const assert = require('assert') const extend = require('xtend') const Web3 = require('web3') const web3 = new Web3() const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') const SimpleKeyring = require('../../../app/scripts/keyrings/simple') const TYPE_STR = 'Simple Key Pair' // Sample account: const privKeyHex = 'b8a9c05beeedb25df85f8d641538cbffedf67216048de9c678ee26260eb91952' describe('simple-keyring', function() { let keyring beforeEach(function() { keyring = new SimpleKeyring() }) describe('Keyring.type', function() { it('is a class property that returns the type string.', function() { const type = SimpleKeyring.type assert.equal(type, TYPE_STR) }) }) describe('#type', function() { it('returns the correct value', function() { const type = keyring.type assert.equal(type, TYPE_STR) }) }) describe('#serialize empty wallets.', function() { it('serializes an empty array', function(done) { keyring.serialize() .then((output) => { assert.deepEqual(output, []) done() }) }) }) describe('#deserialize a private key', function() { it('serializes what it deserializes', function() { keyring.deserialize([privKeyHex]) .then(() => { assert.equal(keyring.wallets.length, 1, 'has one wallet') const serialized = keyring.serialize() assert.equal(serialized[0], privKeyHex) }) }) }) describe('#signMessage', function() { const address = '0x9858e7d8b79fc3e6d989636721584498926da38a' const message = '0x879a053d4800c6354e76c7985a865d2922c82fb5b3f4577b2fe08b998954f2e0' const privateKey = '0x7dd98753d7b4394095de7d176c58128e2ed6ee600abe97c9f6d9fd65015d9b18' const expectedResult = '0x28fcb6768e5110144a55b2e6ce9d1ea5a58103033632d272d2b5cf506906f7941a00b539383fd872109633d8c71c404e13dba87bc84166ee31b0e36061a69e161c' it('passes the dennis test', function(done) { keyring.deserialize([ privateKey ]) .then(() => { return keyring.signMessage(address, message) }) .then((result) => { assert.equal(result, expectedResult) done() }) }) it('reliably can decode messages it signs', function (done) { const message = 'hello there!' let address, msgHex keyring.addAccounts(10) .then((addresses) => { address = addresses[0] msgHex = web3.sha3(message) return keyring.signMessage(address, msgHex) }) .then((signature) => { var sgn = signature var r = ethUtil.toBuffer(sgn.slice(0,66)) var s = ethUtil.toBuffer('0x' + sgn.slice(66,130)) var v = parseInt(sgn.slice(130,132)) + 27 var msgBuffer = ethUtil.toBuffer(msgHex) var msgHash = ethUtil.hashPersonalMessage(msgBuffer) var pub = ethUtil.ecrecover(msgHash, v, r, s) var adr = '0x' + ethUtil.pubToAddress(pub).toString('hex') assert.equal(adr, address) done() }) .catch((reason) => { console.log('failed for reason:') console.dir(reason) assert.equal(true, false, reason) done() }) }) }) describe('#addAccounts', function() { describe('with no arguments', function() { it('creates a single wallet', function() { keyring.addAccounts() .then(() => { assert.equal(keyring.wallets.length, 1) }) }) }) describe('with a numeric argument', function() { it('creates that number of wallets', function() { keyring.addAccounts(3) .then(() => { assert.equal(keyring.wallets.length, 3) }) }) }) }) describe('#getAccounts', function() { it('calls getAddress on each wallet', function(done) { // Push a mock wallet const desiredOutput = '0x18a3462427bcc9133bb46e88bcbe39cd7ef0e761' keyring.wallets.push({ getAddress() { return ethUtil.toBuffer(desiredOutput) } }) keyring.getAccounts() .then((output) => { assert.equal(output[0], desiredOutput) assert.equal(output.length, 1) done() }) }) }) })