import assert from 'assert' import proxyquire from 'proxyquire' let mapStateToProps, mergeProps proxyquire('../currency-input.container.js', { 'react-redux': { connect: (ms, md, mp) => { mapStateToProps = ms mergeProps = mp return () => ({}) }, }, }) describe('CurrencyInput container', () => { describe('mapStateToProps()', () => { it('should return the correct props', () => { const mockState = { metamask: { conversionRate: 280.45, currentCurrency: 'usd', nativeCurrency: 'ETH', }, } assert.deepEqual(mapStateToProps(mockState), { conversionRate: 280.45, currentCurrency: 'usd', nativeCurrency: 'ETH', }) }) }) describe('mergeProps()', () => { it('should return the correct props', () => { const mockStateProps = { conversionRate: 280.45, currentCurrency: 'usd', nativeCurrency: 'ETH', } const mockDispatchProps = {} assert.deepEqual(mergeProps(mockStateProps, mockDispatchProps, { useFiat: true }), { conversionRate: 280.45, currentCurrency: 'usd', nativeCurrency: 'ETH', useFiat: true, suffix: 'USD', }) assert.deepEqual(mergeProps(mockStateProps, mockDispatchProps, {}), { conversionRate: 280.45, currentCurrency: 'usd', nativeCurrency: 'ETH', suffix: 'ETH', }) }) }) })