const inherits = require('util').inherits const Component = require('react').Component const h = require('react-hyperscript') const connect = require('react-redux').connect const extend = require('xtend') const actions = require('./actions') const AccountPanel = require('./components/account-panel') const valuesFor = require('./util').valuesFor module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(AccountsScreen) function mapStateToProps(state) { return { accounts: state.metamask.accounts, identities: state.metamask.identities, unconfTxs: state.metamask.unconfTxs, selectedAddress: state.metamask.selectedAddress, currentDomain: state.appState.currentDomain, } } inherits(AccountsScreen, Component) function AccountsScreen() { } AccountsScreen.prototype.render = function() { var state = this.props var identityList = valuesFor(state.identities) var unconfTxList = valuesFor(state.unconfTxs) var actions = { onSelect: this.onSelect.bind(this), onShowDetail: this.onShowDetail.bind(this), } return ( h('.accounts-section.flex-column.flex-grow', [ // subtitle and nav h('.section-title.flex-column.flex-center', [ h('', 'Accounts'), ]), // current domain /* AUDIT * Temporarily removed * since accounts are currently injected * regardless of the current domain. */ h('.current-domain-panel.flex-center.font-small', [ h('spam', 'Selected address is visible to all sites you visit.'), // h('span', state.currentDomain), ]), // identity selection h('section.identity-section.flex-column', { style: { maxHeight: '290px', overflowY: 'auto', overflowX: 'hidden', } }, ), unconfTxList.length ? ( h('.unconftx-link.flex-row.flex-center', { onClick: this.navigateToConfTx.bind(this), }, [ h('span', 'Unconfirmed Txs'), h('i.fa.fa-arrow-right.fa-lg'), ]) ) : ( null ), ]) ) function renderAccountPanel(identity){ var mayBeFauceting = identity.mayBeFauceting var isSelected = state.selectedAddress === identity.address var account = state.accounts[identity.address] var isFauceting = mayBeFauceting && account.balance === '0x0' var componentState = extend(actions, { identity: identity, account: account, isSelected: false, isFauceting: isFauceting, }) return h(AccountPanel, componentState) } } AccountsScreen.prototype.navigateToConfTx = function(){ event.stopPropagation() this.props.dispatch(actions.showConfTxPage()) } AccountsScreen.prototype.onSelect = function(address, event){ event.stopPropagation() // if already selected, deselect if (this.props.selectedAddress === address) address = null this.props.dispatch(actions.setSelectedAddress(address)) } AccountsScreen.prototype.onShowDetail = function(address, event){ event.stopPropagation() this.props.dispatch(actions.showAccountDetail(address)) }