const Component = require('react').Component const h = require('react-hyperscript') const inherits = require('util').inherits const connect = require('react-redux').connect const actions = require('../../actions') const networkNames = require('../../../../app/scripts/config.js').networkNames const ShapeshiftForm = require('../shapeshift-form') const DIRECT_DEPOSIT_ROW_TITLE = 'Directly Deposit Ether' const DIRECT_DEPOSIT_ROW_TEXT = `If you already have some Ether, the quickest way to get Ether in your new wallet by direct deposit.` const COINBASE_ROW_TITLE = 'Buy on Coinbase' const COINBASE_ROW_TEXT = `Coinbase is the world’s most popular way to buy and sell bitcoin, ethereum, and litecoin.` const SHAPESHIFT_ROW_TITLE = 'Deposit with ShapeShift' const SHAPESHIFT_ROW_TEXT = `If you own other cryptocurrencies, you can trade and deposit Ether directly into your MetaMask wallet. No Account Needed.` const FAUCET_ROW_TITLE = 'Test Faucet' const facuetRowText = networkName => `Get Ether from a faucet for the ${networkName}` function mapStateToProps (state) { return { network:, address: state.metamask.selectedAddress, } } function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) { return { toCoinbase: (address) => { dispatch(actions.buyEth({ network: '1', address, amount: 0 })) }, hideModal: () => { dispatch(actions.hideModal()) }, showAccountDetailModal: () => { dispatch(actions.showModal({ name: 'ACCOUNT_DETAILS' })) }, toFaucet: network => dispatch(actions.buyEth({ network })), } } inherits(DepositEtherModal, Component) function DepositEtherModal () { this.state = { buyingWithShapeshift: false, } } module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(DepositEtherModal) DepositEtherModal.prototype.renderRow = function ({ logo, title, text, buttonLabel, onButtonClick, hide, className, hideButton, hideTitle, onBackClick, }) { if (hide) { return null } return h('div', { className: className || 'deposit-ether-modal__buy-row', }, [ h('div.deposit-ether-modal__buy-row__back', { onClick: onBackClick, }, [ h('i.fa.fa-arrow-left.cursor-pointer'), ]), h('div.deposit-ether-modal__buy-row__logo', [logo]), h('div.deposit-ether-modal__buy-row__description', [ !hideTitle && h('div.deposit-ether-modal__buy-row__description__title', [title]), h('div.deposit-ether-modal__buy-row__description__text', [text]), ]), !hideButton && h('div.deposit-ether-modal__buy-row__button', [ h('button.deposit-ether-modal__deposit-button', { onClick: onButtonClick, }, [buttonLabel]), ]), ]) } DepositEtherModal.prototype.render = function () { const { network, toCoinbase, address, toFaucet } = this.props const { buyingWithShapeshift } = this.state const isTestNetwork = ['3', '4', '42'].find(n => n === network) const networkName = networkNames[network] return h('div.deposit-ether-modal', {}, [ h('div.deposit-ether-modal__header', [ h('div.deposit-ether-modal__header__title', ['Deposit Ether']), h('div.deposit-ether-modal__header__description', [ 'To interact with decentralized applications using MetaMask, you’ll need Ether in your wallet.', ]), h('div.deposit-ether-modal__header__close', { onClick: () => { this.setState({ buyingWithShapeshift: false }) this.props.hideModal() }, }), ]), h('div.deposit-ether-modal__buy-rows', [ this.renderRow({ logo: h('img.deposit-ether-modal__buy-row__eth-logo', { src: '../../../images/eth_logo.svg' }), title: DIRECT_DEPOSIT_ROW_TITLE, text: DIRECT_DEPOSIT_ROW_TEXT, buttonLabel: 'View Account', onButtonClick: () => this.goToAccountDetailsModal(), hide: buyingWithShapeshift, }), this.renderRow({ logo: h('i.fa.fa-tint.fa-2x'), title: FAUCET_ROW_TITLE, text: facuetRowText(networkName), buttonLabel: 'Get Ether', onButtonClick: () => toFaucet(network), hide: !isTestNetwork || buyingWithShapeshift, }), this.renderRow({ logo: h('img.deposit-ether-modal__buy-row__coinbase-logo', { src: '../../../images/coinbase logo.png', }), title: COINBASE_ROW_TITLE, text: COINBASE_ROW_TEXT, buttonLabel: 'Continue to Coinbase', onButtonClick: () => toCoinbase(address), hide: isTestNetwork || buyingWithShapeshift, }), this.renderRow({ logo: h('img.deposit-ether-modal__buy-row__shapeshift-logo', { src: '../../../images/shapeshift logo.png', }), title: SHAPESHIFT_ROW_TITLE, text: SHAPESHIFT_ROW_TEXT, buttonLabel: 'Buy with Shapeshift', onButtonClick: () => this.setState({ buyingWithShapeshift: true }), hide: isTestNetwork, hideButton: buyingWithShapeshift, hideTitle: buyingWithShapeshift, onBackClick: () => this.setState({ buyingWithShapeshift: false }), className: buyingWithShapeshift && 'deposit-ether-modal__buy-row__shapeshift-buy', }), buyingWithShapeshift && h(ShapeshiftForm), ]), ]) } DepositEtherModal.prototype.goToAccountDetailsModal = function () { this.props.hideModal() this.props.showAccountDetailModal() }