectedAddress: state.selectedAccount, } } // dump obj into store function storeSetFromObj (store, obj) { Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) { store.set(key, obj[key]) }) } return publicConfigStore } newUnsignedTransaction (txParams, onTxDoneCb) { const idStore = this.idStore let err = this.enforceTxValidations(txParams) if (err) return onTxDoneCb(err) idStore.addUnconfirmedTransaction(txParams, onTxDoneCb, (err, txData) => { if (err) return onTxDoneCb(err) this.sendUpdate() this.opts.showUnconfirmedTx(txParams, txData, onTxDoneCb) }) } enforceTxValidations (txParams) { if (('value' in txParams) && txParams.value.indexOf('-') === 0) { const msg = `Invalid transaction value of ${txParams.value} not a positive number.` return new Error(msg) } } newUnsignedMessage (msgParams, cb) { var state = this.idStore.getState() if (!state.isUnlocked) { this.idStore.addUnconfirmedMessage(msgParams, cb) this.opts.unlockAccountMessage() } else { this.addUnconfirmedMessage(msgParams, cb) this.sendUpdate() } } addUnconfirmedMessage (msgParams, cb) { const idStore = this.idStore const msgId = idStore.addUnconfirmedMessage(msgParams, cb) this.opts.showUnconfirmedMessage(msgParams, msgId) } setupPublicConfig (stream) { var storeStream = this.publicConfigStore.createStream() stream.pipe(storeStream).pipe(stream) } // Log blocks processBlock (block) { if (global.METAMASK_DEBUG) { console.log(`BLOCK CHANGED: #${block.number.toString('hex')} 0x${block.hash.toString('hex')}`) } this.verifyNetwork() } verifyNetwork () { // Check network when restoring connectivity: if ( === 'loading') { this.idStore.getNetwork() } } // config // setTOSHash (hash, cb) { try { this.configManager.setTOSHash(hash) cb(this.configManager.getTOSHash()) } catch (e) { cb(null, e) } } checkTOSChange (newHash, cb) { try { var currentHash = this.configManager.getTOSHash() var change = !(currentHash === newHash) cb(change) } catch (e) { cb(null, e) } } agreeToDisclaimer (cb) { try { this.configManager.setConfirmed(true) cb() } catch (e) { cb(e) } } resetDisclaimer () { try { this.configManager.setConfirmed(false) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } setCurrentFiat (fiat, cb) { try { this.configManager.setCurrentFiat(fiat) this.configManager.updateConversionRate() this.scheduleConversionInterval() const data = { conversionRate: this.configManager.getConversionRate(), currentFiat: this.configManager.getCurrentFiat(), conversionDate: this.configManager.getConversionDate(), } cb(data) } catch (e) { cb(null, e) } } scheduleConversionInterval () { if (this.conversionInterval) { clearInterval(this.conversionInterval) } this.conversionInterval = setInterval(() => { this.configManager.updateConversionRate() }, 300000) } agreeToEthWarning (cb) { try { this.configManager.setShouldntShowWarning() cb() } catch (e) { cb(e) } } // called from popup setRpcTarget (rpcTarget) { this.configManager.setRpcTarget(rpcTarget) extension.runtime.reload() this.idStore.getNetwork() } setProviderType (type) { this.configManager.setProviderType(type) extension.runtime.reload() this.idStore.getNetwork() } useEtherscanProvider () { this.configManager.useEtherscanProvider() extension.runtime.reload() } buyEth (address, amount) { if (!amount) amount = '5' var network = var url = `${amount}&address=${address}&crypto_currency=ETH` if (network === '2') { url = '' } extension.tabs.create({ url, }) } createShapeShiftTx (depositAddress, depositType) { this.configManager.createShapeShiftTx(depositAddress, depositType) } }