const PASSWORD = 'password123' const reactTriggerChange = require('react-trigger-change') async function runFirstTimeUsageTest (assert, done) { await timeout(4000) const app = $('#app-content') // recurse notices while (true) { const button = app.find('button') if (button.html() === 'Accept') { // still notices to accept const termsPage = app.find('.markdown')[0] termsPage.scrollTop = termsPage.scrollHeight await timeout() console.log('Clearing notice') await timeout() } else { // exit loop console.log('No more notices...') break } } await timeout() // Scroll through terms const title = app.find('.create-password__title').text() assert.equal(title, 'Create Password', 'create password screen') // enter password const pwBox = app.find('.first-time-flow__input')[0] const confBox = app.find('.first-time-flow__input')[1] pwBox.value = PASSWORD confBox.value = PASSWORD reactTriggerChange(pwBox) reactTriggerChange(confBox) await timeout() // Create Password const createButton = app.find('button.first-time-flow__button')[0] await timeout(3000) const created = app.find('.unique-image__title')[0] assert.equal(created.textContent, 'Your unique account image', 'unique image screen') // Agree button const button = app.find('button')[0] assert.ok(button, 'button present') await timeout(1000) // Privacy Screen const detail = app.find('.tou__title')[0] assert.equal(detail.textContent, 'Privacy Notice', 'privacy notice screen') app.find('button').click() await timeout(1000) // terms of service screen const tou = app.find('.tou__title')[0] assert.equal(tou.textContent, 'Terms of Use', 'terms of use screen') app.find('.tou__body').scrollTop(100000) await timeout(1000) app.find('.first-time-flow__button').click() await timeout(1000) // secret backup phrase const seedTitle = app.find('.backup-phrase__title')[0] assert.equal(seedTitle.textContent, 'Secret Backup Phrase', 'seed phrase screen') app.find('.backup-phrase__reveal-button').click() await timeout(1000) const seedPhrase = app.find('.backup-phrase__secret-words').text().split(' ') app.find('.first-time-flow__button').click() const selectPhrase = text => { const option = $('.backup-phrase__confirm-seed-option') .filter((i, d) => d.textContent === text)[0] $(option).click() } await timeout(1000) seedPhrase.forEach(sp => selectPhrase(sp)) app.find('.first-time-flow__button').click() await timeout(1000) // Deposit Ether Screen const buyEthTitle = app.find('.buy-ether__title')[0] assert.equal(buyEthTitle.textContent, 'Deposit Ether', 'deposit ether screen') app.find('.buy-ether__do-it-later').click() await timeout(1000) const sandwich = app.find('.sandwich-expando')[0] await timeout() const menu = app.find('.menu-droppo')[0] const children = menu.children const lock = children[children.length - 2] assert.ok(lock, 'Lock menu item found') await timeout(1000) const pwBox2 = app.find('#password-box')[0] pwBox2.value = PASSWORD const createButton2 = app.find('button.primary')[0] await timeout(1000) const detail2 = app.find('.account-detail-section')[0] assert.ok(detail2, 'Account detail section loaded again.') await timeout() // open account settings dropdown const qrButton = app.find('.fa.fa-ellipsis-h')[0] await timeout(1000) // qr code item const qrButton2 = app.find('.dropdown-menu-item')[1] await timeout(1000) const qrHeader = app.find('.qr-header')[0] const qrContainer = app.find('#qr-container')[0] assert.equal(qrHeader.textContent, 'Account 1', 'Should show account label.') assert.ok(qrContainer, 'QR Container found') await timeout() const networkMenu = app.find('.network-indicator')[0] await timeout() const networkMenu2 = app.find('.network-indicator')[0] const children2 = networkMenu2.children children2.length[3] assert.ok(children2, 'All network options present') } module.exports = runFirstTimeUsageTest function timeout (time) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(resolve, time || 1500) }) }