const assert = require('assert') const path = require('path') const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') const accountImporter = require('../../../app/scripts/account-import-strategies/index') const { assertRejects } = require('../test-utils') describe('Account Import Strategies', function () { const privkey = '0x4cfd3e90fc78b0f86bf7524722150bb8da9c60cd532564d7ff43f5716514f553' const json = '{"version":3,"id":"dbb54385-0a99-437f-83c0-647de9f244c3","address":"a7f92ce3fba24196cf6f4bd2e1eb3db282ba998c","Crypto":{"ciphertext":"bde13d9ade5c82df80281ca363320ce254a8a3a06535bbf6ffdeaf0726b1312c","cipherparams":{"iv":"fbf93718a57f26051b292f072f2e5b41"},"cipher":"aes-128-ctr","kdf":"scrypt","kdfparams":{"dklen":32,"salt":"7ffe00488319dec48e4c49a120ca49c6afbde9272854c64d9541c83fc6acdffe","n":8192,"r":8,"p":1},"mac":"2adfd9c4bc1cdac4c85bddfb31d9e21a684e0e050247a70c5698facf6b7d4681"}}' describe('private key import', function () { it('imports a private key and strips 0x prefix', async function () { const importPrivKey = await accountImporter.importAccount('Private Key', [ privkey ]) assert.equal(importPrivKey, ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(privkey)) }) it('throws an error for empty string private key', async () => { assertRejects(async function() { await accountImporter.importAccount('Private Key', [ '' ]) }, Error, 'no empty strings') }) it('throws an error for undefined string private key', async () => { assertRejects(async function () { await accountImporter.importAccount('Private Key', [ undefined ]) }) }) it('throws an error for undefined string private key', async () => { assertRejects(async function () { await accountImporter.importAccount('Private Key', []) }) }) it('throws an error for invalid private key', async () => { assertRejects(async function () { await accountImporter.importAccount('Private Key', [ 'popcorn' ]) }) }) }) describe('JSON keystore import', function () { it('fails when password is incorrect for keystore', async function () { const wrongPassword = 'password2' try { await accountImporter.importAccount('JSON File', [ json, wrongPassword]) } catch (error) { assert.equal(error.message, 'Key derivation failed - possibly wrong passphrase') } }) it('imports json string and password to return a private key', async function () { const fileContentsPassword = 'password1' const importJson = await accountImporter.importAccount('JSON File', [ json, fileContentsPassword]) assert.equal(importJson, '0x5733876abe94146069ce8bcbabbde2677f2e35fa33e875e92041ed2ac87e5bc7') }) }) })