const inherits = require('util').inherits const Component = require('react').Component const h = require('react-hyperscript') const connect = require('react-redux').connect const copyToClipboard = require('copy-to-clipboard') const actions = require('./actions') const AccountPanel = require('./components/account-panel') const transactionList = require('./components/transaction-list') module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(AccountDetailScreen) function mapStateToProps(state) { var accountDetail = state.appState.accountDetail return { identities: state.metamask.identities, accounts: state.metamask.accounts, address: state.appState.currentView.context, accountDetail: accountDetail, transactions: state.metamask.transactions, networkVersion: state.networkVersion, } } inherits(AccountDetailScreen, Component) function AccountDetailScreen() { } AccountDetailScreen.prototype.render = function() { var state = this.props var identity = state.identities[state.address] var account = state.accounts[state.address] var accountDetail = state.accountDetail var transactions = state.transactions return ( h('.account-detail-section.flex-column.flex-grow', [ // subtitle and nav h('.section-title.flex-row.flex-center', [ h('i.fa.fa-arrow-left.fa-lg.cursor-pointer', { onClick: this.navigateToAccounts.bind(this), }), h('', 'Account Detail'), ]), // account summary, with embedded action buttons h(AccountPanel, { showFullAddress: true, identity: identity, account: account, }, [ h('.flex-row.flex-space-around', [ // h('button', 'GET ETH'), DISABLED UNTIL WORKING h('button', { onClick: () => { copyToClipboard(identity.address) }, }, 'COPY ADDR'), h('button', { onClick: () => { this.props.dispatch(actions.showSendPage()) }, }, 'SEND'), h('button', { onClick: () => { this.requestAccountExport(identity.address) }, }, 'EXPORT'), ]), ]), transactionList(transactions .filter(tx => tx.txParams.from === state.address) .sort((a, b) => b.time - a.time), state.networkVersion), this.exportedAccount(accountDetail), // transaction table /* h('section.flex-column', [ h('span', 'your transaction history will go here.'), ]), */ ]) ) } AccountDetailScreen.prototype.navigateToAccounts = function(event){ event.stopPropagation() this.props.dispatch(actions.showAccountsPage()) } AccountDetailScreen.prototype.exportAccount = function(address) { this.props.dispatch(actions.exportAccount(address)) } AccountDetailScreen.prototype.requestAccountExport = function() { this.props.dispatch(actions.requestExportAccount()) } AccountDetailScreen.prototype.exportedAccount = function(accountDetail) { if (!accountDetail) return var accountExport = accountDetail.accountExport var notExporting = accountExport === 'none' var exportRequested = accountExport === 'requested' var accountExported = accountExport === 'completed' if (notExporting) return if (exportRequested) { var warning = `Exporting your private key is very dangerous, and you should only do it if you know what you're doing.` var confirmation = `If you're absolutely sure, type "I understand" below and hit Enter.` return h('div', {}, [ h('p.error', warning), h('p', confirmation), h('input#exportAccount', { onKeyPress: this.onExportKeyPress.bind(this), }) ]) } if (accountExported) { return h('div.privateKey', { }, [ h('label', 'Your private key (click to copy):'), h('p.error.cursor-pointer', { style: { textOverflow: 'ellipsis', overflow: 'hidden', webkitUserSelect: 'text', width: '100%', }, onClick: function(event) { copyToClipboard(accountDetail.privateKey) } }, accountDetail.privateKey), ]) } } AccountDetailScreen.prototype.onExportKeyPress = function(event) { if (event.key !== 'Enter') return event.preventDefault() var input = document.getElementById('exportAccount') if (input.value === 'I understand') { this.props.dispatch(actions.exportAccount(this.props.address)) } else { input.value = '' input.placeholder = 'Please retype "I understand" exactly.' } }