const reactTriggerChange = require('react-trigger-change') const { timeout, queryAsync, findAsync, } = require('../../lib/util') QUnit.module('Add token flow') QUnit.test('successful add token flow', (assert) => { const done = assert.async() runAddTokenFlowTest(assert) .then(done) .catch(err => { assert.notOk(err, `Error was thrown: ${err.stack}`) done() }) }) async function runAddTokenFlowTest (assert, done) { const selectState = await queryAsync($, 'select') selectState.val('add token') reactTriggerChange(selectState[0]) // Used to set values on TextField input component const nativeInputValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( window.HTMLInputElement.prototype, 'value' ).set // Check that no tokens have been added assert.ok($('.token-list-item').length === 0, 'no tokens added') // Go to Add Token screen let addTokenButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-primary.wallet-view__add-token-button') assert.ok(addTokenButton[0], 'add token button present') addTokenButton[0].click() // Verify Add Token screen let addTokenWrapper = await queryAsync($, '.page-container') assert.ok(addTokenWrapper[0], 'add token wrapper renders') let addTokenTitle = await queryAsync($, '.page-container__title') assert.equal(addTokenTitle[0].textContent, 'Add Tokens', 'add token title is correct') // Cancel Add Token const cancelAddTokenButton = await queryAsync($, '') assert.ok(cancelAddTokenButton[0], 'cancel add token button present') assert.ok($('.wallet-view')[0], 'cancelled and returned to account detail wallet view') // Return to Add Token Screen addTokenButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-primary.wallet-view__add-token-button') assert.ok(addTokenButton[0], 'add token button present') addTokenButton[0].click() // Verify Add Token Screen addTokenWrapper = await queryAsync($, '.page-container') addTokenTitle = await queryAsync($, '.page-container__title') assert.ok(addTokenWrapper[0], 'add token wrapper renders') assert.equal(addTokenTitle[0].textContent, 'Add Tokens', 'add token title is correct') // Search for token const searchInput = (await findAsync(addTokenWrapper, '#search-tokens'))[0] searchInput.focus() await timeout(1000), 'a') searchInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true})) // Click token to add const tokenWrapper = await queryAsync($, 'div.token-list__token') assert.ok(tokenWrapper[0], 'token found') const tokenImageProp = tokenWrapper.find('.token-list__token-icon').css('background-image') const tokenImageUrl = tokenImageProp.slice(5, -2) tokenWrapper[0].click() // Click Next button const nextButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-primary.btn--large') assert.equal(nextButton[0].textContent, 'Next', 'next button rendered') nextButton[0].click() // Confirm Add token const confirmAddToken = await queryAsync($, '.confirm-add-token') assert.ok(confirmAddToken[0], 'confirm add token rendered') assert.ok($('button.btn-primary.btn--large')[0], 'confirm add token button found') $('button.btn-primary.btn--large')[0].click() // Verify added token image let heroBalance = await queryAsync($, '.hero-balance') assert.ok(heroBalance, 'rendered hero balance') assert.ok(tokenImageUrl.indexOf(heroBalance.find('img').attr('src')) > -1, 'token added') // Return to Add Token Screen addTokenButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-primary.wallet-view__add-token-button') assert.ok(addTokenButton[0], 'add token button present') addTokenButton[0].click() addTokenWrapper = await queryAsync($, '.page-container') const addTokenTabs = await queryAsync($, '.page-container__tab') assert.equal(addTokenTabs.length, 2, 'expected number of tabs') assert.equal(addTokenTabs[1].textContent, 'Custom Token', 'Custom Token tab present') assert.ok(addTokenTabs[1], 'add custom token tab present') addTokenTabs[1].click() await timeout(1000) // Input token contract address const customInput = (await findAsync(addTokenWrapper, '#custom-address'))[0] customInput.focus() await timeout(1000), '0x177af043D3A1Aed7cc5f2397C70248Fc6cDC056c') customInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true})) // Click Next button // nextButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-primary--lg') // assert.equal(nextButton[0].textContent, 'Next', 'next button rendered') // nextButton[0].click() // // Verify symbol length error since contract address won't return symbol const errorMessage = await queryAsync($, '#custom-symbol-helper-text') assert.ok(errorMessage[0], 'error rendered') $('button.btn-default.btn--large')[0].click() // await timeout(100000) // Confirm Add token // assert.equal( // $('.page-container__subtitle')[0].textContent, // 'Would you like to add these tokens?', // 'confirm add token rendered' // ) // assert.ok($('button.btn-primary--lg')[0], 'confirm add token button found') // $('button.btn-primary--lg')[0].click() // Verify added token image heroBalance = await queryAsync($, '.hero-balance') assert.ok(heroBalance, 'rendered hero balance') assert.ok(heroBalance.find('.identicon')[0], 'token added') }