const express = require('express') const browserify = require('browserify') const watchify = require('watchify') const babelify = require('babelify') const zeroBundle = createBundle('./index.js') const controllerBundle = createBundle('./controller.js') const popupBundle = createBundle('./popup.js') const appBundle = createBundle('./example/index.js') const swBuild = createBundle('./sw-core.js') // // Iframe Server // const iframeServer = express() // serve popup window iframeServer.get('/popup/scripts/popup.js', function(req, res){ res.send(popupBundle.latest) }) iframeServer.use('/popup', express.static('../dist/chrome')) // serve controller bundle iframeServer.get('/controller.js', function(req, res){ res.send(controllerBundle.latest) }) iframeServer.get('/sw-build.js', function(req, res){ console.log('/sw-build.js') res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/javascript') res.send(swBuild.latest) }) // serve background controller iframeServer.use(express.static('./server')) // start the server const mascaraPort = 9001 iframeServer.listen(mascaraPort) console.log(`Mascara service listening on port ${mascaraPort}`) // // Dapp Server // const dappServer = express() // serve metamask-lib bundle dappServer.get('/zero.js', function(req, res){ res.send(zeroBundle.latest) }) // serve dapp bundle dappServer.get('/app.js', function(req, res){ res.send(appBundle.latest) }) // serve static dappServer.use(express.static('./example')) // start the server const dappPort = '9002' dappServer.listen(dappPort) console.log(`Dapp listening on port ${dappPort}`) // // util // function serveBundle(entryPoint){ const bundle = createBundle(entryPoint) return function(req, res){ res.send(bundle.latest) } } function createBundle(entryPoint){ var bundleContainer = {} var bundler = browserify({ entries: [entryPoint], cache: {}, packageCache: {}, plugin: [watchify], }) bundler.on('update', bundle) bundle() return bundleContainer function bundle() { bundler.bundle(function(err, result){ if (err) throw err console.log(`Bundle updated! (${entryPoint})`) bundleContainer.latest = result.toString() }) } }