const async = require('async') const assert = require('assert') const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') const BN = ethUtil.BN const configManagerGen = require('../lib/mock-config-manager') const delegateCallCode = require('../lib/example-code.json').delegateCallCode const IdentityStore = require('../../app/scripts/lib/idStore') describe('IdentityStore', function() { describe('#createNewVault', function () { let idStore let password = 'password123' let seedWords let accounts = [] let originalKeystore before(function(done) { window.localStorage = {} // Hacking localStorage support into JSDom idStore = new IdentityStore({ configManager: configManagerGen(), ethStore: { addAccount(acct) { accounts.push(ethUtil.addHexPrefix(acct)) }, }, }) idStore.createNewVault(password, (err, seeds) => { assert.ifError(err, 'createNewVault threw error') seedWords = seeds originalKeystore = idStore._idmgmt.keyStore done() }) }) describe('#recoverFromSeed', function() { let newAccounts = [] before(function() { window.localStorage = {} // Hacking localStorage support into JSDom idStore = new IdentityStore({ configManager: configManagerGen(), ethStore: { addAccount(acct) { newAccounts.push(ethUtil.addHexPrefix(acct)) }, }, }) }) it('should return the expected keystore', function (done) { idStore.recoverFromSeed(password, seedWords, (err) => { assert.ifError(err) let newKeystore = idStore._idmgmt.keyStore assert.equal(newAccounts[0], accounts[0]) done() }) }) }) }) describe('#recoverFromSeed BIP44 compliance', function() { const salt = 'lightwalletSalt' let password = 'secret!' let accounts = {} let idStore var assertions = [ { seed: 'picnic injury awful upper eagle junk alert toss flower renew silly vague', account: '0x5d8de92c205279c10e5669f797b853ccef4f739a', }, { seed: 'radar blur cabbage chef fix engine embark joy scheme fiction master release', account: '0xe15d894becb0354c501ae69429b05143679f39e0', }, { seed: 'phone coyote caught pattern found table wedding list tumble broccoli chief swing', account: '0xb0e868f24bc7fec2bce2efc2b1c344d7569cd9d2', }, { seed: 'recycle tag bird palace blue village anxiety census cook soldier example music', account: '0xab34a45920afe4af212b96ec51232aaa6a33f663', }, { seed: 'half glimpse tape cute harvest sweet bike voyage actual floor poet lazy', account: '0x28e9044597b625ac4beda7250011670223de43b2', }, { seed: 'flavor tiger carpet motor angry hungry document inquiry large critic usage liar', account: '0xb571be96558940c4e9292e1999461aa7499fb6cd', }, ] before(function() { window.localStorage = {} // Hacking localStorage support into JSDom idStore = new IdentityStore({ configManager: configManagerGen(), ethStore: { addAccount(acct) { accounts[acct] = acct}, del(acct) { delete accounts[acct] }, }, }) }) it('should enforce seed compliance with TestRPC', function (done) { this.timeout(10000) const tests = => { return function (cb) { idStore.recoverFromSeed(password, assertion.seed, (err) => { assert.ifError(err) var expected = assertion.account.toLowerCase() var received = accounts[expected].toLowerCase() assert.equal(received, expected) idStore.tryPassword(password, function (err) { assert.ok(idStore._isUnlocked(), 'should unlock the id store') idStore.submitPassword(password, function(err, account) { assert.ifError(err) assert.equal(account, expected) assert.equal(Object.keys(idStore._getAddresses()).length, 1, 'only one account on restore') cb() }) }) }) } }) async.series(tests, function(err, results) { assert.ifError(err) done() }) }) }) describe('#addGasBuffer', function() { it('formats the result correctly', function() { const idStore = new IdentityStore({ configManager: configManagerGen(), ethStore: { addAccount(acct) { accounts.push(ethUtil.addHexPrefix(acct)) }, }, }) const gas = '0x01' const bnGas = new BN(gas, 16) const bnResult = idStore.addGasBuffer(bnGas) assert.ok(, 'added more gas as buffer.') }) it('buffers 20%', function() { const idStore = new IdentityStore({ configManager: configManagerGen(), ethStore: { addAccount(acct) { accounts.push(ethUtil.addHexPrefix(acct)) }, }, }) const gas = '0x04ee59' // Actual estimated gas example const bnGas = new BN(ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(gas), 16) const five = new BN('5', 10) const correctBuffer = bnGas.div(five) const correct = bnGas.add(correctBuffer) const bnResult = idStore.addGasBuffer(bnGas) assert(, 'Estimate increased in value.') assert.equal(bnResult.sub(bnGas).toString(10), correctBuffer.toString(10), 'added 20% gas') }) }) describe('#checkForDelegateCall', function() { const idStore = new IdentityStore({ configManager: configManagerGen(), ethStore: { addAccount(acct) { accounts.push(ethUtil.addHexPrefix(acct)) }, }, }) var result = idStore.checkForDelegateCall(delegateCallCode) assert.equal(result, true, 'no delegate call in provided code') }) })